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General Sociology With Emphasis On Filipino Family and Family Planning

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Course Code : Socio 1

Course : Information Technology 2

Course Title : General Sociology with Emphasis on Filipino Family and Family Planning
Placement : Second Semester AY 2016 2017
Credit Unit : 3 units
Term : Class Schedule 1:00 2:30 pm TTh/54 hours



A progressive educational community where the individual is at the core of his own learning.


Respecting the human dignity and unique talents of each person, Southland College is dedicated in helping its students actualize their potentials for the enhancement of their own
national development.


To be recognized inside the college as an active department assisting students toward greater achievement in their chosen field.

Southland College School of Engineering, Computer Studies and Architecture students aim to provide service to the students by conducting
quality research and activities relative to engineering, computer studies and architecture, and disseminating and preserving technical knowledge.


1. Demonstrate the necessary competence and training in the specific field of practice in order to help sustain the local, regional and global economic and
social development.
2. Observes with highest sense of professionalism and appropriate ethical, economic, social, cultural and environmental considerations in the practice of
his/her profession
3. Produces the necessary innovations in his or her profession to improve delivery of service and quality of outputs.
4. Developed a good interpersonal relationship with people of different cultures and backgrounds.
5. Good command of English as a second language.
6. Can make right decision using critical thinking and analysis
1. To constantly review, change, and improve the curriculum that is outcomes based education to ensure the effectiveness of the colleges program in
preparing the students for successful careers.
2. To maintain s complement, qualified faculty that possesses current technical and professional knowledge to students.
3. To develop the students written and verbal skills as well as analytical and technical skills prior to graduation.
4. To provide facilities that support educational programs and enable students develop profession specific skills.
5. To engage and maintain a staff that takes care of the students and meets their educational goals and objectives.
6. To attract qualified students of diverse backgrounds.
7. To provide collegiate academic atmosphere that encourage open exchange of ideas.
8. To engage faculty and students in research that serves to improve teaching and learning.
9. To develop programs and activities that provide community service aligned with colleges mission.
10. To submit the college to accreditation and assessment to see if it meets the minimum standards set by CHED and other accrediting agencies.


Within a few years of graduation, our graduates:

1. Will have successful careers in engineering, IT and architecture and will have assumed professional roles of increasing responsibility and impact.

2. Will have acquired new knowledge and expertise through professional development opportunities or advanced education.

3. Will be engaged in workplace, professional civic communities.

4. Globally Competitive.


This course is an introductory course that deals with basic sociological foundation and etymology, which is essential in understanding the
individual in a society. Basic knowledge on current sociological perspectives, structures and institutions are discussed to give substance on the different
sociological concepts. This also includes socialization and stratification that tries to explain the role of personality in the development of mans interpersonal
relationship and why there is inequality in our midst. Social mobility is also highlighted to apprise the students in the different concepts involved.


Appreciate the society and mans behavior, including his works. Also, have a better understanding of the Filipino cultural values that greatly
affects the societys progress and recognizes the functions and characteristics of the Filipino family.


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. Acquire new knowledge about the society and culture and broadens his understanding on human relationship;
2. Trace the history and origin of human society and discuss the different stages on the development of this society up to the present;
3. Identify the different types of communities and their difference from each other;
4. Understand the nature and importance of groups and their effects on the lives of the individuals;
5. Develop a good working idea on the methods and techniques used by the sociologists in studying society and mans complex way of
6. Increase understanding of the five specific institutions or social structures that affect mans way of life; and
7. Inculcate the practical value of family planning.

Major Exam 40%
Class Participation 20%
Quizzes 20%
ORLE 20%
Total 100%


a. Attendance and Class Participation, quizzes, assignments and outputs

b. Major Examinations. Students who were not able to take the final exams will be given project papers or compilation.
c. Research work - this is an exercise that requires students to think and analyze certain issues discussed in class.
d. ORLE will be composed of projects, attendance and other activities.


1. There will be no side conversations

2. Late will enter quietly and take on their assigned seats
3. Extreme tardiness (e.g., more than 15 minutes late) will not allow to enter the class
4. No drinks or food in the classroom
5. The instructor has the right to ask anyone to leave the classroom if he/she engages in distracting behavior, which includes side conversations,
inappropriate responses to the instructor or fellow students, showing off, making signals on the other side of the classroom, sleeping, texting, and
the like.


Abellos, Alex, V. Sociology with Introduction to Anthropology in a Global Perspective.2006

Cabalu, Danilo H. etal., Introduction to Sociology, Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2006

Estoque, R. & Leano, R., Jr. College Sociology.Makati City. Mindshapers Co.,Inc. 2006

Ferrante, Joan, Sociology: A Global Perspective, Belmont CA: Wadsworth) 2008
Mosura, A. &Tongo, C. Sociology: Trends and Practices. Ascent Publishing Practices: Mandaluyong, Philippines. 2006
Panopio, I. & Rolda, R. Society and Culture: Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. Katha Publishing Co., Inc.2007
Zanden, James W. Vander, The Social Experience, An Introduction to Sociology 2010

Syllabus in General Sociology with Emphasis on Filipino Family and Family Planning

