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962/1 Trial STPM 2010: Confidential / Sulit

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One hour and forty-five minutes (Satu jam empat puluh lima minit)

Instructions to candidates:
There are fifty questions in this paper. For each question, four suggested answers are given.
Choose one correct answer and indicate it on the multiple-choice answer sheet provided.

Read the instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet very carefully. Answer all questions.

Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.

Arahan kepada calon:


Ada lima puiuh soalan d a l a m kertas ini. Bagi setiap soalan, empat cadangan jawapan
diberikan. Pilih satu jawapan yang betul dan tandakan jawapan itu pada helaian jawapan aneka
pilihan yang dibekalkan.

Baca arahan pada helaian jawapan aneka pilihan itu dengan teliti.
Jawab semua soalan. Markah tidak akan ditolak bagi jawapan yang salah.

This question paper consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page.

(Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada 15 halaman bercetak dan 1 halaman kosong.)

TRIAL STPM 962/1 [Turn over (Lihat sebelah)

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*
*Kertas soalan ini SULIT sehingga peperiksaan kertas ini tamat. SULIT*

Section A

Four suggest answers labeled A, B, C and D are given for each question. Choose one correct

1. An element X with the electronic configuration of 1s 22s22p63s23p5 exists as isotopes mX a

nd nX which have 18 and 20 neutrons respectively.What is the percentage abundance
of mX ?

[ relative atomic mass of X is 35.5]

A. 25.0
B. 35.0
C. 65.0
D. 75.0

2. A phase diagram of water is shown below.



What can be deduced from the phase diagram?

A. An increase in pressure will increase the freezing point of water.

B. In increase in pressure will increase the boiling point of water
C. Ice sublimes at a pressure higher than 611 Pa
D. Water exists as liquid at a pressure of 611 Pa and a temperature of 298 K.

3. Transition of electrons between energy levels in an atom will cause an absorption or
emission of light.Which energy level diagram shows the transition of electrons that emits
light with the lowest frequency?

4. The first, second, third and fourth ionization energies (in kJ mol -1) for an element Y is
given below.

900, 1760, 3240, 19700

The element Y forms a covalent chloride that reacts with water to give an acidic
solution.The element Y could be

A. Aluminium
B. Beryllium
C. Sulphur
D. Magnesium

5. The first to fourth ionisation energies of four elements are as follows.

Elements Ionisation energy/kJ mol-1

First Second Third Fourth
P 577 1820 2740 11600
Q 418 3070 4600 5860
R 736 1450 7740 10500
S 494 4560 6940 9540

Which statement about P,Q,R and S is true?

A. Q is more electronegative than S.

B. Melting point of S is higher than that of R.
C. Enthalpy of vapourisation of Q is higher than that of R.
D. Oxide Q is more basic than oxide P.

6.Which one of the following pairs of molecular formula and molecular geometry is true?

Molecular formula Molecular geometry

A. SO42- Octahedral
B. PCl5 Trigonal bipyramidal
C. SO3 Tetrahedral
D. H2O Trigonal planar

7. The conductivity of a metal is due to the delocalised electrons in the conduction band. How
many electrons are found in the conduction band of a 6.0 g magnesium metal strip?

[ Relative atomic mass of Mg is 24.0;Avogadro constant is 6.02 X 10 23 mol-1]

A. 3.01 x 10 23
B. 3.01 x 10 24
C. 5.02 x 10 23
D. 5.02 x 10 24

8. The rate equation of the reaction

2NO (g) + Cl2(g) → 2 NOCl (g) is

Rate = k[NO] 2[Cl2]

Which of the following statements about this reaction is correct?

A.The overall order of reaction is 2

B. The rate constant k decreases when the temperature increases.
C. If the concentration of NO is doubled, the rate of reaction is increased by a factor of 2.
D. If the concentration of both NO and Cl2 are doubled, the rate is increased by a factor of 8

9. Hydrogen peroxide and iodide ion react in the presence of hydrogen ion to produce iodine and
water according to the equation.

