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Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

Chapter 9


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach
Petros Koutsoukos
The chemical nature of most geothermal fluids poses some severe technical
constraints to the utilisation of geothermal
energy, and especially of the high-enthalpy
part. Geothermal fluids contain various
quantities of soluble species (up to 300 g/kg
of fluid) and dissolved gases, which under
the thermodynamic changes occurring during their utilisation may result in scaling (or
generally speaking fouling), corrosion of the
metallic surfaces in contact with the fluids
and even environmental problems (emission
of harmful gases, liquid disposal etc.).
Another intrinsic characteristic of geothermal
energy is that the geothermal fluids vary
greatly from site to site and for this reason
measures taken to cope with these problems in one site may not be applicable to
another site.
The control and prevention of the corrosion and scaling problems has evolved over
the past 50 years from the empirical approach and an a posteriori treatment (chemical and/or mechanical removal of scales,
replacement of heavily scaled or corroded
sections) to systematic research towards
understanding the complicated phenomena
leading to these problems and taking measures to mitigate them. In this direction the
knowledge acquired from other sectors (e.g.
oil production, chemical industry, power generation) in dealing with similar problems
contributed significantly to our understand-

The objective of this chapter is to offer
a general description of the problems of
scaling and corrosion in geothermal plants
and to discuss the most common measures
to mitigate these problems.
9.2.1. Definitions
Fouling is defined as the accumulation
of undesirable materials in the surfaces that
come in contact with certain fluid. Fouling
can be found in almost every industrial, domestic or physiological activity which involves fluid flow, with or without heat transfer
via the surface. The problems related to
fouling are not recent. The Ancient Greeks
and the Romans, more than twenty centuries ago, had encountered problems of calcium carbonate deposits in aqueducts
(Cowan and Weintritt, 1976).
Precipitation or crystallization fouling
occurs in a geothermal system whenever
the ionic product of a sparingly soluble salt
exceeds its equilibrium solubility product.
The terms scaling or scale formation
are commonly used when the precipitate formed is a hard deposit. Scaling often refers
to the formation of deposits of inverse-solubility
salts (e.g. CaCO3, CaSO4, Ca3(PO4)2), although this term in industry denotes the
hard and adherent deposits that form in
equipment from the inorganic constituents of


Corrosion and Scaling

Particulate fouling and biofouling, two

other types of fouling as categorised by Epstein (1978), can also occur in geothermal
plants and in geothermal heat pumps systems, usually with no significant consequences. Particulate deposits have been observed in low enthalpy fluids rich in fer-rous
ions (Andritsos et al, 1994). Severe problems from particulate deposits can occasionally occur in the reinjection formation with
pore blocking. Biofouling is a rare occurrence in the geothermal systems due to high
fluid temperatures and the problems are limited in the cooling water systems and in
open-loop geothermal heat pump systems.
The formation of scale on equipment
surfaces exposed to geothermal fluids can
have serious economic consequences, arising out of energy losses, increased capital
cost from equipment oversizing, increased
pumping costs, increased cost of cleaning
and maintenance, loss of production, or
even abandoning a production or reinjection
well due to clogging. With intensified efforts
to use geothermal resources for energy production and for other industrial applications,
there is an increased interest in understanding the scaling process. An improved
understanding may lead to measures for
mitigating this problem.
The great complexity of the scale formation process results from the large number of species found in a geothermal fluid
and from the plethora of possible physical
mechanisms involved. The latter may include mass, momentum and heat transfer, as
well as chemical reactions at the equipment
surfaces. Furthermore, the diversity of fluid
composition from site to site and the variation of processes along the flow path make
difficult the generalization of both the mechanisms responsible for the scale formation and the preventive measures.
Scale formation may occur almost everywhere in a geothermal plant. It may occur
in the geothermal formation, geothermal

