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Guidebook To Eu Decision-Making in Education and Training

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Lifelong Learning Platform

The Lifelong Learning Platform benefits from the financial support

of the EU under the Erasmus+ Programme. The content of this
publication is the sole responsibility of the Lifelong Learning
Platform and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union.

The Lifelong Learning Platform
The Lifelong Learning Platform (previously
EUCIS-LLL) was born in 2005 as a
response from civil society organisations
to the definition and implementation of a
European policy in the field of education
and training in the so-called Open Method
of Coordination.
In 2001 already, several educational
networks had come together to share their
experience and expertise around a Europewide consultation on the EU Lifelong
Learning Memorandum. This cooperation
became systematic when the Platform was
established as a permanent organisation
in 2005. For 10 years now, the Lifelong
Learning Platform has played a key role in
structuring and increasing the input of civil
society on the Education and Training
2020 and Europe 2020 strategies and
their predecessors.
The Lifelong Learning Platform was
acknowledged by the European Commission
in 2009 as a unique representation of
lifelong learning of the various education
and training actors organised at EU level,
and in 2011 as in a unique position to
support European networks in education and
training to work collectively at European,
national and local levels and to contribute to
a structured policy dialogue within the open
method of coordination in education and
Gathering 39 organisations, the Lifelong
Learning Platform is today the most
legitimate interlocutor of the EU institutions
in the field of lifelong learning. It continuously
defends the need to implement a dialogue
across educational sectors and between
stakeholders and public institutions at all
levels, regional, national and European.

The platform fosters a vision of lifelong
learning that promotes equity, social
cohesion and active citizenship. It believes
that the objectives of education and training
should not only be described in terms of
employability or economic growth but also
as a framework for personal development.
It is essential to raise awareness on the fact
that lifelong learning should include a large
range of learning settings and create more
complementarity and continuity between
formal, non-formal and informal learning.

The Lifelong Learning Platform promotes a
holistic vision of lifelong learning, from cradle
to grave, that is not limited to formal education
but integrates non-formal and informal
learning. By bringing together actors from all
sectors and levels of education and training,
The platform contributes to an increased
flexibility between systems. By encouraging
an exchange of knowledge, it aims to build
a citizens voice on education and training
issues but also to propose concrete solutions
to make lifelong learning a reality for all.


an active dialogue with

European institutions
Enabling exchanges of best practice,
experiences and expertise
Disseminating information on key issues
in the lifelong learning sector

European institutions 9
The institutional triangle 9
European Commission 10
Council of the European Union
European Parliament 18
The consultative bodies 21
European Economic and Social Committee
Committee of the Regions 22
Ombudsman 23
Court of Justice 23
Specialised European Agencies 24
European Agencies 24
Network of Researchers 25
International Organisations 26
Europe 2020 Strategy 27
Priorities 27
European Semester 29
Education and Training 2020
Aims and objectives 30
Open Method Coordination 31
Measuring progress: Indicators and benchmarks
Monitoring progress: Joint and Annual Reports
Mobility and Lifelong Learning instruments
School education 37
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education 39
Adult Learning 40
Youth policies 41
Horizontal policies 42
Erasmus+ 43
Europe for Citizens 44
Social Inclusion 45
Creative Europe 46
Horizon 2020 47
European NGOs in the field 49



Why a European guide on

EU advocacy in education?
David Lopez
Lifelong learning platform

This guide has been produced for our

members, to have a better understanding
of the complexity of Europe. We find
this complexity in policies, in the number
of programmes or in the difficulty to find
different funding schemes. We want to
offer our members the keys to understand
the mechanisms and find their way in the so
difficult pathways to become an expert, or
just understand the place where they live.
Europe seems to be very far from citizens,
even those that have the most important
consciousness of European realities.
We have tried to reach exhaustiveness in
our field of activity: education and lifelong
One of the relevant points of the guide
is the Open Method of Coordination in
education and training (OMC). This method
is very relevant for our work. It is within this
framework that civil dialogue can happen
and where civil society can play a role. The

Lifelong Learning Platform is not only a

tool for its members. It does not just offer
services. We are a strong representative of
civil society in our sector. We want to be
active and conscious citizens, preparing and
participating in decision-making processes.
More than the creation of experts groups,
we want to foster a total expertise for all
citizens. The gap between citizens and
Europe will come to an end, when all the
citizens will consider that they have a real
role to play in Europe.
This guide is a modest contribution to
bridge the gap. As I said, it is for our
members. But if we consider the vision
that I exposed before, the guide is a tool of
understanding for all citizens. Because To

know is to understand and to act...

It is also a tool to call for a better dialogue
between citizens and institutions in the
field of education and training.



Advocating for
education and
training in the
European Union:
a complex and
necessary process
Audrey Frith
lifelong learning platform

Over the past years the EU has gained more

and more influence in the field of education
and training. This evolution was not natural;
it took 30 years of cooperation, from the
formal adoption of the first Community
Programme in 1976, for such recognition
to be expressed at the highest level of the
We had to wait for the Maastricht Treaty
(1992) to give the EU a role in the development
of quality education and the promotion
and improvement of vocational training
(articles 165 and 166 of the Lisbon Treaty).
To date, the EU has only a supporting role
over education and training, meaning that
its mission is limited to support, coordinate
and supplement member states actions,
without superseding their competence.
Indeed education has always been regarded
as a national rather than an EU competence.
However the success of programmes such

as Erasmus highlights the important and

symbolic role education plays in European
societies and in the European construction
but also the impact of the latter on our
educational systems.
Ever since the Lisbon European Council
in March 2000, the Heads of State or
Government of the Union have been
constantly stressing the fundamental role
of education and training in the economic
and social development of the Union. The
Lisbon Strategy (2000-2010) aimed at
making the European Union the most
competitive economy in the world by 2010
and referred significantly to education and
training, predominantly as a way for the
EU to become the most competitive and
knowledge-based economy. In June 2010
the European Council adopted the Europe
2020 Strategy in which education, training
and lifelong learning play an even greater
role (2010-2020).
In the field of education and training, the EU
is using what is called the Open Method of
Coordination. It is a working method that
promotes convergence between systems
and the attainment of joint objectives.
European indicators and benchmarks are
key instruments to measure progress in
achieving the common objectives set for
2010 and now for 2020. This cooperation
is framed in a work programme that follows
the same timeline than the overall strategy the Education and Training 2020 Strategic
Framework (ET2020) that contains four
key objectives and seven benchmarks.
A new step in EU cooperation in the field is
the tighter link that is made between the
ET2020 and the Europe 2020 strategy. Two


headline targets from the ET2020 have been

top-ranked on the Europe 2020 agenda,
namely on reducing early school leaving
and increasing levels of tertiary attainment
across the EU. This means that education is
now part of a new monitoring mechanism,
the European Semester which works as an
annual cycle of economic and fiscal policy
coordination. Since 2011, the EU publishes
Country-Specific Recommendations that
are more and more related to education
and training. This represents a turning
point in EU cooperation in education and
training with the formulation of policy
recommendations to individual countries
at a very high level of EU decision-making.
In line with legal frameworks, the
European Commission regularly publishes
Communications giving political directions
for the years to come such as the 2012
Rethinking Education and the 2013
Opening up Education Communications
what is referred to as soft law. These
communications have a relative impact
especially in terms of agenda setting
in the different Member States. Some
intergovernmental policy initiatives are
also developed whithin for example the
Bologna process.
Finally, the EU funds many European
projects in education and training through
the new Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020
and the European Social Fund. With the
new programming period (2014-2020) the
EU is making a stronger link between the
policy frameworks and the programmes.
This means that supported projects are
more and more asked to demonstrate an
impact on EU objectives in the field.
As we can see there is clearly a stronger role
played by the EU in education and training.
The fact that it is only a supporting role
means that cooperation remains mainly
at the level of the European Council
and European Commission, despite an

increasing role of the European Parliament

with the extension of the co-decision
procedure to education by the Lisbon

Advocating for education, training and

lifelong learning requires understanding
how policy decisions are shaped. The
specificities of our sector explain the need
for a specialised guide book on advocating
European institutions because the schemes
of decision in this area are different from
others and because this is an opportunity
for civil society to contribute actively to
improve European standards. First it is
necessary to understand the functioning
of EU institutions to grasp their mode of
action. A second section will introduce
more in detail the various policy processes
and possible ways of influencing them. A
last section will present the main EU funds
that can support your actions.
European integration appears sometimes
technocratic, in the hands of distant
institutions, which are asked to manage
macroeconomic policies which benefits
are not always immediately clear to the
general public. This guide is a concrete
tool to empower educators and learners
over Europe to have their say in their future.
The Lifelong Learning Platform strongly
believes in civil dialogue and in the
importance of civil society in contributing
to shape the future of learning in Europe.


whos Who?
European institutions
Anyone interested in European affairs should start by having basic knowledge on how
the main European Union institutions work. This section will focus on key institutions
many more exist but will not be mentioned for the sake of simplification. Another very
important thing to remember is that the EU is only competent for what is provided for
in the Treaties. The EU has three types of competence: exclusive competences; shared
competences and complementary competences. In the field of education for instance,
the EU has a complementary competence which means it supports Member State action
in a certain number of areas (for further information, see part II).

The institutional triangle

The institutional configuration of the EU can feel like entering a labyrinth to someone
unfamiliar with it. This confusion is enhanced by the fact that over the years, the EU
institutional structure has become both more expansive and more stratified, with multiple
sub-structures and overlapping areas of competence. But to make it simple, we can say that
the institutional structure of the EU has evolved into a triangular relationship between the
European Commission (EC), the Council of the EU, and the European Parliament (EP).

EU institutions: the
Institutional Triangle


Of course, other institutions also intervene,

such as advisory bodies like the European
Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
and the Committee of the Regions (CoR),
but they do not have as much impact on
the final outcome and their intervention is
often limited to very specific domains of
EU action.

Jean-Claude Juncker,
President of the
European Commission

The European Commission

What is it?
The term Commission refers both to
the College of Commissioners and to the
institution itself.
The President of the Commission is now
chosen based on the results of European
Parliament elections. In 2014, the European
Peoples Party (EPP) won majority in the
Parliament leading EPP candidate JeanClaude Juncker to be nominated.
The College of Commissioners is elected
by the European Council after the
Parliamentary elections and serves for five
years. Commission designates have to be
approved by the European Parliament as a
whole; after the organisation of hearings.
When Mr. Juncker announced in September
2014 the distribution of portfolios among the
Commissioners, he proposed seven Vicepresidents, each leading a project team.
The aim of this new design is to improve
policy coherence and operating efficiency.
The vice-presidents steer and coordinate
the work of a number of Commissioners in
compositions that may change according
to the needs and as new projects develop
over time. The project teams mirror his
Political Guidelines.
Education is mainly under the project
team Jobs, Growth, Investment and
Competitiveness led by Vice-President
Jyrki Katainen.

Work Programme 2015

Programme for 2015 sets out the actions
it intends to take over the next 12 months
to make a real difference for jobs, growth
and investment and bring concrete benefits
for citizens. It reflects the Commissions
political commitment to an approach more
focused on priorities and results. Indeed,
it contains a significantly lower number of
new initiatives compared to previous years:
where they usually consisted of more than
100 new initiatives, it only contains 23
projects, reflecting Junckers commitment
to be small in smaller things and big in
bigger things.
For more information, visit: http://ec.europa.

