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Factores Psicológicos Del Teletrabajo

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Americas Conference on Information Systems



Psychological Factors and Sustainable

Telecommuting: The Importance of Need for
Neville Meyers
Queensland University of Technology

Greg Hearn
Queensland University of Technology

Recommended Citation
Meyers, Neville and Hearn, Greg, "Psychological Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting: The Importance of Need for Control"
(2001). AMCIS 2001 Proceedings. Paper 369.

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Neville Meyers
School of Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology

Greg Hearn
School of Communication
Faculty of Business
Queensland University of Technology

Technological, social, economic, and organisational factors are converging to facilitate remote or distributed
work trends. Telecommuting ---working at home or at some other remote location and using communication
technologies in lieu of the requirement to travel to the office--- is the best known of the distributed work options.
Although telecommuting is on the increase, insufficient empirical data exists in relation to this work
Accordingly, this paper reports on the results of a recent applied study in telecommuting (Meyers, 1999). The core
premise-drawing on the principles of control as a core psychological construct, in particular, Banduras (1986,
1997) self-efficacy theory---is that individuals differ in levels of confidence in their abilities to exercise control over
important aspects of their work and personal environments. Translated to the world of telecommuting, `control,
as indicated in the present study, therefore offers useful as well as empirically-alidated perspectives concerning the
experiences of 155 Australian and United States corporate telecommuters.
Findings are that the Importance of Control as a person-centred factor is a predictor of all three proxy
indicators of telecommuting sustainability: telecommuter productivity, telecommuter job satisfaction, and
telecommuter lifestyle satisfaction. As well, Task Mediation via Others, as a self-efficacy construct, is an
additional predictor of telecommuter productivity. . However, predictor factors as empirically identified in this
paper are suggested as the key influences on sustainable telecommuting, in contrast to the many intuitively
appealing factors frequently suggested in the telecommuting literature.
A final benefit of the study was that it serves as an inventory of personal, work, organisational, and domestic
factors that telecommuters themselves indicate as important to their work efficacy. Accordingly, the study has
importance for IT and HRM managers; it should also assist policy-makers and planners keen to implement
telecommuting in their respective organisations.

Telecommuters, or in the broader context teleworkers,1 are full-time or part-time corporate employees who working at home or
at some other remote location, using communications technologies in lieu of travel to work (for useful overviews of these trends,
see Gray et al. 1993; Hill, 1995; Jackson and Van Der Wielen, 1998; Kugelmass, 1995; Nilles, 1998; Switzer, 1997). Although
earlier predictions on take-up rates were over-enthusiastic, telecommuting in Australia and other advanced information societies
is now steadily on the increase (as overviewed in Meyers and Hearn, 2000). In the United States, Apgar (1998) estimates that the
number of telecommuters may be as high as 15 million. Broadly speaking, telecommuting has been touted as a means to save on
energy consumption (Mokhtarian, 1997), reduce office space and other costly overheads, increase worker productivity, reconcile

The competing definitions of telecommuting and telework have been noted and are often used interchangeably, even by Jack Nilles who
coined the term telecommuting (e.g., see Nilles, 1998).

2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems

Meyers & Hearn/Psychological Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting

conflicts between workand home, retain valued employees, and make organizations more competitive (Kugelmass, 1995;
Nilles, 1998).
During recent years the concept of control has been increasingly recognised as a topic of major importance in the context of
research into human behaviour and it has clear relevance for the study of telecommuting. In general, control research has focused
on the centrality of control beliefs as an essential aspect of human motivation (readings in Weary et al. 1993); to general control
expectancies across several personal and interpersonal spheres (Paulhus, 1983; Phares, 1976; Rotter, 1966); to control
expectancies across several work domains (Greenberger and Strasser, 1986, Greenberger et al., 1989; OBrien, 1986; Spector,
1986); and to actual motivations for control over events in ones life as opposed to whether or not one generally feels in control
(Burger, 1992).
Perceived control-in the light of these broad research traditions-can be broadly defined as `the ability to intentionally influence
environmental, psychological, or behavioural events (Morling and Fiske, 1994, p. 719).
Moreover, to fully understand control as a psychological construct, it is useful to refer to the principles of social cognitive theory
(Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). A core principle of Banduras social cognitive theory is self-efficacy theory. As applied in the
present study, self-efficacy refers to `the beliefs in ones capabilities to mobilise the motivation, cognitive resources, and courses
of action needed to meet given situational demands (Wood and Bandura, 1989, p. 408).
Self-efficacy theory applies to triadic
causation (ie the opportunities that people
see in their telecommuting environments, as
well as confidence in their abilities to
perform appropriate behaviours to achieve
the outcomes they are seeking. In short-as
opposed to general expectancies about
control---self-efficacy theory is a
domain-specific assessment of individuals
coping behaviours to exercise control. Figure
1 describes the triadic causation for the




