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Language Contact and Lexical Hybridization The Yorùbá English Example Autor Dada

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Samuel Ayodele Dada

Department of English, Ekiti State University,
Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

Language contact to many researchers (Nelde, 1990, 2000; Igboanusi and Oha,
2001; Egbokhare, 2004) must inevitably lead to conflict. It is, however, remarkable
that the contact between Yoruba and English as evident in this study has resulted in
a compromise rather than a conflict, at a very unusual level, which is the
morphological level. This research has its basis in the lexical hybridization of
Yoruba and English. Lexical influence of English on Yoruba lexemes and vice-
versa manifests instances of affixation, compounding, coinage, deletion, blending
and reduplication. The paper implores Yoruba linguists to take the situation
seriously by exploring in detail this peculiar process of Linguistic Borrowing within
Yoruba morphology.

Le contact des langues pour beaucoup de chercheurs ((Nelde, 1990, 2000;

Igboanusi et Oha, 2001; Egbokhare, 2004) mne irrmdiablement un conflit. Il
est remarquable, cependant comme le montre cette tude, que le contact entre le
yoruba et langlais a abouti un compromis au lieu dun conflit, un niveau
apparemment trange, le niveau morphologique. La recherche a pour base le
caractre hybride lexical du yoruba et de langlais. Linfluence lexicale de langlais
sur les lexmes yoruba et vice-versa, se manifeste par des exemples daffixation, de
composition, dassemblage (coinage), de suppression, de fusion (blending) et de
rduplication. Larticle en appelle aux linguistes yoruba de prendre la situation au
srieux en explorant dans les dtails ce processus particulier demprunt linguistique
au sein de la morphologie du yoruba.

Language contact phenomenon has remained a crucial part of modern
linguistic discourse. Any two languages or speech- forms are said to be in contact
if they are employed alternatively by the same bilingual person. Contact between
languages is unavoidable and indispensable since no people can remain as an
island. Indeed, in this regard, Millar (2007:387) states as follows:
Only very rarely, if ever, does a language find itself spoken in a
completely isolated environment, with no contact at all between its
speakers and the speakers of other languagesIndeed, for the larger
part of human existence, the normal situation was probably for
everybody routinely to learn and use two, three, even four different
languagesit is thought that between 70 per cent and 80 per cent of
the earths population are bilingual or multilingualin much of
Africa, the South Asian subcontinent, multilingualism is still the
norm, and the same was true of Australia and North America before
the European settlements largely destroyed the indigenous cultures
and languages. The state of affairs that we may now think of as
typical, with a single language being spoken with some uniformity
over hundreds of miles, is a relatively recent development in human
history, and it is not at all representative of what has been going on
during the past few millennia.
As already evident from the foregoing, language contact is indispensable in that
such a contact can enrich a language as well as broaden the world view of its
28 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013)

speakers, thereby, positioning them to be able to tackle developmental challenges

