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Foundation BMEC 2

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The study material has been written in lucid and simple language and conscious efforts have been made to
acquaint students with basic principles of management, ethics and communication skills applied in business
environment. This study material has been divided into three main parts

Business Management,


Business Ethics, and


Business Communication

The institute has decided that the first examination for Foundation Programme under new syllabus will be held
from December 2012 session in the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) format, whereby students are required to
answer multiple choice questions on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate choice by HB pencil. One mark
will be awarded for each correct answer. There is NO NEGATIVE mark for incorrect answers.
The specimen OMR sheet is appended at the end of the study material. There are two self test question papers
in the study to acquaint students with the pattern of examination. These are for practice purpose only, not to be
sent to the institute.
For supplementing the information contained in the study material, students may refer to the economic and
financial dailies, commercial, legal and management journals, Economic Survey (latest), CS Foundation Course
Bulletin, Suggested Readings and References mentioned in the study material and relevant websites.
The objective of the study material is to provide students with the learning material according to the syllabus of
the subject of the Foundation Programme. In the event of any doubt, students may write to the Directorate of
Academics and Professional Development in the Institute for clarification at
Although due care has been taken in preparing and publishing this study material, yet the possibility of errors,
omissions and/or discrepancies cannot be ruled out. This publication is released with an understanding that the
Institute shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions and/or discrepancies or any action taken on the basis
of contents of the study material.
Should there be any discrepancy, error or omission noted in the study material, the Institute shall be obliged if
the same are brought to its notice for issue of corrigendum in the CS Foundation Course Bulletin.


Level of Knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Objectives: To acquaint with the basic principles of management, ethics and communication techniques.


1. Nature of Management and its Process
Meaning, Objectives, Importance; Nature of Management- Science, Art Profession; Management
Approaches; Management Functions- Planning, Organizing, Personnel Management, Directing and
Control; Principles of Management- Fayols and Taylors Principles; Managerial Skills; Task and
Responsibilities of Professional Manager
2. Planning
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Planning process; Types of Plans - Objectives, Strategy,
Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget; Plan vs. Programme, Policies and Procedures; DecisionMaking
3. Organisation
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Organizing Process; Types of Organisation; Structure of
Organisation; Centralisation and De-Centralisation; Delegation; Growth in Organisation
4. Human Resource Management
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Recruitment Process- Selection; Training and DevelopmentMethods; Functions of Personnel Manager; Performance Appraisal
5. Direction and Co-ordination
Direction: Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Elements of Direction: Elements of Directing
Supervision, Motivation, Leadership, Communication;
Co-ordination: Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Types- Internal and External; Co-ordinationthe Essence of Management
6. Controlling
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Control Process; Essentials of a Good Control System;
Techniques of Control- Traditional and Non-Traditional Control Devices; Relationship between Planning
and Controlling; Change Management
7. Recent Trends in Management
Change Management
Crisis Management
Total Quality Management
Risk Management
Global Practices


8. Business Ethics
Genesis, Concepts, Elements, Ethics in Business
Challenges of business ethics and corporate leadership
Ethical principles in business Indian perspective


9. Business Communication
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Means of Communication- written, oral, visual, audiovisual
Principles and Essentials of Business Communication
Process of Communication
Barriers to Communication
10. Essentials of Good English
Grammar and usage; enriching vocabulary, words - multiple meaning, single word for a group of words
- choice of words - words frequently mis-spelt; punctuations, prefix and suffix; parts of speech; articles;
synonyms and antonyms; tenses; idioms and phrases; foreign words and phrases commonly used;
abbreviations and numerals; pronunciation. Latin, French and Roman words which are used in
abbreviated form like e.g., RSVP, viz. etc.
11. Business Correspondence
Human Resource: Preparation of Resume, Job application, Drafting Of Interview Letters, Call Letters and
Offer of Appointment, Provisional and Final Appointment Orders; Goodwill Messages, Condolence Letters
Purchase: Requests for Quotations, Tenders, Samples and Drawings; Purchase Order, Order
acceptance, Complaints and Follow-Up
Sales: Drafting of Sales Letters, Circulars, Preparation of Sale Notes, Sales Reports, Sales Promotion
Matters, Customers correspondence - Regarding Dues, Follow up Letters
Accounts: Correspondence with Various Agencies; Banks - Regarding Over-Drafts, Cash Credits and
Account Current, Insurance Companies - Regarding Payment, Renewal of Insurance Premium, Claims
and their Settlement
Secretarial: Correspondence With Shareholders And Debenture-Holders Pertaining To Dividend And
Interest, Transfer And Transmission, Stock Exchanges, Registrar Of Companies And Various Authorities
Like Reserve Bank Of India, SEBI
Introduction to Preparation of Agenda and Minutes for Meetings
12. Administration
Drafting of Messages; Messages through Electronic Media; Public Notices and Invitations;
Representations to Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Public Authorities
13. Inter-departmental Communication
Internal memos; Office Circulars; Office Orders; Office Notes; Representation to Chief Executive and
Replies thereto; Communication with Regional/Branch Offices
14. Preparation of Press Releases
15. E Correspondence


1. N.C. Jain, Saakhshi

Management: Theory and Practice; A.I.T.B.S. Publishers, Delhi.

2. J.P. Mahajan

Management Theory and Practice; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, New Delhi-26

3. L.M. Prasad

Principles and Practice of Management

4. T. Ramasamy

Principles of Management; Himalaya Publishing House

5. M.C. Shukla

Business Organisation & Management; Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.

6. Y.K. Bhusan

Fundamentals of Business Organisation & Management; Sultan Chand & Co.,

New Delhi.

7. Singh & Chabra

Business Organisation and Management; Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.

8. J.S. Chandan

Management: Concepts and Strategies; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

9. George IT Milkovich
and Jahri W. Boudreau,

Human Resource Management

10. Lan Breadwell and

Lan Holden

Human Resource Management; Macmillan, New Delhi.

11. C.S. Venkataratnam

and B. K. Srivastava

Personnel Management and Human Resources; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

12. K. Dayal

Management Training in Organizations; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

13. Daryl Koehn

The Ground of Professional Ethics

14. Robert Almeder,

James Humber

Business Ethics Revised Edition Corporate Values and Society

15. Robert E. Federick

Companion to Business Ethics; Blackwell Publishers Limited, UK

16. Ashok K. Nadhani

Business Ethics and Business Communications; Taxmann Publications Pvt.

Ltd., New Delhi.

17. S. Balachandran,
Raja, Nair

Ethics, Indian Ethos and Management; Shroff Publication.

18. Vikas Publishing

House Pvt. Ltd.

Modern Grammar with Practical Exercises.

19. Rodney Huddleston

English Grammar - An Outline; Low Price Editions, Cambridge University Press.

20. G.S. Mudambadithaya

English Grammar and Composition; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

21. K. K. Sinha

Business Communication Galgotia Publishing Company Ltd.

22. Varinder Kumar

and Bodh Raj

Business Communication & organisation management.

23. R.S.N. Pillai

and Bagavathi

Commercial Correspondence and Office Management; S. Chand & Company


*This study material is sufficient from the point of view of syllabus. The students may refer these books for further knowledge and
study of the subject.


24. Reddy, Appannaiah &

Nagaraj Raja Rao

Essentials of Business Communication Himalaya Publishing House.

25. Ramesh M.S.,

Pattanshetti &
Madhumati M. Kulkarni

Business Communication; R. Chand & Co., 1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New


26. R.C. Bhatia

Business Communication; AES Publishers, Daryaganj, New Delhi.

27. R. Satya Raju &

A. Parthasarthi

Management Text and Cases, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

1. P.C. Tripathi and
P.N. Reddy

Principles of Management; Tata McGraw Hills Publishing Company Ltd., New


2. J. C. Sinha,
V. N. Mugata

Business Management; S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.

3. Peter F. Drucker

Principles of Management

4. Koontz and ODonnell

Principles of Management

5. Joseph M. Putti

Management: A Functional Approach

6.. Raymond Murphy

Intermediate English Grammar; Cambridge University Press.

7. Stuart Redman

English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate; Low Price

Editions, Cambridge University Press.

8. Michael McCarthy &

Felicity ODell

English Vocabulary in Use - 100 Units of Vocabulary Reference and Practice;

Low-Price Editions, Cambridge University Press.

9. Oxford University Press

The Concise Oxford Dictionary; Latest Edition.

10. Cambridge University


Cambridge International Dictionary of English; Latest Edition.

11. Harper Perennial

The Original Rogets International Thesaurus.

12. Sidney Greenbaum

The Oxford English Grammar; Oxford University Press.

13. Graham King

Collins Word Power - Good Grammer; Harper Collins.

14. Rosemary
T. Fruehling &

Communication for Results; A.I.T.B.S. Publishers and Distributors.

Joan M. Lacombe
15. Herta A. Murphy &

Effective Business Communication; McGraw-Hill International Editions.

Herbet W. Hildebrandt
16. Mary Ellen Guffey

Business Communication - Process & Product; South-Western College


17. A. P. Cowie & R. Mackin Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs; Oxford University Press.
18. A. P. Cowie, R. Mackin Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal English Idioms; Oxford University Press.
& I.R. McCaig
19. Collins (Publishers)

The New Collins Thesaurus; Latest Edition.

20. Merriam-Webster

Merriam-Websters Collegiate Thesaurus.

21. Asha Kaul

Business Communication, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.



Concept of Management

Objectives of Management

Importance of Management

Management Science or Art

Features of Management as a Science

Features of Management as an Art

Management as Profession

Features of Management as Profession

Schools of Management

Management Functions

Review Questions




Human Resource Management/Staffing






Innovations and Manager


Co-Ordination- The Essence of Management


Principles of Coordination


Development of Management Theory


Principles of Management


Frederick Taylor


Henry Fayol


Contributions of the Behaviouralists, Sociologists and Psychologists


Importance of Management Theory


Contingency Management


Responsibilities of Management


Administration and Management



Managerial Skills


Tasks and Responsibilities of Professional Managers








Concept of Planning


Features of Planning


Importance of Planning


Limitations of Planning


Types of Plans


Planning Components


Review Questions


Planning Process/ Steps Involved In Planning


Concept of Forecasting


Steps in Forecasting


Advantages of Forecasting


Concept of Decision Making


Decision Making Conditions


Principles of Decision Making


Steps in Decision Making


Hierarchy of Decisions


Decision Making by Groups


Evaluating Decisions Importance








Concept of Organisation


Importance of Organisation


Process of Organisation


Types of Organisation Structure



Formal Organisation Structure


1. Line Organisation


Review Questions


2. Functional Organisation


3. Line and Staff Organisation


4. Project Management Organisation


5. Matrix Organisation


Informal Organisation


Structure of Organisation


Growth in Organisation


Authority and Responsibility


Nature of Authority






Authority Power Continuum


Balance of Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability


Delegation of Authority


Process of Delegation


Barriers to Delegation


Principles of Delegation


Centralisation and Decentralisation


Advantages of Decentralisation


Advantages of Centralisation


Factors Determining the Degree of Decentralisation


Delegation and Decentralisation








Concept of Human Resource Management


Difference between Personnel Management and HRM


Similarities between PM and HRM


Features of Human Resource Management


Importance of Human Resource Management



Limitations of Human Resource Management


Role of Personnel Manager in an Organization


Qualities of a Human Resource Manager


Functions of a Human Resource Manager


Managerial Functions


Operative Functions


Advisory Functions


Concept of Recruitment


Sources of Recruitment


Internal Sources


External Sources


Concept of Selection


Selection and Recruitment


Significance of Selection


Selection Procedure


Concept of Training and Development


Performance Appraisal


Methods of Appraisal


Traditional Methods


Modern Methods








Concept of Direction


Principles of Direction


Features of Direction


Importance of Direction


Elements of Direction


Concept of Supervision


Features of Supervision


Factors of Effective Supervision


Concept of Motivation



Meaning and Nature


Usefulness of Motivation in Management


Types of Motivation


Psychological Motivation


Transactional Analysis


Theories of Motivation


Review Questions


Concept of Leadership


Leadership Theories


1. Trait Theories


2. Style Theories


Concept of Communication


Effectiveness of Communication


Communication Process


Principles of Communication


Channels of Communication


Flow of Communication




Crosswise Communication


Communication Media


Communication Barriers


Overcoming Barriers to Communication


Concept of Co-ordination


Co-ordination- The Essence of Management








Concept of Control


Characteristics of Control


Importance of Control


Control Process


Essentials of a Good Control System


Techniques of Control



Traditional Control Techniques


Budgetary Control


Standard Costing


Financial Ratio Analysis


Internal Audit


Break- Even Analysis


Statistical Control


Non Traditional/Modern Control Techniques


Zero Base Budgeting


Network Analysis


Management Audit


Review Questions


Relationship between Planning and Controlling


Planning is Looking Ahead and Controlling is Looking Back: A Critical Evaluation








Concept of Change Management


Resistance to Change


Why Change is Resisted?


Types of Resistance to Change


Overcoming Resistance to Change


Change through the Management Hierarchy


Lewins Three-Step Model


Action Research


Concept of Crisis Management


Crisis Management vs. Risk Management


Types of Crisis


Review Questions


Total Quality Management


Important Principles of Total Quality Management


Concept of Risk Management



Objectives of Risk Management


Scope and Applicability of Risk Management


Risk Management Process


Responsibilities of Risk Management


Global Practices/International Business


Features of International Business


Importance of International Business


Role of an International Manager








Genesis of Ethics


Concept of Ethics


Elements of Business Ethics


Features of Business Ethics


Advantages of Business Ethics


Scope of Ethics in Business


Review Questions


Why Business Should Behave Ethically?


Reasons For Unethical Business Practices


Measures to Improve Ethical Behaviour of Business


(i) At Institutional Level


(ii) At Government Level


(iii) At Societal Level


Ethical Principles in Business Indian Perspective











Concept of Communication


Characteristics of Communication


Importance of Communication


Means of Communication


Verbal Communication


Non- Verbal Communication


Choice of Means and Mode of Communication


Process of Communication


Principles and Essentials of Communication


Review Questions


Types of Communication


Barriers to Communication








Introduction -Enriching Vocabulary


1. Choice of Words


2. Homonyms (Pairs and Groups of Words)


3. Synonyms


4. Antonyms


5. Single Word for Group of Words


Grammar and Its Usage


Parts Of Speech in English


Types of Voices






Sentence Construction


Paragraph Construction



Spellings and Pronunciation


Stress and Rhythm


Prefixes and Suffixes


Combination Words






Idioms and Phrases




Review Questions


Foreign Words and Phrases


Abbreviated Form of Latin, French and Roman Words


Latin Abbreviations


German Abbreviations


French Abbreviations








IntroductionHuman Resource Correspondence


Job Applications




Comprehensive Application Letter


Bio-data, CV or Resume


Specimen Job Application




Specimen Interview Letter


Short-listing Candidates


Letters of Appointment


Terms of Appointment


Specimen Letter of Confirmation


Miscellaneous Letters


Goodwill Letters


Types of Goodwill Letters



Thank you Letters


Congratulatory Letters


Letters of Sympathy


Condolence Letters


Obituary Notices


Acknowledgement Cards


Introduction- Purchase Correspondence




Practical requirements of drafting a letter of enquiry


Industrial Enquiries


Replies to Industrial Enquiries


Samples and Quotations: An Example




Tender Notices


Tender Process


Placing Orders


Letter Orders


Making Complaints


Handling Complaints


Rejecting Complaints: Direct Approach


Rejecting Complaints: Indirect Approach


Status Enquiries and Replies


Miscellaneous Letters


Introduction Sales Correspondence


Sales Letter


Sales Circulars




Advertisement Vs. Publicity


Essentials of Advertisement




Sample Classifieds


Public Notices











Introduction- Accounts Correspondence




Proforma Invoice


Delivery Challans


Credit/Debit Notes


Collection Letters


Banking Correspondence


Insurance Correspondence


Review Questions


Provident Fund Correspondence


Correspondence with Postal Authorities


Correspondence with IT and Corporates


Introduction- Secretarial Correspondence


Correspondence with Stock Exchange


Correspondence Regarding Initial Listing


Correspondence with Registrar of Companies


Correspondence with RBI


Correspondence with SEBI


Introduction to Agenda and Minutes


Importance of Keeping Minutes


Preparation of Minutes


General Guidelines for Writing Minutes










Introduction Telegraphic Messages


Advantages of Telegraphic Messages


General Rules to be kept in mind when composing telegram


Drafting a Telegram


Formats of Writing Telegrams


Letter and Telegram



Messages through Electronic Media




Fax Messages


Short Messaging Service


Review Questions




Public Notices




Contents of Invitation


Replying to Invitations


Individual Invitations








Introduction- Inter- Departmental Communication




Memo Forms


Memo Report


Office Circulars


Office Orders


Review Questions


Office Notes


Representation to Management


Correspondence with Regional/Branch Office










Press Release vs. Press Report


Essentials of a Good Press Release


Covering Letters



Types of Press Releases


Corporate Appointments


R&D Breakthrough






New Services


Unfavourable Development


Specimen Press Releases








Concept of E-Correspondence


What is the Web?


What is the Internet?


What is E-Correspondence?


Concept of Email


History of Email


Features of Email


Electronic Mail System


Optimizing Personal Email Use


Proper E-mail Correspondence


Email Etiquette


Advantages and Disadvantages of Email




Review Questions


Benefits of Intranet


Purpose of Intranet








Test Paper 1/2012


Test Paper 2/2012



Students manage their studies; Parents
manage a family; and, Business Tycoons
manage their Businesses. Unlike these familiar
uses of this word, management in this part is
about understanding of the various management
concepts. Management textbooks since long
have tended to obscure the wealth creation
aspect of management by focusing narrowly on
what managers do: planning, organizing,
directing, coordination, and controlling or
emphasizing its social character: the function of
getting things done through others (Harold
Koontz and Cyril ODonnell).

1. Nature of Management and its Process

2. Planning

3. Organisation

4. Human Resource Management

What these definitions fail to capture is that the

concept of management develops with the
modern business organisations and that it is a
unique and a specific idea.

5. Direction and Co-ordination

6. Controlling

As Peter Drucker has observed, management is

universally popular as a discipline to study.
Management as a profession has expanded its
impact beyond business into non-profit and
government organizations as well. Simply put,
management has been responsible for developing
new businesses and for building global firms.
Management has been the instrument for wealth
creation of great nations.

7. Recent Trends in Management


Lesson 1
Nature of Management and its Process
Concept of Management

We are all involved in management i.e., of our

own self, social and economic activities, and of
society at large.

Objectives of Management
Importance of Management
Management Science or Art

To understand this concept better, lets take a

simple example. Suppose you have to appear
for CS examination in a few months. You have
all of four papers to clear. The objective is very
clear that you have to pass the examination, but
a good time plan and its proper implementation
is what is required. Your success will depend on
a lot of things like the study plan, the books to
be referred and also the discipline in adhering
to the time plan.

Features of Management as Science

Features of Management as Art
Management as Profession
Features of Management as Profession
Schools of Management
Management Functions

All through this exercise, managing of affairs (time

plan, books to be referred and discipline) is the
most important. Now this is what is called as
managing and all that is to be done in the process
of managing is called management.

Review Questions
Innovation and Manager

However in business world, management is

defined as art of getting things done from others.
In todays business environment, the professional
manager is responsible for the activities carried
out by the organization.

Goals of a Manager
Coordination the Essence of Management
Principles of Co-ordination
Development of Management Theory

Thus, the objectives of this chapter is to enable

the students to understand that management is
the specific organ of the modern institution on
which the performance and survival of the
institution depends. It is the function of
management to use all resources, available to
an organization for the realization of its results so
as to enable the firm to earn surplus funds to meet
the growth and expansion needs.

Principles of Management
Frederick Taylor
Henri Fayol
Administration and Management
Managerial Skills
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is
leaning against the right wall.
Stephen R. Covey

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process

The economic environment around us consists of three basic entities Households (the consumers), Firms (the
producers) and Government (the co-coordinator).
In the present-day society, every household engages into some or the other economic activity in a firm to earn
a livelihood in order to attain the ultimate objective - satisfaction of human wants. Households and firms are
inter-related as: households provide their service to firms and get paid for the same in the forms of wages/salaries, whereas,
firms provide goods and services to the household and get paid in the form of prices.
This mutual give-n-take becomes a complex phenomenon if there is no one to overlook the activities of these
entities. To be effective with minimum adverse consequences, it is essential that group efforts are properly organized,
directed and coordinated, i.e., there is a need for management. This role is played by the third entity the government.
The word management derives its origin from a Greek word nomos which means management.
It is concerned with human beings whose behavior is highly unpredictable. Ever since people began forming
groups to achieve individual goals, management has been the essence coordinating the individual efforts.
It denotes not only a function but also the people who discharge it. A group of people, who accept the responsibility
to run an organization and direct its activities, form the management of the organization.
It denotes not only a special position and rank but also a discipline and field of study. It is the management that
provides planning, organization and direction which are necessary for business operations. In a more important
sense, management is a vital function concerned with all aspects of the working of an enterprise. Management,
in this sense, may be defined as the art of getting things done.
Definitions of Management by various economists:
Hick defines management as the process of getting things done by the people and through the people.
Koontz and ODonnell state that management means, Getting things done through and with people.
According to Henry Fayol, to manage is to forecast, and to plan, to organize to command, to coordinate and to
Haimann observes that, management is the function of getting things done through people and directing the
efforts of individuals towards a common objective.

Every human being has the potential to do remarkable things. To enable every person to understand, develop
and utilize his/her potential, management should provide an environment wherein the maximum results can be
extracted from an individual.
The following are the objectives of management:
(i) Achieving Maximum Output with Minimum Efforts: The main objective of management is to secure the
maximum results with minimum efforts & resources. Management is basically concerned with thinking and
utilizing human, material & financial resources in such a manner that would result in best combination. This
combination results in reduction of various costs.
(ii) Optimum Use of Resources: Through proper utilization of various factors of production, their efficiency can
be increased to a great extent which can be obtained by reducing spoilage, wastages and breakage of all kinds,

this in turn leads to saving of time, effort and money which is essential for the growth & prosperity of the
(iii) Maximum Prosperity: Management ensures smooth and coordinated functioning of the enterprise. This in
turn helps in providing maximum benefits to the employees in the shape of good working conditions, suitable
wage system, incentive plans on the one hand and higher profits to the employer on the other hand.
(iv) Human Betterment & Social Justice: Management serves as a tool for the upliftment as well as betterment
of the society. Through increased productivity & employment, management ensures better standards of living
for the society. It provides justice through its uniform policies.

To a very large extent the success of an organization is dependent on its management. Therefore the importance
of management will help us in understanding its wide scope and also as to how it helps in the success of the
organization in the long run.
Importance of management is given hereunder:
(i) Achieving Group Goals: It arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the resources,
integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It directs group efforts towards achievement of
pre-determined goals. By defining objective of organization clearly there would be no wastage of time, money
and effort. Management converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money etc. into useful enterprise.
These resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner that enterprise work towards
attainment of goals.
(ii) Optimum Utilization of Resources: Management utilizes all the physical & human resources productively.
This leads to efficacy in management. Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by selecting
its best possible alternate use in industry from out of various uses. It makes use of experts and professional and
these services leads to use of their skills, knowledge and avoids wastage. If employees and machines are
producing its maximum there is no under employment of any resources.
(iii) Reduces Costs: It gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum
input & getting maximum output. Management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a manner
which results in best combination. This helps in cost reduction.
(iv) Establishes Sound Organization: To establish sound organizational structure is one of the objective of
management which is in tune with objectives of organization and for fulfillment of this, it establishes effective
authority & responsibility relationship i.e. who is accountable to whom, who can give instructions to whom, who
are superiors & who are subordinates. Management fills up various positions with right persons, having right
skills, training and qualification. All jobs should be cleared to everyone.
(v) Establishes Equilibrium: It enables the organization to survive in changing environment. It keeps in touch
with the changing environment. With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of organization
must be changed. So it adapts organization to changing demand of market / changing needs of societies. It is
responsible for growth and survival of organization.
(vi) Prosperity of Society: Efficient management leads to better economical production which helps in turn to
increase the welfare of people. Good management makes a difficult task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce
resources. It improves standard of living and increases the profit which is beneficial to business and society.


Science may be defined as a body of knowledge systematized through application of scientific method in any
department of enquiry. Science is systematic in the sense that certain relationships, principles and their limitations

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process

have been discovered, tested and established into theories, laws and principles But it does not mean that the
principles and laws so established are immutable for all time to come. Discovery of new knowledge and
phenomena can always change any principle irrespective of its nature, standing and application.
Science includes physical sciences such as physics, chemistry, mathematics (also known as exact sciences)
and social sciences such as economics, sociology, psychology (variable sciences) as it is based on human
behavior which is unpredictable.
Management can then well be described as a science albeit a variable one if compared with the nature of exact
physical sciences.
Management has now a theoretical base with a number of principles relating to coordination, organization,
decision-making and so on. It is true that we cannot have the same kind of experimentation in management
as is possible in natural sciences. But same is the case with economics, political science, military science and
a number of other sciences dealing with the complex structure of group-norms and behaviour. When there is
no objection to use the term science for these disciplines, there should not be any controversy about its use
to the activity described as management. It is better to emphasise here that management is still a growing

Features of Management as a Science

The following features of management as a science are required to be properly understood:
(a) Management is an inexact science because it deals with complex human phenomena about which
knowledge is still limited;
(b) Management is still a developing science; and
(c) Management is an inter-disciplinary science-it draws freely from other disciplines such as economics,
sociology and psychology.
There should also be not much of dispute over describing management as an art. The function of art is to effect
change or accomplish goals by deliberate efforts. Practical application of theoretical knowledge is reflected in
art. In this sense, management is an art as well. Management principles have been evolved not for the sake of
knowledge alone but for their application in concrete situations. In fact, skill in the application of principles to
work situations is so important to the job of an executive that some authorities regard management to be
essentially an art. The practicing manager can be compared to a carpenter who has to cut, refashion, and
combine the wood to execute the order.

Features of Management as an Art

Management is an art because of the following attributes:
1. The process of management involves the use of knowhow and skills;
2. The process of management is directed towards the accomplishment of concrete results;
3. It is creative in the sense that it is the function of creating productive situations needed for further
4. Management is personalized in the sense that every manager has his own approach to problems.
But it does not mean that science and art are mutually exclusive. The fact is that science is a body of knowledge
while art denotes the mode of practical application of knowledge. Evidently both are complementary to each
other. Thus, theory and practice of management are mutually helpful, go side by side for the efficient functioning
of any organization.

The most productive art is always based on an understanding of the science underlying it. Actually, managing,
like all other arts, makes use of underlying organized knowledge-science-and applies it in the light of realities to
gain a desired practical result.

Growing administrative complexities, emergence of the corporate form of organization with separation of ownership
from management and development of an organized body of systematic knowledge of management are factors
of great importance responsible for raising management to the status of a distinct profession. But there are
people who still do not agree to management being a profession. To comment on this issue, therefore, one has
to be conversant with important features of a profession.

Features of Management as Profession

A field is normally characterized as profession when the following special features are present in it:
(i) Systematic body of knowledge;
(ii) Need for learning and proper organization;
(iii) Entry restricted on the basis of examination or education; and
(iv) Dominance of service motive.
Except for restricted entry, management qualifies all other tests of a profession. It is now backed by a systematic
body of knowledge. A number of management principles have been developed which need proper learning and
education. Besides, in a number of countries management institutes, associations and universities are now
imparting knowledge relating to management. Moreover, social and moral climate have thrown new challenges
to the management. Management of today must be creative rather than adaptive and be conscious of its ethical
and social responsibilities to the society. Another important development in the field of management has been
that the professional management consultants are growing both in number and quality.
But management fails to qualify the test of professionalism relating to restricted entry. Though there is growing
awareness in the society to employ properly educated and trained people for managing business enterprises,
still self-made managers cannot altogether be eliminated. Thus, similar to the legal or medical profession,
management in the strictest sense may fail to satisfy its standing as a profession. But professional overtones
are very much present here.

Many management scholars and practitioners believe that the theories on management are aimed at establishing
the best way of doing things. But it is to be appreciated that management theory and science do not advocate
the best way to do things in the light of every situation. In fact, they are meant as a search for fundamental
relationships for basic techniques and for organization of available knowledge based on understanding of the
concept. And undeniably the situational need determines their mode of application. Clearly therefore, effective
management is always situational management - the application of knowledge to realities with a view to attaining
desired results.
However, after World War II, the literature on management has grown at an unprecedented rate. This, in turn,
has greatly helped in improving research, teaching and practice. But such a growth has also added to differences
of opinion and controversies. Ranging from the operational school of management thought to the mathematical
school, one comes across the human behaviour school, the systems school and the decision theory school.
These divergent views relating to management have made the task of defining management extremely difficult.
In the following paragraphs we present a brief review of some approaches to management analysis.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process

Empirical Approach
Scholars belonging to this school believe that clear understanding of the management theories can only be
developed by the study and analysis of cases and comparative approach. They have a strong conviction that it
is through the study of successes and failures of managers in individual instances and their endeavour to solve
specific problems, that it is possible to apply effective techniques in comparable situations. In their approach
they intend to make some generalizations from case study with a view to establishing theories as useful guides
for future course of action.

Interpersonal Behaviour Approach

Since managing involves getting things done with and through people, scholars belonging to this school feel
that study of management should be based on interpersonal relations. This approach is termed as behavioural
science, leadership or human relations approach by different group of scholars. In the presentation and study
of the theories, this school attached significance to interpersonal relations, personality dynamics, relations of
the cultures of individuals and groups. In other words, this approach leans too heavily on the human aspect of
management. Their attention is primarily on individual and his or her motivations as a socio-psychological being.

Group Behaviour Approach

In fact, this approach is closely related to interpersonal behaviour approach. But this school of thought has
basically centered on studying the behavioural pattern of members and groups in an organization. The ultimate
objective is to indicate the ways of achieving relatively effective organizational behaviour. Belief and thinking of
the scholars of this group approach move around the behavioural dynamics of small and large groups in any
organization. That apart, recognition of the organised enterprise as a social organism, institutional foundations
of organization authority, influence of formal organization and social factors are the main areas of their attention
which considerably helped management practitioners in their real life situation.

Decision Theory Approach

The exponents of the decision theory emphasise that decision-making is the core of management. They
concentrate on rational decision making, selection from among possible alternatives of a course of action or
policy. The approach of this school of opinion is concerned with the persons, or organizational groups making
the decision, or with the analysis of the decision making process. Besides the economic rationale of decisions,
attempt is also made in this theory to cover the social and psychological aspects and environment of the decisions
and the decision-makers.

Mathematical Approach
There cannot be any two opinions that mathematical tools and methods can be used by any school of
management. But some management scholars and practitioners have viewed management exclusively as a
system of mathematical models and processes. Operation researchers and analysts primarily belong to this
group. They are of the opinion that if planning, decision-making, organising, etc., conform to logical processes
then the same can easily and suitably be presented in mathematical symbols. The leaning of this school is
heavily on expressing and interpreting the basic relationship of the problems in terms of determined goals. In a
way, it is thus closely related to decision theory approach but unrelated in the sense that it emphasizes extensive
use of mathematics in management.

Operational Approach
This approach consolidated the vital thinking of all the approaches to management in order to identify and

highlight what relates to actual managing and which can be most useful in real life situations. The operational
approach thus fundamentally recognises that there is a central core of knowledge about managing which exists
only in managements. Its applicability can be brought to bear at all levels of management irrespective of the
nature and size of the organization. But at the same time this approach does recognize that the problems faced
by the executives and managers in their real life normally vary with the nature, size and level of enterprise.
Further, operationalists have drawn and developed their concepts from all possible disciplines which have direct
or indirect effect on human behaviour and organizational functioning. And in this way, the basic theory for the
various facets of management has generally been established.
Thus, it may be seen from the above that the various approaches to interpret the term management may at best
be described as window in as much as they emphasize a particular aspect of management while portraying its
total picture. That management draws heavily from a variety of disciplines further creates interpretational problems.
Nevertheless, the various approaches described above encourage holistic, not partisan appreciation of the
concept whose emergence has been described as having even more profound influence than in the industrial

Functions relating to activities such as producing, purchasing, selling, advertising, accounting and engineering
differ from one enterprise to the other. However, the functions of management are common to all business units
and even non-profit organizations. Now, the problem before us is to know these functions in some details.
Henry Fayol1, the French industrialist and popularly known as the founder of modern management theory,
divided all activities of industrial undertakings into six groups:






Fayol distinguished between principles and elements of management, using the former for rules and guides,
and the elements of management for its functions. He grouped these elements into five managerial functions as:




Fayols classification of managerial functions is widely acknowledged and acclaimed, though other classifications
also exist.
For example, Luther Gulick2 coined the word POSDCORB using the initial letters of management functions:
planning (P), organising (O), staffing (S), directing (D), coordinating (CO), reporting (R), and budgeting (B).
Reporting is a part of control function, while budgeting represents both planning and controlling.
Similarly, Newmann and Summer classified managing process as the functions of (i) organising, (ii) planning,
(iii) leading, and (iv) controlling.

1. Henry Fayol, General and Industrial Management.

2. Quoted by Earnest Dale in his work Management Theory and Practice.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process

Choose the correct option:
1. Which word did Luther Gulick coin using the initial letters of management
State True or False:
2. Success on the part of executives essentially calls for capability to promote
Answers: 1. (b) 2. False
Still another useful method of classifying managerial functions is to group them around the components of
planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Circular flow of these functions may be presented as

Management Process
The above functions of management are common to all business enterprises and organizations in other fields
but the manner in which these are carried out will not be the same in different organizations. Similarly, though all
these functions constitute the job of a manager, relative importance of each of them will vary from time to time as
well as across the hierarchical levels.
Thus economic conditions might force a firm to lay more emphasis on control for the time being, while a growing
concern may have to devote more time to organizational problems. Likewise, top management is generally
required to spend more time in planning, the middle level on organising and the lower level managers may be
more concerned with directing.

Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done, how and when it is to be done. It involves projecting the

future course of action for the business as a whole and also for different sections within it. Planning is thus the
preparatory step for actions and helps in bridging the gap between the present and the future.
In a more realistic sense, planning process comprises determination and laying down of (i) objectives, (ii) policies,
(iii) procedures, (iv) rules, (v) programmes, (vi) budget, and (vii) strategies.
Management might plan for a short period and also for long-run. For improved efficiency and better results,
short-range plans should be properly coordinated with long-range plans.
Planning is a fundamental function of management and all other functions of management are greatly influenced
by planning process. Importance of planning is amply manifested by increasing interest evinced in planning in
business, government and other organizations. Very often planning process is erroneously described to be the
prerogative of top management. But the fact is that planning permeates all levels in the organization and every
manager irrespective of his position in the management hierarchy must plan within the limits of his authority and
decisions of his seniors.

Organising is concerned with both the orderly assemblage of human and material resources as well as the
process of development of a structure of formally identified and distinguished tasks, roles and relationships that
may be attributable to the various members so that they may effectively work as a group. In the latter sense, it
consists of the following steps:
Determination of activities of the enterprise keeping in view its objectives.
Classification of such activities into convenient groups for the purpose of division.
Assignment of these groups of activities to individuals.
Delegation of authority and fixing of responsibility for carrying out the assigned duties.
Coordination of these activities and authority relations throughout the organization.
Thus, division of work among people and coordination of their efforts to achieve specific objectives are the
fundamental aspects of organization.
It needs no mention that the problem of organising arises only when group efforts are involved. One man activities
cannot possibly be organised in the sense in which we use this term. Similarly, organization is always intended to
achieve objectives and as such it is a means to an end and never an end in itself. For better results therefore, it is
implied that organization should be based upon practical prudence and sound applications of organizational principles.

Human Resource Management/Staffing

Organization as a function of management helps the executive to establish positions and lay down their functional
relations to each other. However, it is through HR function, the different positions in the organization structure
are kept manned. HR process, therefore, provides the organization with adequate number of competent and
qualified personnel at all levels in the enterprise. Since successful performance by individual largely determines
success of the structure, HR function of the manager deserves sufficient care and attention of the management.
It implies that managers should properly estimate manpower requirements of the organization consistent with
qualifications expected for proper and efficient discharge of duties on existing and possible jobs in the organization,
laying down of suitable selection and placement procedures, developing employee skill through training and
appraisal schemes, and devising suitable schemes of compensation.
HR is a continuous function. A new enterprise needs to employ people to fill positions established in the organization.
In an established concern also such factors as death, retirement, resignation, termination, promotion, demotion,
transfer, change in objectives as well as methods, etc., necessitate continuous performance of this function.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 11

Mere planning, organising and staffing are not sufficient to set the tasks in motion. Management may have well
coordinated plans, properly established duties and authority relations and able personnel, yet it is through the
function of direction that managers are able to get the employees accomplish their tasks by making them
integrate their individual efforts with the interest and objectives of the enterprise. It calls for properly motivating,
communicating, leading and supervising the subordinates.
Along these broad aspects, directing the subordinates embraces the following activities.
issuing orders and instructions;
guiding, counselling and instructing the subordinates about the proper way of doing the job;
supervising the work of subordinates to ensure that their performance conforms to the plan;
motivating the subordinates to direct their behaviour towards accomplishing organizational objectives;
maintaining discipline and rewarding effective performance.

While directing, the manager explains to subordinates the work expected of each of them and also helps them
to do their respective jobs so that enterprise objectives can be achieved according to best of their abilities, but
even then there is no guarantee that work will always proceed according to plans, and this possibility of drifting
away from plans calls for constant observation of actual performance so that appropriate steps may be taken to
cause the events conform to plans. The important steps to be initiated in this regard are as follows:
Measurement of actual performance against the standard and recording deviations.
Analyzing and probing the reasons for such deviations.
Fixing of responsibility in terms of person responsible for negative deviations.
Correction of employee performance so that group goals and plans devised to attain them is accomplished.
Control is thus closely related to the planning job of the manager. But it should not be viewed merely as a postmortem of past achievements and performance. In fact, a good control system should suggest corrective measures
so that negative deviations may not re-occur in future. The principle of feedback when incorporated in the
system can be of great use in this regard.


Business conditions, both internal and external, do not remain constant for long. A true manager therefore,
cannot continue to manage the same way as he has been doing it in the past. Considerations of efficiency and
survival require that a manager should be constantly engaged in the task of innovation i.e. introducing new
changes. In this sense, management is a creative and also an adaptive process. A manager may be innovative
by developing new ideas, adapting ideas from other fields to his own use, combining old ideas into new ones, or
even by making subordinates develop new ideas.
That management should be creative is an easily acceptable proposition. However, to emphasize innovation to
the extent of regarding it a distinct function of management is debatable. The fact is that planning function
includes innovation because in the event of planning the manager not only adjusts his organization according to
future conditions but also attempts to effect changes in these conditions.
Sometimes a question is raised about the order in which different functions of planning, organizing, staffing,
direction and controls are performed. Theoretically planning is done first followed by organizing, staffing, direction

and control. However, since management is a dynamic process where all its functions are repeated and performed
continuously, no such order in practice is adhered to and followed. It is, therefore, futile to insist on any time or
order sequence for different functions of management.

Goals of a Manager
Traditionally it has been believed that managers act as convenient subordinates to the masters of industry and
as such pursue their (owners) goal of profit maximization. Reasoning offered was that since they are employed
by the owners, risk of losing jobs would compel them to the single-minded pursuit of absentee owners objective.
However, with the widening divorce of management from ownership and with the growing professionalization of
management, it is not difficult to understand that managers may have objectives of their own which may even be
in conflict with those of the owners. These objectives could be higher remuneration, prestige, power, status, etc.
Further, organizational goal-setting in todays environment is essentially an exercise in bargaining, reconciliation
and ordering because of a variety of influences from such groups as worker-unions, government, consumers,
suppliers, environment activists, equal-opportunity enthusiasts etc. Indeed, harmonisation of divergent group interests
through various forms of side payments in itself becomes an objective for the managers. Hence, managers do not
manifest the diktat of a dominant group, rather they represent a collective view or varied interests.


Many scholars view coordination as a separate function of management. Even Henry Fayol included coordination
amongst one of the elements of management. However, since coordination is all pervasive and permeates
every function of management, it is better to consider coordination as the overall function or the essence of
management. In fact, every managerial function represents an exercise in coordination. Thus, planning, organising,
staffing, direction and controlall help the managers to achieve proper coordination. Failure to perform any of the
above functions is evidently reflected in poor coordination.
Coordination deals with harmonising the work relations and efforts at all levels for common purpose. It may be
described as an exercise in unifying and harmonising individual efforts for the purpose of accomplishing group
goals. The whole idea of coordination is to adjust, reconcile and synchronise individual efforts to make group
efforts more effective and help achieve some common objective.
Sometimes coordination is confused with cooperation and it is believed that if cooperation exists, coordination
will automatically follow. Though cooperation helps to achieve coordination, it is by no means the sole condition
for the latter to follow. One can take the example of a football or hockey match as a case in point. A team
comprising of best players may find itself hamstrung due to lack of coordinated efforts on the part of its players.
If individual efforts are properly coordinated, the group can be more effective than the sum total of its part. But it
does not mean that coordination is spontaneous. In fact, differences in understanding, approach, timing interest,
or efforts have to be reconciled in any attempt to synchronise individual efforts.

Principles of Coordination
A manager coordinates the work of his subordinates while managing. Following are the useful principles of
(1) Coordination should be viewed as a responsibility of every manager right from the bottom to the top and
every individual should know how his job contributes towards accomplishing objectives of his department
and also the dominant goals of the enterprise. Even when a supervisor is able to accomplish the objectives
of his department he should be made to realise that his achievement is nothing unless combined with
achievements of the other units and contributing to the attainment of higher level objectives of the organization.
Thus, every manager should understand and appreciate hierarchy of objectives or means-ends chain.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 13

(2) Individual efforts are more easily synchronised if coordination is achieved in the early stages of planning
and policy making. Thus, where production and marketing policies are at cross ends, coordination between
the two groups of activities will be a serious problem.
(3) Coordination is better achieved through understanding of interpersonal, horizontal rather than vertical
relationships of people in the organization and issuing orders for coordination.
(4) Good communication is another useful principle of co-ordination. As a result of constant change in business
environment, plans and policies are frequently revised and compromises and adjustments reached. If
required information is not communicated well in time, unifying individual efforts for accomplishment of
enterprise goals shall become a difficult task for management.


Management in some form or the other has been of concern to all organised cooperation ever since the dawn of
civilization. Thus, one can witness recognition of organization and management in the Buddhist order and the
Sangha as far back as 530 B.C. Roman Catholic Church and military organizations also offer good examples
of early application of management principles. However, systematic study and examination of management is
largely the product of the present century and more specifically of the past four decades. Ever since the great
contributions of Taylor and Fayol to the management theory, the science of management has been constantly
growing at a fast rate.

Principles of Management
Various management principles given by different authors are given herein below:

Frederick Taylor
Frederick Taylor is popularly known as the father of scientific management began his career as an apprentice
in a small machine shop and rose to the level of an engineer. Naturally his writings reflected the practical
wisdom and work experience. Taylors main concern was management at shop level and he was mainly concerned
with efficiency of workers and managers at the production level. The major principles and elements of his
scientific management may be summarised as follows:
1. Separation of planning and doing, equal division of work and responsibility between labour and
2. Replacement of old rule of thumb method of management by scientific method, i.e., scientific determination
of each element of a mans job.
3. Scientific selection and training of workers.
4. Absolute cooperation between labour and management in work performance.
5. Determining time standard for each job through stopwatch study of all the essential elements of the job.
6. Introduction of the system of functional foremanship at supervisory level.
7. Differential piece rates of wage payment workers attaining or exceeding the standard drawing their
pay at the higher rate and those falling short of it compensated by lower wage rate.
The scientific management movement early in the twentieth century was hailed as a second industrial revolution.
Since scientific management meant an innovation in the field of management, it generated tremendous opposition
even during the life time of Taylor. Public criticism and opinions compelled his appearance before the special
Congressional Committee hearings in 1912. The industrial psychologists challenged the assumption of one
best method of job performance. Although Taylor gave a very lucid explanation of management as a separate

and identifiable discipline, his stress of time and motion study and on efficiency at the shop level had the effect
of overlooking other general aspects of management, particularly in the U.K. and the U.S.A. In fact, the enthusiasm
for Taylorism and scientific management had the unfortunate effect of overshadowing the work of Henry Fayol.
Though Taylor pioneered the scientific management movement, he was by no means the lone contributor.
Henry Lawrence Gantt for instance corrected to some extent the difficulties of Taylors differential piece rate
system (where two rates of wage one lower and one higher are fixed. Those who fail in attaining the standard,
are paid at a lower rate and those exceeding the standard or just attaining the standard get higher rate) by
devising a new method known as the task and bonus plan.( A wage incentive plan in which high task efficiency
is maintained by providing a percentage bonus as a reward for production in excess of standard.) Similarly,
Franck Gilbreth and his wife Lillian Gilbreth, stressed the importance of giving greater attention to minute details
of work, and also developed the principles of motion economy intended to eliminate redundant motions and
produce a rhythm by scientific development of essential motions.

Henry Fayol
Henry Fayol is popularly known as the father of modern management theory, due to his laying down the theory
of general management applicable equally to all kinds of administration and in all fields whether social, political
or economic. Henry Fayol started his career as a coal mine engineer in 1860 in a French coal mine and was its
chief executive (Managing Director) from 1883 and 1918 during which he brought the enterprise from the verge
of bankruptcy to high success. As a manager he came to the conclusion that there was a single administrative
science applicable to all types of organizations. In the year 1916, he published his well-known work in French
entitled Administration Industrielle et Generale (Industrial and General Administration). However, no English
translation could be available until the year 1929 and in that year also only a few hundred copies were distributed
in U.K.
Fayol divided all activities of industrial enterprises into the following six groups:
1. Technical activities concerning production;
2. Commercial activities of buying and selling;
3. Financial activities intended to seek optimum use of capital;
4. Accounting activities pertaining to final accounts, costs and statistics;
5. Security activities relating to protection of property; and
6. Managerial activities.
The first five are quite well known and as such his work is largely devoted to the description and explanation of
the managerial activities. He referred to functions of management as its elements and grouped them around the
activities of planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Fayol observed that the importance
of managerial ability increases as one goes up the echelons of management hierarchy. He also emphasised the
need for training in management for which development of management theory is a must. On the basis of his
experiences and foresight into the field of management, Fayol suggested the following fourteen principles of
1. Division of Work: So as to produce more and secure better performance with the same effort.
2. Authority & Responsibility: Whenever authority is used responsibility arises, and the two are co-extensive.
3. Discipline: To ensure obedience and respect for superiors.
4. Unity of Command: An employee shall receive orders from one senior only.
5. Unity of Direction: A group of activities with common objectives shall have one head and one plan.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 15

6. Subordination: Subordination of individual interest to general interest.

7. Remuneration: It should be fair and afford maximum satisfaction to the firm and employees as well.
8. Centralization: Top-management should decide the extent to which authority is to be dispersed in the
organization or retained at higher levels. Centralisation or decentralisation should be viewed as a question
of proportion.
9. Scalar Chain: It refers to superior-subordinate relations throughout the organization. It should be shortcircuited and not be carried to the extent it proves detrimental to the business.
10. Order: There must be a place for everything and each thing must be in its appointed place. Similarly,
there must be appointed place for each employee and every employee must be in his appointed place.
11. Equity: Management must have the desire for equity and equality of treatment while dealing with people.
Equity is the combination of kindliness and justice in a manager.
12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel: Management should strive to minimise employee turnover.
13. Initiative: It refers to thinking out and executing a plan.
14. Espirit de Corps: This principle emphasises the need for teamwork and the importance of effective
communication in obtaining it.
Fayol described the above principles as a matter of convenience and did not intend to close the list or make
them inflexible.

Contributions of the Behaviouralists, Sociologists and Psychologists

The contribution of behavioral scientists to management principles and practice has been recognised all over
the world since the Hawthorne experiments (1928-32) conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates. According
to the behaviouralists, the study of management should be concerned with human behaviour in organizations
and related matters; organizational effectiveness depends on the quality of relationships among people working
in the organization; good management rests on the ability of managers to develop interpersonal competence
among members and to support collaborative efforts at all levels of the organization.
With its major emphasis on human relations, informal group communication, employee motivation and leadership
styles, the behavioural approach to management has drawn attention to a wide range of socio-psychological
phenomena like the dynamics of organizational behaviour, group dynamics, organizational conflict, change and
techniques of organizational development.
Psychologists and sociologists have made significant contributions to the behavioural school of thought.
Psychologists like A.H. Maslow, McGregor, Leavitt, Chris Argyris, Herzberg and McClelland, and Sociologists
like Bakke, Dubin, Katz, Gouldner and Etzioni through their research findings, have laid the foundations of
interdisciplinary approaches to the study of organization and management.

Systems Approach
A significant contribution has been made to the theory and practice of management in recent years by the
introduction of the systems approach which prior to World War II was considered applicable and meaningful
exclusively to physical sciences. A system is a set of things connected or interdependent so as to form a
complex unity, a whole composed of parts in orderly arrangement according to some scheme or plan. The
systems approach defines organization as a complex whole consisting of mutually interdependent parts or subsystems and interacting with the environment of which it is a part. It views management as a system of interrelationships involving the processes of decision-making, communication and balancing. The systems theorists
contribution to management thought is based on the recognition of organizations as open, adaptive system

subject to all the pressures and conflicts of the environment. Chester I Barnard viewed the executive as a
component of a formal organization, and the latter as a part of entire cooperative system involving physical,
biological, social and psychological elements.
Management is an open system. It affects and is in turn affected by the environment in which it operates. Neither
objectives nor plans can possibly be set in the vacuum of a closed company system. Markets, government
regulations, competitors, technology, and many other elements of an enterprise environment affect plans and
objectives and cannot be overlooked. Likewise, no manager can disregard the fact that they are products of,
and are influenced by a large cultural environment.
Systems approach to management enables us to see the critical variables and constants and their interaction
with one another.

Importance of Management Theory

The need for knowing the theory and techniques of management is important in order to:
Increase efficiency
Crystallize the nature of management
Improve research in management
Attain social goals by way of coordinating the efforts of people so that individual objectives become
translated into social attainments.

Contingency Management
Management theory and science do not advocate the one best way to do things in the light of every situation.
Internal states and processes of organization are contingent upon external requirements and member needs.
Therefore, the actual practice and solution of varied problems differs depending upon the circumstances.
The idea of contingency management is that the internal functioning of the organization must be consistent with
the demands of organization task, technology, or external environment and the needs of the members if the
organization is to be effective. Different organizations with different tasks and different competitive environments
require different plans. The task of a manager is to apply his knowledge to realities in order to attain desired results.

Responsibilities of Management
All the three levels of management viz., top management, middle management and lower management have
obligations towards three social groups: (a) those who have appointed them; (b) those whom they manage; and
(c) the general community.
Drucker assigns three jobs to management: Managing a business; managing managers; and managing workers
and work. He feels that management must place economic performance above everything else. It is by the
economic results which it produces that it can justify its existence and its authority.
While managing, a manager plays many roles. According to Henry Mintzberg, a managers work role has three
1. Interpersonal Role: It relates to his contacts and dealings with other people.
2. Informational Role: Because of his interpersonal role, the manager is in a unique position to get information.
His contacts with outside world and his leadership position make him a focal point of information. In this
role, a manager has to receive and transmit information so that he can develop a thorough understanding
of his organization.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 17

3. Decisional Role: There are four decisional roles that a manager has to perform:
(a) He has to perform the entrepreneurs role by initiating change and taking risk which is involved in
introducing change.
(b) He has to assume the role of a disturbance handler by taking charge whenever the organization is
threatened whether due to external or internal reasons.
(c) He performs the role of an allocator of resources.
(d) He performs the negotiators role in which he deals with those situations where he has to enter into
negotiations on behalf of the organization.


A clear distinction may be made between administration and management in the following way:
1. Administration is concerned with policy making whereas management with policy implementation.
2. Functions of administration are legislative and largely determinative while that of management are executive
and governing.
3. Broadly speaking, administration is concerned with planning and organizing, but motivating and controlling
functions are involved in management.
4. Board of directors of any company is normally concerned with administration whereas personnel below
that level are in charge of management.
So viewed, management is more important at lower levels, as has been depicted below:





Thus, the basic distinction between the two terms is that whereas administration is a process of laying down
broad policies and objectives of the organization, management directs and guides the operations of an organization
towards realizing the objectives set-forth by the former. It is also said that administration is a top-level function
while management is a lower-level function.
As of today, management is thought of as comprising both the process of planning and policy-making and also
their execution. Thus, management includes administrative management (i.e. administration) and operative

The conceptual distinction between administration and management hardly serves any purpose. In fact,
management process is the same in all enterprises and at all levels in the organization. Management is as much
responsible for planning as is administration. The above point is clearly borne out by the fact that no two separate
set of personnel are required to discharge the administrative and managerial functions. It is true that planning is
more important and broad at higher levels of organization, but it is equally true that every manager irrespective
of his position or level in the organization must plan and planning process is essentially the same at all levels.

Managerial skills are classified as technical, human and conceptual by Katz.
Assuming that a manager is one who directs the activities of other persons and undertakes the responsibility for
achievement of objectives through such efforts, successful management seems to rest on three basic developable
skills: technical, human and conceptual. The relative importance of these three skills varies with the level of
managerial responsibility.
Thus, essential skills which every manager needs for doing better management are called as Managerial Skills.
According to Prof. Katz, all managers require the above mentioned three managerial skills. However, the degree
of these skills required varies from levels of management and from an organization to another.
The top-level managers require more conceptual skills and less technical skills. The lower-level managers
require more technical skills and fewer conceptual skills. Human relations skills are required equally by all three
levels of management.
(i) Conceptual Skills: Conceptual skill is the ability to visualise the organization as a whole. It includes analytical,
creative and initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms. It
helps him to solve the problems for the benefit of the entire organization. It helps the manager to fix goals for the
whole organization and to plan for every situation. According to Prof. Katz, conceptual skills are mostly required by
the top-level management because they spend more time in planning, organising and problem solving.
(ii) Human Relations Skills: Human relations skills are also called Interpersonal skills. It is an ability to work
with people. It helps the managers to understand, communicate and work with others. It also helps the managers
to lead, motivate and develop team spirit. Human relations skills are required by all managers at all levels of
management. This is so, since all managers have to interact and work with people.
(iii) Technical Skills: A technical skill is the ability to perform the given job. Technical skills help the managers
to use different machines and tools. It also helps them to use various procedures and techniques. The low-level
managers require more technical skills. This is because they are incharge of the actual operations.
Apart from Prof. Katzs three managerial skills, a manager also needs the following additional managerial skills.
(iv) Communication Skills: Communication skills are required equally at all three levels of management. A
manager must be able to communicate the plans and policies to the workers. Similarly, he must listen and solve
the problems of the workers and also encourage a free-flow of communication in the organization.
(v) Administrative Skills: Administrative skills are required at the top-level management. The top-level managers
should know how to make plans and policies and know how to get the work done. They should be able to coordinate different activities of the organization and to control the full organization.
(vi) Leadership Skills: Leadership skill is the ability to influence human behaviour. A manager requires leadership
skills to motivate the workers. These skills help the Manager to get the work done through the workers.
(vii) Problem Solving Skills: Problem solving skills are also called as design skills. A manager should know
how to identify a problem and possess the ability to find a best solution for solving any specific problem. This
requires intelligence, experience and up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 19

(viii) Decision Making Skills: Decision-making skills are required at all levels of management. However, it is
required more at the top-level of management. A manager must be able to take quick and correct decisions and
also be able to implement his decisions wisely. The success or failure of a manager depends upon the correctness
of his decisions.

Competent Managerial Personnel

The overwhelming significance of competent managerial personnel to the development of any country should,
in no circumstances, go unaccounted. Those small professional elite (of entrepreneurs and executives) can go
a long way towards initiating economic growth has also been accepted in the writings of W.W. Rostorw, R.N.
Farmer and B.M. Richman.
In fact, the problem of economic development is management oriented. No amount of capital investment and
sophisticated technology will succeed in generating national wealth if such wealth-producing resources are
badly handled because of incompetent management. Loan and transfer can, at the best, help to mitigate temporary
problems. But if an organization does not possess a garrison of competent management, how can it maintain a
sustained rate of growth and contribute to the countrys economic development?3
It is needless to mention that in underdeveloped and developing countries, the scarcity of able and competent
managers is a severe constraint to the growth and development of industrial and business enterprises and the
country at large. Indeed, people are available but those with intellectual potentialities and distinct managerial
trait are rare. The search for capable men and women of outstanding managerial ability has never come to an
end. Rather the problem is ever increasing with rapid industrial development and has further been accentuated
due to fast changing socio-economic-political value of the people, growing complexities in the industrial world
and the increased knowledge of management itself. The magnitude of this problem may well be understood
from the observation of George R.Terry. He remarked: The demand for competent administration has always
been strong, but for the several decades the executive manhunt has acquired greater and greater emphasis.
Obviously, the pertinent question is, what role do managers play in any organization? Why so much of importance
has been attached to them that it is contended that business are made or broken in the long run not by markets,
or capital, patents or equipment but by men..... (Urwick).
There is no denying the fact that executives and managers play the most vital role in determining the future of
any concern in a specific industrial complex and the society at large. On no account should it be forgotten that
as victory or defeat in a battle largely depends on the performance of area commanders, likewise fulfillment of
the desired mission of any organization requires effectiveness and efficiency of its higher-up, both individually
and collectively. Hence, as a natural corollary, job involvement of these executives can better be highlighted
under two broad heads (i) distinct functions concerning ones specific area, and (ii) general functions related
to overall prosperity of the concern.
No matter, whether people belong to sales or purchase, production or publicity, or any other branch of activity of
the organization, it is evident that executives and managers have to deal with very many forces, as well as
limitations in the pursuit of a common-purpose. Indeed, they handle a very complex type of job. They owe an
overwhelming responsibility to the concern. And naturally to achieve success in their strides, they have to
design a course of action from among alternatives of programmes, procedures and methods, verifying whether
everything occurs in conformity with a plan adopted, instructions issued and principles established, and make
orderly arrangement of individual and group effort to secure unity of action. It is not difficult, therefore, to realise
the responsibility of executives and managers of any organization. From a rational point of view leadership can
be looked upon as their essential character, and decision-making their primary job.

3. S. Das, Impact of Social Milieu in the Development of Management Classes (Capital, 1974).

In fact, people at the helm of affairs of any organization share the primary responsibility to achieve its definite
mission effectively and in the most efficient manner. Emphatically speaking, any organizations contribution to
society and the country depends on its understanding and knowledge of the situation and circumstances backed
by changing needs and values of the society. As a matter of fact, success on the part of executives essentially
calls for capability to utilise material and human resources most effectively.

Concern over Relationship

It must be reckoned in this connection that among the various facts of management, optimal utilisation of
human resources is pivotal to all of their responsibilities since the most sensitive factor of production-human
factor can neither be purchased nor dictated to get things done by them. Rather it requires a prudent and
judicious handling through interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed, through the
communication process towards the attainment of specific goal or goals, the lack of which may lead to complete
failure of organization. A review of literature also reveals that most management writers acknowledge leadership
skill as the determining trait to managerial effectiveness, for their job involves accomplishing goals with and
through people in a given situation.
Of course, emphasis on human skills was considered necessary in the past also. But adequate attention was
not given to this aspect of managerial trait. Until recently, most of the management experts viewed their job
exclusively in terms of jobs and tasks instead of human relationship. But is it at all possible to motivate an
individual or group by passing the relationship aspects and the attitudinal and behavioural patterns? However,
there is a doubt about the extent to which executive can get their people committed in the absence of mutual
relationship and attachment which may be visualised from the way employees:
honour their commitment to objectives;
maintain conviction for what the organization stands for; and
spell out their sense of belongingness to the organization.
Though there is no yardstick to measure managerial competency in the perspective of human relationship
fostered and developed in the organization, it is not difficult to appraise it from their ability to:
understand the psychology of the individual as well as the group;
analyse past behaviour and predict future behaviour of the people;
direct, change and control behaviour of the people according to the need, situation and circumstances;
promote self-appraisal;
motivate individuals and groups to grow to the fullest extent of their potential.
The above characteristics of proven managerial ability may certainly be identified keeping in view the delicate
managerial function to obtain results through individual and group endeavour.
It should be recognised that the human factor is the cockpit of all problems in an organization on account of its
complex nature and fast changing character of socio-economic and political beliefs and values of the society in the
perspective of (a) educational, (b) sociological and cultural, (c) political and legal, and (d) economic changes. As a
logical consequence, the magnitude and complexity of human problems are also changing. In essence, the relational
aspect has received a new dimension in executive thinking as a result of the overwhelming need for exceptional
intellectual skills distinct quality reflected in the attitudinal and behavioural pattern of managerial personnel.
W.J. Reddin has emphasised the importance of intellectual capacity as a prerequisite to managerial effectiveness
and the impact of intellectual skill on the management effectiveness and, as such, advocated that managers
must be selected for intellectual capacity, not merely for their knowledge, and the selection should be based on
behavioural flexibility because the knowledge which a manager has acquired may often become out of date in
a very short span of time.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 21

From the above observation, it may be inferred that Reddin viewed intellectual skill as the one and the most
significant factor in managerial effectiveness in view of changing environment. In short, managers, irrespective
of the nature of organization they are associated with or the level at which they are operating should possess
intellectual skills to enable them understanding, appraising and responding to emerging patterns of human
beliefs and values, attitude and behaviour. No matter what the nature of organization is, social or economic,
managers are supposed to depend heavily on such skills in order to ensure individual as well as organizational
effectiveness. Understanding and knowledge of the perspective activate decisions but clearly decisions without
understanding are useless, and with poor understanding ineffective.
Of course, we cannot ignore or undermine the need for technical skill on the part of managers. It may be
mentioned that while technical skill happens to be an important requirement at the lower level, intellectual skill is
the most important and vital at higher levels of the managerial hierarchy of any organization.

Tasks and Responsibilities of Professional Managers

Specialization in every field, technological advancement, globalization of business results into appointment of
qualified managers. These qualified managers may be called professional managers.
A professional manager is an expert, trained and experienced enough to adeptly manage any type of organization
be it a manufacturing house, a service organization, a hospital or a government agency. Professional managers:
Are objective, focussed and performance oriented.
Help in meeting competitive challenges of business.
Are creative and dynamic.
Follow management practices based on world wide experiences and information.
Apply theories of management to solve emerging organizational problem.
Professional Manager tasks includes the following:
(i) Providing Direction to the Firm: The first task, envisioning goals, is one of the tasks that should never be
delegated. This is the ability to define overarching goals that serve to unify people and focus energies. Its about
effectively declaring whats possible for the team to achieve and compelling them to accomplish more than they
ever thought possible.
(ii) Managing Survival and Growth: Ensuring survival of the firm is a critical task of a manager. The manager
must also seek growth. Two sets of factors impinge upon the firms survival and growth. The first is the set of
factors which are internal to the firm and are largely controllable. These internal factors are choice of technology,
efficiency of labour, competence of managerial staff, company image, financial resources, etc. The second set
of factors are external to the firm like government policy, laws and regulations, changing customer tastes,
attitudes and values, increasing competition, etc.
(iii) Maintaining Firms Efficiency: A manager has not only to perform and produce results, but to do so in the
most efficient manner. The more output a manager can produce with the same input, the greater will be the profit.
(iv) Meeting the Competition Challenge: A manager must anticipate and prepare for the increasing competition.
Competition is increasing in terms of more producers, products, better quality, etc.
(v) Innovation: Innovation is finding new, different and better ways of doing existing tasks. To plan and manage
for innovation is an on-going task of a manager. The manager must maintain close contact and relation with
customers. Keeping track of competitors activities and moves can also be a source of innovation, as can
improvements in technology.
(vi) Renewal: Managers are responsible for fostering the process of renewal. Renewing has to do with providing
new processes and resources. The practices and strategy that got you where you are today may be inadequate
for the challenges and opportunities you face tomorrow.

(vii) Building Human Organization: Man is by far the most critical resource of an organization. A good worker
is a valuable asset to any company. Every manager must constantly look out for people with potential and attract
them to join the company.
(viii) Leadership: Organizational success is determined by the quality of leadership that is exhibited. A leader
can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader, says Gemmy Allen (1998). Leadership is the
power of persuasion of one person over others to inspire actions towards achieving the goals of the company.
Those in the leadership role must be able to influence/motivate workers to an elevated goal and direct themselves
to the duties or responsibilities assigned during the planning process. Leadership involves the interpersonal
characteristic of a managers position that includes communication and close contact with team members. The
only way a manager can be acknowledged as a leader is by continually demonstrating his abilities.
(ix) Change Management: A manager has to perform the task of a change agent. Its the managers task to
ensure that the change is introduced and incorporated in a smooth manner with the least disturbance and
(x) Selection Information Technology: Todays managers are faced with a bewildering array of information
technology choices that promise to change the way work gets done. Computers, the Internet, intranets,
telecommunications, and a seemingly infinite range of software applications confront the modem manager with
the challenge of using the best technology.
Some of the critical responsibilities of a professional manager are towards customers, shareholders, employees,
suppliers, distributors and retailers, industry and competition, union, government and towards society. Therefore
in brief it is the responsibility of a manager to take care of the abovementioned things by handling or directing
with a degree of skill.

Management can be defined as a process by which responsible people in an organization get things
done through the efforts of other people in group activities.
Management can be described as a science as well as an art. The theoretical knowledge of management
is a science and its practical application to gain a desired result is an art.
Many scholars view coordination as a separate function of management. It is the essence of management.
The whole idea of coordination is to adjust, reconcile and synchronize individual efforts more effectively
and to help achieve some common objectives.
Federick Taylor is popularly known as the founder of modern scientific management and Henry Fayol is
popularly known as the father of modern management theory.
All the three levels of management namely top management, middle management and lower management
have obligations towards three social groups. Druckers assigns three jobs to the management like
managing a business, managing managers, managing workers and work.
Many scholars have different views on the concept of administration, and management. It can be said
that administration is a top level function while management is a lower level function.
Executive and managers play the most vital role in determining the future of an organization. The demand
for competent managerial personnel having intellectual potentialities and distinct managerial traits is
increasing. The fulfillment of the desired mission of an organization requires effectiveness and efficiency.
Intellectual skill is one of the most significant factors in managerial effectiveness in view of changing
environment of the organization.
Managerial skills are classified as technical, human and conceptual by Katz.

Lesson 1

Nature of Management and its Process 23

A professional manager is an expert, trained and experienced enough to adeptly manage any type of
organization be it a manufacturing house, a service organization, a hospital or a government agency.


It is a Greek word which means management.


Although; even if.


It means to be familiar by use or study.


A statement of reasons or a reasoned exposition of principles.


Readily perceived by the eyes or the understanding.


Differing or deviating.


To destroy or hinder the efficiency of or frustrate.


Encompassing or overshadowing everything.


To give a definite form or expression to an idea or argument.


Extremely confusing.


Size, extent or dimension.



1. Discuss briefly the various functions which constitute the process of management.
2. Is management an art, a science or both? Give reasons for your answer.
3. Identify Fayols principles of management and describe any four of them.
4. Compare and contrast Taylors scientific movement with Fayols general management.
5. Distinguish between administration and management.
6. Discus the task and responsibilities of a professional manager.
Suggested Readings
(1) Management: A Systems and Contingency Analysis of Management Function Koontz & ODonnell
(2) Management: Theory and Practice Earnest Dale
(3) Management for Business & Industry Claude S. George Jr.
(4) The Art of Administration Ordway Tead.


Lesson 2
Concept of Planning
Features of Planning
Importance of Planning
Limitation of Planning
Types of Plan
Planning Components
Review Questions
Planning Process
Planning Period
Concept of Forecasting

Steps in Forecasting
Advantages of Forecasting
Concept of Decision Making
Decision Making Conditions
Principles of Decision Making
Steps in Decision Making
Hierarchy of Decisions
Decision Making by Group
Evaluating Decisions Importance
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

Planning is the most important function of every

manager. It involves deciding in advance what is
to be done, where, how and by whom it is to be
To understand better, lets take an example. Sita
wanted to sit for IAS exams and wanted to clear
it in one go. She knew her target was difficult
and that she needs to plan well in advance as
there was only a year to prepare. She started
planning for it by talking to previous pass outs,
how they prepared, looked at last ten years
model question papers etc. After taking a broad
idea of how much syllabus is there, how she
should study, from where to take help etc., she
planned her study schedule in the given time
frame of one year. The best part was that she
sticked to her study plan and emerged as one of
the pass outs. This is what is planning.
Therefore, the objective of the study lesson is
to enable the students to understand that
planning is an all-pervasive and fundamental
function of management and that it essentially
means looking ahead and preparing for the
future. It is a mental function.
Thus the study will help the students in
understanding the nature and utility of planning,
types of plan, steps involved in planning and
also as to how to use the practical aspects of
planning in future endeavours.

Planning means deciding in the present what to do in the future. It is the process whereby companies
reconcile their resources with their objectives and opportunities.
Philip Kotler


Planning is an all-pervasive and fundamental function of management. All other functions of organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling must reflect planning function of management. Though more important for higher levels,
planning is the function of every manager. It involves deciding in advance what is to be done, where, how and by
whom it is to be done. While planning, the manager projects a course of action for the future aimed at achieving
desired results for the enterprise as a whole and each department within it. Thus, merely ascertaining the future
is not planning till it is followed by making provision for it. Planning is a rational approach to the future.
Planning deals with future and involves forecasting. A manager does not plan about the past though in his
planning for future he is also guided by past performance. Since planning relates activities of the enterprise to its
future environment, it requires projecting future activities of the organization. But mere forecasting is not planning.
Planning requires assessing the future and providing for it. Planning is forecasting and deciding in advance a
course of action to be followed or activities to be pursued in future.
According to George R. Terry Planning is the selecting and relating of facts and the making and using of
assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities believed necessary
to achieve desired results.
So, planning is a process whereby the relevant facts are collected and analyzed, the assumptions and premises
are made regarding the future. In the light of these assumptions and premises, a plan of action believed necessary
to achieve the desired results is visualized and formulated. Planning, therefore, essentially means looking ahead
and preparing for the future. It is a mental work. One should have reflective thinking, imagination and
farsightedness, if one is to succeed well in performing this difficult task.

Example of Effective Planning

Mr. ABC took over as an Executive-Chief of a loss making company. The company had almost no sale, heavy cost
of production, cost of production equal to the price of the competitors product, low morale of the staff, high fixed
overheads etc. He called a meeting of all his department heads and had a brainstorming session for determining
the problem and finding a solution. Accordingly, the following plan was worked out jointly by all of them:
Reduce material costs by increasing the supervision
Reduce the wastage
Increase the sales by being a second source of supply to major customers
Improve the morale of the staff by laying out individual as well as team goals to be achieved with the
overall plan.
The company started making profits and wiped out its accumulated losses in a period of three year. It happened
because, it was just a matter of proper planning.

The essential nature of planning can be highlighted by the following major aspects of planning:
(i) Planning an Intellectual Process: Planning involves choosing the proper course of action from among
alternatives and calls for decision-making which is an intellectual process. Changes in the environment bring
opportunities and involve risks as well. It is the task of planners to take advantage of opportunities and minimise
the risks. This calls for mental pre-disposition to think before action. Moreover, planning is not a guess work. It
is conscious determination and projecting a course of action for the future and is based on objectives, facts and
considered forecasts.

Lesson 2

Planning 27

(ii) Planning a Primary Function: Planning is the most basic management function. As a matter of fact, all
other functions of management largely depend upon planning. Control, for example, is a necessary corollary of
planning and cannot exist without planning. Organisation is also set up with a plan and objectives in mind and
people are invariably guided and motivated towards accomplishing enterprise objectives. Planning is, therefore,
the primary function of management.
(iii) Planning a Continuous Function of Management: Management is a dynamic process and planning as
its function cannot be an exception to it. Since different functions of management overlap and intermesh with
each other, the planning process is continuously repeated. Moreover, as plans beget a number of sub-plans and
since plans have to be revised in the light of changing environment, planning becomes a continuing necessity
for management.
(iv) Planning a Pervasive Function: Planning is a pervasive function. It pervades at all levels and all
departments of an organization. Sometimes, planning is erroneously considered to be the prerogative and
responsibility of top management alone. In fact, planning which involves choosing the future course of action
from among alternatives is basically the same whether it is at the supervisory level or at higher echelons of
management. It must be noted, however, that planning horizons broaden and the implications of plans becomes
wider as one goes up the levels in the management hierarchy.

Planning substitutes order for chaos and introduces rationality into the decision-making process of management.
It provides the framework within which organizing, staffing, direction and controlling are undertaken. The
importance of planning in any organized enterprise needs no exaggeration. More specifically planning is useful
due to its following contributions:
(i) Planning makes Personnel Conscious of Enterprise Objectives: The first stage in any type of planning is
the deliberate statement of objectives of each department in the organization and the enterprise as a whole. It
helps personnel to see the enterprise in its entirety and see how their actions may contribute to its ultimate
goals. Since objectives represent end points of planning, management should be aware of the future and revise
its plans in the light of possible changes so that goals are accomplished more effectively.
(ii) Planning Leads to Economy in Operations: Planning is always done with an eye on economy and efficiency
in operations. As an all-pervasive function, planning improves effectiveness of all other functions of management
and also helps to secure co-ordinated efforts throughout the organization. Since it involves choosing, planning
facilitates choice of the best method and helps to identify alternatives expected to produce desired results with
minimum of unsought consequences. Planning for repetitive or routine matters reduces the need for thinking
over the whole problem once again. And planning for change arms the management to face future contingencies
very boldly, confidently and effectively.
(iii) Planning Precedes Control: Control consists of those activities that are undertaken to force events to
conform to plans. Planning is then the necessary prerequisite for control. Management function of control seeks
to check the performance against some predetermined standard or projected course of action established
through planning process. Though planning affects all other functions of management, the unique feature of
control is that it cannot exist without planning.
(iv) Planning is a Precious Managerial Instrument to Provide for Future: Though forecasting is its essential
characteristic, the task of planning does not end merely with assessing the future. Providing for future contingencies
is an equally important part of planning. It is through planning process that management is made to look to the
future and discover suitable alternative courses of action. To the extent future changes can be correctly predicted
planning helps management to have a clear view of the future and chalk out a suitable programme of action.
There is no doubt that even the best plans cannot anticipate all the future changes. But it does not mean that
planning is a futile exercise which can be dispensed with. As a matter of fact, it is during changing conditions and

difficult situations that planning becomes all the more necessary and assumes greater importance. As a rational
approach to the future, planning provides for unexpected events and arms the management against undesirable
(v) Planning Influences Efficacy of Other Managerial Functions: Planning, organizing, staffing, direction
and control all account for and have their due contribution to accomplishment of groups goals. The importance
of each to the success of management job cannot be overlooked. However, planning as a primary function
goes a long way in improving efficiency of all other functions of management and makes the tasks of managing
more effective.

Planning is an all-pervasive and a primary function of management. No manager, irrespective of the position in
the organisation can do without it. However, planning is subject to certain limitations and a proper understanding
of them will go a long way in improving efficiency of planning.
(i) Planning Premises may not be Fully Reliable: Planning premises provide the basis and framework for
predictions. Since the future cannot be predicted with absolute accuracy, premising is always subject to a
margin of error and guess-work which are reflected in various plans based on them. Difficulty of accurate
premising then becomes the first planning limitation.
(ii) Rapidity of Change Sets Another Limit to Planning: Business enterprises operate in a changing
environment, though the extent and impact of such changes may differ from industry to industry and among
firms in the same industry. Planning is relatively simple and easy for a concern operating under stable conditions.
Most of the public utilities enjoy such an advantage. On the other hand, industries and units working under
dynamic conditions and confronting rapid changes face new problems and complications on account of instability.
It makes their planning job extremely difficult.
(iii) Availability of Time and Cost Involved in Planning also Lay Down Limits to Planning: During a crisis or
any other emergency, decisions have to be made without planning in advance whether the manager is ready for
it or not. Such decisions are taken in the event of non-availability of time for detailed analysis and research.
Besides, planning is not without cost. Greater the details in planning, more will be the cost. Similarly, cost of
planning will go up if plans are drawn for longer periods. While finalising details of analysis the manager should
remember that the benefits expected to be derived from planning should be more than the cost involved. But
application of this rule is by no means an easy task. This is because ascertainment of the benefits and cost of
planning is a difficult exercise.
(iv) Philosophy of Management and Personnel can be a very Serious Limitation of Planning: Old concepts,
beliefs and traditions are often so deeply embedded in the minds of employees that plans which are not consistent
with their philosophy may be extremely difficult to implement. Thus, where management is traditionally committed
to high quality and high costs, it may not be inclined to carry out a plan to produce cheaper goods even though
justified by results expected. Psychologically, people are resistant to changes and as such new ideas have to be
sold and people convinced of the value of the change.
(v) Procedural and Policy Rigidities also Come in the Way of Planning: Procedures, rules and policies once
established are difficult to change. Planning, on the other hand, may call for a change in the existing procedures
and policies. Where such internal inflexibilities dominate the enterprise, management tends to become
bureaucratic and rule-centered. In such a case employees lose much of their initiative and effective change
through planning becomes a challenging job.
(vi) Capital Invested in the Firm is a very Powerful Internal Constraint on Planning: Changes in the
environment may require overlooking consideration of capital already sunk in the business in the form of, say,

Lesson 2

Planning 29

capital equipment or employee training. Managers, on the other hand, develop a strong tendency to feel so
much committed to recovery of capital sunk as a result of some earlier decision that future planning is constrained
and limited to its recovery, and very often capital so invested itself becomes a planning premise.
(vii) External Constraints also Set Limit to Planning: There are those external limitations of planning over
which management has very little or no control at all. Personnel policies and decisions might be limited by
considerations of labour union pressures particularly when union is organised on national basis, and also by
directives, rules and legal provisions as laid down by Government from time to time. Similarly, Government
policies, tax laws, competition and technological changes, etc., act as sufficient limits to planning in varying
degrees for different problems at different times.
In the actual planning process manager may face many more difficulties. But these limitations of planning
should not demoralise management in any way from attempting to plan. If managing becomes more effective
through planning, the manager has no alternative but to plan. When planning is so useful it will be better if it is
done systematically keeping in view the possible limitations of planning.

Some of the types of plans are:
(i) Business Plans: It is a formal statement of the following:
Largely enforced business goals
The reasons why they are believed attainable
The plan for reaching those goals
It may also contain background information about the organization or the team attempting to reach those goals.
(ii) Marketing Plans: These are business plans that have changes in perception and branding as their primary
(iii) Operational Plans: These describe the goals of an internal organization, a working group or a department.
(iv) Project Plans: These describe the goals of a particular project. They may also provide for the projects place
within the organizations larger strategic goals.
(v) Strategic Plans: These are business plans that identify and target internal goals, but provide only general
guidance on how they will be attained.

Planning components are usually classified as purposes or mission objectives, policies, procedures, programmes,
budgets and strategies.

Purposes or Mission
The mission of a business is the fundamental, unique purpose that sets it apart from other enterprises of its type
and identifies the scope of its operations in terms of product and market. The mission is a general enduring
statement of the intent of business. It reflects the belief and philosophy of management.

The first important task of planning is to lay down objectives or goals. Objectives represent the end towards
which not only planning but all other activities of management are directed. Thus, goals are set for the organisation
to accomplish. Similarly, staffing, direction and control aims at reaching common objectives. In fact, managing is

more effective than based on properly selected objectives. These objectives should be clearly defined and
communicated throughout the organisation.
Objectives can be individualistic or collective; short-term or long-term; tangible or intangible; general or specific.
Peter F. Drucker1 has laid down eight such key areas market standing, innovation, productivity, physical and
financial resources, profitability, management performance and development, work performance and attitude,
and public responsibility. There is also need to decide upon the emphasis to be given to each such area keeping
in view the environment within which business operates. Similarly, objectives in different areas should be properly
balanced. This is an intellectual task of great responsibility and effort which calls for constant review of enterprise
objectives in the light of technological and other changes.

Policies are guide to thinking in decision-making. Policy lays down the course of action selected to guide and
determine present and future decisions. Policy as a general statement of understanding lays down the limits
within which decisions are to be made and, thereby, assures consistent and unified performance. For example,
if it is the policy of a company to reinvest 50% of its earnings each year, decision relating to appropriation of profit
and resorting to external sources of finance shall have to be made within the limits of this policy. Policies can
originate at any level in the organisation and a manager should lay down policies within the limits of authority
and also within limits set by earlier policies and decisions of his seniors
Policy may be written, verbal or implied. On functional basis, policies may be classified as those pertaining to
sales, production, personnel, finance, purchase, etc.
Policies are of great help in delegation of authority by a manager. As a guide to thinking in decision-making,
policies sanction in advance the decisions of subordinates so long as these are made within the broad framework
of policies established by higher management. Thus, well defined policies help the manager to delegate authority
without fear since policies lay down the limits for decisions by subordinates and ensure uniformity in functioning
throughout the organisation. However, policies never remain valid for all times to come. Changes in business
environment might render some of the policies outmoded. For effective compliance policies should, therefore,
be periodically reviewed and necessary changes be introduced in them consistent with accomplishment of
group goals. Moreover, as guide to thinking in decision making, policies should be flexible and allow reasonable
discretion on the part of subordinates responsible for their implementation. Strictly rigid policies tend to become
rules and kill much of subordinates initiative.

Procedures, Methods and Rules

Procedures suggest the exact manner in which a particular activity is to be done. It specifies the chronological
sequence for handling future activities. An enterprise, for example, may have promotion policy based on seniority.
To implement this policy, procedures must be established for calculating seniority of employees and granting
them actual promotions. It is apparent, therefore, whereas policy is a guide to thinking, procedures are guide to
Method, on the other hand, involves a single operation or one particular step and specifies how this step is to be
followed. For example while calculating seniority a company may lay down various methods of calculating the
number of completed years of service.
Rules signify some kind of regulation, positive or negative and permit no discretion in its application. Thus, when
we talk of leave rules, the idea is that leave can be granted and availed of only subject to the regulations
contained therein.
1. Peter F. Drucker, The Practice of Management.