Education remains a main responsibility

of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics for
Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
and appears in other portfolios
as the Digital Economy and Society,
of Commissioner Oettinger. The Skills
agenda, adult education and VET are
covered by Commissioner Thyssen under
Employment, Social affairs, Skills and
Labour Mobility.
Jean-Claude Juncker stated that My
number one priority and the connecting
thread running through each and every
proposal will be getting Europe growing
again and getting people back to decent
More about the new structure:


What does it do?

The European Commission acts as the executive body of the EU. It is responsible for
proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Unions Treaties and the
day-to-day running of the Union. The European Commission has four main roles:





legislation to
the European
Parliament and
the Council

managing and
EU common
policies and
the EUs
budget and

making sure
that each
Member State
transposes and
applies EU law


Investment Plan
The European Commission has proposed
an Investment Plan for Europe in 2014. It is
a key priority of President Juncker political
guidelines. The Plan is based on 3 mutually
reinforcing strands:
a smart mobilisation of public and private
resources of at least EUR 315 billion over
the next three years;
targeted initiatives to make sure that this
extra investment meets the needs of the
real economy (investments and projects);
measures to improve investment conditions
to make Europe more attractive.
In January 2015, the European Commission
adopted the legislative proposal for the
European Fund for Strategic Investments
(EFSI), which will be established in close
partnership with the European Investment
Bank (EIB). The EFSI will support strategic
investments of European significance in
infrastructure including education, research
and innovation.
For more information, visit:

of the Union for
Foreign Policy
and Security

Structure and organisation

The nearly 34,000 civil servants, who
deal with the Commissions day-to-day
running, are spread across 44 departments
known as Directorates-General (DGs), and
various other services (e.g. translation,
publications, legal services). Each DG
covers a specific policy area or service,
and is headed by a Director-General who
reports to the Commissioner. Each DG
is subdivided into directorates and each
directorate is in turn subdivided into units.
All the DGs and services are coordinated
by the Secretariat-General, headed by a
Secretary-General that reports directly to
the President of the Commission.
The two main DGs in charge of education
are Directorate-General for Education and
Culture (DG EAC) and Directorate-General
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


The other DGs dealing with education,

although to a lesser extent, are DG
Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME),
DG Regional and urban Policy (DG REGIO),
DG Informatics (DG DIGIT) and DG
Communications Networks, Content and
Technology (DG CONNECT).

Tibor Navracsics
(HU), current
Commissioner to
Education, Culture,
Youth and Sport

Directorate-General for Education and

Culture (DG EAC)
DG EAC is the executive branch of the
European Union responsible for policy
on education, culture, youth, languages
and sport. DG EAC also supports these
issues through a variety of projects and
programmes, notably Creative Europe
and Erasmus+. It is led by a Commissioner
and Director General, who report to the
European Parliament.
It is currently divided into five directorates:

Lifelong Learning, Education and

Training Policies

Lifelong Learning, Education and

Training Programmes and actions

Culture and Communication

Youth, sport
Resources and Planning

The main policy areas under the DG EAC

responsibility are the modernisation of
European education and training systems;
the European Institute for Innovation
and Technology (EIT); and international
relations in the field of education, culture
and youth.
The European Commission staff is changing
frequently, a new organigramme is thus
posted on DG EAC website in July and
January each year. If you are interested to
meet the European Commission the best
is to look for the Unit who deals with your
sector of activity knowing that Directorate
A is focused on policies, Directorate B on
programmes while C is organised by sector.

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency (EACEA) is an agency of
the European Union, established in 2006, to
manage parts of the Unions programmes
in education, culture and audiovisual fields.
Fully operational since 1st of January 2006,
EACEA operates under the supervision
of its four parent Directorates-General of
the European Commission (DG EAC, DG
For more information, visit:


Structure of

Directorate-General Employment, Social

Affairs & Inclusion
When President Juncker unveiled his team
within the European Commission, one of
the changes relates to adult education and
vocational training, which moved from DG
EAC to DG EMPL. In this new configuration,
different sectors of education are divided
portfolios and directorates, adding steps in
the decision-making process.
EU employment and social policies bring
practical benefits to citizens, e.g. in finding
a job, moving to another Member State for
work or other reasons and upgrading skills.
In partnership with national authorities,
social partners, civil society organisations
and other stakeholders, DG EMPL addresses
challenges linked to globalisation, the
ageing of Europes population and
changing social realities. The European
Commissions priorities are set out on the
Annual Management Plan of DG EMPL.

When a legislative process is initiated at
EU level, an important number of actors
intervene in order to voice their particular
concerns and needs. Actors can also ask for
new regulations to be adopted or revised.
This is what is usually called lobbying. It is
reported that more than 30 000 professional
lobbyists are present in Brussels, more
than the number of European Commission
public servants. Of course, this concept
covers various groups (for-profit actors
versus NGOs who advocate for general
interests). It thus covers various practices
aimed at influencing policy makers on
behalf of a special interest. The EU is trying
to establish rules to ensure transparency
such as the Transparency Register and a
Code of Administrative Good Conduct.
Directors-General for example are required
to publish information on meetings held
with organisations or self-employed
individuals. If you intend to play in this
field you shall register on the Transparency
For more information, visit: http://ec.europa.


Examples of the areas in which DG EMPL

is active include support for:

More and better jobs through the

European Employment Strategy and

the European Social Fund (ESF);
Free movement of workers and
coordination of social security schemes;
Better working conditions through
common minimum standards in the
dialogue at European level;
Social inclusion by supporting efforts
to combat poverty and social exclusion,
reform social protection systems, and
assess new demographic and social

Thyssen (BE),
for employment,
social affairs,
skills and labour

Structure of

Decision making in education

within the European Commission
Countries are responsible for their own
education and training systems, but the EU
helps them set joint goals and share good
practices. On the basis of articles 165 and
166 TFEU, the European Parliament and
the Council may adopt incentive measures
(that must not infringe Member State power
in the matter), while the Council may adopt
Once a legislative process is launched, a
unit is usually in charge of the drafting. If
you are interested by a particular policy
initiative, the best is thus to contact the
Unit in charge. The DG EAC also publishes
an annual Management Plan that will help
you to know what initiatives are planned.

As regards to decision-making, the

European Commission has set up various
advisory groups with external stakeholders
to inform its work, in addition to its broad
consultation procedures. These groups
meet several times each year and contribute
with their expertise to helping the
Commission prepare its Communications
and other initiatives. The list of consultative
entities is available online: http://ec.europa.

The EU has also programmes on

education, training and youth, with the aim
of promoting mobility and encouraging
cooperation. For further information, see
part III.

When the European Commission starts
working on a new policy initiative or
revises existing legislation, it usually opens


a public consultation. The main goal is

to improve the efficiency, transparency
and public involvement in large-scale
projects, laws or policies. For example, a
public consultation on a European Area
of Skills and Qualifications was launched
by the EU in 2014. The objective of the
consultation was to collect the views of
stakeholders on the problems faced by
learners and workers with regard to the
transparency and recognition of their skills
and qualifications when moving within
and between EU Member States, on the
adequacy of the related European policies
and instruments and on the potential
benefits of developing a European Area of
Skills and Qualifications.

European Citizens
The ECI was introduced with the Treaty of
Lisbon (articles 225 and 241 TFEU), aimed at
increasing direct democracy in the European
Union. It allows one million EU citizens
from more than 7 different Member States
to participate directly in the development
of EU policies, by calling on the European
Commission to make a legislative proposal.
For more information, see:
citizens-initiative/ public/welcome

The Council of the European Union

What is it?
The Council of the European Union (often
called Council) is the principal decisionmaker of the EU and jointly with the
European Parliament, has the power to
adopt, amend or reject laws (legislative
power), which are initiated by the European
Commission. It brings together Member
State government representatives at

ministerial level on a specific policy area. It

reflects the national interests and views of
each Member State within the EU.

Since 2009 and the Treaty of Lisbon, the
EU ordinary legislative procedure is known
as co-decision. According to this procedure,
after the Commission has initiated a draft
legislation, this one goes through to the EP
and the Council of the EU, who may amend
the text. When the draft is finalised, the
EP and the Council vote. The text shall be
carried out by a majority in each assembly.

What does it do?

As the main decision-making body of the
EU, the Council is responsible for the:

adoption of laws (ordinarily in co-

decision with the Parliament)

coordination of economic policies across
definition and implementation of the
EUs Common Foreign and Security
Policy (CFSP) and the conclusion of
international agreements;

adoption of the EU annual budget, in

conjunction with the Parliament.

The Council also has a mediation role, which
has grown in importance throughout
the years and is undertaken mostly by the
Council Presidency.

Structure and organisation of the Council

The Council functions according to a sixmonth rotational presidency. However,
since 2007, the Council works on the

basis of a common 18-month programme

established by trios of succeeding
Presidencies (and prepared in collaboration


with the European Commission).

The current trio is composed of Italy, Latvia
and Luxembourg (from July 2014 to 31
December 2015). It will then be the turn
of the Netherlands (JanuaryJune 2016),
Slovakia (JulyDecember 2016), and Malta
(JanuaryJune 2017). These presidencies
set up priorities for their term and define
areas of heightened EU policy focus,
events, and activities. As chair of most of
the Council configurations, the country
holding the rotating Presidency plays an
important role in organising the work of
these Council configurations, both in terms
of their political agenda and in terms of
advancing legislative procedures.
The Council is a single legal entity. However,
in practice it is divided into several different
councils. Each council is responsible for
a different functional area and composed
of the relevant ministers from each state
government. There are currently 10
council formations. The Education, Youth,
Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council brings
together education, culture, youth and
communication Ministers around three
or four times a year. It usually adopts its
decisions by a qualified majority (apart from
cultural affairs, where it acts unanimously)
and in co-decision with the European

Responsibilities of
the Council of the
European Union

All the work of the Council is prepared or

coordinated by the Committee of National
Representatives (COREPER - after its
French acronym). COREPER is comprised
of high-level national civil servants on
permanent assignment to Brussels and
plays a significant role in the day-to-day
running of the Council. Its members prepare
the agenda and brief their ministers who
attend meetings in Brussels. Furthermore,

Do not get confused

The Council should not be mixed up with the
Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is a
non-EU organisation of 47 States, including
for instance Russia, based in Strasbourg
(France). Established in 1949, it is the oldest
international European level organisation
and it represents 820 million citizens.

COREPER is where the first examination

of Commission proposals takes place. If a
Commission proposal produces a consensus
at this level, it is accepted without any
discussion at ministerial level.
The work of this Committee is itself prepared
by more than 150 committees and working
groups consisting of delegates from the
Member States. For example, the Education





ordinarily in
with the

definition and
of the EUs
Foreign and
Security Policy
(CFSP) and
conclusion of

of economic
policies across

adoption of
the EU annual
budget, in
with the


17 March 2015, Informal Council

Meeting in Paris - Education
Ministers adopt a declaration to
tackle intolerance, discrimination and

Committee prepares the work of the EYCS

Council on education issues.

Voting in the Council

There are three types of voting procedures,
depending on the issue under discussion:

Unanimous vote (all votes are in favour).

