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Analysis Film The Ron Clark Story

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A. Name of the People and Perwatakannya

1. Ron Clark: a teacher who is very smart, unyielding, compassionate, innovative, creative
and passionate.
2. Tayshawn: students who are hard-spirited, brave, indifferent.
3. Shameika: students hard, brave, spirited leader, motherly nature.
4. Principal Turner: principals selfish, tactless.
5. Marissa Vega: nice co-worker, pretty, hardworking, good acting.
6. Julio Vazquez: students who liked to steal, like betting, smart cards.
7. Ron Clark Sr. : Ron clark mother is loving, kind, and thoughtful.
8. Badriyah: students who are shy, quiet, smart, diligent reading the book.
9. Arena Raquel: students calm and likes to sleep in class.
10. Badriyah's Father: father curb child, undemocratic, authoritarian.
11. Jean Clark: ron clark father is compassionate and wise.
12. Doretha Wallace: mother shamaika hardworking and wise.
13. Hadley: ron clark friends at the cafe.
14. Alita Sanchez: an indifferent student.
15. Yolanda: hotel receptionist is busy, nice and firm.
B. Problems
The problems that exist in this film are:
1. How to teach students with different characteristics are lazy to learn such has no ideals.
2. How did the students coming and labeled with the worst and lowest grade in order to pass
the national exam and also face the headmaster
3. In addition, there is also the problem of Mr. Turner, who is a school principal in elementary
school. He felt less suited to the style of learning undertaken by Mr. Clark, even he had
pressed Mr. Clark by saying "My school, my rules, my way". Mr. Turner was also only a
value-oriented and graduation all students, so that he lacks confidence in the method
performed by Mr. Clark and continues to demand that all students graduate.
C. Solutions or Troubleshooting Such efforts
1. Mr. Clark adaptation with students in the classroom by providing the rule of Mr. Clark
where the first rule is that we are a family, the second is that we respect each other, and the
third is that we will go in and out of class by lining.
2. Perform observations and approaches to parents to be invited to cooperate in the work of
the house and provide additional teaching at home.
3. Perform a variety of fun learning activities so that children are motivated to learn as did
Mr. Clark include:
a. Using a variety of media images in the classroom
b. Storytelling by giving the theme of learning situations
c. Using the medium of music to memorize learning
4. Conducting individual approach with his students so that students feel closer and open, not
awkward, and can enter into the world with their students.
D. Advantages and Disadvantages Mr. Clark
Mr. Clark was a teacher who can see the potential of intelligence and talent possessed by the
students well. Even now he can make the student-siswannya began to love him. He worked
hard to make the students can learn the good. He took the time to give extra lessons to
students in private. Even to the extent that he does not bother her health condition. When the

time a few weeks before the national test is done, a wide range of enterprise and hard work
has been done Mr. Clark, his mind increasingly gaining enormous pressure and energy
terforsir, to make his body in good condition. When he should be admitted to the hospital she
was still determined to teach. Until he fainted while teaching in front of the class. When a
teacher admitted to hospital, of course, the learning process in the class would be halted. But
not so in the classroom Mr. Clark, he taught his students using video footage of the hospital.
Assisted by Maurice, Clark mebuat video to be given to students in the classroom. It's a
wonderful teacher. A week before the National Examination Mr. Clark had gone back into his
class. He merely repeat and give scantlings of the students so that they can carry out the
national exams in peace.
E. Value -value / methods / strategies do Mr. Clark
The values that are applied by Mr. Clark is by applying to her students that we are all family,
where family is the place to respect, support, and love. The methods or strategies that do Mr.
Clark is using other methods than others. He uses the preferred method and can make
students feel comfortable and happy during the learning process. Whether using a radio tape,
walking trails, stylish slengekan, even he did not hesitate to sit on the table where normally it
is immodest, especially if done by a teacher. She tried to deepen the students of his students
who have problems one by one and then he tried to handle it. He was willing to sacrifice his
time to help the student to learn and become better.
F. Conclusion
The conclusion that can be drawn for a Master's from the movie is:
1. Teachers must understand the characteristics and needs of their students
2. Be Teachers who love the challenge of teaching do not easily give up and despair
3. Teachers should be able to motivate siwanya to learn
4. Teachers should be able to approach individually with students
5. Teachers should be working with principals, parents in designing a learning program for
their students, so that the programs provided in school could be in line with the program or
custom made at home.
6. Teachers should kreatf, solution-based, and innovative.
7. Teachers should be good at giving both positive reinforcement and negative to students
8. The teacher should be able to take advantage of every condition as a medium of learning
for students, so that students can learn anywhere
9. Teachers should never shy weeks to say "I learned from you, and you learn from me".
10. The teacher must create a pleasant learning situations and should always appreciate the
ability slightest owned students.