' (M a + ) n (A b! ) m $
"G RT ln %
K sp

1/(n + m)

wells, surface facilities, reinjection line and

well, cooling water system and turbine blades.This presentation will not deal with cooling water fouling in geothermal plants, since
this problem is treated properly in numerous
publications (Kemmer 1988, Betz-Dearborn
9.2.3. Scale Composition in Geothermal
The composition of the scale in geothermal plants is commonly very complex
and depends on many parameters, such as
the temperature and pressure of the fluid,
the history of water-rock interactions and the
operating conditions. Low and moderate
temperature brines (T<150C) yield, as a
rule, scale consisting of calcium carbonate
(Owen and Michels, 1984; Corsi, 1986).
There are a few exceptions to this rule,
such as the geothermal wells in the Paris
Basin, where relatively large concentrations
of iron and dissolved sulphide result in iron
sulphide scale deposits (Criaud and Fouillac, 1989). High enthalpy and low salinity
fluids usually form silica scale (e.g. certain
wells in Iceland). On the other hand, high
temperature liquids with high TDS content
yield both siliceous and sulphide scale, with
lead sulphide being one of the major constituents. Table 9.1 gives some examples of
the various scale types occurring in low and
high-enthalpy geothermal systems. Pictures
of scaled geothermal pipes are included in
Figure 9.1.
9.2.4 Basic concepts of scale formation
For an ionic substance MnAm, that
crystallises according to the reaction
bnM + mA ! MnAm (solid)
the thermodynamic driving force for the
crystallisation either in the bulk or at the pipe
substrate is defined as the change of the
Gibbs free energy of transfer from the supersaturated state to equilibrium:

& IAP #
= RT ln $
%$ K sp "!

1/(n + m)


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

Table 9.1. Scale composition in geothermal systems.

Calcium carbonate
Iron oxides

Earth Energy (Geothermal Heat Pumps)


Various sites

Various sites

Low and medium-enthalpy fluids


N. Kessani, Sousaki, Nigrita

(Greece), Kizildere (Turkey)
Iron oxides

Nigrita (Greece)
Iron sulphide salts [in association with

Dogger Basin (France)

Calcium carbonate

High- enthalpy fluids


Miravalles (Costarika), Latera

(Italy), Cerro Prieto (Mexico), East
Mesa, Nevada (USA)
Silica (and metal-silicates) [usually

Svartsengi (Iceland), Matsu Kawa

associated with small or medium TDS]
Heavy metal sulphide salts (with silica and

Salton Sea (USA), Milos

metal-silicates) [associated with high TDS]
(Greece), Asal Wells (Djibouti)
Oxides (and sulphide salts)

Reykjanes (Iceland)
TDS: Total Dissolved Solids (mg/kg)
Calcium carbonate

Figure 9.1. Pictures of scaled geothermal pipes. Left, CaCO3 scales in a pipe carrying lowenthalpy geothermal water at Nigrita, Greece. Right, mixed silica and sulphide scales in the
reinjection pipe of Milos geothermal plant.
In the above equation, R is the gas
constant, T the fluid temperature, Ksp the
thermodynamic solubility product of the phase forming compound and (IAP) the ion
activity product. Quantities in parentheses

denote activities of the corresponding ions.

The quantity is defined as the supersaturation ratio of the crystalline precipitate. For
scale formation to occur, S must exceed


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

( (M " + ) n (A ! ) m %
S =&
K sp

1/(n + m)

& IAP #
= $
%$ K sp "!

1/(n + m)

Often, in the literature, S is written without the exponent. Today, the solution speciation and the supersaturation ratios of the
various salts in geothermal waters are
readily computed by various computer codes taking into account all possible ion-pairs
and the most recent values for the solubility
products and the dissociation constants.
Of primary importance is the development of supersaturation which is the driving
force for nucleation and crystal growth. Provided that there is sufficient contact time
with a foreign substrate, scale formation
may take place. Supersaturation can be
achieved as a result of the change of the
operating conditions, most notably of temperature and of pH.
In Figure 9.2 a typical solubility diagram
for a sparingly soluble salt of inverse solubility (such as CaCO3, CaSO4) is shown.
The solid line corresponds to equilibrium. At
a point A the solute is in equilibrium with the
corresponding solid salt. Any deviation from
this equilibrium position may be effected
either isothermally (line AB), at constant
solute concentration, increasing the solution
temperature (AC), or by varying both con-