Lesson 2

Planning 31

Budget is single-use plan containing expected results in numerical terms. Budgets may be expressed in time,
money, materials or other suitable units capable of numerical expression. Income and expense budget, for
example, projects the expected revenues and expenses for a given period. Since budget is an important control
device it is often thought of in connection with controlling alone. However, budget making is primarily a planning
process whereas its administration is part of controlling.

Programme refers to the outline of plans of work to be carried out in proper sequence for the purpose of
achieving specific objectives. Thus, a company might embark upon an expansion programme increasing its size
by, say, sixty per cent. And to implement this programme, management must lay down certain policies, procedures,
methods, rules and other assignments properly related and co-ordinated for its successful implementation.
Programme is frequently supported by capital revenue and expense budgets. Thus, programme is a complex
structure of policies, procedures, methods, rules, budgets and other assignments.
Programme can originate at any level in the organisation and can be a major programme or a minor one. Basic
or major programmes usually call for establishing a number of derivative programmes.

Strategy is a term very popular in military science. There it refers to meeting the enemy under conditions
advantageous to ones own. A commander, for instance, may allow the enemy to advance upto a certain point
and then attack from the back. In the business context a specific meaning attached to a particular policy under
prevailing circumstances and in the light of competitors policies becomes strategy. Strategy is thus an interpretative
planning. Anthony defines strategies as resulting from the process of deciding on objectives of the organization,
on changes in these objectives, on the resources used to attain these objectives, and on the policies that are to
govern the acquisition, use and disposition of these resources. Chandler defines a strategy as the determination
of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the
allocation of resources necessary to carry out these goals.
The purpose of strategies is to determine and communicate, through a system of major objectives and policies,
a picture of what kind of enterprise is envisioned. Strategies show a unified direction and imply a deployment of
emphasis and resources. They are a useful framework for guiding enterprise thinking and action.

Choose the Correct Option:
1. Which qualities should a person possess to succeed in planning:
(a) Reflective thinking
(b) Imagination
(c) Farsightedness
(d) All of the above
State True or False:
2. Only economists and statisticians employed by the management as staff
experts are involved in making forecasts.
Answers : 1. (d)

2. False



The techniques of planning may be visualized by analyzing the steps involved in major planning. It may be
mentioned that planning must follow certain logical steps of techniques to make the same worthy of the purpose.
Of course, minor plans are less complex and eventually involve lesser stress and strain in following the steps.
But the steps are essentially the same in planning process only with a variation in the degree of complexity
involved. Steps in planning may be generalized as follows:
(i) Establishing Objectives: The first and primary step in planning process is the establishment of planning
objectives or goals. Definite objectives, in fact, speak categorically about what is to be done, where to place the
initial emphasis and the things to be accomplished by the network of policies, procedures, budgets and
programmes, the lack of which would invariably result in either faulty or ineffective planning.
It needs mentioning in this connection that objectives must be understandable and rational to make planning
effective. Because the major objective, in all enterprises, needs be translated into derivative objective,
accomplishment of enterprise objective needs a concerted endeavour of all the departments.
(ii) Premising: The second step involved in planning process is the establishment of planning premises.
Premises signify planning assumptions or future setting within which planning will take place. The very nature of
planning requires that some assumptions be made regarding future happenings. As a natural corollary, it is a
prerequisite to determine future settings such as the markets, prices, tax structure, government policy, business
cycles, etc., before framing the master plan. Premises, as such may be viewed as an environment of plans in
Indeed, the selection, evaluation and review of planning premises and their use in planning depends upon the
skill and experience of the planner. But the difficulties normally faced by the planners are two-fold: (b) selecting
what premises to use; and (a) evaluating the assistance obtained from the use of these premises.
However, it is to be kept in view that all assumptions are not premises. While some assumptions may be
considered premises, some represent future expectations from actual plans developed. For example, assumptions
pertaining to future business conditions, sales volume, change of government, industrial policy should be
considered as premises on which to develop plans. These assumptions or forecasts are a prerequisite to planning.
However, it is to be noted that forecast is often the resultant effect of planning. Forecast regarding return on new
investment or costs translate a planning programme into future expectations.
At the same time, plans themselves and the forecasts of their future effect often become premises for other
plans. The decision of the Tourism Development Corporation of India to start cheaper hotels at the metropolises
may be cited as an instance in point. It should be realised, however, that opening of cheaper hotels creates
conditions that give rise to premises for many other plans necessarily dependent upon the hotels being built.
It may be noted that premises are not always the same for all the industries, or even units in the same industrial
complex. Premises which may be of strategic significance to one industry may not be of equal significance to
others due to size of the industry, nature of business and other relevant factors.
Planning premises may be viewed as (a) external and internal, (b) tangible and intangible, and (c) controllable,
semi-controllable and non-controllable.
Premises internal to the firm are generally comprised of sales forecast, capital investment in plan and equivalent
major programmes already laid down and many other factors that shape the nature of planning. External premises
may be generalized under three broad heads. The general business environment comprised of socio-economic
and politico-technological conditions, the product market and the factor market.
Premises may be tangible as well as intangible. Premises are tangible when it is possible to quantify those
premises in terms of rupees, working hours, man days, units of production, etc. Intangible premises, on the

Lesson 2

Planning 33

other hand, cannot be quantified in numerical terms, e.g., goodwill of a company.

Controllable premises are those that are largely decided by company management involving policies and
programmes. Whereas premises which, to a considerable extent, may be modulated and controlled by the
business enterprises are semi-controllable and those which are absolutely beyond the clutch of business
enterprises are non-controllable premises.
However, all these premises need to be attended to minutely to make planning effective.
(iii) Determining Alternative Courses: The next logical step in planning is to determine and evaluate alternative
courses of action. It may be mentioned that there can hardly be any occasion when there are no alternatives.
And it is most likely that alternatives properly assessed may prove worthy and meaningful. As a matter of fact, it
is imperative that alternative courses of action must be developed before deciding upon the exact plan.
(iv) Evaluation of Alternatives: Having sought out the available alternatives along with their strong and weak
points, planners are required to evaluate the alternatives giving due weightage to various factors involved, for
one alternative may appear to be most profitable involving heavy cash outlay whereas the other less profitable
but involve least risk. Likewise, another course of action may be found contributing significantly to the companys
long-range objectives although immediate expectations are like to go unfulfilled.
Evidently, evaluation of alternatives is a must to arrive at a decision. Otherwise it would be difficult to choose the
best course of action in the perspective of company needs and resources as well as objectives laid down.
(v) Selecting a Course of Action: The fifth step in planning is selecting a course of action from among alternatives.
In fact, it is the point of decision-making-deciding upon the plan to be adopted for accomplishing the enterprise
(vi) Formulating Derivative Plans: To make any planning process complete, the final step is to formulate
derivative plans to give effect to and support the basic plan. For example, if Indian Airlines decide to run Jumbo
Jets between Delhi and Patna, obviously, a number of derivative plans have to be framed to support the decision,
e.g., a staffing plan, operating plans for fuelling, maintenance, stores purchase, etc. In other words, plans do not
accomplish themselves. They require to be broken down into supporting plans. Each manager and department
of the organisation is to contribute to the accomplishment of the master plan on the basis of the derivative plans.
(vii) Numberizing Plans by Budgeting: After decisions are made and plans are set, the final step to give them
meaning is to numberize them by converting them into budgets. If done well, budgets become a means of
adding together the various plans and also important standards against which planning progress can be measured.
Thus it may be seen that the process of planning proceeds along the distinct stages of premising, forecasting
and decision-making.

Planning Period
Plan can be made either for long range or intermediate range, or short range. But there should be some logic in
selecting the right time range for company planning. A company should not plan for a longer period than is
economically justifiable, yet it is risky to plan for a shorter period. The answer as to the right planning period
seems to lie in the commitment principle, that logical planning encompasses a period of time in the future
necessary to foresee, through a series of actions, the fulfillment of commitments involved in a decision.
What the commitment principle implies is that long range planning is not really for future decisions but rather
planning for the future impact of todays decisions. In other words, a decision is a commitment, normally of
funds, direction of action, or reputation. And decisions lie at the core of planning.
The planning period will be longer or shorter depending upon the extent to which flexibility is desired to be built
into the plan. The short range tends to be selected to conform to quarters or a year because of the practical need
for making plans co-extensive with accounting periods. The arbitrary selection of five years or so for the long

range is often based on the belief that the degree of uncertainty over longer periods makes planning of questionable
Often short-range plans are made without reference to long-range plans. This is a serious error. No short-run
plan should be made unless it contributes to the achievement of the relevant long range plan. Sometimes the
short range decisions, which are taken on immediate situation, not only fail to contribute to a long- range plan
but actually impede or require changes in the long-range plan.
The commitment principle must be considered in the light of flexibility principle of planning. This principle applies
to the building into plans an ability to change direction. The more the flexibility built into the plans, the lesser
would be the danger of losses to be incurred by unexpected events.
The more planning decisions commited for the future, the more important it is that a manager periodically
checks on events and expectations and redraw plans as necessary to maintain a course towards a desired goal.
This is called the principle of navigational change. This principle applies to flexibility in the planning process.

Forecasting may be defined as analysis and interpretation of the future conditions in relation to operations of the
enterprise. It involves looking ahead and projecting the future course of events. Forecasts may be comprehensive
or limited in their scope. Managers at different levels might themselves be responsible for making forecasts, or
the management may employ economists and statisticians as staff experts for making forecasts. In the latter
case forecasting experts are usually associated with top management. Since forecasts involve some amount of
guess work and are always subject to a degree of error it is essential that business executives bring to bear
upon these forecasts their experience and clairvoyance.

Steps in Forecasting
Though it is difficult to lay down common elements of forecasting workable in different situations and acceptable
to all, the following steps provide general guidelines:
(i) Identifying and Developing the Structure: Factors affecting future events are so complex and innumerable
that it is neither feasible nor desirable to study and discover all of them. The manager and forecaster should,
therefore, identify the strategic factors that materially bear upon the forecasts in hand. It calls for analysing the
internal and external factors and discovering relations between them. Knowing the trend for each of them is of
great help in forecasting.
(ii) Forecasting Future Course of Business: Having prepared the ground and structure on which to base
different estimates, the next step is to make rational forecasts. Those responsible for forecasting make use of
statistical and other techniques while projecting future business. The experience, clairvoyance and participation
of management are important determinants of the quality of forecasts.
(iii) Analysis of Deviations: The next important step in forecasting is to observe the results and analyse major
differences. Major deviation from predictions should be thoroughly analysed and reasons established. It helps
to improve the quality of later forecasts.
(iv) Improving the Existing Forecasting Procedure: Skill in forecasting is largely gained through experience
and practice. Hence, it is desirable that one should always think of improving and refining the existing procedure
of forecasting. Guess-work should gradually be reduced and substituted by rational judgement and systematic

Advantages of Forecasting
It is the very basis of planning. Some of the advantages of forecasting are given hereunder :

Lesson 2

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(i) Plan is the synthesis of the various forecasts annual, short-term, long-term, etc.
(ii) Forecasting enables the management to arrive at correct and accurate decision relating to various business
(iii) Forecasting discloses those areas also where control system is inadequate and where it is more necessary.
It facilitates management for using proper control techniques.
(iv) As forecasting is done by a team, it facilitates team spirit in the organisation which helps planning and
(v) Forecastig ensures that all resources shall be fairly used and that future prudently assessed and provided
for. This helps management to be prepared for possible surprises.
Forecasting plays a very important role in planning. Fayol referred to planning as synthesis of various forecasts
annual, long-term, short-term, special, etc. A large number of planning premises are based on or merged with
different forecasts. Forecasts are based on postulations and assumptions and, as such, are subject to some
amount of guess-work. Possibility of error cannot be completely eliminated from forecasts.
Management should, therefore, be aware of different forecasts. But limitations implied in forecasting are not so
serious as to discourage business executives from attempting future projections. The fact is that management
cannot do without them though there is an ever-present need for critical examination and review of different


Decision-making signifies actual selection of a course of action from among a number of alternatives. It is so
important to the job of managing that management is sometimes described as consisting essentially of the
decision-making process. Decision-making permeates planning, organising, controlling and all other functions
of management. Because of limitations in time, money etc., management is forced to discover a number of
alternatives and choose that alternative which is expected to contribute more with less costs and other unsought
consequences to the accomplishment of some goal. Since decision-making involves selection from among
alternatives the course of action to be followed, it is better regarded as part of the planning process.
Management has to take decisions on all types of problems and matters. Generally, decisions relating to routine
matters are decentralized so that top-management can concentrate on vital and strategic decisions and laying
down broad policies. It also adds to efficiency of management if decisions relating to distant future are made in
advance. However, it needs to be emphasised that decision-making as a rational process should be based on
systematic analysis of all pertinent facts and not guided by institution or hunch.

Decision Making Conditions

All organisations do not exist in the same type of situation and the situations do not remain the same for all
decisions. Though, it is difficult to identify each and every situation and discuss it in this study lesson, we can
classify various situations into three possible conditions. These are: (i) Certainty (ii) Risk (iii) Uncertainty.
(i) Certainty: This condition is present if the decision-maker knows exactly what will happen. Thus, he will be
able to predict the outcome precisely. For instance, if we are going to put Rs. 1,000 in a fixed deposit for a year
at 6 per cent rate of interest, then we will know how much interest (Rs. 60) our money will earn. When a decision
is made under certainty, a manager knows exactly what the outcome will be because he knows his resources,
time available, and other things.
(ii) Risk: The future conditions are not always known in advance. In real life, most managerial decisions are
made under risk conditions, that is, some information is available but it is insufficient to answer all questions
about the outcome. So a decision-maker has to make probability estimates of these outcomes. How can one

assign probability estimates to various courses of action? One has to depend on past experience if the situation
is similar. But no two situations are exactly similar in business operations. If probability estimates are assigned
to expected outcomes on the basis of past experience, then it is known as objective probability. On the other
hand, if the probability estimates are assigned on the basis of what is known as gut feel then it is subjective
probability. The gut feel here refers to how an individual feels about the problem and the course of action to
solve that problem and not totally relying on past experience.
There is no rule of thumb approach in assigning probabilities to various courses of action. Some may use
quantitative technique such as expected value analysis by which the expected payoff an action can be
mathematically determined. Whatever the method used, the attitude of the decision-maker is an essential
ingredient when making decisions under conditions of risk. Some decision-makers are risk takers while others
are risk averters. A certain amount of risk-taking ability is essential for managerial success.
(iii) Uncertainty: Under these conditions, the decision- maker feels that he cannot estimate probabilities for
various alternatives or outcomes because he has no way of measuring the likelihood of those alternatives. For
instance, if you are planning a trip to Kashmir, have never been there before, and have not heard about the
weather in Kashmir during winter, you may be in a predicament as to what clothes to carry and what precautions
to take.

Principles of Decision Making

A managers effectiveness is related to the quality of his decisions. Decision-making by a manager involves
arriving at conclusions and exercising judgement. In all circumstances management decisions should follow a
few basic principles which are likely to ensure its soundness.
(i) Principle of Definition: A logical decision can be made only if the real problem is defined with minute
attention. Too often time and effect are wasted due to the managers inability to pin-point what the problem is or
the objective. Indeed it would be no exaggeration to suggest that a problem well defined is half solved.
(ii) Principle of Evidence: Decisions should not be taken hastily. It must be based on evidence, meaning that
adequate facts must be there to back the judgement. When the facts underlying a problem are collected and
care is taken to analyse the situation, the basic work in decision-making is done.
(iii) Principle of Identity: From a different perspective the same object usually appears to be different to different
people. Not only that, the relative importance of the same fact differs from year to year.
It is, therefore, urged that the decision-maker should take into account different viewpoints and determine the
relative significance of the time period during which the event happened. In the case of decisions involving two
or more persons, it is required that views of each such person should be taken into consideration weighted
carefully and checked with other sources before a decision is taken.

Steps in Decision Making

A manager is responsible for making decisions on matters falling within the scope of his authority and normally
decisions which can be taken at a given level should not be referred to higher levels. A manager should use his
skill and intelligence while deciding on a problem because quality of decisions made by him indicates the extent
of responsibility discharged. Steps in decision-making are as follows:
(i) Identifying and Diagnosing the Real Problem: Understanding the situation that sets the stage for decisionmaking by a manager is an important element in decision-making. Predetermined objectives, past acts and
decisions and environmental considerations provide the structure for current decisions. Once this structure is
laid, the manager can proceed to identify and determine the real problem.
Diagnosing the real problem implies knowing the gap between what exists and what is expected to happen,

Lesson 2

Planning 37

identifying the reasons for the gap, and understanding the problem in relation to higher objectives of the
organisation. However, sometimes symptoms are mistaken for real problem. Defining a problem is thus not an
easy task. Very often it consumes a lot of time which is worth spending.
(ii) Discovery of Alternatives: The next step is to search for available alternatives and assess their probable
consequences. But the number of forces reacting upon a given situation is so large and varied that management
would be wise to follow the principle of the limiting factor. That is, management should limit itself to the discovery
of those key factors which are critical or strategic to the decision involved. Thus, while planning for expansion of
the enterprise, availability of finance or of trained staff during a short span of time might be the limiting factors.
Discovery of the limiting factors is so important to the process of decision-making that sometimes it is described
as search for the strategic factors. But search for the limiting factor or factors is by no means easy. However, in
any attempt to discover the strategic factors management should not lose sight of higher objectives of the
enterprise and analyse the limiting factors in terms of their contribution to the accomplishment of organisational
(iii) Analysis and Evaluation of Available Alternatives: Once the alternatives are discovered, the next stage
is to analyse and compare their relative importance. This calls for listing of the pros and cons of different alternatives
in relation to each other. Management should consider the element of risk involved in each of them and also the
resources available for their implementation. Executives should weigh each of them from the viewpoint of
accomplishment of some common goals and in relation to effort involved and results expected.
Both tangible and intangible factors should be considered while evaluating different alternatives. Tangible factors
like profits, time, money, and rate of return on capital investment can be expressed numerically. Such factors are
usually evaluated and compared by projecting their effects on income, expense and cost structure of the enterprise.
Since factors are analysed for the future, their evaluation is based on forecasts and estimates. It is, therefore,
better if the analyst discovers the extent to which different estimates can be relied upon.
Management can afford to overlook intangible factors in situations where their effect on the course of action is
negligible. However, facts like public relations, reputation, employee morale and personnel relations prove
significant and cannot be ignored is spite of difficulties to express them numerically. The analysis should, therefore,
identify the relevant intangible factors and ascertain their relative importance to arrive at a judicious decision.
Sometimes, the manager is faced with a situation where two or more alternatives appear equally good or bad.
In that case actual difference will be the deciding factor. Similarly, where none of the alternatives under
consideration is expected to produce desired results the manager will do well to decide in favour of no action or
else trace undiscovered alternatives.
The evaluation of alternatives may utilize the techniques of marginal analysis, wherein the additional revenues
from additional costs are compared. The real usefulness of marginal approach to evaluation is that it accentuates
the variables in a situation and de-emphasizes averages and constants.
Alternatives can also be evaluated on the basis of cost effectiveness. It is a technique for choosing from among
alternatives to identify a preferred choice when objectives are far less specific than those expressed by clear
quantities. Cost effectiveness criteria can be made more systematic through the use of models and other
(iv) Selection of Alternatives to be Followed: Defining the problem, identifying the alternatives and their
analysis and evaluation set the stage for the manager to determine the best solution. In this matter a manager
is frequently guided by his past experience. If the present problem is similar to one faced in the past, the
manager may have a tendency to decide on that basis. Past experience is useful guide for decisions in the
present. But it should not be followed blindly. Changes in the circumstances and underlying assumptions of
decisions in the past should be carefully examined before deciding a problem on the basis of experience.

Selection on the basis of experiments
It is sometimes argued that managers should draw conclusions on the basis of experiments. Say, a plan
relating to personnel matters may be tried in a branch office before extending it to other places.
Experimentation as the basis for final decision has the advantage of incorporating intangible factors and
also the environmental changes. But it has the limitation of being the most expensive of the techniques
and as such is generally recommended for use only when all other bases have been tried.
Research as the basis for decision
Another useful basis for decision is the application of scientific method to planning and decision-making.
Application of research techniques helps the manager to visualise the problem and casual relationships
between different variables in mathematical terms. In the recent past, extensive research has been carried
out in the field of management with a view to developing a sound theory and practices of decisionmaking. A number of research approaches and techniques have been developed in economics, accounting,
mathematics and other disciplines which have greatly contributed to this trend. Break-even analysis,
marginal contribution analysis, forecasting, capital budgeting, standard costing, sensitivity analysis,
operations research and the like, provide examples of research techniques currently in use in the field of
(v) Communication of Decision and its Acceptance by the Organisation: Once decision is made it needs to
be implemented. This calls for laying down derivative plans and their communication to all those responsible for
initiating actions on them. It will be better if the manager takes into account beliefs, attitudes and prejudices of
people in the organisation and is also aware of his own contribution to implementation of the decision. It is
further required that subordinates are encouraged to participate in decision-making process so that they feel
committed and morally bound to support the decision. At the same time management should establish effective
control so that major deviation can be observed, analysed and incorporated in future decisions.

Hierarchy of Decisions
All decisions at all the time are not of equal importance. The manager should, therefore, determine the importance
of each decision in terms of its commitment, scope and risk involved. In essence, the manager would be able to
pass on less important decisions to be made at lower echelons of management in the organisation and this will
help him to determine the kind of analysis and research needed in arriving at a conclusion keeping in view its
importance. Thus, less important decisions can be based on simple analysis whereas important decisions must
be made after a thorough analysis of all the pertinent factors.

Decision Making by Groups

Decision-making by groups is not a rare thing to observe in business operations. Board meetings, committees,
staff-meetings, conferences, provide examples of decisions-making by groups. Thus, directors at the top of an
organisation make decisions in their board meetings. Similarly, departmental managers or executives solve a
number of problems jointly.
In what type of problems, at what level, and how, decision-making by group may be used in the organisation is
a policy matter and rests with higher ups. But wherever it is resorted to, the appointing authority should lay down
in explicit terms the scope and exact functions expected of the group. If properly handled, decision-making by
groups or committees offers the following advantages:
(i) It improves quality of the decision since different viewpoints and opinions are reflected in it.
(ii) Co-ordination of departmental activities through meetings of their respective heads become easier.
(iii) Group decision-making provides opportunity for participation by individual representing different interests

Lesson 2

Planning 39

and thus improve their morale and motivate them for whole-hearted co-operation in carrying out the
(iv) It provides opportunity for training of employees and their development as future decision-makers.
Of course, group decision-making is not free from limitations. The important weaknesses may be enumerated
as follows:
(i) It is costly as well as a time-consuming affair and, as such, cannot be recommended particularly in
situations where decisions must be made promptly.
(ii) More often differences in opinion and compromises lead to indecision.
(iii) It is also observed that group decisions help members evade their individual responsibilities.
(iv) If an individual member of the group is able to dominate discussion in the meetings, a decision so made
does not represent synthesis of viewpoints of different interests.

Evaluating Decisions Importance

How important a decision is to an organization can be assessed on the basis of the appraisal of the following
(i) Size or Length of Commitment: If a decision commits the enterprise to heavy expenditure of funds, or to an
important personnel programme, or if the commitment can be fulfilled only over a long period, it should be
subjected to suitable attention at an upper level of management.
(ii) Flexibility of Plans: Decisions involving inflexible courses of action must carry a priority over those easily
(iii) Certainty of Goals and Premises: If goals and premises are fairly certain, a decision resting on them tends
to be less difficult than where they are highly uncertain.
(iv) Quantifiability of Variables: Where the goals inputs, parameters, and variables can be accurately quantified,
the importance of the decision, other things remaining the same, tends to be less than where the inputs are
difficult to quantify.

Planning is forecasting and deciding in advance a course of action to be followed or activities to be
pursued in future. It is the function of every manager.
Predictions and assumptions about the future are known as Planning Premises.
Forecasting is defined as an analysis and interpretation of the future conditions in relation to operations
of the enterprise.
Decision making signifies actual selection of a course of action from among a number of alternatives.
Decision making by groups takes place in board meetings, committees, staff-meetings, conferences
etc. The appointing authority should lay down explicit terms regarding the scope and exact functions
expected of the decision making groups.


Spread throughout or widespread.


The fact or condition of being predisposed (make susceptible).


Caught as if in a mesh.


A chance, accident, or possibility conditional on something uncertain.


Not acceptable by present standards or no longer usable.


To make or become a single unit or unite.


A unit of measurement, especially in accountancy; based on a standard number of

man-hours in a day of work.


Intutive knowledge of things and people.


To shove; push or jostle.


1. Define planning. State the chief characteristics of planning.
2. Discuss the various steps involved in decision-making.
3. How is forecasting related to planning? Briefly discuss the different steps involved in forecasting.
4. Procedures are guides to action. Comment.
5. Decision-making involves choosing from among alternative solutions. Comment.
6. Write notes on the following:
(a) Policies.
(b) Budgets.
(c) Programme.
Suggested Readings
(1) Principles of Management George R. Terry
(2) Essentials of Management Joseph L. Massie
(3) A Concepts of Organisation Paul E. Togerson
(4) Principles of Management Peter F. Drucker
(5) Management: A Functional Approach Joseph M. Putti.

Lesson 2

Planning 41


Lesson 3

Organisation 43

Lesson 3

Process of Organisation

Organisations pervade all aspects of our life,

society, economy as well as our personal lives.
Organisations are the chief form of institutions
in our society.

Types of Organisation Structure

Lets take an example to understand it better.

Concept of Organisation
Importance of Organisation

Formal Organisation Structure

Line Organisation
Functional Organisation
Line and Staff Organisation
Project Management Organisation
Matrix Organisation
Informal Organisation Structure
Review Questions
Structure of Organisation
Growth in Organisation
Authority and Responsibility
Delegation of Authority
Centralisation and Decentralization
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

When you go to take admission in a school then

you have to deal with different systems and
procedures. There are different departments for
different work. For providing the admission form
there is a different person, for fees deposit
someone else is assigned, buying books is from
a different counter etc. From a broader
perspective, you can see that a school is a big
organization which works as a systematic
structure wherein different people at different
levels are assigned different roles resulting in
the performance of overall school functioning.
Therefore, organisation, a very important function
of management, can be studied as a structure
and also a process. It refers to the structure or
framework to any work environment created by
the collectivity of people who are engaged in
pursuing a specified set of objectives. It defines
the interpersonal relationships that should exist
between the individuals and work in various
jurisdictional levels.
Thus, the objective of this study lesson is to
enable the students to understand that the
Organisation process is much more complex
than what was traditionally assumed.

Organization structure is the pattern of relationships among the component parts of the organization.
Kast and Rosenzweig


Organisation in a formal sense refers to a collectivity of persons engaged in pursuing specified objectives. The
behavioural scientists and the sociologists view Organisation as comprising human relationships in group activity.
It is referred to as the social system encompassing all formal relations. Another way of looking at Organisation is to
consider it as an essential function of management. In operational sense, Organisation can be considered as
consisting of divisions of work among people and coordination of their activities towards some common objectives.
The important steps in organising are:
(i) Identification and classification of activities of the enterprise consistent with its objectives.
(ii) Grouping those activities into workable units or departments
(iii) Delegation of authority and placing of responsibility to the executives of the departments for carrying out
the assigned activities
(iv) Establishing superior subordinate relationship within the departments.
(v) Making provision for effective coordination between them and establishment of definite lines of supervision.
The following are the main features of organising:
(i) It is a sub process of management
(ii) It is goal oriented. It is designed on the basis of objectives and it aims at achieving them.
(iii) It deals with group efforts.
(iv) It is based on the principle of division of work.
(v) It establishes authority-responsibility relationships among the organisational members.

Organisations are established to attain the different goals related to the different interest groups. These are
attained through the mutual contribution of all related stakeholders. The effectiveness and efficiency of organisation
helps in providing the continuity and success to the business firms. The importance of organisation can be
realized in many ways, among which some are discussed as follows:
(i) Facilitates Administration: An efficient and sound organisation make easy for the management to relate the
flow of resource continually to the overall objectives. A sound organisation helps in providing appropriate platform
where management can perform the functions of planning, direction, coordination, motivation and control.
(ii) Facilitates Growth and Diversification: A sound organisation helps in the growth and diversification of
activities. The growth is facilitated by clear division of work, proper delegation of authority etc. In short, it helps
in the organisational elaboration. In case of reasonable expansion of organisation, the functional types get
replaced by a more flexible decentralized organisation.
(iii) Permits Optimum Use of Resources: The optimum use of technical and human resources gets facilitated
in sound and efficient organisation. The organisation can have the facilities of latest technological developments
and improvements. It also facilitates optimum use of human resources through specialization. The people in the
organisation get appropriately trained and get promotion opportunities. A sound organisation provides all the
desired potential and strength to the company to meet the future challenges.
(iv) Stimulate Creativity: The specialization in the organisation helps individuals in getting well defined duties,
clear lines of authority and responsibility. It encourages the creativity of the people. The sound organisational

Lesson 3

Organisation 45

structure enables managers to concentrate on important issues where their talent can be exploited to the maximum.
(v) Encourages Synergy Effect: When one efficient team member is able to persuade and motivate all other
normal team-members to work more efficiently, resulting in greater performance of the group than what it was
before the motivation of all other employees, the effect is known as synergy-effect
A sound organisation helps in adopting efficient methods of selection, training, remuneration and promotion for
employees. It makes people work in a team with synergy. Organisation helps in providing factors like job rotation,
job enlargement and enrichment to its employees. A sound organisation provides higher job satisfaction to its
employees through proper delegation and decentralization, favorable working environment and democratic and
participative leadership. It enhances the mode of communication and interaction among different levels of the
(vi) Transfer and Adaptation of Technology: Any organisation is involved in ongoing process of research to
enhance its level of services. In this course, it adapts the latest technologies available in the market and indirectly
it also imparts these technologies to the society through its members.

The steps involved in the process of an organisation are:
(i) Determination of Objectives: Organisation is usually associated to definite objectives. Therefore, it is
necessary for the management to identify the objectives before opening any activity. It will assist the management
in the selection of men and materials with the help of which it can attain its objectives. Objectives also provide as
the strategy for the management and the workers. They will give unity of direction in the organisation.
(ii) Identification and Grouping of Activities: When the members of the groups are to group their efforts
effectively there must be appropriate division of the main activities. Each job should be properly classified and
grouped. This will facilitate the group to know what is expected from them as members of the group and will help
to avoid any duplication of efforts. For example, the total activities of an individual industrial organisation may be
separated into major functions like production, purchasing, marketing, and financing, and each such function is
further subdivided into various jobs. The job assigned may be classified and grouped to ensure the useful
achievement of the additional steps.
(iii) Allotment of Duties: After categorizing and grouping the activities into various jobs, they should be permitted
to the persons so that they could carry out them effectively. Each individual should be given a particular job to do
according to his ability and made responsible for that. He should also be given the sufficient authority to do the
job assigned to him.
(iv) Developing Relationships: While there are various individuals working in the same organisation it is the
duty of the management to lay down structure of relationships in the organisation. Everybody should clearly
know to whom he is accountable. This will facilitate the smooth functioning of the enterprise by facilitating
delegation of responsibility and authority.
(v) Integration of Activities: Integration can be accomplished in the entire activities in following ways:
(a) Through authority relationships horizontally, vertically, and laterally.
(b) Through organized information or communication systems, i.e., with the help of effective coordination
and communication. It will enable to achieve unity of objectives, team work and team spirit by the integration
of different activities.


There are two types of Organisation Structure:

Formal Organisation Structure
Informal Organisation Structure.
They are discussed herein under:

Formal Organisation Structure

The formal organisation refers to the structure of jobs and positions with defined functions and relationship. This
type of organisation is built by the management to realize the objectives of an enterprise.
The types of organisation employed by companies vary considerably. However, on the basis of the nature of
authority and its flow, the fundamental organisation structures may be classified as follows:
(1) Line Organisation
(2) Functional Organisation
(3) Line and Staff Organisation
(4) Project Management Organisation
(5) Matrix Organisation.

1. Line Organisation
Historically, line type of structure is the oldest pattern of organisation. The oldest and simplest form of organisation
is line origination. Line functions are those which have direct responsibility for accomplishing the objective of the
enterprise. In this form of organisation, a supervisor exercise direct supervision over a subordinate, under the
organisation, authority flows from the person at the top to the person at the lowest of the organisation. Here the
chief executive leads the organisation. This form of organisation is otherwise called military organisation or
scalar type of organisation.
The line organisation is Illustrated by a Figure given herein:
Pure Line Organisation
General Manager

Sales Manager

Assistant Sales
Manager Div.1

Sales people

Assistant Sales
Manager Div.2

Sales people

Assistant Sales
Manager Div.3

Assistant Sales
Manager Div.4

Sales people

Office staff

Lesson 3

Organisation 47

Benefits of Line Organisation:

(i) It is simple to work.
(ii) It is economical and effective. It permits rapid decisions and effective co-ordination.
(iii) It promotes unity of command and conforms to the scalar principle of organisation.
(iv) It fixes responsibility for the performance of tasks in a definite manner upon definite individuals.
(v) With a unified control and undivided loyalty, line organisation ensures excellent discipline.
(vi) It is less expensive due to non-involvement of staff personnel.
(vii) It is stable.
Weaknesses of Line Organisation:
(i) It suffers from lack of specialisation. Each department manager is to look after activities of his own
department only.
(ii) There is possibility of key men being loaded to the breaking point. Since there is no staff aid, the organisation
can be seized by a strong man and run on an arbitrary basis. Such a dictatorial or arbitrary power can
lead to considerable damage to the organisation.
(iii) Such enterprises suffer from lack of expert staff advice. There are occasions when line manager is not
competent to make decisions.
(iv) Line organisation is rigid and inflexible. Discipline is maintained to the extent that organisation is rarely
allowed to change.
(v) It is based upon an autocratic system of management.
(vi) The work may be divided according to the whims of the manager rather than according to any scientific
(vii) It cramps progress and prevents effective working of the unit.
(viii) It is likely to encourage nepotism (favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and
The Line Organisation system can be successfully utilised:
(i) Where the scale of business is small, number of subordinates and operative employees are not many;
(ii) In continuous process industries;
(iii) Where the work is largely of routine nature;
(iv) Where the machinery is nearly automatic and does not call for the intelligence of the foreman;
(v) Where labour-management problems are not difficult to solve.


State True or False:
1. Line organisation is flexible and changeable.
2. Functional organisation is characterized by total absence of staff specialists.
3. In case of matrix organisation, the manufacturing department constitutes
the horizontal chains of command.
4. A manager in an organisation is judged by the work he performs on his
own. Hence, delegation of authority is not essential for him.
5. In decentralization, management exercises maximum control.
Answers: 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False

2. Functional Organisation
Under this system, the whole task of management and direction of subordinates is divided according to the type
of work involved. At the higher levels, the functional organisation refers to the structure that is formed by grouping
all the work into major functional departments. Related and similar work is done in one department under one
executive. For example, the purchaser is responsible for all purchases of the company. The scope of the work is
limited but the area of authority is unlimited.
The chief advantage of functional system is that it ensures division of labour and specialisation based on individual
proficiency and specialised knowledge. This makes for better utilisation of employees and development of their
skills. The disadvantage of one-man control under line organisation is largely alleviated here.

Division Product X



Division Product Y






Division Product Z






Functional Foremanship
Drawbacks of Functional Organisation:
(i) Because of high degree of specialisation, functional organisation is difficult to establish.
(ii) Changes in personnel often lead to instability since performance also shifts with these changes.
(iii) Specialists often operate with considerable independence so that the organisation seldom functions as a
total system. As a result, control and co-ordination becomes difficult to achieve.

Lesson 3

Organisation 49

(iv) Authority and responsibility often overlap and good deal of friction results; locating and fixing up
responsibility becomes extremely difficult.
(v) Specialists usually ignore the big picture so that a deficiency of leadership is almost perennially (lasting
for an indefinitely long time) felt.

3. Line and Staff Organisation

Both the line and functional plans prove inadequate in operation. The line system concentrates on authority too
much. But purely functional plan also divides it too much. The line and staff system strikes a happy balance
between the two.
Under this organisation line is supplemented by staff. The staff refers to officers who are not line managers
but are more or less permanently detailed to special services or to the study of some phases of operations. Staff
personnel thus act as an advisory group adjacent to the line.
This pattern of organisation came into being as a result of the departmental managers having to investigate,
think and plan and, at the same time, performing the ordinary tasks of production and selling. Consequently,
the work of investigation, research, recording, standardisation and advising, i.e., the work of experts, was
wholly distinguished and separated from the routine process of manufacturing and selling. Thus, there
arose a clear demarcation between thinking and doing; the staff being the thinkers and the line being the
Line and staff organisation is illustrated by a Figure given below:














Simple Line and Staff Organisation

The merits of line and staff organisation are:
(i) It adds functional specialists to the pure line organisation and thus aims at combining the merits of the
(ii) The stability and discipline of the line organisation are preserved; only the specialist is added.

(iii) It brings expert knowledge to bear upon management. Functional specialists provide advice to the
management on wide-ranging matters.
(iv) It provides for better placement and utilisation of personnel and leads to more concerted skill development.
The drawbacks are:
(i) The line and staff relationships often lead to numerous frictions and jealousies.
(ii) Line managers may depend too much on staff experts and thus lose much of their judgement and
(iii) On the contrary, the staff experts remain ineffective because they do not get the authority to implement
their recommendation.
The Problem of Choice:
The problem of choosing from among the three types of organisation discussed above is not that of selecting
one of them; rather it is concerned with determining the right balance among the three.
The line structure is part of every organisation, no matter how small or simple it is. The line structure is
characterised by total absence of staff specialists.
At the other extreme is functional organisation with too much of specialisation.
In between these two lies the line and staff organisation.
A typical organisation is generally characterised by line and staff positions in structure with some of the staff
specialists vested with a degree of functional authority relating to their respective areas of specialisation over
lower line managers. Some of the staff managers generally succeed in acquiring a degree of functional authority
whether permitted or not. It would be judicious, therefore, to strike a balance between the line and functional

4. Project Management Organisation

Project organisation is not a separate type of organisation like the line, line and staff or functional organisation;
rather it is set up within an existing organisation for the purpose of completing a project or accomplishing
assigned objectives in time and within cost and profit goals as laid down by the management in this connection.
Project organisation is directed by the project manager responsible for project goals.
Project management organisation may involve development and introduction of a new product, complete
redesigning of an existing product line, installing a new plant, and the like. For example software development
for a client.
Project organisation involves appointment of the project manager usually drawn from the middle management
ranks and having responsibility for detailed planning, coordination, control and achievement of the result
within the time schedule. Project manager operates with a team of qualified personnel drawn from different
functional departments involved in the project. Moreover, project managers authority is functional within the
limits of the project. Another important characteristic of project organisation is its dissolution after the project
work is completed.
Resulting Organisation Structure: The essence of project management organisation is its independent status
which cuts horizontally the normal organisation structure. Since project management usually requires prompt
decisions and actions from a number of functional areas, flow of information is largely lateral and not vertical.
Thus project organisation is characterised by exceptionally strong horizontal working relationships. For instance,
major product development calls for close working between the engineering, production and marketing

Lesson 3

Organisation 51

departments; and at the same level in organisation hierarchy. However, frequent product changes and decisions
affecting costs require communication with the superiors. Project organisation, as such does not completely rule
out the possibility of vertical communication though horizontal working relationships are more strong. To be
more effective, the project manager should occupy the same status in organisational hierarchy as is occupied
by managers of the functional departments. This may be illustrated in the project organisation chart produced







Project Organisation

5. Matrix Organisation
A newly evolving organisation structure which has received considerable attention in the West is the Matrix
Organisation. It combines functional departmentation with product or project organisation.
In a matrix organisation, the functional departments like manufacturing, marketing, accounting and personnel
constitute the vertical chains of command while the project organisation or product divisions form the horizontal
chains of command. The vertical lines of authority are cut horizontally across by project or product line divisions.
The matrix or task force consists of a group of individuals drawn from the various functional departments who
are assigned to particular projects or product divisions and are considered best qualified for the work. The
project manager or divisional manager usually reports to the Chief Executive in a line capacity (See the given
Figure of Matrix Organisation).


Chief Executive

Planning &





Project A

Group 2

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Project B

Group 1

Group 3

Group 1

Group 2

Project C

Group 3

Group 2

Group 3

Group 1

Matrix Organisation
Advantages and Limitations of Matrix Organisation
The matrix organisation structure is designed to derive the benefits of both functional structure and the divisional
structure. It helps to promote specialisation as well as lateral co-ordination and highlights the achievement of
business results in each of the divisions and the organisation as a whole.
However, it suffers from several limitations. The multiplicity of vertical and horizontal relationships impair
organisational efficiency. The secondment of specialists from functional departments to a number of projects
makes it difficult for functional heads to appraise employee performance. Disagreement between project teams
and functional departments result in considerable stress for the personnel.

Informal Organisation
Informal organisation refers to the relationship between people based not on procedures but on personal attitudes,
prejudices, likes and dislikes. There always exist informal organisation in a formal organisation and every
management has to recognise this fact.
Barnard viewed informal organisation as joint personal activity without conscious joint purpose, even though
possibly contributing to joint results.
Keith Davis regards informal organisation as the network of personal and social relationships which is not
established or required by formal organisation. Thus informal organisation comprises the whole set of customs,
social norms and ideas by which people are influenced.

Lesson 3

Organisation 53

Features of Informal Organisation

Informal organisation is characterised by the following features:
(i) It develops spontaneously and is not established by formal managers.
(ii) It is based on informal authority attached to the person and not the position. Informal authority is earned
and not delegated. This authority under informal organisation largely flows upward or horizontally.
(iii) Informal organisation represents human tendency to cut across formal channels and communication
informally with other parts of the enterprise.
(iv) It is all-pervasive and exists in every enterprise.
(v) Informal organisation is not always destructive though at times it can make the job of management more
difficult. Because of its powerful influence on productivity and job satisfaction, formal management will do
well to derive benefit from the study of informal organisation.
(vi) Informal organisation cannot altogether be abolished. Informal organisation is not created at the will of
the formal managers, nor the latter can do away without the social conventions and group norms.
Functions of Informal Groups
(i) These groups maintain and continue the cultural values and life style of the group.
(ii) They provide social satisfactions.
(iii) The group develops system of communication in order to meet wants and to keep its members informed
about what affects them.
(iv) They exercise social controls by which the behaviour of others is influenced and regulated.
Problems Associated with Informal Organisation
(i) Resistance to Change: There is tendency for the group to become overly protective of its life style and to
stand like a rock in the face of change. They are strongly bound by conventions, customs and culture.
(ii) Role Conflict: The quest for social satisfactions may lead members away from organisational objectives.
What is good for the employee is not always good for the organisation. That results in a role conflict.
Workers want to meet the requirements of both their group and their employer, but frequently these
requirements are in conflict.
(iii) Rumour: Communication in informal organisation leads to the problem of rumour.
(iv) Conformity: Social control of informal groups exerts strong pressures for conformity. The close they are
attached to it, the stronger its influence is.
Benefits of Informal Organisation
Informal systems bring a number of benefits for employers. These are:
(i) Makes more effective the total system.
(ii) Lightens work load on management.
(iii) Helps get the work done.
(iv) Tends to encourage cooperation.
(v) Fills in gaps in a managers abilities.
(vi) Gives satisfaction and stability to work groups.

(vii) Provides a useful channel of communication.
(viii) Provides a safety valve for employee emotions.
(x) Encourages managers plan and act more carefully.
Control of Informal Organisation
The benefits of informal organisation will accrue only when it is properly controlled and its potential power
properly channelised. The significant aspects of managers duty in this connection are:
(i) He should recognise and reconcile himself to the existence of informal organisation.
(ii) He should influence the informal organisation so that its role is positive and the negative aspect is minimised.
(iii) He should integrate informal organisation with the formal organisation in such a way that the former also
contributes to the accomplishment of enterprise objectives.
(iv) He should make informal organisation secondary to formal organisation, and not vice versa.

The idea of structures in an organisation is also a fundamental one. It is characterised by activity-authority
relationship in an enterprise. Organisation as a structure is a consciously conceived and created pattern of
tasks, roles and relationships among individual members of a group towards the accomplishment of its objectives.
This pattern or network may be exhibited by way of organisation chart.
The organisation structure is not an end by itself, it is rather a means to an end. It is created to achieve certain
goals, and organising in turn is done to accomplish those objectives. Peter F. Drucker also views organisation as
a means to the end of business performance and results.

Purpose and Cause of Organising

It needs to be emphasized that structure is a means, not an end in itself. As such not only should it facilitate
achievement of enterprise objectives through orderly organised group effort but also it should do the same with
the least cost in terms of time, money, effort and pain. Thus, strictly speaking, the structure does not have
objectives of its own, rather it is a manifestation of enterprise objectives in terms of those attributable to the
specific tasks, roles and relationships.
The basic cause of organisation structure lies in the limitations of span of management. If there were no such
limitations, one could have an organized enterprise with only one manager. The number of subordinates a
manager can effectively manage may be a few or many depending upon ones ability, the job, and basic factors
that influence time demands.

Dynamic Organisation Structure

Organisation structure should not be static. An enterprise operates under a highly dynamic environment where
technology, social, political and economic setting in which it operates, and the people managing the organisation
are continually in a flux. This calls for adapting the organisation structure to changing conditions so that it can
survive and grow. A change in economic function generally calls for redesigning the organisation structure.
Intense competition may require profit decentralisation and provision of better service to the people. Economic
considerations may favour vertical disintegration of particular process. Such changes in economic functions
influence the organisation structure largely through changing the jobs. Accommodating these changes in the
organisation require that the structure should be partly modified.

Lesson 3

Organisation 55

Developing an Organisation Structure

Designing a new organisation structure or reorganising an existing one calls for careful consideration of current
practices and principles of organisation. There are, however, no such rules the application of which will lead to
the best organisation structure in every situation. But the following steps can be of great help in designing a
suitable structure which will aid in achieving enterprise objectives:
(i) Clear Definition of Objectives: The first step in developing an organisation structure is to lay down its
objectives in very clear terms. This will help determine the type, stability and basic characteristics of the
organisation. In fact, organisation activities are detailed in terms of objectives to be achieved.
(ii) Identifying the Activities and Grouping them into Convenient Classes: The next important step in developing
an organisation is enumeration of activities necessary to achieve the objectives, their grouping in a
systematic manner, assignment of such groups of activities to personnel and providing for their coordination.
Wherever possible, similar functions should be combined into one position.
(iii) Determine the Structure: The first two steps outlined above set the stage for actual determination of the
organisation structure. More specifically, the organiser has to decide about the span of supervision, types
of organisation, basis of departmentation and the pattern of authority structure.
(iv) Revise the Structure on the Basis of Assessment of Personnel and Other Resources: The last step in
developing a suitable organisation structure is to assess the capacities and abilities of the people available
to man the different positions in the organisation along with other resources at the disposal of the enterprise.
The ideal organisation should then be adapted to fit the reality of the situation.
Principles of organisation and steps in developing the organisation structure outlined above provide only the
general guidelines to be followed. However, each enterprise should be viewed as a separate case and developed
accordingly. It is unwise to follow a particular structural form simply because that proved more affective in one
instance. Local conditions, business objectives and policies, scale of operation, nature of work, and above all
character and abilities of personnel available are important factors to be considered while developing an
organisation structure.

Organisational growth, unlike growth of organisms which is a natural, evolutionary process, can be planned,
expedited, stabilised, controlled and even retarded keeping in view the strategic plans of action. However, the
given, growth as an objective of the organisation, it would be a worthwhile exercise to study the process of
growth in organisations.
Larry E. Greiner has provided a sound theoretical framework to analyse the process of organisational growth.
He argues that growing organisations move through five relatively calm periods of evolution, each of which ends
with a period of crisis and revolution. According to him, each evolutionary period is characterised by the dominant
management style used to achieve growth, while each revolutionary period is characterised by the dominant
management problem that must be solved before growth will continue
As organisation grows from small to large size(evolution), initially there is growth through the creativity of the
founders who are usually technically or entrepreneurially-oriented, but soon management problems occur that
cannot be handled through the mere dedication of the founders and through informal channels of communication.
A crisis of leadership develops.To meet this, a strong manager is appointed.(revolution)
This new manager takes most of the responsibility for initiating direction, while lower level supervisors get tasks
carried out without enjoying any decision-making authority. As the organisation grows further,(evolution) these
lower level officers demand more autonomy. The crisis of autonomy occurs. To handle this situation, authority is
delegated to lower level managers.(revolution)

But soon these levels internalise sub-unit goals (evolution) and it becomes difficult for the top manager to control
and integrate their activities. So growth through delegation leads to a crisis of control. The need for co-ordination
is felt.(revolution)
There is need for coordination of their activities as centralization is now no longer possible. So elaborate rules
and regulations are developed(evolution) to obtain proper coordination but this itself creates the crisis of redtape
It is hoped, perhaps, that this crisis can be overcome through collaboration.(revolution) Hence, there is growth
through collaboration in which people work as teams and social control and self-discipline take the place of
formal control.
Thus, as the enterprise grows, the structure undergoes a change. The movement, in general, appears to be
towards greater autonomy, flexibility and informality and is conducive to adaptiveness and innovativeness that
are key to organisational effectiveness and success.


Nature of Authority
Authority may be described as the right of a manager to command subordinates, issue them orders and instructions
and exact obedience. Authority is also the right of the manager to make decisions and to act or not to act
depending upon how he deems fit to accomplish certain objectives of the organisation.
Fayol defined authority as the right to give orders and exact obedience, and viewed this as official authority. He
also recognised that official authority vested in the job was often ineffective. Authority is greatly enhanced by
personal authority comprising intelligence, experience, moral, leadership quality, etc. But as the key to
management job, authority is conveniently described as the power to command others, to act or not to act in a
manner for the purpose of achieving some objectives. An individual without authority cannot occupy the position
of a manager. It is authority that makes the managerial position real and vests in him the power to order his
subordinates and secure necessary compliance. In an organisation with a chain of superior-subordinate relations
authority acts as the binding force and provides the basis for responsibility. Mooney1 described authority as the
supreme coordinating power. Delegation of authority is one of the important means of securing coordination in
the organisation. Without authority there would be no superior-subordinate relations and organisation would run
to chaos and anarchy.
Authority to command exact obedience is also known as the official authority or authority of position which a
manager enjoys by virtue of his position in the organisation. But a person may have the ability to influence the
behaviour of other people in the organisation. This is known as personal authority or owner of the manager.
Official authority of a manager becomes more effective when supported by his personal authority. Very often
managers are found avoiding the term authority because of the impression of power associated with it and
speak of having responsibility delegated to them though it is authority which is delegated and not the responsibility.
Similarly, authority should not be confused with unlimited power. It should thus be clear that authority consists of
certain permissions or rights to act for the enterprise in some specified area.

Very often we hear of delegating responsibility, carrying out a responsibility, discharging a responsibility,
possessing responsibility, and the like statements. Such statements are a pointer to the fact that responsibility
is a term clogged with variety of meanings in the field of management. It is frequently described as an obligation
to perform a task or as the task itself. Those who accept the task should be held responsible for their performance.
1. The Principles of Organisations by J.D. Mooney.

Lesson 3

Organisation 57

The basic essence of responsibility is obligation. However, in the context of hierarchical relations in the
organisation, responsibility may well be described as the obligation of a subordinate to perform the duty or tasks
assigned to him. Responsibility should then be construed in relation to a person and no other object. Implied in
this is also the assumption that responsibility is founded on and emanates from superior-subordinate relations
established in the organisation. Thus, manager has the right to get the duty performed by the subordinate to
whom it has been assigned and authority delegated for its proper discharge. From the above, it follows that
authority flows downward whereas responsibility is exacted upward.
Emergence of informal leadership sometimes creates problems in clearly defining responsibility of the
subordinates. Thus, where the assistant sales manager is influenced by and looks forward for guidance of the
production manager, the basic structure is altered though formally sales managers responsibility to Chief Executive
is not changed and assistant sales manager remains equally responsible to the sales manager.

Accountability denotes answerability for the accomplishment of the task assigned by the superior to his
It is to be noted that the process of delegation is not at all complete with just assigning the duty and delegating
appropriate authority for the accomplishment of the task. The process of delegation becomes complete only by
making the delegatee answerable to the superior for his functioning.
Thus, if the publicity manager of a company is assigned with the task of formulating and implementing a mass
publicity plan for a new product, he is answerable for its effectivity. Similarly, production managers are answerable
about the production, sales managers about sales, purchase managers about purchase of raw materials. It may
be mentioned that in all cases, managers delegate their authority to the subordinates creating a particular
responsibility and keeping them answerable for the accomplishment of the job to them. In this way, authority
goes down and down in the line making everyone accountable for the duty assigned.

Authority Power Continuum

The limits to formal authority are sometimes explained by making a distinction between authority and power. It
is suggested that authority may be regarded in the official hierarchical sense as the right to command and power
may be regarded as the capacity to influence the behaviour of others. In reality, managers having authority may
be found also to have power to secure obedience in different proportions. At one extreme, right and capacity
may be combined in equal proportions, while at another extreme right and capacity may be completely separable.
For instance, the head of a division of the Army usually combines authority and power more completely. On the
other hand, the foreman of a printing press may have authority over skilled subordinates but may not be able to
wield power equally over them in view of the subordinates superiority of skill. Hence, one should consider
authority and power constituting a continuum.

Balance of Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability

Ideally, authority, power, responsibility and accountability should be equal to each other in every position in the firm.
When any one is out of balance with the other, problems can arise. When authority in a position exceeds power,
the person holding the job cant be effective. He will be unable to use rewards and punishments to enforce authority.
Even where authority and power are equal, they must be matched by responsibility and accountability. Otherwise
the position holder may pass the buck to someone else, when his actions cause problems.

Delegation of Authority
Delegation is an administrative process of getting things done by others by giving them responsibility. Authority

is the degree of discretion conferred on people to make it possible for them to use their judgment. As the
organisation grows there is a need to delegate authority to more and more people to cope with the volume of
work. Delegation of authority entails division of work load and sharing responsibility.
A single individual cannot manage and control every activity of the business enterprise owing to his limitations,
both physical and mental. There is a limit upto which a person can supervise the subordinates. When the
number of subordinates increases beyond a limit, he will have to delegate powers to those who will perform
supervision for him. A manager is not judged by the work he performs on his own but the work he gets done
through others. He assigns duties and authority to his subordinates and ensures that the organisational goals
are achieved. Degree of delegation really depends upon managers degree of management capabilities.
Various advantages of delegation of authority make a manager delegate some of his authority. A clearly defined
authority-responsibility relationship helps the manager in maintaining healthy relationship with the subordinates.
It enables the manager to get the benefit of specialised knowledge and paves the way for efficient functioning of
the organisation. Delegation is a basic administrative technique essential for management of business enterprises.
No organisation can ever function if authority is not delegated. While delegating authority, the manager does not
delegate responsibility.

Process of Delegation
Irrespective of the level at which authority is passed on to subordinates, delegation can be conceived of as a
four-step process as follows:
(i) Allocation of Duties: Duties are the tasks and activities that a superior desires to have someone else to do.
So, before authority can be delegated, the duties over which the authority relates must be allocated to subordinate.
(ii) Delegation of Authority: The essence of the delegation process is empowering another person to act for
the manager. This is a passing of formal rights to act on behalf of another.
(iii) Assignment of Responsibility: When authority is delegated, one must assign responsibility. That is, when
one is given rights, one must also be assigned a corresponding obligation to perform. Here it is important to
recognise the importance of equating authority and responsibility. To allocate authority without responsibility
creates opportunities for abuse, but no one should be held responsible for what one has no authority over.
Now a question may arise as to when responsibility cannot be delegated, how can its parity with authority be
ensured? Actually, one has to recognise two forms of responsibility: operating responsibility and ultimate
responsibility. While the former can be delegate the latter is absolute.
(iv) Creation of Accountability: To complete the delegation process, the manager must create accountability;
that is, subordinates must be held answerable for the discharge of the duties assigned and the judicious use of
authority delegated.
Thus, duties, authority and obligation constitute three important ingredients of delegation. All the three aspects
of delegation are inseparably interrelated and a change in one is bound to call for adjustment in the others.

Barriers to Delegation
Fear of loss of Power
Certain personal attitudes
Lack of ability to direct well

Principles of Delegation
Delegation does not always work as smoothly as the manager might expect. To overcome weak delegation and

Lesson 3

Organisation 59

to make delegation more effective, certain guides, rules or principles are enunciated and followed. Some of the
important principles are discussed below:
(i) Clarity of Delegation: Whether specific or general, written or unwritten, delegation of authority must be very
clear in terms of its contents, functional relations, scope and assignments. The delegatee should also be given
a clear idea about the tasks assigned, what is expected of the recipient in his own job and how his obligation fits
into the general plan. Ambiguity in delegation often leads to poor results and tends to make the delegation less
Principle of clarity of delegation also implies defining in clear terms the horizontal and vertical relationships of
the position of each subordinate to other positions in the organisation. That is, every subordinate must know
what positions in the organisation structure exist at his own level and how his position fits in the overall management
hierarchy. Thus, every manager must know who are working under him and who are occupying positions higher
to that of his own in the organisation. This helps him to seek guidance and also to provide guidance in terms of
scalar chain established in the organisation.
Specific written delegations help both the manager and the recipient of authority. It helps minimise conflicts and
overlaps. But as one goes up the echelons of organisation structure, such specific delegations become more
and more difficult.
Principle of clarity of delegation should not be taken to mean that authority relations between the subordinates
and the seniors once established become immutable. As a matter of fact, with change in the work itself, authority
delegations should be adequately modified.
(ii) Delegation to be Consistent with Results Expected: A manager before proceeding with actual delegation
of authority to the subordinate should know the jobs and results expected of such delegation. He should thereafter
delegate only that much of authority which is just sufficient to accomplish the results. It is an important guiding
principle of delegation and rests on the assumption that goals are set, plans made and that jobs are set-up to
accomplish or implement them. The principle also helps minimise the dangers of delegating too much or
inadequate authority.
(iii) Responsibility cannot be Delegated: Obligation to accomplish the assigned task is absolute and is not
partitioned when authority is delegated to the subordinate. Thus, when the chief executive of a company appoints
a sales manager to look after sales, the former does not absolve himself of his responsibility for the same by
delegating part of his authority to the latter. The chief executive even after delegation still remains accountable
to the Board of Directors for management and supervision of the whole of the enterprise. If this principle is
violated, three important consequences will follow:
If the manager is able to pass on obligation along with delegation of authority to the subordinates, the rule
of single chain of command will be violated.
Management at the top shall have great responsibility and yet not be accountable for the results.
When manager is allowed to delegate even his obligation, there shall be no way of knowing who was
accountable for what.
Thus, when authority is delegated, obligations are not passed down the organisation; rather new responsibilities
are created at each level.
(iv) Parity of Authority and Responsibility: Whenever authority is delegated, responsibility steps in and is coextensive with authority. A subordinate can be held accountable for the tasks assigned to him and to the extent
authority delegated for their accomplishment. Accordingly, sales manager cannot be held responsible for
production failures for which he was given no authority. Since both authority and responsibility relate to the
same assignment, it is logical that the two should be co-extensive. But this parity is not a mathematical one.

There are writers who have challenged the merit of equating responsibility with authority. While accepting the
element of truth in this principle, they have raised certain difficulties inherent in the parity. Firstly, duties are
concerned with objectives and activities, obligations with attitudes, and authority is related to rights. All the three
things are related but lay down different orders. Indeed, it is difficult for the manager to express them through
some common denominator and measure their equality. Moreover, authorities and rights which are passed on
to the subordinates are subject to substantial restrictions both from within and also from outside the enterprise.
These restrictions make it difficult for the executive to measure equality of authority and responsibility. Besides,
some managers are prompted to develop a tendency to cover up their failure under the pretext of lack of desired
authority. Thus, the principle of parity of authority and responsibility, though by and large correct is unfortunately
an over simplification and is likely to bring more mischief than good.
(v) Exception Principle: A manager delegates authority to the subordinate so as to be relieved of the overload
which he thinks should be passed on to subordinates or to push down the process of decision-making as near
the source of information and action as possible. In such a case, it is expected that the recipient of authority shall
make proper use of it and make all the decisions falling within the scope of his authority. Only in exceptional
cases when he cannot make the decision at his level, he should refer them upward for consideration and
decision by the superior.
By delegating a part of his authority to the subordinate, the manager does not absolve himself of his responsibility.
It is, therefore, essential that the manager should device suitable techniques of control so as to ensure that the
authority is properly used and results are achieved as expected. Controls should not interfere with the authority;
rather report the deviations promptly. In the same way, managers should reward those subordinates who
successfully use their authority.
Authority once delegated can always be recovered by the delegator. Change in the company policy, programme,
objectives, or the organisation structure are some of the factors that may create the need for recovery of delegated
In an organisation such problems also arise which require pooling the authority of two or more managers together
before final decisions can be made. Thus, on a number of occasions the production department has to seek
concurrence of the sales department before effecting any major change in the product design. This pooling
together of the authority of two or more managers before a problem can be solved or a decision be made, is
described as splintered authority.
(vi) Principle of Functional Definition: To develop departmentation, activities must be grouped to facilitate the
accomplishment of goals, and the manager of each sub-division must have authority to coordinate its activities
with the organisation as a whole. Principle of functional definition also says that the more a position or a department
has clear definition of results expected, activities to be undertaken, organisation authority delegated, and authority
and informational relationships with other positions understood, the more adequately the individual responsible
can contribute towards accomplishing enterprise objectives.
(vii) Scalar Principle: It says that the more clear the line of authority from the top manager in an enterprise to
every subordinate position, the more effective will be the responsible decision-making and organisation
communication. Subordinates must know who delegates authority to them and to whom matters beyond their
own authority must be referred.
(viii) Principle of Unity of Command: According to this principle, the more completely an individual has a
reporting relationship to a single superior, the lesser will be the problem of conflict in instructions and the greater
the feeling of personal responsibility for results. Therefore, in case of delegation, except for the inevitable instances
of splintered authority, the right of discretion over a particular activity will flow from a single superior to a subordinate.
Thus, delegation will be more effective when the subordinate receives orders and instructions directly from one
senior. This avoids problem of confusion, preferences and divided loyalty.

Lesson 3

Organisation 61


Centralisation refers to the tendency to withhold a larger part of formal authority at higher echelons of management
hierarchy. Thus, larger number of decisions and more important of them are made by those occupying higher
positions in the organisation. On the other hand, larger part of the authority is delegated down the levels of
management so that decisions are made as near the source of information and action as possible, such a
tendency and characteristic in the organisation is described as decentralisation. Place of decision-making authority
in the management hierarchy and degree of the decision-making power at lower echelons of the organisation
are the two important tests used to determine whether mode of working is centralised or decentralised in the
organisation. The greater the number of decisions made and the more the functions affected by decisions at
lower levels, the greater will be the degree of decentralisation.
Decentralisation should not be confused with delegation of authority. Decentralisation is basically concerned with
attitude and philosophy of the organisation and management. It is not merely a process involving handing over part
of the authority to the subordinates. Delegation is a process and decentralisation is the situation produced by
larger delegation of authority down the levels of organisation. Moreover, a company cannot do without delegation,
i.e., delegation of authority is essential in as much as no organisation is possible without delegation. Decentralisation
is not of that much compulsion to the process of organisation. Thus, there may be delegation without there being

Advantages of Decentralisation
Advantages of decentralisation becomes the limitations of centralisation:
(i) Decentralisation makes for quick decision and improves quality of the decisions by pushing decisionmaking closest to the situation.
(ii) Decentralisation helps improve effectivity of managers. Development of self-reliant managers is
encouraged. Every manager knows what he is expected to do. Good managers are tested and can be
encouraged, whereas weak managers can be counselled and reprimanded.
(iii) Democratisation of management is yet another advantage of decentralisation. Those who are governed
can assert their voice and share in that governance.
(iv) Decentralisation provides actual work experience to a large number of middle and lower managers and
thus creates a reservoir of promotable managerial manpower.
(v) Improved morale of personnel is another great advantage of decentralisation. Managers at different
levels and semi- autonomous divisions are able to see by themselves the results of their own actions and
ascertain their role and success.

Advantages of Centralisation
Advantages of centralisation are largely absent in a decentralised organisation and become limitations of
(i) Uniformity of policy and procedure can strictly be enforced since decisions and controls are largely centralised.
(ii) Centralisation helps to eliminate overlapping or duplicate activities and thus effects sufficient cost
(iii) Centralisation helps in fuller utilisation of talents of outstanding executives for enterprise as a whole.
(iv) Centralisation ensures consistency of operating and uniformity of decision and consequently, helps retain
substantial control over activities of the enterprise.

Decentralisation is not an easy process. Both centralisation and decentralisation have their relative merits and
limitations. Evidently, it is necessary to consider each in balance with the other. Even in a decentralised company,
certain functions are invariably centralised. Moreover, some tasks cannot be decentralised. Thus, importance of
trade unions, corporate laws or financial considerations may well compel a company to centralise such activities.

Factors Determining the Degree of Decentralisation

Although the extent of authority delegation largely depends on the attitude and temperament of individual
managers, yet many other factors also affect it. Some such factors of overwhelming preponderance may be
explained as follows:
(i) Importance and Significance of the Decision: One of the important factors determining the degree of
decentralisation of authority is costliness of the decision. Normally, decisions which are costly in terms of money
value involved or in terms of factors like goodwill and image of the establishment, employee morale or motivation
tend to be centralised at the upper levels of management. In other words, it is very rare that authority for crucial
decisions is delegated. Of course, the practice is not based on the assumption that people at the higher level in
the managerial hierarchy do not make mistakes. It is believed, however, that higher level executives commit
fewer mistakes since they are well-trained and experienced; and in possession of adequate information necessary
to arrive at the decision. In fact, it is observed from the mode of managerial behaviour that the determining factor
to centralisation of authority with regard to specific area or areas is the weight of responsibility since authority
delegation does not implicate responsibility delegation.
(ii) Size of the Enterprise: Another pertinent factor determining of decentralisation is largely the size of the
organisation. There is no denying the fact that larger the firm, the more the decisions to be made inviting number
of departments and levels, the harder it is to coordinate them. Moreover, a number of executives and specialists
need to be consulted in big establishments. In essence, decisions are often being delayed though delayed
decisions cost much.
Diseconomies of large size may be greatly reduced by organising the enterprise into a number of decentralised
units resulting in economy and efficiency. Of course, exactness of the size, till now, is a controversial matter.
Nothing in particular or categorically can be prescribed. But it is to be appreciated in all circumstances that the
size of each individual unit should be so determined that departments or units are easily manageable with
authority considerably decentralised.
(iii) Management Attitude and Philosophy: Decentralisation is largely a question of character of top executives
and their attitude. It may be noted that outlook and attitude of top management is, undoubtedly, a significant
determinant of the extent and mode of authority dispersal. It is certain that an executive with traditional rigid
outlook hardly contemplates delegating substantial authority. On the other hand, people with rational managerial
temperament believe and want to rely upon participative approach of doing the work and are anxious to take
maximum opportunity of individual initiative in the organisation, opt for decentralisation.
(iv) Control Techniques: Another related factor determining the degree of decentralisation is the magnitude of
desire to obtain uniform policy with regard to such vital factors as price of a product, service, delivery, credit, etc.,
which can best be practised by centralised authority. And there is no denying the fact that such a standing belief
deters them from delegating authority to others - even to executives of regional offices.
Of course, the internal advantage of uniform policy cannot be undermined altogether. But, in the same event,
costs involved to centralise decisions must also be taken into account. It is further to be appreciated that
centralisation is likely to arrest individual initiative, dampening future growth of managerial personnel from within
the organisation.
(v) Availability of Capable Executives: Nevertheless, availability of capable executives substantially determines
the nature and extent of dispersal of authority. It is not uncommon that top executives willing to delegate authority
find themselves handicapped in that respect for want of capable and qualified subordinates. Obviously, the key

Lesson 3

Organisation 63

to safe decentralisation is adequate training of subordinates and make them able to shoulder higher responsibility
effectively. And perhaps it would be interesting to note that decentralisation provides possible opportunities to
impart the training required.
(vi) Environment Influences: So far the determinants of the extent of decentralisation that have been analysed
belong to the interior of the firm. But certain external forces are also significant in determining the mode of
decentralising authority. There should not be any controversy over the fact that forces like government controls,
national unions, fiscal policy of the government, government purchases, etc., to a considerable length determine
and mould the extent and nature of decentralisation of any organisation.
In fact, these forces on many occasions deter the management of an enterprise to delegate authority down the
echelon since many aspects of the functioning are virtually controlled by such external forces. Say, for example,
when raw material is subject to government allocation, the extent of authority that can be given to purchasing
and factory managers is really a point of argument. Likewise, if pricing of any product is subject to regulation,
hardly any authority could be given to sales manager to exercise and assert.

Delegation and Decentralisation

Even though both delegation and decentralisation involve dispersal of authority following are the points of
distinction between the two:



1. Nature

Delegation is individual. It usually

involves two persons. Supervisor
and subordinates.

Decentralisation is totalistic in nature. It

involves delegation from top management to
the department or division of sectional level.

2. Control

Control rests with the delegator or

the supervisor.

In decentralisation, management exercises

minimal control. All powers are given to
concerned departments or divisions or

3. Need

Delegation is essential to get things

done by others. Unless otherwise
authority is delegated it will be difficult
to assign responsibility.

Decentralization is optional because it

depends upon the philosophy of
management. Top management may or may
not dispense authority.

4. Responsibility

In delegation, responsibility remains

with the delegator. He can delegate
authority but not all responsibility.
Eventually its the delegator who is
answerable for the job.

In decentralisation, head of each department

is responsible for all activities under him. He
is required to show better performance of the
whole department. So responsibility is fixed
at each department level.

5. Relationship

Delegation creates superiorsubordinaterelationships

Decentralization is a step towards formation

of semi-autonomous units

It would be seen from above that decentralization is a fundamental phase of delegation. It is an extension of the
concept of delegation. According to Allen, decentralization is the systematic effort to delegate to the lower levels
all authority except that which can be exercised at central point.


In a formal sense, organisation refers to a collectivity of persons engaged in pursuing specified objectives.
The behavioural scientists and the sociologists view organisation as comprising human relationships in
group activity.
A formal organisation refers to the structure of jobs and positions with defined functions and relationship.
On the basis of the nature of authority and its flow, the fundamental organisation structure may be
classified as Line Organisation, Functional Organisation, Line and Staff Organisation, Project Management
Organisation and Matrix Organisation.
Informal Organisation refers to the relationship between people based not on procedures but on personal
attitudes, prejudices and also the likes and dislikes of people.
Organisational growth, unlike growth of organisms which is a natural evolutionary process can be planned,
expedited, stabilized, controlled, and even retarded keeping in view the strategic plans of action.
Authority is a term packed with variety of meanings by theorists and management practitioners. In everyday
life, authority is commonly understood as rightful power or right to command.
Responsibility is described as an obligation to perform a task or as the task itself.
Accountability denotes answerability for the accomplishment of the task assigned by the superior to his
According to L.A. Allen, Delegation is the process a manager follows in dividing the work assigned o him
so that he performs that part which only he, because of his unique organisational placement can perform
effectively and so that he can get others to help him with what remains.
Centralization refers to the tendency to withhold a larger part of formal authority at higher echelons of
management hierarchy.
Larger part of authority is delegated down the levels of management, so that decisions are made as near
the source of information and action as possible, such a tendency and characteristic in the organisation
is described as decentralization.


An odd or capricious notion or desire or a sudden or freakish fancy.


Lasting for an indefinitely long time.


Using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency; discreet or prudent.


Of or pertaining to the side; situated at, proceeding from, or directed to a side.


Outward or perceptible indication or materialization.


A level of worthiness, achivement or reputation.

1. Discuss the process of organisation.
2. Compare Line, Functional and Line and Staff Organisation. Which of these is suitable for a big
manufacturing enterprise?
3. Define Project Organisation. Mention the resulting organisation structure under project management.

Lesson 3

Organisation 65

4. What are the advantages of Matrix Organisation structure?

5. What is delegation of authority? Explain briefly the principles of delegation.
7. What is decentralisation? Discuss the main factors affecting the degree of decentralisation in an
8. Delegation is a must for decentralisation. Explain this statement.
Suggested Readings
(1) Management: Analysis, Concepts and Cases Hayness and Massie
(2) Principles of Management George R. Terry
(3) Formal Organisation: A System Approach Carzo and Yanou
(4) Management Stoner, Freeman, Gibert Jr.
(5) Management Theory and Practice J.S. Chandan
(6) Management Principles & Practices Parag Diwan, L.N. Aggarwal.


Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 67

Lesson 4
Human Resource Management
Concept of Human Resource Management
Difference between Personnel
Management and HRM
Features of HRM
Importance of HRM
Limitations of HRM
Role of Personnel Manager in an
Qualities of HR Manager
Functions of HR Manager
Managerial Functions
Operative Functions
Advisory Functions
Concept of Recruitment
Sources of Recruitment
Internal Sources
External Sources
Concept of Selection
Training and Development
Concept of Performance Appraisal
Methods of Performance Appraisal

Traditional Methods
Modern Methods
Lesson Round Up

HRM is a broad term which contains recruitment,

selection, training & development and
Performance Appraisal. Lets take an example
to better understand the concept of HR.
Mahesh and Rakesh both were recruited
through campus by XZY Ltd after completing
their B.Tech. They were both offered a salary of
Rs. 15,000 each and designated as
management trainee. Their work was to head
two production units having standard process,
and the manager was responsible for a certain
amount of daily output.
After a few months, Mahesh got bored and left
the job while Rakesh was very happy with the
existing job and continued. Note the difference
in both the cases.
Here is where the role of HR comes in to picture.
The meaning of HRM is that, it is, that part of
management which is concerned with people
at work and with their relationship with an
Therefore, the objective of the study lesson
is to enable the students to understand what
HRM is and through this understand the role
of a Personnel manager, recruitment
process, selection process, the advantages
of training and development in a professional
set up etc.

Self-Test Questions

Human Resource Management encompasses those activities designed to provide for and coordinate the
human resources of an organization.
Byars and Rue



Managements basic job is the effective utilization of human resources for the achievement of organizational
objectives, viz., profitable operations and growth through the satisfaction of certain needs of the customers and
society. It is through the combined efforts of human resources or personnel that technological, financial, physical
and all other resources are utilized. Therefore, motivation of human resources is of utmost importance everywhere.
The effectiveness with which various kinds of human resources are coordinated and utilised is responsible for
success or failure in achieving organizational objectives.
All the activities of any enterprise are initiated and determined by the persons who make up that institution.
Plants, offices, computers, automated equipment, and all else that a modern firm uses are unproductive except
for human effort and direction. Of the tasks of management, managing the human component is the most
important task, because all else depends on how well the employees are working. The technological and material
factors do frequently play a large part in the operations of a firm, yet in the ultimate analysis, it is on the quality
of its people, the opportunities they get to develop and utilise their skills and the manner in which they are
managed and supervised in their work, that the performance of the organization depends.
The following definition would make the concept clearer:
Human Resource Management is that part of management which is concerned with people at work and
with their relationship with an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into effective organization
the men and women who make up an enterprise and having regard for the well-bring of the individual and of
working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its success.
Thus, Human Resource Management is that part of the process of management specifically concerned with
the people employed in an organization. Its purpose is to establish and maintain sound relations at all levels of
the organization and to secure the effective use of personnel by ensuring such conditions of employment as well
as to attain for these personnel, social satisfaction which they tend naturally to seek within their working
The word personnel refers to the human resource of an organization i.e. the employees. Thus Human Resource
Management is often referred to as Personnel Management (though there are conceptual differences between
the two). To define it, Personnel management is concerned with all aspects of managing the human resources
of an organization. More specifically, personnel management involves determining the organizations need of
human resources, recruiting and selecting the best available employees, developing, counseling and rewarding
employees, acting as a liaison with unions and government organizations and handling other matters related to
the well being of employees. Each of these functions is necessary to some degree irrespective of nature and
size of the organization. That is why, in most of the organizations, a separate department known as Personnel/
Human Resources Department is created for the effective performance of these functions.
Human Resource Management is also concerned with the human and social implications of change in internal
organization and methods of working and of economic and social changes in the community.
Management must have the support of all employees. In an information society, human resources are at the
cutting edge. And it means that human resource professionals are becoming much more important in their
Currently, many companies recognize the growing importance of their human resources, but a large number are
conceptualizing them in strategic terms-in ways to gain a competitive advantage. As a result, many companies
forego the opportunity to seize competitive advantage through human resource practice initiatives.

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 69

What are Human Resources?

The term human resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes
of an organizations workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved
in the affairs of the organization. It is the sum total or aggregate of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and
skills represented by the talent and aptitudes of the persons employed in an organization.
Several terms have been used by various management thinkers to represent human resources. These include
personnel, people at work, manpower, staff and employees. Whatever may be the term used, the human
resources of an organization include all individuals engaged in various organizational activities at different levels.
According to Leon C. Megginson, From the national point of view, human resources may be defined as
knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes obtained in the population; whereas from the viewpoint
of the individual enterprise, they represent the total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills as
exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employees.
Jucius Michael calls these resources, human factors, which refer to a whole consisting of inter-related, interdependent and interacting physiological, psychological, sociological and ethical components. Thus, human
resources are multi-dimensional in nature. People working in the organization have different needs at different
times. These needs may be physiological (water, food, ventilation etc), social (sense of affiliation, belongingness
etc) and psychological (motivation, counseling, guidance, supervision etc).
Definition of Personnel/Human Resources Management
Personnel management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management, which is concerned
with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the maintenance of better human relations in the
organization by the development, application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating
to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realisation of organizational objectives. In other
words, personnel management is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people.
French Wendell, defines Personnel Management is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization,
compensation and motivation of human resources by the organization.
To quote Edwin B. Flippo, Personnel Management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of
the procurement, development, resources to the end that individual and societal objectives are accomplished.
This definition reveals that personnel or human resource (HR) management is that aspect of management,
which deals with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling the personnel functions of the enterprise.
This definition is a comprehensive one and covers both the management functions and the operative functions.
The purpose of all these functions is to assist in the achievement of basic organizational, individual and
societal goals


As in any other discipline, there is a problem of semantics in HRM too. First, we have two terms, namely
personnel management (PM) and HRM. Between these two terms there is a basic difference, and it is useful to
understand what it is.
HRM differs from PM both in scope and orientation.
Personnel management is more administrative in nature, dealing with payroll, complying with employment
law, and handling related tasks. Personnel management typically seeks to motivate employees with such
things as compensation, bonuses, rewards, and the simplification of work responsibilities.
PM is more specific in nature as it focuses on operational activities

On the other hand,
HRM considers workforce as one of the primary resources that contributes to the success of an organization
and society. Thus it is responsible for managing the workforce by formulating policies and procedure that
promote mutuality-mutual goals, mutual respect, mutual rewards and mutual responsibilities.
HRM is more general in nature as it focuses on the developmental activities.

Similarities between PM and HRM

1. Both models emphasize the importance of integrating personnel/HRM.
2. Both models emphasize the importance of individuals fully developing their abilities for their own personal
satisfaction to make their best contribution to organizational success.
3. Both models identify placing the right people into the right jobs as an important means of integrating
personnel/HRM practice with organizational goals.


The nature of the personnel management has been highlighted in its following features:
(i) Inherent Part of Management: Human resource management is inherent in the process of management.
This function is performed by all the managers throughout the organization rather that by the personnel
department only. If a manager is to get the best of his people, he must undertake the basic responsibility
of selecting people who will work under him. He must also take interest in training and motivating the
employees and of appraising their performance for improving their quality.
(ii) Pervasive Function: Personnel management is a pervasive function of management. It is performed by
all managers at various levels across all departments in the organization. In other words, every manager
from managing director to the foreman is required to perform the personnel function on a continuous
(iii) People Centered: Personnel management is people centered and is relevant in all types of organizations.
It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to the bottom of the organization. The broad
classification of personnel in an industrial enterprise may be as follows:
Blue-collar workers (i.e. those working on machines and engaged in loading, unloading, etc.) and
white-collar workers (i.e. clerical employees).
Managerial and non-managerial personnel.
Professionals (such as Company Secretary, Lawyer, etc.) and non-professional personnel.
(iv) Personnel Activities or Functions: Personnel management involves several functions concerned with the
management of people at work. It includes manpower planning, employment, placement, training, appraisal
and compensation of employees. For the performance of these activities efficiently, a separate department
known as Personnel Department is created in most of the organizations.
(v) Continuous Process: Personnel management is not a one shot function. It must be performed continuously
if the organizational objectives are to be achieved smoothly. To quote G.R. Terry. The personnel function
cannot be turned on and off like water from a faucet; it cannot be practiced only one hour each day or one
day a week. Personnel management requires a constant alertness and awareness of human relations
and their importance in everyday operations.
(vi) Based on Human Relations: Personnel management is concerned with the motivation of human resources
in the organization. The human beings cant be dealt with like physical factors of production. Every

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person has different needs, perceptions and expectations. The managers should give due attention to
these factors. They require human relations skills to deal with the people at work. Human relations skills
are also required in training performance appraisal, transfer, and promotion of subordinates. If the personnel
function is performed properly, the human relations in the organization will be cordial.