As shown in Figure 2, it can be speculated

that telecommuters who report that they have
Figure 1. Teleworker Choices - Schematisation of the Relations Between
adequate levels of control over such
the Three Classes of Determinants of Telecommuter Behaviours
environments will also report high or
(Adapted from Bandura, 1977)
reasonably high levels of satisfaction with
telecommuting as well as being able to
exercise control (ie via self-efficacy) in these domains.
Thus, at this stage of the
analysis, beliefs in personal
control can potentially be
seen as major independent
variables of sustainable
telecommuting (the
outcome variable).

Work, Lifestyle, Satisfaction

Environmental Demands
Organisational Factors



Self-efficacy theory can be

Work, Lifestyle, Satisfaction
operationalised as
telecommuters confidence
Figure 2. Telecommuter Specific Control Model (Myers, 1999)
in their ability to perform
appropriate behaviours to
achieve desired work and
lifestyle outcomes. Central
to this notion is the telecommuters ability to actually exercise control over his or her work-home domains, as well as confidence
in their abilities to overcome stressors and obstacles, in order to achieve the job and lifestyle outcomes they seek. Therefore, the
survey aimed to take a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the telecommuters mindscape.

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In particular, a questionnaire (a copy is available from the authors) was designed to collect appropriate data and so determine the
extent to which demographic, personal, work, organisational, and domestic-lifestyle factors, as well as self-efficacy beliefs,
interacted and respectively contributed to telecommuter productivity, telecommuter job satisfaction, and telecommuter lifestyle
satisfaction. As outlined in the telecommuting literature (e.g., Kuglemass, 1995), these outcome variables-in turn-are regarded
as the major indicators of sustainable telecommuting.
Accordingly, the study was underpinned by three research questions linked to the identifiable proxy indicators of sustainable
telecommuting (i.e., telecommuter productivity, telecommuter job satisfaction, and telecommuter lifestyle satisfaction):
Question 1

What are the contributions of demographic, personal, work, organisational, and domestic factors, as well as
self-efficacy beliefs, to telecommuter productivity?

Question 2

What are the contributions of demographic, personal, work, organisational, and domestic factors, as well as
self-efficacy beliefs, to telecommuter job satisfaction?

Question 3

What are the contributions of demographic, personal, work, organisational, and domestic factors as well as
self-efficacy beliefs, to telecommuter lifestyle satisfaction.