centration and temperature (AD). A solution

departing from equilibrium is bound to return
to this state by the precipitation of the excess solute. For most of the scale forming
sparingly soluble salts, supersaturated solutions may be stable for practically infinite
time periods. These solutions are called metastable. There is, however, a threshold in
the extent of deviation from equilibrium marked by the dashed line in Figure 2, which if
reached, first wall crystallisation (scaling)
and subsequently spontaneous precipitation
may occur with or without an induction period preceding precipitation. This range of
supersaturation defines the labile region and
the dashed line is known as the super
solubility curve. It should be noted that the
super solubility curve is not well defined and
depends on several factors such as presence of foreign suspended particles, wall
material and roughness, temperature, pH
etc. The formation and subsequent deposition of solids occurs only when the solution
conditions correspond to the metastable or
the labile region. Below the solubility curve
scaling cannot take place.





Stable region

Figure 9.2. Solubility-supersaturation diagram of a sparingly soluble salt with inverse solubility.


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

9.2.5. Common Types of Geothermal Scale

The following is a short discussion of
the common types of geothermal scales.
Although they will be dealt with individually,
deposits in geothermal systems are rarely
homogenous and usually more than one
phase is identified.

Calcium Carbonate
Calcium carbonate forms a dense,
extremely adherent deposit. It is by far the
most common scale problem in low and
medium temperature geothermal systems.
Calcium carbonate deposits can be also
encountered in heat pump systems (Rafferty, 2000). The mechanism of CaCO3 scale formation can be described as follows:
almost all geothermal fluids contain significant quantities of dissolved CO2, in the
form of CO2(aq) and HCO3 . The flashing of
the vapour phase and the CO2 release
cause a pH increase. As a result supersaturation conditions are established and
CaCO3 is deposited:
2Ca + CO3 # CaCO3 (solid)
Apart from the assessment of the
CaCO3 scaling tendency using the supersaturation ratio, this tendency can be predicted qualitatively by a plethora of indices
derived theoretically or empirically over the
past 70 years. The most common indices
are the Langelier Index and the Ryznar Index.
Calcium carbonate can exist in three
different polymorphs, namely calcite, aragonite and vaterite, in order of increasing solubility. All three polymorphs have been
identified in scales, although vaterite is rather rare. Thermodynamics predicts that calcite, the least soluble polymorph, should be
the phase favoured in the precipitation process. Aragonite is also encountered in geothermal systems, forming scales sometimes
as tenacious as those of calcite. The water
temperature and chemistry (e.g. pH and
ionic strength) have been shown to play a
determining role for the nature of the precipitating calcium carbonate phases. It is
also well known that the presence of magnesium ions, in solutions supersaturated

with respect to CaCO3, favours the precipitation of aragonite and appears to hinder the
formation of vaterite.

Heavy Metal Sulphides

Regarding the mechanism of sulphide
scale formation, two opposing phenomena
take place as the brine flashes (Owen and
Michels, 1984). For mildly acidic fluids, such
as that of Milos, Greece, most of the sulphide species enter the vapour phase in the
form of H2S, causing a desirable decrease
of those species in the residual brine. However, the pH rise due to the simultaneous
release of carbon dioxide favours the precipitation of heavy metals as sulphides (Michels & Owen 1984, Andritsos & Karabelas
1991). The heavy metals at the high temperatures of the brines are mainly transported
as chloride complexes. Additionally, the precipitation of metal sulphides is promoted by
two other factors, i.e. the temperature decrease, since the solubility of most sulphides
significantly increases with temperature, and
the "enrichment" of the residual (4)
brine in
heavy metals because of steam separation.
As an example, in the case of Milos
Plant the solubility of galena in the residual
brine is estimated to decrease approximately 50 times, by using Helgeson's (1969)
data, for a pH decline of 1 unit. These estimates are based on the assumptions that
after flashing 50% of the fluid is separated
as steam and that the pH of the residual
brine increases by one unit, whereas the
temperature declines by 20C. The dependence of the solubility of several heavy metal sulphides upon temperature and pH is
illustrated in Figure 3. Sulphide scaling results in bands of hard and tenacious
Regarding the iron sulphide deposits
encountered in the Paris Basin, the mechanism of scale formation of the various polymorphs can be described in brief as follows
(Fouillac & Criaud, 1989):
1. Corrosion of the well casing results in
the presence of significant quantities of iron
in the brines according to the reaction:
Fe # Fe + 2e


