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Development of an integrated road safety management system in

Indonesia: Traffic police as lead agents in a Safe System approach

M. Naufal Yahya1, Ian. J. Faulks2, Paul Hambleton3 & Carsten Wass4
Indonesian National Traffic Police Corps
Consia Consultants 2Safety and Policy Analysis International /
Department of Psychology, Macquarie University
Corresponding author,
Erin Consulting

In accord with the UN Global Decade of Action 2011-2020, Indonesia is committed to
reducing its traffic fatalities by 50% by the end of 2020. Traffic accidents in 2010 were
officially estimated to result in an annual social cost of about 3.1% of the Indonesian Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), rising to 3.7% of GDP in 2011 (i.e., ~AUD 29.8 Billion of a total
GDP equivalent to AUD 805 Billion in 2011). With rapid motorisation associated with
economic development, annual social costs could approach some AUD 39 Billion or 4.6% of
GDP. The Indonesian National Traffic Police Corps (Korps Lalu Lintas Polri, or Korlantas)
has a central role in reducing traffic fatalities. Korlantas role is specified in Law 22 of 2009
relating to road traffic and transportation, and includes responsibilities for: road policing,
traffic management and traffic enforcement; accident investigation; accident reporting and
analysis; driver licensing; vehicle registration; and traffic education. Law 22/2009 provides
the legislative framework for road safety activities, but the direction is provided by the
National General Plan for Traffic and Road Transportation Safety (Rencana Umum Nasional
Keselamatan Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan, or RUNK), which was released in 2011. The
RUNK identifies five pillars on which to build road safety and traffic enforcement policies
and actions: road safety management; safer roads; safer vehicles; safer road users; and, post
crash care. To ensure that reliable and valid accident data are available, Korlantas has with
World Bank funding developed a web-based accident investigation system (AIS). After
piloting in Central Java during 2012, the AIS is available nationwide. Access to
comprehensive, reliable and accurate road accident data makes it possible to identify the
specific roads, vehicles and road users which need to be targeted with road safety and traffic
enforcement interventions. Not only is the IRSMS being used as an accident investigation and
policing tool, the system is able to be used by road safety stakeholders. The ability to access
up-to-date accident data coupled with the need for Local, Provincial and National road safety
interventions, the IRSMS will aid decision makers to develop evidence based strategies to
reduce casualties and improve road safety in Indonesia.
Indonesia, Road safety, Accident information system, Road safety strategy, ISO 39001,
Traffic policing, Road safety management

1. Introduction
Road accidents 1 are a very serious problem in Indonesia. In 2010, Police reported 31,234 road
accident fatalities, equivalent to a rate of road fatalities per 100,000 people of 12.1. This is
high compared to Singapore with 4.8 fatalities per 100,000 people, and Australia with 5.2
fatalities per 100,000 people. The preliminary data for 2011 indicate that 30,629 people were
killed, 35,787 were seriously injured and 107,281 were slightly injured in 106,129 reported
road accidents in Indonesia. Commentators consider that this is an underestimate as traffic
accidents may not be reported, and data are inconsistent and difficult to verify: AusAID/
Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), for example, has suggested that about 40,000
people died as a consequence of traffic accidents in 2010 [1], suggestive of a level of
underestimation of road trauma of 20-25%. Based on the current trend, it is estimated
officially that 37,500 people could die on Indonesian roads in 2020 [2](see Figure 1).
However, estimates up to 65,000 traffic fatalities per year have been projected for 2020 [3].
The Indonesian Traffic Police Corps commissioned the development of an improved accident
database, using a web based accident information and analysis system not only to define the
number of casualties and accidents but to capture the details needed to implement and monitor
the effectiveness of evidence-based safety interventions.
As part of Indonesias commitment to the UN Decade of Action 2011-2020 program, an
ambitious target has been set to reduce these numbers by 50% to less than 18,750 deaths by
the end of 2020 [4]. A five-year program of action was established to support road safety; this
program ran over 20082012. Priorities have been established with assistance from the World
Bank, the AusAID-funded Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), the Asian Development
Bank, and other stakeholders. A particular priority is for road safety partnership actions
among stakeholders to improve capacity by strengthening coordination and management of
road safety: developing capacity is a pressing issue, as the responsibility for road safety action
has been, until recently, quite diffuse [5]. These priority programs include:
Study of locations with a high occurrence of accidents (blackspots) to better inform
decisions regarding road safety engineering and traffic enforcement programs;
Improvement in the quality of traffic accident investigations and improvement of the
traffic accident data recording system;
Improvement in traffic education from an early age and improvement of the system
for issuing driver licenses;
Trials of a number of new traffic policing actions, including speed enforcement using
electronic devices such as radar and LIDAR, and enforcement of drunk driving and
drug driving.
These programs are most likely to succeed if they use measurable objectives, if all
stakeholders are committed and play an active role in implementation, and if they are
regularly reviewed to evaluate program success and apply any necessary changes in
anticipation of new trends. A forecast impact of these activities on fatality reductions from
traffic accidents is shown in the lower part of Figure 1; Year 2010 is used as the base year for
the projections [2].
Improvement in the quality of accident data is urgent, as these data form the basis of safety
program planning by all stakeholders and serve as performance indicators to assess road
transport safety. The success of the UN Decade of Action 2011-2020 programme in Indonesia