Simple majority is used for procedural
issues, such as the rules governing Council
Committees. It requires the majority of
Member States (15 out of 28) to vote the
Qualified majority is used in 80% of EU

Simple majority (15 Member States out legislation adopted through the ordinary
of 28) vote in favour;

Qualified majority (55% of Member

States vote in favour), or

education Council
The Education, Youth, Culture and Sport
Council (EYCS) consists of the EU Ministers
of Education, Youth, Culture and Sport and
assemble three to four times a year. It works
to ensure a high standard of education and
vocational training and to contribute to the
flourishing of national cultures. This is done
whilst fully respecting that the responsibility
for teaching content, structure of education
systems and cultural diversity lies with the
Member States. When doing advocacy
campaigns, the education attachs can play
a role of intermediary to pass civil society
concerns to the EU and its Member States.
For more information, visit:

legislative procedure, also known as codecision. A qualified majority

is reached if 2 conditions are
met: 55% of Member States
vote in favour (16 out of 28)
and the proposal is supported
by Member States representing
at least 65% of the total EU
population. This is the double
majority rule. Proposals can be
blocked by a group of 4 Member
States, representing more than
35% of the EU population. This
is called a blocking minority. This qualified
majority rule is in use from November 2014
but until 2017, Member States can still
request to use the previous rule. Under
this previous rule, each Member State
has a certain number of votes, based on
their population size. Reaching a qualified
majority needs 260 votes, out of a total of
352, from at least 15 Member States.
Unanimity requires everyone to agree, or
abstain. If a Council member abstains, the


other ministers can still reach unanimity.

Unanimity voting is used for some specific
areas mentioned in the EU treaties, such as

citizenship, EU membership and


The European Parliament

What is it?
The European Parliament (EP) is the only
directly elected institution in the EU, since
1979. Currently, it is made up of 751 Members
elected in the 28 Member States. Since
1979 MEPs are elected by direct universal
suffrage for a five-year mandate.

The Lisbon Treaty gives the EP a more

prominent role by extending the codecision procedure to new policy areas,
including education and training policies.

What does it do?

The European Parliament has 3 main roles:

Legislative role: the Parliament, together

with the Council, can accept, amend or
reject the content of European law, even
though the right of initiative in terms of
legislation lies within the Commission.


supervision: of other
EU institutions, and in particular the
Commission. The Parliament approves
or rejects the college of Commissioners

nomination, and it has the right to
censure it, in both cases as a whole.
MEPs regularly ask the Commission and
the Council written and oral questions,
and the Council President takes part in
plenary debates.

Budgetary role: both the Council and

the Parliament can amend and must
approve the annual EU budget.

Structure and organisation

MEPs are elected by universal suffrage
throughout the Member States. The number
of MEPs is determined proportionally to
the countrys population. Currently, the
European Parliament is made up of 751
members elected in the 28 member States.
Even though MEPs are designated on a
national basis, the parliamentary groupings
are formed according to political, rather
than national lines: once elected, they
represent the European people. Currently,
there are seven political groups, of which
the biggest is the centre-right European
Peoples Party and European Democrats

Plenary sessions are attended by all MEPs

and are normally held for one week each
month in Strasbourg.
Parliamentary Committees bring together
smaller groups of MEPs that specialise in
particular areas of EU policy. They do much
of the preparatory work for the debates
and votes carried out later in plenary.
Currently there are 20 committees, which
have been formed thematically. The Culture
and Education Committee (CULT) and the
Employment and Social Affairs Committee
(EMPL) have education and training as one
of their portfolio elements;
MEPs can meet in unofficial, voluntary,


cross-party groups known as Intergroups.

They bring together MEPs as well as civil
society representatives to discuss issues of
common interest that transcend political
divisions, such as the Youth Intergroup.
In addition, informal interest groups exist,
such as the Lifelong learning Interest
Group. The European Parliament also has
delegations of MEPs handling relations
with parliaments in non-EU countries.

Main committees in charge of

The Committees of the European Parliament
are designed to help the European
Commission in initiating legislation.
The Committee on Culture and Education
(CULT) is responsible for improving the
knowledge and dissemination of culture,
safeguarding cultural heritage and the
protection and promotion of cultural
and linguistic diversity. It deals with the
EUs education policy and programmes,
audiovisual policy, the cultural and
educational aspects of the information
society, youth policy and the development
of a sports and leisure policy. It plays a
strong budgetary role in the adoption of
the EU-funded programmes in its fields.
In that regard, the Committee on Culture
and Education is responsible for the
Erasmus+ programme for education,
training, youth and sport, Creative Europe
which supports European cultural and
creative sectors and the Europe for
citizens programme. The chairwoman of
the Committee on Culture and Education is
Silvia Costa (Italy, S&D) since July 2014.
The CULT Committee consists of 61
members representing the various political
groups in the European Parliament. All
the meetings of the CULT are public and
mainstreamed on the EP website.
Votes in the CULT can have a wider impact in
defending education and culture. One of the

Number of seats per political group (2014-2019)

(Source: European Parliament)

Number of seats/members per country

Country (ies)




Italy, United Kingdom










Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece,

Hungary, Portugal








Denmark, Slovakia, Finland


Ireland, Lithuania, Croatia


Latvia, Slovenia

Cyprus, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta



LLL INterest Group

The European Association for the Education
of Adults (EAEA) and the Lifelong Learning
Programme have initiated an interest
group on lifelong learning together with
six Members of the European Parliament.
The group brings together civil society
representatives and MEPs to discuss various
key issues connected to lifelong learning.
For more information, visit:


latest opinions adopted recommendations

to the European Commission on the
negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade
adopted on 16 April 2015. The rapporteur
was Helga Trpel
(Greens, Germany).
The CULT Committee voted in favour of
theamendment stating the agreement shall
ensure with a general clause the right to
adopt or maintain any measure with regard
to the provision of all educational services
which work on a non-profit-basis and/
or receive public funding to any degree
or state support in any form and ensure
that privately funded foreign providers
meet the same quality and accreditation
requirements as domestic providers.
The Committee on Employment and
Social Affairs (EMPL) is mainly responsible
for employment policies and all aspects
of policy, working conditions, vocational
training and the free movement of workers
and pensioners. The President of the
Committee on Employment and Social
Affairs is Thomas Hndel (Germany, GUE/
NGL) since July 2014.
The EMPL Committee consists of 55
members representing the various political
groups in the European Parliament.

Silvia Costa, MEP,

Chairwoman of
the Committee
on Culture and

written declaration?
A written declaration is a text of a maximum
of 200 words relating exclusively on a
matter falling within the competence of
the European Union. They do not, however,
bind Parliament, that is, they cannot be
considered as an act of the Parliament
representing its position, but only those of
its authors and signatories.
For more information, visit: www.europarl.

Thomas Hndel,
MEP, Chairman of
the Committee
on Employment
and Social Affairs


The consultative bodies

Other institutions intervene in the law-making process. The European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC) and the Committee of the Regions (CoR) are almost systematically
consulted by the Commission during the law drafting period. Their systematic intervention
is a way of ensuring decisions are taken only after a variety of stakeholders from European
and national levels have been able to express their opinion, in light with the principle of

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

What is it?
Set up in 1957, the EESC
functions primarily as a
consultative body on issues
of social policy, education,
cohesion, and health. The EESC gives
Europes interest groups trade unionists,
employers, farmers, etc. a formal say on
EU legislative proposals.

On its own initiative, it may also give

opinions on matters it considers important.
On average the EESC delivers 170 advisory
documents and opinions a year (about 15%
of which it issues on its own initiative).

The EESC must be consulted before

decisions are taken on economic and social

All opinions are forwarded to the EU

Council, and EP) and then published in the
EUs Official Journal.

The EESC is based in Brussels and has 353
members, drawn from economic and social
interest groups across Europe, nominated
by national governments and appointed
by the Council of the European Union for a
renewable 5-year term.
It has three groups of members:
Group I: Employers
This group has 117 members, entrepreneurs
and representatives of
associations working in industry, trade,
services and agriculture in the 28 Member
States of the European Union.
Group II: Employees
It comprises representatives from national
trade unions, confederations and sectoral
federations. Its members represent over 80
trade union organisations.

Group III: Various interest

From farmers organisations to consumer
and environmental organisations and
The EESC is structured around 6 sections,
dealing with particular policy areas,
including the Section for Employment,
Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC),
responsible for education and training,
among other policy items.

Maureen ONeill,
President of the
SOC Section


In February 2004, a Liaison Group

with organised civil society was set up.
It is composed of EESC members and
representatives of European civil society
organisations and networks. It holds regular
meetings, as well as hearings, conferences
and seminars. Currently it is made of 15
EESC members and of representatives of
more than 20 main sectors of European
Civil society. The Lifelong Learning Platform
is among the organisations participating in
the liaison groups activities, representing
Education and Training.
This group prepares contributions to the
work of the EESC and organises debates
and events such as the Civil Society Day
since 2009 in Brussels to highlight the
contribution and added value that civil
society organisations are making to the
building of the European project.
For more


Civil Society Day at the European Economic and

Social Committee in Brussels, 6 March 2013

visit: www.eesc.

Committee of the Regions (CoR)

What is it?
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) was set
up in 1994 as an advisory body composed
of nominated representatives of Europes
regional and local authorities. It is consulted
by EU Institutions (Commission, Parliament

and Council) when issues and proposals

have local or regional repercussions (for
example, on employment and education
policy). It does so by issuing opinions on
European Commission proposals.

Based in Brussels, the CoR has 350 members
from the EU 28 countries and its work is
organised in 6 different commissions,
including one on Education, Youth and
Research (EDUC).
Members are appointed for a five-year
term by the Council, acting on proposals
from the EU countries. Each country
chooses its members in its own way, but
delegations should reflect the political,
geographical and regional/local balance in

their country.
Throughout the EU, local and regional
levels have key responsibilities for policies
and activities related to education, culture,
youth and sports. They are also key players
in developing regional research and
innovation strategies, and in harnessing
the full potential of information and
communication technologies to benefit


The European Ombudsman investigates
in the institutions and bodies of the
European Union. It seeks fair outcomes
to complaints against EU institutions,
encourages transparency, and promotes
an administrative culture of service. It aims
to build trust through dialogue between
citizens and the European Union and to
foster the highest standards of behaviour
in the EUs institutions.
The European Ombudsman was established
by the Maastricht Treaty and the first,
Jacob Sderman of Finland, was elected
by Parliament in 1995. The Ombudsman
is elected for a five year mandate after
each European parliament election. Emily
OReilly, is European Ombudsman since
2013. This institution is playing a more
and more important role in monitoring
transparency (see TTIP).

Emily OReilly,
Ombudsman since

The European Ombudsman, Emily OReilly,
has welcomed the latest steps taken by
the European Commission to increase the
transparency of the on-going Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
negotiations. In response to her owninitiative inquiry, the Commission is
building on its more pro-active approach to
publishing TTIP documents. It stated that its
soon-to-be-published list of TTIP documents
will be comprehensive, and signalled that it
continues to seek to persuade the United
States of the need for greater transparency
in these trade talks.
For more information, visit: www.ombudsman.

Court of Justice
Established in 1952, the mission of the
Court of Justice is to ensure that the
law is observed in the interpretation and
application of primary and secondary

The Court of Justice of the European Union

reviews the legality of the acts of the EU
institutions, it ensures that the Member
States comply with their obligations
under the Treaties, and interprets EU law
at the request of the national courts and
tribunals. The Court thus constitutes the
judicial authority of the European union
and, in cooperation with the courts and
tribunals of the Member States, it ensures
the uniform application and interpretation
of the European law.
The Court is also responsible for many
evolutions in EU law that influence the
future of the Union as a whole.