resulting from their interaction with the rest of the world.
What is more, whenever languages first come into contact with one
another, it is abhorred, if they remain in contact with one another long enough;
they are finally embraced and become influenced by this contact. Thus, when two
languages come into contact, the result over-time, if the contact persists, includes
the emergence of loan words, borrowings, code-switching, bilingualism and
possibly, the emergence of a third hybrid language or pidgin. In Nigeria today,
there are some hybridization features evident in some mother tongues depending
on ethnic or regional language in contact with English in particular. Indeed, these
features are exhibited by Yoruba language which has been in contact with
English since 1842. The contact between Yoruba and English can be said to have
resulted in language convergence at least at the morphological level with the
Yoruba language being the beneficiary.
This paper is of the view that morphology stands as a link between
phonology and syntax. It studies how words are composed, the major
components of a word and the function of each component. In sum, while code-
mixing may be seen as a challenging mark of communicative strategy employed
by bilinguals, even then, far more challenging is the phenomenon of lexical
Today, it is an established fact that Nigerian English (NE) exists apart from
British English (BE) or Standard English (SE). It is also an established fact that
NE is just a variety of the English language and that many Nigerians often merge
pidgin or indigenous languages with the Standard English both in speech and in
writing - a phenomenon known in sociolinguistics quarters as code-mixing. This
poses several communication problems to users of English within the country as
many Nigerians find it difficult to speak and even write good English without
alternating between English and the mother tongue (MT) or pidgin.
Observe, however, that the phenomenon of code-mixing or that of
borrowing is not unidirectional. That is, code-mixing and borrowing are not
limited to English - based expressions. As evident in the study, Yoruba-based
expressions/utterances, for instance, are replete with loans from English.
Meanwhile, these phenomena of code-mixing and borrowing hinder a good
mastery of the English language in a second language situation and lead to
communicative stress as far as English based expressions are concerned. Thus,
we care to ask; Can this (i.e., the stress) be also true of MT-based expressions
containing borrowed items?
Moreover, since the phenomenon of borrowing has some relationships with
that of code-mixing, Yoruba scholars (Salami, 1982; Lamidi, 2003, 2006) have
attempted to analyze Yoruba-English lexical hybrids as code-mixed items rather
than regard them unconditionally as a legitimate part of Yoruba vocabulary. This
analysis is rather confusing in that code-mixing/switching naturally belongs to
syntactic analysis whereas hybridization belongs to morphological study. What is
more, lexical hybridization just like code-mixing/switching is rule-governed.
Thus, to discuss lexical hybridization as a syntactic process will definitely
diminish its status as a linguistic innovation. Indeed, this kind of treatment
undermines the innovative, artistic and creative potentials of the Yoruba
English bilingual as evident in the data presented in this study
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 29

Again, such a treatment subjects such items to various interpretations, since

to the language purist, code-mixing and even code-switching carry a NEGative
connotation. Besides, in the syntactic approach, the form cannot be separated
from its formation, even as it cannot be separated from its function.


This paper examines the hybrid of Yoruba with English at the lexical level
to enrich the vocabulary of the Yoruba language. The study aims to explore the
innovative and creative development of hybrid lexis in Yoruba due to its contact
with English. The paper is devoted to Linguistic Borrowing in Yoruba with a
view of exploring the richness and diversity of such loan words or hybrid words
in Yoruba and to expose the contributions of English to Yoruba morphology by
examining the various processes of transfer and shift, compounding and
contraction, blending and adaptation of English words and morphemes evident in
the Yoruba language.
Specifically, morphological processes borrowed from English into Yoruba
to be explored here include prefixation, suffixation, reduplication and
It is hoped that findings from this study will be instructive with respect to
the process of Linguistic Borrowing in Yoruba; the richness and diversity of loan
morphemes in Yoruba and also deal with such questions as the loan morpheme
contribution of specific languages like English to Yoruba.


This is a descriptive study. The corpus of the study consists of mainly of
spoken texts such as media programmes, advertisements, conversations, speeches
and songs and partially of written texts such as drama texts and students project
On methodology, the three important linguistic theories applicable to the
study of word formation processes in language are: Items and Arrangement (IA),
Items and Process (IP) and Word and Paradigm (W.P).
Items and arrangement theory is credited to Nida (1966) and Bloch (1966).
The theory as explained by Hockett(1966:387) is as follows:
any utterance in a given language consists wholly of a certain
number of minimum grammatically relevant elements, called
morphemes, in a certain arrangement relative to each other. The
structure of the utterance is specified by stating the morphemes and
the arrangements in which they occur relative to each other in
utterances appending statements to cover the phonemic shapes
which appear in any occurrent combination.
Thus, the theory proffers that an utterance or a word can be arranged
syntagmatically into its combinatorial morphemes, as in the following:
(1) Read + er, boy + s, write + er, arrange + ment + s, walk + ed,
read + ing, child + en, etc.
Next to be explained is the Item and Process theory which can be traced to
Hockett (1966). In explaining the theory, Hockett (1966:386) says that:
30 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013)

IP has nothing to do with historical change or process through time;

it is merely a process through the configuration, moving from one to
another or larger part of the pattern..

