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10 Quick Wins Ebook

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10 Quick Wins

For Sales & Marketing

A look at the best practices

leading companies are employing
to improve conversion rates
at each phase of the funnel.
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Table of Contents

10 Quick Wins

How to improve conversion rates at each phase of the funnel. . . . . . . . . . . . 3

A look at the best practices

leading companies are employing
to improve conversion rates at
each phase of the funnel.

Improve marketing results through pinpoint prospecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Refine lists and messaging: broader is not better. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

for Sales & Marketing

Convert inquiries to leads through nurture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Improve response rates through analysis and segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Increase the relevancy of your marketing content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Build a repeatable sales process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Leverage trigger events to shorten the sales cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Use lead scoring and routing to increase close rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Find like-minded buyers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Get sales and marketing on the same page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
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How to improve conversion rates at each phase of the funnel

When the economy was still in a growth mode, it was easy
for B2B marketers to keep paying for more new leads to feed
the funnel. Now, as efficiency has become the rule of the day,
companies realize they cant afford to let valid contacts waste
away in their database. They have to get smarter about how
they find and follow-up on leads.
As a result, more and more companies are putting a new
emphasis on nurturing the leads they have and finding more
effective ways to convert leads through the various stages of
the marketing and sales funnel.
In this e-book, we examine ten ways sales organizations can
accelerate the progression from cold to close. From improving
marketing results through pinpoint prospecting to making
sure sales and marketing are on the same page, here are some
tangible steps you can take to move faster from cold to close.

Sales / Marketing Funnel

Campaign Resources

Qualified Leads


Leads Prioritized
For Sales



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1. Improve marketing results through pinpoint prospecting

Pinpoint prospecting means taking the time to identify
and locate the right markets, companies, and titles. Market
intelligence and advisory firm IDC also categorizes this
focused approach under sales enablement, and defines it as
the delivery of the right information to the right person
at the right time in the right format and in the right place to
assist in moving a specific sales opportunity forward.

was able to determine the upcoming IT initiatives of over

3,000 companies, and then target those companies with a
customized message based on those upcoming initiatives. By
using this approach, the company increased the conversion
rate of initial meetings turning into pipeline from 55% to 81%.

IDC views sales enablement as so important that it says

developing and implementing a focused sales enablement
strategy, which allows reps to have qualitatively different and
relevant conversations, will have the greatest positive impact
on revenue this year.

Pinpoint prospecting strategies can vary by industry, company

size and competitive positioning. Some B2B organizations
have had success by pulling key qualifying data, segmented by
industry, title or potential technology requirements. Advanced
organizations have taken this a step further by drilling down
to companies that run a certain type of hardware or belong to
large charitable groups.

One reason IDC is so big on sales enablementor pinpoint

prospectingis that it works. Case in point: a major antivirus
software company was able to pinpoint prospects that
had competitors contracts expiring in the next year. They
were able to segment that market by competitor, and
the prospects satisfaction with that vendor. They then
allocated more time and resources to the prospects with low
satisfaction, and were able to displace key accounts from their
competitors systematically.
Another example of the power of pinpoint prospecting:
one of the largest technology companies in the world

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The Takeaway

Pinpoint prospecting is really about knowing precisely who

your ideal customer is and what matters to them. The
further you drill down, the more targeted and relevant your
conversation becomes. Whereas old school prospecting might
have meant pulling a list of IT managers, pinpoint prospecting
means pulling a list of IT managers who work in supply chain
management at companies with annual revenues in excess of
$50M. Narrow it down to just the IT managers that golf and
youve got yourself a pinpoint prospect.


2. Refine lists and messaging: broader is not better

Savvy marketers are improving results by carefully identifying
prospects and then gearing marketing efforts to them. Its
pinpoint prospecting applied to lists and messaging.
Many marketers, reluctant to miss any avenue of opportunity,
define their target as broadly as possible and in so doing
miss the chance to convincingly address the most potent
prospects, says Dan McDade, president of PointClear, a B2B
prospecting consultancy. A typical example is a company that
perceives its target market to be the Fortune 500, when the
most likely purchasers are actually a much smaller audience
within that group. Those companies that are quicker to see
the value proposition of a product, whether due to immediate
business pains or because they are looking to enhance their
own capabilities, are readier to respond at higher levels than
others, so it makes sense to identify those segments and
market to them specifically.
This approach is validated by a study showing that
the deliverability of email improves dramatically with
segmentation. According to the study by analyst firm
Aberdeen Group, email marketers that pay careful attention
to customer behavior and segmentation achieve an average
email delivery rate of 90.2%, well above the 82.3% average.
The study, which was summarized in a report entitled
Demystifying Email Deliverability, found that best-in-class
email marketers are 30% more likely to tie email deliverability
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to customer retention than laggards, who focus more on

