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1. In an election, candidate A got 75% of the total valid votes.

If 15% of the total votes were declared invalid and the total
numbers of votes is 560000, find the number of valid vote polled in favour of candidate.
Total number of invalid votes = 15 % of 560000
= 15/100 560000
= 8400000/100
= 84000
Total number of valid votes 560000 84000 = 476000
Percentage of votes polled in favour of candidate A = 75 %
Therefore, the number of valid votes polled in favour of candidate A = 75 % of 476000
= 75/100 476000
= 35700000/100
= 357000

2. A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas. He found 15% of oranges and 8% of bananas were rotten. Find the
percentage of fruits in good condition.
Total number of fruits shopkeeper bought = 600 + 400 = 1000
Number of rotten oranges = 15% of 600
= 15/100 600
= 9000/100
= 90

Number of rotten bananas = 8% of 400

= 8/100 400
= 3200/100
= 32
Therefore, total number of rotten fruits = 90 + 32 = 122

Therefore Number of fruits in good condition = 1000 - 122 = 878

Therefore Percentage of fruits in good condition = (878/1000 100)%
= (87800/1000)%
= 87.8%

3. Aaron had $ 2100 left after spending 30 % of the money he took for shopping. How much money did he take along with him?
Let the money he took for shopping be m.
Money he spent = 30 % of m
= 30/100 m
= 3/10 m
Money left with him = m 3/10 m = (10m 3m)/10 = 7m/10
But money left with him = $ 2100
Therefore 7m/10 = $ 2100
m = $ 2100 10/7
m = $ 21000/7
m = $ 3000
Therefore, the money he took for shopping is $ 3000.

What percent of 20 is 30?

We have the original number (20) and the comparative number (30). The unknown in this
problem is the rate or percentage. Since the statement is "(thirty) is (some percentage) of
(twenty)", then the variable stands for the percentage, and the equation is:

30 = (x)(20)
30 20 = x = 1.5
Since x stands for a percentage, I need to remember to convert this decimal back into a

1.5 = 150%

Thirty is 150% of 20.

What is 35% of 80?

Here we have the rate (35%) and the original number (80); the unknown is the comparative
number which constitutes 35% of 80. Since the exercise statement is "(some number) is (thirtyfive percent) of (eighty)", then the variable stands for a number and the equation is:

x = (0.35)(80)
x = 28
Twenty-eight is 35% of 80.

45% of what is 9?
Here we have the rate (45%) and the comparative number (9); the unknown is the original
number that 9 is 45% of. The statement is "(nine) is (forty-five percent) of (some number)", so the
variable stands for a number, and the equation is:

9 = (0.45)(x)
9 0.45 = x = 20
Nine is 45% of 20.
The format displayed above, "(this number) is (some percent) of (that number)", always holds true for
percents. In any given problem, you plug your known values into this equation, and then you solve for
whatever is left.

Suppose you bought something that was priced at $6.95, and the total bill was $7.61.
What is the sales tax rate in this city? (Round answer to one decimal place.)
The sales tax is a certain percentage of the price, so I first have to figure what the actual tax was.
The tax was:

7.61 6.95 = 0.66

Then (the sales tax) is (some percentage) of (the price), or, in mathematical terms:

0.66 = (x)(6.95)
Solving for x, I get:

0.66 6.95 = x = 0.094964028... = 9.4964028...%

The sales tax rate is 9.5%.

In the above example, I first had to figure out what the actual tax was. Many percentage problems are
really "two-part-ers" like this: they involve some kind of increase or decrease relative to some original
value. Warning: Always figure the percentage of change relative to the original value.

Suppose a certain item used to sell for seventy-five cents a pound, you see that it's been
marked up to eighty-one cents a pound. What is the percent increase?
First, I have to find the absolute increase:

Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 1999-2011 All Rights Reserved

81 75 = 6
The price has gone up six cents. Now I can find the percentage increase over the original price.
Note this language, "increase/decrease over the original", and use it to your advantage: it will remind you
to put the increase or decrease over the original value, and then divide.
This percentage increase is the relative change:

/75 = 0.08

...or an 8% increase in price per pound.