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos





















Temperature ( C)

Figure 9.3. Solubility of heavy metal sulphides at 2 N NaCl solutions as a function(a) of pH at a

constant temperature of 250C and (b) of temperature at pH=7.
A part of the dissolved iron in the fluids
comes from the geothermal formation, its
concentration being usually less than 1
mg/L. The most important source of dissolved iron is the corrosion of mild steel
2. Bacterial reduction of sulphate ions
22(SO4 ) to sulphide ones (HS , S ).
3. Reaction of iron and sulphide ions and
the precipitation of various iron sulphide
phases (FeS, Fe2S etc.)
(1+x)Fe + HS # Fe(1+x)S + H
Obviously, a measure to mitigate the
problem is the prevention and control of
corrosion of the pipes.
c) Silica and metal-silicates


Amorphous silica (SiO2) is deposited

from virtually all high temperature geothermal fluids and sometimes from some medium temperature fluids. The mechanism of
silica deposition is neither simple nor well
understood. In contrast to CaCO3 and sulphide salts, silica deposition is controlled by
the polymerization kinetics of silicic acid,
Si(O$)4 (Ellis & Mahon, 1977). As a result of
the slow polymerization kinetics, silica deposits are formed several minutes or even
hours after the establishment of supersa(6)
turation conditions. A pH increase favours
the polymerization at pH <8.6, although the
silica solubility remains unaffected. The
polymerization rate at pH<9 depends on pH
(or [O$ ]), according to the relation
(%uhlmann et al., 1980):

Corrosion and Scaling

d[Si(OH)4 ]
= k [Si(OH)4 ]- [Si(OH)4 ]e2 [OH! ]!0.7
In the above relation k is the reaction
easier and more economically than the welconstant, which depends upon the surface
lbore. The use of submersible pumps to
area of the deposits and e denotes the silica
keep the pressure of the whole system at a
concentration at equilibrium with amorphous
pressure higher that needed for flashing is
SiO2. In practice for pH less than 5 this
recommended for the low enthalpy situareaction is very slow and the silica depotions.
sition is practically zero.
Careful adjustment of primary flashing
In certain geothermal fields, such as
pressure in high-enthalpy plants, at a sufSalton Sea in California and Kyushu in Jaficiently high level, can drastically reduce
pan, iron and aluminium are incorporated in
scale formation by keeping solids saturation
the amorphous silica deposits by forming
relatively low. This pressure adjustment is
bonds of the type Fe-O-Si and Al-O-Si (Galusually effective on silica deposition, but
lup, 1993), to form the so-called metalapparently cannot influence sulphide scasilicates. It is believed that the rate of deling.
position of silica is enhanced in the pre!
Large pipe diameters may offer some
sence of aluminium an iron (Fe and Fe )
advantages in reducing the impact of carions. Although the aluminium concentration
bonate and sulphide scaling, especially in
in geothermal fluids rarely exceeds 5 mg/kg,
areas where deposition is expected (after
its contribution to scale can reach 10% w/w
flashing point). This suggestion is a direct
(as Al2O3).
consequence of the fact that for these scaAnother characteristic of the silica deling systems the deposition mechanism appears to be controlled by the rate of tranposits is that they are present in every part
sport of scale-forming ions towards the pipe
of the geothermal installation and they are
not confined to a relatively short part im!
The prevention of shut-downs and of
mediately after the flashing point. A sigoperating condition changes may be of help
nificant problem is encountered in brine
in certain cases, by avoiding the formation
reinjection systems, where the precipitated
of bands of deposits of reduced adhesion
silica colloids can block the pores of the
strength. Such deposits can be sometimes
reinjection formation.
shattered and dislodged from the pipe walls,
transferred by the flow, and finally accu9.2.6. Scale Control and Prevention
mulated and cemented at certain places.
There are numerous methods in use to
Such problems have been observed for both
control scale formation in geothermal syslow and high enthalpy geothermal fluids in
tems. Some of the most common measures
Greece. In these cases, special ports at the
are the proper design of the geothermal
lower parts of the geothermal system must
plant and selection of operating conditions,
be installed to collect these deposit fragpH adjustment, use of chemical additives
and the removal of deposits by chemical or
Carbonate deposits can be prevented
mechanical means. Some typical measures,
by the use of scale inhibitors, as will be
to be taken in the selection of design and
discussed below, but the use of inhibitors in
operating conditions, are outlined below:
preventing sulphide and silica scaling is met
Flashing in the wellbore should be avoby limited success. It seems that these scale
ided by maintaining higher pressure in the
types can be prevented (at least partially) by
well. Reaming of the well is the most efpH decrease with the addition of a mineral
fective way to remove the deposits in the
acid. The least desirable method is the
casing, but it is rather difficult to remove
removal of deposits. However, under some
scale from the slotted liner. Surface equipcircumstances this method is the only apment plugged by scale can be cleaned
plicable technique. CaCO3 can be dissolved


