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Question No. 2 How Snmpv3 Enhances Security Compared To Snmpv2? Question No. 3 A) Define Rmon B) What Are The Benefits of Rmon ?

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Question No. 2 How SNMPv3 enhances security compared to SNMPv2?

Question No. 3
a) Define RMON
b) What are the benefits of RMON ?

Question No. 4 As a network manager, you are responsible for the operation of a
network. You notice heavy traffic in a host that is on a TCP/IP network and want to
find out the details:
a) What basic network monitoring tool(s) would you use?
b) What would you look for in your results?
Question No. 5 What is the difference between nslookup & dig?
Question No. 5 Install wireshark and capture IP packets on your Ethernet interface.
a) Put a screenshot of IP packets captured on your device.
b) Analyze their headers and contents. (1 mark bonus for analysis)

This question comes from a logics class. At this point we are studying sequential circuits. Please
show and explain all steps, I am lost and need to know how to think through and complete like

For the Op Amp Circle Below...

Activity One Display your Name:

You are required to implement the following two functions in LCD.c :

LCD_PIN_Init() that enables GPIO clocks and configures GPIO pins as the alternative function
11 (LCD)
LCD_Display_Name() that display the first six letters of your last name

#include "lcd.h"
#include "stm32l476xx.h"
#include <stdint.h>
LCD allows to display informations on six 14-segment digits and 4 bars:
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----|\|/| o |\|/| o |\|/| o |\|/| o |\|/| |\|/| BAR3
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BAR2
|/|\| o |/|\| o |/|\| o |/|\| o |/|\| |/|\| BAR1
----- * ----- * ----- * ----- * ----- ----- BAR0
LCD segment mapping:
|\ | /| COL |_|
| \|/ |
--G-- --M-- COL |_|
| /|\ |
|/ | \|
-----D----- DP |_|

An LCD character coding is based on the following matrix:

0 1 2 3
{E,D,P, N }
SEG(n+1) { M , C , COL , DP }
SEG(23-n-1) { B , A , K , J }
SEG(23-n) { G , F , Q , H }
with n positive odd number.
The character 'A' for example is:
------------------------------LSB { 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
{1,1,0,0 }
{1,1,0,0 }
MSB { 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 }
------------------'A' = F E 0 0 hexa
/* Constant table for cap characters 'A' --> 'Z' */
const uint16_t CapLetterMap[26] = {
/* A B
H I */
/* J K
O P Q R */
/* S T U
Y Z */
/* Constant table for number '0' --> '9' */
const uint16_t NumberMap[10] = {
/* 0
9 */

/* Macros used for set/reset bar LCD bar */

/* LCD BAR status: We don't write directly in LCD RAM for save the bar setting */
uint8_t t_bar[2] = {0x00,0x00};

#define BAR0_ON t_bar[1] |= 8

#define BAR0_OFF t_bar[1] &= ~8
#define BAR1_ON t_bar[0] |= 8
#define BAR1_OFF t_bar[0] &= ~8
#define BAR2_ON t_bar[1] |= 2
#define BAR2_OFF t_bar[1] &= ~2
#define BAR3_ON t_bar[0] |= 2
#define BAR3_OFF t_bar[0] &= ~2
#define DOT
((uint16_t) 0x8000 ) /* for add decimal point in string */
#define DOUBLE_DOT
((uint16_t) 0x4000) /* for add decimal point in string */
/* code for '(' character */

((uint16_t) 0x0028)

/* code for ')' character */


((uint16_t) 0x0011)

/* code for 'd' character */

#define C_DMAP
((uint16_t) 0xf300)
/* code for 'm' character */
#define C_MMAP
((uint16_t) 0xb210)
/* code for 'n' character */
#define C_NMAP
((uint16_t) 0x2210)
/* code for '' character */
#define C_UMAP
((uint16_t) 0x6084)
/* constant code for '*' character */
#define C_STAR
((uint16_t) 0xA0DD)
/* constant code for '-' character */
#define C_MINUS
((uint16_t) 0xA000)
/* constant code for '+' character */
#define C_PLUS
((uint16_t) 0xA014)
/* constant code for '/' */
#define C_SLATCH

((uint16_t) 0x00c0)

/* constant code for */

#define C_PERCENT_1

((uint16_t) 0xec00)