Specialised European Agencies

European Agencies

ETF - European Training Foundation

Founded in 1975, the

Cedefop is located in
is a EU decentralised agency that works
closely with the European Commission,
governments, and representatives of trade
unions, researchers and practitioners in VET,
with the goal of strengthening European
cooperation in the area of VET and
lifelong learning by providing expertise, for
example on validation, learning outcomes
or qualification frameworks. For more
information, visit:

Foundation is an EU agency
that helps transition and
developing countries to harness the
potential of their human capital through
the reform of education, training and labour
market systems in the context of the EUs
external relations policy. It is based in Turin,
Italy, and is operational since 1994. For
more information, visit:


It is an independent and selfgoverning

established by its member
countries to act as a platform for
collaboration regarding the development
of provision for learners with special
educational needs. For more information,

The Eurydice network supports

cooperation in the field of lifelong
learning by providing information on
education systems and policies in 37
countries and by producing studies on
issues common to European education
systems. It consists of 41 national units
based in 37 countries participating in the
Erasmus+ programme (28 Member States,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland,
Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia,
Switzerland and Turkey) and a coordinating
unit based in the EU Education, Audiovisual
and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.
For more information, visit:

European Agency for Special needs

and Inclusive Education

JRC - Joint Research Center

The Joint Research Centre is
the European Commissions
which employs scientists to carry out
research in order to provide independent
scientific advice and support to EU policy.
For more information, visit:


EIT - European Institute of Innovation

and Technology

EUROSTAT Statistical Office of the EU

The institute is a body of the European

Union which was established in 2008
in order to address Europes innovation
gap. It creates collaboration between
innovation and excellence centres and it is
the first EU initiative to fully integrate all
three sides of the Knowledge Triangle. The
EIT contributes strongly to the objectives
set out in Horizon 2020, in particular by
addressing societal challenges in a
complementary way to other initiatives in
these areas. For more information, visit: eit.

Eurostat is the statistical

office of the European
Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to
provide the EU with statistics at European
level that enable comparisons between
statistics are a way of getting to know your
neighbours in Member States and countries
outside the EU. They are an important,
objective and down-to-earth way of
measuring how we all live. For more
information, visit:

Network of Researchers
CRELL Centre for Research on LLL
The Centre for Research
on Education and Lifelong
Learning (CRELL) was
established in 2005 in
order to provide expertise in the field of
indicator-based evaluation and monitoring
of education and training systems and
their contribution to the achievement of
Community objectives specified in the
EU2020 agenda. CRELL combines expertise
in the fields of economics, econometrics,
education, social sciences and statistics in
an interdisciplinary approach to research.
For more information, visit:

EENE - Network of European experts

on economics of education
EENEE is an EU Think Tank
sponsored by the European
Commission, Directorate General for
Education and Culture. The network is
coordinated by the Ifo Institute. EENEE
aims to contribute to the improvement of
decision-making and policy development
in education and training in Europe by
advising and supporting the European
Commission in the analysis of economic
aspects of educational policies and reforms.
For more information, visit:

NESET - Network of European Experts

on social aspects of education and
NESET is a network of
Academics across Europe and
beyond working on social
aspects of education and training. Set up in
2011, its mission is to advise and support
the Commission in the analysis of
educational policies and reforms, and to
consider their implications at national,
regional and EU level. NESET also
contributes to the dissemination of
knowledge on social aspects of education
and training. For more information, visit:

NESSE - Network of experts in social

sciences of education and training
NESSE is a network of scholars
working on social aspects of
education and training. It was
set up in 2007 after a Call for Tenders by
General for Education and Culture. The
Institut National de Recherche Pdagogique
(INRP, France) is responsible for the
coordination of the network. NESSEs


mission is to advise and support the

European Commission in the analysis of
educational policies and reforms, and to
consider their implications at national,
regional and European level. NESSE also

contributes to the dissemination of

knowledge on social aspects of education
and training. For more information, visit:

International Organisations
OECD - Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and development
The Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
(OECD) promotes policies to
improve the economic and social
well-being of people around the world. It
provides a forum in which governments
can work together to share experiences
and seek solutions to common problems.
The OECD Directorate for Education and
Skills helps individuals and nations to
identify and develop the knowledge and
skills that drive better jobs and better
lives, generate prosperity and promote
social inclusion. It encourages countries to
compare their experiences and learn from
each other, and it accompanies them in the
difficult process of policy implementation.
For more information, visit:

ILO - International Labour Organisation

The ILO was founded in 1919, in
the wake of a destructive war,
to pursue a vision based on the
premise that universal, lasting
peace can be established only if it is based
on social justice. The ILO became the first
specialised agency of the UN in 1946. The
main aims of the ILO are to promote rights
at work, encourage decent employment
opportunities, enhance social protection
and strengthen dialogue on work-related

Council of Europe
The Council of Europe is the
continents leading human
rights organisation. It includes
47 member states, 28 of
which are members of the European Union.
All Council of Europe member states have
signed up to the European Convention on
Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect
human rights, democracy and the rule of
law. For more information, visit: www.coe.

UNESCO United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organisation
Since its creation in 1945,
UNESCOs mission has
been to contribute to the
building of peace, poverty
eradication, lasting development and
intercultural dialogue, with education as
one of its principal activities to achieve
this aim. The Organisation is committed to
a holistic and humanistic vision of quality
education worldwide, the realisation of
everyones right to education, and the belief
that education plays a fundamental role in
human, social and economic development.
The UNESCO has 7 specialised institutes
for education including the International
Institute for Education Planning and
the Lifelong Learning Institute. For
more information, visit:


EU Policy-Making
Education has always been regarded as a national rather than EU competence. To date,
the EU has only a supporting competence over education and training, meaning that its
role is limited to support, coordinate and supplement member state actions, without
superseding their competence. However, the Maastricht Treaty already recognised a
European dimension to education and allowed the EU to contribute to the development
of quality education and the promotion and improvement of vocational training, now
included under articles 165 and 166 of the Lisbon Treaty.
A turning point in the EUs involvement in education was the formulation of the Lisbon
Agenda and the application of the Open Method of Coordination to the area of education.
Formulated at the Lisbon Summit of 2000, the Lisbon Agenda aimed at making the
European Union the most competitive economy in the world by 2010. In June 2010 the
European Council adopted the so-called Europe 2020 strategy (2010-2020), which
succeeds the Lisbon strategy (2000-2010) and where education, training and lifelong
learning play even a greater role. In this section you will learn more about the Europe
2020 and ET2020 strategies.

Europe 2020 Strategy

Europe 2020 is the EUs growth strategy
for the current decade (2010-2020). It
identifies three key drivers for growth, to
be implemented through concrete actions
at EU and national levels:

Smart growth, fostering knowledge,

innovation, education and digital society.

Sustainable growth, ensuring that the

European economy makes a transition
towards a low-carbon economic model.

Inclusive growth, raising participation in

the labour market and reducing poverty.
Education, training and Lifelong Learning
play a key role to achieve these strategic
priorities, in particular when it comes to
smart and inclusive growth. To render this
more tangible, five key targets in the areas

five targets
1. Employment: aiming to raise to 75% the
employment rate for people aged 20-64;
2. Research and Development:
improving the conditions for research and
development, particularly with the aim
of raising combined public and private
investment levels in this sector to 3% of
3. Climate change: reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 20%, increasing the share
of renewable to 20% and improving energy
efficiency by 2018;
4. Education: improving education
level, in particular by aiming to reduce
school drop-out rates to less than 10% and
increasing the share of young people with
a third-level degree or diploma to at least
5. Poverty and social exclusion:
Ensuring at least 20 million fewer people
are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.


of employment, innovation, education,

poverty reduction and climate/energy have
been set for the EU to achieve by the end
of the decade.
The strategy also includes seven flagship
initiatives providing a framework through
which the EU and national authorities
mutually reinforce their efforts. Two of these
flagship initiatives are particularly linked
to education: Youth on the Move and An
Agenda for New Skills and New Jobs.

seven Flagships
Under Smart Growth:
Digital Agenda for Europe
Innovation Union
Youth on the Move
Under Sustainable Growth:
Resource efficient Europe
An industrial policy
Under Inclusive Growth:
An Agenda for new skills and new jobs
European platform against poverty

Youth on the move

Youth on the move
is a comprehensive
package of policy
initiatives aiming at
peoples education and employability, in
order to reduce high youth unemployment
and to increase the youth-employment rate
in line with the wider EU target of achieving

a 75% employment rate for the workingage population (20-64 years) by making
education and training more relevant to
young peoples needs, encouraging more of
them to take advantage of EU grants to study
or train in another country and encouraging
EU countries to take measures simplifying
the transition from education to work.

An agenda for new skills and jobs

This agenda has the
objective of creating
the right conditions
to modernise labour
markets and to allow
people to acquire new
skills in order to raise employment levels
and to ensure the sustainability of our social
The concrete actions to be taken include
the acquisition and recognition of learning
throughout general, vocational, higher and
adult learning, and the implementation of
the European Qualifications Framework.
Of course, the EU can take new initiatives
to face important challenges such as youth
unemployment. This is the case of the Youth
Guarantee for example for the Investment
Plan. The Youth Guarantee is a new
approach to tackling youth unemployment
which ensures that all young people under
25 whether registered with employment
services or not get a good-quality,
concrete offer within 4 months of them
leaving formal education or becoming
unemployed. For more information, visit:


European Semester
The Europe 2020 strategy calls on each
Member State to translate the common
European targets into national targets
and trajectories by taking account its
relative starting position and national
circumstances. To ensure that the Europe
2020 strategy delivers, a new system of
economic governance has been set up
since 2010 to coordinate policy actions
between the EU and national levels, the socalled European Semester.
The European Semester is an annual cycle
of economic and fiscal policy coordination.
Through this process, the European
Commission evaluates whether and to
what extent the commitments undertaken
by Member States allow the EU to meet its
headline targets for 2020 in essential areas
such as employment rates and/or education,
and provides them with recommendations
for the next 12-18 months.
In May/June, the European Commission
publishes Country Specific Recommendations
(CSRs). Once these recommendations are
endorsed at the June European Council
and formally adopted by the Council of
Ministers in July, they are meant to help
Member States to prepare and adopt their
national economic policies and budgets
for the following year.
Throughout the year Member States are
encouraged to implement peer review
activities in specific policy issues at EU and
national level to see its compliance with the
recommendations and monitor progress
towards the EU 2020 headline targets.

Spring European Council

In March, EU Heads of State and government
issue EU guidance for national policies on
the basis of the Annual Growth Survey. The
Spring meeting of the European Council,
based on the Annual Growth Survey, takes
stock of the overall macroeconomic situation,
the progress towards the five EU-level
targets and the progress under the flagship
initiatives. It provides policy orientations
covering fiscal, macroeconomic structural
reform and growth enhancing areas, and
advises on linkages between them.
Stability and Convergence
Programmes (SCPs) & National
Reform Programmes (NRPs)
The Spring European Council gives strategic
guidance on the priorities to be pursued
during the Semester Cycle. It invites
Member States to take into account these
priorities in their SCPs and NRPs, including
their national Job Plans. In April, Member
States submit to the European Commission
both their medium-term budgetary and
economic strategies (SCPS) and set out
actions and measures to be undertaken
in areas such as employment, education,
research, innovation, or social inclusion in
line with EU2020 objectives (NRPs).
ANnual Growth Survey (AGS)
The European semester starts when the
Commission adopts its Annual Growth
Survey, usually towards the end of the year,
which includes a review of the progress
achieved and sets out EU priorities for
the coming year to boost growth and job
creation, in line with EU 2020 objectives.
In the Annual Growth Survey for 2015 , the
European Commission, which took office on
1 November 2014, outlines the main features
of its new jobs and growth agenda.


Education and Training 2020 (ET2020)

Aim and objectives
Strategic Objectives
The main aim of the framework is to support
Member States in further developing their
educational and training systems from a
lifelong learning perspective, covering all
levels and contexts (including non-formal
and informal learning). It provides common
strategic objectives for Member States,
including a set of principles for achieving
these objectives, as well as common
working methods with priority areas for
each periodic work cycle. ET2020 builds
on its predecessor, the Education and
Training 2010 work programme, which
was launched as a response to the Lisbon
Agenda in 2000.

