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Quantum Parallelism

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arXiv:1610.01089v1 [physics.

gen-ph] 20 Sep 2016

Quantum parallelism may be limited

Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosov, VMK Fakulty,
Institute of physics and technology RAS
October 5, 2016
PACS: 03.65, 87.10

We consider quantum formalism limited by the classical simulating computer with the fixed memory. The memory is redistributed in the course of
modeling by the variation of the set of classical states and the accuracy of
the representation of amplitudes. This computational description completely
preserves the conventional formalism and does not contradicts to experiments,
but it makes impossible fast quantum algorithms. This description involves
the slow down of quantum evolutions with the growth of the dimension of the
minimal subspace containing entangled states, which arise in the evolution.
This slow down is the single difference of the proposed formalism from the
standard one; it is negligible for the systems from the usual experiments, including those in which many entangled particle participate, but grows rapidly
in the attempt to realize the scalable quantum computations, which require
the unlimited parallelism. The experimental verification of this version of
quantum formalism is reduced to the fixation of this slow down.

Introduction and background

The algebraic apparatus of quantum theory is marvellous in its simplicity. The time
evolution |(t)i of the state vector of any system in the Hilbert space H is described
by the unitary operator Ut of the form Ut = exp( hi Ht), where H is Hamiltonian,
and the exponential is generally speaking chronological. The state in the moment t
is given by |(t)i = Ut |(0)i.
This formalism is very simple from the algebraic view point but its computational
cost is exponential. Its drawback does not manifest itself when the evolution can

be found symbolically, e.g. with a pencil in a hand that is the source of the
success of quantum theory, because for the model problems, even with the huge
formal dimensionality of Hilbert space H this is the case. But the simulation of
complex systems going far beoynd standard tasks requires the usage of computers,
and here the algebraic beauty turns into an unpleasant side: exponentially growing
Feynmans idea: to build quantum computer as the simulation of a real system
by the set of qubits with the size of the order of the initial system was designed to
overcome this curse of dimensionality (the exact formulation and the proof can be
found in the work [1]). The realizability of this plan is doubtless. But its realization
by a quantum gate array proposed by Feynman requires the more profound analysis
of the many body quantum formalism than it has been done up to now.
Quantum algorithm is the recipe of the classical change of Hamiltonian that is
the evolution H(t), such that the corresponding evolution of the state vestor |(t)i
gives the desired distribution of amplitudes. In the case of the modeling of a real
system the desired is the discret approximation of the real state vector, which we
cannot control straighforwardly unlike quantum computer. There are another tasks,
purely mathematical, for which the application of quantum computer promises not
only the convenience but the direct gain in the time in comparison with any possible
classical computer. This is the problem of search in the different formulations, in
general term: the search of the solution of the equation f (x) = 1 for the Boolean
function f from n variables (see [2],[4]). Beyond the evident practical importance
the search problem gives the single criterion of that we have built just quantum
computer and not its imitation.
Experiments been held from the end of 80-th up to now do not show the possibility to make combinations of quantum gates scalable up to the valid quantum
computer, which could either outperform calssical counterparts, or at least demonstrate such ability in a foreseeable future. In all likelyhood, quantum theory of
many bodies requires the more profound elaboration. It concerns the complexity of
quantum evolutions when the dimensionality of Hilbert space of states becomes too
large to make possible to handle with it effectively.
In this work we show the simple description of many body evolutions based on
classical algorithms with the flexible redistribution of memory. It is effective from
the view point of classical complexity theory that allows the experimental check and
practical simulation on quantum level as well. This method preserves the possibility
to build every states in Hilbert space, and in this sense it gives nothing different
from the standard theory. However, the cost of the computational effectiveness is
the direct ban on fast quantum algorithms.
This method is to a certain extent modification of quantum theory, but it touches
only the area where this theory has been never checked - Hilbert spaces of inaccessible
large dimensionality. This must not be confused with the large number of particles
as in quantum ensembles treated in quantum theory of many bodies. For example,
for the vibrations of solid state, in which billions of atoms participate in entangled

states but the dimensionality of Hilbert space, however, is small.