According to Dirks The objectives of personnel administration include the utilization of human resources
effectively, establishment and maintenance of productive and self-respecting working relationships among the
participants and attainment of maximum individual development of the members in the organization.
According to the Indian Institute of Personnel Management, Personnel management aims to achieve both
efficiency and justice, neither of which can be pursued successfully without the other. It seeks to bring together
and develop into an effective organization the men and women who make up an enterprise, enabling each to
make his or her own best contribution to its success both as an individual and as a member of a working group.
It seeks to provide fair terms and conditions of employment and satisfying work for those employed.
The basic objective of human resource management is to contribute to the realisation of the organizational
goals. However, the specific objectives of personnel management may be outlined as follows:
(i) To ensure effective utilisation of human resources. All other organizational resources will be efficiently
utilised by the human resources.
(ii) To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure of relationships among all the members
of an organization by dividing of organization tasks into functions, positions, and jobs, and by defining
clearly the responsibility, accountability, authority for each job and its relation with other jobs in the
(iii) To generate maximum development of human resources within the organization by offering opportunities
for advancement to employees through training and education.
(iv) To ensure respect for human beings by providing various services and welfare facilities to the personnel.
(v) To ensure reconciliation of individual/group goals with those of the organization in such a manner that the
personnel feel a sense of commitment and loyalty towards it.
(vi) To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals by offering various monetary and non-monetary rewards.
In order to achieve the above objectives, human resource management undertakes the following activities:
(i) Human Resource or Manpower Planning, i.e., determining the number and kinds of personnel required
to fill various positions in the organization.
(ii) Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel, i.e., employment function.
(iii) Training and development of employees for their efficient performance and growth.
(iv) Appraisal of performance of employees and taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to
(v) Motivation of workforce by providing financial incentives and avenues of promotion.
(vi) Remuneration of employees. The employees must be given sufficient wages and fringe benefits to achieve
higher standard of living and to motivate them to show higher productivity.
(vii) Social security and welfare of employees.



The following are the limitations of HRM:
(i) Uncertain Future: The future in any country is uncertain i.e. there are political, cultural, technological
changes taking place every day. This effects the employment situation. Accordingly the company may
have to appoint or remove people. Therefore HRM can only be a guiding factor. One cannot totally rely on
it and do every action according to it.
(ii) Conservative Attitude of Top Management: Much top management adopts a conservative attitude and is
not ready to make changes. The process of HRM involves either appointing. Therefore it becomes very
difficult to implement HRM in organization because top management does not support the decisions of
other department.
(iii) Problem of Surplus Staff: HRM gives a clear out solution for excess staff i.e. Termination, layoff, VRS.
However when certain employees are removed from company it mostly affects the psyche of the existing
employee, and they start feeling insecure, stressed out and do not believe in the company. This is a
limitation of HRM i.e. it does not provide alternative solution like re-training so that employee need not be
removed from the company.
(iv) Time Consuming: HRM collects information from all departments, regarding demand and supply of
personnel. This information is collected in detail and each and every job is considered. Therefore the
activity takes up a lot of time.
(v) Expensive Process: The solution provided by process of HRM incurs expense. E.g. VRS, overtime, etc.
company has to spend a lot of money in carrying out the activity. Hence we can say the process is


In most of the big enterprises, personnel department is set up under the leadership of personnel manager who
has specialised knowledge and skills. The personnel manager performs managerial as well as operative functions.
Since he is a manager, he performs the basic functions of management like planning, organising, directing and
controlling to manage his department. He has also to perform certain operative functions of recruitment, selection,
training, placement, etc., which the other line managers may entrust to him. He has to play multiple roles in the
effective management of human resources and achieving human relations in the organization. Ideally, the
personnel manager should concentrate on drawing managerial attention to human problems. Just as finance
assesses costs, marketing emphasizes customers, personnel is people-centered. Success of a Personnel
Manager depends on the degree of contribution to solve management problems in dealing with human resources
in the organization. Though managing is the job of the every manager in the organization, yet the personnel
manager has a special role to play. Some of the important roles of personnel manager in an organization in
addition to the managerial and operative functions are discussed below:
(i) Policy Initiation: Policy initiation and formulation is one of the important tasks of a personnel manager.
The personnel manager helps the top management in the formulation of policies on wage and salary
administration, transfer, appraisal, welfare activities, personnel records and statistics, working environment,
(ii) Advisory Role: The advisory role of personnel manager is of crucial importance. Line managers are
generally confronted with a variety of problems in their day to day operations. The personnel manager
can offer useful advice in all these matters as he is familiar with personnel policies and practices, labour
agreements, labour laws, etc.
(iii) Linking Pin Role: The personnel manager attempts to achieve and maintain good industrial relations in

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the organization. He gives authentic information to the trade union leaders regarding the personnel policies
and programmes of the enterprise. He also conveys the views of the trade union leaders to the higher
management. Thus, he acts as a linking pin between the management and the workers.
(iv) Representative Role: The personnel manager generally acts as a spokesman of the top management or
representative of the company and communicates management policies and decisions that affect people
in the organization. It is because he has better understanding and overall picture of the companys
(v) Decision-Making Role: The personnel manager also plays an effective role in decision making on issues
related to human resources. He formulates and designs objectives, policies and programmes of human
resource management.
(vi) Mediator Role: The personnel manger often acts as mediator in the event of conflict between employees,
or groups of employees, superior and subordinate, and even between management and employees.
Thus, he attempts to maintain industrial peace and harmony in the organization.
(vii) Leadership Role: The personnel manager provides leadership and guidance to the workers and their
groups. He ensures effective communication, in the organization and influences the workers for extending
their cooperation in the organizational objectives. He also acts as a counseller by providing advice to
workers on their work and personal problems.
(viii) Welfare Role: The personnel manager acts as a welfare officer in the organization. As welfare officer, he
is concerned with provision of canteen, crches, transport, hospital and other welfare services for the
benefit of workers and their family members.
(ix) Research Role: The personnel manager maintains the records of the employees working in the enterprise.
On the basis of records, he undertakes research in various personnel areas such as absenteeism, labour
turnover, alcoholism, etc. and suggests suitable measures for improvement to the top management.
The role of personnel management in industry is underlined by the complex and dynamic nature of environment
under which the modern large-scale industries function. The task has also been facilitated by the greater
recognition of the value of human resources in industry and application of human resource development (HRD)
techniques by the enlightened managers in modem organizations.


Fayol has put the qualities required by managers into the following categories:
(i) Physical-health, vigor, address;
(ii) Mental-ability to understand and learn; judgment, mental vigor and adaptability;
(iii) Moral-energy, firmness, willingness to accept responsibility, initiative, loyalty, tact, dignity;
(iv) Educational-general acquaintance with matters not belonging exclusively to the function performed;
(v) Technical-peculiar to the function; and
(vi) Experience-arising from the work.
The personnel manager should possess all the qualities required of a manager for his effective functioning.
However, the personnel manager should possess human relations skills in greater degrees as he is to deal
more with the human relations matters. To be specific, the qualities required of an effective personnel or human
resource manager are listed below:
(i) The personnel manager should have human approach to human problems. His attitude towards the
operative workforce should be sympathetic in dealing with their problems.

(ii) He should be alert mentally and at no time, he should be caught unaware.
(iii) He should be competent to take quick decisions.
(iv) He should be honest in dealing with the employees so as to leave no scope of any doubt in the minds of
the employees about his integrity.
(v) He should have patience and should not lose temper easily.
(vi) He should not depend upon his formal authority too much.
(vii) He should be good leader so as to guide the subordinates towards organizational goals.
(viii) He should have a sense of social responsibility so as to help his employees to discharge their social
obligations to the various segments of society.
(ix) He should be a good communicator and should be courteous in dealing with workers, trade union leaders
and members of the press.


Following are the functions of a Human Resource Manager

A. Managerial Functions
The Human Resource Manager is a member of the management. So he must perform the basic managerial
functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling in relation to his department. These functions are
briefly discussed below:
(i) Planning: To get things done through his subordinates, a manager must plan ahead. Planning is necessary
to give the organization its goals and directions to establish best procedures to reach the goals. Effective
managers recognise that a substantial part of their time should be devoted to planning. For a personnel
manager, planning means the determination in advance of personnel programmes that will contribute to
the goals established for the enterprise, i.e. anticipating vacancies, planning job requirements, job
descriptions and determination of the sources of recruitment.
(ii) Organising: Once the personnel manager has established objectives and developed plans and
programmes to reach them, he must design and develop organization structure to carry out the various
operations. The organization structure basically includes the following:
Grouping of personnel activity logically into functions or positions;
Assignment of different groups of activities to different individuals;
Delegation of authority according to the tasks assigned and responsibilities involved;
Co-ordination of activities of different individuals.
(iii) Direction: The plans are to be put into effect by people. But how smoothly the plans are implemented
depends on the motivation of people. The direction function of the personnel manager involves encouraging
people to work willingly and effectively for the goals of the enterprise. In other words, the direction function
is meant to guide and motivate the people to accomplish the personnel programmes. The personnel
manager can motivate the employees in an organization through career planning, salary administration,
ensuring employee morale, developing cordial relationships and provision of safety requirements and
welfare of employees. The personnel manager must have the ability to identify the needs of employees
and the means and methods to satisfy those needs. Motivation is a continuous process as new needs
and expectations emerge among employees when old ones are satisfied.

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(iv) Controlling: Controlling is concerned with the regulation of activities A in accordance with the plans, which
in turn have been formulated on the basis of the objectives of the organization. Thus, controlling completes
the cycle and leads back to planning. It is the observation and comparison of results with the standards and
correction of deviations that may occur. Controlling helps the personnel manager to evaluate and control
the performance of the personnel department in terms of various operative functions. It involves performance
appraisal, critical examination of personnel records and statistics and personnel audit.

B. Operative Functions
The operative functions are those tasks or duties which are specifically entrusted to the personnel department
under the general supervision of personnel manager. These are concerned with employment, development,
compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel of the organization. The personnel department performs
the following operative functions:
(i) Employment: The first operative function of personnel department is the employment of proper kind and
number of persons necessary to achieve the objectives of the organization. This involves recruitment,
selection, placement, etc. of the personnel. Before these processes are performed, it is better to determine
the manpower requirements both in terms of number and quality of the personnel and assess the existing
ones to understand the gap and plan accordingly. Recruitment and selection cover the sources of supply
of labour and the devices designed to select the right type of people for various jobs. Induction and
placement of personnel for their better performance also come under the employment or procurement
(ii) Development: Training and development of personnel is a follow up of the employment function. It is a
duty of management to train each employee properly to develop technical skills for the job for which he
has been employed and also to develop him for the higher jobs in the organization. Proper development
of personnel is necessary to increase their skills in doing their jobs and in satisfying their growth need. A
good training programme should include a mixture of both types of methods. It is important to point out
that personnel department arranges for training not only of new employees but also of old employees to
update their knowledge in the use of latest techniques.
(iii) Compensation: This function is concerned with the determination of adequate and equitable remuneration
of the employees in the organization for their contribution to the organizational goals. The personnel can
be compensated both in terms of monetary as well as non-monetary rewards. Factors which must be
borne in mind while fixing the remuneration of personnel are their basic needs, requirements of jobs,
legal provisions regarding minimum wages, capacity of the organization to pay, wage level afforded by
competitors etc. For fixing the wage levels, the personnel department can make use of certain techniques
like job evaluation and performance appraisal.
(iv) Maintenance: Merely appointment and training of people is not sufficient; they must be provided with
good working conditions so that they may like their work and work-place and maintain their efficiency.
Working conditions certainly influence the motivation and morale of the employees. These include
measures taken for health, safety, and comfort of the work-force. The personnel department also provides
for various welfare services which relate to the physical and social well-being of the employees. These
may include provision of cafeteria, rest rooms, counseling, group insurance, education for children of
employees, recreational facilities, etc.
(v) Motivation: Employees work in the organization for the satisfaction of their needs. In many of the cases,
it is found that they do not contribute towards the organizational goals as much as they can. This happens
because employees are not adequately motivated. The personnel manager helps the various departmental
managers to design a system of financial and non-financial rewards to motivate the employees.

(vi) Personnel Records: Personnel department maintains the records of the employees working in the
enterprise. It keeps full records of their training, achievements, transfer, promotion, etc. It also preserves
many other records relating to the behaviour of personnel like absenteeism and labour turnover and the
personnel programmes and policies of the organization.
(vii) Industrial Relations: These days, the responsibility of maintaining good industrial relations is mainly
discharged by the personnel managers. The personnel managers can help in collective bargaining, joint
consultation and settlement of disputes, if they arise. This is because personnel manager is in possession
of full information relating to personnel and has the working knowledge of various labour enactments.
The personnel manager can do a great deal in maintaining industrial peace in the organization as he is
deeply associated with various committees on discipline, labour welfare, safety, grievance, etc. He helps
in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the grievances of the employees.
(viii) Separation: Since the first function of personnel management is to procure the employees, it is logical
that the last should be the separation and return of that person to society. Most people do not die on the
job. The organization is responsible for meeting certain requirements of due process in separation, as
well as assuring that the returned person is in as good shape as possible. The personnel manager has to
ensure the release of retirement benefits to the retiring personnel in time.

C. Advisory Functions
Personnel/Human resource manager has specialised education and training in managing human relations. He
is an expert in his area and so can give advise on matters relating to human resources of the organization. He
offers his advise to:
(i) Top Management: Personnel manager advises the top management in formulation and evaluation of
personnel programmes, policies and procedures. He also gives advice for achieving and maintaining
good human relations and high employee morale.
(ii) Departmental Heads: Personnel manager offers advice to the heads of various departments on matters
such as manpower planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, placement, training,
performance appraisal, etc.

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to apply for the jobs in an
organization. It aims at securing as many qualified applicants for jobs as possible so as to decrease the hiring ratio.
After having determined the number and kinds of personnel required the Human Resource or Personnel Manager
proceeds with identification of sources of recruitment and finding suitable candidates for employment. Both
Internal and external sources of manpower are used depending upon the types of personnel needed.

Meaning of Recruitment
The process of identification of different sources of personnel is known as recruitment. According to Edwin B.
Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates (or employment and stimulating them to apply
for jobs in the organization. It is a linking activity that brings together those offering jobs and those seeking jobs.
Dale S. Beach observed, Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources.
It involves the creation of a pool of available labour upon whom the organization can draw when it needs
additional employees.
Recruitment is a positive function as it results in collection/pool of applicants in response to the vacancy

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Sources of Recruitment
As shown below, the various sources of recruitment may be grouped into the following two categories:
Internal sources (recruitment from within the enterprise)
External sources (recruitment from outside)
(Searching sources of Labour)

Internal Sources

External Sources

1. Transfer

1. Recruitment at factory gate

2. Promotion

2. Casual Callers
3. Advertisement
4. Employment agencies
5. Management Consultants
6. Educational institutions
7. Recommendations
8. Labour Contactors
9. Telecasting
Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources
The internal sources of recruitment include personnel already on the pay-roll of an organization. It also includes
personnel who were once on the pay-roll and wish to return, or whom the company may like to re-hire, like those
who left their jobs voluntarily or were laid off. Recruitment from internal sources so as to fill up vacancies by
transfer, promotion, or re-hiring previous employees, offers several advantages:
Selection and placement of existing employees are simple and economical.
The employer is in a better position to appraise the skill and capability of present employees accurately.
It improves employee morale as internal promotions provide opportunities for advancement.
It promotes loyalty among the employees.
Persons already employed can be more easily inducted and trained for new jobs.
However, recruitment from within the organization often leads to in-breeding and prevents the infusion of new
blood into the organization. As promotion is based on seniority, internal recruitment involves the danger that
unsuitable employees may get promoted and the really capable persons may be left behind. In any case, it
narrows down the area of selection and does not provide equal opportunity to all qualified persons to be considered
for the jobs. Besides, recruitment at lower levels have to be made from outside the organization.

External Sources
These sources lie outside the organization, and usually include:

Persons introduced and recommended by present and former employees or trade unions;
Employment Exchanges and private employment agencies;
Open advertisements;
Educational, technical and professional institutions;
Contractors and jobbers;
Gate hiring of unskilled workers;
Casual applicants; and
Temporary or badli workers.
Encouraging present employees to recommend candidates for employment helps management both in finding
suitable candidates and in maintaining goodwill among employees. But this may also encourage family cliques
and inner circles of close friends. In general, external recruitment through open advertisement provides a wide
scope for selection from among a large number of candidates with requisite skill and competence. It proves to
be most useful for filling up managerial positions requiring technical and professional qualifications.
Difference between Internal Sources and External Sources
1. Internal recruitment is a quick process.
It involves search of candidates from within the

1. External recruitment is a lengthy
process. It involves finding the candidates
from outside the organization.

2. This process is cheaper.

2. This process is costly as vacancies have to

be notified in newspapers, etc.

3. The existing staff is motivated to improve their


3. The existing workers feel dissatisfied if

external sources are used.

4. Choice of candidates is limited. The scope of

fresh talent is diminished.

4. The business can hope for talented

candidates from outside. This means
infusion of new blood and new ideas into
the enterprise.

The selection procedure starts with the screening of applications for various jobs from the interested candidates.
Totally unsuitable candidates are rejected at this stage. The personnel department administers various kinds of
tests to the candidates to determine if they would be able to, do their jobs efficiently. Those passing this stage
are called for employment interview. Candidates found suitable for employment are required to go through
medical examination and reference checking. The employment process is completed when appointment letters
are issued to the candidates clearing all the stages in the selection procedure.

Selection and Recruitment

Recruitment is the process of identifying sources for prospective candidates who may be stimulated to apply for
job in an organization. The main objective of recruitment is developing and maintaining adequate manpower
resources with the required skills upon which organization can depend when it needs additional personnel. It
helps management to search for competent personnel from among eligible qualified candidates.

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As against recruitment, selection is the process of logically choosing individuals who possess the necessary
skills and ability to successfully fill specific jobs in the organization.
Selection is more of a negative function because it results in elimination of unsuitable candidates.



1. Meaning

It is the process of searching candidates for

vacant jobs and making them apply for the

It is the process of selection of right

type of candidates and offering them

2. Nature

It is a positive process.

It is a negative process.

3. Aim

Its aim is to attract more and more

candidates for vacant jobs.

Its aim is to reject unsuitable

Candidates and pick up the most
suitable people for vacant jobs.

4. Procedure

The firm notifies the vacancies through

various sources and distributes application
forms to candidates.

The firm asks the candidates to pass

through a number of stages Such as
filling of form, employment tests,
interview, medical exam., etc.

5. Contract
of Service

No contractual relation is created.

Recruitment implies communication of
vacancies only

Selection follows recruitment and it

leads to a contract of service
between the employer and the

Significance of Selection
Selection is a critical process these days because it requires a heavy investment of money to get right types of
people. Induction and training costs are also high. If the right types of persons are not chosen, it will lead to huge
loss of the employer in terms of time, effort and money. Therefore, it is essential to devise a suitable selection
procedure. Each step in the selection procedure should help in getting more and more information about the
applicants to facilitate decision-making in the area of selection.
Absenteeism and employee turnover are the important problems which are being faced by most of the
organizations. The intensity of these problems can be reduced if in the future all selections are made carefully
so that there are round pegs in the round holes. Whenever unsuitable employees are appointed, the efficiency
of the organization will go down. Such employees will shirk work and absent themselves from the work more
often. They may also be compelled to leave their jobs. If this happens, all the expenses incurred on the selection
and training of such employees will go waste.
Scientific selection and placement of personnel will go a long way towards building up a stable work-force. It will
keep the rates of absenteeism and labour turnover low and will increase the morale of the employees. If the
employees are suitable according to the requirements of the jobs, they will show higher efficiency and productivity.
This will also enable the organization to achieve its objectives effectively.
The benefits of selecting right kinds of people for various jobs are as follows:
(i) Proper selection and placement of personnel go a long way towards building up a suitable workforce. It
will keep the rates of absenteeism and labour turnover low.
(ii) Competent employees will show higher efficiency and enable the organization to achieve its objective

(iii) The rate of industrial accidents will be considerably low if suitable employees are placed on various jobs.
(iv) When people get jobs of their taste and choice, they get higher job satisfaction. This will build up a
contended workforce for the organization.
(v) The morale of the employees who are satisfied with their jobs is often high.

Selection Procedure
The procedure of selection will vary from organization to organization and even from department to department
within the same organization according to the kinds of the jobs to be filled. The number of steps in the procedure
and the sequence of steps also vary. For instance, some organizations do not hold preliminary interview, test or
screening, whereas in other organizations such as commercial banks, preliminary tests are given to eliminate a
large numbers of applicants. Similarly, in some cases, medical examination is given before final selection and in
others, medical check up follows final selection. Thus, every organization will design a selection procedure that
suits its requirements. However, the main steps could be incorporated in the selection procedure are as under:
(i) Preliminary interview
(ii) Receiving applications
(iii) Screening of applications
(iv) Employment test
(v) Employment interview
(vi) Physical examination
(vii) Checking references
(viii) Final selection.
As shown in the figure, every candidate for a job has to clear a number of hurdles before getting selected for the
job. If he is not found suitable at any stage, he is not considered for the further stages. Thus, he will be rejected.
The successive stages in the selection process are discussed below:
(i) Preliminary Interview
In most of the organizations, the selection programme begins with preliminary interview or screening. The
preliminary interview is generally brief and does the job of eliminating the totally unsuitable candidates. The
preliminary interview offers advantages not only to the organization, but also to the applicants. If an applicant is
eliminated at this stage, the organization will be saved from the expenses of processing him through the remaining
steps of the selection procedure and the unsuitable candidate will be saved from the trouble of passing through
the long procedure. Preliminary interview may take place across the counter in the organizations employment
office. It may consist of a short exchange of information with respect to organizations interest in hiring and the
candidates enquiry. Candidates who pass this screening are usually asked to fill in the application form.

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Preliminary Interview

Receiving Applications

Screening of Applications

Employment tests


Medical Examination

If found unsuitable

Reference checking




(ii) Receiving Applications

Whenever there is a vacancy, it is advertised or enquiries are made from the suitable sources, and applications
are received from the candidates. Standard application forms may be drawn up for different jobs and supplied to
the candidates on request. The application form is useful for several reasons. It gives a preliminary idea the
candidate to the interviewer and helps him in formulating questions to have more information about the candidate.
The written information about age, qualifications, experience, etc. may prove to be of greater value to the interviewers.
It makes the processing of applications very easy since there is uniformity of filling the data in the application form.
(iii) Screening of Applications
After the applications are received, they are screened by a screening committee and a list is prepared of the
candidates to be interviewed. Applicants may be called for interview on some specific criteria like sex, desired
age group, experience and qualifications. The number of candidates to be called for interview is normally five to
seven times the number of posts to the filled up. The screened applications are then reviewed by the Personnel
Manager and interview letters are dispatched by registered post or under certificate of post.
(iv) Employment Tests
Individuals differ in almost all aspects one can think of. They differ with respect to physical characteristics,
capacity, level of mental ability, their likes and dislikes and also with respect to personality traits. The pattern of

physical, mental and personal variables gives rise to thousand and one combinations and the particular pattern
makes the individual suitable for several classes of activities, jobs or fields of work. Matching of individuals
physical, mental and temperamental pattern with the requirements of job or field of training is a difficult task. But
where this matching takes place, the result is happiness for the individual and prosperity for the organization
and the society. But instances of round pegs in square holes and vice versa are not rare. So before deciding
upon the job or jobs suitable for a particular individual, one should know the level of his ability and the knowledge,
the pattern of his interest and aptitudes in detail. This will require the use of employment tests which are listed
Intelligence tests.
Aptitude tests.
Trade or proficiency tests.
Interest tests.
Personality tests.
Employment tests are widely used for judging the applicants suitability for the job. They bring out the qualities
and weaknesses of individuals which could be analysed before offering them jobs. The tests must be designed
properly. If they are biased, they will not be good indicators of ones knowledge and skills. Selections based on
such tests will be faulty. That is why, tests should not be relied upon fully.
(v) Employment Interview
Although application blank and employment tests provide a lot of valuable information about the candidate, yet
they do not provide the complete information required of the applicant. Interview may be used to secure more
information about the candidate. The main purposes of an employment interview are:
To find out the suitability of the candidate;
To seek more information about the candidate; and
To give him an accurate picture of the job with details of terms and conditions and some idea of
organizations policies.
For the selection of right types of people, employment interview is very important. The communication skill of
the candidate can be judged in the interview. His way of thinking can also be known. Interview is very important
where the candidate has to go through employment tests. The information contained in the application blank
can be checked during the interview. The factual data of the applicant given in the application form may be
checked and more information may be obtained from the candidate. This occasion is also utilised for testing
the capability and personality of the applicant. Thus, interview affords an opportunity to develop a clear picture
of the candidate. It is customary to have an interview in several stages especially for senior positions. There
may be a preliminary interview by the head of the department. The final interview is taken by the Interview or
Selection Committee consisting of chairman of the organization, head of department, personnel manager and
outside experts. During the interview, the members of the selection committee appraise each candidate
according to merit. At the end of interview of each candidate, the chairman consults the members and after a
brief discussion finalises the grading of the candidate. After all the candidates have been interviewed, a panel
is prepared. The number of persons in the panel is generally about two to three times the number of vacancies
to be filled up.
A proper physical arrangement for the interview is of great importance. It enhances the reputation of the
organization in the eyes of the candidates. The interview should be conducted in a room free from any disturbance,
noise and interruption, so that interview may be held confidentially and in a quiet environment. Another important
condition for successful interviewing is that the interviewers should look ready for the meeting and the room

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 83

should look ready for a private discussion. Privacy and comfort are recognised as aids to free talk. People
generally speak more freely and frankly when they are at ease and do not feel threatened.
(vi) Checking References
A referee is potentially an important source of information about a candidates ability and personality if he holds
a responsible position in some organization or has been the boss or employer of the candidate. Prior to final
selection, the prospective employer normally makes an investigation on the references supplied by the applicant
and undertakes more or less a thorough search into the candidates past employment, education, personal
reputation, financial condition, police record, etc. However, it is often difficult to persuade a referee to give his
opinion frankly. The organization may persuade him to do so by giving an assurance that all information provided
by him will be treated as strictly confidential.
(vii) Medical Examination
The pre-employment physical examination or medical test of a candidate is an important step in the selection
procedure. Though in the suggested selection procedure, medical test is located near the end, but this sequence
need not be rigid. The organizations may place the medical examination relatively early in process so as to
avoid time and expenditure to be incurred on the selection of medically unfit persons. Some organizations either
place the examination relatively early in the selection procedure or they advise the candidates to get themselves
examined by a medical expert so as to avoid disappointment at the end. The physical examination should
disclose the physical characteristics of the individual that are significant from the standpoint of his efficient
performance of the job he may be assigned or of those jobs to which he may reasonably be expected to be
transferred or promoted. A proper medical examination will ensure higher standard of health and physical fitness
of the employees and will reduce the rates of accident, labour turnover, and absenteeism.
The advantages of physical examination are:
it serves to ascertain the applicants physical capability to meet the job requirements;
it serves to protect the organization against the unwarranted claims under workers compensation laws
or against law suits for damages; and
it helps to prevent communicable diseases entering the organization.
(viii) Final Selection and Appointment Letter
After a candidate has cleared all the hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed by issuing him
an appointment letter or by concluding with him a service agreement. Generally, the candidates are not appointed
on permanent basis because it is considered better to try them for a few months on the job itself. This is because
no procedure of selection is complete in itself to find out the whole picture of the personality and qualities of a
candidate. It is only by observing a person at work that one can find out how he does his work and behaves with
fellow employees and supervisors. If during the probation period, an employee is found unsuitable, the
management may transfer him to some other job to which he may be expected to do justice. But if the organization
cannot offer him a job which he can do well, the management may either sack him or give him time and training
to improve himself.


Employee training and development are integral parts of the HR function of management. Training implies a
systematic procedure whereby employees are imparted technical knowledge and skill for specific jobs. It
emphasises improvements of the abilities of employees to handle specific jobs and operations more effectively.
Development, on the other hand, implies an educational process aimed at growth and maturity of managerial
personnel in terms of insights, attitudes, adaptability, leadership and human relations, on the basis of conceptual
and theoretical knowledge.

Training and development programmes are generally designed in accordance with the nature of the job, personnel
concerned (operatives, supervisors, managers) and the purpose in view. The programmes can be broadly
divided into two categories: On-the-Job Programmes; and Off-the-Job Programmes.
Training of operatives and skilled workers are mostly organised by way of: (i) Training on specific jobs; (ii)
Vestibule training with separate sets of tools and equipment in a special training centre; (iii) Internship training
with the co-operation of vocational training institutions; (iv) Apprenticeship training combining job-experience
with class-room instruction; and (v) Job rotation involving transfer from job to job on a systematic basis.
Supervisory and managerial training programmes are mostly off-the-job programmes. One or more such
programmes commonly used are the following: (i) Class-room lectures; (ii) Conferences; (iii) Group discussions;
(iv) Case studies; (v) Role-playing; (vi) T-group training; and (vii) Programmed instruction.
Management development programmes may consist of (i) In-basket programme for identifying executive potentials
and developing decision-making abilities; (ii) Management games to develop capabilities of decision-making in
a competitive situation of a realistic nature; (iii) Sensitivity training aimed at developing awareness of and sensitivity
to behavioural patterns of oneself and others; (iv) Committee assignments or membership of junior boards; (v)
Simulation and role-playing, and (vi) Transactional analysis for improving communication abilities, human relations
and managerial interaction with subordinates.

Benefits of Training
The investments made in training, benefit an organization in ways more than one:
(i) Training helps to improve the quantity and quality of workforce. It increases the knowledge and skills of
employees and improves their performance.
(ii) It helps to reduce the time and cost required to reach the acceptable level of performance. It prevents
employees obsolescence. Accidents are reduced.
(iii) It enables the organization to fill manpower needs. Promising employees can be spotted and trained for
higher level jobs.
(iv) Trained employees make better and economic use of materials and equipment. Maintenance cost is
reduced and the life of machines and equipment is increased.
(v) It helps to reduce the need for constant and close supervision of workers. It facilitates management by
(vi) It helps to improve the job satisfaction and morale of employees resulting in improvements in their earnings,
job security and career prospects.
(vii) It facilitates delegation and decentralisation of authority. Trained employees are willing to accept new and
challenging assignments.

Benefits of Development
Similarly, the investment made in management development benefits the organization in the following ways:
(i) It prevents managerial obsolescence by exposing executives to latest concepts and techniques in their
respective fields of specialisation.
(ii) It ensures that the company is staffed with a sufficient number of managers having requisite knowledge
and skills.
(iii) It ensures long-term survival and growth of the organization.
(iv) It replaces old executives with younger ones, i.e. to develop a second line of competent officers for future

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 85

(v) It creates group cohesiveness or teamwork.

(vi) It ensures that managerial resources of the organization are properly and fully used.

People differ in their abilities and aptitudes. Therefore, it is necessary for management to know these differences
so that the employees having better abilities may be rewarded and the wrong placements of employees may be
rectified through transfers. The individual employee may also like to know the level of his performance in
comparison to his fellow employees so that he may improve upon it. Thus, there is a great need to have suitable
performance appraisal system to measure the relative merit of each employee.
The basic purpose of performance appraisal is to facilitate orderly determination of an employees worth to the
organization of which he is a part. However, a fair determination of the worth of an employee can take place only
by appraising numerous factors some of which are highly subjective, as for instance, attendance, while others
are highly subjective, as for instance, attitude and personality. The objective factors can be assessed accurately
on the basis of records maintained by the Human Resource or Personnel Department, but there are no device
to measure the subjective factors precisely. Notwithstanding this, appraisal of these factors must be done to
achieve the full appreciation of every employees merit.
Performance appraisal goes by various names such as performance evaluation, progress rating, merit rating,
merit evaluation, etc.
Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation of the personality and performance of each employee by
his supervisor or some other person trained in the techniques of merit rating. It employs various rating techniques
for comparing individual employees in a work group, in terms of personal qualities or deficiencies and the
requirements of their respective jobs. To quote Dale Yoder, Performance appraisal includes all formal procedures
used to evaluate personalities and contributions and potentials of group members in a working organization. It
is a continuous process to secure information necessary for making correct and objective decisions on employees.
The comparison of performance with job requirements helps in finding out the merit of individual employees in a
work group. Rating may be done by supervisor or an independent appraiser.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Performance Appraisal

The benefits which justify the existence of a system of performance appraisal in an enterprise are as under:
(i) A good system of performance appraisal helps the supervisor to evaluate the performance of his employees
systematically and periodically. It also helps him to assign that work to individuals for which they are best
(ii) Performance rating helps in guiding and correction of employees. The supervisor may use the results of
rating for the purpose of constructively guiding employees in the efficient performance of work.
(iii) The ability of the staff is recognised and can be adequately rewarded by giving them special increments.
(iv) Performance appraisal can be used as a basis of sound personnel policy in relation to transfers and
promotions. If the performance of an employee is better than others, he can be recommended for promotion,
but if a person is not doing well on a job, he may be transferred to some other job.
(v) Ratings can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes. Weaknesses of employees
are revealed by merit rating and the training programmes can be modified accordingly.
(vi) Performance appraisal provides an incentive to the employees to better their performance in a bid to
improve their rating over others.
(vii) Systematic appraisals will prevent grievances and develop confidence amongst the employees if they

are convinced of the impartial basis of evaluation. The records of merit rating are available in permanent
form to protect the management against subsequent charges of discrimination which might be levelled
by the trade union leaders.
Performance appraisal has a beneficial effect on both the persons doing the appraisal and being appraised. The
appraisal brings prominently to the attention of supervisors or executives the importance of knowing their subordinates
as human resources. The necessity of performance appraisal leads the appraiser to a thoughtful analysis of
people rated and tends to make him more alive to opportunities and responsibilities in developing the subordinates.
It is the general tendency to know what others feel about us but we seldom like criticism. The objective of
appraisal is to derive the point to the appraisee without inviting his resentment or drawing back into the shell or
taking defensive attitude. Idea is to give him an insight and that too in a way that he takes suitable steps to
improve upon his performance by a constructive motivation. To this extent, appraisee is helped. He would feel
himself as a part of the organization and would put in his best. The is insight helps him in changing his attitude
and move on to the path of self-improvement.

Limitations of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal may not yield the desired results because of the following deficiencies:
(i) If the factors included in the assessment are irrelevant, the result of merit rating will not be accurate.
(ii) Different qualities to be rated may not be given proper weightage certain in cases.
(iii) Some of the factors are highly subjective like initiative and personality of the employees; so the actual
rating may not be on scientific lines.
(iv) Supervisors often do not have critical ability in assessing the staff. Sometimes, they are guided by their
personal emotions and likes. So the ratings are likely to be biased.

Methods of Appraisal
There are various methods of merit rating which may be classified into:
Traditional Methods
Modern Methods
These are shown as given hereunder:

Traditional Methods

Modern Methods

(i) Unstructured Appraisal

(i) Management By Objectives

(ii) Employee Ranking

(ii) Behaviourally anchored rating scales

(iii) Forced Distribution

(iv) Graphic-rating scales
(v) Check Lists
(vi) Critical Incidents
(vii) Field review

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 87

Traditional Methods
Traditional methods are very old techniques of performance appraisal. These are discussed below.
(i) Unstructured Appraisal: Under this, the appraiser is required to write down his impression about the person
being appraised in an unstructured way. However, in some organizations, comments are required to be grouped
under specific headings such as quality of job performance, reasons for specific job behaviours, personality
traits, and development needs. This system is highly subjective and has got its merit in its simplicity and is still in
use especially in the small firms.
(ii) Ranking Method: This is the simplest of all methods. The appraisal consists of ranking employees as more
or less efficient by inter-personal comparison of overall qualities. This method may be conveniently adopted if
the number of employees is small and work performance is measurable. The ranking thus made involves subjective
appraisal of employees without any common standard.
A variant of the ranking method is the paired-comparison method, in which employees are compared and ranked
in pairs. Each employee is compared with other employees in a group, one at a time. The results of these paired
comparisons are tabulated and a rank is assigned to each employee.
(iii) Forced Distribution Method: The basic assumption made for using this method is that employees are
distinguishable as outstanding, above average, average, below average and poor; and their number conforms
to a normal frequency distribution e.g., 10% each in the highest and lowest categories, 20% each in the above
average and below average categories, and 40% in the average category. The rater is required to distribute the
employees in the five categories on the basis of their overall performance and attributes.
(iv) Graphic Rating Scales: This method is similar to the Rating- scale Method except that the degrees of
qualities or attributes on which employees are to be appraised are indicated on a graph or chart. The scale of
attributes may be numerical-alphabetical or descriptive-adjective. Thus different degrees of an attribute may be
stated as exceptional, above average, below average, and poor or assigned numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
(v) Check List: Employee appraisal under this method involves listing of a number of statements about the
performance and behaviour of the employee and the rater is to check these statements indicating whether a
statement applies or does not apply to the employee or there is a doubt. Afterwards, values (or weights) are
assigned to the statements depending upon their respective importance. The final rating of the employee is
taken as the average of the scale value of all statements that the rater has checked.
(vi) Critical Incident Method: This method involves employee appraisal on the basis of events or incidents and
the employees reactions to the same reflecting positive or negative aspects of his behaviour. A continuous
record of incidents is maintained by the supervisors and numerical scores are assigned according to the nature
of employees reaction to particular events.
(vii) Field Review Method: Under this method, the supervisors are interviewed by an expert from the personnel
department. The expert questions the supervisor to obtain all the pertinent information on each employee and
takes notes in his note book. Thus, there is no rating form with factors or degrees, but overall ratings are
obtained. The workers are usually classified into three categories as outstanding, satisfactory and unsatisfactory.
The success of field review method depends upon the competence of the interviewer. If he knows his job, he
can contribute significantly to accurate appraisals. Field review method relieves the supervisors of the tedious
writing work of filling in appraisal forms. It also ensures a greater likelihood that the supervisors will give adequate
attention to the appraisals because the personnel department largely controls the process. Superficial judgement
can be eliminated if the appraiser probes deeply.

Modern Methods
There are two important methods of performance appraisal which are used by the modern concerns. The first is

Management by Objectives which represents result-oriented appraisal: The second is Behaviourally-Anchored
Rating Scale which is based on rating, the behaviour of the subordinates.
(i) Management by Objectives
It was Peter Drucker who proposed goal setting approach to performance appraisal which he called Management
by Objectives and Self Control. This approach was further strengthened by Douglas Mc.Gregor. McGregor
was concerned with the fact that most traditional appraisal systems involved ratings of traits and personal
qualities that he felt were highly unreliable. Besides, the use of such trait ratings produced two main difficulties:
(1) The manager was uncomfortable about using them and resisted making appraisals, and (2) it had a damaging
effect on the motivation and development of the subordinate.
Goal setting approach or Management by Objectives (MBO) is the same as behavioural-approach to subordinate
appraisal, actually called work planning and review in case of General Electric Co., U.S.A. Under this approach,
an employee is not appraised by his recognisable traits, but by his performance with respect to the agreed goals
or objectives. Thus, the essential feature of this approach is mutual establishment of job goals. The application
of goal setting approach to performance appraisal involves the following steps:
The subordinate discusses his job descriptions with his superior and they agree on the contents of his job
and the key results areas.
The subordinate prepares a list of reasonable objectives for the coming period of six to twelve months.
He sits with his superior to discuss these targets and plans, and a final set is worked out.
Check-points are established for the evaluation of progress, and the ways of measuring progress are
The superior and the subordinate meet at the end of the period to discuss the results of the subordinates
efforts to meet the targets mutually established.
The goal setting approach has done away with the judgmental role of the superiors in the appraisal of their
subordinates. It has led to greater satisfaction, greater agreement, greater comfort and less tension and hostility
between the workers and the management. This approach is considerably superior to the traditional approach
of performance appraisal. It emphasizes training and development of individuals. It is problem solving approach
rather than tell and sell approach. This approach has also got a built-in device of self-appraisal by the subordinates
because they know their goals and the standards by which their performance will be measured.
The goals setting approach suffers from the following limitations:
(a) This approach can be applied only when the goal setting is possible by the subordinates. It is doubtful if
such a procedure can be applied for the blue collar workers.
(b) This approach is not easy to administer. It involves considerable. time, thought and contact between the
superior and the subordinate. If the span of supervision is quite large, it will not be possible for the
superior to have discussion with each and every subordinate for setting up mutually agreed goals.
(c) This approach mainly emphasises counselling, training and development. It is argued that critical evaluation
and modification to improve are incompatible. But, in practice, it is not possible to forego the critical
aspect of performance appraisal.
(d) This approach is appropriate for the appraisal of executives and supervisory personnel who can understand
it in a better way.
Operative workers cannot understand this approach and moreover, a vast majority of them do not want to take
initiative in setting their own goals.

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 89

(ii) Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) are designed to identify the critical areas of performance for a
job, and to describe the more effective and less effective job behaviour for getting results. Performance is
evaluated by asking the rater to record specific observable job behaviours of an employee and then to compare
these observations with a behaviorally anchored rating scale. As a result, the supervisor is in a position to
compare the employees actual behaviour with the behaviour that has been previously determined to be more or
less effective.
Proponents of BARS claim many many advantages of this approach. They argue that such a system differentiates
among behaviour, performance, and results, and consequently is able to provide a basis for setting developmental
goals for the employee. Because it is job-specific and identifies observable and measurable behaviour, it is a
more reliable and valid method for performance appraisal.
Empirical studies of behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS) have provided a fertile ground for study by
both theorists and practitioners. The BARS experience has helped to clarify three major controversies of the
appraisal process. One was the previously discussed issue of rating content (trait vs. job related). The second
controversy involved the multidimensional nature of performance. The administrative uses of appraisal had
encouraged rating systems to produce an overall measure of performance, which tended to mark differences in
performance in the key result areas (performance dimension) critical to job results. The third controversy
involved the issue of the most effective way to anchor the rating scales (numerical or behavioural). By anchoring
the scales behaviourally, the BARS approach was expected to produce more valid and reliable results by reducing
measurement errors (leniency, halo effect, central tendency, and so on).

Human Resource Management is the art of acquiring, developing and maintaining a complete work
force in such a manner as to accomplish with maximum efficiency and economy the functions and
objectives of the organization.
In most of the big enterprises, personnel department is set up under the leadership of personnel manager
who has specialised knowledge and skills. The personnel manager performs managerial as well as operative
functions. Since he is a manager, he performs the basic functions of management like planning, organising,
directing and controlling to manage his department and also performs certain operative functions of
recruitment, selection, training, placement, etc., which the other line managers may entrust to him.
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to apply for
the jobs in an organization whereas selection is the process of logically choosing individuals who possess
the necessary skills and ability to successfully fill specific jobs in the organization.
Employee training and development are integral parts of the HR function of management. Training implies
a systematic procedure whereby employees are imparted technical knowledge and skill for specific jobs.
Development, on the other hand, implies an educational process aimed at growth and maturity of
managerial personnel in terms of insights, attitudes, adaptability, leadership and human relations, on the
basis of conceptual and theoretical knowledge.
Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation of the personality and performance of each employee
by his supervisor or some other person trained in the techniques of merit rating.
Management by Objectives means that an employee is not appraised by his recognisable traits, but by
his performance with respect to the agreed goals or objectives.
Under behaviorally anchored rating scale, the supervisor is in a position to compare the employees
actual behaviour with the behaviour that has been previously determined to be more or less effective.



To show or illustrate by example.


The act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.


To go before or precede.


Frequent or habitual absence from work or school.


Well-integrated or unified.


The feeling of displeasure at some work, remark, person, etc, regarded as causing
injury or insult.


Pertaining to or relating directly or significantly to the matter in hand.

1. Discuss the difference between Personnel Management and HRM.
2. Explain the role of Personnel Manager in an organsiation.
3. What is the role of HRD in selection process?
4. Briefly describe the advantages Training and Development?
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Performance Appraisal.
6. Discuss the steps involved in application of goal setting approach to performance appraisal.
Suggested Readings
(1) Management (7th Edition) Koontz, ODonnell and Weihrich
(2) Principles of Management Koontz and ODonnell
(3) Management Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert, Jr.
(4) Human Resource Management George IT Milkovich and Jahri W. Boudreau, Chicago
(5) Human Resource Management Lan Breadwell and Lan Holden, Macmillan, New Delhi
(6) Personnel Management Edwin B. Flippo, McGraw Hill, New York
(7) Personnel Management and Human Resources C.S. Venkataratnam and B. K. Srivastava,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
(8) Personnel and Human Resource Management David A. Decenzo and Stephens P. Robbins,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
(9) Management Training in Organizations K. Dayal, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Lesson 4

Human Resource Management 91


Lesson 5

Direction and Co-ordination 93

Lesson 5
Direction and Co-ordination
Concept of Direction
Principles of Direction
Concept of Supervision
Concept of Motivation
Theories of Motivation
Review Questions
Concept of Leadership
Theories of Leadership
Concept of Communication
Process, Principles and Channels of
Concept of Grapevine
Crosswise Communication
Communication Media
Communication Barriers
Overcoming Communication Barriers
Concept of Co-ordination
Types of Co-ordinations
Co-ordination as the Essence of
Lesson Round Up

The managerial function of directing is like the

activities of a teacher in a classroom. In order
to teach, a teacher has to guide his students,
maintain discipline, inspire them and lead them
to the desired goal. It is a very important function
in the management of any enterprise. It helps
the managers in ensuring quality performance
of jobs by the employees and achievement of
organizational goals. It involves supervision,
communication, providing leadership to the
subordinates and motivating them to contribute
their best to the organisation.
Co-ordination is the unification, integration,
synchronization of the efforts of group members
so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of
common goals. It is a hidden force which binds
all the other functions of management.
Management seeks to achieve co-ordination
through its basic functions of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
That is why, co-ordination is not a separate
function of management because achieving of
harmony between individual efforts towards
achievement of common purpose is a key to
success of management. Co-ordination is the
essence of management and is implicit and
inherent in all functions of management.

Self-Test Questions

Directing is the guidance, the inspiration, the leadership of those men and women that constitute
the real core of the responsibilities of management.
Urwick and Brech
Coordination is the process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group efforts among his
subordinates and secures unity of action in the pursuit of a common purpose.


In addition to planning, organizing and staffing, every manager must also direct his subordinates. An enterprise
may have well knit and co-ordinated plans; may have properly laid out activity-authority relations; and further be
manned by properly selected and able personnel; yet a manager must initiate organized endeavour so that
plans are translated into effective action and enterprise objectives accomplished through group efforts with
minimum of inputs and unsought consequences. Directing is thus the initiating function of management that
actuates plans and the organization. Just as starting the motor of a car does not make it move unless put into
gear and the accelerator is pressed, in the same way organized actions are initiated in the enterprise only
through the directing function of management.

Directing: An Important Function

Directing is an important function of management which involves communicating and providing leadership to
the subordinates and motivating them to contribute to the best of their capability for the achievement of
organizational objectives.
It starts with issuing orders and instructions to subordinates and ends with getting things done by satisfaction of
various needs of subordinates.
Essential elements of the directing function of management are:
(i) Issuing orders and instructions.
(ii) Guiding, counseling and teaching the subordinates the proper way of doing the job.
(iii) Supervising the work of subordinates to ensure that their performance conforms to the plan.
(iv) Motivating the subordinates to direct their behaviour in a desired pattern.
(v) Maintaining discipline and rewarding effective performance.
Further, directing is a continuous function performed by managers at all levels of the organization. Thus, a
supervisor or the foreman must direct the workers just as the chief executive is to direct his immediate subordinate

Other Concepts of Direction

Taylor pointed out that effective direction depends upon the harmony of objectives.
Henri Fayol emphasized certain other concepts to facilitate direction which he viewed as commanding. These
concepts are as follows:
(i) to have a through knowledge of the personnel;
(ii) to eliminate the incompetent;
(iii) to be well versed in the agreements binding the business and its employees;
(iv) to set a good example;
(v) to conduct periodic audit of the organisation and use summarised charts to further this;
(vi) to bring together the chief assistants by means of conferences at which unity of direction and focusing of
effort are provided for; and
(viii) to aim at infusing unity, energy, initiative and loyalty among the personnel.

Lesson 5

Direction and Co-ordination 95

In the light of the above and recent developments, the principles of direction may be enumerated as follows:
(i) Harmony of Objectives: The most significant principle of direction is to harmonise the objectives of the
individuals, the groups and the enterprise. Synchronisation of varied objectives is a must with a view to securing
maximum prosperity for the employers as well as the employees.
Organisation should devise and introduce effective measures to reconcile the conflicting interests. Fayol
emphasized direct communication to achieve this harmony as he held that if orders go through a series of
intermediaries, divergent views relating to objectives of the enterprise are likely to come up.
(ii) Unity of Command: This principle requires that an employee should receive orders from one superior only.
In other words, it signifies a unified system of directives, instructions and other devices for enforcing command
or direction. This principle is based on the premise that a man cannot shoulder dual or multiple command.
(iii) Unity of Direction: Unity of direction essentially signifies the existence of only one head and one plan for a
group of activities which have the same objective. It should be noted, however, that unity of direction and unity
of command are not the same thing. Unity of direction results from sound organisation structure, whereas unity
of command leads to effective functioning of the subordinates.
Unity of command cannot exist without unity of direction, but does not flow from it


(iv) Direct Supervision: Any endeavour in directing becomes more effective if it is accompanied by personal
touch. Subordinates feel happy and a sense of participation is inculcated in them if the seniors maintain direct
contact with their juniors. Such relationship undoubtedly motivates them for effective functioning and thus direct
supervision may be considered one of the best ways to get things done by others.
(v) Democratic Leadership: In order to make any direction effective, the leader should have respect for the
opinion and views of his followers. He should ensure their participation in matters related to their job, functioning,
working environment and so on. As a result, seniors can secure maximum contribution from their subordinates
in the accomplishment of the designated tasks.
(vi) Follow-up: It is to be remembered in all situations that direction does not mean simply issuing orders and
instructions and through them getting the things done within the stipulated time. In order to make direction
effective, executives and managers should not only instruct their subordinates but follow up the work.
It is the duty of the seniors to oversee the working of subordinates, check their performance, guide them to
follow the right course of action, point out their deficiencies, suggest the ways and means to develop the work
methods and change the mode of directing if circumstances necessitate.
In short, these are the principles of direction which seniors should follow to achieve effective result from directing.

The direction is not merely issuing orders and instructions by a superior to his subordinates, but it includes
the process of guiding and inspiring them. Based on this, following are the features or characteristics of
1. Direction is an important managerial function. Through direction, management initiates actions in the
2. Direction function is performed at every level of management.
3. Direction is a continuous process and it continues throughout the life of the organization.
4. Direction initiates at the top level in the organization and follows to bottom through the hierarchy.

5. Direction has dual objectives. On the one hand, it aims at getting things done by subordinates and, on the
other, to provide superiors opportunities for some more important work which their subordinates cannot

(i) Direction initiates actions: Organization is the sub-total of human and non-human resources. These resources
should be handled in a certain way to get the desired results. Through direction, management conveys and
motivates individuals in the organization to function in the desired way to get organizational objectives. Without
direction, other managerial activities like planning, organizing and staffing become ineffective.
(ii) Direction integrates employees efforts: For achieving organizational objectives, individuals need only not to
be efficient, but effective also. Their actions are interrelated in such a way that each individuals performance
affects the performance of others in the organization. Thus, individuals efforts need to be integrated so that
organization achieves its objectives in the most efficient manner and this is possible through direction only.
(iii) Direction attempts to get maximum out of individuals: Every individual in the organization has some potentiality
and capability which, in the absence of proper motivation, leadership, communicationall elements of direction
may not be utilized fully. Direction provides the way to utilize these capabilities and also it helps in increasing
these capabilities.
(iv) Direction facilitates changes in the organization: Organization exists in the society and any change in the
society changes organizational process to keep organization ready to face environmental changes. Moreover,
there are changes in organization structure and in individuals. To incorporate and implement these changes,
management should motivate individuals affected by these changes, which is an essential part of direction.
(v) Direction provides stability and balance in the organization: Effective leadership, communication and motivation,
provide stability in the organization and maintain balances in the different parts of the organization. Thus,
organization exists for a long period and its parts work in a harmonious way.

In directing the human effort towards organizational objectives, managers soon realise that they should think in
terms of the following elements:

Supervision refers to the direct and immediate guidance and control of subordinates in the performance of their
work. It involves observing the subordinates at work and ensuring that they are working according to the plans
and policies of the organization. George R. Terry and Stephen G. Franklin have defined supervision as Supervision
is guiding and directing efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish stated work outputs.

Features of Supervision
The following are the salient features of supervision:
(i) Supervision is done at all levels of management: Top management supervises the work of middle
management which in turn supervises the work of lower management.

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(ii) Supervision is most pronounced at the lowest level of management: Although managers at all levels are
generally engaged in overseeing the work of their subordinates, the lowest-level managers have as their
primary duty the supervision of workers in basic operations. Depending upon the system of designation
in an organization, these managers may be called supervisors, foremen, superintendents, overseers or
section officers.
(iii) Supervision aims at guiding subordinates in their work performance: To guide subordinates in their work
performance, the act of supervision involves preparing work schedules, assigning work and work facilities
for employees, issuing orders and instructions for maintaining smooth work-flow, inspiring subordinates
for better and higher performance by creating team spirit and controlling work output by comparing actual
performance with work targets and removing the gap between the two, if any.

Factors of Effective Supervision

Effective supervision is a function of several factors. Some such factors are given hereunder:
(i) Skills and Abilities: Whatever the situation may be, the range of duties to be performed by a supervisor
will call for possession of specific skills. Basically, a supervisor will require three types of skills, namely,
technical, human relations and conceptual.
(ii) Leadership Position: Leadership is an influencing process. By influencing the working behaviour of
subordinates, a manager directs it towards the attainment of organizational goals. To be effective,
supervisors should be given proper place and status in the organization and should be vested with
requisite authority so as to enable them to exercise leadership over the group and to influence employees
for higher work performance.
(iii) Nature of Supervision: Here the supervisor should be intelligent enough to decide whether he has to
exercise general or close supervision. Experience of most organizations suggests that general supervision
has a favourable impact on the morale and productivity of subordinates.
(iv) Group Cohesiveness: Effective supervision relates to group cohesiveness. Group cohesiveness is
characterized by the degree of attraction that each member has for the group. Groups with high
cohesiveness produce better results because each member of the group works towards the attainment
of common goals and is prepared to share responsibility for the group work.
(v) Improved Relationship with Superiors: Problems of supervision usually arise from omissions, mistakes
and negligence on the part of superior managers. Hence, for any improvement in supervision, supervisors
relations with his superior must be cordial so that he can frankly present views and suggestions relating
to subordinates and their work performance.

Meaning and Nature
The word motivation is derived from the Latin term movere, which means to move. Today, of course, the term
means a lot more than this Joe Kelly opines that it has to do with the forces that maintain and alter the direction,
quality and intensity of behaviour. And M.R. Jones has defined it as being concerned with how behaviour gets
started, is energized, is sustained, is directed, is stopped, and what kind of subjective reaction is present in the
organization while all of this is going on.
Motivation is a very complex process for the following reasons:
(i) The exact cause or motive a person has for a particular action cannot be seen; it can only be inferred.
Thus when a salesman is explaining the benefits of his product to a customer, it does not necessarily

mean he is motivated by customers welfare. In fact, he may simply be trying to influence the customer to
sell his product somehow.
(ii) Individuals have lots of needs and expectations which may be in conflict with each other and it may
become difficult to say which need is impelling the person to act at a point of time. For example when an
employee does overtime it could be with a sole objective of completing his work or could be with an
intention to get into the good books of his boss.
(iii) People try to satisfy their needs in different ways. Therefore, it is not necessary what motivates X individual
will also motivate Y. Some are satisfied by a handsome increment in the salary whereas some may be
satisfied only when promoted
(iv) Satisfaction of a particular need may actually lead to an increase in its intensity. It is, therefore, not a sure
indicator of a person being really motivated. For example, a highly paid employee may still want more
money to work more.
(vi) Lastly, goal-directed behaviour does not always lead to need satisfaction.

Usefulness of Motivation in Management

Since management involves creation and maintenance of a healthy environment where the individuals can
perform effectively and efficiently, it necessarily follows that a manager cannot get the best of work from his
subordinates without knowing what motivates them. In fact, a deliberate attempt has to be made to build up a
motivational system in the organization which will make the entire managerial process a success.
People join organizations to achieve certain goals as members of a cohesive group. But it is not necessary that
they are always willing to work for attaining these goals. Chester Bernard recognized the willingness to work or cooperate as an important element in the success of an organization. And, of course, peoples willingness is determined
by many factors. It is the responsibility of management of any enterprise to build into the entire system factors that
will induce people to contribute as effectively and efficiently as possible. A manager does this by building into every
possible aspect of the organizational climate those things which will cause people to act in desired ways.

Types of Motivation
Motivation can be of the following types:
Psychological Motivation
Dr. Wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon from McGill University discovered in 1951 that not only the past events are
recorded in detail in the brain, but also the feelings that are associated with those events. An event and the
feelings which are produced by the event are inextricably locked together in the brain. The memory record
continues in fact even after the persons ability to recall it disappears. The brain functions as a high fidelity tape
recorder. (So if the record is of a pleasant or happy experience the person will be always motivated for that
experience). The recorded experiences and feelings associated with them are available for reply today in as
vivid a form as when they happened and provide much of the data which determines the nature of todays
transactions. Dr. Eric Berne developed this concept further and devised a scientific method to study human
behaviour. He originated Transactional Analysis (T.A.).
Transactional Analysis
According to Eric Berne, a transaction is the unit of social intercourse. When two or more people encounter each
other, sooner or later one of them will speak or give some indication of acknowledging the presence of others.
This is called the transactional stimulus. The other person will then say or do something which is in some way
related to the stimulus, and that is called the transactional response. Transactional analysis is the method of

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examining the social intercourse of this type. It helps in finding out why people do as they do by determining
which part of the multiple natured individuals is being activated in any transaction.
Ego States
The parts of the multiple nature of an individual which are recorded in the brain and are replayed in course of a
transaction are described as: parent, child and adult, (PAC) ego states.





Parent: What a child sees his parent doing and what he hears from them are recorded straight in the mind in his
early five years. Thus, hostility of parents is recorded with terror and the love with pleasure. Thousands of nos and
repeated do nots are recorded in this set. It is thus taught concept of life. The recordings are available for replay
throughout the life. These are reflected in such words as work hard, do not worry, everything will be O.K., done
well, never do so again and such actions as outstretched arms, hugging, foot tapping, blessing, rebuking, etc.
Child: This is the recording of the response of little person to what he sees and hears. It is done simultaneously
with the recordings of external and imposed events which we have described as parent. Most of the reactions of
the child are feelings. He is small, he is dependent, he is clumsy and so on. When a person is in the grip of
feelings, we say that his child has taken over. It is thus the felt concept of life. It is reflected in such words as: do
not leave me, I would not do so again, I wish, I want and in such actions as tearful eyes, surprise on face,
anger, pleasure, pleading for something, being playful, etc.
Adult: When the child is able to move at about 10 years, the recording of adult also starts. The self actualisation
is the beginning of the adult. An important function of adult is to examine the data in parent whether or not it is
true and to examine the child to see whether or not the feelings are appropriate to the present. It is thus the
thought concept of life. During early years, adult is fragile and tentative. It cannot change or erase the recordings
in parent and child.
Adult is reflected in such words as why, who and such actions as listening, thinking, pondering and
reflecting, etc.
Crossed Transactions
Any social intercourse may be parallel or crossed.
The parent-parent, child-child or adult-adult transactions are parallel. These are complementary and can go on
indefinitely (except child-child transactions which are few as the child is a get stroke rather than give stroke creature).
Parent-child, child-parent, parent-adult, adult-parent, etc., are the examples of crossed transactions.

1. Stimulus
2. Stimulus
3. Stimulus
4. Stimulus
5. Stimulus

Support staff is undisciplined.

It is a sign of the times (Parent-parent).

You have presented a good report.

Thank you (Adult-adult).

I wish you were better educated.

I am not so lucky (Child-child).

I have to finish the report tonight as it is due tomorrow.

You always leave things to the last minutes (Adult-parent).

Your are always late.

Sorry Sir! (Parent-child).

Parallel and Crossed Transactions

Benefits of Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis can give employees fresh insights into their own personalities and it can also help them
understand why others sometimes respond as they do. A major benefit is improved inter-personal communication.
Employees can sense when crossed communication occurs and they can take steps to restore complementary
communication. Transactional Analysis is especially useful in sales and other areas where success depends on
customer relations.

How can one truly understand the motivation process? Over the last three decades a number of important

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theories have emerged, each in its own way trying to explain what motivation is all about. Some of these
theories are explained hereunder.
(a) Monistic or Economic Theory of Motivation
Monistic theory of motivation is based upon the notion that man is essentially economic. Individuals are assumed
to be highly responsive to money reward. People feel highly motivated when rewarded with more money. This
theory seeks a single cause of behaviour - monetary aspect of remuneration or reward. People repeat their
behaviour if it leads to reward. The theory postulates that:
(i) motivation is more effective and direct when based upon individual incentives rather than group incentives;
(ii) the incentive is more effective where reward immediately follows the efforts.
(iii) quantum of effort is directly related to the amount of reward.
Taylors differential piece rates form a strong overtone of economic motivation.
(b) Hierarchy of Needs Theory
An understanding of human needs and the role played by them in directing and shaping peoples behaviour is
absolutely essential for securing the desired motivation. Maslow, a psychologist, developed a theory of motivation
based on human needs arranged in a particular order from the lower to the higher. The hierarchy of needs of
motive suggested by Maslow may be shown in the following diagram and analysed in the following manner.

(Challenges, Creativity,
Innovation, Achieving
full potential)
Esteem Need
(Important projects, recognition,
Prestigious office location)
Love Need
(Love, affection, belongingness,
healthy relations with co-workers
peers superiors)
Safety Need
(Protection against danger, threat and
deprivation, job security, insurance cover,
safety regulations etc.)
Physiological Need
(Food, thirst, shelter, fair basis pay etc.)

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Maslows need hierarchy theory of motivation has been criticised on the ground that it leaves no room for
difference between individuals. For one individual, self-actualisation might be the dominant motive guiding a
large part of his behaviour, and for another individual working under essentially the same circumstances, it may
not be so. That is, two individual whose needs for say, food, safety and belonging are fairly well satisfied may not
necessarily be motivated to the same extent by egoistic or self-actualisation needs.
(c) Theory of Douglas McGregor:
Theory X
The late Douglas McGregor has applied the fundamental content of the theory of Maslow to leadership and
management theory. There are certain conventional assumptions relating to motivation of people in the
organisations that are widely accepted as valid even though these provide only a part of the answer. These
assumptions are termed by McGregor as Theory X.
The important assumptions underlying this theory are as follows:
(i) The average man by nature is indolent and has an inherent dislike for work.
(ii) Dislike for work implies that people need to be directed and controlled.
(iii) It also implies that they must be persuaded, rewarded, punished and threatened with sanctions so that
they put in sufficient efforts for accomplishing organisational objectives.
(iv) Man is inherently resistant to change and passive to organisational needs.
(v) He lacks ambition, avoids responsibility and prefers to be led.
The above assumptions guide management behaviour and thinking.
Some managers follow the hard approach involving coercion, threat and close supervision which often leads
to consequences like restriction of output, militant unionism, and antagonism. Some managers follow soft
approach by being permissive, i.e., relationship-oriented and satisfying immediate needs which may lead to
indifferent performance and abdication of work.
A fundamental opposition of Theory X is that it is inadequate to consider the subject of motivation. It is to
acknowledge that satisfied need ceases to motivate any individual further. Since there exists hierarchy of needs,
man moves from satisfaction of lower needs to the satisfaction of higher needs. Once physiological and safety
needs are satisfied, social needs, ego needs and need for self-actualisation respectively become the most
important motivators. Management by direction and control (Theory X), regardless of its hard or soft approach,
is ineffective to motivate people whose important needs are social and egoistic. Once lower order needs are
satisfied, rewards, promises, incentives, or threats and coercion the devices used by management under Theory
X, cease to motivate people.
Theory Y
Having established the inadequacy of Theory X, McGregor suggested a different theory of managing people
based on more adequate assumptions about human nature and motivation. He labelled that attitudinal pattern
of managers as Theory Y. The important assumptions of Theory Y, described by McGregor are:
(i) Man is not inherently passive or resistant to organisational needs.
(ii) Incentive, threat, or external control are not the only means of motivating people to work for organisational
(iii) The motivation, the potential for development, the capacity for assuming responsibility, the readiness to
direct behaviour towards organisational objectives are all present in people. Management does not put
them there. It is the responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognise and develop
these human characteristics for themselves.

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(iv) Under proper organisational conditions and methods of operation man will exercise self-control towards
achieving his own goals and those of the organisation.
The fundamental implication of Theory Y is that full advantage of the personal and professional potential of
employees can be taken by motivating them to accept organisational objectives, more particularly when their
physiological and safety needs are well satisfied.
(d) Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory
This is also known as the two factor theory and was developed by Frederick Herzberg. He conducted a large
number of interviews with a view to determining the attitude of people towards their job. Those interviewed were
asked to describe incidences when they felt good about their job and when they had bad feelings about their
job. It was observed from the study that good feelings were generally related to intrinsic or job content factors,
such as achievements, recognition of achievement, the work itself, advancement, giving of responsibility, and
the potential for growth. Since these factors contribute to good feelings and simulate people for better performance
these are also described as the motivators.

Herzbergs Two Factor


(Job Content)

(Job Content)
Hygiene factors

Herzbergs Two Factor Theory

It was also found that bad feelings about the job were for most part related to context factors, such as company
policy, administration and supervision, interpersonal relations with peers, interpersonal relations with subordinates,
working conditions, pay increases, the status situation, and job security. Context factors are also known as
extrinsic or hygienic factors.
The two-factor theory reinforces the belief that motivators needed to motivate employees while hygiene factors
need to be managed well so as to keep employees away from dissatisfaction
(e) Equity Theory of Motivation
Equity theory postulates that people are not concerned merely with the reward they get for their contributions;
rather they compare their efforts and rewards with those of others. Thus, where an individual finds that he is
getting less reward in relation to other people in the organisation for the same contribution and outcome he
would surely be tempted to resort to negative behaviour so that balance is maintained.


State True or False:
1. The approach towards directing the subordinates will depend upon the
situation only.

2. Goals are similar to needs but imply that the object is social, not merely

3. Transactional Analysis can give employees fresh insights into their own
4. While decoding the message the sender determines the method of
5. Formal channels of communication are referred as Communication through
the chain of command.
6. A confession of mistake may lead to material gains in terms of promotion
and pay increase.
Choose your option:
7. Which theory is also known as the Two Factor Theory?
(a) Theory of Doughlas Mcgregor
(b) Herzbergs Motivation Hygiene Theory
Answers: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. (b)

Meaning and Nature
Leadership is one of the important aspects of managing. It is an interpersonal process of influencing the behaviour
of individual and the group so that defined objectives are accomplished willingly and enthusiastically. A leader
directs and motivates members of the group. He also represent the group to the outside world and the outside
world to the group.

According to George R. Terry, leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group
Koontz and ODonnell state that leadership is influencing people to follow in the achievement of a specialised
Review of these and other writers reveal that most management writers agree that leadership is the process
of providing direction in group activities and influencing others to achieve group objectives in a given
situation. The leadership process is a function of the leader, the follower, and other situational variables i.e.
L = f(l, f, s).

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Important Elements
Important elements in the process of leading are:
(i) One who leads is a part of the group, and yet he must maintain his separate identity if he is to continue to
(ii) Leadership contemplates interpersonal influence and close man-to-man relationship. It is rooted in feelings
and attitudes that have grown out of reactions of individual personalities to each other.
(iii) It is a dynamic and ever-evolving process; a manager must lead continuously.
(iv) It involves directing, guiding and influencing the behaviour of individuals and groups so that future actions
and behaviour are modified in the right direction.

Formal and Informal Leaders

The organisation structure is characterised by hierarchy of positions which are manned by individuals in the
scalar chain. Officially every manager enjoys power to lead and secure sufficient support of his subordinates.
Managers are leaders because they have the formal authority to direct, motivate and lead people. This kind of
leadership is known as formal or managerial leadership. However, along with formal leaders there always grow
informal leaders in every organisation.
Informal leaders are not delegated any authority to lead; rather they acquire such authority as to guide and lead.
Informal leadership is spontaneous and is part of informal organisation. If properly handled, informal organisation
offers a good support and training ground for formal leaders to develop and test their leadership skills.

A few leadership theories are briefly discussed below:

1. Trait Theories
It was observed that those who were commonly recognised as leaders possessed certain personal traits. Ordway
Tead, for example, emphasised ten qualities for effective leadership namely, physical and nervous energy, a
sense of purpose and discretion, enthusiasm, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, intelligence and faith.
Limitations of Trait Theory
The trait theory of leadership is criticised mainly on account of the following inadequacies:
(i) Skills are sometimes mistaken for traits.
(ii) No two lists agree about the essential characteristics, and traits of a leader.
(iii) The theory fails to pinpoint the intensity and extent to which each of the agreed traits should be present
in an individual.
(iv) At different times and under different situations leaders must display different leadership characteristics.
Similarly, different functions like production, sales and finance require somewhat different leadership
(v) Researches have shown that leadership should be looked beyond personal qualifications and traits of
the individuals.


2. Style Theories
The assumption behind these theories is that employees will work harder for managers who employ given styles
of leadership than they will for managers who employ other styles.
A brief survey of various contributions to style theories is made here.
(i) Lewin, Lippitt and White: Lewin, Lipitt and White conducted leadership studies in 1939 based on three
different styles - autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire.
Autocratic style of leadership: The autocratic leader is characterised by centralisation of authority and
decision-making in himself, and very limited participation by subordinates of the group. The autocratic
leader accomplishes the results through use of authority, fear of deprivation punishment and other coercive
Autocratic style is conceived by McGregor as hard approach to management under Theory X.
Democratic Style of Leadership: This is characterised by allowing substantial participation by members of
the group in management and decision-making process of the leaders. Subordinates are frequently
consulted by the manager on wide ranging problems and are allowed sufficient freedom to communicate
with the leader and also with their fellow subordinates.
Democratic style of leadership is based upon positive assumption about human beings. It encourages
co-operative spirit and development of subordinates for higher responsibility. This style of leadership
substantially contributes to the satisfaction on the part of subordinates.
Laissez-faire style of Leadership: Under this style the leader depends largely upon the group and its
members to establish their own goals and make their own decisions. The leader is passive and assumes
the role of just another member of the group. Tasks are assigned in general terms.
Laissez-faire approach is meant for selective application: If the subordinate is intelligent, highly qualified
and experienced, and desires self-fulfillment a manager may follow this approach without much risk
(ii) Ohio State University: Certain closely related studies for analysing leadership styles were made at Ohio
State University in the mid forties. These studies identified two dimensions of leadership styles: consideration
and initiating structure. Consideration is the extent to which job relationship are characterised by mutual trust,
interpersonal warmth, and consideration for subordinates ideas and feelings. Initiating structure is the extent to
which the leader organises and defines subordinates activities and relationships. Thus, consideration is closer
to democratic style whereas initiating structure resembles the autocratic style of leadership.
(iii) University of Michigan: The studies conducted at this University revealed two kinds of styles viz., production
centered and employee-centered, which are similar to initiating structure and consideration leadership styles
as researched by Ohio State University Studies.
These studies conclude that the employee-centered leaders were superior to production-centered leaders.
Individuals who are concerned with their people first, and the task afterwards, seemed to get greater production
and have employees with higher job satisfaction and morale. Conversely, production-centered leaders had
lower production and employees with poorer morale and less job satisfaction.
(iv) Blake and Mouton: One of the most widely known approaches to dramatising leadership style is the
managerial grid, developed during the sixties by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton.
In the Managerial Grid five different types of leadership are located in four quadrants. The vertical axis represent
a leaders concern for people (described as consideration in Ohio State University studies) and the horizontal
axis represent a leaders concern for task (described as initiating structure in Ohio State University studies).
Each axis is divided into nine units 1 representing the lowest degree and 9 standing for the highest degree of

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concern on each scale. Theoretically, it is possible to plot 81 points on such a 9 by 9 grid, but Blake and Mouton
identified five points on it as symbolizing basic leadership styles. (See the given below Figure).

Managerial Grid
Blake and Jane Mouton suggested that (9, 9) grid style of leadership is most effective.

A review of various leadership theories leads one to the conclusion that it would be the ideal case when a leader
is able to identify all the possible situational variables and their interrelationship for becoming effective. But the
real difficulty lies in really applying this ideal to real management situations. However, one would definitely agree
that leadership effectiveness is what matters in a leaders life. The leader must study each situation, as deeply
as he can, to become effective.

Cultivated Leadership Attitudes

Since leading people involves interpersonal relationships between the leaders and the followers, leader should
always try to improve his attitude towards the led to become effective. This becomes even more important than
mere knowledge because certain behavioural patterns can be learned and used with skill. Some such behavioural
patterns are:
(a) Awareness: The manager should not do his job of leading unimaginatively, without being aware of the
factors which account for success or failure. He must know his job, the people involved and the situational
considerations clearly to ensure effectiveness.
(b) Empathy: It is generally described as ability of a person to look at things or problems from another
persons point of view. Manager should not assume that subordinates will understand the things and
problems as he himself perceives them. People differ in their experience, ability and understanding of
things. Thus, in order to understand their feelings and problems, to lead them successfully, manager
should put himself in the position of subordinates.
(c) Objectivity: In his task of leading the manager should not be guided by any preconceived notions about

the attitude and behaviour of his subordinates. Problems and their causes should be observed very
objectively and unemotionally.
(d) Self-knowledge: A manager may think himself to be fair and objective but subordinates may view him
otherwise. He should, therefore, know for himself how he appears to others and effect of his attitude and
behaviour on the subordinates which would help him lead in a pattern as perceived by those who are
being led. Self-knowledge will help the leader to improve and cultivate those habits and attitude that
produce favourable response on the part of subordinates. For instance, if self-awareness leads him to
learn that instructions are not properly understood, the manager can attempt to improve his ability to

Communication is a vital aspect of the managerial process. In fact, superior- subordinate relation cannot thrive
without effective and meaningful communication. Effective communication is often defined as the exchange of
thoughts, facts, opinions, or information by two or more persons so as to bring about mutual understanding or
Communication may be through words, symbols, letters, or actions. But so long as people in the organisation
share the meaning and understanding with one another, there is communication. To be more specific,
communication may be defined as the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another.
There are two indispensable features of communication:
(i) Communication cannot take place till there are at least two persons - receiver and the sender.
(ii) Communication need not elicit confidence, but the information which is so exchanged must be
understandable to the receiver. However, understanding does not mean that the receiver must agree to
the information. Communication has taken place when the information is understood even though there
is disagreement.

Effectiveness of Communication
Within the organisation, communication is concerned with effecting change or influencing actions.
Communication helps to bring the people together and work for accomplishment of common goals. It is
through communication that the manager must secure the willingness to serve and also assess the ability to
serve. Change is better managed through exchange of information and understanding. The manager must
influence subordinates to work with zeal and confidence and build a highly motivated team of subordinates.
All this involves communication. Thus communication is vital to all phases of management and deserves the
fullest attention of managers.
Communication is the force that leads the people of an organisation. It builds up team work and morale.
Communication influences every object of social or group activity. In fact it is a very complex type of behaviour.

Communication Process
The communication process consists of a series of steps by which a sender reaches a receiver with a message.
It involves six steps:
(i) Develop an Idea: This is the idea or thought which the sender wishes to transmit. This is the key step,
because unless there is a worthwhile message, all other steps are somewhat useless.
(ii) Encode: In this, the idea is encoded with suitable words, charts, or symbols for transmission. At this point,
the sender determines the method of transmission.

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(iii) Transmit: The finally developed message is transmitted by the method chosen. Senders also choose
certain channels and communicate with careful timing. Senders also try to keep their communication
channels free of barriers.
(iv) Receive: Clear reception of message is a condition precedent to its effective interpretation, storage and
use. In an interpersonal mode, it would involve attentive listening.
(v) Decode: Step five is to decode the message so that it can be understood. The sender wants the receiver
to understand the message exactly as intended. Let, due to different perceptions of two different people,
the receiver may not understand exactly what the sender intends. The more realistic goal in most situations
is for creating communication to become successful.
(vi) Feedback: The last step is for the receiver to use the communication. He may ignore it, perform the task
assigned, store the information provided, or do something else.

Principles of Communication
The principles laid down by the two management experts Koontz and ODonnell may be analysed as follows:
(i) Principle of Clarity: To make any communication effective, the primary responsibility rests on the shoulders
of the transmitter in the sense that communication possesses clarity which can be achieved through clear,
simple and easily understandable language. Essentially, it is a matter of overwhelming significance how the
message is composed to help the receiver understand and attend it and respond in turn. Attention to clarity as
such should obviously be considered a prerequisite to effective communication.
(ii) Principle of Integrity: Communication is a means and a tool for securing and maintaining necessary cooperation between superiors and subordinates for the accomplishment of enterprise objectives. In view of this,
attention needs be directed to the positions of subordinate managers or executives who should be encouraged
to use their positions for this purpose. But it is often seen that superiors send messages directly to the employees
bypassing the intermediate manager.
The attitude cannot be considered reasonable and judicious except under circumstances when simultaneous
communication is essential or where the message is of equal concern to both subordinate managers and
employees of the enterprise.
(iii) Principle of Strategic use of Informal Organization: This principles signifies that to make communication
effective managers and executives shall utilize the informal organization to supplement the communication
channels of the formal organization. Since such organization grows spontaneously, managers and executives
should utilize it to transmit and receive communications to supplement those of formal organization. Indeed,
such attempt would foster and ensure co-ordination of enterprise efforts.

Channels of Communication
The two distinct channels of communication are as follows:
The formal official channels of communication.
The informal channels of communication.
They are discussed as below:
Formal Channels of Communication
Formal channels of communication are established mainly by the organization structure, and are referred to as
communication through the chain of command. While developing a communication network, the primary attention
should be directed towards determining the degree of reliance to be placed upon the formal channels. The
reason is that official channel has traditionally been used as the chief avenue for communication.

Formal channels of communication provide:
Vertical flow of communication and
Horizontal flow of communication.
Vertical communication flows downward as well as upward. While directing activities of his subordinates, the
manager issues instructions and orders and transmits information down the levels in management hierarchy.
Organisation charts exhibit the flow of authority and the channels through which downward communication
must flow.
Downward communication is frequently used to direct subordinates and transmit information relating to
company objectives, policies and procedures.
Upward communication is another aspect of vertical flow of communication. The organisation structure
while laying down activity-authority relations not only establishes the channel of command through which
the manager transmits directives and information to subordinates but also creates a line of communication
for conveying information by subordinates to their seniors (which can be suggestions, grievances etc).
Horizontal Communication means communication between people at the same level in an organization, community
or peer group, usually as a means of coordinating efforts

Flow of Communication
There is yet another flow of communication commonly described as sideward, horizontal, or lateral communication.
This type of flow is concerned primarily with the transmission of information and understanding between different
departments or people at the same level of organisation.
Like vertical flows, horizontal flow of communication is also essential for the efficient functioning of an enterprise.
It enables executives on the same level of management hierarchy to exchange information and co-ordinate their
activities without referring all matters to superior managers. This is sometimes called as a gangplank. Matters
when handled on the same level of organisation speed up actions and relieve superiors of a number of
unnecessary or less important problems.
An important aspect of communication network is that if a rapid flow of information to different people in the
organisation is essential for its smooth working, management should sort out information of routine and nonroutine nature and develop standard procedures for dealing with routine communication. This will help
communication to flow speedily.
Standard procedures should also be developed for transferring information from one part of the organization to
another. These standard procedures constitute part of the formal organization. Standard forms, summary reports
and official bulletins also greatly help in developing smooth flow of information throughout the organization.
However, it should be remembered that communication network for dealing with major and non-routine issues
tend to be more complex.

Sociologists and psychologists point out the inherent tendency of the people in the organization to cut across
formal channels and communicate informally. Informal organization emerges spontaneously within every formal
organization, and along with it grow the informal channels of communication, commonly referred to as the
Any informal communication about company and personal matters outside the official network constitutes
Thus, the grapevine consists of a complex network of informal communication taking place all day long on the

Lesson 5

Direction and Co-ordination 111

job. It is characterized by the emergence of spontaneous channels through which facts, half truths, and rumours

Positive Aspects of Grapevine

Though grapevine is not the result of a deliberative management design, it offers certain attractions for its better
use by managers:
(i) The informal network of communication represents natural desire of people in the organization to interact
and communicate with each other and fulfills the subordinates desire to know the latest information or
(ii) The grapevine works with surprising speed and is often faster than official channels; information gets
disseminated very promptly.
(iii) It also offers the managers insight into what the subordinates think and feel.
(iv) The informal network of communication is also useful for disseminating certain information which, in the
general interest of the organization, could not be transmitted through the official channels. Thus, cases
that led to sudden resignation of a manager may be communicated through the grapevine without giving
members of the organization the impression that he was the victim of some unfair top management
(v) During periods of insecurity and uncertainty, the grapevine gives members of the organisation an outlet
to freely express their fears, attitudes and thoughts.

Negative Aspects of Grapevine

There are also certain negative aspects of the grapevine. Management should take care of these while putting
the informal network of communication into use:
(i) Not often the grapevine carries rumours, inaccurate and partial information. Because of personal
interpretations and suspicions, information gets distorted.
(ii) Since it is spontaneous the grapevine has no stable associates or definite pattern. Generally, a few
persons are usually found active participants in the grapevine. The path and behaviour of the grapevine
is also unpredictable.
(iii) The grapevine is based on oral communication where the communicator is not held accountable for the
information so transferred by him. The result is that the sender feels free to exercise his imagination and
transmit information according to whims and likings. He communicates the information as he understands
it. Moreover, with a view to keeping his source unembarrassing or the risk of being cut off in the future, the
communicator may withhold certain information. In the same way, consideration of the feeling of listeners
also tempts him to transmit information which is pleasant to hear.

Crosswise communication is also known as diagonal communication which signifies the communication between
different departments of equal, higher or lower position. Organisations of the day not only permit but also insist
on voluntary crosswise communication to expedite information; transfer and improve understanding since flow
of information through regular chain of command is very much time consuming and quality of understanding is
also likely to suffer. Crosswise communication may create some confusion and difficulties and affect unity of
command. As a matter of fact, certain measures, in all circumstances, must be taken to make any such
communication effective.