revenue generation. Best-in-class marketers build lasting
relationships with opt-in recipients of email marketing
campaigns[encouraging them] to focus on maintaining
quality email lists containing recipients who want to
communicate via email marketing, the study reports. Better
sales performance is a result, Aberdeen concluded.
PointClears McDade notes that refining lists and messaging
has an additional benefit. By applying market intelligence
and finely defined segmentation strategies, we have been
successful in increasing sales performance while actually
reducing marketing costs, he says.
IDC has reached the same conclusion, stating that
investments in sales enablement will have immediate ROI,
both from reduced marketing and sales costs, and increased
sales productivity. They should pay for themselves.

The Takeaway
Too often, B2B marketers are tempted to follow consumer
marketers by casting their net as wide as possible. This not
only leads to inefficient marketing spend, but also wasted time
from the sales team chasing unqualified leads. Industry leaders
are driving higher conversion rates by going narrower and
deeper into high profit potential prospects. By knowing the
right contacts and pain points within those target accounts,
the engagement process accelerates and close rates improve.

3. Convert inquiries to leads through nurture

After driving inquiries into the top of the funnel, the next
key phase is converting inquiries into qualified leads. A recent
survey conducted by Silverpop, a provider of email marketing
and marketing automated solutions, confirms that B2B
marketers will be focusing more on the lead-to-sales funnel
over the next 12 months, especially on the conversion of leads
to opportunities. Based on responses from 446 marketers,
the Silverpop study found nearly one quarter (24%) said
ensuring qualified leads are converting into appropriate sales
opportunities was their top priority.
As any sales organization knows, this kind of qualification
cannot be automated; it must come from a human, usually in
the form of an inside sales or teleprospecting team. Lots of
companies use email, web links, and registration for content to
generate demand and nurture leads, says Dave Green, CEO of
PipeAlign, a company that provides lead generation and lead
management services. The problem is that most companies
use such campaigns once. They engage in a monologue
instead of a learning exchange. But what about a continuously
running automated dialogue with customers and prospects?
Thats what Green calls Digital Dialogue, an emerging and
powerful new approach to lead nurturing.
According to Green, Digital Dialogue engages customers and
prospects in a scalable, low-cost, automated information
exchange, primarily over the Internet. Companies that sell
complex solutions can use that exchange to educate and
qualify potential business buyers before those buyers talk
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to a live representative. This education and qualification

process can last for months across numerous, interconnected
exchanges. Digital Dialogue is necessary for inquiry nurturing
because most prospects dont want to talk to sales people
early in an investigation of a complex product or service,
explains Green.
Industry research firm Aberdeen Group says its important for
every sales organization to use some kind of lead nurturing
system, whether its Digital Dialogue or a system developed on
its own.

The Takeaway
The industry benchmark for moving a response to a lead
qualified by marketing is typically between 4% and 10%. Even
small improvements in conversion rates at this phase of the
funnel can have a big impact on deal close rates and top line
revenue for any business. In addition, some companies are
drilling down into leads which have previously disqualified
and finding new opportunities through a new contact or new

Digital Dialogue is necessary for inquiry nurturing because

most prospects dont want to talk to sales people early in
an investigation of a complex product or service.
Dave Green,
CEO of PipeAlign

4. Improve response rates through analysis and segmentation

Many high-growth organizations have shown dramatic
improvement in their campaign inquiry rate by applying
advanced marketing techniquessuch as segmentation,
personalization, A/B testing, multichannel campaigns, and
event-triggered automation-to their lead generation efforts.
The simple fact is the more targeted a sales organization
is with its audience and message, the better the results.
One company shortened its sales cycle by 85% by aligning
sales and marketing to deliver a highly-relevant message. It
started by reviewing its current client base and identifying
the industries where it is most strongly differentiated. The
company focused its first campaign on the IT industry,
segmenting further using specific job titles within that
industry. On week one, a two-email campaign was sent to
4,934 people. By the end of week three, the company had
closed two deals-one of which surpassed its average deal sizeand accelerated its sales cycle by 77%.
Pleased with the success of this initial effort, the company
decided to take an even more targeted approach and decided
to focus on a specific IT industry niche audience: network
security. It pulled a list of 1,100 prospects for this highly
targeted audience and prepared a one-week blitz, comprising
two emails and telephone follow-up by its sales team. The
results were even stronger than the first campaign. Despite
targeting less than one-fourth the number of people as its first

