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Arc Hydro Tools 1 2 For ArcGIS 9 2 Overview PDF

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview

Version 1.2, April 2007

ESRI 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA TEL 909-793-2853 FAX 909-793-5953 E-MAIL WEB

Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Copyright 2007 ESRI

All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of ESRI. This work is protected under United States
copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system, except as expressly permitted in writing by ESRI. All requests should be sent to Attention: Contracts Manager,
ESRI, 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

April 2007

Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO ARC HYDRO ................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO ARC HYDRO TOOLS .....................................................................................................................1
TOOLS LIST ................................................................................................................................................................1
Terrain Preprocessing .........................................................................................................................................2
Terrain Morphology.............................................................................................................................................3
Watershed Processing..........................................................................................................................................4
Attribute Tools .....................................................................................................................................................5
Network Tools ......................................................................................................................................................6
Buttons and Tools.................................................................................................................................................6

April 2007


Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Introduction to Arc Hydro

Arc Hydro is an ArcGIS-based system geared to support water resources applications. It consists of two key
Arc Hydro Data Model
Arc Hydro Tools
These two components, together with the generic programming framework, provide basic database design and set of
tools that facilitate analyses often performed in the water resources area. Arc Hydro is intended to provide the initial
functionality that can then be expanded by adding to it database structures and functions required by a specific task
or application.

Introduction to Arc Hydro Tools

The Arc Hydro tools operate in the ArcGIS environment. Some of the functions require the Spatial Analyst
extension. The tools are accessed through the Arc Hydro Tools toolbar, where they are grouped by functionality
into six menus and seven tools.
Terrain Preprocessing
Terrain Morphology
Watershed Processing

Network tools
Buttons and Tools

Functions preprocessing of Digital Elevation Model (DEM). These functions are
mostly used once in order to prepare spatial information for later use.
Functions performing an initial analysis of a non-dendritic terrain (e.g. terrains with
Functions performing watershed and subwatershed delineation and basin
characteristic determination. These functions operate on top of the spatial data
prepared in the terrain preprocessing stage.
Functions generating or manipulating properties of geometric (hydro) network.
Functions managing the properties of the Arc Hydro project. These functions will be
seldom used and are not detailed in this overview document.
Flow Path Tracing
Interactive Flow Path Tracing
Point Delineation
Batch Point Generation
Assign Related Identifier
Global Delineation
Trace By NextDownID Attribute

The Arc Hydro tools have two key purposes. The first purpose is to manipulate (assign) key attributes in the Arc
Hydro data model. These attributes form the basis for further analyses. They include the key identifiers (such as
HydroID, DrainID, NextDownID, etc.) and the measure attributes (such as LengthDown). The second purpose for
the tools is to provide some core functionality often used in water resources applications. This includes DEM-based
watershed delineation, network generation, and attribute-based tracing.
The functionality of Arc Hydro tools is expected to grow over time. They have been implemented in a way that
allows easy addition to their functionality, either internally (by adding additional code) or externally, by providing
additional functionality through the use of key Arc Hydro data structures.

Tools list
The tools will be presented by their grouping in the user interface (menus). The ApUtilities tools will not be
addressed here, as they are general-purpose utilities not related to the functionality of Arc Hydro tools.

April 2007

Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Terrain Preprocessing

Level DEM
DEM Reconditioning
Assign Stream Slope
Burn Stream Slope
Build Walls
Sink Prescreening
Sink Evaluation
Depression Evaluation
Sink Selection
Fill Sinks
Flow Direction
Flow Direction with Sinks
Adjust Flow Direction in Lakes
Flow Accumulation
Stream Definition
Stream Segmentation
Sink Segmentation
Catchment Grid Delineation
Catchment Polygon Processing
Drainage Line Processing
Adjoint Catchment Processing
Drainage Point Processing
Longest Flow Path for

April 2007


Fill the selected polygons (e.g. lakes) up to the FillElev value.

