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ISO 22000 Food Safety

Guidance and Workbook for
the Catering Industry


ISO 22000 Food Safety

Guidance and Workbook for the
Catering Industry

ISO 22000 Food Safety

Guidance and Workbook for the
Catering Industry

David Smith, Tracey Jackson-Smith

and Rob Politowski

First published in the UK in 2007

389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL

British Standards Institution 2007

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, photocopying,
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Whilst every care has been taken in developing and compiling this publication, BSI accepts no liability for any loss or
damage caused, arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on its contents except to the extent that such
liability may not be excluded in law.
The rights of David Smith, Tracey Jackson-Smith and Rob Politowski to be identified as the authors of this Work have been
asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Typeset in Optima and Gill Sans by Monolith

Printed in Great Britain by The MFK Group, Stevenage
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 0 580 49978 4
BSI Ref: BIP 2127



Section 1 Implementing ISO 22000:2005

1. Requirements and how to meet them
2. How we establish the system the basics
3. How do we do it? In detail
4. Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products
5. Operating the system


Section 2 Self-assessment of your organizations system for food safety

6. How to use the self-assessment questionnaire
7. Self-assessment questionnaire
8. Assessment of performance
9. Overall performance


Section 3 Useful forms and pro formas

10. Example monitoring forms
11. Index of workbook against clauses in ISO 22000:2005
12. Validation and verification checklists


Section 4 ISO 22000:2005 extracts

13. ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions


Section 5 Other sources of information

14. Introduction
15. Good practice
16. Legislation and regulation
17. Background information
18. References



This workbook has been produced for those wishing to implement ISO 22000:2005 in their catering
operations. Whilst the organizations may range in size from an owner-managed business to part of a
large nationwide organization they all have one basic thing in common the provision of meals for
customers in a variety of outlets, e.g. restaurants, cafs, takeaways.
Much of the focus in the use of ISO 22000 since its introduction has been in the manufacturing
sector. Because of its more specific focus on food safety issues, building around the Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Point (HACCP)-based approach to food safety, there are clearly opportunities for
application throughout the food chain including agriculture, health care, leisure and hospitality catering
sectors. It is with this in mind that this workbook has been developed to provide support to catering
organizations in the implementation of an ISO 22000:2005 food safety management system. It is
intended to be used by those charged with the implementation and running of the system in the catering
sector and will be found particularly helpful by members of the food safety team as well as departmental
managers. For those requiring a greater depth of knowledge and understanding the workbook should be
used in conjunction with ISO 22000 and/or the handbook Managing Food Safety the 22000 Way.
The globalization of food and food products, together with the large-scale production and
manufacturing processes used in the food industry, has changed the way many people and governments
view the question of food safety. Whilst international trade in food products has been going on for
centuries it remained a comparative rarity. However, it is a commonplace matter today for a whole range
of food products to be traded extensively around the world a simple glance at the shelves at your local
supermarket will confirm this. The global food industry faces not inconsiderable challenges in this evergrowing market, e.g. food safety, purity, traceability, let alone the more esoteric matter of quality. Safe
practices are now expected as an integral part of trade as a food safety problem can potentially result in
food-borne illnesses and, in some cases, death.
According to Foodlink (a Food and Drink Federation initiative):
Each year it is estimated that as many as 5.5 million people in the UK may suffer from food
borne illnesses thats 1 in 10 people.

There have been a number of attempts at the creation of an international food standard but with
the introduction of the ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems Requirements for
any organization in the food chain, a document has been created that is a suitable standard for all
stakeholders in the food industry. It is possible to apply the standard to all organizations in the food
chain, from primary producers to catering and retail outlets, and the importance of the development of
this standard was recognized by the involvement of many countries in its drafting, as well as significant
international bodies such as the Global Food Safety Initiative. With its open structure and specific focus



upon food safety issues it is a positive addition to the many other standards that are already evident in
the food industry.
ISO 22000:2005 is an international management systems standard that has several features in
common with other management systems standards. Many organizations have successfully embraced
the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems Requirements, ISO 14001:2004,
Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use and OHSAS 18001:1999,
Occupational health and safety management systems and found them to be useful in managing the
specific discipline and demonstrating conformance. Similar requirements to the other specifications
can be found in ISO 22000 and these can be integrated into one overall management system such as
outlined in PAS 99:2006, Specification of common management system requirements as a framework
for integration, a specification developed to assist organizations who have multiple formal management
systems and who wish to minimize the duplications of arrangements and procedures.
ISO 22000 specifies the requirements that need to be met for an effective food safety management
system (FSMS), which can enable an organization to demonstrate that it is meeting customer and
regulatory needs. It is not a guide; it describes what needs to be in place but not necessarily in the best
order in which to carry out the task of implementation. The simple steps outlined in this workbook will
enable organizations to follow an implementation programme in a series of straightforward steps. This
will support the operation of a practical, effective and efficient FSMS.
The requirements of ISO 22000 are not significantly different from what the organization will
already have in place to meet its HACCP needs. Both approaches are risk based. For those with
ISO 9001 and an HACCP system the majority of the requirements will have already been met. Some
individual countries have their own schemes (such as the British Retail Consortium (BRC) in the UK)
and again the requirements here will not be in conflict with them and they can be embraced within this
FSMS. The links between the Codex Alimentarius (a collection of international food standards), ISO 9001
and ISO 22000 are given in Annexes A and B of ISO 22000:2005.
In the industry the issues of quality and food safety may be seen as separate subjects but often they
are managed together. It is therefore not difficult to integrate ISO 22000 systems with existing ISO 9001
systems and such integration can bring benefits in a number of ways such as reduction of duplication of
management system requirements and records, auditing and reviewing schedules.
This workbook contains a number of prompt lists, case studies and scenarios that will help you
to gain a better picture of what is required. These are provided as illustrations and will need to be
customized to reflect your circumstances.
In the first section, Chapter 1 gives an outline of the requirements and how to meet them. The first few
pages give an overview of the content of the workbook and the flow of the implementation programme.
Chapter 2 outlines what has to be done in more detail and Chapters 3 and 4 describe how this is to
be achieved. Finally, Chapter 5 describes how the system operates in practice.
Section 2 contains a self-assessment that enables progress to be measured in implementing the
system and its operation. At each stage through the book there are a number of checklists to allow the
reader to identify the current position and any shortfalls.
Section 3 contains tables and pro formas, which may be useful for those who have few systems in
place. These are provided as indicators and should be adapted to fit the organizations specific needs.
Section 4 contains extracts from the ISO 22000:2005 standard including a glossary of terms and the
main clauses, four to eight.
Section 5 lists sources of useful information on legal and regulatory issues and best practice, and
contains references.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

This workbook is one of a series of publications intended to provide support to organizations in

the implementation of ISO 22000:2005 Food safety management systems Requirements for any
organization in the food chain.



Section 1
Implementing ISO 22000:2005

Implementing ISO 22000:2005

Requirements and how to meet them

1.1 What have we got to do?

For anyone considering the implementation of an FSMS built around the requirements of the ISO 22000
standard there are some initial steps to take as outlined below.

1.1.1 Understand the business

The organization needs to understand how it fits into the food chain (see Figure 1.1).
Crop producers
Feed producers

Farmers, meat production

Fishermen, those producing
feed for livestock

Primary food producers

Food manufacturers
Manufacturing of food products
Secondary food manufacturers
Retailers, food service operators
and caterers

Retail, catering and wholesale

Figure 1.1 The food chain

A business may operate at several levels within the food chain. For instance a farmer will be a crop
producer and may sell to a feed producer, a wholesaler and to the public (as a retailer) at a farmers

Requirements and how to meet them

market. It is essential that you identify those who supply you and what is critical about their supplies,
i.e. how their product could affect the food safety of your product. Equally you need to know the next
step in the chain and how you can have an impact on your customer.

1.1.2 Identify all inputs and outputs

All the inputs to your products need to be systematically identified and the output of each process
determined. For those new to this concept it is covered in greater detail in 2.2.

1.1.3 Look at each process and identify the hazards that could arise
Those with an HACCP system in place will know this method well. It is a requirement under the 2006
regulations (The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 [SI 2006/14] and equivalent) that organizations
carry out an HACCP evaluation. This enables the organization to determine any part of the processes that
poses a risk to food safety.

1.1.4 Determine what controls are needed

The next step is to install controls to eliminate or significantly reduce the risk of the food product
becoming unsafe.

1.2 How do we do it?

The standard identifies a number of key steps that need to be satisfied at the start of the process.
(References in parentheses refer to ISO 22000:2005. Some sections of this standard are reproduced in
Section 4.)

1.2.1 Appoint a food safety team leader (5.5)

This is a key stage in the implementation of the standard and a specified requirement.

1.2.2 Select the food safety team members (7.3.2)

To support the food safety team leader in the implementation programme there is a requirement to have
a food safety team. This will have some permanent members and may have some ad hoc members.

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

1.2.3 Provide resources (6)

An organization must demonstrate commitment to support the management systems and provide the
necessary resources for it to be effective. There are detailed requirements in the standard.

1.2.4 Outline of planning and safe product realization (7)

This is the most important clause for the implementation and operation of the system. It closely follows
the Codex Alimentarius HACCP system but includes some additional requirements.

Requirements and how to meet them

How we establish the system the basics
In order to move forward it is necessary to understand the business and what we are setting out to
achieve. Implementation of the standard follows in Chapters 3 and 4.

2.1 Understanding the business and operational processes

It is often the case that organizations have procedures and processes in place, although these may
well be informal. Some readers will already be familiar with the ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality
management systems and will have identified the processes used by the organization. For those for
whom this is new the following will assist in getting started.
All organizations have customers and need to satisfy their requirements whether they are in the
private, public or charitable sector. In the food sector the basic aim will be to provide a food product
to the desired quality, which is safe to the consumer. The overall processes undertaken need to be
profitable and meet these needs.
Figure 2.1 shows the relationship between the customer and supplier and how the organization (the
supplier) controls this product realization through management responsibility, resource management and
measurement, analysis and improvement.
In the food sector the organization may have a number of customers such as a farmer selling at the
farmers market, to supermarkets and as feedstock to another food producing organization. The control
of the product realization stage of the various processes will need to be oriented to satisfy the particular
customer. The organization therefore needs to identify its customers and their specific needs and where
they fit in the food chain. The level of control may well need to be different for every customer.

2.2 Identifying all the inputs and outputs

The first stage is process mapping. It may be you are only aware, in the first instance, of the goods and
services you buy in (inputs) and the goods and services you provide to your customers (outputs). In
practice this breaks down into a number of processes.
The approach is that the processes are identified and then mapped to show their inputs and outputs.

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Continual improvement of the quality management system



analysis and








Value-adding activities
Information flow

Source: ISO 9001:2000

Figure 2.1 Quality management process model

In simple terms the relationship between inputs and outputs can be seen in Figure 2.2.

e.g. storage, service,
manufacture, delivery, etc.


Figure 2.2 Input/output relationship

The output from one process, such as stored items, may well form the input to another process. There
will be many processes and the interrelationship needs to be understood.
It is a requirement of the ISO 22000:2005 standard that the various processes used in the
organization for production are mapped. This idea is a simple one and can be applied to a huge range of
activities. Figure 2.3 is an easy-to-understand flow chart for the everyday activity of making a sandwich.
This is a very simple case but illustrates the point that even in this case we need to consider such
issues as the ingredient INPUTS (bread, butter, ham, mustard/mayonnaise), the preparation PROCESS
steps (slicing bread, spreading butter, etc.) and the OUTPUT product (the sandwich!). The law requires
that you have a documented system for the traceability of your food on a one-step-up and onestep-down basis. This means that your food ingredient inputs must be recorded, showing details of

How we establish the system the basics

the supplier, date, items, quantities and any batch/lot/storage details that enable you to identify their
utilization. Where product outputs are supplied to other businesses you will also need to identify their
details, along with any control checks made by you at the point of delivery. Supplies, i.e. inputs to your
business, may be common to a number of different products (e.g. bread from one supplier used in many
different sandwich varieties) and the control checks will only need to be undertaken once per delivery.

Slice bread on board

Transfer to plate


Spread butter on bread

Serve sandwich


Add ham







Cut sandwich

Figure 2.3 Simple flow chart: ham sandwich

Figure 2.3 uses a familiar process to show the principle. In practice the organization will need to
look at a number of things on a broader scale. All of the processes in your business will need to
be viewed in this way, and the inputs and outputs will extend beyond product ingredients and
finished products. For ISO 22000 compliance you will need to consider information inputs such as the
validity of any scientific data on which you base your risk assessments and controls. Outputs will also
cover communication outputs, such as monitoring data used to verify and/or review the system and
information for enforcement agencies.

2.3 Looking at each process and identify the hazards that could arise
The UK and EU regulatory requirements are such that organizations have to carry out HACCP-based
procedures for all their processes. Those already operating in the food sector will be well aware of this
requirement and how they have applied it. However, it should be noted that simplified HACCP-based
systems devised for smaller catering operations may not meet all of the requirements of ISO 22000.
In the simple case of making a sandwich above, there are very obvious areas that need control.
The integrity of the ingredients supply is vital to ensure that the product is not contaminated before you
even start; storage temperatures of the butter, ham and mayonnaise must be kept within legal limits
to control the growth of harmful micro-organisms; and the process activities indicate steps at which
potential cross-contamination needs to be controlled. The first stage of the hazard analysis is to identify
all of these potential hazards that could harm your customer, and your business, and evaluate the risk
that they each pose.

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Identifying these hazards requires some food safety expertise, particularly in relation to
microbiological contamination and growth. Information regarding pathogen risks for specific food types,
along with their growth factors such as Aw, pH and temperature range, is necessary for the accurate
and complete identification of potential hazards and will inform subsequent decisions as to appropriate
controls. Reference to valid, externally published scientific and technical data is vital for a stringent
HACCP plan and this can be accessed through a variety of industry sources.

2.4 Determining what prerequisite programmes and controls are needed

Every organization should have a number of generic programmes in place to ensure that the basic
operating conditions are present for the production of safe and wholesome food. These include such
things as cleaning and housekeeping practices, pest control and even the design and facilities of
the premises itself. Operating and managing these programmes generically not only ensures a solid
foundation of food safety within the organization, but also makes good management sense for
example, to assess the hazards arising from poor cleaning in respect of each product or recipe dish
produced would be repetitive, time-consuming and might miss out areas that do not directly come into
contact with the food (e.g. walls, floors, ceilings). As such, these programmes are considered prerequisite
programmes (PRPs).
For specific hazards identified for individual food products or recipe dishes, specific controls will
need to be determined. These hazards may arise due to particular ingredients or to the cooking, chilling
or serving methods for that dish. Examples of these controls are checking the delivery temperature of
frozen food ingredients or ensuring that hot food is held at the correct temperature between cooking and
serving. Where a control is essential to prevent, eliminate or reduce a hazard to an acceptable level it is
referred to as a critical control point (CCP) this is the last opportunity in the process to stop this hazard
from reaching the end consumer.
For each hazard identified, a judgement is made as to whether the hazard is managed by a PRP
or whether other control measures are required. A further decision-making procedure surrounds the
determination of CCPs within the process. As with the hazard identification, reference to technical data
may be required to ensure that control measures are valid and can be justified.

2.5 Identifying what you have got in place

You will almost certainly have some systems in place.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).

Is management commitment established?
Has a food safety team leader been appointed?
Has a food safety team been appointed?
Have the processes been identified and defined?
Have you produced a food safety policy?

Yes No

How we establish the system the basics

Have the resource issues been addressed?
Have you produced specifications for each of the products?
Do you have operational PRPs in place?
Have the food hazards been identified?
Do you carry out food safety risk assessments?
Have you identified the legal and other requirements?
Does the organization adopt best practice?
Have objectives been set?
Do employees know their roles and responsibilities?
Have employees been adequately trained?
Are internal communications established?
Are external communications established?
Do you have a documented traceability system?
Do you have the required documentation in place?
Are necessary control measures and CCPs in place?
Are emergency preparedness and response arrangements in place?
Are internal audits undertaken?
Are management reviews carried out?

Yes No

A self-assessment scoring system can be found in Section 2 for you to monitor your progress.
If you have addressed the above and established arrangements for managing food safety the following
elements should be present. As a check indicate the current status in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Food safety management system status

Management system element


General requirements
Management system policy
HACCP and identification of control points
Identification of legal and other requirements
Organizational structure, roles, responsibilities and authorities
Implementation and operation
Operational control
Management of resources
Documentation requirements
Performance assessment
Monitoring and measurement
Evaluation of compliance
Internal audit
Handling of nonconformities
Corrective, preventative and improvement action
Management review


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

How do we do it? In detail
Appoint the food safety team leader
and the food safety team
Define operational processes and
variants. Identify resources
Prepare flow diagrams
Identify existing prerequisite
programmes (PRPs)

Identify hazards for each process

Risk assessment.
Evaluate PRPs and identify CCPs

Determine control measures

Install monitoring documentation.

Validate and verify system

Figure 3.1 Flow chart for implementing a food safety management system

It is a requirement of the standard to plan how the system is to be implemented and maintained. Each of
the boxes in Figure 3.1 is expanded and considered in detail during the course of the workbook.

3.1 Appoint the food safety team leader

The first task in implementing the system is to choose an appropriate team leader for the project. Correct
appointment to this role is crucial for the success of the project and is not a task to be taken lightly. The

How do we do it? In detail


most appropriate choice for the position is a person who possesses the skills, knowledge, leadership
capability and the time to carry out his/her duties effectively. In some smaller organizations this may
be a member of the senior management team, but this does not have to be the case for all businesses.
In fact, it may be more appropriate for a middle manager or departmental manager to take on the
responsibility. One of the key factors in terms of the seniority of the position is that the individual has
the authority to implement the system effectively, including the ability to influence senior management
in making any necessary changes to organizational policy and practice, the ability to influence staff and
other managers to operate the system correctly and access to the resources required.
Key responsibilities of the role include:

team leadership capability;

exemplifying the goals of the system through own practice;
initiating and supporting communication;
organizing administrative support;
development and production of an achievable project plan;
liaising with other functions and with senior management;
effective utilization of resources, including human resources;
advising and supporting team members;
delegation, problem solving and decision-making.

