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Midgard Basics

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Midgard Campaign

Progression rate : If a character is a Core Class, Base Class or one approved by the DM and a single class then
your table is the Fast table. If you are a Gestalt (Core or Base class) , Psionic, or Hybrid class you are on the Medium
table. If you are a Godling, Paladin, or Gestalt (Hybrid or specific third party classes) you are on the Slow table.
Gestalt Rules: You may feel free to Gestalt allowed classes with the following considerations :

If you are an Arcane Caster and wear armor you have an Arcane % failure unless a class that
negates this (ex Magus).
Gain the best saving throw bonuses table, not the best of Fortitude, Reflex, Willpower.
The best BaB, weapons, and armor.
Average out the HD of the 2 classes (ex Fighter d10 and Wizard d6 equals an average of d8).
The worst Skill points of the classes, as you are splitting your focus from one class into a
melded combination (remember that everyone gets +2 skill points per level).

Social Status : The family you are born into plays a great deal into how you are equipped and what you have
for starting wealth. The Base Starting Wealth is 2d4x10 GP for all classes. Any starting items you gain are considered
heirlooms which may be sold for value (if desired). Reputation and Infamy play a great deal into how well recevied
you will be when you wish to buy/trade/barter in your area that you are known in. The base rate is 0 midified by
race, Charisma, sex, and your reputation.
Starting equipment : Your ability to purchase goods is based on the availability of it in said region. Example :
if Fred wishes to by Plate Mail in the desert, he will be hard pressed to find it. He will be able to find light armor at a discount and
medium at cost (base rate applies). With that being said if long bows aren available in your area then there is only a %
chance of them being there at base Masterwork price.
Skills : All characters will gain +2 skill points, regardless of class for determining skills. These may be
assinged to any skill. The only way to gain additional languages is if you are trained in Linguistics and spend the
following :
2 pts Basic
3 pts Fluent
+2 points to read/ write
Languages :
1.Trade Tongue: The most common language in the Crossroads and the Seven Cities. All characters speak it.
2. Aklo: The language of derro, aboleth, linnorms, neothelids, gibbering mouthers, and other creatures of the underworld.
Rarely heard on the surface.
3. Ankeshelian: A dead human language, more than 3,000 years old, whose runes and glyphs are still used in magical
writing today. Those who speak it can use read magic 1/day.
4. Caelmaran: A very rare language, a human dialect of Infernal. Still spoken by the Master of Demon Mountain and a
few wizards. Grants a +2 to Diplomacy with devils and demons 1/day.
5. Darakhul: The language of the Ghoul imperium, also called Ghoulish, Charuns Tongue, or Undercommon, is an
offshoot of the Trade Tongue and can be understood with a 4 penalty to a Language check. It is widely spoken in Morgau
and Doresh and by vampires, thus serves as the common tongue of the undead. Those who speak it gain a +2 bonus to
Diplomacy with undead 1/day.
6. Draconic, or Mharoti: The language of drakes, dragons, dragonkin in the Mharoti Empire. Rarely spoken by non-scaly
races. +2 to Diplomacy with scaly creatures 1/day.
7. Druidic: A degenerate form of Elvish mixed with the Trade Tongue. Rarely used outside religious ceremonies. Druidic
can be spoken even when in animal form.
8. Dwarvish: One of the first languages, widely spoken in the Northlands, Krakova, and the Ironcrag cantons. Older
documents are written in a slightly different script called Anvil Dwarvish and can be difficult to decipher (typically a DC
15 Intelligence check).
9. Elemental: The language of elemental creatures of fire, water, air, and earth. Related to Draconic.
10. Enochian: The language of the Celestial Sphere, spoken in Ishadia and among the Seven Heavens. Sometimes called I
11. Elvish: The language of the Elflands, the River Court, the Grand Duchys Court, and elsewhere. Remarkably unchanged
over the past 2,000 years. Documents in the precursor language, Old Elvish (also called Thornish), can still be read with a
Language check at a 2 penalty.

12. Gnomish: A dialect of Elvish, with many words borrowed from Infernal. Those who speak it gain a +1 to the DC of their
illusions or enchantment spells 1/day.
13. Huginns Speech: The language of the tengu. Remarkably constant in the North among the huginn and in the South
among the heru. Sometimes used as a thieves cant.
14. Illyrian: An archaic language, rarely used outside the court of Illyria and among nobles. Those who speak it gain a +2
to Diplomacy in Illyria and the Seven Cities 1/day.
15. Infernal: A planar language spoken by demons and devils.
16. Kariv: A dialect of the Trade Tongue, with many borrowed words and bits of cant. Those who speak it gain a +2 to
Diplomacy with gypsies 1/day.
17. Khandirian: A human dialect related to Enochian, and spoken in the East.
18. Khazzaki: An argot of eastern tongues, spoken only among the nomads.
19. Kobold: Technically a dialect of Draconic, though most dragons and drakes pretend not to understand it.
20. Minotaur, or Rue-Thothka: The language of the minotaurs is complex and resonant, and especially favored in the
South. Its tones are guttural and dangerous sounding. Those who speak it gain a +1 to an Intimidate check 1/day.
21. Morphoi: The language of the Western Ocean and most aquatic races.
22. Northern Tongue: Also called the Rune Tongue or Giantish. A human language deeply related to Dwarvish and
sharing many loan words.
23. Nurian, or the Southern Tongue: A human corruption of Enochian, the divine language, and closely related to
Ishadian, a dialect of Enochian. A great deal of ritual magic is written in Nurian.
24. Umbral: The language of the shadow elves, a corrupted dialect of Elvish. Those who speak it gain +1 to a Stealth check
25. Vosghaen: An ancient human tongue, related to Ankeshelian. Speakers of Vosghaen are often wizards and masters of
glyph magic.
26. Whisperium: A silent language common among gnomes and diabolists. If you know Whisperium and have the Silent
Spell feat, you may prepare or spontaneously cast a silenced spell without the normal corresponding level adjustment,

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