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campaign, the company closed four deals within two weeks,

an 85% reduction of its standard sales cycle.
This example shows how segmenting their audience and
delivering highly relevant messages to those audiences can
enable sales organizations to enjoy stronger ROI and more
robust sales.

The Takeaway
By using highly targeted information about prospects and
leads to slice and dice the demographics, large and small B2B
companies have been able to deliver relevant messages to
targeted buyers. This not only drives ROI in terms of closed
deal, but makes the marketing spend more efficient due to
fewer bounce-backs and better response rates.
The more time you invest up front identifying your target and
buttoning down your message the more efficient your sales
process becomes and the better your ROI. B2B companies
who know how to segment properly will enjoy better
response rates because theyre reaching the right people.

Despite targeting less than one-fourth the number

of people as its first campaign, the company closed
four deals within two weeks, an 85% reduction of its
standard sales cycle.

5. Increase the relevancy of your marketing content

Joe Pulizzi, a leading author, speaker, marketer, and strategist
for content marketing, suggests three ways companies can
perform an inventory of the content they send to customers
and prospects. This is the type of information you distribute
that educates your customers and positions you as an expert
resource, he says.
Listen to your customers. Use simple tools like Google Alerts
and Twitter Search to figure out what your customers and
prospects are struggling with. Target important keyword
phrases and follow the conversation. Topics should appear
that show trends and the need to expand on key issues. If
thats not enough, ask them. Call them up and talk to them.
Visit them in person. Use online survey tools. Your customers
want to share this information because they, in most cases,
want to solve their challenges. If you can help, thats great for
Review those doing it right. In most cases, especially in B2B
markets, trade publications have served this need for years.
What are the issues they are focusing on? What are they not
focusing on that they should? You can be the resource that

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takes this content to the next level. Good enough is not good
enough anymore. Your content needs to be the best. Find out
what it will take to get there.
Recruit help. Even if you have the best experts in the industry,
most times you need outside journalistic help to tell your
story in a way that positions your information as necessary to
your customers career survival. Partner with an individual or
an organization that will help you develop a content factory
within your organization. Those organizations will help you
think and act more like a publisher.

The Takeaway
Knowing the pain points of your top prospects increases the
likelihood that you will deliver relevant messaging, whether it
is via an email, voice mail or direct mail campaign. Experienced
sales and marketing teams are using insights from published
material and speaking engagements to learn more about the
hot button topics for hard-to-reach C-level executives.


6. Build a repeatable sales process

Joe Galvin, vice president and service director at Sirius
Decisions, a benchmark and advisory firm that provides
comparative analysis, metrics, advice, and tools to improve
sales and marketing effectiveness, explains that a repeatable
sales process is fundamental to everything else a sales
organization does. The reality is, if you dont have a strong,
repeatable process, the money that is spent on sales
automation is wasted, says Galvin.

organization. Look at the processes that your most successful

reps use and repeat them, he advises.
Einstein noted that doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting a different result is insanity, says Galvin. But
doing the same effective thing over and over again is genius
because it saves steps and repeats successful techniques. The
result: shorter sales cycles, higher win rates, and larger deal

He adds that its essential for sales organizations to establish

sales process milestones. For example, when leads are passed
from marketing to sales, that status must be clearly known,
he says. Once sales goes through the process of accepting
the leads, they are committing to following up on them. By
creating repeatable, reliable processes such as this, everyone
knows what to expect and both efficiencies and effectiveness
increase throughout the organization.

The Takeaway

Gavin says there must also be internal agreement to

definitions and a mutually accepted process for assessing
opportunities. A repeatable sales process also means
examining and replicating everything that works within the

According to CSO Insights, nearly 60% of all reps fail to

achieve their goals. In order to get more of the B sales reps
performing like A players, many leading organizations are
providing newer reps with smart prospecting tools that help
identify and influence the right gatekeepers who can help get
deals closed.