As we can see, the team leader role demands a range of management and leadership skills, and it is
recommended that he/she also possesses a suitable level of technical skills and/or experience in food
safety. Indeed, the law requires that the person responsible for the development and maintenance of the
food safety management procedures must have received adequate training. This training does not have to
constitute a formal external course or qualification but can be an amalgamation of various development
activities including research, involvement with sector/trade organizations and professional experience.
However, the team leader does not need to be an expert in all aspects of the food operation, rather to
be able to draw on the expertise provided by the rest of the food safety team.
Clearly, the team leader may benefit from some specific training prior to undertaking their role, and
suggestions for all the team members are given later in this chapter.

3.2 Appoint the food safety team

Once the team leader role has been allocated, the next step is to draw together a food safety team,
which should comprise a small group of food safety-focused individuals, each with their own area of
expertise or experience to bring to the project. The permanent members of the food safety team should,
ideally, number no more than six people who have ongoing input to the implementation and operation
of the system. Additional members may be co-opted onto the team from time to time as required.
When setting up the food safety team, the emphasis should be on their practical skills and their
ability collectively to cover the range of operational processes within the business. As such, it would be
appropriate at this point to refer to the analysis of business processes and inputs/outputs discussed in the
previous chapter in order to determine the appropriate team model for your business. Let us consider a
couple of examples.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

A large city centre hotel has several different restaurants/bistros on site, each

with its own kitchen area and staff team. Ingredients and other catering resources

are purchased centrally, whilst food preparation and service are devolved. An

effective food safety team would include representatives from each of the

restaurants/bistros on site, who should also bring expertise across the range of

culinary disciplines to the team. The individual responsible for evaluating the
quality and food safety of ingredient supplies upon receipt should also be included in the team. The
hotels quality manager and a representative from the engineering/maintenance team may also be
considered, although they may not be required to be permanent team members.

A busy restaurant employs a team of five chefs, including the head chef,

in a single kitchen providing both lunchtime and evening service, for which

there are separate menus. An appropriate food safety team should comprise

representatives from both the lunch and evening service (if staff cover both
services on a rota system, then this should not be a problem), and there should be some division
of responsibility as to the area of the menu covered, e.g. one person taking responsibility for
sweet dishes, another for savoury, etc. The head chef should be a member of the team, although
given his/her existing range of responsibilities, it may be appropriate for another member of staff
to lead the team.

Overall, the team should be representative of the catering operation as a whole and each should bring
specific expertise to the team in terms of their ability to identify potential hazards and determine suitable
controls. As with the team leader, these individuals should exemplify a high standard of food safety
practice in their work.
There is a requirement for responsibilities within the system to be clearly defined by the senior
management and it is recommended that this is established and documented at an early stage. This
is particularly important with regard to the development of any policies and procedures, or the
commencement of the HACCP study. It would not be appropriate for a member of the team to set up
aspects of the system or sign off documents if the authority for this activity is subsequently allocated
to someone else. Allocation of all sign-off authority to the team leader (e.g. the head chef) may not be
practical. Consideration must be given to the availability of this individual, and how the system will
effectively operate at times when this person is not on duty. Key areas of responsibility and authority to
consider are:

authorization of policies and procedures;

approval of product specifications;
approval of process flow charts;
approval of hazard analysis and control charts;
authority to sign off monitoring documents (for PRP monitoring as well as CCP monitoring);
reporting structure for nonconformance and corrective actions;
authority to sign off corrective actions;
authority to approve revisions to the system.

How do we do it? In detail


All of the above should be clearly designated and be thoroughly understood by the individuals
concerned. It may be appropriate to draw up a list of responsibilities (role specifications) that can be
adopted and accepted through signed confirmation from these key personnel. This will require training.
The responsibility for food safety extends to all personnel within the business, not just the food safety
team, and it is important to ensure that this is communicated unequivocally at the start of employment
and on an ongoing basis. Conformance to food safety practices and responsibility to report any
problems should be conditions of employment, defined contractually and included in induction training.
Notices reminding staff of the food safety reporting requirements can be posted in the workplace as a
useful reminder.

3.3 Identify resources

Prime responsibility for identifying who is responsible and accountable for the provision of the FSMS lies
with top management. This can be implemented in the form of an organogram and job descriptions. The
identification of the food safety team leader has been addressed above.
It is important that all those involved in the catering service understand their individual responsibilities
and the impact they can have if they do not follow the correct controls and procedures. It is generally
found that when the commitment and culture of the organization are poor the likelihood of failure is
greater. The issue of creating an effective climate for achieving organizational commitment is dealt with
in 5.2.
It is essential that clear reporting lines are established with effective communication between all
groups within the organization.
The ISO 22000 standard places considerable emphasis on the provision and continued availability
of resources, both material and human. These requirements are not exclusive to the implementation
and operation of the ISO 22000 system. Indeed, as previously stated, all food businesses have a legal
obligation to operate HACCP-based food safety management procedures and, as such, much of the
resource requirements relate to this prevailing need.
It is clearly a requirement that the organization has the necessary building and infrastructure for
its operation. The material resources required by the system will vary from one business to another,
depending upon such factors as the scale and nature of the business operation, the prerequisite
programmes (PRPs) required, the range of hazards identified, their relevant controls and whether
certain tasks are outsourced (e.g. pest control). In order to ensure that the requirements are satisfied, the
material resource needs should be evaluated and noted at each stage of the implementation process. In
addition, the ongoing input to maintain those resources should be planned. For example, there should
be programmes in place for the regular service and maintenance of refrigeration equipment, the regular
calibration of temperature probes and thermometers, etc.
Key points to consider for material resources are as follows.


All PRPs e.g. is there a sufficient and reliable supply of equipment and consumables to support
your cleaning/sanitation programme?
All critical control points (CCPs) ensure that the resources are in place to both operate the control
and, where appropriate, monitor the control.
Team members and auditors should trace backwards from non-compliances or problems in the
system to determine whether there is a link to a material resource issue.

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Contingency planning is there a plan in place to immediately address failures or shortfalls in

material resources? If the resource problem relates to a CCP, failure to immediately address it may
result in a breach of food safety law.
Alternative resources where contingency plans identify alternatives, these resources must be subject
to the same hazard analysis and risk assessment as the usual resource, e.g. if you substitute one of
your cleaning chemicals due to a supply problem, then this substitute must be evaluated with regard
to the chemical hazard it presents to foodstuffs. This must be documented and added to your records.

There are some further aspects of human resource requirements to consider.

The ISO 22000 standard places emphasis on the competence of the food safety team and other
relevant staff. Auditors are required to ensure that personnel associated with any part of the food
preparation and service, especially where specific hazards have been identified, are able to demonstrate
the necessary abilities required by the FSMS. A key part of meeting this requirement is to ensure that
all staff have the requisite skills for both their food handling task and their food safety responsibilities.
All staff should have a documented personnel record detailing their prior experience, training and any
qualifications achieved. A programme of ongoing training for staff should be planned, implemented and
appropriate records kept.
It is recommended that the food safety team undergo a specific programme of training to support
their roles within the system, i.e.:

food hygiene and safety training at a level appropriate to their responsibilities;

HACCP system training;
auditor skills training (even those who do not have an auditor role would benefit from the ability to
view the system from this perspective).

Fulfilling training requirements need not be onerous, either in respect of the budget allocation or the
release of staff. Training can be cascaded internally by key members of staff who have undergone more
formal programmes, and a carefully planned programme of training can ensure that releasing staff from
their normal duties does not adversely affect the business.
A final point on human resources relates to the documentation and records requirements,
particularly in the development and implementation phase. The compilation of the system manual, as
well as the design of appropriate recording documents is a key task when setting up the system, and the
administrative resource needed to fulfil this function should be considered at an early stage. In larger
organizations, it may be possible to co-opt some administrative support to the team for the development
phase and any later revisions. In smaller organizations, this function may be delegated to one or more
permanent team members. In either case, there is an ongoing responsibility for administration of system
documents, including the production of meeting minutes and the storage of records.

How do we do it? In detail


Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning
and realization of safe products
Clause 7 of the ISO 22000 standard concerns the planning, development, implementation and mainte
nance of the FSMS. It is framed around the existing requirement for the business to operate a HACCPbased FSMS and therefore an established food business with a HACCP system in place would use this
section to benchmark its existing system against the requirements and make any appropriate revisions.
For new businesses, this section serves to outline the basic steps to putting such a system in place.
The HACCP system is required to take account of the seven principles defined in the Codex
Alimentarius. In addition, the Codex Alimentarius has defined a 12-step sequence for the application
of a HACCP system. The distinction between the seven principles and 12 steps can sometimes prove
confusing to those unfamiliar with HACCP; Figure 4.1 illustrates the relationship between the two.
The latest edition of the Codex Alimentarius can be a useful reference document for the food safety
team leader or indeed the team as a whole: details of the publication are given in Chapter 18.

4.1 General (Clause 7.1)

This clause sets up the need for an organization to implement process planning and development for
food safety in its preparation and service activities. This means that the business must consider food
safety as an intrinsic part of any overall operational planning as well as with specific development areas,
e.g. recipe development, method planning, etc. Thus, the business operates an intelligent food safety
system with hazards identified at the planning and development stage and controls introduced in an
efficient and effective manner. For example, an ingredient may be substituted to eliminate a hazard, or a
method adapted to reduce a level of risk or enable it to be controlled by an existing CCP. This proactive
approach to food safety is more cost-effective and successful in managing risk than a reactive approach.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Logic sequence for application of HACCP (12 steps)

Seven principles of the

HACCP system


Assemble the HACCP team


Describe the product


Identify intended use


Construct flow diagram


On-site confirmation of flow diagram


List all potential hazards

Conduct a hazard analysis
Determine control measures

Principle 1
Conduct a hazard analysis


Determine CCPs

Principle 2
Determine the CCPs


Establish critical limit for each CCP

Principle 3
Establish critical limit(s)


Establish a monitoring system for each CCP

Principle 4
Establish a system to monitor
control of the CCP


Establish corrective actions

Principle 5
Establish the corrective action to be
taken when monitoring indicates that
a particular CCP is not under control


Establish verification procedures

Principle 6
Establish procedures for verification
to confirm that the HACCP system is
working effectively


Establish documentation and record keeping

Principle 7
Establish documentation concerning
all procedures and records
appropriate to these principles and
their application

Figure 4.1 The relationship between the 7 principles and

12 steps of HACCP in Codex Alimentarius

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products



7.3.2 Food safety team

7.3.3 Product characteristics

7.3.4 Intended use Flow diagrams Description of process steps

and control measures
7.2 PRPs
4.2 & 7.7

7.4.2 Hazard identification and

determination of acceptable levels
7.4.3 Hazard assessment

7.4.4 Selection and assessment of

control measures
7.5 Establishing the
operational PRPs



7, 8
9 & 10

7.6 Establishing
the HACCP plan

8.2 Validation of control

measure combinations
7.8 Verification planning


Steps addressed by the Codex Alimentarius HACCP guidelines
Steps specific to ISO 22000
NOTE Cross-references refer to ISO 22000:2005.

Source: ISO/TS 22004:2005

Figure 4.2 Planning of safe foods

Figure 4.2 illustrates the components of an effective FSMS and shows the relationship between
ISO 22000:2005 and the Codex Alimentarius Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
system and guidelines for its application.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry


Do you have a project plan in place for developing and implementing the system?
Do you have a procedure for completing HACCP requirements for new recipe dishes?
Do you have clear sign-off responsibility for new dishes prior to their introduction?

Yes No

4.2 Prerequisite programmes (Clause 7.2)

One of the key elements for any HACCP system is to have a set of prerequisite programmes (PRPs) in
place. These are systems that are normally present before the HACCP plan is developed to ensure that
the business is:

operating to relevant food safety legislation and codes of practice;

operating good hygiene practices;
managing its low risk and/or generic hazards through a series of wide-ranging preventative measures;
operating certain non-food safety-related systems that will support the HACCP system.

4.2.1 Food safety PRPs

The aim of food safety PRPs is to underpin the control mechanisms specified in the HACCP system with
a range of programmes designed to tackle the generic food safety hazards as opposed to the specific
hazards, which are controlled by the CCPs. The aim is to streamline the HACCP system and, in particular,
its documentation. The food safety PRPs that you have or require for your food business may be different to
others and, indeed, you may organize or manage these programmes in a manner specific to your business.
However, the range of issues that these programmes are designed to cover relate to most businesses, and
the following list, whilst not necessarily exhaustive, should provide a guide for consideration.

Premises and facilities a programme is required to ensure that the layout, construction and
facilities within your premises meet legal requirements and take account of good practice guidelines.
This programme should not only evaluate the premises at the start, but should manage any changes
and any ongoing maintenance.
Personal hygiene the personal hygiene of staff is of major importance to food safety, and there
should be a programme that communicates the requirements and monitors compliance in respect of
personal cleanliness, hand washing, personal habits (e.g. smoking), health/fitness for work and the
wearing of protective clothing.
Pest control food businesses must have adequate procedures to prevent access to the premises
by pests and domestic pets, and control infestations. This may be carried out by a pest control
contractor, but it is the responsibility of the business to manage and monitor this contract and ensure
that the contractor is diligent in their monitoring and corrective actions, and that they are acting in
accordance with the law (particularly in relation to baits and chemicals). A failure on the part of a
contractor will still be a non-compliance with regard to the business.

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


Sanitation and cleaning all aspects of the premises must be appropriately cleaned and disinfected
on a regular basis. This includes food contact surfaces, equipment and utensils, as well as the
internal fabric of the food area itself. A well-organized cleaning programme covering all areas at
appropriate frequencies is required, along with the careful storage, handling and use of cleaning
chemicals to control risk of chemical contamination.
Waste management this programme is often incorporated with the sanitation and cleaning
programme but, if so, care must be taken to ensure that the handling and disposal of waste during
food preparation and service is included rather than just waste disposal during cleaning.
Raw materials and ingredients this programme must control and monitor the supply of raw
materials to your business to ensure that you do not accept anything that might contaminate or
pose a food safety risk to your food products. In addition, this programme must control the storage,
handling, stock rotation and reuse of ingredients or components with particular regard to the
introduction of contaminants and any temperature control requirements.
Maintenance and servicing this programme should be in place to manage the maintenance and
any required calibration of equipment within the food preparation and service operation, including
equipment that is not directly used for preparation but the malfunction of which could have food
safety implications, e.g. ventilation systems, temperature probes.
Foreign object control this programme should evaluate, monitor and control any potential foreign
object risks that are not covered by other PRPs such as regular checks on any glass/hard plastic
items, and rules governing the use of hazardous items such as paper clips or pens with separate caps.
Packing and transport if you deliver your products to your customer, a programme to evaluate,
control and monitor food safety hazards arising from the wrapping, transport containers and vehicles
must be in place.

4.2.2 Non-food safety PRPs

In addition to the food safety-specific PRPs, there are further elements that support the HACCP system,
which it may be useful to consider as PRPs in their own right, particularly if you have a separate quality
system already in place within your organization. Whilst it is not essential to have these set up as PRPs,
they are issues that must be addressed within your HACCP system.

Document control a set of procedures governing the update, replacement and tracking of manual
and electronic documents within your HACCP system should be considered. Where documents are
produced and kept electronically, care must be taken not to simply revise or overwrite the existing
file as past documents will be required for evidence of due diligence where legal compliance is
Traceability a system that tracks the source and destination of all materials and ingredients used
in your food is a legal requirement. A system that records the batch/lot details of all ingredients/raw
materials and monitors/records their use should be maintained.

The ISO 22000 standard requires that a risk-based approach is taken to the planning, determination and
evaluation of the PRPs, and it is not sufficient for the food safety team to acknowledge that the PRP is in
place and therefore assume that the associated hazards are under control. Auditors are required to seek


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

evidence that this process was undertaken thoroughly, objectively and at the appropriate stages in the
implementation process (PRPs should be revisited as part of the hazard analysis step). PRPs should also
be included in verification planning.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).
Have you addressed the following:

Premises and facilities?
Personal hygiene?
Pest control?
Sanitation and cleaning?
Waste management?
Raw materials and ingredients?
Maintenance and servicing?
Foreign object control?
Packing and transport?
Document control?

Yes No

Records in place to monitor all of these points?

4.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis General (Clause 7.3.1)

All information contributing to the hazard analysis must be properly managed and recorded. Information
sources used must be reliable, robust and comparable with normal industry practice. To meet this
requirement the business must be able to demonstrate the source of any external or internal information
used to identify a hazard, conduct a risk assessment or determine appropriate critical limits and control
measures. Where copies of legislation, codes of practice or other industry guidance is utilized, it should
be relevant and up to date.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).

Have you created a list of all your information sources?
Have you checked that your information sources are current?
Have your information sources been checked for validity?

Yes No

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


4.4 Food safety team (Clause 7.3.2)

The requirements of this clause are addressed in detail in Chapter 3.

4.5 Product characteristics (Clause 7.3.3)

This clause requires the compilation of specification information on all materials, including finished
food products, contributing to the hazard analysis. The specification should include a full description
of the product considering, for example, composition, physical structure, pH, treatments (e.g. cooking
processes, brining, smoking, etc.), serving temperature, storage, etc. Due regard should be given to
labelling regulations where food is wrapped or packaged.