/* constant code for small o */

#define C_PERCENT_2
((uint16_t) 0xb300)
#define C_FULL

((uint16_t) 0xffdd)

void LCD_Initialization(void){
void LCD_PIN_Init(void){
// LCD (24 segments, 4 commons, multiplexed 1/4 duty, 1/3 bias) on DIP28 connector
// VLCD = PC3
// COM0 = PA8 COM1 = PA9
COM2 = PA10 COM3 = PB9
// SEG0 = PA7 SEG6 = PD11 SEG12 = PB5 SEG18 = PD8
// SEG1 = PC5 SEG7 = PD13 SEG13 = PC8 SEG19 = PB14
// SEG2 = PB1 SEG8 = PD15 SEG14 = PC6 SEG20 = PB12
// SEG3 = PB13 SEG9 = PC7
SEG15 = PD14 SEG21 = PB0
// SEG4 = PB15 SEG10 = PA15 SEG16 = PD12 SEG22 = PC4
// SEG5 = PD9 SEG11 = PB4
SEG17 = PD10 SEG23 = PA6
/* Enable GPIOs clock */
// GPIO Mode: Input(00, reset), Output(01), AlterFunc(10), Analog(11, reset)
// GPIO Speed: Low speed (00), Medium speed (01), Fast speed (10), High speed (11)
// GPIO Push-Pull: No pull-up, pull-down (00), Pull-up (01), Pull-down (10), Reserved (11)
// GPIO Output Type: Output push-pull (0, reset), Output open drain (1)
/* Configure PA 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 as Alternative Function 11 (0x0B)*/

GPIOA->OSPEEDR &= ~(3U<<(2*6) | 3U<<(2*7) | 3U<<(2*8) | 3U<<(2*9) | 3U<<(2*10) |
GPIOA->OSPEEDR |= 2U<<(2*6) | 2U<<(2*7) | 2U<<(2*8) | 2U<<(2*9) | 2U<<(2*10) |
2U<<(2*15) ;
GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~(3U<<(2*6) | 3U<<(2*7) | 3U<<(2*8) | 3U<<(2*9) | 3U<<(2*10) |
/* Configure PB 0, 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 as Alternative Function 11 (0x0B)*/
GPIOB->OSPEEDR &= ~(3U<<(2*0) | 3U<<(2*1) | 3U<<(2*4) | 3U<<(2*5) | 3U<<(2*9) |
3U<<(2*12)| 3U<<(2*13)| 3U<<(2*14)| 3U<<(2*15));
GPIOB->OSPEEDR |= 2U<<(2*0) | 2U<<(2*1) | 2U<<(2*4) | 2U<<(2*5) | 2U<<(2*9) |
2U<<(2*12)| 2U<<(2*13)| 2U<<(2*14)| 2U<<(2*15);
GPIOB->PUPDR &= ~(3U<<(2*0) | 3U<<(2*1) | 3U<<(2*4) | 3U<<(2*5) | 3U<<(2*9) |
3U<<(2*12)| 3U<<(2*13)| 3U<<(2*14)| 3U<<(2*15));

/* Configure PC 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 as Alternative Function 11 (0x0B)*/

// Note: PC3 = V_LCD
GPIOC->OSPEEDR &= ~(3U<<(2*3) | 3U<<(2*4) | 3U<<(2*5) | 3U<<(2*6) | 3U<<(2*7) |
GPIOC->OSPEEDR |= 2U<<(2*3) | 2U<<(2*4) | 2U<<(2*5) | 2U<<(2*6) | 2U<<(2*7) |
GPIOC->PUPDR &= ~(3U<<(2*3) | 3U<<(2*4) | 3U<<(2*5) | 3U<<(2*6) | 3U<<(2*7) |

/* Configure PD 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 as Alternative Function 11 (0x0B) */

GPIOD->OSPEEDR &= 0xFFFF0000; // ~(3U<<(2*8) | 3U<<(2*9) | 3U<<(2*10) |

3U<<(2*11) | 3U<<(2*12) | 3U<<(2*13)| 3U<<(2*14) | 3U<<(2*15));