A computer software retailer used a markup rate of

computer game that cost the retailer

40%. Find the selling price of a


The markup is 40% of the $25 cost, so the markup is:

(0.40)(25) = 10
Then the selling price, being the cost plus markup, is:

25 + 10 = 35
The item sold for $35.

A golf shop pays its wholesaler $40 for a certain club, and then sells it to a golfer for
What is the markup rate?
First, I'll calculate the markup in absolute terms:

75 40 = 35
Then I'll find the relative markup over the original price, or the markup rate:
percent) of ($40), or:

35 = (x)(40)

Copyright Elizabeth Stapel 1999-2011 All Rights Reserved

($35) is (some

$75. the relative markup over the original price is:

35 40 = x = 0.875
Since x stands for a percentage, I need to remember to convert this decimal value to the
corresponding percentage.
The markup rate is 87.5%.

A shoe store uses a 40% markup on cost. Find the cost of a pair of shoes that sells
for $63.
This problem is somewhat backwards. They gave me the selling price, which is cost plus markup,
and they gave me the markup rate, but they didn't tell me the actual cost or markup. So I have to
be clever to solve this.
I will let "x" be the cost. Then the markup, being 40% of the cost, is 0.40x. And the selling price
of $63 is the sum of the cost and markup, so:

63 = x + 0.40x
63 = 1x + 0.40x
63 = 1.40x
63 1.40 = x= 45
The shoes cost the store $45.

An item originally priced at $55 is marked 25% off. What is the sale price?
First, I'll find the markdown. The markdown is

25% of the original price of $55, so:

x = (0.25)(55) = 13.75
By subtracting this markdown from the original price, I can find the sale price:

55 13.75 = 41.25
The sale price is $41.25.

An item that regularly sells for $425 is marked down to $318.75. What is the discount
First, I'll find the amount of the markdown:

425 318.75 = 106.25

Then I'll calculate "the markdown over the original price", or the markdown rate:
(some percent) of ($425), so:

($106.25) is

106.25 = (x)(425)
...and the relative markdown over the original price is:

x = 106.25 425 = 0.25

Since the "x" stands for a percentage, I need to remember to convert this decimal to percentage
The markdown rate is 25%.

An item is marked down 15%; the sale price is $127.46. What was the original price?
This problem is backwards. They gave me the sale price ($127.46) and the markdown
rate (15%), but neither the markdown amount nor the original price. I will let " x" stand for the
original price. Then the markdown, being 15% of this price, was 0.15x. And the sale price is the
original price, less the markdown, so I get:

x 0.15x = 127.46
1x 0.15x = 127.46
0.85x = 127.46
x = 127.46 0.85 = 149.952941176...
This problem didn't state how to round the final answer, but dollars-and-cents is always written
with two decimal places, so:
The original price was $149.95.
Note in this last problem that I ended up, in the third line of calculations, with an equation that said
"eighty-five percent of the original price is $127.46". You can save yourself some time if you think of
discounts in this way: if the price is 15% off, then you're only actually paying 85%. Similarly, if the price
is 25% off, then you're paying 75%; if the price is 30% off, then you're paying 70%; and so on.

Growing up, you lived in a tiny country village. When you left for college, the population
was 840. You recently heard that the population has grown by 5%. What is the present
First, I'll find the actual amount of the increase. Since the increase is five percent of the original,
then the increase is:

(0.05)(840) = 42

The new population is the old population plus the increase, or:

840 + 42 = 882
The population is now


Your friend diets and goes from 125 pounds to 110 pounds. What was her percentage
weight loss?
First, I'll find the absolute weight loss:

125 110 = 15
This fifteen-pound decrease is some percentage of the original, since the rate of change is
always with respect to the original value. So the percentage is "change over original", or:

15 = (x)(125)
15 125 = x

(See? The change, 15, is over the original, 125.)

15 125 = 0.12
The change is a percentage, so I need to convert this decimal to percentage form:
She lowered her weight
by 12%.