The crosswise communication should rest on the understanding that
(i) crosswise relationships will be encouraged wherever they are appropriate,
(ii) subordinates will refrain from making policy commitments beyond their authority, and
(iii) subordinates will keep their superiors informed of their important inter-departmental activities.
Koontz ODonnell and Weihrich

Words, pictures and actions are the media used for exchanging information and developing understanding
between different persons. The important communication media are indicated below:





Oral versus written


Visual aids

A handshake


Purposeful silence

Blue prints

A smile or a frown

Models on somebodys face


Oral versus Written Communication

Words are the most important symbols used in the communication network of the organisation. Information
through words can be transmitted orally or in written form. Oral communication as a means for gathering and
disseminating information is generally used more extensively than written communication. A considerable part
of the managers time is consumed in personal contacts with subordinates and others.
Standardised forms with blank spaces for messages and instructions, lingo, summary reports and official bulletins,
are all frequently used in organisations for transmitting information and messages.
Written communication lacks the plus points of oral communication as outlined above. However, it possesses
certain advantages not available with oral communication. Thus, written communication can be more definite
and effectively drafted and formulated than the oral communication. Similarly, written communication can be
retained as legal records and also as a source of reference.

Communication through Pictures

Pictures are very powerful communication media. They are visual aids and frequently used for transferring
information and understanding to other people. Motion pictures make a tremendous impact upon the audience
and furnish a clear proof of the power of pictures in exchanging information, ideas and facts. Organisation charts
portray the organisation structure with basic relationships and groups of positions and functions. It is much more
easy to communicate activity - authority and scalar relationships through organisation charts than by words or
any other communication media.

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Pictures create a lasting impression and afford a very convenient and simple way to acquaint the people with
information and ideas required to be communicated. Blue prints, drafts, models and posters are some of the
important communication symbols used under this heading.

Communication through Action

Actions offer a third type of communication medium. Purposeful silence, manner and tone of the voice, facial or
hand expression carry and convey meaning to the people in the organisation. Thus lack of courtesy or a frown
on the supervisors face can be interpreted by the subordinate as criticism of his work. In the same way, a
handshake or a smile after the talks are over is usually taken as a symbol of agreement. Purposeful or unexplained
silence on the part of the manager is also taken to mean something by the subordinate.
At times and in some instance certain communication media seems better than others. But it is generally a
combination of media that is used to share information and understanding.

Although communication networks have greatly improved in the recent past, yet much remains to be desired.
There exist certain barriers to communication that tend to distort the message and directly retard the success of
the managers in the performance of their tasks. Poorly transmitted messages lead to misunderstanding and
frictions and affect employee morale adversely. A large number of managerial problems are the result of faulty
communication. Some of the important barriers obstructing clear understanding and causing break-downs in
communication are as follows:
(i) Distortion Caused by Superior-Subordinate Relationship: One of the fundamental barriers to
communication rises from the status relationships in the organization. The superior-subordinate relationship in
the formal organization structure inhibit free flow of information and exchange of ideas, suggestions and questions.
Thus, a superior being conscious of his position may offer advice and comment on the subject under discussion
before listening fully to what the subordinate has to say. Inability or impatience of the superior to listen to the
emotional content of what the subordinate is saying also results in failure to understand the true feelings and
emotions of the subordinate concerning a particular problem. This will have the further repercussion of adversely
affecting his morale and encouraging the subordinate to curtail useful information in future.
The subordinate, on the other hand, assesses the message flowing down to him in terms of his own background,
position, experience, and personality of the senior. In doing so he frequently adds motives which were never
intended. For instance, trade union leaders have a strong tendency to attach unintended meanings and motives
to a managers statement. This kind of mental block influences feelings and prejudices and creates a barrier to
proper understanding in the organization.
Barriers to communication arising on account of superior-subordinate relationship are not confined to downward
flow of communication alone; obstacles also arise in the upward flow of communication. A confession of mistakes
may be good for ones inner satisfaction, but it does not lead to material gains in terms of promotion and pay
increases. Accordingly, subordinates slant information relating to their failures and overemphasise their success.
An example of this kind of distortion is provided when the supervisor fails to communicate upward the grievances
of his subordinates lest it should reflect unfavourably on his ability to guide and supervise them efficiently. In
order not to disturb his personal equilibrium with the news liked by the senior, the subordinates often tends to
communicate to the senior what the latter likes.
(ii) Problem of Semantic Distortion: Messages communicated through words may be distorted intentionally.
However, there are words that often mean different things to different people and thus cause non-deliberate
distortions. The senior selects the words according to his own frame or reference which he thinks adequate to
convey the meaning intended to be communicated. The receiver, on the other hand, reads or listens to the

message and interprets it within his own frame of reference.
Since people differ in their orientation, experience and knowledge of the language, there is no wonder if
communication transmitted through words is distorted on account of semantic problems. Words such as
efficiency, profits, management prerogatives, etc. have acquired symbolic meanings that are even more
powerful than their literal meaning. Thus, efficiency implies different meanings to an expert, a union leader, a
worker, or a manager. In the same way, management may refer to profit as the essential means for survival and
growth of the enterprise, while to a worker or a union leader the word profit means surplus derived from
inadequate salaries. Thus, semantic difficulties come in the way of clear understanding.
(iii) Barriers Arising on Account of Premature Evaluation: Listening is often described as a good business.
In order that the complete message may be transmitted and received, it is essential that the communicator
should be provided with an environment in which he can state his full position. It is only when proper understanding
has been gained that one should attempt to evaluate communication. Premature evaluation and response tend
to stop the transfer of information.
(iv) Barriers due to Perfunctory Attention: Communication in the sense of transfer of information and
understanding will fail if the receiver pays little or no attention to the message. In colleges, schools, business
enterprises, and other organisations as well, failure to read bulletins, notices, reports and minutes is quite common.
(v) Barriers due to Failure to Communicate: There are managers who fail to communicate correct information
at the right time. This is partly because of human tendency to be lazy and partly due to inability of the executive
to select what to communicate. In any case, failure to communicate will cause the communication network to
break down.
(vi) Barriers Arising on Account of Resistance to Change: Because of convenience, security and other
reasons people generally prefer to adhere to the old pattern and tend to resist change. The result is that
people welcome all such information as is consistent with their present belief and attitude. Any communication
attempting to introduce change or convey a new idea is thus likely to be overlooked and at times, opposed by
the receiver.
(vii) Other Distortions of Information: Communication is distorted if the message is not properly expressed.
Thus, when information is worded in a manner not understandable to the average receiver, it is likely to be
misunderstood. In the same way, when communication is not retained its future transmissions are likely to be
less and less accurate. Moreover, if the senior executive is not trusted by his subordinates, communication will
be blocked and assigned unintended meanings and motives.


Effectiveness in communication greatly contributes to the success of managerial functioning. Essentially, exchange
of information and understanding at all levels in the organization should be improved as far as possible. Various
ways to overcome communication barriers are:
(i) Orientation of Employees: When the subordinate is provided with information relating to company objectives,
policies, procedures and authority relations, many possible conflicts and misunderstandings may be avoided.
(ii) Developing Proper Interpersonal Relations: Business or any other co-operative activity requires joint efforts
for accomplishing its goals. The need is, therefore, to develop proper relations between different people working in
the organization. A senior executive should respect the dignity and authority of his subordinates and be kind and
sympathetic to them. Subordinates should also trust their superior and keep him informed about their dealings with
other departments and progress of their work. Status differences should be shelved; valid criticisms and suggestions
should be appreciated. Superior and subordinate should develop a feeling of mutual trust and confidence
1. Keith Devis, Human Behaviour at Work (New Delhi, TMH EDITION, 1977 may be referred to for a detailed study, pp. 394-404).

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(iii) Protective Listening: Paying full attention to what is being said, allowing the speaker to state his viewpoint
without premature evaluation or judgement are the pre-requisites of effective communication. A manager should
evaluate the information only when it has fully been communicated. Without empathetic listening, free and frank
response cannot be expected. In protective listening, the listener tries to understand the viewpoint of the
communicator without prejudging, approving or disapproving what he says.
(iv) Using Proper Language: Semantic distortions can be minimized by communicating the message in direct,
simple and meaningful language. Use of technical terms should be minimized. Information should be worded so
as to reach the level of the readership. Communication is not accepted if it is not properly understood. Where
symbolic meanings are more potent than their real meanings, such words should be used with some explanation.
(v) Communication through Actions and Deeds: When a message is communicated without being acted
upon, it tends to distort the current and subsequent communication from the manager. Reason is that action and
deeds often speak louder and clearer than words. If acts of the senior differ from what he says, subordinates will
gradually become used to listen to what he does and not what he says.
(vi) Strategic use of the Grapevine: Grapevine is an essential part of the communication network in every
organization. Though it suffers from a number of limitations, informal communication cannot be stamped out by
the manager. There are occasions when due to personal and other reasons information should not be transmitted
through the official channels of communication. Resignation of a top-ranking manager may, e.g., be communicated
through the grapevine.
(vii) Feedback: Feedback is also very important in improving communication. Meaningful communication occurs
when it is received as it was intended. A simple way to ensure that communication has resulted in mutual
understanding is to observe behaviour of the subordinate and notice how far his actions conform to the
requirements of the message. When message is communicated through face-to-face personal contact, the
subordinates facial expression may provide a useful feedback. Performance reports, question clarifications,
suggestions, and empathetic listening are also very useful in providing the necessary feedback.

Co-ordination is the orderly synchronization of group efforts so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a
common purpose. Differences in understanding, timing, effort, or approach create the need for harmonizing
individual efforts towards accomplishment of group goals. Co-ordination should rightly be considered as the
essence of management, because each of the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing
and controlling is an exercise in co-ordination. According to Tead, Co-ordination is the effort to assure a smooth
interplay of the functions and forces of the different component parts of an organization to the end that its
purpose will be realized with a minimum of friction and a maximum of collaborative effectiveness.

Features of Co-ordination
Coordination is an integration or synchronization of group efforts in the organization to achieve its objectives.
In an organization, every individual is related with others and his function affects others. Since all individuals
ultimately contribute to the same end result, their contribution will be maximum when there is positive effect of
ones efforts over others. If this is not done, the efforts of some will be counter-productive for others. From this
point of view, coordination has the following features:
(i) Coordination is relevant for group efforts and not individual efforts. It involves the orderly pattern of group
efforts because an individual who is working in isolation does not affect functioning of others and no need
for coordination arises.
(ii) Coordination is a continuous and dynamic process. It is a continuous phenomenon because it is achieved
through the performance of functions. In every organization, some sort of coordination exists; however,
management may make special efforts to achieve coordination of higher degree.

(iii) Coordination emphasizes unity of efforts which is the heart of coordination. This involves the fixation of
time and manner of performance of various functions in the organization and makes the individual efforts
integrated with the total process.
(iv) Higher is the degree of integration in the performance of various functions by various persons in the
organization, higher is the degree of coordination and higher is the possibility of achievement of
organizational objectives.
(v) Coordination is the responsibility of every manager in the organization because he tries to synchronize
the efforts of his subordinates with others. However, when this does not work, there is need for special

Importance of Co-ordination
The effective performance of managerial functions require co-ordination.
(i) Unity in Diversity: Effective co-ordination is the essence of good management. There are large number of
employees and each one has different ideas, views or opinions, activities and background in a large
organization. Thus, there is a diversified activity in a large organization where these diversified activities
will be inefficient in the absence of co-ordination. So, co-ordination is the main element of unity in diversity.
(ii) Termwork or Unity of Direction: The efforts, energies and skills of various persons should be integrated
as group efforts to achieve the objectives of organization. In the absence of co-ordination, the group
efforts may be diversified and fail to achieve the objectives. Besides, co-ordination eliminates duplication
of work which leads to economic and efficient management.
(iii) Functional Differentiation: The organization functions are divided department-wise or section-wise. Each
department performs different jobs. They are necessary to achieve the general objectives. Co-ordination
ensures definite achievement of objectives. Each department tries to perform its function in isolation from
others. It may create a problem. Therefore, co-ordination is necessary to integrate the functions of the
related departments.
(iv) Specialization: There is a high degree of specialization in the modern industrial world. Specialists know
thoroughly about their respective fields. They are able to judge the scope, nature and kind of work they
perform. But they fail to know the job of others and the importance of others performances. This tends to
cause dispute among the specialists. Disputes may be solved with the help of co-ordination.
(v) Reconciliation of Goals: Each department or division has its own goals to achieve within the stipulated
time. There are general goals in relation to an organization. Individuals or employees give more importance
to their own departmental goals than to the organization goals. Therefore, co-ordination reconciles the
employees goals with both departmental and organization goals.
(vi) Congruity of Flows: Congruity of flows refers to the continuous flow of similar information from one direction
to other directions. Information regarding the utilization of resources, activities, using of authority and output
is made to flow in an organization. Co-ordinations ensures the smooth and continuous flow of information.
(vii) Differentiation and Integration: The whole activity of every organization is classified into two units. They
are specialized and homogenous units. Authority is delegated to the various levels of organization. This
is necessary to achieve group efforts. Co-ordination facilitates this process.

Limitations of Co-ordination
Co-ordination is necessary for the smooth and successful functioning of the management. But in practice coordination faces certain problems. Its limitations are listed below:

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Direction and Co-ordination 117

(i) Lack of Administrative Talent: Lack of administrative talent arises due to the selection of inefficient candidates.
They do not understand the administrative procedure properly. This results in ineffective co-ordination.
(ii) Misunderstanding: There are a number of personnel employed in an organisation. They should have
mutual understanding with each other. But the problem of co-ordination creeps in due to misunderstanding
among employees very often.

Types of Co-ordination
Co-ordination is divided into two types. They are explained herein below:
1. Internal Co-ordination: It is the establishment of relationship with a view to co-ordinate the activities of all the
managers, executives, divisions, sub-divisions, branches and other workers.
Internal Co-ordination is further sub-divided into the following two types:
(i) Vertical Co-ordination: Vertical co-ordination refers to that co-ordination in which a superior authority coordinates his work with that of his subordinates and vice versa. Sales manager co-ordinates his work with
the activities of the sales supervisor. Similarly, the sales supervisor is required to have co-ordination and
cordial relationship with his superiors.
(ii) Horizontal Co-ordination: This refers to the establishments of a relationship between the persons of the
same status. For example, co-ordination between the departmental heads, supervisors, co-workers, etc.
2. External Co-ordination: External co-ordination is the establishment of a relationship between the employees of
the organization and outsiders of the organization. This relationship is established for the benefit of the organization
as a whole. The following are the outsiders with whom an organization has to establish better relationship :
Market agencies.
General public.
Union Government, State Government, local self-governments and other government agencies.
Different institutions rendering auxiliary services.
Financial Institutions.
Technological Agencies.
Different commercial organizations.
The work of the establishment of a relationship between the employees of the organization and the outsiders is
entrusted to a person who is designated as Public Relations Officer (PRO).


Co-ordination is considered as the essence of management for following reasons:
1. Management and its functions are an exercise in co-ordination. Different functions of management where
effectively carried out lead to better co-ordination.
2. Co-ordination is involved in every function of management and hence should not be regarded as one of
its functions.

3. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling all involve co-ordination.
Co-ordination is different from cooperation. Cooperation is a voluntary collective action to serve a common
purpose, whereas, co-ordination is an art of synchronization of efforts so that the common goal is attained.
The need for co-ordination is all-pervasive and ever present in every organization. However, co-ordination is by
no means easily attained. In fact, with every increase in size and specialization, cohesion becomes more and
more difficult. The best co-ordination will occur when individuals know how their actions and jobs contribute to
the goals of the enterprise and how their functions are related to other functions in the organization. Fayol has
suggested three things for effective internal co-ordination:
each department should work in proper harmony with the rest;
each department or division should be informed of its share in the group task; and
working schedule of different departments should be constantly attuned to circumstances.

Directing is an important function of management which involves communicating and providing leadership
to the subordinates.
M.R. Jones has defined motivation as being concerned with how behaviour gets started, is engerized,
is sustained, is directed, is stopped, and what kind of subjective reaction is present in the organization
while all of this is going on.
Motivation may also be seen as a chain reaction, beginning with felt needs, resulting in wants or goals
sought, which give rise to tensions, then causing action towards achieving goals, and finally satisfying
Behaviour is motivated by a desire to attain goal. Transactional analysis helps in finding out why people
do as they do by determining which part of the multiple natured individual is being activated in any
Leadership is one of the important aspects of managing. A leader directs and motivates members of the
group. He also represents the group to the outside world and the outside world to the group.
The leadership process is a function of the leader, the follower, and the other situational variables i.e. L
= f (l, f, s). If managers are also good leaders, they provide direction, drive and good representation;
thus proving that leadership is an essential part of successful management.
Leadership is a means of directing and represents that part of an executives activities by which he
guides and influences the behaviour of his subordinates and the group towards some specified goals by
personally working with them and understanding their feeling and problems.
Effectiveness in communication greatly contributes to the success of managerial functioning and is a
vital aspect of the managerial process.
Words, pictures and actions are the communication media used for exchanging information and for
developing understanding between different persons.
Coordination is the orderly synchronization of group efforts so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit
of a common purpose.

Lesson 5

Direction and Co-ordination 119


The process of uniting or union.


Implied, rather than expressly stated.


Strict observance of promises, duties, etc.


Hopelessly intricate, involved, or perplexing.


An opposing force, principle, or tendency.


The power or right to decide or act according to ones own judgment; freedom of
judgment or choice.


To draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke.


A flat plank or small, movable, bridgelike structure for use by persons boarding or
leaving a ship at a pier.


An effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some event or action.

1. Define direction. Explain the different approaches to direction.
2. Enumerate the different principles of direction.
3. Define motivation. Also state the concept of Need-want-satisfaction chain.
4. Without understanding peoples motivation, a manager cannot be successful. Comment.
5. What is the relationship of motivation with human behaviour? In what away does the Transactional
Analysis helps in understanding behaviour?
6. Discuss the distinguishing features of various theories of motivation and explain how each theory is
useful for managers.
7. Leadership is situational. Discuss.
8. Define channels of communication. Discuss the main characteristics of formal and informal channels
of communication.
9. Explain the principal barriers to communication and suggest measures for overcoming such barriers.
10. Write short notes on:
(a) Communication media.
(b) The role of union in communication.
(c) Grapevine.
11. Co-ordination is the Essence of Management. Discuss.
Suggested Readings
(1) Management (7th Edition) Koontz, ODonnell and Weihrich
(2) Principles of Management Koontz and ODonnell
(3) Management Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert, Jr.
(4) Management-Theory and Practice J P Mahajan
(5) Principles and Practice of Management L M Prasad
(6) Principles of Management T Ramasamy.


Lesson 6

Controlling 121

Lesson 6
Concept of Control
Characteristics of Control
Importance of Control
Control Process
Essentials of a Good Control System
Techniques of Control
Non-Traditional Techniques of Control
Budgetary Control
Standard Costing
Financial Ratio Analysis
Internal Audit
Break-Even Analysis
Statistical Control
Modern Techniques of Control
Zero Base Budgeting
Network Analysis
Management Audit
Review Questions
Relationship between Planning and
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

The word control is a commonly used word. You

must have come across statements like - control
your anger, control your expenses and save
money, control your kids, etc.
In common parlance, word control means, to
check or verify ; to regulate; to curb or restrain,
However, in the context of a business, it means
a process of controlling the activities of an
A good definition of control is that it is the
process through which managers assure that
actual activities conform to planned activities.
Control is directly related to planning. The
process of controlling ensures that plans are
being implemented properly. In the
management cycle functions viz. planning,
organizing, directing and controlling- planning
moves forward to all other functions and
controlling is the last function. This is because
control is the final link in the function chain of
management activities. It is the only way
managers know whether or not organizational
goals are being met, why or why not?
Thus the objective of this chapter is to make
the students understand the concept and
various techniques of control so as to enable
them to get an insight about what kind of control
system would work best in a given situation.

The managerial control implies the measurement of accomplishment against the standard and the correction
of deviation to assure attainment of objectives according to plans.
Koontz and ODonnell


Control is a fundamental managerial function that usually follows other functions. But like planning and other
functions, control is also a continuing process of management.
By forcing events to conform to plans, control becomes intimately connected with planning and has the same
characteristics of unity, continuity, flexibility and pervasiveness as are possessed by planning.
Controlling as a function of management, therefore, means the measurement and correction of performance of
activities of subordinates in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and plans devised to attain them are
accomplished. Control thus consists in knowing the extent to which actions are in conformity with plans adopted
and instructions issued so that errors and deviations are promptly reported and analyzed, and suitable corrective
actions taken. Remedial action may result in alteration of plans, change in the organization structure, modification
in the staffing process, or change in the process and techniques of direction.

Control depends on, and Contributes to other Functions of Management

Without plans to set objectives and specify activities, control would serve no useful purpose; without organizations,
there would hardly be any guidance about who should make evaluations and who should take corrective action;
in the absence of effective direction, corrective action would have little or insignificant impact on actual performance.
Thus, different phases of management process need to be effectively linked together.
Control presupposes the existence of goals and plans. Accordingly, no manager can control actions which are
not planned. Thus, complete and co-ordinated plans greatly facilitate the control process.

Control Pervades all Levels of Management

In view of the authority vested in the managers occupying top positions in the organization and their consequent
responsibility, control is sometimes considered to be the function of top management, and many are under the
impression that little control is needed at lower levels. But this is erroneous and misleading. Although the nature
of control exercised by the managers varies, it is an essential function of management performed at all levels in
the organization.

On the basis of the above given concept of control, we can identify the main characteristics of Controlling, as
follows :
(i) Controlling is forward looking: A manager cannot control the past. A manager can take corrective action
only about future operations. By reviewing past events, a manager applies the advantages of previous
experience to future corrections. Control is usually preventive as presence of control system tends to
minimize wastages, losses and deviations from standards.
(ii) Controlling exists at every management level: Controlling is a function of every manager in the
organizationright from the Chairman of the Board of Directors down to the first-line supervisor. For
example, top management is involved in exercising strategic control, middle management concentrates
on tactical control, and operational control is the responsibility of supervisory management.
(iii) Controlling is a continuous activity: Control is not a one-step process but a continuous process. It involves
constant revision and analysis of standards resulting from the deviations between actual and planned

Lesson 6

Controlling 123

(iv) Purpose of controlling is positive: Controlling serves a positive purpose both at the organizational level as
well as the individual level. At the organizational level, the purpose of control is to make things happen
i.e., to achieve organizational goals within stated constraints or by means of planned activities. At the
individual level, the purpose of control is to make individuals give up a part of their independence so that
common goal and objectives may be accomplished.

It is through a well-designed control system that managers regulate the activities of individuals and units so that
they are consistent with the goals and standards of the organization. Control is important, therefore, because it
is the only way managers know whether organizational goals are being met and if not, the reasons why. The
value of the control function can be judged from the following major benefits that accrue from it:
(i) Helps in Decentralizing Authority: An efficient system of control encourages top management to go in for
decentralization of authority. With controls, managers can foster decision making at lower levels without
losing ultimate control.
(ii) Increases Managerial Ability: to cope with uncertainty and change: Uncertainty and change are an inevitable
part of any organizations environment. By developing control systems, managers are better able to
monitor specific activities and react quickly to significant changes in the environment. This facilitates
organizational viability in the face of environmental uncertainty and change, especially in such areas as
customer demand, technology, availability of raw materials and government regulations.
(iii) Strives to Rationally Structure Human Behaviour: Since most organizational activities ultimately depend
on human behaviour, controlling is largely geared toward highlighting needed behaviour and discouraging
unwanted behaviours. Thus, controls infuse order, discipline and purposefulness among organizational
participants to improve the predictability of their behaviour, to reduce diversity and to bring forth unity of
effort in their performance.
(iv) Ensures Efficient Use of Scarce and Valuable Resources: Controls are essential to minimize the variability
in the use of resources so that the intended goals are achieved with the least cost and a few untoward
(v) Facilitates Co-ordination: Control and coordination are important processes of management. In the context
of predetermined goals, control keeps all activities and efforts within their fixed boundaries and makes
them to move towards common goals through co-ordinated activities. In this sense, control pulls together
all the diverse and multiple threads of organized activity and weaves them into a unified system to achieve
predetermined goals. Thus, control is a feeder function to ensure and maintain co-ordination throughout
the organization.
(vi) Fosters Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness: An efficient control system helps in achieving
organizational efficiency and effectiveness by focusing on crucial areas of performance and control.
These areas relate to the internal and external dimensions of an organization and include fixing
responsibility for performance, motivating people for higher performance, effectively dealing with
environmental uncertainties, eliminating wasteful expenditure of scarce and valuable resources, achieving
coordination of activities and efforts, and attaining individual and collective goals with minimum friction
and inconvenience.

Control consists of assuring that the results of operations confirm as closely as possible to the established goals
and predetermined standards. The essential elements of any control process are:

1. Establishment of Goals and Standards
Standards are the norms against which the performance is measured to find out the result. The first essential
element of any control process is to know what should be the result. This requires projecting the future and
determination of goals and standards of performance. Standards may be
tangible or specific (like production of 200 units per day or sale of 1500 units per day)
intangible or abstract (to be the most preferred employer)
But these must be so expressed that people concerned understand them, and that accomplishment of assigned
duties can be measured against them.
2. Measurement of Actual Performance against Standards and their Comparison
Once standards are set, the second basic step in control process is the evaluation of performance. This requires
measuring the work in terms of control standards, and communicating the appraisal to persons responsible for
taking corrective actions. Measurement of performance must be in units similar to those in which standards are
Checking on performance is not intended just to determine that a mistake has been made, rather it enables the
manager to predict future problems. Customer inquiries are sometimes used to predict a rise or fall in sales: a
machines vibration may be used to predict a breakdown; or grievances may be used to predict a strike. Through
such prediction, corrective actions can be initiated without waiting for the actual event to occur.
Measurement of performance becomes easy if appropriate standards have been set and means are available
for exact determination of the performance. But in practice there are some activities for which it is extremely
difficult to develop sound standards. Likewise, there are many performance areas that are difficult to measure.
Industrial relations finance, and public relations are a few examples of this kind.
Thus, setting appropriate standards and developing the means for exact measurement and appraisal of
performance is an extremely difficult task. Moreover, as new techniques are being developed to measure the
performance with a reasonable degree of objectivity, useful standards at higher as well as lower levels of
management are bound to emerge. Management should also apply the exception principle and concentrate
mainly on significant deviations wherever they occur.
3. Corrective Action
When a significant discrepancy occurs between the actual output or performance and the planned or
predetermined performance standards, specific action must be taken to correct the situation. Some innovative
people and organizations have already built-in corrective actions in their control process, if the deviations are
due to controllable factors. Some even go to the extent of identifying the uncontrollable factors and developing
alternative courses of action for deviations. When deviations occur and the procedures regarding corrective
action are given in advance to the performers of job, actions can be taken without delay. The following are
important phases of corrective action.
(i). The Operation Phase
(a) Prompt investigation of the causes of the deviation.
(b) Decisions concerning the required corrective action.
(c) Prompt direction for correcting the situation in accordance with the decision.
(d) Close supervision of the corrective action to ensure that it is taking place according to the instructions
and is effective.
(ii). The Administrative Phase

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(a) Further investigation of recurring difficulties to determine the basic factors, either human or physical, that
are responsible.
(b) Disciplinary action, either positive or negative, as the situation requires.
(c) Creative planning to prevent a recurrence of the situation.
(d) Recognition of the situation and the introduction of the planned measurement.
4. Follow-Through
Recommending corrective actions also is not sufficient and the manager shouldnt assume that his responsibility
is over with this action. Often the control process is ineffective or fails because the corrective action recommended
is not followed through. Specific procedures must be established and the responsibility must be clearly assigned
to carry out the corrective action. Say, for instance, the performance evaluation of a subordinate indicates
weaknesses in supervisory practices; the superior of this individual recommends a correction action by which
the individual is to undergo some training in supervisory practices. The responsibility for that corrective action is
not over just by making this recommendation. The superior must follow through his recommendations to see
whether the individual participates and makes progress in the training programme and to what extent he relates
to his actual work situation whatever he has learned in the training programme.


Certain ideas are basic to the development of an effective control system and every manager irrespective of the
level at which he operates must be guided by these considerations.
(i) Feedback: Feedback is the process of adjusting future actions based upon information about past performance.
Feedback is based upon inter-dependence of different parts of a system.
A manager responsible for control needs a continuous flow of information relating to actual performance so that
deviations are promptly detected and corrected. Information which flows back to the manager for this purpose is
nothing but feedback. Information may be feedback informally or formally. Informal feedback is through personal
contact, informal discussions and personal observation. Financial statements, reports, statistical analysis, and
other written communications furnish examples of formal feedback. In every organization information is feedback
formally as well as informally.
Whatever be the efficiency in date feedback, managerial control cannot be so instantaneous or self-correcting
as some of the mechanical or electronic control are. There are, however, managers who on the pretext of
automatic correction of deviations, favour new and sophisticated systems of data collection. These managers
overlook the fact that there always exists a time-lag between recording the deviations and initiating the corrective
actions. Even when deviations are promptly reported, it takes time to analyse them, chalk out a programme of
actions and implement the same. A major part of the time in correcting deviations is consumed in these three
separate identifiable activities, and not so much in recording and reporting of deviations.
Thus, even fastest data collection, such as the real time information (i.e. information immediately available at
the time events are occurring) will not result in automatic correction of deviations from plans.
(ii) Control should be Objective: Evaluation of the performance of a subordinate should not be a matter of
subjective determination. That is, control, should be definite and objective. A subordinate will respond favourably
to the objective standards and impartial appraisal of his work performance.
(iii) Prompt Reporting of Deviations: Control system should be devised so as to detect deviations before they
actually occur. Manger should be provided with information as soon as possible so that he can hive off failures.
(iv) Forward Looking Control: Ideal control is instantaneous, self-correcting and forward-looking. However,
managerial control is not exactly similar to the mechanical or electronic control. There normally exists a time-lag

between recording and reporting the deviations and the corrective actions to become operative. A manager
should, therefore, structure his control system in a way so that deviations are predicted well in time and corrective
action can be initiated before substantial deviation occurs.
(v) Flexible Control: Control must be flexible in the sense that it should respond favourably to the conditions. In
consequence of unforeseen circumstances when plans are changed, control should reflect corresponding changes
to remain operative under new conditions. Controls are not an end in themselves. In order to accomplish objectives
if it becomes necessary to revise the plans, the control system must have the attribute to adapt itself to new
developments. The basic idea is that control should remain workable under dynamic business conditions including
the failure of the control system itself. Flexible plans tend to make the control adaptable to new situations.
(vi) Organizational Suitability: Control is exercised through managerial positions, and as such they should
reflect the organizational pattern. Each managerial position should be provided with adequate authority to exercise
self-control and take corrective actions. Flow of control information should be consistent with organization structure
(vii) Control should be Economical: A control system should be economical in the sense that the cost of its
installation and maintenance should be justified by its benefits. Simply stated, control must be worth its cost. An
elaborate control system may sometimes have to be discarded because cost and benefit considerations do not
warrant its installation. Thus, a small company can hardly afford the extensive system of control practiced by
large companies.
(viii) Strategic Point Control: Deviations cannot be eliminated altogether. However, all deviations are not of
equal importance and do not require same account of attention. Thus, if postal expense has rise by, say, 10 per
cent, this deviation is insignificant and carries very little meaning for the management. If, on the other hand,
labour cost rises by only 5 per cent, this must occupy full attention of management. An attempt to control and
attend to all the factors will make the management busy with less important problems and deny management
attention to the strategic areas and deviations. It is thus one of the essential requirements of an effective control
system to highlight the critical or limiting points that deserve close management attention for appraisal and
adjustments. Thus, efficient control system discriminates between important and unimportant factors, and through
it makes the system more effective and less costly.
(ix) Control should be Simple to Understand: Those who administer control should understand it. Control
specialists very often recommend sophisticated and advanced techniques of control on the pretext of proving their
expertise, and tend to overlook the question, of these, being understood by the managers in the organization.
There are also cases where the personnel lack sufficient motivation to learn the new system. In either case, control
loses its effectiveness. Thus, while launching a system of control, management should take into account the
present qualifications and abilities of executives and also their potential abilities to be developed soon. Mathematical
formulae, complex charts and detailed statistical summaries, though very useful, may fail to prove as effective
control devices if their meaning is not properly communicated to the executives who have to use them.
(x) Control should Suggest Corrective Action: An essential requirement of the effective control system is that
it should indicate deviations and suggest corrective actions promptly and in time. Simple recording of deviations
and errors and fixing responsibility for their occurrence is not sufficient if it is not followed by suitable actions to
prevent its further occurrence.
(xi) Control should be Worker-Focused : Modern control system is worker-focused rather than work or job
oriented. Control is affected on people who handle material resources for producing certain work results. If any
corrective action is called for, persons accountable for results are to be located for initiating remedial actions.
Research studies have proved that because of greater freedom allowed and special interest shown by it in the
people worker-focused control is generally associated with higher productivity.


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A variety of tools and techniques have been developed and used for the years for purposes of managerial
control. These tools are, in the first instance planning devices. Some of these techniques are termed as traditional
and others as modern. Most of the modern control devices usually reflect the system techniques long used in
physical sciences. Operations research and PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) are important
modern control techniques.
Thus, the main traditional control devices are:
Budgetary Control
Standard Costing
Financial Ratio Analysis
Internal Audit
Break-Even Analysis
Statistical Control
Some of the non-traditional (modern) control devices are:
Zero Base Budgeting
Network Analysis

CPM - Critical Path Method

PERT - Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
Management Audit
Traditional devices focus on non-scientific methods, whereas non-traditional devices are based on more of
scientific methods and are more accurate.
They are discussed below:


Despite the newer techniques of planning and control, some of the traditional techniques are still very popular
because of their special significance and continuing utility. Budgeting is one of the most important of such

Budgetary Control
Budget as a plan represents a statement of anticipated inflows and expected outflows expressed numerically.
Exercising control over day-to-day operations of the enterprise for the purpose of executing budgets is known
as budgetary control.
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England and Wales defines a budget as a financial and/
or quantitative statement prepared prior to a defined period of time of the policy to be pushed during that period
for the purpose of attaining a good objective.
The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England and Wales has defined budgetary control as the
establishment of objectives relating to the responsibilities of executives to the requirements of a policy and the
continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results, either to secure by individual action the objective of that
policy or to provide a basis for its revision.
Expected results in a budget may be expressed in financial terms, in terms of man hours, units of output,
machine hours, or in any other numerically measurable term. A budget may deal with operations, such as the

expense budget; it may relate to capital outlays, like the capital budget; or it may reflect flow of cash, as does the
cash budget.
Full benefits of budgeting and budgetary control can be realised if different phases of all the operations of the
company are covered by budgets and comprehensive budgeting is in use. In such cases, planning is largely
confined to budgeting. In a number of enterprises, however, only important activities are planned and controlled
by means of budgets, and only partial budgets are prepared. Sales budgets are generally prepared in either
Elements of Budgetary Control
Basically, budgetary control involves the following steps:
Determination of objectives to be achieved like higher profits, better finance position, better position in
the market, etc.
Noting the steps necessary to achieve the objectives, i.e., laying down the exact and detailed course of
action month by month and over the whole period.
Translating the course of action into quantitative and monetary terms.
Constant comparison of the actual with the budget (again both physical achievement and the money
values involved). Noting deviations and rectifying the same to eliminate the gap between the budget
planned and budget achieved.
Purpose of Budgeting
Budgeting is used for a variety of purposes. Thus, according to Koontz and ODonnel, budgets correlate planning
and allow authority to be delegated without loss of control. Some of the basic general purposes for which
budgeting is used are as follows:
(i) To Develop an Organized Procedure for Planning: A budget requires planning and is also in itself an
instrument of planning. Budgeting involves anticipation of results and expressing them in numerical terms. The
revenue and expense budget, for examples, requires compilation of sales budget and a number of different
expense budgets. Forecasting or projecting a future course of action implied in budgeting is essentially a planning
process. Comprehensive budgeting forces management to develop a network of objectives and policies and
plans for all the phases of operations of the enterprise.
(ii) Means of Co-ordination: Budgeting is also used for coordinating the activities of the various divisions of a
business. Thus, production must bear a logical relation to sales. While preparing budgets information must
certainly be required relating to divisions and activities in the enterprise. A sales budget, for instance, cannot be
prepared without knowing about production programme of the enterprise. The very act of preparing budgets,
therefore, forces coordination. The process of integrating various budgets into a master budget also highlights
the importance of coordination implied in budgeting.
(iii) Basis for Control: Control represents the most widely known use for budgeting. Events can be compelled
to conform to plans only when there are predetermined objectives and standards. Budgeting forces management
to lay down objectives, goals and plans in numerical terms. It thus provides the yardstick for measurement of
performance so essential for effective control. Budget reports analyze the deviations and also suggest corrective
actions. Thus, budgeting is also used as an aid to managerial control.
Stated above are the general or overall purposes of budgeting and budgetary control.
Other purposes of a Budget
(i) To Control Cost: Individual budgets for each operation or departmental help the management to know
separately the cost for each of them and thus exercise effective control over cost. The departmental manager

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who notices substantial deviations from budgeted costs for operations under his control, feels compelled to
curtail extra expenditure and think very seriously about controlling the cost.
(ii) To Increase Efficiency in the Field of Production: Very often than not, budgetary control necessitates
preparation of separate production budget, and thus helps determine progress and efficiency of the production.
(iii) To Determine Capital Requirements: Budgeting is also employed to determine capital requirements of the
enterprise. This is possible through computing financial flows at different phases of all the operations of the
enterprise as reflected in various budgets.
(iv) To Encourage Research and Development: Budgeting also aims at encouraging research and development.
Comparison of actual performance with the budgeted goals and plans, and thorough analysis of deviations
particularly of key factors provide a sound basis for research and development.
(v) To Increase Utility of Cost Records: Budgeting entails considerable use of cost information and records.
Thus, budgetary controls add meaning to cost records and increase their utility.
Types of Budget
Budgets are drawn on the basis of plans and since an average enterprise has a large variety of plans, there are
many types of budgets currently in use in business organizations. The following are the important types of
Sales budgets including selling and distribution costs budgets.
Production and manufacturing budgets.
Purchase Budget.
Capital Expenditure Budget.
Administration Expenses Budget.
Research and Development Budget.
Cash Budget.
A master budget is frequently prepared to combine all other budgets in a summary form. The components of the
master budget are the various functional budgets. The summary plan of master budget is generally divided into
two parts- a forecast income statement and a forecast balance sheet.
Benefits of Budgeting
A system of budgeting and budgetary control leads to the following advantages:
(i) Budgeting helps to express many diverse actions and things in terms of a common numerical denominator.
It thus provides the management with a means of making comparisons between dissimilar things.
(ii) Maximum efficiency is achieved by avoiding wastage and losses.
(iii) Expenditure beyond what is provided in budgets is not incurred without prior sanction. Thus, expenditure
can be scrutinized before it is incurred.
(iv) Budgets serve as a target. Therefore, objective judgement, rather than judgements depending upon
personal ideas and whims, is possible. The people concerned also know the standard against which their
performance is supposed to be judged.
(v) Every one knows what exactly he has to do. This means there will be no over-lapping and that there will
be nothing left undone.
(vi) Management by exception is possible; comparison of actual and budgeted performance will show up
spots where management attention is needed the most.

(vii) If budgets are drawn up on the basis of measured dynamism, the firm would be able to grow at a faster
(viii) Budgeting is also very useful in profit planning - setting targets for profits and related matters and then
ensuring accomplishment of targets through analysis of deviations and prompt corrective actions.

Standard Costing
Expenses/costs associated with every activity are recorded and classified and then compared with the standard
or budgeted costs. The concerned manager takes corrective action if any deviation is found. This technique
helps in finding out which activity is profitable and which is not.

Financial Ratio Analysis

All business organizations prepare Profit & Loss a/c and Balance Sheet. When a comparative study of these
financial statements are made, trends of changes in profits, assets, liabilities, turnover etc can be assessed.
Further ratio analysis can be done to compute and analyze financial statements. Ratio Analysis is the relation
between various elements of financial statements expressed in mathematical terms. It helps to understand
profitability, liquidity, solvency of a firm

Internal Audit
It is another effective and widely used tool of managerial control. Internal auditing signifies regular and independent
appraisal of the accounting, financial, and other operations of a business by a staff of internal auditors.
There is no denying the fact that internal auditors mostly limit themselves to the integrity of accounts and
corporate assets. But the horizon of internal auditing can be widened just by bringing under them some more
appraisal areas as - policies, procedures, methods, quality of management, etc. But the primary limiting factor in
this regard is that no management however broad it may be in outlook and attitude likes to give these people so
much of authority and respond to their queries regarding various aspects of management. Nevertheless, dearth
of qualified personnel to carry on such a broad-based audit is also a matter of significance.

Break- Even Analysis

Break-Even Analysis is a point of no profit no loss. For instance when a firm is able to sell 24,000 bags, it
would be break-even. It indicates that a sale below this level will cause a loss and any sale above this level will
earn profits. It can be used a control device as it provides a basis for collective actions to be taken to improve
future performance

Statistical Control
In order to find out the causes for deviations, comparison of various ratios, averages, percentages of statistical
data are undertaken. Statistical reports compiled after the analysis are presented in the form of charts or graphs
which can help in visualizing the trend and weaknesses in the respective areas of operation and necessary
remedial steps are suggested. Charts and diagrams are used by the production, sales, purchase, and personnel
and even more frequently by the executive heads of companies. In recent years statistical data and information
have become the most common means to aid planning and controlling device.


Following are the modern techniques of control:

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Zero Base Budgeting

Zero base budgeting is a new approach to budgeting which was first introduced by Peter Pyhrr in 1970 in the
United States. It is defined as an operative planning and budgeting process which requires each manager to
justify his entire budget in detail from scratch (hence zero-base) and shifts the burden of proof to each manager
to justify why he should spend any money at all.
The following steps are implied in zero-base budgeting.
First, managers at all levels have to define the objective of each programme of activity that they supervise, and
prepare alternative spending plans as decision packages. There should be at least three, if not more, such
one involving expenditure of (say) 20% below the present level to expenditure or the minimum expenditure
which will permit the programme to be continued meaningfully;
another package indicating resources in men, materials and money which will be needed to continue the
present levels of performance and objectives;
and a third package indicating what more could be achieved if additional funds were available to the
extent of (say) 10% or more. The executives at the next higher level have then to consolidate these
decision packages and rank them in order of priorities.
ZBB as a technique of budgeting based on continuous evaluation of the current activities. It provides a convenient
reference plan that can be used for controlling activities during the budget period. It is an effective managerial
tool to ensure sound planning and efficient budgeting. It can be used more meaningfully in those areas where
there exists a direct relationship between the expenditure on an activity and its benefit to the enterprise. However,
the process of ZBB involves additional time and effort to be devoted during the initial years.

Network Analysis
Network analysis is a technique for planning and controlling complex projects and for scheduling the resources
required on such products. It achieves this aim by analyzing the component parts of a project and assessing the
sequential relationships between each event. The results of this analysis are represented diagrammatically as a
network of interrelated activities. Broadly speaking, there are two network techniques.
(a) Critical Path Method
Critical Path Method, an important network technique for management control was developed by Walkar of
Dupont to reduce time for periodic maintenance. It is used for planning and controlling the most critical activities
to accomplish any project. Under this technique a project is broken into different operations or activities and their
relationships are determined. These relations are shown with the help of diagram known as network diagram.
The Network diagram or flow plan may be used for optimizing the use of resources and time. CPM technique is
based on the assumption that activity times are proportional to the magnitude of resources allocated to them
and by making a change in the level of resources, the activity times and the project completion time can be
The application of CPM leads to the following advantages:
(i) It provides an analytical approach to the achievement of project objectives which are defined clearly.
(ii) It identifies most critical elements and pays more attention to these activities.
(iii) It assists in avoiding waste of time, energy and money on unimportant activities.
(iv) It provides a standard method for communicating project plans, schedule and cost.

(b) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
PERT is an important technique in the field of project management. It involves basic network technique which
includes planning, monitoring and controlling of projects. In addition to its use in schedule planning and control
the network concept in PERT provides framework for treating a wide-range of project management problems.
Thus, PERT system is directed towards the dynamic management of projects. It specifies techniques and
procedures to assist project managers in:
(i) Planning schedules and costs;
(ii) Determining time and cost status;
(iii) Forecasting manpower skill requirements;
(iv) Predicting schedule slippages and cost overruns;
(v) Developing alternate time-cost plans;
(vi) Allocating resources among tasks.
Application of PERT requires that management should know the goal to be achieved, determine the actions
necessary to achieve the goal, determine the sequence in which these must performed and carefully establish
the time that will elapse at each of the successive stages of actions required to achieve the goals.
PERT uses probability and linear programming for planning and controlling the activities. Probability helps in
estimating the timings of various activities in the project and linear programming is used to maximize the
achievement of the project objectives. With the help of these tools, PERT can foretell the probability of achieving
the project targets leading to projects main objective.
PERT is employed in construction of ships, buildings and highways, in the planning and launching of new
projects, in the publication of books, in the installation and debugging of computer systems. Frequently, PERT
systems are used in conjunction with computers. A computer programme is employed that permits calculations
to be made without reference to a flow chart or diagram.

Management Audit
Companies get their accounts audited at least once a year. This statutory audit is intended to ensure that the
companys records and reports reflect sound accounting principles. Such an audit looks to the past, to historical
records of past performance. However, some of the progressive companies appear to have recognized the
importance and utility of management audits. And management audits are becoming increasingly significant in
connection with control of overall performance of the enterprise and its management.
Management audit may be defined as the systematic and dispassionate examination, analysis and appraisal of
managements overall performance. It is basically a procedure or a form of appraisal of managements total
performance by means of an objective and comprehensive examination of the organization structure or its
components, such as a department, its plans and policies, methods of operation, controls and its use of physical
facilities and human resource. Thus, management audit signifies critical assessment of management of the
enterprise from the broadest possible point of view. Such an audit may be undertaken by the management itself,
or it may be carried out with the help of management consultants. In the same way, while a comprehensive
management audit may be recommended, companies may even apply it independently to some specific sections
of the organization. Thus, production efficiency or investment appraisal may well be the subject matter of
management audit. It may even be used to provide guidance on critical assessment of capital budgeting or profit
Financial Audit and Management Audit
Management audit should not be confused with accounting or statutory audit. Accounting audit is concerned

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with verification and confirmation of financial data, and is essentially historical in character. But management
audit looks to the past, the present and the future. Its basic purpose is to appraise the management performance
of the departments and the company on the whole. In terms of scope, financial audit is largely concerned with
financial records and results of companys operation for the year, while management audit goes further and
covers areas of management on asset potential, capacity utilization, executive evaluation, personnel practices,
physical facilities, financial procedures, and others not directly covered by the former. Rights and duties of
company auditors are well defined in the statute governing them, and are also governed by judicial
pronouncements. So far as management audit is concerned, there are no clearly defined rights and duties of
such an auditor; nor is there any uniformity in the depth of the audit. Statutory audit is conducted by an independent
qualified auditor but management audit may even be undertaken by management itself; the qualifications of
those conducting management audit are not prescribed by any law.
Appraisal Areas
Management audit consists of two distinct parts-systematic compilations of relevant data and its analysis with a
view to appraising managements overall performance.
The American Institute of Management has identified ten categories of appraisal areas to be used under any
comprehensive management audit programme.
(i) Economic Function: This category includes appraising public value of the company in relation to different
interest like consumers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and the communities in which it operates.
(ii) Corporate Structure: Under this category is appraised the effectiveness of the corporate structure through
which the management seeks to accomplish its objectives.
(iii) Health of Earnings: It is concerned with determining the income itself and also appraising the extent to
which profit potential of the companys asset has been realized.
(iv) Service of Shareholders: Here, the management audit team determines the companys service to the shareholders
w.r.t. (with reference to) minimization of risk, reasonable return, capital appreciation over a period of time.
(v) Research and Development: For giant companies particularly, evaluation of its research policies is crucial
to management audit. Research and development success is evaluated in terms of the part played by it in the
companys past progress and also in terms of how successfully research policies are preparing the company for
future progress and improvement of its industry position.
(vi) Directorate Analysis: In this appraisal area three elements usually considered are
(i) the quality of each director and his contribution to the board.
(ii) the extent to which directors work as a team.
(iii) whether the directors act as trustees for the organization.
(vii) Fiscal Policies: The key factors under this category of appraisal are providing, controlling and managing
thriftily the use of funds.
(viii) Production Efficiency: Production or operating efficiency is equally vital to manufacturing as well as nonmanufacturing companies. The first part under this category which is frequently over-emphasized, is the appraisal
of machines and materials management.
(ix) Sales Vigour: There are significant variations in sales practices and marketing principles followed by different
companies even in the same industry. Still, sales vigour can be evaluated if marketing goals are properly
determined. The extent to which past sales potential has been realized, development of sales personnel, and
the extent to which present sales policies of the company will enable its management to realize future sales
potential, are the three important bases than can be used to appraise the sales vigour.

(x) Executive Evaluation: Each of the appraisal categories discussed above to some extent involve evaluation
of the concerned executives. However, because of their vital role, the quality of executives and their
management philosophy need to be evaluated separately. The American Institute of Management has found
three personal qualities as being essential elements for business leaders. These are ability, industry and
integrity. Good management demands that executives should work, together in harmony, and ensures
companys continuity by sound policies, decisions, procedures and programmes relating to different activities
of the enterprise.

State True or False:
1. Control can work irrespective of any plans to set objectives and specify
2. Efficient control system discriminates between important and unimportant
3. Traditional control devices focus on scientific methods whereas nontraditional devices are based on more of non-scientific methods.
4. Zero Base Budgeting can be used more meaningfully in those areas where
a direct relationship exists between the expenditure on an activity and its
benefit to the enterprise.
Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True


Planning and controlling are closely linked to each other. They are called the siamese twins of management. Not
surprisingly, effective planning facilitates controlling, and controlling facilitates planning. The reciprocal relationship
between planning and controlling is depicted in the given Figure. Planning lays out a framework for the future
and, in this sense, provides a blueprint for control. A system of control presupposes the existence of certain
standards. Planning provides the standards of performance which serve as the basis of control. In this context,
Koontz, ODonnell, and Weihrich rightly remark, Every objective, every goal of the many planning programmes,
every policy, every procedure, and every budget become standards against which actual or expected performance
might be measured. Control systems, in turn, regulate the allocation and use of resources and, in doing so, and
facilitate the process of the next phases of planning. Control is meant to keep the plans on the right track and to
keep away the forces of disruption and distortion. The lessons of control are feedback to modify and reform
future plans. Thus, planning and controlling reinforce each other. Planning based on facts makes control easier,
and adequate controlling improves future planning. It is, however, important to remember that in todays complex
organizational environment, both functions have become more difficult to implement while they have become
more important in every department of the organization.

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Relationship Between Planning and Controlling

Planning is Looking Ahead and Controlling is Looking Back: A Critical Evaluation

While explaining the relationship between planning and controlling it is often said that, Planning is looking
ahead and controlling is looking back. The view of planning and controlling expressed in the statement,
though true, is incomplete. Planning is, no doubt, a forward-looking activity as it involves deciding in advance
the organizations objectives, strategies, major policies and programmes and forecasting the future events as
also their likely impact on the organization. And, controlling is a backward-looking activity as it involves checking
whether the plans are properly implemented, the plan results are achieved, and deviations are corrected.
Surely, it is a postmortem of events which have already taken place. Now, nothing can be done to undo the
However, the description of the processes and purposes of planning and controlling, though correct, is certainly
not complete. Planning is not merely forward-looking. Plans for the future are often partly the projections of the
past and the present. Thus, planning is based on past experience. The planner has to look back into the
organizations past decisions, policies, programmes and commitments to embark on future course of action.
Similarly, controlling is not merely a looking back exercise. By identifying deviations and initiating corrective
steps, controlling attempts to improve work performance in future. The whole exercise of looking back is meant
to improve work performance in future. Feedforward controls, in particular, enable managers to take advance
preventive action against occurrence of deviations and distortions in plans, and thereby help in keeping the
organization alert and alive to the future environmental events. Thus, the early warning and rapid response
processes are integral to all control systems which make controlling forward looking.

Control is a fundamental managerial function that usually follows other functions.
The essential elements of any control process are:

Establishment of goals and standards

Measurement of actual performance against standard
Corrective action
Follow through action.
Some of the basic general purposes for which budgeting is used are as follows:


To develop an organized procedure for planning

To provide means of co-ordination
To form a basis of control
The essence of good reporting is the application of the principle of management by exception.
Network analysis is a technique for planning and controlling complex projects and for scheduling the
resources required on such products.
Zero base budgeting is defined as an operative planning and budgeting process which requires each
manager to justify his entire budget in detail from scratch.
Planning and controlling are closely linked to each other. They are called the siamese twins of
management. Not surprisingly, effective planning facilitates controlling, and controlling facilitates planning.


Occurring or appearing again.


Occurring, done, or completed in an instant.


A place swarming with busy occupants.


Something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object.


Any standard of measurement or judgement.


To impose as a burden.


Force of healthy growth in any living matter or organism, as a plant or active or

effective force, especially legal validity.

Siamese Twins

Any twins who are born joined together in any manner.

1. Define the concept of control. Discuss its nature.
2. Discuss the requirements of an effective control system.
3. Define budgetary control system. What are the essentials of an effective budgetary system?
4. Define budget. What are the different types of budgets used in business?
5. What are the non-budgetary control techniques? Discuss any one of them in detail.
6. Discuss the advantages and limitations of budgetary control.
7. Define management audit. Discuss the appraisal areas that should occupy the attention of management
audit team. How does management audit differ from financial audit?
8. What factors have contributed to the increased awareness of quality in modern business?
9. Write short notes on:
(i) Zero base budgeting.
(ii) Management Self Audit.
(iii) Non-traditional Devices of Control.

Lesson 6
Suggested Readings
(1) Professional Management Haimann
(2) Essentials of Management Koontz & ODonnell
(3) Business Budgeting and Control Heckert (J.B.) and Wilson (J.D.)
(4) Business Policy A Management Audit Approach William T. Greenwood
(5) Management Theory and Practice J P Mahajan.

Controlling 137


Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 139

Lesson 7
Recent Trends in Management
Concept of Change Management
Concept of Resistance to Change
Change through the Management Hierarchy
Lewins Three-Step Model
Action Research
Concept of Crisis Management
Types of Crisis Management
Review Questions
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Important Principles of TQM
Concept of Risk Management
Objectives of Risk Management
Scope and Applicability of Risk
Risk Management Process
Responsibilities of Risk Management
Global Practices
Features of International Business
Importance of International Business
Role of International Manager
Lesson Round Up

Management trends come and go. They are

good or bad depending on many variables like
industry, company culture, education level of
employees, existing contracts and laws, etc.
Mostly, however, they are good or bad
depending on how well they are applied. Some
of the recent trends therefore are change
management, crisis management, Total Quality
Management (TQM), risk management, etc.
Change management entails thoughtful
planning and sensitive implementation and
above all, consultation with, and involvement of
the people affected by the changes.
Crisis management entails the identification of
threats to an organisation and its stakeholders
and the methods used by the organization to
deal with these threats.
TQM is an approach that seeks to improve quality
and performance which will meet or exceed
customer expectations. It is a set of management
practices throughout the organisation, geared to
ensure the organization consistently meets or
exceeds customer requirements.
Risk management refers to identification of
opportunities and avoiding or mitigating losses.
Therefore, the objective of this study lesson is
to provide students an insight into the recent
trends of management.

Self-Test Questions

The world hates change, yet that is the only thing that has brought progress.
Charles Kettering



In an open-system context it is not difficult to analyze behaviour of people subject to the influence of a variety of
forcesboth internal as well as externalwhich may necessitate change at individual, group and organizational
levels. While change is a fact of life so is individual, group and organizational resistance to change. Since
organizational success lies in operational adjustment to, if not influencing the forces of change, it becomes
imperative that the managers be aware of and apply appropriate techniques of managing change, such as
Lewins Three-step Model, Action Research and organization development, with a view to achieving fullest
benefits of change and avoiding the dysfunctional consequences.

Meaning of Change and its Causes

Change is a natural phenomenon. Organization is an open system and is influenced by change in its internal as
well as external environment. Management decisions regarding matters like organization structure, corporate
objectives, policies and strategies should not be regarded as final for success and survival of the enterprise, it is
necessary that management anticipates change and effectively deals with it.
Change may be defined as a variation in the established way of life to which people are accustomed to in the
organization. Change basically results from stimuliboth outside and inside the enterprise. It can be natural,
such as growth of an organism; re-active, such as a forced adjustment to change in technology or practice,
introduction of a new employee-benefit scheme with a view to enhancing personnel satisfaction and productivity.
Particularly, in an organizational context, in view of the inevitability of change, managers have two options:
either to wait until the moment when change is thrust upon the organization, or to voluntarily initiate steps to
bring about the necessary change, or to prepare the organization to strengthen its competencies in anticipating,
planning and implementing change. In any case, there could be a need to identify the various internal and
external forces acting as stimulants to change.
A. External Forces: These lies in the external environment of an organization. They may be classified as:
(i) Educational and Cultural Forces Spread of education, changes in the system of education, patterns of
culture and so on.
(ii) Economic Forces Shortage of vital resources, rapid growth of population, market demands, increase of
competition, expansion of transport facilities, etc.
(iii) Technological Forces New techniques of production, improvement of an existing resource, discovery of
a new machine, etc.
(iv) Political Forces Change of government, change of policies of the existing government, spurt in trade
union activity, etc.
(v) Social Forces Changes in the modes of living, habits and customs, urbanization, spread of provincialism
and racialism.
B. Internal Forces: These are the pressures arising within the organization. They include
(i) Composition and policy of top management;
(ii) Changes of personnel due to retirement, resignation, promotion, transfer and so on;
(iii) Change of physical facilities like shortage of supplies of raw materials, wearing out of machinery and
equipment, demand for more space;
(iv) Changes in employee attitudes, feelings and aspirations;

Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 141

(v) Changes in work allocation, duty hours, composition of work groups, and so on.
The forces are inter linked and react on each other.

Well documented findings from studies of individual and organizational behaviour have revealed that organization
and their members resist change. And this resistance can be overt, implicit, immediate or deferred. As for
example, while threat to go on strike is an overt expression of resistance to change, increased errors or mistakes
is an implicit resistance to change. Likewise, resistance to change may be an immediate response or it may be
deferred and stockpiled. While resistance to change is not always dysfunctional, rather at times it can contribute
to better decision-making and can be a source of functional conflict, it often obstructs beneficial changes. Hence,
management needs to identify the sources of individual and organizational resistance to change.

Why Change is Resisted?

New policies and programmes often meet with resistance and cause a failure, unnecessary delay or distortion
in implementation. Conflict between human reaction to change and the increased need for change is the most
perplexing problem in the management of change. Following are usually identified as the more important factors
responsible for peoples resistance to change:
(i) People find it easy to do what they have been doing and find it inconvenient to learn something new.
(ii) Since change almost invariably brings with it a redistribution of power and influence, it tends to be opposed
by those individuals and groups who are negatively affected by it.
(iii) Change is also resisted when people in course of doing or learning a new system experience failure.
(iv) Change is also resisted by individuals who are less educated and less intelligent, and who rely heavily on
their personal experience and are not inclined to take risks. Those who stand to lose the most by the
change tend to oppose it the most. People with traditional temperament know that change will expose
their inadequacy and inefficiency, and, as such, they must oppose change.

Types of Resistance to Change

Resistance to change is of three different types. These types work in combination to produce each employees
total attitude towards a change. These are
(i) Logical: This resistance arises from the time and effort required to adjust to change. These are true costs
borne by the employees. It involves rational objections such as: time required to adjust, extra effort to
relearn, economic, cost and doubtful technical feasibility of change.
(ii) Psychological: It is logical in terms of attitudes and feelings of individual employees about change, such
as fear of unknown, low tolerance of change, dislike of management, need for security, etc.
(iii) Sociological: It is logical in terms of group interests and values. Social values are powerful forces in the
environment, so they must be carefully considered.
While individuals do resist change, it is not difficult to visualize that even groups as well as overall organizations
actively resist change. Group resistance and organizational resistance to change may be due to and in spite of
individual resistance to change. To illustrate group resistance to change one may cite examples of group norms,
values and informal role prescriptions. An individual union member, for instance, may be willing to accept changes
in job suggested by management; but if union norms dictate otherwise, he is likely to resist. Indeed, if the
proposed change is likely to alter the existing informal group-composition, it would most likely face active

Sources of organizational resistance to change may lie in such factors as limited focus of change, structural
inertia, threat to established resource allocations and power relationships. For example, if the proposed change
in one aspect of organizational functioning does not account for its implications for other areas that might be
affected, it is likely to be nullified; or when a stimulus to change is counterbalanced to sustain stability as the
organizational structure has built-in ways and means of retaining equilibrium or when there is modification in
departmental budgets or resource allocation; or when existing power relations are altered by redesignation of

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Resistance to change is likely to be minimized if the management help employees to adjust to contemplated
change with a supportive conduct and behaviour. The imperative need is to make the employees feel that their
interest in the work situation is being adequately considered and fully protected by the management. It should
be impressed upon the employees that in the long run they will gain from change and the management will, by
all means, help them to achieve these gains. If the supportive climate exists, the employees are likely to be more
receptive to change. However, that apart, the following considerations should further be kept in view:
(i) The nature of change should be properly understood with all its ramifications by those who are affected
by it.
(ii) Changes should be introduced by stages; further change should be introduced when the earlier change
has been fully assimilated.
(iii) Change should not cause security problems to the employees.
(iv) Change is more effective if it is developed after due participation by all concerned.
(v) Change should be properly planned.
(vi) As far as possible, change should not carry individual overtones.
(vii) Display of effective leadership skills and proper motivation of employees will help management minimize
resistance to change.
(viii) Introduction of change should be supplemented by systematic training of personnel. Sensitivity training
can also be very useful to overcome resistance to change.
(ix) Advice to specialized staff may be sought while introducing change.
(x) Possibility of introducing change through outside management consultant may also be explored.

Concept of Flexibility
Too much flexibility will encourage the subordinates to bypass the existing lines of authority and responsibility
and overlook the existing procedures. Too much rigidity on the other hand, makes introduction of change an
extremely difficult proposition. The two extremes should, therefore, be avoided. Management should endeavour
to strike a proper balance between them. Principle of flexibility and its inevitability needs to be clearly explained
and taught to personnel in the organization. If individuals view change as a matter of routine, problems in
managing change will be considerably reduced.

Simulating Participation
Planning for change and its implementation is a challenging job. If disclosed abruptly, change may lead to
considerable opposition and resistance. If change is introduced gradually and through participation of affected
groups, it is likely to promote understanding and commitment of subordinates to change. A manager can use his
leadership quality to dispel any conflict and misunderstanding in the course of participation proceedings for change.

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Recent Trends in Management 143

Small conferences and group meetings should be arranged to stimulate participation and enlist co-operation.
Managers should explain and discuss the proposed change with people affected by it. The object here is to
know what the people think about it and the kind of problems they see in the change. People should be encouraged
to ask questions and discuss things logically. Leaders of informal groups should also be taken into confidence
while effecting change. Involvement of the people in the proposed change makes them understand and appreciate
the need for change. In any case, resistance to change is definitely reduced.
Managers should also use their directional devices of leadership, motivations and communication to develop
acceptance to change. Sensitivity training with its psychological fervour can also be used to overcome resistance
to change.


Minor changes are usually introduced by the executive in charge of the activities. However, major changes are
finalized and implemented by top management with the aid of lower levels in the management hierarchy.
Subordinates comply with orders and instructions of the senior executive with regard to implementation of
change because they view it as his legitimate right.
The hierarchical approach to managing change does not pay sufficient attention to facts like group dynamics,
role prescriptions, value structure, and motives and attitude of people affected by change. For its success, it is
thus necessary that top management must feel highly committed to the change and take every possible precaution
to ensure its success.
In a number of organizations separate specialized planning units are maintained. The staff unit is also frequently
used to recommend change and implement it through the line hierarchy.
Some companies prefer to administer change with the help of outside management consultants. The outside
consultant normally commands specialized skill and experience. His recommendations can be dispassionate
and objective. It is also observed that people show less resistance to change when recommended and managed
by an outsider than that initiated and administered internally.

Lewins Three-Step Model

Kurt Lewin argued that successful change in organizations should follow three steps. Unfreezing the status quo,
movement or changeover to a new state, and refreezing the new change to make it permanent. Successful
implementation of change, thus, should first facilitate unlearning by increasing the driving forces which direct
behaviour away from the status quo (equilibrium state) and decreasing the restraining forces which hinder
movement from the existing equilibrium. Once the desired change has been introduced, the same needs to be
refrozen so that it can be sustained over time. This would require rebalancing of the driving and restraining

Action Research
Action research is a method of scientific inquiry into the circumstances necessitating change and the action that
may be taken thereon. It is based on scientific collection and analysis of data and then selection of change
action on what the analyzed data indicates. The process of action research consists of five steps: diagnosis,
prognosis, feedback, action and evaluation. Essentially, this is a problem-focused approach wherein circumstances
necessitating change are carefully studied and acted upon. However, in many cases, and this is the way it
should be, organizational change is solution-focused, i.e. involving a movement towards better state of affairs
thus making the process of change an ongoing, organization-wide exercise.



Crisis Management is the management and coordination of an organizations responses to an incident that
threatens to harm, or has harmed, that organizations people, structures, ability to operate, valuables and/or
reputation. It takes into account its planning and automatic incident response, but must also dynamically deal
with situations as they unfold, often in unpredictable ways.
In simple words,
The process of responding to an event that might threaten the operations, staff, customers, reputation or the
legal and financial status of an organization. The aim is to minimize the damage.
Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a major event that threatens to harm the
organization, its stakeholders, or the general public. The study of crisis management originated with the large
scale industrial and environmental disasters in the 1980s. Therefore the defining quality is the need for change.
If change is not needed, the event could more accurately be described as a failure or incident.

Crisis Management vs. Risk Management

Crisis management involves dealing with threats after they have occurred whereas risk management is one
which involves assessing potential threats and finding the best ways to avoid those threats. It is a discipline
within the broader context of management consisting of skills and techniques required to identify, assess,
understand, and cope with a serious situation, especially from the moment it first occurs to the point that recovery
procedures start.
Venette argues that crisis is a process of transformation where the old system can no longer be maintained.

Types of Crisis have been categorized into the following types:
(i) Natural Disaster: Natural crises or disasters are the Acts of God. They are environmental phenomena
as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and hurricanes, floods, landslides, tsunamis, storms, and
droughts that threaten life, property, and the environment. For example the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
i.e. Tsunami was a natural crisis.
(ii) Technological Crisis: Technological crisis are caused by human application of science and technology.
Technological accidents inevitably occur when technology becomes complex and something goes wrong
in the system as a whole. For example Chernobyl disaster.
(iii) Confrontation Crises: It occurs when discontented individuals and/or groups fight with government and
other interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and expectations. The common type of
confrontation crises are boycotts, sit-ins, ultimatums to those in authority, blockade or occupation of
buildings, and resisting or disobeying police.
(iv) Crises of Organizational Misdeeds: It occurs when management takes actions it knows will harm or place
stakeholders at risk for harm without adequate precautions.
(v) Workplace Violence: It occurs when an employee or former employee commits violence against other
employees on organizational grounds.
(vi) Rumours: False information about an organization or its products creates crises hurting the organizations
reputation. For example linking the organization to radical groups or stories that their products are

Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 145

State True or False:
1. External forces are the pressures arising within the organization.
2. Changes should be introduced in stages.
3. Middle management provides motivating climate for employee, directs them
in proper procedures and assists in eliminating sources of error.
4. One of the objectives of risk management is to minimise the use of resources.
5. TQM is used to increase the overall customer satisfaction.
6. International management is the practice of managing business operations
in ones own country.
Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False


Success of any organization depends on offering quality products at competitive prices. All over the world, it is
being realized that quality control be ensured through inspection and test alone. Every department and individual
has a contribution to make in achievement of quality.
Quality can be the most significant factor in determining the long-run success or failure of any organization. High
quality of products can give a competitive edge to an organization. On the other hand good quality generates
satisfied customers who reward the organization with continued patronage and favourable word of mouth
TQM owes its genesis to post war research of American management consultants like Drs. Joseph Juran and
W. Edwards Dening who introduced statistical control techniques to the Japanese during Japans rebuilding
period. Prior to the Word War II, the Bell Telephone system was the leader in the early modern history of
quality control. In the Western Electric Company an inspection department was created to support the Bell
Operating companies in the early 1990s. Quality assurance was applied to design manufacturing and
installation. During the World War II, the US military began using statistical sampling procedures and imposing
strict standards on suppliers. Thus, statistical quality control became widely known and gradually adopted by
other industries.
Growth in consumer quality awareness has put a greater strain on business. Consumer demands and dynamic
technological changes have opened up new and highly competitive markets. The quality of goods and services
can no longer be taken for granted. The rapid growth of the service sector has also introduced new perceptions
for quality management. Institutions such as the Government, banks and hospitals do not produce tangible
goods. The interaction between employees and customers is much more critical in such organizations. As a
result, the skills, attitudes and training of service personnel affect the quality of the service delivered. Information
processing represents a large component of the work done by service organizations and poses special quality
considerations. Errors in computer billing or airline and hotel reservations are the result of poor quality control of
computer software and data input systems.
In view of globalization of markets, Governments have begun to realize that quality is essential to international
trade and the national economy, public purchasing authorities have been instructed to buy goods that confirm
the quality standards. Some time back, the European Economic Community collectively established a common
set of quality standards known as ISO 9000. While ISO 9000-ISO 9003 series is a reference for external quality
assurance, ISO 9004 is for internal quality management. Taken together these standards aim at achieving TQM.

The lesson is that quality must not be viewed solely from a technical point of view; a significant emphasis must
be placed on managerial activities. We view the total quality system as composed of two related systems-the
management system and the technical system (see Figure 1). The management system is concerned with
planning, organizing, controlling, and human resources management processes relating to quality assurance
programs. Growing out of human resources management are structures for employee involvement and team
approaches to decision making, quality improvement, and problem solving.
The important terms in this global view of quality are system, process, structure, and technique. A system, as
we use it here, is the interrelated set of plans, policies, processes, procedures, people, and technology
required to meet the objectives of an organization. A process consists of policies, procedures, steps, technology,
and personnel needed to carry out a significant segment of operations within an organization. Usually, a
process will cross several organizational boundaries within an operating unit and require coordination across
those boundaries. A structure is a formal or informal organizational entity that is developed to perform a
certain process or set of tasks. A technique is a systematic approach, procedure, and associated technology
required to carry out a task.
Management must be aware of customer needs, the capability of the companys production processes, and the
financial implications of any decision; in short, management must know how all the components in the organization
tie together.
Quality is the responsibility of everyone in the organization, from the operators on the production floor to the
chief executive officer. People such as machine operators, assembly line workers, ticket agents, nurses, and
waitresses are the craftspeople who build quality into products and services. First-line supervisors must provide
the motivating climate for employees, direct them in proper procedures, work together with them to locate
problems, and assist in eliminating sources of error. Middle management must plan, coordinate, execute, and
monitor quality policy. Finally, top management must commit the resources and provide the leadership necessary
to set the tone and carry out the requirements of an ongoing dynamic quality policy.
The technical system involves the assurance of quality in product design, the planning and design of manufacturing
or service- producing processes, and the control of incoming materials, intermediate production and finished
goods. These are included in the Quality of Design and Performance Process block of given Figure. To ensure
conformance to the requirements of the process or service, the Quality of Conformance Process must be
developed. Statistical process control techniques and sampling techniques are usually employed in each of
these areas for the identification of quality problems and for controlling the quality of production processes. Both
the design and performance process the conformance process must be coordinated and work together. Information
transfer between the two systems is necessary for effective problem solving and quality improvement.
Economic considerations and total quality management play a crucial role in tying together the management
and technical systems: New technologies such as on-line process control, automatic gaging, and new analytical
tools also present new opportunities to both management and technical personnel for quality assurance.

Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 147

Total Quality Management

Important Principles of Total Quality Management1

Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach that organizations use to improve their internal processes and
increase customer satisfaction. When properly implemented, it can lead to decreased costs related to corrective
or preventative maintenance, better overall performance, and an increased number of satisfied and loyal
However, TQM is not something that happens overnight. While there are a number of measures that help
organizations quickly start to implement a quality management system, there are some underlying philosophies
that the company must integrate throughout every department of the company and at every level of management.
Therefore, whatever resources an organization use, it should remember these seven important principles of
Total Quality Management as a foundation for all their activities.
(i) Quality can and must be Managed: The first step in the TQM process is to realize there is a problem and
that it can be controlled. Many companies believe that their operations are too large to effectively manage the
level of quality, which is rendered untrue by TQM.
(ii) Processes, not People, are the Problem: If a process causes problems then the solution is not in hiring
new employees or giving them a lot of training sessions. The solution is that the processes are to be corrected
1. Quin Harris

first and then train the people on these new procedures.
(iii) Dont Treat Symptoms, Look for the Cure: To fully reach your potential, a solution for the problem has to
be found. For example, if an organizations shipping department is lagging behind, then it could be because of
the holdups in manufacturing. Therefore go for the source to correct the problem.
(iv) Every Employee is Responsible for Quality: Everyone in the company, from the workers on the line to the
upper management, must realize that they have an important part to play in ensuring high levels of quality in
their products and services. Everyone has a customer to delight, and they must all step up and take responsibility
for them.
(v) Quality must be Measurable: A quality management system is only effective when you can quantify the
results. You need to see how the process is implemented and if it is having the desired effect. This will help you
set your goals for the future and ensure that every department is working towards the same result.
(vi) Quality Improvements must be Continuous: Total Quality Management is not something that can be
done once and then forgotten. Its not a management phase that will end after a problem has been corrected.
Real improvements must occur frequently and continually in order to increase customer satisfaction and
(vii) Quality is a Long-term Investment: Quality management is not a quick fix. TQM is a long-term investment,
and it is designed to help one find long-term success.
Therefore, this kind of management style can be a huge cultural change in some organizations, so if one builds
on a foundation of quality principles, the he will be equipped to make this change and start working towards real
long-term success.


Risk management has its origins from the field of corporate insurance. Presently it is recognized as a distinct
and important function of all businesses organizations. Although the term risk management is a recent
phenomenon, yet the actual practice of risk management is as old as civilization itself.
Risk management basically refers to identification of opportunities and avoiding or mitigating losses. It is a
logical and systematic process of establishing the context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring
and communicating risks associated with any activity, function or process, in a way which enables an organisation
to minimise losses and maximise opportunities.
Risk management is also considered as a structured approach in managing uncertainty related to a threat, a
sequence of human activities including: risk assessment, strategies development to manage it, and mitigation of
risk using managerial resources. The strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk,
reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk.
Hence, risk management is a scientific approach to deal with pure risks by anticipating possible accidental
losses and designing and implementing procedures which minimize the occurrence of loss or the financial
impact of the losses that do occur.
Risk management is also an integral component of good management and decision-making at all levels. All
departments manage risk continuously whether they realize it or not, sometimes more rigorously and systematically
and sometimes less so. More rigorous risk management occurs most visibly in departments whose core mandate
is to protect the environment and public health and safety. Such a risk management process is essentially a part
and parcel of the operations and management functions in the business unit. It means that each department and
the executives therein are directly or indirectly involved in the risk management function. The effectiveness of
the risk management of the industry or business unit, therefore, depends on the efficiency with which the managers/
executives of different departments handle it as part of their roles.

Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 149

Thus, risk management is the process dealing with uncertainty within a public policy environment. To be precise,
risk management is a systematic approach for setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying,
assessing, understanding, acting on and communicating risk issues.
The major characteristics of risk management are as under :
It is a systematic discipline for dealing with problem of uncertainty.
It provides a system of making choices.
It is a way for better understanding of potential liability.
It is a guide for responding to undesirable events.


The guiding principle or fundamental objectives of risk management is to minimize the cost of risk. When we
consider the business risk managements decisions, the objective is to minimize the firms cost of risk. In case
of individual risk management the objective is to minimize firms cost of risk. As against above, the objective of
risk management decision in case of public policy is to minimize societys cost of risk.
Broadly speaking, the objectives of risk management is to :
To provide a structured framework for more effective strategic planning
To ensure maximising of opportunities and minimisation of losses
To widen management perspective and encourages initiative and pro-active behaviour
To contribute to improved organisational efficiency and effectiveness
To optimise the use of resources
To promote greater openness in decision-making and improves communication
To provide senior management with a concise summary of the major risks affecting the organisation and
a mechanism to ensure that appropriate resources are directed towards areas of high risk
To provide a framework for ensuring that unavoidable risks are adequately insured
To provide an effective and systematic approach which enables management to focus on areas of risk in
their operations
To improve the level of accountability in the organisation
To identify and prioritise potential risk events
To help in developing risk management strategies and risk management plans
To analyse and report identified risk events
To find ways to identify and evaluate risks
To develop strategies and plans for lasting risk management strategies.
Thus the objective of risk management is to reduce different risks related to a preselected domain to the level
accepted by society. Effective risk management can bring far-reaching benefits to all organizations, whether
large and small, public or private sector. Effective risk management structure supports better decision-making
through a good understanding of risks and their likely impact. Risk management also reduces the dreadful
impact of risks on the various organizations also in the internal workings of many corporate and semi-corporate
sectors. The persons or the organization entrusted with the task of risk management aim at lessening the risk
faced by a person, a group of persons or an organization covering a wide range of areas.

In order to apply risk management effectively, it is vital that a risk management culture be developed. The risk
management culture supports the overall vision, mission and objectives of an organization. Limits and boundaries
are established and communicated concerning what are these acceptable risk practices and outcomes.
Since risk management is directed at uncertainty related to future events and outcomes, it is implied that all
planning exercises encompass some form of risk management. There is also a clear implication that risk
management is everyones business, since people at all levels can provide some insight into the nature, likelihood
and impacts of risk.
The traditional role of the risk manager as corporate steward is evolving as organizations face an increasingly
complex and uncertain future. Todays risk manager is a key member of the senior executive team in an
organisation who helps to define business opportunities from a risk-return perspective, presents unique ways of
looking at them, has direct input into the configuration of products and services, and ensures the transparency
of all the risks. Innovation necessitates new yardsticks for measuring and monitoring the resulting activities.
Risk management is no longer discretionary but essential for managing business entities in this dynamic corporate
world environment. It takes commitment from the top, a sound methodology and discipline in its application
to obtain the maximum benefit. In short, risk management must become imbibed into the organizations
All companies have express or implied objectives which ultimately contribute to the maximization of shareholder
value. Risk management actively supports the achievement of those objectives. It is not a process for avoiding
risk. Properly implemented risk management can actively allow a company to undertake activities which have a
higher level of risk thereby achieving a greater benefit because risks have been identified, understood and well
managed. Organizations which do have risk management policies in place shall be rewarded by added premium
in the market and shall be better placed to pursue objectives and opportunities with confidence.
Risk management can be seen as a tool for creating opportunities for the businesses as they develop during the
risk management process. Moreover such opportunities that arise also from the complementary effect of risk
management with other business planning process. It is pertinent to note that every activity carries a potential
reward as well. Risk management, essentially, is about managing risk against reward.
In other words, risk management is not just about preventing risks, but also managing it properly. However,
managing risks properly does not mean becoming risk averse, or ignoring new opportunities for being too risky.
It simply provides a framework to:
Help in ensuring that all the foreseeable risks involved are actually understood and accepted before
important decisions are taken.
Monitor new projects, and ongoing operations, in ensure that they would continue to develop satisfactorily,
and no problems or new risks emerge
Properly implemented risk management has many potential advantages to an organization in the form of:
Better informed decision making in assessing new opportunities;
Less chance of major problems in new and ongoing activities; and
Increased likelihood of achieving corporate objectives.

Benefits of Risk Management

A certain amount of risk taking is inevitable if an organization is to achieve its objectives. The organizations that
are aware of risks appreciate that actively by managing threats and opportunities to provide them with a competitive
advantage. Taking and managing risk is the very essence of business survival and growth. Risk management
provides a clear and structured approach in identifying risks. Having a clear understanding of all risks allows an

Lesson 7

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organization to measure and prioritize them and take appropriate actions to reduce losses. Risk management
has the following benefits for an organization:
The benefits of implementing risk management are as follows:
A risk-based approach can make a company more flexible and responsive to market fluctuations making
it better able to satisfy customers ever-changing needs in a continually evolving business environment.
Companies can gain an early-mover advantage by adapting to new circumstances faster than their rivals,
which again could lead to competitive advantage in the long-run.
External perceptions of a company are affected by the level of risk that it faces and by the way its risks are
Companies need to be aware of changing markets, service delivery and morale.
Effective risk management and internal control can be used to manage change, to all levels of people in
the company in meeting its business objectives, and to improve a companys credit rating and ability to
raise funds in the future, not to mention its share price over the longer term.
It saves resources time, assets, income, property and people are all valuable resources.
Risk Management protects the reputation and public image of the organization.
This facilitates in preventing or reducing legal liability and increasing the stability of operations.


Risk management should be most rigorously applied where critical decisions are being made. Decisions about
risk will vary depending on whether the risk relates to long, medium or short term goals.
Broadly speaking the major aspects which are covered in the scope of risk management include the following :
(i) Strategic Decisions: Strategic decisions are primarily concerned with long-term goals which set the context
for decisions at other levels of the organization. The risks associated with strategic decisions may not become
apparent until put in proper perspective with reference to future. Thus, it is essential to review these decisions
and associated risks on a regular basis.
(ii) Program and Project Level: Medium-term goals are usually addressed through programs and projects to
bring about business change. Decisions relating to medium-term goals are narrower in scope than strategic
ones, particularly in terms of time frame and financial responsibilities.
(iii) Operational Level: The emphasis is on short-term goals to ensure ongoing continuity of business services.
However, the decisions about risk at this level must also support the achievement of long and medium term goals.