Make lifelong learning and mobility a

Improve the quality and efficiency of
education and training;
Promote equity, social cohesion and
active citizenship;
Enhance creativity and innovation,
including entrepreneurship, at all levels
of education and training.

of priority areas for the following cycle.

For each of these strategic objectives,

the programme identified key issues and
indicators for measuring progress and
proposed ways with the follow-up work
for achieving the concrete objectives. It
draws on tools, such as benchmarks and
indicators, and facilitates mutual learning
by comparing best practices, period
monitoring, evaluation, and peer review.

A joint Council-Commission progress

report should be drawn up at the end of
each cycle, which assesses Member States
progress towards the common ET2020
objectives and also contributes to the
establishment of the priority areas for the
next cycle. The next report will be adopted
in the second half of 2015 and will assess
progress made toward the overall strategic
objectives and the priorities for the current
work cycle (2012-2015) and establish a new
set of priority areas for the next cycle.

A new element that has been introduced by

the ET2020 is that the period up to 2020
is divided into a series of cycles, with the
current one covering the three years from
2015 to 2017. For each work cycle, a number
of priority areas are adopted on the basis
of the above-mentioned four strategic
objectives. This more flexible approach
should allow more regular evaluation of
progress and, when necessary, adjustment

Since 2015 marks the half-way stage for

ET 2020, the report will also evaluate all
aspects of the strategic framework. It will
propose any modifications which Member
States consider necessary to improve the
governance and working methods. The
Commission is expected to publish its draft
proposal after the summer. This proposal
will be examined and adopted by the
Council before the end of the year.

The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) is a voluntary process for political cooperation based
on agreeing common objectives and common indicators, which show how progress towards
these goals can be measured. The Commission plays a very active role in setting goals,
indicators and benchmarks and monitoring their evolution.

, data

e.g. NESSE, studies...

Peer Learning
e.g. Pear learning activity
on VNFIL...

Groups and networks

e.g. EQF Advisory Group,
Thematic working groups..


Open method of Coordination (OMC)

The Open Method of Coordination (OMC) is
an instrument from the Lisbon Strategy. It
consists in a voluntary process for political
cooperation based on agreeing common
objectives and common indicators, which
show how progress towards these goals
can be measured. It is applied in policy
areas where the European Union has limited
competences according to the EU Treaties,
such as education and training, but where
Member States feel there is an added value
in working together at the European level.
This is therefore an intergovernmental
method where Member States assess
each other according to a method based
on naming and shaming and under the
supervision of the European Commission.
The European Commission plays indeed a
very active role in setting goals, indicators
and benchmarks and monitoring their
evolution, which allows it to gain quite an
influence in the process.
The OMC is the working method applied
to implement the strategic framework for
European cooperation in education and
training (ET2020).
From a practical level point of view, this
work within the OMC can be undertaken
through different working methods and
tools, like establishing groups/networks
with the aim of implementing legal
instruments (i.e. EQF advisory Group),
setting up thematic working groups and
expert groups to address specific policy

ET2020 working groups

Schools, including early school leaving
and the Teaching Profession.
Modernisation of Higher Education.
Vocational education and training, with
an initial focus on apprenticeships and
work-based learning, as key elements of
overall VET systems.
Adult Learning, with focus on strategies
to reduce the number of low-skilled
Transversal skills, including ICT and
Entrepreneurial Skills (and Languages
once the new benchmark is agreed).
Digital and online learning.

areas, organising peer-learning activities

and conducting research, data collection
and analysis. In the field of education,
ET2020 Thematic Working Groups (TWGs)
have just undergone a revision after the
Councils request in February 2013. Their
new mandate focuses on implementing
the ET2020 agenda and building tighter
links with the European Semester, and
their number has been reduced to match
key policy challenges. Their results should
be regularly presented to the Education
Committee of the Council and national
representatives should turn over within the
TWGs representation in order to gain more
ownership on what happens there.

The role of the EU in education and training is to support, coordinate and supplement member state
actions, without superseding their competence. The European Commission regularly publishes
Communications giving political directions for the years to come such as the 2012 Rethinking
Education and the 2013 Opening up Education Communications what is referred to as soft law.


Contribute to the development of

quality education and the promotion
and improvement of vocational
art. 165 & 166 TEU









EU Programmes
Peer Learning



Measuring progress:
Indicators and benchmarks
In addition to the above-mentioned policy
frameworks, the implementation of the
four strategic objectives agreed under the
umbrella of the ET2020 is principally based
on establishing measuring instruments
(benchmarks and indicators), monitoring
progress towards them, exchanging good
practices and developing peer-learning
Moreover, various networks, expert groups,
and research centres are supporting
the European Commission in the field
of education and training by providing
extensive research in order to support
evidence based policy making and by
promoting relevant comparative analysis.
To measure progress towards the ET2020
strategic objectives in education and
training, Member States agreed to set
up measurement tools, the so-called
benchmarks and progress indicators.
Their role is to help structure educational
performance data on different education
systems among Member States and, thus,
become frames of reference and comparison
for setting future policy development and
In May 2009 the Council adopted the set
of benchmarks to be achieved by 2020.
Two of these five benchmarks to reduce
the number of early school leavers; and to
increase the share of young adults holding
tertiary education qualifications (they are
underlined in the above list) have been
given further importance having been
selected headline targets for the overall
Europe 2020 Strategy.
The new framework for cooperation ET2020
explicitly mentions that the benchmarks are
not to be considered as binding targets
for Member States. EU countries are rather
encouraged to contribute to the collective
achievement of the benchmarks at EU

Legal instruments
The term European legal instruments refers
to the instruments available to the European
institutions to carry out their tasks. As EU
has only a supporting competence over
education and training, it mostly issues softlaw policy measures, which are nonbinding,
but nonetheless carry political weight:
Communications usually set out a
Commission action plan. They may also
include concrete proposals for legislation.
Green Papers are usually used to launch
a consultation process. They present
Commission policy orientations to
interested parties that may wish to
comment. The Commission will generally
prepare a subsequent proposal.
White Papers, which are often the followup of a Green Paper, set out concrete
proposals for action by the Commission
in a specific area.
Council Conclusions are policy guidelines
adopted at Council meetings. Although
not legally binding, the conclusions have
political power as a frame of reference.
Council Resolutions are documents that
are produced at the end of thematic
debates at the European Council.
While they are not legally binding, they
have often been transposed into EU
law through the work of the European
Commission, Council of Ministers, or the
European Parliament.
Recommendations and Opinions are
non-binding instruments issued by
the Commission to define its view and
suggest a line of action for a specific
issue. Though they have technically no
legal force, they do carry political and
moral weight.

level according to their specific needs and

national priorities.
In addition, since 2009 two new benchmarks
on learning mobility and the employability
of young graduates have been adopted and
the European Commission launched in 2012
another benchmark on language teaching.


Moreover, in 2007 the Council adopted a

wider framework of 16 indicators as a means
to supplement the analysis of education
systems, such as the role of teachers and
trends in investment in education:

Participation in preschool education;

Special needs education;
Early-school leavers;
Literacy in reading;
Mathematics and science;
Language skills;
ICT skills;
Civic skills;
Learning to learn skills;
Upper secondary completion rates of
young people;
Professional development of teachers
and trainers;
Higher education graduates;
Cross national mobility of students in
higher education;
Participation of adults in lifelong learning;
Educational attainment of the population;
Investment in education and training.

Monitoring progress:
Joint and Annual Reports
Monitoring of both performance and
progress is an essential part of the European
Unions education and training policies,
assessing strengths and weaknesses and
guiding future strategy. The European
Commission publishes regular annual
reports and Commission staff working
documents that present a detailed analysis
of national statistics on performance and
progress under ET2020 using all of these
benchmarks and indicators.
The first joint report was adopted in
February 2012 and, apart from adjusting
some of these priority areas, it also reviews
some of the working arrangements under
ET 2020 to be better aligned with Europe

EU Benchmarks for
Pre-school participation: at least 95%
of children between the age of four and
the age for starting compulsory primary
education should participate in early
childhood education;
Low achievers: the share of 15 years
olds with insufficient abilities in reading,
mathematics and science should be less
than 15%;
Early school leavers: The share of early
leavers from education and training
should be less than 10%;
Tertiary attainment: the share of 3034 year olds with tertiary educational
attainment should be at least 40%;
Adult lifelong learning participation:
an average of at least 15% of adults
(age group 25-64) should participate in
lifelong learning.
Learning mobility (adopted in 2011): at
least 20% of higher education graduates
in the EU should have had a period
of higher education-related study or
training (including work placements)
lasting a minimum of three months or
representing a minimum of 15 ECTS
credits; more than 18-34 year olds with an
initial vocational education and training
qualification should have had an initial
study or training period abroad of at least
two weeks by 2020;
Employability of young graduates
(adopted in 2012): by 2020, the share
of employed graduates (20-34 year
olds) having left education and training
no more than three years before the
reference year should be at least 82%.
Language teaching (launched in 2012):
by 2020, at least 50% of 15 year-olds
should attain the level of independent
user of a first foreign language; by 2020,
at least 75% of pupils in lower secondary
education should study at least two
foreign languages.


2020 and the European Semester. In

particular, it strengthened the Councils
involvement and role on the education
and training dimension of Europe 2020 in
both the European and national semester
process (i.e. peer-reviews on the outcomes
of the semester) and it suggested the
creation of two new tools: the Education
and Training Forum, to consult stakeholders
on modernising education and training
systems drawing on the discussion of
education issues in the European Semester,
and the Education & Training Monitor,an
annual analytical report to monitor
progress on the ET2020 benchmarks and
core indicators.
In addition to the joint reports, a new
Education and Training Monitor has been
put in place to provide an annual analytical
report to monitor progress on the ET2020
benchmarks and core indicators, and that
is accompanied with 28 countries reports.
The European Commission published the
third annual edition of the Education and
Training Monitor in November 2014 and
is accompanied by 28 country reports, as
well as a visualisation tool to evaluate the
performance and progress of the Member
States in relation to the ET2020 targets.
The next Education and Training Monitor is
due to be published in late 2015.

Education Forum
The Education, Training and Youth Forum
aims to bring together various stakeholders
once per year in order to discuss key
policy developments linked to the Europe
2020 strategy, the ET2020 strategy and
the European Youth strategy. The Lifelong
Learning Platform wants this partnership
dialogue between decision makers, social
partners and civil society representatives to
be rich, open, more regular and sustainable in
order to discuss the future of education and
training in Europe and foster the successful
implementation of reforms at national
and regional level, in particular through
the opportunities offered by the new EU
education, training and youth programme
2014-2020 Erasmus+. The third edition
of the European Education, Training and
Youth (ETY) Forum took place in Brussels
on 9th and 10th of October 2014. The theme
of the Forum was Future Priorities of the
ET2020 Strategic Framework for European
Cooperation in Education and Training and
Synergies with Youth Policy. It gathered
more than 350 participants representing
different types of stakeholders and
organisations active in education, training
and youth.
For more information, please visit: www.

Technical Assistance/




Consultative Committees,
e.g. EESC
Working Groups, e.g.
Networks, e.g. Cedefop
Experts Groups, e.g. EQF
Advisory Group

Example of
policymaking in
Education and


EYC Council
(27 Ministers of Education,
Youth and Culture)

European Parliament
EC Communication


Main policy initiatives of EU cooperation

in Education and Training
Mobility and
Lifelong Learning instruments
There are several initiatives aimed at making
qualifications, experiences and skills better
appreciated and easier to recognise
throughout the EU. The aim is to give
greater access to learning or employment
opportunities in different countries and
encourage greater mobility for individuals,
businesses and other organisations.

