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Difference Between PTSD and Developmental/Complex Trauma

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Difference between PTSD and Developmental/Complex Trauma

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1- Introduction
2- Difference Between PTSD & Developmental Trauma
2.1- Unique Phenomena for PTSD
2.2- Development of PTSD
2.3- Symptoms of PTSD
3- Specific Characters of Developmental Trauma
4- Who is possibly to develop PTSD?
5- Difference of Treatment


Complex PTSD (cPTSD) was formulated to include, in addition to the core PTSD symptoms,
dysregulation in three psychobiological areas: (1) emotion processing, (2) self-organization
(including bodily integrity), and (3) relational security. cPTSD is advanced stage of PTSD, so
here we have discussed difference between PTSD & cPTSD, their symptoms and some reasons.


Difference Between Ptsd And Developmental/Complex Trauma
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with mental illness disorder that can
occur when someone experiences or witnesses the traumatic event. A traumatic event could be a
dangerous event, such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents
or physical or sexual assault on adults or children. Most trauma survivors return to normal if they
are given a little time. However, some people may have stress reactions that do not flee on their
own, or may even worsen over time. These people will develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
People with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 3 different types of symptoms. The primary set of
symptoms involves experiencing trauma in a way, such as being angry once you face a traumatic
reminder or trauma thinking once you are trying to try and do one more thing. The second set of
symptoms is staying out of places or people reminding you of trauma, non-inflexible persons, or
feeling numb. The third set of symptoms includes things like feeling on guard, irritable or just
While developmental trauma could be a kind of trauma that happens repeatedly,
cumulatively and even increase over time. In an extremely familiar context, a conspicuous
example of developmental trauma is current (physical or sexual) violence against relationships.
The trauma of development may even develop as a result of war, captivity, uprooting, shelter,
and trafficking. Complex trauma may even be the result of a chronic illness that requires
intensive and sometimes painful medical intervention.
In addition to the symptoms represented at the top of, they tend to recognize that there are
clear biological changes related to post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is
sophisticated because people with post-traumatic stress disorder will usually develop additional
disorders such as depression, drug abuse, memory and noesis problems and alternative issues of


physical and psychological state. These issues will cause impairment of the person's ability to
operate in social or family life, along with instability of activity, marital status issues, and family
Posttraumatic stress disorder is treated with psychotherapy (speech therapy) and
medications as antidepressants. Early treatment is vital and should facilitate the reduction of
symptoms in the long term. Sadly, many of us do not recognize that they need post-traumatic
stress disorder or do not get treatment. This folder can help you perceive higher post-traumatic
stress disorder and how it is treated.
The distinction between trauma and complicated
Post-traumatic stress disorder (P.D.S.D.) is usually the result of exposure to a traumatic
event, for example, a surprise attack or an event within the war. Complex trauma involves
multiple traumatic events of the same nature that the victim experiences for a period of time. The
impact of these traumatic events on the person is cumulative.
Unique Phenomena for Complex Trauma
Complex trauma influences deep layers of temperament. A number of the phenomena are
parallel to those that appear in "regular" P.D.S.D. However others do not. In general, people who
have veteran trauma complexes tend to act in an excessively vulnerable method, not only do they
have dominant problem impulses and emotions, however, have the hassle of staying in medical
How is post-traumatic stress disorder developed?
PTSD develops in response to a traumatic event. With respect to the hour of men and the
five hundredth of the girls experience a traumatic event in their lives. Most people at the World
Health Organization are exposed to a traumatic event can have a number of symptoms of PTSD


within days and weeks in which the event. For some people these symptoms are a lot of serious
and long lasting. Explanations of why some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder are
still being studied. There are biological, psychological and social factors that have an effect on
the event of post-traumatic stress disorder.
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
Although the symptoms of PTSD could start right when a traumatic event, PTSD is not
diagnosed unless the symptoms last for a minimum of one month, and cause life distress or
interfere with work or life in home. To be diagnosed with PTSD, someone must have 3 different
types of symptoms: symptoms of recurrence, symptoms of symptoms and symptoms and
symptoms of arousal.
Specific Characteristics of Developmental Trauma are:
Changes within the ability to handle emotions and impulses, along with the problem of
dominating anger and longing for self-harm. This class also includes behaviors that the victim
uses in a shot to handle what their feelings, such as drug and alcohol use or behaviors that repeat
the trauma.
Changes in consciousness and care, along with the elimination of whole events in memory,
things within which the victim feels disconnected from their family identity or briefly forgets
their daily schedule.
Changes in self-image, such as chronic feelings of guilt or shame. People who suffer trauma for
a prolonged amount of their time tend to internalize the perspective towards them as part of their
own sense of self-esteem; They seem to feel "defective" or shattered in the repair on the far side.


