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Analysis of Formant Frequencies and Vowel Articula

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DOI: 10.


Indian Journal of

Analysis of Formant Frequencies and Vowel Articulation in the Spoken

Standard Nigerian English of Undergraduate Students
Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo a, *
aDepartment of English and Literary Studies, University of Africa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author Email:
Received: 30-06-2023; Revised: 06-09-2023; Accepted: 10-09-2023; Published: 19-09-2023

Abstract: The study compares the first two formants' frequencies in the speech of male and female undergraduate
speakers of Standard Nigerian English at the University of Lagos (UNILAG). The study examined eight monophthongs
produced in the CVC context (hVd) by 40 males and 40 females, and analysed the vowel quality and phonetic vowel
space used by the two gender groups using the Linear Predictive Coding and spectrogram techniques. The findings
reveal that there are differences in vowel realisation and quality between male and female speakers, which affect
their accents. Specifically, the male undergraduates exhibit compression in the phonetic vowel space while their
female counterparts show expansion. This study contributes to the understanding of the vowel space in the speech
of male and female speakers, and how these differences may influence speech accent.

Keywords: Formants, Pure Vowels, Gender, Vowel Space

1. Introduction
Languages are constantly evolving, with new words and expressions emerging, old words becoming obsolete,
and changes in pronunciation becoming commonplace. Every speaker of English has their own unique system of
pronunciation, known as their individual idiolect. Language change is often driven by the needs of speakers, with
influences from immediate family members, peers at school, and national/international television broadcasters.
Additionally, individuals in the entertainment industry may also serve as role models, leading to modifications in

In other words, individuals tend to adjust their way of speaking based on who they are communicating with
and the impression they want to convey. These decisions may not always be conscious, but they can influence
language change. This is because every individual has their own unique way of using language, and no two individuals
speak exactly the same way. Research has shown that sociolinguistic factors such as gender, age, speaking style,
and education can result in various phonological and phonetic variations in accent, as highlighted by Cole et al.
(2006). Different language communities may have distinct ways of speaking that set them apart from others. When
a group is somewhat isolated regionally or socially, they may develop a particular style of language use, including
differences in dialects, which encompass not only accents, but also grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and common

Different languages exhibit variability in the set of phonetic vowels used, as well as in the formants and
acoustic properties of these vowels, as noted by Hunter & Kebede (2012). For example, Standard Southern British
English has eleven phonetic vowels (i:/, /ɪ/,/ e/, /æ/, /ᴧ/, a:/, / ɒ/, /ɔ:/, / ʊ/, /u:/ and /ɜ:/), while Castilian (European
Spanish) has five (/a/,/e/, /i/, /o/, /u/), and they are distributed differently across formants 1 and 2 vowel space.
Additionally, it has been established that the acoustic properties of vowels can vary based on factors such as the
individual speaker, speech rate, and phonetic context of the vowel, as cited in Hillenbrand & Gayvert (1993), Gay
(1978), Lindblom (1963), Peterson & Barney (1952), and Shankweller, Strange & Verbrugge (1977). In the context
of undergraduate speakers, it has been observed that different pronunciations and accents are used among different

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
gender groups, resulting in a variety of categorical accents. This further highlights the influence of sociolinguistic
factors, such as gender, on language variation and accent differences.

