Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Fig. P-1
The nominal line-to-line voltage (Vt) at a bus in a three-phase AC system is 230 kV (rrns) when it is
supplying a three-phase inductive load of P + jQ = 1500 MW + j750 Mvar.
The per-phase AC system impedance Zs seen by the bus can be approximated to be purely inductive
with Zs = j5.0 .
1. Calculate the percentage change in the bus voltage magnitude for a 10% increase in P.
2. Calculate the percentage change in the bus voltage magnitude for a 10% increase in Q.
Vs is assumed to remain constant in both case.
Fig. P-2
Problem #3:
SVC (hybrid arrangement of a TCR and a TSC) is connected at the AC bus (across the load) in problem
#2. The TCR can draw a maximum of 50 Mvars per phase, whereas the TSC consists of four-capacitor
banks, each with a per-phase rating of 50 Mvars.
Holding the AC bus voltage to its nominal value for a 10% increase in Q in Problem#2-b, calculate:
1. the number of capacitor banks that should be switched in,
2. the delay angle at which the TCR should operate,
3. and the per-phase fundamental reactance of the TCR.
Problem #4:
Derive the following equation using Fourier analysis
I L1