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Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering
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Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering

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The book aims at providing to master and PhD students the basic knowledge in fluid mechanics for chemical engineers. Applications to mixing and reaction and to mechanical separation processes are addressed.

The first part of the book presents the principles of fluid mechanics used by chemical engineers, with a focus on global theorems for describing the behavior of hydraulic systems. The second part deals with turbulence and its application for stirring, mixing and chemical reaction. The third part addresses mechanical separation processes by considering the dynamics of particles in a flow and the processes of filtration, fluidization and centrifugation. The mechanics of granular media is finally discussed.

Release dateMar 1, 2013
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering

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    Book preview

    Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering - Mathieu Mory

    Part I

    Elements in Fluid Mechanics

    Chapter 1

    Local Equations of Fluid Mechanics

    In this chapter, to begin with, we recall the Navier–Stokes equations that govern the flow of a Newtonian fluid. These equations explain the behavior of common fluids such as water or air. For a given force field and boundary conditions, the solution of Navier–Stokes equations controls both the flow velocity and pressure at any point and at any time in the domain under consideration. The Navier–Stokes equations are the most commonly used equations in fluid mechanics; they provide the knowledge of the flow of Newtonian fluids at the local level.

    The solutions to Navier–Stokes equations are typically very difficult to arrive at. This fact is attested to by the extraordinary development of numerical computation in fluid mechanics. Only a few exact analytical solutions are known for Navier– Stokes equations. We present in this chapter some laminar flow solutions whose interpretation per se is essential in this regard. We then introduce the boundary layer concept. We conclude the chapter with a discussion on the uniqueness of solutions to Navier–Stokes equations, with special reference to the phenomenon of turbulence.

    This being the introductory chapter, we have not included a prolonged discussion on continuum mechanics. The derivation of Navier–Stokes equations is available in other continuum mechanics or fluid mechanics books.¹ We have consciously avoided concentrating on the derivational aspects of Navier–Stokes equations as we are convinced that it is far more important to understand the meaning of the different terms of these equations and to hence interpret the way they are applied in the study of fluid mechanics in general. In addition, we limit ourselves to introducing the only classical concept from continuum mechanics to be used in this book, namely, the ability to calculate the force acting through a surface passing through a point that lies inside a continuum, using the stress tensor. Hence, Chapter 1 partly serves as a collection of formulae, while proper physical principles are discussed in the remainder of this book. The reader might wish to read this chapter without pondering on it for long, and then may refer to it later, if necessary, for it may be insightful in such a case.

    1.1. Forces, stress tensor, and pressure

    Consider a domain, V, containing a fluid. The fluid’s flow is controlled by various forces acting on it. The laws of mechanics help us to distinguish two types of forces:

    – Body forces, which are exerted at every point in a domain. Weight is the most common body force.

    – Forces that are transferred from one particle to another, at the boundary of and within the domain. These forces are expressed using the stress tensor. This is where the continuum concept intervenes.

    The force at a point M in the continuum is associated with surface element ds whose orientation is given by the unit normal vector n-arrow.gif (Figure 1.1). The force df-arrow.gif , which is proportional to the surface ds, varies when the orientation of the surface changes. It is determined at the point M using the stress tensor [Σ], which is a symmetric,² 3 × 3 matrix:


    Figure 1.1. Forces df-1-arrow.gif and df-2-arrow.gif exerted at a point M through two surface elements ds1 and ds2, whose orientations are given by normals n-1-arrow.gif and n-2-arrow.gif . Both ds1and ds2 are elements of closed surfaces S1(solid line) and S2(dashed line), respectively, surrounding volumes V1 and V2


    The force through the surface element ds whose normal is n-arrow.gif is written as:


    The force applied to a closed surface S surrounding an arbitrary volume V in the continuum (Figure 1.1) can be derived using the surface integral:


    The concept of the stress tensor is inseparable from the mechanical principle of action and reaction. The normal vector n-arrow.gif is oriented toward the exterior of the domain on which the force is applied. The direction of the force is reversed if one considers the force exerted by the domain V on the exterior. Therefore, the domain under consideration should always be specified. The force is exerted by the external environment through the surface of separation.