Strategic decisions


Decisions transferring
strategy into action


Decisions required for


Project and operatinal

Scope and Applicability of Risk Management


Risk management should also be applied during decision-making when planning the introduction of change at
any of the organizational perspectives. In ideal risk management situation, a prioritization process is followed
whereby the risks with the greatest loss and the greatest probability of its occurring are handled first and the
risks with lower probability of occurrence and lower loss are handled in descending order. In practice, the
process can be very difficult and balancing between risks with a high probability of occurrence but lower loss
and a risk with high loss but lower probability of occurrence can often be mishandled.
Intangible risk management identifies a new type of risk - a risk which has a 100% probability of occurring but is
ignored by the organization due to a lack of identification ability. For example, when deficient knowledge is
applied to a situation, a knowledge risk materialises. Relationship risk appears when ineffective collaboration
occurs. Process-engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are applied. These
risks directly reduce the productivity of knowledge workers, decrease cost effectiveness, profitability, service,
quality, reputation, brand value, and earnings quality. Intangible risk management allows or enables to create
immediate value from the identification and reduction of risks that reduce productivity.
Risk management also faces difficulties in allocating resources. This is the idea of opportunity cost. Resources
which are spent on risk management could have been spent on more profitable activities by the organisation.
Again, ideal risk management minimizes the spending while maximizing the reduction of the negative effects of
risks. The resources which are available for managing risk are finite and so the aim of the organization is to
achieve an optimum response to risk, prioritized in accordance with an evaluation of the risks.
Risk is unavoidable, and every organization needs to take action to manage risk in a way which it can justify to
a level which is tolerable. The management of risk at strategic, program and operational levels needs to be
integrated so that the levels of activity support each other. In this way, the risk management strategy of the
organization will be led from the top and embedded in the normal routines and activities of the organization. All
staff should be aware of the relevance of risk to the achievement of their objectives and training to support staff
in risk management.
Managers at each level therefore need to be equipped with appropriate skills which will allow them to manage
risk effectively and the organization as a whole needs a means of being assured that risk management is being
implemented in an appropriate way at each level. Every organization should have a risk management strategy,
designed to achieve the principles set out. The application of that strategy should be embedded into the
organizations business systems, including strategy and policy setting processes, to ensure that risk management
is an intrinsic part of the way business is conducted.
An effective risk management practice does not eliminate risks. However, having an effective and operational
risk management practice shows that the organization is committed to loss reduction or prevention. Effective
risk management helps to improve performance objectives by contributing to:
Better service
Reduction in management time
Increased likelihood of change initiatives being achieved
More focus internally on doing the right things properly
Better basis for strategy setting
Achievement of competitive advantage
More efficient use of resources
Reduced waste and fraud, and better value for money
Improved innovation
Better management of contingent and maintenance activities.

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Many of these benefits are applicable to both the private and public sectors. Whereas private sectors focus
mainly on shareholder returns and the preservation of shareholder value, the public sectors role is to implement
programs cost-effectively, in accordance with government legislation and policies to achieve value for money.


Management of risks starts with identification of risk and its quantification. It consists of a series of individual
steps that must be accomplished in managing risks.
The process of risk management broadly consists of the following steps:
(i) Risk Identification: Risk cannot be managed unless it is first identified. Once the context of the business has
been defined, the next step is to utilize the information to identify as many risks as possible. The aim of risk
identification step is to identify possible risks which may affect, either negatively or positively, the objectives of
the business and the activity under analysis.
This is the phase where threats, vulnerabilities and the associated risks are identified. This process has to be
systematic and comprehensive enough to ensure that no risk is unwittingly excluded. It is very important that
during this stage all risks are identified and recorded, regardless of the fact that some of them may already be
known and likely controlled by the organization.
The first step is to generate a comprehensive list of sources of threats, risks and events which might have an
impact on the achievement of each of the objectives as identified at the time of preset ideas and past events.
These events might prevent, degrade, delay or enhance the achievement of those objectives.
(ii) Risk Assessment: Every organization is continuously exposed to an endless number of new or changing
threats and vulnerabilities that may affect its operation or the fulfillment of its objectives. Identification, analysis
and evaluation of these threats and vulnerabilities are the only way to understand and measure the impact of the
risk involved and hence to decide on the appropriate measures and controls to manage them. It may be noted,
that risk assessment is a process that in many cases is not performed, even if risk management is implemented.
It is one of the main objectives of risk manager to generate awareness of this fact, but also to facilitate use of risk
assessments by providing practical examples.
(iii) Risk Measurement and Analysis: The next important step is the proper measurement of the losses
associated with the risky exposure of the firm. This measurement includes a determination of:
(a) The probability or chance of the losses that will occur,
(b) The impact of the losses upon the financial affairs of the firm, and
(c) The ability to predict the losses during the financial period.
The risk analysis thus assists in determining which risks have a greater consequence or impact than others.
This helps to provide a better understanding of the possible impact of risk, or the likelihood of its occurring, in
order to make a decision about committing resources to control the risk.
Risk analysis is the phase where the level of the risk and its nature are assessed and understood. This information
is the first input to decision makers on whether risks need to be treated or not and what is the most appropriate
and cost-effective risk treatment methodology.
(iv) Risk Evaluation: It implies ranking in terms of importance, and ranking suggests measuring some aspect of
the factors to be ranked. Risk evaluation involves comparing the level of risk found during the analysis process
with previously established risk criteria, and deciding whether these risks require treatment.
The result of a risk evaluation is a prioritized list of risks which require further action. In the case of loss exposure,
the following two components should be considered:

(a) The potential severity of loss.
(b) The potential probability of loss.
(v) Risk Treatment: It is basically concerned with identifying options for treating or controlling risk, in order to
either reduce or eliminate negative consequences, or to reduce the likelihood of an adverse occurrence. Risk
treatment should also aim to enhance positive outcomes. It is often either not possible or cost-effective to
implement all treatment strategies.
A business owner should aim to choose, prioritize and implement the most appropriate combination of risk
(vi) Risk Monitoring and Review: Risk monitor and review is an essential and integral step in the risk
management process. A business owner must monitor risks and review the effectiveness of the treatment plan;
strategies and management system which have been set up to effectively manage the risk.
Risks need to be monitored periodically to ensure that changing circumstances do not alter the risk priorities.
Very few risks will remain static, therefore the risk management process needs to be regularly repeated, so that
new risks are captured in the process and effectively managed.
In the end, the risks elements identified and evaluated will be communicated to personnel at different levels in
the organization for consultation and initiating suitable measures to mitigate the loss.


For effective risk management in an organization, it is essential to specify the responsibility at various levels of
management. A brief details of responsibility in this regard is summarized as follows:
(i) Board of Directors: The Board has a major role in defining what it expects in integrity and ethical values and
can confirm its expectations through oversight activities. Similarly, by reserving authority in certain key decisions,
the board plays a role in setting strategy, formulating high-level objectives and broad-based resource allocation.
The board of directors provides oversight with regard to enterprise risk management by:
Knowing the extent to which management has established effective enterprise risk management in the
Being aware of and concurring with the entitys risk appetite
Reviewing the entitys portfolio view of risks and considering it against the entitys risk appetite
Being apprised of the most significant risks and whether management is responding appropriately
The board is part of the internal environment component and must have the requisite composition and
focus for enterprise risk management to be effective.
(ii) Chief Executive Officer: The chief executive officer is ultimately responsible for the enterprise risk
management in the organization. He sets the strategy that affects integrity and ethics and other factors of the
internal environment. In a large company, the chief executive fulfills this duty by providing leadership and direction
to senior managers and reviewing the way they manage the business. Senior managers, in turn, assign
responsibility for establishment of more specific risk management policies and procedures to personnel responsible
for individual units functions.
(iii) Risk Officer: A risk officer works with other managers in establishing and maintaining effective risk
management in their areas of responsibility. The risk officer also may have responsibility for monitoring progress
and for assisting other managers in reporting relevant risk information up, down and across the organization
and may be a member of an internal risk management committee.

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(iv) Internal Auditors: Internal auditors play a vital role in the monitoring of enterprise risk management and the
quality of performance as part of their regular duties or upon special request of senior management or subsidiary
or divisional executives. They may assist both management and the board or audit committee by monitoring,
examining, evaluating, reporting on and recommending improvements to the adequacy and effectiveness of
managements enterprise risk management processes.
(v) Other Personnel: Enterprise risk management is the responsibility of everyone in an entity and therefore
should be an explicit or implicit part of everyones job description. Virtually all personnel produce information
used in enterprise risk management or take other actions needed to manage risks.
A number of external parties often contribute to achievement of an entitys objectives. External auditors, bringing
an independent and objective view, contribute directly through the financial statement audit and internal control
examinations, and indirectly by providing additional information useful to management and the Board in carrying
out their responsibilities. Others providing information to the organization useful in effecting enterprise risk
management are regulators, customers and others transacting business with the enterprise, financial analysts,
bond raters and the news media. External parties, however, are not responsible for the entitys enterprise risk


International management is the practice of managing business operations in more than one country. International
management professionals are familiar with the language, culture, economic and political environment, and
business practices of countries in which multinational firms actively trade and invest. They also have the conceptual
and analytical skills needed to formulate effective management strategies and policies to benefit all the firms
constituents in todays globally competitive environment.
International business is used to collectively describe all commercial transactions i.e., private and governmental,
sales, investments, etc that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political
boundary. Usually, private companies undertake such transactions for profit and government also undertakes
them for profit and for political reasons.
Therefore, it refers to all those business activities which involves cross border transactions of goods, services,
resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources include capital, skills, people etc.
for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction
The conduct of international operations depends on companies objectives and the means with which they carry
them out. The operations affect and are affected by the physical and societal factors and the competitive


The following are the features of International Business:
(i) Large Scale Operations: In international business, all the operations are conducted on a very huge scale.
Production and marketing activities are conducted on a large scale. It first sells its goods in the local market.
Then the surplus goods are exported.
(ii) Integration of Economies: International business integrates (combines) the economies of many countries.
This is because it uses finance from one country, labour from another country, and infrastructure from another
country. It designs the product in one country, produces its parts in many different countries and assembles the
product in another country. It sells the product in many countries, i.e. in the international market.
(iii) Dominated by Developed Countries and MNCs: It is dominated by developed countries and their

multinational corporations (MNCs). At present, MNCs from USA, Europe and Japan dominate foreign trade.
This is because they have large financial and other resources, the best technology, R & D, highly skilled employees
and managers etc. Therefore, they produce good quality goods and services at low prices. This helps them to
capture and dominate the world market.
(iv) Benefits to Participating Countries: International business gives benefits to all participating countries.
However, the developed countries get the maximum benefits and the developing countries get benefits in the
form of foreign capital and technology, rapid industrial development and more employment opportunities. All this
results in economic development of the developing countries. Therefore, developing countries open up their
economies through liberal economic policies.
(v) Rigourous Competition: International business has to face rigourous competition in the world market. The
competition is between unequal partners i.e. developed and developing countries. In this kind of competition,
developed countries and their MNCs are in a favourable position because they produce superior quality goods and
services at a low price. So, developing countries find it very difficult to face competition from developed countries.
(vi) Sensitive Nature: The international business is very sensitive in nature. Any change in the economic
policies, technology, political environment, etc. has a huge impact on it.


The following are the importance of international business to an economy:
(i) Foreign Exchange Earnings: International business exports its goods and services all over the world. This
helps to earn valuable foreign exchange. This foreign exchange is used to pay for imports. Thus it helps to make
the business more profitable and to strengthen the economy of its country.
(ii) Optimum Utilisation of Resources: International business makes optimum utilisation of resources. This is
because it produces goods on a very large scale for the international market. International business utilises
resources from all over the world. It uses the finance and technology of rich countries and the raw materials and
labour of the poor countries.
(iii) Achieveing Objectives: The main objective of an international business is to earn high profits. This objective
is achieved easily with the help of the best technology and best employees and managers. Since it produces
high-quality goods, they are able to sell these goods all over the world. All this results in high profits for the
international business.
(iv) Spreading Business Risks: International business spreads its business risk by doing business all over the
world. So, a loss in one country can be balanced by a profit in another country. The surplus goods in one country
can be exported to another country. The surplus resources can also be transferred to other countries. All this
helps to minimise the business risks.
(v) Improve Organizations Efficiency: International business has very high organisation efficiency. This is
because without efficiency, they will not be able to face the competition in the international market. So, they use
all the modern management techniques to improve their efficiency.
(vi) Get Benefits from Government: International business brings a lot of foreign exchange for the country.
Therefore, it gets many benefits, facilities and concessions from the government. It also gets many financial and
tax benefits from the government.
(vii) Expand and Diversify: International business can expand and diversify its activities. This is because it
earns very high profits and also gets financial help from the government.
(viii) Increase Competitive Capacity: International business produces high-quality goods at low cost since it
spends a lot of money on advertising all over the world. It uses superior technology, management techniques,
marketing techniques, etc. All this makes it more competitive. So, it can fight competition from foreign companies.

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Global competition has forced businesses to change how they manage at home and abroad. Therefore, the new
management approach focuses on establishing a new communication system that features a high level of
employee involvement. Organizational structures must also be flexible enough to change with changing market
conditions. Ongoing staff development programs and design-control procedures, which are understandable
and acceptable, are outcomes from this new approach. Management values are changing, and managers must
now have a vision and be able to communicate the vision to everyone in the firm.
Although the international manager performs the same basic functions as the domestic manager, he must
adjust to more variables and environments. Therefore, each of the five basic management functions must change
when operating in a foreign market.

The first stage of international planning is to decide how to do business globally: whether to export, to enter into
licensing agreements or joint ventures, or to operate as a multinational corporation with facilities in a foreign
To develop forecasts, goals, and plans for international activities, the manager must monitor environments very
closely. Key factors include political instability, currency instability, competition from governments, pressures
from governments, patent and trademark protection, and intense competition.

International businesses must be organized so that they can adapt to cultural and environmental differences.
No longer can organizations just put carbon copies or clones of themselves in foreign countries. An international
firm must be organized so that it can be responsive to foreign customers, employees, and suppliers. An entire
firm may even be organized as one giant worldwide company that has several divisions. Above all, the new
organization must establish a very open communication system where problems, ideas, and grievances can
quickly be heard and addressed at all levels of management. Without this, employees will not get involved, and
their insights and ideas are crucial to the success of the business.
As an organization extends its operations internationally, it needs to adapt its structure. When the organization
increases its international focus, it goes through the following three phases of structural change:
(i) Pre-international Stage: Companies with a product or service that incorporates the latest technology, is
unique, or is superior may consider themselves ready for the international arena. The first strategy used
to introduce a product to a foreign market is to find a way to export the product. At this phase, the firm
adds an export manager as part of the marketing department and finds foreign partners.
(ii) International Division Stage: Pressure may mount through the enforcement of host country laws, trade
restrictions, and competition, placing a company at a cost disadvantage. When a company decides to
defend and expand its foreign market position by establishing marketing or production operations in one
or more host countries, it establishes a separate international division. In turn, foreign operations begin,
and a vice president, reporting directly to the president or CEO, oversees the operations.
(iii) Global Structure Stage: A company is ready to move away from an international division phase when it
meets the following criteria i.e. the international market is as important to the company as the domestic
market; senior officials in the company possess both foreign and domestic experience; International
sales represent 25 to 35 percent of total sales and the technology used in the domestic division has far
outstripped that of the international division.
As foreign operations become more important to the bottom line, decision making becomes more centralized at

corporate headquarters. A functional product group, geographic approach, or a combination of these approaches
should be adopted. The firm unifies international activities with worldwide decisions at world headquarters.

Because obtaining a good staff is so critical to the success of any business, the hiring and development of
employees must be done very carefully. Management must be familiar with the countrys national labor laws.
Next, it must decide how many managers and personnel to hire from the local labor force and whether to
transfer home-based personnel.

Cultural differences make the directing function more difficult for the international manager. Employee attitudes
toward work and problem solving differ from country to country. Language barriers also create communication
difficulties. To minimize problems arising from cultural differences, organizations are training managers in crosscultural management. Cross-cultural management trains managers to interact with several cultures and to value

Geographic dispersion and distance, language barriers, and legal restrictions complicate the controlling function.
Meetings, reporting, and inspections are typically part of the international control system.
Controlling poses special challenges if a company engages in multinational business because of the far-flung
scope of operations and the differing influences of diverse environments. Controlling operations is nonetheless
a crucial function for multinational managers. Particularly powerful unions exist in many parts of the world, and
their demands restrict managers freedom to operate.

Change may be defined as a variation in the established way of life to which people are accustomed to
in the organization.
Change is caused by two types of forces: External force i.e. the forces which lie in the external environment
of an organisation and Internal forces which are the pressures arising within the organization.
Organizations and their members resist change. The resistance can be overt, implicit, immediate or
Groups as well as overall organizations actively resist change. Group norms, values and informal role
prescriptions are examples of group change.
Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a major event that threatens to
harm the organization, its stakeholders, or the general public.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach that organizations use to improve their internal processes
and increase customer satisfaction.
Risk management is as much about identifying opportunities as avoiding or mitigating losses.
The objective of risk management is to reduce different risks related to a preselected domain to the level
accepted by society.
Risk management should be most rigorously applied where critical decisions are being made. Decisions
about risk will vary depending on whether the risk relates to long, medium or short term goals.

Lesson 7

Recent Trends in Management 159

Profits are created through business activity. Risk and business come together more often.
A certain amount of risk taking is inevitable if an organization is to achieve its objectives.
International management is the practice of managing business operations in more than one country.
International management professionals are familiar with the language, culture, economic and political
environment, and business practices of countries in which multinational firms actively trade and invest.
Global competition has forced businesses to change how they manage at home and abroad. Although
the international manager performs the same basic functions as the domestic manager, he must adjust
to more variables and environments.


Behaving or acting outside social norms.


Absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable.


Narrowness of mind, ignorance, or the like, considered as resulting from lack of

exposure to cultural or intellectual activity.


The combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person; natural

predisposition; unusual personal attitude or nature as manifested by peculiarities of
feeling, temper, action, etc., often with a disinclination to submit to conventional rules
or restraints.


Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; necessary.


Sudden or unexpected.


A forecast.


The act of staying behind; lingering; loitering; slow and dragging.


Relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant.


To know in advance; foreknow; to see beforehand.


To pass from higher to lower in any scale or series; to slope, tend, or lead downward;
to be inherited or transmitted, as through succeeding generations of a family.


Belonging to or lying within a given part.


Open to criticism, moral attack, assault; difficult to defend.


To outdo; surpass; to outdo or pass.



1. What are the various levels of change likely to be necessary in an organization. What type of resistance
do the managers have to face at each of these levels?
2. Discuss the various forces of change operating within and outside the organization.
3. Given the inevitability of change and so its resistance, how would you overcome peoples resistance to
4. Define Crisis management. Differentiate between crisis management and risk management.

5. Discuss the important principles of Total Quality Management.
6. Explain the process involved in risk management.
7. Discuss the role of an International Manager.
Suggested Readings
(1) Principles of Management George R. Terry
(2) Essentials of Management Joseph L. Massie
(3) A Concepts of Organisation Paul E. Togerson
(4) Principles of Management Peter F. Drucker
(5) Management: A Functional Approach Joseph M. Putti.

In this era of globalization and multinational
competition, Ethical practices in business are
assuming importance. As the relationships with
various suppliers and customers are shaped by
ethical practices and mutual trust, the ethical
decision making assumes importance in todays
corporate world. Corporate success being a
dependent variable has become an increasingly
controversial and the growing number of research
and studies around the world has focused more
attention on the basic assumption of corporate
ethics and its effects.

8. Business Ethics






The purpose of this Part of study is to clarify the

boundaries of the debate on corporate success
in an era of societal globalization and an
understanding of its influence beyond the
economic sphere. This study covers the role,
importance, uses of ethics to result in success.
Ethics matters because it makes good business
sense to do the right thing. Additionally good
corporate Ethics result in:

Attracting better talent

Retaining Employees and customers
Attracting new Customers
A positive effect on Return on Investment
(ROI) and on corporate reputation.


Lesson 8
Business Ethics
Genesis of Ethics
Concept of Ethics
Elements of Business Ethics
Features of Business Ethics
Advantages of Business Ethics
Scope of Ethics in Business
Review Questions
Why Business should behave ethically?
Reasons for Unethical Business Practices
Measures to Improve Ethical Behaviour
of Business
At Institutional Level
At Government Level
At Societal Level
Ethical Principles in Business
Lesson Round Up

Business ethics reflects the philosophy of
business, one of whose aim is to determine the
fundamental purpose of a company. Ethics is
related to every aspect of our life. In todays
world of scams, frauds, corruptions due to cutthroat competition, it is essential for new
entrants to ensure that one adheres to the basic
ethical standards.
Business ethics is not only applicable to any
particular type of business but is applicable to
every type of business.
Business ethics is concerned with the behaviour
of a business-man in doing a business.
Business ethics may be defined as a set of
moral rules and principles to protect the interest
of customers, employers, society, business unit
and the industry as a whole.
Therefore, the objective of the study lesson is
to enable the students to understand the
genesis and concept of ethics and also why
business should behave ethically.

Self-Test Questions

Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.

Lesson 8

Business Ethics 163

Ethics has become the buzzword in the corporate world because of globalization and communication explosion.
The term ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos which refers to character or customs or accepted
behaviours. The Oxford Dictionary states ethics as the moral principle that governs a persons behaviour or
how an activity is conducted. In other words it is the branch of knowledge concerned with moral principles.
Ethics refers to a code of conduct that guides an individual while dealing with others. It is a branch of study
dealing with what is the proper course of action for man. To be precise ethics means the rules or principles that
define right or wrong conduct.
The term business ethics came into common use in the early 1970s. The Society for Business Ethics was
started in 1980. European business schools adopted business ethics after 1987 commencing with the European
Business Ethics Network (EBEN) in 1982 when the first single-authored books in the field appeared.
Firms started highlighting their ethical stature in the late 1980s and early 1990s, possibly trying to distance
themselves from the business scandals of the day, such as the savings and loan crisis. The idea of business
ethics caught the attention of academics, media and business firms by the end of the Cold War. However,
legitimate criticism of business practices was attacked for infringing the freedom of entrepreneurs and critics
were accused of supporting communists. This scuttled the discourse of business ethics both in media and

Ethics is a set of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behavior of individuals or organizations.
Using these ethical standards, a person or a group of persons or an organization regulate their behavior to
distinguish between what is right and what is wrong as perceived by others. It is not a natural science but a
creation of the human mind. For this reason, it is not absolute and is open to the influence of time, place and
Business ethics refers to a code of conduct which businessmen are expected to follow while dealing with
Code of conduct is a set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is
member of a particular group. The alternative names for code of conduct are code of ethics or code of practice.
Business ethics comprises the principles and standards that guide behaviour in the conduct of business.
Businesses must balance their desire to maximize profits against the needs of the stakeholders. Maintaining
this balance often requires tradeoffs. To address these unique aspects of businesses, rules articulated and
implicit, are developed to guide the businesses to earn profits without harming individuals or society as a whole.
The coverage of business ethics is very wide as it deals with norms relating to a company and its employees,
suppliers, customers and neighbors, its fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders. It reflects the philosophy of
business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. If a companys purpose
is to maximize shareholder returns, then sacrificing profits to other concerns is a violation of its fiduciary
responsibility. Corporate entities are legally considered as persons in USA and in most nations.


Throughout the business world, no trait is more important and influential to the success of a company than
practicing respectable business ethics from the inside out.

A solid ethics foundation has four key elements
(i) A Strong Code of Ethics: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made it important for businesses to have an
ethics code, something in writing about what one ought to do, and what to strive for. This also serves to
inform employees of the vision that the companys executives have for the companys image and goals.
This helps new employees learn important aspects of how to carry out their actions at work, and provides
veteran employees with something to fall back on; both as a reminder and as something to cite if they are
being pressed to do something that they believe to be wrong.
(ii) Ethics Training: Any ethics code, no matter how well written, that is not understood or followed is only
worth the paper or disk space it is stored on. Some companies have an in-house training department that
can provide the requisite training. A trainer needs to have sufficient experience and training in the field of
ethics to be most effective.
(iii) Ethics Coach: Either in-house or out-sourced expert, who will be available as a friendly and confidential
resource for employees facing complicated ethical dilemmas should be arranged in every company. This
person needs to have sufficient expertise in employing ethical concepts, analytical skills and decisionmaking tools to facilitate an ethical resolution to the problem. Also essential in an ethics coach is the
assurance of confidentiality and also a friendly and upstanding coach who protects confidentiality, and
speaks with everyone in the office at various times, not just when there is a difficulty.
(iv) Systems for Confidential Reporting: This serves to provide employees with a means for reporting observed
misconduct or violations without fear of reprisal. This serves to further discourage ethical violations, while
getting everyone involved. It also provides the all important do something about it option. Additionally,
early detection and resolution of ethical problems may save the company huge amounts of money in
cases such as theft or other misconduct.


Business Ethics are supposed to hold the following features:
Business Ethics is a code of conduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their normal activities.
Business Ethics has a universal application.
It is a relative norm. It differs from business to business.
It is a far-reaching concept and goes beyond the idea of making money legally.
It works a great deal in making long-term, long-lasting relationships.
Business Ethics is based on well accepted moral and social values.
Practice of business ethics gives protection to customers and other social groups related to a firm.
Business Ethics provide the legal, social, moral, economical and cultural limits within which business has
to be conducted.
It cannot be enforced by law. It has to be accepted as self-discipline by businessmen.
It requires a formal education program, training guidance in order to motivate the businessmen to follow
ethical practices.


More and more companies recognize the link between business ethics and financial performance. Companies
displaying a clear commitment to ethical conduct consistently outperform companies that do not display ethical

Lesson 8

Business Ethics 165

(i) Attracting and Retaining Talent:

People aspire to join organizations that have high ethical values. Companies are able to attract the best talent
and an ethical company that is dedicated to taking care of its employees will be rewarded with employees being
equally dedicated in taking care of the organization. The ethical climate is a matter of concern to the employees.
Ethical organizations create an environment that is trustworthy, making employees willing to rely, take decisions
and act on the decisions and actions of the co-employees. In such a work environment, employees can expect
to be treated with respect and consideration for their colleagues and superiors. It cultivates strong teamwork
and productivity and support employee growth.
Retaining talented people is as big a challenge as getting them in the first place. Work is a means to an end for
them, not an end in itself. The relationship they have with their employer must be a mutual, a one which is winwin and in which their loyalty should not be taken for granted. Talented people will invest their energy and talent
only in organizations with values and beliefs that match their own. In order to achieve this match, managers
need to build cultures, compensation and benefits packages, and career paths that reflect and foster certain
shared values and beliefs.
(ii) Investor Loyalty:
Investors are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest.
Investors are becoming more and more aware that an ethical climate provides a foundation for efficiency,
productivity and profits. Relationship with any stakeholder, including investors, based on dependability, trust
and commitment results in sustained loyalty.
(iii) Customer Satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction is a vital factor in successful business strategy. Repeat purchases/orders and enduring
relationship of mutual respect is essential for the success of the company. The name of a company should evoke
trust and respect among customers for enduring success. This is achieved by a company that adopts ethical
practices. When a company because of its belief in high ethics is perceived as such, any crisis or mishaps along
the way is tolerated by the customers as a minor aberration. Such companies are also guided by their ethics to
survive a critical situation. Preferred values are identified ensuring that organizational behaviors are aligned with
those values. An organization with a strong ethical environment places its customers interests as foremost. Ethical
conduct towards customers builds a strong competitive position. It promotes a strong public image.
To summarise, companies that are responsive to employees needs have lower turnover in staff:
Shareholders invest their money into a company and expect a certain level of return from that money in
the form of dividends and/or capital growth.
Customers pay for goods, give their loyalty and enhance a companys reputation in return for goods or
services that meet their needs.
Employees provide their time, skills and energy in return for salary, bonus, career progression, learning, etc.


Ethical problems and phenomena arise across all the functional areas of an organisation and at all levels within
the organisation:
(i) Ethics in Compliance: Compliance is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority. An ethical climate in
an organisation ensures that compliance with law is fuelled by a desire to abide by the laws. Organisations that
value high ethics comply with the laws not only in letter but go beyond what is stipulated or expected of them.
(ii) Ethics in Finance: The ethical issues in finance that companies and employees are confronted with include :
Fraudulent asset valuations

Insider trading, securities fraud leading to manipulation of the financial markets.
Executive compensation.
Over billing of expenses, facilitation payments.
(iii) Ethics in Human Resources: Human resource management (HRM) plays a decisive role in introducing
and implementing ethics. Ethics should be a pivotal issue for HR specialists. The ethics of human resource
management covers those ethical issues arising around the employer-employee relationship, such as the rights
and duties owed between employer and employee.
The issues of ethics faced by HRM include :
Discrimination issues i.e. discrimination on the bases of age, gender, race, religion, disabilities, weight
Sexual harassment.
Affirmative Action.
Issues surrounding the representation of employees and the democratization of the workplace, trade
Issues affecting the privacy of the employee: workplace surveillance, drug testing.
Issues affecting the privacy of the employer: whistle-blowing.
Issues relating to the fairness of the employment contract and the balance of power between employer
and employee.
Occupational safety and health.
(iv) Ethics in Marketing: It deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing.
The ethical issues confronted in this area include :
Pricing: price fixing, price discrimination, price skimming.
Anti-competitive practices like manipulation of supply, exclusive dealing arrangements, tying arrangements
Misleading advertisements, Content of advertisements, Children and marketing etc.
Black markets, grey markets.
(v) Ethics of Production: It deals with the duties of a company to ensure that products and production processes
do not cause harm. Some of the more acute dilemmas in this area arise out of the fact that there is usually a
degree of danger in any product or production process and it is difficult to define a degree of permissibility, or the
degree of permissibility may depend on the changing state of preventative technologies or changing social
perceptions of acceptable risk.
Defective, addictive and inherently dangerous products.
Ethical relations between the company and the environment include pollution, environmental ethics,
carbon emissions trading.
Ethical problems arising out of new technologies for e.g. genetically modified food.
Product testing ethics.
The most systematic approach to fostering ethical behavior is to build corporate cultures that link ethical standards
and business practices.

Lesson 8

Business Ethics 167

Fill in the blanks:
1. The term Ethics has been derived from the Greek word ......................................
2. ........................................... refers to a code of coduct.
Answers: 1. Ethos 2. Business Ethics


An organisation has to behave ethically because it has to exist in the competitive environment.
There are a number of reasons why business should act ethically:
To protect its own interest and of the business community as a whole.
To keep its commitment to society to act ethically.
To meet stakeholder expectations.
To build trust with key stakeholder groups.
To protect their employees and their reputation.
Therefore, ethics within the organizations is a must. It should be started at the top management and then should
percolate to the end of the hierarchy.


Following are a few reasons or challenges for unethical business practices in India:
(i) Greed for Quick Money: Businessmen prefer to earn money by exploiting the consumers rather that
reducing cost or gaining production efficiency.
(ii) Absence of Well Organized Consumer Movement: Consumers are not united. They are mostly uneducated
when it comes to their rights as a consumer. Lack of proper education and training facilities are also
leading to this.
(iii) No Government Support: Government of India is ignorant to the problems existing in this sector. They do
not ensure effective applicability of the various rules and laws regarding consumers safety or environments
(iv) Administrative Corruption: Examples of administrative corruption include gifts to the Factory Inspector,
Boiler Inspector, Pollution Control Board Inspectors, and the assessors for customs, excise, income tax,
sales tax and octroi. It is this administrative corruption, which most companies claim to be forced onto
them from time to time.
(v) Cultural and Social Reason: Indian peoples aspiration to build a strong nation in a short time coupled
with our colonial legacy has led to two divergent strands of values: the traditionally idealized values
(rooted in ancient psycho-spiritual thoughts) and the operative values (evolved from the interaction between
idealized values and Indias changing socioeconomic realities). It is the latter which are visible in peoples
current behavior which allures them towards speedy progress, whatever may be the path chosen.
(vi) Others: Fear of retrenchment; lax government structures and regulations; sanctions and discriminations;
uncertainties and fears about the future, etc.

Thus, it can be rightly said that business house that comply with ethics to determine their conduct are shrinking
in number. The lack of business ethics in the market is the reason the world economy today is in crisis. But
slowly and gradually firms have started to realize the importance of resorting to ethical standards. They have
realized that it s better to change before they start getting penalized.


Along with the realization amongst the businessmen themselves there are also a few measures undertaken to
ensure its effectiveness. These measures are framed at three levels:
(i) At Institutional Level
The organizations should lay down code of conduct.
The records and operation of the organizations have to be made more transparent. The shareholders,
employees and creditors of the firm should be aware of each and every financial decision taken by the firm
and the pressures behind them.
The business units should reward those people who adhere to the code of conduct.
The organizations should conduct training and provide continuous guidance to its employees regarding the
importance of ethical behavior.
The organizations should set up machinery for continuous appraisal of ethical behaviour of employees.
An Ethical Committee comprising top executives, BOD, chaired by the CEO of the company should be made.
(ii) At Government Level
The government has enacted various legislations like Payment of Minimum Wages Act 1948; Prevention of
Food and Adulteration Act 1954; Essential Commodities Act 1955 etc for the protection of various segments.
However its implementation is what matters.
Awards: Government has placed certain awards like Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar; the Indira Gandhi
Priyadarshini Award for those individuals who carry on ethical business in India.
Mass media like television, radio, hoardings, can be effectively used to make people aware of various laws.
Framing laws and placing awards has to be mandatorily supplemented with quick actions against errant
(iii) At Societal Level
Consumer awareness programs should be propagated. The social groups can pressurize the business
organizations by orienting the general public regarding the rights and duties of a consumer.
Various organizations like Mumbai Grahak Panchayat, Consumer Society of India etc have been started by
consumer groups to protect the interest of consumers.
The society can publish journals or magazines to various social issues which can be highlighted. For example
complaints to unethical behaviour by organizations or the repercussions of whistle-blowing.
Consumers association can act as liaison between the community on one hand and government on the
other. These associations can influence the government not only in framing laws but also in taking necessary
steps against errant businessmen.
If all measures fail to bring a defaulting manufacturer or organization to improve his policies and abide by
the code of conduct then social pressure can be brought about by boycotting those goods.

Lesson 8

Business Ethics 169


The following list of principles incorporates the characteristics and values that most people associate with ethical
Ethical decision making systematically considers these principles:
(i) Honesty: Ethical executives are honest and truthful in all their dealings and they do not deliberately
mislead or deceive others by misrepresentations, overstatements, partial truths, selective omissions, or
any other means.
(ii) Integrity: Ethical executives demonstrate personal integrity and the courage of their convictions by doing
what they think is right even when there is great pressure to do otherwise; they are principled, honorable
and upright; they will fight for their beliefs. They will not sacrifice principle for expediency, be hypocritical,
or unscrupulous.
(iii) Promise-Keeping & Trustworthines: Ethical executives are worthy of trust. They are candid and forthcoming
in supplying relevant information and correcting misapprehensions of fact, and they make every reasonable
effort to fulfill the letter and spirit of their promises and commitments. They do not interpret agreements in
an unreasonably technical or legalistic manner in order to rationalize non-compliance or create justifications
for escaping their commitments.
(iv) Loyalty: Ethical executives are worthy of trust, demonstrate fidelity and loyalty to persons and institution
charging of interest at any rate is by friendship in adversity, support and devotion to duty; they do not use
or disclose information learned in confidence for personal advantage. They safeguard the ability to make
independent professional judgments by scrupulously avoiding undue influences and conflicts of interest.
They are loyal to their companies and colleagues and if they decide to accept other employment, they
provide reasonable notice, respect the proprietary information of their former employer, and refuse to
engage in any activities that take undue advantage of their previous positions.
(v) Fairness: Ethical executives are fair and just in all dealings; they do not exercise power arbitrarily, and do
not use overreaching or indecent means to gain or maintain any advantage or take undue advantage of
others mistakes or difficulties. Fair persons manifest a commitment to justice, the equal treatment of
individuals, tolerance for and acceptance of diversity, are open-minded; willing to admit they are wrong
and, where appropriate, change their positions and beliefs.
(vi) Concern for Others: Ethical executives are caring, compassionate, benevolent and kind; they like
the Golden Rule, help those in needs, and seek to accomplish their business objectives in a manner that
causes the least harm and the greatest positive good.
(vii) Respect for Others: Ethical executives demonstrate respect for the human dignity, autonomy, privacy,
rights, and interests of all those who have a stake in their decisions; they are courteous and treat all
people with equal respect and dignity regardless of sex, race or national origin.
(viii) Law Abiding: Ethical executives abide by laws, rules and regulations relating to their business activities.
(ix) Commitment to Excellence: Ethical executives pursue excellence in performing their duties, are well
informed and prepared, and constantly endeavor to increase their proficiency in all areas of responsibility.
(x) Leadership: Ethical executives are conscious of the responsibilities and opportunities of their position of
leadership and seek to be positive ethical role models by their own conduct and by helping to create an
environment in which principled reasoning and ethical decision making are highly prized.
(xi) Reputation and Morale: Ethical executives seek to protect and build the companys good reputation and
the morale of its employees by engaging in no conduct that might undermine respect and by taking
whatever actions are necessary to correct or prevent inappropriate conduct of others.

(xii) Accountability: Ethical executives acknowledge and accept personal accountability for the ethical
quality of their decisions and omissions to themselves, their colleagues, their companies, and their

The term ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos which refers to character or customs or accepted
Code of conduct is a set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who
is member of a particular group.
The alternative names for code of conduct are code of ethics or code of practice.
Advantages of business ethics - attracting and retaining talent, investor loyalty, customer satisfaction.
Scope of Ethics in Business is in the areas like compliance, finance, HR, marketing and production.
Measures to improve ethical behaviour of business are framed at three levels: at institutional level;
government level and societal level.


Trendy word or phrase.


Degree of development attained; level of achievement.


According to law; lawful; in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards.


To commit a breach; violate.


Made clear or distinct.


A person who has had long service or experience in an occupation or the like.


The act of departing or deviating from the right, normal, or usual course or deviation
from truth or moral rectitude.


A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives; any difficult or

perplexing situation or problem.


Of vital or critical importance.

Whistle blowing

The process where a person informs on another or makes public disclosure of

corruption or wrongdoing.


Grow or spread gradually.


Pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess;
One who assumes a false appearance


Evident; obvious; apparent; plain.


To attempt; try.

1. State five ethical practices.
2. Write short notes on Ethics in HR and Ethics in Compliance.

Lesson 8

Business Ethics 171

3. State any five measures undertaken at institutional level to ensure ethical standards.
4. Discuss in brief the scope of ethics in business.
5. What are the general reasons for unethical business practices in India?
6. Discuss the various measures for improving the ethical behaviour of businesses in India.
Suggested Readings
(1) The Ground of Professional Ethics Daryl Koehn
(2) Business Ethics Revised Edition Corporate Values and Society- Robert Almeder, James Humber
(3) Companion to Business Ethics Edited by Robert E Federick
(4) Business Ethics and Business Communications Ashok K. Nadhani
(5) Ethics, Indian Ethos and Management S. Balachandran, Raja, Nair
(6) Business Ethics Decision Making and Cases O.C. Farell, John Paul Fraedrich & Linda Ferrell
(7) Business Ethics Concepts and Cases Manuel G Velasquez.





Business Communication

Essentials of Good English


Business Correspondence- I


Business Correspondence- II




Inter-department Communication


Preparation of Press Releases



Thousands years ago, people use to

communicate orally. Greeks use a phonetic
alphabet written from left to right. After that, many
books appeared on written communication
principles. As a result of this, Greek started their
very first library.
When communism was ruling China,
communication had become the biggest
challenge within the vast government as well as
between government and people. 1st in China
and then in Rome postal service was launched.
After that paper and printing press was invented
in china that made communication easier.
Hence, todays principles of communication are
founded on a mixture of ancient oral and written
Business communication is a broad-based
concept that describes any kind of communication
whose goal is to improve a businesss value. This
could be internal communication, such as rules,
guidelines and motivational material, or it could
be external communication, including
advertisements and press releases. Either way,
the underlying principle is the same: adding value
through information dispersal. Communication is
the lifeblood of an organization.


Lesson 9
Business Communication
Concept of Communication
Characteristics of Communication
Importance of Communication
Means and Modes of Communication
Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication
Choice of Means and Mode of
Process of Communication
Principles and Essential of Effective
Review Questions
Types of Communication
Communication Flows
Barriers to Communication
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

The word communicate comes from the Latin
verb communicate that means to impart, to
share or to make common. It is also the source
of the English word common which means that
whatever is common is shared by all.
What is Communication? In layman language,
when a mother smiles at his child, when a
teacher stares at his students, when two friends
shake their hands, all this is communication.
Communication is a general phenomenon. It
occurs in the universe, wherever life occurs. We
cannot survive without communicating. The only
choice we can make about communication is
to communicate effectively.
Communication means an exchange of facts,
ideas, opinions or emotions between two or
more persons. Now when the message is finally
received and understood completely in the
sense that the sender wanted to convey, that is
effective communication.
Communication is essence of management.
The basic function of management (planning,
organising, staffing, directing and controlling)
cannot be performed well without effective
Thus, Business communication is nothing but,
the communication between the people in the
organisation for the purpose of carrying out the
business activities. It may be oral, written or
verbal, etc.

The two words information and communication are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite
different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.
Sydney J. Harris

Lesson 9

Business Communication 175

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system
of symbols, signs, or behaviour. It is the expression and exchange of facts, opinions, ideas or feelings.
Communication may be intrapersonal i.e. when we are trying to communicate with ourselves or it may be
interpersonal when we convey a message to others. In interpersonal communication, there must be at least two
persons to allow the completion of the process. One takes up the role of a sender and the other that of receiver.
A medium is used to enable the transmission of the message.

Business Communication
When one communicates to transact some commercial activity i.e., providing goods or services, with the intention
of generating profits, then it is termed as Business Communication. It is useful to acquire the skills of effective
writing and speaking. In fact, lack of these may result in loss of business opportunities. Therefore curriculums of
most business schools the world over cover this subject prominently. It is also common for prestigious companies
to insist upon excellent communication skills as a requirement at the time of recruitment.

Mediums of Communication
The language of a politician obscures the truth. The language of an artist reveals itSalman Rushdie, novelist
in a TV interview.
Whether we communicate through writing or speech, language continues to play an important role. For instance,
the increasing use of telephone, mobiles, recording devices such as Dictaphone, Answering Machines, Live
Broadcasting and Telecasting, and Video Conferencing have only shifted the focus from writing to speech. At
other times, we may prefer to use signs or gestures. We may smile to convey a sense of happiness or welcome
or a frown to hint that we are angry and annoyed. Whatever be the medium, it is important to exchange thoughts
and ideas with others if we have to play a meaningful role in society.
The definition of communication is shared in the Websters Dictionary as sending, giving, or exchanging
information and ideas, which is often expressed nonverbally and verbally.
Communication is defined as a process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create
shared understanding.
Communication is equally important to carry on one business or another. People define business differently. The
liberal meaning of the term business includes provision of goods and services by an organised group for social
consumption. Such a concept even includes activities of organisations financed by the public exchequer e.g.
Health Services; Private sector groups like NGOs and charities are also included.

Need for Improving English Skills

To carry out business of any kind, we have to interact with a large number of people. Unless we learn to
communicate effectively, we cannot achieve the goals of business. Proficiency in English, which has emerged
as the link language within different States of India and abroad is essential. As Nayantara Sehgal, a noted
novelist said in the course of a TV interview, English has become the global language of business and finance.
Colleges teach the one thing that is perhaps most valuable for the future employees to know. This one basic
skill is to organize and express ideas in writing and speaking.-Peter Drucker, reputed management specialist in
an article in Wall Street Journal.

What kind of English should we try to learn?
Plain Language Commission* insisted that the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of Business English
should be:
Simplicity, and
Business English should reveal complete meaning in the first attempt itself without ambiguity by using short
sentences and familiar words. The use of ornamental language hinders understanding and delays response.
On the other hand, clear and functional vocabulary ensures speedy reading and stimulates action.

Words at Work, 1994.

(i) Communication is essentially a two-way process. Information has not only to be sent but has also to be
received and understood. This process is incomplete until the response or reaction based on proper
understanding is available. Feedback is an essential part of communication.
(ii) Communication is an ongoing process. When communication is absent human activity ceases to exist.
(iii) Communication is essential in all types of organizations and at all levels of management. It pervades all
human relationships.
(iv) The basic purpose of communication is to create mutual understanding by giving/seeking information,
persuading/influencing others and eliciting actions.
(v) Communication consists not only of facts but ideas and emotions too. Communication is much more than
words. The tone and facial expressions often carry a greater meaning than worlds. We can communicate
a lot through signs, symbols and gestures. For example, a victory sign made by two fingers communicates
better than words.
(vi) Organizational communication consists of a flow of messages through several networks. There are
networks for problem solving, workflow, information sharing and socializing.
(vii) It takes two to complete communication. There should be a sender and a receiver. If a person shouts in
a forest when no one is present there is no communication. Communication is a dynamic process. It
incorporates the changing shape of the participants and the environment.
(viii) Communication is a goal-oriented process. Communication can be effective if both the sender and receiver
are aware of the goal of communication and there is congruence of their goals.
(ix) Communication is an inter-disciplinary science. Knowledge derived from several sciences is used in
communication. Anthropology (study of body language), Psychology (study of persuasion, perception
and attitudes), Sociology and Political science (study of voting behaviour) have provided insights to make
communication effective.

Effective communication has always been essential for success in business. In recent times, communication
has become all the more essential due to the following reasons:
(i) Increase in Size: Business firms have grown tremendously in scale of operations. A large business firm
today employs thousands of people and has operations in different parts of the world. An efficient system of
communication is required for this purpose.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 177

(ii) Growing Specialization: Narrow division of work results in different activities being handled by different
departments. Sound communication is essential for ensuring mutual co-operation and understanding between
different departments. Otherwise the organization cannot function smoothly. If, for example, there is no
communication between production and sales departments, the sales department might book orders which the
production department cannot supply.
(iii) Cut-throat Competition: Liberalization and globalization have resulted in severe competition between
public sector, private sector and foreign banks. Persuasive communication in the form of advertisements, personal
contacts and publicity becomes essential to survive in the race of competition.
(iv) Trade Union Movement: In organisations, employee unions are very strong and powerful. Management
must consult union leaders on several matters. Regular exchange of information and ideas between managers
and union officials helps to maintain healthy relations between them.
(v) Human Relations: Effective communication between management and employee is necessary to develop
mutual trust and confidence. Participation of employees in the decision-making process and other means of
communication help to develop among employees a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization.
(vi) Public Relations: Society expects more and more from managers. Business has to keep Government,
distributors, suppliers, investors and other sections of society well-informed about its contributions to society.
Public relations help business to improve its image in society and big enterprises employee professional experts
for this purpose.
(vii) Personal Asset: Communication skill is essential for success in every job. Managers are required to deliver
speeches, write documents and conduct interviews. Teachers, advocates, journalists, receptionists need high
degree of communication skill. The ability to communicate effectively is equally essential for promotion in career.

Business communication is generally interpersonal since discharge of business functions requires interaction
with others.

Verbal Communication




Non-Verbal Communication

Means of Communication

The means or methods of communication, as is evident from the given Figure, are broadly classified into:
(i) Verbal communication which entails use of words to convey messages either in speech or through writing;
(ii) Non-verbal communication where messages are communicated through body language (i.e.) facial
expressions and gestures.
There are a variety of modes through which one can communicate most of which you may be familiar with and
may have also used or been the recipient of at some point of time.

Verbal Communication
It is a written or a spoken message that uses words to exchange ideas/ information. Words are selected in
phrases, sentences and paragraphs depending upon the results the verbal communication is trying to achieve.
The means of verbal communication are:
Written communication
Oral communication
Visual communication
Audio-visual communication.
Non-verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication includes:
Facial expressions
Eye contact
Nodding the head
Physical appearances.
It is an unspoken or unwritten message that uses body language. This may be used by itself e.g., frowning or
smiling at someone or along with oral communication. In a situation involving the use of oral communication,
non-verbal signs play an equally important role. While listening to someone, one may also be looking at the
person. Their facial expressions such as a smile or a frown may strengthen the verbal message. The entire body
language, from large gestures to proximity with the listener, may help emphasise the contents of the message.
Alternatively, if the non-verbal communication is absent, it leaves the recipient guessing. The British stiff upper
lip which looks down upon display of emotions in public is a good example. Similarly in the case of verbal and
non-verbal incongruence, the result may be confusion and even a communication failure. It is important to note
two things. In simple situations, non-verbal communication may suffice in itself.
For example, it will be perfectly in order to smile at a guest and escort him in without speaking a word. Second,
this form of communication has a strong cultural content. The Arabs and Latin Americans are prone to move
closer to the listener as well as maintain more eye-contact than the Europeans do. Similarly, physical contact is
considered a powerful tool of communication. But touching an acquaintance, the handshake excepted, is almost
taboo among the British, insignificant in America and common in Latin America.

Verbal Communication
(1) Written Communication
A famous English writer Francis Bacon has said, Reading maketh a full man, writing an exact man, conference
a ready man. In order to make himself exact i.e. to say effectively what he wants to say, the writer has to make
a considerable effort.
In the written form, it may require drafting of letters and circulars, proposals, memos and business reports of
varying kinds and includes:

Lesson 9

Business Communication 179

Office order
Staff Newsletter
Notice, Agenda, Notes on Agenda
Minutes of Meetings
Customer Newsletter
Press Release
Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication
Written communication has several advantages, although the disadvantages of written communication are equally
(i) It allows us sufficient time for planning the document we propose to create, taking into account the
purpose for which it is being written.
(ii) It also enables us to revise the contents if we find them unsuitable for the recipient from the point of view
of clarity or interest.
(iii) To display what we have written, we have a variety of recent and traditional trends to choose from. There
is also a scope to use tastefully designed stationery for the purpose.
(iv) The use of headings and bullets enable us to organise the material for better understanding.
(v) Information in the written form may be filed or retrieved at our convenience. Its permanence facilitates
prolonged correspondence.
(i) It takes much more time to compose a message in writing. Therefore it is expensive.
(ii) It also tends to suffer from the limitations of the sender, like the assumptions or prejudices, and the
delayed feedback makes it worse.
(iii) The inadequacies of the first message may only be revealed when the reply arrives.

(iv) Communication in writing suffers from lack of congruence with non-verbal communication.
However, written communication is indispensable.
Requirements of Effective Written Communication
It may be mentioned that hereunto organizations have to depend mostly on written communication either to
maintain a link with the different entities within the organization or with the outside world. It has been observed
that executives of the organizations have to spend much of their working hours on communication and that too
on written communication to maintain inter-departmental and intra-departmental links as well as link with the
external bodies.
In this matter they obviously depend upon letters, circulars, notes and explanations, memorandums, reports,
etc. Incidentally, they have to keep in mind that the receivers remain widely distributed among common people,
working class and experts too. Obviously, in such a case the transmitter of written communication has to pay
adequate attention to certain important factors, such as:
(i) appropriate words;
(ii) clarity of ideas;
(iii) inoffensive language;
(iv) lucid style;
(v) coherent presentation.
Now let us understand the above in greater detail:
(i) Appropriate Words
Pen is mightier than the sword-goes a well known saying. Words may bring you encomiums or alternatively
rebukes and misunderstanding. Much depends upon how and when you have used the words. For instance,
you write a letter to your superior as under:
Kindly get this matter done at the earliest.
Revised Example
Will you please take necessary action as you may deem necessary in the matter.
In the given example, the superior may not like it as it smacks of an order by you. Instead the sentence in the
revised example presents a polite way of expression.
There is a lot of difference between the two sentences. Similarly, when assessing your subordinates performance
you should use appropriate words.
One may not sound incorrect, if the words he is dull, docile and sluggish, are used in a sentence but it is better
to say he is lethargic.
(ii) Clarity of Ideas
Clarity of ideas is a precursor for effective communication. Read the following passage:
It appears from the seemingly honest disposition of......................... Company Ltd. that they would be in a
position to pay the amount by August end. However, their present commitments indicate that their financial
position may not be bright until October unless, a turn of events for the better, occurs. Indications are that they
would like to pay us at the earliest possible. It cannot, however, be said that they can be taken at face value.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 181

Revised Example
I visited...................... Company Ltd. They promised to pay the amount by August end by which time they
are sure to be in a much better position financially. They are honest, however, in trying to honour their
Use of may, seem, etc. always suggest uncertainty and should be used only where warranted by facts and
(iii) Inoffensive Language
Inoffensive language is a sure way to build goodwill and reputation. Especially while writing business or while
communicating within the organization one should try to be as inoffensive as possible. Offensive language
begets hatred, enmity and ill-feeling. Read the following note from one department to another.
We have for reference your note dated......................... drawing our attention to the Service Rules regarding
entertainment expenditure. Probably you are unaware of an amendment made to Rule No. 121(c) on 4th
May, 2000. It is unfortunate that the circular amending the Rule was signed by you. It is ironical that you are
raising a question of propriety of the amount spent on entertainment when the expense stands covered
clearly by the amendment circulated on 4th May, 2000. Would you ensure in future that the queries raised by
you are correct so that we are not put to an unfortunate position of replying to your notes where there is no
See the language. Granting for a while that the objection to entertainment expenditure has been raised erroneously,
dont you think that the language needs to be a little more refined and less pungent and offensive. What is wrong
if you write as follows:
With reference to your note on entertainment expenditure incurred by the department, we feel that the
expense is well within the Rule 121(c) as amended on 4th May, 2000. We are, however, not aware of any
other amendment later than this date. We hope you would find our claim to accord with the Rule. Please let us
have your views.
Again, instead of writing to a customer you have not cared to remit the amount in payment of our bill. We fail to
see any reason for your obstinacy in not replying to our earlier letter. It is therefore, clear that you do not intend
to be honest, write as follows:
We are constrained to note that payment against our Bill No............. is yet to be received by us. Would you
please let us know what holds up the payment? It has never been our experience with you so far. Kindly let us
know the factual position. We may be able to assist you in some way.
In the first draft, you are bent upon losing a customer for reason of a single instance of non-payment. A business
cannot afford it.
(iv) Lucid Style
Style is personal to an individual. There are executives who cultivate a style of writing from which they rarely
depart. But style has to be uniform and lucid. Read the following:
I am impressed with your performance for this quarter. As against the target sale of 150 tonnes it is heartening
to note that you have achieved a total sale of 220 tonnes, far ahead of the target. I am to inform that I am
extremely happy over your sustained efforts to improve the sales. Will you accept my hearty appreciations on
this occasion?
The style of writing, in the example is not lucid, nor is it uniform though there is apparently nothing incorrect. The
same matter can be written as follows:

I am impressed with your performance. You have exceeded the target sale by 70 tonnes for this quarter. I am
happy over your sustained efforts to improve sales. My sincere appreciations.
See the voice and length of sentences. Dont you feel that style is perceptible. Read the following passage:
The target sale of 100 tonnes for the month of August, it is felt, is a little ambitious. The off-season for air
coolers really begins in early July when the monsoon sets in. Reference to the targets and actual sales in the
previous two years would suggest that in the month of August sales slacken. This year due to a lukewarm
summer, the off take has been very low even in April, May and June, which are the best months for sale.
Therefore, the forecast for the quarter ending 30th September should have been recast on the basis of the
weather conditions prevailing in the summer months ending 30th June.
In the above matter, direct speech has been employed throughout. Nevertheless the style is lucid.
(v) Coherent Presentation
Coherent presentation is a virtue. Where the evidence tendered by a witness before a judge is true but incoherent,
the judge would not be inclined to rely on it. Incoherence is due to confused thinking, branching off from the main
streams of thought and lack of poise. In business, it is a virtue to be coherent while writing (or even while
talking). Coherent writing facilitates easy understanding. Read the following passage:
We have for reference your letter asking for information as to the credit and standing of M/s Sundar Electricals.
M/s Sundar Electricals though known to us for over a decade, have not had any significant dealing with us.
The managing partner of Sundar Electricals, however, is known to be a very honest gentleman. This we came
to know from one of our customers who has dealings with them for the past three years. Sundar Electricals
are in the Electrical Goods trade for a long time now and are very popular. We purchase our requirements
from a reliable party at Delhi whose address and particulars if you are very particular, we would be glad to
furnish. Coming back to the subject, we do not want to say anything adverse about Sundar Electricals. After
all we are also in business. However, do not take it as a representation from our side about the credit worthiness
of Sundar Electricals. Should you require our Delhi Suppliers address referred to earlier we will furnish the
same to you. Please ascertain the factual position about Sundar Electricals from other sources. Meanwhile
send us a catalogue of your products. We deal with Electrical wires and pipings.
The above example is muddled and mixed. While writing, it is vital to ensure that there exists a proper link
between the sentences and the paragraphs. That is known as coherence.
(2) Oral Communication
Research studies have shown that 80% of communication by executives of a company is in the oral form. The
modes of Oral Communication include:
Telephone/Mobile phone
Face-to-face discussion

Lesson 9

Business Communication 183

Brainstorming sessions
History of Speech in Business Communication
Speech is one of the earliest as well as the widely used medium of communication. We can retrace our memory
to the days of Socrates, Demosthenes and others who were great and renowned orators. In fact, talking has
achieved bringing into being great institutions. The world-renowned insurance company Lloyds is the brain child
of some merchants and shipowners who used to meet and discuss the matters of mutual interest at a coffee
house on the banks of the river Thames. The Bank of England, the oldest in U.K. was born out of the deliberations
the goldsmiths had amidst themselves. There were and there are great personalities who hold the audience
Business Conversation
Everyday in business, people come into conversation-the superior with the subordinate, superiors among
themselves, subordinates among themselves, the customers with the suppliers and suppliers with clients and
so on and so forth.
Factors Effecting Oral Communication
Effective oral communication is a passport to success in business. No fixed norms can be set for effective oral
communication. Factors like the audience, size of audience, the degree of significance attached to the information
to be spoken out, fear of the boss, fear of status, fear of ones own self-advancement, all affect oral communication.
Effective Oral Communication
Often the Chief of a Corporation appearing on television or radio or at a meeting picks his words as if he is a tight
rope walker knowing that a single word wrongly uttered may shatter his image or that of the corporation which
he heads.
It is true that all business managers should be adept at communication since they have to communicate to
various people at various places, various facts and figures, financial or non-financial, implication of which may
have significant impact upon the management of the business. Business communication itself is a difficult
subject, it is also very difficult to separate it from every day activity of business people as it has acquired special
significance in the life of the people in business. It is said a successful businessman should be first of all well
conversant with the techniques and the art of communication in order to make his assignment a successful one.
In the early days, much time was spent in generating data of all kinds. However, not much attention was given
to quality of transmission of information. It depends upon the presentation of information by using appropriate
words and medium, which upgrades the value of the information by the receiver.
As stated earlier, oral communication is the most frequently used means of transmitting messages in business.
It is resorted to more often than any other type of communication. The reasons for the popularity of oral
communication are its advantages. They are:
(i) Oral Communication Saves Time: It is said time is money. Wherever and whenever action needs to be
taken instantly or immediately, the best way to expedite action is to transmit necessary messages orally.
Oral communication helps busy people to reassign their workload quickly by giving necessary instructions,
guidance and providing information to subordinates. It thus saves time and quickens the action.

(ii) Oral Communication Provides the Opportunity for Feedback and Clarification: This process of
communication helps the sender of the message to clarify each and every point instantly. The receiver, at
the same time, can also express his opinion, views or emotions on the spot. He can ask for clarifications
wherever required and get himself satisfied. Thus, clarity is better ensured and makes the communication
more effective and purposeful.
(iii) Oral Communication Helps to Convey the Message more Appropriately with Suitable Tone, Voice and
Use of Words: It can instantly make the receiver of the message understand the content of communication
and significance thereof assigned to any particular matter of communication.
(iv) Oral Communication is an Effective Tool of Persuasion in Management: It gives a personal touch to the
communication. For this reason, supervisors and executives in all sorts of business enterprises prefer to
communicate their views, ideas and opinion orally.
(v) Oral Communication is very Effective in Communicating with Groups: It helps the speaker to establish
personal contact with a group of people and make the group understand his opinion and views at a single
point of time. The speaker can also hear about the groups reaction subsequently.
(vi) Oral Communication is Economical also: It saves manhours to be spent in preparing notes, explanation,
circulars, etc. It also saves the stationery of the organisation.
(vii) Withdrawal of Oral Communication is Comparatively an Easy Task: There are at times situations in
business where oral communication is preferred to written communication for, the latter may create an
official record which may be used as evidence against the person on any legal matters arising later in
point of time.
Disadvantages of Oral Communication
The disadvantages of oral communication also deserves equal mention, as oral communication by itself, is not
effective always.
(i) Depends on the Sender/Receivers Attitude: It mainly depends upon the attitude of the sender and receiver
of messages.
(ii) Communication is not a One Sided Activity: It should always be kept in view that communication is not a
one sided activity. The communicator will have to use appropriate words to convey the message as well
as develop ability to receive and react to the communication spontaneously. The use of right words
specially in oral communication makes the communication more effective. Saying the right word at the
right time to the right person will receive best possible response from the receiver. It is not what you say
but how you say it that matters in oral communication. Thus, only the right word will get right response.
People especially in business should develop a habit to listen to the whole message with meanings,
ideas, feelings, intentions and facts conveyed, including things that are unpleasant and unwelcome.
(iii) Bad/partial Listening Affects Message: Oral communication is totally dependent on listening. Therefore
bad or partial listening may affect the comprehension of the message. Since the feedback is instant,
therefore the process may become extremely lengthy. Some meetings go on endlessly without producing
proportionate results.
(iv) There is No Record or Legal Liability: Oral communication generally has no record or legal liability.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to confirm important oral messages in writing.
(v) Its Economy is Control Specific: The economy of oral communication is dependent on control. Telephone
calls, unless kept brief, may also cost a lot of money. Unfamiliar accents and pronunciation caused by
regional variations and mother-tongue interference often lead to temporary difficulties for the recipients.
In short, it is important to exercise control in order to derive the benefits of oral communication.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 185

In this age of e-mails when many managers prefer to send their own replies there are certain situations, for e.g.
replying to routine queries, drafting long replies/ representations etc., where the manager could dictate a reply in
order to not only save time but to also ensure that his efforts and energy are not wasted on mundane and routine
matters but are utilised only on important issues. Resorting to dictation would also depend on the organisational
structure, your position and the policy of the organisation. Some suggestions for effective dictation are:
(i) Sort all your incoming mail yourself or leave it to be done by your secretary.
(ii) Take personal action only on those papers that you feel are important and require your attention. Mark
routine replies to your secretary and delegate other matters to relevant staff in your section.
(iii) Set aside regular time slot(s) for dictation. Whether you schedule it for the morning, afternoon etc. would
depend on when you receive your mail and on personal preference. Be flexible to include emergency
dictation when the need arises.
(iv) Organise your thoughts, plan the reply for a letter and if need be jot down all the points you want to cover
before you commence your dictation.
(v) Be clear in pronunciation. Use simple words and short sentences.
(vi) Do not repeat words or sentences unless requested.
(vii) Use your natural voice and normal volume. Halt during any interruptions like the telephone ringing or
knock on the door etc.
(viii) Do not dictate while chewing something or with chewing gum, pipe, cigar etc. in your mouth, as the words
may sound muffled or not come out clear.
(ix) Spell out complicated or technical words.
(x) Pause after you complete a sentence and indicate paragraphs.
(xi) Listen carefully when the dictation is being read back to you.
(xii) Give all the letters and supporting papers to your secretary to link the replies, the moment you finish
dictating for a letter.
Talking on the Telephone
It is essential that you use your voice effectively to create a good impression while communicating on the
telephone. This is because your voice is the sole means of communicating on the telephone. It is quite true that
the first image/impression of the organisation is reflected by the telephone operator. But, it is also essential for
the entire personnel to adopt good telephone manners. The following are some suggestions and cues that can
help you do just that:
(i) Do not let your telephone ring for too long. Pick it up in the first three-four rings if possible. This reflects
your promptness. For this it may help if you place the telephone within easy reach and preferably to your
left, unless you are left handed.
(ii) Always state the name of the company if speaking on a direct line. If your company has a private branch
exchange or a direct line in your section, then always state the name of your department and your name.
You could use various styles, for e.g.
Secretarial Department
Finance Cell, Bharat Speaking
Mr. Shyams office.

(iii) Be clear and audible and do not shout into the mouthpiece. Infer that you have to raise your voice if you
hear Pardon, excuse me or some such words from the other end.
(iv) Always be polite, no matter what your mood is or how the person on the other end is talking.
(v) Be formal and do not use words like yeah! yep! etc.
(vi) Be careful of your facial expressions and/or body language while talking as they affect the way you
sound. If you slouch/slump then you tend to sound tired. If you frown you tend to sound annoyed. So
always smile when you speak on the phone as this keeps your voice bright and warm.
(vii) Do not answer the phone in a rush or sound hurried. Be calm and composed. This will help you in
sounding relaxed and in being clear.
(viii) Use the name of the person if you recognise them both at the beginning and also before ending the call.
(ix) In case a conflict develops during the course of the conversation, hear the other person out patiently
before stating your point. This is basic courtesy.
(x) If you know someone will keep on rambling and will not finish the conversation soon and you are busy
and hard pressed for time, make it clear right at the beginning of the call that you can spare only so many
minutes to take the call and also add that you are busy. If the problem or whatever requires more time
either suggest that the other person call you back or offer to call back, when you are free.
(xi) Do not eat, chew or drink anything while talking on the phone.
(xii) If someone is not available in the office and they get a call, state that the person is not available and when
they may be available. State your name and offer to take a message. If you do take a message then
inform the other person when they get back or leave a written note on their desk.
(xiii) When leaving messages on an answering machine, be clear and brief. Leave your name, telephone
number, purpose of call and what you want the other person to do-call back etc. Visualising that you are
actually talking to the person may help you in overcoming any uneasiness you may feel in talking to a
(xiv) While recording a message on your own answering machine be polite, sound warm and welcoming. Do
not be abrupt, Tell the callers what details you would like them to leave after the beep. Listening to your
own recorded message can help you record a good sounding message.
(xv) Last but very important-never bang the phone, always replace the receiver gently on the cradle.
(3) Visual Communication
Visual communication could be with words or pictures or a combination of both and includes:
Neon Hoardings
Printed/Painted Pictures (Posters etc.)

Lesson 9

Business Communication 187

Internet without use of multimedia

Advantages and Disadvantages of Visual Communication
Visual communication is useful for conveying information in a manner that makes the data and any relationship
between variables clearer and easier for the receiver to follow. They can be used on their own. But the maximum
benefit can be gained from them if they are used as a complement of the main message because they are more
capable of attracting and retaining the attention of the receiver than speech or written words. The main advantage
of using visual communication is that the message conveyed using this mode is easily remembered by the
receiver and for a long period too. However, using this mode is also expensive which is its major disadvantage.
(4) Audio-Visual Communication
The rapid advancements taking place in the field of information technology have brought about unprecedented
changes in the communication systems the world over. In this scenario the modes of audio-visual communication
assume more importance.
The means of audio-visual communication include:
Internet with multimedia
Video conferencing
Presentation using visual aids or electronic presentation.
The greatest advantage of this mode is that it aims at stimulating the senses of both sight and hearing
simultaneously and thus enhances the effectiveness of the message. The other advantages are its wider
reach and the fact that the message is remembered for a much longer time than it would be if it had been
conveyed by any other mode of communication. Here again the high cost factor involved is its greatest

Choice of Means and Mode of Communication

Choosing the right means and mode of communication plays a vital role in the effectiveness of the message
being communicated and such choice depends on various factors such as:
(i) Organisation Size and Policy: If the organisation is small, probably more communication will be oral, than
in larger organisations where it may be in writing. The policy for communication also would play a major part in
influencing ones choice of mode of communication.
(ii) Cost Factor: The main point to be considered here would be to evaluate whether the cost involved in
sending the message would be commensurate with the results expected.
(iii) Nature of Message: Whether the message is confidential in nature, urgent or important etc., and whether
a matter would require hand-delivery or be sent by registered post etc. also influences the choice of mode and
means of communication.
(iv) Distance Involved: Where the message is to be sent is also another vital factor which could influence the
choice of means and modes of communication. For example, if a letter is to be sent to a partner in a joint venture
in Japan and it is urgent, you would not think of sending someone to personally deliver it.
(v) Resources: The resources available to both the sender and receiver would also influence your choice. You
can only send a fax if the other person/organisation has a fax machine.

Therefore we can see that the choice of a particular mode and means of communication will depend on a case
to case basis and is influenced by various factors.

Having seen the various means, modes and factors, influencing the choice of the same, let us now see the
process of communication. The process of interpersonal communication may be divided into the following









The first step is at the level of the sender. An idea or an argument is initially formed in the mind of the sender.
Once the person feels the need to share it with someone, say a business associate, he has to convert it into a
The idea or message, which the sender wants to convey, at this stage may be quite vague. It has to be given a
concrete shape by encoding it in suitable words or symbols.
Once he is satisfied that he has found the right words to express it and that it is likely to be understood correctly
by the receiver, then he has to look for an effective medium or mode. This medium may be in the form of a letter
or report, fax or telegram, telephone or email.
When the message reaches the other person i.e. the receiver, then the functions are discharged in reverse. The
receiver has to decode the message in order to determine the meaning of the message sent to him. The
contents of the message provoke a reaction or a response in his mind. This is the germination of an idea or an
argument similar in nature to what happened in the senders mind sometime earlier.
From this stage, the receiver takes on the senders functions. His reaction or response has to be similarly
encoded or expressed in words or symbols. He also needs a medium to send this response across to the
other person. His message is in the form of feedback, which completes one cycle of interpersonal
The process of interpersonal communication appears to be quite simple and should not pose a problem in
communicating with anyone. But real life experiences are different. There are a lot of misunderstandings in the
communications in our personal as well as professional lives. Every time someone utters the word Pardon, a
communication failure has taken place. Requests for repetition or seeking of clarifications also imply that
communication has been effective.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 189

Most communication failures are caused because of what is known as noise. It is an element, which interferes
with the communication process. We fail to discharge the senders or the receivers functions efficiently or the
channel/medium we rely upon is faulty. At the level of the sender, it may be encoded wrongly due to the
attitudes, prejudices, frame of reference or the use of wrong tone. Similarly the receivers attitude, background
and prejudices affect the decoding of the message at his end. Even the channel of communication may be
unsuitable because of distortion of sound, speech defects, distracting body-language or illegible handwriting.
The success of communication is proportionate to the control of noise at different levels of the communication


As the key to efficient business lies partly in communicating effectively, we must therefore make a conscious
effort to master it. Effective communication depends mainly on three things: understandable messages, credibility
of the sender, and how the message is affecting the receiver.1
Effective communication can be achieved by having a thorough knowledge of the communication process in an
organisation. And also being aware of the various barriers that exist and taking relevant steps to overcome the
same while keeping in focus the objective of the communication, whom it is meant for and under what
circumstances it is being made.
Seven Cs of Effective Communication
Clarity of expression,
Completeness of information,
Conciseness of message,
Concreteness in presentation,
Courtesy towards recipient,
Correctness of facts, and
Consideration for receiver.
The following guidelines ensure effective communication:
(i) Choose the Right Means and Mode: It is most important to choose the right means and mode of
communication. This would depend on, the organisation, its size, its policy, cost involved, urgency, distance,
resources available, confidentiality, safety, security, necessity for official record of the communication, the recipient
and the resources available.
(ii) Own your Messages: It is important to take responsibility for what we say. It is common to come across
instances where the sender chooses vague or general terms to denote the sender. When you state that many
shareholders are unhappy with the proposed merger of the company, you may or may not be speaking the
truth. You do not specify who those shareholders are. Therefore the officials of the company may not accept
your statement at face value. Your message may be taken seriously if you are willing to own it. So use
personal pronouns to lend credibility to your messages. Long business reports, commercial terms and conditions
or legal provisions are an exception since they may be drafted using passive verbs and employing a formal

1. David W. Johnson, Reaching Out, Prentice Hall.

(iii) Offer Complete and Relevant Information: Messages must offer complete and relevant information in
order to become effective. Incomplete information makes it necessary to begin another cycle of communication
to issue clarifications.
For example: It is not enough to just say that the register will remain closed from 28th to 30th March. It does not
become clear to the receiver which register we are talking about and why it will be closed. Our message must
state clearly that the register of shareholders will remain closed in order to determine the names of the shareholders
entitled to receive the dividend.
(iv) Obtain Feedback: Feedback is the culmination of the communication-process. It confirms that the receiver
has correctly understood our message. We may get a feedback through an appropriate closing. The closing line
of a business letter often invites such a response. When sending out a cheque, we often ask the receiver to
acknowledge its receipt. Similarly we ask the other party to confirm that the appointment is suitable to it when we
proposed an important business meeting.
(v) Think of the Recipient: Effective messages are invariably You-centered. We do not address the President
of our company in the same manner as we speak to a fellow manager. The rank of the former demands careful
thought and respect. Familiarity with the latter may make us feel more at ease.
For example: A doctor may discuss a case with a specialist in medical terms but switches over to a laymans
language when talking to the patient. A lawyer does not use the legal jargon with a client: he reserves it for the
court-room. Therefore we must take into account the attributes of the receiver before drafting the message.
(vi) Verbal and Non-verbal Congruence: As explained earlier, meanings are often communicated in more than
one way. For example, our words as well as gestures simultaneously send out signals. A message of welcome
should ideally be uttered with a smile. Angry words are spoken with a frown. To put it in another way, our words
and facial expressions must send out the same message. A reprimand administered with a smile would send out
wrong and conflicting signals. It will leave the receiver guessing whether the sender is actually annoyed or is just
pretending to be so.
(vii) Repeat if Necessary: Repetition is generally avoided in order to save time and space. However, in exceptional
circumstances, repetition ensures that the crucial part of the message is not ignored or overlooked. Telegraphic
messages, which by nature are brief, often use repetition to good effect.
Example of a telegraphic message:
In ordinary communication, we may state the same fact using different words to get the benefits of redundancy
and ensure comprehension. Use of different channels of communication also ensures successful communication.
For example, a telephonic message may also be sent in writing later just to confirm the same.
(viii) Do not Judge: Unfavourable judgments provoke reactions and are better avoided. If a subordinate has
not finished the work allotted to him on time, then the boss has two options. He may either point out this fact in
a plain and matter of fact tone or may reprimand him for being lazy, good-for-nothing guy who should be fired
immediately. The first option is clearly preferable and strengthens the credibility and trustworthiness of the
(ix) Rely on Facts: Facts lend credibility to our communication since it is not possible to refute them. If a
candidate claims that he has a typing speed of fifty words per minute, then it is possible to verify this claim.
Opinions on the other hand are subjective. A claim that one is a good typist is at best vague. It depends on what
the claimant expects a good typist to be like. While it is not possible to exclude opinions from our messages, we
can make them acceptable by quoting facts in their support. However, reliance on selective facts will only affect
our trustworthiness.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 191

State True or False:
1. There must be at least three persons to allow the completion of the process in
Interpersonal communication.
2. Oral communication consumes more time compared to written communication.
3. Lack of planning acts as a communication barrier.
Answers: 1. False 2. False 3. True

Communication may be divided into two types: Internal and External.
Internal Communication
When people within the organisation communicate with each other, it is said to be an internal communication.
We do so to work as a team and realise our common goals. It could be official or unofficial. It could be individual
to individual, individual to group, group to individuals, department to department etc. Most of the internal
communication is in the oral form and the tone may be informal.
People also communicate within the organisation at a personal level this is known as informal communication.
A good example is that of grapevine, which is present in some measure everywhere. If the atmosphere is
secretive, it encourages the spread of rumors and half-truths. Intelligent managers use this human weakness to
their advantage by sharing favourable information with the employees.
Of the various modes of visual communication the most likely ones to be used in internal communication are
slides, internet without use of multimedia and pager.
All modes of non-verbal communication may be used in internal communication.
Some of the modes of written communications that could be used would be Memo, Report, Office order, Circulars,
Staff Newsletter, E-mail, Fax, Notice, Agenda, Notes on Agenda, Minutes of Meetings, Manuals etc.
Other than the Radio, all other modes of oral communication stated earlier, could be used in internal
Internet with multimedia, video conferencing and presentations either electronic or using visual aids are the
likely modes of audio-visual communication to be used in internal communication.
External Communication
When the people in an organisation communicate with anyone outside the organisation it is called external
communication. These people may be clients or customers, dealers or distributors, media, government, general
public, regulatory bodies, authorities etc. Letters and circulars, Price-lists, Manuals, Purchase Orders, Customised
reports, Brochures and service calls, Tender documents, Advertisements, Customer feedback material are all
external communication methods. Modern business houses spend considerable time, money and effort on
improving their public image since they realise that they are dependent on external support. External
communication has been mainly formal and largely documented, but there is an increasing trend to make it
Some of the modes of written communication that may be used are Circulars, Graphs/Charts, E-mail, Fax,
Form/Questionnaire, Letter, Advertisement, Customer Newsletter, Press Release, Invitation, Leaflet/Brochure/
Handbills, Manuals, Telegram etc.

Other than intercom, dictation, teleconferencing, brainstorming sessions and grapevine, all other modes of oral
communication stated earlier can be used in external communication.
All modes of visual and audio-visual communication stated earlier too may be used in external communication.
All modes of Non-verbal communication may also be used in external communication depending on the
circumstances and means of communication chosen for the purpose.
Have a friend doing class schedules & having a tough time with it. Said Id look for some solutions. What kind
of prices are we talking about. The scope of the problem-22 subjects, 6 hrs per & 3 groups of students.
An e-mail enquiry to timetable software website
Communication Flows
The flow of communication in an organisation depends on its size, structure and philosophy. Smaller organizations,
with fewer levels of hierarchy and people may be having fewer communication problems. In larger organisation
having many hierarchical levels, the process is more complicated. However, a comprehensive organisational
chart will help in clearly marking out the lines or channels of communication. The flow or pattern of communication
may be downward, upward, diagonal or horizontal.
Downward Flow
Traditional organisations have a vertical structure. All the important decisions are taken at the top. These are
communicated through different levels of hierarchy to the workers. The disadvantages of such a chain of command
are many. Firstly, it creates an authoritarian atmosphere in the workplace. Secondly, the message is often
distorted as it comes down through different levels. Thirdly, it also consumes a lot of time and leads to avoidable
Upward Flow
With the passage of time, management styles have also undergone change. The role of workers in the progress
of industry has begun to be appreciated. Workers empowerment and their participation in management are the
buzz-words. It is natural for the workers to feel involved in their organisations once they realise that their interest
coincides with that of the management. The result has been an increase in the flow of upward communication.
Diagonal Flow
Often there arise situations where tasks to be completed involve more than one department in the organisation
and there is more often no obvious line of authority. In such circumstances the insistence on the use of proper
channels in communication may affect the efficiency of management and may cause undue delays in the
completion of the task.
Sometimes, it is just not possible to give or seek crucial information only through the right channel. It has also
been found that information is suitably distorted or filtered by superiors before it is allowed to reach the decisionmakers. Therefore one has to enable people to talk to lower or higher ranks freely rather than wait indefinitely.
Diagonal communication is based on co-operation, goodwill and respect between the parties concerned.
Horizontal Flow
This type of communication flow usually takes place between people of the same status/level of hierarchy in the
organization. However, as flatter organizational structures have now become the order of the day, people of
different ranks now manage to converse with less reserve and formality. There are many advantages of such
openness. Policy decisions are no longer shrouded in mystery. Workers are encouraged to ask questions and
understand the compulsions of hard decisions. There is better understanding and coordination. However, it is
important to continue to respect the authority and use, appropriate language and behavior.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 193

There are certain barriers that cause communication failures. Communication failures may have serious effects.
They affect personal or professional relationship to the extent of causing a rupture. At the personal level, such
failures may cause low self-esteem. As the confidence level falls, the productivity graph also plunges lower and
Failure to communicate effectively in organisations, may cause disruption or delays in achieving targets. From
the point of view of finances, a communication failure may mean higher project costs and affect profitability. In
business, the role of communication is even more important. A failure to communicate effectively may result in
loss of money. For example, a failure to explain the terms clearly may lead to the cancellation of an order. There
may even be loss of goodwill if an aggrieved customer is not handled tactfully.
Communication failures may be caused due to many reasons. A few of them are:
(i) Lack of Planning: Every message is conveyed with a specific purpose in mind. One needs to know ones
own abilities to express the message well. Simultaneously, the personality and attributes of the recipient and the
limitations of the medium also have to be considered. If a message is communicated without adequate planning,
then the desired result may not be obtained.
For example, an invitation to potential investors to deposit money in a mutual fund may not offer all the relevant
details such as entry and exit points, all the risks involved etc. This would lead to a loss of interest in the scheme.
While drafting a message, one has the option of revising it. In oral communication, the words are comparable to
arrows, once released, they do not return. Therefore one must choose ones words with care.
(ii) False Assumptions: In many communication situations, the sender starts with several assumptions, which
may not be true. The receiver may also wish to be understood in a certain way and encourage false assumptions
by the sender. Therefore the result will be anything but along expected lines.
For example, a Quality Control Manager should first check whether the workers are familiar with the Six Sigma
Standards before pulling them up for non-adherence. Their silence during the verbal onslaught may only mean
that they do not want to admit their ignorance.
One more example:
Indias premier intelligence agency, Research & Analysis Wing invited IT experts from abroad to train its
agents in Cyber crime. After a grueling three-day session, those conducting the program invited questions. A
member of the audience raised his hand and asked without any expression on his face, What is the difference
between a phone and a modem? News report
(iii) Ambiguity: We must remember that our intentions are strictly private. They are only known to us. Therefore
the receiver may not correctly understand the meaning intended by us. A wrong inference is often drawn because
the message yields more than one meaning.
For example, the instruction that relevant details must be submitted for preparation of order by Saturday is
ambiguous. It does not clarify whether the details are required by Saturday or that the order must be prepared by
that day.
(iv) Distortions: Many communications do not register because the receiver is busy or preoccupied with other
things. While the sender believes that he has delivered the message correctly and the desired action will follow,
the truth is that the receiver has not understood it at all. Or he may have done so in part only. It is also common
for a receiver to distort the meaning to suit his expectations.
Productivity linked bonus will be paid on the 7th of next month subject to realisation of outstanding payments
has a conditional clause. The workers could conveniently forget this when they storm the office to claim the

(v) Passing Judgments: Many communication failures are caused because the message tends to pass a judgment
against the receiver. Therefore it is not received at its face value. Giving precedence to expression of opinion over
the facts and use of offensive or annoying expressions ensure that the receiver becomes guarded and defensive.
For example, a supervisor was aghast when he found a worker using a welding torch close to where the
inflammable material was stored. He showered abuses at him, pushed him away and accused him of trying to
destroy the factory.
When he returned after ordering the removal of the material, the workers had proceeded on a spontaneous strike.
It took half a day to assuage the feelings of the striking workers and to restore normalcy. Had the supervisor only
stated the facts and explained the risks, the communication failure and the repercussions could have been avoided.
(vi) Implied Meanings: Messages may not always convey a meaning in a straightforward manner. If the
background of the sender and the receiver is not similar, then it is possible for the latter not to uncover the
implied meaning. For example, a reference to weather is often indicative of a desire to change the topic of
discussion. Lack of familiarity with slang or colloquial expressions often causes communication failures.
(vii) Lack of Trust: The relationship between the sender and the receiver plays an important role in a
communication situation. If the two of them do not share trust and understanding, then there is a strong possibility
of a communication failure. The information shared by them will be minimal. Both of them will also tend to treat
the information received with suspicion.
For example, even a compliment paid by a hostile boss is likely to be received by a subordinate with caution. He
may wonder what the actual intention of the boss is.
Good to Know!!!
As a result of globalisation of commercial activities in recent years, there has been an increased use of
American spellings in day-to-day correspondence in respect of international trade, the word favour is spelled
as favor, labour as labor, centre as center etc. Even the rules of grammar are getting relaxed. Both the
conventional as well as the simplified American spellings are in vogue, but care must be taken to be consistent
with whichever spelling you are following/using.