Earlier research (see Meyers and Hearn, 2000), allowed control domains relevant to the telecommuters experience to be chosen
(e.g., extrapolating from this earlier research, the telecommuters ed for control to combine childcare with work, save on
commuting time, save on work-related costs, have flexibility in hours for personal or family needs, and work free - satisfy needs
for autonomy).
Work factors included fourteen questionnaire items relevant to the telecommuters environment (among them, access to
administrative support, access to technical support, volume of work expected, timely access to work -related information, and
so on).
Organisational factors such as overall support for telecommuting as well as organizational communication factors , in particular,
the extent to which telecommuters might be required to achieve task mediation through others (Meyers and Hearn, 2000) were
also included.
Personal and lifestyle factors included assessments regarding adequacy of the telecommuters physical work environment and
the ability to control work interruptions at home, levels of support from partner (or others in household) for telecommuting,
opportunities to fulfill family responsibilities while telecommuting, pressures in ensuring other domestic factors do not interfere
with telecommuting, and the avoidance of role conflict.
Measures of control behaviours as adopted in the present study are derived from self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997).
Drawing on Bandurian principles, Telecommuter Self-Efficacy would be assessed according to the individual telecommuters
beliefs in his or her capabilities `to mobilise the motivation, cognitive resources, and courses of action needed to exercise control
over given events (Ozer and Bandura, 1990, p. 472; see also Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997).
In actual assessment of self-efficacy beliefs, well-established protocols have been developed (Bandura, 1986, 1997). In the present
study, following Bandurian principles, Likert-type scales were used, and the telecommuter asked how confident he or she was
with respect to performance of appropriate behaviours in each of their personal, work, organizational, and domestic-lifestyle
domains. Issues relating to a balance between task-specific competencies and more generic attributes affecting recording of the
telecommuters experience were also addressed (Meyers, 1999). Self-regulatory aspects were also assessed by eight items
concerning the telecommuters confidence level in setting realistic goals, self-monitoring work progress, setting own work
priorities, staying work-focused despite distractions, and other attributes.

The Study Sample
One hundred and eighty-one telecommuters responded to the survey (N=150 usable responses).. Respondents were drawn 31
different organisations and were self-selecting. Issues relating to the self-selecting nature of the sample have been previously
addressed (Meyers, 1999).

2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems

Meyers & Hearn/Psychological Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting

The 150 respondents to the Study 2 survey met the criteria for `information workers in that a considerable part of their work could
be deemed relatively location-independent, involved the manipulation of information and other symbols, and comprised work
in the following job categories.
Table 1. Telecommuters - Employee Categories (Meyers, 1999)





Other (misc)

A relatively equal number of males (51%) and females (49%) responded. The average age of respondents was in the range 30-39
years. Total number of family members potentially affected by the telecommuting arrangement in each household averaged three
persons. The majority of respondents (65%) had spent between 0 and 5 years telecommuting, while the rest of the sample had
spent various additional periods as telecommuters (mean = 3.79 years). Moreover, 48.3% of respondents had also worked between
3-10 years for their present employer. The majority of respondents (N= 34, 23%) telecommuted one full day a week from home,
while a further 33 (22%) telecommuted only part of a day from home.
In addition, almost 26% telecommuted between two and three, and roughly 15% either four or five, days from home. A small
number of respondents (N= 12, 8%) did not work at all from home. However, 50% of respondents also reported that they spent
varying periods during the week also working at other remote sites. The present survey is not atypical: extensive documentation
of United States telecommuting patterns (e.g., United States Department of Transportation, 1994) confirms `the average
telecommute is a one day per week person (p. 36).
Telecommuters relative job status was as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Telecommuters - Employment Status (Meyers, 1999)
Full-time employee

Part-time employee

Contract employee

Status unknown

In summary, these respondents were predominantly full-time volunteer versus mandatory telecommuters. As well respondents
gave (Table 3) the following preferences and durations of telecommuting.
Table 3. Preferred Duration of Telecommuting (Meyers, 1999)

Another 2-5 years



Stop right now




Overall, respondents reported they had considerable control over task factors including proportion of work suitable for
telecommuting, levels of flexibility in being able to choose when, where, and how to work, and in actual work scheduling.

Findings: Data Reduction

In order to allow consideration of data within a more parsimonious set of constructs, data reduction procedures, including principal
component analysis, were followed according to Tabachnick and Fidell (1996). Following standard statistical procedures well
accepted in the field (Tabashnick and Fidell, 1996; and Harris, 1985) the number of factors to be extracted were determined by
inspection of eigenvalues. The decision rule applied was that eigenvalues needed to be greater than 1.
Oblique rotation was used because it makes no assumptions regarding correlation between the factors. The resulting factors were
named by inspection of the factor loadings using the following decision rule: Items with loadings greater than .5 were included
on the factor for interpretation provided they did not load above .3 on any other factor. All items that loaded on more than one
factor were eliminated according to established principles (Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996, p. 642). In addition coefficient alphas
were calculated for all factors and any factors with coefficients less than .5 were deemed unreliable and eliminated. Factor scores
for use in the predictive models were calculated using weighted combinations of all variables (Tabachnick and Fidell, 1989).