Your boss says that his wife has put

an 18 51 foot garden in along the
whole back end of their back yard. He
says that this has reduced the backyard lawn area by 24%. What are the
total dimensions of his back yard?
What are the dimensions of the
remaining lawn area? Copyright Elizabeth
Stapel 1999-2011 All Rights Reserved

Since no suburban lot is going to be only eighteen

feet wide (because then the house couldn't fit
along the street frontage), the width of the lot must
be the 51-foot dimension. Now I need to figure out
the length of the back yard. The area of the
garden is:

(18)(51) = 918
This represents 24% of the total yard area; that is, 24% of the original lawn area. This says that
(918 square feet) is (twenty-four percent) of (the original), so:

918 = 0.24x
918 0.24 = x = 3825
The total back yard area is 3825 square feet. Since the width is

51 feet, then:

3825 51 = 75
The length then is 75 feet. Since 18 feet are taken up by the garden, then the lawn area is
18 = 57 feet deep.
The back yard measures 51'

75' and the lawn measures 51' 57'.

Problem 1:
The original price of a shirt was $20. It was decreased to $15 . What is the percent decrease of the price of this shirt.
Solution to Problem 1:

The absolute decrease is

20 - 15 = $5
The percent decrease is the absolute decrease divided by the the original price (part/whole).

percent decease = 5 / 20 = 0.25

Multiply and divide 0.25 to obtain percent.

percent decease = 0.25 = 0.25 * 100 / 100 = 25 / 100 = 25%

Problem 2:
Mary has a monthly salary of $1200. She spends $280 per month on food. What percent of her monthly salary does she spend on food?
Solution to Problem 2:
The part of her salary that is spent on food is $280 out of her monthly salary of $1200
percent = part / whole = 280 / 1200 = 0.23 (rounded to 2 decimal places)
Multiply and divide 0.23 by 100 to convert in percent
percent = 0.23 * 100 / 100 = 23 / 100 = 23%

Problem 3:
The price of a pair of trousers was decreased by 22% to $30. What was the original price of the trousers?
Solution to Problem 3:


Let x be the original price and y be the absolute decrease. If the price was decreased to $30, then

x - y = 30
y is given by

y = 22% of x = (22 / 100) * x = 0.22 x

Substitute y by 0.22 x in the equation x - y = 30 and solve for x which the original price.

x - 0.22 x = 30
0.78 x = 30
x = $38.5
Check the solution to this problem by reducing the origonal price found $38.5 by 22% and see if it gives $30.

Problem 4:
The price of an item changed from $120 to $100. Then later the price decreased again from $100 to $80. Which of the two decreases was larger in
percentage term?
Solution to Problem 4:
First decrease in percent
part / whole = (120 - 100) / 120 = 0.17 = 17%
Second decrease in percent
part / whole = (100 - 80) / 100 = 0.20 = 20%
The second decrease was larger in percent term. The part were the same in both cases but the whole was smaller in the second decrease.

Problem 5:
The price of an item decreased by 20% to $200. Then later the price decreased again from $200 to $150. What is the percent of decrease from the
original price to the final price of $150?
Solution to Problem 5:
We first need to find the original price x. The first decrease gives
x - 20% x = 200
0.8 x = 200
x = 200 / 0.8 = 250
The percentage decrease fro the original price 250 to 150 is given by
part / whole = (250 - 150) / 250 = 0.4 = 40%

Problem 6:
A number increases from 30 to 40 and then decreases from 40 to 30. Compare the percent of increase from 30 to 40 and that of the decrease from 40
to 30.

Solution to Problem 6:
Percent increase from 30 to 40 is given by
(40 - 30) / 30 = 10 / 30 = 0.33 = 33% (2 significant digits)
Percent decrease from 40 to 30 is given by
(40 - 30) / 40 = 0.25 = 25%
In absolute term, the percent decrease is less than the percent increase.