Corrosion and Scaling

easily by almost all strong acids; however,

corrosion inhibitors have to be used simultaneously. This technique can be used to
clean some specific pieces of equipment
(e.g. heat exchanger, flashing valve etc.).
Chelants cannot be used in the removal of
carbonate deposits, because of the slow
rate of removal and the large quantities
needed. Non-carbonate deposits are difficult
to remove by chemical methods and their
removal is carried out by mechanical means
(e.g. well reaming, mechanical scraping,
hydroblasting, etc.).
Finally, it should be stressed that when
dealing with a scaling or corrosion problem
in a geothermal system one has to take into
consideration the following:
(1) There is no specific recipe to deal with
all the variations of scale formation.
(2) An effective scale control measure in a
geothermal installation may become ineffective in case of change of the operating
conditions or when applied to another
geothermal system.
9.2.7. Control of CaCO3 scale formation
As discussed previously, there are several methods to eliminate or suppress the
formation of scale in geothermal and other
scale-prone systems (chemical/mechanical
cleaning, acidification, chemical complexation, water softening, electro-magnetic gadgets, chemical additives etc); however,
most of these methods are not practical,
because of the vast volumes of geothermal
waters involved. Apart from the cleaning
method, which can be used only when a
specific piece of equipment (e.g. a heat
exchanger) is plagued by scaling, the two
most important methods are based on the
following concepts:
! Interfering with the crystal nucleation
and growth processes (crystal growth
! Reducing the availability of carbonate
ion by acidification (injection of strong acid)
or by keeping the geothermal brine under
pressure by using downhole pumps (Owen
& Michels, 1984).
Crystal Growth Inhibition


One of the most common techniques to

control carbonate scaling involves the use of
chemical additives (crystal growth or scale
inhibitors, antiscalants). These substances
are usually moderately large molecules that
are readily adsorbed on the growth-active
sites of the crystal surfaces, thus retarding
nucleation and crystal growth and distorting
the crystal structure of the scale. The state
of the art on the scale inhibition can be
found in some recent reviews (e.g. Amjad,
1996). Crystal growth inhibition is considered the most efficient method of control-ling
carbonate scale formation in geothermal installations (Vetter & Cambell, 1979; Benoit
Scale inhibition efficiency depends on
the ability of the inhibitor to interfere with the
scale formation stages, either in the stage of
nucleation or in the stage of crystal growth.
The various inhibitors are considered to act
according to one (and usually more than
one) of the following main mechanisms of
interference with crystal growth:
(i) Threshold effect: the inhibitor acts by
retarding salt precipitation.
(ii) Crystal distortion effect: the inhibitor interferes with crystal growth by producing an irregular structure (usually rounded
surfaces) with poor scaling potential.
(iii) Dispersion: inducing a charge on crystal surface results in the repulsion
between neighbouring crystals.
(iv) Sequestration or chelation: the binding
with certain cations (Fe, Mg, etc) to
form soluble complexes.
Theoretical calculations to estimate the
antiscalant dose for a specific application
are not available and the selection of the
appropriate inhibitor and the optimum dose
relies on laboratory and field experiments.
The most common way to check the
effectiveness of an inhibitor is to monitor the
calcium concentration in a specific site of
the plant. The inhibitor dose in geothermal
water depends on the water quality and temperature. The concentration of the antiscalants ranges between 2 and 20 mg/L, but as
high as 50 mg/L concentrations have been
reported. Blends of different antiscalants are
usually used, which sometimes perform bet-

Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

ter than their individual components.

