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PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology: Student Lab Manual

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(SIT / ACD / FRM10)

Subject Name : Unix & Shell Programming Lab

Year & Programme : II Year, 2008-09
Branch / Semester : CSE / I Sem
Faculty Name : B Srinivasa Rao


a)Log into the system
Sol : Login
b)Use vi editor to create a file called myfile.txt which contains some text.
Sol : Vi mytable
c)correct typing errors during creation.
Sol: Practice vi editor commands
d)Save the file
Sol: :wq + Enter
e)logout of the system
Sol: logout

Note Make Use of following commands:

To Get Into and Out Of vi

To Start vi
To use vi on a file, type in vi filename. If the file named filename exists, then
the first page (or screen) of the file will be displayed; if the file does not exist, then
an empty file and screen are created into which you may enter text.
vi filename
edit filename starting at line 1

vi -r filename
recover filename that was being edited when system crashed
To Exit vi
Usually the new or modified file is saved when you leave vi. However, it is also
possible to quit vi without saving the file.
Note: The cursor moves to bottom of screen whenever a colon (:) is typed. This
type of command is completed by hitting the <Return> (or <Enter>) key.

quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation

quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation

quit (or exit) vi

quit vi even though latest changes have not been saved for this vi call

a)Log into the system
b)open the file created in session 1
c)Add some text
d)Change some text
e)Delete some text
f)Save the Changes
Sol : Practice the commands in Vi editor
g)Logout of the system

Note Make Use of following commands

Inserting or Adding Text
The following commands allow you to insert and add text. Each of these
commands puts the vi editor into insert mode; thus, the <Esc> key must be
pressed to terminate the entry of text and to put the vi editor back into command
* i insert text before cursor, until <Esc> hit
I insert text at beginning of current line, until <Esc> hit
* a append text after cursor, until <Esc> hit
A append text to end of current line, until <Esc> hit
* o open and put text in a new line below current line, until <Esc> hit
* O open and put text in a new line above current line, until <Esc> hit

Changing Text
The following commands allow you to modify text.
* r replace single character under cursor (no <Esc> needed)
R replace characters, starting with current cursor position, until <Esc> hit
change the current word with new text,
starting with the character under cursor, until <Esc> hit
change N words beginning with character under cursor, until <Esc> hit;
e.g., c5w changes 5 words
C change (replace) the characters in the current line, until <Esc> hit
cc change (replace) the entire current line, stopping when <Esc> is hit
change (replace) the next N lines, starting with the current line,
Ncc or cNc
stopping when <Esc> is hit

Deleting Text
The following commands allow you to delete text.
* x delete single character under cursor
Nx delete N characters, starting with character under cursor
dw delete the single word beginning with character under cursor
delete N words beginning with character under cursor;
e.g., d5w deletes 5 words
D delete the remainder of the line, starting with current cursor position
* dd delete entire current line
delete N lines, beginning with the current line;
Ndd or dNd
e.g., 5dd deletes 5 lines

a)Log into the system

b)Use the cat command to create a file containing the following data. Call it mytable use
tabs to separate the fields.
1425 Ravi 15.65
4320 Ramu 26.27
6830 Sita 36.15
1450 Raju 21.86
Sol: cat > mytable
1425 Ravi 15.65
4320 Ramu 26.27
6830 Sita 36.15
1450 Raju 21.86

c)Use the cat command to display the file, mytable.

Sol: $cat mytable
1425 Ravi 15.65
4320 Ramu 26.27
6830 Sita 36.15
1450 Raju 21.86
d)Use the vi command to correct any errors in the file, mytable.
Sol: Verify the file with Vi editor Commannds
e)Use the sort command to sort the file mytable according to the first field. Call the
sorted file my table
(same name)
Sol: $sort +1 mytable > mytable
f)Print the file mytable
Sol: cat mytable
1425 Ravi 15.65
1450 Raju 21.86
4320 Ramu 26.27
6830 Sita 36.15

g)Use the cut and paste commands to swap fields 2 and 3 of mytable. Call it my table
(same name)
Sol: $cut -f1 > mytab1
$ cut f 2 > mytab 2
$cut f 3 > my tab3
$paste mytab3 mytab2 > mytab4
$paste mytab1 mytab4 > mytable
h)Print the new file, mytable
Sol: $ cat mytable
1425 15.65 Ravi
1450 21.86 Raju
4320 26.27 Ramu
6830 36.15 Sita
i)Logout of the system.