Changes in the victim's aggressor's thinking, along with learning the aggressor's belief system.
It is apparently that the victims feel that they are the injury or that the people that hurt them in
some special way.
Changes in relationships with others, along with the problem of trusting others or feeling
intimacy toward others. Somatization (physical complaints or pains without physiological
findings) and medical problems:
Sometimes physical responses are directly associated with the type of trauma veteran.
Who is likely to develop PTSD?
Most people experience a traumatic event that will not develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
However, the probability of PTSD will increase if people:
were directly or indirectly exposed to the traumatic situation as a witness or victim
was seriously bruised during the trauma
suffered long-term or terribly severe traumas
They thought about themselves or a loved one to be a Nursing Associate danger nearby
had a severe negative reaction throughout the event, such as feeling separated from the
Or be afraid
They feel less easy during the trauma and do not help themselves or a loved one.
What alternative problems do people with PTSD have?
Other conditions other than PTSD, such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse. More than
half of men with PTSD even have problems with alcohol. The following common co-occurring
problems in men are depression, followed by activity disorder, then problems with drugs. In
women, the main co-occurrence of the disadvantage is depression. Slightly, but mean ladies With


PTSD, additionally, the experience of depression. The following common co-occurring problems
in ladies are:
Specific fears, social anxiety, then problems with alcohol.
People with PTSD often have trouble functioning. In general, people with PTSD have a lot of
unemployment, divorce or separation, spousal abuse and the possibility of PTSD dismissal.
Vietnam veterans with PTSD had several problems with the et al family. Interpersonal
relationships, problems with employment and major incidents of violence. People with PTSD
may also experience a good type of physical symptoms. This is an occurrence in people who
have depression and alternative anxiety disorders. Some evidence suggests that PTSD is also
related to the associated hyperbolic probability of developing medical disorders. The analysis is
ongoing, and it is too early to draw firm conclusions regarding PTSD-related disorders.
PTSD is linked to the variety of biological and physiological changes. PTSD can
To relate to stable biological alterations in each central nervous system and therefore to the
involuntary nervous system,
Such as altered brain wave activity, reduced hippocampal volume and abnormal activation of the
amygdaloid nucleus. Each of the hippocampus and thus the amygdaloid nucleus is concerned
with the processing and integration of memory. It has also been found that the amygdaloid
nucleus is concerned with coordinating the response of the body's concern.
IT is the treatment of a complicated trauma
Yes. As a result of the difficulties they have an effect on the most prof.
IT is the treatment of a complicated trauma
Yes. As a result of difficulties have an effect on the deepest level of the personality - the belief
system, self-image and the management of emotions and impulses - the treatment does not focus


directly or exclusively on the trauma, however Rather in the total person. For this reason, and
because the victim has trouble maintaining a therapeutic alliance with the healer, treatment lasts
longer than trauma-focused medical care.
What treatments are available?


PTSD is treated by a variety of types of psychotherapy (speech therapy) and pharmacotherapy
(medication). There is no single best treatment, however, some treatments seem to be quite
promising, particularly cognitive-behavioral medical help (CBT). CBT includes a variety of
techniques, such as restructuring of psychological characteristics, systematic desensitization and
desensitization and reprocessing of eye movement.References
1- Gaskill. R. L. & Perry, B.D. Child sexual abuse, traumatic experiences and their effect
on the developing brain. In Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse: Identification, Assessment
and Treatment (P. Goodyear-Brown, Ed) Wiley, New York pp. 29-49, 2012
2- Rhodes, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice , September 2015
3- Brown, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Vol. 6 , 2013.
4- Kisiel, Fehrenbach, Torgersen, Stolbach, McClelland, Griffin & Burkham, Journal of
Family Violence (2014)
5- Ford, Grasso, Greene, Levine, Spinazzola & van der Kolk, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,
August 2013.

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