H2O2 + 2I- + 2 H+ → 2 H2O + I2

The rate equation for this reaction can be represented by

Rate = k[H2O2]p[I-]q[H+]r

In the kinetic experiment of the reaction above,the following graphs are



What is the order of the reaction with respect to H2O2, I- and H+ ?

H2O2 I- H+

A. 0 1 2
B 1 1 0
C 1 1 2
D 2 1 0

10. When 0.20 mol of iodine and 0.20 of hydrogen are heated to equilibrium at 650C in a 1 dm 3
vessel, the equilibrium mixture contains 0.044 mol of iodine.

I2(g) + H2(g) 2 HI (g)

What is the numerical value Kc for the reaction?

A. 0.30.
B. 19.3
C. 50.3
D. 10.3

11.Which of the following reactions is represented by the graph shown in figure which shows the
effect of pressure on percentage yield?

Percentage yield

A. W(g) 2 Z (g)
B. W(g) + V(g) 2 Z (g)
C. W(g) + V(s) Z(g)
D. W(g) + 2V(s) Z(g)

12. Phosphorus pentachloride dissociates when heated to produce to produce an equilibrium

PCl5 (g) < ==== > PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)

When m g of PCl5 is heated at a constant pressure,p and a fixed temperature,T its partial pressure
at equilibrium is 1/7 p.What is the equilibrium constant,Kp at this temperature?

A. 9/7 p
B. 18/7 p
C. 6p
D. 7p

13. A solution contains propanoic acid and sodium propanoate. Which of the following
expressions can be used to calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution?

A. [H+] = Ka[acid]
B. [H+] = lg Ka
C. [H+] = Ka [acid]
D. [H+] = Ka [salt]

14. The degree of dissociation of 0.20 mol dm-3 solution of an acid HA is 0.018 %.The pH of the
acid is 1.0.What is the value of Ka (mol dm-3) for HA?

A. 0.1 x 0.1
B.0.4 x 10 -5
C 0.9 x 10-5
D.1.8 X 10-5

15.A solution containing 7 x 10-7 mol dm-3 Ag + ions is required for a reaction. Which of the
following saturated solutions can be used for this purpose?

Saturated solution of the silver

salt Ksp of the silver salt

A AgCl 2.0 x 10-10 mol2 dm-6

B AgBr 5.0 x 10-13 mol2dm-6
C Ag2SO4 2.0 x 10 -5 mol3dm-9
D Ag2CrO4 1.3 x 10 -12 mol3dm-9

16. Which of the following statements about electrolysis is correct?

A.Oxidation occurs at the cathode

B. Electrons flow from the cathode to the anode in the external circuit.
C. The more reactive the metal,the less readily the metal is discharged during electrolysis.
D. The number of moles of a metal deposited during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity
of electricity used and the charge on the metal ion.

17. If 0.125 A of electric current is passed through concentrated copper(II)sulphate solution for
5.0 hours,what mass of copper and volume of chlorine( at stp) are produced?
( 1F = 9.65 x 104 Cmol-1 ; molar volume of gas at stp = 22.4 dm3)

Mass of copper (g) Volume of chlorine (dm3)

A 0.74 0.26
B 0.74 0.52
C 0.37 0.26
D 0.37 0.52

18. The standard electrode potential for nickel and zinc are given below

Zn2+(aq) + 2e = Zn(s) E = -0.76V

Ni2+ (aq) + 2e = Ni (s) E = - 0.25 V

Based on the data given above,we can conclude that

A.nickel is a stronger reducing agent than zinc

B. the Zn2+ (aq) ion is a stronger reducing agent than the Ni 2+ (aq)
C. zinc will displace nickel from a solution of Ni 2+ (aq) ions
D. nickel is the positive pole when it is connected to the standard hydrogen electrode.

