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Hontelez et al.

Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39


Open Access

Human resources needs for universal access to

antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: a time and
motion study
Jan AC Hontelez1,2,3, Marie-Louise Newell1, Ruth M Bland1,4, Kristen Munnelly1, Richard J Lessells1,5
and Till Brnighausen1,6*

Background: Although access to life-saving treatment for patients infected with HIV in South Africa has improved
substantially since 2004, treating all eligible patients (universal access) remains elusive. As the prices of antiretroviral
drugs have dropped over the past years, availability of human resources may now be the most important barrier to
achieving universal access to HIV treatment in Africa. We quantify the number of HIV health workers (HHWs)
required to be added to the current HIV workforce to achieve universal access to HIV treatment in South Africa,
under different eligibility criteria.
Methods: We performed a time and motion study in three HIV clinics in a rural, primary care-based HIV treatment
program in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, to estimate the average time per patient visit for doctors, nurses, and
counselors. We estimated the additional number of HHWs needed to achieve universal access to HIV treatment
within one year.
Results: For universal access to HIV treatment for all patients with a CD4 cell count of 350 cells/l, an additional
2,200 nurses, 3,800 counselors, and 300 doctors would be required, at additional annual salary cost of 929 million
South African rand (ZAR), equivalent to US$ 141 million. For universal treatment (treatment as prevention), an
additional 6,000 nurses, 11,000 counselors, and 800 doctors would be required, at an additional annual salary cost
of ZAR 2.6 billion (US$ 400 million).
Conclusions: Universal access to HIV treatment for patients with a CD4 cell count of 350 cells/l in South Africa may
be affordable, but the number of HHWs available for HIV treatment will need to be substantially increased. Treatment
as prevention strategies will require considerable additional financial and human resources commitments.
Keywords: Human resources for health, HIV, South Africa, Antiretroviral treatment

With about 22.5 million people living with HIV [1], the
disease remains one of the most important health problems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) significantly improves the survival and quality
of life of people infected with HIV [2-4]. In June 2011,
the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS adopted a political declaration of achieving
* Correspondence:
Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Mtubatuba, South Africa
Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

universal access to HIV treatment by 2015 [5]. South

Africa has the largest population infected with HIV
worldwide (nearly 6 million people) [1], but access to
HIV treatment remains far from universal; under the
2010 WHO ART eligibility criteria [6], ART coverage
was estimated to be 55% in South Africa in 2010 [7]. Because the cost of antiretroviral medicines has dropped
dramatically over the past decade, the availability of
well-trained health workers may now be the most important barrier to providing life-saving HIV treatment to
those in need [8-10]. Based on a review of scientific publications and government documents, George et al. concluded that in 2007/2008 there was a total shortage of

2012 Hontelez et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

79,791 health workers in South Africas public sector

The current WHO guidelines recommend that ART
should be initiated when CD4 cell counts drops to 350
cells/l [6] to improve the health of both the individual
taking ART (by decreasing mortality and morbidity) and
of the community members uninfected with HIV (by reducing onward transmission of the virus) [12]. South
Africa changed its treatment eligibility criteria for adults
in 2010 to include those with CD4 cell counts of 200 to
350 cells/l if they were co-infected with tuberculosis or
pregnant [13], and further relaxed eligibility criteria in
August 2011 to ART for all HIV-infected people with
CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l [14]. More recently, it
has been argued that treatment should be given to all
HIV-infected people, regardless of their CD4 cell count,
as a treatment as prevention strategy to substantially reduce HIV transmission [15,16]. The National Strategic
Plan on HIV, STIs and TB for the period 2012 to 2016
states that all HIV treatment in South Africa should be
delivered through decentralized, nurse-led primary
health care (PHC) HIV clinics [17]. Treatment initiation
is performed by doctors who rotate between clinics,
while professional nurses and HIV counselors perform
the follow-up visits. Recently, the South African government changed its guidelines to also allow nurse-initiated
ART [18]. Health workers are usually employed by the
Department of Health on a contract basis, and payment
of salaries is based on full-time equivalents (FTEs) on a
monthly basis.
We used novel data on ART task times obtained in a
time and motion study to estimate the number of additional HIV health workers (HHWs) required to achieve
universal access to ART in South Africa. We determined
the effects of alternative ART delivery models on the
additional number of HHWs required for universal ART
access, and the financial resources needed to pay the
salaries of those HHWs.

Ethics approval

We obtained consent for this study from the local Department of Health. This study received ethics approval
from the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee of the
University of KwaZulu-Natal (ethics certificate number
BF109/09). Written consent was obtained from all
HHWs observed.
Data collection

We performed a time and motion study (a direct and

continuous observation of tasks, using a timekeeping device to record the time taken to accomplish a task [19])
in the Hlabisa HIV Treatment and Care Programme in
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which is a partnership