The European Framework of Key

The eight key competences framework for
lifelong learning is a tool for policy-makers
across the EU which identifies the essential
skills that people need to lead successful
lives in todays world. This framework
defines eight key competences and
describes the essential knowledge, skills
and attitudes related to each of these. These
key competences are all interdependent,
and the emphasis in each case is on critical
thinking, creativity, initiative, problem
solving, risk assessment, decision taking
and constructive management of feelings.
The eight key competences are:
Communication in the mother tongue
Communication in foreign languages
basic competences in science and
Digital competence
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression

The European Qualification Framework

The European Qualification Framework for
Lifelong Learning (EQF) aims to better link
different national qualifications systems,
acting as a translation device for employers
and individuals to better understand
qualifications from different EU countries,
thus making it easier to work, study or hire
staff abroad. Its eight common European
reference levels are described in terms of
learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and
competences. This allows any national
qualifications frameworks (NQFs) and
qualifications in Europe to relate to the
EQF levels. Learners, graduates, providers
and employers can use these levels to
understand and compare qualifications
awarded in different countries and by
different education and training systems.
The rapid development of NQFs at national
level has set the scene for the development
of other initiatives such as the validation
of non-formal and informal learning. For
further information, please visit: http://

The European Quality Assurance in

Vocational Education and Training
EQAVET was adopted by the European
Parliament and the European Council in
2009. It is designed to promote better
vocational education and training by
providing authorities with common tools for
the management of quality. The Reference
Framework forms part of a series of
European initiatives which aim to recognise
qualifications and competences received
by learners across different countries or


learning environments, thereby promoting

modernisation, mutual trust and mobility
in vocational education and training (VET).
For more information, visit:

The European Credit Transfer and

Accumulation System (ECTS)
This tool helps to design, describe and
deliver study programmes and award
higher education qualifications. The ECTS
is a learner-centred system based on the
student workload required to achieve
certain course outcomes. The use of ECTS,
in conjunction with outcomes-based
qualifications frameworks, makes study
programmes and qualifications more
transparent and facilitates the recognition
of qualifications. For more information, visit:

The European Credit System for

Vocational Education and Training
This tool was initiated in 2004 along the
lines of the ECTS. It has been developed
to help the transfer and recognition of
learning experiences in Europe, including
those outside formal training systems.
The aim of the ECVET is to:
Make it easier for people to get
validation and recognition of workrelated skills and knowledge acquired
in different systems and countries
Make it more attractive to move
between different countries and
learning environments
Increase the compatibility between
the different vocational education and
training (VET) systems in place across
Europe, and the qualifications they
Increase the employability of VET
graduates and the confidence of
employers that each VET qualification
requires specific skills and knowledge.
For more information, visit:

Europass is a EU initiative to increase
transparency of qualification and mobility
of citizens in Europe. It aims to be a
Lifelong Learning portfolio of documents
containing the descriptions of all learning
work experience, skills and competences,
acquired over time. Europass helps people
make their qualifications and skills better
understood and recognised throughout
Europe, increasing their employment
prospects. Its webportal includes interactive
tools that, for example, allow users to create
a CV in a common European format.
It comprises 5 documents to make skills and
qualifications clearly and easily understood:
The Curriculum Vitae
The Language Passport
The Europass mobility
The certificate Supplement
The Diploma Supplement
In every country of the European Union and
the European Economic Area, a National
Europass Centre coordinates all activities
related to the Europass documents. It is
the first point of contact for any person
or organisation interested in using or
learning more about Europass. For more
information, visit:

National Academic Recognition

Information Centres (NARIC)
NARIC provides information and advice
on the academic recognition of diplomas
and periods of study abroad. It consists of
national centres in the countries covered
by the Erasmus+ programme and works
closely with the wider European Network
of Information Centres covering the whole
of the European Higher Education Area.
It is part of the European Commissions
Erasmus+ programme and is aimed at
improving the mobility of students and
staff between higher education institutions.
For more information, visit:


European Skills, Competences,

Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO)
ESCO is an online job portal which identifies
and categorises skills, competences,
qualifications and occupations using
standard terminology in all EU languages.
It enables users to exchange CVs and job
vacancies stored in different IT systems.
The beneficiaries of ESCO are jobseekers,
education and training institutions and
employers. For more information, visit the
ESCO Portal:

Youthpass is part of the European
Commissions strategy to foster the
recognition of non-formal and informal
learning in youth work. This tool is for
projects funded by Erasmus+ Youth in

Action and Youth in Actions programmes.

The Youthpass certificates are available
for Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary
Service, and youth workers mobility
within key Action 1. For more information on
Youthpass, visit:

The Portal on Learning Opportunities
Throughout European Space is a EU
webportal coordinated by DG EAC. The
portal offers an easy access and source
of information from primary school to
postgraduate education. Run by the
Euroguidance network and financed by the
Leonardo da Vinci programme, the portal is
interconnected with EURES, the European
Commissions portal on job mobility
information. For further information on
PLOTEUS, please visit:

School education
Also each country is responsible for the
organisation and content of education and
training systems, there are often advantages
by working together on similar issues
of concern. The European Commission
supports national efforts in two main
ways: it works closely with national policymakers to help them develop their school
education policies and systems. It gathers
and shares information and analysis and
encourages the exchange of good policy
Building on the results of two previous
Thematic Working Groups on Teacher
professional Development and Early
School Leaving, a new group looks at ways
to improve the quality of teacher education
and the collaborative approaches that
can support schools in their ambitions to
provide educational success for all and
reduce early school leaving (ESL). By the
end of 2015, the group expects to deliver
a Guidance Framework and a toolkit for
schools to reduce ESL.

Some NGOs in the field

European Council for Steiner Waldorf
Education (ECSWE)
European Federation for Education and
Culture (EFEC)
European Forum for Freedom in
Education (effe)
European Parents Association (EPA)
European Shool Heads Association
International Federation of Training
Centres for the promotion of new
education (FICEMEA)
International Association of Educating

Cities (IAEC)
Organising Bureau of European School
Student Unions (OBESSU)
European Council of National Association
of Independent Schools (ECNAIS)
Educators (EUROCLIO)


For further information on school policy,

The Erasmus+ Programme invests millions

of Euros each year in projects that promote
school exchanges, school development,
the education of school staff, school
assistantships, etc.
As regards the priority areas, education
ministers from EU countries have recently
come together to create these key priority

All pupils should gain basic literary and

curricula, learning materials and pupil

Every pupil should benefit from highquality learning including migrant
Pre-school education should be more
widely available;
Early school leaving should be reduced;
Improvements are to be made for the
support given to students with special
needs in mainstream education;
More support should be given to
teachers, school leaders, and teacher
educators through effective recruitment
and selection and professional education.

numeracy skills through modernising

Vocational Education and Training

Based on the Copenhagen Process, the
European Commission acts in partnership
with national governments, employers and
workers groups and countries outside the
EU to:

Improve the quality of training (initial

education, continuing development);

Improve the quality of teachers, trainers
and other professionals in the sector;
Make courses more relevant to the labour
The Commissions work on vocational
education and training is supported by
two agencies: the European Centre for
the Development of Vocational Training
(Cedefop), which provides information and
analysis of education and training systems,
policies, research and practice in the EU and
the European Training Foundation (ETF),
which works to develop education and
training systems in the Western Balkans,
neighbouring countries and Central Asia.
On 7 December 2010, European Ministers
for vocational education and training (VET),
the European Social Partners and the
European Commission adopted the Bruges

Some NGOs in the field

European Association of Institutions in

Higher Education (EURASHE)
European Forum of Technical and
Vocational Education and Training
European Vocational Training
Association (EVTA)
European University Continuing
Education Network (EUCEN)
European Federation of Professional
Circus Schools (FEDEC)
The Organising Bureau of European
School Student Unions (OBESSU)
Foundation of European Regions for
Research in Education and Training

Communiqu on enhanced European

cooperation in VET for 2011-2020. The
Communiqu defines common objectives
for 2020 and an action plan for the coming
years, combining national measures with
European support.


The Bruges Communiqu has inspired

systemic reforms focusing on learningoutcomes-oriented
curricula. Some countries, such as Germany,
Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands,
already have strong dual VET systems.
These countries report better employment
rates for young people and fewer skills
mismatches. The EU is thus pushing for the
development of dual VET systems.
Reviews of Europe 2020 and ET2020
strategies, and priorities for VET, as
outlined in the 2010 Bruges communiqu,
were agreed upon on 22 June 2015 in the
Riga Conclusions to boost competitive
and innovative vocational education and
training. For more information, visit: ec.europa.

The Erasmus+ programme aims to improve

the quality of VET across Europe, providing
opportunities for vocational students and
staff to undertake traineeship abroad. It
helps to improve employability and skills
and contribute to the competitiveness of the
European economy. It involves companies,
NGOs, vocational school with periods of
work-based learning in a company, training,
job shadowing or observations and teaching
assignments. This is being done through
the implementation of the European Credit
system for Vocational Educational and
Training (ECVET) and European Quality
assurance in Vocational Education and
Training (EQAVET).
Last but not least, an ET2020 Working
Group on VET started its activities in
January 2014 and will last until October

Higher Education
Higher education, research and innovation
play a crucial role in personal and societal
development and in delivering the
European Unions strategy to achieve and
maintain growth. The Europe 2020 strategy
has set a target that by 2020 40% of
young Europeans have a higher education
The contribution of higher education to
jobs and growth, and its international
attractiveness, can be enhanced through
effective links between education, research,
and innovation, which are key drivers of
a knowledge-based society. Education,
research and innovation are the three sides
of the so-called Knowledge Triangle.
Launched in 1999, the Bologna Process
aims to provide tools to connect national
educational systems. The intention is to
allow the diversity of national systems
and universities to be maintained while
the European Higher Education Area
improves transparency between higher
education systems, as well as implements

Some NGOs in the field

European Association of Institutions in

Higher Education (EURASHE)
European Students Forum (AEGEE
European Distance and E-Learning
Network (EDEN)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
European Students Union (ESU)
European University Continuing
Education Network (EUCEN)
European University College
Association (EucA)
European Federation of Professional
Circus Schools (FEDEC)
European Association of Distance
Teaching Universities (EADTU)
European University Foundation
Campus Europae (EUF-CE)

tools to facilitate recognition of degrees

and academic qualifications, mobility,
and exchanges between institutions. The


reforms are based on ten simple objectives

which governments and institutions are
currently implementing. Most importantly,
all participating countries have agreed on a
comparable three cycle degree system for
undergraduates (Bachelor degrees) and
graduates (Master and PhD degrees).
The Bologna Process is a collective effort
of public authorities, universities, teachers,
and students, together with stakeholder
associations, employers, quality assurance
and institutions, including the European
The main focus is:

The introduction of the three cycle


Quality assurance;
Easier recognition of qualifications and

periods of study.
The Bologna declaration (in full, Joint
declaration of the European Ministers of
Education convened in Bologna on 19
June 1999) is the main guiding document
of the Bologna process. It was adopted
by ministers of education of 29 European
countries at their meeting in Bologna in
On May 14-15 of 2015 the latest Bologna
process Ministerial Conference and Bologna
Policy forum was held in Yerevan, Armenia.
The participants of the process agreed upon
the most recent Communiqu that sets the
agenda for the coming years, and approves
new members. For more information, visit:

Adult Learning
The European Commission is working with
32 countries to implement the European
Agenda for Adult Learning. This agenda
highlights the need to increase participation
in adult learning of all kind (formal, nonformal and informal learning). The crisis
has highlighted the major role which adult
learning can play in achieving the Europe
2020 goals, by enabling adults, in particular
the low-skilled and older workers, to
improve their ability to adapt to changes in
the labour market and society.
The European Commission coordinates a
network of national coordinators who all
promote adult learning in their countries by
providing policy advice and support, and
gather and distribute the best practices.
The European Commission also works with
a range of European associations, networks
and labour organisations to promote adult
EU countries have set a target for adult
learning: by 2020, 15% of adults aged 25-

Some NGOs in the field

European association for the Education

of Adults (EAEA)
European Federation for Catholic Adult
Education (FEECA)
Association (ISCA)
The International Language Association
Telecentre Europe

64 should be taking part. In 2012, average

participation was 9% and only 5 EU
countries had reached the target rate.
facilitates exchange of good practices
and publishes indicators and data on the
current situation in member countries,
reports on progress in implementing
policies and proposes new policy and
facilitates exchange of good practices.