Hence, IP theory is a process of word formation which yields one form out
of the other. It is an attempt at explaining the process a particular root or base
undergoes rather than representing a morpheme with a morph as is done within
the IA theory.
The third theory is the Word and Paradigm (WP) theory which was first
applied to the analysis of highly agglutinating languages such as Latin and Greek
but not to an isolating/inflecting language such as English.
Asiyanbola (2003:49) on word and paradigm model states as follows:
The word is its central unit, and the grammatical words (the
vocative singular of BRUTUS, for example) are the minimal
elements in the study of syntax. At the same time,the intersecting
categories form a frame work or matrix within which the paradigm
of a lexeme may be set out.
In the above excerpt, the significant item in word and paradigm theory is
the word through which the various inflections can be added to the verb stem to
reflect number and tense.
From the foregoing, the first two theories explicated here are the ones
relevant to English grammar and the obvious models of approach in English
Grammar books (see Nida 1965, Quirk et al 1972,Tomori 1974, Katamba 1993,
Matthews 1993, Fromkin, et al, 2007). Thus, the present data gained insights
from the two theories without necessarily being tied to either, since such
flexibility is required in handling the complexities of a hybrid item.
In addition to the approaches above which according to Aronoff and
Fudeman(2005), are analytic, the synthetic approach (see Koopman, et al, 2009)
that gives the derivational history of a complex word of three or more
morphemes within Chomskys transformational theory was also incorporated.
The linguist needs both (Aronoff and Fudeman, 2005:12). This second
approach (synthetic) to Aronoff and Fudeman is more often associated with
theory than with methodology. On the other hand, the analytic approach has to do
with breaking words down. In sum, the synthetic approach basically says:
I have a lot of little pieces here. How do I put them together? This
question presupposes that you already know what the pieces are. So
in a sense, analysis in some way must precede synthesis.
(Aronoff and Fudeman, 2005:12)
Thus, since the two approaches are complementary to morphology, the two,
namely analytic and synthetic were adopted for the analysis.

In Nigeria today, there are some features of hybridization of lexical items
that are evident in some mother tongues depending on ethnic or regional
languages in contact with English. These features are exhibited by the Yoruba
language which has been in contact with English since 1842 (Dada, 2007).
Our findings on this is handled in two sections, namely section 4.1 which is
on morphological derivations i.e. the morphemes and the arrangements in which
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 31

they occur relative to each other. The other section, that is 4.2 is devoted to social
and discourse motivations responsible for the formation of these lexical hybrids.
The different morphological processes a linguistic item could undergo to become
a hybrid item are: prefixation, suffixation and compounding.
Yoruba has three level tones. In this analysis, high tone is marked as [  ],
mid is unmarked, low is marked as [ ` ]. Again, tones have not been marked on
the English part of the hybrid compounds since these parts remain largely
4.1.1 Prefixation Negative Prefixes: dis- and un-
Prefix + Adjective  Adjective
The prefixes borrowed from English to form new items in Yoruba are just two:
dis- and un- as in disfarahn disappeared; unkable great/unfathomable.
These two prefixes are markers of NEGation (not) in these Yoruba items just as
they function in English. The resulting words are adjectives. The derivational
history of these items is as follows:
Dis- has been prefixed to a Yoruba verb phrase which is fi ara hn please
present yourself/show up to form a NEGative verb, disfarahn. Thus,
disfarahn (it disappeared) is a possible sentence in Yoruba with disfarahn
occurring in the verbal position. Whereas un- has been prefixed to a hybrid stem
ko + able able to be packed. That is, the Yoruba verb k pack has been
prefixed to the English morpheme able before being prefixed again with the
English un-. For instance, in Yoruba, we can say w unkable (it is
unpackable, i.e. it impossible to pack).
In order to show clearly the hierarchical organization of the three
morphemes composing the word, we present it on a tree diagram as follows:
Figure 1

NEG. adjective


verb able

On the other hand, Yoruba morphemes prefixed to English roots/stems
evident in the data are of four types: -, a-, ti- and on-. Examples are as
32 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013) Negative prefix: -