There are several types of inhibitors,
the most important in geothermal applications are the phosphorous-containing compounds (inorganic polyphosphates and organophosphorous compounds, most notably
phosphonates) and the polycarboxylates
(products of polyacrylic, maleic and polymethacrylic acid, of polymaleic anhydrite
etc.). A large number of polymers are used
as scale inhibitors and as dispersants. Most
of the polymers have a molecular weight
below 50,000. A typical phosphonate has
the following structure:

-RCH2 - P - O |
OThis structure of phosphonates with CP-O bonding is more stable to hydrolysis
than the polyphosphates. The crystal distortion effect of the inhibitors can be seen in
the Scanning Electron Micrographs presented in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4. SEM micrographs of calcite scales in the laboratory in the absence (a) and in the
presence (b) of 5 mg/L of a phosphonate inhibitor. Evident is the reduced scale mass and the
crystal distortion in the presence of the inhibitor. In both cases XRD analysis has shown that the
deposits are composed of calcite. Micrographs (c) and (d) represent CaCO3 bulk precipitates in
the absence and in the presence of the inhibitor, respectively (Andritsos et al, 1996).
The most suitable method of the use of
additives in geothermal systems is the continuous downhole injection at a point upstream of the vapour flashing. Rarely the injection of the inhibitors is done batchwise. A

typical inhibitor injection system is presented

in Figure 5 (Pieri et al. 1989). A flexible tube
(o.d. 5-10 mm) is placed in parallel to the
well casing or inside the well. In low enthalpy systems plastic tubes may be suit-


Corrosion and Scaling

able, but for the highly corrosive environments of the high-temperature fluids corrosion resistant materials are needed (e.g. Incolloy, Hastelloy). Downhole inhibitor injection has the advantage of allowing the parallel use of corrosion inhibitors, but it is also
associated with the following operating
(1) Ineffective scale control due to low
inhibitor concentration.
(2) Probable formation of pseudo-scales
(e.g. calcium phosphates). In this case
a reduction of the inhibitor concentration or
change of the inhibitor is required.
(3) Corrosion of the injection tube due to
the corrosive nature of both the geothermal fluid and the inhibitor itself. The
phosphonates are strongly corrosive at high
concentrations. Pieri et al. (1989) suggest
the use of alloy Hastelloy C-4 with inner
Teflon coating.
(4) Blocking by scales of the tube exit. A
continuous additive injection is required in
dealing with this problem.
(5) Most inhibitors are unstable (or ineffective) at high temperature (>200C).
Finally, it is pointed out that the use of
inhibitors does reduce the thermodynamic
tendency of the fluid to precipitate due to its
supersaturation. The fluid remains supersaturated and it is possible that at long re-

sidence times the effectiveness of the

inhibitor is reduced.
9.2.8. Control of Sulphide and Silica

Total prevention of sulphide scale

for-mation seems almost impossible at
convenient measures may suppress the
amount of scale forming in geothermal
plants. The main approaches in this
direction are the chemical modifica-tion
of the brine (e.g. pH reduction), careful
design of the plant, the selection of appropriate operating conditions, brine
hand-ling and use of additives (mainly
crystal growth inhibitors). In a recent
study on the assessment of silica scale
inhibitors, Gallup (2002) suggests that
organic inhibitors will likely continue to
have limited use in geo-thermal
systems. The least preferable ap-proach
to control scale formation is removal of
scale by chemical or mechanical means
during periodic plant interruptions,
unless this cleaning is carried out to a
limited degree during regular plant



fi lter


hi gh-press ure
fi lter


Production wel l

Figure 9.5. Simplified schematic diagram of the inhibitor injection system (Pieri et al, 1989)