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between the local Department of Health and a Wellcome Trust-funded research center based in the community (the Africa Centre for Health and Population
Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal) [20]. HIV treatment is delivered within the program through 17 PHC
HIV clinics and one district hospital. The professional
nurses and trained HIV counselors perform tasks exclusively related to HIV treatment and care. Doctors visit
clinics on a scheduled rotation (usually one weekly visit
per clinic) to start new patients on ART and to review
cases of treatment failure, drug toxicity, and other complications. The Hlabisa sub-district has a total population of 228,000 and an adult HIV prevalence of 28%
[21]. ART uptake in the area is high, and by June 2011,
nearly 17,000 people had been initiated on ART [22].
We randomly selected three PHC HIV clinics (clinics
A to C) within the treatment program for observation. A
single observer was then randomly assigned to a different HHW (in one of the three categories: doctor, nurse,
or treatment counselor) on different, randomly assigned
calendar days within the observation period. No HHW
was observed more than once. Activities were timed and
recorded for each separate patient contact, and subsequently entered into a spreadsheet (Excel; Microsoft
Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Data were collected by a
single observer trained in quantitative and qualitative
data collection, and the observer was closely supervised
by three doctors and two professional nurses. The observer was given written instructions on how to keep and
record time for different types of tasks, and was trained
in two stages. The initial stage involved observing the
work days of different HHWs without recording any
tasks, in order to allow the observer to become familiar
with the work routine. Next, a pilot study was conducted
in which tasks were observed and recorded, and subsequently coded. The pilot data were checked for errors or
inconsistencies, and the study protocol was improved,
based on the pilot findings. During the final data collection, data were continuously entered and checked by the
supervising doctors.
Two investigators independently coded the recorded
activities into pre-defined categories: 1) direct patient
contact (talking to patient; writing; writing and talking;
venepuncture; physical examination; dispensing medication); 2) indirect patient contact (discussing clinical or
work-related issues with other HHWs; performing workrelated paperwork or administration; contacting health
workers in other healthcare facilities, such as hospitals,
for patient referral); and 3) other (breaks; idle time; unaccounted time). Categories (1) and (2) are times allocated to perform tasks within the job description of the
particular HHW, while category (3) contains breaks and
idle time. It is important to note that breaks and idle
time do not necessarily imply wasted or unproductive

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

time. Breaks may serve an important purpose in allowing the HHW to maintain productivity when performing
tasks in categories (1) and (2). The final assignment of
category codes was determined in discussion between
the two investigators and, when conflicting assignments
could not be resolved, through discussion with a third
Data analysis

We calculated time per patient, duration of a work day,

and the proportion of the work day spent on direct and
indirect patient contact, and other activities. We used
one-way ANOVA to test differences in average time per
patient and average duration of work days between
HHWs and clinics. All analyses were performed using
SAS software (version 9.0; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NY,
Human resources needs and salary costs of scaling up

Next, we estimated the additional number of HHWs and

the salary costs required for scaling up ART from the
current coverage level to universal access within a year,
and maintaining these new patients on ART for a period
of 12 months after initiation, using the following eligibility criteria: 1) ART at CD4 cell counts of 200 cells/l;
2) ART at CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l for patients
co-infected with tuberculosis or pregnant; 3) ART at
CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l for all; 4) ART at CD4
cell counts of 500 cells/l; and 5) ART for all HIVinfected people. In addition, we considered the impact
of the additional salary costs for these HHWs on the
total HIV sector budget for South Africa. We used estimates from the most recent UNAIDS Report on the Global HIV Epidemic 2010 and the WHO, UNAIDS and
UNICEF Progress Report 2010 on universal access to obtain the current number of people living with HIV, receiving ART, and eligible for ART in South Africa under
different treatment thresholds [1,23].
At the time of this study, South African guidelines stated that every treatment initiation visit should include
a contact with a doctor, nurse, and a counselor, and
that all ART initiations should be conducted by
doctors. Since then, the treatment guidelines in South
Africa have changed, allowing ART initiation by
nurses trained in ART delivery. A patient on ART should
return for a routine clinic visit with a nurse and a
counselor every month. When treatment stabilizes, the
re-visit frequency can be reduced to once every 2
months [24]. For the purposes of this study, we assumed
that all recorded doctor time represented initiation visits, and all recorded nurse and counselor time represented both the time spent during routine clinic visits
and treatment initiation visits. A full-time HHW is
assumed to have 20 work days per month (based on a

Page 3 of 12

total of 22 work days per month, after accounting for

holidays and sick leave), and the average number of
hours in a work day spent on patient contact (direct and
indirect) was derived from the time and motion study
results. We used the average salary of a given HHW in
the local HIV treatment program as of 2010: 38,733
South African rand (ZAR) (or US$ 5,869, assuming an
exchange rate of ZAR 6.6 to US$ 1.0 [25]) per month for
doctors; ZAR 20,013 (US$ 3032 per month for nurses;
and ZAR 6,024 (US$ 913) per month for counselors.
The total South African HIV sector budget was US$ 2.1
billion in 2009 [1] (or ZAR 14 billion).
In the baseline scenario, we estimated the total number of doctor-months required for universal coverage by:
1) measuring the time taken for a single treatment initiation; 2) multiplying this by the number of required
initiations; and 3) dividing this by the number of work
hours in a month. We then translated the total number
of doctor-months into the number of FTEs on an annual
basis that would be needed for initiating all eligible
patients in one year, and the number of doctors per
1,000 initiations. In an alternative scenario, we assumed
that all initiations were conducted by nurses.
In the baseline scenario, we further assumed that all
new patients return on a monthly basis for our study
period (one year) for a routine clinic visit with a nurse
and a counselor. We estimated the total number of
nurse-months and counselor-months needed to initiate
and maintain all eligible patients on treatment for one
year by: 1) measuring the time taken for one visit; 2)
multiplying this time with the number of newly initiated
patients required for universal access; and 3) dividing
this value by the number of work hours in a month. We
then translated the total number of nurse-months and
counselor-months into the number of FTEs needed for
universal ART coverage.
Sensitivity and scenario analysis

For our baseline estimate we assumed constant returns

to scale. However, the efficiency of ART delivery may be
a function of scale [26]; that is, efficiency may increase
(economies of scale) or decrease (diseconomies of scale)
as the total number of patients increases. Although the
empirical evidence on the shape of scale function in HIV
treatment is limited [27,28], Kumaranayake et al.
reported in a review of the evidence that if the number
of patients increases by a factor of 23, the costs per ART
for each patient will be reduced by 27% to 73% [26].
However, it is also plausible that returns to scale could
be decreasing; that is, we would find increasing costs per
patient as the number of patients grows. For instance,
within the national South African HIV treatment program the clinics that would need to be added to the
ART delivery infrastructure to reach remote and rural