19. The standard electrode potentials for three half-cells are given below:

J2+ /J E = - 0.44 V
L2+/L E = - 0.76 V
T2+/T E = + 0.34 V

Which of the following can reduce Sn2+(aq) to Sn(s) at 298 K

( The standard electrode potential for Sn2+ (aq)/Sn(s) at 298 K is -0.14V)

A. J and L only
B. J,L and T
C. J2+ and L2+
D. L2+ and T only

20. Calculate the emf of a Daniell cell at 25 C if the concentration of Zn 2+(aq) is 0.25 mol dm-3
and the concentration of Cu2+(aq) is 0.15 mol dm-3.
Given that
Cu2+ + 2e = + 0.34 V
Zn2+ + 2e = - 0.76 V

A. + 1.10 V
B. + 1.09 V
C. – 1.06 V
D. - 1.09V

21. Which of the following elements belongs to Group 2 in the Periodic Table?

Element Melting point / C Density/ g cm-3

A 98 0.97
B 180 0.53
C 850 1.54
D 3500 2.25

22. Aluminium chloride reacts with an ether, (CH3)2O to form a compound with the formula,
(CH3)2.AlCl3 .In this reaction aluminium acts as a

A. Lewis acid
B. Lewis base
C. Bronsted acid
D. Bronsted base

23. Aluminium is used for making carbonated soft drink cans.Which of the following is the most
important reason explaining why aluminium is used?

A. Aluminium can be recycled

B. Aluminium has a low density
C. Aluminium is a good conductor of heat
D. Aluminium is resistant to corrosion by weak acids.

24.A group 14 tetrachloride,XCl4 has the following properties.

Undergoes hydrolysis readily

Decomposes at room temperature to produce


The tetrachloride is

A. SiCl4
B. PbCl4
C. SnCl4
D. GeCl4

25. Nitrogen oxides have high positive standard enthalpies of formation, ∆H f .Which of the
following is the major factor for the high positive value of ∆H f ?

A. The tendency of oxygen to form oxides

B. The high electron affinity of the oxygen atom
C. The high bond energy of the nitrogen,N2 molecules.
D. The nitrogen and oxygen atom have similar electronegativities.

26. Which element forms the complex ion ,[ XCl 4]- ?

A. Manganese
B. Chromium
C. Copper
D. Lead

27. Butan-2-ol → But-2-ene → 2- chlorobutane

What are the chemical needed for the conversion of I and II ?

A H2SO4 Chlorine gas
B High concentrated H2SO4 Hydrogen chloride gas
C Liquidify HNO3 aqueous Hydrogen chloride
D Acidified KMnO4 HCl aqueous

28. Chlorination of benzene is carried out by using iron as catalyst.The function of iron in this
reaction is to produce

A. chlorine free radicals

B. chloride ions
C. nucleophiles
D. electrophile

29. Which of the following compound is expected to have the highest boiling point?


30. CH3CH2Br reacts with an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide forming CH3CH2OH,
whereas (CH3)3CBr reacts with an ethanolic solution of potassium hydroxide forming
CH2 =C(CH3)2 as the major product. Which statement is true of the two reactions?

A The reactions occur at room temperature.

B The reactions occur through the formation of carbocation.
C The reactions are nucleophilic substitution and elimination respectively.
D The rate of each reaction is independent of the concentration of OH– ions.

31.A compound has the following chemical properties.

(i) It gives a positive iodoform test.
(ii) It decolourises acidified aqueous potassium manganate (VII).
(iii) It reacts with phosphorus pentachloride to produce hydrogen chloride gas.
The compound is

32. The structural formula of progesterone, a sex hormone, is shown as follows.
H 3C

Which of the following statements is true of progesterone?
A It has a planar ring structure.
B It has three chiral carbon atoms.
C It reacts with Fehling solution.
D It reacts with aqueous potassium manganate (VII).

33..Which of the following compounds reacts by nucleophilic addition?

D C6H6

34 2-Chloro-2-methylbutane and 1-chlorobutane are separately reacted with aqueous

potassium hydroxide. The reagent that can be used to distinguish the products of the reactions

A Na
B Br2 /CCl4
C concentrated H2SO4
D concentrated HCl /ZnCl2

35. Compound Z has the composition percentage by mass: carbon, 40.0%; hydrogen, 6.7%;
oxygen, 53.3%. Compound Z also has a chiral carbon atom and relative molecular mass
90.0. Which of the following statements is not true of compound Z?
[Relative atomic mass: C = 12.0, H = 1.0, O = 16.0]

A It can be prepared from propanenitrile.