The Ron Clark Story

The Ron Clark Story is a film that comes from a story that was then adapted into this
film. The main character in this film is Ron Clark, a teacher who is very innovative, creative
and passionate. He was a teacher who was very inspiring students. Ron Clark or Mr. Clark
was originally a teacher at Snowden Elementary school in Aurora, North California in 1994.
Mr. Clark became a teacher there for four years, and make the elementary school into a
school with a satisfactory passing score. Finally he decided to move outside the city. Actually,
the family and teachers in the school's move deplored Mr. Clark.
Arriving Clark in New York, she finds a public school to be taught there. In his quest
to become a teacher in New York, he was rejected, but eventually she found her new school is
"INNER HARLEM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL". He was accepted at the school is
appropriate when there is a teacher out of the school. Furthermore, he invited Mr. Turner,
elementary school principal Harleem to get around the school and classes to be shown Mr.
Clark teach. Before he taught his class, he first visited the house and the parents of each
student. While visiting students he found a variety of conditions and backgrounds are very
When Mr. Clark went into the class for the first time, he saw the conditions were so
heterogeneous. They were so indifferent to his teacher and did not appreciate it. Mr. Clark
tries to adjust to the conditions of his students who

labeled "undesirable classes". He

subsequently apply some rules and regulations in his class were first made is to make the
grade as a family. Mr Clark strongly emphasize their existence as a family should be mutual
trust, respect and love.
During the early days of teaching, Mr. Clark experienced various kinds of constraints
that it mostly brought by the students themselves. Starting from their habits are not comrades
and teachers, fighting, and other naughtiness. Especially when he overturned tables named
Shemika students, he felt regret and despair. When it had to face very difficult conditions and
did not get the attention and respect of the students, Mr. Clark felt desperate and intend to
stop teaching in elementary Harleem. Fortunately there was a friend of Clark named Maurice,
he was a woman admired. Maurice gave him encouragement to keep fighting and prove
himself capable. Thanks to the encouragement, Clark eventually thought better to give up and
go back to teaching in class the next day.

In addition, there is also the problem of Mr. Turner, who is a school principal in
elementary school. He felt less suited to the style of learning undertaken by Mr. Clark, even
he had pressed Mr. Clark by saying "My school, my rules, my way". Mr. Turner was also only
a value-oriented and graduation all students, so that he lacks confidence in the method
performed by Mr. Clark and continues to demand that all students graduate.
In teaching the students Mr. Clark uses methods other than others. He uses the
preferred method and can make students feel comfortable and happy during the learning
process. Whether using a radio tape, walking trails, stylish slengekan, even he did not hesitate
to sit on the table where normally it is immodest, especially if done by a teacher. She tried to
deepen the students of his students who have problems one by one and then he tried to handle
it. He was willing to sacrifice his time to help the student to learn and become better.
Mr. Clark was a teacher who can see the potential of intelligence and talent which is
owned by the students well. Even now he can make the student-siswannya began to love him.
He worked hard to make the students can learn the good. He took the time to give extra
lessons to students in private. Even to the extent that he does not bother her health condition.
When the time a few weeks before the national test is done, a wide range of enterprise and
hard work has been done Mr. Clark, his mind increasingly gaining enormous pressure and
energy terforsir, to make his body in good condition. When he should be admitted to the
hospital she was still determined to teach. Until he fainted while teaching in front of the class.
When a teacher admitted to hospital, of course, the learning process in the class would
be halted. But not so in the classroom Mr. Clark, he taught his students using video footage of
the hospital. Assisted by Maurice, Clark mebuat

video to be given to students in the

classroom. It's a wonderful teacher. A week before the National Examination Mr. Clark had
gone back into his class. He merely repeats and provide reinforcement-strengthening towards
the students. Classroom Mr. Clark now has an entirely different class, with the initial
conditions, which awakened a sense of family has become increasingly tight.
When the implementation of the National Examination Mr. Clark jusstru feel anxious
and tense thinking of students. And when the exam ended, there appeared an expression of
relief on the faces of Mr. Clark. Subsequently Mr. Clark invites all students to DE Phantom of
de Opera, as well as gifts and refreshing after working on national exams. When the students
got the ticket, they look so happy and excited.
Hours ahead of when the show begins, and any accompanying drizzle. Before entering
the show, Clark counting the number of students and it turns out there was one of his students
were not there, his name Tisha students are very talented at drawing. Suddenly after that he