4.6 Intended use (Clause 7.3.4)

Whilst the food that you are preparing is clearly intended to be eaten by the consumer, the term intended
use in this context refers to the circumstances in which it takes place and who the end consumer may
be. If, for example, you are serving food to be consumed on your premises then you have greater control
of the holding and serving temperature of that food item than if you are operating a takeaway outlet. Food
that is designed to be swallowed in whole mouthfuls rather than being cut up on a plate and/or chewed
carries a far greater risk of a consumer ingesting a contaminant. Consideration of the end consumer
themselves also has an impact on any hazard analysis, particularly anyone considered vulnerable, such as
the elderly or small children.

Product characteristics/intended use Baked chicken Kiev

The product is a prepared meal containing chicken breast stuffed with garlic butter and coated
with beaten raw egg and breadcrumbs prior to being cooked at an oven temperature of 200 C.
The cooked, stuffed chicken portions are removed from the oven and kept at a minimum holding
temperature of 63 C for a maximum of 2 hours. The product is served hot to the customer from
this facility.

Raw chicken, garlic puree, butter, chopped raw parsley, raw egg, breadcrumbs (wheat flour,
water, salt, yeast, sugar, vegetable fat), lemon juice, pepper.

Intended use
The product is a hot prepared meal likely to be consumed by adults. It is suitable for all groups,
except those who may be sensitive to food allergens (see below).
Note: this product may not be suitable for customers with allergies to wheat flour or eggs.

Figure 4.3 Example of product characteristic and intended

use specification for baked chicken Kiev


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or
need to be addressed (No).


Yes No

developed specifications for all recipe dishes?

considered issues relating to specific, vulnerable groups of people (e.g. allergy sufferers, pregnant women)?
prepared advice and/or action guidelines for vulnerable consumers?
trained staff in procedures for vulnerable consumers?

4.7 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures (Clause 7.3.5)
The mandatory use of flow diagrams to describe the inputs, preparation/cooking process steps and
outputs for all of the food products/recipe dishes produced by the business is intrinsic to the ISO 22000
standard and HACCP. Separate flow charts are required for each product, although products which vary
by only one ingredient (e.g. the addition of cheese or dried fruit to scones) may have a combined flow
chart providing it includes all of the variants. Clear identification of all of the processes applied to the
food at each stage helps to identify any existing control measures which are intrinsic to the preparation
and cooking process (e.g. sieving a dry ingredient or cooking at high temperatures). Flow diagrams
must be checked for accuracy by the food safety team, preferably by practical comparison with an
observation of the process, before being utilized. Evidence of this validation activity must be apparent to
an auditor signatures and dates on the flow chart, for example.

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


Summary process flow chart: baked chicken Kiev

1. Raw chicken breast

2. Butter

3. Garlic puree
4. Chopped parsley
5. Lemon juice
6. Pepper
7. Salt

8. Raw egg

9. Breadcrumbs

10. Store 25 C

11. Store 25 C

12. Ambient

13. Store 25 C

14. Ambient

15. Slice pocket

in chicken

16. Mix butter, garlic puree, parsley,

lemon juice, pepper & salt in bowl

17. Beat in bowl

18. Stuff with garlic butter mix

19. Coat with egg
20. Coat with breadcrumbs
21. Place on tray
22. Place in oven temp 200 C for 35 min
23. Transfer to hot holding at minimum of 63 C
24. Transfer to plate and service to customer

Issue: (date) (issue no.)


Figure 4.4 Example of a schematic flow diagram for baked chicken Kiev

The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or
need to be addressed (No).

Have you prepared flow diagrams covering each product and their variants?
Are the diagram steps sufficiently detailed to enable a thorough hazard analysis?
Has each flow chart been validated by the team?


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

4.8 Hazard analysis (Clause 7.4)

The food safety team should identify all of the hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur at
each step for each process flow chart, right through to the point of consumption. The team should
then conduct a hazard analysis to identify for the HACCP plan which hazards are of a nature that
their elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential for the production of a safe food. Codex
Alimentarius suggests that, wherever possible, the following should be included in the hazard analysis:

the likely occurrence of hazards and severity of their ill effects;

the qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards;
survival or multiplication of micro-organisms of concern;
production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemical or physical agents;
conditions leading to the above.

There are a number of models to assist with this process, for example the likely occurrence and severity
of hazards is often evaluated through the use of a risk assessment matrix (see Figure 4.5).
















Low Risk

Medium Risk

High Risk


Extremely High Risk

Catastrophic Complete business failure due to food product contamination resulting in deaths.
Critical Major business impact due to food product contamination resulting in severe illnesses.
Moderate Minor business impact due to food product contamination resulting in minor illnesses.
Negligible Virtually no business impact nor illnesses.
Frequent Occurs often to individual and customer is continually exposed.
Likely Occurs several times and customers are exposed regularly.
Occasional Will occur and occurs sporadically in population.
Seldom May occur and occurs seldom in a customer.
Unlikely So unlikely you can assume it will not occur and occurs very rarely in population.

Figure 4.5 Example of a food safety risk assessment matrix

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


The determination of a CCP can be facilitated by the use of a decision tree (see Figure 4.6).


Do control measure(s) exist?


Modify step, process

or product

Is control at this step
necessary for safety?


Not a CCP



Is the step specifically designed to eliminate or

reduce the likely occurrence of a hazard to an
acceptable level?




Could contamination with identified hazard(s)

occur in excess of acceptable level(s) or could
these increase to unacceptable levels?



Not a CCP


Will a subsequent step eliminate identified

hazard(s) or reduce likely occurrence to an
acceptable level?
Not a CCP

Critical Control Point


Source: Codex Alimentarius: Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygiene,
published by the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Figure 4.6 Example of a decision tree to identify CCPs

Evaluating hazards and determining appropriate control measures may require a level of technical
expertise that is beyond that of the individuals within the team. This is often true with microbial hazards
and organic toxins. Consultation with external experts or resources may be required to support this (see
4.3 regarding sources of information).

4.9Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (Clause 7.5)

Understandably, part of this activity is to revisit the PRPs already identified and establish the control
measures and monitoring activities that will be required for the PRP to operate effectively. The decision
to determine that a hazard is sufficiently controlled by a PRP should be reasoned, logical and withstand
The resulting output of this activity should be a hazard analysis record for each product/process flow
chart (see Figure 4.7).


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Temperature check at intake

Growth of bacteria due to incorrect

temperature during transport and

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


CCP (Yes/no)

Risk assessment score 15

Decision tree Q1 & Q2

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


(Decision tree/risk assessment?)

Record ref:

Figure 4.7 Example extract from a hazard analysis record for baked chicken Kiev

Note: there are two hazards at the process step. The first hazard has no CCP specified as it is controlled by a PRP.

Raw Material Intake prerequisite


Presence of pathogenic bacteria

in raw ingredient supply (e.g.
Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp.)

1. Intake of raw chicken breast

Control measure


Process step

The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or
need to be addressed (No).

Have all potential hazards been identified?
Has your risk assessment been based upon reliable data sources (e.g. critical limits for bacteria drawn from
recognized scientific sources)?
Did the hazard analysis consider the potential for survival/persistence of the hazard?
Did the hazard analysis consider potential hazards that could occur outside normal operating conditions?
Are your risk assessments complete and fully documented?
Are your CCP decisions robust and justifiable?
Has the hazard analysis been fully documented?
Is the link to PRPs established where relevant?
Are the control measures appropriate?
Do the control measures have specified critical limits and monitoring procedures?
Has responsibility for controls and monitoring been specified appropriately?

Yes No

4.10Establishing the HACCP plan (Clause 7.6)

The HACCP plan is the businesss blueprint for the control of the highest risks to food safety as identified
by the hazard analysis. The HACCP plan should contain all of the components explained thus far in this
section, i.e.:

list of food safety team members;

product descriptions, specifications and intended use;
process flow charts;
completed decision trees and/or risk assessments;
hazard analysis records;
PRP determination.

CCPs identified should be listed on a series of control charts (see Figure 4.8), which clearly identify
the control parameters. Critical limits must be specified for each CCP the value that separates the
acceptable product from the unacceptable product. The critical limits must be measurable and the
rationale for choosing them documented.
Critical limits need to be as exact as is reasonably possible and be able to be monitored. A fixed
numerical limit may not be required in every case. However, flexibility in this respect must not
compromise food safety. For example, it is often appropriate to set an acceptable range rather than a
single fixed limit. This can have the advantage of indicating when a hazard may be creeping towards
unacceptable levels rather than waiting for the CCP to be out of control before action is taken. In
some instances, critical limits may need to specify both a maximum and minimum limit, e.g. to ensure
effective control of two different hazards concurrently.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Temperature check at

Growth of bacteria due

to incorrect temperature
during transport and

At intake:
Limit = 8 C
Target 4 C

Continued approved
supplier status

Critical limits

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Temperature probe each

pack. Record.


Sous Chef


Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products

Chart ref:

>8 C reject
>4 C but <8 C
check load/vehicle
temperature record
shows kept <8 C

Corrective action

Figure 4.8 Example extract from a control chart for baked chicken Kiev

Note: there are two hazards at the process step. The first hazard has no CCP as it is controlled by a PRP.

Raw Material Intake

prerequisite programme

Presence of pathogenic
bacteria in raw ingredient
supply (e.g.
Campylobacter spp.,
Salmonella spp.)

1. Intake of raw chicken




Process step


The rationale for the identification of critical limits must be justifiable and realistically achievable on
a consistent basis under normal operating conditions. They should also reflect the relevant factors for
determining whether a hazard is under control (e.g. for heat treatment time/temperature parameters and
critical limits should reflect published D values for the relevant bacterial hazards identified). Care should
be taken in the use and interpretation of source data, both internal and external, and the information
sources used to establish controls and their critical limits should be clearly documented within the
HACCP plan.
The monitoring of the CCP against its critical limits, along with the frequency and/or amount of
monitoring should also be determined. Monitoring regimes should reflect the ability to gather and
respond to timely information. For this reason, microbiological limits should normally be avoided. An
exception to this would be where rapid testing methods can be utilized to deliver immediate results.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).
Does your HACCP plan contain:

A list of food safety team members?
Product descriptions, specifications and intended use?
Process flow charts?
Completed decision trees and/or risk assessments?
Hazard analysis records?
PRP determination?
Control charts?
Monitoring document examples?

Yes No

4.11 Updating of preliminary information (Clause 7.7)

This clause sets up the validation cycle for the information specified in Clause 7.3, namely the source
information documents, product descriptions/specifications, process flow charts, etc. This is intended to
assure the currency of information on which the food safety controls are determined and operated. The
document control system already discussed is a key requirement of compliance with this clause.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).

Has your revalidation frequency been specified (e.g. annually, quarterly)?
Have you allocated team responsibilities for revalidation tasks?
Is there a procedure in place for updating and revalidating following any changes (e.g. suppliers, recipes, processes)?
Do you have a documented revalidation plan?


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

4.12 Verification planning (Clause 7.8)

Verification is the set of monitoring and audit review activities that are designed to provide assurance
that the FSMS is performing effectively on a day-to-day basis. Verification activities can include:

a review of the HACCP system and its audit records;

a review of CCP monitoring records;
a review of corrective action records and product dispositions;
confirmation that CCPs are kept under control.

A verification plan is vital to ensure that all aspects of the FSMS are considered during these activities
and that they take place at a suitable frequency to ensure that system failures can be promptly addressed.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).
Does your verification plan include:

A review of the HACCP system and its audit records?
A review of CCP monitoring records?
A review of corrective action records and product dispositions?
Confirmation that CCPs are kept under control?
A link to your management review?

Yes No

4.13Traceability system (Clause 7.9)

We have already made reference to a traceability system previously as a suggestion that this programme
be operated as a PRP, and there are some specific requirements within the ISO 22000 standard for the
operation of this system.
The scope of your traceability system will depend upon the nature of your business, specifically your
customers. All catering businesses are required by law to be able to identify the immediate suppliers of all
food and food ingredients, and to be able to make this information available on demand to the competent
authorities (e.g. your local enforcement authority). If you supply your finished food products to individual
end consumers (e.g. a restaurant serving plated meals to diners) then there is no requirement to identify
this end product distribution within your traceability records. However, if you supply foods to other
businesses (e.g. institutional catering services delivering to outlying kitchens, pre-prepared meal supplies,
corporate event catering) then you must also keep records of the businesses to which those supplies are
made, together with details of the type and quantity of products supplied, and the supply dates.
The operation of internal traceability is not prescribed in law, however, an effective FSMS should
provide that a food safety incident should not adversely affect the entire system. To this end, it is
essential that a simple alert should not be allowed to become a crisis as a result of inadequate or
disproportionate product withdrawal because of the lack of internal traceability. The setting up of
sufficient internal traceability is therefore recommended with a view to a prompt, efficient withdrawal
and notification in the event of a food incident.

Clause 7 of ISO 22000:2005 Planning and realization of safe products


In practice, traceability requirements should not prove onerous. A clear link exists to any raw
materials delivery prerequisite programme, stock control system, and records that are routinely kept as
part of the operation of your business (e.g. delivery notes, invoices, supplier/customer contact details).
On receipt of deliveries it is important that you check that all the products you receive are clearly
labelled and identify batch/lot numbers. You should identify any raw materials likely to contain major
allergens. When unpacking and preparing keep supplier information and data on the batches of the raw
materials you use to prepare your meals. Attention should be given to the complexity and the number
of menus and preparations you should be able to confirm whether or not a batch of ingredients was
utilized for a particular meal or over a specific period.
For foods supplied to other businesses, you should retain the following data and be in a position to
forward it to the relevant authorities within the shortest possible time:
batch identification;
data on volumes or quantities;
description of the products;
name and address of the client;
transaction/delivery date.

In order to achieve this, you may either draw up a register, or maintain, in an orderly and easily
accessible manner, documents evidencing product flows (delivery documents, etc.).
Traceability records must be retained for a period clearly defined within the FSMS and should reflect
any regulatory requirements and industry guidelines at least six months for short shelf life products, at
least five years for long shelf life products.

4.14 Control of nonconformity (Clause 7.10)

Specific corrective actions must be developed for each CCP in order to deal with deviations and ensure
that control is restored. Planned corrective actions should also detail procedures for dealing with
potentially affected product, particularly that which may have already been released to the consumer.
Responsibility for initiating and/or executing withdrawal must be clearly defined at a senior level within
the organization. The control of nonconformity within the system as a whole should also incorporate
trend analysis, undertaken as part of the verification activities to identify causes and prevent recurrence.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).

Do you have a corrective action specified for each potential nonconformity?
Do you have a hold/release procedure in place?
Do you have a critical incident procedure?
Do your procedures establish a clear line of responsibility for nonconformities and food safety incidents that could
affect the consumer?
Do you have a system for analysing trends in nonconformities and feeding this data into the verification/management


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

Operating the system
Following completion of the initial phases of the system including all the preliminary steps such as
identification of PRPs, development of HACCP plans, etc. it is necessary to ensure that the system
can be operated for the benefit of the organization as a whole and be improved to take into account
changing circumstances.

5.1 Defining a food safety policy

The policy is a statement of commitment by the organization to food safety management.
ISO 22000 contains requirements in two clauses management commitment (5.1) and food safety
policy (5.2). Additionally there is a requirement that senior management must ensure that responsibilities
and authorities for operating the system are clearly defined and communicated to all staff. In practice,
this means that such matters should be documented, and signatures obtained when such authority is
exercised. The communication of responsibility and authority should be explicitly covered within staff
training, both on a generic basis and in more detail with key individuals (5.4).
The organization needs to ensure it has a policy that is relevant to the organizations activities,
recognizing its position in the marketplace and the food chain. It has to commit resources and establish
and review its policy to ensure its ongoing relevance.
Unless the policy is embraced within the business objectives of the organization it is unlikely
to be effectively delivered as the necessary commitment is probably absent. The elements covering
management review, availability of resources and communication are contained within separate clauses
in the standard.
The policy will need to be signed and dated to demonstrate commitment by top management. An
example policy can be seen in Figure 5.1.
If you have a policy, evaluate it against the following checklist. An auditor will assess your policy
against the requirements below and look for evidence to support it.
Indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or need to be addressed (No).
Is your policy:

Designed to minimize risks with respect to food safety?
Appropriate to the role of the organization in the food chain?

Yes No

Operating the system


Designed to recognize and implement food safety as an integral part of your business performance?
Conforming with both statutory and regulatory requirements and with mutually agreed food safety requirements
of customers?
Communicated, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization?
Reviewed periodically for continued suitability?
Adequately addressing communication?
Supported by measurable objectives?
Including a commitment, at a high level, of continual improvement in your performance?
Designed to make management of food safety a prime responsibility of your senior management team?
Does the policy acknowledge that people are a key resource?

Yes No

The following is provided for additional guidance on what is required. (Each point relates to a clause
within ISO 22000 5.2.)
1 Is appropriate to the role of the organization in the food chain.
The policy should be appropriate to the nature and scale of the organizations risks, recognizing the
impact it could have within the food chain. The impacts should not be overstated or trivialized but
indicate that the organization has taken account of its role and its commitment to meet expectations.
2 Conforms with both statutory and regulatory requirements and with mutually agreed food safety
requirements of customers.
The policy should include a commitment to at least comply with currently applicable food safety
legislation. It needs to comply with any specific customer requirements about sourcing of materials,
packaging, etc. If it subscribes to any voluntary programmes, codes of practice, corporate or group
policies, internal standards and specifications these need to be embraced as well.
3 Is communicated, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization.
The policy should be communicated to all employees in order to make them aware of their individual
obligations. The involvement and participation of employees and their representatives is vital in order
to gain commitment and to ensure the success of an FSMS. Involving employees is often neglected. In
most, if not all, industries employees wish to contribute positively and it follows that a partnership with
them can be very beneficial. Equally, management at all levels should understand their responsibilities
and be competent to undertake the tasks they are required to perform including managing food safety.
4 Is reviewed for continued suitability.
The policy should be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the
Change is inevitable and, as a driver of continual improvement, top management should ensure the
food safety management policy and management system is reviewed regularly in order to meet changing
circumstances (such as new business demands, legislation and technology), as well as, most importantly,
the lessons learnt from incidents, audit findings and good practice.
5 Adequately addresses communication.
Employees at all levels should receive appropriate communication and training to ensure that they are
competent to carry out their duties and responsibilities. Training must be appropriate to the needs of
each employee and to the positive benefit of the organization.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

The method of communication should meet the needs of the workforce and reflect their literacy and
language skills.
6 Is supported by measurable objectives.
There is a need to ensure that the policy enables the identification of objectives that are measurable
and which lend themselves to be audited within the organization. A policy that does not define its
commitment in this manner has little meaning as it is difficult to demonstrate that the organization is
striving to achieve any improvements.
In addition to those items listed above there is a need to include those issues it commits to as
identified in Clause 5.1 and so a statement on commitment to continual improvement should be
included. There should be recognition that food safety is a core part of the business and the policy
should be communicated to demonstrate this commitment to interested parties.
An example policy is provided below.