    In equation [1.1] and [1.2], the stress tensor is expressed in a Cartesian coordinate system (O, x, y, z). In this coordinate system, the single-column matrices define the normal vector n-arrow.gif and force df-arrow.gif . We only have to multiply matrix [Σ] by n-arrow.gif to calculate the force.

    The stress tensor embodies two notions: pressure and friction forces. For a Newtonian fluid, pressure is introduced by adding together the diagonal terms of the stress tensor:


    We also introduce the stress deviator tensor [Σ′].


    such that σxx + σyy + σzz = 0. The stress deviator is associated with friction forces, whereas the pressure produces a force that is perpendicular to the surface element under consideration. Alternatively, the stress tensor can be expressed as:


    Figure 1.1 depicts two volumes V1 and V2 surrounded by closed surfaces S1 and S2. At a point M belonging to both surfaces, the normals are different, and therefore the forces exerted on the surface elements, ds1 and ds2, are also different. The orientation of the force vectors shown in Figure 1.1 satisfies two properties. The forces are not perpendicular to the two surfaces onto which they are applied, if friction forces exist. However, they are not far from being perpendicular to the surfaces, and they are oriented toward the interior of the domain; this is because pressure forces are usually predominant in a fluid. Further, the forces exerted by the external environment on the volumes V1 and V2 push them toward the interior of the domain.

    These concepts become more clear as and when they are used in specific cases, as done in subsequent sections of this chapter and other chapters of this book. The important point is to correctly use tensor calculus to calculate forces, using the stress tensor so as to obtain proper orientation of the normal vectors to the surfaces to assign a correct direction to the forces that are applied on the surface of a given volume.

    1.2. Navier–Stokes equations in Cartesian coordinates

    The fundamental law of dynamics for fluid flow in a continuum is given in Table 1.1 in a Cartesian coordinate system (0, x, y, z). The velocity vector is explained using its three velocity components (ux,uy, and uz). The quantities (fx, fy, and fz) are the three components of body forces, such as weight, pg-arrow.gif . In mathematical terms, the system of equations shows the divergence of the stress tensor. For a continuum, the complete dynamic formulation of the mechanical problem requires that the stress tensor be known. Rheology is the discipline of mechanics which deals with the determination of the stress tensor for a given material, whether fluid or solid. In Chapter 7, we introduce some concepts of rheology, or rather rheometry. This discipline makes use of certain techniques (e.g. the use of rheometers) to determine the relationship that links the stress deviator tensor to the strain tensor or to the strain rate tensor, for a given material. This relationship is called constitutive equation.

    Table 1.1. Navier–Stokes formulation in a Cartesian coordinate system


    For Newtonian fluids the constitutive law is a linear relationship between the stress deviator tensor and the strain rate tensor:


    Table 1.1 sets out the strain rate tensor, [D], as expressed in a Cartesian coordinate system. The constitutive equation [1.7] involves the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, μ (in kg m−1 s−1 or Pa s). We also introduce the kinematic viscosity, v (in m² s−1), defined by μ=ρv, where ρ is the mass density of the fluid (in kg m−3).

    For a Newtonian fluid, the Navier–Stokes equations are derived by introducing the constitutive equation [1.7] into the fundamental law of mechanics. The Navier– Stokes equations in a Cartesian coordinate system are also shown in Table 1.1.

    In this book, we restrict our discussion basically to the principles of isothermal flows. When temperature varies within the domain, the heat equation must be added to the system of equations in Table 1.1. Here the physical properties of fluids are assumed to be constant, i.e. the numerical value of the viscosity at every point within the domain is linked to the fluid under consideration. The three Navier–Stokes equations contain five unknowns: pressure, three velocity components, and density. To determine the solution for a flow, the Navier–Stokes equations must therefore be complemented with two more equations:

    – the continuity equation, which asserts the conservation of mass,

    – the equation of state law specific to the fluid.