Problem 7:
A family had dinner in a restaurant and paid $30 for food. They also had to pay 9.5% sale tax and 10% for the tip. How much did they pay for the
Solution to Problem 7:

They paid for food, sales tax and tip, hence

total paid = $30 + 9.5% * 30 + 10% * 30 = $35.85

Problem 8:
A shop is offering discounts on shirts costing $20 each. If someone buys 2 shirts, he will be offered a discount of 15% on the first shirt and another 10%
discount on the reduced price for the second shirt. How much would one pay for two shirts at this shop?
Solution to Problem 8:
The reduced price for the first shirt
20 - 15% * 20 = $17
The reduced price for the second shirt. The 10% discount will be on the already reduced price, hence the price of the second shirt is given by
17 - 10% * 17 = $15.3 The total cost for the two shirts is
17 + 15.3 = $32.3

Problem 9:
Smith invested $5000 for two years. For the first year, the rate of interest was 7% and the second year it was 8.5%. How much interest did he earn at
the end of the two year period?
Solution to Problem 9:
Interest at the end of the first year
7% * 5000 = $350
Interest at the end of the second year
8.5% * (5000 + 350) = $454.75
Total interest at the end of the two year period is
$350 + $454.75 = $804.75

Problem 10:
Janette invested $2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years. How much interest did she earn at the end of the 5 year period?
Solution to Problem 10:
At the of the first year, she has the principal plus the interest on the principal
P1 = 2000 + 5% * 2000 = 2000(1 + 5%)
At the of the second year, she has the principal P1 plus the interest on P1
P2 = P1 + 5% * P1 = P1(1 + 5%)
Substitute P1 by 2000(1 + 5%) found above to find
P2 = 2000 * (1 + 5%) 2
Continuing with this process, it can easily be shown that a the end of the 5th year, the principal is given by
P5 = 2000 * (1 + 5%) 5
= 2000 * (1 + 0.05) = $2552.56
The interest earned at the end of 5 years is
$2552.56 - $2000 = $552.56

Problem 11:
Tom borrowed $600 at 10% per year, simple interest, for 3 years. How much did he have to repay (principal + interest) at the end of the 3 year period?
Solution to Problem 11:
The interest to pay is given by
Interest = 600 * 10% * 3 = $180
Total to repay
600 + 180 = $780
Problem 12:
Out of a world population of approximately 6.6 billion, 1.2 billion people live in the richer countries of Europe, North America, Japan and Oceania and is
growing at the rate of 0.25% per year, while the other 5.4 billion people live in the lees developed countries and is growing at the rate of 1.5%. What will
be the world population in 5 years if we assume that these rates of increase will stay constant for the next 5 years. (round answer to 3 significant digits)
Solution to Problem 12:
Let us first calculate the population PR in 5 years in the richer countries
PR = (1.2 + 0.25% * 1.2) = 1.2(1 + 0.25%) after one year
PR = 1.2(1 + 0.25%) + 0.25% * 1.2(1 + 0.25%)
= 1.2(1 + 0.25%) 2after two years
Continue with the above and after 5 years, PR will be
PR = 1.2(1 + 0.25%) 5 after 5 years
Similar calculations can be used to find the population PL in less developed countries after 5 years.
PL = 5.4(1 + 1.5%) 5 after 5 years
The world population P after 5 years will be
P = PR + PL = 1.2(1 + 0.25%) 5 + 5.4(1 + 1.5%) 5 = 7.03 billion.

Problem 13:
Cassandra invested one part of her $10,000 at 7.5% per year and the other part at 8.5% per year. Her income from the two investment was $820. How
much did she invest at each rate?
Solution to Problem 13:
Let x and y be the amount invested at 7.5% and 8.5% respectively
Income = $820 = 7.5% * x + 8.5% * y
The total amount invested is also known
10,000 = x + y
Solve the system of the equations to find x and y.
x = $3000 and y = $7000
As a practice check that 7.5% of $3000 and 8.5% of $7000 gives $820.

Problem 14:
The monthly salary S of a shop assistant is the sum of a fixed salary of $500 plus 5% of all monthly sales. What should the monthly sales be so that
her monthly salary reaches $1500?
Solution to Problem 14:
Let S be the total monthly salary and x be the monthly sales, hence
S = 500 + 5% * x
Find sales x so that S = 1500, hence
1500 = 500 + 5% * x = 500 + 0.05 x
Solve for x
x = (1500 - 500) / 0.05 = $20000

Problem 15:
A chemist has a 20% and a 40% acid solutions. What amount of each solution should be used in order to make 300 ml of a 28% acid solution?
Solution to Problem 14:
Let x be the solution at 20% and y be the solution at 40%, hence
x + y = 300 ml
We now write an equation that expresses that the total acid in the final 300 ml is equal to the sum of the amounts of acid in x and y
28% * 300 = 20% * x + 40% * y
Solve the above system of equations to find
x = 180 and y = 120

Problem 16:
What percent of the total area of the circular disk is colored red?