Note Make Use of following commands

cat to display a text file or to concatenate files
cat file1
displays contents of file1 on the screen (or window)
without any screen breaks.
cat file1 file2
displays contents of file1 followed by file2 on the
screen (or window) without any screen breaks.
cat file1 file2 > file3 creates file3 containing file1 followed by file2

Sort :----
The "sort" command sorts information piped into it. There are several options that
let you sort information in a variety of ways.
ps -ef | sort
The most important options in Sort :

sort: disorder: This line not in sorted order.

a)Login to the system
b)Use the appropriate command to determine your login shell
Sol: $echo $SHELL
c)Use the /etc/passwd file to verify the result of step b.
Sol: $cat /etc/passwd

d)Use the who command and redirect the result to a file called myfile1. Use the
more command to see the contents of myfile1.
Sol : $who > myfile1 | more

User1 pts/0 Apr 23 10:43

User2 pts/1 May 6 18:19
e)Use the date and who commands in sequence (in one line) such that the output
of date will display on the screen and the output of who will be redirected to a file
called myfile2. Use the more command to check the contents of myfile2.
Sol: $ date ; who > myfile2
Fri Aug 9 16:47:32 IST 2008
Cat myfile2 :
User3 pts/2 Apr 25 10:43
User4 pts/3 May 8 18:19

Note Make Use of following commands:

Who :---

The "who" command lets you display the users that are currently logged into your
Unix computer system.

This is the basic who command with no command-line arguments. It shows the names of
users that are currently logged in, and may also show the terminal they're logged in on,
and the time they logged in.
who | more
In this example the output of the who command is piped into the more command. This is
useful when there are a lot of users logged into your computer system, and part of the
output of the who command scrolls off the screen. See the more command for more
who -a
The -a argument lists all available output of the who command for each user.
To connect the output of the one command directly to the input of the other
command. This is exactly what pipes do. The symbol for a pipe is the vertical bar |
For example, typing
% who | sort
will give the same result as above, but quicker and cleaner.
To find out how many users are logged on, type
% who | wc -l

Session 2:

Input File : file1.dat :

Unix is Multiuser OS
Unix was developed by Brian Kernighan and KenThomson

a)Write a sed command that deletes the first character in each line in a file.
Sol: sed 's/^./ / file1.dat
nix is Multiuser OS
nix was developed by Brian Kernighan and KenThomson

b)Write a sed command that deletes the last character in each line in a file.
Sol: sed '$s/.$//' file1.dat
Unix is Multiuser O
Unix was developed by Brian Kernighan and KenThomso

c)Write a sed command that swaps the first and second words in each line in a file.
sed 's/\([a-z]*\) \([a-z]*\)/\2 \1/' (Modified & working)
(Substrings enclosed with "\(" and "\)" can be referenced with "\n" (n is a digit
from 1 to 9) )

Note : Make use of following Link to know more about sed

Ref :

a)Pipe your /etc/passwd file to awk, and print out the home directory of each user.
Sol: cat /etc/passwd | awk { print $7}
b)Develop an interactive grep script that asks for a word and a file name and then tells
how many lines
contain that word.
echo Enter a word
read word
echo Enter the filename
read file
nol=grep -c $word $file
echo $nol times $word present in the $file

c)Part using awk

echo Enter a word
read word
echo Enter the filename
read file
nol=awk /$word/ { print NR } Infile
echo $nol times $word present in the $file

Note Make Use of following commands:

Grep: ---grep is one of many standard UNIX utilities. It searches files for specified
words or patterns. First clear the screen, then type
% grep science science.txt
As you can see, grep has printed out each line containg the word science.
Or has it ????
Try typing
% grep Science science.txt
The grep command is case sensitive; it distinguishes between Science and science.
To ignore upper/lower case distinctions, use the -i option, i.e. type
% grep -i science science.txt
To search for a phrase or pattern, you must enclose it in single quotes (the
apostrophe symbol). For example to search for spinning top, type
% grep -i 'spinning top' science.txt
Some of the other options of grep are:
-v display those lines that do NOT match
-n precede each matching line with the line number
-c print only the total count of matched lines
Try some of them and see the different results. Don't forget, you can use more than
one option at a time. For example, the number of lines without the words science or
Science is
% grep -ivc science science.txt

Note: Make use of Following Link to know about Awk

Ref :

a)Write a shell script that takes a command line argument and reports on whether it is
directory, a file, or something else.
echo " enter file"
read str
if test -f $str
then echo "file exists n it is an ordinary file"
elif test -d $str
then echo "directory file"
echo "not exists"
if test -c $str
then echo "character device files"

b)Write a shell script that accepts one or more file name as arguments and converts all of
them to uppercase, provided they exist in the current directory.
# get filename
echo -n "Enter File Name : "
read fileName

# make sure file exits for reading

if [ ! -f $fileName ]
echo "Filename $fileName does not exists"
exit 1

# convert uppercase to lowercase using tr command

tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' < $fileName

c)Write a shell script that determines the period for which a specified user is working on
the system.
echo enter the login of the user
read name
logindetails=`who|grep w $name | grep tty
if [ $? ne 0 ]
echo $name has not logged in yet
loginhours=`echo $logindetails | cut c 26,27`
loginminuts=`echo $logindetails | cut c 29-30`
hoursnow=date | cut c 12,13`
minnow =`date | cut c 15,16`
hour=`expr $loginhours - $hoursnow`
min=`expr $loginminuts - $minnow`
echo $name is working since $hour Hrs - $min Minuts

a)Write a shell script that accepts a file name starting and ending line numbers as
arguments and displays all the lines between the given line numbers.
If [ $# -ne 3 ]
echo chech the arguments once
lastline=wc l < $1
if [ $2 lt $lastline a $3 -le $lastline ]
nline=expr $3 -$2 + 1
echo tail +$2 $1 | head -$nline
echo invalid range specification

b) Write a shell script that deletes all lines containing a specified word in one or more
files supplied as arguments to it.
if [ $# -lt 1]
echo Chech the arguments once
echo Enter a word
read word
for file in $*
grep iv $word $file | tee 1> /dev/null
echo lines containing given word are deleted
a)Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of a employee according to the
following rules:
i)If basic salary is < 1500 then HRA =10% of the basic and DA =90% of the basic.
ii)If basic salary is >=1500 then HRA =Rs500 and DA=98% of the basic
The basic salary is entered interactively through the key board.
echo enter basic salary
read sal
echo $a
echo "hra is"
hra=`echo 0.1 \* $sal|bc`
echo da is
da=`echo 0.8\*$sal|bc`
gsal=expr $hra + $da + $sal
echo $gsal

b)Write a shell script that accepts two integers as its arguments and computers the value
of first number raised to the power of the second number.
If [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo chech the number of arguments
if [ $2 ge 0 ]
while [ $count le $2 ]
result=`expr $result \* $1`
count=`expr $count + 1`

a)Write an interactive file-handling shell program. Let it offer the user the choice of
copying, removing, renaming, or linking files. Once the user has made a choice, have the
program ask the user for the necessary information, such as the file name, new name and
so on.
b)Write shell script that takes a login name as command line argument and reports
when that person logs in
#Shell script that takes loginname as command line arg and reports when that person logs
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo improper usage
echo correct usage is: $0 username
while true
who|grep "$logname">/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]
echo $logname has logged in
echo "$logname">>sh01log.txt
date >>sh01log.txt
echo "Hi" > mesg.txt
echo "$logname" >> mesg.txt
echo "Have a Good Day" >> mesg.txt
mail "$logname" < mesg.txt
sleep 60 fi done

