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Psychic Defenses 1

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Healing the hearts of humanity, one Soul at a time

Psychic Defenses I
Self-Defense on the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Planes

Psychic Attack
By Estelle Daniels

Psychic attack is the most frightening psychic phenomenon one can experience. Many claim to have
been victims, and some feel they were scarred badly. Others were able to fight and win.
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What is a psychic attack? It is the feeling that something is "out there" after you, intent on doing
harm. Vary rarely; it is a conscious working on the part of someone else. Most commonly you feel
something is out there and won't leave you alone.

Psychic attack is a common cry wolf in the magical community. "I walked by his house yesterday
and I felt something watching me." "I was out with this group and now I feel run down and drained.
They attacked me and took my energy." These statements are the usual type of "proof" one gets
describing a psychic attack. Psychic phenomena are highly subjective. Not everyone has the same
level of abilities, nor do they manifest in the same ways.

When a person is relatively new to psychic work, they experience the phenomenon of "opening up."
Their latent abilities are awakened. Before, when the person was not psychically aware, they
noticed little of the "other worlds." Opening up can be good, but it can also lead to some
uncomfortable experiences. Imagine being deaf. You cannot hear music or traffic noise or even
conversation. Then you suddenly can hear. Now you are hearing, but you have yet to be able to filter
or distinguish the pleasant from the unpleasant or harmful. You hear everything: that which is
relevant to you, that which is incidental, and that which is not meant for you. Being newly
psychically aware is very similar. You pick up on everything and have yet to be able to filter out that
which has no relevance to you. The natural psychic background noise that many have learned to
deal with can be deafening until you learn to shield and protect yourself. You can become a bit
paranoid because there is so much and it takes time to gain skills.
In my opinion, ninety-nine percent of the time what is perceived as a psychic attack is no more than
background noise. Like a psychic back-fire, it is loud and startling, but does no harm. If a person is
newly aware, they may hear it and wonder, "what was that, where did it come from, was it directed
toward me, can it hurt me," and so on. When a person worries and wonders, they start straining to
"hear" more and start to pick up on more stuff until they perceive the psychic mice running across
the floor and freaking out. Another analogy is a city person moving to the country. There is no
traffic noise, no hustle and bustle of people, but they hear the wind in the trees, the crickets
chirping, and the animals at night. Those sounds can be strange and startling to someone not used
to them. The country person moving to the city jumps at every car horn, siren, or screech of brakes
until they learn to tune it out.
Because psychic phenomena are subjective and personal not everyone is going to hear what you
hear. You might pick up on something that nobody else does. Does that constitute a psychic attack?
Not really.
What Can You Do?

The bad news is that you can never totally block some stuff. The good news is there are simple and
effective techniques for grounding and shielding that can make life quieter and more comfortable.
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Some people have an amulet or talisman that does the shielding, grounding, and centering for them,
but this can become a crutch. If you lose it, you are defenseless.
The best way to protect yourself is to learn techniques to ground, center, and shield you. Grounding
and centering is a way of restoring emotional and psychic equilibrium. You concentrate on your
body, the here and now. This diverts attention and you can disconnect from he creepies. Shielding
allows you to block some or most of the psychic stuff until and unless you want to open up. These
techniques are simple and effective, and when learned make life as a psychically-aware person
more comfortable.

One effective exercise is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, LBRP for short. The first
part of it is effective to help a person regain equilibrium. The full ritual will help block out most
psychic noise.

Another grounding technique is to eat a heavy meal. Fast food, meat and potatoes, or something
filling and substantial or greasy. Red meat or lots of butter and cheese are good grounding foods. If
you feel jumpy, avoid stimulants like coffee, caffeine, or alcohol. Physical activity, from taking a
walk or doing light chores up to a full workout can also effectively ground and center. A bath or
shower can do the trick. Laughing helps. Watch a funny movie, read a funny book, or just swap
jokes with friends. Most psychic critters are not comfortable around laughter. Become mentally
absorbed in something active, not passive like watching TV. Doing long division, income tax, or
other pencil and paper math can be absorbing, and possibly frustrating, but will also get your mind
off the stuff "out there."