GPIOD->OSPEEDR |= 0xAAAA0000; // 2U<<(2*8) | 2U<<(2*9) | 2U<<(2*10) |
2U<<(2*11) | 2U<<(2*12) | 2U<<(2*13)| 2U<<(2*14) | 2U<<(2*15);
GPIOD->PUPDR &= 0xFFFF0000; // ~(3U<<(2*8) | 3U<<(2*9) | 3U<<(2*10) |
3U<<(2*11) | 3U<<(2*12) | 3U<<(2*13)| 3U<<(2*14) | 3U<<(2*15));
void LCD_DisplayName(void){
while (LCD->SR&LCD_SR_UDR); // Wait for Update Display Request Bit
LCD->RAM[0] =
LCD->RAM[1] =
LCD->RAM[2] =
LCD->RAM[3] =
LCD->RAM[4] =
LCD->RAM[5] =
LCD->RAM[6] =
LCD->RAM[7] =
LCD->SR |= LCD_SR_UDR; //request update display
while ((LCD->SR&LCD_SR_UDD) == 0); //wait for update display done
void LCD_Clock_Init(void){
// Enable write access to Backup domain
if ( (RCC->APB1ENR1 & RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN) == 0)
RCC->APB1ENR1 |= RCC_APB1ENR1_PWREN; // Power interface clock enable
(void) RCC->APB1ENR1; // Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling
// Select LSE as RTC clock soucre
if ( (PWR->CR1 & PWR_CR1_DBP) == 0) {
while((PWR->CR1 & PWR_CR1_DBP) == 0);
protection disable

// Enable write access to Backup

// Wait for Backup domain Write

// Reset LSEON and LSEBYP bits before configuring the LSE


// RTC Clock selection can be changed only if the Backup Domain is reset
// Note from STM32L4 Reference Manual:
// RTC/LCD Clock: (1) LSE is in the Backup domain. (2) HSE and LSI are not.
while((RCC->BDCR & RCC_BDCR_LSERDY) == 0){ // Wait until LSE clock ready
// Select LSE as RTC clock source
// BDCR = Backup Domain Control Register
// RTCSEL[1:0]: 00 = No Clock, 01 = LSE,
10 = LSI, 11 = HSE
RCC->BDCR |= RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_0; // Select LSE as RTC clock

// Power interface clock disable

// Wait for the external capacitor Cext which is connected to the VLCD pin is charged
(approximately 2ms for Cext=1uF)
// Enable LCD peripheral Clock
// Enable SYSCFG

void LCD_Configure(void){

// Disable LCD

// LCD frame control register (FCR)

// Set clock divider
LCD->FCR |= 0xF<<18;
// DIV[3:0] = 1111, ck_div = ck_ps/31
// Blink mode selection

// 0000: ck_ps = LCDCLK

LCD->FCR &= ~LCD_FCR_BLINK; // 00: Blink disabled

// 01: Blink enabled on SEG[0], COM[0] (1 pixel)
// 10: Blink enabled on SEG[0], all COMs (up to 8 pixels
depending on the programmed duty)
// 11: Blink enabled on all SEGs and all COMs (all pixels)
// Blink Frequency
LCD->FCR |= LCD_FCR_BLINKF_1; // 010: fLCD/32
// Set Pulse ON duration
// Use high drive internal booster to provide larger drive current
// Set the duration that the low-resister voltage divider is used
LCD->FCR |= 0x7 << 4; // PON[2:0] = 0x111
// Contrast Control: specify one of the VLCD maximum voltages
LCD->FCR &= ~LCD_FCR_CC; // CC[2:0] bits (Contrast Control)
LCD->FCR |= 0x5<<10;
// 101: VLCD5, Refer to the product datasheet for the
VLCDx values
// Pulse ON duration: A short pulse will lead to lower power consumption,
// but displays with high internal resistance may need a longer pulse to
// achieve satisfactory contrast.
LCD->FCR &= ~LCD_FCR_PON; // PON[2:0] bits (Pulse ON Duration)
LCD->FCR |= 0x4<<4; // 100: 4/ck_ps
// Waits until the LCD FCR register is synchronized in the LCDCLK domain
// This bit is set by hardware each time the LCD_FCR register is updated in the LCDCLK
// It is cleared by hardware when writing to the LCD_FCR register.
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_FCRSR) == 0); // Loop until FCRSF flag is set
// Select 1/4 duty
LCD->CR &= ~(LCD_CR_DUTY); // Clear duty
LCD->CR |= 0x3<<2;
// DUTY[2:0]: 000=Static; 001=1/2; 010=1/3; 011=1/4;
// Select 1/3 bias
LCD->CR &= ~(LCD_CR_BIAS); // Clear bias
LCD->CR |= 0x2<<5;
// BIAS[1:0]: 00=1/4; 01=1/2; 10=1/3
// MUX_SEG disabled

