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Disease Detection and Consultation Using Django and Machine Learning

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International Journal of Engineering in Computer Science 2022; 4(1): 40-48

E-ISSN: 2663-3590
P-ISSN: 2663-3582
IJECS 2022; 4(1): 40-48 Disease detection and consultation using django and
Received: 06-05-2022
Accepted: 28-05-2022 machine learning
Assistant Professor, HMR Divya, Tanvi Dhingra, Rajat Nagar, Pawan Kant Tiwari and Deepika
Institute of Technology and
Management, India
Tanvi Dhingra DOI:
Student, HMR Institute of
Technology and Management, Abstract
India The design and implementation of various well-known data mining techniques in a variety of real-
world applications (e.g., industry, healthcare, and bioscience) has led to their use in machine learning
Rajat Nagar
environments to extract meaningful information from provided data in healthcare communities,
Student, HMR Institute of
Technology and Management,
biological disciplines, and other fields. Early illness prediction, patient treatment, and community
India services all benefit from precise medical database analysis. Machine learning techniques have been
effectively used in a variety of applications, including disease prediction. The goal of developing a
Pawan Kant Tiwari classifier system utilising machine learning algorithms is to greatly assist physicians in predicting and
Student, HMR Institute of diagnosing diseases at an early stage, which will greatly aid in solving health-related difficulties. For
Technology and Management, our study, a sample of 4920 patient records diagnosed with 41 disorders was chosen. We chose 95 out
India of 132 independent variables (symptoms) that are strongly associated to illnesses and improved them.
The disease prediction system built utilising Machine learning techniques such as Decision Tree
Deepika Singh classifier, Random forest classifier, and Nave Bayes classifier is demonstrated in this research paper.
Student, HMR Institute of This paper “Disease Prediction Using Django and Machine Learning” gives a comparison of the
Technology and Management, outcomes of the aforementioned algorithms.
Keywords: Machine learning, data mining, decision tree classifier, random forest classifier, naive bayes classifier

The purpose of this research is to see if the premise that supervised machine learning
algorithms may enhance health care by detecting illnesses accurately and early is true. In this
paper, we look into research that use several supervised machine learning models for each
illness detection issue. The system is meant to use intelligent decision tree data processing
technique to guess the foremost accurate illness supported patient’s symptoms. Many
symptoms are fed into the system, and hence diseases associated with it. The user describes
his or her symptoms and looks for further ones. As a result, the algorithm checks the
database, extracts the data, and forecasts the precise disease that the person is suffering from.
Several techniques will be tested for illness identification, including DT, RF, GB, KNN and
GNB. The most important aspect of this strategy is that it provides many symptom
possibilities so that the patient may search for any conceivable symptom. As a result,
prediction accuracy improves.
After performing feature selection, the top performing ML models for each illness will be
determined at the conclusion of this literature and would be used for building the desired
machine learning model that would predict the disease a patient is suffering from and
furthermore provide online consultation with the concerned Doctor.

The dataset we studied at has 132 symptoms, which may be combined or permuted to
produce 41 disorders. We aim to build a prediction model based on the 4920 patient data that
Correspondence takes the user's symptoms and forecasts the ailment he is most likely to have.
Assistant Professor, HMR
Institute of Technology and
Management, India

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International Journal of Engineering in Computer Science

The considered symptoms are:

Table 1: Symptoms
Back pain Bloody stool scurrying
Constipation depression Passage of gases
Abdominal pain Irritation in anus Weakness in limbs
diarrhoea Neck pain Fast heart rate
Mild fever dizziness Internal itching
Yellow urine cramps Toxic look
Yellowing of eyes bruising palpitations
Fluid overload Swollen legs Prominent veins on calf
Swelling of stomach irritability Fluid overload
Swelled lymph nodes Swollen blood vessels Excessive hunger
malaise Muscle pain Black heads
Blurred and distorted vision Pain in anal region Pain during bowel movements
phlegm Brittle nails Rusty sputum
Throat irritation Belly pain Mucoid sputum
Redness of eyes Enlarged thyroid Puffy face and eyes
Sinus pressure Slurred speech Hip joint pain
Runny nose Knee pain polyuria
congestion Skin peeling Family history
Chest pain Extra marital contacts Swollen extremities
Yellow crust ooze Swelling joints Coma
Loss of smell Stiff neck Unsteadiness
Movement stiffness Muscle weakness Drying and tingling lips
Spinning movements Red sore around nose Weakness of one body side
Bladder discomfort Foul smell of urine Continuous feel of urine
Altered sensorium Red spots over body Abnormal menstruation
Dyschromic patches Watering from eyes Increases appetite
Lack of concentration Blood in sputum Receiving blood transfusion
Receiving unsterile injections Blood in sputum History of alcohol consumption
Puss filled pimples Blood in sputum History of alcohol consumption
Silver like dusting Small dents in nails Inflammatory nails

The diseases considered are:

Table 2: Diseases
Fungal Infection Malaria Varicose veins
Allergy Chickenpox Hypothyroidism
Gerd Dengue Vertigo
Chronic cholestasis Peptic ulcer disease acne
Drug reaction Hepatitis A Urinary tract infection
Piles Hepatitis B Psoriasis
AIDS Hepatitis C Impetigo
Diabetes Hepatitis D Hyperthyroidism
Gastroenteritis Hepatitis E Hypoglycaemia
Bronchial Asthma Alcoholic hepatitis Cervical Spondylosis
Hypertension Tuberculosis Arthritis
Migraine Common cold Osteoarthritis
Paralysis Pneumonia Typhoid
Jaundice Heart Attack

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The generalized prediction model can be given as: Material/Methods/Tools

Technologies to be incorporated and worked upon:
1. Machine Learning (Predicting kind of disease patient is
suffering from)
2. Web Development (Frontend and Backend)

Languages and frameworks used

For Machine Learning:
 Python
 Scikit Learn

For Frontend and Backend Web Interface

 Django: Python Open-source Web Framework
 Bootstrap - Open Source CSS Framework
 jQuery - JavaScript Library
 Flask
 Jinja
Fig 1: Prediction Model  Werkzeug

A. Input (Symptoms) For Database Storage

We assumed that the user had a good understanding of the  Postgre SQL
symptoms he is experiencing while building the model. The
generated prediction takes into account 95 symptoms, with Proposed work: Disease detection and consultation
the user providing his or her processing as input. system
We propose a real-time role-based access web-Interface that
B. Data pre-processing would first enable the user to Register/login as a doctor or a
Data pre-processing is a data mining approach that patient, then further on incase of Patient would provide with
transforms or encodes raw data into a form that may be the choice to input his/her symptoms and would predict
easily processed by an algorithm. The pre-processing what disease the patient is suffering from and give a facility
techniques used in the presented work are: for online consultation to the suggested doctor for that
Data Cleaning: Data is cleansed through processes such as In case of a Doctor, the user would login and get access to
filling in missing value, thus resolving the inconsistencies in the consultation History and can view the patient’s profile
the data. and provide real time consultation.

Data Reduction: When working with a large database, Machine Learning

analysis becomes difficult. As a result, we rule out any Detection of disease from a set of given input symptoms is
independent variables (symptoms) that may have a minor or done through Machine Learning. Data collection has been
no effect on the target variable (disease). In this study, 95 of done from the internet to identify the disease here the real
132 symptoms that are closely associated to diseases are symptoms of the disease are collected i.e., no dummy values
chosen. are entered. The symptoms of the disease are collected from and different health-related websites. This csv
C. Models selected file contains 4920 rows of records of the patients with their
The system is trained to predict the diseases using three symptoms (132 types of different symptoms) and their
algorithms corresponding disease (41 classes of general disease). The
 Decision Tree system is trained to predict the diseases using five
 Random forest algorithms
 Gradient Boosting  Decision Trees Classifier.
 KNN  Random Forest Classifier.
 Naïve Bayes  Gradient Boosting Classifier.
 K-nearest Classifier.
At the conclusion of the work, a comparison analysis is  Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier.
given, comparing the performance of each method in the
database under consideration. Once the system is trained with the training set using the
mentioned algorithms, a rule set is formed and when the
D. Output (diseases) user the symptoms are given as an input to the model, those
Once the system is trained with the training set using the symptoms are processed according to the rule set developed,
mentioned algorithms a rule set is formed and when the user thus making classifications, and predicting the most likely
the symptoms are given as an input to the model, those disease that the user is suffering from and provide online
symptoms are processed according to the rule set developed, consultation.
thus making classifications and predicting the most likely
disease. UI-Design