The Wilson Caf for Ramblers

Food safety policy
The Wilson Caf for Ramblers (WCR) aims to be a haven for ramblers visiting the many local
footpaths and sites of interest. Its intention is to make all visitors welcome so that they return
many times and recognize the caf as their first choice for refreshment.
The caf thrives on the goodwill achieved through many years of slavishly adhering to good
standards and has greatly expanded to meet the needs of its many guests.
The management of WCR recognizes that it is essential that they provide quality food and
drinks, which are safe, and as a result visitors will recommend them as a place to visit. This
commitment and the essential controls relating to food safety are integrated within the overall
operational control of the business.
WCR recognizes that it uses sources of food product from many suppliers and that these
need to be carefully selected and evaluated with respect to how they impact on the food served
at their caf. It ensures it meets all statutory and regulatory requirements and that the necessary
equipment is provided and its maintenance meets all the required standards.
The management recognizes that the employees are key to delivering the standards they wish
to maintain and that training of employees and regularly reinforcing this training is an essential
element of WCRs business needs. Employees are encouraged to communicate with management
on better ways of working and any shortfalls they identify with current practices. It recognizes
that it is important to continually improve through identifying good practices that are publicized
within its sector and aims to be proactive in this respect. In order to achieve this improvement it
sets objectives for performance every year.
This policy and the management system to support it will be reviewed annually to ensure it is
appropriate to the current circumstances.
Fred Wilson

Operating the system


5.2Effective food safety management culture

Some organizations appear on paper to have effective systems that are fully comprehensive, yet in reality
there is little commitment to deliver and the performance is poor. The management system manual and
procedures are opened only when the organization is audited. There may be a number of reasons for this
but if organizational commitment is poor then the results are usually inferior to those found in a well run
organization. The culture of the organization is very much influenced by leadership.
The culture in any one discipline is usually inseparable from an organizations overall culture and can
rarely be managed in isolation. To achieve a positive culture sustaining a robust system that continually
improves requires ongoing effort by the management/supervisory team. Take time to build up the trust of
the workforce. Ensure that supervisors/managers model the good practices they advocate, not just when
it is convenient. The systems must be robust enough to operate even when they have to meet challenging
production targets.
Food businesses face some particular challenges such as high turnover of employees; many workers
may not have English as their first language and have a different cultural background. This needs to be
taken into account when communicating food safety matters. Team work is vital to ensure all parties
work together to deliver the policy and objectives.
A simple checklist to assist you in the assessment of your organizational culture is provided below.
Indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or need to be addressed (No).

Are staff committed to food safety and the aims of the policy?
Is food safety a normal topic of day-to-day discussion in the workplace and is there active feedback on performance?
Is food safety managed with the same determination as other key business objectives?
Do senior staff and supervisors spend time discussing and promoting food safety in the work environment?
Do management and supervisors demonstrate visible food safety commitment and leadership by example?
Do they respond to bad news as well as good news and take action on the information they receive?

Yes No

If the responses are yes then this is a good sign that a positive culture exists.
There is no quick way to overcome lack of commitment and poor culture. The necessary
commitment can be gained only by promoting good practices and the personal involvement of everyone
in the organization. It is essential that day-to-day practice reflects policy.
There are many factors that can impair the culture, and some of the indicators are given in the
checklist below. Indicate where requirements have still to be met (Yes) or have been addressed (No).

Are there inconsistencies in rules and procedures?
Do supervisors and managers not act upon non-compliances with food safety rules?
Are controls and procedures developed without due consideration for their practicability?
Are impractical controls and safeguards imposed by external agencies and consultants?
Are there failures in communicating shortcomings in food safety arrangements?
Are suggestions for improvements or changes from employees not welcome?
Are employees not involved in developing operating procedures?
Is there an acceptance that problems are inevitable?


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

Does a culture of blame exist?
Is there a lack of resources to support food safety practices?

Yes No

If the response to any of the above is yes then steps should be taken to improve communication,
training, etc.

5.3 Documentation requirements

There is a requirement for some documentation but this should be proportionate to the needs of the
organization. The documentation should be present to support the system and not be a tome that is kept
in binders on a shelf and is never looked at. Certain things are required to be documented:

food safety policy, which is available and signed by a senior manager;

all documented procedures and records as specified by ISO 22000;
all documents needed for keeping the FSMS operationally effective (see list below).

Examples of forms are provided in Section 3.

The documents need to be controlled as they are updated, old documents removed and appropriate
records kept.
It is quite acceptable for the system to be an electronic one provided the controls specified are met.
The controls need to ensure that all proposed changes are reviewed prior to implementation to
determine their effects on food safety and their impact on the FSMS.
Documented procedures need to be established to define the controls required.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).
Have you set up a system to:

Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue?
Review and update documents as necessary, and reapprove documents?
Ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified?
Ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use?
Ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable?
Ensure that relevant documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled?
Prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents?
Ensure that they are suitably identified if they are to be retained?

Yes No

It is essential for traceability reasons and evidence of conformity that records are kept. It is a legal
requirement that these records are easily identifiable, retrievable and can be provided on demand to a
regulator. They obviously need to be legible.
A documented procedure is required to define the controls needed for the identification, storage,
protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.

Operating the system


The checklist below will assist in identifying whether all the requirements for documentation
specified within ISO 22000:2005 have been completed. The specific clause numbers are inserted for
ease of reference.
The following are requirements of ISO 22000, which should have been met.


There is a general requirement to document the FSMS (4.1).

Processes that are outsourced are documented within the FSMS (4.1, 4.2.1 and 5.3).
The food safety policy and associated objectives are fully documented (4.2.1 and 5.2).
There shall be a documented procedure to define the controls required over all
documentation within the FSMS (4.2.2).
Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to
requirements and evidence of the effective operation of the FSMS. These records shall remain
legible, readily identifiable and retrievable (4.2.3).
There shall be a documented procedure to define controls needed for identification, storage,
protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records (4.2.3).
Where external communication to other organizations in the food chain (concerning food
safety) has been undertaken records of this communication shall be maintained (5.6.1).
Records of management reviews shall be maintained (5.8.1).
Records of agreements and contracts defining the responsibilities of external experts who
have provided assistance in the development, implementation, operation or assessment of the
FSMS shall be available (6.2.1).
Records of training shall be maintained (6.2.2).
Records of verification and modifications of PRPs shall be maintained (7.2.3).
Details of how activities included in PRPs are managed are documented (7.2.3).
Relevant information needed to conduct hazard analysis shall be documented. Records shall
be maintained (7.3.1).
Records shall be maintained that demonstrate that the food safety team has the required
knowledge and experience (7.3.2).
All raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials shall be documented (
Characteristics of end products shall be described in documents (
Intended use, reasonably expected handling of the end product and any unintended but
reasonably expected mishandling and misuse of the end product shall be documented (7.3.4).
After verification, flow diagrams shall be maintained as records (
A documented description of the existing control measures, process parameters and/or the
rigour with which they are applied shall be kept and updated (
All food safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur shall be recorded (
The evaluation of food safety hazards shall be recorded including a description of the
methodology used and the results of the hazard assessment (7.4.3).
The methodology and parameters used for the categorization of control measures shall be
documented (7.4.4).
Records shall be maintained of the results of assessments (7.4.4).
Operational PRPs shall be documented and record(s) of monitoring maintained (7.5).

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

The HACCP plan shall be documented and records of monitoring maintained (7.6.1).
The rationale for the determination of critical limits for critical control points (CCPs) shall be
documented ( and 7.6.3).
The system for monitoring CCPs shall include records that cover: measurements or observations
that provide results within an adequate time frame; monitoring devices used; applicable
calibration methods; monitoring frequency; responsibility and authority related to monitoring
and evaluation of results; records requirements and methods (7.6.4).
Procedures for the handling of potentially unsafe products shall be established (7.6.5).
Documentation specifying PRPs and the HACCP plan shall be updated (7.7).
Verification plans shall be documented and results of verification shall be recorded (7.8).
Records that support the traceability system shall be maintained in accordance with statutory
and regulatory requirements and customer requirements (7.9).
A documented procedure shall be established defining the identification and assessment of
end products where CCPs are exceeded. Records of evaluation shall be maintained (7.10.1).
A documented procedure(s) shall be established that specifies appropriate actions to identify
and eliminate the cause of detected nonconformances. Results of corrective actions taken
shall be recorded (7.10.2).
Controls and authorization for dealing with potentially unsafe products shall be documented
( and 5.7).
A documented procedure shall be established for notification to interested parties, handling
of products and the sequence of actions to be taken in the event of a withdrawal of a product.
The cause, extent and result of a withdrawal shall be recorded (7.10.4).
Following verification of a withdrawal programme the effectiveness shall be recorded (7.10.4).
Records of the results of calibration and verification shall be maintained. Where equipment
is found to be nonconforming records of the assessment and resulting actions shall be
maintained (8.3).
A documented procedure shall be established outlining responsibilities and requirements for
planning and conducting audits, and for reporting results and maintaining records (8.4.1).
The results of the analysis of verification activities shall be recorded (8.4.3).
Systems updating activities shall be recorded (8.5.2 and 5.6.2).

5.4 Communication
Effective communication arrangements throughout the organization are essential for the efficient running
of any management system. Food safety is no different in this respect.
It is important to establish effective communication arrangements with all interested parties, e.g.
customers, suppliers, trade associations, regulatory bodies. It is particularly important to have effective
arrangements with your immediate suppliers and your direct customers. It may be useful to draw up an
internal communications flow diagram that shows the sources of key data, where it is recorded, who it is
reported to and what part of the management system it feeds into.

Operating the system


Statutory and regulatory authorities

Crop producers
Feed producers
Primary food producers
Food manufacturers
Secondary food manufacturers

Producers of pesticides, fertilizers,

and veterinary drugs
Food chain for the production of
ingredients and additives
Transport and storage operators
Producers of equipment
Producers of cleaning and
sanitizing agents
Producers of packaging materials
Service providers

Retailers, food service operators

and caterers

NOTE The figure does not show the type of interactive communications along and across the food chain that
by-pass immediate suppliers and customers.
Source: ISO 22000:2005

Figure 5.1 Example of communication within the food chain

Arrangements need to be made for:

identifying and receiving relevant food safety information from outside the organization, e.g.
changes in legislation, information on new developments, codes of hygienic practice;
ensuring that any pertinent food safety information is communicated to those within the organization
who need to know;
ensuring that relevant information is communicated to people outside the organization who require
encouraging feedback and suggestions from staff on food safety matters.

5.4.1 External communication

In the current world it is particularly important to be responsive to issues arising that are of concern to
the consumer. These need to be addressed quickly in order to ensure that consumers do not respond
adversely to the food products supplied by the organization.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Information can arise from many sources including the media, customers, suppliers, government
agencies, the World Health Organization, etc. The organization needs to develop its capacity for
receiving information and acting upon it and also communicating to external parties. A person should
be appointed to deal with all aspects of external communication concerning food safety matters.
Arrangements also need to be established to deal with any emergency such as production loss or
product failure.

5.4.2 Internal communication

The commitment of employees throughout the organization to food safety is essential. They are a
valuable source of information in identifying hazards and assessing risk and their cooperation is essential
in implementing control measures.
Employees should be encouraged to report shortcomings in the food safety arrangements and be
involved, where appropriate, in the development of food safety procedures. There are a number of ways
of involving staff and consulting with them on food safety issues. One very effective method is to set up
a food safety committee to act as a vehicle for active participation.
In addressing internal communication issues it is necessary to take account of literacy skills and
the first language of those working within the organization. It may well be beneficial if universally
understood pictures are used as a means of communicating procedures and instructions.

Polly Porkers
This business was set up by the second generation of a family of immigrants from eastern Europe.
The son set up a pig-breeding establishment that reflected his grandparents business in his native
Poland. Following expansion of the operation he now runs a production and wholesale butchers
supplying pork and related products.
Many of the workers he employs do not have English as their first language and this proved to
be a barrier as he tried to implement a sound FSMS. Despite the background of the manager, his
knowledge of the language of his heritage was restricted to a few words when dealing with the
different languages encountered within the 50-strong workforce.
The need for effective communication with the restrictions placed upon the business
was a major barrier as he needed to communicate key requirements to meet the needs of his
supermarket clients and regulators.
The organization carried out a number of initiatives to address this need, as follows:

introduced signs in the workplace that used pictograms rather than words;
training information and instructions produced in a pictogram format;
provided free of charge English lessons;
encouraged workers to bring matters to the attention of line managers in their native language
and arranged for translation services to provide urgent support for such communications.

Operating the system


Polly Porkers Checklist

To assist the operatives who did not have English as their first language, all products were assigned a
number and each production line a letter. The production line had the letters permanently assigned but
the numbers changed with the product variant being manufactured at the time. The operators were able
to indicate problems on the simple form and convey information quickly.
Production Line





Corrected or needs action

The food safety team need to be made aware of a whole variety of changes through effective
communication systems and these may include:


products or new products;

raw materials, ingredients and services;

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

production systems and equipment;

production premises, location of equipment, surrounding environment;
cleaning and sanitation programmes;
packaging, storage and distribution systems;
personnel qualification levels and/or allocation of responsibilities and authorizations;
statutory and regulatory requirements;
knowledge regarding food safety hazards and control measures;
customer, sector and other requirements that the organization observes;
relevant enquiries from external interested parties;
complaints indicating food safety hazards associated with the product;
other conditions that have an impact on food safety. (5.6.2).

The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes) or
need to be addressed (No).
We have arrangements for:

Yes No

A designated person who has responsibility for external communication.

Identifying and receiving food safety information from external parties.
Ensuring that food safety information is communicated internally.
Ensuring that relevant information is communicated to relevant external parties.
Encouraging and responding to suggestions from staff on food safety matters.
A food safety committee.
Ensuring that personnel have appropriate qualifications for their job.
Making all staff aware of complaints and any subsequent corrective actions.

5.5 Monitoring and measuring

Monitoring the system to make sure that everything is working as intended is obviously an essential
activity. Much of this monitoring will involve measurement of one kind or another, and it is necessary
to ensure that the measurements are appropriate and that the instruments used are accurate. The
monitoring and measuring methods and equipment to be used should be determined by the food safety
team when developing the HACCP plan and detailed on the HACCP control charts.
ISO 22000 states that monitoring procedures that demonstrate that the operational PRPs are
implemented (7.5c) shall be included in the programme, a monitoring system shall be established for
each CCP to demonstrate that the CCP is in control (7.6.4) and evidence that specified monitoring
and measuring methods and equipment are adequate to ensure the performance of the monitoring and
measuring procedures (8.3) shall be provided.
The purpose of monitoring systems is to give assurance that critical limits are not being exceeded
and the process is under control. The monitoring and measuring methods and equipment should also
enable speedy detection of the process going out of control and enable rapid corrective action to be
taken to bring the process back under control. Where possible, monitoring should be able to indicate if
there is a trend towards nonconformity so that adjustments can be made to avoid exceeding a critical

Operating the system


limit before this happens. To ensure that this is effective, the team must consider method (including
equipment), frequency and recording/reporting.
The type of monitoring method and equipment used will of course depend on what is being
monitored. Some monitoring may be quantitative measurement, e.g. temperature checks on hot food
holding or refrigeration; time checks on cooling of hot food. Some monitoring may be qualitative
observation, e.g. visual checks on cleaning standards. Other monitoring may be confirmation of a
procedural requirement, e.g. continued approved supplier status for raw materials supplies. The
equipment used for quantitative checks must be adequate for its intended use and should be regularly
calibrated/verified to ensure that it is accurate. Qualitative observation can be subjective, so requirements
must be explicit and staff carefully trained to ensure effectiveness. Regular proficiency testing of staff
conducting visual monitoring should be carried out to ensure that standards are maintained.
The frequency of monitoring will depend on the nature of the activity and the monitoring method
being used. It is imperative that an appropriate frequency is determined for each monitoring activity
to maintain control. Off-line testing, such as microbiological analysis, does not usually provide a
sufficiently rapid result to ensure that a process remains in control, but may be used at scheduled
intervals to support other, more frequent, monitoring methods.
Recording and reporting is the essential final part of the monitoring activity, without which the
checks have no lasting value. It is as important to document visual observations as it is to record
measurements and readings, if they are specified control measures either for PRPs or CCPs. Such
records provide not only system data for audit and inspection, but also evidence of due diligence for
legal purposes. Records must therefore be legible and complete, and be signed by the person doing
the monitoring as well as the person responsible for reviewing the record. The reporting procedure for
deviations or nonconformities must be clear and well understood by everyone.
A final point to consider is any monitoring that may be contracted out by your organization, for
example pest control. It should be understood that where a programme of monitoring (and associated
corrective action) is conducted by a contractor, overall responsibility remains with the food safety team.
A designated individual within the organization should supervise the contractors activities and the
programme conducted should be consistent with the procedures laid down within the FSMS. Failures on
the part of the contractor will be nonconformities in your system and management should take prompt,
documented action to ensure that such instances do not compromise ISO 22000 accreditation status.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).
Do you:

Specify monitoring procedures for all PRPs and CCPs?
Ensure that monitoring methods are adequate and that monitoring frequencies are appropriate to maintain control?
Ensure that monitoring checks are signed by the monitor and also by a designated reviewer?
Have prompt reporting procedures for nonconformities that are clear and well understood?
Calibrate measuring equipment at specified intervals against agreed standards?
Make adjustments to equipment as necessary and record status?
Ensure equipment is safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate results?
Ensure that equipment is protected from damage and deterioration?
Keep records of calibration and verification?


