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Steady-State Analysis of DC Motors

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Steady-State Analysis of DC Motors

• Discuss the shunt DC motor steady state response.
• Derive the Power flow in shunt DC motor
• Discuss the speed control of shunt DC motor different

Shunt/SE DC Motor Characteristics

• From the speed relation, the DC shunt motor speed can be

controlled by:
– Terminal voltage.
– Field current.
– Adding resistance to armature winding.

Adding resistance to armature winding
• An armature circuit rheostat Rae is added to
armature winding to control the motor speed.
V  I (R  R ext )
 a a a
K am
• This method is simple and attractive for short
term applications.
• The main disadvantage of this method is that
armature losses are increased substantially.

Terminal voltage speed control
• In this method of speed control, the field
current If is kept constant and the armature
terminal voltage (Vt) is varied to change the
• For a constant load torque, such as that applied
by an elevator or hoist crane load, the speed
will change linearly with Vt.
• In an actual application, when speed is changed
by changing the terminal voltage, the armature
current is kept constant (needs a closed-loop
operation) in order to keep Ea ∝ Vt ∝ ωm
• Provides a smooth variation of speed control
from zero to the base speed.
• Easily controlled by solid-state drives
• Const. current and torque are easily achieved
Field control
• In this method the speed is controlled by
varying If. This is normally achieved by
using a field circuit rheostat (Rfc).
• If magnetic linearity is assumed, the flux
in the machine (Φ) will be proportional to
the If. Therefore,

Const. Torque and Const. Power modes
• Speed control from zero to a base speed
is usually obtained by armature voltage
control Vt.
• Speed control beyond the base speed is
obtained by decreasing the field current,
called field weakening.
• At the base speed, the armature terminal
voltage is at its rated value. If armature
current is not to exceed its rated value
(heating limit), speed control beyond the
base speed is restricted to constant power,
known as constant-power operation


• A 240-V DC shunt DC motor has an armature resistance of 0.25 Ω, and a

field resistance of 120 Ω. At full load the armature draws a current of 40 A
and the speed is 1100 rpm.
1. Find the developed torque
2. The field rheostat is adjusted so that the field resistance is 150 Ω, Find the
new operating speed if the torque and the armature current remain
The generated emf is given by
E a V a  I a R a  240  40x 0.25  230 V

The speed can be calculated as   2 N  2 x 1100 115.192 rad / sec

60 60
1. The developed torque

Pdev  E a I a  230x 40  9200 W

Pdev 9200
T dev    79.87 N  m 8
 115.19
2. New Speed
The initial field resistance Rf1 = 120 Ω, and the new field resistance Rf2=50 Ω
The initial field current can be:
Vt 240
If 1    2A
R f 1 120

The new field current can be

Vt 240
If 2    1.6 A
R f 2 150
The armature current remains the same. This means that the generated emf is
the same for the two operating conditions

E a1  E a 2
K a I f 11  K a I f 22
If 1 2
2  ( )1  ( )115.192  143.99 rad / sec
If 2 1.6

The new speed in rpm

2 x 60
N2  1375 rpm 9
A variable-speed drive system uses a dc motor that is supplied from a variable voltage
source. The torque and power profiles are shown in Fig. below. The drive speed is varied
from 0 to 1500 rpm (base speed) by varying the terminal voltage from 0 to 500 V with the
field current maintained constant.
(a) Determine the motor armature current if the torque is held constant at 300 N m up to the
base speed.
(b) The speed beyond the base speed is obtained by field weakening while the armature
voltage is held constant at 500 V. Determine the torque available at a speed of 3000 rpm if
the armature current is held constant at the value obtained in part (a). Neglect all losses

All of times, the motor constant Kaϕ
can be calculated from base speed

Solid state converters used in speed control of DC motors

1. Controlled Rectifier
If the supply is ac, controlled
rectifiers can be used to convert a
fixed ac supply voltage into a
variable-voltage dc supply

Single-phase input

Three-phase input, full converter

Current control using full wave rectifier

The speed of a 10 hp, 220 V, 1200 rpm separately excited dc motor is controlled by a single-
phase full converter. The rated armature current is 40 A. The armature resistance is R a =0.25
Ω and armature inductance is La =10 mH. The AC supply voltage is 265 V. The motor
constant is KaΦ=0.18 V/rpm. Assume that motor current is continuous and ripple-free. For a
firing angle α=30 and rated motor current, determine the
(a) Speed of the motor.
(b) Motor torque.
(c) Power to the motor
For a single-phase supply, full converter,

ab out the
Take ca stant units
motor c

The speed of a 125 hp, 600 V, 1800 rpm, separately excited dc motor is controlled by a 3φ
(three-phase) full converter. The converter is operated from a 3φ, 480 V, 60 Hz supply. The
rated armature current of the motor is 165 A. The motor parameters are R a=0.0874 Ω,
La=6.5 mH, and KaΦ=0.33 V/rpm. The converter and AC supply are considered to be ideal.
(a) Find no-load speeds at firing angles α=0 and α=30. Assume that at no load, the
armature current is 10% of the rated current and is continuous.
(b) Find the firing angle to obtain the rated speed of 1800 rpm at rated motor current.
(c) Compute the speed regulation for the firing angle obtained in part (b).

2. DC chopper

A solid-state chopper converts a fixed-

voltage dc supply into a variable-voltage
dc supply. The chopper is a high-speed on–
off switch.
The switch S is preferred to be a power
transistor i.e. MOSFET, IGBT or MCT.
When the switching device in the chopper
is on, vt =V (supply voltage) and motor
current ia increases. When it is off, motor
current ia decays through the diode (D),
making vt =0.
The average output voltage Vt, which
determines the speed of the dc motor, is:


The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by a chopper. The dc supply

voltage is 120 V, the armature circuit resistance R a =0.5 Ω, the armature circuit
inductance La =20 mH, and the motor constant is KaΦ=0.05 V/rpm. The motor drives a
constant-torque load requiring an average armature current of 20 A. Assume that motor
current is continuous. Determine the
(a) Range of speed control.
(b) Range of the duty cycle α.

In this lecture, you have learnt:
• Construction of DC motor.
• Different types of DC motors.
• The SE/Shunt DC Motor dynamic characteristics.
• Speed control of SE/Shunt DC motor.
• Solid-state DC motor drives


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