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TimeCard API Automation

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Oracle Timecard (OTL) Automation

Posted on March 2, 2010 by ashishszone | 7 Comments

4 Votes

Recently i have seen many requests for OTL timecard automations in Oracle. One of the reasons is
the financial downturn in the martket.
Many companies have announced furlough for employees- meaning the offices and manufacturing
units will be shutdonw for a specified amount of time and it will be mandatory for employees to
either take that time off from their vacation time, flex time, may be borrow it from next year or
simply be unpaid for that time period. Whatever be the case, it saves company a lot of money that it
was otherwise obligated to pay in vacation time or paid days. Now because its mandatory, it has to be
in the system for the payroll to pick it up.
If the organization uses time entry system like oracle to enter vacation/flex time, and processes
payroll then following needs to happen in order for a succesfull furlough automation.
- Employees time must be entered on the online timecard.
- The timecard must be approved by manager or Auto-approval process.
- This OTL timecard must be transferred to Batch Element Entries for Payroll.
To automate this process we will use HXC Timecard APIs provided by Oracle. These APIs help us in
creating a timecard for a day, week, and also attach elements/ projects to the timecard. Also, the
APIs submit the timecard with a workflow process type so it can either be picked for AUTO
processing or Manual approval.
Before we go into the details, we have to see how a typical timecard is built. For the sake of
simplicity, we will consider Monthly Paid (exempt) employees.
A timecard is a combination of DAYS. Each DAY will be one Row in a table. For Every day that you
need to enter time (e.g. Saturday Sunday will not need a time entry being a holiday) you need a
DETAIL type row also. And, for each DETAIL record that has to go into an element or project for
costing or payroll purpose, we need an ATTRIBUTE also.

These are nothing but the TIME BUILDING BLOCKS. To make things simple, lets go and see these
select * from hxc_time_building_blocks
TYPE: MEASURE ( Number of hours to be put in that particular day) or RANGE (For period like
week or day).
Now, if you see a typical timecard, this is how it looks (Use the hierarchical Query
TIMECARD (12/1/2008 - 12/7/2008) TYPE: RANGE
|_ DAY (12/1/2008 12/1/2008) TYPE: RANGE
|_ DETAIL (12/1/2008): 8 HRS (may have attributes) TYPE:MEASURE
|_ DAY (12/2/2008 12/2/2008)
|_ DETAIL (12/2/2008): 8 HRS
|_ DAY (12/3/2008 12/3/2008)
|_ DETAIL (12/3/2008): 8 HRS
|_ DAY (12/4/2008 12/4/2008)
|_ DETAIL (12/4/2008): 8 HRS
|_ DAY (12/5/2008 12/5/2008)
|_ DETAIL (12/5/2008): 8 HRS
|_ DAY (12/6/2008 12/6/2008)
|_ DAY (12/7/2008 12/7/2008)
SELECT htbb.time_building_block_id, htbb.TYPE, htbb.measure, htbb.unit_of_measure,
htbb.start_time, htbb.stop_time,htbb.parent_building_block_id, N parent_is_new,
htbb.SCOPE,htbb.object_version_number, htbb.approval_status,htbb.resource_id, htbb.resource_type,
htbb.approval_style_id,htbb.date_from, htbb.date_to,
htbb.comment_text,htbb.parent_building_block_ovn, N NEW, N changed,htbb.application_set_id,
FROM apps.hxc_time_building_blocks htbb START WITH ( htbb.time_building_block_id in (6848088)
AND htbb.object_version_number in (1 ) )CONNECT BY PRIOR htbb.time_building_block_id = htbb.
parent_building_block_id AND PRIOR htbb.object_version_number =
htbb.parent_building_block_ovn ORDER BY htbb.time_building_block_id ASC
NOW Over to APIs.

