Making Predictions: Reading Grade: 4 Common Core State Standard: Reading Standards For Literature Grade 4
Making Predictions: Reading Grade: 4 Common Core State Standard: Reading Standards For Literature Grade 4
Making Predictions: Reading Grade: 4 Common Core State Standard: Reading Standards For Literature Grade 4
Grade: 4th
Common Core State Standard: Reading Standards for Literature Grade 4
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says
explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing
on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).
Objective: Student will develop and write predictions using the evidence
within their independent reading books.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Anchor Chart
Prediction Chart
Prediction Worksheets
Post- Its
1. Lesson Introduction/Objective and purpose:
a. Readers, I want all of you to close their eyes quietly and think
about what activity you might play during recess today. (Allow
students to think for approximately 1 minute) You may open your
eyes now. When thinking about the activity you will play later,
you just made a prediction.
b. If you know what a prediction is please give me a thumbs up.
Allow 2-3 students to share their definition of a prediction. Using
the anchor chart on the board, explain the definition of a
i. A statement of what might happen in the future
ii. A prediction is a guess you make using text or picture clues
to help you, which is called evidence
c. Today we are going to use one of my favorite books written by
R.J. Palacio called Wonder to learn about how to make a
prediction. If you have read or heard about this book before,
please give me a thumbs-up.
2. Teach and model:
a. Readers, I am going to read you a passage from the book
Wonder. Wonder is a book about a boy named Auggie who was
born with a facial difference that prevented him from going to
school. While I am reading, I want you to silently think of a
prediction you can make, regarding what may happen once I
finish reading. Remember to use evidence from the book to
support your prediction.
b. Page 8-9:
i. The passage from the book I am going to read has a lot of
dialogue in it, so make sure you are paying close attention!
ii. Prediction example:
1. I predict that August is going to go to Beecher Prep
for school because his mom wants him to. I believe
his mom will convince him to try going to school. She
said Dont you think youre ready for school Auggie
7. Assessment
a. You will be able to determine that the lesson was a success if, the
students are able to correctly develop a prediction and provide
evidence supporting it. Students should be able to read their
independent reading books and develop predictions selfsufficiently.
Name ___________________________
Evidence (Text or
Picture clues):