// 0: SEG pin multiplexing disabled

// 1: SEG[31:28] are multiplexed with SEG[43:40]
LCD->CR &= ~LCD_CR_MUX_SEG; // Disable Mux Segment;
/* LCD control register */
// VSEL: Voltage source selection
// When the LCD is based on the internal step-up converter, the VLCD pin should be
connected to a capacitor (see the product datasheet for further information).
LCD->CR &= ~LCD_CR_VSEL; // 0 = internal source, 1 = external source (VLCD pin)
// LCD controller enable
// The VSEL, MUX_SEG, BIAS, DUTY and BUFEN bits are write-protected when the LCD
is enabled (ENS bit in LCD_SR to 1).
// When the LCD is disabled all COM and SEG pins are driven to VSS.
LCD->CR |= LCD_CR_LCDEN; // Enable LCD
// Loop until LCD controller is enabled
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_ENS) == 0); // ENS is set by hardware automatically
// Wait until the LCD Booster is ready
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_RDY) == 0); // Loop until step-up converter is ready to
provide the correct voltage.
// Enable the display request

void LCD_Clear(void){
uint8_t counter = 0;
// Wait until LCD ready */
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_UDR) != 0); // Wait for Update Display Request Bit
for (counter = 0; counter <= 15; counter++) {
LCD->RAM[counter] = 0;
/* Update the LCD display */

void LCD_DisplayString(uint8_t* ptr){

uint8_t position = 0;
uint8_t colonOn = 0;
uint8_t pointOn = 0;
/* Send the string character by character on lCD */
while ( (*ptr != 0) && (position < 6)) {
if (*(ptr + 1) == ':')
colonOn = 1;
colonOn = 0;
if (* (ptr + 1) == '.')
pointOn = 1;
pointOn = 0;
LCD_WriteChar( ptr, pointOn, colonOn, position); // Display one character on LCD
if (colonOn) ptr++;
if (pointOn) ptr++;

// Setting bar on LCD, writes bar value in LCD frame buffer

void LCD_bar(void) {
// TO wait LCD Ready *
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_UDR) != 0); // Wait for Update Display Request Bit
// Bar 0: COM3, LCD_SEG11 -> MCU_LCD_SEG8
// Bar 1: COM2, LCD_SEG11 -> MCU_LCD_SEG8
// Bar 2: COM3, LCD_SEG9 -> MCU_LCD_SEG25
// Bar 3: COM2, LCD_SEG9 -> MCU_LCD_SEG25

LCD->RAM[4] &= ~(1U << 8 | 1U << 25);

LCD->RAM[6] &= ~(1U << 8 | 1U << 25);
/* bar1 bar3 */
if (BAR0_ON)
LCD->RAM[6] |= 1U << 8;
if (BAR1_ON)
LCD->RAM[4] |= 1U << 8;
if (BAR2_ON)
LCD->RAM[6] |= 1U << 25;
if (BAR1_ON)
LCD->RAM[4] |= 1U << 25;
* @brief Converts an ascii char to the a LCD digit.
* @param c: a char to display.
* @param point: a point to add in front of char
This parameter can be: POINT_OFF or POINT_ON
* @param colon : flag indicating if a colon has to be add in front
of displayed character.
This parameter can be: colon_OFF or colon_ON.
* @param digit array with segment
* @retval None
static void LCD_Conv_Char_Seg(uint8_t* c, bool point, bool colon, uint8_t* digit) {
uint16_t ch = 0 ;
uint8_t loop = 0, index = 0;
switch (*c)
case ' ' :
ch = 0x00;

case '*':
ch = C_STAR;
case '(' :
case ')' :
case 'd' :
ch = C_DMAP;
case 'm' :
ch = C_MMAP;
case 'n' :
ch = C_NMAP;
case '' :
ch = C_UMAP;
case '-' :
ch = C_MINUS;
case '+' :
ch = C_PLUS;
case '/' :
ch = C_SLATCH;
case '' :

ch = C_PERCENT_1;
case '%' :
ch = C_PERCENT_2;
case 255 :
ch = C_FULL;
break ;
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
ch = NumberMap[*c-0x30];
/* The character c is one letter in upper case*/
if ( (*c < 0x5b) && (*c > 0x40) )
ch = CapLetterMap[*c-'A'];
/* The character c is one letter in lower case*/
if ( (*c <0x7b) && ( *c> 0x60) )
ch = CapLetterMap[*c-'a'];
/* Set the digital point can be displayed if the point is on */
if (point)

ch |= 0x0002;
/* Set the "COL" segment in the character that can be displayed if the colon is on */
if (colon)
ch |= 0x0020;
for (loop = 12,index=0 ;index < 4; loop -= 4,index++)
digit[index] = (ch >> loop) & 0x0f; /*To isolate the less significant digit */