Several studies have been conducted by phoneticians and phonologists on Nigerian English, focusing on
segmentals and suprasegmental features. Awonusi (2004) investigated ‘Some characteristics of Nigerian English
Phonology’, ‘A phonological study of standard Nigerian English’ was studied by Eka (1985), ‘Problems of
standardisation and Nigerian English Phonology’ was examined by Adetugbo (2004), Akinjobi (2011) explored ‘English
intonation tune assignment’, while Atoye (2005) investigated ‘Non-native perception and interpretation of English
intonation.’ ‘Patterns of Nigerian English intonation’ was explored by Akinjobi and Oladipupo (2010) researched into
‘Intonation and attitude in Nigerian English,’ and, the ‘Intonation of Nigerian English’ was examined by Udofot (2002).
These studies include investigations into Nigerian English phonology, intonation patterns, perception of intonation,
and the relationship between intonation and attitude. However, none of these studies have examined the
sociolinguistic variables of gender, age, and education as factors influencing vowel quality and the phonetic vowel
While there have been numerous studies on formant frequencies in English spoken in developed countries
like the US, Britain, South Africa, and Australia, there is limited research on acoustic measurements of pure vowels
in Nigerian English. To address this gap in the literature, this study aims to examine vowel quality and their impact
on the phonetic vowel space, taking into account variations associated with gender, age, and education. The study
investigates the formant frequencies of pure vowels in stressed monosyllabic words spoken by male and female
undergraduate speakers of Standard Nigerian English at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) recorded between 2015
and 2017.

1.1 Literature Review

Several scholars have studied the Standard Nigerian English. The concept of Nigerian English is recognised
as a variety of English with distinct features that differentiate it from other varieties of English, such as British English.
Scholars such as Gut (2004) and Schneider (2007) have identified Nigerian English as one of the new Englishes that
have emerged in different regions of the world, and Walsh (1967) suggests that there are common features in the
spoken speech of Nigerian English that define it as a general type.

There are different definitions of Nigerian English by scholars. Adeniyi (2006) defines it as a variety of English
used by Nigerians. Eka (2000) views it as a subset of English spoken and written by Nigerians, and Okoro (2004)
refers to it as “the way Nigerians speak and write it.” However, Akere and Pride (1982) refer to it as the “Standard
Nigerian English.” The Standard Nigerian English is believed to have evolved from the development of a local variety
of English (Ekpe, 2010). Despite the phonetic and phonological differences from British English, Nigerian English
remains mutually intelligible. It is known to exhibit systematic differences in areas such as stress, rhythm, and
intonation when compared to British English, as noted by Bamgbose (1982), Jibril (1986), and Jowitt (2000).

The challenge of defining and characterising spoken English in Nigeria has led to different approaches by
scholars. Some have proposed the use of educational attainment as a parameter, while others have considered
ethnicity as a factor. Walsh (1967) specifically focuses on Nigerian English and distinguishes the non-standard form
as the domain where “real mistakes” occur, including incorrect verb tenses and determiner usage. Banjo (1979)
categorizes varieties of Nigerian English based on local acceptability in Nigeria and international intelligibility,
identifying four varieties labeled as varieties I, II, III, and IV. Many scholars have used Banjo's (1971) ‘points on a
cline’ categorisation as a benchmark for determining the standard form of Nigerian English (Eka, 1985; Udofot, 1997,
2000; Akinjobi, 2004, 2006). Wilmot (1979) also considers education as a yardstick for identifying the standard form
of Nigerian English, although with a different perspective on the pattern of English used by educated Nigerians.
Wilmot argues that the English spoken in Nigeria, even by the educated class, is not modeled after Standard British
English. Wilmot suggests that much of the English heard in Nigeria could be considered as sub-standard, as speakers
of Educated Nigerian English often lapse into Pidgin and Pseudo-pidgin several times within a sentence.
Jibril (1982) and Awonusi (1987) describe the Standard Nigerian English accent as a continuum that is
pyramidal in shape. The basilect, located at the foot of the continuum, represents the non-standard or sub-standard
Nigerian English. In the middle is the mesolect, which is described as “General Nigerian English,” and at the top is

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
the acrolect, which is viewed as the Standard Nigerian English. While Jibril and Awonusi share similarities in their
description of the Nigerian English accent continuum, they have differences in their perspectives on the structural
adjustment. Jibril suggests that Received Pronunciation (RP) is at the apex of the continuum, indicating that RP
serves as the standard accent for Nigerian English. However, Awonusi does not share this view, as he believes that
RP lies in phonetic space and that progress can be made from the basilect to the apex in the Nigerian English
continuum. In other words, individuals can move up the continuum as they improve their level of competence in
Nigerian English. Awonusi also suggests that stylistic down-shift is possible, which pushes the user to a level below
the basilect, resulting in code-switching or code-mixing.

