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Social Cognitive Theory and Individual Reactions To Computing Technology: A Longitudinal Study

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Higgins, & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory


RE s i A i u n




Deborah Compeau
Faculty of Management
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Christopher A. Higgins
Ivey School of Business
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
Sid Huff
tvey School of Business
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 3K7

A model, based on Bandura's Social Cognitive
Theory, was developed to test the influence of
computer self-efficacy, outcome expectations,
affect, and anxiety on computer usage. The
model was tested using longitudinal data gathered from 394 end users over a one-year interval.
Significant relationships were found betv^^een

'Robert Zmud was the accepting senior editor for this


computer self-efficacy and outcome expectations, and between self-efficacy and affect and
anxiety and use. Performance outcomes were
found to influence affect and use, while affect
was significantly related to use. Overall, the findings provide strong confirmation that both selfefficacy and outcome expectations impact on an
individual's affective and behavioral reactions to
information technology.
Keywords: IS usage, self-efficacy, causal models,
ISRL Categories: AP, GB02, GB03

The study of individual reactions to computing
technology has been an important topic in recent
information systems research. Many authors have
studied different aspects of the phenomenon,
from a variety of theoretical perspectives, including Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) (e.g.,
Compeau and Meister 1997; Moore and
Benbasat 1991), the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) (e.g., Davis et al. 1989; Venkatesh
and Davis 1996), the Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) (e.g., Mathieson 1991; Taylor and Todd,
1995), and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) (e.g.,
Compeau and Higgins 1995a, 1995b; Hill et al.
1986, 1987). This research has produced useful
insights into the cognitive, affective, and behavioral reactions of individuals to technology, and
into the factors which influence these reactions.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2. pp. 145-158/June 1999 145

Compeau, Higgins. & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

In each of the theories noted above, behavior

(e.g., the use of computers) is viewed as the result
of a set of beliefs about technology and a set of
affective responses to the behavior. The beliefs
are represented by the perceived characteristics
of innovating in innovation diffusion research, by
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use
in TAM, by behavioral beliefs and outcome evaluations in TPB, and by outcome expectations in
SCT. They have been referred to as the net benefits (realized or expected) accruing from use of
the system (Seddon 1997). Affective responses
are typically measured by attitudes toward use,
an individual's evaluation of the behavior as
either positive or negative. These commonalities
in the models reflect a belief in the cognitive
basis of behavior.
However, while the TAM and DOI perspectives
focus almost exclusively on beliefs about the
technology and the outcomes of using it, SCT
and TPB include other beliefs that might influence behavior, independent of perceived outcomes. The TPB model incorporates the notion
of perceived behavioral control as an independent influence on behavior, recognizing that
there are circumstances in which a behavior
might be expected to result in positive consequences (or net benefits), yet not be undertaken
due to a perceived lack of ability to control the
execution of the behavior. Perceived behavioral
control encompasses perceptions of resource and
technology facilitating conditions, similar to
those measured by Thompson et al. (1991), as
well as perceptions of ability, or self-efficacy
(Taylor and Todd 1995). SCT gives prominence to
the concept of self-efficacydefined as beliefs
about one's ability to perform a specific behavior^recognizing that our expectations of positive outcomes of a behavior will be meaningless
if we doubt our capability to successfully execute
the behavior in the first place. IS research has
demonstrated a strong link between self-efficacy
and individual reactions to computing technology, both in terms of adoption and use of computers (Compeau and Higgins 1995b; Hill et al.
1986, 1987; Taylor and Todd 1995), and in terms
of learning to use computers and computer software (Compeau and Higgins 1995a; Cist et al.
1989; Webster and Martocchio 1993). Our
beliefs about our capabilities to use technology
successfully are related to our decisions about


MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/Jurie 1999

whether and how much to use technology, and

the degree to which we are able to learn from
The addition of perceived behavioral control and
self-efficacy beliefs to our models of individual
adoption and use of technology is critical to the
recognition that adoption is not just about convincing people of the benefits to be derived from
a technology (selling the technology). It must also
be about coaching, teaching, and encouraging
individuals to ensure that they have the requisite
skills and confidence in their skills to be successful in their use.
A second difference between the theories of
individual adoption and use is also relevant for
this study: the differences in their causal structures. Most of the perspectives (TAM, TPB, DOI)
view the causal relationships as essentially unidirectional, with the environment influencing
cognitive beliefs, which influence attitudes and
behaviors. SCT, in contrast, explicitly acknowledges the existence of a continuous reciprocal
interaction between the environment in which
an individual operates, his or her cognitive perceptions (self-efficacy and outcome expectations), and behavior (Bandura 1986). Thus, selfefficacy is viewed in SCT as an antecedent to
use, but successful interactions with technology
(e.g., enactive mastery) are also viewed as influences on self-efficacy. The same is true for emotional responses, such as affect and anxiety,
which are both influenced by self-efficacy and
also sources of information on which self-efficacy judgments are based. Thus, an individual
judgment of self-efficacy, measured at one point
in time, can be viewed as both a cause and an
The implication of this difference in causal
sequencing is twofold. First, it allows for a richer understanding of how capability and confidence develop over time. Recognizing the
potential for positive and negative spirals of selfefficacy and usage (Lindsley et al. 1995) that
result from the reciprocal interactions is an
important step to being able to successfully
manage the development process. Of more
immediate and pragmatic concern for tbis study
is the fact that the reciprocal nature of the relationships between self-efficacy and outcome
expectations, and affect, anxiety, and usage.

Compeau, Higgins. & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

makes drawing causal conclusions more difficult. In any research, without longitudinal separation of hypothesized causes from effects, it is
difficult to draw conclusions about the causal
implications of the relationships observed
(Vitalari 1991). Given the reciprocal relationships posed by Social Cognitive Theory, this
problem is magnified.
Thus, the current study tests a model of individual reactions to computing technology in a longitudinal context. This allows us to make stronger
causal arguments regarding the observed relationships, even given the complex theoretical
context from which the model is derived.
Moreover, studying the effects of self-efficacy
and outcome expectations over time allows us to
understand whether their influences are relatively short in duration or whether they are more
enduring. This evidence will help in building
programs (training, support, etc.) and managing
implementation based on these factors.

Research Model and

Hypotheses ^ ^ ^ ^ H
The research model used to guide the study is
shown in Figure 1. This model is a subset of the
one first tested by Compeau and Higgins
{1995b). The model identifies the linkages
between cognitive factors {self-efficacy, performance-related outcome expectations, and personal outcome expectations), affective factors
(affect and anxiety), and usage.
The constructs are defined as follows. Self-efficacy reflects an individual's beliefs about his or her
capabilities to use computers. Outcome expectations, defined as the perceived likely consequences of using computers, has two dimensions. Performance-related outcomes are those
associated with improvements in job performance
(efficiency and effectiveness) associated with
using computers. Personal outcome expectations




Figure 1. Research Model

MIS Quarterty Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999 147

Compeau, Higgins, & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

relate to expectations of change in image or status or to expectations of rewards, such as promotions, raises, or praise. Affect and anxiety represent the affective responses of individuals
toward using computers. Affect represents the
positive sidethe enjoyment a person derives
from using computerswhile anxiety represents
the negative sidethe feelings of apprehension
or anxiety that one experiences when using computers. Use represents the degree of use of computers at work and at home.

The hypotheses tested are those originally proposed by Compeau and Higgins (1995b). These
are outlined in Table 1. According to the model,
self-efficacy influences both personal and performance-related outcome expectations (HI and
H2), since it is often difficult for individuals to
separate the anticipated consequences of the
behavior from their expectations of performance
attainments (Bandura 1986). That is, if I believe I
will be able to use a computer with great skill, I
am more likely to expect positive outcomes from

Table 1. Hypotheses to be Tested













The higher the individual's computer selfefficacy, the higher his/her performancerelated outcome expectations.
The higher the individual's computer selfefficacy, the higher his/her personal
outcome expectations.
The higher the individual's computer selfefficacy, the higher his/her affect
(or liking) of computer use.
The higher the individual's computer selfefficacy, the lower his/her computer
The higher the individual's computer selfefficacy, the higher his/her use cf
The higher the individual's performancerelated outcome expectations, the higher
his/her affect (or liking) for the behavior.
The higher the individual's personal
cutccme expectations, the higher his/her
affect (or liking) for the behavior.
The higher the individual's performancerelated outcome expectations, the higher
his/her use of computers.
The higher the individual's personal
outcome expectations, the higher
his/her use of computers.
The higher the individual's affect fcr
computer use, the higher his/her use
of computers.
The higher the individual's computer
anxiety, the lower his/her use of

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999

Supporting References
Bandura et al.
Compeau and
Bandura et al.
Ccmpeau and
Bandura et al.
Compeau and

1977; Betz and Hackett 1981;

Higgins 1995b; Stumpf et al.
1977; Betz and Hackett 1981;
Higgins 1995b; Stumpf et al.
1977; Betz and Hackett 1981;
Higgins 1995b; Stumpf et al.