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

populations might operate below their full capacity because of limited ART patient load, owing to the low
population density in remote and rural areas. In fact, the
clinics in which ART was initially rolled out were more
likely to have been located in more densely populated,
urban areas, and thus are more likely to operate at capacity. Thus, as the program is scaled up, the fixed costs
per patient may increase, implying diseconomies of
scale. The running costs per patient may also increase
with scale, as the health-system efforts required to motivate patients to begin and continue taking ART may be
lower for patients who accessed the ART program at
earlier stages of the scale-up than for those who accessed
the program at later stages. We thus assessed two scenarios to measure the scale effects: one assuming increasing returns to scale, the other assuming decreasing
returns to scale. In both cases, we assumed that the scale
effects followed an exponential distribution. The equations were:
patients per HHW = EXP(0.03858 F)
patients per HHW = EXP(0.03858 F),
for economies and diseconomies of scale, respectively,
where F = a constant number of patients per HHW
across scale. In addition, we examined the sensitivity of
our results to changes in the average time per patient
and duration of work day by using the times and durations of either the least efficient or the most efficient
clinic in our estimations.
Finally, we performed a scenario analysis on the effect
of alternative models of delivering ART on the HHW:patient ratio and overall salary costs. Nurse-initiated treatment has been allowed in South Africa in recent years
[24]; therefore, we performed an additional analysis in
which nurses were assumed to perform all initiations, at
the same productivity level as doctors [18]. In addition,
we assumed the following alternative delivery models: i)
decreased frequency of routine clinic visits (once every
2, 3, or 4 months); and ii) decreased frequency of nurseattended routine clinic visits (once every 2, 3, or 4

Table 1 gives an overview of the baseline characteristics
of the time and motion data. In total, thirteen HHWs
(six nurses, four counselors, and three doctors) were
observed over the period 12 August to 1 September
2009. The total number of patient visits observed was
334. An average work day lasted 6.3 hours, and the average duration of work days differed significantly between
the busiest and least rural clinic (clinic B) and the least
busy and most rural clinic (clinic C) in our sample (7.3
versus 4.9 hours; P = 0.01). The observed HHW with
the shortest observed work-day duration was a counselor

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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the time and motion


By clinic
Clinic A Clinic B

Clinic C

Observation days, n


Observation period

12 August to
1 September

19 to 26 12 to 18 27 August to
August August 1 September

HHWs observed, n



Total patients
observed, n








Average duration of work day,





















Proportion of time (%) spent on

Direct patient





















Indirect patient














Average time per patient,

minutes (95% CI)

(9 to 14)

(9 to 18) (8 to 13) (5 to 16)


(6 to 13)

(6 to 18) (7 to 17) (1 to 12)


(9 to 19)

(7 to 23) (5 to 11) (2 to 83)


(9 to 16)

(2 to 27) (11 to 18) (7 to 11)

HHW, HIV health worker.

Direct patient contact included activities such as talking to patients,
venepuncture, physical examination, and prescribing medication.
Indirect patient contact included activities such as consultations, meetings
with colleagues, and administrative work.
Other consisted of breaks and idle time between patients.

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

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in clinic C, who spent only 20% of the work day on direct patient contact; this counselor used 44% of the work
day to perform administrative work and 36% on breaks
and idle time. This time distribution was probably due
to the fact that the patient load in this rural clinic was
relatively low. There were no significant differences in
the time per patient between the three clinics (P = 0.47)
or between the different HHWs (P = 0.24). On average,
a nurse-visit took 10 minutes (95% CI 6 to 13 minutes),
a counselor-visit 14 minutes (95% CI 9 to 19 minutes),
and a doctor-visit 13 minutes (95% CI 9 to 16 minutes).
Estimates of ART coverage under different eligibility
criteria are shown in Table 2. As of 2009, nearly 1 million people were on HIV treatment in South Africa [1].
Universal access to ART for HIV-infected people with
CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l would require an additional 1.6 million initiations (a total of 2.6 million

Table 2 Coverage indicators South Africaa

Coverage indicators in South Africa

Receiving ART, n







Needing ART, n
CD4 200




CD4 350 (TB or pregnant);

CD4 200 (all other
HIV-infected people) b




CD4 350




CD4 500c




All HIV-positive people




CD4 200




CD4 350 (TB or pregnant);

CD4 200 (all other
HIV-infected people)b




CD4 350




CD4 500c




All HIV-positive people




Needed to initiate ART, n

CD4 200




CD4 350 (TB or pregnant);

CD4 200 (all other
HIV-infected people)b




CD4 350




CD4 500c




All HIV-positive people




ART, antiretroviral therapy; CD4, CD4 cell count (expressed in cells/l;); NA, not
Source: WHO Towards Universal Access report 2010 [23].
We assumed 25% of those with CD4 cell counts of 200 to 350 l to be
eligible because of pregnancy or co-infection with tuberculosis.
Number of people estimated to be between those eligible at 350 cells/l or
lower and those eligible under the strategy of ART for all HIV-infected people.