In Indonesia, accident is used instead of crash. While not consistent with the Safe System approach
espoused by Western nations, the Indonesian terminology is used in this paper.

depends on accurate evaluations of various interventions, and these in turn depend on whether
accident data are recorded and reported accurately and systematically. Put simply, there is a
need to establish an evidence basestatistical data, or practical factsand to act to place that
evidencethose factsbefore decision makers, road users, and the general community.

Figure 1 (TOP) Predicted traffic fatalities in Indonesia 2010-2035 and the targeted reduction
under the Decade of Action (DoA); (BOTTOM). Targeted reduction in fatalities in Indonesia
under to the Decade of Action of Road Safety (from [2])

The accident data for Indonesia are provided by the IRSMS Accident Information System
(and related databases on driver licensing, vehicle registration, hospital attendance and
insurance claims). The Accident Information System is one part of the Integrated Road Safety
Management System (IRSMS) being implemented in Indonesia. The IRSMS, as will be

outlined in later sections, reflects a wholistic approach to reducing road trauma and improving
road safety, involving legislation, strategy development, use of valid and reliable accident
data as the basis for decision making, an integrated approach (bringing together otherwise
disparate functions such as road management, traffic enforcement, road safety education,
driver licensing), and seeking to deliver local solutions to address local problems. It is
intended that IRSMS will serve as the basis for an integration of the management of road
safety in Indonesia across all relevant government agencies (at local, provincial and national
levels) and with the private sector and community organisations.
The IRSMS Accident Information System is central to understanding the road safety situation
in Indonesia, as it specifies who was involved; what happened immediately prior to, during
and after the accident; where the accident occurred; when the accident happened; and
describes how the accident took place; and, through police investigations and witness
accounts, can establish why the accident occurred.
Of course, there needs to be a belief that change can happen. The moral compass for traffic
accident reduction and improvement to road safety in Indonesia is provided by the Safe
System approach, as expressed through the strategic plan (RUNK 2011-2035) [5] and action
plans developed to address and guide road safety and traffic policing efforts.