2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems


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This procedure was adopted for personal, work, organisational and domestic domains for both `importance and `satisfaction
ratings. It was also conducted for the self-efficacy items. The factors that resulted from this data reduction process, proved to be
a parsimonious set that had strong face validity. They are reported in Table 4 along with their reliabilities. Factor loadings, and
variances accounted for, have been extensively reported elsewhere (Meyers, 1999).
Table 4. Factors Resulting from Factor Analyses and Reliabilities (Meyers, 1999)




Importance of control
Importance of work convenience
Satisfaction with work control
Satisfaction with work convenience
Importance of clarity of work role
Importance of work support
Importance of communication technologies
Satisfaction with technical support
Satisfaction with access
Satisfaction with communication technologies
Satisfaction with task parameters
Importance of organisational support
Importance of communication social and career influence
Satisfaction with communication social and career influence
Satisfaction with manager-supervisor-co-worker support
Dissatisfaction with informal communication
Importance of having work-supportive environment at home
Importance of family-partner support
Satisfaction with domestic environment
Self-regulatory behaviours
Coping with organisational factors
Moderation of domain conflicts
Problem-solving efficacy
Managing information
Managing communication with supervisor
Task mediation via others

Coefficient Alpha

Job satisfaction and lifestyle satisfaction were measured as predictions of future job satisfaction and lifestyle satisfaction
anticipated from telecommuting.

Demographic Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting: Lack of Predictive Power

The relationship between demographic factors and both job and lifestyle satisfaction was tested using linear regression and did
not prove statistically significant. Similarly, demographic factors failed to predict telecommuter productivity via discriminant
analysis of high versus low productives. Overall, no demographic factors were predictive of telecommuting sustainability and
thus were excluded from all further analyses.

Telecommuter Productivity: Predictive Factors

Altogether, 73% of respondents reported that they are more productive when they telecommute (while 25% reported no change
or uncertain and 1% indicated `less productive). Stepwise discriminant analysis was used to determine which factors
discriminated between these two groups. The resulting discriminant function was significant (Wilks Lambda = .860, chi-square
= 22.565, p< .000). The only two factors which discriminated between high and low productive groups of telecommuters were
Importance of Control and Task Mediation via Others, as expressed in Table 5.


2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems

Meyers & Hearn/Psychological Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting

Table 5. Factors Predicting Telecommuter Productivity (Meyers, 1999)

Importance of control
Task mediation via others

Discriminant Coefficient

Telecommuter job satisfaction: Predictive factors

Linear regression was used to build a predictive model of job satisfaction. All factors derived from data reduction (as reported
in Table 6) were included as predictor variables. The dependent variable was job satisfaction as measured in section l l of the
questionnaire. A significant R-squared of .308 was obtained (F= 2.228, p= .002). Only the Importance of Control factor had a
significant beta weight (Beta = .290, t= 3.093, p= .002).

Telecommuter Domestic-Lifestyle Satisfaction: Predictive Factors

Linear regression was used to build a predictive model of lifestyle satisfaction. All factors derived from data reduction (Table 6.9)
were included. A significant R squared of .275 was obtained (F= 1.914, p= .009). Only the importance of control factor had a
significant beta weight (Beta = .257, t= 2.692, p= .008).

Telecommuting Sustainability: A Predictive Model

In summary, the following factors have been identified as determinants of sustainable telecommuting:
Table 6. Factors as Determinants of Sustainable Telecommuting (Meyers, 1999)

of Control
of Control
of Control

Work Organisational Domestic



Confidence in task
mediation through others








Job satisfaction






This section has summarised key findings arising from the data. A brief discussion follows.

Discussion of Findings
This section provides both an interpretation and---given word length limitations, brief--- discussion of these results and their
further implications for a clearer understanding of what makes telecommuting `sustainable. As indicated via discriminant and
regression analysis, the Importance of Need for Control across all `proxy indicators of sustainable telecommuting
sustainability---telecommuter productivity, telecommuter job satisfaction, and telecommuter lifestyle satisfaction ---is discussed.
As well, the extent to which the single self-efficacy item Task Mediation via Others becomes an important predictor of
telecommuting sustainability, is also examined.