Udofot (2004:109) attempted to reclassify Banjo's (1971) varieties of Nigerian English based on the level of
educational attainment, and identified three varieties: non-standard, standard, and sophisticated English. The
standard variety users are considered to be undergraduates in their third to final year, university and college of
education lecturers, high school teachers of English, and holders of Higher National Diploma (HND). Speakers of this
variety are capable of making important phonetic distinctions, using impeccable speech, and identifying stressed
syllables and unidirectional tones (the fall and the rise). For the purpose of the research, the standard variety was
used as a basis for selecting respondents, not on the premise that they all speak the same accent, but rather as a
control for participation in the study.

The research thus focuses on investigating vowel formants, which are known to reveal remarkable variations
in the fundamental frequencies of human speech, in the speech of undergraduates at the University of Lagos
(UNILAG). The purpose is to describe vowel quality, which may result in differences in phonetic space.

1.2 Formants
Formants, a fundamental concept in speech analysis, have been defined by scholars in various ways.
Ladefoged (2002) defines formants as “the resonances of the vocal tract,” while Patill et al. (2016) describe them as
“the concentration of acoustic energy around a specific frequency in the speech wave.” In speech, formants represent
the resonating frequencies of the vocal tract and are visualised as dark bands in spectrograms. The intensity of a
formant's darkness indicates the energy distributed around that frequency, with darker formant bands corresponding
to stronger and more audible resonances. Formants can be easily observed and analysed in spectrograms, as well
as in spectral slices, which provide a snapshot of the sound spectrum at a particular moment in time.

A spectrogram serves as a visual representation of the temporal, spectral, and intensity components of
speech sounds. It displays time along the x-axis, frequency along the y-axis, and intensity through the varying
darkness of the depicted frequencies. Within spectrograms, formants can be identified as peaks in the spectrum.
These formants, characterised by specific frequencies, play a crucial role in determining the perceived vowels and
contribute to the distinctive qualities of different periodic sounds. The number and frequencies of formants depend
on factors such as gender and age, with an average of approximately one formant per 1000Hz band for men and
one per 1100Hz band for women.

However, the true range of formants is influenced by the length of the vocal tract. Each formant corresponds
to a particular resonance mode of the vocal tract, and the prominence of a formant is determined by the amount of
energy concentrated around its frequency. The shape of the vocal tract directly influences the frequencies of the
formants, with key formants such as F1 and F2 providing insights into the vocal tract's resonances. In speech analysis,
the first four formants (F1, F2, F3, and F4) are of particular importance as they encapsulate crucial information
related to vowel characteristics. Research by Hillenbrand and Gayvert (1993) has demonstrated the strong correlation
between perceived vowel quality and the frequencies of the lowest formants. They assert that, “It has long been
recognised that perceived vowel quality is strongly correlated with the frequencies of the two or three lowest

Rebold et al. (2010) conducted a study investigating how age affects fundamental frequency (f0) and
formant frequencies in speech. The study involved five subjects who were measured at two different times, and the
results revealed clear differences in f0 and F1 (the first formant), but no systematic differences in F2 and F3 (the
second and third formants). The analysis, which spanned over 50 years, showed that age affected F1 by decreasing
formants in females and increasing f0 and F1 in male speakers. This resulted in a 'V'-shaped pattern in the vowel

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
quadrilateral, with a decrease followed by an increase in f0 in male speakers. The study also showed that changes
in f0 were correlated with changes in F1 over time, indicating that F1 tracked F2. In other words, age-related changes
in F1 affected f0, leading to a decline in f0 while maintaining a constant auditory distance between f0 and F1.