    We can observe that in the flow patterns of non-miscible, incompressible fluids, the fluid density remains constant within each fluid particle that is followed along its path. The continuity equation implies that the divergence of the velocity vector is zero at any point. Density is a physical quantity that characterizes a fluid’s specificity at every point in the domain. It can be inhomogeneous in space or variable with time without the fluid being compressible, as is the case when one considers flows of several non-miscible fluids (e.g. oil and water) or flows of fluids that show layered density in a natural environment (e.g. when salinity varies in seawater, the molecular diffusion of salt can be neglected at the time scales considered).

    For an isothermal compressible fluid, the state law of the fluid links density with pressure.

    The system of equations to be solved is surrounded with double bars in Table 1.1. It needs to be associated with boundary conditions. For a Newtonian fluid, such as water or air, with solid walls consisting of common materials, the boundary condition is a no-slip condition for the fluid at the wall.³ The velocity of the fluid becomes zero on a fixed solid wall, or it equals the velocity of the wall if the latter is in motion.

    In the following three sections, we present solutions to Navier–Stokes equations for classical laminar flows. These solutions are specific to an incompressible fluid of homogeneous mass density. The system to be solved is then reduced to the three Navier–Stokes equations, plus incompressibility.

    1.3. The plane Poiseuille flow

    The few known analytical solutions to Navier–Stokes equations are not obtained by integrating Navier–Stokes equations in their most general formulation. Typically, one merely verifies the existence of a simple solution satisfying simple assumptions of kinematics. These simplifications include an assumption that the velocity of certain components during the flow is nil and/or that the velocity and the pressure are independent from time or from certain space coordinates. We return to these assumptions toward the end of this chapter.

    Figure 1.2. Plane Poiseuille laminar flow


    For the plane Poiseuille flow, we consider (Figure 1.2) a fluid between two parallel planar walls located at y = −H and y = H. The medium extends to infinity in the direction of Oz. Initially, the force of gravity is not taken into account. The flow is generated due to a difference in pressure between the inlet section (at x = 0) and the outlet section (at x = L). On the surfaces of both these sections, pressure is assumed to be uniform.

    The boundary conditions for the problem are as follows:

    – On solid walls, the normal and tangential components of the flow velocity equal zero:


    – In the inlet and outlet sections, pressure is given as:


    A steady, time-independent solution is what we intend. For the plane Poiseuille flow, the most obvious kinematic simplification is to assume the flow is unidirectional (i.e. only the ux velocity component is non-zero). The second simplification is the assumption that the ux velocity component is independent from z (plane flow). Lastly, it can be assumed intuitively that ux is also independent from x; however, this property is also influenced by incompressibility. The structure of the flow is, therefore, simplified by using a solution in the form:


    Based on all these assumptions, the three Navier–Stokes equations become considerably simplified:


    The partial-derivative symbols for pressure have been retained, but it is now clear that the pressure depends only on the space coordinate x. The pressure is uniform in any flow section that is perpendicular to the walls. This property is already verified using the inlet and outlet boundary conditions. For a solution of the form:


    the principle of variable separation leads to:


    The two successive integrations, with velocity boundary conditions [1.8a, 1.8b] on the side walls, yield:


    We hence obtain the well-known result that the velocity profile for a Poiseuille flow has a parabolic shape.

    The force exerted by the solid wall on the fluid is calculated using the stress tensor. On the upper wall (y = H), the outward normal to the fluid domain is the vector, (0, 1, 0). The force is calculated using equation [1.2] and the definition of the stress tensor (Table 1.1) for the velocity field [1.13] of the Poiseuille flow:


    Solution [1.13] for the velocity field allows the force to be expressed as a function of the pressure field only.

    The Poiseuille solution illustrates several important mechanical concepts, including the following:

    – The flow is generated by the pressure gradient:


    which is negative when P1 > P2, making the fluid flow along the Ox direction. The direction of the flow is opposite to that of the pressure gradient. The absolute value of the pressure gradient is called the regular head loss inside the pipe.

    – The pressure is uniform in any plane that is perpendicular to the direction of the flow. The very general character of this property is further discussed in Chapter 2.