c)Write a shell script which receives two file names as arguments. It should check
whether the two file contents are same or not. If they are same then second file should be
echo enter first file name
read file1
echo enter second file name
read file2
cmp file1 file2 > file3
if [ -z $file1 ] rm file2
echo duplicate file deleted successfully
a)Write a shell script that displays a list of all the files in the current directory to which
the user has read, write and execute permissions.
ls l | grep ^.rwx | cut f 9
b)Develop an interactive script that ask for a word and a file name and then tells how
many times that word occurred in the file.
c)Write a shell script to perform the following string operations:
i)To extract a sub-string from a given string.
ii)To find the length of a given string.

Note: Make use of Following Link to know about Shell Programming

Ref :
Write a C program that takes one or more file or directory names as command line input
and reports the following information on the file:
i)File type
ii)Number of links
iii)Read, write and execute permissions
iv)Time of last access
void main()
{ int fd;
struct stat buf;
{ if(fstat(fd,&buf)==0)
{ printf("mode of fileis %u",buf.st_mode);
printf("\n size of the file is %u",buf.st_size);
printf("\n device name %u",buf.st_dev);
printf("\n inode of file is %u",buf.st_ino);
printf("\n no. of links are %u",buf.st_nlink);
printf("\n owner oof a file is %u",buf.st_uid);
printf("\n no.of blocks is %u",buf.st_blocks);
printf("\n group owner is %u",buf.st_gid);
printf("\n blocks size of the file is %u",buf.st_blksize);
printf("\n time of last modifiedis %u",buf.st_ctime);

printf("error in fstat() syscall");
printf("error in open() sys call");

Note Make Use of following Description on stat system call

Stat : --

stat - get file status

intstat(constchar*restrict path,structstat*restrict buf);

The stat() function shall obtain information about the named file and write it to the
area pointed to by the buf argument. The path argument points to a pathname
naming a file. Read, write, or execute permission of the named file is not required.
An implementation that provides additional or alternate file access control
mechanisms may, under implementation-defined conditions, cause stat() to fail. In
particular, the system may deny the existence of the file specified by path.
If the named file is a symbolic link, the stat() function shall continue pathname
resolution using the contents of the symbolic link, and shall return information
pertaining to the resulting file if the file exists.
The buf argument is a pointer to a stat structure, as defined in the <sys/stat.h>
header, into which information is placed concerning the file.
The stat() function shall update any time-related fields (as described in the Base
Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 4.7, File Times Update), before
writing into the stat structure.
Unless otherwise specified, the structure members st_mode, st_ino, st_dev, st_uid,
st_gid, st_atime, st_ctime, and st_mtime shall have meaningful values for all file
types defined in this volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001. The value of the member
st_nlink shall be set to the number of links to the file.

Upon successful completion, 0 shall be returned. Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and
errno set to indicate the error
<sys/stat.h> : ---
The stat structure shall contain at least the following members:
dev_t st_dev Device ID of device containing file.
ino_t st_ino File serial number.
mode_t st_mode Mode of file (see below).
nlink_t st_nlink Number of hard links to the file.
uid_t st_uid User ID of file.
gid_t st_gid Group ID of file.
dev_t st_rdev Device ID (if file is character or block
off_t st_size For regular files, the file size in bytes.
For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the
pathname contained in the symbolic link.
For a shared memory object, the length in
For a typed memory object, the length in
For other file types, the use of this field is
time_t st_atime Time of last access.
time_t st_mtime Time of last data modification.
time_t st_ctime Time of last status change.
blksize_t st_blksize A file system-specific preferred I/O block
size for this object. In some file system
types, this may vary from file to file.
blkcnt_t st_blocks Number of blocks allocated for this object.