- + Verb  N (gerund)
(2) a. bless refusal to bless
b. marry refusal to marry
c. late not coming late
d. bribe not bribing
e. ring refusal to ring
f. popular not being popular
The prefix - in Yoruba is a marker of negation in words formed with it.
Indeed, it functions just like not in English, e.g..
(3) marry m yn 
fun b r n bl kan
NEG.marry child DEM PROG give parent her ART restless heart
The childs inability to marry in time is giving her parents concern
(4) bribe r ni k j k dhn
NEG.bribe 3sg FOC. NEG be CP 3sg answer
Failure to bribe him made him not to answer
Again, - can be prefixed to a hybrid stem such as:
(5) a. +k + letter failure to collect mails
b. +n + photo having no photo
c. +n + pictures having no pictures
d. +n + motor having no car
e. +n + reason having no reason
f. +d + town not getting to town
g. +f + bank not robbing a bank
h. + j + boarder failure to be a boarder
In these examples, k means pack/collect, n means have, d means reach,
f means break and j means to be.
Thus, k + letter collect mails a contracted hybrid VP in Yoruba can
become a word when prefixed with -. The tree diagram showing the
derivational history of such a complex word is as follows:

Figure 2 Noun (gerund)


verb letter (N.)

Sentence examples:
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 33

(6) nmotor  ni fi y j
NEG.motor 3sg FOC. 3sg be suffer feed
His inability to own a car is making him to suffer
(7) dtown wa k j ki a rran w we NEG permit it 3pl sight see
Our inability to get to town prevented us from sightseeing Agentive Prefix: a-
a + j (Verb) + butter (N)  N (agentive)
The Yoruba hybrid verb phrase j+ butter feed on butter can be
prefixed with the agentive morpheme a- to become the lexical hybrid: ajbutter
born with silver spoon in his mouth. Again, the Yoruba morphemes a- + j can
come together to become aj- eater of and this can be prefixed to English
nouns as in:
(8) aj- + butter ajbutter born with silver spoon in his mouth
i.e. a- +j- + N; diagrammatically represented as follows:
Figure 3
N (agentive)

a- VP

verb NP

j N

Moreover, the Yoruba agentive morpheme a-, can be prefixed to so many
other hybrid verb phrases in Yoruba like kletter to become akletter mail
runner .
Thus, one may say;
(9) Ajbutter ko l is yn
Nickname NEG Mod to work DEM
A gentle guy cannot do the work
34 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013) Performative prefix ti-

ti- + English V  Yoruba Gerund
The Yoruba morpheme ti- act of x can be prefixed to English verbs to
realise a gerund, e.g.
(10) a. ti + bless tibless to bless
b. ti + bargain tibargain to bargain
c. ti + fault tifault to fault
d. ti + late tilate to be late
For instance, one may say:
(11) tibargain pl  k rrun
To bargain with 3sg NEG easy
To bargain with him is not easy
(12) tifault is  k rrun
To fault work 3sg NEG easy
To fault his work is not easy Possessive prefix on-
on- + English N  N (Possessor)
The Yoruba morpheme on- owner of x noun can be prefixed to virtually
any tangible or material noun in English as evident in the following:
(13) a. on+fee der onifeeder feeding bottle owner
b. on+powder onipowder powder owner
c. on + motor onimotor motor/ car owner
d. on+pencil onpencil pencil owner
e. on + rubber onirubber rubber owner
f. on+ ball oniball ball owner
g. on + paper onipaper paper owner
h. on + envelope on envelope (elnvelope in contracted form)
envelope owner/seller
i. on+ ice-block oni-ice block (aliceblock when contracted)
ice-block owner/seller
j. on+ asthma oni-asthma (alsthma, contracted form)
asthma patient
Sentence examples:
(14) mge onifeeder ti d
Lady feeder owner COMP come
The lady with the feeding bottle has come
(15) m oniball n n ti d
Child ball owner DEM 3sg COMP come
The boy who owns the ball has come CV- prefixation or partial reduplication
To Spencer (2001:130) reduplication is a morphological operation
which [is] a species of affixation of a prosodic template to a stem, followed by
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 35