    – At the solid wall, the flow is subjected to a friction force whose orientation is opposite to the direction of the flow. There exists a general relationship (equation [1.14]) between the pressure gradient and the frictional stress. We discuss this general relationship in Chapter 2 also. The pressure gradient makes it possible to overcome the friction force and facilitates fluid flow.

    1.4. Navier–Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates: Poiseuille flow in a circular cylindrical pipe

    The Poiseuille flow in a circular cylindrical pipe is determined in the same fashion as detailed above. The main difference is the need to represent the equations in a cylindrical coordinate system, since the boundary conditions are most optimum in that coordinate system. The equations are given in Table 1.2, and Figure 1.3 indicates the way in which a point M in space is located through the distance r to an axis Oz, its abscissa z along that axis, and the angle θ. At that point, the flow velocity is determined by the components (ur, uθ, and uz), represented on the basis of the three vectors ch1-image13-01.gif indicated in the figure. Therefore, the velocity vector is:


    The azimutal component accounts for the rotation of point M around the Oz axis. The radial velocity component ur , depending on its sign, transports a fluid particle toward the Oz axis or away from it. uz is called axial component. The strain rate and stress tensors are written as:


    To describe the steady flow in a circular tube, we visualize ourselves in a cylindrical coordinate system wherein the Oz axis coincides with the axis of the pipe (Figure 1.3). The radius of the pipe is denoted by R.

    Figure 1.3. Poiseuille laminar flow in a circular cylindrical tube


    The relevant boundary conditions to such a situation are:

    – The velocity is zero at the solid wall of the tube


    – In the inlet and outlet sections, the pressure is uniform:


    From a kinematic standpoint, the simplest is to assume that the flow is unidirectional along the Oz direction. The assumption of flow axisymmetry leads us to emphasize that uz does not depend on θ.

    Table 1.2. Navier–Stokes formulation in a circular cylindrical coordinate system for an incompressible fluid


    Figure 1.4. Reference for the position of point M using its coordinates (r, θ, z) in a cylindrical coordinate system of axis Oz and definition of vectors ch1-image16-02.gif and ez-arrow.gif


    Incompressibility also signifies that uz does not depend on z either, which leads to the conservation of the flow rate along the pipe. Therefore, we try a solution of the form:


    The Poiseuille flow in a cylindrical circular pipe is the solution of the set of equations surrounded by a double bar in Table 1.2. With equation [1.19], the Navier–Stokes equations are simplified into:


    Variable separation between the pressure, which depends only on z, and the axial velocity, which depends only on r, leads to the following results:

    – The pressure is uniform in any flow section that is perpendicular to the direction of the flow, with a regular head loss:


    – The axial velocity is such that:


    The constant of integration, A, is zero so as to avoid an infinite velocity value on the pipe axis. The integration constant B ensures that the velocity is zero at the wall. Consequently:


    – In the case for the plane Poiseuille flow, the stress exerted by the wall on the fluid is linked to the pressure gradient:


    This is also calculated for the cylindrical coordinate system using equation [1.2] and the stress tensor (Table 1.2) for the velocity field [1.23] of the Poiseuille flow in a circular pipe.

    – The flow rate varies linearly with the pressure gradient:


    1.5. Plane Couette flow

    For the Poiseuille flow presented in the previous two sections, the flow was induced by a pressure difference applied between the two ends of a straight pipe. The plane Couette flow makes it possible to study the way how a force is applied to move a solid wall, without pushing the fluid in contact with the wall, and can generate a flow due to viscosity. The fluid is held between two parallel plates of infinite length (Figure 1.5). One of the plates, at z = 0, is kept stationary. The other plate (z = H) is subjected to a force by one surface τx along the Ox direction. This plate is set in motion and the fluid between the two plates, if it adheres to the wall, is entrained in the Ox direction due to friction between the layers of fluid. We wish to determine the profile of the flow and the link between the applied force and the velocity of the fluid. Such a configuration has an application in rheometry, as we discuss in Chapter 7.