Enforce linear drainage pattern (vector) onto a DEM (grid). Implements AGREE methodology.
Assign relative elevation to from nodes and to nodes of input streams. Elevations decrease with
the digitized direction.
Burn linear stream slope into a DEM to force the direction of the flow in the stream.
Build walls in a DEM (grid) at the boundary of selected input polygons.
Prescreen the input DEM by filling in the pits that do not match the criterion defining a potential
Generate and characterize the potential sinks for a DEM.
Generate and characterize the potential depressions for a DEM.
Select the potential sinks that should be considered as real sinks.
Fill sinks for an entire DEM (grid).
Create flow direction grid for a DEM grid.
Create flow direction grid for a DEM with sinks that ensures that each cell within a sink flows
Modify input flow direction grid within the input lakes with streams to ensure that each cell
within a lake flows toward the closest stream within the lake.
Create flow accumulation grid from a flow direction grid.
Create stream grid with cells from a flow accumulation grid that exceed used-defined threshold.
Create a stream link grid from the stream grid (every link between two stream junctions gets a
unique identifier).
Create a sink link grid from the sink polygons.
Create a catchment grid for segments in the stream link grid or sinks in the sink link grid. It
identifies areas draining into each link.
Create catchment polygon feature class out of the catchment grid.
Create streamline line feature class out of the stream link grid.
Create adjoint catchment polygon for each catchment in the catchment polygon feature class. An
adjoint catchment is total upstream area (if any) draining into a single catchment.
Create a drainage point at the most downstream point in the catchment (center of a grid cell with
the largest value in the flow accumulation grid for that catchment).
Create longest flow path segments for each catchment.

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Longest Flow Path for Adjoint

Slope greater than 30
Slope greater than 30 and
facing North
Weighted Flow Accumulation

Create longest flow path for each adjoint catchment.

Create a slope grid for a DEM.

Create a grid showing the cells having a slope greater or equal to 30%.
Create a grid showing the cells having a slope greater or equal to 30% and facing north.


Create weighted flow accumulation from a weight grid and a flow direction grid.

Terrain Morphology

Drainage Area Characterization

Drainage Boundary Characterization
Drainage Connectivity

April 2007


Generate elevation, area, and volume curves for a set of selected drainage areas.
Generate 3D boundary lines for selected drainage areas and compute width, perimeter, and
cross-section area associated with slices of these boundaries.
Generate information about the connectivity between drainage areas.

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Watershed Processing

Batch Watershed Delineation

Batch Subwatershed Delineation

Batch Global Watershed

Batch Watershed Delineation for
Delineate from Multiple Inlets and
Drainage Area Centroid
Longest Flow Path
Longest Flow Path for Watersheds
Longest Flow Path for
Longest Flow Path USGS Method
Construct 3D Line
Smooth 3D Line
Flow Path Parameters from 2D Line
Flow Path Parameters from 3D Line
Basin Length Points
Basin Length

April 2007


Create a watershed for every point in the batch point feature class. Results are stored in a
watershed polygon feature class. Watersheds are overlapping if points are on the same
Create a subwatershed for every point in the batch point feature class. Results are stored in a
subwatershed polygon feature class. Subwatersheds are non-overlapping if points are on the
same stream.
Create a global watershed and compute selected characteristics for every points in the batch
point feature class.
Create a watershed for every selected polygon feature in the batch polygon feature class.
Results are stored in a watershed (polygon) feature class
Create a watershed for input inlet and outlet points. Result is stored in a watershed (polygon)
feature class and source points in a watershed point feature class.
Create a point at the centroid of each polygon in a drainage area feature class and store it in a
point feature class.
Create a line following the longest flow path in a drainage area based on steepest descent as
defined by the flow direction grid.
Create a line following the longest flow path in a watershed based on steepest descent. More
efficient implementation of Longest Flow Path based on preprocessed data.
Create a line following the longest flow path in a subwatershed based on steepest descent.
More efficient implementation of Longest Flow Path based on preprocessed data.
Create a line following the longest flow path in a drainage area based on steepest descent as
defined by the flow direction grid and USGS methodology.
Build 3D lines from a selected set of 2D lines by exctracting elevations from a DEM.
Smooth 3D lines linearly along the downstream direction of the line.
Compute the length, slope and 10-85 slope of a longest flow path by extracting elevations
from a DEM.
Compute the length, slope and 10-85 slope of a 3D longest flow path by extracting elevations
from the line.
Generate inlet and outlet points for a drainage area based on associated longest flow path.
Used as input by Basin Length.
Create a cost path line from the inlet point to the outlet point of a basin traveling through a
cost surface that has minimum values toward the center and maximum values at the

