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Delaware v. New York (1966)

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This document outlines a lawsuit brought by the state of Delaware challenging the constitutionality of the state unit system used to allocate electoral votes in US presidential elections.

The state of Delaware is suing other states and DC to challenge their laws employing the 'state unit system' or 'general ticket system' of allocating all of a state's electoral votes to the candidate who wins the statewide popular vote plurality.

The complaint alleges that the state unit system violates equal protection and due process by diluting and misappropriating citizens' votes across state lines. It also argues the system prevents meaningful political association and excludes small states and their citizens from national politics.

STATE of Delaware, Plaintiff,

The STATE of New York, et al., Defendants.
No. 28 Original.
October Term, 1966.
July 20, 1966.

Motion for Leave to File Complaint, Complaint and Brief

David P. Buckson
Attorney General
State of Delaware
Dover, Delaware
Robert G. Dixon, Jr.
Special Counsel
720 - 20th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20006
James C. Kirby, Jr.
Special Counsel
357 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Of Counsel: Gosnell, Durkin & McGrath
John A. Gosnell
William J. Durkin
Henry J. Cappello
1225 Nineteenth Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 2003


The State of Delaware, by its Attorney General asks leave of the Court to file its
Complaint against the States of New York, et al., submitted herewith.
David P. Buckson
Attorney Genera


This is an original action by the State of Delaware, as parens patriae for its
citizens, against the State of New York, all other states, and the District of
Columbia, brought under authority of Article III, Section 2 of the United States
Constitution and 28 U.S. Code Sec. 1251. The suit challenges the constitutionality
of the respective state statutes employing the general ticket or state unit-vote
system, by which the total number of presidential electoral votes of a state is
arbitrarily misappropriated for the candidate receiving a bare plurality of the total
number of citizens votes cast within the state.
The Complaint alleges that, although the states, pursuant to Article II, Section 1,
Par. 2 of the Constitution, have some discretion as to the manner of appointment
of presidential electors, they are nevertheless bound by constitutional limitations
of due process and equal protection of the laws and by the intention of the
Constitution that all states electors would have equal weight. Further, general use
of the state unit system by the states is a collective unconstitutional abridgment of
all citizens reserved political rights to associate meaningfully across state lines in
national elections.
Although the Complaint seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, it is recognized
that ultimate correction of the conditions complained of may best be achieved by
Constitutional Amendment. But unless this Court sees fit to open the door, and
point the way through equitable interim relief, as it did in the field of legislative
apportionment, no Constitutional Amendment aimed at fair and just reform of the
Electoral College is likely to come from entrenched political interests which are
satisfied with a voting device that suits their purposes. No other remedy is
available to aid citizens whose votes in presidential elections are diluted, debased
and misappropriated through the state unit system and its risks of miscarriage of
the popular choice will continue indefinitely, unless this Court grant relief.

The State of Delaware, and the people of the State of Delaware, by and through
David P. Buckson, the Attorney General thereof, bring this suit in equity against
each of the other states of the Union, and the District of Columbia viz., the State
of New York, the State of California, the State of Pennsylvania, the State of
Illinois, the State of Ohio, the State of Texas, the State of Michigan, the State of
New Jersey, the State of Florida, the State of Massachusetts, the State of Indiana,
the State of North Carolina, the State of Georgia, the State of Missouri, the State
of Virginia, the State of Wisconsin, the State of Tennessee, the State of Alabama,
the State of Louisiana, the State of Maryland, the State of Minnesota, the State of
Iowa, the State of Kentucky, the State of Washington, the State of Connecticut,
the State of Oklahoma, the State of South Carolina, the State of Kansas, the State
of Mississippi, the State of West Virginia, the State of Arkansas, the State of
Colorado, the State of Oregon, the State of Arizona, the State of Nebraska, the
State of Hawaii, the State of Idaho, the State of Maine, the State of Montana, the
State of New Hampshire, the State of New Mexico, the State of North Dakota, the
State of Rhode Island, the State of South Dakota, the State of Utah, the State of
Alaska, the State of Nevada, the State of Vermont, the State of Wyoming, and the
District of Columbia. (Defendants are named in descending numerical order
according to their respective numbers of presidential electoral votes.)

This action is within the original jurisdiction of this Court under Article
III, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States, and 28 U.S. Code,
Section 1251.