Computer simulation of the reality is an algorithm (classical), which for every
pair: initial state + tme moment, gives the approximation of the final state of the
considered system in this moment. If a state is treated as the wave function, the
simulation acts as (|(0)i, t) |(t)i. The simulation is adequate if the time
complexity of this algorithm is O(t), e.g. differs from the real time only in the
coupling coefficient. We accept the thesis of algorithmic physics, or constructivism,
that is any real process has the adequate simulation. This is methaphysical thesis.
It can be reformulated so that the physical time is measured by some abstract
algorithm, which number of steps has thus the sense of time. The presence of
moment of the measurement in the incoming data is important because we do not
require that the algorithm works in a real time mode, e.g. would be ready to give
the answer |(t0 )i in arbitrary moment t0 when we decide to interrupt its work.
The observation of a real system includes the preliminary knowledge about the time
in which we intend to do it.
The important property of the simulation algorithm is the limited memory, which
can be flexibly redistributed in course of computation. The set of classical states is
not thus fixed (as in quantum informatics) and can vary depending on the conditions
of the real system. The representation of a quantum state, pure or mixed, arisen
in the evolution leads to the reduction of the classical states number so that in any
case the total memory is fixed.
The sense of constructivism is that we can control all the sides of real processes
but the pure probability, which appears in quantum measurements. Constructivism
permits the existence of a quantum computer as a physical model of the complex process in the case when the building of its computer simulation is hard, for example, if
the coupling coefficient is large. At the same time constructivism forbids fast quantum algorithms e.g. processes, which we cannot reproduce via classical algorithms
of the complexity, which grows as the real physical time. Hence constructivism can
be refuted experimentally; for this one must demonstrate really working quantum
speedup of the search problem over classical computation that seems to be hardy
realizible task in view of the modern state of experiments.
The practical scalable realization of the fast quantum computation is the single
way to the refutation of the proposed computational correction to quantum formalism. No other experiments can do this, because all conclusions made in any physical
theories (including quantum), which were checked in experiments up to now were
made in the paradigm of classical computations.

Computational relativism of quantum theory

Let Hilbert space be fixed. How looks the realization of the operator Ut on a classical
computer? We must sequentially take all basic states of Hilbert space H, at each
step applying Ut to the current state. The postulate of quantum parallelism claims

that all basic states are processed simultaneously and just this postulate makes
possible fast quantum computations.
But if this postulate is wrong, we have to suppose that basic states in course of
application of Ut are processed successively, one after another. If the time frame t
in which the evolution operator Ut acts, is small enough (in the proof of equivalence
between path integrals and Shredinger equation it is required that t = O(x)2 where
x is the value of spatial resolution), Ut is close to the identity operator I, and the
successive processing of the basic states gives the same resut as the parallel, only
with the slow down proportional to the dimensionality of H.
The time of the work of the optimal classical algorithm must coincide to the real
physical time tphys within the coefficient. This thesis requires the exact definition
of what is the optimal algorithm. We rest on the definition of complexity as the
number of elementary operations as in algorithm theory. The total memory is fixed
and we have to redistribute it between the virtual devices corresponding to global
parameters of the model: the number and the form of classical states, the accuracy
of quantum amplitudes representation.
Such redistribution is not fixed beforehand and is determined by the condition
of experiment. There is nothing different in this indeterminicity from the physical
experiments, which require the preliminary tuning of devices. The framework of
optimal tuning is not exact. However, it does not interfere the experimental check
of the proposed correction to formalism. The point is that the difference between the
rival computational models is not so valuable than the large difference between the
standard time t and the computational time tphys for the large dimensionality of
Hilbert space. This difference grows rapidly with the complication of the simulated
system that gives hope to observe it almost independently of how close to ideal is
the used simulating algorithm.
In this work we do not touch the question of the flexible memory redistribution.
In what follows we consider for simplicity the case of fixed global parameters.
We represent all classical states in the form of points in the digital n- dimensional lattice Zn = Z/nZ, which nodes we call cells. Let each cell |ji contain the
complex number j , equal the amplitude of wave function on this basic state. Let
P p2j
Hamiltonian of the system have the form Hord
+ Vi,j where indices take


the values of numbers of real particles. The action of operator Ut has the form of
the work of Turing machine on the tape of the form Zn , which has one head that
can observe 2n + 1 cells at the same time: one is the main and 2n neighboring.
Each step of its work is the application of the scheme of finite differences realizing
the energy operator. The movements of the head are so that it successfully comes
through each cell in the framework of the considered array exactly once. This is the
successful method of the application of Ut for a given Hamiltonian.
We note that due to the smallness of t the concrete arrangement method for
ordering of the nodes of Zn plays no role, the only important is that the head passes
through each cell only once.