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International Journal of Engineering in Computer Science

Starting with the Home page, there would be five template your package or next to your module and it will be available
HTML files to be used for the website – admin, at /static on the application. A special endpoint ‘static’ is
consultation, Doctor, patient, and sign-in page. After the used to generate URL for static files.
successful login of the user, sign-in is loaded where the user
gets to sign-in as either Doctor, Patient or Admin. After Django as Framework
successfully logging in into the concerned role, the user gets The Interface is built upon Django which is a high-level
more options to explore, in case of patient - getting Python web framework that encourages rapid development
consultation facility and incase of Doctor - viewing profile and clean, pragmatic design. In Django, every web app you
of patient and consultation History menu. It is an interactive want to create is called a project; and a project is a sum of
web page with responsive buttons and links and various applications. An application is a set of code files relying on
resources such as Google font, Bootstrap, Owl Carousel, the MVT pattern. As example, let's say we want to build a
Magnific popup, CSS and Awesome Icon. The web website, the website is our project and the forum, news,
application also takes into use static files such as javascript contact engine are applications. This structure makes it
and CSS, supporting the display of a web page. Usually, the easier to move an application between projects since every
web server is configured to serve them for us, but during the application is independent.
development, these files are served from the static folder in Every web-app in Django has the following structure –

Fig 2: Django Project Structure

We have the following web apps in the system besides the Postgre SQL, which is an advanced, enterprise class open
main app: source relational database that supports both SQL
 Accounts: This manages the register/login of the user. (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying. We first
 Chats: This web app handles the chat application used installed pgAdmin4 then clicking onto the server, we
during the consultation between patient and the Doctor. created our database Predico. Then we get the database
 Disease prediction: This web app handles the config part as,
password validation and authentication. Databases = {
'Default': {
After having the patient input the symptoms, we ran our 'Engine': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
machine learning model to predict what kind of disease the 'Name': 'predico',
patient is suffering from and from thereon provide 'User': 'postgres',
consultation facility to the patient. 'Password': 'tiger',
'Host': 'localhost'
Postgre SQL as Database Storage }
We save the login details of patients and Doctors using the }

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International Journal of Engineering in Computer Science

5. Workflow implementation

Fig 3: System implementation Flowchart

6. Implementation and Results From these results, we can infer that all the three algorithms
Performance of Algorithms on Training data work exceptionally well on the dataset. However, Decision
The system was trained on medical record of 4920 patients Tree is perhaps working a little better when compared to the
prone to 41 diseases which was due to the combination of other four algorithms. The accuracy score of each algorithm
various symptoms. We have considered 95 symptoms out of after training were:
132 symptoms to avoid over fitting.

Table 3: Accuracy scores

Algorithm used Accuracy score
Decision Tree .975122
Random Forest .971121
Gradient Boosting .971121
K-Nearest .971121
Naïve Bayes .971121

Performance of Algorithms on test data records considering 95 symptoms. The accuracy score came
After training, the system was tested on 41 new patient’s out to be 97.11% and the confusion matrix are given as by:

Table 4: Confusion matrix

Confusion Matrix
Correctly classified Incorrectly classified
40 1

From the above table, we can infer that all the algorithms percentage: 97.11 percentage.
have equal accuracy score. The accuracy in terms of

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GUI results

Fig 4: Home Page

Fig 5: Sign-up Page

Fig 6: Patient/Doctor Login Page

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Fig 7: Symptoms Input Page

Fig 8: Prediction Result Page

Fig 9: Doctor Consultation Page

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Fig 10: Consultation Chat Page

8. Acknowledgement enhance the performance of the learning models.

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