B It produces effervescence with aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate.
C It produces a yellow precipitate when heated with alkaline iodine solution.
D. It decolourises acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution when heated

36 Which of the following could not be used to differentiate between CH3CHO and

A Tollen’s reagent
B Fehling’s solution
C Iodoform test
D Mass spectrometry

37. Hydrocarbons undergo various reactions. One of the reactions involving 3, 3-
dimethyloctane is shown below.
3,3-dimethyloctane -------- > products

X could be
A 450 C, Al2O3/SiO2
B H2SO4(conc.), 180 C
C NaOH(aq), reflux
D KCN(aq)/ ethanol, reflux

38. Which of the following compounds can form condensation homopolymers?

A CH2 = CHCl

39.Plastic can be classified as thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic based on its thermal
properties. Which is a thermosetting plastic?

A. Bakelite
B. Perspex
C. Polystyrene
D. Polyvinyl chloride

40. Ziegler-Natta catalyst is used in addition polymerisation of ethene Which statement

is not true of the process?
A It requires a low pressure.
B It requires a low temperature.
C I t p r o d u c e s h i g h d e n s i t y poly(ethene).
D It is an example of free radical polymerisation.

Section B
For each of the questions in this section, one or more of the three numbered statements 1 to 3 may
be correct the responses A to D should be selected as follows:

1 only is correct 1 and 2 only are 2 and 3 only are 1,2 and 3 are correct
correct correct

41. An enzyme found in the stomach operates at a maximum efficiency when in an aqueous
solutions buffered at pH 5.Which combination of substances when dissolved in 10 dm 3 of water
give the necessary buffer solution?

1.5 mol of CH3COOH and 5 mol of CH3COONa

2. 10 mol of NH3 and 10 mol of NH4Cl
3. 1 mol of HCl and 1 mol of CH3COONa


Boiling point

The boiling point-composition diagram for two pure liquids P and R is given above.
Which of the following statements could be correct?

1. R is less volatile than P

2. The liquid with composition Q boils at T2
3. The liquid with composition Q can be separated into pure P and pure R by fractional

43. Which statements about the reaction given are correct?

IO3- (aq) + 2I- (aq) + 6H+(aq) + 6 Cl-(aq) → 3ICl2-(aq) + 3 H2O (l)

1.There is no change in oxidation number of chlorine

2.The oxidation number of iodine in iodate ion,IO3 - changes from +5 to +1
3. The iodide ion is reduced to ICl2-

44. Which of the following reactions does the value of ∆ H represents both enthalpy change of
formation and enthalpy change of combustion ?

1. S(s) + O2(g) → SO2 (g)

2. C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g)
3. H2 (g) + ½ O2(g) → H2O (l)

45. Which of the following steps in the Born-haber cycle for the enthalpy change of formation of
calcium oxide has a negative ∆ H value?

1. O(g) + e → O-(g)
2. ½ O2(g) → O (g)
3. Ca(s) → Ca(g)

46. Compound X has the formula [CoCl3(NH3)3].The properties of X include

1. X has an octahedral structure

2. Oxidation state of Cr is +3
3. X exhibits geometric isomerism,fac and mer

47. The colour changed from pale blue to deep blue when ammonia is added to an aqueous
solution of copper(II) salt as shown in the reaction below is caused by

[Cu(H2O)6]2+ → [Cu(NH3)4]2+

Pale bule deep blue

1.NH3 is a stronger ligand than H2O.

2.The central copper ion has the same oxidation number.
3.The central copper atom has same number of electrons

48. Adrenaline is a hormone with the formula



Which of the following statements about adrenaline is correct?

1.It is a secondary amine

2.It forms a salt when it reacts with dilute nitric acid
3. It produces nitrogen gas when it reacts with nitrous acid.

49. Glutamine has the formula



Based on the formula,we can deduce that

1. glutamine is soluble in water

2. glutamine shows optical isomerism
3. ammonia is liberated when glutamine is heated with aqueous sodium hydroxide.

50. The physical properties of a polymer can be altered by cross-linking.Cross-linking

1.makes the polymer harder

2.increases the melting point of the polymer.
3. causes the polymer to be insoluble in organic solvents.

End of the question paper


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