The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning

in Europe (EPALE), funded under the
Erasmus+ programme, aims to become the
main point of reference for adult learning
professionals in Europe.

The Survey of Adult

Skills (PIAAC)
The Survey of Adult Skills is an international
survey conducted in 33 countries as part
of the Programme for the International
Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).
It measures the key cognitive and workplace
skills needed for individuals to participate in
society and for economies to prosper. The
first results from the Survey were released
on 8 October 2013. It is organised by the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD).

EPALE began in early 2014 with the support

of EACEA and became operational in 2015.
The website offers a pan European Calendar
of events, a Newsroom, a Resource centre
and five Thematic pages which focus upon
topics important in Adult learning Sector.
For more information, visit:

Youth policies (NFE)

The EU Youth Strategy, agreed by EU
Ministers, sets out a framework for
cooperation covering the years 2010-2018.
It has two main objectives: to provide
more and equal opportunities for young
people in education and the job market
and to encourage young people to actively
participate in society.

formal learning, participation, voluntary

activities, youth work, mobility and

Mainstreaming cross-sector initiatives

that ensure youth issues are taken into

account when formulating, implementing
and evaluating policies and actions in
other fields with a significant impact
on young people, such as education,
employment or health and well-being.

Some NGOs in the field

European Students Forum (AEGEE

European Educational Exchanges
Youth for Understanding (EEE-YFU)
European Federation for Intercultural
Learning (EFIL)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
European Students Union (ESU)
International Federation of Training
Centres for the promotion of new
education (FICEMEA)
Organising Bureau of European School
Student Unions (OBESSU)
Youth for Exchange and Understanding

The objectives are achieved through a dual

approach which includes:


youth initiatives, targeted

at young people to encourage non-

The EU Youth Strategy proposes initiatives

in eight areas:

Education & training

Employment & entrepreneurship
Health & well-being
Voluntary activities
Social inclusion
Youth & the world
Creativity & culture.

The Joint EU Youth Report 2015 has been

published together with national reports.
In May 2015, the European Commission has
published the European Youth Monitor
based on 41 statistical indicators on the
state of young people in the EU. For more
information, visit:


Horizontal policies
Rethinking Education
Rethinking Education was set up in 2012 to
reform education systems across the EU so
as to meet growing demand for higher skill
levels and reduce unemployment.
The initiative focuses on three areas in need
of reform: quality, accessibility and funding.
Reforms should be designed to:

raise basic skills levels,

promote apprenticeships,
promote entrepreneurial skills,
improve foreign language skills.

The Communication was followed by

aimed to establish sound benchmarks for
developing policy on the basis of concrete
The Council followed up Rethinking
Education and the country analyses with
its Conclusions on investing in education
and training.
For more information, visit:
l a n g u a g e s /p o l i c y/s t ra te g i c - f ra m ewo r k /

Opening up Education initiative

The main goal of this initiative is to stimulate
ways of learning and teaching through
ICT and digital content, mainly through
the development and availability of OER.
Amongst its actions, the most important one
is to change the role of digital technologies
at school. All the actions within the initiative
are put in place with the hope that they
help attain the ultimate objective, namely
to boost competitiveness and growth at
the European level.

Opening up Education calls for EU-level

cooperation to push reforms towards the
adoption of open learning environments
as drivers to enhance digital skills both
for pupils and teachers, and in education
in general. Another major concern of
the European Commission, stated in this
initiative and in alignment with the Open
Education Europa portal, is to be able to
support the deployment and availability of
digital technology and content.


EU funding

EU funding programmes are also key policy implementation instruments. EU funds,

managed mostly by the European Commission, can be granted to public or nongovernmental organisations. The funds are intended to aid the implementation of EU
policies or to further pursue EU interests in specific policy areas. The funds are especially
important in areas where the EU lacks formal competence, such as education and training.

Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for
Education, Training, Youth and Sport for
2014-2020 . It aims to boost skills and
employability and to modernise Education,
Training, and Youth work. The seven year
programme will have a budget of 14.7
billion; a 40% increase compared to former
programmes spending levels. Entered in
force at the beginning of 2014 and acting
up to 2020, the new Erasmus+ programme
brings together seven former programmes
including the Lifelong Learning programme,
the Youth in Action programme 2007-2013,
five international cooperation programmes
and the new sport action.
The programme has been conceived with a
simplified architecture based on three key

Key Action 1 - Learning mobility of

individuals supporting mobility of
learners and staff, joint master degrees
and the master student loan guarantee.
The actions supported under this Key
Action are expected to bring positive and
long-lasting effects on the participants
and participating organisations involved,
as well as on the policy systems in which
such activities are framed;


Action 2 - Cooperation for

innovation and the exchange of
good practices supporting strategic
partnerships, sector skills alliances and
knowledge alliances, as well as capacitybuilding projects and IT sectoral
platforms. This key Action is expected to
result in the development, transfer and
implementation of innovative practices
at organisational, local, regional, national
or European levels;

Key Action 3 - Support for policy reforms

encouraging stakeholders participation,
evidence based-policy-making, the Open
method of Coordination and prospective
initiatives from public authorities. The
activities in support for policy reform


are targeted at the achievement of the

goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy, of
the Strategic framework for European
cooperation in education and training
(ET 2020) and of the European Youth
Strategy. Key Action 3 covers other
actions in support for policy reforms in
the education, training and youth fields.
These actions are:

Knowledge in the field of education,

training and youth, involving evidence

gathering, analysis and peer learning;

Initiatives for policy innovation in

order to develop new policies or

prepare their implementation;


organisations, such as the OECD and
the Council of Europe. This action also
fosters policy dialogue with partner

countries as well as the promotion

of the international attractiveness
of European higher education in the
The programme general objectives are
meant to be more tightly linked to EU2020
and ET2020 priorities
as well as the
renewed framework for EU cooperation in
the youth field. Important features should
be emphasised in the current programming
period such as the recognition and validation
of skills and qualifications, the international
dimension, multilingualism and equity
and inclusion. Indeed, Erasmus+ aims at
facilitating the access to learning mobility
to disadvantaged learners (disability, poor
socio-economic background, migrants,
remote areas inhabitants, etc.).

Europe for Citizens

The programme aims at contributing to
citizens understanding of the EU, its history
and diversity, and to foster European
citizenship and improve conditions for civic
and democratic participation at EU level.
The annual priorities for 2015 are:

European remembrance: in the context

of the 70th anniversary of the end of
the World war II, the focus will be on
the consequences of World War II and
the associated rise of intolerance that
enabled crimes against humanity, as
well as the consequences of World
War II for the post-war architecture of
Europe: its division and the Cold war on
the one hand, and the beginning of the
European integration process following
the Schuman Declaration in 1950 on the
other hand;


engagement and civic

participation: following the European
elections of May 2014 and in the current
debate on the European Union in times
of the economic crisis, there is a need to
stimulate new forms of civic participation
whilst reinforcing those existing.

Public bodies or non-for-profit organisations

with a legal personality can apply and the
programme is open to the 28 EU Member


Social Inclusion

The European Social Fund (ESF)

The European Social Fund belongs to the
EU Structural Funds that are financial tools
set up to implement the European regional
policy. It was created to reduce differences
in prosperity and living standards across
the EU, especially through the promotion
of employment and with a focus on VET.
With the elaboration of the new ESF 20142020 a new category of regions has been
created in order to ease the transition of
these regions, which have become more
competitive in recent years, but still need
targeted support.
The funding is allocated for projects
operated by public and/or private sector
beneficiaries within Member States and
their regions according to co-financing and
shared management principles. The 2014
European Code of Conduct Programmes
have been elaborated jointly with Member
States and the Commission for the
programming period describing thematic
objectives and investment priorities chosen
by countries.
The ESF investment priorities in education
are the following:

Reducing and preventing early school-

leaving and promoting equal access to

good quality early-childhood, primary
and secondary education, including
learning pathways for re-integrating
into education and training;

Improving the quality and efficiency of,

and access to, tertiary and equivalent

education with a view to increase
participation and attainment levels,
especially for disadvantaged groups;

Enhancing equal access to Lifelong

Learning for all age groups in formal,

non-formal and informal settings,

upgrading the knowledge, skills and

competences of the workforce, and
promoting flexible learning pathways,
including through career guidance and
validation of acquired competences;

Improving the labour market relevance

of education and training systems,

facilitating the transition from education
to work, and strengthening vocational
education and training (VET) systems
and their quality, including through
mechanisms for skills anticipation,
adaptation of curricula and the
establishment and development of workbased learning systems, including dual
learning systems and apprenticeship

ESF projects are applied for and run

by a wide variety of organisations
known as beneficiaries, including public
administrations, workers and employers
companies. The individuals who take part
in an ESF project are called participants;
these include, for example, older workers
training for new skills, young job-seekers
getting work placements, or people seeking
advice on how to set up their own business.


The EU programme for Social Change and Innovation (EaSI)

EaSI is a financing instrument at EU level
to promote a high level of quality and
sustainable employment, guaranteeing
adequate and decent social protection,
combating social exclusion and poverty
and improving working conditions. It
brings together three EU programmes
managed separately between 2007 and
2013: PROGRESS, EURES and Progress
Microfinance. As of January 2014, these
programmes form the three axes of EaSI
and they support:

The modernisation of employment and

social policies with the PROGRESS
axis (61% of the total budget). The
PROGRESS axis of EaSI is open to all
public and/or private bodies, actors and
institutions. It can support cooperation
with international organisations, in
particular with the Council of Europe,
the OECD, and the ILO, with other United
Nations bodies and with the World
Bank. To apply for the funding, eligible
organisations must respond to a call for
tender and/or to a call of proposals;

Job mobility with EURES axis (18%

of the total budget). This axis covers
three sections: transparency of job
vacancies, job applicants and any

related information for applicants and

employers; development of services for
the recruitment and placing of workers in
employment; cross-border partnerships.
This axis is open to national, regional and
local authorities; employment services
and social partner organisations and
other interested parties. To apply for
the funding, eligible organisations must
respond to a call for tender and/or to a
call of proposals;


Entrepreneurship axis (21% of the
budget). The objectives of the axis are
to increase access to, and the availability
of, microfinance for vulnerable groups
who want to set up or develop their
business and micro-enterprises, build up
the institutional capacity of microcredit
providers and support the development
of social enterprises, in particular
by facilitating access to finance. EU
countries, EEA countries (in accordance
with the EEA Agreement), EFTA countries
and EU candidate countries (or potential
candidate countries) in line with the
framework agreements concluded by
them can participate.