    Figure 1.5. Plane laminar Couette flow


    Along the lines of similar kinematic assumptions as with Poiseuille flows, and using incompressibility, one is naturally inclined to have a unidirectional flow along the Ox direction, in the form:


    Navier–Stokes equations now simplify into:


    If no pressure gradient is operational along the Ox direction, the pressure is uniform in the entire fluid domain, and consequently has no dynamic role. This hence leads to:


    The velocity is zero at the lower wall. The constant of integration, A, is determined by the force exerted on the wall. That force is calculated by using (equation [1.2]) and representing the terms σxz, σyz, and σzz in the stress tensor (Table 1.1) as a function of the velocity field (equations [1.26] and [1.28]), taking into account the fact that the normal to the wall is oriented along the Oz direction. We hence obtain:


    application of the frictional force (Figure 1.1) to the upper wall leads to:


    This is the profile of the plane Couette flow. If a pressure gradient is applied along the Ox direction, a plane Poiseuille-type solution (equation [1.13]) is superimposed onto the Couette flow [1.30].

    1.6. The boundary layer concept

    The boundary layer concept is introduced when dealing with a flow where the effect of viscosity is confined to the vicinity of solid walls. Such case is obtained when the flow’s Reynolds number (introduced in Chapter 3) is sufficiently large.

    Under these conditions, outside the boundary layer, the effect of viscosity is negligible.

    The simplest boundary layer case is depicted in Figure 1.6(a). A uniform flow arrives in the Ox direction onto a semi-infinite flat that is parallel to the direction of the flow (half-plane z = 0, x > L). For x < L, the velocity is independent from any space coordinate (ux(x, y, z) = U). If the fluid adheres to the wall, the velocity will necessarily become zero on the plate (ux(x, y, 0) = 0 for x > L). In the vicinity of the plate, viscosity gradually slows the fluid down as the distance from the leading edge increases (this is the (x = L, z = 0) line) in the x > 0 direction. Two boundary layers develop and thicken on either side of the plate when x increases. Outside the boundary layer, the flow is not affected by the plate, whereas a velocity gradient exists within the boundary layer. The boundary layer thickness, denoted by δ(x), is zero at the leading edge (x = L) and increases gradually when x increases.

    Figure 1.6. Boundary layers in a flow along a solid wall. The boundary layer zone is delineated by the dashed lines and its inside is shaded


    The boundary layer concept is formalized when the thickness δ of the boundary layer is small compared to the geometrical dimensions of the zone of the flow that lies outside the boundary layer. Apart from the case (Figure 1.6(d)) where the boundary layer separates from the wall, the drawings of Figure 1.6 are distorted representations where the boundary layer thickness is exaggerated to show the inside of the boundary layer. The actual boundary layer thickness is very small compared to the extent of the flow along Oz, in the flat plate case (Figure 1.6(a)), or to the width of the pipe (Figures 1.6(b) and 1.6(c)).

    The main result from boundary layer theory (not derived herein) is that the pressure inside a boundary layer is equal to the pressure that prevails outside that boundary layer. This translates mathematically into the fact that the pressure gradient along the normal direction to the wall is zero inside the boundary layer:


    In the case of a flat plate boundary layer (Figure 1.6(a)), this equation is written as ∂P/∂z = 0. It can be inferred from this that the pressure remains constant throughout the fluid, including inside the boundary layer.

    For the configurations illustrated in Figures 1.6(b) and 1.6(c), the pressure is not constant within the fluid flow outside the boundary layer. Inside a convergent pipe, the pressure decreases when one follows a particle in its movement (PB < PA) as stated by Bernoulli’s theorem (Chapter 2). The pressure decreases in the same manner inside the boundary layer. In a divergent pipe, the effect is reversed. The pressure increases when following the particle along its movement, in the fluid flow outside the boundary layer as well as inside the boundary layer (PB > PA). This is referred to as a boundary layer subjected to an adverse pressure gradient. The more quickly the divergent widens, the more intense the adverse pressure gradient to which the boundary layer is subjected. When the adverse pressure gradient is too strong, this leads to the phenomenon of boundary layer separation (Figure 1.6(d)), which we describe in Chapter 4. This produces, in the vicinity of the walls, a zone that is stirred by turbulent motion but without an average flow rate. This is no longer a boundary layer, as its thickness has become much larger. In Chapter 4, we return to the essential differences between flows in convergent and divergent pipes, and to the effects of cross-sectional changes.