2. The Indonesian National Traffic Police Corps

The Indonesian National Traffic Police Corps (INTPC), Korps Lalu Lintas Polri (or
Korlantas) is an independent policing agency under the Indonesian National Police. The
INTPC recognises that there is an increase in road trauma across Indonesia, and thus there is
an imperative for action to implement more effective traffic policing actions to address road
safety risk areas. Institutional capability reviews of INTPC have indicated that the
organisation is disciplined and led by experienced senior officers [3]. While there is a good
training capability at the Police Academy in Semarang and at the Traffic Education Centre
near Jakarta, operational traffic policing capability needs to be improved to both detect,
contain and reduce illegal road behaviours and to change inappropriate or risky behaviours. In
order to do so, further institutional development is required to improve the professional and
operational capabilities within INTPC. This is already underway, with budgetary
responsibilities being shifted from central to provincial (Polda) levels. It is proposed that a
safety directorate be established within Korlantas, tasked with the operation of the IRSMS
which includes the accident reporting system, traffic accident statistical analysis and reporting
(with more than 3,000 possible analyses available), as well as with stakeholder liaison, audit
and quality control functions, training in accident data collection, and a traffic technology
development function [3].

3. Law 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation

The legislative framework for road safety in Indonesia is primarily provided by Law 22 of
2009, relating to Road Traffic and Transportation. That is, the primary responsibility for road
safety rests with the INTPC rather than with Indonesian transport or public works agencies,
although these other agencies retain road safety structures. Under Law 22/2009, the INTPC is
charged with the responsibility for road traffic and transport safety. Generally, Law 22/2009

(Article 4, 5 and 12) aims to develop and organize a secure, safe, orderly and smooth land
transportation system through:
The movement of vehicles, people and/or goods on roads;
The use of traffic and road transportation infrastructure and facilities; and
Activities related to registration and identification of motor vehicles and drivers,
traffic education, traffic management, engineering, and the enforcement of traffic and
road transportation laws.
More specifically, the INTPC is charged with:
Testing applicants and controlling licences for driving motor vehicles;
Motor vehicle registration and identification;
Collection, monitoring, processing and presentation of traffic and road transportation
Traffic regulation, surveillance, escorting and patrolling;
Law enforcement including actions against violations and handling of traffic
Traffic education;
Implementation of traffic management and engineering; and
Implementation of traffic operational management.
A number of additional laws apply to particular issues, (e.g., provisions of Law 27/2009 on
narcotics, relating to taking samples of blood, urine, etc., are relevant to addressing drug
Accident data information about the circumstances of an accident are the basis for all
targeted road safety interventions. For example, access to comprehensive, reliable and
accurate road accident data makes it possible to identify specific roads, vehicles and road
users which need to be targeted with road safety interventions. Road safety data can also be
disseminated to relevant stakeholders and can aid decision making about the overall direction
and strategy for road safety in Indonesia. While road users are required to report accidents,
such reports can be made to local INTPC officers up to 40 days afterwards. As well, Law
22/2009 allows accidents to be resolved at scene, that is, to be negotiated between the
affected parties. This means that an unknown number of accidents may be unreported, as they
are settled between the parties and may not be recorded within the accident information

4. The National General Plan for Traffic and Road Transportation Safety (RUNK)
The National General Plan for Traffic and Road Transportation Safety (Rencana Umum
Nasional Keselamatan (RUNK) Jalan 2011-2035) [4] was released on 11 May 2011, and
reflects the goals outlined for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. Indonesia organized
national events to launch the RUNK, and used the opportunity to advocate for increased
attention on the road safety issue. The RUNK estimates that traffic accidents result in an
annual social cost estimated to be at least 3.7% of the Indonesian Gross Domestic Product
(total GDP is approximately Rp. 831 Trillion, or AUD 805 Billion).
The RUNK has identified five pillars on which to build road safety and traffic enforcement
policies, based directly upon the Global Decade of Action for road safety 2011-2020:

Pillar 1 relates to Road Safety Management. There are number of activities envisaged
and undertaken under this Pillar, including:
Establishment of Forum on Road Safety at executive government level enacted in Law 22/2009;
New Government Regulations to regulate road security and road safety.
Inclusion of the Provincial and Regency/City Governments all levels of
government are to take an active role in road safety;
Targeting the business sector and civil society to take more responsibility for
remedial measures to improve road safety, and to promote road safety
information; and
Bringing leaders in Indonesian society, such as imams and other religious
leaders, into the campaign on road safety.
Pillar 2 concerns Safer Roads. Specific program actions have been identified,
including projects to provide:
Safer Roadways;
Safer Road Planning and Construction (including road furniture); and
Safer Road Environment

Pillar 3 concerns Safer Vehicles. There are a number of activities envisaged under this
Pillar, but an important aspect for vehicle occupant safety is:
Legislative reform is needed make the use of rear seat belts mandatory.
The mandatory wearing of seat belts in the front seats of vehicles only has been
applied in Indonesia since 1993 (with Law 14/1992, as later revised by Law 22/2009).