then seek the child to his home, but Mr. Clark did not meet him. Subsequently he was looking
for a place where ordinary Tisha located. And he found that Tisha mistreated by her parents.
Furthermore, he was invited by Mr. Clark stayed at home while Mr. Turner.
When the results have been obtained, on that day Mr. Clark invites parents to witness
the announcement of the value of their sons and daughters. In the middle of the show, Mr.
Turner suddenly entered and give the notice. The contents of the letter is to inform you that
niai of one of her students is a value-tallest in the national examination, even the value of the
average grade was the best and beat the average value of the excellent class. Class is also
instantly became boisterous with joy and excitement. An expression of satisfied and happy
look so visible on the face of Mr. Clark. Above all things learned by the students, they give
the award to Mr. Clark as the best teacher.
On the occasion even Shemica as a representative of his friends say "Mr. Clark, thank you
for always being there even when we're not wanted, you give us inspiration. "Mr. Clark is not
merely a teacher in the traditional sense, he views his profession as a vocation. In the end the
students students Mr. Clark went to several schools the best secondary school in New York


A. Nama Tokoh dan Perwatakannya
1. Ron Clark : seorang guru yang sangat cerdas, pantang menyerah, penyayang, inovatif,
kreatif dan bersemangat.
2. Tayshawn : siswa yang berjiwa keras, pemberani, acuh.
3. Shameika : siswa yang keras, pemberani, berjiwa pemimpin, sifatnya keibuan.
4. Principal Turner : kepala sekolah yang egois, kurang bijaksana.
5. Marissa Vega : rekan kerja yang baik,cantik, pekerja keras, jago akting.
6. Julio Vazquez: siswa yang suka mencuri, suka taruhan, pintar main kartu.
7. Ron Clark Sr. : ibu ron clark yang penyayang, baik hati, dan bijaksana.
8. Badriyah : siswa yang pemalu, pendiam, pintar, rajin baca buku.
9. Arena Raquel : siswa yang kalem dan suka tidur di kelas.
10. Badriyah's Father: ayah yang mengekang anak, tidak demokratis, otoriter.
11. Jean Clark : ayah ron clark yang penyayang dan bijaksana.
12. Doretha Wallace : ibu shamaika yang pekerja keras dan bijaksana.
13. Hadley : teman ron clark di cafe.
14. Alita Sanchez : siswa yang cuek.
15. Yolanda : resepsionis hotel yang sibuk, baik dan tegas.
B. Permasalahan
Permasalahan yang ada dalam film ini yaitu:
1. Bagaimana mengajar siswa dengan karakteristik berbeda-beda yang malas untuk belajar
seperti tidak mempunyai cita-cita.
2. Bagaimana supaya siswa yang berasal dan dilabel dengan kelas terburuk dan terendah
agar bisa lulus ujian nasional dan juga menghadapi kepala sekolah
3. Selain itu, muncul juga masalah dari Mr. Turner yang merupakan kepala sekolah di SD
tersebut. Ia merasa kurang cocok dengan gaya pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh Mr. Clark,
bahkan dia sempat menekan Mr. Clark dengan mengatakan My school, my rule, my way.
Mr. Turner pun juga hanya berorientasi pada nilai dan kelulusan seluruh siswanya, sehingga
ia kurang percaya dengan metode yang dilakukan oleh Mr. Clark dan terus menuntut agar
seluruh siswanya lulus.
C. Solusi atau Upaya Mengatasi Masalah Tersebut
1. Mr. Clark melakukan adaptasi dengan siswa didalam kelas dengan cara memberikan
aturan dari Mr. Clark dimana aturannya yang pertama yaitu kita adalah keluarga, yang kedua
adalah kita saling menghormati, dan yang ketiga adalah kita akan masuk dan keluar kelas
dengan cara berbaris.
2. Melakukan observasi dan pendekatan kepada orangtua agar bisa diajak bekerjasama
dalam pekerjaan rumah dan memberikan pengajaran tambahan di rumah.
3. Melakukan berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan agar anak termotivasi
untuk belajar seperti yang dilakukan Mr. Clark diantaranya:
a. Menggunakan berbagai media gambar didalam kelas
b. Bercerita dengan memberi tema pada situasi pembelajaran
c. Menggunakan media musik untuk menghapal pembelajaran
4. Melakukan pendekatan individual dengan siswa-siswanya agar lebih dekat dan siswa
merasa terbuka, tidak canggung, dan bisa masuk kedunia siswa-siswanya.

D. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Mr. Clark

Mr. Clark adalah seorang guru yang dapat melihat potensi-potensi kecerdasan dan bakat
yang dimiliki oleh para siswanya dengan baik. Bahkan kini ia dapat membuat siswasiswannya mulai untuk mencintainya. Dia bekerja keras untuk membuat para siswanya dapat
belajar Dengan baik. Dia meluangkan waktunya untuk memberikan pelajaran tambahan bagi
para siswanya secara privat. Bahkan sampai-sampai dia tidak menghiraukan kondisi
kesehatannya. Ketika waktu tinggal beberapa pekan sebelum Ujian nasional dilakukan,
berbagai macam usaha dan kerja keras telah dilakukan Mr. Clark, pikirannya semakin
mendapatkan tekanan hebat dan tenaganya terforsir, hingga membuat badannya dalam
kondisi yang tidak baik. Ketika ia harusnya dirawat di rumah sakit dia masih saja nekat
mengajar. Hingga ia jatuh pingsan ketika mengajar di Depan kelas. Ketika seorang guru
dirawat di rumah sakit, tentu saja proses pembelajaran di kelasnya pun akan terhenti. Namun
tidak demikian pada kelas Mr. Clark, dia tetap mengajar siswanya dengan menggunakan
rekaman videonya dari Rumah sakit. Dibantu oleh Maurice, Clark mebuat video guna
diberikan pada siswanya di kelas. Sungguh seorang guru yang luar biasa. Seminggu sebelum
Ujian Nasional Mr. Clark sudah masuk kembali ke kelasnya. Dia hanya sekedar mengulang
dan memberikan penguatan-penguatan pada siswanya agar mereka bisa melaksanakan ujian
nasional dengan tenang.
E. Nilai nilai/ metode / strategi yang dilakukan Mr. Clark
Nilai-nilai yang diterapkan oleh Mr. Clark yaitu dengan menerapkan kepada siswa-siswanya
bahwa kita semua adalah keluarga, dimana keluarga adalah tempat untuk saling
menghormati, memberi dukungan, dan menyayangi. Adapun metode atau stategi yang
dilakukan Mr. Clark yaitu menggunakan metode-metode yang lain daripada yang lain. Dia
menggunakan metode yang disukai dan dapat membuat siswanya merasa nyaman dan senang
selama proses pembelajaran. Entah dengan menggunakan radio tape, berjalan jalan, bergaya
slengekan, bahkan ia tak sungkan untuk duduk di atas meja dimana biasanya hal itu adalah
hal yang tidak sopan, apalagi jika dilakukan oleh seorang guru. Dia mencoba mendalami
siswa siswanya yang memiliki masalah satu per satu kemudian dia berusaha menanganinya.
Dia rela mengorbankan waktunya untuk membantu siswanya agar dapat belajar dan menjadi
lebih baik lagi.
F. Kesimpulan
Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil untuk seorang Guru dari film ini yaitu:
1. Guru harus memahami karakteristik dan kebutuhan siswanya
2. Jadilah Guru yang menyukai tantangan dalam mengajar jangan mudah menyerah dan
putus asa
3. Guru harus bisa memotivasi siwanya untuk belajar
4. Guru harus bisa melakukan pendekatan secara individual dengan siswa
5. Guru harus bisa bekerja sama dengan kepala sekolah, orangtua dalam merancang suatu
program pembelajaran bagi siswanya, sehingga program yang diberikan disekolah bisa
sejalan dengan program atau kebiasaan yang dilakukan dirumah.
6. Guru harus kreatf, solutif, dan inovatif.
7. Guru harus pandai memberikan reinforcement baik yang positif maupun negatif kepada
8. Guru harus bisa memanfaatkan setiap kondisi sebagai media belajar bagi siswa, sehingga
dimana saja siswa bisa belajar
9. Guru jangan pernah malu utuk mengatakan saya belajar dari kalian, dan kalian belajar
dari saya.

10. Guru harus menciptakan situasi pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan harus selalu
menghargai kemampuan sekecil apapun yang dimiliki siswanya.

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