Plaintiff sues in its own right, and also as parens patriae in behalf of the
voting rights, political equality, welfare, and prosperity of its citizens.
Each State of the United States, including Plaintiff by submission, is made
a party, along with the District of Columbia, which is a body corporate
created by Act of Congress to govern the territory constituting the seat of
the government of the United States, and which is vested with power to
sue and be sued by Section 1-102 of the District of Columbia Code.
(Hereafter the word state will also include the District of Columbia
unless otherwise indicated.) Defendants are joined pursuant to Rules 19(a)
and 20(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. All parties participate in
the election of the President and Vice President and are equally interested
in the subject matter of this action and therefore must be made parties to it
if complete relief is to be afforded.


Each State is required and entitled by Article II, Section 1 of the United
States Constitution (and the District, by Amendment XXIII) to appoint
presidential electors who, in turn, elect the President and the Vice
President of the United States. (Hereafter, when the terms presidential
election, presidential electors or electoral votes are used, the terms
will be intended to refer to the election of both the President and the Vice
President.) Each state is represented by as many presidential electors as it
has Senators and Representatives in both houses of Congress, and the
District of Columbia by the same number of electors as the smallest state.
The current allocation of electoral votes is as follows:

New York


South Carolina









West Virginia










New Jersey












North Carolina








New Hampshire




New Mexico



North Dakota



Rhode Island



South Dakota





















The laws of each state provide for popular election of presidential electors
but allow each voter to vote for all of its electors on a general ticket, with
the result that all of a states electoral votes are cast as a unit for the
presidential candidate who wins a plurality of its popular votes. (These
state laws are listed in Exhibit A to this complaint.) This uniform state
practice of casting electoral votes by units is hereinafter referred to as the
state unit or state unit-vote system. Acts of Congress establish the date
for the appointment of presidential electors and regulate their subsequent
balloting and the counting of electoral votes by Congress, but the state unit
system is solely the result of state laws and is not required by the
Constitution or by any Federal law. As is herein-after more specifically
alleged, these laws and their combined effects operate to deny and abridge

fundamental rights of plaintiff, its citizens and large numbers of per-sons

in other states.

In early presidential elections, the individual electors were chosen by

districts in various states in many instances, thus causing a division of a
states electoral vote when the people of such districts differed in their
choice of candidates. After the rise of a national two-party system the state
unit-vote system became uniform because of the political advantages
which accrued to those states which first adopted it. Attached hereto as
Exhibit B is a table showing each states method of electing presidential
electors in every election from 1788 through 1836, when the general ticket
state unit method had come to be used by every state except South
Carolina, which continued legislative election (which also had a state-unit
effect) until the Civil War. Election by districts tended to dilute the power
of dominant political interests to deliver a states entire electoral vote to
their candidate. Such interests therefore installed the state unit system
because its winner-take-all effect maximized their power. The dominant
interests were enabled, with any popular vote plurality, to cast all of the
states electoral vote for their partys candidate. The persons casting a
plurality of the popular votes in such a state therefore exercised greater
power in a presidential election than was justified by their numbers and
these popular pluralities in such states accordingly were more eagerly
sought by candidates. This caused other states to adopt the state unit
system as a defensive measure to maximize their relative strengths in the
national election. The reasoning in Virginia was typical. Thomas Jefferson
stated prior to its switch from the district system in 1800, that ... An
election by districts would be best if it could be general, but while ten
States choose either by legislatures or by a general ticket it is folly and
Worse than folly for the other States not to do it. As Exhibit B shows, a
district system was used in 1796 in five of the eight states which allowed
popular election of electors, but by 1808 six of ten such states were using
the general ticket, as were twelve of eighteen in 1824. The district system
disappeared in 1836 when Maryland abandoned it. It is therefore a
historical fact that each states continued use of the state unit-vote method
is caused in part by its continued use by every other state.


In its actual functioning the state unit system of electing the President and
Vice President is part of an integrated national process. The interlocking
and interdependent features of this national electoral system cause each
states methods to be affected by all others and give each state and its

citizens a real interest in the electoral methods of every state. Each states
electoral votes and each individuals popular vote are subject to
impairment, debasement, and dilution by the methods and procedures of
other states.

