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Captain Jack - Mystery Method Eclass Lesson 1

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The author recommends raising one's value in the entire venue by getting multiple women engaged and circulating around the venue.

The author recommends getting 'locked in' with a group, then parading women around the venue to build an aura and social proof.

The author recommends getting 'locked in' with multiple groups in quick succession to build the impression that one is popular with women in the venue.

The first lesson of the e-class begins at the very beginning.

Remember, my goal here is to take you from "Opening" to having a complete System for almost effortlessly bringing hot women in your life and starting sexual relationships with them. I'm going to show you how to get women into your life through multiple sources so you are always surrounded by women (if you choose.) I'll be including some of my latest tactics regarding internet dating and MySpace. The majority of my success has come through a combination of my mindset, HOW I go about improving my Game Plan and by paying attention to the 20% of activities which generate 80% of the results. I'm going to teach you all 3 in the ecourse. When you faithfully do the assignments and THEN write to me for specific feedback I have no doubt that we can make huge improvements in your Game in the next few weeks. Most of the value from this eCourse will come from the specific feedback. Now, let's begin at the beginning. I'm not talking about the beginning of time or even "Opening" (we'll get to that a little later). I'm talking about YOU. Your beliefs. Your attitudes. Your thoughts. Which all lead to your behaviors. You'll find that "reality" consistently conforms to your functional beliefs. So if you believe that "all the hot girls have boyfriends" - that's ALL that you will run into! Like a Gigantic Magnet your beliefs SUCK confirming experiences towards you. MOST of the benefit in the e-Course will NOT come from the tips, tactics or techniques that I share (although those are important). 99% of the benefit comes from the "shift in viewpoint" that I will give you. *** Let the shifting begin: The Secret of PUA Venue Domination ***

And, here is one such shift. Most of the PU world is organized around the concept of running sets. Each set is treated (in most models and almost ALL PRACTICE) as a distinct and separate entity. You hit the club/bar and "open a 3set" then you regroup with your buddies and you "open that mixed 4 set over there", etc, etc. At the end of each night you and your wings "debrief" and talk about each Set as if it were a distinct entity. This is not the best way to think about it. (I am going to continue talking about sets as if they are distinct. That is just for communication purposes and ease of speech. I DO NOT view things as a 2Set, 3Set, etc unless I am explaining or writing a FR/LR)... Because, the ENTIRE VENUE is one Giant Mixed Set. I don't worry that much about raising my value in "the set" I am in. That line of thinking is too limited. I raise my VALUE IN THE ENTIRE VENUE. That is why one of the FIRST things I do when I hit a bar is to get in a Set and get "locked in" which means to make it APPEAR to EVERYONE ELSE that the girls I am talking to are gaming me. That may or may not be true. But, to anyone walking by or watching it looks like I am being gamed by the girls. (I'll tell you how to accomplish that later). The NEXT THING I do is TAKE the girls and do a lap around the bar (slowly) to make sure that almost EVERYONE sees me parading at least one girl (preferably two or more at one time) around. And, while I am doing that I make a mental note of the AI's I get and "tag" them for future reference. If I see a really hot girl that I want to sarge I will take the girls I am parading and "lock in" next to my new Target's group so SHE can see the girls gaming me. With all of these maneveurs I am creating an AURA. I AM the guy who is talking to girls, I am the guy who is parading girls around. I have them laughing. I have them screaming. We are hugging each other. And the entire place looks at me and thinks, "Who IS THAT GUY?" I will do this several times with different groups of girls, all in rapid succession.

I am SARGING THE ENTIRE VENUE. Every group of girls are PAWNS in my quest to build my PU AURA inside the club. This takes less than an hour to accomplish. If you do this once in a night, every Set will open for you throughout the night. If you do this twice in a night, girls will start opening you. If you do this three times in a night, you will (most likely) get laid by at least one of the girls that you number close. Think about it this way: If you come to me and say, "Dude, Captain Jack, my penis is 12 inches!" I probably won't believe you If a girl comes to me and says, "Captain Jack, his penis IS 12 inches! We had the most amazing sexathon ever and he almost punctured one of my lungs with that thing!" I MIGHT believe it, unless I think she is just screwing with me. But, if the music stops, the bartenders stop pouring drinks, everyone in the bar pauses and in unison says, "Captain Jack his penis is 12 inches WE SAW IT and measured it while you were in the bathroom!" I'll probably say, "Dude! I thought I was the only guy in the bar with a 12 inch penis! High Five!" So, if you build the PU AURA in a club/bar what choice does the girl have when you open her set? Very little. She is FORCED into responding to me, she is REACTING to me. I am NOT WAITING for her. Lead. Lead. Lead. Lead. *** Another shift: Female Sexuality *** It is EXTREMELY important that you understand female sexuality. Furthermore, it is important that you have no judgmental ideas about someone's sexual preferences. Women are still sexually repressed. They have wild fantasies that most of society condemns. This creates sexual frustration inside them. But, this sexual frustration can work FOR you. If you know how to take advantage of it. In the third lesson I'm going to discuss Sexual Framing in-depth including several core pieces I use to frame our interaction sexually.