The reality is, if you dont have a strong, repeatable

process, the money that is spent on sales automation
is wasted.
Joe Galvin,
VP of Sirius Decisions

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7. Leverage trigger events to shorten the sales cycle

In todays economic environment, shortening sales cycles
has taken on a new importance. After all, the shorter the
sales cycle, the more sales an organization can make-and the
faster revenues can start coming in. But, according to Sirius
Decisions, the sales cycle has become 22% longer as buyers are
taking longer to consider their decisions.
Theres no getting around it, says Jill Konrath in her Selling to
Big Companies blog (http://sellingtobigcompanies.
Corporate buyers are involving more people in the decisionand it takes forever to get them all together. Urgent fires and
pressing priorities pop up, further delaying or derailing your
sales efforts. It can be so darn frustrating because you have no
control over these situations.
The solution? Konrath advises sellers to leverage trigger
events to drive short-term sales results. What is a trigger
event? Its an occurrence that creates an immediate need
for your products or services. Internal trigger events include
reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions or new product
introductions. External triggering events could be new
legislation, hurricanes or announcements of new technology.

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Jim Lenskold, president of the Lenskold Group, a leader in

the development and implementation of marketing ROI
processes, points out that with a detailed ROI calculation that
includes the cost of sales resources, your marketing efforts
to shorten the sales cycle can be quantified in the reduced
cost of sales time. Shorter sales cycles also tend to increase
conversion rates. He adds that it is generally more profitable
to increase conversion of existing leads than to generate more
leads. Think of this as a continuation of your lead generation
effectiveness instead of a separate effort, says Lenskold.

The Takeaway
Being first in can be invaluable to winning a deal. By
responding to trigger events such as changes in management,
a merger or a new product launch, leading B2B players are
gaining favored vendor status and are not only edging out
their competition, but they are also positioning themselves for
future cross-sells.



8. Use lead scoring and routing to increase close rates

Sales close rates can be affected by a number of factors
many of which cannot be influenced by marketing. But
that doesnt mean that marketing cannot increase sales
effectiveness. Gartner Group Research found that following
improvements in lead, content and proposal management,
close rates could be expected to increase, on average, by
approximately 5% to 20% per salesperson.
The most dramatic example of the economics of the sales
and marketing funnel comes when you look at the close rates
of different organizations. The average close rate for B2B
organizations is less than 25%, according to Sirius Decisions.
One way to increase close rates is to find contacts and
decision makers who can be champions within target
companies. These referral sources are invaluable when it
comes to making a business case for a sale.
According to Aberdeen, companies with best-in-class
lead prioritization and scoring systems have a 192% higher
average lead qualification rate than those that do not. Its not
surprising, then, that Sirius Decisions found that 52% of B2B
companies with sales over $100 million already have some
kind of lead scoring system in place, with another 26% in
development. Case studies have consistently shown that the

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use of lead scoring has driven improved conversion rates, win

rates, increased average revenue per deal, and shortened sales
Lead scoring and lead routing systems can also help to boost
your close rates by helping to identify qualified leads. This
approach helped EDGAR Online, a leader in global financial
reporting, see a 400%+ increase in leads generated. After
implementing lead scoring and routing, the company is now
able to identify 5 times as many qualified leads each month
than it did before. The quality of those leads has resulted in a
close rate more than double the industry average.

The Takeaway
Many B2B sales and marketing teams struggle with a
knowledge gap in terms of where their prospects are with
budgets and consideration timelines. Lead scoring has helped
companies deploy their best sales people to focus on the
highest value opportunities. Once accounts are prioritized,
further research has provided these teams with insights into
that prospects pain points as well as additional influencers
within that company.

According to Aberdeen Group, companies with bestin-class lead prioritization and scoring systems have a
192% higher average lead qualification rate than those
that do not.


9. Find like-minded buyers

Every good customer can lead to other good prospects. Sirius
Decisions Joe Galvin sums up the power of reference selling:
If I have sold inside an organization to a given buying center,
I can use them to refer me to someone else, he says. Galvin
advises sales organizations to build profiles of success-a
description of needs, criteria, roles, and responsibilities based
on previous sales success and using these profiles to identify
like-minded buyers.

based on the demographics of its readers or viewers. The

Masters Tournament reaches a different audience than a
NASCAR race, Galvin points out. And you can apply the same
principles that work for B2C marketing to B2B selling. Get as
much information as you can about the people you want to
sell to before you contact them. Once you have success with
one individual, use information about his or her roles and
responsibilities to target other similar prospects.