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

5.6 Contingency planning

5.6.1 Emergency preparedness and response
All organizations need to make arrangements for dealing with emergencies, whether fire evacuation
or first aid. Food safety is no different in this respect. A product that has reached the consumer market
that is deficient in some way poses a major problem to those in the food supply industry. The logistics
of dealing with faulty products is also a considerable problem. Moreover the withdrawal of the product
is not the only major difficulty should this happen. It is now a legal requirement to notify consumers
and regulatory bodies that an incident has occurred. In the event of an incident the following questions
should be addressed.

What is the nature of the problem?

How much product has been affected?
How far into the marketplace has it been distributed?
What steps should we take to isolate and recall?
What public notification should we issue and to whom?
How is the cause of the problem to be rectified?

ISO 22000:2005 states:

Top management shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to manage potential
emergency situations and accidents that can impact food safety and which are relevant to the
role of the organization in the food chain (5.7).
Withdrawn products shall be secured or held under supervision until they are destroyed, used for
purposes other than originally intended, determined to be safe for the same (or other) intended use,
or reprocessed in a manner to ensure they become safe. The cause, extent and result of a withdrawal
should be recorded and reported to top management as input to the management review (5.8.2).
The organization needs to verify and record the effectiveness of the withdrawal programme through
the use of appropriate techniques (e.g. mock withdrawal or practice withdrawal).
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where requirements have been met (Yes)
or need to be addressed (No).

Has the organization established contingency arrangements for product withdrawal?
Has the organization set up a communication system with its customers in the case of such an emergency?
Have there been any trial runs?
Have lessons been learnt from real events and trial runs and corrective action taken?
Have top management appointed personnel with the authority to initiate a withdrawal?
Have top management appointed personnel responsible for executing the withdrawal?
Has a documented procedure been produced for notification to relevant interested parties?
Has a documented procedure been produced for handling the withdrawal of products?
Has a documented procedure been produced for dealing with affected products in stock?
Does the procedure identify the sequence of events that need to be initiated?

Yes No

Operating the system


5.7 Internal audit

One of the core management system requirements in all the established management systems standards/
specifications is the internal audit. A similar requirement exists for those implementing ISO 22000.
The audit is the process that tests the system and establishes that it is working effectively and identifies
where there may be opportunities for improvement. A system for routinely monitoring performance
is insufficient in itself to ensure that the FSMS is effective and the audit needs to be recognized as an
important activity for this purpose. Only in this way will it be possible to judge whether the system is
adequate to meet the requirements expressed in the stated policy and objectives of the organization.
To achieve this in practice requires that the operation of the system is checked in all areas and
applications by auditors who are not directly involved in the audited work. The object is not to find
fault. The purpose is to help, not to criticize.
Both validation and verification should be included in the audit process. Validation is obtaining
evidence that the elements and the scope of the HACCP plan are an accurate reflection of the food
operation. Verification is confirmation through objective evidence that the system is in control of food
safety. Examples of verification and validation checklists are provided in Section 3.
Although the primary purpose of auditing is to check that the system is being followed and is
effective, it is also a primary means of achieving continual improvement of the system, another
essential requirement. If the audit is to be done by employees of the organization (in most cases
the best way) they need to be selected with care and given the necessary training. This will consist
of systems auditing in general and of FSMSs in particular. If there are experienced quality systems
auditors in the organization, they may well be suitable for the task after training on the specialist food
safety management aspects. An essential requirement is that whoever is performing the audit does not
themselves have direct responsibility for the function being audited, as otherwise the integrity of the
audit may be compromised.
All parts of the system need to be audited regularly customarily in the course of a year but not
all parts of the system need to be audited at the same time nor at the same frequency. Those areas where
the risk is greatest should be audited more frequently than those where the risk is less, and the audit
programme should recognize this requirement.
The results of audits should be communicated to all relevant personnel immediately on completion
of the audit so that any necessary corrective action can be taken and improvements made. These results
will be an important input to the annual management review. If the auditor finds some serious problem
in the course of the audit this should immediately be raised with the appropriate manager without
waiting for the formal report.
The checklist below is provided to help the reader indicate where the key issues in auditing the
FSMS have been addressed (Yes) or need to be addressed (No).
Checklist: Auditing in your organization

Regular, periodic audits of the FSMS are taking place.
Staff conducting audits are competent to perform this task.
Staff conducting audits are independent from the activity being audited.
Audits verify that the organization is fulfilling its food safety management obligations.
Audits identify strengths and weaknesses in the FSMS.
Audits verify whether the organization is achieving its food safety management performance targets.
Audit results are communicated to all relevant personnel.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Yes No

Audit results are the basis for corrective action.
Audit results are monitored to ensure food safety management improvement, i.e. there are no repetitions of failures
revealed by previous reports.

Yes No

5.7.1 Organizing an audit

Figure 5.2 shows the steps to be followed during an audit and each step is further elaborated below.
Setting the policy
Preparing procedures and aids
Planning and managing the audit
Selecting the audit team
Collecting data

Figure 5.2 Audit process

Stage 1. Setting the policy
In developing an audit policy, the issues which need to be considered include:

the objectives and purpose of auditing;

the standards, procedures and aids to be used;
who is to undertake audits (or be part of a team) and the training needed;
the arrangements for managing the audit, including budget provisions;
formulating the audit programme;
the format of audit reports and arrangements for responding to them;
performance standards for planning and implementing the audit programme and arrangements to
monitor it;
arrangements for the review of the audit policy and its implementation and for revision, as necessary.

Stage 2. Preparing procedures and aids

Issues to consider in preparing for the audit are:

the elements of the audit process, preparation, on-site work and follow up programme;
the key elements of the FSMS and any other topics that the audit programme will address and the
criteria against which the performance will be judged;

Operating the system


means of ensuring that the audit includes a representative sample of activities to be included;
how key questions should be framed;
the need for auditing aids, e.g. checklists, aides-memoir, inspection procedures.

Stage 3. Planning and managing the audit

Audits cost money. Apart from the direct costs of the auditors (even if they are your own staff who have
been seconded to do the audit), all staff and managers will be involved, so there is a significant indirect
cost arising from the disruption and distraction from peoples normal duties.
Effective planning should cover:

preparing the programme;

the scope of the audit;
establishing terms of reference;
establishing a timetable;
selecting an appropriate audit team.

Stage 4. Selecting the audit team

The auditors should be:

independent of the area being audited;
able to communicate;
good listeners;
able to assess information.

Stage 5. Collecting data

There are a number of stages involved, including:

carrying out structured interviews with key personnel throughout the business area to determine that
robust procedures are in place and that they are understood and are being followed;
examining accident and incident reports for the area;
examining other relevant documentation, including policy statements, risk assessment reports, audit
records, manuals, etc.
confirming the statements made by observation and examining documents;
analysing and interpreting the data;
maintaining records.

Stage 6. Reporting
For each department or section audited, the auditor should prepare a written report. This should be in a
standard format and should specify the processes audited, the problems found and details of the actions
agreed to overcome them (together with names and dates). The auditor and the person responsible for
the activity should sign the report, to indicate mutual agreement of the facts of the situation and any
remedial actions. The report should then be passed to the audit manager or whoever is in charge of the
process. The audit manager may accept responsibility for checking that the necessary corrective action
has been taken to ensure no recurrence of the problems that have been reported, or this may be left with
the individual auditors to clear with the appropriate managers.
To assist further in the audit process, Section 3 contains example validation and verification checklists.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

5.8 Reviewing
The management review is the opportunity to review the continuing suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the system. It is essential that the system is reviewed from time to time as this provides
the mechanism for continual improvement, which is a requirement of ISO 22000.
A management review is quite different to an audit. An audit is to see if the system is being
followed. The review is to see whether the system is still appropriate to the organization and in what
respects it can be improved.
A management review should be undertaken by senior management at least once a year and the
outcome may include a revision to the policy as well as changes to the actual management system.

5.8.1 Management review inputs

Some additional guidance is given below about the reasoning behind the various inputs where it may
not be obvious what is required (see Checklist: Management review inputs). Input items 13

Regulation and codes of practice form a very important role in the driving of standards in the food
industry. Customer expectations, social change, fashion, legislative requirements, technological
developments and new sources of supply, etc. are constantly changing and from time to time a new
scare arises, which results in new issues being identified. Organizations need to be in a position such
that they know what is coming and are proactive in their approach. For this reason it is essential to track
emerging directives from the EU, UK legislation and regulations, and new codes of practice. It may be
you track these from the Food Standards Agency or trade associations. The input of information on these
changes should be reviewed in the management review process to determine what the organization
should do to respond if the information relates to their activities. This may need major investment or a
change of strategy that only senior management can deal with effectively. Input items 48

Effective resourcing in the organization is essential and the management review provides an opportunity
to consider this. Items 4 to 8 all relate to resource issues. Organizations exist in a climate of constant
change: expanding production lines, changes to equipment needs and changes of management
structure, etc. to respond to items 13. There may be supply problems and the need to review suppliers
or find new ones for new products. These issues can have significant implications for other resource
issues and storage, etc.
Any changes arising from amendments to the operating arrangements may necessitate a review
of the competency of the various employees affected, with respect to their experience, expertise and
training needs.

Operating the system

49 Input items 910

These relate to the outputs from staff and other management meetings. It may also include feedback
from customers. Reports from groups dealing with quality and occupational health and safety issues may
be important if they impact on the product safety. Input items 1113

These items all relate to activities that should be undertaken routinely to ensure the food product is safe.
The outputs from these processes should be input to the management review process in case there is an
opportunity for improving the current arrangements.
The checklist below of the key issues in reviewing the FSMS is provided to help the reader indicate
those issues you are already addressing (Yes) or need to address (No).
Checklist: Management review inputs

1 Amendments and changes to regulations and legislation.
2 Potential impact of emerging legislation, e.g. EC directives.
3 New or revised codes of practice or industry guidance.
4 Changes (present and future) to internal organizational structure/staffing levels and responsibilities.
5 Competence reports/training needs.
6 Changes (present and future) to the products/services of the organization.
7 Changes (present and future) to the suppliers to the organization.
8 Changes (present and future) in equipment, plant, buildings, infrastructure, etc.
9 Output from management meetings or other committees.
10 Reports from other management key discipline areas such as quality, safety.
11 Food safety monitoring and compliance data.
12 Revalidation of the HACCP system including process flow charts, hazards and control measures.
13 Findings and recommendations of the organizations verification programme (audits, product testing, etc.).

Yes No

5.8.2 Management review outputs

Following the management review process, there should be outputs reflecting the decisions made on
the various inputs and management commitment to improve continually. These outputs should be
The outputs from the review process should result in the following.
Checklist: Management review outputs



Yes No
Assurance of food safety legal compliance and due diligence.
Decisions and actions on food safety performance.
Revision of the organizations food safety policy.
Decisions and actions on the organizations FSMS.

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

18 Decisions, actions and any revisions of food safety objectives.
19 Decisions and actions on resource needs including skills and training.
20 Decisions on improving the effectiveness of the FSMS.

Yes No

5.9 Improvement
It is a requirement of the standard that top management ensure that the system continually improves. It
is likely that this improvement will be in a series of steps that may involve both small and large changes
within the business, for example the purchase of new equipment, improved training, etc. The aim is to
improve the effectiveness of the FSMS through:

management review;
internal audit;
evaluation of verification results;
analysis of results of verification activities;
validation of control measure combinations;
corrective actions.

It is important that the FSMS continues to grow and develop to reflect changes in the organization
and its operating environment. The members of the food safety team play an important part in this
improvement process, which is an ongoing process of collection and assessment of data and information
providing a current evaluation of performance and trends. The evaluation process focuses on outputs
and inputs from various information sources including:

internal and external communication;

other information arising from day-to-day activities and observations;
verification activities;
management review.

It is essential to recognize that before implementing any changes to an existing, stable system the full
implications and consequences should be considered carefully for impacts upon the present arrangements.
When completed, the update activities should be recorded and reported as input to subsequent
management reviews.
The final point above refers to the management review requirement that the FSMS should be
continually updated. In order to achieve this there is a need to evaluate the system and its effectiveness
at planned intervals. The food safety team should review all aspects of the system and consider
whether it is necessary to revise any specific part. In particular they should review the hazard analysis,
established operational PRPs and the HACCP plan.

Operating the system


Section 2
Self-assessment of your organizations
system for food safety

Self-assessment of your organizations system for food safety


How to use the self-assessment questionnaire
What follows is a series of questions covering the various aspects of food safety management in your
organization. Each of the questions is answered by two statements (1) and (4), which describe two
extreme positions. Numbers (2) and (3) should be ticked if your organization occupies the middle
ground, nearer to (1) or to (4). Tick one number for each question. As you progress through this
workbook there are a variety of checklists you may have completed. These checklists will help you assess
your score in this self-assessment section. Once you have answered each question, add your score to
the box on page 61, total the score, then see how your organization rates, using the performance rating
system on page 62.

How to use the self-assessment questionnaire


Self-assessment questionnaire
a. Management commitment
Does your organization recognize food safety management as an integral part of business performance
by allocating responsibility at the most senior level for ensuring continual improvement in food safety
1. There is no clear management responsibility.
4. We have defined and documented responsibility and authority for food safety management. Ultimate
responsibility is allocated to a manager at the most senior level but all managers and staff are actively
involved and encouraged in the continual improvement of food safety performance.

b. Food safety team leader

Does your organization have a food safety team leader?
1. We have not appointed a food safety team leader.
4. We have appointed a food safety team leader who meets the requirements of ISO 22000 and ensured
that their training needs have been fully met. A food safety team has also been appointed.

c. Food safety team

Does your organization have a food safety team?
1. We have not appointed a food safety team.
4. We have appointed a food safety team that meets the requirements of ISO 22000 and ensured that their
training needs have been fully met to reflect the food safety operations that exist within the organization.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

d. Identification and definition of processes

Has your organization identified all its processes, mapped and defined them?
1. We have not identified all the processes or mapped and defined them.
4. We have identified all the processes from start to finish. These have been mapped and all the inputs
and outputs defined.

e. Food safety policy

Does your organization define and document its food safety policy?
1. We do not have a food safety policy.
4. We have a comprehensive and documented policy that clearly defines the organizations commitment
to food safety. It is communicated to employees and other relevant, interested parties. It expresses a
clear commitment by top management to continual improvement of food safety performance and meets
the requirements of 5.2 of ISO 22000.

f. Resources
Does your organization provide adequate resources for food safety management?
1. We do not allocate any resources.
4. We allocate resources and make budget provisions to ensure continual improvement in food safety

g. Product specifications
Does your organization have a specification for each of its products?
1. We do not have specification for any of our products.
4. We have full specification for all of our products and variants and review them regularly.

h. Prerequisite programmes
Does your organization have operational PRPs?
1. We do not have any operational PRPs.
4. We have fully implemented operational PRPs that are routinely monitored and audited at regular

Self-assessment questionnaire


i. Hazard analysis
Has the organization carried out comprehensive hazard analysis?
1. We have not carried out any hazard analysis programme.
4. Our hazard analysis programme is comprehensive and covers all activities in the food catering

j. Risk assessment
Does your organization carry out food safety risk assessments?
1. We do not carry out food safety risk assessments.
4. Our FSMS includes a thorough risk assessment programme covering all activities and processes
undertaken by the organization.

k. Legal and other requirements

Does your organization identify all legal and other requirements that apply to it?
1. We have little knowledge about legislation that might apply to our activities.
4. We operate procedures and implement controls to ensure regulatory compliance and meet the
customer requirements and all voluntary programmes, etc. that the organization subscribes to.

l. Best practice
Does your organization identify and embrace any codes of practice and/or other guidance relevant to its
1. We have no knowledge about codes of practice or other guidance that may be relevant to our
4. We have embraced within our procedures what we consider to be the best practice on the basis of
relevant industry guidance.

m. Objectives
Does your organization set objectives to ensure continual improvement of food safety performance?
1. We never set objectives.
4. We set and publish objectives consistent with our policy to ensure continual improvement of food
safety performance, and these are regularly reviewed.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

n. Employee responsibility
Does the organization assign food safety responsibility to its employees?
1. We do not assign any food safety responsibility to our employees.
4. Every employee is aware of their responsibility for the food safety of those they manage, themselves,
others with whom they work and anyone else who visits the site.

o. Training
Does your organization carry out training to increase the awareness and knowledge of employees about
food safety issues?
1. We do not carry out any food safety training.
4. We have a continual staff training programme to ensure employees are aware of current food safety
issues and legal requirements. Staff are competent for the tasks they have to undertake and understand
their individual responsibilities.

p. Internal communications
Does your organization provide information about food safety matters to employees?
1. We do not provide employees with information on any food safety issue.
4. We have an established communication system to keep employees informed about food safety issues,
including policy, objectives, performance, remedial actions and future plans.

q. External communications
Does your organization provide information about food safety matters to relevant interested parties, i.e.
customers, etc.?
1. We do not disclose information.
4. We have established procedures to inform all relevant interested parties about the organizations food
safety-related matters.

r. Traceability
Does your organization have a comprehensive documented system for traceability of its products?
1. We dont know what happens to our stuff after weve loaded it on the lorry, and dont care!
4. We have a comprehensive traceability system that embraces incoming supplies, food preparation
processes and the output of products.

