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5 Math - Lazy T

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Lesson Model:

Instructional Stratigie(s):
Houston Baptist University
School of Education

Subject: Math

Grade Level: 5

Time Estimate: 1 hour

Unit: Fractions

Topic: Adding Fractions using Lazy T

TEKS: 5.3H
ELPS: 5.1D
Goal: TLW understand how to add fractions with unequal denominators.
Objectives: TLW represent and solve addition of fractions with unequal denominators
referring to the properties of operations.
Materials/Resources/Technology needs:
Promethean Board
Scratch paper
Fraction Bar WS
Problem Set WS
Exit Ticket WS
Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event (Anticipatory set): Review objective to students and announce to
the students that today they will continue to work towards mastery of addition of
fractions with unequal denominators.
Teaching/ Learning Procedures: The teacher will tell the students to take out
their fraction bar worksheets and scratch paper. The teacher will then have a student
pass out a ruler to everyone. The teacher will give the students two quick computation
problems on the board to solve using their fraction bar worksheet.
o 1/3 + and + 1/5
Once the teacher checks students understanding for solving these problems, they will
move on to the application problem.
o Hannah and her friend are training to run in a 2-mile race. On Monday,
Hannah ran mile. On Tuesday, she ran 1/5 mile farther than she ran on
A. How far did Hannah run on Tuesday?
B. If her friend ran mile on Tuesday, how many miles did the girls run in
all on Tuesday?

The teacher will instruct the students to solve problem A with their table using their
fraction bar sheets. The teacher should instruct the students to use model (make sure
students use comparison model), equation, and statement to solve the problem. Once
students have solved, call on a few groups to explain their thinking and create a model
equation statement on the board. Now the teacher will direct the students to try and
solve B using their fraction bar chart. Students should notice that an equivalent fraction
cannot be found on their sheet. The teacher will tell the student that they will learn a
new way to find common denominators. The teacher will now tell the students they will
practice with the new method and come back to problem B.
The teacher will now start practice problems.
1st problem is + 1/5. The teacher will use the pictorial area model to solve the
problem and explain how this represents multiplication. The teacher will ask the
students if she doubles the pieces in the 1/5 model what operation is that like.
The teacher will do the same for 1/2. The teacher will then show that by
multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number they can get the
same answer as in the area model.
2nd problem is + 2/3. This time the teacher will introduce the lazy T and the
concept of LCM and LCD. The teacher will solve the problem using the lazy T
while the students follow along on their paper.
3rd problem is 5/9 + 5/6. The teacher will instruct student to help her create the
lazy T and have students solve the problems with her, asking students to guide
her through the process to ensure understanding. The teacher will walk around
and make sure students understand and are using the
T correctly.
4th problem is 2/3 + 1/4 +1/2. The teacher will instruct that this time they are going
to make a lazy H. The teacher will set up the H, but not fill in the multiples. The
students will work with their tables to solve the problem. The teacher will then ask
the students what their answer was and what they chose as an LCD.
5th problem is problem B from the beginning. Students will solve using Model
Equation and Statement at their tables.
The teacher will now ask students to rate their understanding. The teacher will allow
those who feel confident in their understanding to work independently on their
problem set worksheet. The students that do not feel confident will come down to the
carpet and work with the teacher for more guided practice. As students become
more confident in the concept the teacher will allow them to work some problems
independently but remain in the group on the carpet. If students seem to start
mastering the lazy T, they can be sent back to their desk to work completely
independently. Students will have 10 minutes to work on this problem set.
Formative Check (Check for understanding): Questioning and observation
during lesson, exit ticket, homework
Reteach (alternative used as needed): Review the concept in small group
rotations so students are getting more individual attention.

Closure: Once time is up, the teacher will have students return to their desks and
complete 2 exit ticket questions. Even students that were still being guided will have to
attempt to complete the exit ticket independently
Assessment/Summative Evaluation: Unit Test
Modifications/Notes: ESL/SpEd: 504 students may use calculator and any visual aids
they have been given. Students that have received a multiplication chart may use that.

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