Gimson (1984) and Wells (1984) provided phonetic accounts of the changes taking place in Received
Pronunciation (RP). They noted that younger, urban, or innovative speakers tended to lower front monophthongs,
with /ӕ/ changing to [a]. Wells (1982) described /ɪ / and /ԑ / as more open and central, and Gimson (1984:49)
predicted possible confusion between /ӕ/ and /ᴧ/ due to the fronting of /ᴧ/. Gimson (1984) also observed that /ʊ/
(back monophthong) was weakly rounded in many RP speakers, while Wells (1982) described it as centralised and
unrounded. Furthermore, Wells noted that /u:/ was centralised in most urban speech and mainstream RP, and that
/ɔ:/ had a more open quality in old-fashioned RP (1982:145).
Hawkins and Midgley (2005) conducted a study on the first two formants (F1 and F2) of monophthongs
produced by five male speakers in four different age categories: 20-25, 35-40, 50-55, and 65-75. The study examined
eleven monophthongs in a ‘hVd’ context. The results showed that F1 of the vowels /ӕ/ and /ԑ/ were higher in the
younger generation compared to the older generations, while F1 was higher in /u:/ and /ʊ/. No other significant
differences were in F1 and F2 among the different age groups for the remaining vowels. Hawkins and Midgley
concluded that the differences between age groups illustrated intergenerational variation in speech communities,
which could have implications for how linguistic innovations are adopted. This suggests that different age groups
may exhibit distinct patterns of speech sounds, and changes in formant frequencies may reflect linguistic changes
over time. This study highlights the importance of considering age-related variation in speech research and its
potential impact on language change and variation in communities.

Wells (1982) observed that F1 and F2 of /ɔ:/ were expected to decrease with successive age groups, but did
not show significant changes in Hawkins and Midgley's study (2005), indicating that the age group considered “old”
in Wells' study may have been older than the one in Hawkins and Midgley's study. Furthermore, differences in F1
and F2 frequencies of /a:/ among age groups did not reveal age-related patterns, and vowels /ɪː/ and /ɔ:/ showed
little variation among age groups. In contrast, vowel /u:/ showed a progressive increase in F2, with the youngest
age group (20-25) exhibiting a wide gap in mean frequency of F2, suggesting ongoing changes in the production of
/u:/. This pattern was also observed in /ʊ/, but to a lesser extent in older age groups. On the other hand, vowel /ӕ/
showed age-related patterns in F1 frequency, with the youngest speakers exhibiting the highest F1 values. Similar
trends were observed in F1 of vowel /ԑ/, where younger speakers also had higher values.

In order to accurately represent the vowels of a language, the average values of the formants must be
shown, as demonstrated in Figure 1, which depicts the spectrogram of the word ‘heed’ with the first four formants
represented by dark bands with dotted horizontal lines. Spectrograms are visual representations of speech sounds
that show the distribution of energy across different frequencies over time, and can provide valuable insights into
vowel production and variation in different age groups.

Figure 1. Spectrogram showing formant

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
The conceptual framework of this study involves the use of the Source Filter model and Linear Predictive
Coding concepts. The Source Filter model describes speech sounds as the response of a vocal tract system, where
a sound source (the glottis) is filtered by the resonance characteristics of the vocal tract (Mannell, 2008). The vocal
tract acts as a resonator that modifies the sound source produced by the vocal folds in the laryngeal source.
The Source Filter model explains that the vocal tract configurations or articulations alone do not produce any
sound, but rather modify the sound source. The vocal folds vibrate, producing sound, and the vocal tract acts as a
filter that suppresses or strengthens certain frequencies depending on its shape at a given moment. The
strengthened frequencies are known as formants, which are seen on a spectrogram and represent the sounds that
resonate the loudest in the particular filter formed by the vocal tract. Formants are usually numbered successively
from the lowest frequency upward.
In the field of speech analysis, accurately measuring formant frequencies is crucial for understanding the
characteristics and nuances of spoken language. To achieve this, the concept of Linear Predictive Coding (LPC)
combined with spectrograms has emerged as a reliable method. Researchers such as Right and Nicholas (2009)
emphasise the effectiveness of spectrograms in conjunction with LPC for obtaining highly precise measurements of
vowel formants with minimal error. This approach enables researchers to identify errors in the LPC estimation by
visually examining the spectrogram, while the LPC itself provides an accurate estimation of the central value of the
formant. Deng (2003) and Homayoon (2011) highlight that LPC is widely recognised as one of the most powerful
techniques for speech analysis. Its ability to encode speech at a low bit rate while maintaining good quality makes it
a valuable tool.