The time of the work of this Turing machine is Nt, where N = dim(H) is the
number of all cells, t is the time, required to fulfil the scheme of finite differences.
The last value though it grows with N, it is however very small compared with N,
hence the main deposit to the time gives just N. When the number of particles N
grows exponentially, the slow down in the seccessful realization of evolution will be
exponential as well.
If Hamiltonian has another form, for example, it can be obtained from Hord by
the change of basis: H = T 1 Hord T , the evolution Ut = exp( hi Ht) is obtained from
Ut ord = exp( hi Hord t) by the same change: Ut = T 1 Ut ord T . If Hord is the sum of
members, each of which depends on only variables, corresponding to one particle,
the complexity of the simulation of such evolution depends on the complexity of T
but not on t.
For example, for a system of interacting harmonic oscillators with coordinates
by the canonic
x we can pass to quasi particles - phonons with coordinates X
transform. The corresponding matrix T has exactly one unit in each row and in
each column, e.g., it is the permutation of basic vectors.
where F
Indeed, the passage to new phonon coordinates has the form x = F (X),
is Fourier transform on classical coordinates. In Hilbert space of quantum states this
transform has the form point to point, that is the permutation of basic vectors,
like CNOT. T will be as CNOT disentangling operator, and phonons will not be
entangled; this is the sense of quasipartices. Simulation of such a system is reduced
to the operator T , which does not depend on time. Here we do not touch the question
about the accuracy on the classical space, which determins coupling constant.
Let us now consider the work of Grover search algorithm (GSA) in the parallel
(as in standard formalism) and in the successive realization of quantum formalism.
Initially amplitudes of all states |ji are equal to N 1/2 . In the process of application
of Ut - its role plays operator G, the small portion of amplitude is taken from
each state, and (after small correction, connected with unitarity) is added to the
amplitude of state |jtarget i, which corresponds to the solution of equation f (x) = 1.
The target state gradually gathers amplitude from all states to itself. The speedup
in comparison to classical search is that this quantum process goes in parallel mode.
In the successful processing of the state vector we must look over all N = 2n
states one after another and we have no gain despite that all states in GSA will be
the same, only they alternate much slower.


Constructivism presumes the peculiar building of algorithms when the memory is

redistributed flexibly; to realize it we need the specific programming. We briefly
describe here the possible approach to this programming; the further elaboration of
it is the topic of the more detailed work.
We call a pilot Turing machine, which it performs the computation of the wave

function (see above). This term is taken from de Brohile pilot wave, which idea is
the similar. A pilot is a theoretical object and no physical sense can be ascribed to
it but the aim to which it is designed: computation of the wave vector evolution. If
the system of two particles is in nonentangled state and the particles do not interact
with each other it is naturally to assume that each of them has its own pilot and
their evolution goes independently. As they interact and become entangled one
common pilot arises instead of two. The same is true for n particles. The inverse
process: replication of pilots takes place in the partial measurements of wave vector.
We treat that all states, which are not observed by the pilot head in some moment
are the subject of Lindblad operators that leads to the mixed state described by the
density matrix.
To extend directly our scheme to density matrices woud be needed to introduce
the classical space of pairs Z2n = Zn Zn , so that the head of Turing machine
observes two classical states simultaneously. But it would not be right because in
the reality the decoherence leads to the partial measurement and gives the certain
pure states only we do not know which. The evolution of such state must go with
the speed independent from the other states in the mixture. Whereas the coupled
Turing machine speed depends on them that is not right. Hence we must consider
the mode of evolution as branching after the decoherence operators action so that
all components of the mixture are processed independently like the independent
particles. Here in the components corresponding to the measuremet will be non
entangled parts, which of them must have its own pilot. This is the replication
of pilots in the decoherence. The accuracy of representation of the wave function:
total number of classical states and the accuracy of amplitudes decreases in such
A polit may be designed as follows. Let we have an EPR pair 12 (|01i + |10i),
we apply to the first qubit the operator U1 , whereas the second qubit is inaccessible,
for example, it is located at far distance. Instead of keeping in memory all states of
4 components we can do the following. We will store the amplitudes of states U1 |0i1
and U1 |1i1, and add to the states of the first qubit |0i1 and |1i1 the labels, which
point that their remote component will be |0i1 and |1i2 correspondingly. Further we
can apply operators to the second qubit analogously. Any change on them will have
no influence on the first qubit. We consider the cost of labels as negligible compared
to the real operations. This cost corresponds to the spatial separation of qubits. The
computational approach thus does not permit to overcome the relativistic limitation
on the speed of information transfer that is the important property of quantum
If the real system consists of many components S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn and we apply some
operator on only one subsystem, for example, on S1 , then on S2 etc., and then redistribute particles on subsystems, we obtain the entangled states, and in the further
modeling we have to apply the labels for each of subsystems. Here the practical
problem of the modeling of entanglement dynamics on a classical computer arises
that presumes the flexible distribution of the memory. For the fixed global param6

