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01 Thermal Expansion of Matter

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Some of the key takeaways are that temperature is a measure of heat, heat flows from hot to cold bodies, and different materials expand at different rates with changes in temperature.

Temperature is a manifestation of heat - it tells the direction of heat flow, with heat flowing from the hotter body to the colder body. Bodies are at thermal equilibrium when they have the same temperature and no heat flows between them.

The main types of thermal expansion discussed are linear expansion, which is the change in length, area expansion, which is the change in surface area, and volumetric expansion, which is the change in volume with changes in temperature.

Thermal Expansion of Matter

a science which deals with the study, design, construction,
calibration and testing of a thermometer.
Thermometer a device used in measuring the temperature of a body or a
Temperature (t or T) a manifestation of heat. It is the degree of hotness or
coldness of a body or a system and tells the direction of the flow of heat.
System anything that is enclosed and maybe subjected to study purposes.



Note: Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.

Note: At thermal equilibrium, both bodies have the same temperature (t A = tB) and no
heat flow occurs.

Temperature Scales
1. Metric (CGS and MKS)
a. Centigrade or Celsius (oC)
b. Kelvin (K)
2. English
a. Fahrenheit (oF)
b. Rankine (oR)
Fixed points used to compare temperature scales.
- temperature at which a substance undergo a change in phase
Boiling/Condensation Point(BP/CP) point at which liquid and gas co-exist at
normal pressure and at thermal equilibrium.
Freezing/Melting Point(FP/MP) point at which solid and liquid co-exist at
normal pressure and at thermal equilibrium.
Absolute Zero is a state of matter where its pressure is equal to zero and
attains its minimum possible total energy.

1. oC, oF, K, and oR are temperature readings directly from the
2. Co, Fo, , and Ro are units for any difference or change in the
3. 1 Co = 1 K and 1 Fo = 1 Ro (observe temperature scales below)
Ex. Temperature readings: t o 20 C , t f 50 C

t t f t o 50 o C 20 o C 30C o

Temperature Scales






Temperature, t









Conversion by Interpolation
t f 32
tc 0
t 273.2
t 492

100 0 212 32 373.2 273.2 672 492
t c (t f 32)



t f tc

Thermal Expansion
- a phenomenon whereby the dimensions of a body change when its
temperature changes. Generally, when a substance are heated
(temperature is increased), they expand but when they are cooled
(temperature is decreased), they contract.

The change in dimension of the body depends on:

1. the original dimension
2. the change in temperature t
3. the coefficient of expansion
Expansion means the final dimension is greater than the initial dimension.
Contraction means the final dimension is less than the initial dimension

Expansion of Solids:
Linear Expansion
change in length due a change in temperature.
Consider a body of initial length Lo at initial temperature t o


L d , neglect expansion of diameter

Change in length,

L Lo t


L Lot


L L Lo


- coefficient of linear expansion

L Lo Lot

L Lo Lot

So final length

L Lo (1 t )

The relationship governing the linear expansion of a long thin rod can be
reasoned out as follows:

Area Expansion

Consider a rectangle with initial dimensions,



Initial area
Final area

Ao Lo Wo

Change in area

A Ao t


A Ao t


Let - coefficient of area expansion

And final area

A Ao (1 t )

Volume Expansion
In the same way, due to change in temperature;
Change in volume

V Vo t

And final volume

V Vo 1 t

Let - coefficient of volume expansion

But considering a cube to simplify the derivation;



Initial volume
Vo = Lo3
V L3
Final volume
Due to a change of temperature dt, the volume will change by dV
dV d ( L3 ) 3L2 dL

Replacing L and V with initial values Lo and Vo

dV = 3Lo2dL
From L = Lo t; dL = Lo dt

dV = 3Lo3 dt = 3Vo dt
V = 3Vo t = Vo t


3 =

In the same way

2 =

Sample Problems
1. A copper bar is 80 cm long at 15 o C . What is the increase in length when
heated to 35 o C ? The linear expansion coefficient for copper is
1.7 x10 5 o C 1 .
Ans. L 2.7 x10 4 m

2. A cylinder of diameter 1.000 cm at 30 o C is to be slid into a hole in a

steel plate. The hole has a diameter of 0.99970 cm at 30 o C . To what
temperature must the plate be heated? For steel, .
Ans. t f 57.3 C
3. A steel tape is calibrated at 20 o C . On a cold day when the temperature
is 15 o C , what will be the percent error in the tape?
steel 1.1x10 5 o C 1 .


4. A surveyor uses a steel measuring tape that is exactly 50 m long at a

temperature of 20 o C . What is its length on a hot summer day when the
5 o
temperature is 35 o C ? steel 1.1x10 C
Ans. L 50.009m
5. The coefficient of volumetric expansion for gold is 4.20 10 5/C. The
density of gold is 19 300 kg/m3 at 0.0 C. What is the density of gold at
1050 C?

Ans. 18 500 kg/m3

6. A thin, circular disc is made of lead and has a radius of 0.0350 cm at
20.0 C. Determine the change in the area of the circle if the
temperature is increased to 625.0 C. The coefficient of linear
thermal expansion for lead is 29.0 106/C.
Ans. 1.36 104 cm2
7. A steel beam is used in the roadbed of a bridge. The beam is mounted
between two concrete supports when the temperature is 23oC with no
room provided for thermal expansion. What compressional stress must
the concrete supports apply to each end of the beam, if they keep the
beam from expanding when the temperature rises to 42oC. Youngs
Modulus of steel is 2 x 1011N/m2, coefficient of linear expansion of steel
is 12x10-6/Co
Ans. 4.6 x 107N/m2
1. The Humber Bridge in England has the worlds longest single span, 1410m
in length. Calculate the change in length of the steel deck of the span
when the temperature increases from 5 o C to 18 o C .
Ans. L 0.39 m.
2. The markings of an aluminum ruler and a brass ruler are perfectly
aligned at 0 o C . How far apart will the 20 cm marks be on the two rulers
at 100 o C , if precise alignment of the left-hand ends of the rulers is
maintained? coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is 23.8x10 -6/Co,
of brass is 16.8 x 10-6/Co
Ans. The section of the aluminum ruler will be longer by 0.014 cm
3. To what temperature will the Celsius reading and Fahrenheit reading be
the same? Ans. -40o

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