Additionally, LPC offers exceptional precision in approximating speech parameters. By utilising LPC,
researchers are able to display spectra and broad band spectrograms, which serve as important references for
determining the measurement points of formant frequencies. Specifically, formants are measured at the center of
the targeted vowel, providing valuable insights into the acoustic correlates of speech. In the context of formant
analysis, the key acoustic correlates measured in Hertz are F1, F2, and the duration of the entire vowel. Wright and
Nicholas (2009) suggest that Praat's default settings, which employ a maximum frequency of 5500Hz, are suitable
for analysing formants in adult males and females. Therefore, this setting was adopted for both genders in the study,
ensuring consistency and comparability across the data.

1.3 Articulatory Vowel Space

Phonetic vowel space is defined in terms of the restrictions to the extremes of tongue location that continue
to give rise to non-nasal resonating sounds. The notion is that if the position of the tongue becomes farther than
these restrictions, then turbulence would occur. In other words, the phonetic vowel space reveals where different
vowels are produced in the oral cavity with respect to the position of the tongue and the maximal values. The three
tongue positions can be used to illustrate these sounds: [i] high/close unrounded front vowel and [ӕ] open/low
unrounded front vowel.

2. Methods
Participants: The participants in this study were undergraduate students at the University of Lagos
(UNILAG) from the 300 level and above. A total of eighty (80) participants were included, evenly divided between
male and female subjects. The participants were selected randomly (though not on an equal probability basis) from
various disciplines, including Arts/Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences. The age range of the participants was
18-29 years, based on the sociolinguistic age classification by Roach, P. (2004) and Holmes (2013), with minor
modifications to include undergraduates from the 300 level.
Measures: The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection.
A questionnaire was designed to gather demographic and linguistic information from the participants. The
questionnaire covered aspects such as gender, age, level of schooling, state of origin, state of residence, educational
background, mother tongue (L1), and target language (L2). Additionally, acoustic measurements and visual
inspection of F0 traces were conducted using the Praat acoustic software, version 6.1.52. The acoustic measurements

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
focused on parameters such as formant frequencies (F1, F2), durations of the entire vowel, and other relevant
acoustic correlates.

Procedures: Data collection was carried out using a SONY IC digital recorder, model ICD-UX543F/B, with
a built-in flash memory of 4GB. The recordings took place in quiet rooms at different times within the UNILAG
campus. The recorded data were later transferred to a laptop computer for transcription and analysis. The files were
converted to wave format and analyzed using the Praat software. The Praat software provided features such as
spectrogram and waveform displays, as well as playback options for easy identification of individual words and
phonemes in the recordings.

Analysis: The primary analytical tool used in this research was descriptive statistics. The analysis focused
on examining vowel formants in the speech of male and female undergraduates at UNILAG. The main objective was
to describe the vowel space and vowel quality, which contribute to pitch differences observed in the data. The
analysis involved acoustic measurements of formant frequencies and visual inspection of F0 traces using the Praat

Instruments and Software: The data collection involved the use of a SONY IC digital recorder, model
ICD-UX543F/B, with a built-in flash memory of 4GB. The recordings were later analyzed using the Praat acoustic
software, version 6.1.52. The Praat software provided the necessary tools for spectrogram and waveform
visualization, acoustic measurements, and analysis of the recorded data.