    The property (equation [1.31]) of boundary layers regarding the pressure gradient is of the same nature as the property of pressure uniformity in planes perpendicular to the flow direction, which was observed for the Poiseuille and Couette solutions. Figure 1.6(a) shows that the boundary layer thickness on a flat plate grows with increasing values of x. At a sufficient distance from the inlet of a pipe, the boundary layer thickness eventually exceeds the diameter of the pipe. The flow reverts to the Poiseuille type solution presented previously, if the Reynolds number is sufficiently low to allow the flow to remain laminar. Such flows are termed established laminar flows or developed flows, as the velocity field does not change any more when traveling downstream in the pipe, because the boundary layers have spread enough to establish velocity gradients across the whole width of the pipe.

    Regarding boundary layers, we limit ourselves in this book to discussing the essential property of boundary layers relating to the pressure field (equation [1.31]). The boundary layers on the surface of a solid wall or at the interface between two fluids with different properties (e.g. fluids of different densities or viscosities, or non-miscible fluids) play a key role in quantifying transfers of mass, heat, or momentum. It is at fluid/fluid or fluid/wall boundaries that transfers between media with different characteristics need to be determined, which necessarily involves boundary layers. It is, therefore, paradoxical not to discuss boundary layer phenomena further in a book intended to be used by process engineering specialists. We refer the readers to books dedicated to transfer phenomena,⁴ where they will find a detailed description of boundary layer processes, in connection with interface transfer problems.

    1.7. Solutions of Navier–Stokes equations where a gravity field is present, hydrostatic pressure

    The simple solutions just described are only slightly modified when the gravity field is added as a body force. The kinematics of the flow remain unchanged. Only the pressure field is altered to incorporate the effect of gravity. Let us consider that the acceleration due to gravity has an arbitrary direction in the Cartesian coordinate system (O, x, y, z) in which the flow is described. The body force is written as:


    (α, β, and γ) are the components of one vector along which gravity is orientated.

    When the fluid is incompressible and its mass density is uniform, Navier–Stokes equations can be written by introducing the gravity terms into the pressure gradient:


    The solution to the problem is therefore the same as the one established previously, provided the pressure p is replaced at any point M with the quantity:


    Figure 1.7., Plane Poiseuille flow accounting for the gravity field


    In Figure 1.7, the modifications brought about by gravity in the case of a plane Poiseuille flow are depicted. The pipe is inclined within the gravity field.⁵ Navier– Stokes equations in directions Oy and Oz now reduce to:


    Equations [1.34] and [1.35] involve the hydrostatic pressure:


    which is defined with respect to a reference point O, where it is taken to be zero. The quantity p′ (equation [1.34]) is, at any point, the difference between the actual pressure and the hydrostatic pressure. It is uniform in any plane that is perpendicular to the flow direction (Figure 1.7), and only varies with x. The velocity profile in the pipe retains the same shape, since:


    The regular head loss which generates the flow is:


    where P′1 and P′2 are defined in Figure 1.7.

    In many cases, the problem is indeed simplified by introducing the gravity term into the pressure term. That is equivalent to subtracting the hydrostatic pressure from the pressure value measured or calculated at any point. It should, however, be recalled that we introduced the gravity term into the pressure term under the assumption that the mass density of the fluid is homogeneous within the domain. That is no longer the case when a two-phase flow (air–water flow, free-surface flow) is considered. For a two-phase flow, it is typically not worthwhile to consider introducing gravity into the pressure term, although this could in theory be done in each phase separately. This would complicate the process of writing out the boundary conditions at the interface between the fluids.