The gist of it is this: You are not judgmental regarding sex, sexual fantasies or preferences. And, you are great at keeping secrets. Acknowledging "freaky" sex or fetishes as something you can handle will cause her to direct her sexually pent up frustrations TOWARDS you. She will see YOU as her sexual liberator. This is a good thing! Remove "slut" and "whore" from your vocabulary. There is no such thing. If you haven't read "Sperm Wars" or "My Secret Garden" by Nancy Friday you MUST read them ASAP. After reading those books and integrating them I noticed women treated me differently. Before females seemed only to want normal sex. But, after reading the books and incorporating sexual framing in my sarges they are doing and willing to do the craziest sexual things. If you want to know EXACTLY how I achieve this effect sit tight for the third lesson. Also, I want you to know that most of the women who go out to night clubs and bars WANT to be picked up. There are a MILLION other things they could be doing. *** Another shift: One of the Most Defective Ideas to Ever Hit PUADom *** One of the biggest mistakes I see PUAs make in the field is being too reactionary. They spit a routine and its as if they expect the girls to fall down and spread their legs right then and there. The whole community got caught up with the idea of the IOI (Indicator of Interest). So, there we are in field with this internal dialog, "was that an IOI or did her nose just itch?" "aww man, this is my best routine! no IOI's? C'mon cold-hearted bitches!" "these girls must be lesbians. 10 minutes in this set and no IOIs" I got caught up in that, too. I had those suckers cataloged. And, I had an advantage! Through my advanced NLP training I have HIGH calibration skills. I can catch even the SLIGHTEST IOI imaginable.

But, my question is, "What are you going to do differently now that you've got X-number of IOIs from your Target?" Think about that. It is a SHIFT. The answer should be...screw the answer. It's the wrong question. It is reactionary. Here's the only IOIs you need: If she is talking to you, then she is interested. It is a GOOD SIGN if she is laughing, smiling and touching you. But, so what? How does that correlate to getting a number, getting her to Bounce to another club, restaurant or your place? It doesn't. You know how I know? I've had IOI's out the ASS and came up with ZILCH. And, in my "LR: Captain Jack Offends her then F*cks her!" with HBCalifornia I don't think she laughed, smiled or touched me at all. In fact, at one point she got pissed and LEFT me sitting there. Near the end of the night I STILL got her number and SHE CALLED ME as KinoMaster and I were driving home and invited me over. We turned around and he dropped me off at her place...same night lay, but where were those precious IOIs? Another area where this defect of "reactionism" screws you up is in believing that what they are saying actually means anything. I IGNORE anything and everything that DOESN'T fit the Frame I am setting. In most cases, the girls will be so dominated that they CAN NOT manage to get much input in the first place. From the time I roll in they are sucked into REACTION MODE because I am doing my thing. A few of the PUAs at the last bootcamp saw me demo this... I rolled into a 2-set and dominated. Any response that did not fit my goal of getting them INTRIGUED and HOT enough to join me at our table was IGNORED. While positive responses were chosen (by me) to reinforce my Frame. Within about 5 minutes I paraded them to the other side of the bar and we were sitting at the table. Within 10-15 minutes she and I were making out. She was a cute blonde with wonderful breasts. You DO NOT have to respond to each and every statement. IGNORE anything that does not take you to the next step. *** The Power of Statements to Kill Reactionism ***

One of the biggest indicators of a reactive mindset is asking permission. A PUA who asks, "Can I see your hands?" is more reactive than a PUA who says, "Lemme see your hands." and puts out his hands. I can FEEL an interaction dying as more questions are asked. I ask almost NO questions until I am in comfort (and even then I ask few). (The Question Game, however, rocks!) And almost any interaction can be livened up with a statement tossed out that relates to NOTHING. My favorite? (With thanks to Juggler) "I like back rubs!" turning my back and bending knees a bit. So, here is your homework. Take what I've said above and re-think your game. Take your current game plan and notice where those fallacies exist. * Are you too reactionary? Dependent on IOIs? Take the HBs comments too seriously? * Are you running individual sets or building the PUA AURA? * Asking questions instead of making statements with good response potential? Then, redesign your game to REMOVE these fallacies. And, for those of you who have NO GAME PLAN to speak of you need to design one. *** A Quick Primer on Creating a Game Plan *** Pick 3 openers. There are many on ASF with complete back stories. I use "David Bowie", "Spells", "Who lies more," and "Email break-up" (For more great information on Openers read Savoy's new book, "Magic Bullets" ) Others are: "Tattoos on girls" "Elvis Opener" "Dental Floss" Here are some simple ones that I like to use: * "I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde." ---- I created this one when I was experimenting with "Forcing IOIs" which I will discuss another time (even though I don't depend on IOIs anymore it is an interesting topic that teaches you HOW to elicit desired responses and resulted in my ability to get girls

