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Kezia Noble - 10 Hook Lead System 1 PDF

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Three sticking point of men

1. Approach Anxiety
2. Escalation: Turning interaction into sexual
3. Running out of things to say (maybe the most common): Awkward silences.
Guys try to fill silences with questions and questions.which becomes
interrogative style of conversation. Interrogation style techniques do not

2. The 3 stages of the interaction

1. Intro
2. Comfort
3. Seduction
Mastering the comfort zone is probably even better than mastering approach
anxiety. Because if you know how to have a good conversation, you dont have
the anxiety to approach!

3. Turning negatives into positives

4. Creating a strong base

You need a base to apply all the routines
5. What the 10 hook lead system will give you
1. The ability to transition the interaction from opener to comfort
2. How to get even the most unresponsive women (shy, dont like chatting)
to respond
3. How to demonstrate high value and high standards
4. How to implant hooks that you can sexually escalate from
5. How to use deep connection techniques to their full advantage
6. How to show off your strengths to the maximum
7. How to take negatives that happen in interactions and turning them into
8. How to create a strong base for you to use routines effectively
9. How to master cold readings
10.You will get honest and powerful information about female mind
6. What is a hook?
Not the word that you connect with, but rather every single word she says is a hook.
7. Low caliber hooks and high caliber hooks

Low caliber: Hooks but useless

High caliber: Useful hooks. It is what you want to generate early in the interaction
--------------------Side notes:
Guys with attractive looks will have higher chance than the less attractive (just
accept it) but they could still be told to go away.
Better to use direct games in daygame.
If you can get high caliber hooks in the first minute, you can go 10 different ways
with it
-------------------Low caliber:

Over there (in day games): e.g: Do you know where I could find starbucks?
Its over there

Medium calibers

Animals: 1. opinion openers. 2. What kind of animals do you have?

High calibers


8. Hook lead #1: Open questions

Asking open questions open multiple books.

Stores like HMV are good because people are with good energy; unlike cloths stores
where women are more in a rush.
Example: At HMV, Can you recommend me a movie that I can watch tonight? A
question like What do you like about it? could open more hooks such as
soundtrack80s music
Dont stay on the opening-line subject for long. You have to transition from opener
to comfort.
So movie -> soundtrack -> 80 music -> Michael Jackson -> Hollywood -> drugs
Careful not to talk about one topic (such as the movie) for wont
get her number

9. Hook lead #2: Facts

Facts about their countries could bring them out of their shellseven the shy ones
Homework: Find a fact for each country on facts would be cooler.
Dont talk about capitals.
They may find it respectful because you know about their country.
It can be a fact but can also be a lie.have fun with it. A lie that you think may
make it funny.
There shouldnt be anger if the subject is a bit sensitive because its a fact. Im not
insulting you, Its just something I read
Why it works on shy people: because you are not putting a flashlight on her face
with something like who are you? that will put her oh people are looking at me.

10. Hook Lead #3: Challenge


Negging: taking slightly the girls value:

- You know you blink a lot?
- I love when you laugh, your nose wiggles like a rabbit
- Hi, Im used to approach the hottest girl in the club.her: okayme:
could you introduce me to that girl?

Dont go too far:

- Your breath smells

- Stop spitting on me / Spell it, dont spit it.

The okay ones:
- You are too much of a nice girl for me
- I always make myself talk to the most beautiful girl in the club. Do you
know the name of that girl? Make it with a funny smirk.

Use this technique by looking at the attitude factor, not the attractive factor. In
other words, use it with women who have an attitude; dont use it on an attractive
girl simply because she is attractive. Regular looking girls could be very bitchy
because they are approached by many guys. The very gorgeous ones may not be as
French girls love to be intellectually challenged: philosophy, religion, politics. So you
can break the rule of these taboo subjects with French girls

11. The diffusion techniques

Why men dont challenge women: They dont want to go into arguments
Take a negative and make it positive = the diffusion technique
What not to do if you are talking about something controversial:

Dont try your best to win the argument, she wont like it
But also dont let her win because she will say oh he doesnt believe in
what he says
Instead, do the diffusion technique:
o With a smile, you say Stopyou and I wont agree on this subject.
We could talk for hours and we will go nowhere. Dont you agree?
She will say yes. Take a small pause for resistance. Then you say
you know what, I love that. Have you realized how some people
have no opinion with what you are saying, they just nod nicely. But
you are like me, you stand up for what you believe in..I love it
o By doing this youre taking took control of the

12. Hook lead #4: Opinion

If she says something, such as I went to Japan to do this and you have an opinion
about it, then dont be afraid of saying it. Dont go oh thats nice. Instead, be why
Japan? Why not Dubai? Etc. Women will go wow, a change!

That could make her ask you the following questions: Why do you think that?,
Where would you go like to go?
Why not say thats nice: because it shows that you dont care. Whats your job?
Oh thats nice.
You could use it on: their favorite movie, book, celebrity, cuisine and they wont get
offended. These subjects wont make her say I wont sleep with him because he
doesnt like this movie
Dont use it on: No religion and no country where shes born in.
If she reacts badly you go with diffusion technique.
Be sure your opinion is bold, dont apologize for it. Dont say it in a needy matter.
Dont make your opinion fizzle out in the endremember, its your opinion

13. Hook lead #5: Humor

Everyone has it, if you dont think you do, well you do.
Guys dont show their humor on dates, its on mute. They laugh with their male
friends, but not with females.
Women like funny men. They are attracted to men that make them laugh.
When a woman doesnt laugh at a joke, most guys go with euh ya anyway and try
to filter the silence with useless stuff.
If she doesnt laugh at your jokes, own the silence, look at her and say: You and I
dont have the same sense of humor. With a smile, dont be serious. Thats it, we
are over I will call the lawyer tomorrow for the divorce. Dont try to ignore the
Find your sense of humor and give it a name: toilette, little boy, dark, stupid, dry,
intellectual, playful, etc.
Be proud of your humor, it makes your character, its who you are. Use it to see if
the person is good enough for you. Dont use it to win friends.