copying of that stem and association to the template. This implies that
reduplication is an affixation process that copies material from the stem unto the
affix. Thus, the copied item could be everything in the stem (i.e. full
reduplication) or some of the elements in the stem (i.e. partial reduplication).
Observe that these two methods are fully exploited in Yoruba morphology.
English however employs only the full reduplication technique which is usually
treated as compounds (see Quirk and Greenbaum ,2000; Asiyanbola, 2003)
Incidentally, the present data features only the partial reduplication
technique, probably in line with Yoruba inventory. Indeed, full reduplication in
English is either identical or only slightly different in initial consonants or in
medial vowels, e.g. goody-goody, walkie-talkie, seesaw, wishy-washy, is
not as accurate as that of Yoruba e.g. darandaran, herdsman, pjapja
fisherman, gbmgbm kidnapper, wolwol sanitary inspector.
In addition, tones of reduplicated words in Yoruba must be identical.
Again, this feature of identical tones of reduplicated compound words
distinguishes such compounds from ideophones. The focus here which is partial
reduplication according to Oyebade (2007:247):
is used in Yoruba as a prefixation process, whereby a CV-prefix
template is attached to a stem. In Yoruba, the V of the template is
prespecified as high, front, unrounded vowel(i.e. i ) and the C part
of the template copies the first consonant of the stem:
(16) l ll going
rn rrn walking
ga gga tallness
The current derivation follows the Yoruba pattern above except that the
stem is English while the prefix is Yoruba, e.g.:
(17) a. delay ddelay delaying
b. direct ddirect directing
c. reject rreject rejecting
d. miss mmiss missing
e. mark mmark marking
f. replay rreplay replaying
g. record rrecord recording
h. misplaced mmisplaced misplacing
i. repeat rrepeat repeating
j. disgrace ddisgrace disgracing
The process as applied to hybrids in (17) may be stated as follows:
Copy the first syllable of an English verb, add this to the front part of that word,
then change the vowel to i Gerund.
The next affix in the list is suffixation which is discussed in the next

4.1.2 Suffixation
In Yoruba, suffixes seldom change the word class of the root/stem to which
they are prefixed (cf. Taiwo,2006:165). This is evident in the following examples
in spite of the fact that the suffixes under analysis here were borrowed from
36 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013) Noun Noun

(18) Initial word/ root suffix New word
a. gri food name -ion gron gari
b. gr food name -um grum gari
c. m child -logy mlogy pregnant
d. Bl proper name -intin Blntn Bola
e. Kl proper name -intin Klntn Kola
f. Lkan proper name -son Lknsn Lekan
g. Shn proper name -mania Shnmania Shinas fans
h. mb a gossip -ism ambism gossiping
i. affyy fashion monger -ity ffrity fashion mongering
j. Dda proper name *-uz Dduz proper name
k. Ay proper name *-uz Ayuz proper name
l. Gbnga proper name *-uz Gbenguz proper name
m. w (from Awlw) -ite wte followers of Awlw
n. w (from Awlw) -ism wism of qualities of Awolowo
o. Yorb name -oid Yrboid of Yoruba
p. mb a gossip -oid mboid of Amebo
q. jw name -(i)an jvn Ajuwa students
r. Fbi (from Fbisar) -(i)an Fbn name
s. bk local restaurant -teria bukateria local restaurant
t. Nk proper name -y Nky proper name

