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Bata HR

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Basis of Departmentation

Departmentation is the process by which the activities of an enterprise are grouped

homogenously into different groups. It is an important process of office
management. This is otherwise termed as divisionalisation because it divides the
organization into different divisions or groups.
Thus, Departmentation means the process of grouping the various activities into
separate unit. It has also been viewed as the process of specializing the work of the
management according to place, product, patronage and process.


Bata India Ltd has a separate department to manage the human resource of the
organization that is responsible to systematically reviewing human resource
requirements to ensure that required number of employees, with the required skills
is available when needed. They prefer the internal employees for the recruitment
over the external recruitment and a forecast for the supply of Human Resource
within the organization
They use skills inventory for middle management and they use replacement charts
for operational level employees

1. The fiscal year or the financial year that starts from April to march is considered to be as
one year.
2. The Human Resource department makes an organisation chart for each and every
department in the organisation.


The recruitment and selection is the major function of the
human resource department and recruitment process is the first

step towards creating the competitive strength and the strategic

advantage for the organizations.
Recruiting process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing
the candidates to arranging and conducting the interview and
requires many resources and time

Bata India ltd is a traditional organization and it has got
very inflexible culture and it does not believe in outsourcing
its recruitment process. Moreover it does not use either the
electronic media or the print media advertise its vacancies.
However exceptions and they sometimes recruit peoples
from educational institutions
They are following Equal Employment Opportunity and
Affirmative Action strictly as they do not discourage in any
department And exceptionally they use university recruiting
as for their external recruitment.
They are following the internal recruitment method and for
this purpose they do job posting

Recruitment Needs Are Of Three Type In Bata India ltd:

Planned: i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization
and retirement policy.
Anticipated: Anticipated needs are those movements in
personnel, which an organization can predict by studying
trends in internal and external environment.
Unexpected: Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise
to unexpected needs.

Selection is the process of evaluating the qualifications,
experience, skill, knowledge, etc, of an applicant in relation to the
requirements of the job to determine his suitability for the job.
The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant
information from applicants and selecting the most suitable
among them, based on an assessment of how successful the
employee would be in the job, if he were placed in the vacant

The selection process in Bata India ltd., They select people on the
basis of their qualification and skills in order to meet the strategic
business goals of their business. They also strictly follow the
Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action policies
during the selection process.

Steps in selection process

1 Receiving the CVs:
They are receiving CVs from the interested candidates. They only
accept hard copy or personal CVs, They do not entertain E-mail or
via post CVs

2 Preliminary interviews:
They used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum criteria
laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family background,

competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary

interview. Preliminary interviews is conducted from individual headed by the
assistant Human Resource manager

3 panel interview:
They conduct unstructured panel interviews of the eligible

Background investigations
Like every other organization Bata India ltd also wishes to ensure that
it hires respectable and reputable employees for this reason it
investigates the past record of each and every employee before the
final selection

Screening by the Human Resource department

Final Selection by line mangers
Based on all information gathered during the recruitment and selection process,
including resumes, interviews, test results, background and reference checks, and
advice of the selection team, decide which candidates best satisfies the preestablished requirement of the vacancy
Documenting the selection process and final hiring decision should be completed
prior to any offer of employment , In the event of a grievance or other action
resulting from the hiring process, comparisons of applicants developed and noted
after an offer are generally not admissible in supporting the final decision

7 Placement on the job

5.5 Documents Related to Recruitment and Selection

Person Specification
The person specification is of equal importance to the job description and informs
the selection decision. The person specification details the skills, experience,
abilities and expertise that are required to do the job

Elements of the Person Specification

The person specification details required by Bata India Ltd are

Knowledge (including necessary qualifications)

Skills and abilities
Extreme care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. The
Equality Act requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to a
workplace or the way a job is carried out to make them suitable for disabled

These are required to do the job, specifying which are essential and which are
Further particulars must include the following

Details of the main terms and conditions of employment (including holiday

and pension arrangements, entitlement to apply for sabbatical leave if
appropriate, working hours, call-out or shift patterns arrangements if
appropriate, etc.),
Details of any relocation benefits relocation expenses, relocation
supplements where they apply, etc.
Information about the department
The Equal Opportunity Policy statement
Guidelines about completing the application from, including the number of
referees and whether there is an intention to seek references before
Where a CV is required, candidates should be advised that it must include:
education history, details of membership of any professional organizations,
details of current or most recent employer details of previous employment
and how the applicants knowledge, skills and abilities meet the job

5.6 Job Description and Specification

A job description is a list that a person might use for general tasks, or functions,
and responsibilities of a position. It may often include to whom the position reports, specifications
such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, and a salary range. Job
descriptions are usually narrative,[1] but some may instead comprise a simple list of competencies;
for instance, strategic human resource planning methodologies may be used to develop
a competency architecture for an organization, from which job descriptions are built as a shortlist of

JOB DESCRIPTION is an important document which is basically descriptive in nature

and contains a statement of job analysis. It serves to identify a job for consideration
by other job analyses it tells us what should be done and where it should be
The job description should indicate the scope and nature of the work more over it
should be clear regarding the work of possession duties etc. More specific words
should be selected to show the kind of work, the degree of skills reader extent of
workers responsibility for each phrases of work, the degree and type of
accountability job description is organized for the statement of the duties and
responsibility of a specific job.