Write C programs that simulate the following unix commands:

void main()
int fd1,fd2;
char buf[60];
char *p="/f2";

void main()
int fd1,fd2;
char buf[60];
Note Make Use of following Description on File related system calls
System calls for File Processing :----
FreeBSD (4.4) has six file-related system calls. The following table briefly describe the
function of each.
System calls Function
open open an existing file or create a new file
read Read data from a file
write Write data to a file
lseek Move the read/write pointer to the specified location
close Close an open file
unlink Delete a file
chmod Change the file protection attributes
stat Read file information from inodes
Files to be included for file-related system calls.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
Open files
The open system call can be used to open an existing file or to create a new file if it does
not exist already. The syntax of open has two forms:
int open(const char *path, int flags); and
int open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t modes);
The first form is normally used to open an existing file, and the second form to open a
file and to create a file if it does not exist already. Both forms returns an integer called the
file descriptor. The file descriptor will be used for reading from and writing to the file. If
the file cannot be opened or created, it returns -1. The first parameter path in both forms
sPecifies the file name to be opened or created. The second parameter (flags) specifies
how the file may be used. The following list some commonly used flag values.

Flag Description
O_RDONLY open for reading only
O_WRONLY open for writing only
O_RDWR open for reading and writing
O_NONBLOCK do not block on open
O_APPEND append on each write
O_CREAT create file if it does not exist
O_TRUNC truncate size to 0
O_EXCL error if create and file exists
O_SHLOCK atomically obtain a shared lock
O_EXLOCK atomically obtain an exclusive lock
O_DIRECT eliminate or reduce cache effects
O_FSYNC synchronous writes
O_NOFOLLOW do not follow symlinks
The flag (O_CREAT) may be used to create the file if it does not exist. When this flag is
used, the third parameter (modes) must be used to specify the file access permissions for
the new file. Commonly used modes (or access permissions) include
Constant Name Description
/* RWX mask for owner
S_IRWXU 0000700
S_IRUSR 0000400 /* R for owner */
S_IWUSR 0000200 /* W for owner */
S_IXUSR 0000100 /* X for owner */
/* RWX mask for other
S_IRWXO 0000007
S_IROTH 0000004 /* R for other */
S_IWOTH 0000002 /* W for other */
S_IXOTH 0000001 /* X for other */

R: read, W: write, and X:

For example, to open file "tmp.txt" in the current working directory for reading and
fd = open("tmp.txt", O_RDWR);
To open "sample.txt" in the current working directory for appending or create it, if it does
not exist, with read, write and execute permissions for owner only:
fd = open("tmp.txt", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU);
A file may be opened or created outside the current working directory. In this case, an
absolute path and relative path may prefix the file name. For example, to create a file in
/tmp directory:
open("/tmp/tmp.txt", O_RDWR);
Read from files
The system call for reading from a file is read. Its syntax is
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
The first parameter fd is the file descriptor of the file you want to read from, it is
normally returned from open. The second parameter buf is a pointer pointing the memory
location where the input data should be stored. The last parameter nbytes specifies the
maximum number of bytes you want to read. The system call returns the number of bytes
it actually read, and normally this number is either smaller or equal to nbytes. The
following segment of code reads up to 1024 bytes from file tmp.txt:
int actual_count = 0;
int fd = open("tmp.txt", O_RDONLY);
void *buf = (char*) malloc(1024);

actual_count = read(fd, buf, 1024);

Each file has a pointer, normally called read/write offset, indicating where next read will
start from. This pointer is incremented by the number of bytes actually read by the read
call. For the above example, if the offset was zero before the read and it actually read
1024 bytes, the offset will be 1024 when the read returns. This offset may be changed by
the system call lseek, which will be covered shortly.
Write to files
The system call write is to write data to a file. Its syntax is
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes);
It writes nbytes of data to the file referenced by file descriptor fd from the buffer pointed
by buf. The write starts at the position pointed by the offset of the file. Upon returning
from write, the offset is advanced by the number of bytes which were successfully
written. The function returns the number of bytes that were actually written, or it returns
the value -1 if failed.
Write a C program that simulates ls Command
void main()
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
printf("%s \n",dirp->d_name);

Note Make Use of following Description on directory related system calls

opendir - open a directory



The opendir() function shall open a directory stream corresponding to the directory
named by the dirname argument. The directory stream is positioned at the first
entry. If the type DIR is implemented using a file descriptor, applications shall only
be able to open up to a total of {OPEN_MAX} files and directories.