In every election the state unit system abridges the political rights of
substantial numbers of persons by arbitrarily awarding all of the electoral
votes of their state to the candidate receiving a bare plurality of its popular
votes. This occurs without regard to the number of votes cast for an
opponent. 435 of the total of 538 electoral votes correspond to
Representatives and are allocated to states because of their numbers of
persons. Nonetheless, the state unit system frequently allows all of a
states votes to be cast for a candidate opposed by as many as 49% of its
voters. Votes cast for the losing candidate within a particular state are not
only discarded at an intermediate stage of the elective process but are
effectively treated as if they had been cast for an opponent. The barest
popular vote plurality and the overwhelming landslide are converted alike
into a unanimous state vote in the national election. This arbitrary
misappropriation of the elective power of substantial political minorities
denies them due process of law and equal protection of the laws in
violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Our national two party system causes substantial numbers of popular votes
to be cast for the candidates of both major political parties in every state in
virtually every election. Attached as Exhibit C are state-by-state returns
for the last five elections, 1948-1964. They show that in each state both
parties nominees poll thousands or millions of votes in every election.
(Exclusion of Democratic Party electors from the ballot in South Carolina
in 1948 and in Alabama in 1960 are shown to be aberrations by returns
from those states in other years.) Therefore, in every election the state unit
systems arbitrary misappropriation of minority voting strengths, as
alleged in paragraph 7 above, denies due process and equal protection of
the laws to millions of Democratic and Republican voters throughout the
United States who are out-voted at the state level.


On a national basis, the state unit systems cancellation of states minority

votes causes inequities and distortions of voting rights among citizens of
the several states by arbitrarily isolating the effects of votes cast by
persons of a particular political persuasion or party in one state from those
cast by voters of the same persuasion or party in other states. Chance and

accident produce distorted and inequitable results when the state units are
combined in the national electoral totals. This is illustrated by the distorted
effects of the popular votes cast for the Republican and Democratic
candidates in the adjoining units of Illinois and Indiana in the 1960
election. The candidates vote totals and percentages were as follows:
Popular Vote


Electoral Vote

Popular Vote

Electoral Vote


















Thus, the winner of a clear majority of the popular votes cast in the two
states received less than one-third of their electoral votes. In the adjoining
states of Virginia and Maryland, voters who supported Kennedy suffered a
similar fate:
Popular Vote


Electoral Vote

Popular Vote

Electoral Vote
















Again, the unit-votes by states converted a two-state popular vote minority

into a sizable electoral vote majority.

Many instances can be shown of both Democratic and Republican votes

being similarly diluted and debased by the state unit-vote system. The
national result of the combined state unit votes multiplies and distorts the
effects of the earlier misappropriations of popular votes. The national

electoral vote totals consequently bear no reasonable relation to the

popular vote and the disparity varies widely from one election to the next.
Attached as Exhibit D is a list of successful candidates percentages of the
electoral vote and the popular vote in the 25 presidential elections of the
past century which demonstrates the arbitrary and unreasonable
fluctuations in the relation of the two. This contributes to the risk that a
candidate may be elected despite receiving fewer popular votes than his
opponent, which actually occurred in the elections of 1876 and 1888.

Two more recent elections illustrate the extreme distortions of the popular
vote affected by the state unit system and dramatize its risk of electing
minority presidents. In 1916, a shift of 1,904 votes for Hughes in
California would have awarded its 13 electoral votes to him and resulted
in his election even though Wilson would have remained the national
electorates choice by more than 587,000 votes. In 1948, a shift of 29,294
votes in California, Illinois, and Ohio would have elected Dewey by two
electoral votes, although Truman would still have had a national plurality
of more than 2,077,000 popular votes.


The state unit-vote system therefore causes the national electoral vote to
be so unrelated to the popular vote that it unreasonably burdens efforts of
citizens of different states to join in concerted political activity to bring
about the election of a person of their mutual choice, a right reserved to
them by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution. The votes
for state winners are combined nationally on an exaggerated basis while
the votes for state losers are isolated within their states and excluded from
the national count. This national distortion of the effects of individual
votes both abridges the right to engage in national political activity and
denies Plaintiffs citizens due process of law in violation of the Fifth and
Fourteenth Amendments. It also denies them equal protection of the laws
and abridges citizens privileges of voting for national officers in violation
of the Fourteenth Amendment. This interstate wrong also violates
principles of equity enforceable in actions between states.


Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution vests in Plaintiff, as one of the

equal and sovereign states, both the right and the duty to appoint electors
for the selection of the President and places all such electors on an equal
basis. The state unit-vote system effectively denies to Plaintiffs electors
the equality of voting weight required by this provision and by
Amendment XII, in that larger states electors are enabled to increase their

effective individual voting weights by voting in larger, more powerful


The state unit-vote system debases the national voting rights and political
status of Plaintiffs citizens and those of other small states by
discriminating against them in favor of citizens of the larger states. A
citizen of a small state is in a position to influence fewer electoral votes
than a citizen of a larger state, and therefore his popular vote is less sought
after by major candidates. He receives less attention in campaign efforts
and in consideration of his interests. Conversely, members of the
electorates of the larger states are each in a position to influence more
electoral votes and are enabled by the state unit system to play a larger
political role and to gain special influence in matters of national policy. A
resultant further consequence of the state unit system is that it
discriminates against citizens of smaller states by affording to citizens of
larger states a disproportionate opportunity to obtain election to the
Presidency. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a table showing the number of
Presidents elected from each state. The states of New York, Ohio,
Massachusetts and Virginia have seen twenty-one of their citizens elected
to the office of President for thirty terms with service totaling 111 years.
(All elections of Virginians occurred prior to the Civil War when it was
relatively a large state.) Plaintiff and thirty-five other states, including
eight of the thirteen original states, have never had one of their citizens
elected President. The state unit-vote system and the strategic importance
which it gives larger states has generally prevented both major parties
from nominating smaller states citizens for both the Presidency and
Vice-Presidency. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a list of the Democratic
and Republican nominees in each of the 25 elections conducted during the
past century, showing the home state of each candidate. The attached
Exhibit G then lists each state and shows the number of instances in which
their citizens have been nominated by either of the two parties for
President or Vice-President.


The state totals in Exhibit G establish the favored position of large states
citizens under the state unit system. New York was named first as a
defendant to this action because it is the largest electoral unit, with 43
electoral votes as contrasted to Plaintiffs three, and its citizens have been
the chief beneficiary of the state unit system. Sixteen of the two parties 50
nominations for the Presidency from 1868 through 1964 have gone to
New Yorkers. Of the total of 100 nominations for President and


Vice-President, citizens of New York have been nominated in 24

instances. Six large states (New York, California, Illinois, Indiana,
Massachusetts and Ohio) account for 68 of the total of 100 nominations,
while the citizens of 26 states, including Plaintiff, have been totally
excluded from the nominations. Plaintiff is one of eight of the original 13
states (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode
Island, South Carolina and Vermont) which has never elected one of its
citizens President in the 45 elections conducted in our 177-year history
and these citizens have been totally excluded from nomination for either
President or Vice President during the past century. According to the 1960
census these eight states have a total population of 18,213,449 compared
to New Yorks population of 16,782,304. Citizens of these states are as
well qualified for national office as are New Yorks citizens, but the
unreasonable and discriminatory effects of the state unit system exclude
them from any practical opportunity for nomination or election because of
the premium placed upon the strategic location of potential candidates
residing in New York and other large states. Plaintiff was the first state to
ratify the Constitution but the unforeseen state unit system in presidential
elections has reduced it and its citizens to a second-class citizenship in
national politics. Plaintiff and other small states as virtual bystanders do
little more than watch while the large states serve as the fields of contest in
national elections. This invidious oppression and discrimination results
directly from state laws which cause large states electoral votes to be cast
in units, and it would not occur if such states electoral votes were cast on
a basis reasonably designed to reflect the divisions of the popular will
within them. The rights to seek national office and participate on an
equitable basis in the election of national officers are reserved to the
people by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and are privileges of United
States citizenship protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The state unit
system unduly abridges these rights in Plaintiffs citizens and citizens of
other small states and denies them due process and equal protection of the
laws in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.

The only practicable legal relief to correct the foregoing inequities is a

decree of this Honorable Court requiring each state to appoint its
presidential electors by a method reasonably calculated to reflect the
will of all the people of the state as shown by their popular voting.
Individual states cannot reasonably be expected to effect such reforms
on a state-by-state basis. For the reasons alleged in paragraph 5 of this
complaint, which caused all states to copy the example of a few in


initially adopting the state unit system, individual states will not
voluntarily adopt any alternative designed to cause their electoral votes
to be more representative of the popular will.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that a decree be entered:


Declaring the rights of the parties in the premises.


Enjoining each party from continuing to appoint its presidential electors

by a method which treats the state as an electoral unit for the choice of
electors and causes its entire electoral votes to be cast for the candidate
winning a plurality of its popular votes.


Adjudging the statutes listed in Exhibit A to be unconstitutional insofar as

they are applied to debase voting rights and political status by failing to
provide a method by which each states electoral vote may be cast so as
reasonably to represent the division of the will of the people of that state
as shown by its popular votes for the respective candidates.


Enjoining further appointment of presidential electors in any state by any

method which is not designed reasonably to reflect in its electoral vote the
division of the will of the people of the state as shown in its popular vote.


Ordering such other and further relief as may be found to be equitable and
appropriate in the circumstances.


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