Table 1. Demographic and Linguistic Distribution of Subjects

Variable No of Subjects Percentage (%)

Gender Male 40 50.0
Female 40 50.0
Total 80 100
Age Brackets 18-29
Level of Education
Undergraduates 80
States Of Origin
Ekiti 07
Abia 03
Lagos 11
Imo 02
Ogun 10
Delta 06
Oyo 09
Cross River 04
Osun 09
Akwa Ibom 03
Enugu 04
Ondo 06
Anambra 03
Bayelsa 01
Benue 02
Total 80 100.0

Table 1 presents the frequency distribution of various variables concerning the background and demographic
information of the respondents. Through the application of stratified sampling, the subjects of the study were
selected to represent sixteen states across Nigeria, encompassing diverse linguistic backgrounds. This approach was
employed to ensure that the data collected encompassed a wide range of Southern speakers of Standard Nigerian

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
English. The selection of participants from the southern region was specifically intended to provide a sample that
reflects the population of undergraduate students at UNILAG, considering the observed variance in accent among
them. It is important to note that UNILAG is a cosmopolitan institution, contributing to the diversity of speakers of
Standard Nigerian English in the sample.

3. Results and Discussion

The data analysis involved the examination of vowel quality and vowel space in the speech of UNILAG
undergraduates. To achieve this, a total of eight sentences containing 'hVd' words, along with filler words, were
administered to each respondent. The 'hVd' words consisted of combinations of 'h + vowel + d', such as 'hid' and
'hood.' Each respondent read the sentences three times, resulting in a total of 1920 recorded items (80 respondents
x 24 + 1920 items).

Table 2 Mean Formant Values of UNILAG Subjects

No. Vowels Male UGS F1 Male UGS F2 Female UGS F1 Female UGS F2
1. <heed> /i:/ 420 2159 505 2370
2. < hid> /ɪ/ 396 2111 494 2275
3. <head>/e/ 565 1910 694 2097
4. <had> /æ/ 769 1368 887 1635

5. <hod> /ɒ/ 594 1016 630 1080

6. <hawed>/ɔ:/ 658 1232 635 1030
7. <hood> /ʊ/ 503 1507 547 1325
8. <Who’d> /u:/ 547 1533 593 1376

1500 1000
2500 2000 1500 1000
/i:/ 396
400 400
503 505494
/e/ 565 547 500 547 500
594 /i:/ 593
658 600 630
635 600
/ɒ/ 694
/ᴐ:/ 769 700 700
/ʊ/ 800 /ɒ/ 800
/u:/ /ᴐ:/ 887
900 /ʊ/ 900
1000 1000

Figure 2, 3 Phonetic Vowel Spaces for Male and Female Undergraduates

This study replicated an experiment conducted at Bell Telephone Laboratories by Peterson and Barney
(1952), which analysed the sounds of General American English (GAE) in the /hvd/ context. The experiment by
Peterson and Barney is widely recognised and used in vowel formant research (Giacomino, 2012), and it has been
referenced by other researchers such as Giacomino (2012). In Peterson and Barney's experiment, speakers were
given a list of twelve monosyllabic words with a CVC phoneme structure. Each word began with [h] and ended with
[d], with the only variation being the vowel sound, creating the /hvd/ context. The words produced by the participants
in the present study were: “heed,” “hid,” “head,” “hayed,” “had,” “hawed,” “hood,” and “who'd.” It was decided to

Indian J. Lang. Linguist., 4(3) (2023) 1-12| 7

Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
use only these eight words from the original twelve investigated by Peterson and Barney, following Roach's (2004)
representation of English vowels for transcription.

The data for this study were collected over a span of two years, specifically from 2015 to 2017, and analysed
to examine the speech of undergraduate students at UNILAG. The inclusion criteria for the subjects ensured that
only individuals who grew up solely in Nigeria were included in the study. This was done to focus on speech that
was not influenced by foreign accents or linguistic backgrounds. The primary focus of the study was on investigating
the first two formant frequencies of monophthongs produced by the subjects. It is widely accepted that the first two
formants are the most important for vowel classification (Hunter & Kebede, 2012; Ladefoged, 2002). Therefore, the
analysis specifically looked at the first two formants of the vowels produced by the participants. To visualize the
formant frequencies, they were plotted on an Excel scale, with F1 (the first formant frequency) represented on the
vertical axis and F2 (the second formant frequency) represented on the horizontal axis. This allowed for a graphical
representation of the vowel spaces and facilitated the examination of vowel quality based on the formant frequencies.