Create a Timecard building block (only timecard, no days, or details)
Here are the parameters it takes
p_start_time => to_date(01-DEC-2008 00:00:00,DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS) ,
p_stop_time => to_date(07-DEC-2008 23:59:59,DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS),
p_resource_id => emp.person_id ,
p_comment_text => Automated TimeCard: DEC08,
p_approval_style_id => 41, This is your workflow approval style, default to AUTO APPROVE
p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info,

p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id returns the id of TC Building block

Creates a DAY building block (only DAY no details)
Here are the parameters it takes
p_day => l_start_date,
p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id,
p_comment_text => Automated TimeCard: DEC08,
p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
Creates a DETAIL building block, in next step we have to attach the attribute to this DETAIL
Here are the parameters it takes
p_type => MEASURE,
p_measure => 8, Number of Hours
p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id,
p_comment_text => Automated TimeCard: DEC08,
p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_st_id
hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute (
p_building_block_id=> l_detail_bb_st_id,
p_attribute_name=> Dummy Element Context,
p_attribute_value=> ELEMENT 60110, This is the Accrual PTO Element we want to update
through this API.
p_app_attributes=> l_tbl_attributes_info);
This is the Submission Call. This process will submit the timecard, days and details with attributes.
Timecard will stay in SUBMITTED State until approved via Manual or AUTO Approve process.
p_validate => FALSE,
p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info,
p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info,
p_messages => l_tbl_messages,
p_mode => SUBMIT,
p_deposit_process => OTL Deposit Process,
p_retrieval_process => BEE Retrieval Process,
p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id,
p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
Hope this article helped you in understanding the basics of the Time Entry APIs. Please note that
this is the initial and basic knowledge. You will need some more knowledge like DELETE

timecards API for rollback in case of any issues. UPDATE timecard APIs etc for a full fledge
capability on OTL timecard automation.

Query to check if for a person a Timecard has been submitted or not for the
start and stop time
SELECT time_building_block_id, object_version_number, start_time,
comment_text, created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by,
last_update_date, last_update_login
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks
WHERE resource_id = <employee id>
AND start_time = <Start Time>
AND stop_time = <stop Time>
AND date_to = hr_general.end_of_time;

Query to get the Complete Timecard Data:

WHERE date_to=hr_general.end_of_time
CONNECT BY prior time_building_block_id=parent_building_block_id
AND object_version_number=parent_building_block_ovn
START WITH time_building_block_id=< Timecard Id>

Query to get all Attributes Information for a complete Timecard

SELECT htb.resource_id Person_id,
htb.start_time Start_time, htb.stop_time Stop_time,
htb2.time_building_block_id, hta.time_attribute_id,
htb2.measure, htb2.start_time, htb2.stop_time,
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks htb,
hxc_time_building_blocks htb1,
hxc_time_building_blocks htb2,
hxc_time_attribute_usages htau,
hxc_time_attributes hta
WHERE htb1.parent_building_block_id = htb.time_building_block_id
AND htb1.parent_building_block_ovn = htb.object_version_number
AND htb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
AND htb1.SCOPE = 'DAY'
AND htb1.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
AND htb2.parent_building_block_id = htb1.time_building_block_id
AND htb2.parent_building_block_ovn = htb1.object_version_number
AND htb2.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time

AND htau.time_building_block_id = htb2.time_building_block_id

AND htau.time_building_block_ovn = htb2.object_version_number
AND htau.time_attribute_id = hta.time_attribute_id
AND TRUNC(htb.start_time) = <start Date>
AND TRUNC(htb.stop_time) = <End Date>
AND htb.resource_id = <resource_id>

Use the preference to get the setup for a particular resource id


Table : hxc_pref_definitions
l_pref_table hxc_preference_evaluation.t_pref_table;

l_index := l_pref_table.first;
(NOT l_pref_table.exists(l_index));
IF (l_pref_table(l_index).preference_code = 'TC_W_TCRD_LAYOUT') THEN ....
l_index :=;

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