JOB SPECIFICATION is a statement which tells us minimum acceptable human

qualities which helps to perform a job. Job specification translates the job
description into human qualifications so that a job can be performed in a better
manner. Job specification helps in hiring an appropriate person for an appropriate
FAG maintains job description and specification statement in very transparent and
proper way which will help management to put right person on right job.
This type of document is descriptive in nature and it constitutes all those facts
which are related to a job such as:
a) Title/ Designation of job and location in the concern. b) The nature of duties and
operations to be performed in that job, c) The nature of authority- responsibility
relationships. d) Necessary qualifications that is required for job. e) Relationship of
that job with other jobs in a concern. f) The provision of physical and working
condition or the work environment required in performance of that job.
The contents are:

a) Job title and designation b) Educational qualifications for that title c) Physical and
other related attributes d) Physique and mental health e) Special attributes and
abilities f) Maturity and dependability g) Relationship of that job with other in a
5.7 Performance appraisal process
At FAG India Ltd. The system of performance appraisal is called PPRD i.e.
performance planning, review and development.
This system of PPRD Works in line with MBOC (i.e. management by objectives)
concept of FAG Group.
The object, the main object of PPRD system is to focus individual and department
objectives towards the realization of organizational goals the object of this system is
to identity the training and development performance development.
It is applicable to all operative group employees.
FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 86

Process of PPRD
At FAG, they prepare one form which is called employee performance appraised i.e.
EPA form this form is sent in April to concerned departments along with the
increment budget, rating sheets, training need analysis forms. These EPA forms are
also known as assessment sheet at FAG.
After approval of these forms, forms are returned to the personnel department
within the specified time.
Personnel department then scrutinize the forms and checks whether training is
required for increase the performance of the employees of not.
New HR system adopted by general manager: Introduced and established all HR systems in New plant at Maneja Vadodara
like time office, Biometric- punching, Visitor Management system, Biometricpunching for contract labour and their rotation management system, HR SAP
implementation Project is about to complete etc. Initiated fun at work activities
and instituted Rewards & Recognition program- Idea Management and Kizen

initiative for associates and executives. It carried out MBO in April for 528 & 94
executives on time. Schaeffler Bonus is based on MBO. Developed and
Implemented Personal Improvement Plans for non-performers to make the system
more rational and transparent. Member of Appraisal review committee to
normalize and rationalize superior conference ratings across the Unit. Talent
profile for all ratings in Quadrant 1& 2 as well 3,4 in a revised, improved format.
High performers identification through Employee development dialogue is done in a
very systematic way. Human Capital Development
Developed and institutes succession planning program for critical positions to the
company as a new initiative in consultation with Asia Pacific Talent Management
team. Carried out a massive exercise of mapping executives on a performancepotential matrix (3x3 matrix) and institutionalized the retention strategy for
different quadrants introduced structured system for executives falling under PIP
and evolved system for their monitoring.
Implemented structured methodology for tal ent recognition, retention,
assessment of potential, individual development plan for all High performers
Conducted Assessment Centre to indentify high potential Executives at Unit Level as
well member of corporate assessment team. Encouraged employee referral
programme for hiring good know candidates, designed policy for compensation and
made it a success.
FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 87

5.8 welfare activities undertaken

At FAG India, the welfare activities, which carried out, by FAG itself are divided into
two parts:
Statutory activities Non-statutory activities
Where, statutory activates means activities which are forced by the government
and nonstatutory activities which are done by the companys rules and regulations
these activates are:
Statutory activities:

PF Employee state insurance(ESI) Gratuity Workmen compensation

Canteen facilities In company first aid Uniforms Non statutory activities:

Staff recreation club Staff recreation club Birthday gifts Long service
awards Study loan facilities Education awards for employees children
Departmental get-to-gather Co-operative credit society Interest subsidy for
housing & vehicle Medi-claim Food, grain National gratuity
Welfare Activities
At FAG India, the welfare activities, which are done for the welfare of the employees,
are really very great activities are:

FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 88

Three pairs of uniforms are provided to all the permanent operative group (OG)
employees. Safety or office shoes pair is also provide to the employees every
year as such, the pair of shoes is provided on the base of nature of the work.
Socks are also provided ( three pairs to OG employees and two pairs to
management level employees) People who working on the shop floor are
provided two aprons once in two years. Once in 3 years, sweaters and raincoat
are provided to the employees. Medical assista nce of Rs. 1,00,000/- in critical
surgery or illness is also provided. Additional medical facilities up to Rs.
1,00,000/- are provided only in case of bypass surgery, kidney Trans-plantation and
joint replacement only.
Other Facilities:
Other activities done or carried out by FAG India (i.e. statutory and non-statutory
activities) are as follows:
1) Canteen: It is provided to all the employees & trainees Lunch/ tea/snacks
are provided at subsided rates to all the employees Lunch is provided to th e

employees at a rate of Rs. 1.40/- per meal Tea/ snacks are provided to the
employees at a rate of Rs. 0.30 per tea/ snacks