The asterisked items are lacking in English, hence we consider them as coinages
in line with the English inventory of suffixes since Yoruba does not even operate
the suffix morpheme of this type until now.
Note: Derivations in i, m, o, p, q, and r, involve deletion in addition to
suffixation; that is, deletion of a/-yy, lw, -, -o, -wa, -sar before the
addition of the suffixes. Noun + suffix Adjective
(19) a. kb penny -less kbless penniless
b. pt pant -less ptless naked
c. Koko name -matic Kokomatic like Koko
N + deletion + suffix Adjective
d. Lbk name -stic Lbstic like Labake
e. bk name -cious Labcious of Labakes quality
In examples (d) and (e) above, Lbk is the shortened form of
mlabk, thus, m has been deleted to allow for suffixation, since there is no
form such as *mlabstic/ mlabcious. The morpheme m means child ,
lbk is the VP part of a desententialized sentence meaning should be
honoured. Hence, mlabk is a name derived from a sentence meaning a
child should be honoured.
N + addition + suffix Adjective
f. pt over cooked -cious ptricious over cooked type
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 37

Again, in example (f) ri- meaning appears like was added to pt before
taking on a suffix. Noun/V +suffix Verb
These suffixes are used to form verbs from nouns or verbs (with the cause
to be/ make like meaning).
(20) Root Suffix Derived word
a. Yorb N name -nize Yorubanize
b. gbdn N enjoyment -lize gbdnlize
c. Kba V implicate -lize Kblize Inflectional morpheme:plurality Noun + suffix Noun

(21) Base Suffix Derived word
a. Yorb -s Yorbs Yoruba people
b. Tktke -s tketks mini buses
Note: Inflectional plural morpheme -s, a property of English morphology, now
borrowed into Yoruba, does not change an inflectionally derived word from its
basic word class. However, to say Yorubas when we mean the Yoruba people
amounts to anglicization. Moreover, pluralization is achieved in Yoruba through
the use of separate words such as wn, yin, etc. Adjective + suffix Adverb
The English morpheme -ly when suffixed to Yoruba adjectives results into
Yoruba adverbs of manner, e.g. :
Base Suffix Derived word
(23) a. jj gentle -ly jjy gently
b. trn satisfactory -ly trnly satisfactorily
c. lf free -ly lfly freely Anomalous roots/stems Adjective/Adverb Noun/Adjective
Base Suffix Derived word
(24) a. sbl protrusion -ation sblation protruding
b. Knk irregular -bility knkbility pejorative name
c. jgbajgba haphazard -tis jagbajntis haphazard

In the above examples, adjectives/adverbs, depending on the use, were used

to derive nouns/adjective. For instance, in Igi sbl ni yn (that is a protruding
tree), sbl is an adjective. Whereas, in r sbl (it is protruding), sbl is
an adverb. Verbs Adjectives
Base suffix derived word
(25) a. K pack -able kable packable
b. wl be useful -less wlless useless
c. fanimra inviting -ous fanimrous delicious
The next word-formation process in the study is compounding. This is the
focus of the next section.
38 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013)

4.1.3 Compounding
The data presented in this section is that of N+N construction. Usually, In
Yoruba grammar, N+N constructions are not treated as compounds. However,
Yoruba compounds belong to three types of groups as rightly pointed out by
Taiwo (2009:33). The groups are:
Endocentric compounds - with head
Exocentric compounds - without a head
Co-ordinate compounds - sharing both heads
Taiwo (2009:33) best explains the foregoing as follows:
Compounds which have a head are called endocentric compounds while
those without a head are termed exocentric compounds (Selkirk 1982: 13; Fabb
2001 : 66-67). Fabb (2001 : 67) identifies another type of compound where there
is some reason to think of both words (in a compound) as equally sharing head-
like characteristics. This type is referred to as co-ordinate compounds. Thus, in
line with Taiwo (2009) this section discusses co-ordinate compounds.
The current data on hybridized co-ordinate compounds exhibit the coming
together of two words with two patterns namely, Yoruba English compounds
( and English Yoruba compounds ( There is no form of
phonological modifications evident in any of these compounds. Thus, lexical
hybridization of compounds in Yoruba has probably taken after the procedure
available in English, e.g. rocking chair, deep-sea diver, laptop, etc. Examples of Yoruba English compounds
N (Yoruba) + N (English)  N (N + N)
(28) a. m boy m boy young man/ fashionable guy
b. ws boy wsboy the guy called wese
c. yin boy yinboys you guys
you (pl.)
d. kr balls krballs bean cake
baked beans
e. p city p city village name
village name
f. dn boy dn boy personal name
g. kt vision kt vision Radio/TV name
state name
h. Tyn tomato Tyn tomato nick name
proper name
i. tkunb- tires tkunb- tires fairly used tires
j. wr somebody wr somebody an idiot
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 39