Shielding can be elaborate like the LBRP, or simple, like visualizing yourself inside a glowing energy
shield, like a spaceship. Any psychic energy will hit the shield and be deflected away from you.
These shields can be anchored to the zenith (heaven) and horizon by energy rays if you want extra
stability. Shields can be an outer set of energy clothes.
Shields need periodic attention. If you work at keeping them, they will stay. In a creepy situation,
giving them an extra dose of energy, strengthening your shields, can be helpful. If you want to
perceive something you can open a hole in the direction you want to feel, you do not have to drop
There are many other techniques, but these are simple and effective. Hopefully they will help.

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A Spiritual Shielding Technique - Psychic Self Defense

By Jeffry Palmer

The physical body is surrounded with spiritual energy, the aura. The aura is a dynamic living entity,
part of the physical self, yet separate to the extent in which it interacts invisibly with our surroundings
and other energy forms. The aura is the energetic embodiment of the soul or spiritual self.

The physical mind can be taught to reshape spiritual energy form into a psychic shield, a protective
bubble which does not allow harmful energy to reach the inner core of the soul where it can do the
most damage.
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The process is quite simple and is strengthened through practice. Begin with the simple meditation
routine described on page ten of this book. During the course of your meditation visualize your aura as
a vibrating field of light energy. The field of energy extends outward a few inches from the surface of
your skin.
Your life energy vibrates and swirls around you at all times, coming into contact with all manner of
other life energies, both positive and negative. Now imagine the energy of your aura forming the shape
of a protective globe of brilliant light. Negative thought and intentions in the form of red light as well
as dark energy attempt to corrupt your spiritual existence. Within the protection of your light energy
globe, negative influences bounce off, are deflected and returned to their original source.
Make a practice of visualizing the creation of your protective energy shield at the start of every
meditation session. With repetition the strength of your psychic shield is increased and can eventually
be called up at will. Rely on your shield at any time that you feel under the influence of psychic assault.
This technique for calling up a protective barrier against even the strongest of negative energies
whenever it is needed, involves connecting the mind, body and spirit instantly to create a powerful
protective energy barrier.

Once you have familiarized your self with the meditative technique of visualizing a protective bubble
you should be able to summon this shield without the assistance of meditation. Simply focus your mind
on the act of creating the shield. While your mind is focused on creating the shield, use your hands to
close the energy conduit of your aura. In a very real sense, you and every other living creature are both
a source and a conductor of energy. You are in constant and direct connection with the energy of all

The physical act of closing the hands has the effect of closing a circuit. You are closing the circuit of
your life energy while still remaining connected to the energy of the universe. The combination of
closing the life energy circuit and creating a protective aura shield is the most powerful tool available
for combating a psychic attack.
This maneuver not only defends the spiritual self, it sends the negative energy of an attack directly
back to its origin. The attacker sees his own negative energy returned only with more momentum and
force than was originally created. Practice visualizing the instant creation of an aura shield; imagine
with as much detail as possible the protective energy of your spirit blossoming outward to form an
impenetrable barrier.

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Now combine this visualization with the act of closing the hands. Hold
your hands a few inches apart, as if you were about to clap or begin a prayer. Try to feel the energy of
your aura between your hands. Many people report feeing a slightly warm sensation when performing
this procedure. Pay attention to whatever sensations you may be feeling at this moment. Now, press
your hands together, and as you do visualize the energy of your aura being compressed between your
hands. As you compress the aura it forms a globe which surrounds your entire body.

The physical act of clasping the hands to temporarily close your life energy circuit and visualizing the
protective aura are instantaneous.
Practice this technique until it feels completely natural. One of the greatest advantages of this psychic
defense technique is that it can be used discretely. This seemingly simple hand gesture can be used in
almost any public situation without drawing attention to the fact that you are combating negative
psychic energy. When confronted with any form of threatening energy, this technique offers an
incredibly powerful and stealthy defense.

Don't forget to turn off your protective shield when it is no longer needed, use it when feeling
confronted or overwhelmed by negative energy and rely on the strength of your spirit for day to day

Psychic Protection
By Rachael Doran

Please use this psychic protection prayer as often as you can, say this prayer for 9 days in a row and
please pause for a few seconds at the end of each sentence so that the energy can build around you.

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I/We humbly ask for divine protection to protect us on all levels. We ask for the heavenly rays to be
poured upon us in abundance.
I/We command the presence of the angelic realms and for Metatron and Michael to stand at the
May the Christ light, the Buddha light, the Mahatma Energy, the holy
spirit, the Reiki energy, the light of all Archangelic beings and all
Ascended Masters permanently encase US with their love.....

We ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of our being.
We also ask the mahatma energy to integrate with every aspect of mother earth and all life forms
according to the highest will of God.
I/We call forth Archangel Zadkiel, and St Germain and ask for the Silver - Violet - Flame to be fully
anchored, and permanently encased within and around our whole beings.
I/We ask that this Silver violet Divine flame be sent forth into our past. into our present. into our
future transmuting all our karma ...
We also ask Lord Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael to assist help us
transmute and perfectly balance all karma.
We ask the archangels to place a protective star of David, around our being and home permanently.
We call forth Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Haniel and the company of Heaven and ask for the green
flame, and the white flame to be fully anchored and permanently encased within and without our
We also call forth Archangel Metatron, the Mahatma, Lord Maitreya and Sananda and ask for all
negative thoughtforms, lost souls, negative residues, negative elementals and soul fragments to be
permanently healed and taken into the light... within our auric fields, homes and world may all be
freed according to the highest will of God.
We also ask for the pink flame of the Archangelic realms to be fully anchored and permanently
encased within and without our being.

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I/We ask Archangel Michael to fully anchor your Silver Armored Metallic Suit Around our beings
I/We ask Archangel Michael to cut away all karmic ties permanently and to anchor your special blue
armored flame permanently, encasing our whole being, from within and without, I/We also call forth
Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and ask for the sealing and transmutation of all holes and
leakages within and without my Auric Field.

May all that is not in accordance with the highest will of God, within and without my entire being be
immediately transmuted into Divine Light

May I be Divinely aligned, healed and re-energized on every level of my being, perfectly balanced
within the three fold flame of God.
May I always be shown the way and given full support in all the work I do for mankind's advancement
and spiritual enhancement and healing.
May I be purified and blessed upon every level of my being, in the work I do and be given more and
more divine power as each day goes by and more and more protection as my healing progresses and

May I radiate the heavenly rays wherever I go and help all who come across my path.

Dear beloved God Presence, I AM (Monad) presence, Soul Presence, The

Mahatma Energy, the collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters,
In the name of the God within us, we ask that this Divine meditative prayer, be multiplied
and manifested and used to assist all life forms on this planet and throughout the universe.
We accept it done according to the highest Will of God.
We humbly thank you Amen

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Self-Defense on the Physical Plane

1: On a physical level, of course, it is always good to burn high quality incense or even better "sage"
when you want to clear the psychic and physical atmosphere. However, if you want to super clear
the energy, the best method of all is to put three or four tablespoons of Epsom salt into a small
frying pan or small cooking pot that you don't need anymore for regular cooking. Then pour in
rubbing alcohol so that it just covers the Epsom salt by a little bit. Place the pot in the middle of the
room you want to clear and light a match to it. The entire atmosphere is burned of all negativity.
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2: One of the best kinds of all is to just wear a crystal pendant. Crystals amplify energy, and wearing
a crystal or carrying one with you will serve this purpose in a most effective manner.
3: Another important point is to not keep your television right at the foot of your bed. When you
shut it off at night it is still emanating radiation and your feet chakra just soak in the energy.
4: The homeopathic pharmacy also has certain kinds of homeopathic that are for the specific
purpose of strengthening your energy field and offering protection. I know there are certain Bach
flower remedies for this purpose.
Pesticides, chemicals, metals, mercury, and an infinite number of other possible toxins can be
cleaned out of your system in a month or two months time using homeopathic and/or herbs.
5: It is recommended drinking six to eight glasses of pure water a day. This clears a lot of toxicity
out of the body. It is also very important not to eat right before bed.
6: Never cross your legs when sitting or standing. This immediately cuts off the flow of energy
through your chakra system. As long as your aura is strong you cannot be affected by negative
7: Whenever you eat your food it is also a good idea to bless your food. This can be used for a
prayer for this. "As you are created by God, adore thy Creator in what you shall do within my body
and temple as I build it to His glory. Amen".
8: Another very simple technique to activate, open and energize your chakras is to cup your hand
in front of you just below the first chakra. Slide your hand upwards through all your chakras and
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then over the top of your head feeling the subtle magnetism as you do this. Do this from three to
seven times and it will energize you if you are feeling sluggish.
9: If you ever feel yourself under psychic attack of some kind, or there is a negative energy in your
home, there are a number of physical things to do. One is to shower and set the intent as you
shower, that you are also cleansing all seven bodies. A dark entity can only get in if you are
weakened or vibrating at a similar level of consciousness. Showering cleanses the aura and body.
Put on clean clothes, and wash your old clothes.
In a severe case of psychic attack it is a good idea to eat frequently, like every two hours. Food
makes one less sensitive, and at a time like that you want to be more grounded. It is also a good idea
to be around positive people.
10: Another excellent technique for strengthening your energy field and killing all bacteria and
viruses is to sun bathe. This totally vitalizes the etheric body.
11: It is also a good idea to have your bed face east, for this is the direction of the strongest spiritual
current. This is also recommended for when you meditate.
Psychic Blockage Problems