to suggest things so I didn't have too) * "Does this shirt make me look tall?" (credit Mystery) ---- saw Mystery use this one at the Bootcamp. The girls laughed and he immediately launched into his "mommy wanted me to date tall girls" routine ---- this is funny if you are short, too * "Did you guys see that girl fight outside?" Step 1) Pick 3 openers that you can get comfortable with and 3 stories you can use. Many openers come with back stories that provide natural transitions. (In a future lesson I'm going to show you how to fabricate social situations in a way where these types of openers are no longer necessary.) "Success in the context of opening means getting into a normal conversation with a woman." - Savoy, "Magic Bullets" Step 2) Pick 3 "playful teases" you can use QUICKLY once you open. (often called negs): The key is that they are PLAYFUL and are said with a smile. I always smile and shake my head. I am conveying that the girl is somewhat of a DORK and I just can't believe it. * "Oh my god! Alllllriiiight! Who brought their little sister to the bar?" * "Is she always like this? You can dress her up but you can't take her anywhere!" (credit Mystery) * "Oh geez. You WOULD say that." (while exhaling and shaking my head) These have NO VENOM and CAN NOT be taken for meanness. But, the rest of the group WILL laugh and they will be laughing WITH YOU about HER. Mission Accomplished. Step 3) MEMORIZE a qualification statement: * "What can you do besides stand around and look cute?" * "You're good looking, but what else do you have going for you?" (In a future lesson I'll show you how to do away with explicit qualification and use pure framing instead.) Step 4) MEMORIZE some isolation statements: * "Hey, let's go talk over there for a sec." * (to the group) "I'm going to borrow her for just a sec. We'll be right over there (pointing)" Step 5) MEMORIZE the Bounce Invite: * "Hey, I'm going to get something to eat. You should come along."

Easy enough right? Now, will that with you'll want to construct this in a linear fashion (some of you already have this type of PLAN in place, this is for the PUAs don't have a plan) so that you can run an almost identical set each group you open.

PUA: "Hey guys, I'm thinking of dying my hair blonde" HBs: blah, blah, blah PUA (pointing to Target but looking at group and smiling): "Is she ALWAYS like this? (shaking head and smiling) You can dress her up but you can't take her anywhere." PUA: (to Target): "Gimme your hands" *** PUA locks in *** *** It now appears to everyone in the VENUE that the target is gaming the PUA *** PUA: (story) HBs: blah, blah, blah PUA: (to Target smiling and shaking head) "You would say that..." PUA: (story) HBs: blah, blah, blah PUA: (to Target) - (qualification statement) Target: blah, blah, blah PUA: (reward Target and act like she is winning you over) PUA: "What else?" Target: blah, blah, blah PUA: "Interesting..." (Isolation statement) PUA: *** PARADE HER AROUND and then Isolate *** Total elapsed time 5-10 minutes So, re-work your Game Plan (being sure to REMOVE the fallacies discussed earlier) and send me the template so I can discuss/critique with you...I also want to know what your ULTIMATE goal get get a become master of cold approach same night lays (like me) or whatever else. I need to know this because when you send me homework or ask questions I'll pull up all the info I have about you so I can give you the best answer possible. And, I just realized this lesson is incredibly long, so I am going to end it here. But, we are not even CLOSE to shifting your thinking...we've just started. After designing your new Game Plan do as many sets as possible and email me for feedback. The next lesson will introduce my Game Improvement Plan and how I used it (and still use it) to engineer massive leaps in my Game. I'll also cover the easiest way imaginable to get Pawns and the first steps to Social Proof Venue Domination. ~ Captain Jack ~ P.S. We haven't gotten into the core beliefs that are holding

you back. That'll be in the next lesson...and I promise it will be a SHOCKER! P.P.S. Here are 3 great blog posts to read for this lesson and the next lesson: Sinn Reviews "Sperm Wars" CJ's Sticking Point Analysis: CJ's Same Night Lay Guidelines:

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