Pillar 4 concerns Safer Road Users. There are a number of activities envisaged and
undertaken under this Pillar, including
Indonesia Road Safety Week, initially at a limited number of provincial levels
in 2010-11, but to be extended to all provinces and to regencies and cities over
Increasing Government Agency participation
Increasing public participation
Increasing corporate participation

Finally, Pillar 5 relates to Post Crash Care. When accidents occur, and it is recognised
that in the operation of the road transport system accidents will occur as road users are
fallible and make mistakes, then the response and timing of the actions of police,
emergency services, healthcare and insurers is important.

To date, most activities have dealt with Pillar 2, relating to Safer Roads [1, 6], but capacity
development actions to address all Pillars have been undertaken under IRSMS [3] and under
the Indonesian Transport Safety Assistance Program (ITSAP) by AusAID [7,8].

5. Safe System and the road transport system

The UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the Indonesian Road Safety Master Plan are
based on the belief that improvements in road safety and reductions in road trauma are
possible, and that the greatest road safety gains into the future will be achieved through
adopting a Safe System approach. The primary aim of the Safe System approach is to prevent

accidents from happening, and, in the event of a crash, to ensure that the impact forces
released are within the boundaries of human tolerance and that no fatalities or serious injuries
resulting in life-long disability will occur [9, 10]. Currently, what a road user understands
about the sensibility and appropriateness of a road rule and what they accept as being
sufficiently safe for travel, are not what is desired by the general community. That is,
drivers don't necessarily know or fully understand why a particular traffic law is in place
("what its for"), and drivers can often have a misplaced faith or expectation that the road on
which they are driving, their vehicle, and other drivers are all sufficient to provide a "safe"
place, seemingly independent of the manner in which they themselves are driving. In the
immediate to medium term, a focus on the management of occupant protection devices
(motorcycle helmets, seat belts), vehicles, the road infrastructure, and driving speeds will
likely best minimize the probability of death or serious injury as a consequence of a road
accident. Appropriate and well-designed behavioural countermeasures are desirable, but
reliable mechanisms for ensuring that road users are always alert and attentive, and are
compliant with traffic laws, are not well understood or well implemented at present [11].
In the widest view [12], it is accepted that the desires of the population in any jurisdiction, in
road transport terms, can be expressed as:
- Wanting to be mobile, that is, to be able to travel;
- Wanting to have access to transport options (road, public transport);
- Wanting to be safe;
- Wanting to have a sustainable environment; and
- Wanting to have a pleasant environment in which to live (amenability)
The IRSMS project is built on these general concepts.

6. The concept of an Integrated Road Safety Management System

The Indonesian IRSMS has been independently developed as a practical system to address
road trauma and improve road safety [13]. For this system, the following elements were
considered to be necessary to underpin effective management, target setting, the development
of countermeasures and interventions, and evaluation of actions taken, as shown in Table 1:
Enactment of a legislative framework to regulate the road transport system
Access to valid and reliable data (the practical facts) concerning road trauma and
A belief that change can happen

