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Newton Fund - Application Form

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Newton Fund - Application form for UK Masters

For Reference only only applications filled in through the online form, which is identical to this one will be accepted. The
online form is available in the link below

Application form for UK Masters Scholarships

Under UK Data Protection law applicants have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on them,
for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. More
details of this are available on the British Council data protection webpage or alternatively on request from
the local British Council office or the Data Protection Team
If you are experiencing technical issues with the online form, please contact us BEFORE the submission
deadline via If you alert us to technical issues only after the deadline, we may
not be able to consider them when assessing the eligibility of your application.
Please see the call website for a Word version of this online form, which can be used to develop your

application. Please note, however, that the final version of your application MUST be submitted using the
online form.

Before continuing, please confirm that you have read and understood the above notices.*
[ ] I confirm that I have read and understood the above notices.

Application form for UK Masters Scholarships

Applicant's Personal Information

( ) BA
( ) Msc
( ) Dr
First Name*: _________________________________________________
Last Name*: _________________________________________________

( ) Female
( ) Male
( ) Prefer not to say
Date of Birth*: _________________________________________________
How do you self-declare yourself? (according to the official IBGE racial categories)*
( ) Amarelo
( ) Branco
( ) Indgena
( ) Pardo
( ) Preto
( ) Prefer not to say
City*: _________________________________________________
( ) Paraba
( ) Gois
( ) Bahia
( ) Outros
Contact Telephone Number*: _________________________________________________
Email Address*: _________________________________________________
Confirm Email Address*: _________________________________________________

CPF:*: _________________________________________________

Alternative Email Address*

Please inform an alternative email address in order to receive the login details for the Online Placement Test (English Language
Level Test). You will receive your login details on your primary email address also. Should you be considered eligible for the call,
you will receive the OPT details email after the closure of the submission period, around 20th-22nd February 2017.

Undergraduate/academic background

















































































Year of Conclusion

What is the proposed title/area of research?*


Please give a summary in plain English of your proposed Masters project research. This should be a
statement for a non-specialist audience about the research of your Master's scholarship.*

Do you currently have a research or academic post (permanent or fixed term) or fellowship at a university or research
( ) Yes
( ) No

If yes, please specify:*

What type of contract you have?*

( ) Permanent contract
( ) Fixed-term contract
( ) Fellowship
Institution*: _________________________________________________
Post*: _________________________________________________

If you are not currently employed at a university or research institution, please give details of your
employment status and employer.*

By ticking this box, I confirm that I intend to return to Brazil once I complete my Masters scholarship. Should my
application be successful, I understand that the British Council may take action to reclaim all or part of the grant awarded
if I fail to do so.*

[ ] I confirm.

Application form for UK Masters Scholarships


Please outline your personal standpoint in relation to your social identity and challenges within your respective social context in
Brazil. Examples of involvement with social organisations, social movements, personal initiatives or whatever other actions towards
the promotion of social policies may be included.

Personal Statement

In the following statement, please outline a plausible pathway showing:
1. What is the relation between the research area of interest and your future employability plans in the science, innovation and
research sector within socio-economic development framework in Brazil?
2. How will the programme contribute to your future/current career plans in research, science and innovation in Brazil?
3. What impact and contribution to other people from underrepresented groups will result from your participation in the
programme? (This shall address actions beyond your personal career and reflect on your local/regional context)
4. How is your academic and professional trajectory aligned with your professional objectives and social aims?
The pathway statement should be focussed on potential tangible impacts and should be project-specific and not general.
If you feel you cannot convey your ideas as clearly as you would in you native language, feel free to write a Portuguese
version of your statement. However the English version is mandatory.

Supporting Documents


Please include a brief Curriculum Vitae including academic qualifications, previous employment positions,
awards/fellowships/scholarships or research publications (Iniciao Cientfica projects/papers are also eligible).
Allowable file types: .pdf, .doc or .docx / Maximum file size: 1 MB.



Please include a copy of your Undergraduate Certificate or Diploma. The document can be submitted in its original language. In
case your diploma/certificate is not yet available from your institution, please provide a letter confirming that it will be available by
the application period for the Master's programme.
Allowable file types: .pdf, .doc or .docx / Maximum file size: 1 MB.



Please provide evidence of your English language skills (regardless of the level).
These may be presented in the form of: Language course completion certificate, IELTS, Aptis, TOEFL, Cambridge, TOEIC, etc.
The English language level required for inclusion in the process is B1 (borderline A2), according to the Common European

Framework of Reference for Languages.

Allowable file types: .pdf .jpg or .png / Maximum file size: 1 MB.



Applicants shall include 2 (two) academic references. They can be in Portuguese or English.
Allowable file types: .pdf, .doc or .docx / Maximum file size: 1 MB.


Data Protection

The British Council will use the information provided in the application for processing the application,
making any consequential award, for the award payment, monitoring, maintenance and review of the award.
In order to carry out the selection process for the travel grants, we may also share your information with our
national partner organisations. The reason for this is that in countries where we work with partner
organisations, the final decision on travel grants will be made in collaboration with them.
Please note that a confirmation email containing your ID application number will be sent to your email
address. If you do not receive the email following the submission of this form, please contact us at within 3 working days from the deadline, otherwise your application will be
considered ineligible.
Your application ID number should be mentioned in all the communications with the British Council.

Please tick this box to confirm that you are willing for the British Council to share your information with partner
organisations for the purpose of this funding application.*
(please note: if you do not agree to this we may not be able to consider your application for funding)
[ ] I am willing for my information passed on to British Council partner organisations for the purpose of this funding application.

Please indicate if you are willing for us to contact you in future about other British Council research opportunities:*
( ) I do want to be sent details of future British Council opportunities.
( ) I do not want to be sent details of future British Council opportunities.

The British Council will also make some information on the successful applications available to the public on their website
and other publicity, and in reports and documents.
( ) I agree to my information being put on the British Council website.
( ) I do not want my information to be put on the British Council website.

Thank you!

Thank you for your interest in our programme. Your application has been received.
You will receive a copy of this message by e-mail.
Best regards,
British Council

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