Solution to Problem 16:

Total area of disk
Ad = pi * r 2
Angle t in radians of central angle of red sector
t = (360-120)* pi / 180 = (4/3) pi
Area of red sector
As = (1/2) t * r 2
Percentage of total area in red
P = [ (1/2) t * r 2 ] / [ pi * r 2 ]
= 4 / 6 = 66.7% (3 significant digits)
THINK: compare 66.7% to 240 / 360, why are they equal?

Problem 17:
What percent of the total area of the rectangle is colored red?

Solution to Problem 17:

Total area of rectangle

Ar = L * W
Area of triangle
At = (1/2) base * height = (1/2) [ L * (1/2) W ]
Percentage of area in red
P = (1/2) [ L * (1/2) W ] / [L*W] = 1/4
= 25%

Example: A $67 coat is on sale for 20% off. How much is the coat after the discount?
Solution: multiply the price, $67, by the percent in decimal form. 20% is .20 in decimal form. So the discount is 67 * .20 =
13.40 and to find the price of the coat, well take the original price minus the discount, so $67 $13.40 = $53.60.
Example: A bill is $34. How much would a 15% tip be?
Solution: Multiply the total of the bill by the percent in decimal form, so .15, to get 34 * .15 = 5.1. So the amount to tip is

Problem 1 :
A trader cheats his customer to make a profit by stating that he sells at cost price but gives his customers only 800 grams. for every
1000 grams. What is his profit percentage?

Solution :
Cheated Value = 1000 - 800 = 200
False weight = 800
Profit % = (Cheated value/False weight)x100%
Profit % = (200/800)x100%
Profit % = 25%
Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 2 :
A sells to B an item at 15% profit. B sells the same item to C at 20% profit. If C pays $ 1656 for it. What is the price at which A
bought the item?

Solution :

Hence, the price at which A bought the item is $1200

Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 3 :
Mr. Lenin sold a chair at a loss of 15%. If he had sold at a profit of 10%, he would have got $100 more. What is the cost is the cost
price of the chair?

Solution :
Let "x" be the cost price of the chair
S.P (-15%) = 85% of x
= 0.85x --------(1)
S.P (+10%) = 110% of x
= 1.1x ---------(2)
In (2), he got $100 more than (1). So we have
(2) - (1) = 100
1.1x - 0.85x = 100
0.25x = 100
25x = 10000
x = 400

Hence, the cost price of the chair is $400

Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 4 :
If good are purchased for $ 1500 and one fifth of them sold at a loss of 15%. Then at what profit percentage should the rest be sold
to obtain a profit of 15%?

Solution :
As per the question, we need 15% profit on $1500.
Selling price for 15% on 1500
S.P =115% x 1500 = 1.15x1500 = 1725
When all the good sold, we must have received $1725 for 15% profit.

When we look at the above picture, in order to reach 15% profit overall, the rest of the goods ($1200) has to be sold for $1470.
That is,

C.P = $1200,

S.P = $1470,

Profit = $270

Profit percentage = (270/1200) x 100

Profit percentage = 22.5 %
Hence, the rest of the goods to be sold at 22.5% profit in order to obtain 15% profit overall.
Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 5 :
By selling 20 articles, a trader gained the selling price of 5 articles. Find the profit percent.

Solution :
Let "X" be the S.P of 5 articles.
Given : Profit of 20 articles = S.P of 5 articles
So, profit of 20 articles = X
S.P of 20 articles = 4 . (S.P of 5 articles) = 4X
C.P of 20 articles = S.P of 20 articles - Profit of 20 articles
C.P of 20 articles = 4X - X
C.P of 20 articles = 3X
Profit percentage = (X / 3X).100% = (1/3).100%
Profit percentage = 33.33%
Hence, the profit percentage is 33.33
Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 6 :
I purchased 120 books at the rate of $3 each and sold 1/3 of them at the rate of $4 each. 1/2 of them at the rate of $ 5 each and
rest at the cost price. Find my profit percentage.