14. Hook lead #6: Anecdote (Storytelling)

Elements to add:
o Details
o Timing
o Emotion
o Follow-up threads.

Details: Women love details in stories. Convert a small story to an epic one
If you have a friend included in the story, tell the names. Replace unattractive
names to more attractive ones: Leila, Lea, Candy, Amber.
Timing: Dont speak too fast dont look like you just want to end the storytelling
Emotion: Anchor emotions using certain words. Eg: instead of nice ice cream , you
say delicious frozen ice cream. Eg2: I was a prisoner in my mind instead of I
wasnt feeling well

Find a sad story that could make her cry. Women love to cry (they get
together every 6 months to watch a sad movie to cry.thats how they
bond). If you dont have one, Google and find one.

Follow-up threads: While you are telling your story, you could go like this: So I was
at the water park, and then there were these annoying kids.. then you ask her
btw, do you like kids? Ya? Because I dont so after I finish my story, tell me whats
so great about kids because I have to like these things. And then you get back to
the story..then again you stop somewhere else..blabla, have you been at a
waterpark? Oh in Vegas? I never been in Vegas, you have to tell me all about it
Then you go back to your story. What this does is that extends your conversation
subjects. When you finish the story, she will get back to one of the subjects you
have mentioned. If she doesnt, then you can choose which subject you want; such
as so you said you like kids, eh? Whats so great about them?

15. Hook lead #7: Task

Kezia loves it. She uses it a lot.
You are from Sweden? Tell me 3 things about Sweden.

Its a Tell me, show me

Its a pattern of I tell you what to do, and you do it
You are shifting the power to your side. So when you go to a number close (pass me
your phone, I will call my number so I can have yours)
This could give you the opportunity of 3 high caliber hooks.
It could give you information that you couldnt have gotten otherwise.

16. Hook lead #8: Validation

If theres one hook Kezia cant take away, it would be validation.
Demonstrating high value/standard is something you need to be doing at the
beginning of the interaction, in the bedroom, in a relationship.
Positive validation: your approval of she has done/said.
Negative validation: showing your disapproval.
How to show your approval without showing arrogance.
Sample conversation:

What do you do?

Im a teacher
AFC guy would go: ohh wonderful, great!
But you should take a moment, a pause thats cool, most people I talk to
are modeling, acting, it gets boring. Tell me more about your job.

Because you dont want her to take the positive validation for granted, you need to
switch to negative validation without being arrogant.
So you could say to her what will you do during holiday? oh Im going Most
guys would say ok thats cool but in reality they dont care they just want to sleep
with her. What you will do, if you dont agree with her, is say nothing. Dont say oh
thats disgusting. Say nothing, and add a face of whatever, I dont want to
acknowledge what she said or a face of WTF. It will freak her out. If she says
whats wrong? Just say nothing, forget it. She wont forget it. After persistence,
you say okay, I will tell you but promise you wont get moody and shit. Its just
that everything was beautiful, you were my kind of girl but then you said this, I
wasnt expecting it..anyways can we talk about something else? Now, she will
start wanting to validate herself. You want that because you want to show women

that she could lose you in any second. You are more valuable when they think they
could lose you any second than knowing that you are in the safe bet.

This is very strong according to Kezia. Even she falls for it. Its gold when women try
to validate themselves.

17. Hook lead #9: Assumption

Women love when you make assumptions about them.
Dont give vague assumptions.
Good ones are: You look like an interesting person (if the way she dresses is
different), you look like an exciting, adventurous person. You seem like the naughty
girl at school, who sits in the back of the class.
Bad ones: you look like a nice person. (Thats too vague)
You want to make the assumption tailored to her. Its more personal.
The more detail you add, the more wrong you afford to be.
If she says no Im not like that, you are wrong. Dont do like what most guys do
oh, I meant. . AKA: being clumsy. Instead, you should look intrigued: REALLY?!
, so you are good girl at school? I really didnt see that
So basically, this hook lead is like cold reading, palm reading.
Its a routine, so use it carefully but she recommends using it.

18. Hook lead #10: Suggestion

You like this movie? Then you should watch that movie. You like sushi? You should
try that restaurant.

19. Putting the system into practice

You now have information overload.

So heres what you should do. You pick 3 hooks when you go out: validation,
opinion, and the 3rd is your choice.

Q1: How long will it take me to grasp the 10 hook lead system?
A: The more effort you put into it, the faster. Dont get addicted to theory, you have
to practice.

Q2: How can I apply this to direct game?

A: Implant the hooks after your opener. Hi, I think you are beautiful, I would like to
know you Since this is so random, I will tell you 3 things about myself, and you will
tell me 3 things about yours.
You tell her about your past, present, future.
You have to go first, otherwise she may give you: her name, where she is from,
age.low calibers.

Q3: When is a good point to stop the conversation and get back to her
later when in a club?
A: Thats break rapport.something she recommends. The good time is when you
made an emotional/laughter connection. Always leave her want you more. I will go
see my friends; I will catch up with you later.
A girl doesnt like when a guy spends too much time with her, even if she likes him.
So always make her want more. You dont need her to have a good time.

Q4: What if deep connection goes too far. E.g: her talking about her exboyfriend.
A: You may go like this: You know, this sounds really important. I appreciate that
you are sharing it but you need to talk to your friends about this; they are the one
who can help you.

This sets the boundary of friendship. You are not one of her friends. Thats what you
want to show.

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