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common
system of symbols, signs or behaviour. It is the expression and exchange of facts, opinions, ideas or
When one communicates to transact some commercial activity i.e. providing goods or services, with the
intention of generating profits, it is termed as Business Communication.
The means or methods of communication are broadly classified into verbal and non-verbal communication.
Choosing the right means and mode of communication plays a vital role in the effectiveness of the
message being communicated.
Effective communication depends upon three things: understandable messages, credibility of the sender
and how the message is affecting the receiver.
Communication may be divided into two types. Internal and External.
The flow or pattern of communication may be downward, upward, diagonal or horizontal.
There are certain barriers that cause communication failures. Failure to communicate effectively in
organisation may cause disruption or delays in achieving targets.

Lesson 9

Business Communication 195


Occurring within the individual mind or self.


Leading; important or well known.


To look displeased; have an angry look.


A person known to one, but usually not a close friend.


Drowsy; sluggish; lazy.


Sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid;
acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.


Capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable.


Sudden or unexpected.


An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or



Not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed.

1. Explain the meaning of business communication?
2. Outline the difference between communication and business communication.
3. What are the means and modes of communication?
4. Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication.
5. State the different types of non-verbal communication.
6. Explain the advantage of oral communication?
7. Illustrate the communication process with the help of a diagram.
8. What is meant by communication failures? Explain various communication barriers and suggest ways
to overcome them.
9. What are the two different types of communication?
10. Explain the different types of communication flow. State what factors govern the flow of communication
in an organisation.
Suggested Readings
(1) Business Communication K.K. Sinha
(2) Communication for Business Shirley Taylor
(3) Business CommunicationProcess & Product Mary Ellen Guffey.


Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 197

Lesson 10
Essentials of Good English
Introduction-Enriching Vocabulary
Choice of Words
Single Word for Group of Words
Grammar and its Usage:
Parts of Speech in English
Sentence Construction
Spellings and Pronunciation
Stress and Rhythm
Prefixes and Suffixes
Combination Words
Idioms and Phrases
Review Questions
Foreign Words and Phrases
Abbreviated Form of Latin, French and
Roman words
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

Communication is synonymous with life. To carry

out business of any kind, we have to interact with
a large number of people. Unless we learn to
communicate effectively, we cannot achieve the
goals of business. Proficiency in English
language has emerged as the link language with
different States of India and abroad.
The USP, i.e., the Unique Selling Proposition of
any language is its simplicity. The other
requirement is clarity. Thus, English language
should be such that it is understood clearly in
the first attempt without ambiguity. It is correctly
said that ornamental language hinders
understanding and delays response and that
clear and functional vocabulary ensures speedy
understanding and stimulates action.
Grammer is the most essential for English
language. We all use grammar whenever we
speak or write. Grammar is the system by which
a language works. When we want to describe
the way a language works, we talk about its
Good grammar is not merely grammar which is
free from unconventionalities or even immoralities.
It is the triumph of the communication process,
the use of words which create in the readers
mind the thing as the writer conceived it.
Therefore, the objective of the study lesson is
to enable the students to enrich their vocabulary
and understand the usage of grammar by
understanding parts of speech, articles, tenses

The English language is nobodys special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of
the language itself.
Derek Walcott



Communication is synonymous with life. It is essential/natural to all living beings/creatures to communicate. If
we look back at a day when we wake up to, when we retire to bed, we are continually communicating. Most of
the time, we use language to express ourselves. However, it is also true that the language of one person is
different from that of another. In a sense, words of a language are nothing but a series of symbols. Different
people may choose different symbols even to describe the same thing.
To gain proficiency in English language, we need to focus building our vocabulary.
Everyone has an active vocabulary, which means words, which one knows well and use frequently. However,
business communication is different altogether. Failure to communicate effectively may result in loss of business.
If one fails to convey the message clearly, it will adversely affect the image and profitability of business. Therefore,
one should not only increase ones active vocabulary by adding new words to it but also learn their exact
meaning and more importantly their right usage. For example, Strategies in marketing are legitimate and serious
tactics adopted in order to sell more, but gimmicks on the other hand suggests trickery an attempt to fool the
customer. Therefore, to equate the two words would be a mistake.
Good to know !!!!
We should know the exact meaning of the words we propose to use. Many words, which are listed as synonyms
or words with the same meaning have subtle differences. Consulting a good dictionary regularly helps us
build a good repertoire of vocabulary. It is equally important to learn in what context a particular word can be
used, e.g. erudite means having or showing knowledge or learning. You can say Mr. Nehru was an
erudite speaker, but cannot say Mr. Nehrus speeches were erudite.
The following are contained in enriching vocabulary:
Choice of words
Single Word for Group of Words
They are explained below:

The words one would choose while communicating would depend on the following factors:
Your range or repertoire of vocabulary.
Unless you know a word you would not be able to use it.
Your audience or person with whom you are communicating to.
Whether the intended receiver of your message is literate if so, level of literacy-general or technical, type
of situation i.e. formal or informal, nature and extent of rapport, familiarity, seniority, type of person, etc.
also influence your choice of words.
You could hardly use a slang or code word in describing a colleague in an official memo, can you?
Type of communication.

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 199

Whether formal or informal, oral or written, is also an influencing factor while choosing words.
The message you intend to convey.
The urgency, disappointment, the level of accuracy required, etc. can also be conveyed through the right
words. Therefore, these too will influence your choice of words.
Context and usage.
Certain words can only be used in a particular context, and if used elsewhere, they would be wrong. So
this too would influence your choice of words.
Regional or national difference in language or connotation also influence your choice or words.
Liberal in Britain has a positive meaning. It means generous and open minded, whereas liberal in
America is used as a term of political abuse.
Tips for choosing the right words
However, some general points one could keep in mind while choosing the right words in communication are:
Simple language: Simple language produces the best and quickest response from everyone. But one must
try not to sacrifice precision or dignity. There are occasions when easy comprehension must take a back seat. At
times long and unusual words have to be used because they are more precise. Legal language is far from
simple. This is quite understandable because the legal draftsman has to provide for every combination of
circumstances to which his words might apply.
Using familiar words does not mean using colloquial English. Colloquial English is perfectly polite and acceptable
in informal conversation, but it should not be used in formal writing. For example, havent, wont, cant, have no
place in prose, unless you have reproduced the text of a conversation.
Apart from colloquialism, there is no set rule for using familiar words. The important thing is to avoid a show of
pedantry (an ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning) and undesirable complexity.
Jargon: Jargon means language that is special to science, technology, art, trade or profession. There is for
instance legal jargon, military jargon, and political jargon.
Should we avoid all jargons in our writing? The question is not easy to answer. All true jargons have two parts:
it is the private language that only the persons in the field understand. Part of this private language gains wider
currency and becomes incorporated in the public or general language. There cannot be any objection if this
latter part of jargon is used in writing.
Avoid using superfluous words/Verbosity: Verbosity (an expressive style that uses excessive or empty
words) or using more words than necessary is a common weakness. Many public speakers, especially politicians
go on speaking in the hope of ultimately saying something sensible. This tendency is apparent in writing also. It
has been well defined as an extension of Parkinsons Law-words increase in number to fill the quantity of paper
available. More words do not necessarily lead to greater clarity. Nor do difficult and high sounding words lend
weight to the argument. They tire the reader out and may obscure the meaning.

2. HOMONYMS (Pairs and Groups of Words)

There are several pairs or groups of words that are similar in sound but are different in spelling and meaning.
They may be as simple as two-too, there-their, in-inn, ring-wring or more difficult ones like principal-principle,
stationary-stationery, except-accept. These are called homonyms. These words have to be cautiously used
while writing. Hereunder we present a few groups of words and indicate their usage.
(i) Access-Excess

Access: The workers had free access to the manager. (approach)
Excess: The production is far in excess of the target. (more than)
(ii) Accident-Incident
Accident: She met with a serious accident. (mishap)
An accidental meeting is a meeting by chance.
They came here by accident. (chance)
Incident: The Chairman narrated an interesting incident. (event)
An incidental expenditure is an expenditure occurring by chance in connection with something else.
(iii) Advice-AdviseAdvice: Advice is a noun and the end-sound is-s.
Anyone can offer advice.
Advise: Advise is a verb and the end sound is-z.
My father advised me to work hard.
(iv) Affect-Effect
Affect: Poverty has not affected his honesty. (influenced)
He affected indifference to his beloved in the presence of his father. (pretended)
Effect: Education has had no effect on his behaviour. (result)
The Director effected some changes in the company. (brought about)
(v) Bare-Bear
Bare: His feet were bare and hair undressed. (uncovered)
The bare walls made the room look dull.
Bear: Who will bear this loss? (endure, suffer)
Please bear with us while the site is under construction.
She bore three children. (gave birth to)-(Past tense of bear)
(vi) Beneficial-Beneficent
Beneficial: Progressive measures are beneficial to the whole society.
Beneficent: Beneficent people are worthy of respect. (doing good)
(vii) Berth-BirthBerth: I could not get the lower berth in the compartment. (a fixed narrow shelf-like bed in a railway
carriage, ship etc.)
Birth: The birth of a child made the couple happy. (coming into life, existence)
(viii) Casual-Causal
Casual: His casual remark offended his brother. (acting or speaking without much care or thought)
He takes casual interest in the school activities. (occasional, irregular)

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 201

Causal: There is a causal relationship between exercise and health. (relating to, or acting as a cause)
(ix) Check-ChequeCheck: Who can check the work of an officer? (verify)
Cheque: He gave me a blank cheque. (a negotiable instrument used in trade)
(x) Cite-Site-SightCite: He cited an example in support of his argument. (quoted)
Site: This is the new site for the college building. (place)
Sight: What a beautiful sight ! (a view, a glimpse)
(xi) Decease-Disease
Decease: Let us pray for the soul of the deceased. (dead)
Disease: Cancer is a terrible disease.
(xii) Dependent-Dependant (relying on someone)
Dependent: Bangladesh is dependent upon friendly countries for help. (used as an adjective)
Dependant: The Prince had a number of dependants. (as a noun)
(xiii) Device-Devise
Device: He invented a new device to save labour. (used as a noun)
Devise: They devised a new plan to outwit him. (as a verb)
(xiv) Elicit-Illicit
Elicit: A polite letter will always elicit a reply. (draws out)
Illicit: There were many illicit distilleries in the village. (unlawful)
(xv) Exhausting-Exhaustive
Exhausting: Football is an exhausting game. (tiring)
Exhaustive: The book deals with this problem exhaustively. (considering all aspects)
(xvi) Emigrant-Immigrant
Emigrant: Haldane was an emigrant from England. (one who leaves his country to settle permanently in
Immigrant: There are many Indian immigrants in Britain. (one who comes to live permanently in a foreign
(xvii) Ghastly-Ghostly
Ghastly: The sight of the wounded at the accident site was ghastly. (horrible)
Ghostly: He saw a ghostly figure in the room. (like ghost/eerie)
(xviii) Historic-Historical
Historic: India won a historic victory over Pakistan. (famous in history, memorable)
Historical: This historical fact can easily be verified. (relating to history)
(xix) Human-Humane

Human: It is a human to err. (characteristic of mankind)
Humane: India accorded a humane treatment to Pakistani Prisoners of War. (compassionate or benevolent)
(xx) Lose-Loose
Lose: You have more to gain than lose by attending his lectures. (be deprived of)
Loose: Loose clothes are again in fashion these days. (not fitting closely)
(xxi) Momentary-Momentous-Memento
Momentary: A momentary pleasure may be a curse for a lifetime. (lasting only for a moment)
Momentous: The split in the party was momentous. (of great importance)
Memento: This pen was given to me as a memento by my uncle. (something that serves to remind one
of a person or event)
(xxii) Negligent-Negligible
Negligent: You can be negligent in driving only at a risk to your life. (careless)
Negligible: There is a negligible difference in the rates quoted by them. (insignificant)
(xxiii) Observance-Observation
Observance: Strict observance of rules is the mark of a good sportsman. (act or practice of observing
Observation: Science makes progress through observation. (the process of observing or monitoring)
(xxiv) Persecute-Prosecute
Persecute: At some places, people are persecuted for their religious beliefs. (persistently harassed)
Prosecute: He was prosecuted for rash driving. (start legal proceedings against)
The accused was prosecuted for committing murder.
He had no resources to prosecute his studies. (pursue/continue with a view to complete)
(xxv) Plain-Plane
Plain: Plain, blunt men are never popular. (frank)
Plane: His superstition places him on the same plane as the savages. (level)
(xxvi) Popular-Populous
Popular: Gaurav is very popular among girls. (liked or admired)
Populous: Calcutta is the most populous city in India. (having a large population)
(xxvii) Practice-Practise
Practice: Constant practice will make you perfect. (used as a noun)
Practise: He practises law in Delhi. (used as a verb)
(xxviii) Refuge-Refuse
Refuge: He sought refuge in my home. (place of shelter from danger)
Refuse: He refused to accept any gift. (not to accept)

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 203

Indian streets are littered with refuse. (dirt)

(xxix) Root-Route-Rout
Root: Let us get to the root of the matter. (basics, core)
Route: We shall take the shortest route. (way)
Rout: The army was routed. (put to flight/completely defeated)
(xxx) Social-Sociable
Social: Dowry is a social evil. (relating to society)
Sociable: A sociable man is welcome in any society. (friendly person)
(xxxi) Stationary-Stationery
Stationary: The truck hit a stationary car. (adjective - standing still)
Stationery: He sells stationery. (noun - pen, paper, etc.)
(xxxii) Union-Unity
Union: Union is strength. (the action or fact of being united)
Unity: He worked ceaselessly for Hindu-Muslim unity. (The state of being united)

Synonyms are words that have very nearly the same meaning:
(i) easy, simple, light, effortless, facile, smooth.
(ii) effort, exertion, pains, trouble,
(iii) elastic, flexible, supple, springy, resilient.
It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find two words in English which have exactly the same meaning and
usage. Words which at first sight seem, to be identical are seen on a closer examination to be distinguished by
some shade of meaning or some point of usage. Begin, commence, start, initiate, are all synonyms which mean
to set something going or in progress. Begin is the most common word, commence is used for formal occasions,
for Court proceedings, religious and other ceremonies and military operations; start suggests a setting out from
a particular point on a journey, course, etc., often but not necessarily after an action or waiting; initiate implies
the taking of the first step or steps as in a process. You can say:
They started from their home. The ship began its voyage.
But can you use any of the other synonyms in place of started ? Try and see for yourself.
Two words may look alike and yet there may be a slight shade of difference in meaning because of which they
are not interchangeable. Finding and knowing the synonyms is helpful not only because, one hereby increases
ones stock of words but also because one can then pick and choose the right or the precise word that alone will
convey proper meaning.
Important Synonyms
The following list should be carefully studied with the aid of a dictionary and the best way to learn them, of
course, is by coming across their usage.




leave, forsake


detest, hate, loathe


unusual, unnatural


competent, capable


refrain, withhold


shorten, curtail


unrestricted, unalterable


silly, ridiculous


plentiful, ample, copious


additional, auxiliary


accomplish, execute, gain


collect, store


proficient, skilled


sufficient, satisfactory


follower, disciple


praise, approbation


distress, sorrow


bold, daring


clumsy, embarrassing


lively, agile


hard, unsympathetic


sincere, frank


frigid, indifferent


disorder, chaos


gracious, congenial


censorious, hypercritical


valid, convincing


lacking, inadequate


degenerate, decline


skill, deftness


conclusive, explicit


moralising, preach


exhausted, worn-out

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 205


transient, short-lived


excessive, wasteful, preposterous


concoct, contrive


deadly, disastrous


messy, fussy


prohibit, ban


festivity, merriment


colossal, huge


dangerous, risky


careless, unplanned, unintentional


relentless, uncompromising


astute, cunning


delight, enjoyment


sensible, prudent, wise


ill will, spite


morose, sickly


careless, lax


dull, stupid, blunt


burdensome, oppressive


eulogy, encomium


want, poverty


scarce, extraordinary,


pertinent, germane


silent, reserved


destructive, wreckful


slander, malign


barren, infertile


wearisome, drudging


prosper, flourish


cosmopolitan, sauve, cultured


breach, transgression, desecration


healthy, sound, healing


crave, pine


summit, culmination


Antonym is a word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word.
As has already been noted that there are no true synonyms, that is, no two words mean exactly the same thing.
There is often some shade of difference in the meaning. In most cases exact meaning or significance of a word
depends upon the context in which it is used. That being so, a word may have more than one antonym.
Example: The antonym of soft that comes at once to mind is hard. But there are many other possibilities.
Soft drinks against hot drinks
Soft colour against bright colour
Soft tones against weird tones
Soft texture against rough texture
Soft light against glaring lights.
Similarly the opposite of
a slender cane would be a thick cane
a slender man would be a fat man
a slender chance would be a bright chance.
Important Antonyms
A List of Words with Antonyms is given below:




































Lesson 10




































































Essentials of Good English 207





































































Lesson 10






































































Essentials of Good English 209



1. A shortened form of a word or phrase


2. Renounce a throne, high office of dignity


3. To formally put an end to


4. Often lost in thought and unaware of ones surroundings


5. To move faster


6. Free from error


7. Science of the production, transmission, reception and effect of sound


8. One who performs gymnastic feats


9. One who calculates insurance and annuity premium, etc.


10. The period of life from puberty to maturity adolescence

11. Make impure by the addition of inferior substance


12. The action of attacking with provocation


13. One who believes that we know (and can know) nothing of the nature or
existence of God


14. An undertaking by an authority to take no action against specified offences

during a fixed period


15. Living both on land and in water


16. The place where public records are kept


17. One who does not believe the existence of God


18. One who gives friendly help; one who makes a gift to a charity


19. Persons working jointly on an activity or project


20. An expert judge in matters of taste


21. One who is at home in every country, one who is free from national prejudices


22. A position in which each (or more) of the courses is equally undesirable/a
difficult situation or problem


23. Putting to death painlessly especially to end suffering


24. The day or evening before a festival, the time just before an event


25. To magnify beyond the limits of truth


26. A passage taken from a book, film, piece of music or text

extract, excerpt

27. An exact copy, especially of written or printed material


28. Plants and vegetation peculiar to certain regions


29. A person who sells or arranges cut flowers


30. Deliberate killing of whole community or race


31. The place where an aeroplane is housed


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32. A person who is dissatisfied and inclined to rebel


33. To pretend to be sick in order to avoid work


34. One of a race or tribe that has no fixed location but wanders from place to place


35. The study or collection of coins, bank notes and medals


36. Coming at the right time


37. The scientific science and study of birds


38. A remedy for all diseases or difficulties


39. The study and collection of postage stamps


40. A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating
money to good causes


41. One who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts


42. A traitor who takes office in a government formed by an enemy occupying

his country


43. To search thoroughly


44. To restore consciousness


45. To write or draw carelessly or hurriedly


46. To transform into a purer or idealised form


47. A person who deliberately damages private or public property


48. To sway to and fro, to show indecision


49. A blood feud started by murder seeking vengence



English language follows a set of rules like all other languages. Broadly speaking, the part of Grammar concerned
with changes in the form of words by internal modification or by affixation is known as accidence and the manner
in which these words can be arranged in the form of a sentence, called the syntax. For example, the root word
contradiction, a noun can be changed into different parts of speech. It becomes a transitive verb, which needs
an object contradict and an adjective contradictory.
Good dictionaries give all the changes that a root word can undergo.
Good to Know!!!
Some words may be used as different parts of speech without any change in their form.
For example, the word beat remains unchanged in the following sentences; though the meaning it conveys in
each is different:
The speculators beat (withdraw) a hasty retreat. (Verb)
The security officer was on his beat (area allocated for patrolling). (Noun)
The beat (rhythmic unit of music) generation had its own ethics. (Adjective)
It is possible to use the same word, sometimes with a slight modification, as different parts of speech:

For example, the root word, confirm is used as a noun in the first, as a verb, in the second and as an adjective
in the third sentence as given below
We received confirmation of the order in writing yesterday. (Noun)
The party confirmed the receipt of the consignment. (Verb)
He is a confirmed defaulter. (Adjective)
The various parts of speech in English language are as follows:
They are explained below:
The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action.
Some of the Nouns are:
Common Noun: Things of the same kind are named through Common Nouns (bank, market, manager,
Proper Nouns name particular persons or things and therefore begin with a capital letter (January,
India, Larsen and Toubro, etc.).
Collective Noun: Groups of similar things are named through Collective Nouns (batch, company, university,
Pronouns are used for or in place of nouns. They may be:
Personal Pronoun: to represent persons or things (I, we, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us,
Relative Pronoun: or relating to another noun or pronoun (which, what, who, whose, whom, that).
Possessive Pronoun: showing possession (mine, ours, yours, theirs, its, hers).
Adjective add meaning to a noun or pronoun. For example, adjectives go on adding to the meaning of the
following noun:

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The Shares
The Equity Shares
The Dematerialized Equity Shares
Two or more words can be joined with a hyphen to form a Compound Adjective e.g. government-financed
Verb indicates action. Verbs may perform the following functions:
State existence (The company is a private limited enterprise);
Give a command (Hand over the money!);
Describe activity (The match was played yesterday).
If the verb is formed with more than one word, e.g.
You may go,
Then one of them is a helping verb (may) and the other is known as the principal verb (go).
While Adjectives qualify or add to the meaning of nouns, adverbs modify the meaning of not only verbs, but
also adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions etc.
The following sentences illustrate the varied use of adverbs:
Small investors find it very difficult to invest wisely.
(The first adverb very modifies another adverb difficult, and the second adverb wisely modifies the verb invest).
The CEO is an exceptionally sharp manager.
(The adverb exceptionally modifies the adjective sharp).
The cash counter is right behind you.
(The adverb right modifies the prepositions behind).
We have given this book to you only because you are a good reviewer. (The adverb only modifies the conjunction
A Preposition, by definition is placed before a noun or its equivalent in order to show its relationship in terms of
time, place, case, etc.:
The space above the room houses the conference facility.
(The preposition above explains the relationship between the room and the conference facility).
There are hardly any rules governing the use of Prepositions, some people feel that it is inelegant to put them at
the end of a sentence since they basically link-words. However, as Fowler point out, almost all our great writers
have allowed themselves to end a sentence or a clause with a preposition. The thumb-rule is that the sentence
should read well.
It is largely usage that determines the choice of a preposition. Americans also tend to drop them but it is largely

colloquial. A wrong preposition certainly changes the intended meaning. Therefore, we have to learn the use of
prepositions carefully. All standard dictionaries list the root word along with different prepositions or adverbial
phrases and also show the difference in meaning.
For example:
The root word Get conveys italicised meanings when used with:
about, move or spread
across, be understood
ahead, make progress
along, manage
at, gain access to
away, escape
over, forget
round, persuade
Conjunctions join words or even sentences conveying related ideas. Two commonly used conjunctions are
We received your letter and telegram but regret our inability to attend the meeting.
Conjunctions may also be used in pairs, e.g. neither-nor, either-or, not only-but also, both-and, whether-or etc.
Such conjunctions are known as Correlative Conjunctions.
Interjections are words, which are used in a sentence to express more emotion or feeling. They may not form
a part of its grammatical structure. Some of the common interjections are: Hi !, Alas !, Oh !, etc.
As a general rule, we should use Active Voice in our sentences. Such sentences are shorter, direct and emphatic.
For example:
Please place the order within sixty days of the receipt of the quotation.
An exception is however made when sending out negative messages or fixing responsibility.
For example, out of the two responses given below, the latter is likely to be received better:
You have failed to place the order in time.
Unfortunately the order has been delayed.
Passive Voice is also found more suitable while drafting legal formulations as no identifiable subject can be
For example:
Follow the traffic rules, while driving (Active Voice)

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The traffic rules should be followed while driving (Passive Voice)

Articles are the most common determiners (are small words that are used before countable nouns to tell you
which one, how many or whose etc.) They are of two types:
Definite article and
Indefinite article.
Definite ArticleThe is the definite article and is always specific, referring to a definite or only thing, person or
entity. It is also used to indicate specificity and uniqueness.
Bring me the book. (a particular book)
The movie was very well picturised.
The man in the blue suit.
The river Ganges.
Indefinite ArticleThe indefinite articles are a and an as the object person entity it refers to is not definite and
indicates the general, non-specific (could mean any book) or collective.
Bring me a book
I read a good book.
Let us take a walk.
The article an is used when the noun to which it is attached begins with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o and u). It is the
vowel sound and not the vowels that determine the use of a or an. Vowels with consonant sound take a not
Bring me an apple.
He walks like an Egyptian.
She has planted a eucalyptus tree.
He is an honest man.
He has joined a union.
I have lost a one-rupee note.
Usage implies the manner in which the native speakers of a language use it. This body of conventions governing
the use of a language especially those aspects not governed by grammatical rules, habitual or customary use
often lays down new standards of acceptance.
For example, It is me is generally accepted on grounds of usage even though It is I is considered grammatically
Usage may be learnt by reading standard texts and listening to educated speakers of a language.
In Grammar a set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or

completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance; is the meaning that the Concise Oxford
Dictionary assigns to the word Tense.
In all there are twelve tense that are used in the English language and they are:
Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Future Progressive
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
Present, Past and Future tense are straightforward expressions that indicate present or past action and future
Present tense I go to office every day.
Past tense I went to office yesterday.
Future tense I will go to office tomorrow.
Progressive Forms of Present, Past and Future Tenses
When one wants to express continuing action in the three simple tenses, we use the progressive forms of the
same are used:
Present Progressive I am going to office today as there is an important meeting.
Past Progressive - I was going to the meeting but at the last minute it was cancelled.
Future Progressive - I will be going to the market tomorrow.
Perfect Tenses
When one wants to convey past action that continues or continues upto the present moment we use the perfect
Present perfect - I have gone to the meeting at Carrington House and will be back at 4 O Clock.
Past perfect - I had gone to the presentation without any preparation and was at a total loss of words.
Future perfect- I will have left the office by the time your train reaches New Delhi.
Perfect Progressive Tenses
Just like progressive tenses are used to convey continuing action to the simple tense, same is the case with
perfect tenses also.

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Present perfect progressive tense: I have been taking this same route to office for years.
Past perfect progressive tense: I had been going to Dr. Mehta for a bi-monthly medical check-up till last month,
when we shifted to NOIDA.
Future perfect progressive tense: If I go to the gym tomorrow, I will have been going to the gymnasium for the
past 3 years.
(i) The exact cause or motive a person has for a particular action cannot be seen; it can only be inferred.
Thus when a salesman is explaining the benefits of his product to a customer, it
(ii) Lastly, goal-directed behaviour does not always lead to need satisfaction.
Various Purposes of a Sentence
Grammar also lays down rules for combining words in order to form meaningful sentences. Sentences may be
formed to:
Make a statement: The government has decided to disinvest its stake in Air-India
Pose a question: Would this step enable it to turn this PSU around?
Give a command: Bring about a change of ownership.
Make an exclamation: What a way to bridge the fiscal deficit!
A sentence consists of two parts:
Subject: It is the part of the sentence that contains the person or thing which performs the action;
Predicate: It is the other part of the sentence that contains the verb and gives information about the subject.
A Phrase is a group of words, which neither has a finite verb nor makes any sense by itself. Depending on its
place in the sentence, it may be a
Adjectival or
Adverbial Phrase.
For example: My demat account has been closed. (Noun Phrase)
The balance in the account was nil. (Adjectival Phrase)
The statement of account is lying on my desk. (Adverbial Phrase)
A Clause is a grammatical unit that includes, a predicate, and an explicit or implied subject and expresses a
preposition. In a combination of sentences, the smaller sentences play a secondary role and are called
Subordinate Clauses.
For example, the following three sentences may be combined to give a single sentence. The part making the
principal statement is called the Main Clause while the rest are known as Subordinate Clauses:
The examination was to be held in June.
It was postponed.
It will now be held in July.
The examination was to be held in June but postponed till the end of July.

Types of Sentences
The basic knowledge of grammar helps us understand different sentence structures or patterns so that we can
communicate in a clear, concise and correct manner.
Sentences are formed by joining different parts of speech in a variety of patterns.*
A Simple Sentence contains only one finite verb and can make only one complete statement. However it may
have more than one subject or object.
A Circular must be written in a single language.
Tact, understanding and brevity are its main constituents.
It may be addressed to customers, dealer, subscribers, or distributors.
A Compound Sentence is made up of two or more main clauses, none playing a subordinating role.
I have known the applicant for many years and recommend him strongly.
A Complex Sentence is formed when its main clause is supported by dependent clauses:
The director who arrived yesterday agreed he would support the resolution.
Sentence Construction
Sentences can be constructed using different structures or patterns. The simplest sentence may have:
a noun or a pronoun in the beginning,
a verb in the middle,
another noun or its equivalent in the end.
For example:
The budget affects the stock market.
This sentence structure may also be shown as:
Subject + verb + object
The structure of a command, on the other hand, is different since it being with a verb, the subject being understood.
For example,
Mail this letter, is the shorter form of (You) mail this letter.
It is important to use varying sentences structures in our writing so that the interest of the reader is not lost.
Sentence Construction based on writing or on Writing Basis
Sentences are also constructed on the basis of complexity of writing.
Loose sentences are suited to simple style of letter writing and are closer to the spoken form. They begin with
the main statement and develop it to its logical conclusion.
For example:
The Reserve Bank of India intervened in the forex market as there were strong rumours about an intense
speculative activity caused by the spurt in imports.

Lesikars Basic Business Communication, Irwin, p. 44.

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Periodic Sentences are decorous and emphatic but more difficult to write. The order is reversed and the main
statement is made at the end.
For example:
As there were strong rumours about an intense speculative activity caused by the spurt in imports, the Reserve
Bank of India intervened in the forex market.
Sentence Construction on the basis of Length
The length of a sentence is also an important factor in sentence construction.
Shorter Sentences are easier to write as well as understand. But a long sequence of short sentences may not
make a very pleasant reading:
Thank you for the order. The goods will be sent soon. The duplicate copy of Bill is enclosed. The payment must
be made early.
Longer Sentences are prone to grammatical errors and need careful thought and planning. A U.S. Government
regulation is claimed to run into 308 words.* Such efforts at constructing marathon sentences should be avoided.
It may be a good idea to mix the shorter and longer sentences to sustain the interest of the reader:
The conference opens on the tenth of June in Simla. More than two hundred company secretaries will take part.
The purpose is to deliberate on the merits of the new Companies Bill and propose amendments. The discussions
are likely to go on for three days.
Paragraph Construction
The construction of a paragraph is equally important. If a good sentence should focus on a single thought, a
good paragraph should restrict it to a single topic or idea. The topic sentence of a paragraph sums up this central
idea and develops it further. It is usually at the beginning or the end though in some cases, it is written somewhere
in the middle too. Shorter paragraphs should be preferred because they enable the reader to follow the writers
English is a notoriously difficult language to spell and pronounce. Students are often bewildered by the seemingly
anarchic sound/spelling system of English. There often seem to be more exceptions than rules, and the mastery
of accurate spelling and pronunciation seems a daunting and demotivating task.
Though there is a relationship between a sound and the way it is expressed in writing, the same sound is often
conveyed through different spellings.
For example,
The sound in the middle of words steep and breach is the same, phonetically shown as [i]. The letter a may be
pronounced in several different ways. In words like brag, flap, grab, have, etc, the sound is phonetically shown as
[ae], in barge, false, half, ask etc. as [a:], In words may, tray, stay, way, etc. as [ei] and call, flaw, raw, talk etc. as [o:].
Good dictionaries also have a phonetic chart, which helps learn the correct pronunciation of different words.
Specialized dictionaries of pronunciation are also available for consultation.
Spelling Errors
Adequate care should be taken to spell words correctly in all communications so as to be able to communicate

Spelling errors are common when:
(i) Certain alphabets/letters are repeated in a word. For example, tomorrow, occasion, beginning, profession,
(ii) One has to choose between ei and ie. For example, receive and believe. It is interesting to note that we
always use ei after c (conceive, deceive, perceive, etc.) and ie in the rest (achieve, chief, convenience,
(iii) e has to be dropped or retained when changing the root word. For example, true into truly but sincere
into sincerely.
(iv) An extra letter alters the meaning of the word. For example, lose and loose.
(v) When noun and verb forms of the same word have different spellings. For example, advice/advise or
(vi) Words have the same pronunciation but different spellings. For example, whether/weather, brake/break,
(vii) When a choice has to be made between ise (merchandise, enterprise, franchise etc.) and ize (size,
prize, etc.). Some words are spelt differently by British and Americans, the latter preferring z over s i.e.
criticise/criticize, realise/realize, recognise/recognize etc. Though both the spellings are acceptable, one
should stick to either s or z for the sake of consistency.
(viii) A word similarly spelt has two variants with different meanings and past plus past participle forms. For
A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language. A word may have one or more syllables. For
example, there is only one syllable in fame, name, claim, train, etc., two in address, confess, redress, transgress,
three in credentials, sacrifice, tarpaulin, etc., four in retribution, satisfaction, transatlantic and even five in words
like conglomeration.
Good to know!!!
Dictionaries generally show the main stress marks by putting the symbol // above and before the stressed
syllable e.g. report. It is also important to know that the same word when used as a noun, is stressed
differently e.g. re port. Only one syllable in a word carries the main stress; other syllables are unstressed.
In order to achieve good, clear speech, we must learn to recognize the stressed syllable in a word.
An affix is an addition to the base form or stem of a word in order to modify its meaning or create a new wordThe Concise Oxford Dictionary, Tenth Edition.
If the affix or addition to the base form or root word comes at the beginning, it is a prefix.
The word prefix in itself is an apt example of a prefix as it is made up of the root fix-to join or fix, with the affix
pre- meaning before, added to it.

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Groups of Prefixes
Prefixes fall into a number of distinct groups such as:










Class changing



Supportive Prefixes are prefixes that support or are for the root word.

Pro is used with the meaning favouring/supporting as the prefix. Pro, as a prefix has other meanings such as in
substitute of or before in time, pace or order.
Examples of Pro as a supportive prefix are Pro-choice, Pro-market, Pro-life.
Opposing Prefixes are prefixes that are opposed to the action denoted by the root word.
Anti (against)

- antibody, antibacterial, antibiotic, anticlockwise, antidote, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, etc.

(Spurious) - antihero, antiChrist, antiself (affected person)


(against) - contraception, contraindicate, contravene, contramundum

(Contrasting) - contraflow, contra-active, contradict, contradistinction


(opposition/retaliation) - counteract, counter-example, counter- attack, counterblast,

counterbalance, counterclaim, counterculture, counter-in-surgency, countermeasure,
counterproductive etc.

Negative Prefixes are prefixes that denote the absence of distinguishing features of the root world.
(The prefixes marked with * have other meanings in which they can be used in, besides those specified herein)
*a (not, without) - amoral, ahistorical, atheist, asymmetric
*an (not, lacking) - anaesthetic, anaemic, anaerobic
*dis (not) - disloyal, disable, disarm, dishonest, distrust, disadvantage
*in (not) - injustice, inactive, inconsiderate, inconsonant, incomprehensible, incomplete, incompetent,
*iI (this is a variant spelling of the prefix in used before a word beginning with I) - illegal, illiterate, illegible,

im (this is a variant spelling of the prefix in used before a word beginning with b, m or p.) - imbalance,
immaterial, immeasurable, immobile, immovable, impassable, impatient, impossible, imperfect
*ir (this also is a variant spelling of the prefix in used before a word beginning with r) - irreplaceable, irregular,
irresistible, irrational, irrecoverable, irreconcilable, irredeemable, irreducible
non (not) - non-aggressive, non-interference, nonconformist, nonentity, nonsense, nontoxic, non-stop (not
regarded as) - non-person, non-event

These prefixes also have other meanings in which they can be used in, besides those specified herein.

un (not) - unproductive, unacademic, unselfish, unavoidable, unaware, unbearable, unbroken, unburnt
Reversative Prefixes are prefixes that denote the act of undoing the previous act that the root word denotes as
being done.
de* (reverse of) - decriminalise, dehumidify, deselect, decontaminate
dis* (reverse of) - disqualify, dishonest, disinvite
un* (reverse of) - untie, unscramble, unlock
Derivative Prefixes are those that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or
de (remove something)-debug, defrost
de (depart from) - deplane, detrain, decamp
dis (remove something) - disarm, disillusion, disambiguate
un (remove something) - unleaded, unmark, unhouse, uncap, uncover
Pejorative Prefixes are those that express contempt, disapproval, bad or wrong.
mis (badly/wrongly) - miscalculate, misgovern, misspell, mismanage, misalign, misapply, misbelief
Place Prefixes are prefixes that indicate place or placing of things, situation, etc.
ante (before) - antecedent, antechamber, anteroom
circum (around) - circumvent, circumnavigate, circumlocution, circumbulate, circumlunar
cis (on this side) - cisalpine, cisatlantice, cislunar
extra (outside/beyond) - extracurricular, extrasensory, extraordinary, extraterrestrial
fore (front/before) - forefinger, forecourt, forearm, forebear, forebrain, forecheck, forefront, foregather
in, il, im, ir (in) - indoors, in-patient, inside, indebt
inter (between) - interbreed, interfere, interject, interracial, international, interdisciplinary, internet
intra (inside/within) - intravenous, intramural, intranet
intro (inwards) - introvert, introspect
post (after/behind) - Post meridiem (P.M.) postpone, postgraduate, posthoc, postscript
pre (before)-prearrange, preface, precaution, prefabrication, preamble
out (outside)-outdoor, out-patient, outhouse
(surpass)-outrun, outdistance, outbid, outnumber
over (outer/above)-overthrow, overshadow, overcoat
retro (backwards)-retrograde, retrospection, retrospect
sub (below)-subway, subsoil, subconscious, submerge
(secondary)-sub-inspector, sub-editor, sub-committee, subtitle, sublet
(below the norm)-substandard, subhuman
super (above)-superstructure, superimpose

These prefixes also have other meanings in which they can be used in, besides those specified herein.

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(beyond the norm)-superhuman, superstar, superpower

(excessive)-superconfident, supersensitive, supercritical
supra (above)-supranational, suprasegmental
sur (above)-surcharge, surtitle, surtax
trans (across)-transatlantic, transnational, transcontinental
ultra (beyond/extreme)-ultraviolet, ultra-thin, ultra-modern, ultramarine, ultramicroscopic, ultrasonic, ultra vires.
under (below/too little/subordinate)-underground, undercharge, underpay, undercook, undersecretary,
underclass, underrepresent, undersell, undersigned
Size Prefixes denote size. They aremega (very large)-megaphone, megastar, megalith, megawatt
midi (medium)-midi-computer, midibus
mini (small)-minibus, miniseries, minicab, minimarket
Time Prefixes denote time. They areante (before)-antenatal, antedate
ex (former)-ex-wife, ex-president, ex-student
fore (before)-forenoon, foresee, foretell, forecast
neo (new, recent)-neo-conservative, neoplasia, neophyte
post (after)-post-war, post-modernism, postdate
pre (before)-prepay, pre-existing, predate, preschool
re (again)-reprint, reapply, replay, renew
Number Prefixes are those that denote number. They aremono (one/single)-monorail, monochrome, monopoly
uni (one)-unidirectional, unilateral, unicycle, unity
bi (twice/double)-bicycle, bilateral, bilingual
di (two, twice)-dioxide, dichromatic
duo/du (two)-duologue, duplex
tri (three)-triangle, triplicate, tripartite
quadri/quadr (four)-quadrilateral, quadrangle
tetra/tera (four)-tetrachloride, terameter
penta/pent (five)-pentagon, pentacle
sex (six)-sextant, sextile, sextuple
hexa/hex (six)-hexapod, hexagram
hepta/hept (seven) heptagon, heptameter
octo/oct (eight)-octopus, octuple

deca/dec (ten)-decade, decalogue,
decinial deci (a tenth)-decibel, decimal
demi (a half)-demigod, demitasse
hemi (half)-hemisphere, hemistock
semi (half)-semiconductor, semidetached
hecto/hect (hundred)-hectogram, hectare
kilo (thousand)-kilogram
milli (thousand)-millisecond, millipede
mega (a thousand)-megahertz, megabuck, megabit
poly (many)-polytechnic, polygon
Status prefixes are those that denote a status.
co (joint)-co-partner, co-author, co-founder
pro (deputy)-proconsul, pro-vice-chancellor
vice (deputy)-vice-president, vice admiral, vice chancellor
Class Changing Prefixes have the effect of changing the word class, like making transitive verbs from nouns,
adjectives, intensifying force of the verbs used etc.
be-besiege, bewitch, besmear, bewail, belittle, befoul, beribboned
en/em-encode, endanger, ensure, enlist, enroll, embark, embitter, enrich
Miscellaneous: Some of the common prefixes that do not fall into the above categories areeco (abbreviation of ecology)- eco-friendly, ecosystem
Euro (abbreviation of European)- Euro-rail, Eurocurrencies
para (ancillary)- paramilitary, paralegal, paramedic
para (beyond)- paranormal
quasi (like)- quasi-intellectual, quasi-judicial
self- self-motivating, self-denial, self-satisfaction.
It is a morpheme (minimal meaningful language unit) added at the end of a word to form a derivative. In other
words an addition to the end of a word to form a derivative of the root word is a suffix.
Groups of Suffix: Suffixes fall into the following categories:
Noun Suffixes

Adjective Suffixes

Verb Suffixes

Adverb Suffixes

Noun Suffixes are as follows:

acity (indicates a quality)-audacity and (state of being)-capacity
ant (denoting attribution of an action or state)-appellant, informant, arrogant (denoting an agent)-deodorant,

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al (verbal action)-betrayal, dismissal, deferral

age (denoting an action or its result/function/state or condition/set of place or abode/aggregate number of)
leverage, spillage, homage, bondage, baggage, postage, vicarage, mileage
ation/ion (denoting an action or its result)-collaboration, exploration, evolution, exaltation, inhalation,
communion, oblivion, objection
cle, cule, ule (indicates small size)-miniscule, particle, molecule, capsuleic-lyric, mechanic
ist (denotes a member of a profession, who uses something etc.)-dentist, flautist, novelist, atheist
ity (quality/condition/degree of)-responsibility, technicality, publicity, humility
ling (smallness or lesser stature)-duckling, seeding, hireling
ment (means or result of an action)-arrangement, embarrassment, curtailment bewilderment
ness (a state or condition)-usefulness, carelessness, willingness, kindness,wilderness
ship (quality or condition, status, tenure, skill etc.)-scholarship, companionship,
citizenship, workmanship, membership
tude (indicates condition or state of being)-exactitude, longitude
Verb Suffixes are as follows:
fy/ify (indicates or becoming)-beautify, purify, gratify, electrify, pacify, personify
ise, ize (quality, state or function)-capitalize, modernise, popularise, terrorise, expertise
Adjective Suffixes-Some of them are as follows:
able/ible (inclined to, capable of, causing)-audible, uncountable, readable, reliable, terrible, peaceable, profitable
al/ial (kind of)-tidal, accidental managerial, musical
ed (having, affected by)-cultured, heavy handed, talented
ful (having the qualities of)-sorrowful, powerful, careful, resentful, fretful, forgetful
ic-Arabic, aristocratic, dramatic
less (free from without)-careless, harmless, restless, flavourless
oid (resemblance)-ovoid, humanoid
some (a tendency)-meddlesome, awesome
y (having quality of/inclined to)-messy, funny, sleepy, choosy
Adverb Suffixes some of them are:
ly (forms adverbs from adjectives)-amiably, candidly, surprisingly, greatly
wise (of manner or respect or direction)-clockwise, notewise, taxwise, anticlockwise.
These are word elements or combining forms that can be combined with other words that already exist, to form
new words. These combining forms have a singular form and a clear and consistent meaning, which is probably
because they are of fairly recent origin. Many of them are also technical and therefore their meanings are less
susceptible to change. Most combining forms are of Greek or Latin origin. Some of them are:

arch (chief)-archbishop, arch-rival
auto (self)-autograph, autopilot
bio (life)-bio-diversity, biology, biography
crypto (concealed)-crypto-farest, cryptogram, cryptocrystalline, cryptonym
mal (improper/inadequate/faulty)-malpractice, malnutrition, malpractice, maladminister, maladjusted,
maladaptive, malfunction, maltreat
macro (large)-macro-organism, macroeconomics
micro (small/minute)-micro-organism, micro-computer, microsurgery, microgram, microscope
mid (middle)-midfield, midair, midway, midsection, mid-afternoon, midwinter, midnight
tele (at a distance)-telescope, television, telephone, telephoto, telecommunications.
The marks, such as full stop, comma, and brackets, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements
and to clarify meaning are called punctuation.
The importance of punctuation in writing can be linked to the importance of pause, intonation and emphasis to
the spoken word.
Therefore, one can state that the chief purpose of using punctuation is to make the meaning of a written passage
Punctuation can also serve other purposes such as:
introducing delicate effects in style,
altering the flow of a sentence,
highlighting certain words.
Some aspects of punctuation are rule-governed i.e. those that you have to follow and some are matters of
judgement and choice.
The various punctuations used in the English language are:
capital letters




full stop


quotation marks




bold emphasis




question mark







exclamation mark

Uses of Punctuation Marks

Let us see how some of these punctuation marks are used.
Space is the most basic form of punctuation which separates words, sentences, paragraphs and chapters.
Usually one alphabet space is used between words and punctuation, and also after sentences, unless it is the
last sentence of a paragraph, when the rest of the space on that line is left blank.

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Space of one line or more is left between paragraphs to distinguish them and at times a slight indention is also
used on the first line to distinguish the start of a new paragraph.
The amount of spacing used would depend on individual style and taste or a pattern followed in an organisation
or the type of writing, e.g. letter, a presentation, a book etc.
The Full Stop (.) also known as a stop, point or period (in American English) is used to end a declarative
sentence, a sentence which is not a question or an exclamation.
Full stops are also used to end a request politely framed as a question such as:
Would you kindly fix an appointment with Mr. Sharma.
A full stop may also be used after initials or after a shortened form of a word to indicate an abbreviation.
For example






I.K. Gujral

However, increasingly the full stop after initials of names is being done away with, though both usages are
A full stop is also used at times to denote abbreviated numerals such as date or numbering, though at times the
slash or hyphen is also used to denote date, such as:
However this can be interpreted in two ways as 10th November 2012 by the British and 11th October 2012 by
the Americans. Therefore, it is advisable to always write the month in the date in words, e.g.
10th November 2012 or 10 November 2012
Full stop is also used before decimal and between units of money:
10.50 per cent; Rs. 33.50
Omission of Full Stop
In the following cases the full stop is omitted:
after addresses that head letters and on the envelopes
after dates
after name that ends letters
after title of books, newspaper headlines, chapter headings, sub-headings, page numbering
after acronyms which are pronounced as a word and the same is an established practice.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
VAT (Value Added Tax)
in between alphabets of the abbreviations that are a series of letters.
WTO (World Trade Organisation)
GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)
BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)

in shortening of words where the first and last alphabets of the word are present.
Mr Mrs Dr Rd Ltd
(though using a period after these words are also correct, in practice the period is slowly being omitted).
initials of personal names, where space is used instead.
A K Singh, D S RAJAN
abbreviations for measures, chemical elements etc:
Kg (Kilogram)

s (Second)

Hz (Hertz)

Sq (Square)

km (Kilometer)

m (minute)

amp (ampere)

o (oxygen)

H (Hydrogen)

If a sentence ends with an exclamation mark, question mark, or an abbreviation that is followed by a
period for the abbreviation.
The Comma (,) is easily the most important punctuation within a sentence. Commas separate or enclose
subordinate clauses and phrases in sentences. Its most typical use is to separate two main clauses that are
linked by a conjunction. Here the comma appears just before the conjunction.
The house was almost in ruins, but the tree studded avenue was lovely.
Uses of Comma
Some other uses of comma are as follows:
To separate main clauses even when they are not linked by a conjunction:
The higher the price, the better the quality of goods.
Before tags/questions and comments:
You were late for the meeting, werent you? (tag)
I was just joking, you see. (comment)
To denote words left out:
Romeo loved Juliet; Majnu, Laila.(Here the comma denotes the word loved.)
Enclosing additional thoughts, qualification or information. Here the use of comma is in pairs and separate
parenthetical elements in a sentence.
My son, Ajith, is the school pupil leader.
The movie was, I believe, well picturised.
To set off direct speech:
To quote Confucius, He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great
Im tired, he replied, However, I will complete the work before leaving. To set off comparative or contrasting statements.
The more he kept repeating that he did not steal the chain, the less the police believed him.
To separate adjectives, numbers into units, names and title or honour or degree, day, month and year in

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a date, etc:
He is a smart, reliable, sincere and hard working student.
Angelina Thomas, BA, MA, PhD.
K R Narayanan, President of India.
Hyphen (-) is used to construct words to clarify meaning. It links words to form a compound word.
The practice in the use of hyphens varies in different places and therefore there are no complete set of rules that
can be elicited from these varied practices to apply to the use of hyphens.
Therefore only some general guidance on use of hyphens is given here, and it is advisable to consult a good
dictionary when one is in doubt whether the word to be used should be hyphenated or not. A hyphen is usually
used in these cases:
After a few prefixes or other word elements.
ex-partner, half-truth, quasi-judicial, semi-government, self-appointed. (We have already seen about
prefixes earlier).
Before a few suffixes where the last alphabet of the first word and the first alphabet of the second word
are the same, in order to avoid an unattractive sequence.
Bull-like, get-together, profit-taking, self-financing, water-resistant.
When the main part of a word begins with a capital letter
un-American, Neo-Darwinism, neo-Nazism, anti-Indian.
When the prefix is repeated
When a noun and verb are combined to form a word
hand-operated, hand-pick, hand-held
When an objective and noun are combined to form a word
blue-pencil, loose-leaf, long-grained open-air, simple-minded, middle-aged, community-oriented, highfibre.
When two adjectives are combined to form a word
old-fashioned, short-sighted, red-blooded.
When compound words express an and relation
bitter-sweet, deaf-mute, socio-economic, secretary-treasurer
When compound number between 21-99 are spelt out
fifty-five(55), six hundred and thirty-one(631)
When used to link the starting and ending point of a series
The Delhi-Jaipur Highway
When a word has to be broken at the end of a line of print or writing
To avoid confusion or ambiguity

an Indian-history teacher/an Indian history-teacher
To prevent confusion between a new formation and a conventional word with the same prefix
re-creation (recreation), re-formed (reformed).
The Semi colon (;) is used to separate two or more independent clauses, which are of more or less equal
importance in sentences, that are placed together. The use of semicolon emphasises or adds weight to the
second clause.
To err is human; to forgive, divine.
Semi colons are also used to:
join words, group of words, sentences.
separate word groups that already contain commas:
Those present at the function included Mr. and Mrs. Jain, their children Usha, Amit and Raghu; Paul and
Joe Thomas; Raj and Ravi Malhotra; Colonel and Mrs. James, and their children Jyotsna, Julie and
James Junior; etc.
To provide pauses before certain adverbs such as none the less, however, etc.
He worked very hard; however, he did not succeed in his endeavour.
To emphasise contrasts:
It is a superb car; however, it is very expensive to maintain.
The colon (:) is a punctuation that has three major functions:
to introduce material that explains
They did not sleep last night: they must be tired.
To introduce examples
Today they face another threat to their survival: starvation.
To introduce quotations or direct speech
In the context of acting on ones word it is important to remember the words of Carl Jung: you are what
you are not what you say you do.
Mrs. John said yesterday: I am happy here.
Functions of Colon
Some of the other functions of the colon are:
To point the readers attention forward.
This function can be best explained by the words of the grammarian Henry Fowler, the function of a colon
is that of delivering the goods that have been invoiced in the preceding words. What he meant by goods
here might be a conclusion, summary, a list or contracting statement.
To introduce a number of items listed separately
The conference hall facility has everything: furniture, mikes, amplifier, projector, screen, generator backup, catering, dining hall and even a huge parking lot.
To present a conclusion

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After sixty years in the business, Mr. Rajan realised that there was only one certainty in life: the inevitability
of change.
To introduce a question
They all agreed that the essential issue was simply this: will or will not the making an investment in
Sweatland Limited be a mistake?
To link contrasting statements
Man proposes: God disposes.
To substitute a conjunction
Another Monday morning: it was pouring with rain.
After headings in correspondence
To introduce subtitles
Credit cards: Power from Plastic; Past Promises: failure to deliver.
In bibliographical references, colon can be used after the place of publication.
(Delhi: 2010).
An Apostrophe () is used
(i) to denote possession and other kinds of relationship;
This is Walters book.
(ii) contractions of words.
It was the courts order.
Isnt (is not) it a great day?
Cant (cannot) you come today?
Oer (over) the hills.
Possession and other kinds of relationship:
When apostrophe is used to denote possession and other relationships, the basic rules to remember are:
The apostrophe comes before the s if the noun is singular.
The girls dresses (the dresses belong to one girl)
The apostrophe comes after the s if the noun is plural.
The girls dresses (the dresses belong to many girls)
However, possessive personal pronouns ending in s e.g. its, ones, theirs, etc. do not take on an
Indefinite pronouns, except for each take on an apostrophe, anyones, eithers, ones, someones nobodys,
etc. when denoting possession or some relationship.
In contractions of words, the use of apostrophe is required. Though words are contracted mostly in
informal writing and speech it should be avoided in formal writing.

The apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters
is not-isnt (o is the missing letter)
The apostrophe is also found in the contraction of some single words.
of is sometimes contracted especially in certain phrases:
will-o-the-wisp, seven oclock
certain words that are in common use:
maam (madam)
The apostrophe is at times used to denote omission of part of some number:
the swinging 60s(1960).
Though over time the use of the apostrophe in these cases is being omitted.
To denote certain names especially of Celtic origin:
O Connor, O Sullivan.
It comes from the Irish O-which means a grandson or descendant.
Mc Donald
Here again Mc is contraction of Mac which means son of.
In the use of apostrophe one thing of importance to be kept in mind and not be confused with is the use of its
and its, as both are used.
Its is a personal pronoun and does not need an apostrophe. Whereas its is a contraction of either it is or it
has and here it takes on an apostrophe.
The child wants its (Personal pronouns) toy.
(It has) been a wonderful holiday.
Quotation Marks ( / ) also known as quotes or inverted commas are used to enclose material that is introduced
into a text from outside it, such as quotations or words used by other people.
For example:
The motto of the market was Let the buyer beware, now it is customer is king.
There are two types of quotation marks single and double.
One can use either the single or double quotation marks in enclosing introduced material. However, if you begin
with single quotes then you end the quote or words also with the single quote mark or the double quote if you
began your quote with a double quote mark.
Both quotation marks are used in a single sentence when another quotation is also quoted in the main quotation.
For example:
She asked Did he say diseased or deceased?
Some of the other functions of quotation marks are:
to enclose cited words or expressions:
What is the difference between an order and a decree?

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to enclose expressions that the author does not take responsibility for:
In the good old days the women in this village walked several kilometers to fetch drinking water.
Brackets also known as parentheses are of two main kinds: Crescent shaped ( )
Square shaped [ ].
Brackets are used to enclose certain contents, which the writer sets out apart so that the flow of the sentence is
not interrupted.
The contents set apart may be in the form of added information, like, an explanation, an afterthought, clarification,
comment, illustration, expressing doubt, etc. For all these only round or crescent shaped brackets are used.
A number of (unsuitable) candidates had sent in their applications.
On the basis of their usage, brackets have been divided into three types. They are:
Crescent brackets
Crescent brackets are used in the following:
to enclose an abbreviation that will be subsequently used in the text.
The Department of Company Affairs (DCA) issued a circular on the matter.
to enclose a translation or equivalence of an expression
The agreement was void ab initio (from the beginning).
to enclose references to other places in a text
For a detailed explanation on ultra vires acts refer to Chapter 11 (p. 120).
As depicted in (Fig. 1.1) it is obvious that the process of communication is quite complex.
To enclose bibliograpahical references (square brackets are also some times used in this case).
Square Brackets are used to enclose words that are not usually intended to be part of a sentence, but only as
an editorial or authorial interjection. They are also used at times to enclose parentheses with in parentheses.
For example:
I appreciate it (the honour), but I must refuse.
We have not received [Sic] your letter (Editorial interjection).
Sarah and Tanisha [Sarahs sister (as mentioned earlier)], went for a movie.
Other Brackets: The other types of brackets are:
*Brace brackets { } Example: Select your animal {goat, sheep, cow, horse} and come to the market.
*Angle brackets < > Example: I found it on <>.
These brackets are used only in specialists texts, mathematics and technical works.

Abbreviations are the shortened form of a word, phrase or text.
Usually one uses abbreviations of words or names in private letters, while taking notes in lectures or noting
some important points, thoughts etc. as a means of saving time and also so that the text can be understood at
a later time.
However, in formal writing it is best to use only well known abbreviations that are understood by all and are in
frequent practice.
For example:
Etc. is the widely used abbreviation for etcetera, whereas someone may be in the habit of using eta as an
abbreviation for the same word, which only that person would understand to mean etcetera.
Types of Abbreviation
the first letters of two/three words or names are used to form an abbreviation. For example:
M.A. (Master of Arts)
P.M. (Post Meridiem)
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
In the examples given above they can be used without the full stop also as is the emerging trend.
So, both MA and PM are acceptable according to the emerging trend.
The initials of a persons name are used, such as:
G.B.Shaw (George Bernard Shaw)
According to the emerging trend G.B. Shaw can be written as GB Shaw. However, abbreviations that are not the
first letters of two/three words, but abbreviations of a single word do not take on full stops in between:
TV (Television)
Ms (Manuscript)
However, a shortening of a word can be used with a full stop at the end Prof., Capt., Maj., Gen.
Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of other words.
UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund)
FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
ASSOCHAM (Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Note that these acronyms do not take on full stops in between and are frequently pronounced as a word.
the first and last letters of a single word.
Mr. (Mister)
Dr. (Doctor)
These too can be used with or without a full stop at the end.

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Scientific terms
Weights and measures are used both, in full form and abbreviated form.
Kg, lb, m, amp, ft, yd, mph.
Chemical symbol
Abbreviated words are also used as chemical symbols, such as:
Ca (Calcium) H (Hydrogen), NaCL (Sodium Chloride) H2O (Water)
Plural in Abbreviations
The general rule to make an abbreviation plural is to repeat the same alphabet, such as:
P-page, pp-pages
It can be made plural by adding an s if the abbreviation is of more than one alphabet, such as:
MAs, MPs, Capts
However, there are exceptions to these rules which are as follows:
Mr. which is Messers in plural and cannot obviously be Mrs.
Abbreviations of scientific terms denote both singular and plural in the same form, for example:
1Kg. 4Kg.
To introduce a possessive relationship in an abbreviation apostsophe s is added to the abbreviation. For
M.P.s or MPs-here it is not to be mistaken as a plural of MP.
Numerals or numbers are something we have been in the habit of using all our lives.
Some of the general rules of using numbers is given below, along with other acceptable uses. One should
however keep in mind that individual preference or the preference of an organisation etc. should be followed.
But, whatever the rule followed, it is best that the usage be consistent throughout the whole text so as to avoid
confusion. The choice of presenting the number in figure or in words is influenced largely on the effect one wants
to achieve.
Rules for Numerals
Rules for using numbers are categorized on the basis of:
Spelling out
Using Figures
(i) Spelling out:
Spell out numbers from one to ten, both inclusive.
Three persons attended the seminar from my department.
However if the same numbers are used with higher numbers then for the sake of uniformity it could be
used in figure form.

We need about 7 to 15 days to complete the project in hand.
Numbers may be spelt out in formal, literary or non-technical writing, where not many numbers are used
and where using of figures does not flow smoothly along with the rest of writing.
In this case it is best to:
spell out the numbers from one to hundred.
spell out higher numbers that are written in one or two words. (Note that a hyphenated compound like
twenty-one is taken as one word).
Numbers are best spelt out at the beginning of a sentence otherwise it is a better practice to reconstruct
the sentence.
When using indefinite numbers
Hundreds of children; tens of thousands etc.
While using fractions that are straight forward such as, one-half, one-fourth (i.e.) those that do not have
a whole number preceding it.
When quoting direct speech.
(ii) Using figures: Figures should be used:
In informal writing when using any numbers above ten.
When using large numbers that would require more than two words when spelt out.
1,20,000 of 50,25,000
However, a mixture of words and figures can also be used.
10.8 million
In depicting dates, even one to ten are in figures
2nd October, 2012
In depicting time also one to ten are in figures
10 clock, 12 noon, 7 a.m. etc.
When depicting monetary numbers
$10, 125.75/ In technical contexts
8.6 per cent
50-50 partnership
Here even fractions having technical value are given in numbers
3/4 inch pipe.
When stating age
2 years old baby; 1 year old project.
The other general rules while using numbers are:
(i) Use of Commas:

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While using figures, commas may be used for numbers that have more than four digits.
Never use commas in page numbers or in year.
Page 1345;

2012 (year)

(ii) Use of Zero:

The use of currency should be avoided when stating whole units of currency or time in hour, unless
you are depicting the same in columns and other units or time have fractions and for sake of uniformity
zero is required.
Rs. 20 (not Rs. 20.00)

7 a.m. (not 7.00 a.m.)

Rs. 10.50

9.45 p.m.

Rs. 11.00

11.20 p.m

Rs. 12.00

8.00 a.m.

Rs. 13.10

6.00 p.m.

Zero is used before a decimal point to clearly state that no whole number is involved
0.5, 0.75
(iii) Use of hyphens:
While expressing numbers in words all compound numbers between 21 and 99, whether they are
used alone or as part of a larger number are always hyphenated.
Thirty-one, ninety-nine million.
In sequencing consecutive numbers the hyphen may be used instead of the word to.
during the year 2011-2012...
on pages 234-267.
However, when the sequence begins with between or from then the hyphen cannot be used. It will
be as follows:
Between 2011 and 2012
From page 234 to page 267
From 10th October to 15th October, 2012
(iv) For clarity
Certain numbers are spelt out for the sake of clarity
Ten 100-page catalogues
Six 5-room flats.
Here the rule is to spell the first number unless the second number will make a much shorter word.
3000 six-page brochures.
88 four-room apartments



A simple word like go is a part of a childs vocabulary, so much so that the primitive bushman has an equivalent
for it in his language. But look at the following sentences:
(i) Ever got a Mumbai number at first go?
(ii) He is always on the go.
Go is no longer a simple childs word.
Take fall-the sparrows fall, and the Roman Empires fall, and so on. Now combine go with another simple word
down. Look at the boxer going down on the first count. In the company of down, go has changed beyond
recognition. There is more to it. Think of Churchill who will go down in history as the man who saved England
from total collapse. This time the meaning has changed without go forming a new alliance.
A literal translation of this two-word combination go down will not help. And this happens very often with many
words in English. Go down has to be understood in its own right and in the particular context. This is an idiom
which the dictionary defines as the form of expression peculiar to a language.
As such idioms are not peculiar to English language alone, they are found in other languages as well. But, as
already said, they cannot be transliterated [to change (letter, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of
another alphabet or language] from one language to another. All such combinations of words used in a peculiar
fashion are called idiomatic expressions.
A Phrase is a group of words, a part of sentence which does not make a complete sentence but has an independent
meaning: on the hill, about town, under the tree, etc.
A phrase is quite often equivalent to an adjective, adverb or noun. We would, however, confine ourselves to
phrases which are used idiomatically.
Idiomatic expressions are a nightmare to anyone going in for the study of a language alien to him. What is more,
in any dynamic language, new idioms are being thrown up by writers and journalists to replace the worn out
ones, and to interpret the changing times. In the language itself, therefore, idioms are the source of sparkle and
polish. Very often an idiomatic expression has no exact equivalent in the language itself. Take for example,
bring up. We know by long usage what it means. And yet the dictionary meaning rear is at best a poor
substitute for it.
The list below is by no means exhaustive. Even so it is fairly long. But do not be discouraged. A good number of
these expressions, you may already be familiar with. A glance at them will brush up your memory. There will be
others which you seem to know but whose exact usage seems to elude you. Get hold of them now. And there
may be a good many you have no idea about. Well, they are just the ones which you ought to know now. You
would come across these expressions, and need them yourself, quite often in your career.
Some Verbal Idioms
We shall begin with idioms, each consisting of a verb and a preposition. A single verb can give us a number of
idiomatic expressions by attaching different prepositions to itself. For example, turn out (to expel), turn up (to
appear at some place), turn down (to reject some request or appeal), etc. You may have become familiar with
the usage of most of the verbal idioms. To refresh your memory here are just a few:
1. Beat back (to compel to retire) The firemen were beaten back by the flames and the building was reduced to
2. Boil down to (to amount to) His entire argument boiled down to this that he would not join the movement
unless he saw some monetary gain in it.

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3. Cast aside (to reject, to throw aside) Men normally cast aside truth and honesty for immediate gains.
4. Come down (to lose respect) The moment a minister loses an election he comes down in peoples estimation,
though not in his own.
5. Cry down (to deprecate) Some of the Western powers did their best to cry down Indias success in the war.
6. Cut off with a shilling (to give someone a mere trifle in the will) The father was so angry with the son over his
marriage that he cut him off with a shilling.
7. Egg on (to urge on) Who egged you on to fight a professional boxer and get your teeth knocked off?
8. Gloss over (to ignore) Even if you are an important person your faults cannot be glossed over.
9. Labour under (to suffer from some disadvantage or distress) Let us not labour under the delusion that our
friends will come to our aid in times of difficulty.
10. Laugh up ones sleeves (to be secretly amused) While he was solemnly reading his research paper to the
audience, my friends were laughing up their sleeves for, they knew what it was worth.
11. Play off against (to set one party against another for ones own advantage). It best serves the interests of the
super powers to play off one poor nation against another.
12. Pull one through (to recover, to help one recover) Armed with the latest medicines, the doctor will pull him through.
Idiomatic expressions in which the principal word is the verb
1. Cast a slur upon (by word or act to cast a slight reproach on someone) Many a man casts a slur on his own
good name with some mean act.
2. Catch somebodys eye (to arrest someones notice) Members in Parliament try to catch the speakers eye
with various antics.
3. To catch a Tartar (to encounter a strong adversary) When Hitler marched on to Russia he hardly knew that he
would catch a Tartar in the tough people of that country.
4. To come off with flying colours (to come out of a conflict with brilliant success) In the 1971 election the
Congress came off with flying colours.
5. To get the worst of it (to be defeated in every contest) Be it an election or a tambola, I have always got the
worst of it.
6. To cut the Gordian knot (to remove a difficulty by bold or unusual measures) The Parliament threw out the Bill
for Abolition of Privy Purses. The Government cut the Gordian knot by abolishing the purses through a Presidential
7. To fall to someones lot (to become someones responsibility) It has fallen to the lot of the eldest brother to pay
off the debts of the father.
8. To get the upper hand or to get the better of (to prevail over) Hari got the better of Suresh in the Degree
9. To get into hot water (to get into difficulty) The businessman got into hot water with the Income-tax authorities
for concealing his income from ancestral property.
10. To give someone the slip (to dodge someone who is looking for you) The police had nearly arrested the
dacoits when the latter gave them the slip in the Chambal ravines.
11. A give and take policy (a policy of mutual concessions) A give and take policy alone can restore peace
between India and Pakistan.

12. To go on a fools errand (to go on an expedition which leads to a foolish end) Many people had earlier
believed that going to the moon was like going on a fools errand.
13. To go to the wall (to get destroyed through weakness or inability to adapt) In the struggle of life, the weak go
to the wall.
14. To go to rack and ruin (reach a state of despair through neglect) If a big war comes, our economy will go to
rack and ruin.
15. To have ones hands full (to be very busy) Pakistan could hardly expect active help from the U.S.A., whose
hands were already full with Vietnam, Laos and West Asia.
16. To have a bone to pick with (to have a difference with a person which has not yet been fully expressed) The
extreme leftists have a bone to pick with the police and if ever they come to power there may be unpleasantness
between the two.
17. To have the whip hand (to have a position of power or control) Even after the split in the party he has the whip
hand of the party.
18. To have too many irons in the fire (to have so much work in hand that some part of it is left undone or is done
very badly) His poor performance is because he has too many irons in the fire.
19. To have the right ring (to be genuine) The Americans pronouncements of world peace do not usually have
the right ring.
20. To have two strings to ones bow (to have an alternative means of achieving ones purpose) Children always
have two strings to their bow. If coaxing fails to achieve the desired end, tears succeed.
21. To have an axe to grind (have private interests to serve) Bigger nations supply arms to the smaller ones
primarily because the former have their own axe to grind.
22. To keep a thing to oneself, to keep ones own counsel (to be silent about ones intentions) A great leader
must ultimately keep his own counsel.
23. To keep the wolf from the door (to keep away extreme poverty and hunger) Lakhs of people in India still have
to fight daily to keep the wolf from the door.
24. To lay waste (to make waste) Ghenghis Khan laid waste every town and city his army passed through.
25. To make short work of (to bring to sudden end) The locusts made short work of the standing ripe corn.
26. To make amends (to compensate or make up for a wrong doing) By his politeness today he has made
amends for his past insolence.
27. To make common cause (to unite in order to achieve a shared aim) During the elections the princes made a
common cause with the rightist parties. Both went down.
28. To make a virtue of necessity (Pretend or believe that something which one is obliged to do or accept is good
for ones character, moral development etc.) When a Minister knows that he is going to be booted out of the
cabinet he makes a virtue of necessity and resigns on health grounds.
29. To make much ado about nothing (to make a great fuss about a trifle) Crying over the loss of ten rupees is
really making much ado about nothing.
30. To make neither head nor tail (not understand) Had he listened to a tape recording of his own speech he
himself could have made neither head nor tail of it.
31. To make a cats paw or a tool of someone (to use someone as a means of achieving ones object) The super
powers have made a cats paw of the smaller nations of Asia in their game of power politics.

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32. To play into someones hands (to act as to be of advantage to another) By raising the slogan Indira Hatao
the opposition played into Mrs. Gandhis hands, who won the elections easily.
33. To play second fiddle (to take a subordinate part) The vice captain of the team always plays second fiddle
unless the captain is indisposed.
34. To put the cart before the horse (reverse the proper order or procedure) Preparing the blue print of a project
without analysing market potential is like putting the cart before the horse.
35. To put ones shoulder to the wheel (set to work vigourously) No amount of foreign aid will pull us out of the
economic morass; we have to put our own shoulders to the wheel.
36. To rise to the occasion (show the daring, imagination etc., which fits a particular occasion) A flood threatened
to burst the reservoir but the villagers rose to the occasion and did not relax till they had made all secure.
37. To set store on (to consider to be of a particular degree of importance) India did set much store on the Indo
Soviet Treaty of friendship.
38. To set the Thames on fire (arouse considerable excitement/achieve a remarkable success) He is a steady
worker but never likely to set the Thames on fire.
39. To set ones own house in order (to arrange ones affairs to a proper order by removing disharmony) Let
Pakistan set her own house in order before talking of the welfare of the Kashmiris.
40. To take into ones head that (get the foolish idea/for a mistaken impression) The manager took it into his
head that by shutting off electricity for a few hours daily during the day he could save on refrigeration costs, but
forgot that the discomfort caused to the staff would result in lesser human productivity and end up costing more
than the amount that would be saved on refrigeration costs.
41. To take the bull by the horns (deal decisively with a difficult or unpleasant situation) The doctor had to take
the bull by the horns by deciding to amputate the patients leg in order to save the patients life.
42. To take a leap in the dark (take an action/step that is risked in the hope that it is correct) You took a leap in
the dark in going into partnership with that man.
43. To throw cold water upon (to discourage something) The doctor threw cold water upon my plans for a world
tour by declaring that I could never stand the strain of it.
44. To throw in the sponge/towel (to give up a contest/acknowledge defeat) Faced with stiff competition from big
companies, many a small company will throw in the sponge.
45. To turn over a new leaf (to change ones way of life for the better) After a long career of crime, the convict
suddenly turned over a new leaf and became a model citizen.
46. To turn tail (to flee as a result of defeat, timidity or fear) The enemy turned tail in the face of heavy onslaught
on its position.
47. To turn the tables (gain an advantage after having been at a disadvantage) Pakistan started with a blitzkrieg
but the superior tactics of our armed forces soon turned the tables on them.
Miscellaneous Idiomatic expressions formed with the help of verbs
1. To cook or doctor an account/a book (to tamper with or falsify the facts of figures/ accounts) From the balance
sheet presented to the shareholders, the company seemed to be flourishing but afterwards it turned out that the
management had cooked the accounts.
2. To bear the brunt of (to bear the main force or shock of) The infantry has to bear the brunt of a battle.
3. To beard the lion in his den (to oppose or challenge someone in his stronghold) The Indian Army broke
through strong Pakistan fortifications, and in the Shakargarh area bearded the lion in his own den.

4. To bid fair to (seem likely to happen/to do something good or bad) It bids fair to be a nice day.
5. To blow ones own trumpet (to boast about oneself) These days modesty doesnt pay, only if you blow your
own trumpet, you can succeed.
6. To blunt the edge of (to make something less effective) Time blunts the edge of grief.
7. To build castles in the air (day dreaming) Do not build castles in the air.
8. To burn the candle at both ends (exhaust or make too great a demand on ones physical or mental resources
by overwork or overindulgence in some activity) In any kind of job, especially academic, you cannot afford to
burn the candle at both ends if you want to be productive everyday.
9. To buy a pig in a poke (to purchase a thing without previously examining it for its worth or other relevant
details) Buying shares in a new company promoted by unknown entrepreneurs is like buying a pig in a poke.
10. To cross the Rubicon (to take an important action or step that cannot be reversed) The Government will have
to think of many things before nationalising the textile industry, for once they cross the Rubicon, there will be no
going back.
11. To cry over spilt/spilled milk (to complain about things that cannot be changed) We have failed to build up a
sizeable total against Englands meagre first innings total. It is no use crying over spilt milk now.
12. To curry favour (to win favour by gifts or flattery/try to flatter) It is obvious that by our presents of fruit we are
only trying to curry favour/He was trying to curry favour with the boss by offering him an expensive gift.
13. To err on the safe side (to choose a course which may in fact be inaccurate, but which will keep you safe
from risk or harm) In going in for mixed economy rather than wholesale nationalisation, the Government was
erring on the safe side.
14. To flog a dead horse (waste ones energies on a lost cause) We are flogging a dead horse if we are trying to
make Sanskrit, the national language of India.
15. To feather ones nest (to provide for oneself through dishonest means) Many bureaucrats feather their own
nest while they have the opportunity.
16. To eat ones heart out (to suffer in silence, grieve bitterly) Dont eat your heart out over your failure in this
competition. Many other opportunities will come your way.
17. To eat humble pie (to have to humiliate oneself) Since no one came to his support he had to eat humble pie
and give in to their demands.
18. To eat ones words (to retract ones assertions under compulsion) It is hard for a haughty man to have to eat
his words.
19. To throw down the gauntlet, to take up the gauntlet (to issue a challenge, to accept a challenge) The
champion will soon have to defend his title as a young Brazilian contender has thrown down the gauntlet.
20. To run the gauntlet (to undergo severe criticism or ill treatment) Most books have to run the gauntlet of the
literary critics.
21. To burn ones fingers (to get oneself into trouble through miscalculation/ foolishness) If youve never played
the stock market this is not the time to start as you are likely to burn your fingers.
22. To force ones hand (to compel one to do something unwillingly or earlier than when one wished to do it) The
Government wanted to do all that they could to meet the workers demands. But the violence by the strikers
forced their hands to declare a lockout.
23. To haul over the coals (reproach/reprimand someone severely) If your bad habits become known, you will
get hauled over the coals and richly deserve it too.

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24. To kill two birds with one stone (to accomplish two things at one stroke) The Bangladesh operation had for
India, killed two birds with one stone. Pakistan had been cut to size and Naga rebel problem solved.
25. To let the grass grow under your feet (to unnecessarily cause delay in taking action) The authorities should
listen to students grievances. If they let the grass grow under their feet the situation would turn for the worse.
26. To put in a nutshell (something that can be briefly and concisely worded) The explanation of his conduct can
be put in a nutshell - he is insane.
27. To go the dogs (to deteriorate badly) The sales of their products, whose quality has gone to the dogs, has
dropped drastically.
28. To lord it over someone (to act in a superior or domineering manner towards someone) The love of power is
so strong in human nature that when a man gains power he seeks to lord it over his fellows.
29. To mind ones Ps and Qs (to be punctiliously careful about ones speech or behaviour) The manager
suspects his chief clerk of dishonesty, and if the clerk does not mind his Ps and Qs, he will soon find himself out
of job.
30. To pass muster (to be accepted as satisfactory) Though my work in college was not as good as it could have
been, it passed muster and I even did well.
31. To pay one back in ones own coin (to give tit for tat, to retaliate) Howsoever revengeful you may be, unless
you are strong enough you cannot pay him back in his own coin.
32. To plough a lonely furrow (to work without help or support) In the organised society of today no individual or
nation can plough a lonely furrow.
33. To pride oneself on (to be especially proud of something) This student prides himself on his Oxonian
34. To poison the ears or mind (to prejudice another person) A judge must not allow anyone to poison his mind
against either plaintiff or defendant.
35. To rest on ones laurels (to rest satisfied with ones achievement and make no further effort) Even if he wins
the biggest award, a film star will never rest on his laurels. He will try to reach greater heights of stardom.
36. To rest on ones oars (to suspend efforts after something has been attained) The agitators who had been
vigorously at work during the winter, at present seem to be resting on their oars.
37. To harp on the same string (to keep repeating the same sentiments over and again) This gentleman keeps
harping on the same string that he is from Oxford and deserves this and deserves that etc., etc.
38. To rise like a phoenix from its ashes (the phoenix was a fabulous Arabian bird. It had no mate but when about
to die, made a funeral pile of wood and aromatic gums and on it burned itself to ashes. From the ashes a young
phoenix is believed to have risen; to rise up to former glory after being totally destroyed) Germany was completely
decimated in the Second World War. But she has risen like a phoenix from its ashes.
39. To rule the roost (be the one who directs others in a business, community, household etc.) In rural areas it is
normally the Sarpanch who rules the roost.
40. To run in the same groove (to move forward on the same path, to advance in harmony) It is clear that the
ideas of both reformers run in the same groove.
41. To run in the blood (a peculiarity which clings to certain families) Snobbery runs in the blood of the Englishmen.
42. To scatter to the winds (to waste, to scatter abroad) We have scattered to the winds what we had gained by
our independence.

43. To be on the right scent (to be on the right track) The customs have decided to patrol Kerala seas to nab
smugglers from Dubai. They are on the right scent. (Its opposite is to be on the wrong scent or wrong track).
44. To see which way the wind blows (to observe what influence, favourable or adverse, is likely to affect the
existing state of things) In party-politics people sitting on the fence keep on watching which way the wind is
blowing before deciding on whom to support.
45. To see a thing through coloured spectacles (to regard something unfavourably because of ones prejudice)
Pakistan has for long looked at India through coloured spectacles and never trusted even the most genuine of
her peace moves.
46. To show the white feather (to show signs of cowardice) The agitators shouted and gesticulated but the
moment the riot police appeared on the scene they seemed to show the white feather.
47. To see through something (to understand the true nature of something beneath deceptive appearances)
They saw through the game of the enemy.
48. To speak volumes about (to bear abundant evidence about something) The success of democracy in India
speaks volumes for the maturity of its people.
49. To split hairs (quibble or argue on minor points) As the drought played havoc with Bihar, the authorities were
busy splitting hairs trying to decide whether it was scarcity conditions or famine.
50. To steal a march on (to do something so as to gain an advantage over another) While we were still debating
the desirability of joint ventures with foreign concerns, Singapore and Malaysia stole a march over us and
opened their gates to foreign investment in a big way.
51. To steer clear of (to avoid) India decided on non-alignment to steer clear of the hazards of alignment with
one bloc or the other.
52. To stick at nothing (behave in an unscrupulous way to get what one wants) An ambitious politician will stick
at nothing if he can serve himself.
53. To strain every nerve (to use ones utmost efforts) We have to strain every nerve to get over the poverty line.
54. To stretch a point (to extend a regulation/definition to cover something not included in it) Going after small
bakeries as part of the drive to move polluting industries from residential areas to industrial areas is stretching
the point a little to far.
55. To strike while the iron is hot (to take immediate advantage of an opportunity) By going in for general
elections immediately after the war, the Congress struck while the iron was hot.
56. To swallow the bait (to fall into a trap) The candidate offered the people everything on earth, and in the
heavens if elected. The people swallowed the bait and elected him.
57. To talk shop (to discuss matters connected with ones trade or profession) During tea breaks at any seminar
you will always find the participants talking shop.
58. To tie somebodys hand (to restrict somebodys activities) Though the management knew of the dire financial
problems Mr. X an employee was going through, they were unable to advance him the required money as their
hands were tied as the companys policy prohibited such an action.
59. To throw mud at (to talk ill of) Some people specialise in throwing mud at others families.
60. At/on the heels of (to follow closely after) Famine treads on the heels of droughts.
61. To fish in troubled waters (to make personal profit out of a disturbance) The super powers are there in West
Asia to fish in troubled waters.

