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President Advisors Role Play 16

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President and Advisors Role Play

AP Gov

In this activity, you will simulate the Presidential staffs reaction and decision-making process
regarding a crisis situation. Each student will choose a role recommend a course of action decisions
based on that role. First, read the scenario together as a group. Then, on a sheet of notebook paper,
write your period, group number, who is playing each role, and your course of action. You may be
asked to present briefly to the rest of the class, time permitting. Choose a scribe to take notes of
your discussion, specifically detailing the recommendations of each of the advisors and your teams
Action Plan. Your group will turn in your notes at the end of class. You may research the roles in your
group to get a better idea of what they do in addition to using the notes from class as a reference.
Group #1
Advisors from the National Security Council have reported a massive explosion in Russia that appears
to be located near a former USSR missile silo. Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared publicly
that the situation was created by a fire from an oil refinery, and he denies any possibility of a nuclear
threat. What course of action should the President take in this situation?
1. President
2. National Security Advisor
3. Secretary of State

4. Secretary of Defense
5. Director of the CIA

Group #2
An escalating global financial crisis threatens to throw the United States into severe recession. On
Wall Street stocks of even blue chip companies are in freefall, a number of banks and financial
institutions are on the verge of collapse, the automobile industry is in peril, and the real estate
market is at near record lows with thousands of homes in foreclosure. What course of action should
the President and his administration take to address this economic crisis?
1. President
2. Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors
Management &
3. Director of the National Economic Council

4. Secretary of the Treasury

5. Director of the Office of

Group #3
In Walden, Colorado, home of the National Christmas tree, townspeople are upset because the
government is proposing to raise its environmental standards in that area: significantly decrease the
numbers of trees loggers can cut from the national forest. This policy may put the local logging
company and mill in Walden out of business, with hundreds of jobs lost. In addition, many people in
this part of Colorado have missed out on the fortunes of the Goldie Locks economy of the late
1990s. The people of Walden say they give to Washington each year a beautiful Christmas tree; now
it's time for Washington to give back to them. What should the President do?
1. Secretary of Energy
2. Secretary of Interior
3. Secretary of Labor

4. Chief of Staff
5. President

Revised 12/13/2016

Group #4
In an effort to raise oil prices, OPEC decided to cut oil production output this past spring, thus causing
a significant decrease in oil supply in the United States. Oil prices in the United States have hit their
highest levels since the Persian Gulf War. Heading in to what experts expect to be a harsh winter,
one barrel of oil costs $140, while the price at the pump for a gallon of regular gasoline ranges from
$3.75 to $4.50 per gallon across the country. American oil companies like Exxon and Shell are
currently experiencing record profits. In addition, American automakers have failed to produce fuel
efficient vehicles. Also, many leaders in Congress are encouraging the President to delve into the oil
reserves even further to help Americans combat high oil costs this winter. What course of action
should the President and his administration take?
1. Secretary of Energy
2. Secretary of State
3. Secretary of the Interior

4. Chief of Staff
5. President

Group #5
The Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia has become an international crisis with fears
of the disease spreading beyond those borders. A group of seven doctors from Doctors Without
Borders returned back to America from Sierra Leone and none of them showed any symptoms of
Ebola the first week. Seven days after their return however, one doctor began to show symptoms,
the next day another doctor, and the next a third doctor. These seven doctors are scattered through
the US in seven different cities. What course of action should the President take in regards to
protocols for responding to Ebola in these seven cities, and also, in regards to other aid workers who
return from countries with a widespread outbreak?
1. President
4. Chief of Staff
2. Surgeon General
5. Secretary of Transportation
3. Secretary of Health and Human Services
Group #6
Michael Brown, a young African American man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a police officer in
Ferguson, MO. This incident sparked ongoing protests and civil unrest in Ferguson. The grand jury
decided not to indict the police officer and did not charge him with the murder of Michael Brown.
Riots then break out in several major US cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
Governors in the affected states call out the national Guard and several have requested assistance
from the federal government to respond to those riots. What course of action should the President
and his administration take?
1. President
2. Secretary of Defense
3. Attorney General

4. Chief of Staff
5. Director of the FBI

Revised 12/13/2016

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