Self-assessment questionnaire


s. Documentation
Does your organization have a documented system for gathering and communicating relevant food
safety information?
1. We do not have a system.
4. We maintain a comprehensive system, appropriate to the organization, including a food safety
management manual and supporting records.

t. Operational control measures and CCPs

Does your organization embrace food safety issues in its operational control system?
1. We focus exclusively on business issues, e.g. products, processes or services, and have no CCPs
4. We have operational control measures in place for all identified hazards with CCPs determined and
fully implemented.

u. Emergency preparedness and response

Does your organization have a procedure(s) for responding to emergency situations that might endanger
food safety?
1. We do not have any procedures for responding to emergency situations.
4. We have an emergency response plan that is tested to adequately respond to food safety incidents
and communicate them accordingly. Employees are aware of their role and responsibilities in
implementing the plan.

v. Internal audits
Does your organization carry out food safety audits?
1. We do not carry out audits.
4. We have a programme of regular audits undertaken by at least one auditor who is both competent
and independent. Remedial action is initiated where deficiencies are found.

w. Management review
Does your organization carry out management reviews of its food safety activities?
1. We do not carry out management reviews of food safety activities.
4. We undertake comprehensive regular reviews using a designated senior manager to ensure the
efficiency and effectiveness of our FSMS.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Assessment of performance

Management commitment
Food safety team leader
Food safety team
Identification and definition of processes
Food safety policy
Product specifications
Prerequisite programmes
Hazard analysis
Risk assessment
Legal and other requirements
Best practice
Employee responsibility
Internal communications
External communications
Operational control measures and CCPs
Emergency preparedness and response
Internal audits
Management review

Assessment of performance


Overall performance
Performance rating
23 Your organization has little commitment at present to food safety. You are likely to be in breach
of current UK legislation and open to prosecution.
2469 A level of food safety management exists but full commitment by the organization is not evident.
7092 Provided you score not less than 3 in any area, your organization has a comprehensive FSMS in
place. This should not invite complacency, and continuous management and development of the
system should always be the number one aim of your organization.
In order to assess performance at the start of an implementation programme and as you progress blank
assessment charts are provided below.
Day 1

Day X


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Section 3
Useful forms and pro formas

Useful forms and pro formas


Example monitoring forms
Figure 10.1 HACCP implementation plan
Figure 10.2 Hazard analysis record
Figure 10.3 HACCP control chart
Figure 10.4 Delivery checks
Figure 10.5 Temperature control logsheet
Figure 10.6 Equipment temperature monitoring (1)
Figure 10.7 Equipment temperature monitoring (2)
Figure 10.8 Blast chill/freeze monitoring
Figure 10.9 Retained food
Figure 10.10 Temperature monitoring (1)
Figure 10.11 Temperature monitoring (2)
Figure 10.12 Alleged/suspected food poisoning incident form
Figure 10.13 Multiple food poisoning
Figure 10.14 Food complaint (contaminated food)
Figure 10.15 Health questionnaire
Figure 10.16 Medical screening (pre-employment questionnaire)
Figure 10.17 Agreement to report infections
Figure 10.18 Medical screening (return to work questionnaire)
Figure 10.19 Daily cleaning schedule
Figure 10.20 Weekly cleaning schedule
Figure 10.21 Cleaning schedule (general)
Figures 10.22 to 10.26 Generic cleaning records Sheets (1)(5)
Figure 10.27 Employee training record


Example monitoring forms


Select HACCP team

Train HACCP team

Develop/define product definitions and intended use

HACCP team construct and check process flow charts

Undertake hazard analysis

Complete risk assessment

Decide on critical control points (CCPs)

Determine critical limits and corrective actions and complete HACCP

control charts

Develop and establish monitoring sheets

Complete HACCP plan

Train auditors and key staff

HACCP team conduct Validation of above steps







Scope and plan the project

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Figure 10.1 HACCP implementation plan

Select team leader








Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Process step


CCP (Yes/no)

Figure 10.2 Hazard analysis record

Control measure

Example monitoring forms

Record ref:


(Decision tree/risk assessment?)





Figure 10.3 HACCP control chart

Critical limits

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Process step

Chart ref:

Corrective action



Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


CHILL 5 C to 8 C
FROZEN 16 C to 18 C


Figure 10.4 Delivery checks



Vehicle check & Temp

Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:



Device Type:
Corrective Action:





Corrective Actions
(if required)

Issue: (date) (issue no.)


Figure 10.5 Temperature control logsheet


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry


Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Rinse Cycle


Hot Cupboard 2

Hot Cupboard 1

Blast Chiller

Freezer 4

Freezer 3

Freezer 2

Freezer 1

Fridge 4

Fridge 3

Fridge 2

Fridge 1

Appliance details

Refrigerator 5 C to 8 C
Freezers 18 C




Figure 10.6 Equipment temperature monitoring form (1)



Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:









Figure 10.7 Equipment temperature monitoring form (2)



ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Appliance details

APPLIANCE: __________
Refrigerator 5 C to 8 C
Freezers 18 C

Authorized by:






Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)








Figure 10.8 Blast chill/freeze monitoring form





Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:











Figure 10.9 Retained food (without the aid of a blast chiller)



ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)



Authorized by:





Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


Unit: ______________________________

Cook 75 C and above

Hold at 64 C and above








Figure 10.10 Temperature monitoring form (1)


Shift: ______________________________







Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:



Date: ______________________________










Figure 10.11 Temperature monitoring form (2)


Shift: ______________________________

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


Unit: ______________________________

Cook 75 C and above

Hold at 64 C and above


Authorized by:






W/E: ______________________________

Unit Name

Unit No

Unit Address
Unit Tel Number

Area Manager

Number of persons with symptoms
Name(s) of consumer(s)


First report of illness


Symptoms of illness (delete if N/A)

Symptoms started


To whom

Diarrhoea Vomiting Nausea Abdominal Pain Headache



Duration of Symptoms
Food suspected

Number of portions served

Date and time produced

Date and time consumed

Food samples available

Yes or No

Are any of the food handlers ill?

Number of portions served

Temperature Records available

Yes or No


Name and Address of Supplier
Telephone Number
Time and date of delivery

Packing date mark or code

Has the Supplier been informed?



If yes, give Date


Temperature records available


Has the Supplier sent temperature records?

EHO involved

Yes or No

Name of EHO

Tel No

Local Authority
Results of Investigation


Managers Signature

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Authorized by:

Figure 10.12 Alleged/suspected food poisoning incident form

Example monitoring forms




Duration of symptoms

Figure 10.13 Multiple food poisoning


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


Food consumed within

48 hours

Authorized by:

Time and date started


Unit Name
Unit Address
Unit Telephone Number
Description of Complaint/Foreign Body
Food Involved
Complete Part A in all instances
Name and address of customer

Was the contaminated food returned?



Where is the food now?

Date of Discussion

Who spoke to the customer?

Has the Customer suffered any injury/damage?



If yes, give details

Has the customer informed the Environmental Health Officer/Trading Standards Officer?
Name and Address of Supplier

Telephone Number
Time and date of delivery

Packing date mark or code

Has the Supplier been informed?



If yes, give Date


Has the body/product been returned to or collected by the supplier?



Time and date of product


Product Code

Where is the product now?

Results of Investigation

Manager signature


Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Authorized by:

Figure 10.14 Food complaint form (contaminated food)

Example monitoring forms


Confidential Pre-employment Health Questionnaire

Post Applied for:


Date of Birth:
(Day) (Month) (Year)


Telephone number:

Present Post:

For How Long:

Name/Address of General Practitioner:

Have you suffered from any of the following? Please provide details, continuing if necessary, on a separate sheet


Any skin disease(s)
Discharge or infection of the ears or hearing defect
3. Asthma or hay fever of sufficient severity to require time off work (or school)
Any allergies (including sensitivity to antibiotics or other drugs)
Recurrent sore throats or sinusitis
Bronchitis or pneumonia
Heart disease
Headache or migraine requiring time off work (or school)
10. Fits, blackouts or epilepsy
11. Depression, nervous breakdown or mental illness; psychiatric treatment, including anorexia
12. Backache or sciatica requiring time off work (or school)
13. Rupture, varicose veins or foot ailments
14. Indigestion or stomach pains requiring time off work (or school)
15. Kidney or bladder infection
16. Eye disease, injury or significant defect of vision not corrected by spectacles
17. Diabetes
18. Serious injury or operation
Have you ever been admitted to hospital? If so provide details below

19. Do you suffer from any disability not included in the above?
20. Roughly how many days have you had off work or school from illness over the past two years

21. Are you regularly receiving injections, pills, tablets or medicines from a doctor (other than contraceptives)?
Please give details



What is your height?

What is your weight?
Number of days sick in previous 12 months

Any further details in respect of the above questions:

I understand and acknowledge that should I knowingly make a false statement regarding my medical history either in answering the
above questions or to any medical examiner, or should I wilfully conceal any material fact, I will, if engaged, be liable to have my contract
terminated. In the event of any health queries, I consent to my General Practitioner supplying relevant information to the professional
Medical Advisor.


Figure 10.15 Health questionnaire


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry




Date of Birth:


Name and Address of your own General Practitioner:

Have you ever had any of the following?


How long off work?

Typhoid, Paratyphoid or Enteric fever




Food poisoning


Persistent diarrhoea or infection of the bowels




Tropical disease, e.g. Hookworm, Bilharzia, etc.


Name of Dr and Hospital

Have you suffered from any of the following within the last two years?
Chronic bronchitis with spit


Diarrhoea and/or vomiting for more than 2 days


Skin rash or any skin disease


Recurrent boils/septic fingers


Discharge from:






Have you ever lived or been abroad in the last 10 years?


If yes, where and when

I declare that all of the above statements are true and completed to the best of my knowledge and belief


Figure 10.16 Medical screening (pre-employment questionnaire)

Example monitoring forms


To be completed at commencement of employment

Duplicate copy to be retained by the employee
1. I will report to my Manager or Supervisor as soon as possible, and make myself available for medical examination, if required,
should I suffer any illness involving:


septic skin lesions (boils, infected cuts, etc. however small)
discharge from ear, nose or any other site


After returning, and before commencing work, following an illness or any of the above conditions.


If any member of my household is suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting.


After returning from a holiday during which I suffered an attack of vomiting and/or diarrhoea.


After returning from a holiday during which any member of my party had an attack of vomiting and/or diarrhoea.

I declare that all of the above statements are true and completed to the best of my knowledge and belief


Figure 10.17 Agreement to report infections


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry


This form is to be completed by all catering staff on return to work after absence due to illness, injury or holidays abroad, under the
supervision of the manager.
Name of Employee

Absent from
Absent to
Reason for absence sickness/holiday
Holidays only Countries Visited
Since you have been away, have you suffered from sickness, diarrhoea or any stomach disorder in the last 48 hrs?


Have you had any flu-like symptoms in the last 48 hrs?


Have you been in contact with anyone with Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Cholera, Dysentery, Salmonella infections?


Are you suffering from any infectious conditions of the skin, nose, throat, eyes or ears in the last 48 hrs?


Have you suffered from any of these conditions since you have been away?


Signature of Employee
Job Title:


Signature of Supervisor/Manager


If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the person must not be allowed to return to work until medical clearance has been
given by a qualified doctor and the results from a stool test.

Figure 10.18 Medical screening (return to work questionnaire)

Example monitoring forms



Person responsible



Safety Information

Figure 10.19 Daily cleaning schedule

Product & Dosage Date

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Authorized by:




Person responsible

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)



Safety Information

Figure 10.20 Weekly cleaning schedule

Product & Dosage Date

Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:





Person responsible




Safety Information

Figure 10.21 Cleaning schedule (general)

Product & Dosage Date

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Authorized by:




After use

After use




Walls, doors
and paint work

Work surfaces

Cutting boards


Blast chillers

Deep freezers






Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Product &
Dosage Date


Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:

Check and organize freezers daily. Wipe down external surfaces and door seals. [Wipe up
spillages immediately. Do not allow to freeze.]

Transfer foods to cool place. Remove shelving and wash in solution. Wipe interior with
solution. Pay particular attention to base section. Wipe seals and door handles. Rinse with
clean water. Replace shelving and foods.

Check and organize fridges daily. Check for spillages and wipe up (spillages should be wiped
up immediately).
Clean door seals, shelves and all internal surfaces.

Remove debris. Sprinkle sanitizer powder or apply sanitizer solution on to moistened board
and scrub. Wipe surface and rinse. Allow to air dry.
Can be routinely washed in dishwasher if suitable, but additional weekly clean with sanitizer
solution to reduce surface staining.
Cutting boards should be stacked vertically with cutting surfaces separated after cleaning
and sanitizing.


Remove debris. Apply solution with a cloth or hand sprayer, or apply powder directly on to
the dampened surface and spread over with a damp cloth. Ensure that attention is given to legs
and under edges. Rinse and allow to air dry or dry with paper towels.

Apply solution with sponge, cloth or hand sprayer. Work down from higher areas. Rinse with
clean water. Allow to air dry.

Sweep up debris. Apply hot solution using clean mop or long handle scrubber, paying attention
to floor/wall joint around equipment and under rear of equipment. Rinse and mop over with
fresh clean water. Allow to dry.


Figure 10.22 Generic cleaning record (1)




After use

After use

After use

Can opener







Deep freezers



Product &
Dosage Date



Authorized by:

Detach removable pans, soak and wash in sanitizer solution. Wash casing. Rinse and air dry.
Stack cutting blades in the storage rack provided with the appliance after cleaning and sanitizing.
Clean work table and adjacent walls where likely to be soiled. Do not reconnect power supply
until required for use.

Remove beater, extension ring and mixing bowl and transfer to pan wash. Scrub or wipe down
mixer thoroughly using sanitizer solution. Rinse and air dry. Clean underneath and adjacent walls
likely to be soiled. Do not reconnect power supply until required for use.

Zero the slice thickness plate. Remove detachable parts. Blade must only be removed with the
use of the specific blade removing tools. Soak and wash in sanitizer solution. Carefully brush or
sponge all pans. Clean the blade separately. Rinse, air dry and reassemble. Clean the slicer casing
with damp cloth and sanitizer solution. Clean the work surface under the slice and adjacent
walls likely to be soiled. Do not reconnect power supply until required for use. N.B. Refer to
manufacturers instructions accompanying the slicer for detailed cleaning information specific to
the slicer model.

Remove from bench mounting. Soak in hot general purpose detergent solution. Scrub cutter
blade and assembly with a brush. Check for uneven blade wear or loose blade mount and
report to supervisor where necessary. Scrub the base plate mount at the table. Rinse and
air dry.

Remove contents and store in fridge or alternative freezer. Turn off power and leave lid or door
open (follow manufacturers instructions if appliance is provided with a defrost facility). Remove
shelves and baskets if fitted and clean with solution. When the ice comes off the shelves easily,
scrape away with a plastic implement. Remove ice and other debris. Wipe surfaces with a warm
damp cloth. Replace shelves and baskets. Turn appliance back on to normal operation. Replace
food when temperature has reduced to proper level.


Figure 10.23 Generic cleaning record (2)


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Ensure appliances are switched off. Spray neat on to warm surfaces and allow contact time of 5
to 20 minutes. Thoroughly cover all surfaces to be cleaned, starting from the top and working
downwards. Rinse off with water and allow to air dry.
For stubborn soilage, repeat application and use scouring pad or brush.
Remove detachable parts of oven tops and soak in hot detergent solution.


As required

Ovens and

Figure 10.24 Generic cleaning record (3)

Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:


Switch off appliance and allow oil to cool. Drain and strain oil into a receptacle. Fill fryer with
warm water to level required. Add cleaning chemical powder and stir well to dissolve. Boil
for 15 to 20 minutes. Submerge all baskets and utensils in solution, soak for 5 to 10 minutes.
Remove carbonized deposits from top of fryer with a stiff brush. Drain and rinse thoroughly,
allow to air dry. Refill with strained oil and top up level. Clean outer casing, lid and surround to
drain tap. Replace lid in position.

Switch off appliance and allow oil to cool. Remove food particles with fine wire mesh web.
Wipe outside of fryer to remove spilt oil. Wash frying buckets in general purpose detergent.
Dry and replace. Top up oil to required level if necessary.

Detach removable parts, soak and wash in sanitizer solution. Scrub cutting blades and hopper
attachment using hard brush. Wipe down exterior casing. Rinse thoroughly, allow to air dry and
reassemble. Clean underneath and adjacent walls where likely to be soiled. Do not re-connect
power supply until required for use.

Detach removable parts, soak and wash in sanitizer solution. Wash casing. Rinse and air dry.
Stack cutting blades in the storage rack provided with the appliance after cleaning and sanitizing.
Clean work table and adjacent walls where likely to be soiled. Do not reconnect power supply
until required for use.


After use




After use

Product &
Dosage Date

Potato chipper


After use



Potato peeler


Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)






Sinks and wash

hand basins


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Figure 10.25 Generic cleaning record (4)

Authorized by:

Clean with the general-purpose detergent. Remove tide marks from the bowl and drainer with
a scouring pad or cloth. Include taps, waste outlets and splashbacks in cleaning programme.
Rinse thoroughly with cold water. Ensure sufficient supply of towels, soap and a clean nail-brush
are maintained at the wash hand basin.

Remove turntable plate (if applicable) and wash in solution. Wash out interior, paying particular
attention to the top surface and to the corner joins. Wipe down exterior casing and door. Rinse
and allow to air dry. Leave door slightly ajar until next use.

Remove all unsold items. Carefully remove doors and take out detachable shelving. Remove all
food particles. Brush out solution, rinse and air dry. Replace doors and shelving but leave doors
open to assist in air drying, until next use.

Dismantle the shelves and doors if detachable. Scrub all parts with solution, rinse and air dry.
To descale: brush surfaces with descaling solution, rinse with warm water and allow to air dry.