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62. To pour oil on troubled waters (try to calm a dispute with placatary words or action) The Government poured
oil on troubled waters by announcing a judicial inquiry into the firing incident.
63. To win hands down (win without effort or by a clear lead) His friendly nature, strong character and enormous
support of the members helped him win hands down the elections for the post of president of the club.
64. To worship the ground someone walks/treads on be devoted (to be infatuated with) When a new filmstar
becomes a big hit, his fans start worshipping the ground he walks on, till another hero comes along.
Idiomatic phrases formed by the combination of a noun and an adjective each, noun phrases and
adverbial phrases
1. Argus-eyed (jealously watchful) The husband of a pretty wife has got to be Argus-eyed.
2. Augean stables: To clean Augean stables (to correct a great abuse-from the stables of king Augeas of Greece,
whose stables had not been cleaned for thirty years) The law against prostitution has cleaned no Augean
stables; it has merely pushed them underground.
3. Backstairs influence (influence exerted secretly and in a fashion not legitimate) The moneyed people do
exercise backstairs influence on the Parliament.
4. Bad blood (ill will towards each other, enemity) There has been bad blood between India and Pakistan since
5. A bone of contention (subject of dispute) Kashmir continues to be a bone of contention between India and
6. A bosom friend/pal (A very intimate and trusted friend) Bosom friends never betray one another.
7. Like a bull in a China shop (someone who is too clumsy, rough, coarse etc. to suit ones surroundings,
company or to handle a delicate situation) Dont let him handle the labour problem, with his short tempered
nature he will only be like a bull in a China shop and worsen the situation.
8. A burning question (a question whose answer is hotly debated or on which a great deal depends) During the
elections in the USA in the year 2000, with all the disputes and recounting of votes and controversies, the
burning question was who would win: Bush or Gore?
9. A close shave (a narrow escape from mishap, danger or embarrassment) The bus had a close shave as its
driver swerved to the right a split second before the on-coming truck could run into it.
10. A cold-blooded murder (without emotion; deliberately cruel) Many burglars cold-bloodedly murder any one
who tries to foil their bid for burglary.
11. A cold-comfort (inadequate consolation) The mere promise of a better future is only cold comfort to the
frustrated youth of today.
12. Creature comforts (material comforts that contribute to physical ease and well-being) A poor labourer is
more concerned about creature comforts than spiritual development.
13. Crocodile tears (pretended sorrow) There are professional mourners whose crocodile tears seem to be
more genuine than the genuine tears of others.
14. A dog in the manager (a person who prevents others from having things that they do not need themselves))
The affluent nations follow a dog in the manger policy, they would rather destroy what they cant use themselves,
than give them to the poor hungry nations of Asia and Africa.
15. Elbow room (adequate space to move or work in) Too many rules and red-tapism hardly gives one elbow
room to try out new methods that might prove more profitable for an organisation.

16. A fair-weather friend (a friend who deserts you in difficulties) A fair-weather friend disappears the moment
your money disappears.
17. French leave (absence from work or duty without permission) Dont take too many French leaves now, it will
mar your chances for a promotion.
18. A golden opportunity (a highly favourable opportunity) Attend the function, it will be a golden opportunity to
meet the Prime Minister.
19. Good offices (influence) One can get a good job only through the good offices of someone in power.
20. A good samaritan (one who helps a stranger in distress or difficulty, without any gain or profit for himself) In
this age of fast-paced living, people have become so selfish, that one rarely sees a good samaritian.
21. The green-eyed monster (jealousy) The green-eyed monster strikes a woman the moment she sees her
husband talking to another pretty woman.
22. A herculean task (a job requiring greater effort) Eradication of poverty is a herculean task requiring the
collective efforts of the entire country.
23. Lynch law (Mob law, law administered by private individuals and followed by summary execution) In African
countries they often resort to lynch law to punish criminals.
24. A maiden speech (the first speech of a new member in a public body as in Town Hall or in Parliament) Every
MP looks forward to his maiden speech because it is an opportunity to make a good impression.
25. A nine day wonder (a person or event that attracts a lot of notice for a short time but is soon forgotten) The
controversy of the match-fixing charges in cricket matches was but a nine day wonder.
26. An open question (a matter of discussion and not yet decided or answered) As far as India is concerned,
Kashmir is no longer an open question.
28. The rising generation (the young people).
29. Scot free (without suffering any punishment or injury) Because he had influential connections, the culprit
went scot free.
30. A sheet anchor (a dependable person, or thing relied upon in the last resort) In times of immense strain and
problems, ones family and friends are ones sheet anchor who keep us from giving in.
31. Tall talk (boastful language) If we have no real accomplishments, we indulge in tall talk to delude ourselves
and others too.
32. A white elephant (something expensive to maintain) I had to dispose off the car as it turned out to be a white
33. A white lie (a harmless lie told to avoid hurting someones feelings) His white lie that everything was alright
with him, helped soothe his agitated mother, who had heard that he had met with an accident.
34. A wild goose chase (a useless search, investigation or enterprise) As he was pestering them with his constant
flow of questions, to be rid of him they sent him on a wild goose chase of searching for a non-existent address.
35. An apple of discord (a subject of dispute/rivalry) Kashmir continues to be the apple of discord between India
and Pakistan.
36. Cock and bull story (a ridiculous and implausible (difficult to believe) story) That India wanted to break up
West Pakistan was a cock and bull story published by the U.S.A.
37. A fish out of water (a person who is uncomfortable in unfamiliar company or surroundings) An Indian may
earn tons of money in the Western countries, but he will always feel a fish out of water there.

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38. The gift of the gab (fluency and eloquency of speech) The gift of the gab invariably makes for a successful
39. The ins and outs (the full details, intricacies, complications of a thing) We are yet to learn the ins and outs of
the Mao-Nixon agreement.
40. The lions share (an unfairly large share) The big nations continue to have the lions share of world trade.
41. A mares nest (a discovery that turns out to be false or worthless) There was much fanfare about the fall of
the skylab. Later it turned out to be mares nest.
42. The three Rs (mastery or reading, writing and arithmetic) The three Rs have been the main focus of primary
education for many decades now.
43. The milk of human kindness (kindness, affection and good will towards others) Even with all their poverty,
Indians do not lack the milk of human kindness.
44. Penelopes web (a work which seems to be going on and yet never comes to an end) A housewifes chores
are a Penelopes web.
45. The powers that be (any governmental, legislative, managerial body) Unless you agitate against powers that
be they will never do anything for your welfare.
46. The pros and cons (various points or arguments for and against someone or between something) Before
taking a major decision it is always best to weigh its pros and cons.
47. Scylla and Charybdis (In the straits of Messina between Italy and Sicily there is a rock on one side anciently
called Scylla and on the other a dangerous whirlpool called Charybdis. Both are equally dangerous to a sailor.
Hence to be between Scylla and Charybdis is to be between two dangers).
A married P.A. is between Scylla and Charybdis. If he goes home early the boss is offended. If he obliges the
boss, he displeases his wife.
48. By the skin of ones teeth (narrowly escape or avoid; by a small margin) The storm broke up the ship but the
sailors escaped by the skin of their teeth.
49. A snake in the grass (treacherous or deceitful person) Thinking him to be her friend, Laila confided in him her
problems, but he turned out to be a snake in the grass, as he cheated her of what little money she had.
50. A stones throw away (very near, at a short distance) The Taj Hotel is a stones throw away from the Gateway
of India.
51. The ups and downs of life (varying states of prosperity and adversity in life) She has had her ups and downs
in her career, but with sheer hardwork and determination she has made a success of it.
52. All moonshine (foolish talk or ideas) The talk about welfare of the poor is all moonshine. All parties are
interested in power and power alone.
53. Behind the scenes (in private; out of the public eye) What you see is only the pretty picture of a happy family
but you do not know what goes on behind the scenes.
54. Part and Parcel of (integral part of something) Hard work is a part and parcel of success.
55. A storm in a tea cup (a great fuss over a trifle) The commotion over the bomb explosion turned out to be a
storm in a tea cup; it was a Diwali cracker burst by an urchin.
56. Take something with a grain/pinch of salt (regard something as exaggerated; believe only part of something)
Shaws claim of having remained a celibate even after marriage has to be taken with a grain of salt.
57. Null and void (invalid, valueless, no longer in force) The court declared the appointment of the managing
director by X limited, null and void.

Prepositional and other Phrases in English used with the verb to be
1. To be worth its weight in gold (extremely valuable) In the desert a bottle of water is often worth its weight in
2. To be Greek or double Dutch to one (unintelligible, incomprehensible language) He spoke so fast that all he
said was double Dutch to the audience.
3. To be at daggers drawn (in bitter enmity) With every passing year the hostility between Arabs and Israelis has
grown worse that now they are at daggers drawn.
4. To be at sea (confused, uncertain) I am quite at sea in economics.
5. To be at sixes and sevens (in a state of confusion or disarray) If both husband and wife are employed, you
could always expect everthing in their house to be at sixes and sevens during the weekdays, unless they are
totally organised.
6. To be at ones wits end (be completely at loss as to what to do) With the master shouting from the bath-room
and the mistress from the kitchen the servant was at his wits end whom to attend first.
7. To be in the doldrums (to be in a state of stagnation or depression) After the 1962 debacle at the hands of
China the whole nation seemed to be in the doldrums.
8. To be on the wane (becoming weaker or less vigourous) After the second World War, the British Empire was
on the wane.
9. To be on the carpet (being severly reprimanded by someone in authority) The unpunctual clerk was repeatedly
on the carpet.
10. To be on ones last legs (near the end of life, usefulness or existence) With the increasing use of computers
in offices, the typewriter it seems is at its last legs.
Idiomatic expression belonging to particular subject
(i) Money, debt, business etc.
1. Ready money or cash (money immediately available for use) Earlier it was time consuming to withdraw cash,
today ATMs provide ready money in no time.
2. Bad debts (debts regarded as irrecoverable) Every year the company compiles a list of bad debts and writes
them off.
3. In short supply (not easily available) Sugar is in short supply because of the strike in sugar mills.
4. To bring a thing under hammer (to sell it by auction) If a person goes insolvent, his creditors will bring
everything that he owns under hammer to recover their money.
5. To drive a hard bargain (to be uncompromising in making a deal) The Sheikh drove a hard bargain to get
business in the west.
6. To pay ones way (earn enough to cover its or ones costs) While at college, he paid his way by working as a
newspaper vendor.
(ii) Warfare
7. To take something by storm (to capture a place by sudden and violent attack) The men mounted an all-out
attack from air and land and soon took the country by storm.
8. To strike ones flag or colours or to show the white (to surrender) After the army surrounded their hiding place
the terrorists showed the white and were thereafter taken into custody.

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(iii) Sea and ships

Many of the expressions belonging to this group are used metaphorically, i.e., in areas other than that to which
they belong.
9. To weather the storm (to come out of a crisis successfully) In a crisis it is unity which helps a nation to weather
the storm.
10. To sail before the wind (sail in the direction in which the wind is blowing or act in a safe way) An opportunist
is he who sails before the wind (Its opposite is to sail close to the wind, i.e., behave or operate in a risky way).
11. To cast anchor (to settle in a place for the time being) After travelling around the world he finally cast anchor
in Paris because he liked the city.
12. To give a broadside (a naval phrase meaning, to discharge at once at an enemy all the guns along one side
of a ship. Metaphorically, to make a vigorous attack upon an opponent) The Prime Minister bore all criticism with
patience and then gave a broadside that silenced all criticism.
13. To be in the same boat (be in the same difficult circumstances as others) In a nuclear war, the rich and poor
nations will be in the same boat. None will be able to protect itself.
14. To sail under false colours (to pretend to be what one is not, to try to deceive) In our country, a smuggler
sailing under the false colours of a socialist will never be exposed.
15. To take the wind out of ones sails (upset or disturb an overconfident or pompous person) Before he goes
any further, confront him with the evidence of his wrong doings and take the wind out of his sails.
(iv) Fire, light, candles
16. The game is not worth the candle (the advantage or enjoyment to be gained is not worth the time spent in
gaining it) Journey to the moon is an elaborate and costly affair and some people with a pragmatic approach feel
the game is not worth the candle.
17. Not fit to hold a candle to (one is inferior) For all his pious platitudes and political students, Nixon is not fit to
hold a candle to Lincoln or Roosevelt.
(v) Death
All the phrases given below mean, to dies a natural death as opposed to a violent or sudden death (from
murder, in accident or in battle-field, etc.). These phrases will also apply to death after a long illness.
To pass away, to go the way of all flesh, to breathe ones last, to be gathered to ones fathers, to join the great
majority, to kick the bucket.

Proverbs contain homely but universal truths. Naturally, therefore, they are translatable-so far as their meaning
goes-from one developed language to another. Their appeal is direct. Many of them had their origin in folk
literature; hence they are simple and unadorned. They point out the incongruities (inappropriate) of situations in
life, throw light on the diversity in human life and character, and contain a grain of advice to the wayward, the
forlorn and the common folk. They are everymans philosophy. Every one of them tells a story in a single
sentence. In fact, most of them have some history- legendary or real behind them. Some of them are gems from
the works of great masters like Shakespeare, Dryden and Aesop, the Greek fable writer. Others go back to
antiquity. Many of them come out of the Bible. Their meaning, often enough, is quite clear.
Here are some proverbs with their meanings:
1. Hope springs eternal in the human breast (one never loses hope).

2. Better late than never.
3. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread (said of reckless persons)
4. There is no fool like an old fool (an aged lover)
5. A fool and his money are soon parted.
6. Example is better than precept (precept is moral instruction)
7. Well begun is half done.
8. He who pays the piper calls the tune (One has to act according to the wishes of ones master)
9. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear (said of something impossible)
10. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
11. Birds of a feather flock together (People of like character come together)
12. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
13. One mans meat is another mans poison (What is good for one may be harmful for another person)
14. Out of the frying pan into the fire (from one trouble to another bigger trouble)
15. It never rains but pours.
16. The last straw breaks the camels back (The smallest addition to an already heavy task or burden makes
it intolerable)
17. Drowning man will catch at straws.
18. Fore-warned fore armed (A prior warning should prepare one for the contingency)
19. To err is human; to forgive is divine.
20. Out of sight, out of mind (Once you lose sight of a thing, you forget it altogether).
21. Distance lends enchantment to the view (Things look nice and beautiful when they are not within reach)
22. Render unto Caesar what is Caesars (Be revengeful)
23. Haste makes waste.
24. Look before you leap (Do not be reckless and impulsive)
25. Make hay while the sun shines (to make full use of the given opportunity)
26. Never look a gift horse in the mouth (There can be no choice about things given in charity or gift)
27. Beggars cant be choosers.
28. Nearer the Church, the farther from God (The more opportunity you have the less you benefit from it)
29. Two heads are better than one.
30. None but the brave deserve the fair.
31. All is well that ends well.
32. To rob Peter to pay Paul (To harm one person [or side] in order to benefit the other)
33. Every cock fights best on his own dunghill (One is very brave and confident in ones own place)
34. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 251

35. Rome was not built in a day (Things take time to complete and to mature)
36. A burnt child dreads the fire. Or, Once bitten twice shy.
37. One swallow does not make a summer.
38. You cant have the cake and eat it too.
39. Everyman for himself and God for us all.
40. To hit the nail on the head.
41. Familiarity breeds contempt.
42. United we stand, divided we fall.
43. God helps those who help themselves.
44. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
45. Every dog has his day.
46. As you make your bed so you must lie.
47. A closed mouth catches no flies.
48. The proof of the pudding lies in its eating.
49. Virtue is its own reward, and vice its own punishment.
50. While there is life, there is hope.
51. Hunger is the best sauce.
52. Man proposes, God disposes.
53. Misery makes strange bed fellows.
54. Apparel oft proclaims the man (You judge a mans worth by his clothes)
55. A man is known by the company he keeps (A man is judged by the sort of friends he has)
56. To run with the hare, to hunt with the hound.
57. Beauty provokes thieves sooner than gold.
58. Sweet are the uses of adversity.
59. It is easier for a camel to pass through the needles eye than for a rich man to pass through the gates of
60. Discretion is the better part of valour.
61. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown (With power and authority come worries and responsibilities)
62. It is an ill wind that blows no one good.
63. A rose would smell as sweet by any other name.
64. Brevity is the soul of wit.
65. One may smile and smile, and be a villain.
66. As you sow, so will you reap.
67. Physician heal thyself.

68. Charity begins at home.
69. The wages of sin is death.
70. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

State True or False:
1. Jargon means language which is special to different fields of knowledge.
2. The same word cannot be used as different parts of speech.
3. As far as spelling of English Language is concerned, the British prefer z
over s, i.e., criticize, realize, recognize and so on.
4. Full stop should not be omitted after acronyms which are pronounced as a
5. Apostrophe is never used in a single word.
6. Abbreviation and Acronyms are the same thing.
7. An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or phrase that could not be
written out in full.
Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. False 7. False


English has borrowed generously from other languages, more so from Latin, Greek, French and German. Many
of the borrowed words have been anglicised and today are an integral part of English vocabulary in their original
or modified form, e.g., restaurant, rapport, viva voce. There are many other expressions which are liberally used
in English and yet continue to retain their foreign flavour. They are still outsiders and, in print, are italicised.
The examples given below are of a technical nature pertaining to law, philosophy, politics and officialdom. The
language of origin is indicated after the word or phrase within brackets. Here L stands for Latin; F for French
and G for Greek.
ab initio (L)

: from the beginning

ab origin (L)

: from the origin

addenda (L)

: list of additions (addenda to a book)

ad libitum (L)
ad lib

: speak or perform in public without advance preparation. Abbreviation

ad valorem (L)

: according to value

ad hoc (L)

: a body elected or appointed for a particular work (ad hoc committee)

ad infinitum (L)

: to infinity, endlessly, forever

alma mater (L)

: a school or a college which one has attended

a la carte (F)

: according to the card/list (A la carte dishes are available)

a la mode (F)

: according to the fashion

alter ego (L)

: the other self, alternative personality, intimate friend (Kissinger is the

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 253

alter ego of Nixon)

amende hanorable (F)

: a public apology, reparation

amour propre (F)

: self-love, self-esteem

ancien regime

: the former order of things, a political or social system that has been
displaced by a more modern one.

a posteriori (L)

: empirical, from effect to cause

a priori (L)

: from cause to effect (presumptive). Every science cannot be taught a

apropos (L)

: with reference to (apropos our talk)

au courant (L)

: fully acquainted with matters, well-informed, up-to- date

au fait (F)

: expert, having detailed knowledge

au revoir (F)

: until we meet again (to say au revoir at parting)

avant-propos (F)

: preliminary matter, preface

avant-garde (F)

: new, unusual or experimental

beau ideal (F)

: the ideal of perfection

beau monde (F)

: the world of fashion

beaux esprits (F)

: men of wit

bete noire (F)

: a special aversion (India has always been bete noire for Pakistan)

bona fide (L)

: good faith (His bona fide in the matter cannot be doubted)

bizarre (F)

: strange, unknown

bon voyage (F)

: have a good journey

casus belli (L)

: that which causes or justifies war

cause celebre (F)

: a famous case in law, controversial well publicised issue

charge daffaires (F)


: a deputy to the Ambassador/a diplomatic representative to a minor

chef d oeuvre (F)

: masterpiece. (Mona Lisa is Vincis chef d oeuvre.)

circa (L)

: approximately (circa 1930)

confere (F)

: Colleague

contretemps (F)

: a minor dispute or disagreement

corrigenda (L)

: a thing to be corrected (in a book)

coup detat (F)

and the King was overthrown.)

: violent change in government (There was a coup detat in Cambodia

coup de grace (F)

: a finishing stroke (The coup de grace of the Russian Revolution was

the total annihiliation of the Czar family.)

cul-de-sac (F)

: a blind alley (The failure of the policy of non- alignment in 1962 saw
our foreign policy reach a cul- de-sac.)

debacle (F)

: an utter failure or disaster (debacle of opposition in the election)

de facto (L)

: actual or infact (de facto recognition to a state)

de jure (L)

: from the law, by right

de novo (L)

: anew, again (trial of a case)

de nouement (L)

: the end of a plot or narrative (in a play)

de profundis (L)

: a heartfelt appeal or feeling

dernier ressort (F)

: last resort

detente (F)

: easing of strained relations especially between countries

dramatis personae (L)

: characters of a novel, play or narrative

elite (L)

: the best part, the pick (The elite of town)

enfant terrible (F)

: a person who behaves in an unconventional or controversial manner

(Bevan was the enfant terrible of the Labour Party)

entreprenuer (F)

: a person who sets up business taking greater financial risk

en masse (F)

: all together (They took leave en masse.)

en rapport (F)

: in harmony

entourage (F)

: group of people accompanying a dignitary (P.M.s entourage)

errata (L)

: list of errors

esprit de corps (F)

: the animating spirit of a particular group like a regiment

et cetera (L)

: and the rest

eureka (G)

: I have found it

ex-officio (L)

: by virtue of his office/status/position

expose (F)

: a report in the media that reveals something discreditable

ex post facto (L)

: with retrospective action or force

fait accompli (F)

: a thing already done/accomplished fact

faux pas (F)

: a social blunder

gauche (F)

: unsophisticated/socially awkward

hoi polloi (G)

: the common people

impasse (F)

: a deadlock (Talks reached an impasse)

in extenso (L)

: in full

in memorium (L)

: in memory of

in toto (L)

: entirely/as a whole (The Committees recommendations were accepted

in toto)

ipso facto (L)

: by that very fact or act

laissez-faire (F)

: a policy of non-interference

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 255

mala fide (L)

: in bad faith (opposite of bona fide)

malapropos (F)

: ill timed/inappropriately

modus operandi (L)

: a way of doing something (of a gang, group, etc.)

mutatis mutandis (L)

: with the necessary changes (Rules will come into force mutatis

noblesse oblige (F)

: privilege entails responsibility

nota bene (L)

: note well (Abbreviation N.B.)

par excellence (F)

: better than the others of the same kind

pari passu (L)

: side by side, equally or equivalently per se (L) : by itself

piece de resistance (F)

: the important feature of a creative work or meal etc.

poste restante (F)

: a department in the post office that keeps letters for a period till called

post mortem (L)

: examination/analysis made after death/or an event has occured

prima facie (L)

: at first view of consideration (prima facie a good case)

probono publico (L)

: for the good of the public

pro forma (L)

: denoting a standard document or form

pro rata (L)

: according to rate or proportion

protege (F)

: one under the protection/guidance of another older or experienced

person (South Vietnam was U.S.s protege)

quid pro quo (L)

: a favour or advantage given in return for something

raison d etre (F)

: the most important reason for a things existence

resume (F)

: a summary or curriculum vitae

sanctum sanctorum (L)

: holy of holies (temple, church, etc.)

seriatim (L)

: point by point

sine die (L)

: without a day being appointed (The meeting was adjourned sine die.)

status quo (L)

: the existing condition (status quo on the border should be maintained)

stet (L)

: let it stand, do not deter

sub judice (L)

: under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public

discussion (The case is sub judice)

sub rosa (L)

: confidentially/done in secret

sui generis (L)

: in a class by itself

summum bonum (L)

: the chief good

terra incognita (L)

: an unknown territory

tour de force (F)

: a notable feat of strength or skill

ultra vires (L)

: beyond ones authority

verbatim (L)

: word for word

vice versa (L)

: conversely

videlicet (L)

: namely, more formal term for viz.

vis-a-vis (F)

: in relation to, as compared with, as opposed to

viva voce (L)

: an oral examination

vox populi, vox Dei (L)

: the voice of the people is the voice of God

Zeigeist (G)

: the defining spirit of a particular period or age.


An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full.The word
abbreviation comes from the Late Latin word abbreviare (to shorten) which is related to brevi (short). While
some people disagree, all methods of shortening words or phrases are subsets of abbreviation. Abbreviations
when used properly, can enhance communication because they act as short-hand and therefore increases the
efficiency of communication. In other words, more meaning is conveyed in less time and fewer words.
Abbreviation is defined as:
A shortened form of a word or phrase used for brevity in place of the whole, consisting of the first letter, or the
first few letters, followed by a period (full stop).
Abbreviations are very rarely used in formal writing. One should try to avoid the use of abbreviations in formal
writing. The frequent use of unnecessary abbreviations will make the text irritating and hard to read. It is far more
important to make the writing easy to read than to save a few seconds in writing it.
The rule about using these abbreviations is very simple: dont use them. Their use is only appropriate in special
circumstances in which brevity is at a premium, such as in footnotes. It is a very poor style to spatter your page
with these things, and it could be disastrous to use them without being quite sure what they mean. If you do use
one, make sure you punctuate it correctly. Here is an example.
The recommended form is this:
Several British universities were founded in the Victorian era; for example, the University of Manchester was
established in 1851.
The following version is not wrong, but it is poor style:
Several British universities were founded in the Victorian era; e.g., the University of Manchester was established
in 1851.
But this next version is disastrously wrong, because the punctuation has been omitted:
Several British universities were founded in the Victorian era e.g. the University of Manchester was established
in 1851.
Using an abbreviation does not relieve one of the obligations of punctuating the sentence. Again, if one avoids
abbreviations, he wont get into this sort of trouble.
Observe that it is usual to write abbreviations in italics, but this is not strictly essential, and many people dont
Things to remember while using abbreviations:
(1) Do not use an abbreviation that can easily be avoided.

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 257

(2) In an abbreviation, use full stops and capital letters in the conventional way.
(3) Do not forget to punctuate the rest of the sentence normally.
Latin Abbreviations
A.D. Anno Domini: Used to date years by reckoning the date of Christs birth, as opposed to B.C., the years
Before Christ. Anno Domini means In the year of the Lord.
c. circa.: Used by historians to show that a date is approximate. The word means around, and it is sometimes
abbreviated ca.
etc. et cetera.: And so on. This is one abbreviation most students already know, and the one they tend to
overuse. Note that, since etc already means and, it is redundant to write, and etc.
Eg: The problems of the Balkan Republics are numerous, including insufficient electric power, poor highways,
rampant unemployment, hostile neighbors, etc.
e.g. exempli gratia. : For example. Literally, free as an example.
Eg: We have numerous problems to deal with before reforming welfare policies, e.g., the trade deficit, Medicare,
and social security.
ib./ ibid. ibidem : In the same place.
Eg: One physicist compared the behavior of quarks to bowling pins. He also indicated that the Charm quark
was like a bowling ball (ibid.) due to the way it. . . .
i.e. id est.: That is more precisely. It is commonly used to refine a general statement or provide additional
Eg: Karans girlfriend always managed to turn the conversation toward children, i.e., the possibility of
having children together; i.e., the possibility of having legitimate children together; i.e., toward the subject
of marriage.
sic: Indicates a misspelling or error in a quoted source, in order to verify to the reader that the researcher did
not create a typographical error, but instead exactly reproduces the way the word or statement appeared in the
original material.
Eg: There are, according to the writings of seven-year old Mohit, Manee wayes of riting words [sic].
Ph. D. Philosophiae Doctor.: Doctor (or Doctorate) of Philosophy. It can refer to the individual as a title, or to
the degree itself. Note that it is redundant to write, Dr. Aggarwal is a Ph. D.
Eg: Vijay Aggarwal earned his Ph. D. in art history.
vs. versus. Turned against. Often used in abbreviations for legal trials-though v. is more common.
Eg: In the case of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court eventually decided that abortion was a medical right.
a.v. ad valorem:. In proportion to the value of [something else]., To the value.
Eg: The monetary worth of the dollar is figured a.v. the price of gold.
i.a. in absentia.: In absence.
Eg: With further evidence i.a., it is impossible to provide a definitive answer.
MS. manuscriptum.: A document, particularly an ancient or historical manuscript, that was not printed, but
rather drawn or written.

P.S. post scriptum. The abbreviation indicates a last-minute addition to a letter or document.
Eg: Thats all for now. Take care. Love, Tarun. P.S. Dont forget to write me back!
S.P.Q.R. Senatus Populusque Romani: It is used to refer generally to the power, glory, and bureaucracy of a
major nation.
Eg: The S.P.Q.R. has spoken, and now American soldiers must obey the call to arms.
s.p.s. sine prole supersite: Without surviving issue. The phrase is used in inheritance laws to indicate that
an individual has no children or legal inheritors.
Eg: Since Mrs. Gupta died s.p.s., her six million rupee estate will revert to the House of Orphans
t.i.d. ter in die: Three times a day. Used by older pharmacies and doctors to indicate that a medication
should be taken three times a day.
Eg: Aspirin, t.i.d.; call if headaches continue.
viz. videlicit.: More appropriately or accurately; namely. The abbreviation is often used interchangeably
with i.e.
Eg: He was a minor Duke in the House of Lords, viz. the Duke of Rochester.
vide.: Look or see. This refers the reader back up to a previous statement or definition within the body of the
paper. The most common uses are vide 63 (which means see page sixty-three), v.s. vide supra (see
earlier or look above on this page) and v.i. vide infra (See below or Look below).
N.B.: Nota Bene.: The Latin imperative means Take notice of this very carefully, that is, pay special attention
to this part because it is unusually important, tricky, or confusing.
All assignments are due at the beginning of class. N. B.: I lock the door to the classroom once lecture
German Abbreviations







natus, nata




baptized, christened


spurious, spuria




the same








viduus, vidua

widower, widow








nomen nescio

name not known


Sohn des, Sohn der

son of


Sohn von

son of

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 259


Tochter des, Tochter der

daughter of


Tochter von

daughter of


und des, und der

and of





















baptized, christened










verh .oo

















church book



country, district


rectangle lying down

the symbol is a




unehehelich geboren

born illegitimate







freie Verbindung
marriage, illegitimate

common law


killed in action

Xus or Xg



French Abbreviations
(1) acc.: Accusative. It denotes motion towards.
(2) adj. : Adjective
(3) adv.: Adverb

(4) Anglo-Fr.: Anglo-French
(5) Anglo-L. : Anglo-Latin
(6) Anglo-Norm.: Anglo-Norman
(7) Ar.: Arabic
(8) c.: Century
(9) cf.: confer
(10) chem.: Chemical
(11) comb.: Combining
(12) comp.: Comparative
(13) Dan.: Danish
(14) deriv.: Derived
(15) dial.: Dialectal
(16) esp.: Especially
(17) fem.: Feminine
(18) Fr.: French
(19) fut.: Future
(20) imper.: Imperative. It is the verbal category expressing commands or orders
(21) indic.: Indicative, the mood expressing assertion.
(22) inf.: Infinitive, the form of a verb that expresses existence or action
(23) infl.: Influenced
(24) intens.: Intensive. It means giving force or emphasis
(25) irreg.: Irregular
(26) lit.: Literally
(27) loc.: Locative. It is the case denoting location in.
(28) masc.: Masculine
(29) n.: Noun
(30) nom.: Nominative
(31) obj.: Objective
(32) obs.: Obsolete, a word or form of a word no longer in use.
(33) orig.: Originally
(34) part.: Participle
(35) pass.: Passive
(36) perf.: Perfective. It is the tense or formation expressing the notion of completion
(37) pers.: Person

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 261

(38) pl.: Plural. It is the form of a word that denotes it refers to more than one person or thing
(39) Pol.: Polish
(40) poss.: Possessive. It is the form of a word designating possession or some similar relationship.
(41) pp.: Past participle
(42) prep.: Preposition
(43) prob.: Probably
(44) pron.: Pronoun
(45) prop.: Properly
(46) prp.: Present participle
(47) pt.: Past tense
(48) q.v.: quo vide which see.
(49) R.S.V.P.: Repondez Sil Vous-Plait. It means please send a response confirming whether or not you will
accept the invitation.
(50) sing.: Singular, the form of a word that denotes it refers to only one person or thing.
(51) Skt.: Sanskrit, the classical Indian literary language from 4c. B.C.E
(52) subj.: Subject
(53) transl.: translation
(54) ult.: Ultimately
(55) uncert.: Uncertain
(56) U.S.: United States
(57) v.: Verb
(58) var.: Variant
Dont Abbreviate the following:
In formal academic prose it is considered bad form to abbreviate words simply to save space, time, or energy. In
the following cases, abbreviations should be avoided:
Words such as through (thru), night (nite).
Days of the week or months of the year (in the normal flow of text).
Words at the beginning of a sentence.
Peoples names, unless those abbreviations have come to be accepted as nicknames for those particular
Courses such as econ (for economics) or poli sci (for political science).


Building and enriching vocabulary by learning new words and their exact meaning is an essential element
of effective communication.
Synonyms are words that have very nearly the same meaning.
Antonym is a word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word.
Simple language produces the best and the quickest response from everyone.
At times, long and unusual words have to be used because they are more precise.
There are eight parts of speech for the basic understanding of English language. They are: Noun, Pronoun,
Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection.
There are various types of sentences such as: simple sentence, compound sentence and complex
An idiom is defined as the form of expression peculiar to a language.
A phrase is a group of words, a part of sentence which does not make a complete sentence but has an
independent meaning.
Proverbs contains homely but universal truth. Therefore, they are translatable so far as their meaning
goes from one developed language to another.
English has borrowed generously from other languages like Latin, Greek, French and German. Many of
the borrowed words have been anglicized and today are an integral part of English vocabulary in their
original or modified form.
An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that could also be written out in full.
The rule about using abbreviation is very simple: dont use them. Their use is only appropriate in special
circumstances in which brevity is at a premium.


Characterized by great knowledge or learned or scholarly.


The entire stock of skills, techniques, or devices used in a particular field or occupation.


The associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit

or primary meaning:


Characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal

speech or writing; informal.


Especially undue display of learning.


Intended to attract notice.


Fully or clearly expressed or demonstrated.


Involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated, tacitly



Publicly or generally known, as for a particular trait.


To violate a law, command, moral code, etc., or offend or sin.

Lesson 10

Essentials of Good English 263

1. Define communication in about 20 words.
2. Explain the importance of punctuation on while writing passage/English language.
3. Give atleast 10 examples of pairs and groups of words and frame sentences indicating their usage.
4. What is meant by synonyms and antonyms? Explain with 5 examples each.
5. What purpose is secured by the Phonetic chart contained in a dictionary.
6. Define abbreviation. Give few examples of abbreviated form of Latin, French and Roman words.
7. Give both synonyms and antonyms of the following words:
(i) Absurd
(ii) Audacious
(iii) Diligent
(iv) Fatal
(v) Gigantic
(vi) Joy
(vii) Tedioces
(viii) Visible
(ix) Yearn
(x) Zeal.
8. Give meaning of the following phrases/idioms and also frame sentences:
(i) To have two strings to ones bow
(ii) To have a bone to pick withs
(iii) To cut the Gordian knot
(iv) Cast a slus upon
(v) Laugh up ones sleeves
(vi) Argus-eyed
(vii) Lynch law
(viii) To be on the wane
(ix) To be in the doldrums
(x) Penelopes web
9. State whether the following are Latin, French or German and give their meaning:
(i) hoi polloi
(ii) impasse
(iii) zeigeist
(iv) amour propre

(v) ad infinitum
(vi) dernier ressort
(vii) de profundis
(viii) eureka
(ix) mutates mutandis
(x) gauche.
Suggested Readings
(1) Modern English Grammar with Practical Exercises Vikas Publishing House.
(2) English GrammarAn Outline Rodney Huddleston
(3) English Grammar and Composition G.S. Mudambadithaya
(4) Business Communication and organization management Varinder Kumar and Bodh Raj
(5) Business Communication K.K. Sinha
(6) A Good Dictionary
(7) English Journals and Newspapers.

Lesson 11

Business Correspondence-I 265

Lesson 11
Business Correspondence- I
Introduction-Human Resource
Job Applications
Bio-data and Curriculum vitae
Letters of Appointment and
Miscellaneous Letters
Goodwill Letters
Introduction Purchase Correspondence
Enquiries and Replies thereto
Industrial Enquiries and Replies thereto
Tender Notices
Letter Orders
Making, Handling and Rejecting
Miscellaneous Letters
Introduction- Sales Correspondence
Sales Letter
Sales Circular
Public Notices
Lesson Round Up

Even after technological developments, business
correspondence in its older form remains the
favourite of every type of organization. It is
needless to say that the success or failure of an
organization depends to a large extent on its
Letters are still the most important means of
written communication. They are and always will
be the most important for any organization or
individual for the purpose of giving or seeking
A good letter is one that is able to persuade the
reader what we wants them to do. As a general
thumb-rule we know that everybody wants to
be respected, thus, writing in letters should be
courteous and respectful. Similarly, things like
clarity of expression, justification of the cause
of writing, correct grammar are the must for
letters. It is therefore obligatory for the students
to learn the art of writing effective letters.
In this chapter the focus is on various types of
correspondence i.e. Personnel, Purchase and
It must be remembered that there is no
universal format of writing letters. However,
the contents of letter should be clear,
complete and concise.

Self-Test Questions

Good communication does not mean that you have to speak in perfectly formed sentences and paragraphs.
It isnt about slickness. Simple and clear go a lang way.
John Kotter



Personnel department deals with all matters relating to staffing right from recruitment to retrenchment. In earlier
times, the administration sections discharged these functions. Later on, these acquired the name of personnel
departments. With the passage of time, more and more CEOs realised that it is men and not necessarily the
machines that change the fortunes of undertakings. So these departments were renamed yet again. Many of
them now claim to be dealing with and developing Human Resources.

Job Applications
The hunt for a job begins as soon as we are out of school or college, if not sooner of all the business communication
you will ever write, probably the resume and application letter will be the most important for you. The reason is
obvious: The resumes and application letters are written forms you are most likely to use to find a job and finding
a job most certainly will be among the important activities of your life.
A Job-Application has many similarities with a Sales Circular. This is not surprising. When we write to a prospective
employer, we are offering our skills for a price. Therefore every position demands a carefully drafted application
with a suitable resume to enclose or furnish during the personal interview.
While resumes contain most of factual information about the applicant, the application or the covering letter
reveals the profile of the applicant. If it is cleverly drafted, it may increase the chances of crossing the first hurdle.
Organizations may advertise the positions lying vacant with them. Some of them either maintain their own
databank or rely upon those kept by placement agencies to call suitable candidates at the time of need. It is
also becoming common for organizations these days to receive the Curriculum Vitae (CV) by fax or email.
Some websites offer job-related services and one may submit details online for getting a position of ones
One can get a job without applying for in writing. For example: you can get a job through campus recruitment, an
employment agency or a companys employment office. But when you cannot find a job through these routers
you are likely to apply for jobs by using resumes and letters. Actually, preparing resumes and application letters
is much like preparing a sales letter. Both situations involve selling. In the latter case, you are selling a product
or service; whereas in the former, you are selling your ability to do work.
Applications may be drafted in response to advertisements or they may also be submitted unsolicited. One may
write a comprehensive application, which contains all the details about ones education and experience and
does not require a separate CV.
Your Resume should:
mention career goals and specific job objectives.
reveal adequate knowledge about the company being approached.
explain how your qualifications and experience are suitable for the job on offer.
give evidence of excellent writing skills.

A Resume (pronounced rez-oom-ay) is a record of ones personal and professional detail. It may be enclosed
with the application for a job, may be handed over to a placement agency for storing it in their data bank or
may be uploaded on various web-sites providing jobs. Words like Bio-data, Curriculum Vitae or data sheet are
also used to describe documents through which one may provide information about themselves-mainly their

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education and work experience. Help is also at hand in the form of professional agencies and templates in
word processors.
A good resume should not be very long. While one page is ideal, one should never let it go beyond three pages.
Personal details like age, sex, race or nationality are looked down upon these days and are therefore optional.
Minor details should be omitted to make room for achievements and skills. One should be neither modest nor
boastful. The choice of good quality paper is essential. The judicious use of white space in margins and between
paragraphs improves the display. Using a word processor with letter-quality printer is desirable.
The following details are common to all types of CVs/Resumes:
(i) Personal particulars
(ii) Academic qualifications
(iii) Additional qualifications
(iv) Experience:
Functional: emphasizing the skills and talent of the applicant
Chronological: emphasizing work experience, listing job descriptions;
(v) Additional information that may include languages known and anything worth mentioning, etc.
(vi) References.
A variety of resume-formats are available in books, on websites offering jobs and in the form of templates in
word-processors. Usually heading, contact number, job objective, education, experience, personal details, special
interests and references form the content.
Comprehensive Application Letter
Sector 17, House No. 1120,
7 July 2011
The Manager (Human Resources)
GE Services
Sector 18, Goregaon-422 015
Mumbai (India)
Dear Sir
I am responding to your advertisement in the Ascent columns of The Times of India of 5th July seeking Secretarial
Officers for your company. I wish to be considered for the same position.
I passed my Senior Secondary examination in Commerce stream from Mount Carmel School, New Delhi in
2004 scoring an aggregate of 89% marks. I joined B.Com (Hons.) at Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi
University in the same year and simultaneously enrolled for the Foundation Course of The Institute of Company
Secretaries of India. In 2009, I was accredited as a qualified Company Secretary and joined the Secretarial
Department of MN Udyog Ltd.
My company gave me intensive on-the-job training for six months in Secretarial and Legal functions at the end
of which I was absorbed as a Junior Secretarial Officer. My duties include share transfer and transmissions,
filling and filing of statutory forms and returns, maintaining statutory registers etc. I have been working for two
years now and feel the time has come for me to accept wider responsibilities. I can provide names of Referees
if you wish to know more about me.

My present annual package including perks is approximately Rs. 5 lacs. I hope for a reasonable increase.
I look forward to an opportunity for a personal interview where I can explain my credentials in detail.
Yours faithfully
Ms. Meghna Rasgotra
[The above was a specimen of a detailed application letter which need not be accompanied with a resume or
Curriculum Vitae. It is however advisable to write a precise application letter and supplement it with a resume or
curriculum vitae as an attachment to explain your academic and professional background in a more formal and
presentable manner.]
Bio-data, CV or Resume
Alternatively, one may prepare a Bio-data, CV or Resume and enclose it with a covering letter. The three terms
are loosely used as synonyms but there are finer differences (see box after CV). A separate covering letter
enables us to focus on information not contained in the CV and may be used to buttress ones claim vis-a-vis
other candidates.
An example of CV is given below:
Curriculum Vitae

Karan Madan


8 May 1982



Permanent Address

13 Pusa Road New Delhi-110005


(91-11)525 8467


Work Profile

Since January 2004, I have been working in the Examinations

Unit of a foreign mission as an Assistant Manager. The
competencies essential to my present job are:
Public Relations, excellent Oral and Written Communication skills,
Office and Financial Management and ability to work under
pressure and meet deadlines.
I am involved with the promotion and conduct of examinations
administered in India by my employer. My responsibilities cover
conducting Open House sessions and promotional write-ups in
the Newsletter, organizing presentations in-house and at
corporate offices, organizing training programmes for our clients.
I am also responsible for budgetary projections, maintaining
liaison with regional offices and with Universities; arranging
venues for training programmes and examinations, selecting
invigilator/examiners, communicating results to candidates and
organizing graduation ceremonies for the successful candidates.


2006, Diploma, Public Relations and Advertising, YMCA

Education Center, New Delhi.
2004, Certificate in German as a Foreign Language, Deutschen

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Volkshochschule, Munich, Germany.

2003, B.A. Honours, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007.
2000, All India Senior School Certificate Examination, Mont Fort
School, New Delhi.
Computer:I am conversant with the MS Office Package, and am
comfortable using MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS
Access, MS Power Point and MS DOS.

I am fluent in English, Hindi, German and Punjabi.


Enjoy Indian and Western classical music.


1. C.G. Aggarwal, Manager HR Grassim India, 7, M.G.Road,

2. Mr. J. Chaturvedi, Reader, Hindu College, Delhi - 110007.

Specimen Job Application

The Manager (HR)

18 April, 2012

Corporation Bank
Mangaladevi Temple Road
Mangalore-575 001
Dear Sir
Your advertisement in the Deccan Express of 16 April 2012 about the position of an IT consultant in your bank
has interested me. I wish to be considered for the same position.
Information about my graduation in Science and the Computer courses that followed is contained in the enclosed
resume. What I wish to add is my special interest in building security systems for a safe and reliable automated
banking system. My stint at Siemens gave me useful experience in this area which may be put to use in expanding
your operations.
I hope you will give me an opportunity to talk about myself in greater detail during the personal interview.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Yours faithfully
Abhinav Arora
Encl: Resume
S-36, Sector X, Noida (U.P.)
Telephone: 914-34644 (Res.)
3346219-20 (Off.)

The position of Company Secretary in a company with a vision.
ACS, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi, June, 2010.
L.L.B. Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, 2008, II Division.
B.Com (Hons.), Hindu College, University of Delhi, 2004, I Division.
Assistant Company Secretary, Grasim India Ltd. July, 2010 onwards. Job profile involves Secretarial work,
Taxation, Excise and Network marketing.
Personal Qualities

Mountaineering, reading, legal counseling.


Association of Practicing Secretaries of India, Indian Law Society (Professional).

Indian Mountaineering Association (Personal).

Will gladly furnish personal and professional references on request.
In actuality, there are technical differences between a resume, a bio-data and curriculum vitae. A resume for
instance, is background and activities in an essay format; a bio-data is more of a bullet-form brief which
touches on the tangible aspects of your qualifications and curriculum vitae is a combination of both a resume
and a bio-data. It is however politically acceptable to prepare an inter-document... borrowing ideas and formats
from all three.
The 1st Step to a Job
Monisha Advani
Femina, Nov. 1, 1996
The essential points which the employer would want to know are:
The job you are applying for since the company may have advertised a number of different vacancies
at the same time.
Age, nationality and marital status
Educational background reached
Professional training, diplomas, certifications undergone.
Extra attributes or interests that make your candidature suitable for the particular job.
Reasons for wanting to leave your present employment.
Some companies prefer to conduct initial interviews telephonically to shortlist candidates for the final interview.
If an Interview letter is required, it should contain information about the position applied for, date, time and venue
of the interview. If the prospective employer wishes to examine the original certificates of the candidate, then a
mention may be made in the letter. Outstation candidates also like to know whether their expenses on travel and

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stay will be met. Interview letters should give sufficient notice to the candidates to enable them to confirm their
Specimen Interview Letter
AB&C Pvt. Ltd.
Ansal Chambers, 7, Asaf Ali Road, Delhi-110006
Telephone: 3361357, Fax: 3361653

21st May, 2012

Ms Anshu,
Dear Anshu,
Please refer to your application for the post of Manager Projects in our company.
You are invited to attend a personal interview with our General Manager on 14th of June, 2012 at 3 p.m. in our
corporate office located in Ansal Chambers, DLF Plaza, Gurgaon.
We regret to inform that we do not reimburse the traveling expenses of the local candidates.
Please confirm telephonically that this appointment suits you.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/Manager - Human Resources
Short-listing Candidates
Companies may shortlist candidates for absorption at a later date if they are unable to find a suitable position for
them at the time of interview. In such cases, their details are stored in the databank and a polite letter addressed
to them.
Dear Vivek,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been shortlisted for an offer of appointment in our company as
soon as we can find a position in keeping with your qualifications and experience.
We thank you for evincing interest in our company and hope you will soon be a part of our organization.
Yours sincerely,
Manager - Human Resources
Letters of Appointment
Initial intimation of appointment may be given through a brief provisional letter. But the final document must be
drafted carefully as the employment is governed by the terms stated in it. It should stand the test of law. The
terms and conditions should be explicitly mentioned and offer of appointment made subject to their acceptance
by the candidate. A worker may seek reinstatement in a Labour Court if the employer acts against the terms of

appointment. The executives, who are governed by a Master-Servant relationship, can only seek damages in
the event of a mala fide dismissal.
The provisional letter of appointment intends to prepare the candidate for the detailed letter that follows. It may
read like the following:
Provisional Letter of Appointment
Dear Vivek
Please refer to your application and the subsequent interview for the post of a Systems Manager in IBM (India)
We are pleased to inform that you have been selected for the position. A detailed letter will be mailed to you
Yours sincerely
Manager - Human Resources
Terms of Appointment
Detailed offers of appointment normally mention terms of appointment and seek the acceptance of the selected
candidate. It is advisable to insert clauses which anticipate organisational changes and protect companys
interests. But terms, which are one-sided to the extent of being inimical (unfavorable or harmful) to candidates
interests may not be received well. In fact, a good candidate may even turn down the offer. Therefore a balance
must be maintained.
Appointment Letter: Terms and Conditions
Ref. No:
Mr. Akhshay Mittal
SUB: Appointment Letter
Please refer to our earlier letter of 11th November 2011. As stated earlier, we will be pleased to hire your
services as a Systems Manager if you accept the following terms and conditions:
1. Place of operation: Your initial place of work will be at Hyderabad. However, you may be assigned to any
location in India or overseas. On transfer, the rules, regulations and conditions of service applicable in
that location shall apply on you.
2. Remuneration: You will be paid a monthly basic salary of Rs. 43,000/- plus perks and allowances as per
company rules. The salary will increase after annual reviews. You will be paid an extra allowance in US $
to cover your expenses when assigned duties abroad.
3. Duties: You will be responsible for the erection, upgradation and maintenance of all systems in use in the
company and will report to the Director (Technical).
4. Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six months, which may be extended at the discretion of

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the company. At the satisfactory completion of Probation, you will be confirmed in writing.
5. Confirmation: During the Probation, either party may terminate this contract by giving a one months
notice or salary in lieu thereof. Post confirmation, the notice period will be three months or salary in lieu
6. Terms of leave: Unauthorised absence from duty or violation of company rules, procedures and policies
as laid down from time to time may invite disciplinary action including termination of services.
7. Retirement: You will retire at the age of 60 years or till such time you remain medically fit. Post retirement
you will receive cash benefits and a medical insurance cover.
Please sign a copy of this letter and fax it to 040-7865479 in acceptance of the terms and conditions and report
to the Human Resource Manager on 20th November 2011 at 9.30 a.m.
We welcome you to ABC (India) and wish you a successful career.
Yours sincerely
Manager - Human Resources
Confirmation of an employee: On successful completion of the probation period the employee is to be explicitly
informed about his confirmation in the organization. This can be done by writing a confirmation letter to the employee.
Specimen Letter of Confirmation
Date: 10th January, 2012
Abhay Sakhuja
Customer Service Department
Dear Abhay
On successful completion of your probationary period on 9th January, 2012, I feel pleasure in confirming your
appointment with us for the post of Relationship Manager in Middle management band effective from 10th January
Yours sincerely
Manager - Human Resources
[A few more specimens of Written Test/Interview/Appointment/Regret letters are given for your information
and guidance.]
Letter calling a candidate for written test
Example 1:
Regd. Office: 12, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 534212
24th March, 2012
Mr. Amar Singh
23, B.V. Nagar, New Delhi-110 089

Dear Sir
Sub: Written test for the post of Management Trainee-Law
With reference to your application dated 10th February, 2012, for the post of Management Trainee-Law you are
requested to appear for a written test on 2nd April, 2012, at Indian Institute, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New
Delhi-110 003 at 10 A.M.
The test will be of 2 hours duration, followed by a group discussion.
No books will be allowed in the examination hall. Only blue or black pen is allowed while writing the answers.
No travelling allowance is payable for attending the test.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/(R. Francis)
Personnel Manager
Example 2:
Regd. Office: 12 Law Gardens, Ahmedabad-380 006
Tel: 6570018 Fax: (079) 6580182
No. HRD/ACA/2010
12th June, 2012
Dear Sir/Madam
Sub: Written Test for the Post of Accounts Assistant
With reference to your application dated 1st June, 2012 for the post of Accounts Assistant, you are requested
to appear for a written test on 30th June, 2012 at Law Institute Hall, Sabarmati Marg, Ahmedabad-380002 at
9.00 A.M. The written test will be of two hours duration. The test is intended to examine the candidates general
commercial knowledge and the grasp over practical accountancy.
Please note that no travelling allowance is payable for attending the written test.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/(W.R. Mehta)
Manager (Personnel)
[The heading, reference, inside address and salutations, in this case, will remain the same. The body of the
letter will be as follows:]
Letter intimating date of interview

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With reference to your written test held on 2.4.2012, we are pleased to call you for a personal interview on
12.4.2012, at the Regional Office of our company, at the aforementioned address, at 10 A.M. sharp.
Letter communicating passing of written test and intimating the date of personal interview
Regd. Office: 101, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001
Tel.: 3031811, 3021821 Fax: 3031812
Ref. No. HRD/1/2012
Date: 1.1.2012
(All successful candidates)
Dear Sir/Madam
Sub: Recruitment of Probationary Officers - 2012
We congratulate you for qualifying the written test conducted on 15th December, 2011 for the recruitment of
Probationary Officers.
In this regard, you are hereby requested to be present for a group discussion and personal interview on 15th
January, 2012 at AMB Hall, 101, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001 at 10.30 A.M. Please note that no
travelling allowance/daily allowance is payable for attending the group discussion and the personal interview.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/(P.A. Desai)
Manager (HRD)
Letter intimating appointment
Dear Amit,
With reference to the interview you had with us on 12.4.2012, we are pleased to offer you appointment as
Management Trainee-Law in our company.
You will be on an intensive training for two years in our Law Department. During the period of training you will be
paid a consolidated salary of Rs. 6,000/- per month during the first year and Rs. 18,500/- per month during the
second year. On satisfactory completion of the two years training, you would be called upon to take up independent
responsibilities in the Law Department. If, at any time during the period of training, your conduct is found
unsatisfactory, your services are liable to be terminated forthwith.
During the course of the training period, if you desire to leave the services of the company, you shall be liable to
indemnify the company by paying a lump sum compensation of Rs. 50,000/- only.
After the satisfactory completion of two years training, you will be placed in the cadre of Dy. Manager in the
scale of 30,000-200-40,000-250-50,000. You will be entitled to House Rent Allowance, Medical Claim subsidy,
Leave Travel Concession, and other benefits as per the service rules, only on confirmation in the post.
You are requested to confirm your willingness to the above terms of appointment on or before May 20, 2012.
You are expected to join the training by July 1, 2012.

Specimen: Regret Letter
Letter politely informing the candidate about non-selection
Example 1:
Regd. Office: 12 Law Gardens, Ahmedabad-380 006
Tel: 570018 Fax: (079) 6580182
Mr. Bhogal Mehta,
34 A, Sankar Road,
Rajkot - 360 001
1 June, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Recruitment for the Post of Finance Manager
We refer to your application dated 1st March, 2012 for the post of Finance Manager and the personal interview
you had with us on 14th May, 2012. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. This,
of course, has no reflection on your credentials. We thank you very much for evincing interest in our organisation
and offer you our best wishes for a bright future career.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/(K.C. Lokhandwala)
Personnel Manager
Example 2:
The body, in this case, will be as follows:
With reference to your application for the post of Management Trainee-Law in our company and the test and
interview you had with us, we regret our inability to offer you an appointment at present. However, should any
need arise in future, we shall get in touch with you.
Consent letter from a selected candidate
Personnel Manager
Sundersan Chemicals Ltd.
23, B.N.C. Road,
Chennai - 600 025
March 20, 2012
Dear Sir
Sub: My appointment as Management Trainee-Law in your organisation
I thank you for your offer of appointment. I hereby agree to abide by the terms of appointment contained in your
letter Ref. SA/34/2012 dated March 2, 2012. I will be reporting for duty on the forenoon of May 13, 2012.

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Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Sd/R. Sundaram
Letter declining the offer of appointment
The heading, reference, inside address and salutation remaining the same as for the consent letter given
hereinabove, the body will be as follows:
Reference your letter Ref. SA/34/2012 dated March 2, 2012 I regret my inability to take up the appointment, as
I have been selected for a job in the U.S.A. I, however, thank you for evincing interest in my candidature.
Yours faithfully
Sd/R. Sundaram
Body of letter requesting for change of place of posting (from the candidate)
I thank you for your letter of appointment dated March 12, 2012 directing me to join duty at your Chandigarh
office. I request you to kindly consider posting me at your Mumbai office for at least two months, to start with.
This is necessitated because of the need to attend to my father who is admitted in hospital after a serious car
accident. It would take at least two months for him to get discharged after treatment for multiple fracture. I
hope you would consider my request sympathetically. Awaiting your early reply.
Body of letter declining the above request
We are very sad to know of the serious accident your father has met with.
We, however, regret that we are unable to consider your request for change of posting, as every candidate is
required to undergo induction training only at the Head Office of the company at Chandigarh.
We are pleased to allow you time upto 2nd July for reporting for training at our Head Office at Chandigarh.
Please confirm this arrangement and your commitment to join at Chandigarh at the earliest.
Miscellaneous Letters
Miscellaneous letters are written out of corporate courtesy. These are exchanged with an intention to maintain
presence in the market and create goodwill. They are also known as Goodwill Letters
Goodwill Letters
The best way to understand goodwill letters is to remember that there is no compulsion to write them. However,
genuine sentiments, if sincerely expressed at an opportune time, create lot of goodwill. This goodwill is not in
monetary terms. But it may translate into financial gain over a period of time since human relations form the
backbone of business.
Goodwill letters should be brief. One should desist from sermonising and state ones sincere feelings in an
appropriate tone and style. Use of stereotyped phrases should be avoided. The extent of formality is determined
by the status of the recipient. For example, we should write informally to those people whom we have known
closely. Use first or second person to give it a personal touch.
Goodwill letters must be sent promptly in order to be relevant and effective. The effect of emotions is transitory
and tends to wear off after some time. They should preferably be handwritten. Those with an illegible handwriting

should at least sign them by hand. Goodwill letters carrying signatures in facsimile make the receiver feel
slighted (disrespect). If you do not have time even to sign a letter, you might as well not send it.
Types of Goodwill Letters
Every business letter should be a goodwill letter. It should be drafted in a polite and courteous manner. It should
respect the sensitivities of the recipient and evoke right response from him. We may, however, classify goodwill
letters for the sake of convenience as:
Thank you letters
Congratulatory Letters
Letters of Sympathy
Condolence Letter
Obituary Notice
They are explained as follows:
Thank you Letters
There are several instances in our personal and professional lives when people do us favours. Unfortunately we
take them for granted and ignore an opportunity to thank them and earn some precious goodwill. For instance,
getting a large order or receiving payments on time calls for a message of thanks.
Example 1:
Dear Mr. Wason,
We are pleased to receive your order for the supply of 2,00,000 metric tonnes of Iron Ore. This is the largest
order placed by you with us since our association began.
We are writing to express our grateful thanks for your continued patronage. We assure you that we will continue
to serve you to the best of our ability.
Your sincerely,
Ms R. Perchani
Example 2:
Dear Ms. Khanna,
We are writing to express our appreciation of the fact that you have settled your account with us very promptly
during the last financial year. This was a great help to us since we were diversifying into cement sector during
this period and liquidity was our prime concern.
We are grateful to you. We assure you that we will strive to maintain the special relationship we have always had
with you.
We thank you once again.
Yours sincerely,
Rajiv Seth
Congratulatory Letters
A friend, colleague or a business associate may earn a promotion, recognition, honour or an award. The

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achievement may be in the personal or professional arena. It is possible to react to such a development in two
ways. We may feel jealous and ignore the laurels won by others. Alternatively, we may send a message of
felicitation and also pocket some precious goodwill in the process.
Example 1:
Dear Pradeep,
I was delighted to learn that your work on cryogenic engine has been appreciated by the Indian Space Research
Organisation. I am confident that it will be possible to manufacture these engines indigenously and our dependence
on other countries will end soon.
I feel proud of your achievement and send you my best wishes for the future.
Yours sincerely,
K. Raghavan
Example 2:
Dear Mr. Jacob
We are pleased to learn that your company has won the Best Exporters award instituted by the Export Council
of India for the third time in succession. This must be a record. We are sure it is the result of your vision and the
hard work of your managers and workers.
We feel proud of having been associated with you and wish you more success in future.
Please accept our sincere felicitations,
Yours sincerely
S.K. Taneja
Example 3:
Dear Mr. Chandna,
I am pleased to learn that you have recently joined Tatanet as the Vice-President. I know that this appointment
has not come a day too soon. Tatanet has made the right choice and shall benefit from your dynamic leadership
and corporate vision.
Please accept my warm congratulations on your appointment and best wishes for the future.
Yours sincerely,
S. Vasudevan
Example 4:
Dear Sir
We are pleased to learn that your company is celebrating its Golden Jubilee next week. It was a long and difficult
journey, which has been covered with distinction. We are certain your company will do even better in the times
to come.
Please accept our good wishes on the occasion.
Yours faithfully
Courtesy demands that congratulatory letters should be acknowledged. A brief letter of thanks is all that
is required:

Example 5:
Dear Mr. Vasudevan,
I am replying to your letter regarding my appointment in Tatanet.
I am grateful for your kind words and hope I will be able to justify the faith the company has placed in me.
Thank you once again for your good wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Akhil Chandna
Letters of Sympathy
Life is a curious mix of happy and sad moments. It is important to share not only the pleasures but also the pain
of your friends and associates. When someone known to you suffers an agony or a loss, your words of kindness
and sympathy give solace.
There is a word of caution. Such letters are only sent when someone suffers a major loss or illness. One should
make an offer of financial help only after careful thought. To renege (fail to fulfill a promise) on an offer of financial
assistance will only cause a loss of goodwill.
Example 1:
Dear Manpreet
I learnt with dismay about the unfortunate accident you met with while travelling from Jaipur to Delhi.
I hope the injuries are superficial and you will be joining us at office soon.
Please get well soon and if you need me, I am just a phone call away.
Yours sincerely
Example 2:
Dear Mr. Reddy,
We are sorry to learn about the accidental fire in your factory a few days back. We hope the loss is not major and
it will be possible for you to resume normal production in near future.
Please accept our heartfelt sympathies and let us know if we can be of some help.
Yours truly,
Condolence Letters
These letters are the most difficult to draft since we are writing to people who have lost someone very dear to
them. The strong sense of grief has to be shared in order to provide some relief. Our sentiments must be
sincere. Reference to details of tragedy must be avoided since it would only increase the sense of loss. The
language and tone should be chosen keeping the relationship with the deceased in mind.
Dear Sarah,
I am distressed to learn about the sudden passing away of your dear husband Samuel during my absence from
India. I find it very hard to believe it and still feel he will suddenly show up in office and shake my hand vigorously

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as he always did. I know that your loss is much greater and that it will be very difficult for you to forget him.
I pray to the Almighty to give you and your children courage to bear his loss.
May his soul rest in peace!
Yours sincerely,
Vinay Tyagi
Replies to Condolence Letters
Replies to messages of sympathy or condolence should be brief.
Dear Mr. Grover
My children join me to express our grateful thanks for your words of sympathy in our bereavement. We have
been fortunate in receiving support from friends and relatives during the month my wife spent in hospital. It
helped us cope with her loss.
Yours sincerely
Obituary Notices
These notices provide news about people who have just passed away. These are brief, factual and informative
and are published in Obituary columns.
Delhi Land & Finance Consortium Ltd. announces with deep grief the passing away of its President, Capt.
Raghuvendra Singh in a helicopter crash near Dehradoon on Sunday. His mortal remains will be consigned
to flames at Nigambodh Ghat, Delhi on Monday, 15th January 2012 at 11.30 a.m.
Obituaries may also carry a life-account of the deceased. This is particularly true of those who have made
significant contribution to a certain facet of life.
The President of National Association of Software Companies (NASC), Mr. A.S. Mehta passed away on 12th
of April in New Delhi. He suffered a massive heart attack in sleep and passed away peacefully.
Mr. A.S. Mehta was born on 10th August 1972 in the State of Gujarat. He did his schooling from Bhartiya
Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi and joined Delhi University for an Hons. Course in Commerce. He was a trained
Chartered Accountant and majored in computer graphics from Imperial College, London.
Mr. A.S. Mehta was too much in love with India to remain abroad. He was a member of more than a dozen
boards belonging to different States from Himachal in the North, Orissa in the East to Andhra and Karnataka
down South. He was the IT advisor to the Govt. of India when he breathed his last. His priority was to use
NASC as a catalyst for growth of software driven IT industry. But his long-term dreams were to provide basic
amenities to people and to achieve hundred percent literacy through the power of IT. He sought the cooperation of like-minded people to achieve this herculean task. Now they will have to do it without his leadership.
May his soul rest in peace!

Acknowledgement Cards
It is also common to get printed acknowledgement cards or to insert an advertisement in newspapers when a

large number of messages are received and it is not possible to acknowledge them individually.
Mrs. M. Banerji and her children, Ashish and Zoya express their grateful thanks to those who condoled the
death of her husband, Sushant Bannerji of Cascade Ltd. in the recent Lufthansa air crash and express
their inability to acknowledge the messages individually.
Points to Remember
The good news letters are direct approach letters while the bad news letters like those about declining an
offer or rejection for a job are indirect approach letters.
In all letters, whether long or short, careful planning is needed. For example, a letter of appointment must
state service conditions carefully.


Very few organizations make everything they use. For most of their requirements, they are dependent on ancillary
units or on what are known as OEMs or Original Equipment Manufacturers. They also look for vendors who
have the machines, manpower and skills to make what they need on a continuing basis. This involves creation
of a full-fledged Purchase Department in a company.
Most people like to believe that only selling is the challenging part of business. The fact is that buying is equally
difficult. There may be unexpected breakdowns or unacceptable deviations in supply. The technological inputs
may become obsolete and require upgradation. The prices may become volatile and need constant monitoring.
To keep the production line going at all times is not easy. It requires a constant hunt for sources from where
quality goods and services may be procured at competitive prices.
The first step of a commercial transaction is to make enquiries. Enquiries are the most common type of business
communication. They are very important because an enquiry, if properly made, would bring valuable business
information. Letters written for obtaining or furnishing information are classified as routine. We come directly to
the purpose for which we have chosen to write. In other words, we use a direct approach.
Enquiry letter should be drafted clearly and the message to be conveyed should be complete, only then a
satisfactory answer will come forward. Proper care should be taken in drafting a letter of enquiry. At times, an
enquiry letter can originate big business deals. An enquiry should be straight forward, compact and courteous.
It should be positive and confident in tone. It should be brief and to the point, complete and correct. It should
avoid lengthy and unnecessary statements and repetitions. The opening paragraph of such a letter can give a
hint about the nature of enquiry.
Since letters of enquiry can deal with a variety of questions, the importance of information sought and the
situation which prompted the enquiry could be mentioned in the letter itself. Specifying the desired action in a
positive manner and presenting the questions in a logical manner is also a requirement for such letters. Further,
an assurance that the information passed on will be treated as confidential can also be suitably mentioned in
such a letter.
A letter of enquiry should, therefore, be straight forward courteous and to the point special care must be taken
about the opening, that sets the tone of urgency or the need for info and the close of the letter, which shows the
writers expectation of a quick response.
Practical requirements of drafting a letter of enquiry
The following general tips should be remembered while writing a letter of enquiry:

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(i) The kind and quantity of goods required should be mentioned very clearly, besides requirements as to
packing, etc. must be given in full.
(ii) In order to make the response undoubtedly sure and specific, samples, specifications, etc., should
preferably be sent alongwith the letter.
(iii) To facilitate proper handling and checking, the list of items, if any, may be given in a tabulated form with
proper identification/specification with product name/brand, etc.
(iv) Letter of enquiry should indicate whether one would like to purchase for cash or credit and any other
terms of payment. In such a letter, credit references may also be given, especially in case the intention is
to have credit and when it is the first transaction.
Example 1: Request for Catalogue/Price-List of Garments
Dear Sir
We are a large departmental store located on College Road, Nasik. We deal in readymade garments and wish
to market your wrinkle-free trousers and denim jeans in our city.
Please send us your catalogue and the price-list. We also wish to know about the credit you would allow to us.
Yours faithfully
Example 2: Request for Washer-dryers
Dear Sir
We own a motel on the Bombay-Pune highway and get a large number of guests in winter. We are interested in
installing a common Washer-dryer for their use. The capacity of the machine should be at least 50 kg.
Please confirm whether you manufacture a model suitable for our needs, the approximate price and the delivery
Yours faithfully
Routine requests for only a catalogue or a price-list may not need a covering letter. It may be sufficient to send
the requested material with compliments. However, enquiries from big business houses deserve more attention.
When requests are made for credit, then the seller must clarify the position. It is uncommon to grant credit at the
time of a first transaction. But rejecting the offer outright is also undesirable. Instead, the seller may make a
counter-offer in the form of, say, a higher than usual cash discount.
Example 1:
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your letter showing interest in marketing our garments. We are enclosing the catalogue and
the price-list requested by you. This price-list will remain valid till the end of the year.
You will appreciate the fact that we have not done any business before. Therefore it will not be possible for us to
extend credit initially but we can offer you a higher than usual cash discount.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,

Example 2:
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your enquiry about Washer-dryers and are confident that our model XL-60 will meet your
needs. This machine has the capacity of 60 Kgs. and carries an on-site warranty against manufacturing defects
for a period of two years. Its current price is Rs. 1,25,000 excluding taxes. We may add that the prices are due
for revision in three months time.
We are enclosing our detailed brochure and trust you will find all the information you need for placing an order.
We look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Industrial Enquiries
Industrial Enquiries may use technical jargon. This is fine since the receiver of the letter is familiar with it.
In the example given below, EN-31 and P-20 are alloys used for making dyes with which plastic components
are made. A CNC machine is a Computerized and Numerically Controlled machine, which also detects and
helps correct a deviation. FR indicates the fire retardant variety of ABS-a plastic compound. JIS refers to Japanese
Industrial Standards in the same way as we have our Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Example 1:
Dear Sir
We are an Original Equipment Manufacturer of telephone instruments for supply to MTNL. We have been
procuring the body of the instrument from outside. We wish to develop more vendors since we expect firm
orders from parties intending to provide basic telephone services in different metros.
Please inform us whether you will be interested in developing moulds using EN-31 for outer plates and P-20 for
core cavity. Our clients insist that all supplies should conform to JIS. We can also offer moulding jobs using FR
ABS as raw material for execution on CNC machines of 80 tons of clamping pressures/60 gms. weight.
We look forward to a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Example 2: Enquiry for Panels
Dear Sir,
We have been contracted to erect a Pumping Station at Agra to augment the water supply to Taj Trapezium.
We require 12 cubical panels for main control board of the 8 V.T. pumping station. The panels must conform to
Indian standards.
Please confirm whether you are in a position to deliver the panels in eight weeks time from the date of order.
We hope to receive a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully

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Replies to Industrial Enquiries

Enquiries for industrial products and raw-materials merit a careful approach since it may be the beginning of a
long and profitable business relationship. Therefore a polite and expeditious reply may be desirable.
Replies to enquiries should begin with an expression of gratitude and state at the outset that the requested
documents are being sent. The latter part of the reply may be used to provide brief information about other
products or activities of the company.
A reply should never begin with a refusal. While communicating unwelcome news, we should first prepare the
recipient by giving valid and convincing reasons. Before turning down a business offer, difficulties in accepting
should be explained.
Correspondence with companies or industrial houses will contain technical and commercial terms. They add to
clarify and reduce the possibility of a dispute between the parties. A writer of business letters should become
familiar with such terms. A quotation on CIF basis, for example, covers not only the cost of the product but also
expenses incurred on insurance and freight. Erection jobs may involve a combination for readymade goods and
services so the letter writer may call the price mentioned, a bid, a quotation or an estimate.
Example 1:
Dear Sir
We are pleased to receive your letter of 9th December regarding moulding of telephone instruments.
We confirm that we are equipped to supply the product as per your specifications. We have been making
computer cabinets and Auto dashboards for the use of OEM for the last ten years. We are confident of meeting
your delivery schedules.
Our moulding capacity is being fully used at present. We also find it easier to assure quality when the moulds are
made in our own Tool-Room. Therefore, we regret our inability to accept moulding job-works for the present.
We are enclosing information about machines available on our Shop floor and details of the Tool Designers on
our staff. A list of some of our clients is also included for your satisfaction and reference.
Our Commercial Manager looks forward to meeting you at your convenience to discuss the details.
Yours faithfully
Example 2: Reply to Enquiry About Panels
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your enquiry about panels for Pumping Station.
We are over-booked till the end of December and therefore unable to agree to a delivery before the middle of
We will be glad to know if the third week of January suits you and we will submit our estimate on hearing from
We appreciate your interest in our services and look forward to a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully

Samples and Quotations:An Example
Dear Sir
We manufacture engineering components for use of varied industries ranging from automobiles to computers.
We are looking for a reliable supplier of Delrin on a continuing basis.
Our annual requirement is approximately 1 Ton. We understand that you import it for actual users.
Kindly send us a sample of the material along with your lowest quotation for delivery at Sahibabad on CIF basis.
We shall appreciate an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Estimates are sought and provided where services rather than off-the-shelf goods are involved. For instance,
installation of ducting would require an estimate though the air-conditioning plant itself may be bought on the
basis of a quotation. It is of course possible for a customer to ask for a quotation for the complete job. A request
for an estimate should provide necessary details to the party submitting it.
Dear Sir,
We are interested in replacing the vinyl flooring of our corporate office with square Italian floor tiles. The floor
area is approximately 1200 sq. meters exclusive of skirting.
We would like to have information about different sizes and designs available ex-stock. Please include an
estimate and the time needed for completing the job using excellent workmanship.
We will appreciate a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Tender Notices
Organizations publish tender notices when they have to procure goods and services on a large scale or get
projects executed. Tender Notices may be defined as invitations to submit bids to provide such goods/services
at quoted prices and subject to stated conditions.
They may be prepared in a serial or tabular or paragraph form.
They may be open to all parties, often for purposes of prequalification or Limited ones, meant only for
registered parties. These parties may be short-listed on the basis of pre-qualification tenders.
Jobs funded through foreign loans/assistance, involving sophisticated technology or heavy financial
investment may be offered through global tenders.
Tender Notices include estimated value of goods/services and delivery details. The bids are made in nontransferable forms or documents, printed and sold by the concerned organizations. These forms may be divided
into separate sections dealing with general/commercial conditions and technical specifications.
One must not be confused between prequalification and a tender for a contract. The two are not the same and
the difference between the two is explained here. Prequalification is not a form of tendering. Prequalification
when used, precedes the tendering for the actual contract. Prequalification is used to identify contractors who
would be allowed to tender for certain contracts. Therefore an advertisement for prequalification does not amount

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to an advertisement of a tender for a contract because all the former does is allow those interested to express
their desire to be eligible to tender. Once a company is pre-qualified for a particular contract it is then eligible to
tender for that contract.
Tender Process
Tender forms have to be submitted by the stated time and date in sealed covers.
Specified enclosures must accompany them, i.e. an EMD or Earnest Money Deposit, normally 2% of the
estimated value. This is a kind of security deposit to keep out non-serious bidders. This deposit is refunded
after finalisation of the successful bid.
The party getting the contract has to replace it with Performance Guarantees of upto 10% of the estimated
value and Experience Certificates.
First the technical details mentioned by different bidders are taken up for discussion with the bidders or their
authorised representatives. Once the bid is accepted, failure to sign the contract leads to forfeiture of the EMD.
Usually the principle of lowest bid gets the contract prevails.
To prevent fraudulent collusion between bidders, popularly known as a Cartel, organisations reserve the right to
reject all bids without disclosing the reason. The court having jurisdiction in the event of a dispute may also be
Sample Pre-Qualification Notice:
Notice No. 27/FO/CE(DWK)/2011
1. Application for Pre-Qualification are invited from firms/contractors of repute to carry out Mega-Housing Project
of DDA involving construction of 2000 MIG/LIG flats at various locations of Delhi.
2. The work shall be executed on TurnKey Basis. DDAs liability shall be limited to providing undeveloped land
and approval of designs and drawings.
3. The construction will have to be completed within two years of the award of contract using best quality
material and fixtures and maximum use of machinery.
4. The contract will be awarded on lump sum cost basis and payment made at different stages of construction.
5. Those fulfilling the following conditions are eligible to apply for Pre- qualification:
(a) Experience of completing three similar Jobs costing at least Rs.30 crores during the last five years.
(b) Annual turnover of Rs.20 crores on civil construction jobs during the last three years.
(c) Having solvency upto Rs.50 crores.
(d) Requisite infrastructure and trained/qualified staff to carry out jobs of such nature and magnitude.
6. Eligible applicants may obtain Pre-Qualification documents from the office of the undersigned on payment of
Rs.5000/- in cash or DD payable at Delhi and favouring Accounts Officer (C.A.U.) Dwarka D.D.A. upto 30.12.2011.
7. Completed documents with supporting evidence as prescribed will be accepted up to 16.00 hrs of 4th January
10th December 2011

DDA (Dwarka)

Limited Tender
Example 1:
Notice Inviting Tenders
Sealed Tenders are invited by the Executive Engineer, Haryana Tourism, SCO 17-19, Sector 17B, Chandigarh
from approved contractors only for the construction of Urban Haat at Uchana, Karnal at an estimated cost of Rs.
60 lacs. The time for completion of job will be six months from the date of award of contract. Tender Forms may
be bought from the office of the undersigned on cash payment of Rs. 500 only, on any working day. Bids may be
submitted with an EMD of Rs. 12,000/- in the form of a DD favouring Haryana Tourism and payable at Chandigarh
upto 14.00 hrs. of 7th December 2011 and will be opened in the presence of bidders or their authorised
representatives. Haryana Tourism reserves the right to reject any or all bids without assigning any reason. All
disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh only.
Sd/XEN (Projects)
Haryana Tourism
11th November 2011
Example 2:
Tender Notice
Offers are invited for the supply of the following items:
(1) Metal spectroscope Table Model with accessories.
(2) G.I. Pipes Medium quality size 15 to 150 mm.
Cost of the tender form is Rs. 75 for item (1) and Rs. 200 for item (2). Printed tender forms would be issued till
15th May, 2012. Completed tender forms alongwith a Demand Draft in favour of the company for Rs. 1,200
towards earnest money deposit should reach the undersigned at the following address on or before 25th May,
Chief Manager (Purchases)
Emco Engineering Limited
13, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001.
The envelope should be superscribed TenderMay 2012. The company will not be responsible for postal
delays. Tender forms would be opened on 26th May, 2012 at 2.00 p.m. at the above address. The company
reserves the exclusive right to reject a tender at its own discretion. Tenders accepted would be subject to the
terms of the agreement mentioned in the tender form.
Sd/Prasad K.
Chief Manager (Purchases)

Placing Orders
Most companies buying on a regular basis use printed stationery. The advantages are numerous. These Order

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Forms are generally pre-numbered so one does not have to worry about a reference number. There are convenient
headings and columns, which ensure that relevant information is not omitted. There may be multiple copies for
the use of buyer, seller and others. If terms and conditions are printed overleaf, then attention must be drawn to
this fact.
A blank Order Form for routine purchases is shown for illustration:
Order Form

7 Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001


Please quote order number and reference on all invoices and
correspondence relating to this order.
Order No.

Please supply the following:



Terms :
Delivery :
Approving Officer
For Office use only
Estimated Cost_______________________ Goods checked___________________
Charge to__________
Letter Orders
Occasional buyers place orders through letters. Such letters must contain:
(a) An authorization to the seller.
(b) An accurate description of goods.
(c) Catalogue number if ordering out of it.
(d) Quantity or number required.
(e) Price per unit and total amount involved in the transaction.
(f) Delivery details such as time and place.
(g) Payment terms agreed i.e. whether on delivery or after availing credit. Routine Orders may be brief but
must contain essential details. If several items are required, a tabular form may be preferred.
(h) Polite closing inviting a confirmation of acceptance.

Sample Order Letter
A Sample Order in the letter form is given below:
Delhi (North) - 110039
Order No. OA/09

Date: 4th January 2012

Oxon Controls Pvt. Ltd.

7, Circular Road
Dear Sir,
Please refer to your quotation dated 30.12.2011. We are pleased to confirm our Order for Levcon made
capacitance type level indicator for use in clear water underground tank as per details given below:

230 AC 50 Hz


LED direct in Meters




1 No.


Rs. 8,900/-


1. Price
2. Discount

:Ex-works, Calcutta


3. Excise Duty :

As applicable

4. Sales tax

4% extra against Form C.

5. Despatch

To site on CIF basis.