Upon successful completion, opendir() shall return a pointer to an object of type
DIR. Otherwise, a null pointer shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.
Ref :

readdir, readdir_r - read a directory


intreaddir_r(DIR*restrict dirp,structdirent*restrict entry,
structdirent**restrict result);

The type DIR, which is defined in the <dirent.h> header, represents a directory
stream, which is an ordered sequence of all the directory entries in a particular
directory. Directory entries represent files; files may be removed from a directory or
added to a directory asynchronously to the operation of readdir().
The readdir() function shall return a pointer to a structure representing the directory
entry at the current position in the directory stream specified by the argument dirp,
and position the directory stream at the next entry. It shall return a null pointer upon
reaching the end of the directory stream. The structure dirent defined in the
<dirent.h> header describes a directory entry.
The readdir() function shall not return directory entries containing empty names. If
entries for dot or dot-dot exist, one entry shall be returned for dot and one entry
shall be returned for dot-dot; otherwise, they shall not be returned.
The pointer returned by readdir() points to data which may be overwritten by
another call to readdir() on the same directory stream. This data is not overwritten
by another call to readdir() on a different directory stream.
If a file is removed from or added to the directory after the most recent call to
opendir() or rewinddir(), whether a subsequent call to readdir() returns an entry for
that file is unspecified.
The readdir() function may buffer several directory entries per actual read operation;
readdir() shall mark for update the st_atime field of the directory each time the
directory is actually read.
After a call to fork(), either the parent or child (but not both) may continue
processing the directory stream using readdir(), rewinddir(),or seekdir().If both the
parent and child processes use these functions, the result is undefined.
If the entry names a symbolic link, the value of the d_ino member is unspecified.
The readdir() function need not be reentrant. A function that is not required to be
reentrant is not required to be thread-safe.
The readdir_r() function shall initialize the dirent structure referenced by entry to
represent the directory entry at the current position in the directory stream referred
to by dirp, store a pointer to this structure at the location referenced by result, and
position the directory stream at the next entry.
The storage pointed to by entry shall be large enough for a dirent with an array of
char d_name members containing at least {NAME_MAX}+1 elements.
Upon successful return, the pointer returned at *result shall have the same value as
the argument entry. Upon reaching the end of the directory stream, this pointer shall
have the value NULL.
The readdir_r() function shall not return directory entries containing empty names.
If a file is removed from or added to the directory after the most recent call to
opendir() or rewinddir(), whether a subsequent call to readdir_r() returns an entry
for that file is unspecified.
The readdir_r() function may buffer several directory entries per actual read
operation; the readdir_r() function shall mark for update the st_atime field of the
directory each time the directory is actually read.
Applications wishing to check for error situations should set errno to 0 before calling
readdir(). If errno is set to non-zero on return, an error occurred.

Upon successful completion, readdir() shall return a pointer to an object of type
struct dirent. When an error is encountered, a null pointer shall be returned and
errno shall be set to indicate the error. When the end of the directory is encountered,
a null pointer shall be returned and errno is not changed.
If successful, the readdir_r() function shall return zero; otherwise, an error number shall
be returned to indicate the error.

<dirent.h> Structure :----

The <dirent.h> header shall define the following type:
DIR A type representing a directory stream.
It shall also define the structure dirent which shall include the following members:
ino_t d_ino File serial number.
char d_name[] Name of entry.

The type ino_t shall be defined as described in <sys/types.h>.

The character array d_name is of unspecified size, but the number of bytes
preceding the terminating null byte shall not exceed {NAME_MAX}.
The following shall be declared as functions and may also be defined as macros.
Function prototypes shall be provided.
int closedir(DIR *);
DIR *opendir(const char *);
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *);

int readdir_r(DIR *restrict, struct dirent *restrict,

struct dirent **restrict);
void rewinddir(DIR *);
void seekdir(DIR *, long);
long telldir(DIR *);

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