people on treatment), whereas for universal access to

ART at CD4 cell counts of 500 cells/l, 3.1 million additional initiations would be needed (a total of 4.1 million
people on treatment). ART for all HIV-infected people
would require 4.6 million additional initiations to
achieve universal access (a total of 5.6 million people on
Table 3 gives an overview of the number of nursemonths, doctor-months, counselor-months, total FTEs,
and associated salary costs required for scaling up to
universal access under different eligibility criteria. Initiating treatment for all patients with CD4 cell counts of
350 cells/l within one year and maintaining them on
treatment for another 12 months would require a net increase of 2,200 nurses, 3,800 counselors, and 300 doctors, costing ZAR 929 million (US$ 141 million) in
salaries, which is 7% of the current HIV sector budget in
South Africa (Table 3). ART for all HIV-infected people
will require an additional 6,000 nurses, 11,000 counselors, and 800 doctors and an additional ZAR 2.6 billion
(US$ 400 million) in salaries to cover all the HHWs
needed to initiate and retain ART those who are not yet
on treatment, which is a 20% increase in the current
total HIV sector budget of South Africa. The HHW: patient ratio for all treatment eligibility criteria is 0.2 doctors per 1,000 patients (for performing all initiations),
and 1.2 nurses per 1,000 patients plus 2.1 counselors per
1,000 patients (for performing initiations and maintaining all eligible patients on treatment).
Differences in scale effects and productivity can affect
estimates considerably (Table 4). Scale effects become
especially important when considering broad eligibility
criteria such as starting ART at CD4 cell counts of 500
cells/l or for all HIV-infected people. In this case, overall costs and HHW needs can vary by 12% and 17% respectively, whereas if ART is started at CD4 cell counts
of 350 cells/l, economies of scale will only change the
cost and HHW needs for universal access by 6%.
Regarding productivity, using the average time
per patient and the average duration of work day
observed in the most efficient clinic in our sample
(clinic B), rather than the overall averages across all
three clinics, resulted in a reduction in the additional
number of nurses, counselors, and doctors required
to achieve universal access by 16%, 16%, and 31%
respectively, irrespective of the eligibility criteria. By
contrast, using the productivity characteristics in our
least efficient clinic (clinic C), the required additional
number of nurses, counselors, and doctors increased
by 26%, 36%, and 66%, respectively.
Alternative models of delivering HIV treatment and
care can significantly affect the HHW needs and the
costs of scaling up ART to universal access (Table 5).
Nurse-initiated treatment, which has recently become

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

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Table 3 Human resources needs and salary costs for initiating all those eligible for antiretroviral therapy (ART) and
maintaining them on ART for one year, under different treatment strategies
Human resources needs

Proportion of
Total salary
current HIV
costs, in
million ZAR) sector budget,
% (95% CI)a
(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

1.0 (0.7 to 1.3) 20 (12 to 28)

1.7 (1.0 to 2.3)

2 (1 to 2)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.2) 12 (8 to 16)

12 (8 to 16)

15 (10 to 20)

1.3 (0.9 to 1.7) 27 (16 to 37)

2.2 (1.4 to 3.1)

2 (1 to 3)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2) 15 (10 to 20)

15 (10 to 20)

CD4 350

26 (18 to 35)

2.2 (1.5 to 2.9) 45 (28 to 63)

3.8 (2.3 to 5.2)

3 (2 to 4)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.4) 26 (18 to 35)

26 (18 to 35)

CD4 500

51 (34 to67)

4.2 (2.8 to 5.6) 87 (53 to 121)

7.3 (4.4 to 10.1)

6 (5 to 8)

0.5 (0.4 to 0.7) 51 (34 to67)

51 (34 to67)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

CD4 200

12 (8 to 16)

CD4 350 (TB or

pregnant); CD4 200
(all other HIV-infected

(95% CI)

Point estimateb

All HIV-positive people 74 (50 to 99)

6.2 (4.2 to 8.2) 129 (79 to 179) 10.7 (6.6 to 14.9) 9 (7 to 12) 0.8 (0.6 to 1.0) 74 (50 to 99)

74 (50 to 99)

High estimateb
CD4 200

17 (11 to 22)

1.4 (0.9 to 1.8) 29 (17 to 40)

2.4 (1.5 to 3.3)

2 (1 to 3)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2) 17 (11 to 22)

17 (11 to 22)

CD4 350 (TB or

pregnant); CD4 200
(all other HIV-infected

20 (13 to 26)

1.6 (1.1 to 2.2) 34 (21 to 48)

2.8 (1.7 to 4.0)

3 (2 to 3)

0.2 (0.2 to 0.3) 20 (13 to 26)

20 (13 to 26)

CD4 350

30 (20 to 39)

2.5 (1.7 to 3.3) 51 (31 to 71)

4.2 (2.6 to 5.9)

4 (3 to 5)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.4) 30 (20 to 39)

30 (20 to 39)

CD4 500

54 (37 to 72)

4.5 (3.0 to 6.0) 94 (57 to 130)

7.8 (4.8 to 10.9)

7 (5 to 9)

0.6 (0.4 to 0.7) 54 (37 to 72)

54 (37 to 72)

All HIV-positive people 80 (54 to 106) 6.6 (4.5 to 8.8) 137 (84 to 191) 11.4 (7.0 to 15.9) 10(7 to 13) 0.8 (0.6 to 1.1) 80 (54 to 106) 80 (54 to 106)
Low estimateb
CD4 200

9 (6 to 11)

0.7 (0.5 to 1.0) 15 (9 to 20)

1.2 (0.7 to 1.7)

1 (1 to 1)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.1) 9 (6 to 11)

9 (6 to 11)

CD4 350 (TB or

pregnant); CD4 200
(all other HIV-infected

13 (8 to 17)

1.1 (0.7 to 1.4) 22 (13 to 30)

1.8 (1.1 to 2.5)

2 (2 to 3)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.2) 13 (8 to 17)

13 (8 to 17)

CD4 350

25 (17 to 33)

2.1 (1.4 to 2.7) 43 (26 to 59)

3.5 (2.2 to 4.9)

3 (2 to 4)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.3) 25 (17 to 33)

25 (17 to 33)

CD4 500

48 (32 to 64)

4.0 (2.7 to 5.3) 83 (51 to 115)

6.9 (4.2 to 9.6)

6 (4 to 8)

0.5 (0.4 to 0.7) 48 (32 to 64)

48 (32 to 64)

6.0 (4.0 to 7.9) 123 (75 to 171) 10.3 (6.2 to 14.3) 9 (6 to 12) 0.8 (0.5 to 1.0) 72 (48 to 95)