3.1 Analysis of Male Undergraduates’ Formants

The analysis of the formants of male undergraduates' vowel production is depicted in Figures 2 and 3. Figure
2 displays F1 on the vertical axis, representing the degree of tongue openness or raising during vowel production.
F2 is represented on the horizontal axis, indicating the location of the vowel and the specific part of the tongue
involved in its production (front, central, or back).

Figure 3 illustrates that there is not a significant observable difference between the F1 values of the high
close vowel /i:/ and the mid high vowel /ɪ/. This violates the general rule that states higher vowels should have lower
F1 values. In this case, the vowel /i:/, which should have a lower F1, actually exhibits higher values compared to the
mid high vowel /ɪ/. The positions of the two vowels are reversed, with the mid high vowel assuming the position of
the high close vowel. This reversal of vowel positions aligns with the findings of Labov (1998) and Labov et al. (2006)
regarding these two vowel sounds. Interestingly, this reversal does not apply to F2, as there is overlapping and
minimal distinction between the F2 values of the two vowels.

The analysis also reveals that the high back vowel /u:/ is raised beyond its counterpart, the high front vowel
/i:/, in the phonetic space. Although these vowels typically occupy parallel high positions on the vowel chart, the
analysis shows that /u:/ is fronted and produced with less rounding, while the mid-high back vowel /ʊ/ is also fronted
and realised with less rounded lips. This fronting of back vowels is reminiscent of the Southern Vowel Shift observed
in the southern regions of the United States of America. The phonetic height of the high back vowel and the high
back mid vowel is reversed, similar to the reversal between the high front close vowel and the mid front close vowel.
The mid-high back vowel /ʊ/ is lowered compared to the raised /u:/, and their F2 values overlap, indicating minimal
distinction between the two sounds.

In terms of the front half open vowel /e/, it is realised at its appropriate position in the phonetic vowel space.
However, its counterpart, the back mid low vowel /ɔ:/, undergoes a shift in position. While /e/ maintains its position
as a half-open vowel, /ɔ:/ is raised in F1 while /e/ is lowered. This deviates from the expected parallel positions of
the two vowels in the vowel chart.
Furthermore, the low back vowel /ɒ/ is lowered and occupies the position of /ɔ:/, resulting in a mid-low back
vowel realisation. However, the F2 values for these vowels do not reverse to align with their F1 shifts. Consequently,
the two sounds are not distinctly differentiated and can be used interchangeably. Additionally, the open vowel /æ/
undergoes a raising effect and is produced more as a back vowel rather than its original front position.

Generally, the analysis highlights the fronting and shifting of certain vowels in the phonetic vowel space, as
well as the lack of clear distinction between some vowel sounds. These findings shed light on the specific vowel
patterns observed in the speech of male undergraduates at UNILAG.

3.2 Analysis of Female Undergraduates’ Formants

From the entry in figure 3, the analysis of formants in the speech of female undergraduates reveals several
notable findings. Firstly, the high close front vowel (/i:/) and half close vowel (/ɪ/) occupy a more frontal phonetic
space compared to males. In females, these vowels are raised in F1 and shifted to the left, whereas in males, they

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
are lowered and shifted to the right. The auditory distance between /i:/ and /ɪ/ in females is larger than in males.
Additionally, the F2 values for these vowels are raised in females, in contrast to males. Interestingly, the positions
of /i:/ and /ɪ/ in the female vowel chart are reversed compared to the male vowel chart. /ɪ/ occurs before /i:/, but
their vowel space allocation differs.
The half open front vowel /e/ is realised with more frontal openness in females compared to males. It is
raised and positioned further to the left, while in males it is lowered and moves to the right. The F2 value for /e/ is
decreased in males compared to females. Similarly, the open front vowel (/æ/) is produced as a central sound and
is raised in females compared to males.