Betz and Hackett 1981; Bandura et al. 1977;

Compeau and Higgins 1995b; Stumpf et al.
Burkhardt and Brass 1990; Compeau and
Higgins 1995a Hill et al. 1987
Bandura 1986

Bandura 1986

Compeau and Higgins 1995b;

Davis et al, 1989; Hili et al. 1987;
Thompson et a 1. 1991
Compeau and Higgins 1995b; Davis et al.
1989; Hill eta! 1987; Thompson etal. 1991
Bandura 1986; Compeau and Higgins
1995b; Engleetal. 1986
Compeau and Higgins 1995b; Igbaria
et al. 1989; Webster et al. 1990

Compeau, Higgins. & Hutf/Social Cognitive Theory

my computer use than if I doubt my capabilities.

Similarly, I am more likely to derive enjoyment
(H3) and less likely to experience anxiety (H4)
from activities that I feel confident in performing,
since feelings of confidence influence emotional
Outcome expectations (professional and personal) are expected to influence affect {H6 and H7)
and usage (H8 and H9). Such effects are central
to both Social Cognitive Theory and to other theories of individual adoption. Finally, affect and
anxiety are each expected to influence usage
(HIO and H l l ) , since individuals will tend seek
out activities they enjoy and avoid those that are
anxiety producing.
To establish the temporal sequencing of the
model as presented in Figure 1, self-efficacy and
outcome expectations are measured at one point
in time while affect, anxiety, and usage are measured one year later.
It should be noted that the decision to focus on
self-efficacy and outcome expectations as independent and affect anxiety and usage as dependent variables does not mean that the reverse
paths {e.g., usage to self-efficacy) are not of interest. We have chosen to focus on these relationships as a first step. Once the role of self-efficacy
and outcome expectations has been established,
the factors that influence the formation of these
variables can be examined. This work, however,
is beyond the scope of the current study.

Pretest and pilot studies of the survey instrument
were conducted prior to the initial data collection phase and are reported elsewhere (Compeau
and Higgins 1995b). The survey design and data
collection procedures were those recommended
by Dillman {1978).
Data were collected at two points in time. The
first survey was senl to 2,000 randomly selected
subscribers to a Canadian business periodical.
The response rate was 53.4%. One year later, the
same survey was sent to those who responded to

the first survey. The response rate for the second

survey was 67%.
Respondents were identified in both phases of
the research by a unique number and matched
across time periods.^ The final sample consisted
of 394 matched responses. A summary of the
demographic characteristics is shown in Table 2.
In order to assess non-response bias in the second survey, a comparison of demographics
reported in the time 1 survey for time 2 respondents and non-respondents was undertaken. The
comparisons revealed no significant differences
for functional area and organizational level, but
significant differences for gender (p < .035), age
{p < .04), educational level {p < .003), and educational background {p < .02). Women made up
16% of the first survey and 14% of the second
survey. The respondents to the second survey
were slightly younger, had attained higher educational levels,^ and were slightly more concentrated in business and science than the respondents to the first survey. The differences are small
(2% to 3% changes at most), and the responses
give no indication of why they occurred; it may
represent nothing more than random fluctuation.
Nevertheless, it does imply a degree of nonresponse bias in the second survey.