72 (48 to 95)

All HIV-positive people 72 (48 to 95)

CD4, CD4 cell count (expressed as cells/l); FTE, full-time equivalent; ZAR = South African rand.
Current total expenditure: estimate of the total amount spent on preventing and treating HIV in South Africa in 2009 (ZAR 14 billion) [66].
For the calculations of the point, high, and low estimates, we used the point, high, and low estimates of the number of people living with HIV in South Africa
published in the most recent UNAIDS world AIDS report [66].

legal in South Africa, will reduce the additional salary

costs required by 7% compared with the base case
(doctor-initiated treatment). For treatment initiation at
CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l, this change would imply
a reduction in salary costs of about ZAR 118 million
(ZAR 929 million versus ZAR 811 million). For achieving
universal access, the additional costs are about ZAR 336
million lower when nurses initiate treatment ( ZAR 2,639
million versus ZAR 2,304 million in salaries). However,
the number of additional nurses needed will increase by
13% (from 1.2 to 1.3 per 1,000 patients). Decreasing the
frequency of routine clinic visits for new initiations to
one visit every 2 months can save up to 36% of salary
costs, and will reduce the number of additional nurses
and counselors required by 42%. Alternatively, maintaining the frequency of routine clinic visits at one visit per
month, but reducing the frequency of nurse-attended

visits has a similar effect on the number of additional

nurses required as would reducing the overall frequency
of clinic visits, but the cost savings are less substantial
because the same number of counselors are needed in
both cases.

In this study, we estimated for the first time the number
of additional HHWs needed to achieve universal access
to HIV treatment in South Africa, using data from a
time and motion study. We found that universal access
to ART at CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l will require
South Africa to commit a further 2,200 nurses, 3,800
counselors, and 300 doctors to HIV treatment, at a cost
of ZAR 929 million (US$ 141 million) in salaries. We
found an average HHW:patient ratio of 0.2 per 1,000
patients for doctors (for performing all ART initiations),

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

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Table 4 Sensitivity analysis of human resources needs and salary costs for initiating all those eligible for antiretroviral
therapy (ART) and maintaining them on ART for one year, under different treatment strategies
Human resources needs
(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

(95% CI)

Total salary
costs in
million ZAR
(95% CI)

Proportion of
current HIV
sector budget,
% (95% CI)a

Most efficient clinic (clinic B)

CD4 200

10 (7 to 13)

0.8 (0.6 to 1.1)

17 (10 to 24)

1.4 (0.9 to 2.0)

1 (1 to 1)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.1)

339 (223 to 456)

2 (2 to 3)

CD4 350
13 (9 to 17)
(TB or pregnant);
CD4 200
(all other

1.1 (0.7 to 1.4)

22 (14 to 31)

1.9 (1.1 to 2.6)

1 (1 to 2)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.1)

445 (292 to 597)

3 (2 to 4)

760 (499 to 1,019)

CD4 350

22 (15 to 29) 1.8 (1.2 to 2.3)

38 (23 to 53)

3.2 (1.9 to 4.4)

2 (2 to 3)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)

CD4 500

42 (29 to 56) 3.5 (2.4 to 4.7)

73 (45 to 101)

6.1 (3.7 to 8.4)

4 (3 to 6)

0.4 (0.3 to 0.5) 1,459 (959 to 1,959)

All HIV-positive

63 (42 to 84) 5.2 (3.5 to 7.0) 108 (66 to 150) 9.0 (5.5 to 12.5)

6 (5 to 8)

0.5 (0.4 to 0.7) 2,159 (1,419 to 2,899) 15 (10 to 21)

5 (4 to 7)
10 (7 to 14)

Least efficient clinic (clinic C)

CD4 200

15 (10 to 20) 1.2 (0.8 to 1.6)

28 (17 to 38)

2.3 (1.4 to 3.2)

2 (2 to 3)

0.2 (0.2 to 0.3)

559 (369 to 749)

4 (3 to 5)

CD4 350
19 (13 to 26) 1.6 (1.1 to 2.2)
(TB or pregnant);
CD4 200
(all other

36 (22 to 50)

3.0 (1.8 to 4.2)

3 (2 to 4)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.4)

732 (483 to 981)

5 (3 to 7)

CD4 350

62 (38 to 86)

5.1 (3.1 to 7.1)

6 (4 to 7)

0.5 (0.3 to 0.6) 1,250 (825 to 1,675)

33 (22 to 44) 2.8 (1.9 to 3.7)

9 (6 to 12)

CD4 500

63 (43 to 85) 5.3 (3.6 to 7.1) 118 (72 to 165) 9.9 (6.0 to 13.7) 11 (8 to 14) 0.9 (0.6 to 1.1) 2,401 (1,584 to 3,218) 17 (11 to 23)

All HIV-positive

94 (63 to 126) 7.9 (5.3 to 10.5) 175 (107 to 243) 14.6 (8.9 to 20.3) 16 (11 to 20) 1.3 (0.9 to 1.7) 3,552 (2,344 to 4,762) 25 (17 to 34)

Increasing returns to scale

CD4 200

1.0 (0.6 to 1.3)

20 (12 to 27)

1.6 (1.0 to 2.3)

1 (1 to 2)

0.1 (0.1 to 0.2)

404 (266 to 541)

3 (2 to 4)

CD4 350
15 (10 to 20) 1.2 (0.8 to 1.6)
(TB or pregnant);
CD4 200
(all other

11 (8 to 15)

26 (16 to 36)

2.1 (1.3 to 3.0)

2 (1 to 3)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)

524 (345 to 702)

4 (2 to 5)

871 (574 to 1,168)

CD4 350

25 (17 to 33) 2.1 (1.4 to 2.7)