Display cabinet

Switch off power supply and allow to cool. Remove containers and transfer to pan wash.
Where a water bath is incorporated, drain to waste and clean out the bath. Wash down all
surfaces and rinse. Remove deposits from door runners with a stiff brush. Brush floor under
appliance and clean up spillages.

After use

Bain Marie and

hot cupboards

Ensure appliance is switched off. Fill with solution and leave to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub
out and drain. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry.

To descale: brush surfaces with descaling solution, rinse with warm water and allow to air dry.



Switch off equipment. Turn off water supply. Remove trays and shelving for cleaning in pan
wash. Scrub all surfaces with solution. Rinse and air dry. Leave door slightly ajar to ventilate.

Product &
Dosage Date

After use


After use



boiling urns



Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


(chair legs)

Dining room
table and

Figure 10.26 Generic cleaning record (5)

Example monitoring forms

Authorized by:

Follow clean instructions as per manufacturers cleaning schedule posted inside the vending
machine, or in accordance with manufacturers cleaning manual. Complete the cleaning
record card.


Apply with sponge, cloth or hand sprayer. Wipe down tabletops, edges, under edges, seats and
chair-lets. Check that cruets, condiments and sauce bottles are clean and well stocked.

Remove stock and utensils/equipment from shelves and racking. Sweep debris off surfaces and
sweep floor under. Clean with solution, rinse and allow to air dry. Replace stock and utensils/
equipment. Ensure equipment is placed inverted as far as practicable.


Disconnect the baffle plate (restrictor plate) and remove if possible. Remove strainer if fitted
and clean in solution. Remove solid waste from machine and scrub all parts with solution. Do
not access the blades. Clean exterior casing and adjacent wall surfaces. Reassemble, reconnect
power supply and operate water supply only, for one minute. Switch off and isolate from power
supply until next required for use.


racks and


Empty bins frequently throughout the day. Do not allow contents to overflow. Wash out
empty bin or bin liner holder with solution. Clean external casing and the elide, paying
attention to underside of lid and the handle (if fitted). Rinse and allow to dry.



Product &
Dosage Date

Waste bins





Waste disposal


Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)

Job title
Employment start date

Training programme


Issue: (Date) (Issue No.)


Authorized by:

Figure 10.27 Employee training record


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry



Index of workbook against clauses
in ISO 22000:2005
ISO 22000 Headings



General requirements



Documentation requirements




5.1 and 5.3


Control of documents



Control of records


Management responsibility


Management commitment

5.1. and 5.2


Food safety policy



Food safety management system planning

3.0, 4.1, 5.8


Responsibility and authority

3.1 and 3.2


Food safety team leader






External communication



Internal communication



Emergency preparedness and response



Management review






Review input



Review output


Resource management


Provision of resources


Human resources




Competence, awareness and training

Index of workbook against clauses in ISO 22000:2005





Work environment

Planning and realization of safe products








Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis






Food safety team

3.2 and 4.4


Product characteristics


Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials


Characteristics of end products



Intended use



Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures


Flow diagrams

4.7 and 4.10

Description of process steps and control measures

4.7 and 4.10


Hazard analysis






Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels



Hazard assessment



Selection and assessment of control measures



Establishing the operational PRPs



Establishing the HACCP plan



HACCP plan



Identification of CCPs



Determination of critical limits for CCPs



System for the monitoring of CCPs

4.10 and 5.5


Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits

4.14 and 5.5


Updating of preliminary information and documents specifying the PRPs

and the HACCP plan



Verification planning



Traceability system



Control of nonconformity






Corrective actions



Handling of potentially unsafe products

4.14 General

4.14 Evaluation for release

4.14 Disposition of nonconforming products






ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Validation, verification and improvement of the food safety

management system





Validation of control measure combinations



Control of monitoring and measuring



Food safety management system verification

4.12 and 5.7


Internal audit

4.12 and 5.7


Evaluation of individual verification results



Analysis of results of verification activities




5.8 and 5.9


Continual improvement

5.8 and 5.9


Updating the food safety management system

5.8 and 5.9

Index of workbook against clauses in ISO 22000:2005


Validation and verification checklists
The following validation and verification checklists are provided to support internal audit procedures.

12.1 HACCP validation audit checklist

HACCP principle

Audit checklist
What evidence is there of management commitment to HACCP?
HACCP team
Who is on the team?
Are all appropriate disciplines represented?
What is the knowledge level of the team members? (Evidence of training,
experience, etc.)
Has external expertise been sought where necessary?
What is the decision-making leverage of the HACCP team leader?
HACCP system
How does the system fit with the overall food safety control programme?
Does the company have a food safety policy?
Has the scope been clearly defined?
How is the system structured?

Principle 1
conduct a hazard analysis


Has the product been properly described?

Are intrinsic control measures identified?
Is the process flow diagram comprehensive?
How was the process flow diagram validated for accuracy and by whom?
Are all raw materials and process/storage activities included in the flow diagram?
(Rework can be included as an ingredient.)
Have all activities been included?
Is the process flow diagram correct?
Have changes been made since the process flow diagram was drawn up?
How does the HACCP team get notified of changes to the process or product
How were the changes recorded and approved?
Were any changes discussed with the HACCP team before implementation?
Are there rework opportunities and have they been included?

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

How was the hazard analysis conducted?

Were only significant hazards identified?
Have all raw materials (including rework) been included?
Have all process steps been considered?
Have the hazards been specifically identified by type/source or have they been
How did the team assess likelihood of occurrence?
What information sources were utilized?
Have appropriate control measures been identified for each hazard?
Will the control measures control the hazards and how was this validated?
Are all of the control measures in place and actually being operated?
Principle 2
determine the critical control points

How were the CCPs identified?

By expert judgement?
By the use of a decision tree? (Has the decision tree been used correctly?)
By the use of consultants?
Have all necessary CCPs been identified?
Did each identified hazard undergo a systematic consideration?
How are hazards not controlled by CCPs addressed?

Principle 3
establish critical limits

Principle 4
establish a system to monitor the
control of the CCP

How were the critical limits established?

Is there evidence (experimental data, literature, references, etc.)?
What validation exists to confirm that the critical limits control the identified
Have critical limits been established for every CCP?
How do they differ from operational limits?
Have realistic monitoring schedules been established?
Do they cover all CCPs?
Has the reliability of monitoring procedures been assessed where appropriate?
What is the status of monitoring equipment?
Is it evidenced as being in place and calibrated appropriately?
Are the CCP log sheets being used at all CCPs?
Is there any evidence that procedures are not being followed consistently?
Check that records agree with stated activities.
Are monitoring personnel and their deputies properly identified and trained?
How was the training undertaken?
Are the monitoring records being reviewed by designated appropriate reviewers?

Principle 5
establish the corrective action to be
taken when monitoring indicates that
a particular CCP is not under control

Have the corrective actions been properly defined such that control is regained?
What evidence is there to demonstrate that this is being done in the event of a CCP
Has corrective action been recorded and how is effectiveness being verified?
How has the authority for corrective action been assigned?
How is nonconforming product controlled and is this clearly recorded?

Principle 6
establish procedures for verification
to confirm that the HACCP system is
working effectively

Have verification procedures been clearly and appropriately established?

How are these procedures communicated throughout the business?
Have responsibilities for verification procedures been allocated?
Are they being carried out effectively?
Are all CCPs covered by the verification programme?
Is the information on the HACCP control chart(s) up to date?
Is there a formal system to trigger amendments?
Are control parameters being achieved?

Validation and verification checklists


Have process capability studies been carried out?

How is food safety data being used to improve the system?
How is consumer complaint data being used within the verification system?
Is there a regular review of CCP failure and scrapped product?
Are prerequisite programmes included within the verification programme?
Principle 7
establish documentation concerning
all procedures and records
appropriate to these principles and
their application

What format is being used to document the system?

Does the documentation cover all of the HACCP system?
How is the documentation controlled with regard to update and issue, etc.?
Are the records accessible?
Are the HACCP records clearly identified by unique reference numbers?
Are all documents accurate and current?
Are verification procedures documented?
How is change control managed?

12.2 HACCP verification audit checklist

Document review
1. Documents provided for review
Type of document

(Y or N)

Prerequisite programmes
(list them below)

Menu or food preparation process

Flow diagrams
Equipment layout
Training records
HACCP plan and documents


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

weaknesses noted

2. List critical control points (CCPs) and critical limits identified by the HACCP plan
Food item or process step

Critical control point

Critical limits


Validation and verification checklists


3. What monitoring records are required by the plan?

Type of record
(PRP monitoring, corrective action,
CCP monitoring, etc.)


Monitoring frequency
and procedure
(How often? Signed and dated? etc.)

ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Record location
(where kept?)

4.Describe the strengths or weaknesses with the current monitoring or record-keeping regimen.

5.Who is responsible for verification that the required records are being completed and being properly maintained?

6. Describe the training that has been provided to support the system.

7. Describe examples of any documentation showing that the training was completed.

Validation and verification checklists


Record review and on-site inspection

(Choose at random one week from the previous four.)
8. Are monitoring actions performed according to the plan?

Full compliance
Partial compliance

9. When critical limits established by the plan are not met, are
immediate corrective actions taken and recorded?


10. Do the corrective actions taken reflect the same actions

described in the plan?


11. Are routine calibrations required and performed according

to the plan?


For the next two points, examine the current days records, if possible.
12. Are the records for the present day accurate for the
observed situation?








14. Have there been any changes to the product specification or

process since the last verification?


15. Was the control system modified because of these changes?


13. Do managers and employees demonstrate knowledge of the


Additional considerations

Additional comments or recommendations


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Section 4
ISO 22000:2005 extracts

ISO 22000:2005 extracts


ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including
terms and definitions
To assist the users of this workbook, extracts from the terms and definitions and Clause 7 of
ISO 22000:2005 are given below. The user should refer to the specific wording in Clause 7 when
developing and implementing their system. A copy of the standard is needed for reference purposes
within the organization to ensure all issues are addressed in line with the standard.

3Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000 and the following apply.
For the convenience of the users of this International Standard, some of the definitions in ISO 9000
are quoted with added notes that are applicable only to this special application.
NOTE Terms are not defined where they retain their normal dictionary definition. Where bold type is used in a definition,
this indicates a cross-reference to another term defined in this clause, and the number reference for the term is given in

food safety
concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its
intended use
NOTE 1 Adapted from Reference [11].
NOTE 2 Food safety is related to the occurrence of food safety hazards (3.3) and does not include other human health
aspects related to, for example, malnutrition.

food chain
sequence of the stages and operations involved in the production, processing, distribution, storage and
handling of a food and its ingredients, from primary production to consumption
NOTE 1 This includes the production of feed for food-producing animals and for animals intended for food production.
NOTE 2 The food chain also includes the production of materials intended to come into contact with food or raw

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions


food safety hazard
biological, chemical or physical agent in food, or condition of food, with the potential to cause an
adverse health effect
NOTE 1 Adapted from Reference [11].
NOTE 2 The term hazard is not to be confused with the term risk which, in the context of food safety, means a
function of the probability of an adverse health effect (e.g. becoming diseased) and the severity of that effect (death,
hospitalization, absence from work, etc.) when exposed to a specified hazard. Risk is defined in ISO/IEC Guide 51 as the
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.
NOTE 3 Food safety hazards include allergens.
NOTE 4 In the context of feed and feed ingredients, relevant food safety hazards are those that may be present in and/or
on feed and feed ingredients and that may subsequently be transferred to food through animal consumption of feed and
may thus have the potential to cause an adverse human health effect. In the context of operations other than those directly
handling feed and food (e.g. producers of packaging materials, cleaning agents, etc.), relevant food safety hazards are
those hazards that can be directly or indirectly transferred to food because of the intended use of the provided products
and/or services and thus can have the potential to cause an adverse human health effect.

food safety policy
overall intentions and direction of an organization related to food safety (3.1) as formally expressed by
top management

end product
product that will undergo no further processing or transformation by the organization
NOTE A product that undergoes further processing or transformation by another organization is an end product in the
context of the first organization and a raw material or an ingredient in the context of the second organization.

flow diagram
schematic and systematic presentation of the sequence and interactions of steps

control measure
<food safety> action or activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard (3.3) or
reduce it to an acceptable level
NOTE Adapted from Reference [11].

prerequisite programme
<food safety> basic conditions and activities that are necessary to maintain a hygienic environment
throughout the food chain (3.2) suitable for the production, handling and provision of safe end products
(3.5) and safe food for human consumption
NOTE The PRPs needed depend on the segment of the food chain in which the organization operates and the type
of organization (see Annex C). Examples of equivalent terms are: Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), Good Veterinarian
Practice (GVP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygienic Practice (GHP), Good Production Practice (GPP),
Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Trading Practice (GTP).


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

operational PRP
operational prerequisite programme
PRP (3.8) identified by the hazard analysis as essential in order to control the likelihood of introducing
food safety hazards (3.3) to and/or the contamination or proliferation of food safety hazards in the
product(s) or in the processing environment

critical control point
<food safety> step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety
hazard (3.3) or reduce it to an acceptable level
NOTE Adapted from Reference [11].

critical limit
criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability
NOTE 1 Adapted from Reference [11].
NOTE 2 Critical limits are established to determine whether a CCP (3.10) remains in control. If a critical limit is exceeded
or violated, the products affected are deemed to be potentially unsafe.

conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether control measures
(3.7) are operating as intended

action to eliminate a detected nonconformity
[ISO 9000:2000, definition 3.6.6]
NOTE 1 For the purposes of this International Standard, a correction relates to the handling of potentially unsafe
products, and can therefore be made in conjunction with a corrective action (3.14).
NOTE 2 A correction may be, for example, reprocessing, further processing, and/or elimination of the adverse
consequences of the nonconformity (such as disposal for other use or specific labelling).

corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation
NOTE 1 There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.

[ISO 9000:2000, definition 3.6.5]

NOTE 2 Corrective action includes cause analysis and is taken to prevent recurrence.

<food safety> obtaining evidence that the control measures (3.7) managed by the HACCP plan and by
the operational PRPs (3.9) are capable of being effective
NOTE This definition is based on Reference [11] and is more suitable for the field of food safety (3.1) than the definition
given in ISO 9000.

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions


confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled
[ISO 9000:2000, definition 3.8.4]

immediate and/or planned activity to ensure application of the most recent information

7 Planning and realization of safe products

7.1 General
The organization shall plan and develop the processes needed for the realization of safe products.
The organization shall implement, operate and ensure the effectiveness of the planned activities and
any changes to those activities. This includes PRP(s) as well as operational PRP(s) and/or the HACCP plan.

7.2 Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

7.2.1 The organization shall establish, implement and maintain PRP(s) to assist in controlling
a) the likelihood of introducing food safety hazards to the product through the work environment,
b) biological, chemical and physical contamination of the product(s), including cross contamination
between products, and
c) food safety hazard levels in the product and product processing environment.
7.2.2 The PRP(s) shall
a) be appropriate to the organizational needs with regard to food safety,
b) be appropriate to the size and type of the operation and the nature of the products being
manufactured and/or handled,
c) be implemented across the entire production system, either as programmes applicable in general or
as programmes applicable to a particular product or operational line, and
d) be approved by the food safety team.
The organization shall identify statutory and regulatory requirements related to the above.
7.2.3 When selecting and/or establishing PRP(s), the organization shall consider and utilize appropriate
information [e.g. statutory and regulatory requirements, customer requirements, recognized guidelines,
Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) principles and codes of practices, national, international or
sector standards].
NOTE Annex C gives a list of relevant Codex publications.

The organization shall consider the following when establishing these programmes:
a) construction and lay-out of buildings and associated utilities;
b) lay-out of premises, including workspace and employee facilities;
c) supplies of air, water, energy and other utilities;


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

d) supporting services, including waste and sewage disposal;

e) the suitability of equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and preventative
f) management of purchased materials (e.g. raw materials, ingredients, chemicals and packaging),
supplies (e.g. water, air, steam and ice), disposals (e.g. waste and sewage) and handling of products
(e.g. storage and transportation);
g) measures for the prevention of cross contamination;
h) cleaning and sanitizing;
i) pest control;
j) personnel hygiene;
k) other aspects as appropriate.
Verification of PRP(s) shall be planned (see 7.8) and PRP(s) shall be modified as necessary (see 7.7).
Records of verifications and modifications shall be maintained.
Documents should specify how activities included in the PRP(s) are managed.

7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis

7.3.1 General
All relevant information needed to conduct the hazard analysis shall be collected, maintained, updated
and documented. Records shall be maintained.
7.3.2 Food safety team
A food safety team shall be appointed.
The food safety team shall have a combination of multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience in
developing and implementing the food safety management system. This includes, but need not be
limited to, the organizations products, processes, equipment and food safety hazards within the scope
of the food safety management system.
Records shall be maintained that demonstrate that the food safety team has the required knowledge and
experience (see 6.2.2).
7.3.3 Product characteristics Raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials
All raw materials, ingredients and product-contact materials shall be described in documents to the
extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis (see 7.4), including the following, as appropriate:

biological, chemical and physical characteristics;

composition of formulated ingredients, including additives and processing aids;
method of production;
packaging and delivery methods;
storage conditions and shelf life;
preparation and/or handling before use or processing;
food safety-related acceptance criteria or specifications of purchased materials and ingredients
appropriate to their intended uses.

The organization shall identify statutory and regulatory food safety requirements related to the above.
The descriptions shall be kept up-to-date including, when required, in accordance with 7.7.

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions

109 Characteristics of end products

The characteristics of end products shall be described in documents to the extent needed to conduct the
hazard analysis (see 7.4), including information on the following, as appropriate:

product name or similar identification;

biological, chemical and physical characteristics relevant for food safety;
intended shelf life and storage conditions;
labelling relating to food safety and/or instructions for handling, preparation and usage;
method(s) of distribution.