Introduction: Overall Importance of Person-centred Needs for Control

Respondents indicatedas revealed via factor analysis---that telecommuting significantly met their person-centred needs
according to the need :

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Satisfy needs for autonomy (work free) almost 71% of 150 respondents rated this as important in their choice
to telework. Other research confirms the importance of this construct in telework situations (as representatively
reported in Bernardino, 1996; Huws et al., 1990; Korte et al., 1988; Olson, 1989)
Achieve more control of work outcomes A high degree of control over work has similarly been reported as
achievable through telework (almost a third of respondents in Meyers, 1999 rating this as very important and
another 50% as moderately important). This is a consistent finding in the telecommuting literature (as
empirically found in Bernardino, 1996; Huws et al., 1990; Kraut, 1989; Mannering and Mokhtarian, 1995;
Reymers, 1996).
Save on commuting time and costs Altogether 70% of respondents (Meyers, 1999 reported this aspect
(including cost savings) as important, while other researchers (e.g., Kraut, 1989;Kugelmass, 1995) have
observed similar preferences.
Have flexibility of hours to meet personal lifestyle or family demands As recently confirmed (Meyers, 1999),
77% of teleworkers rate this as important to very important compared with 91% of teleworkers (as reported
by Huws et al., 1990). Interestingly, statistical cross tabulations did lend support for gender differences, given
the often-expressed viewpoint that the promise of teleworking to offer greater flexibility appeals more
specifically to women than to men (e.g., see Mokhtarian, et al., 1998).
In terms of other personal factors, a full inventory of coping behaviours earlier empirically validated (Meyers, 1999) extends
beyond the confines of the present paper given its somewhat limited focus on the three proxy indicators of sustainable
telecommuting. However, in the present study however telecommuters identified, as revealed by frequency analysis, twelve core
coping behaviours in order to successfully self-regulate their behaviours, achieve work outcomes, effectively interact with coworkers back in the office, and successfully maintain boundaries between work and home (Meyers, 1999).
Telecommuter productivity predictors : Importance of need for control and self-efficacy
As already identified, respondents had certain person-centred needs pertaining to productivity that they expect to be achieved
via telecommuting. To be specific, over 80% of telecommuters view better control of work outcomes as important . Further, this
motivation for improved control of work was reportedly achieved (82.7% of respondents expressing satisfaction with improved
work control via telecommuting). To the extent that these employees were achieving improved work outcomes (i.e increased
productivity), these employees can be seen as in control. Thus, in one important domain, telecommuting (as also indicated via
telecommuters assessed predicted outcomes via future telecommuting) will continue to satisfy their need for control.
However, such control outcomesfollowing Bandura (1977, 1986, 1997; see also Figures 1 and 2)cannot be seen in isolation.
Rather, these control outcomes are the result of interactive effects. For example, telecommuters have benign work environments
(almost 70% reporting that a high proportion of their work is suitable for telecommuting). Apart from such work
telecommutability, 74.5% say they have a great deal of flexibility or complete flexibility in their work environments, enjoy
similar degrees of choice in work location (57%), and exercise considerable choice in task selection (70%) as elsewhere reported
(Meyers, 1999).
In terms of personal factorsin terms of Banduras triadic model---two additional key aspects can be briefly stated: firstly, these
respondents had been telecommuting for a considerable period (mean=3.79 years), allowing time for individual adjustments to
work demands. Moreover, self-efficacy, an important predictive factor, i.e. Task Mediation via Others, has been linked to
telecommuter productivity (Meyers, 1999). This was a strongly loading factor (.82111), doing double duty as an indicator of
telecommuter coping efficacy and as a predictive factor that differentiates between productive and non-productive telecommuters
. Briefly stated, Task Mediation via Others (in essence, seeking cooperation of others to meet work goals) can be viewed as an
essential condition of organisational life. But telecommuters face unique demands: lacking immediacy of access to their task
environments, they must rely on a form of proxy control via others (see also Bandura, 1997). Accordingly, confidence in ones
ability to enlist the support of others back in the office, interact effectively with in-office staff, participate in meetings, secure
task-related information, among other factors, all emerged as key determinants of telecommuter productivity (Meyers, 1999).
Telecommuter job satisfaction : Importance of need for control
As already indicated, it was found, via regression analysis, that only Importance in Need for Control emerged as a predictive
factor. The study included, however, strong indicators of telecommuter job satisfaction. Telecommuters were overwhelmingly
favourable (m=4.58, SD=1.75) in their endorsement of telecommuting. As well, 70% of respondents reported that they wanted
to continue to telecommute indefinitely. Such levels of satisfaction can conceivable be linked to telecommuting as a work option
that allows respondents to meet their already-stated person-centred needs for control (i.e satisfy needs for autonomy, have
improved control of work outcomes, and so on). To cite just two examples, 83% of telecommuters reported reported reasonably
high to high levels of satisfaction with work outcomes. They similarly reported satisfied with levels of autonomy as well as