Regarding the vowels /ɔ:/ and /ɒ/, they overlap in their realisation. /ɔ:/ is raised in comparison to /ɔ/, and
both vowels are articulated using reversed positions. They are both realised as mid-low back vowels with minimal
phonetic space. Consequently, the two vowels are not adequately distinguished by females and are used

Furthermore, the vowels /u:/ and /ʊ/ also overlap in their realisation. Their original positions have been
swapped, with /u:/ being raised and /ʊ/ being lowered. /ʊ/ is realised as /u:/ and vice versa. Both vowels tend
towards the front and appear to be mid-high vowels.
Generally, the analysis reveals specific patterns in the realisation of vowels by female undergraduates at
UNILAG, including frontal raising and shifting, as well as the lack of clear distinction between certain vowel sounds.

4. Discussion of Findings
The findings of the study suggest that there are both similarities and differences between male and female
undergraduate students at UNILAG in terms of their vowel realisation. One notable difference is the compression
observed in the phonetic vowel space of male undergraduates, while female undergraduates show expansion. This
variation in vowel space may contribute to the distinct accents observed among female undergraduates at UNILAG.

Furthermore, the study highlights that there is not a clear distinction between the vowels /i:/ and /ɪ/ in both
male and female undergraduates. Surprisingly, the two vowels are realised in reverse positions, with /ɪ/ being
lowered and /i:/ being raised. While male undergraduates realize these vowels as close front vowels, their female
counterparts realize them as half close vowels.

Similarly, the study reveals that the vowels /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/ are also swapped in positions by both male and
female undergraduates. As a result, /ɒ/ is lowered, and /ɔ:/ is raised. In both gender groups, there is minimal
phonetic space between these vowels, which leads to a lack of clear distinction. Female undergraduates, in particular,
tend to overlap these vowels.

The study also reveals an interesting characteristic regarding the roundedness of the vowel /u:/ among both
male and female undergraduates at UNILAG. Both groups realize this vowel with less roundedness, with a tendency
to raise /u:/ and lower /ʊ/. However, there is no clear distinction between these two sounds. Additionally, both male
and female undergraduates exhibit similarities in their realisation of /ʊ/ and /u:/ as mid high back vowels. There is
also evidence of fronting in the pronunciation of /u:/ among both gender groups.

The phonetic vowel spaces observed in the study highlight the unique features of each gender group's
pronunciation, which in turn affect their accents, particularly among the female undergraduates. This observation
was a primary motivation for conducting the research.
Although the study focused on eight specific monophthongs to identify the phonetic vowel space, it is
important to note that there are other monophthongs and diphthongs that were not included in this research. These
unexplored vowel sounds could be an area of interest for future studies, providing opportunities for further
discoveries in the realm of gender formant frequencies.
Overall, this study has provided a description of the phonetic vowel space utilised by UNILAG
undergraduates. It serves as a foundation for future researchers to delve into a broader range of vowel sounds,
including diphthongs, and to explore the nuances of gender-related formant frequencies.

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Vol 4 Iss 3 Year 2023 Mosunmola Oluyinka Adebayo /2023 DOI: 10.54392/ijll2331
5. Conclusion
In summary, the formant analysis of vowel articulation in male and female undergraduate speech at UNILAG
has revealed distinct characteristics and noteworthy patterns. Female students exhibit a broader vowel space
compared to males, indicating a wider range of vowel articulation and potential influence on their accents. An
unexpected inversion of vowel positions between /i:/ and /ɪ/ was observed in both groups, challenging conventional
notions of vowel height. Additionally, the overlapping of certain vowels such as /ɒ/ and /ɔ:/ suggests a lack of
distinction in their usage among students of both genders. Furthermore, the reduced differentiation between /u:/
and /ʊ/ may impact their speech patterns and accents. This study underscores the importance of considering gender-
specific phonetic patterns in understanding language variation and serves as a basis for future research. However,
it's essential to acknowledge that this study focused solely on specific monophthongs, leaving room for further
exploration of a wider range of vowel sounds and their implications on gender-related formant frequencies and
speech patterns.

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