If youve sold well into a certain part of an organization, then

you know that they are more likely to buy than someone in a
slower growth industry, or a less progressive company.

The Takeaway

Galvin also suggests identifying the traits of both the

company and individual being sold to in order to locate
prospects that are more likely to find value in what you offer.
Data lists focused on individuals are invaluable in helping
inside sales reps search for and find people with certain titles
and roles, he says.
This kind of targeted marketing is a one-to-one version of
what marketers do on a large scale when selecting media

In refining their contact databases and cleaning up their

pipeline, B2B organizations large and small often start by
identifying target companies and decision makers. By digging
deeper into their latest announcements and researching
key industry events they attend, sales and marketing teams
are able to identify common connections between their
needs. Some companies are even developing personabased marketing, which develops specifics strategies around
common profiles.

Get as much information as you can about the people

you want to sell to before you contact them. Once
you have success with one individual, use information
about his or her roles and responsibilities to target
other similar prospects.
Joe Galvin,
VP of Sirius Decisions

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10. Get sales and marketing on the same page

The 2008 Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study found that
only 37% of respondents agreed that their sales and marketing
organizations were aligned in what their customers want and
Aberdeen Group analyst Ian Michiels offers eight essential
steps every organization can take, today, to start aligning sales
and marketing:

Marketing Needs to Take Accountability for Influencing the

Buying Cycle. I believe marketers should take full ownership
of the buying cycle. Marketing material and campaigns should
be structured to address each phase in the buying cycle and
help educate and influence prospects.
Increase Quality and Decrease Quantity by Scoring Leads. In
essence, organizations should be focusing on the quality, not
the quantity of leads that are passed from marketing to sales.

Start Using We Stop Using They. Alignment starts with a

company wide commitment that together we stand, divided
we fall.

Integrate Sales and Marketing Technologies. By

integrating CRM and marketing technology, reps can gain a
comprehensive view of how marketing interacted with an
account. The goal is to deliver value to reps in the vehicle
Standardize Definitions. Eighty-six percent (86%) of marketing they are most accustomed to using on a daily basis; CRM. For
departments in superior performing organizations qualify
this reason, integration is critical to empowering sales and
leads before passing them to sales. Likewise, 73% of these
marketing with data that both functions can use to increase
superior performing organizations share the definition of a
qualified lead between sales and marketing; versus 38% of all

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Set Up Periodic Meetings Between Sales and Marketing.

Sales and Marketing should be meeting on a periodic basis
to review successes and failures. Alignment means both
functions are working as a team, so if processes or practices
are not yielding expected results, something needs to
change. Seventy-three percent (73%) of superior performing
organizations sales and marketing departments meet
periodically to review performance.
Measure What Matters. Measurement is probably one
of the most important components to aligning sales and
marketing effectiveness. How can you improve if you dont
know where youve been and how do you know where
youve been if you dont have measurement? Metrics allow
the organization to understand how much to spend on
marketing to acquire a new customer and more importantly
where to spend those dollars to acquire, retain, and up-sell
to prospects and customers.
Allow Sales to Pass Leads Back to Marketing. If sales and
marketing are aligned, then there needs to be a way to pass
leads seamlessly between both functions. Sales need to be

able to pass leads back to marketing for further nurturing if

an opportunity in the pipeline suddenly goes cold. Marketing
needs to develop separate lead nurturing programs to address
the unique needs of pre-qualified leads that are not yet ready
to purchase. These are real revenue opportunities that all too
often fail to be harvested by organizations.

The Takeaway
With deals taking longer to close and more executives
influencing the buying cycle, marketing is playing a larger role
in gathering intelligence into the changing needs inside target
organizations. Companies that align marketing and sales early
in the process are able to quickly identify key decision makers,
nurture them with the right messaging and then accelerate
them through the different phases of the sales funnel.

The goal is to deliver value to reps in the vehicle they

are most accustomed to using on a daily basis; CRM.
For this reason, integration is critical to empowering
sales and marketing with data that both functions can
use to increase effectiveness.
Ian Michiels,
Aberdeen Group

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