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Attribute Tools

Assign HydroID
Generate From/To Node for Lines

Find Next Downstream Line

Calculate Length Downstream for

Calculate Length Downstream for
Find Next Downstream Junction
Store Area Outlets
Consolidate Attributes

Accumulate Attributes

Display Time Series

Transfer ID
Transfer Value

April 2007


Assigns a unique identifier (HydroID) to a feature. HydroID is unique across an Arc Hydro
Generates from-node/to-node topology based on physical line connectivity for a line feature
class. Nodes are defined as ends of lines. They are not created as a separate feature class, but
rather just identified and accounted for internally. This tool does not require a hydro network.
Find the HydroID of the next downstream linear feature and store it in the NextDownID field of
the feature. The directionality is based on the digitized direction. Connectivity is established
by the physical connection of the linear features (does not require hydro network).
Calculate length from the downstream end of a hydro edge to the outlet of the hydro network
(requires hydro network). The length is stored in the LengthDown field.
Calculate the length from a hydro junction to the outlet of the hydro network. The length is
stored in the LengthDown field. This tool requires a hydro network.
Find the HydroID of the next downstream junction and store it in the NextDownID field of the
junction feature. This tool requires a hydro network.
Identify the most likely hydro junction that drains an area. The HydroID of that junction is
stored in the JunctionID field for the area feature class.
Summarize the values of a numerical attribute of a feature class and store them in a field in
another (or same) feature class. Relationship between the from and the to feature class is
established through related IDs. Operators include sum, min, max, average, median, mode,
standard deviation, and count. User specifies the from and the to feature classes, what field to
summarize and in what field to store the summarized values. The tool can use the same feature
class as both from and to objects to operate on.
Summarize the values of a numerical attribute of a feature class and store them in a field in
another (or same) feature class. The tool selects the upstream objects by tracing either using
the geometric network or a NextDownID relationship, and summarizes the selected objects.
Operators include sum, min, max, average, median, mode, standard deviation, and count. The
selectable objects are either the traceable objects, or can be in an ID-related feature class (using
existing relationship classes). User specifies the from and the to feature classes, what field to
summarize, and in what field to store the summarized values
Display the values of the selected parameter as a function of time.
Establish relationship between a source feature class with an existing Time Series table and a
target feature class that needs to be linked to Time Series data.
Generate a Time Series table for a polygon feature class based on an existing polygon feature
class and its associated Time Series table.

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Compute Local Parameters

Compute Global Parameters

Compute parameters for local watersheds (e.g. area, average elevation, maximum elevation,
minimum elevation, relief, slope, land cover, precipitation, etc). All data needed to compute
the parameters need to be available in the map. User can configure additional parameters in the
Compute parameters for global watersheds.

Network Tools


Hydro Network Generation

Node/Link Schema Generation

Store Flow Direction

Set Flow Direction

Generate a hydro network (hydro edges and hydro junctions) from drainage lines, catchments, and
drainage points. The function updates all the connectivity fields in input feature classes.
Generate schematic (node-link) network by connecting centers of catchments/drainage areas and
junctions, and connecting junctions and junctions. Connectivity is established through
connectivity fields (attributes), not physical connectivity.
Store information about hydro (geometric) network elements directionality into an attribute of
the feature matching the element.
Define flow direction for a geometric network based on digitized direction or an attribute for the

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Buttons and Tools


Flow Path Tracing

Interactive Flow Path
Point Delineation
Batch Point
Assign Related
Global Point

April 2007


Trace the downstream path, based on the steepest descent, from a user specified point to the edge of the
DEM by using a flow direction grid.
Generate flow path feature, based on the steepest descent, from a user specified point to the boundary of the
drainage area by using a flow direction grid.
Interactively delineate a watershed for a user specified point based on the preprocessed DEM.
Add user specified point to a batch point feature class. This point feature class can be used as an input to the
batch watershed and subwatershed delineation functions.
Interactively assign a value of a field in a source feature to a field in the target feature. User specifies both
the source and target feature classes and fields.
Interactively delineate a watershed for a user specified point based on a set of preprocessed geographic units
tied together by a geometric network. Compute global parameters.

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Arc Hydro Tools Overview v1.2

Trace By

April 2007

Trace upstream, downstream, or in both directions from a selected location using the attribute relationship
established through NextDownID field. The final selected features can include the objects selected through
the trace, and/or ID-related objects by using the existing relationship classes.

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