k. bb-commander bb commander a musicians nickname

l. w in Council w in Council a traditional council
kingship title
m. m l trouser m - l trouser riotous/funny trouser
child..- adulterous partner
n. w-blow w-blow nick name
money bag
o. Wrwr-past wrwr- past nine a few minutes past
a little after 9.00 o clock
Observe that by analogy from English regular pattern of pluralizing count
nouns by adding the s suffix, Yoruba people have come to add the -s suffix to
compound nouns like yinboys. Again, the resultant compound in (l) is of three
words because it contains a borrowed English compound in Council. Whereas
in example (m), the resultant compound is also of three words because it contains
a Yoruba compound m l a bastard.
We present the tree diagram for a few examples as follows:

Figure 4 Compound N

N (Yor.) N (Eng.)

m boy

Figure 5 Compound N

Pro (plu) N

yin N Plu

boy s
NB In yinboys, there are two plural markers, in that yin in Yoruba means a
plural you. Hence, Yoruba has only borrowed another plural marker from
English. In other words, yin as used here can only be followed by a plural noun
whether marked with s or not.
Again, full reduplication is involved in wrwr a few/little before being
involved in compounding.
40 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013) Examples of English Yoruba Compounds

N (English) + Adjective (Yoruba)  N (N+N)
(29) a. baby- arwa baby- arwa pretty girl
b. born- wrwr born-wrwr fake Christian/ charlattan
a fake
c. love- wtntn love-wtntn Romeo and Juliet
meaning indeterminate
d. micro-tntn micro-tntn titbits to aid cheating in exams.
On a tree diagram, these nouns are derived as follows:
Figure 6 Compound N

N (Eng.) Adj. (Yor.)

Baby arwa

Again, for compounding to occur in the second example here, reduplication

as in wrwr fake had to occur first. We observe a tonal change here
because this word is an ideophone. Blending or partial reduplication is also
involved in the realisation of wtntn before being recruited for compounding.
To conclude this section, it needs be stated that in Yoruba, some words are
almost meaningless, in that at best they are used as puns with meanings residing
either with their authors or the interpreters e.g. ylkylk, wtntn, etc.


The device of linguistic borrowing is a normal consequence of the contact
of languages in multilingual societies. The use of lexical/structural transfer
consciously or inadvertently reveals a deeper linguistic problem which is that of
lexical gaps. Lexical gaps or accidental gaps feature in all languages. What is
more, because of its existence, to add to the vocabulary of a language in many
ways becomes possible. Moreover, the use of lexical hybrid gives the variety a
local colouration and it often helps at identifying the socio-cultural background
of the variety. Lexical hybrids thus constitute a unique linguistic tool for
vocabulary expansion as well as discourse comprehension strategy in Yoruba.
Lexical hybrid goes a long way in expanding the lexical stock of the
borrowing language. Today, many lexical/affix transfers exist in the Yoruba
language. The examples of such words/affixes borrowed from English and
incorporated into Yoruba formed the burden of this work. Further more, the use
of English words/affixes with Yoruba words has helped to achieve some degree
of economy of words. For instance, if the Yoruba words carrying the English
adverb suffix ly were to be written and described normally as Yoruba words,
DADA: Language contact and lexical hybridization: the Yoruba- English 41