The organization shall identify statutory and regulatory food safety requirements related to the above.
The descriptions shall be kept up-to-date including, when required, in accordance with 7.7.
7.3.4 Intended use
The intended use, the reasonably expected handling of the end product, and any unintended but
reasonably expected mishandling and misuse of the end product shall be considered and shall be
described in documents to the extent needed to conduct the hazard analysis (see 7.4).
Groups of users and, where appropriate, groups of consumers shall be identified for each product, and
consumer groups known to be especially vulnerable to specific food safety hazards shall be considered.
The descriptions shall be kept up-to-date including, when required, in accordance with 7.7.
7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control measures Flow diagrams
Flow diagrams shall be prepared for the products or process categories covered by the food safety
management system. Flow diagrams shall provide a basis for evaluating the possible occurrence,
increase or introduction of food safety hazards.
Flow diagrams shall be clear, accurate and sufficiently detailed. Flow diagrams shall, as appropriate,
include the following:

the sequence and interaction of all steps in the operation;

any outsourced processes and subcontracted work;
where raw materials, ingredients and intermediate products enter the flow;
where reworking and recycling take place;
where end products, intermediate products, by-products and waste are released or removed.

In accordance with 7.8, the food safety team shall verify the accuracy of the flow diagrams by on-site
checking. Verified flow diagrams shall be maintained as records. Description of process steps and control measures
The existing control measures, process parameters and/or the rigorousness with which they are applied,
or procedures that may influence food safety, shall be described to the extent needed to conduct the
hazard analysis (see 7.4).
External requirements (e.g. from regulatory authorities or customers) that may impact the choice and the
rigorousness of the control measures shall also be described.
The descriptions shall be updated in accordance with 7.7.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

7.4 Hazard analysis

7.4.1 General
The food safety team shall conduct a hazard analysis to determine which hazards need to be controlled,
the degree of control required to ensure food safety, and which combination of control measures is
7.4.2 Hazard identification and determination of acceptable levels All food safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur in relation to the type of product,
type of process and actual processing facilities shall be identified and recorded. The identification shall
be based on

the preliminary information and data collected according to 7.3,

external information including, to the extent possible, epidemiological and other historical data, and
information from the food chain on food safety hazards that may be of relevance for the safety of the
end products, intermediate products and the food at consumption.

The step(s) (from raw materials, processing and distribution) at which each food safety hazard may be
introduced shall be indicated. When identifying the hazards, consideration shall be given to
a) the steps preceding and following the specified operation,
b) the process equipment, utilities/services and surroundings, and
c) the preceding and following links in the food chain. For each of the food safety hazards identified, the acceptable level of the food safety hazard in
the end product shall be determined whenever possible. The determined level shall take into account
established statutory and regulatory requirements, customer food safety requirements, the intended use
by the customer and other relevant data. The justification for, and the result of, the determination shall
be recorded.
7.4.3 Hazard assessment
A hazard assessment shall be conducted to determine, for each food safety hazard identified (see 7.4.2),
whether its elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of a safe food,
and whether its control is needed to enable the defined acceptable levels to be met.
Each food safety hazard shall be evaluated according to the possible severity of adverse health effects
and the likelihood of their occurrence. The methodology used shall be described, and the results of the
food safety hazard assessment shall be recorded.
7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control measures
Based on the hazard assessment of 7.4.3, an appropriate combination of control measures shall be
selected which is capable of preventing, eliminating or reducing these food safety hazards to defined
acceptable levels.
In this selection, each of the control measures as described in shall be reviewed with respect to
its effectiveness against the identified food safety hazards.

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions


The control measures selected shall be categorized as to whether they need to be managed through
operational PRP(s) or by the HACCP plan.
The selection and categorization shall be carried out using a logical approach that includes assessments
with regard to the following:
a) its effect on identified food safety hazards relative to the strictness applied;
b) its feasibility for monitoring (e.g. ability to be monitored in a timely manner to enable immediate
c) its place within the system relative to other control measures;
d) the likelihood of failure in the functioning of a control measure or significant processing variability;
e) the severity of the consequence(s) in the case of failure in its functioning;
f) whether the control measure is specifically established and applied to eliminate or significantly
reduce the level of hazard(s);
g) synergistic effects (i.e. interaction that occurs between two or more measures resulting in their
combined effect being higher than the sum of their individual effects).
Control measures categorized as belonging to the HACCP plan shall be implemented in accordance
with 7.6. Other control measures shall be implemented as operational PRPs according to 7.5.
The methodology and parameters used for this categorization shall be described in documents, and the
results of the assessment shall be recorded.

7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

The operational PRPs shall be documented and shall include the following information for each

food safety hazard(s) to be controlled by the programme (see 7.4.4);

control measure(s) (see 7.4.4);
monitoring procedures that demonstrate that the operational PRPs are implemented;
corrections and corrective actions to be taken if monitoring shows that the operational PRPs are not
in control (see 7.10.1 and 7.10.2, respectively);
e) responsibilities and authorities;
f) record(s) of monitoring.

7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan

7.6.1 HACCP plan
The HACCP plan shall be documented and shall include the following information for each identified
critical control point (CCP):

food safety hazard(s) to be controlled at the CCP (see 7.4.4);

control measure(s) (see 7.4.4)
critical limit(s) (see 7.6.3);
monitoring procedure(s) (see 7.6.4);
corrections and corrective action(s) to be taken if critical limits are exceeded (see 7.6.5);
responsibilities and authorities;
record(s) of monitoring.


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)

For each hazard that is to be controlled by the HACCP plan, CCP(s) shall be identified for the control
measures identified (see 7.4.4).
7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical control points
Critical limits shall be determined for the monitoring established for each CCP.
Critical limits shall be established to ensure that the identified acceptable level of the food safety hazard
in the end product (see 7.4.2) is not exceeded.
Critical limits shall be measurable.
The rationale for the chosen critical limits shall be documented.
Critical limits based on subjective data (such as visual inspection of product, process, handling, etc.)
shall be supported by instructions or specifications and/or education and training.
7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control points
A monitoring system shall be established for each CCP to demonstrate that the CCP is in control. The
system shall include all scheduled measurements or observations relative to the critical limit(s).
The monitoring system shall consist of relevant procedures, instructions and records that cover the

measurements or observations that provide results within an adequate time frame;

monitoring devices used;
applicable calibration methods (see 8.3);
monitoring frequency;
responsibility and authority related to monitoring and evaluation of monitoring results;
record requirements and methods.

The monitoring methods and frequency shall be capable of determining when the critical limits have
been exceeded in time for the product to be isolated before it is used or consumed.
7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
Planned corrections and corrective actions to be taken when critical limits are exceeded shall be
specified in the HACCP plan. The actions shall ensure that the cause of nonconformity is identified,
that the parameter(s) controlled at the CCP is (are) brought back under control, and that recurrence is
prevented (see 7.10.2).
Documented procedures shall be established and maintained for the appropriate handling of potentially
unsafe products to ensure that they are not released until they have been evaluated (see 7.10.3).

7.7 Updating of preliminary information and documents specifying the PRPs and the
HACCP plan
Following the establishment of operational PRP(s) (see 7.5) and/or the HACCP plan (see 7.6), the
organization shall update the following information, if necessary:

product characteristics (see 7.3.3);

intended use (see 7.3.4);
flow diagrams (see;
process steps (see;
control measures (see

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions


If necessary, the HACCP plan (see 7.6.1) and the procedures and instructions specifying the PRP(s)
(see 7.2) shall be amended.

7.8 Verification planning

Verification planning shall define the purpose, methods, frequencies and responsibilities for the
verification activities. The verification activities shall confirm that
a) the PRP(s) are implemented (see 7.2),
b) input to the hazard analysis (see 7.3) is continually updated,
c) the operational PRP(s) (see 7.5) and the elements within the HACCP plan (see 7.6.1) are
implemented and effective,
d) hazard levels are within identified acceptable levels (see 7.4.2), and
e) other procedures required by the organization are implemented and effective.
The output of this planning shall be in a form suitable for the organizations method of operations.
Verification results shall be recorded and shall be communicated to the food safety team. Verification
results shall be provided to enable the analysis of the results of the verification activities
(see 8.4.3).
If system verification is based on testing of end product samples, and where such test samples show
nonconformity with the acceptable level of the food safety hazard (see 7.4.2), the affected lots of
product shall be handled as potentially unsafe in accordance with 7.10.3.

7.9 Traceability system

The organization shall establish and apply a traceability system that enables the identification of product
lots and their relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery records.
The traceability system shall be able to identify incoming material from the immediate suppliers and the
initial distribution route of the end product.
Traceability records shall be maintained for a defined period for system assessment to enable the
handling of potentially unsafe products and in the event of product withdrawal. Records shall be
in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements and customer requirements and may, for
example, be based on the end product lot identification.

7.10 Control of nonconformity

7.10.1 Corrections
The organization shall ensure that when critical limits for CCP(s) are exceeded (see 7.6.5), or there is a
loss of control of operational PRP(s), the products affected are identified and controlled with regard to
their use and release.
A documented procedure shall be established and maintained defining
a) the identification and assessment of affected end products to determine their proper handling (see
7.10.3), and
b) a review of the corrections carried out.
Products manufactured under conditions where critical limits have been exceeded are potentially unsafe
products and shall be handled in accordance with 7.10.3. Products manufactured under conditions


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

where operational PRP(s) have not been conformed with shall be evaluated with respect to the
cause(s) of the nonconformity and to the consequences thereof in terms of food safety and shall, where
necessary, be handled in accordance with 7.10.3. The evaluation shall be recorded.
All corrections shall be approved by the responsible person(s), and shall be recorded together with
information on the nature of the nonconformity, its cause(s) and consequence(s), including information
needed for traceability purposes related to the nonconforming lots.
7.10.2 Corrective actions
Data derived from the monitoring of operational PRPs and CCPs shall be evaluated by designated
person(s) with sufficient knowledge (see 6.2) and authority (see 5.4) to initiate corrective actions.
Corrective actions shall be initiated when critical limits are exceeded (see 7.6.5) or when there is a lack
of conformity with operational PRP(s).
The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures that specify appropriate actions
to identify and eliminate the cause of detected nonconformities, to prevent recurrence, and to bring the
process or system back into control after nonconformity is encountered. These actions include

reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints),

reviewing trends in monitoring results that may indicate development towards loss of control,
determining the cause(s) of nonconformities,
evaluating the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur,
determining and implementing the actions needed,
recording the results of corrective actions taken, and
reviewing corrective actions taken to ensure that they are effective.

Corrective actions shall be recorded.

7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products General
The organization shall handle nonconforming products by taking action(s) to prevent the nonconforming
product from entering the food chain unless it is possible to ensure that
a) the food safety hazard(s) of concern has(ve) been reduced to the defined acceptable levels,
b) the food safety hazard(s) of concern will be reduced to identified acceptable levels (see 7.4.2) prior
to entering into the food chain, or
c) the product still meets the defined acceptable level(s) of the food safety hazard(s) of concern despite
the nonconformity.
All lots of product that may have been affected by a nonconforming situation shall be held under control
of the organization until they have been evaluated.
If products that have left the control of the organization are subsequently determined to be unsafe, the
organization shall notify relevant interested parties and initiate a withdrawal (see 7.10.4).
NOTE The term withdrawal includes recall.

The controls and related responses and authorization for dealing with potentially unsafe products shall
be documented.

ISO 22000:2005 extracts, including terms and definitions

115 Evaluation for release

Each lot of product affected by the nonconformity shall only be released as safe when any of the
following conditions apply:
a) evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control measures have been
b) evidence shows that the combined effect of the control measures for that particular product
complies with the performance intended (i.e. identified acceptable levels as identified in accordance
with 7.4.2);
c) the results of sampling, analysis and/or other verification activities demonstrate that the affected lot
of product complies with the identified acceptable levels for the food safety hazard(s) concerned. Disposition of nonconforming products
Following evaluation, if the lot of product is not acceptable for release it shall be handled by one of the
following activities:
a) reprocessing or further processing within or outside the organization to ensure that the food safety
hazard is eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels;
b) destruction and/or disposal as waste.
7.10.4 Withdrawals
To enable and facilitate the complete and timely withdrawal of lots of end products which have been
identified as unsafe
a) top management shall appoint personnel having the authority to initiate a withdrawal and personnel
responsible for executing the withdrawal, and
b) the organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for
1) notification to relevant interested parties (e.g. statutory and regulatory authorities, customers and/
or consumers),
2) handling of withdrawn products as well as affected lots of the products still in stock, and
3) the sequence of actions to be taken.
Withdrawn products shall be secured or held under supervision until they are destroyed, used for
purposes other than originally intended, determined to be safe for the same (or other) intended use, or
reprocessed in a manner to ensure they become safe.
The cause, extent and result of a withdrawal shall be recorded and reported to top management as input
to the management review (see 5.8.2).
The organization shall verify and record the effectiveness of the withdrawal programme through the use
of appropriate techniques (e.g. mock withdrawal or practice withdrawal).


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Section 5
Other sources of information

Other sources of information


There is a huge amount of information available from both governmental and trade associations
to support organizations where they wish to have more detailed specific information on aspects of
managing food safety. A principal source of information is British Standards Institution which, in addition
to publishing the ISO 22000:2005 standard itself, also publishes a huge number of other standards used
extensively across the food industry. They also publish additional guidance in the area of which this
workbook is one example.



Good practice
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is an international body responsible for the development of a
range of international food codes and standards. The Codex Alimentarius, or the food code, has become
the global reference point for consumers, food producers and processors, national food control agencies
and the international food trade.
Standards and codes can be also downloaded from this site.
Internationally recognized science-based guidance on the microbiological safety of foods to inform
hazard analysis, risk assessment, control measures and critical limits for microbiological hazards:
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) is available from:


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Legislation and regulation
Copies of the regulations in pdf format can be accessed from the Food Standards Agencys (FSAs)
An electronic version of the EU Official Journal (where the adopted EU Regulations are published) can
be found on the European Union website
Key pieces of legislation that apply in the UK are:

The Food Safety Act 1990;

The Food Labelling Regulations 1996;
The Food Labelling (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2004;
The Food Labelling (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations 2005;
The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 (and equivalent for Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland);
EU Regulation No. 852/2004;
EU Regulation No. 178/2002;
EU Directive No. 2000/13/EC;
EU Directive No. 2003/89/EC;
EU Directive No. 2005/26/EC;
EU Regulation No 2073/2005 on The Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs.

In addition to the above, there are other specific regulations and industry guidance relating to particular
issues or specific product types.
A detailed list of the legislation applicable across the food industry can be found in the Food Law
Guide, published by the Food Standards Agency
Copies are obtainable from the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI).
You can access these from the OPSI website

Legislation and regulation


Background information
Background to the new legislation and copies of the EU texts can be found on the FSA website
Information for businesses and enforcement practitioners in the form of a Q&A on the new food
hygiene legislation can be accessed at
Other sources of information for small businesses from the government agencies:
The Small Business Service
Business Link
The statutory Food Law Code of Practice and accompanying Practice Guidance for England and for
Wales can be found respectively on the FSA website
foodlawcop/copengland and
Hard copies of the above documents can be obtained from the FSA on 020 7276 8455 or
020 7276 8454, or from FSA Wales on 029 2067 8902.
You may also wish to contact environmental/port health representative bodies.
Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services
tel: 020 7840 7200
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
tel: 020 7928 6006


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Chartered Institute for Environmental Health Cymru-Wales
tel: 01766 810081
Association of Port Health Authorities
tel: 08707 444505
The draft Code of Practice and Practice Guidance for Scotland can be found on the FSA website
Hard copies of the above documents can be obtained from Food Standards Agency Scotland on
01224 285118.
You may also wish to contact environmental health representative bodies.
Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland
tel: 0131 225 6999

Industry Organizations and Associations

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation
British Egg Industry Service
tel: 020 7808 9790
British Hospitality Association
tel: 0845 880 7744
British Institute of Innkeeping
tel: 01276 684449
British Meat Processors Association
tel: 020 7329 0776

Background information


British Poultry Council
tel: 020 7202 4760
British Retail Consortium
tel: 020 7854 8900
British Sandwich Association
Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association
tel: 01386 842000
Chilled Food Association
Farmers Union of Wales
Food and Drink Federation
tel: 020 7836 2460
Scottish Food and Drink Federation
tel: 0131 229 9415
Freight Transport Association
tel: 08717 112222
Hospital Caterers Association
Hotel & Catering International Management Association
tel: 020 8661 4900


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

Leatherhead Food International
tel: 01372 376761
Meat and Livestock Commission
tel: 01908 677577
National Association of Catering Butchers
Tel: 020 7248 1896
National Farmers Union
National Farmers Union of Scotland
National Farmers Union (Cymru)
National Pig Association
tel: 020 7331 7650
Nationwide Caterers Association
tel: 0871 504 1780
People1st, the Sector Skills Council (for hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism)
tel: 0870 060 2550
Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers
tel: 0845 458 2711
Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers

Background information


Sea Fish Industry Authority
tel: 01482 327837
Advice for caterers and consumers is provided on the FSAs websites and
If you wish to order any of the publications, please contact FSA Publications
tel: 0845 606 0667
minicom: 0845 606 0678
fax: 020 8867 3225

Other general sources of information

To locate your nearest Environmental Health Department please go to


ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Catering Industry

BIP 2078, Managing Food Safety the 22000 Way
BIP 2128, ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Manufacturing Industry
BIP 2129, ISO 22000 Food Safety: Guidance and Workbook for the Retail Industry
Codex Alimentarius: Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygiene
CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4 2003
ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems Requirements
ISO 14001:2004, Environmental management systems Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems Requirements for any organization in the food chain
ISO/TS 22004:2005, Food safety management systems Guidance on the application of ISO 22000:2005
OHSAS 18001:1999, Occupational health and safety management systems
PAS 99:2006, Specification of common management systems requirements as a framework for integration



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