43 (26 to 59)

3.5 (2.2 to 4.9)

3 (2 to 4)

0.3 (0.2 to 0.3)

CD4 500

45 (30 to 59) 3.7 (2.5 to 4.9)

77 (47 to 107)

6.4 (3.9 to 8.9)

6 (4 to 7)

0.5 (0.3 to 0.6) 1,576 (1,039 to 2,113)

All HIV-positive

62 (42 to 82) 5.2 (3.5 to 6.9) 107 (65 to 149) 8.9 (5.5 to 12.4)

6 (4 to 8)
11 (7 to 15)

8 (6 to 10) 0.7 (0.5 to 0.8) 2,196 (1,449 to 2,946) 16 (10 to 21)

CD4 = CD4 cell count (expressed as cells/l); FTE, full-time equivalent; ZAR = South African rand.
The underlying number of patients needing treatment are based on the WHO-reported ART treatment coverage in South Africa [23] and UNAIDS-reported point
estimate of the total number of people infected with HIV [66], see Table 2.
Current total expenditure: estimate of the total amount spent on preventing and treating HIV in South Africa in 2009 (ZAR 14 billion) [66].

and 1.2 per 1,000 patients for nurses and 2.1 per 1,000
patients for counselors (for performing initiations of eligible people and maintaining them on treatment).
It is interesting to compare our empirical findings
from this time and motion study with estimates based
on other sources of information. Based on reports of the
total numbers of health workers and patients in HIV
treatment programs, Hirschhorn et al. estimated that in
2004 the number of doctors and nurses required to treat
1,000 HIV-infected people were 12 and 27,

respectively, in different developing countries [29]. Based

on recommendations by experienced practitioners based
on experience at sites in Kenya, a 2004 WHO report
estimated that 1 doctor and 2 nurses were needed to
treat 1,000 HIV-infected people [30]. The lower HHW
requirements estimate by our time and motion study
may be due to the fact that we are now more than five
years into the public-sector ART scale-up program in
South Africa [31], and the productivity of HIV treatment
delivery has increased because of scale effects and

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

Page 8 of 12

learning over time. Of course, it is also possible that the

estimates differ because of quality-of-care differentials.
The expert opinions elicited in the WHO report may
have reflected a higher standard of quality of care than
currently found in the real-life, public-sector HIV treatment program in rural KwaZulu-Natal, where this study
took place. Similar to other treatment programs in the
region, levels of non-retention and non-adherence in
this program are substantial [32]; nevertheless, the program has been very effective in reducing HIV-related
mortality [31] and increasing life expectancy [33] in this
community, and can therefore be considered to have
been successful, delivering relatively high quality of care.
Data on the current health workforce specifically
devoted to HIV care in South Africa are not available,
but WHO estimates show that in 2004 there were
around 35,000 doctors and 180,000 nurses in total in the
country [34]; consequently, the HW:population ratio in
South Africa exceeded the threshold of 2.3 doctors and
nurses per 1,000 population that has been proposed by
WHO as a critical minimum [35,36]. Although our study
determined the additional numbers of health workers
required for future ART scale-up under different scenarios, it did not enable us to evaluate this number directly
in relation to the supply of health workers in order to
establish whether there is a shortage in health workers
in South Africa, either nationwide or in regions. The
number of doctors required to provide universal access
to ART is currently one of the most important capacity
constraints in SSA, because only a few thousand doctors
graduate from medical schools on the entire subcontinent each year [37,38], and the rates of doctor migration
to countries outside the region remains high [11]. However, scaling up treatment to universal access for initiation at CD4 cell counts of 350 cells/l will require
only about 300 additional doctors committed to performing ART initiations, and may thus be feasible

without major changes to national health worker production and retention. However, recruiting the required
additional 2,200 nurses fully devoted to HIV care may
prove to be a greater challenge, given that the total of all
professional nurses who graduated from nursing schools
in South Africa in 2011 was only about 5,600 [39].
It is therefore vital to increase efforts to expand the
health worker pool for HIV in South Africa by increasing training and retention, considering reinstatement of
retired health workers, or increasing HHW productivity,
in particular to achieve universal coverage at more
relaxed eligibility criteria [37]. Currently, public-sector
HHWs are paid a salary on a monthly basis and, additionally, receive contributions to health and retirement
pension insurance, as well as a rural allowance for service in under-served areas. Alternative models of contracting and incentivizing HHWs, such as performancebased payment, might improve productivity. However,
such new models might also lead to inefficiencies (for
example, transaction costs for monitoring performance),
and unintended behavioral consequences (for example,
decreased quantity and quality of care for services not
included in the performance-based payment scheme)
[40]. It is possible that transferring public-sector patients
on ART to the private sector for routine follow-up and
monitoring, as has been done effectively in Botswana
and Mexico [41,42], might increase the pool of available
HHWs. At the same time, of course, this strategy might
increase the human resources costs per individual on
ART, because health worker salaries in the private sector
in South Africa are higher than those in the public sector. Health worker interventions, such as shifting tasks
from more to less skilled health workers [43] and integration of ART delivery into the general primary care
services [44] should also be considered as means to free
up human resources for HIV treatment. Integration
might improve productivity, if it either increases capacity

Table 5 Effect of alternative models of antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivery on the HIV health worker-to-patient ratio
and overall salary costs for universal access to HIV treatment in South Africa

Human resources needs per 1,000 patients (95% CI)

Overall reduction
in salary costs, %




1.2 (0.8 to 1.6)

2.1 (1.3 to 2.9)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)


Every 2 months

0.7 (0.5 to 0.9)

1.2 (0.7 to 1.6)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)


Every 3 months

0.5 (0.3 to 0.6)

0.8 (0.5 to 1.1)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)


Every 4 months

0.3 (0.2 to 0.5)

0.6 (0.4 to 0.8)

0.2 (0.1 to 0.2)


Decrease visit frequency to:

Decrease frequency of nurses per visit to:

Every 2 months

0.7 (0.5 to 0.9)

2.1 (1.3 to 2.9)

2.0 (1.5 to 2.6)


Every 3 months

0.5 (0.3 to 0.6)

2.1 (1.3 to 2.9)

2.0 (1.5 to 2.6)


Every 4 months

0.3 (0.2 to 0.5)

2.1 (1.3 to 2.9)

2.0 (1.5 to 2.6)


Nurse-initiated treatment

1.3 (1.0 to 1.7)

2.1 (1.3 to 2.9)


NA = not applicable.