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

pH Reduction
The method of sulphide scale control
by reducing the pH of geothermal brine is
based on the well known fact that the solubility of sulphides increases markedly in
acidic solutions. In the range of pH values
which are typical of high salinity and high
enthalpy brines (pH<6), a ten-fold increaseof the sulphide solubility is obtained by
reducing the pH by one unit. Even a small
reduction of pH may sometimes reduce
drastically the amount of deposits. A reduction of pH will also have a beneficial
effect on the formation of silica and metalsilicate deposits. However, two negative factors must be also considered; i.e. the possible corrosion of pipes at low pH values
and the cost of acid.
The method of brine acidification has
been successfully applied in several cases.
Gallup (1996) reports that inhibition of ironsilicate scale is achieved by lowering the pH
by only 0.1 to 0.3 units. Also, Harrar (1981)
notices that the pH reduction in laboratory
experiments inhibits the deposition of both
silica and sulphides. However, for complete
scale prevention the brine pH should be
reduced to about 3, which tends to increase
significantly the corrosion rate of steel.
Brine handling
The process aims at precipitating and
subsequenty settling of the soluble species
in specially designed equipment, so that no
scaling can occur in the downstream installlation. It is often used when there is the risk
of clogging the reinjection well and aquifer.
9.3.1. Definitions
Corrosion of equipment employed for
handling geothermal fluids as well as in the
production and injection well casings is a
serious problem limiting the exploitation of
geothermal energy. In this section the corrosion types most commonly encountered in
geothermal systems are presented and the
main approaches for mitigating this problem
are outlined.

As mentioned earlier, geothermal fluids

contain chemical species at sufficiently high
concentrations which render them highly
corrosive. These components include Cl-,
2H2S/HS , SO4 and HCO3-. In addition O2,
H+ and F- ions contribute to corrosion of
metals used in geothermal installations (Ellis
1981, Corsi 1986). The corrosivity of the various geothermal fluids varies widely, depending mainly on their chemical composition.
Additional factors contributing to the
corrosion of metals in differing forms include
the condition of the fluids, temperature, flow
rate, etc. Knowledge of the corrosion processes involved in handling geothermal
fluids is of paramount importance in the design of equipment and of the approach to
prevent or reduce corrosion phenomena.
Corrosion is the natural process of deterioration of metals and alloys in a corrosive environment. This is a very broad definition, but corrosion occurs in a wide variety of forms, both in pure metals and in
alloys. Although some of the forms of corrosion are unique they are interrelated. The
two most frequently occurring forms of
corrosion are general corrosion and pitting.
9.3.2. Types of Corrosion
A number of different types of corrosion
have been observed in geothermal systems.
The most significant of these types are
presented briefly below:
General or Uniform Corrosion. General corrosion is the most common type of
corrosion. It is defined as the uniform loss of
metal from the entire exposed surface of the
metal. For most geothermal applications and
in the absence of atmospheric oxygen, the
general corrosion rate is usually low. However, the simultaneous presence of O2 and
H2S in geothermal fluids can lead to substantially increased corrosion rates. The general corrosion in geothermal systems is
responsible for the greatest loss of material,
without however leading to severe material
failure that characterizes other coorosion
Pitting Corrosion. Pitting is a type of
localized corrosion in which a small portion
of the exposed surface experiences very


Corrosion and Scaling

high corrosion rates resulting in small holes

in the metal surface. This type of corrosion
usually occurs when general corrosion rates
are low. Pitting is especially dangerous because the metal loss rates can be very high.
The result is unexpected failures in pipes
and tubes. The omnipresent chlorides in
geothermal systems is the primary agent for
this corrosion type in steels, while for the
copper alloys major responsibility lies on the
ammonium ions. Pitting corrosion comprises
a severe problem in heat exchangers due to
thin walls of the pipes or plates. Most
importantly, a single hole in a plate heat
exchanger can make it inoperable.
Crevice Corrosion. Crevice corrosion
is another form of localized corrosion. It
occurs in crevices on metal structures. Corrosion materials build up in the space of the
crevice and create a highly localized and
very corrosive environment. Certain anions,
such as chlorides, promote the hydrolysis
reactions that cause the problem.
Underdeposit Corrosion. This is a
special type of crevice corrosion where the
crevice or space is caused by a deposit on
the metal surface. Scale, corrosion products
or a variety of other debris can cause deposits under which accelerated corrosion
occurs. After deposits are formed, it is
difficult to stop underdeposit corrosion,
because the deposits make it difficult to get
corrosion inhibitors to the metal surface suf-