* @brief Write a character in the LCD frame buffer
* @param ch: the character to display.
* @param Point: a point to add in front of char
* @param Colon: flag indicating if a colon character has to be added in front
of displayed character.
* @param Position: position in the LCD of the character to write [1:6]
void LCD_WriteChar(uint8_t* ch, bool point, bool colon, uint8_t position){
uint8_t digit[4]; /* Digit frame buffer */
// Convert displayed character in segment in array digit
LCD_Conv_Char_Seg(ch, point, colon, digit);
// TO wait LCD Ready *
while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_UDR) != 0); // Wait for Update Display Request Bit
switch (position) {
/* Position 1 on LCD (digit1)*/
case 0:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 4 | 1U << 23 | 1U << 22 | 1U << 3 );

LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 4 | 1U << 23 | 1U << 22 | 1U << 3 );

LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 4 | 1U << 23 | 1U << 22 | 1U << 3 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 4 | 1U << 23 | 1U << 22 | 1U << 3 );
/* 1G 1B 1M 1E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 4) | (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 23) | (((digit[0] &
0x4) >> 2) << 22) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 3);
/* 1F 1A 1C 1D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 4) | (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 23) | (((digit[1] &
0x4) >> 2) << 22) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 3);
/* 1Q 1K 1Col 1P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 4) | (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 23) | (((digit[2] &
0x4) >> 2) << 22) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 3);
/* 1H 1J 1DP 1N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 4) | (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 23) | (((digit[3] &
0x4) >> 2) << 22) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 3);
/* Position 2 on LCD (digit2)*/
case 1:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 6 | 1U << 13 | 1U << 12 | 1U << 5 );
LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 6 | 1U << 13 | 1U << 12 | 1U << 5 );
LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 6 | 1U << 13 | 1U << 12 | 1U << 5 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 6 | 1U << 13 | 1U << 12 | 1U << 5 );
/* 2G 2B 2M 2E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 6) | (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 13) | (((digit[0] &
0x4) >> 2) << 12) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 5);
/* 2F 2A 2C 2D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 6) | (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 13) | (((digit[1] &
0x4) >> 2) << 12) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 5);
/* 2Q 2K 2Col 2P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 6) | (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 13) | (((digit[2] &
0x4) >> 2) << 12) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 5);
/* 2H 2J 2DP 2N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 6) | (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 13) | (((digit[3] &
0x4) >> 2) << 12) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 5);
/* Position 3 on LCD (digit3)*/

case 2:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 15 | 1U << 29 | 1U << 28 | 1U << 14 );
LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 15 | 1U << 29 | 1U << 28 | 1U << 14 );
LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 15 | 1U << 29 | 1U << 28 | 1U << 14 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 15 | 1U << 29 | 1U << 28 | 1U << 14 );
/* 3G 3B 3M 3E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 15) | (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 29) | (((digit[0] &
0x4) >> 2) << 28) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 14);
/* 3F 3A 3C 3D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 15) | (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 29) | (((digit[1] &
0x4) >> 2) << 28) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 14);
/* 3Q 3K 3Col 3P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 15) | (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 29) | (((digit[2] &
0x4) >> 2) << 28) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 14);
/* 3H 3J 3DP 3N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 15) | (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 29) | (((digit[3] &
0x4) >> 2) << 28) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 14);
/* Position 4 on LCD (digit4)*/
case 3:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 31 | 1U << 30);
LCD->RAM[1] &= ~( 1U << 1 | 1U << 0 );
LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 31 | 1U << 30);
LCD->RAM[3] &= ~( 1U << 1 | 1U << 0 );
LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 31 | 1U << 30);
LCD->RAM[5] &= ~( 1U << 1 | 1U << 0 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 31 | 1U << 30);
LCD->RAM[7] &= ~( 1U << 1 | 1U << 0 );
/* 4G 4B 4M 4E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 31) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 30);
LCD->RAM[1] |= (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 1) | (((digit[0] & 0x4) >> 2) << 0);
/* 4F 4A 4C 4D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 31) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 30);
LCD->RAM[3] |= (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 1) | (((digit[1] & 0x4) >> 2) << 0);
/* 4Q 4K 4Col 4P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 31) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 30);
LCD->RAM[5] |= (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 1) | (((digit[2] & 0x4) >> 2) << 0);