Solution :
Total money invested = 120x3 = $360 -------(1)
Let us see, how 120 books are sold in different prices.

From the above picture,

Total money received = 160 + 300 +60 = $ 520 --------(2)
Profit = (2) - (1) = 520 - 360 = $160
Profit percentage = (160/360)x100 % = 44.44%
Hence the profit percentage is 44.44
Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 7 :
A trader marks his goods 20% above the cost price and allows a discount of 10% for cash. Find the profit percentage

Solution :
Let the cost price be $100.
Then, marked price (M.P) = $120
Let the selling price be "X"

From the above picture, we get

90% of (M.P) = X

(0.9).120 = X
108 = X --------> S.P = 108
Cost price = $100,

Selling Price = $108 ---------> Profit % = 8%

Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 8 :
A person wants to get 20% profit after selling his object at 20% discount. Find the required percentage increase in marked price.

Solution :
Let the cost price be $100.
Then, the selling price = $120
Let the marked price be "X"

From the above picture, we get

80% of (M.P) = S.P
(0.8)X = 120
X = 150 --------> M.P = 150
Cost price = $100,

Marked Price = $150

Hence, the required percentage increase = 50%

Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 9 :
A person buys 8 articles for $15 and sells them at 10 for $18. Find the profit or loss percentage.

Solution :

Cost price :
8 articles -------> $15
40 articles = 5 x 8 articles = 5x15 = $75
C.P of 40 articles = $75 ----------(1)
Selling price :
10 articles -------> $18
40 articles = 4 x 10 articles = 4(18) = $72
S.P of 40 articles = $72 ----------(2)
From (1) and (2), we get C.P > S.P.
So there is loss.
And loss = (1) - (2) = 75 - 72 = 3
Loss percentage = (3/75)x100 % = 4%
Hence, the loss percentage is 4.
Let us look at the next problem on "Word problems on profit and loss"

Problem 10 :
The selling price of 10 articles is the cost price of 15 articles. Find profit or loss percentage.

Solution :
Let the cost price of one article be $1 -------(1)
Given :
S.P of 10 articles = C.P of 15 articles
S.P of 10 articles = 15x1 = $15
S.P of one article = 15/10 = $1.5 -------(2)
From (1) and (2), we get S.P > C.P
So, there is profit.

Profit = (2) - (1) = 1.5 - 1 = 0.5

Profit percentage = (0.5/1)x100 = 50%
Hence, the profit percentage = 50%

Example 1:
1.What percent is 4 kms of 5 miles?
1mile = 8/5 kms. 5 miles = 5 8/5 = 8 kms.
So, 4 kms of 5 miles = 4 kms of 8kms = (4/8) 100% = 50%
2. What percent of 2.5 liters is 300 ml?
1 liter = 1000ml, 2.5 liters = 2.5 1000 = 2500 ml.
So, 300 ml of 2.5 liters = (300/2500) 100% = 12%
Example 2:
If 50% of a number is added to 50, the result is the original number. Find
the number.
Let N be the number.
So, 50% of N + 50 = N
First of all, 50% of N = (50/100) N = () N
So, N/2 + 50 = N, so N N/2 = 50, so N/2 = 50 and N= 100
Example 3:
If x is 25% more than y, then express y in terms of x
x = y + 25% of y,
So x = y + (25/100) y, So x = (125/100) y,
So, x = (5/4) y, So y = (4/5) x

Now, multiply 100 to (4/5) x and insert the percent symbol % to express y in
terms of percentage of x:
(4/5) 100 % of x = 80 % of x.
Example 4:
A pen costs 10 times as much as a pencil. Find by what percent is the
pencils cost less than the pen.
let pencil cost $10. So, pen costs $100.
From lesson no. 1:
% less = (difference/bigger number) 100% = (90/100) 100% = 90%
Example 5:
The price of a book reduces by 20%. By what percent can a book keeper buy
more books for a same outlay on the books?
outlay is N P, in which N is number of books bought and P is the price of
each book.
Let Initial outlay be 100 100.
Final outlay will be n 80; in which n is the increased number of books and 80
is the reduced price.
Since expenditures are same, so
100 100 = n 80, so n = (100 100)/80 = 125
So, 25% more books can be bought for a same outlay.
Example 6:
Of all the employees in a company, 40% are graduate officers and 20% are
junior graduate officers. What percent of the graduate officers are
employees that are not junior graduate officers?
Take number of employees as 100.
Officers are 40 and junior officers are 20