Time 1
Computer self-efficacy was measured by the 10Item instrument developed by Compeau and
Higgins (1995b). Outcome expectations were
measured by 11 items developed by Compeau
and Higgins (1995b). Six items relate to performance outcomes, and five items relate to personal outcomes (Table 3 shows the measures for
each of the constructs).
^Analysis of Ihe matching was also conducted by comparing age, gender, and educational background
across the two surveys. Any inconsistent matches were
removed from the final sample.
'Note that this analysis did not compare reported educational level at time 1 with educational level at time
2 (where a difference could reflect maturation in the
sample). The comparison was made on the time 1
demographic data for respondents who completed
only the time 1 survey and those who completed both
the time 1 and time 2 surveys.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999 149

Compeau, Higgins, & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of the Sample (Demographics Drawn From

Second Survey)
Demographic Variable

Sample Composition


Mean = 41 years; std. dev. = 9,2; range 22-64




General Management
Information Systems
Human Resources
0th er^


Middle Management
First Line Management


Graduate Degree
Some Graduate Work
University or College Degree
Some University or College
Secondary School or Less


Social Science


Functional Areas Represented

Organizational Levels Represented

Highest Educationai Level Attained

Educational Background






^This response typically represented consultants or independant practitioners.

Time 2
Affect was measured by five items, drawn from
the Computer Attitude Scale (Loyd and Cressard
1984). Anxiety was measured by four items" from
the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (Heinssen et
al. 1987). These four items were found in the initial survey to best capture the feelings of anxiety
associated with computer use (Compeau and
Higgins 1995b). Computer use was measured by
four items, reflecting the duration and frequency
of use of computers at work, and the duration of
computer use at home on weekdays and week-

ends. Frequency of use at work was measured on

a six point scale ranging from less than once per
month to several times per day. Duration of use
at work was measured in hours per day on a typical day, and was coded into four categories (less
than 30 minutes, 30 minutes to two hours, two to
four hours, and more than four hours). Duration
of use at home was also measured in hours and
was coded into categories (not at all, up to one
hour, one to two hours, more than two hours).

^These four items were used in the assessment of the

final model by Compeau and Higgins (1995b).

Assessment of the research model was conducted using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Version

150 MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999

Data Analysis

Compeau, Higgins. & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

Table 3. Individual Item Loadings




SE 10


. . . if there was no one around to tell me what to do as 1 go
. . . if I had never used a package like it before
. . . if 1 had only the software manuals for reference
. . . if 1 had seen someone eise using it before trying it myself
, , . if I could call someone for help if 1 got stuck
, , . if someone else had helped me get started
. . if 1 had a lot of time to complete the job for which the software
was provided
. . . if 1 had just the built-in help facility for assistance
. . . if someone showed me how to do it first
. . if 1 had used similar packages before this one to do the same job


, , . 1 will be better organized
. . . 1 will increase my effectiveness on the job
. , . 1 will spend less time on routine job tasks
. . . 1 will increase the quality of output of my job
. . . 1 will increase the quantity of output for the same amount of effort
. . . 1 will be less reliant on clerical support staff


. . . My co-workers will perceive me as competent

. , . 1 will increase my sense cf accomplishment
- . . 1 will increase my chances of obtaining a promotion
. . . 1 will be seen as higher in status by my peers
. . . 1 will increase my chances of getting a raise


1 like working with computers

1 look forward to those aspects of my jcb that require me to use a
Once 1 start wcrking on the computer, 1 find it hard to stop
Using a computer is frustrating for me (R)
1 get bored quickly when working on a computer (R)


SE 1


Out. 1
Out. 2
Out, 3
Out. 4
Out. 5
Out. 6

Pers. Out.
Pers. Out,
Pers. Out.
Pers. Out.
Pers. Out.
Affect 1
Affect 2
Affect 3
Affect 4
Affect 5
Anxiety 1
Anxiety 2




Anxiety 3
Anxiety 4

1 feel apprehensive about using computers

It scares me to think that 1 could cause the computer to destroy a large
amount of information by hitting the wrong key
1 hesitate to use a computer for fear of making mistakes 1 cannot correct
Computers are somewhat intimidating to me


Erequency of use at work

Duration of use at work
Duration of use at home on weekdays
Duration of use at home on weekends




n = 394 (Chin and Fry 1995), a regressionbased technique that can analyze structural models with multiple-item constructs and direct and

indirect paths. PLS produces loadings between

items and constructs (similar to principal components analysis) and standardized regression

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999 151

Compeau. Hlggins. & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

Table 4. Reliability and Discriminant Validity Coefficients









Performance. Out- Exp.
Personal Out. Exp,









lOR = Internal Oonsistency Reliability.