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

utilization (for example, reducing idle time) or leads to

economies of scope, as different health services are combined. Redistribution of HHWs from overstaffed to
understaffed clinics could further improve HHW productivity by reducing idle time. Finally, a number of interventions could increase the supply of health workers in
South Africa, nationally or in regions, including interventions to decrease health worker migration out of the
country and to increase health worker production
[45,46]. One recent example is the 2012 agreement between Cuba and South Africa, which is intended to ensure continued placement of Cuban doctors in South
African medical schools and increased training of South
African nationals in Cuban medical schools [47].
There are several options for improving HHW productivity in PHC HIV clinics. We found that the average
duration of a work day varied widely between clinics.
The number of HHWs required for the treatment of
1,000 ART patients could be reduced by about one-third
if all clinics achieved the productivity of the most efficient clinic. In addition, the average duration of a work
day in our data was 6.3 hours. If we assume an HHW
work day to last 8 hours, we find that the total number
of nurses, counselors, and doctors required would be
reduced by 23%, 24%, and 37% compared with the baseline in clinics A, B, and C, respectively. Another way to
improve productivity might be to reduce opening hours
in selected clinics. We found that in the least busy (and
most rural) clinic in our sample, only 20% of HHW time
on one particular day was spent on direct patient contact and 36% was spent on breaks and idle time, because
only a few patients visited the clinic on that day. Limiting the opening hours of selected PHC HIV clinics might
reduce wastage due to idle time. At the same time, however, such a strategy carries the potential danger of reducing access for particular populations, such as employed
people or people living in rural areas. Finally, productivity gains might be achieved by cutting the time spent on
breaks and idle time between patients. However, we
found that on average, only 9% of the work day was
spent in this category, which translates to 43 minutes of
break time in a work day of 8 hours, which is very short
considering the demands of the job and the need for
health staff to eat and take care of themselves during the
work day, thus there is little room for considerable productivity gains through this approach.
Universal access for all HIV-infected people (treatment as prevention) would require an additional 800
doctors, 6,000 nurses, and 11,000 counselors fully dedicated to HIV treatment. Salary costs to cover all HHWs
under such a strategy would be about ZAR 2.6 billion
(US$ 394 million) per year, which is an increase of 20%
compared to the current total HIV sector budget in
South Africa. Of course, salaries are only one part of the

Page 9 of 12

running costs of added HHWs and expansion of HIV

treatment. Other expenditures necessary for HIV treatment include running costs for drugs, medical supplies,
water and heating, and investment costs for equipment,
facilities, and continuing HHW education [48,49]. In
addition, the need for support staff not involved in direct
patient contact, such as laboratory technicians, supplychain workers, general management staff, and trainers,
will also grow with increasing treatment coverage. At
present, a strategy of providing ART for all HIV-infected
people seems unrealistic for South Africa without large
additional financial commitments and substantial
increases in HHW training capacity. However, the future
effects of a `treatment as prevention strategy through
reduced transmission has been suggested to be considerable [15,50,51], possibly outweighing the initial investments. Furthermore, the workload of initiating patients
with advanced disease is higher than for patients with
relatively high CD4 cell counts, resulting in a lower
HHW:patient ratio. Further research is needed into the
epidemiological and clinical benefits of a treatment as
prevention strategy, for example, through randomized
controlled trials in general populations in SSA [52].
Alternative models of ART delivery through task shifting or simplifications might provide a solution for the
shortage of HHWs. Preliminary studies have shown that
the quality of nurse-initiated treatment is comparable
with that of doctor-initiated treatment [53], and this
strategy has recently been implemented in South Africa
[13]. Our results suggest that this strategy could reduce
overall salary costs by 7%. Reducing the required frequency of routine clinic visits could also be a useful tool
to decrease the required number of HHWs required to
maintain patients on ART. Currently, patients are
required to visit the clinic every month until treatment
has stabilized, and once every 2 months thereafter. Up
to 50 to 60% of total salary costs might be saved if
patients visited a clinic only once every 3 or 4 months,
or if the number of nurse-attended visits were decreased.
Although these figures suggest substantial potential for
resource savings for universal HIV treatment coverage, it
is currently not understood how the implementation of
these alternative treatment delivery models will affect
the quality of care. Levels of non-adherence and nonretention are already worryingly high in South Africas
expanding ART program [54], and these problems might
worsen if routine-visit frequencies were decreased.
Our study has several limitations. First, the time and
motion data used in this study were from three different
PHC HIV clinics in a rural area, and covered only 13
days of observation. However, the time spent per patient
did not differ significantly between the clinics. Although
the duration of the work day did differ significantly between two of the clinics, this could have been caused by