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Resources Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Desired Learning Learning (Strategies and Activities (Instructional Materials
Course Content/Topics Time
Outcomes that will facilitate the to facilitate learning of
accomplishment of DLO) the content) Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools
Orientation 1 hour
Define Society
State the importance HUMAN SOCIETY Group Discussion Textbook Group Discussion Graded Activity
of studying society; Choose a topic based on real life Power point
Discuss the different Understanding Society situation and explain the topic Presentation
stages in the society; The Nature of Studying based on the concept suited to the
and Society topic chosen. 4
Identify the different The Early Society hours
proponents of the
perspectives and
discuss their views
about society.
Define Community
THE COMMUNITIES Compare the rural community
Differentiate urban Textbook Graphic Organizer Graded Activity
from the urban community.
from the rural Power point
The Meaning and Nature 3
community; and Presentation
of Communities hours
Identify the different The Rural Community
social institutions in The Urban Community
a community.
Discuss the nature THE SOCIAL GROUP
and importance of AND GROUP AND Oral Presentation Graded Activity
group; Class Sharing: Textbook
INTERACTION Quiz Questionnaire
Each one of us has a group. Relate Hand outs
Distinguish the
to the class how you become a
different Meaning, Nature and
member of your group.
classification of Characteristics of Group 4
group; and Group Classification and hours
Organize and Boundaries
explain the different The Process of Group
processes of group Interaction
interaction. Formal Organizations
and the Bureaucracy
Define social
Identify the basic
principles of social
Understand clearly
the views and Essay Writing:
The Bases of Textbook Essay Writing Graded Activity 4 hours
opinions of Do you think social stratification is
Stratification Hand outs Quiz Questionnaire
sociologists regarding important in a society?
Class Structure
social stratification; Identifying Classes
and Poverty
Analyze the
advantages and
disadvantages of
social stratification.
Define deviant and DEVIATION, SOCIAL
deviant behavior; PROBLEMS, AND
Group Discussion Textbook Oral Presentation Graded Recitation
Compare and CONTROL
Give at least 5 deviant behaviors Video Clip Role Playing Rubrics
contrast the cause of
that does not conform the norms. Hand outs Quiz Questionnaire
deviance as viewed The Meaning and Nature
in the different of Deviance 4
Role Playing:
sociological Theoretical Explanations hours
Based on the list, choose one and
perspectives; and of Deviance
show it to the class.
Establish tentative Forms of Deviant
solutions to some Behavior and Social
identified social Problems
problems. Social Control
comprehensively the
scope and nature of
Lecture Textbook Debate Rubrics
gender roles;
Gender Roles Video Clip Viewing Hand outs
Expound on the
Gender Roles in Other Power point 4.5
gender issues in the Countries Debate: Presentation hours
Philippines; Gender Inequalities Who is more an influential man or
Identify the causes Sources of Gender Roles woman?
of gender and Inequalities
inequalities and its Gender Roles Toward
implication. Equality
Explain the SOCIETY AND Class sharing: Textbook Oral Presentation Graded Activity 4
significance of CULTURE What are the Filipino Cultures you Hand outs hours
culture in a society; think are still practiced up to now? Power point
Identify the issues
concerning culture; The Meaning, Nature
and and Functions of Culture
Discuss the different Cultural Concepts and
factors that Variations
contribute to the The Filipino Culture and
development of Values
Filipino culture.
Define collective
Identify the COLLECTIVE Lecture Textbook Role Playing Rubrics
determinants of BEHAVIOR, SOCIAL Hand outs
collective behavior; MOVEMENTS AND Role Playing:
Understand the SOCIAL CHANGE 4.5
meaning of social Choose from the collective hours
movement; and Collective Behavior behavior discussed and show it to
Differentiate two Social Movements the class.
important ways by Social Change
which societies
Explain the nature of SEXUAL BEHAVIOR
sexual behavior;
Define Taboo; Lecture
The Sociological Video Clips Oral Presentation Graded Activity
Differentiate Perspective Textbook
Think, Pair and Share:
Heterosexuality Why The Incest Taboo? Hand outs
form Cultural Universals 4
List down the taboos in the
Homosexuality; Contemporary Practices hours
Philippines that you know.
Define prostitution; Heterosexuality
and Homosexuality
Explain the Learning Social
multitude effects of Orientation
prostitution. Prostitution
Explain the issue of EDUCATION Essay Writing: Handouts Essay Writing Rubrics 4.5
social inequality; How important Education is? Power point hours
Discuss the Education: A Group Game: Presentation
relationship of class, Functionalist View Acronym of the different Research Work
race and education; Education: A Conflicts autonomous and deregulated
Identify the first View education institutions.
batch and Social Inequality and the
autonomous and Schools
deregulated Class, Race and
institutions in the
Give the meaning of
State the different Role Playing: Role Playing
Handouts Graded Activity
functions of family Typical Filipino Family Debate
THE FAMILY Power point Rubrics
and its Essay Writing
presentation Questionnaire
characteristics; Quiz
Meaning, Nature, Research work
Differentiate Debate:
Functions and 4
courtship from Resolve the issue: Legalize
Classifications of Family hours
marriage; divorce in the Philippines
Courtship and Marriage
Discuss the New Responsible Planned
Family Code of the Essay Writing:
Philippines How would you describe a perfect
pertaining to legal family?
separations and
Define family
planning and explain FAMILY PLANNING
the importance of
Family Planning Lecture Power point Debate Rubrics
family planning
Basic Characteristics of Research Work presentation Graphic Organizer
State the Objectives
Family Planning Debate Hand outs
of Family Planning
Objectives of Family
Explain the Different 3.5
Family Planning Different Family
Methods Planning Methods
Debate Family Family Planning Versus
Planning Versus Morality
Morality Issues on Family
Discuss Issues on Planning
Family Planning
FINAL 1 hour

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