Diagonal elements (shaded) are the square root of the variance shared between the constructs
and their measures. Off diagonal elements are the correlations among constructs. For
discriminant validity, diagonal elements should be larger than off-diagonal elements.
coefficients between constructs.^ R^ values for
dependent constructs are also produced. PLS was
preferred to LISREL for this study since the interest in this study was to assess the predictive validity of self-efficacy and outcome expectations
measured separately from affective and behavioral responses, making a focus on the paths
rather than the model appropriate. In addition,
PLS does not require distributional assumptions
regarding the underlying data, and tests of univariate normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test)
showed that none of the manifest variables in this
study was normally distributed (all p < 0.001).^
The measurement model in PLS is assessed in
terms of item loadings, internal consistency, and
discriminant validity. Individual item loadings
and Internal consistencies greater than 0.7 are
considered adequate (Fornell and Larcker 1981).
For discriminant validity, items should load more
strongly on their own construct than on other
constructs in the model, and the average variance shared between each construct and its measures should be greater than the variance shared
between the construct and other constructs.
The structural model and hypotheses are tested
by examining the path coefficients (which are
standardized betas). In addition to the individual
'''\n the model tested here, as in Compeau and Higgins
(1995b), all of the constructs were modeled as reflective. That is, the manifest variables were viewed as
reflections of the underlying construct rather than as
an index.
'Inspection of the histograms showed that most of the
items were negatively skewed


MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999

path tests, the explained variance in the dependent constructs is assessed as an indication of the
overall predictive strength of the model.

Measurement Model
Individual item loadings (Table 3) for the computer self-efficacy and anxiety constructs were all
above 0.70. While each of the other constructs
showed some weak (< 0.70) loadings, the internal consistency reliabilities were all greater than
0.7 (see Table 4) so no items were dropped. This
allowed consistency with the measures used in
the previous study (Compeau and Higgins
1995b). Further examination of Table 4 shows
that all constructs were more strongly correlated
with their own measures than they were with any
of the other constructs; thus, discriminant validity was observed.

Structural Model
The path coefficients from the PLS analysis are
shown in Figure 2. Consistent with recommended procedures (Barclay et al. 1995), jackknifing
was used to generate standard errors and t-statistics. A jackknife size of 10, yielding 39 sub-samples, was used.
Hypotheses 1 through 5 were supported. Self-efficacy was shown to exert a significant positive
influence on both perform a nee-related (HI) and
personal (H2) outcome expectations, a significant

Compeau. Higgins. S Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

= 32.2%


= 9.4%

= 28.7%

= 4,6%
* p < .05

** p < .01

= 34.3%
*** p < .001 (based on t,3R,, two-tailed test)

Figure 2. Results
positive influence on affect (H3), a significant
negative influence on anxiety (H4), and a significant positive influence on use (H5).
Hypotheses 6 and 7 were also supported; performance outcome expectations exerted a significant positive influence on both affect (H6) and
use (H7). Hypothesis 8, which posited a significant relationship between personal outcome
expectations and affect, was not supported. With
respect to hypothesis 9, a significant relationship
betvi'een personal outcome expectations and use
was observed, but this relationship was negative,
contrary to the hypothesized relation.
Affect for computer use was found to exert a significant positive influence on usage (H10).
Hypothesis 11 was not supported. The path from
anxiety to use was not significant.
Figure 2 also shows the explained variance for
each of the constructs in the model.
Approximately 34% of the variance in usage is

explained by the model. This is consistent with

other research in the area (e.g., Davis et al. 1989;
Igbaria 1990; Thompson et al. 1991). It is also
slightly higher than the 32% explained variance
obtained by Compeau and Higgins (1995b).

The results of this study confirm many of the
results of the earlier cross-sectional study
(Compeau and Higgins 1995b), and strengthen
the findings by showing the continuing predictive capability of self-efficacy and performancerelated outcome expectations, even when measured one year prior to affective and behavioral
responses. Self-efficacy is a strong and significant
predictor of affect, anxiety, and use one year
later. When both the direct and indirect effects
are taken into account, self-efficacy explains a

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999 1 S3

Compeau, Higgins. & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

total of 18% of the variance in an individual's

usage (total effect = 0.43).