7. ISO 39001 Road traffic safety management system

The IRSMS in Indonesia predates the new international standard: ISO 39001:2012 Road
traffic safety (RTS) management systems Requirements with guidance for use. The ISO
39001 standard was developed to support the United Nations' Decade of Action for Road
Safety 2011-2020 and published in late 2012, and sets out the minimum requirements for a
Road Safety Management System [14, 15, 16]. Despite being developed earlier than the ISO
39001 standard, IRSMS incorporates all of the necessary elements for a road traffic safety
management system, and is, in fact, an exemplar for the implementation of the standard.
The ISO 39001 standard is intended to be a practical tool for governments, vehicle fleet
operators and all organizations worldwide who want to reduce death and serious injury

associated with road accidents. The standard is intended to be a tool that can be used to
support strategies and actions to address risk in the road transport system, including the
setting of ambitious road casualty reduction targets, the documentation of performance
relative to those targets, and the sharing of experiences. It was developed from ISO standards
such as ISO 9001 for quality management, including the plan-do-check-act cycle, and a
requirement for continual improvement by all public or private sector organizations involved
in regulating, designing or operating road transport. It will also help by providing a
framework for contracts and communication between regulators, vehicle manufacturers and
their suppliers.
Table 1: Elements considered necessary for an Integrated Road Safety Management System
(from [3])





The data on traffic accidents are provided by an

Accident Information System that specifies who is
involved; what happened immediately prior to, during
and after the accident; where did the accident occur;
when did the accident happen; how did the accident
The moral compass for traffic accident reduction and
improvement to road safety is provided by the Safe
System approach, as expressed through the strategic
plan (RUNK 20112035) and action plans developed to
address and guide road safety and traffic policing

8. Background to the IRSMS project for a national road safety management system
The Strategic Roads Infrastructure Project (SRIP) is supported by a loan from the World Bank
(IBRD Loan 4834IND), and has been implemented by the Directorate General of Highways
within the Ministry of Public Works since late 2007. Following Law 22/2009, INTPC took
over the responsibility for developing IRSMS. Project implementation is expected to be
completed by mid-2013. The technical assistance to IRSMS is being undertaken by Consia
The SRIP Project included a Road Sector Institutional Development component consisting of:
IRSMS-1, to develop an integrated Road Safety strategy and long-term plan, including
an institutional framework; via the Directorate General of Land transport (DGLT),
later cancelled, and
IRSMS-2, to develop a pilot integrated road accident database/analysis system, and
establishing self-sustaining personnel development procedures for the INTPC.

Within INTPC, the IRSMS Project has delivered the following key achievements:
Development of a web-based accident information and analysis system with a simple
user interface for reporting and retrieving accident information;
A new Accident Record Form has been developed, and Tablets using open source
Android operating systems are being procured to improve both data quality and input
An AIS User Manual for data entry and basic reporting has been published;
From 1 September 2012, accident data collection, coding, entry and processing in the
IRSMS server has been extended to the whole of Indonesia, in total, 445 Polres (police
districts) of 31 Poldas (provincial offices);
Daily accident reports are available to the Police Operations Department ;
Presentations on the Accident Information System (AIS) and training on the use of the
new system and Accident Record Form has been provided to more than 430 police
officers from the 31 Poldas, as well as to stakeholders and to police officers
undertaking executive training for senior positions; further training for 500 personnel
is planned in the first half of 2013;
Two workshops on stakeholders' data system requirements have been held;
Training courses in road safety interventions have been developed, incorporating:
Development of a Road Safety Data Collection Manual
Development of a Data Analysis and Applications Manual;
Procurement of equipment for INTPC use in speed enforcement, drink drive
enforcement, drug driving enforcement and overweight vehicle enforcement;
Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for traffic enforcement
Development of local road safety implementation plans for INTPC Polda
(provincial offices) and Polres (police districts) to conduct targeted operations
based on the evidence from the IRSMS accident information system and local
stakeholder consultation;
A series of media campaigns is being made for release in early 2013, including
television commercials, newspaper advertisements, billboards and internet
media. The campaigns will focus on the key priority means of reducing
casualties based on the evidence from the IRSMS accident information system,
and follow and support the themes of police traffic enforcement;
An IRSMS public website ( has been established, with
webpages in both Indonesian and English languages that explain the system and
provide additional background information.
Continued institutional development, training and capacity development in the present project
will be closely linked to the development of the IRSMS, both under the SRIP Project to mid2013 and beyond. In particular, much attention will be devoted to address the technical and
institutional causes for the underreporting of road accidents.