Creative Europe

European Parliament and
the Council on 11 December
2013. It aims to support
the European audiovisual,
cultural and creative sector
and to increase these areas competitiveness
by 2020, and it is built on the former Culture,
MEDIA and MEDIA Mundus Programmes

(2007-2013). Creative Europe is divided into

two parts: Culture and Media. A third crosssector section dedicated to fund cultural


entrepreneurship will be operational by

The Culture sub-programme finances
cooperation projects, literary translation as
well as cultural and creative networks and
platforms projects, such as performing and
visual arts, fashion, design, architecture,
cultural heritage, video games, publishing
etc. This part of the programme targets
mostly the rise of new creation and
production models, the need to facilitate
the circulation of art works in Europe, the
proximity with the audience and finally

the development of digital tools to spread

European creative personalities influence
The MEDIA sub-programme supports the
European film, audiovisual and videogames
industries in the development, distribution
and promotion of their work, while also
encouraging skills development. It enables
works to find markets beyond national and
European borders, and helps professionals
build productive international networks.

Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research
an Innovation programme ever with nearly
80 billion EUR of funding available over
seven years (2014-2020) in addition to
the private investment that this money will
It is the financial instrument implementing
the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020
flagship initiative aimed at securing
Europes global competitiveness. The first
calls for proposals were published on 11
December 2013. The programme supports
SMEs with a new instrument that runs
throughout various funded research and
innovation fields, so it should be easy for
SMEs to find opportunities in many calls.
What is more, Horizon 2020 also aims
to enhance EU international research
cooperation, so there are more opportunities
for Third Country participation.
Horizon 2020 is open to everyone and has
a simple structure. The programme consists
of three main research areas that are called
pillars, which are the following:

1st pillar Excellence Science. It focuses

on basic science and has a budget of 24

2nd pillar Leadership in enabling

and industrial technologies. It focuses

on information and communication
biotechnology and space. It has a
budget of 14 billion euro and it is
managed by DG Enterprise and based
on Europe 2020 and Innovation Union

3rd pillar Societal challenges. It

focuses on finding solutions to social
and economic problems, such as health
(7.5 b. EUR), food, water, forestry,
bioeconomy (3.8 b. EUR), energy (5.9
b. EUR), transport (6.3 b. EUR), climate
change (3.1 b. EUR), European society
(1.3 b. EUR), security (1.7 b. EUR).


To respond to Horizon 2020 calls,

you must submit a proposal through
the Participant Portal:

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA)

These actions are part of the Excellence
Science pillar of Horizon 2020. The MCSA
support researchers working across all
disciplines, as well as industrial doctorates,
combining academic research study with
work in companies, and other innovative
training that enhances employability and

career development. It enables researchfocused organisations to host talented

foreign researchers and to create strategic
partnerships with leading institutions
worldwide. The Research Executive Agency
(REA) implements the activities of MCSA.

European Research Council grants

The European Research Council (ERC)
grants support individual researchers of any
nationality and age who wish to pursue their
frontier research. The ERC encourages in
particular proposals that cross disciplinary
boundaries, pioneering ideas that address

new and emerging fields and applications

that introduce unconventional, innovative
approaches. For more information, please visit:


European NGOs
European Students Forum (AEGEE)
AEGEE is one of the biggest students organisations that promotes cooperation,
communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. It counts around
13.000 members, active in more than 200 university cities in 40 European countries.
Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe (DARE)
DARE stands for Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe. The DARE
Network consists of 48 member organisations from 26 countries in Europe.
European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)
EADTU is the Europes leading institutional association for online, flexible and
distance higher education. It has a membership of 15 institutions and 14 national
associations across 25 nations covering over 200 universities and around 3 million
students across Europe.
European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)
EAEA is a European NGO with 123 member organisations from 42 countries
working in the fields of adult learning. It promotes adult learning and the widening
of access and participation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education for
all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.
European Association for practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL)
EAPRIL is a non-profit organisation that bridges practice and research and aims
to cross the boundaries between education and working life. It gathers about 500
delegates from across Europe with 7 L&D related networks at its annual conference.
European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning
The European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning
currently includes the co-operation of 16 regional and local authorities aiming to
influence EU policy and to co-operate in projects in the field of lifelong learning.
European Council of National Association of Independent Schools (ECNAIS)
ECNAIS is an association founded in 1988 which aims at supporting and pursuing the
values embedded in a democratic approach to pluralism in the national educational
systems, and the respect of the parental choice.
European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE)
ECSWE consists of 26 national Waldorf Associations representing some 700 schools
in Europe. They count more than 2000 kindergartens and around 600 institutions
for curative education.
European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)
EDEN exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals
in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of
Europe and beyond. It counts with more than 200 institutional members and over
1200 members in Europe.


European Educational Exchanges - Youth for Understanding (EEE-YFU)

Youth for Understanding (EEE-YFU) is the umbrella for national YFU organisations
in Europe and currently has 29 member organisations. EEE-YFU provides exchange
programmes for 15 to 18 year old students in more than 50 countries worldwide.
European Federation for Education and Culture (EFEC)
EFEC is a federation gathering non-religious educative associations from 8 European
countries. It represents the European branch of the International Teaching, Education
and Popular Culture League that gathers 20 organisations worldwide.
European Forum for Freedom in education (effe)
EFFE is an NGO in the field of education, it gathers people from more than 20
countries, from public and private schools and with various teaching method views.
It was designed as a forum in which all current issues concerning education at
primary and secondary level can be discussed.
European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL)
EFIL is the umbrella organisation of 28 AFS organisations in Europe. AFSs activities
include the long-term secondary school-based exchanges of students in order to
promote intercultural learning and active citizenship.
European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET)
Founded in 1991, EfVET is a unique European-wide professional association which
has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and
training. It consists of 1500 member associations and institutions.
European Parents Association (EPA)
EPA gathers the parents associations in Europe which together represent more than
150 million parents. EPA works in partnership both to represent and give parents a
powerful voice in the development of education policies and decisions at EU level.
European School Heads Association (ESHA)
ESHA is a professional organisation for European school heads within primary and
secondary education. Represented by one or more organisations in each European
country, it aims to provide an exchange platform where its members can identify,
share and promote best practice in school leadership across Europe.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
ESN is one of the biggest non-profit interdisciplinary student associations in Europe,
founded in 1989 for supporting and developing student exchange. It brings together
13.500 members from 460 local sections in 37 countries.
European Students Union (ESU)
ESU is an umbrella organisation of 47 National Union of Students from 39 countries.
ESU acts in representing, defending and strengthening students educational,
democratic and political and social rights in Europe.
European University College Association (EucA)
EucA works to promote the excellence of university halls of residence, to create
an international network among university halls of residence, promote cultural exchanges and so to encourage active citizenship among young people. It represents
around 30 000 students and 194 halls of residence in 10 countries.
European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)
EUCEN is the largest European multidisciplinary Association in University Lifelong
Learning. It is an international non-governmental non-profit making organisation
which gathers 183 members from 35 countries.


European University Foundation - Campus Europae (EUF-CE)

EUF-CE is a network of 20 European Universities aiming at strengthening and
accelerating the development of the sphere of European education by establishing
examples of concrete cooperation.
European Network for Education and Training (EUNET)
EUNET wants to spread the European Idea to teenagers and adults. It has the goal
to intensify the experience-exchange, to increase the quality of the offers, to develop and distribute methodical-didactic materials as well as simulations. It is a
network and has 61 members (NGOs) in 20 countries.
European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)
EURASHE is the European Association of Higher Education Institutions that offer
professionally oriented programmes and are engaged in applied and professionrelated research within the Bologna cycles. It gathers about 1.100 higher education
institutions in 40 countries within and outside the European Higher Education Area.
European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO)
EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators, promotes a responsible
and innovative teaching of history based on multi-perspectivity, critical thinking,
mutual respect, and the inclusion of controversial issues. It represents a network of
44 member associations and 15 associated members from 52 countries.
European Vocational Training Association (EVTA)
EVTA is a vocational training network which comprises 27 members from 14
European countries, representing thousands of national training centres and, in
certain cases, national employment services.
European Federation of Professional Circus Schools (FEDEC)
Founded in 1998, FEDEC is a network of 41 professional circus schools and 14 circus
arts organisations located in 24 different countries. FEDECs main vocation is to
support the development and evolution of pedagogy and creation in the field of
circus arts education.
European Federation for Catholic Adult Education (FEECA)
FEECA represents Catholic adult education on a European level. It aims to
contribute in furthering both European integration and international cooperation,
based on faith in freedom and a democratic order. It gathers 9 national umbrellaorgansisations of catholic adult education.
Foundation of European Regions for Research in Education and Training (FREREF)
FREREF promotes concrete interregional cooperation in the field of lifelong learning.
It has 15 member Regions and 3 member Institutions, and cooperates regularly
with some 20 other Regions, as well as with national and European institutions and
International Federation of Training Centres for the promotion of new education
FICEMEA aims to federate the action of its member organisations in order to
promote active training methods as widely as possible and to contribute to the
evolution of educative and social practices all over the world.
International Association of Educating cities (IAEC)
Founded in 1994, IAEC is a non-profit association, constituted as a permanent
collaborative structure uniting local governments committed to the Charter of
Educating Cities, which is the road map of the cities that comprise it. IAEC has 478
member cities in 36 countries on all continents.


International Language Association (ICC)

ICC groups professionals from all areas of language education and intercultural
communication promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of languages
by defining professional standards and disseminating these standards and practice
to the widest possible public. It represents 25 members located in 12 countries
International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA)
ISCA is an organisation bringing together sport, culture and youth organisations.
With more than 191 affiliated organisations and more than 40 million individual
members worldwide from 65 countries that share the idea that everyone should be
able to participate in international activities.
MENON Network
MENON is a European research and innovation network, working since 15 years to
foster and smoothen innovation processes in areas such as education and lifelong
learning, international S&T cooperation, knowledge society, social inclusion.
Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)
Founded in 1975, OBESSU is a platform for cooperation between national school
student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education. It
brings together 24 national associations in 19 European countries.
SOLIDAR is a European network of 60 NGOs based in 27 countries working to
advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. SOLIDAR voices the concerns of
its member organisations to the EU and international institutions across the policy
sectors social affairs, international cooperation and lifelong learning.
Telecentre Europe (TE)
Telecentre Europe represents publicly funded telecentres/telecentre networks, ICT
learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe where children
and adults can access the Internet, learn digital skills and keep up do date with
technology and community developments.
Universal Education Foundation (UEF)
The Universal Education Foundation promotes Learning for Well-being (L4WB),
forming a community of individuals and organisations gathered around a
vision of
inclusive and supportive societies where children, young people and adults respect
each other as competent partners and help each other realise their unique potential
throughout their lives.
Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU)
YEU is an international youth led organisation working on mainstreaming youth
issues in society by encouraging development of young peoples competences
by using non-formal education and youth work as tools. It is a network of 34
organisations in 25 countries in Europe and North Africa.
Volonteurope is an international network promoting the values and principles of
volunteering, active citizenship and social justice at local, regional, national and
European level, both in the Member States of the European Union and the Council
of Europe.



Editor in chief: Audrey Frith

Editors: Thomas Tugulescu and Claudia McKenny Engstrm
A special thanks to: No Viedma, Alexia Samuel, Florine Yapi and Chlo Agley
Design and Illustrations: Audrey Frith and Raffaela Kihrer
Lifelong Learning Platform, September 2015
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Lifelong Learning Platform

Rue de lIndustrie, 10
B-1000 Brussels

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