study's limitations should be borne in mind. The

primary limitation relates to the Issue of panel
attrition and the possibility of non-response bias.
It has been noted that attrition bias was evident
in the second survey. While the response rates to
the individual surveys were both above 50%, the
net sample (after matching) represents only 20%
of the initial sampling frame. Furthermore, there
were significant (though small) demographic differences between respondents and non-respondents to the second survey. Women, older people, those with lower educational levels, and
those with educational backgrounds In arts and
social sciences were somewhat less likely to
respond to the follow-up survey. These findings
are consistent (with the exception of gender) with
findings on response rates to mail surveys in general (Ratneshwar and Stewart 1989). Women
have been identified as more likely to respond to
surveys (Manser et al. 1990). There are many
potential reasons for non-response, ranging from
difficulty in contacting respondents,' to differences in personality characteristics, such as
(Rosenthal and Rosnow 1969), to differences in
personal interest in the phenomenon. Without
further data on survey delivery or follow-up with
non-respondents, it is not possible to isolate the
importance of specific reasons in this study.
However, the differential response rate does
mean that the generaiizability of the results may
be in question.

Personal outcome expectations, on the other

hand, appear to have little impact. Personal outcome expectations had no effect on affect (^ =
0.03 n.s.) and a small, but negative effect on
usage {p = -O.TO p < .05), This is somevi-hat consistent with Compeau and Higgins (1995b),
although the negative finding is somewhat surprising. Research on users' expectations of technology (e.g., Ginzberg 1981; Marcolin 1994)
provides a partial explanation for these findings.
Expectation research finds that users who have
unrealistic expectations of the benefits of technology tend to be less satisfied and ultimately use
the technology less than those with more realistic assessments. If one examines the items used
to measure personal outcome expectations (I will
get a raise or promotion; I will gain in status or
perceived competence), it may well be that these
expectations represent more unrealistic expectations. After all, as technology becomes more pervasive in organizations, it becomes a necessary
skill, but perhaps also one that is not sufficient for
future reward. Thus, those people at time 1 who
believed they would gain in such rewards by
virtue of using technology had, by time 2,
become disillusioned with the technology and
were using it less. This explains the negative relationship between personal outcome expectations
and usage. However, it should be noted that the
correlation between personal outcome expectations and usage is actually positive (r = 0.15); it is
only the direct effect of personal outcome expectations on use, taking into account all other paths
in the model, that is negative. Thus, in the
absence of other information, the prediction is
that those people with higher perceptions of the
personal benefits of information technology will
use it more. However, when other kinds of
expectations (those about self-efficacy and the
performance-related benefits of technology) are
factored in, the net contribution of these personal outcome expectations is negative. We must,
therefore, be extremely careful in assessing the
relationship between such expected benefits and
behavior as their predictive capacity changes
depending on the other information available.

The second limitation relates to what was not

tested in this study. None of the analyses presented here attempts to predict changes in
behavior. To fully establish a causal relationship,
such a test must be carried out. For example, to
show conclusively the impact of self-efficacy on
usage behavior, it would be necessary to induce
a change in an individual's self-efficacy perception, and then observe whether this change in
self-efficacy resulted in a commensurate change
in behavior, while controlling for other influences on usage (such as technical constraints,
task requirements, etc.). This particular aspect of
the data was not examined because the data do
not lend themselves well to an assessment of

The results of this study are strengthened by the

longitudinal nature of the data. Nevertheless, the

'Because the addresses were one year out of date at the

time of the second survey, many non-respondents may
simply have not received the questionnaire.


MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999

Compeau, Higgins, & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

change. The interval between measurements is

long (12 months), and none of the measurements
specifically addressed the factors that lead to
change. For example, change in usage would be
expected to occur if an organization adopted a
new system, for example, or embarked on a
major campaign to promote increased use. Such
issues were not addressed in this study, and thus,
it is not possible to attribute changes in behavior
to self-efficacy since alternative explanations
cannot be ruled out.
Despite the limitations, the findings of this study
bave several implications for managers. First,
they remind us that low self-efficacy, if not managed, will pervade an individual's behavior to a
significant extent over a prolonged period of
time. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that the
relationship is one of spiraling significance
(Lindsley et al. 1995), where low self-efficacy
leads to low performance, which leads to even
lower estimations of self-efficacy and so on.
Second, if successful use requires users who are
confident in their ability to use available technologies, training programs and other support
mechanisms to increase self-efficacy may need
to be undertaken. Since computer training has
been found to represent an important means of
increasing self-efficacy (Compeau and Higgins
1995a; Cist etal. 1989; Webster and Martoccbio
1993), this does not represent a new requirement, but rather provides additional evidence for
the arguments in favor of investing in computer
training. More broadly, given the enduring effects
observed here, we believe that investments, during the implementation of new technologies, in
activities which may influence individuals' selfefficacy and outcome expectations will pay off
both in the short and longer terms.
Finally, the results also tend to contradict the
belief that low self-efficacy is a time-limited phenomenon. As technology is adopted in all
aspects of our work and personal lives, tbere are
those who predict that concerns over low selfefficacy will simply vanish as we gain experience, The results of this study show that self-efficacy continues to predict use, even over a
lengthy time period. Moreover, when we examine research from the domain of psychology,
where self-efficacy is shown to vary across the
entire range of human functioning (including