2) Mediclaim Policy: It covers all employees It also covers employees, spouse

and two children Pre-existing disease and conjunctional diseases are not covered
under this policy Maternity related expenses are not covered under this policy
The validity of this policy is for a period of one year, after which company renews it.
Diseases like cataract, hernia, hysterectomy etc. are not covered in first year of
employee coverage.

3) Personal Accident group Policy: The policy is adopted to protect all the
employees from injuries/ death arising in case of accidents. It is valid for 24
years. It does not cover the dependents or family members of employees. It
compensates the salary of the employee for the work-days missed by him due to
accidents. In case of loss of life due to accident, the employees family receives
72 months salary (Basic + DA) as per policy.

FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 89

4) Birthday gift: Name of the employees whose birthday falls on the current date
is displayed on the notice board, that day. A gift is given on birthday of each of
the employees by the management The gift items changes every year.

5) Departmental Get-to-gather/ picnic: This get-to-gather is basically designed so

that employees get an opportunity to interact and socialize with each other, along
with their families The company offers Rs. 60 per employee per year as a get-togather allowance for employees for organizing picnic/ get-to-gather.

6) Interest subsidy on housing loan: This scheme enables employees to have a

better quality of life and lessens the burden of interest that employees have to bear
for housing or vehicle loans. When an employee, on his own, obtains a loan from

any financial institution, the company helps him pay off the interest at the rate of
5% of a maximum ceiling of loan amount. The ceiling depends upon the c ategory
of employee Every year only fixed no of employees in each category are declared
as eligible for this facility, depending upon their seniority

7) Study loan: The employees who intend to pursue higher education can avail a
study loan of Rs. 12000/- for engineering courses and Rs. 5000/- for other courses.
7 days leave is given to the employee for preparing himself for financial
examination of the final semester of his course.

8) Food Grain/ Festival Advance: The company provides Rs. 40000/- as interest
free festival advance during Diwali and Rs. 4000/- as interest free food grain in the
months of April to its employees. Each of advance is recoverable in 6 monthly

9) Token gift amount on retirement: Every employee contributes Rs. 50/- as a gift
amount for the retiring employee. The company also gives Rs. 10000/- as a token
of recognition of the employees service.

10. Family relief fund: This fund is to support the family of the permanent
employees who lose their lives during their tenure in the company. The company
contributes Rs. 1,00,000/- towards the fund. Such fund is kept under the post
office monthly income scheme (MIS)
FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 90

11. In Company Awards: Suggestion awards/idea management award Best

housekeeping award Work skills India awards Quality circle award to the

12. Long service awards: This award is given to an employee on completion of

10, 20, 30 years of service in the company. One certificate maintaining the no. of
years of service and a silver coin is given to the employees

13. Educational awards: Children of all employees covered under this facility.
Children getting 60 or above percentage marks are eligible for the award Other
children are given consolation prices.

14. Activities of co-operative credit society:

The co-operative credit society is operating for the last 40 years. It is known as MG
Bearing India employees co-operative credit society Ltd. The managing committee
of the society comprises of 8 members which are as follows:
1. President 2. Vice president 3. Secretary 4. Committee members
The society has formulated scheme for the benefit of its members, they are:
Accidental insurance policy Family welfare scheme Loan facility Savings
Dividends Diwali gifts Subsidized note books Household item to members
on installment basis

15. Activities of staff recreation club:

An amount is deducted from the monthly salary of all the employees towards
contribution to staff recreation club. Every year they conduct elections for electing
the general secretary and 6 executive members of the recreation club.
FAG Bearing India Limited.

GHPIBM 2014-16 Page 91

OG level 7/- Rs. Executives 10/- Rs. Managers 13/- Rs. GMS 15/- Rs.
VPs/MD 20/- Rs

Required Documents
The following documents should be collected by the hiring department for reporting and auditing purposes and
uploaded on to the following sections located in the ATS:
Attachments Tab (viewable by all associated with the recruitment)

Approved advertisement plan

Proof of advertisement and invoices


Ad copy of job posted to non-UCR sponsored job boards such as or other niche site

Ad copy of job posted to diversity sites

Ad copy of job posted to newspaper or other media including LinkedIn Groups

Interview Schedules

Interview Questions Template

Final Action Tab (viewable by Chair/Chairs Associate)

Interview Notes/Evaluations (for all candidates)

Assessment Results (for all candidates)

Completed References (for finalists)

Original documents may be shredded once loaded on to the ATS.

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