fering the high corrosion rates. Another form

of underdeposit corrosion common in open
recirculating cooling systems is caused by
the attachment of biomasses to metal surfaces. The biomass produces by- products
that are corrosive to most metals and are
held next to the metal surface by the biomass.
Galvanic Corrosion. When dissimilar
metals are connected in an electrolytic solution under the proper conditions, one metal
will experience accelerated corrosion. The
alloy highest in the galvanic series will corrode faster. The relative areas of the two alloys are important. If the area of the more
active alloy is small compared to the area of
the noble metal, then the severity of the galvanic attack will be greater. An example of
this type of corrosion is shown in Figure 4:
Impingement. Impingement is an accelerated form of corrosion that occurs when
a metal surface, covered by a protective
film, is damaged by mechanical or hydraulic
wear or abrasion. Mechanical abrasion will
remove protective films, but the effect of
high fluid velocity, intense turbulence and
cavitation can accelerate this process.
These effects are most often observed at inlets to heat exchanger tubes, at piping elbows, in piping downstream of pumps, and
on pump impellers. Copper and copper alloys are especially sensitive to impingement.

Figure 9.6. Underdeposit corrosion in carbon steel pipes from the villeneuve La Garenne


Nikos Andritsos, Pierre Ungemach, Petros Koutsoukos

9.3.3. Operational Factors Affecting

Corrosion Rates
Temperature. As a general rule, increaseing temperature increases corrosion
rates. This is due to a combination of factors- first, the common effect of temperature
on the reaction kinetics themselves and the
higher diffusion rate of many corrosive byproducts at increased temperatures. This
latter action delivers these by-products to
the surface more efficiently.
Occasionally, the corrosion rates in a
system will decrease with increasing temperature. This can occur because of certain
solubility considerations. Many gases have
lower solubility in open systems at higher
temperatures. As temperatures increase,
the resulting decrease in solubility of the gas
causes corrosion rates to go down.
pH. Corrosion rates almost always increase with decreasing pH (increasing acidity). This is a direct result of increasing the
concentration of an aggressive ion (H+) and
increasing the solubility of most potentially
corrosive products.
Oxygen Concentration. Oxygen's role
in corrosion is as an aggressive gas or oxidizing agent. As its concentration increasees, corrosion rates increase until the rates of
diffusion to the surfaces reach a maximum.
The same principles apply to most other
oxidizing agents, such as Cl2, H+, Br2.
Fluid Velocity. The dependence of
corrosion rate on fluid velocity is complex. In
general, the higher the velocity, the higher
the corrosion rate. At very low velocities,

even zero, there are diffusion effects that

can cause corrosion. As fluid velocities increase from stagnant to moderate values,
the corrosion rates increase. Then, as the
limit of diffusion at a particular temperature
is reached, further increases in velocity have
little effect on the corrosion rate. At some
point, however, the velocity reaches such
high values that the surface film of the metal
begins to be damaged. At these velocities,
the corrosion rates resume increasing with
the higher velocities.
Suspended Solids. An increase in
suspended solids levels will accelerate corrosion rates. These solids include any inorganic or organic contaminants present in the
water. Examples of these contaminants
include clay, sand, silt or biomass.
Ellis (1981) devised an empirical system for the classification of the geothermal
fluids according to their corrosivity taking
into consideration the most important corrosive constituents of the fluids. Of primary
importance in the system of Ellis is the total
concentration of the corrosive ions. (Total
Key Species, TKS). This parameter is analogous to the expression of total dissolved
solids (TDS) used for the salt content of a
fluid and they are the sum of the chloride,
sulfate, carbonate, bicarbonate and of the
ammonium ions. For the majority of the
geothermal fluids TKS is made of chloride,
bicarbonate and carbonate ions. According
to Elliss system the geothermal fluids fall
into five categories depending on their TKS,
pH and the fluid temperature.

Figure 9.7. Picture of a corroded geothermal iron pipe section in contact a bronze valve.


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