certainly, such words would require much space than what the ly suffix
In short, lexical hybridization enables Yoruba bilinguals to express
linguistically new and original ideas, in principle in infinitely many ways.
Inversely, the phenomenon has enabled Yoruba bilinguals to physically manifest
their thoughts or ideas in novel ways.
From all intents and purposes, lexical hybridization facilitates rather than
hinders communication in the speech community. One major reason for
lexical/affix transfer is the problems associated with cross-cultural translation of
English. One of these problems is the lack of equivalent expressions in the target
language. Another difficulty is expressing the nuances of the native culture in a
foreign language. Thus, while speaking Yoruba language, native speakers do
affix some English morphemes to certain Yoruba words in order not to lose the
cultural and aesthetic value of such expressions. The effect of such usage may
then be cushioned by juxtaposing them with translation equivalents or
explanatory lexis from the native language. This is a creative use of language
which no doubt stretches the artistic limits of the user of both languages in order
to truly present an African lexis that depicts the action equally represented by the
English lexis that supplies affix. Finally, we can say that translation and
transference, which are forms of text incorporation characteristic of African
literature, are some of the techniques employed in the creation of a hybrid item, a
word formation strategy inevitable in a second language situation.


The present analysis reveals the various word formation processes
deployed for use with respect to Yoruba-English hybrid items. The major
strategies involved in this Yoruba English lexical convergence are: prefixation,
suffixation, and compounding. Other minor processes are: clipping and blending.
The prefixes borrowed from English are just two: dis- and un-. However, Yoruba
morphemes prefixed to English roots/stems evident in the data are of four types:
-, a-, ti-, and on-. Thus, Yoruba- English hybrid items contain only a handful
of English prefixes. No reason can be adduced for this since prefixation is a
productive morphological process in both English and Yoruba, except that the
major derivational morphemes in English, the source language in this context,
appear as suffixes. The foregoing probably explains why English suffixes are the
ones profusely exploited by Yoruba language as evident in the data.
The only prominent word formation strategy borrowed from English into
Yoruba morphology is suffixation. Indeed in the present data, suffixation is the
only method that is very foreign to Yoruba morphology. It should however be
observed here how the other techniques harmonize with Yoruba morphological
In all these instances of lexical expansion in Yoruba, the Yoruba user
would have to have a good knowledge of English words to make sense of and
find humour in such innovations and puns. What is more, it is required of him to
have knowledge of the individual morphemes deployed from English for this
purpose and knowledge of the rules that combine them.
Lexical hybridization introduces a major landmark with regards to the issue
of languages in contact. What is more, lexical hybridization as a morphological
process is an inside-out transformation as evident in the present data, unlike
42 Journal of West African Languages XL.2 (2013)

code-switching (CS), which is an outside-in transformation. Again, because of its

inside-out formation, lexical hybridization is a process not bedevilled with
NEGative connotation, whereas CS carries more often than not a NEGative
connotation. Besides, lexical hybrids if left unchecked have the potential of
becoming a pidgin language or a distinct language. Thus, lexical hybridization
constitutes a unique linguistic tool for vocabulary expansion as well as that of
discourse comprehension in Yoruba. The process simply points to the emerging
(socio) linguistic realities in Africa. Indeed, if this process goes on unabated then,
it may develop into a new language shaped by many of the same linguistic forces
that shaped other proper languages of the world. The present paper is a key
resource for understanding morphological complexity in some African languages.
The above analysis further authenticates the following (socio) linguistic
(1) That certain word formation processes such as suffixation and
reduplication are widespread but not universal;
(2) That the linguistic ecology of any multilingual setting is always in a
state of change, even if insignificantly (Egbokhare, 2004:511). And that
every language that is spoken continues to change, not just century by
century, but day by day (Millar, 2007:14);
(3) And that when languages first come into contact with one another, they
abhor it, but if they remain in contact with one another for a time, they
become accustomed to it and endure it, and if they remain in contact with
one another long enough, they finally embrace it and become influenced by
this contact (cf. Dada 2007). What is more, the foregoing affirms that
language is a living organism- it lives, it moves, it functions and it touches
as many other languages as possible.
In conclusion, the paper serves as a prelude towards addressing the
implications that morphological complexity has for (i) general linguistic
theory, (ii) psycholinguistics, (iii) historical linguistics and (iv)
computational linguistics. Thus the paper hopes to stimulate further
research on the ramifications that morphological complexity has for
linguistic theory and models of grammar.

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