Midalloy ER309 PDF
Midalloy ER309 PDF
Midalloy ER309 PDF
AWS 5.9 Class ER309 / ASME SFA 5.9 Class ER309
UNS# S30980 A#8 F#6
MIDALLOY ER309 stainless steel wire is used for GMAW, GTAW, and SAW welding.
MIDALLOY ER309 is most often used to join similar alloys such as 24Cr and 13Ni, in wrought iron form.
MIDALLOY ER309 is sometimes used to weld type 304 and similar base metals where severe corrosion
exists requiring higher alloy weld metal.
This alloy can also be used to weld type 304 to carbon steel, welding the clad side of type 304 clad steels,
and applying stainless steel linings to carbon steel shells.
C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P S N Cu
0.08 24.0 13.0 0.07 1.75 0.50 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.11
TIG 10 lb. tube / 60 lb. carton
MIG 30 lb. spool, 2 lb spool, 10 lb spool
SAW 60 lb. coil
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