By Lilly

Our Minds, Bodies, and Spirits are all DIRECTLY Interlinked. Keeping that in mind, when people go
through mental or emotional stress and physical drain with trying to be the support and even a
keystone so that others will not be taxed with their sorrow and drained as well can often cause our
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own psychic abilities to be dimmed or even blocked temporarily. "Being there" for another, helping
others with their problems, dealing with our own, all can make for additional drain on our own ability
to link well and can adversely affect all of our psychic abilities.
This additional drain upon our own energy level if not corrected can over time deplete us, even cause
us to have a rift of our Auric Fields if left untreated. That is often why we are not able to psychically
link as well as we wish. Of course the causes can vary, but in essence you can distinguish when there is
a fluctuation there with your ability to sense overall psychically, and that's when you need to start a
self-evaluation as to why in order to maintain the highest level of linkage you desire.

What to do about it:

Schedule some "Me Time" to meditate, rest and recuperate first, followed by standard bed times with
hopefully 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Getting regular with your bed times affords you a pattern inside your
Soul which allows Guides to also come and aid you while you are in that deeper part of REM State of

Physical Body: Plenty of rest, plus meditation each day for about hopefully a half hour, (20 min.
minimum) to reconnect to your Spirit Self, and by that I mean time just for yourself to sit quietly in a
comfortable upright position and give yourself an opportunity to become One with God. (Please see:
Meditation Exercise Techniques) Link yourself directly to Holy Father, and Lord Jesus Christ and His
wonderful Holy Spirit. Even if you don't sense anything other than just you, you are doing great. Don't
be expecting anything other than a calm and peaceful experience. If something happens psychically,
then that's fine, yet at this point usually the Angels wish only for you to get back to your Real Self, the
You that is YOU.
They don't want to add stress to you at this time by saying something and then having you focus
(which takes energy) to listen to them, etc. Drinking enough water each day does increase one's ability
to be more in tune with the flow from God/Source, as water is a viable conduit in itself and drinking
water while you are doing psychic work affords you increased abilities to focus in a higher range.
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol does help for a much stronger link also, as these products diminish a
person's ability.

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Spiritual Body:
When someone is suffering from a form of "burn-out" it literally is draining to them to link to Spirit,
since the act of linking itself does tire a person some, see? That's why so many people are not able to
sense psychically when they are so very worn out. Sorrow Energy is also a part of the reason as well,
and this is where the link is the most vulnerable, since the sorrow energy emanates directly out of the
Heart Chakra. The Hope Chakra is where the issue is, which is a Portal within the Star of David
Pattern of the 4th (Heart) Chakra.
Where the trouble is within this whole feeling of sorrow is that the back of the portal radiates out a
person's sorrow energy which can quickly drain one's Hope Chakra. Try to notice when you are
pondering all of your troubles, so that you can realize that while you are thinking about all of these
sad events, there is another event happening which is your emotional reaction you are feeling while
you are thinking about them. See, our emotions react to our thoughts, and it causes a chain reaction
either positive or negative.
Like it states in the book, The Secret, like attracts like, the Laws of Attraction are real events, and it
places you in a situation of a "cause and effect" event when you are dwelling on sorrowful troubles.
We cannot change a lot of what happens in our lives, yet we can alter our reaction to them, so as to not
hamper ourselves in a negative physical way. We can turn our troubles over to the Lord to help us,
and that way we can bless a person as well as save us from having emotional duress to cause this
chain-reaction within our own bodies. It serves no higher purpose or helps the individual(s) in our
lives who are dealing with their physical ailments to be "joining them in this physical duress". It is
better to pray for them and give it ALL over to the Lord. That way, the Lord will take it all into His
Hands and be doing the very best for both the ill person, plus you yourself, too, and grant you a soft
loving Energy of Comfort and Support directly from the Holy Spirit. ,