(Note that percent of junior officers is expressed out of employees in the

company and not out of officers. Avoid error of proximity)
Officers that are not junior graduates = 40 20 = 20
Now, this 20 is what percent of 40 = (20/40) 100% = 50%
Example 7:
In an alcohol solution of 8 liters the concentration of alcohol is 25%. To
make alcohol 20% concentrate, how many liters of water must be added?
initially, alcohol = 25% of 8 = (25/100) 8 = 2
New strength of alcohol is 20% of (N + 8), where N is liters of water to be
Volume of alcohol remains same, only concentration changes.
So, 20% of (N + 8) = 2, i.e. (20/100) (N +8) = 2, So (1/5) ( N + 8) = 2, So N + 8
= 10
So, N = 10 8 = 2
So, 2 liters of water added will change alcohol concentration to 20%
Short-cut: C1 V1 = C2V2
C1 and C2 are the initial and final concentrations of alcohol and
V1 and V2 are the initial and final volumes of the solution.
25 8 = 20 (n + 8),
So, n + 8 = 200/20 = 10, so n + 8 = 10, n = 2
So, add two liters of water.
Example 8:
In a class of 40 students, boys strength is increased by 30% and that of girls
by 20%. The class size grows to 60. What percentage of boys are girls?

let number of boys be x and number of girls be y.

So, x + y = 40, so y = 40 x
Increased number of boys = x + 30% of x = x + 0.3x = 1.3x
Increased number of girls = y + 20% of y = y + 0.2y = 1.2y
1.3x + 1.2y = 60 (2)
Plugging y = 40 x in 2:
1.3x + 1.2 (40 x) = 60, So 1.3x + 48 1.2x = 60,
So 1.3x 1.2x = 60 48, So 0.1x = 12, so x = 120
Example 9:
The price of a book decreases by 20%. By what percent now, can a bookkeeper purchase more books for the same outlay as before?
Short-cut: Apply successive percent change formula:
Let x = -20% and y be the percent increase. Net percent change is 0 as the
expenditure should be same before and after price changes.
(x + y + xy/100)% = net percent change.
(- 20 + y 20y/100)% = 0%
y y/5 = 20, 4y/5 = 20, y = 25%
the book keeper can buy 25% more books for the same outlay.
Example 10:
The length of a rectangle increases by 25% and the breadth decreases by
20%. Find by what percent the area changes
Apply net percent change:
(x + y + xy/100)% = net percent change.
% Increase in length is x = +25%,
And % decrease in breadth is y = -20%
Net percent change = 25 20 (25 20/100) = 5 5 = 0%
Therefore, the area of the rectangle does not change.

12 is 50% of what number?
Let 'n' be the unknown number.
12 is 50 % of what number
12 = 0.5 x n
So, the equation to solve then is: 0.5 x n =12
Solving for n, we get n = 12/0.5 = 24
This means, 12 is 50 % of 24
40 is what percent of 160?
Let 'n' be the unknown percent.
40 is what percent of 160?
40 = n x 160
So, the equation to solve then is: 160 x n =40
Solving for n, we get n=40 /160
To make 0.25 into a percent, we multiply it by 100, to get 25 %.
This means 40 is 25 % of 160
What percent of 80 is 20?
Let 'n' be the unknown percent.
What percent of 80 is 20?
n x 80 = 20
So, the equation to solve then is: 80 x n=20
Solving for n, we get n=20 /80
This means, 20 is 25 % of 80
What is 15% of 200?
Convert 15% to number as 15/100 = 0.15
15% of 200
=0.15 x 200
= 30
What percentage difference is the number 12 from the number 16?
The difference is 16 - 12 = 4
The percentage difference = (4/16) x 100

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