supervisory skill (Latham and Saari 19791, attendance behavior IFrayne and Latham 1987|,
mathematics skill ISchunk 1981], and academic
productivity (Taylor et al. 19891), it becomes evident that self-efficacy with respect to information
technology use will continue to be a factor in our
choices about what technologies to adopt, how
much to use them {if we have that choice), and
how much to persist in the face of obstacles to
successful use of such technologies.
For researchers, the findings of the longitudinal
extension of Compeau and Higgins (1995b) provide evidence of the robustness of tbe Social
Cognitive Theory model of individual reactions
to computing technology, at least in part. Civen
tbe similarities between the Social Cognitive
Theory model and other models of technology
adoption and use discussed earlier, it is reasonable to extend this conclusion, albeit with some
caution, to these other models. Outcome expectations, measured in this study, are similar to the
concepts of perceived usefulness (Davis 1989),
relative advantage and image (Compeau and
Meister 1997; Moore and Benbasat 1991) and
behavioral beliefs (Mathieson 1991; Taylor and
Todd 1995). Thus, the findings that performancerelated outcome expectations at one point in
time predict affect and use one year later can reasonably be extended to these closely related constructs. It would appear that cognitively based
models of Eecbnology use evidence predictive
validity, even over time separations of one year.

A ckno wiedgements
This research was supported by a grant from the
Social Science and Humanities Research Council
of Canada (ref # 410-92-1526).

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About the Authors

Deborah Compeau is an associate professor of
information systems in the Faculty of Management at the University of Calgary. Previously
she was a member of the faculty at Carleton
University. She received her Ph.D. from the
Richard Ivcy School of Business, The University of
Western Ontario in 1992. Her research focuses on
individual reactions to computing technology,
including the diffusion of IT innovations at the
individual level, end-user competence, and enduser training and learning. She has published
papers In a variety of journals, including MIS
Quarterly and Information Systems Research, and
was co-editor of a special issue on end-user training and learning in Communications of the ACM.
She is an associate editor of MIS Quarterly and a
member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of
Global Information Management.
Christopher A. Higgins is a professor in the
Management Science and Information Systems
group at the Richard Ivey School of Business, The
University of Western Ontario. He holds a B. math
in statistics, an M. math in statistics, and a Ph.D. in
management sciences, all from the University of
Waterloo. Dr. Higgins' research focuses on the
impact of technology on individuals, including
such areas as computerized performance monitoring in the service sector; champions of
technological innovation; office information systems; alternative work arrangements; and, most

MIS Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999 157

Compeau, Higgins, & Huff/Social Cognitive Theory

recently, work and family issues and their impact

on individuals and organizations. He has published over 60 articles in journals including:
Communications of the ACM, Administrative
Science Quarterly, Information Systems Research,
MIS Quarterly, Journal of Applied Rsycbology,
Sloan Management Review, and ACM
Transactions on Office Information Systems. He
has also co-authored two books.
Sid Huff is a professor of information systems at
the Richard Ivey School of Business, The
University of Western Ontario, and is the direc-


M/S Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 2/June 1999

tor of the Ph.D. program there. He is also the

holder of the Hewlett-Packard Chair in
Information Technology Management at Ivey. His
research and teaching addresses both technical
and managerial aspects of information systems,
including business-IT linkage and electronic
commerce. He has taught on the faculties of MIT,
UBC, Queen's University, and the Victoria
University of Wellington, in New Zealand. He
holds degrees in mathematics, electrical engineering, and management from Queen's
University and a Ph.D. in information systems
from MIT.

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