eters this description is straightforward. This description is done in the standard

formulation of quantum informatics reduced to linear algebra. The problem of redistribution the parameters for the optimal model ready for the comparison with
experiments is the special topic, which development promises new perspectives in
the theory of quantum computer.
We also note that the pilot representation touches the notion of elementary
events, which form quantum probability. It is naturally to assume that the measurement of quantum state gives the basic state, which the pilot observes at the
moment. The movements of Turing machine head during the optimal simulation
must be arranged so that the time spent at some area of basic states should be
proportional to the quantum probability of this area. The supposition that the result of the measurement coincides to the state observed by the pilot thus gives just
quantum probability.


We have considered constructive thesis about the absolute priority of classical algorithms in the description of real evolutions. This thesis limits quantum parallelism
by some coupling constant between quantum dynamics and the size of real ensembles. This limitation is equivalent to some slow down of real time treal in comparison
with the abstract time t from Shredinger equation: Ut = exp( hi Ht). The slow down
is very small for cases when the classical computation simulates quantum evolution
adequately but it becomes very large if the fastest classical computation begins to
lag behind the abstract time t. It reveals in fast quantum algorithms, which turn
to be impossible in the proposed computational formalism just because such algorithms require exponentially large virtual resource, which already for the modest
size of memory begins to exceed all real ensembles.
This hypothesis can be refuted by the realization of fast quantum computations.
The confirmation of the hypothesis we can obtain if the time slow down will be
discovered. The last would be possible in the attempt to realize GSA with the good
suppressing of decoherence; this may be accessible with quantum codes of correction
(see, for example, [3]). Spreading of quantum state on the large set of real particles
can support the conservation of it in the time and makes possible its slow evolution
when the real physical time tphys will exceed exponentially the formal time t from
the standard formalism.
The important step in the confirmation of computational hypothesis is the programming of new type, in which the fixed memory of simulating computer is distributed most flexibly. The number of classical states, their form and the accuracy
of the amlitude representation are not thus fixed magnitudes as in the simulation
based on the standard treatment of Turing machine or the other models of computation. The time of such hybrid computation must give within a coefficient the exact
value of physical time tphys , which difference from the formal t an experiment must

fix. The creation of such computing model is the separate mathematical problem.
Experimental discovery of the difference between t and tphys in the case of good
suppression of decoherence would have the big value because it would open door for
the effective simulation of complex systems using the whole capabilities of quantum
theory. The sacrifice in the form of fast quantum algorithms, which would be made
for this seems to be fully justified.

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[2] P.Shor, Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer, SIAM J.Sci.Statist.Comput. 26 (1997) 1484,
[3] A. R. Calderbank, Peter W. Shor, Good Quantum Error-Correcting Codes
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[4] L.Grover, A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search, Proceedings, 28th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC),
May 1996, pages 212-219. Proceedings, Melville, NY, 2006, vol. 810, electronic
version:, quant-ph/0610052,

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