/* 4H 4J 4DP 4N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 31) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 30);
LCD->RAM[7] |= (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 1) | (((digit[3] & 0x4) >> 2) << 0);
/* Position 5 on LCD (digit5)*/
case 4:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 25 | 1U << 24);
LCD->RAM[1] &= ~( 1U << 3 | 1U << 2 );
LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 25 | 1U << 24);
LCD->RAM[3] &= ~( 1U << 3 | 1U << 2 );
LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 25 | 1U << 24 );
LCD->RAM[5] &= ~( 1U << 3 | 1U << 2 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 25 | 1U << 24 );
LCD->RAM[7] &= ~( 1U << 3 | 1U << 2 );
/* 5G 5B 5M 5E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 25) | (((digit[0] & 0x4) >> 2) << 24);
LCD->RAM[1] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 3) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 2);
/* 5F 5A 5C 5D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 25) | (((digit[1] & 0x4) >> 2) << 24);
LCD->RAM[3] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 3) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 2);
/* 5Q 5K 5Col 5P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 25) | (((digit[2] & 0x4) >> 2) << 24);
LCD->RAM[5] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 3) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 2);
/* 5H 5J 5DP 5N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 25) | (((digit[3] & 0x4) >> 2) << 24);
LCD->RAM[7] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 3) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 2);
/* Position 6 on LCD (digit6)*/
case 5:
LCD->RAM[0] &= ~( 1U << 17 | 1U << 8 | 1U << 9 | 1U << 26 );
LCD->RAM[2] &= ~( 1U << 17 | 1U << 8 | 1U << 9 | 1U << 26 );
LCD->RAM[4] &= ~( 1U << 17 | 1U << 8 | 1U << 9 | 1U << 26 );
LCD->RAM[6] &= ~( 1U << 17 | 1U << 8 | 1U << 9 | 1U << 26 );
/* 6G 6B 6M 6E */
LCD->RAM[0] |= ((digit[0] & 0x1) << 17) | (((digit[0] & 0x2) >> 1) << 8) | (((digit[0] &

0x4) >> 2) << 9) | (((digit[0] & 0x8) >> 3) << 26);

/* 6F 6A 6C 6D */
LCD->RAM[2] |= ((digit[1] & 0x1) << 17) | (((digit[1] & 0x2) >> 1) << 8) | (((digit[1] &
0x4) >> 2) << 9) | (((digit[1] & 0x8) >> 3) << 26);
/* 6Q 6K 6Col 6P */
LCD->RAM[4] |= ((digit[2] & 0x1) << 17) | (((digit[2] & 0x2) >> 1) << 8) | (((digit[2] &
0x4) >> 2) << 9) | (((digit[2] & 0x8) >> 3) << 26);
/* 6H 6J 6DP 6N */
LCD->RAM[6] |= ((digit[3] & 0x1) << 17) | (((digit[3] & 0x2) >> 1) << 8) | (((digit[3] &
0x4) >> 2) << 9) | (((digit[3] & 0x8) >> 3) << 26);
/* Refresh LCD bar */
// Update the LCD display

// Set the Update Display Request.

// Each time software modifies the LCD_RAM, it must set the UDR bit to transfer the updated
// data to the second level buffer. The UDR bit stays set until the end of the update and during
// this time the LCD_RAM is write protected.
// When the display is enabled, the update is performed only for locations for which
// commons are active (depending on DUTY). For example if DUTY = 1/2, only the
// LCD_DISPLAY of COM0 and COM1 will be updated.
// Update display request. Cleared by
//while ((LCD->SR & LCD_SR_UDD) == 0); // Wait Until the LCD display is done
// Clear UDD flag

I wrote
this code to solve the problem question below about toggling bits and I was hoping
someone could help me figure out how to modify it in arduino to do parts 1-3. I feel
like they are really easy modifications I'm just not sure where to start. Also if me
code isn't right feel free to make corrections. Thanks

Can you solve problem #2

Please Show steps as detailed as possible. Thank You very much for your help.

Feedback Systems question...Not easy

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