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

the location of the clinics (rural versus more urban),

which is associated with patient load, rather than with
differences in work routine or the full potential productivity of the HHW. In the clinic with the shortest effective work day, an average of 14% of the time was spent
on breaks and idle time between patients, whereas in the
other clinics this percentage was only 5% and 7%.
Second, we extrapolated our data from this specific
rural setting to South Africa as a whole. Similar studies
in other parts of South Africa are needed to confirm
whether this extrapolation is justified.
Third, HHWs were aware that they were being
observed, which might have induced them to increase
their productivity during observed visits compared with
unobserved visits. However, such a Hawthorne effect
[55] is likely to be limited, for a number of reasons. The
observer was not involved in the HIV treatment program and was not known to the HHW. Moreover, the
observer completely abstained from providing performance feedback to the observed HHW, even if asked for
such feedback, so as to eliminate this underlying cause
of the Hawthorne effect [56]. Finally, we did not detect
substantial changes in time allocation patterns within individual clinics between the different observation days,
suggesting that observer bias, which is likely to wane
(owing to increasing HHW tolerance to being observed)
or grow (owing to feedback and learning) over time, may
not have played an important role in this study.
Fourth, the observed activities might not be allencompassing, as some infrequent activities such as
continued training and attending workshops or conferences were not observed. However, these activities will
take up only a limited proportion of the total number
of work hours over a year [39] and any bias resulting
from excluding these activities will thus be limited.
Finally, there are several assumptions in our analyses
that might hold precisely true. We assumed that the
measured doctor time was only for initiations, while the
counselor and nurse time was for both initiation and follow-up. This simplification could have biased our estimates, especially for doctor time, as doctors also
perform tasks other than initiations, such as completing
disability grant forms or looking after more complex
cases (for example, suspected treatment failure, sideeffects, or adverse events).
Task time allocation and HHW productivity is likely to
depend on the model of HIV treatment delivery. The
current delivery model may change, because South Africa has embarked on a major reform of PHC, with the
goal of providing universal access to a comprehensive
package of healthcare services in the public sector
through a national health insurance scheme [57]. Several
initiatives included in the reform may improve the availability of HHWs. So-called district specialist teams will

Page 10 of 12

be recruited and deployed in all of the 52 districts in the

country to improve the standard of care delivered in
community-based healthcare facilities [39]. These teams
will consist of four medical specialists and three
advanced professional nurses. In addition, each PHC
ward will have at least one PHC outreach team consisting of a professional nurse, environmental health and
health promotion practitioners, and four to five community health workers. The role of the outreach team will
include health promotion and prevention campaigns,
early detection and interventions for selected health problems, and support for treatment retention and adherence [39]. These initiatives, which are currently tested in
pilot studies, could help to further devolve HIV treatment to communities and homes, freeing up HHWs in
healthcare facilities.
We provide a point estimate for the HHWs required
for one year of treatment at the present time. In the
longer run, the current HHW and ART coverage levels
may themselves affect HHW requirements, for a number
of reasons [38]. On the one hand, because ART is effective in reducing mortality, the more patients receive ART
in the current period, the more patients will require
treatment in future periods, assuming that HIV incidence remains unchanged [58,59]. On the other hand,
ART can also effectively prevent HIV transmission
[15,50,51,60-62], which would lead to a reduction in the
number of future cases, and thus a reduction in the
number of HHWs required in future periods. Dynamic
models are needed in future studies to examine the
effects of the mortality-reduction and transmissionprevention effects of ART on long-term HHW requirements. Those studies should also take into account that
ART may change the type of patient needing ART. For
example, ART may shift the age composition of patients
on ART towards older ages [63,64], increasing the average morbidity among ART patients and the average
health worker time required for providing appropriate
treatment for each patient. Moreover, the case mix of
patients on ART might change over time due to increasing rates of ART failure and long-term ART toxicities.
These changes could increase the average health worker
time required per patient because they necessitate timeconsuming counseling, ART switches, and complex
treatments for the side-effects of ART [65].

We provide policy-relevant estimates of the number of
HHWs needed and associated salary costs for scaling up
HIV treatment to achieve universal access under different treatment eligibility criteria and delivery models in
South Africa. We show that, in terms of HHWs required
for scaling up ART to universal access at CD4 cell count
of 350 cells/l seems achievable in the present context,

Hontelez et al. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:39

whereas universal coverage for all HIV-infected people

is likely to be extremely difficult unless substantial additional human and financial resources can be mobilized
for ART delivery. Further research is needed to determine how different treatment strategies affect the movement of patients in and out of the system through
reduced transmission and increased survival, and how
the quality and productivity of HIV treatment is affected
by different ART delivery models.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
ML, TB, and RB were involved in conceptualization of the study; TB, RB, and
RL implemented and oversaw the study; KM collected the data; RL
supervised the data collection; TB informed the analysis plan; JH performed
all analyses; and JH wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. All authors
contributed to drafting the final manuscript. All authors read and approved
the final version of the manuscript.
We would like to thank all the nurses, doctors, and counselors who agreed
to participate in this study.
This study was supported by a core grant (082384/Z/07/Z) from the
Wellcome Trust to the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The funding organizations had no
role in the design and conduct of the study, in the collection, analysis, or
interpretation of the data, or in the preparation, review or approval of the
manuscript. The Hlabisa HIV Treatment and Care Programme receives
support through the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) and the Presidents Emergency Plan (PEPFAR) under the terms of
Award number 674-A-00-08-00001-00. The opinions expressed in this report
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or
the United States Government. JH received funding support by the National
Institute of Health (1R01MH08353901 to M. Lurie). TB received funding
support through the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (1R01-HD05848201) and the National Institute of Mental
Health (R01MH083539-01). This study received financial support from the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation through funds to the HIV modeling
Author details
Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Mtubatuba, South Africa. 2Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC,
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 3Department
of Primary and Community Care, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Center, Radboud, Netherlands. 4College of Health Sciences, Medical Faculty,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. 5Department of Clinical Research,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. 6Department
of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,

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Received: 16 January 2012 Accepted: 2 October 2012

Published: 30 October 2012
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Cite this article as: Hontelez et al.: Human resources needs for universal
access to antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: a time and motion
study. Human Resources for Health 2012 10:39.

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