9. A basic need for data: The IRSMS Accident Information System

IRSMS is designed to provide valid, reliable and verified data for road accidents in Indonesia
[2, 3, 13]. Information about the circumstances of an accident is the basis for all targeted road
safety interventions [16]. For example, access to comprehensive, reliable and accurate road

accident data makes it possible to identify specific roads, vehicles and road users which need
to be targeted with road safety interventions.
Through Law 22/2009, the INTPC is charged with the responsibility for accident data
collection and investigation. A user manual was developed to explain the methods and
procedures that the INTPC needs to use to collect and analyse these accident data. The user
manual provides basic and practical guidance for police and other stakeholders when entering
accident data and utilising the information that is contained within the database system. At
present, there are published versions of the user manual in both Indonesian and English. The
AIS User Manual Version 1.2 describes the accident input process reporting a road accident
under the IRSMS Accident Investigation System [17]. Further development for system users
will address issues of data verification (validation), general data analysis and reporting,
useability issues, and administration of the Accident Investigation System.
As well, an expansion has been approved that allows for a broadening of the scope of the
project in two pilot provinces to include electronic data collection for accident reporting,
system design automation and digital transmission using tablet computers on site to gain
automatic GPS location of the accident and to document the scene and gather relevant
photographs and witness statements (if available).

10. IRSMS Accident Information System functionality

At present, data are collected by police filling in a notebook entry or the paper accident report
form at the accident site. The information about the accident is then later entered onto the
database at the police station. The location of the accident is registered as geographical
coordinates, but this has occasionally been problematic as Indonesia straddles the Equator,
and North/South latitude co-ordinates can be confused.

Figure 2: Screen for correcting the location of the accident.

Figure 3: Zooming in on a map and selecting a specific accident

A user-friendly interface guides the registration of data from paper forms. The location of the
accident can easily be corrected by simply dragging the accident indicator (see Figure 2) on a
map. The name of the road is automatically registered once the accident location is selected
and confirmed. Eventually, the data collection will be made by means of a tablet computer at
the accident site, which will enable use of GPS for automatic registration of the location of
the accident in geographical coordinates. Use of a tablet also enables data control to be
effected at the accident site, minimising coding errors associated with multiple entry of data,
as well as automatic transmission of data to the national database. Furthermore, photographic
evidence and recordings of witness statements can be collected with the tablet and attached to
the accident record. Images are stored as an integral part of accident information and can
therefore be accessed at accident level, while witness statements are available to authorised
users to support later criminal prosecutions. Additional documents can also be attached to the
accident record. Output from the system is designed to serve for prosecution, investigation,
planning and accident analysis purposes (for example, the system produces the main report
that is necessary for court proceedings).
When analysing accident information, the easiest procedure is to use the map facility where
accident concentrations can be found by zooming in on specific locations (see Figure 3). At
any time the user can click on an accident and get a summary description of data and time,
location, vehicles involved and injuries. An accident diagram and pictures of the accident are
also displayed. A number of standard reports such as daily, weekly and monthly reports, and
standard tables are also at the disposal of the user. On top of this the system, can generate a
cross-tabulation of any given pair of variables in the system. Some cross-tabulations that are
common to statistical reporting of accidents are provided as programmed options within the