2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems

Meyers & Hearn/Psychological Factors and Sustainable Telecommuting

needs for work flexibility. Consequently, it can be reasonably concluded that telecommuters reported satisfactions in all these
person-centred domains are likely to be important influences on their satisfactions with telecommuting the instrumental means
for the fulfillment of such needs.
Telecommuter domestic-lifestyle satisfaction : Importance of need for control
Again, via regression analysis, Importance in Need for Control emerged as a predictor. To provide context here, telecommuters
(using a 10-point scale) were specifically asked about the likelihood of telecommuting being a means to achieve increased lifestyle
satisfactions. Respondents (N=92%) reported moderately to highly likely on the present achievement of these lifestyle
outcomes (m=7.65, SD=2.27). A similarly high proportion (N=86%) also reported that telecommuting was likely to continue to
allow them a better balance of work and family needs (m=6.89, SD=2.86). Flexibility of hours, linked to quality of life aspects,
is a growing need for many workers in Western economies. Moreover, it is likely that fulfillment of the person-centred needs that
have already been discussed may also impact on lifestyle satisfaction, highlighting the interplay between personal and work
factors allowing the home to do double duty as a work site.
However, control can be linked to more tangible aspects. In the present study, empirically-validated were such related key
factors as Having a Work Supportive Environment at Home and the Importance of Having Family-partner-household Support.
Therefore, telecommuting for these respondents appears to have a positive influence on balancing work-family-personal needs,
thereby underpinning the telecommuters need for improved control of life style arrangements (as also confirmed by Hill, 1995).
Present findings in this crucial domain contradict those of Hartman et al. (1991) who reported increased family disruption as result
of telecommuting. In the case of the present study, however, the longevity factor of the telecommuters experience (m=3.79 years)
may again have allowed time for adjustments across work-personal domains. For example, 91% of respondents reported that they
were moderately to totally confident they could stay work-focused, despite distractions at home (or other remote locations).

Overall, this study paints a generally positive picture of telecommuting. The triadic framework (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1977)
has allowed almost a full inventory of personal-work-organisational-and domestic lifestyle factors, as well as highlighted core
predictive factors. Limitations to the study are readily acknowledged: practically all the respondents were volunteers when,
increasingly, organizations are turning to mandatory forms of telecommuting where individual choice and preferences may be
secondary to organisational needs for costs savings in overheads and improved client contact in the field (Apgar, 1998). Manager
ratings of the telecommuter respondents would also have been useful (albeit potentially altering respondents motivations in
responding to the survey). A more diversified sample, involving more clerical telecommuters, as opposed to the current focus
on mainly professional telecommuters, would also have been useful. Nonetheless, the study offers a useful inventory on what
makes telecommuting sustainable.
Recommendations to managers are that such an inventory, highlighting as it does both personal and environmental factors as well
as telecommuter outcomes (productivity, job satisfaction, and lifestyle satisfaction), can be usefully adopted for planning the
introduction of new telecommuting programs. Elements of the present study may also serve to benchmark aspects of existing
telecommuting programs.

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2001 Seventh Americas Conference on Information Systems

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