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Mechanics of Fluids

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Course No.

Course Name
Year of Introduction
Prerequisite: nil
Course Objectives:
1. To study the mechanics of fluid motion.
2. To establish fundamental knowledge of basic fluid mechanics and address specific topics
relevant to simple applications involving fluids
3. To familiarize students with the relevance of fluid dynamics to many engineering systems
Fluid Properties, Kinematics of fluid flow, Fluid Statics, Dynamics of fluid flow, Flow through pipes,
Concept of Boundary Layer, Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic similitude
Expected outcome: At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Calculate pressure variations in accelerating fluids using Eulers and Bernoullis equations
2. Become conversant with the concepts of flow measurements and flow through pipes
3. Apply the momentum and energy equations to fluid flow problems.
4. Evaluate head loss in pipes and conduits.
5. Use dimensional analysis to design physical or numerical experiments and to
apply dynamic similarity
Text Books:
1. Balachandran.P, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, PHI,2012
2. A S Saleem, Fluid Mechanics, Fathima Books,2016
References Books:
1. Cengel, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill Education India 2014
2. Bansal R. K., A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publications,
3. Modi P. N. and S. M. Seth, Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics, S.B.H Publishers, New Delhi, 2002
4. Streeter V. L., E. B. Wylie and K. W. Bedford, Fluid Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi,
5. Joseph Karz, Introductory Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University press,2010
6. Fox R. W. and A. T. McDonald, Introduction to Fluid dynamics, 5/e, John Wiley and Sons,
7. Shames I. H, Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw Hill, 1992.
8. White F.M., Fluid Mechanics, 6/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008

Course Plan






Introduction: Fluids and continuum, Physical properties of fluids, density,

specific weight, vapour pressure, Newtons law of viscosity. Ideal and
real fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
Fluid Statics- Pressure-density-height relationship, manometers, pressure 8
on plane and curved surfaces, center of pressure, buoyancy, stability of
immersed and floating bodies, fluid masses subjected to uniform
accelerations, measurement of pressure.
Kinematics of fluid flow: Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches,
classification of fluid flow, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D flow, steady, unsteady,
uniform, non-uniform, laminar, turbulent, rotational, irrotational flows,
stream lines, path lines, streak lines, stream tubes, velocity and 8
acceleration in fluid, circulation and vorticity, stream function and
potential function, Laplace equation, equipotential lines flow nets, uses
and limitations,
Dynamics of Fluid flow: Fluid Dynamics: Energies in flowing fluid,
head, pressure, dynamic, static and total head, Control volume analysis
of mass, momentum and energy, Equations of fluid dynamics:
Differential equations of mass, energy and momentum (Eulers
equation), Navier-Stokes equations (without proof) in rectangular and 10
cylindrical co-ordinates, Bernoullis equation and its applications:
Venturi and Orifice meters, Notches and Weirs (description only for
notches and weirs). Hydraulic coefficients, Velocity measurements:
Pitot tube and Pitot-static tube.
Pipe Flow: Viscous flow: Reynolds experiment to classify laminar and
turbulent flows, significance of Reynolds number, critical Reynolds
number, shear stress and velocity distribution in a pipe, law of fluid
friction, head loss due to friction, Hagen Poiseuille equation. Turbulent
flow: Darcy- Weisbach equation, Chezys equation Moodys chart, 12
Major and minor energy losses, hydraulic gradient and total energy line,
flow through long pipes, pipes in series, pipes in parallel, equivalent
pipe, siphon, transmission of power through pipes, efficiency of
transmission, Water hammer, Cavitation.
Concept of Boundary Layer : Growth of boundary layer over a flat plate
and definition of boundary layer thickness, displacement thickness,
momentum thickness and energy thickness, laminar and turbulent
boundary layers, laminar sub layer, velocity profile, Von- Karman 10
momentum integral equations for the boundary layers, calculation of
drag, separation of boundary and methods of control.








Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic similitude: Dimensional analysis,

Buckinghams theorem, important dimensional numbers and their
significance, geometric, Kinematic and dynamic similarity, model
studies. Froude, Reynold, Weber, Cauchy and Mach laws- Applications
and limitations of model testing, simple problems only


Question Paper Pattern

Total marks: 100, Time: 3 hrs
The question paper should consist of three parts
Part A
4 questions uniformly covering modules I and II. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)
Part B
4 questions uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any three questions out of 4 (3X10 marks =30 marks)
Part C
6 questions uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each question carries 10 marks
Students will have to answer any four questions out of 6 (4X10 marks =40 marks)
Note: In all parts, each question can have a maximum of four sub questions, if needed.


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