If you feel blocked from feeling the Holy Spirit in your own Spirit, then reconsider how you are reacting
to all that is happening within your life. Create another route for this sorrow to travel, which is the
route of giving it ENTIRELY over to the Lord. The Lord is right there waiting to help you, and please
remember that it will be necessary for you to Trust that once you have placed these problems over to
the Lord, that it is NOW Entirely Completely in God's Hands, and then to be willing to listen inside your
Heart to know what He wants you to do next. You will be told what to do, and how to be feeling
overall, as you will THEN have God's Hand upon your Heart and will be given subliminal messages of
instructions through your Subconscious Mind which will then filter up through to your Conscious Mind.
You will be sensing even more, knowing even more, and doing even greater psychic abilities after this
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once you can Trust that God is in the lead here. That's the next step for you, and others here, too.
Trust is a huge step for some, and that's where it all comes to the point of knowing what is right within
your own mind and heart over what you are now dealing with. KNOW what is RIGHT and TRUE, and
link to that also, as it aids one to be willing to incorporate that also into their way of thinking.
May God grant you extended Energy, so that you will fine out where your Heart is now leading you,
and may God grant you also Fullness of Life Energy to spring forth from the Holy Spirit and into your
Love & Prayers,

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Protecting Your Psychic Space When Divining With

By Gayle Goldwin

Communing with Spirit to get the information you need from invisible realms is great... as long as you
can trust it. But how do you know you can? Here's how to make sure a discarnate trickster doesn't
mess with your head.

There are a lot of entities on the other side of the veil. It's only prudent to be careful about who you
allow in to give advice. Some-Ascended Masters, for example-possess great wisdom, understanding and
goodwill. Other entities possess considerably less.

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Use common sense. Would you ask an unknown stranger for advice? And would you listen to just
anyone who butted in to give it? Just like people here, some entities on the other side are kindly, some
are wise, some are stupid, some are mischievous, and a few are outright malicious. You need to protect
yourself. Here's how you do it.

After you've cleared your mental and physical space (and if you need help with this, see the article,
Preparing For An Oracle Reading-What Has To Happen To Get The Answers You Need), you need to
protect your psychic energy. There are many ways to accomplish this.

Some people like envisioning themselves in a bubble of beautiful, crystalline Light. See it surround you,
filling every cell of your body with brilliant, sparkling Light. See it, and especially feel it. Make it Real to
you, for it, on its dimension is as "real" as the chair you sit on. See its sparkling luminescence. Feel its
gentle warmth. Watch as it grows in size, extending out to the boundaries of your room, filling your
entire space with Light. Feel it, see it, and know it is there, protecting you as you conduct the reading.

If you have a fondness for medieval times, you might wish to envision yourself in a suit of invincible
armor. Feel its protective weight upon your shoulders. See it covering all of your body, protecting your
completely from any psychic missile sent your way. Feel the solid metal next to your skin. See it
becoming a second skin that will easily deflect any negative energy sent your way.

You could also envision yourself in the center of a huge golden sphere of Teflon mesh. See it extending
three feet beyond your head, feet and outstretched arms. Love flows out and Love flows in easily
through the golden mesh, but any negative energy are stopped blocked and slide harmlessly off the
sphere into the earth to be recycled into neutral energy.

Pick whichever imagery you like, but the next step is the most important. Call your Angels to your side.
You needn't open yourself up psychically to just anyone, for you already have Guardians that you can
trust. Every soul who comes to Earth has Invisible Assistants-Angels, Guardians, Spirit Guides-assigned
to assist it. Your Angels know you. They know your mission and intentions for this life.
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They also know your highest hopes and deepest fears. They know the challenges you've faced since you
got here. They know what you were told about yourself when you were too young to assess if it was
true. They know what inaccurate assumptions and mistaken beliefs were imprinted upon your mind.
They know the trials, tribulations, triumphs and traumas you've experienced. They know it all. Most
importantly, they know how those conclusions you made about yourself and your place in the world as
a result of your experiences here have affected you. But most of all, they love you. They want you to

Call to your Guardians, your angelic guides. Ask that they-and they alone-answer your questions and
give you counsel. For no one knows you better or loves you more. They will protect you. And you can be
sure the information you receive is exactly what you need.

This Material was compiled by Humanity Healing to be a suggested guide and resource for techniques,
meditations and prayers. All the Authors are mentioned. This material can be distributed freely, there is
no copyrighted material mentioned on any of those sources. Our Intention is to make this information
accessible to all for educational purpose only.

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