    1.8. Buoyancy force

    The buoyancy force is the resultant of hydrostatic pressure forces exerted on a domain V, under the action of gravity, by the surrounding fluid. In the absence of flow, the pressure inside the fluid is the hydrostatic pressure, phyd, associated with the weight of the water column. Navier–Stokes equations now reduce to:


    The resultant of the pressure field exerted by the fluid on domain V is:


    S is the closed surface surrounding V and n-arrow.gif is the outward normal to the domain on that surface (Figure 1.1). Following Ostrogradsky’s theorem, and then using (equation [1.39]), we arrive at:


    We recover the buoyancy force:


    whose magnitude equals the weight of the liquid volume displaced by the solid body and whose orientation is opposite to the direction of gravity. Thus, the buoyancy force corresponds to the integral of hydrostatic pressure forces exerted on a volume by the fluid located outside that volume.

    It is important to establish the link between buoyancy force and hydrostatic pressure. The forces exerted by the movement of a fluid on an object contained in that fluid are in most cases calculated using pressure p′, which is the difference between the absolute and hydrostatic pressures (equation [1.34]). The force calculated by integrating the pressure field, p′, across the surface of the object is the one produced by the fluid flowing around the object. It has a very clear point. The gravity force exerted on the object, which then has to be taken into account, is the difference between the weight of the object and the buoyancy force applied to the object.

    1.9. Some conclusions on the solutions of Navier–Stokes equations

    The three exact solutions of Navier–Stokes equations presented in this chapter have allowed us to familiarize ourselves with Navier–Stokes equations and to use the concept of stress for a Newtonian fluid. They also illustrate simple properties regarding pressure distribution within the flows.

    One may recall the approach employed to establish these three solutions, by making assumptions about the kinematics of the flow to simplify the system of differential equations to be solved. In fact, we have merely checked that such solutions verify Navier–Stokes equations and the boundary conditions for each of the problems considered.

    There are a few analytical solutions to Navier–Stokes equations. This explains why solving Navier–Stokes equations numerically has become a discipline per se in the field of fluid mechanics. However, notion of a solution to Navier–Stokes equations calls for further discussion.

    For the three solutions presented in this chapter, can we assert that these are the right solutions? From a mathematical standpoint, it could be argued that these are exact solutions to Navier–Stokes equations, since they verify them and also verify the boundary conditions. Nonetheless, we cannot assert that these are necessarily the ones the experimenter will observe, even when achieving the experiment with the highest care.

    It is possible to offer a simple explanation for this apparent paradox. To obtain the solutions described in this chapter, we have assumed the flow to be steady. In reality, the flow remains steady only if it is stable. The experimenter cannot avoid the superimposition of small disturbances onto the flow. When the flow is stable, such small disturbances will fade out in time, thus always reverting to the steadystate solution. The flow is unstable when flow conditions are such that some disturbances may grow in time and end up altering the flow altogether. In that case, Navier–Stokes solutions cannot remain steady for the selected experimental conditions. Thus, in the case of the flow inside a circular cylindrical pipe, it is found that the Poiseuille solution describes the flow adequately when the flow rate is sufficiently low. On the other hand, when it exceeds a certain value, the velocity field does not remain steady. This is the initial idea that helps one to understand why a flow becomes turbulent.

    A conclusion of the above discussion is that expressing an exact solution to Navier–Stokes equations is not sufficient in itself. One also needs to be able to demonstrate, with all necessary rigor, that this solution is stable under the conditions considered. This requires mastering the theory of instability in fluid flows.

    We might consider that we have tried everything to discourage the reader finding exact solutions to Navier–Stokes equations. This is not true, although we did wish to show some of the limitations involved in this regard. In the following chapters, we also introduce some tools for treating problems of fluid mechanics without explicitly solving Navier–Stokes equations.

    1 In particular, the well-known books by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics (2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1987) and by G.K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Cambridge University Press, 1967) provide an approach that complements the present book.

    2 The reader is referred to continuum mechanics textbooks for a justification of the symmetry of the stress tensor.

    3 The no-slip condition at the wall does not always hold. Particular properties of the materials making up the solid wall or fluids such as liquid polymers provide reasons regarding why the fluid slips along the wall.

    4 In particular, the essential book, Transfer Phenomena, by R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot, (John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2nd Edition, 2002) and the recent book, Phénomènes de transfert en génie

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