11. Some final comments

Overall, IRSMS should improve the capacity of Indonesian agencies and, in particular, the
INTPC to undertake actions to reduce road trauma and enhance road safety outcomes, thus
further contributing to improvement of road safety in support of the Indonesian Road Safety
Master Plan (RUNK) [4] and based on the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety.
IRSMS allows additional stakeholders (journalists, and the general public) to be able to
identify specific data and to highlight where actions could be made, rather than providing
accident data only to approved stakeholders from various government agencies, planners
and road system designers. With IRSMS it is possible to give all stakeholders access to the
web-based front end of an accident information and analysis system, as part of an integrated
road management system as envisaged by ISO 39001. Using IRSMS, general accident data
can be accessed by all stakeholders and still meet all legal privacy requirements. The
confidentiality of individual names and personnel data is restricted to the needs of a particular
registered user who can be allowed various levels of access (e.g., for the normal evidentiary
data needs of police prosecution). The current data system used in Indonesia is simple enough
to be accessed by any registered user anywhere globally, and more than 3,000 different
summary report formats can be generated, as well as allowing for the investigation of the
mechanics of individual accidents.
Data applications using IRSMS are already being developed, for example:

AusAID/ Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) have requested an independent

analysis of hazardous locations black spots and black lengths using IRSMS data to
review more than 20 black spot road locations in Jateng, Central Java, that are
proposed for priority funding for improvements to the road or reconstruction of the
road. To support such analyses, an IRSMS Data Analysis & Applications Manual is
being developed.
IRSMS allows situations where there are accident clusters to be identified. These may
be common crash types at particular locations or at particular times of the day, and
may involve particular types of vehicles, or travel for particular purposes. The draft
IRSMS Data Analysis & Applications Manual discusses the OLA approach used in
Sweden [18] to present objective data to stakeholders, get the stakeholders to make a
list of solutions that can address the problem, and agree to the actions that are to be
performed and plan or schedule those actions.
IRSMS allows the review of sections or the full length of roads to identify poorly
performing roads. This can involve not only examination of accident records, but
additional data about road use, enforcement data, road safety audit reports, to allow for
the development of an integrated response, such as targeted enforcement, a review of
road signage, road alignments, etc.
Finally, IRSMS can support new tactics to target the inappropriate and illegal
behaviours that contribute to an increased risk of road trauma. IRSMS is being used to
assist in the development of new traffic policing tactics for INTPC. Working together
with AusAID, a priority program will be a demonstration of speed enforcement as an
effective tool in speed management and reducing road trauma. A pilot program is
being undertaken on a selected toll road east of Jakarta which has a history of high
road trauma. Different interception techniques will be applied, using proposed new
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). New speed enforcement equipment (radar,
LIDAR, time X distance measurement) will be trialed and evaluated for wider use
across Indonesia.

The design of the continued development of IRSMS will strengthen the institutional
environment under which road safety and traffic policing actions are planned, undertaken and
evaluated. If policies or decisions are based on limited or unreliable data, this can result in
adverse results from program implementation and an unnecessary waste of resources. Road
safety data, collected every day, can fulfil this purpose if they are properly recorded and
compiled in a reliable system that can subsequently be used for data processing and analysis.
The results can also be disseminated to relevant stakeholders and, when used effectively, can
aid decision making on overall direction and strategy for road safety in Indonesia.
An analogy is that of moving on an escalator of progress. The escalator moves from a
situation where doing any form of road safety activity seems limited and likely ineffective, to
a vantage point from which activities can be initiated and expanded, where researchers can
investigate real events, where journalists can access real data to report on what has worked
and what has not worked, and where politicians in turn are able to be better informed and be
more realistic in their major economic and safety decisions concerning funding allocations
and infrastructure planning.
To summarise, one way of thinking about what is being done in Indonesia is a series of small
iterative changes that introduce web-based access to a safety database that can not only be
used by the hosts (the INTPC) but, once officially launched in April 2013, can expand rapidly
to be used by all stakeholders in Indonesia. The aim of IRSMS, together with the RUNK and

with planned legislative changes under Law 22/2009, is to provide the practical facts that can
be used to accelerate institutional change and underpin decisions about capacity development
needs. This should not only start to stabilise the rapidly increasing casualty rate associated
with road accidents but to accelerate the reduction so that a 50% reduction by 2020 becomes a
planned reality rather than a remote possibility.

12. Acknowledgments
The views expressed in this report are those of Consia Consultants, and they do not
necessarily reflect the views of either the Indonesian National Traffic Police Corps or the
World Bank.


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