Please communicate acceptance by return of post and enclose 5 sets of GA drawings to secure approval of the
Yours faithfully,
Dingra A.
Manager - Purchase
Note: It must be remembered that Orders once accepted are legally enforceable, so care should be taken in
preparing them.
Making Complaints
A dissatisfied customer, whether an individual or a company, has every right to lodge a complaint and seek
appropriate relief. We may receive wrong goods or the delivery may have been delayed, or the goods may be
damaged or of unacceptable quality. The following points may be kept in mind while making a complaint:
A bona fide complaint should be made without delay since the passage of time complicate matters. The

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seller has difficulty in digging up the records while the aggrieved buyer has to give a convincing reason
for delay.
It is also inappropriate to assume at the beginning that the seller is at fault and to launch an angry offence
against him. He may have a valid defense. So we should hear his side of the story before we decide
whether he is guilty or not.
The complaint should be based on factual information about the details of purchase, the grievance and
the consequential inconvenience or loss and the relief expected.
Maninder Singh
36, Green Park
New Delhi - 110016
The Manager
S M Online
20E, Okhla Estate
New Delhi - 110 020
25th October, 2011
Dear Sir
I bought a 50-hour Internet connection of your company from M/s Comways, F-17, Connaught Circus, New
Delhi vide cash memo no.4150 dated 20th October 2011 (copy enclosed). It was registered on Saturday, 22nd
of October 2011.
Within two days of activation, I was shocked to learn that 25 hours had already been used. When approached,
the dealer expressed his helplessness in the matter and advised me to write to you.
I apprehend that either the package sold to me contained only 25 hours or my Internet time has been used by
someone working in your organisation. I understand that the password, even when frequently changed, is
known to the Internet Service Provider.
I expect you to give me the full hours for which I have made the payment. I may add that I shall have no option
but to approach a Consumer Court if you do not provide the relief sought within reasonable time.
Yours faithfully,

Handling Complaints
Though it would be nice to believe that a customer is always right, unfortunately it may not always be true. A
complaint should be acknowledged and looked into at once.
Following are the different ways in which a complain can be handled



Companies sometimes offer relief, even when they have no legal liability, in order to generate goodwill. After all,
a satisfied customer is the best advertisement. So some complains may be accepted even if the company is not
at fault.
Following are the ways of dealing with a complain when it has to be accepted

When Guilty

When not guilty

In either case company can conduct an enquiry and then accept the complain (whether guilty or not) or can
accept the complain without any enquiry
Specimens for each case are mentioned below
Scenario 1 (conducting an enquiry)
If you need some time to check the facts, send a polite letter to this effect.
Dear Madam,
We have received your letter of 25th October and share your concerns.
We have ordered an internal inquiry to ascertain the facts of the unfortunate incident. We expect the findings of
the inquiry to be available in a weeks time. We request you to wait till then and also assure you that your
legitimate interests will be fully protected.
We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused to you.
Yours faithfully,
Scenario 2
If the complaint prima facie is genuine then we should willingly own liability and must state very clearly what
relief we propose to offer. Care should be taken when accepting responsibility. It is pointless to fix the blame on
your juniors as such an act may create problems within the organisation. Whereby, you ultimately create a
second problem while trying to resolve the first.
In the following specimen we can see that though the company has no liability towards the customer for the
matter under consideration, they are still offering some relief measures as a part of the good customer service
practice followed by them.
(Accepting after enquiry, though not guilty)
Dear Sir,
We are sorry to receive your complaint of 25th October. We have looked into the matter and found that the
dealer sold you the right package.
Your apprehension that our staff may have stolen your Internet time is also unlikely since we have fairly secure
systems in force. Unfortunately it is possible, though rare, for passwords to be hacked by outsiders. It is quite
possible that someone managed to steal your password.

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We have added 25 hours of Internet time you lost to your account free of charge. We also wish to assure you
that we are constantly striving to make our systems more secure. May we suggest to you to change your
password more frequently?
We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused to you and wish you happy surfing.
Yours faithfully,
Good to Know!!!
A motorist was dismayed to learn that exactly two months after the warranty on his Maruti car expired, a vital
component of the Alternator stopped working. He wrote to the manufacturer in Chennai pointing out that he
expected to it last longer than the warranty period. The company not only expressed regrets but also sent a
free replacement immediately with a request that the defective piece be returned. It promised to find the
defect through extensive testing and remove it.
Rejecting Complaints: Direct Approach
Unfortunately, not all complaints are genuine. After looking into the facts, one may find that the company is not
at fault. It is possible that the complainant may be trying to take undue advantage. In such a situation one should
politely but firmly reject the claim and state the compulsions.
Letters rejecting a claim or refusing the relief sought are more difficult to draft. Many web-sites offer help in this
regard. The sample given below has been downloaded from one such web-site and the details filled in:
Sample Letter:
Dear Madam,
Thank you for your letter of 6th January, 2012. I am afraid we cannot accept your claim that 100 pieces of audio
cassettes delivered to you as part of order 2164 were damaged.
I have enclosed a photocopy of our delivery note, which was signed by H. Arora of your company, clearly noting
that the delivery was made and the products were in good condition.
As you can appreciate, we do not feel we can take this matter any further on this occasion.
Yours faithfully,
The above specimen uses what is known as a direct approach and mentions immediately after the opening
sentence that the claim is not being accepted. The tone also suffers from lack of friendliness. It is possible that
many readers may not treat the rest of the letter sympathetically. Therefore it may be preferable to prepare the
reader for the eventual refusal or rejection by using an indirect approach.
Rejecting Complaints: Indirect Approach
Ready-to-send letters are a great help as they save on time and effort. But they may sometimes suffer from
deficiencies. In addition, they do not carry the stamp of ones individuality. The example below treats the contents
of the complaint with patience, furnishes relevant facts and finally expresses inability to oblige. It may be received
more favorably than a direct refusal to do what the complainant has requested.
Dear Sir
DEPOSIT No. 236415

We received your letter of 20th December, 2011 regarding the interest rate on your deposit with our company.
We checked the records and have found that the deposit was for a period of three years ending 30th November,
2011. You had also authorized us to automatically renew it for a period of one year at the applicable rate of
interest if no instruction to the contrary was received by the maturity date. In the absence of any communication
from you, the deposit has been renewed till 29th November 2011 at the prevailing interest rate of 10%.
We may add that we are unable to renew your deposit at the old rate of interest since the RBI has lowered the
maximum rate of interest by 1% point effective from 1st October 2011. Should you be interested in a deposit for
more than two years, we will be pleased to offer you a higher rate of interest.
We hope you will be satisfied with this information.
Yours faithfully,
[Some more examples of letters of enquiry are given hereunder]
1. Enquiry for marketing the goods in a particular area
Patel Computers Private Ltd.
10th Floor, Patel Chambers, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380 009
Tel.: 2120018 Fax: 2120211
Vision Computers Ltd.
53, New Market, Indore (M.P.)
2nd June, 2012
Dear Sir
We have seen your new model of Personal Computer (PC) at the Information Technology Exhibition in Pragati
Maidan, New Delhi and are very much interested in this model. We would like to market the PC in Gujarat if you
are prepared to give us the exclusive dealership for the entire State. As you know, we are the leading computer
suppliers in Gujarat with branches in almost all the main towns. If this suggestion interests you, we shall be glad
to know what prices and terms you can allow us. Please send your latest catalogue.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/Harish Patel
Managing Director
2. Letter of enquiry after a meeting
Varun Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Tel.: 2121150 Fax: 3211187
Mr. Vinay Goel
Golden Chemicals Ltd.
Minto Street, New Delhi-110 001
3rd June, 2012

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Dear Sir
Following my conversation with you at the Indian National Science Conference, I shall be glad if you could send
me a catalogue of your new product rangeMosquito Repellants. If you can guarantee prompt delivery and can
quote really competitive prices, we may be able to place an order. First class references about our credit standing
will be supplied with the order.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/Vasu Rai
3. Letter of enquiry for a particular type of goods
Torrel India Ltd.
Lal Chowk, Jallandhar
Tel.: 541811 Fax: 523871
Jain Hosiery Products Ltd.
Station Road
4th June, 2012
Dear Sirs
We have an export inquiry for woollen socks and gloves. Please send us an offer quoting your best terms and
discount particulars. We shall be grateful for an early reply preferably before the month end.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/S.K. Bhalla
4. Enquiry regarding supply of goods according to sample
Madras Handloom Stores
1, Mount Road, Chennai-600 001
Tel.: 7181133 Fax: 7118224
M/s. U.P. Handlooms
Connaught Place, New Delhi-110 001
5th June, 2012
Dear Sirs
We enclose a sample of a Khadi cloth and we would be obliged if you can send us quotation of your products
(Pyjama Kurta Suits, Gandhi Caps, etc.) made out of Khadi cloth matching with our sample. We have big orders
to be executed immediately.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sd/S. Ramanath
5. Letter of enquiry in response to business advertisement
Sikkim Milk Products
High Point, Gangtok
Tel.: 5181 Fax: 4812
M/s. Dara Dairy Farm
Sultanpur, Meerut (U.P.)
25th May, 2012
Dear Sirs,
We have been very impressed by your advertisement for Whitex skimmed milk powder. Your advertisement
mentions that your products are highly acclaimed by Central/State Government agencies but states nothing
about the shelf life of your product.
Will you please let us know about the shelf life of your product, its taste and quality certification received from
Government Health Authorities?
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Yonus Dong
6. A letter of enquiry with self introduction
3, Rose Gardens, New Delhi-110 099
Tel.: 8111856, 8111843 Fax: (011) 8112816
M/s. Weegy Metal Screw Industries
Bada Mohalla, Aligarh (U.P.)
10th June, 2012
Dear Sirs,
We read with interest your advertisement in The Hindustan Times dated 1st June, 2012 and are impressed by
the description of aluminium screws and fittings made by you.
We are a leading building construction contractors and dealers in construction materials in this area. The demand
for aluminium fittings is steadily increasing in these parts and we have a large number of enquiries, and orders
too for them.
Kindly send us your catalogue and price list for whole-sale purchases. Since our annual requirements in me tal

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fittings of all kinds are large, we would like to place regular orders with you. Therefore, please quote your most
favourable prices and terms.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Mg. Partner
7. Enquiry regarding business reference
Premier Wire Ropes Ltd.
Hari Plaza, Gurgaon (Haryana)
Tel: 89-11001 Fax: 89-12001
M/s Delite Distributors
Chandni Chowk,
Delhi-110 006
8th June, 2012
Dear Sirs,
Messrs Verma Hardwares of your area have cited your name as reference. We shall be thankful if you will let us
know whether your business dealings with the firm have been entirely satisfactory. In your opinion, can we deal
with them on long term basis? Do they enjoy good reputation in business circles?
Any information you may supply us will be treated as strictly confidential and we would be pleased to reciprocate
in similar matters.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
8. Asking a manufacturer to send the price list and catalogue
Katmal Khan Home Products
Shafe Ali Lane, Mumbai-400 002
Tel.: 2715182 Fax: 2715611
M/s. Best Plastics
8, Swati Society,
Vadodara-390 002
9th June, 2012
Dear Sirs,
Kindly send us your latest, illustrated catalogue and price list of plastic moulded furniture.
Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Sd/Kini Labox
9. Enquiry with suppliers about the price and time of delivery of goods
Himalaya Stationery Suppliers
1-Park Street, Kolkata-700 071
Tel.: 5811411 Fax: 5824322
The Sales Manager
Hindustan Pencils Mfg. Co.
Rampur (U.P.)
15th June, 2012
Dear Sir,
We wish to introduce ourselves as general stationery merchants having 40 years standing in the market.
Since major part of our clientele comes from urban and semi-urban areas of Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal, we
are interested in quality goods. Please quote your best prices for colour pencils. Let us know whether you can
despatch the goods within 45 days of the receipt of the order.
You can be sure that your products will have a large market in this area and you will get regular orders from us
if your prices are competitive.
Thanking you and looking forward to receiving an early reply from you.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/B.K. Mehta
General Manager
Examples of Replies to Enquiries
I. A simple reply to an enquiry
5th Lane IInd Street, Gurgaon (Haryana)
Tel. No.: 81-877150 Fax No.: 824111
No. RD/371/2012
Veeking Motors Ltd.
Dalhousie House,
Dehradun (U.P.)
15th April, 2012
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your enquiry dated 10th April, 2012.

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We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue and hope you would find it useful to select the right item(s) and place
order(s) with us.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Manager (Sales)
Encl.: Catalogue-2012
II. Reply (quotation) to an enquiry in response to an advertisement
Phase-I, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP)
Tel.No.: 91-818168 Fax: 91-776655
Ref.: VJ/81/2012
M/s. Clearvision Electronics
Lajpatrai Market
Faridabad (Haryana)
April 9, 2012
Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to receive your letter in response to our advertisement in the Hindustan Times.
As requested, we enclose our detailed product catalogue. We would like to draw your kind attention to Item No.
24 in our catalogueElectronic Regulatorwhich is the latest one available in the market.
We hope to receive a trial order from you and we assure you prompt services and full satisfaction.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl: As stated.
III. Reply (quotation with special terms) to an enquiry
6, Melody Street, Surat-395001
Tel.No.: 718187 Fax: 681116
Ref.No.: VML/585/2012
M/s. Birds Music Stores
Juhu Market
7, Vile Parle-Juhu Road
Mumbai-400 049
11th April, 2012

Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your enquiry letter of 10th March, 2012.
First of all we are very sorry for the delay in responding to your letter. We have the pleasure to inform you that we
have exclusive distribution rights for the music of Hindi BlockblusterNew York. We have cut out DVDs besides
VCDs. The disc/cassette contains 14 hit songs of this film. Lyrics for the songs have been written by Dr. Vinod
Kukrie. The music director of the film is Ram Gopal Verma.
On orders for 100 or more VCDs/25 or more DVDs, we would give you a special discount of 5% on the price
mentioned in the enclosed leaflet.
We hope to hear from you very soon.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Mathew Cherian
Manager (Sales)
Encl.: As above.
IV. Reply to an Enquiry (Quotation) regarding ready availability of a particular product
17, Hansal Towers, Prasad Nagar, New Delhi-110 008
Tel.No.: 5738192-95
M/s Lovely Stationers
GoodLuck Chambers
115, Karol Bagh
New Delhi - 110 005
4th April, 2012
Dear Sirs,
We refer to your letter dated 1st April, 2012.
It gives us great pleasure to send you our catalogue which contains all technical details about the Electronic
model in which you are interested.
Owing to very large number of orders we have already booked, we regret that we cannot promise delivery under
four weeks. However, all efforts would be made to speed up the delivery in case your order is received within the
next few days.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Sd/General Manager (Sales)
Encl.: As above.
V. Reply regretting supply/suggesting an alternative

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Business Correspondence-I 301

Khan Market, Lucknow (U.P.)
Tel.No. 442211 Fax: 443311
Mr. Satish Sharma
11, Alkapuri Housing Society
Godwin Street, Lucknow (UP)
16th April, 2012
Dear Sir,
We thank you for your letter dated 10th April, 2012 enquiring about the availability of T.V. stand (wooden) in
Oakwood finish.
We regret to inform you that we do not fabricate TV stand now-a-days. In case you are very keen to purchase
one, you may contact our sister concernMathur Furniture Mart, New Market Junction, Azimabad, Lucknow
(Tel. No. 771182). Mathur Furniture Mart is well known in this field and their rates are very competitive. Moreover,
they do not compromise on quality.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Vinod Mathur
Manager (Sales)
Examples of Letters of Enquiry and Replies thereto
Enquiry 1
Regd. Office: 12, M.M. Road, Chennai-600 002
Phone: 2345683 E-mail:
Ref.No. 23/84
Sindur Dress Materials Ltd.
123, Dr. B.N. Road
Mumbai-400 023
2nd May, 2012
Dear Sir
We understand that you are specializing in formulating designs for different dress material for indigenous as well
as export markets.
We are one of the latest to enter the industry of garment exports to USA.
We like to know whether you would be in a position to help us in any way.
We would appreciate an early reply.
Yours faithfully

Marketing Officer
Reply to the above
Regd. Office: 123, Dr. B.N. Road, Mumbai-400 023.
Phone: 546742 E-mail:
Ref.: P/1/2012
Shri Mangalchand,
Marketing Officer, American Dresses Ltd.
12, M.M. Road,
Chennai-600 002.
10th May, 2012
Dear Sir
We thank you for your letter of 2nd May, 2012.
We are the pioneers in formulating designs in an organized and formal manner in India especially for foreign
markets. Our designs are the result of study of current trends in vogue in foreign markets. For this purpose, we
have our export design staff posted in six countries including the U.S.A. and the U.K.
Our designs are valid for eight months in the sense that our clients can reliably export without any fear of
rejection on the ground of the garment being out of fashion. The U.S. market is very design conscious and we
get our designs approved by the American Wholesale Vendors.
We are the suppliers of designs for garments to at least 25 exporters of garments in Mumbai alone.
Our charges are quite competitive too.
Let us know if you are interested in entering into a contract for at least six months to start with.
Yours faithfully
Sd/Abhay Chand,
Senior Export Designer
Enquiry 2
Dear Sir,
We are interested in purchasing electrical goods for our proposed new factory at Bilaspur. We have been given
to understand that your companys goods meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Would you
please let us know your terms for supply of the following items:
P.V.C. Tubes


12600 meters (length)

Wires (to carry 1000 volts current)


40500 meters

Bulbs (1000 watts)


4000 numbers



700 numbers

Lesson 11
Wires (to carry 220 volts current)


3000 meters

Bulbs (500 watts)


270 numbers

Voltage Stabilisers


80 numbers

Business Correspondence-I 303

We would be happy to receive your reply by return of post.

Yours faithfully
Reply to the above
We thank you for writing to us regarding your requirements. We are one of the popular manufacturers of
certain electrical goods, details of which are given in the enclosed brochure.
For the quality indicated in your letter we offer a discount of 10% to 23%, the details of which are given in the
enclosed catalogue.
Our payment terms are cash down or negotiation of documents through banks, payment being required to be
made on presentation of documents. Credit of one month is however made available on opening a letter of
credit in our favour. Alternatively, bank guarantee is acceptable. Please let us know the name/s of your
Awaiting your reply.
Enquiry 3
We are a leading construction contractor executing contracts of the value of more than 45 crores of rupees
We understand that you deal in Aluminium and steel slotted angles used particularly in commercial
establishments. Due to our increased business this year and of that anticipated in the coming years, we
would be requiring slotted angles worth over Rs. 20 lakhs.
Would you please let us have your catalogue and price list at the earliest.
We thank you very much for your letter of enquiry dated..... We are suppliers of repute in the southern region.
We are in this business for over 23 years now.
As on date we are booked for supply upto next six months. We would be able to supply goods only in the
month of August, 2012 if the booking is done before March, 2012. Our price list and the catalogue are sent
herewith for your perusal and action. As per our current policy, 10% of the cost of the order booked is payable
at the time of booking the order. The balance is payable at the time of delivery. Payments against presentation
of documents through bank is permitted by us after securing necessary credit information.
Please let us know your requirement. Also furnish names of your bankers and two other references.
Enquiry 4
We are one of the popular dealers in fans, refrigerators, electric grinders and electric washing machines.
We learn that you are looking for dealers for marketing your fans and grinders. We would like to take up
dealership in your goods as per the following terms:
(a) Electric fans
(b) Grinders


discount of 20% on the catalogue price


18% discount on the catalogue price.

We do accept agency arrangements and in that case our commission is 10% on fans and 15% on grinders.

We hope our terms are competitive and we look forward to receiving a favourable reply from you.
We thank you for your letter dated..... expressing your desire to take up dealership in our companys goods.
Our company has appointed distributors for the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western regions. Our
distributors for the Southern region are:
Southern Agencies Limited,
22, Club House Road,
Mount Road, Chennai-600 002
You may please contact them in connection with your request for being appointed dealer of our companys
goods. Meanwhile, we are forwarding a copy of your letter to them.
We thank you for evincing interest in our goods.
Status Enquiries and Replies
Before extending any credit facility, enquiries are made about the prospective client. It is usual to find out the
credit worthiness and standing of the prospective client from its bankers. Also, enquiries are sometimes made
from other suppliers of the prospective client. The opinion given by a bank carries more weightage and authenticity.
It is to be remembered that banks do not give opinion on credit worthiness and standing of a party except to
fellow bankers by way of courtesy.
Asking for references
We are thankful to you for evincing interest in our products. Before we can effect supplies, we would request
you to furnish the names of your bankers and of any other party who will be in a position to furnish information
about your credit and standing.
This is as per our business practice.
Reply to the above
We thank you for your prompt reply. The names of our bankers are furnished below:
Canara Bank,

Bank of Baroda,

Parliament Street,

East Patel Nagar Branch,

New Delhi-110 001. New Delhi-110 058.

M/s Harisson Associates with whom we are having dealings for over 10 years would also be able to furnish an
authentic opinion about our credit worthiness and standing. You may write to the following address:
M/s Harisson Associates,
134, B.N. Road, Chennai-600 023.
We sincerely hope that the above information meets your requirements. We would be happy to have your
positive reply at the earliest.
Miscellaneous Letters
A few letters of order, complaints etc. are also given below for your information and guidance.

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Letter of Order
Regd. Office: 23, N.M. Road, Chennai-600 012.
Phone: 34567
Ref.: 0/23
Indrani Electricals Limited,
123, Asaf Ali Road,
New Delhi.
11th April, 2012
Sub: Order for fans
We thank you for your letter dated 3rd April, 2012, enclosing your catalogue and price list. We are pleased to
place order for the following items:
Mercury Pedestal fans


25 Nos.

Solar Ceiling fans


40 Nos.

Breesee Mini fans


60 Nos.

Kindly negotiate the documents through Indian Overseas Bank, Mount Road Branch. Payment will be made on
presentation of documents. As mentioned in your price list, please offer us a discount of 15% on the listed price.
We request you to confirm despatch of the goods by return of post.
Yours truly,
Sd/Mani R.
Sales Officer
Reply to the above
Regd. Office: 123, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi.
Phone: 523368
Ref.: E/230
Mannan Agencies Limited,
23, N.M. Road,
Chennai-600 012.
15th May, 2012
We refer to your letter 0/23 dt. 11.4.2012 ordering supply of ceiling, pedestal and mini fans. We confirm having
sent the goods through Toofan Carriers Ltd. L.R. No. 234 dt. 10.5.2012. The invoice and the original L.R. have
been negotiated through Bank of India, our bankers, who would present the documents for payment through
Indian Overseas bank, Mount Road Branch, as requested by you.

Kindly inform us as soon as you receive the bills.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Maninder Singh
Sales Manager
Letter stating complaints
We are thankful to you for your prompt compliance with our request to supply fans as per order dt. 11th April,
However, on opening the pack of consignments, we were sad to note that the blades of 8 ceiling fans were
The paint has peeled off awkwardly in 3 pedestal fan trunks and Mini fan blades.
Would you please rectify the defects at the earliest?
Reply to the above
We refer to your letter dt... and are sorry to note that some of the fans were defective. We understand your
anxiety over the unfortunate development. Kindly keep the defective fans separately. Our insurance agents
at Chennai would inspect the same. We are, in the meantime, arranging to send a fresh consignment in
replacement of the defective items. Kindly hand over the defective fans to our insurers. We are extremely
sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Complaint regarding delay in executing the order
We refer to our letter No. 23/84 dt. 1st February, 2010 for urgent supply of 400 numbers of rain coats as per
the specifications given vide our earlier letter. We regret there has so far been no response from your end.
Would you please wire particulars of despatch?
Reply to the above
We are sorry to have delayed despatches against your orders. There was a sudden demand from the
Defence Ministry to supply rain coats to the defence personnel on an emergency basis. We thought that we
would be in a position to meet your order by Mid- April. However, due to a second bulk and very urgent order
for yet another consignment of 3000 rain coats from the Defence Ministry, we could not effect any despatches
to any other customers.
We are sorry for the unexpected development that has delayed the despatch of rain coats. You may appreciate
that we are under obligation to supply rain coats whenever the Defence Ministry places an order.
We confirm having despatched 200 rain coats through Speedy Transports vide their L.R. 1234 dt. 23rd May,
2010 under the instructions that the goods shall be delivered at your door. The balance 200 rain coats would
be despatched by the end of May 2010.
We request you to bear with us till then.
Explaining cause for the delay in despatches
We share your anxiety and displeasure over the inevitable delay in despatch of consignment for which you
have placed an order. You may be aware that due to communal disturbances in Mumbai normal life has been
thrown out of gear. Curfew has been imposed for the fifth day in succession. Transporters have closed their
offices fearing untoward incidents. Virtually, there is no movement of goods for the last 10 days.

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Under the circumstances, we are helpless, though willing and able to send the consignment. Kindly bear with
us till normalcy in restored.
A circular letter informing unexpected strike and resultant delay in despatch of goods
Kenson Auto Spare Parts Ltd.
Regd. Office: 151 Akurdi, Pune-411 031
Tel: 752811 Fax: 753911
No. CSP/2012
9th June, 2012
Dear Sirs
We wish to inform you that the recent State wide strike by Transport Operators has caused delay in despatch of
goods from our factory. Actually, we have got adequate stock of the items you require. We could have sent the
consignment well in time but for the unexpected strike called by the Transport Operators in the State. We are
very hopeful of an early settlement of the strike and in the meantime, request you to please bear with us. We are
very sorry for the unfortunate delay in despatch of goods under your order. However, we assure you, once
normalcy is restored, we shall give top priority for the despatch of your consignment without any further delay.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Sd/Manoj Jadeja
Sales Manager
Inability to execute an order
We thank you for your letter placing order for supply of 200 bales of terry-wool suit lengths.
While thanking you for the faith you have reposed in our brand, we are sorry to state that due to heavy orders
at hand, we would be unable to supply your requirements for another two months.
Please let us know within a weeks time whether you would like to be included in the waiting list. We have
tentatively included your name in our waiting list, hoping you will confirm our action. However, if you would like
us to refund the advance paid by you kindly inform us about the same.
Substitute goods offered
We thank you for your order for supply of 40 table fans. We regret that we have no ready stocks of Breezy
fans at the moment as you might be aware that due to prolonged strike at the factory, there have been no
fresh despatches from the factory.
However, we have stocks of Coolings fan which is of similar quality and grace as Breezy fan. Further,
Coolings fan carries a two-year warranty and free servicing for four years. This brand has picked up
considerable market in Pune and Mumbai. Please let us know whether you are interested in procuring Coolings
fans on an experimental basis. You would find its performance quite encouraging. Please do not mistake us
in suggesting this alternative offer. Should you need refund of the advance paid by you, we shall be prepared
to do so immediately on receipt of your intimation.
Complaint regarding bad quality

We had procured 1,000 numbers of BEEMLIGHT fluorescent tubes vide our order.............. dt............ We
are being faced with numerous complaints from our customers regarding the performance of these tubes. In
fact a majority of complaints are from individual customers. The problem in all the cases has been that after
3 weeks of good performance, the tubes fail. Out of 230 items sold, around 130 complaints have so far been
received. Samples of 10 tubes which have failed have been sent to you yesterday for examination. We have
however stopped selling these tubes. Around 650 tubes are lying with us. As your reputation as manufacturer
of quality tubes is at a stake, we feel that it is in your interest that these defective tubes are withdrawn and
tested again.
Please let us know when and how we should despatch these 650 tubes to you.
Intimating customers complaint and suggestion for better customer service
Geo Electricals
13, G. Memon Street, Mumbai - 400 002
Tel.: 2121837, 2153718 Fax: 2561816
No. M/1/97
Mondec Electrical Equipments Co. Ltd.
12, Wadala Industrial Estate,
Mumbai - 400 072
1st January, 2012
Dear Sir
Reg.: Mondec Automatic Washing Machines Model XAM
We regret to inform you that many of our valued customers, who have recently bought your MONDEC-XAM
Washing Machine from us, have lodged complaints about mal-functioning of the machine. Most of the customers
have also made complaints regarding poor after-sales-service provided by your Authorised Service Agent. Copy
of written complaints received from customers is forwarded for your immediate attention and action.
We always believe that in business, Customer is always right because generally no customer complains unless
there is sufficient reason to complain. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement and to have a satisfied
customer we should give him the best product and service.
We, again, emphasise that there is an urgent need for improving the After-Sales-Service for maintaining the
reputation of your company. It is our sincere suggestion that an independent/exclusive After-Sales-Service
Centre, manned by factory trained personnel be started forthwith to provide best services to the valued
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Sd/Sadak Hashmi
Prop. Geo Electricals
Encl.: As above.

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Business Correspondence-I 309

Complaint regarding careless execution of an order

We thank you for your promptness in executing our order. However, on opening the packs we find that the
supplies are not in consonance with our order.
You have sent 50 armless folding chairs, 100 chairs with arms, 80 folding tables with mica tops. We had infact
asked for 100 armless folding chairs, 500 chairs with arms and 50 folding tables with mica tops.
It appears the mistake has probably crept in at the stage of processing of various orders.
Kindly let us know how we should return the 30 tables not ordered by us. Also please confirm that you would
be despatching the balance quantity of chairs.
Reply to the above
We are very sorry to learn that supplies made to you were not in accordance with the order placed by you.
We regret that the error is due to clerical oversight in processing various orders.
We confirm having sent to you today 50 armless chairs and 400 chairs with arms vide Speedways L.R. No.
567 dt. 12.5.2012.
You may please return 30 tables to us through Speedways at our cost.
We once again regret for the error and the consequent inconvenience caused to you.
Points to Remember

A letter of enquiry is an info, seeking letter

A letter of enquiry must clearly state the following:

(i) the purpose of the letter
(ii) Request for catalogue/price list
(iii) The details of the senders business
(iv) Request for terms relating to discount, credit, mode of delivery etc.
(v) An idea of the quantity needed so that the supplier may quote the best price.

A reply to an enquiry must take care of the following:

(i) a reference to the date and no. of the letter of enquiry
(ii) thanks to the party for interest in the receiver
(iii) courteous tone
(iv) all relevant information about goods, prices, discount etc.
(v) whether the catalogue/price list is enclosed or is being sent separately
(vi) assurance of best service to the sender of enquiry.



A fool and his money are soon parted claims a popular saying. It also highlights the fact that it is very difficult to
make people spend their money by reading what we have written or listening to what we have to say. Such
writing encounters a natural resistance from readers. It is common to see a handbill being thrown away moments
after it is thrust into someones hands in a market. Sales persons often find doors being slammed shut on them
just after they have spoken the first few words and declared the purpose of their visit. Therefore, it is important
to choose the first few words with abundant care. Effective Sales writing demands following what is known as
the AIDAS plan which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action and Satisfaction. These are usually combined
or blended so smoothly in the well-written persuasive message that it is difficult and unnecessary to separate
them. Also, the parts do not always occur in the sequence given.
Strategic Marketing
Defining Segments
We buy for a variety of motives. For instance, cosmetics and contact lenses worth trillions of dollars would not
sell if we did not want to look better. The health tonics and gym equipment would not find a market if people were
not health conscious or did not want to remain slim. The insurance industry thrives on our fear of loss or death.
The luxury cars and deluxe flats in prime locations partly sell because we want to display our status. Before we
begin to write, it is necessary to understand why someone may buy our product.
It is also clear that all products are not meant for all segments of society. Would it make any sense to offer a lifeinsurance package to a child? Or for that matter, a wrinkle-removal cream to a teenager. This is not to suggest
that all products or services are segment-specific. Sales campaigns are launched to widen segments and use or
lure those believed to be outside it. Children may be used to influence the choice of parents, say, about an
expensive CD system they are going to buy. An old grandma may be presented as young enough to have a
chocolate. The brand name is often repeated in order to ensure that it registers.
It is a good strategy to first define for ourselves the buying motive and the segment we are trying to target and
then write accordingly.
Sales Letter
A sales letter is written to an individual with his specific needs in mind. For instance, a communication offering to
sell a product or service to a particular entrepreneur is a sales letter. When it is drafted for circulation among a
large number of people, it becomes a sales circular.
Let us first look at specimen of a sales letter.
Dear Mr. Khanna,
We thank you for choosing the Instant Internet package, which was brought to you by International Datamatics
Ltd. of India. We are sure you enjoyed surfing the net and found the service fast and reliable.
Your Instant package contained 25 hours of Internet time out of which you have already used 20. We wish to
offer you the same standard of fast and uninterrupted connectivity through our advanced Constant package.
The Constant package is offered to Instant users at a nominal conversion price of Rs.200 only. A Constant
connection will enable you to surf the net at a special rate of Rs.5 per hour only. Being a privileged user, you
do not have to register again. Just click your mouse on the switchover option on our website or call our
customer care number 915359112 (toll-free).
Surf now and Pay later!

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Business Correspondence-I 311

You do not have to make any payment now. The conversion price will be added to your first monthly bill.
We look forward to a long association with you.
Yours sincerely,
Sales Circulars
The difference between a sales letter and a sales circular is subtle (small but important). A sales circular is
drafted with a large number of people in mind. It may still address them with a singular salutation such as
Customer, Subscriber, Investor or Client. This is done to create the illusion that it has been drafted with the
recipient in mind. Every copy of a sales circular may even carry a different name and address by using the MailMerge facility. It would still be a circular because the same message is being circulated to all the people.
A Specimen circular selling a Mutual Fund to prospective investors is given below:
Dear Investor,
Are your funds still earning a low 4% interest in a savings bank account?
If yes, then we wish to offer you an investment option, which combines the liquidity of a bank account with
comparable safety and possibility of higher returns.
Anglican Balanced Fund opens for subscription on the New Yearss Day. At least sixty percent of receipts
will be invested in equities and the rest in debt instruments. To ensure a consistent return during volatile
market conditions, twenty-five percent of receipts may be invested in derivatives. This will also act as a
hedging measure.
The dividend will be tax-free in the hands of the investor. There will be no entry load and the minimum
subscription will be Rs.5,000 only. To ensure liquidity, requests for redemption will normally be cleared within
two days. The fund will offer the usual provisions for joint holding and nominations.
Anglican Balanced Fund will be managed by the same experienced and skilled team of professionals,
which has given very good returns in the past even in sluggish market conditions. Considering the performance
of earlier schemes launched by the same group and the size of the promoters corpus, the rating agencies
have awarded it High Safety Rating.
We are confident your idle funds can fetch you better returns through investment in Anglican Balanced Fund.
Please contact your Investment Advisor or call the nearest Customer Service center for a copy of the Prospectus
and an application form. You may visit our web-site ( for downloading the details.
Yours sincerely,
An analysis of the above draft shows that the writer is aware of the purpose of the circular i.e. to sell a scheme
of Mutual Fund to a prospective investor. He understands that he has only a few seconds to capture the attention
of the reader. Therefore he tosses a question at him and expects him to say Yes. Most of us do leave our
money in Savings Accounts where it earns very low interest. He then addresses himself to the question the
reader is most likely to ask. How does this scheme help me?
The next two paragraphs give details of the scheme to arouse his interest and create a desire to derive the likely
benefits. However, the claims made must seem true and believable. Therefore, the reference to other schemes
and the results already obtained. The circular ends with multiple options, including a toll-free phone number, to
obtain further information and application form.
Specimen Circular Letters
A few specimens of Circular Letters are given herein below:
This circular is about a mobile handset. The opening sentence appeals to a desire to possess the latest. This is

followed up with product details. Information about the number of sales and service outlets is meant to assure
the buyer about the reliability of the seller. The language is more polite since it is an unsolicited voluntary offer.
The brand name is repeated to ensure that it registers in the mind of the reader.
Berry i-Phone
Dear Friend
The mobile phones, which only made and received calls went out of fashion long back. The latest hi-tech
gizmo in the field of mobile telephony is the Berry i-phone - a Generation 3 handset with an internal antenna.
The versatile i-phone has been created for a mobile professional like you. Its dual band supports High speed
Circuit Switched data at speeds upto 43.2 kbps and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) enabling access to
internet. It integrates through a server with an enterprises information management system to provide access
to databases, internet and email.
Berry i-phone has a big display screen with touch screen, 8 mega pixel camera and 32 GB internal memory.
It is powered with a 650 MaH Li-ion semi-fixed battery to provide a talk-time of 3 hours and a stand-by time of
150 hours.
Berry i-phone has Sales outlets in 113 countries across the globe. They also offer matchless after-sales
Service just in case you require it.
Interested? Call toll-free 98110002222 for more details about Berry i-phone or visit your nearest Sales outlet.
Yours sincerely
Circular informing Seasonal Discount
Regd. Office: 12, M.M. Road, Chennai-600 002
Phone: 34567
Circular 23/2012
Dear Sir/Madam,
The off-season is about to set in. You would be eagerly awaiting announcement of the scheme of offseasonal discount. The Government of India has to be complimented for its bold decision to reduce the
duties of excise on some of the components of the electric fan and so, this season, we have something
attractive to offer to you by way of discounts.
Discount on pedestal fan


Discount on table fan


Discount on ceiling fan

Discount on Mini fan


The above rates of discount are valid upto 25th November, 2012. We hope you will fully avail of the discount
scheme and place your valuable order immediately.
Yours faithfully,

Lesson 11

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Sd/Mani S.
Manager (Sales)
A circular letter to dealers announcing off season discount scheme
Sonal Home Appliances & Electronics
Clock Tower Road, Ludhiana - 143 001
Phone: 668754, 668751 Fax: (0145) 658564
1st June, 2012
(All Authorised Dealers)
Dear Sirs,
Sub.: Special Off-season Discount Scheme, 2012
We are pleased to inform you that we are now offering a unique off-seasonal discount on showroom prices of
our Penquin refrigerators of 165 and 195 litres capacity. The scheme would be in operation with effect from
10th June, 2012 to 31st January, 2012. The details of the scheme are as under:
A. Discount amount offered

Capacity of fridge

Rs. 1000


165 litre

Rs. 1200


195 litre

B. The discount is offered on showroom price of the fridge and allowed on full cash down payment by the
C. The scheme is not extended to purchases on instalment/hire purchase schemes.
We are planning for a nationwide advertisement campaign both in the print and electronic media, on this
occasion to publicise the off-season discount scheme, 2012.
We are sending through our company courier necessary publicity materials like banners, leaflets etc. which
may please be exhibited prominently in your showroom to attract the attention of potential customers.
Looking forward to receiving your full co-operation to make a grand success of the scheme.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Asha Goyal
Manager - Sales
A circular to stockists announcing special incentive scheme
Vishal Detergents Ltd.
Clock Tower, Ludhiana
Tel.: 521811, 531811 Fax: 571819

(All Authorised Dealers/Stockists)
Dear Sir,
Special Incentive Scheme 2012
We are pleased to inform you that we are now offering a unique Incentive Scheme for our dealers/stockists
who achieve higher sales of our companys products during the Calendar Year 2012. Under this scheme, we
offer to all our authorised dealers/stockists an additional incentive of a trade discount @ 5 per cent for registering
higher sales during 2012. The details of the scheme are as under:
Additional Incentive

Aggregate sales achievement

Discount offered

(1.1.2012 to 31.12.2012)


Below 1,00,000

5 per cent

1,00,000 5,00,000

10 per cent

5,00,001 10,00,000

15 per cent

10,00,001 15,00,000

20 per cent

15,00,001 20,00,000

25 per cent

20,00,001 and above

Looking forward to receiving your valuable orders and continued co-operation and support for achieving
higher sales of our products.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Shah Tannan
Manager - Sales
Circular informing increase in prices
We are thankful to you for your valuable orders for supply of various paints and enamels, all these years.
The increased turnover of the company by 34% this year, 7 months from the close of last year, indicates the
increasing popularity and acceptability of our products. True to our tradition, we are improving the quality and
range of our products constantly with a view to becoming more and more innovative in combination of colours.
Due to our increased R & D activity, we have made considerable headway in new production processes. This
has necessitated import of certain inputs. Obviously, this means a marginal increase in prices.
We take you into full confidence in announcing an increase in price ranging from 2% to 6% on various items
as shown in the enclosed price-list. We hope you would continue to patronise our goods as in the past.
It pays to pay a little more for QUALITY.
Circular informing appointment of sole-selling agent
We thank you for having patronised our products all these years and sincerely hope that you would continue
to patronise our products in the years to come.
To coordinate the supplies from different customers, we are pleased to announce appointment of Seethal

Lesson 11

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Agencies Limited as sole selling agent for our range of products w.e.f. 16th May, 2012.
We request you to place all your valuable orders with them henceforth. All orders received by us till now will
however be executed by the company.
We are hopeful that in the years to come, there shall be a considerable improvement in our services to you.
Circular Informing Discontinuance of Services of a Sales Officer
We bring to your notice that Shri Narayan Dutt Yadav is no more in our employment as Sales Officer. Shri
Yadav has no right to represent the company any longer. You are requested not to deal with him as a
representative of the company.
Any payment made to him on companys account would not be a valid discharge.
Circular Informing Prize Scheme
We value the patronage you have been extending to the companys products all these years. We are sure
that you would continue to extend the same brand loyalty in the years to come. You are aware that our
company is very particular in ensuring quality and reasonable prices at the same time. The recent price hike
by 15% on our products was necessitated mainly due to imposition of new excise and customs duties.
With a view to encouraging the sales performance, the company is glad to announce the following prizes:
First Price

Maruti SX4

Second Prize

Honda Jazz

Third Prize

Tata Nano

The first, second and third prizes would be drawn by lot from among those whose off take for the quarter OctDec., 2011 is not less than Rs. 15 lakhs, Rs. 10 lakhs and Rs. 7.5 lakhs respectively. We hope to receive your
valuable orders.
Circular Informing Special Concession
We are indeed very glad to know that you are one of our regular subscribers to our monthly, Corporate Law
Reporter. You would be happy to know that the journal is entering the silver jubilee year.
On this occasion, we are pleased to inform you that on all renewal subscriptions to the journal, a discount of
25% would be allowed. You would, therefore, have to pay only Rs. 300 (as against Rs. 400) as subscription
for the ensuing year. We have pleasure in extending this discount concession to anyone to whom you
recommend our journal for subscription.
The last date for informing us of your decision is 30.5.2012, so that we can plan our printing schedule suitably.
Earnestly soliciting your patronage and assuring you of our valuable services at all times.
Circular Informing Change of Address
On and from 12.5.2012 we would be functioning at the following premises
123, Jaleel Buildings,
M.M. Road,
Cuddalore - 601 023.
Our new telephone numbers are
65 65 67
65 65 68
65 65 69
Kindly ensure that in future all your correspondence is directed to the above address.

Circular Announcing Opening of New Regional Office
We are happy to announce opening of our full fledged Regional Office at Patna in order to cater to the
requirements of various dealers in the States of Bihar, Sikkim and also Nepal.
The Regional Office would function at the following address with immediate effect:
12, Asaf Ali Road
Patna 800 007
Shri R. Sridhar would be the Regional Manager. You may write to him for your complete requirements. He
would be at your service at all times.
Advertising is mass paid communication, the ultimate purpose of which is to impart information, develop attitudes
and induce action beneficial to the advertiser.
The advertisement budget is on the increase everywhere.
Apart from being used as a marketing force, advertisements may also relate to
(i) improving public image
(ii) opening a new factory or sales office
(iii) explaining management stand on a strike by workmen
(iv) informing the consumers and the general public about malpractices prevailing in the market pertaining to
companys products, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, etc.
(v) publication of notices, etc., under various statutes
(vi) recruitment of personnel
(vii) inviting tenders, sale of scrap
(viii) public issue of shares, debentures, etc.
(ix) appointment of dealers and distributors
(x) hike in prices.
Advertisement Vs. Publicity
Sometimes the term publicity is used synonymously with Advertisement. Terminology differs from country to
country, industry to industry and within an industry. Without leaping into semantic differences, the term
advertisement is used in this head to refer to all the above-mentioned categories.
However, it should be kept in view that advertisements should be drafted in such a way as to suitably serve the
purpose. In the table given below, an attempt has been made to highlight emphasis areas of advertisement for
different purposes.
Essentials of Advertisement
Advertisements aimed at improving public image, sustaining and fostering demand for companys products are
the most strategic ones requiring skill in laying out the copy of the advertisement, apart from timing them well.
Marketing management specialists have been doing constant study in advertisements strategies. The discussion
of these strategies in greater detail may lead to lopsided (not equally balanced) emphasis of this study. It will

Lesson 11

Business Correspondence-I 317

suffice to say that the key phrase in communication lies in the nature of audience, a vastly heterogeneous mass
whose attitudes cannot usually be changed by just advertising.
In order to influence an audience reading the advertisement (for we are concerned with written communication
here) in the manner desired, four essentials are required in the advertisement copy.
1. The audience must be exposed to the communication.
2. The members of the audience must be able to perceive correctly what action is desired by the
3. The audience must remember or retain the message sought to be communicated.
4. The audience must act on the advertisement.
Essential Components of Various Advertisements
In the table given below an attempt has been made to highlight the emphasize area of advertisement for
different purposes:
for recruitment

of a branch/

Statement of
on workmens

in market,
in- fringement
of a trade mark



1. Job in



Warning to

Forms prescribed
in the Statute


2. Salary and

Date of

Inoffensive &

Caution to

especially in the
case of announcements regarding
issue of shares


3. Qualifications

Any special
service to
dealers or
the public

attitude of

Distinctiveness of
the mark/brandtest to identify
the real brand

4. Deadline for

Regret for
to the public

5. Brief history
about the
company, if
talented and
personnel are
to be attracted

Keenness to
resolve the

Date and
time of
receipt of
tenders and
opening of
tenders (in
the case of
Inspection in
the case of
sale of scrap

Advertisement Today
Traditional methods of approaching prospective customers are through handbills, leaflets, pamphlets and
brochures. They are relatively inexpensive but suffer from low circulation figures. Therefore companies rely
more on newspapers, television and internet to send their message across.
It is difficult to imagine todays world without advertising. Three-fourths of a newspaper is devoted to advertisements
of various kinds. Television programs are interrupted at frequent intervals to telecast commercials. On the internet,
one finds goods and services being advertised on home pages of different search engines and web-sites.
Advertising is frightfully expensive. Therefore it is essential that the advertisement should serve its purpose. It
should be tastefully prepared and printed or aired through the right media at the right time. This calls for
professionalism. Therefore most companies entrust the job of preparing their sales campaign to advertising
As already pointed out, advertisement strategy right from preparing the copy, timing, frequency, etc., is a function
of sophistication and professionalism.
Advertisements may be printed in newspapers under familiar headings such as Matrimonials. Such advertisements
are called Classifieds and charged on the basis of words or composed lines. The drafting of classified
advertisements has similarities with that of telegraphic messages. The rules of grammar are relaxed in order to
keep the matter brief. However, relevant information must be made available. For those unwilling to reveal their
identify, newspapers offer a Box number service on extra charge. Responses received against their Box Numbers
within a specified time are delivered to respective advertisers.
You may advertise a vacancy under Situations Vacant. For those looking for a position, the right category is
Situation Wanted. A company may choose to advertise under For Sale, Business Offers, Public Notices etc.
depending on its needs.
Sample Classifieds
Some sample classified advertisements are given below:
Reputed associate of a leading foreign bank requires smart graduates with good communication skills for
hard-core marketing. Walk-in interview between 12 noon to 5 pm on February 5th at Hotel Hilton, Connaught
Circus, New Delhi.
Accountant available, annual/computerized, regular/pending account writing upto finalization. IT, S.T., PAN,
Internal Audit, Project Reports. Contact 9810076299
Korean Injection Moulding machine-180 tons, excellent condition, inspection by appointment. Call 914 770930
or write to Box No. 777, Economic Times, New Delhi-110 002.
Well established Delhi based NSE member and DP with NSDL wishes to appoint sub-brokers/franchisees for
share broking/Dmat services in the Northern region. Initial investment Rs.10-15 lakhs. Contact ELP Associates,
7, Pusa Road, New Delhi. Ph.11-5712222 Fax. 5744444.

Lesson 11

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Public Notices
It becomes necessary at times to issue public notices. Sometimes, these notices are statutorily required. It is
essential, therefore, to know how these are drafted for publication in newspapers/journals.
Some specimen public notices are given hereunder.
Advertisement giving notice for issue of New Debenture Certificates
Narmada Petroleum Limited
Regd. Office: 1, Beach Road, Bharuch-Gujarat
Notice is hereby given that the Company has, in consultation with the Stock Exchanges, fixed closure of register
of debentureholders (Convertible Debentures) and transfer books thereof from 6th July 2012 to 11th July, 2012
(both days inclusive) for issuing New Debenture certificate(s) on cancellation of the existing Debenture
In view of this all genuine convertible Debenture holders are hereby requested to lodge their Debenture Certificates,
alongwith relevant applications for transfer in their favour on or before 4th July, 2012 with the Registrars of the
Company viz. Cavy Consultants Ltd. at 11th Floor, Surya Mahal, 121, MG Road, Ahmedabad-380 006 or at any
of the Investor Relation Centres of the Company for issuing new debenture certificate(s).
Sd/Date: 4th June, 2012

Company Secretary

Advertisement indicating the closure of public issue of shares

Regd. Office: 4-D, New Fatehpura, Udaipur-340011
The Board of Directors of the Company
thank the investing public for their
whole-hearted support
Issue Managed by
Merchant Banking Division
Advertisement indicating the payment of interest on debentures
Payment of Interest on Debentures
The company has fixed 30th June, 2012, as the Record Date for the purpose of payment of interest on the
20,50,000, 15% secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures of Rs. 100 each for the period 1st December,
2011 to 30th June, 2012.

All transfers received by the company before the close of business hours on 30th June, 2012, will be taken into
account for the purpose of payment of the interest.
By order of the Board of Directors

M.K. Murthy

18th May, 2012


Members of the general public are warned against some unscrupulous persons collecting premium in cash and
issuing forged and fabricated insurance cover notes carrying the name of New India Assurance company.
It is therefore requested that payments should only be made to authorised agents after verifying their credentials.
Payments should only be made through Account Payee cheques drawn in favour of the company.
The company shall not be responsible for any payment made to unauthorised persons.
General Manager

New Indian Assurance Company

Note: A few more specimens of Public Notices are given in Study X.

Senior level positions are generally advertised in Appointment pages or in a box. So are prized products and
services. The space is measured in units of column/cms. The charges vary according to the circulation and
goodwill of the newspaper. Advertising agencies vie for corporate advertising accounts, which may run into
crores of rupees. They use the services of copywriters, commercial artists and visualisers to turn a concept into
an effective sales campaign.
A few specimens of advertisements are given herein for your information and guidance.
Required immediately stenographer having experience of minimum two years with speed of 100/40 words.
Apply immediately Box No. 2345, Hindustan Times, New Delhi-110001.
Required for a fast expanding manufacturing organisation, the following personnel:
1. Accounts Assistant: Minimum qualification, B.Com. with Intermediate Costing, must be capable of
maintaining accounts at factory and stores. Experience in factory accounting for at least two years essential.
2. Commercial Assistant: Minimum qualification B.Com. should be well versed in liaison work with government
and other agencies. Minimum experience of two years essential.
3. Export Assistant: Minimum qualification graduation; should be well conversant with export documentation
and must have experience of at least three years in an export organisation.
4. Receptionist-cum-telephone operator: Lady candidate preferably with convent background, fluent in English
and Hindi, should have a pleasing personality. Experience of two years desirable but not essential.
Apply immediately to Personnel Manager, XDC Ltd., P.O. Box No. 99, Hyderabad-500 009.

Lesson 11

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Rs. 6500 p.m. plus perks
The candidate must be smart, experienced and qualified to drive both foreign and Indian cars. The applicant
should be fluent in English. He will be posted at Mumbai but will accompany Senior Executives and foreign
dignitaries on outstation duties. Those having experience in handling embassy cars would be preferred.
Applications should reach the undersigned on or before 12th May, 2012.
Manager (Personnel)
Industrial Lining Limited
17, D.N. Road, Mumbai-400 005"
A large public limited company requires maintenance supervisor for their factory near Faridabad. Candidates
should be Diploma Holders in mechanical engineering with at least eight years experience in mechanical
maintenance and continuous process industry. Good salary will be offered to the right candidate. Benefits of
bonus, P.F., gratuity and medical subsidy available. Please apply within 10 days with complete bio-data, salary
drawn and expected to Box No. 4567, Hindustan Times, New Delhi-110 001.
A national firm of Architectural Engineers with international association requires LADY SECRETARY for their
Head Office at Delhi. The incumbent shall be offered attractive remuneration well above market rate. An
excellent command over English and a pleasing personality are essential requirements. Reasonable speed
in shorthand and typing together with ability to correspond independently in English shall be an added
Applications with recent passport size photograph and full details of educational qualifications, age, experience,
current and past employment should be sent within 10 days to:
Splendour Construction Engineers Ltd.
123, Manasarovar, Nehru Place,
New Delhi-110 019.
(Rs. 20,000-200-30,000)
The candidate should be a Graduate with Membership of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS/
FCS) and 6 years experience of which at least one year should be in the Secretarial Deptt. in a large organisation
handling Board and Company Law work. Experience in administrative work and a Degree in Law will be an
added advantage.

Age: Around 35 years.
Minimum of scale is Rs. 25,000 p.m. Other benefits include medical reimbursement, accident insurance, leave
encashment, LTC, PF, bonus etc.
Application on plain paper with complete bio-data, details of experience, present salary and pay-scale and a
crossed P.O. for Rs. 20.00 (Rs. 2 for SC/ST) should be sent to reach the Manager (A & P, ABC Ltd., 15/48
Malcha Marg, New Delhi-110 021) within 15 days of the publication of this advertisement. Those employed in
Govt./Public Sector should apply through proper channels.
Above Rs. 5,00,000 p.a. + liberal perquisites
A leading professionally managed company with foreign collaboration in the process industry wants to recruit an
outstanding candidate as General Manager. Finance to head the entire finance and secretarial functions. The
Company is rapidly expanding its present turnover of Rs. 20 crores. The General Manager, Finance will report
to the Managing Director and will be based at Kolkata.
The incumbent will be responsible for administering the financial and management accounting, EDP, taxation,
budgetary control, financial planning and secretarial functions. He will lead a team of highly qualified and motivated
professional accountants and a Company Secretary.
Applicants should be professionally qualified Chartered/Cost Accountants and Company Secretary preferably
with a degree in management. They should have at least 15 years experience at senior levels in the finance
function. Preferred age: around 40 years.
Starting salary would be about Rs. 96,000 per annum plus liberal perquisites such as housing, company car,
leave travel and good medical and retirement benefits. The salary is negotiable for the right candidate.
Applications, which will be treated in strict confidence should be sent within 10 days to:
Post Bag No. 1126
Mumbai-400 001
giving full details of age, qualifications, experience, and salary drawn. Applications and envelope should be
marked Ref.: Ms/2012.
A large Chemical process factory in Kerala employing about 1400 persons.
He will be responsible for planning and executing all functions related to Personnel Management, Industrial
Relations and Human Resource Development. He will report to the Managing Director.
Age: 40-45 years.

Lesson 11

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1. Post-graduate Degree/Diploma in Personnel Management or Industrial Relations or Social Welfare or

Labour Welfare.
MBA with specialisation in Personnel Management from a reputed institute.
2. A degree in law.
3. Ability to speak and write fluently in English and Malayalam.
Minimum 10 years at a senior level in a large Manufacturing Company of which atleast 5 years are in overall
charge of Human Resources Department. Experience in negotiations and dealing with industrial disputes will
receive special consideration.
In a scale of Rs. 30,000-45,000 with DA, contributory PF, Gratuity, conveyance allowance, HRA, Medical Cost
reimbursement, etc. A higher start in the above scale can be given to exceptionally qualified/experienced
candidates. Contract appointment can also be considered.
Apply with detailed Resume to reach Box No. 118, Indian Express, Chennai-600 002 before 30th June,
2012. Other things being equal, preference will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST.
To implement and manage Budgetary and Production Controls, Cost Accounting, Works Accounts and Stores
Management at the Faridabad plant manufacturing Wires and Cables.
The applicant should be a Cost Accountant and/or Chartered Accountant with 3-5 years experience in an industrial
establishment with exposure in internal auditing.
The appointment is in the companys middle management cadre. Starting salary in the scale Rs. 30,000-50,000
commensurate with qualification and experience, in addition to HRA, CCA, provident fund, bonus, gratuity and
medical benefits as per companys rules.
Please reply in confidence within 10 days stating age, qualifications, year-wise experience with employers
names, responsibilities, salaries drawn, minimum salary expected, joining time required and references to: The
Director, (Finance) Clarion Cable Industries Pvt. Ltd., Clarion House, Bangalore.

12, Film City, MUMBAI-400 092
Wanted a well qualified and experienced Public Relations Officer for Entertainment Software Division of our
Candidates should have post graduate qualifications in the relevant field, besides possessing atleast 5 years
experience in dealing with Public Relations independently in an organisation of repute. Good written and oral
communication ability in Hindi and English is a must.
Salary not below Rs. 5 lakhs per annum. Company offers liberal perks such as accommodation, telephone, car
Applications with complete resume, previous achievements, alongwith a copy of passport size photograph
(colour) should reach General Manager (Admn.) of the company on or before 25th June, 2012.
Needs a Computer Operator. Candidates either male or female below 30 years, with Diploma in Computer
Operation and possessing at least 3 years relevant work experience with UNIVAX Systems, may personally
contact us urgently with testimonials for a walk-in-interview at Anand Plaza, Rohtak (Haryana). Salary negotiable.
Points to Remember

A sales letter/offer is the most important form of business writing.

It is highly persuasive in its approach

An effective sales letter requires the writer to be:(a) sufficiently well-informed about the buyers needs and the product/ service offered, and
(b) proficient in writing.

A sales letter/offer is written in the nature of advertisement of the product/service.

As it replaces the salesman, it is generally lengthy, argumentative and conversational.

The sales letter is the most interesting kind of letter with you attitude.

Very often a sales letter has the following enclosed with it:
(a) Literature about the product
(b) Self addressed reply envelop
(c) Forms seeking information about the customer.

As it carries a lot of information, it educates the customer.

Lesson 11

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Resume and application letter writing is the most important for finding a job.
Interviews help companies in short listing the candidates. Interview letters should contain information
about the position applied for, date, time and venue of the interview.
The letter of appointment contains the terms and conditions that should be followed by the employee
after joining the organization. An employee gets a letter of confirmation, once he/she completes the
probationary period.
Purchase correspondence plays a vital role in keeping the production line going by ensuring timely
A letter of enquiry is an information seeking letter. There are two types of enquiries: sales related enquiry
and status enquiry.
The test of a good enquiry letter is that it should state the purpose of the letter clearly, completely and
Industrial enquiries may use technical jargon. This is fine since the receiver of the letter is familiar with it.
Estimates are sought and provided where services rather than off the shelf goods are involved.
Organizations publish tender notices when they have to procure goods and services on a large scale or
get project executed.
Tender Notices include estimated value of goods/services and delivery details.
Tender forms have to be submitted by the stated time and date in sealed covers. Specified enclosures
must accompany them.
Tabulated tenders are useful when more than one item is required by the buyer.
Occasional buyers place orders through letters.
A complaint should be acknowledged and looked into at once. If some time is needed to check the facts
a polite letter to this effect should be sent.
Effective Sales writing demands: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action and Satisfaction.
Before one begins to write, one should first define the buying motive and the segment being targeted
and then write accordingly.
A sales letter is addressed to an individual with his specific needs in mind, whereas a Sales Circular is
drafted with a large number of people in mind.
Advertising imparts information, develops attitudes and induces action beneficial to the advertiser.
Classifieds, Public Notices and Appointments are the various forms of advertisement.
Following four essentials are required in the advertisement copy:
The audience must be exposed to the communication.
The members of the audience must be able to perceive correctly what action is desired by the
The audience must remember or retain the message sought to be communicated.
The audience must act on the advertisement.



To show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove.


Adverse in tendency or effect; unfavourable; unfriendly or hostile.


Occurring or coming at an appropriate time; well timed.


To give exhortation to; lecture.


Impossible or hard to ready because of the poor handwriting, faded print etc.


Of little important, influence, etc.; trivial.


To call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.); to elicit or draw forth; to call up; cause
to appear; summon.


Officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements, as of academic excellence.


Any prop or support.




To go back on ones word.


To surprise in such a manner as to disillusion.


A period of mourning after a loss, especially after the death of a loved one.


To mix smoothly and inseparably together.


To prosper; be fortunate or successful.


Different in kind; unlike; incongruous.

1. What do you understand by a C.V. and a resume? Draft a specimen of both.
2. Draft a letter of application in reply to the following advertisement:
Wanted by Haryana National Bank, an efficient cashier, quick at figures and with good computer typing
skills. Apply in strict confidence to P.O. Box No. 123, New Delhi.
3. Write a letter politely information the candidate about his non-selection.
4. You have been selected for the post of a Research Officer by Galaxy Ltd. Draft a Letter accepting the offer.
5. Your colleague Pradeep has recently been promoted from the post of Sales Executive to Sales
Manager. Draft a letter congratulating him on his promotion.
6. Why is an enquiry made? State different types of enquiries?
7. What basic guidelines need to be followed while drafting a letter of enquiry?
8. Select any product you would like to purchase. Write a letter to the company asking for the information
you would like to acquire before buying.
9. Draft a circular informing about off-seasonal discount on shoes.
10. What is the difference between a sales circular and a sales letter. Draft a specimen of each on fashionable

Lesson 11

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11. Draft a classified advertisement for matrimonial alliance of your sister.

12. Draft an advertisement for recruitment of Company Secretary.
Suggested Readings
(1) Communication for Business Shirley Taylor
(2) Essentials of Business Communication Reddy, Appannaiah, Nagaraj & Raja Rao
(3) Commercial Correspondence and Office Management R.S.N. Pillai & Bagavathi
(4) Business Communication K.K. Sinha.


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Lesson 12
Business Correspondence- II
Introduction - Accounts Correspondence
Delivery Challans
Statement of Account
Credit/Debit Notes
Collection Letters
Banking Correspondence
Insurance Correspondence
Provident Fund Correspondence
Correspondence with Postal Authorities
Correspondence with IT and
Review Questions
Introduction Secretarial Correspondence
Correspondence with Stock Exchange
Correspondence Regarding Initial

As an executive goes up the ladder, he has to

spend more and more of his time in handling
correspondence and attending meetings.
As one grows and gets ready to take up more
responsibilities, the correspondence with
various authorities also increases. A Company
Secretary has to be in touch with directors and
shareholders and correspond with various
government authorities and institutions.
Therefore, it is obligatory for an executive to
learn the art of writing effective letters.
Thus, in this chapter, such letters have been
picked that deals with banks, shareholders and
debenture holders correspondence. Some rules
like clarity and courteousness are common to
all letters, but remembering how to deal with
specific situation would enable the students to
be more objective and tactful in drafting letters.

Correspondence with Registrar of

Correspondence with other Authorities
like RBI and SEBI
Introduction to Agenda and Minutes
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

Communicate unto the other person that which you would want him to communicate unto you if your positions
were reversed.
Aaron Goldman



A commercial transaction is a complex process. Right from the stage when raw material is ordered to the
delivery of finished goods to the customer. Companies follow the principles of Supply-chain Management. This
means making the transaction cost-effective and efficient. It also facilitates quicker settlement of accounts,
which is the final stage of a commercial transaction.
Enterprises are paid to create wealth, not to control costs. But first year accounting students are taught that
the balance sheet portrays the liquidation value of the enterprise and provides creditors with the worst-case
Peter Drucker in Management Challenges for the 21st century
Once the goods or services have been delivered in a satisfactory state, the buyer is expected to pay for them.
From new or one-time customers, it is customary to demand advance payment in cash. But wholesale and
international trade revolves around credit of varying kinds. Normally an invoice is sent along with goods or
mailed after their dispatch. Bills of receivable amount may also be raised later for getting them discounted by the
bankers. The facility is negotiable and is offered at a charge.

It is a document giving full details of goods being shipped, prepared by the exporter and sent to the importer.
An invoice may serve any of the following purposes:
It gives an accurate description of goods being sent and the prices to enable the buyer to check them.
It states the total amount payable for the convenience of the buyer.
The regular customers enter it in their account books and pay at the end of the credit period.
It transfers the ownership of goods and helps in calculation of duties and taxes payable on them.
An Invoice is a valid legal document in case of a dispute regarding payment.

Proforma Invoice
A proforma Invoice is different insofar as it is for forms sake only. It is neither entered into books nor charged to
the account of the recipients. It may be used for several purposes including:
as a quotation.
as a demand for payment when dealing with a new customer or one with whom we do not have any credit
to give details and prices of goods being sent on approval.
to enable calculation of taxes and duties payable.

Delivery Challans
It is interesting to note that invoices as well as delivery challans are similar insofar as both give the details of
goods. While the former originate from the accounts department, the latter are issued by the Store. The essential
difference is that while a delivery challan only mentions the quantity and type of goods, an invoice includes the
sale value as well.
Invoices when sent with the goods do not require a covering letter. An exception may be made when sending

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them to a new customer. In such cases, we enclose them with a brief letter is enclosed with the invoices:
Letter enclosed with Invoices:
Texport Pvt. Ltd.
7, M.G. Road, Bangalore
Tel: 6236128
Ref: SP/529
Messrs Newlite Garments
A-9 Connaught Circus
New Delhi-110 001.
11th November 2012
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your Purchase Order No. 1266 of 7th November 2012 for 1,000 winkle-free cotton trousers of
assorted sizes and colours. Our invoice covering details of prices and applicable taxes on the same material is
The shirts are available ex-stock and we will be pleased to dispatch them on receipt of payment.
Yours faithfully,
Sales Officer
Encl.: Invoice
Statement of Account
Regular buyers often accept material on credit. They are also reluctant to invest their money in new products.
Account between the two parties is settled periodically. They prefer to accept such material On Approval. They
make payment for goods sold by them at fixed intervals. In all such cases, a Statement of Account is sent to the
other party periodically showing the opening balance, details of transactions and the closing balance.
The format is similar and the change is confined to headings under which information is compiled. For instance,
a bank may send a statement to their account holders listing entries under debit, credit and balance headings at
the end of every quarter. These statements, when computer-generated, do not require any signature.
Statements of Account do not need a covering letter. If you must send one, draft a brief one mentioning the
period for which the statement is being sent and asking the recipient to report any error or discrepancy. If the
recipient fails to do so within a reasonable time, the statement is taken to be correct:
Letter Regarding Statement of Account:
Dear Sir
We are pleased to enclose the Statement of Account for the month September 2012.
We may add that you may avail of a Cash Discount of 2% by making a payment of the amount due within a
Please report errors, if any, to our Accounts Department promptly.
Yours faithfully
The Accounting system in the whole financial world is based on double-entry book-keeping system created
by Luca Pacioli, an Italian genius-monk, in his book titled, Summa de Arithmetica, 1494.






Credit/Debit Notes
Trading establishments are increasingly relying on calculating machines and accounting softwares. Cash registers
print out Cash/Credit Memos in an instant. Companies use computers to store items, prices and taxes in memory
and reduce incidence of errors in calculation. But most documents dealing with accounts mention the abbreviation
E&OE meaning Errors and Omissions Excepted. Even the most efficient organisation may make accounting
errors. Besides there may be short shipments, return of goods, part rejection due to quality or mismatch to
customers order, dispute, fresh negotiation on price etc.
Credit and Debit Notes are exchanged between the parties to adjust the amount of difference.
Letter regarding details of the error
If the seller has undercharged the buyer, he may send a Debit Note to the buyer. A brief letter gives the details
of the error and the relief demanded:
Dear Sir
We regret to inform you that our Invoice no. Z2346 dated 27th September carried an inadvertent error. The total
price payable is Rs. 28,000/- instead of Rs. 23,000/- as stated.
We are enclosing a Debit Note of Rs. 5000/- to cover the amount of difference.
We regret the inconvenience caused to you.
Yours faithfully
Letter regarding returning of goods
It is also possible that the buyer may have been overcharged. In such a case, he may send a debit note and ask
for a credit note in return. Credit Notes are also demanded when buyer returns goods already paid for on
grounds of, say, unacceptable quality:
Dear Sir
We returned 500 pieces of Lever Handle Assembly to you on 12 December 2012 vide delivery challan no.2336.
These pieces had been rejected earlier by our Inspection Department on ground of unacceptable deviations.
Please issue a credit note for Rs.12,500/- in our favour to cover the cost of the returned material.
Yours faithfully
Letter for refusing to issue Credit Note
The mere fact that a credit note has been demanded does not mean that the request will be complied with. The
seller may still refuse to issue it. However, he is expected to give reasons for such an act:
Dear Sir
Please refer to your letter dated...... regarding the Lever Handle Assembly.
We wish to emphasis that the deviations are within the tolerance limits mentioned in the original component
drawings. We are taking up the matter with your Inspection Department.
We regret that it will not be possible for us to issue a credit note till the matter has been settled.
Yours faithfully

Collection Letters
Collecting payments is the most difficult part of business. Good organisations understand the importance of

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making payments on time and the goodwill it creates for them. There are instances of companies paying up as
soon as an amount becomes payable. Unfortunately, the number of defaulters is higher. Therefore, one has to
learn to be persistent in pursuing them.
Collection letters must be written cautiously. One may not even write one in the beginning, but choose to make
a telephone call to urge the other party to pay up. Alternatively, it may be sufficient to send another copy of the
statement of account showing arrears of payment. It is good to remember that the buyer may have a legitimate
ground for delay. Therefore, it will be tactless and imprudent to write the first collection letter in an angry tone. If
the defaulting party does not pay up despite a reminder, a firmer tone may be adopted in subsequent letters:
Reminder Letter
Dear Sir
Please refer to our statement of account for the period ending December 2011, which was mailed to you on 5
January 2012 and the telephonic reminder later. We regret to inform that we have still not received the payment.
You will agree that delayed payments may affect schedules and cause avoidable inconvenience to both the parties.
We shall be grateful if you remit the outstanding amount on the receipt of this letter.
Yours faithfully
Wilful defaulters are unlikely to oblige soon. However, it is wiser to opt for even a part payment than rushing into
time-consuming litigation. Habitual defaulters welcome it since it gives them an opportunity to defer payment
even further. One may consider steps, which hurt the other party most. These may be suspension of further
supplies or cancellation of credit. A stricter tone and style may be justifiably used against them:
Final Reminder
Dear Sir
This is further to our Statement of Account and several reminders to you to settle the account for the period
October-December 2012. Unfortunately, you have not responded to them so far. In the circumstances, we are
unable to maintain further supplies till the outstanding amount is cleared.
Please note that if you do not settle your account within seven days of the receipt of this letter, we shall have no
option but to hand over the matter to our attorneys for suitable action.
We hope you will not force us to take extreme steps in this regard.
Yours faithfully
Explaining Delays
The defaulting party should be sensitive to the difficulties of the seller. A payment must not be delayed without a
convincing reason. It may be a good idea to seek an extension of time from the seller. Normally a reputed
business house does not take the risk of turning down a reasonable request from a regular customer:
Dear Sir,
Please refer to your Bill No. S3456 of 2 February 2012, which is due for payment on 15th February 2012.
We are facing temporary liquidity problems due to delay in overseas payments. We may not be able to settle
your Bill for a fortnight.
We hope you will bear with us.
Yours faithfully,


Banking Correspondence
Business without banking is unimaginable. A company begins its operations by opening a Current Account.
These accounts come for a fee. They do not yield any interest like Savings Accounts but offer valuable services
to a company. These include unlimited number of Payments and Receipts, Overdraft Limits, Term Loans, Credit
References, Depository Services etc. The company operates the account through one or more authorised
signatories who may even be changed by the Board of Directors:
Change of Signatories
Dear Sir,
The Board of Directors of our company decided at a meeting held on 6 February 2012 that our Current Account
no.6619 with you will be operated jointly by the Managing Director and the Chief Accounts Officer with immediate
A certified copy of the resolution of the Board and the specimen signatures of the authorised signatories are enclosed.
Please acknowledge the receipt of this instruction.
Yours faithfully,
Stop Payment
During the course of a day, a company mails a large number of cheques and other instruments. If the payee
reports that he has not received the instrument, it is advisable to convey the details to the bank promptly and to
request it to stop payment. Initial instruction may be given telephonically or telegraphically and a confirmatory
copy sent later for their record. Though banks make all efforts to honor such instructions, yet they are not liable
to compensate if the payment is made inadvertently.
Dear Sir,
We issued the cheque bearing number 456611 dated 7th February 2012 in favour of Messrs Flowline Enterprises.
The amount of the cheque drawn on your branch is Rs. 93,475/- only.
Please stop payment of this cheque as it has reportedly been lost in mail.
We shall issue a duplicate cheque on getting your confirmation that you have received this instruction.
Yours faithfully,
Companies are expected not to issue cheques without sufficient balance in their accounts. Failure to do so may
lead to dishonouring of the instrument and loss of reputation and goodwill.
Banks routinely warn companies against overdrawn accounts and advise them to negotiate for a higher overdraft
(OD) limit.
Dear Sir,
We regret to inform that your Account No.2332 with our branch has frequently been overdrawn in the recent
past. The amount of overdraft was Rs. 67,000 at the end of Business Hours on February 3, 2012.
We wish to emphasise that it shall not be possible for us to clear your cheques in the absence of sufficient
balance in your account.
Please arrange immediate credits to clear the overdraft. If you find that your working capital is inadequate, we
advise you to negotiate a higher OD Limit.
Yours faithfully,

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Overdraft Limits
Companies are allowed overdraft limits on payment of charges. These limits are negotiable on the basis of fixed
and liquid assets like plant and machinery, buildings, securities and even goodwill. Normally overdraft
arrangements are secured against stocks - raw material, finished goods trading stocks of the borrower. Temporary
overdrafts are also allowed against securities, fixed deposits etc., and in certain circumstances without any
security also. Temporary overdrafts help companies cope with immediate problems. Applications must be
supported by relevant documents.
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your letter of 5 February 2012.
We regret the unsanctioned overdraft and have transferred credits from another account to clear it.
Our recent diversification into automobile ancillaries has been delayed due to cost over-runs. We expect the unit
to be commissioned in about two months and become viable by the end of the year 2012.
Therefore an additional temporary overdraft limit of Rs. 50 lacs for a period of six months will be a great help.
We are enclosing a status report from the consultants and the last audited balance sheet for your perusal.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Term Loan
Fixed term loans are usually secured against fixed assets such as plant and machinery, land, buildings etc. Most
of the information is furnished by filling up forms made available by the banker. In the event of a delay, a letter
may be dispatched:
The Chief Manager
Hitech City
Hyderabad-500 033
March 30, 2012
Dear Sir
We submitted an application on 22nd February 2012 for a Fixed Term Loan of Rs. 60 Lacs against securities in
the form of land and building and plant and machinery. The working capital as on date is Rs. 80 lacs. The details
of existing liabilities and the past performance of the unit are on your record.
The term loan is to be used for the introduction of new technologies like CAD/CAM in the manufacturing of our
existing products. This is imperative to retain viability in the times to come.
We shall appreciate if the Term Loan is sanctioned expeditiously.
Yours faithfully
Status Enquiries
Parties often ask for credit and give the name of their banker as a referee. It is common for companies to secure

the help of their own bankers to find out the creditworthiness of those parties. Bankers make such information
available to their clients in confidence but without accepting any liability.
The Chief Manager
Greater Kailash I
New Delhi
July 17, 2012
Dear Sir
We have recently received an order worth Rs. 65 lacs from Textronics Ltd., Chennai. The company has requested
for a credit-period of 90 days. They have given the name of their banker, Indian Overseas Bank, T. Nagar,
Chennai as their reference.
We shall be grateful if you find the creditworthiness of Textronics Ltd. from their bankers and advise us at the
Yours faithfully

Insurance Correspondence
The concept of insurance evolved around the time when sea trade had just begun. The early ships were unsafe
and often sank in high seas. Unfortunately, they also took with them valuable cargo to the bottom of the sea. It
was felt that some mechanism should be developed to compensate those who suffer such losses. Thus the
institution of insurance was founded.
Insurance is a contract between the company, called the insurer and the client known as insured. The insurer
promises to compensate the loss the insured may suffer against the payment of premium. The premium is
calculated in % age terms say 2 paise per hundred rupees for Fire Insurance. The calculation is made on annual
basis though flexible payment plans may be offered for the sake of convenience. Risk perception plays a major
role in determining the premium. An AAR or Against All Risks cover, for instance, will be more expensive than
one against fire only. Premium enquiries are a common subject matter:
Policy Renewal
Dear Sir,
We are interested in renewing the policy number S 233321456 for our bonded warehouse located at S-31,
Sahibabad Industrial Area, UP with some changes.
The warehouse and goods stored in it are presently covered for a total value of Rs. 30 lacs only against fire.
Following the earthquake in Gujarat, we would like to seek protection against all risks.
We shall be grateful if you quote your lowest premium rates for an AAR cover at the earliest, so that we may
remit the charges.
Yours faithfully,
Null and Void Policies
Non-payment of premium results in a policy being declared null and void. A policy must be in force at the time of
the mishap in order to secure compensation. The insurer may, at his discretion, revive a lapsed policy on
payment on missed premiums plus penal interest.
The amount of compensation is limited to actual loss suffered by the insured. In the event of over-insurance, relief
is limited to the sum assured. The policy may be declared null and void if the insurer detects under-insurance.

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Salvage is permitted during the accident. The premises are surveyed later by an expert on the panel of the
insurance company. Once the surveyor submits his report and an estimate of the loss suffered, the insurance
company settles the claim by awarding compensation.
Reporting Loss
Dear Sir,
POLICY No. J 2343221
We regret to report that our tool room located on the ground floor of Plot No.73, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi
was gutted in an accidental fire last night. The cause of the fire is not known and is being investigated.
The tool room, which was insured comprehensively with you under Policy No. J2343221 has been totally
destroyed. The loss of plant and machinery is estimated to be Rs. 23 lacs.
Please arrange an immediate survey of the premises so that we may resume operations and file a claim
Yours faithfully,
Reply to above letter
It is unlikely that the insurer will accept the estimate of loss submitted by the insured. However, a convincing
reason, should be given when contesting the figure mentioned by him. The response should also contain an
expression of sympathy:
Dear Sir
We are sorry to learn from your letter of 3rd March 2012 about the destruction of your tool room in a fire accident.
The initial feedback from our surveyor has confirmed that the damage to the plant and machinery is major.
However, we are unable to accept Rs. 23 lacs as a fair estimate of loss since much of the machinery was
obsolete. We shall indicate the liability acceptable to us after we receive the final report of the surveyor.
We assure you that we shall make all attempts in settle the claim at the earliest. Meanwhile please accept our
Yours faithfully

State True or False:
1. It is advisable to send a copy of the statement of account showing arrears of
payment to the companies before sending the collection letter.
2. If the payee reports that he/she has received cheques, then the seller should
promptly request bank to stop payment.
Answers: 1. True 2. False

Provident Fund Correspondence

All business entities viz. Partnerships, Sole proprietorships, Corporate houses, Trusts, Government Bodies
employing more than twenty persons are covered under the Employees Provident Funds and Miscelleneous
Provisions Act, 1952. The employees contribute a total of 12% of their basic salary plus dearness allowance to
the funds established under the schemes prescribed by the Central Government. The employer with the addition
of a matching share has to deposit it by the middle of the following month with the Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner. A grace period of five days is allowed.

The monthly returns are filed in prescribed forms. These forms give details of subscribers or members, the
individual deductions and the total amount being deposited.
Failure to do so may invite penal action including arrest. A company failing to deposit the money may receive a
Show Cause Notice from the Provident Fund Commissioners office:
Reply to Show Cause Notice
Compliance letter mentions the Code No. allotted to the company, details of payment, names of subscribers and
the amount to be credited into each account in the prescribed form, say 12A. The covering letter with a delayed
Return may read as follows:
The Regional PF Commission

26 December, 2012

Employees Provident Fund

60, Skylark Building
Nehru Place
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Please refer to your notice dated 21 December, 2012 regarding the delay in filing the Return for the month of
November 2010.
We sincerely regret the delay and inform you that the contribution has since been deposited. We enclose Form
No. 6A along with Revised Form No.3A in respect of 128 members.
Kindly acknowledge receipt and send the Statement of Account of our members at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
Encls: As above
Similar Returns of payment are also filed periodically by companies extending ESI or Employees State Insurance
benefits under the relevant Act.
Sales Tax/C Forms and Excise
Companies engaged in sale of goods, unless exempted, are also liable to pay Sales tax. The rates of tax vary.
Tax payable on sale within a State may be 10%. The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 covers inter-state sales and
provides for a uniform charge of 4%.
Companies are expected to obtain separate Sales Tax Registration Numbers. The sale to registered buyers in
other States may be made against production of Form C wherein the buyer accepts liability to pay the Sales Tax
and furnishes C Form to the seller. The Form C is obtained from the Sales Tax authorities:
The Assistant Commissioner ACA-1
U.P. Trade Tax Department
Ghaziabad (U.P.)
25th October, 2012
Dear Sir,
We wish to apply for 30 C forms for use in Inter-State sales.

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We were issued 10 forms, S. Nos. 201587 to 201596 on 15.9.2012 out of which 6 forms have been used and a
balance of 4 is in hand. Up-to-date Returns have already been filed.
Details regarding CST Regd. No., the amount of sales against used forms and the court fee affixed are given in
the enclosures.
Kindly issue the Form C and oblige.
Yours faithfully,
Covering Letter for Filing Returns
Returns are usually filed in prescribed forms with the Sales Tax Authority of the Circle/Zone having jurisdiction.
They are evaluated with computers these days and may be enclosed with a covering letter giving necessary
The Sales Tax Officer
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
Indraprastha Estate
New Delhi-110 002
8th February, 2012
Dear Sir
Sub: Return for the Quarter ending December 2009
We are pleased to enclose a copy of the ST/CST Return for the period ending December 2008 as under:
1. DST @ 3% Agst. B Tax Payable:

Rs. 9,849.84

2. CST @ 4% Agst. C Tax Payable:

Rs. 9,371.16



CH. No. 265321 dt. 8th February, 2012

Kindly acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully
For Amex Enterprises
(J. Krishna)
Authorised Signatory
Excise is chargeable from companies engaged in production of goods at applicable tariffs. The Government has
progressively moved towards a uniform basic excise rate of 16% but exemptions and surcharges still affect the
actual rate. This rate is determined when the goods manufactured by a company are classified understandard
headings. Excisable goods can be taken out/removed only when an invoice certifying the payment of tax has
been issued. Periodic returns are filed with the excise office under whose jurisdiction the factory/place of
manufacture falls. The covering letter may give details of relevant enclosures:
Covering Letter
The Central Excise Officer
Range 11, Kanpur Cantonment (U.P.)

Dear Sir,
We are pleased to enclose the following documents in respect of goods falling under sub-headings given below:
1. RT-12 for the quarter ending June 2012.
2. P.L.A. Sheet No. 7 to 9 in triplicate.
3. RG-23D for Stock Account.
We hope you will find the documents in order.
We shall be grateful if you acknowledge receipt of the same.
Yours faithfully,
For Ordnance Equipment Factory
S.K. Pandit

Correspondence with Postal Authorities

Correspondence with Postal department has been considerably reduced with increasing reliance on Email and
private courier services. However, till technology attains greater penetration, facilities like Post Box Number may
continue to be used by corporate houses.
Companies receiving bulk mail find the Box Number facility useful. They pick up their mail from a box provided
in the premises of the Post Office. Requests for the facility are made to the Post Master of the main Post Office:
Post Box Facility
The Post Master
Parliament Street Post Office
New Delhi 110 001
25th September, 2011
Dear Sir
We are interested in availing of the Post Box facility in your post office. A Demand Draft of Rs. 175.00 (Rupees
One hundred and Seventy Five only) is enclosed towards the annual charges for the period 2011-2012.
Please allot a Post Box number and oblige.
We thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully

Correspondence with IT and Corporates

The advent of information technology is sweeping the corporate world. The bulky Telex machines have lost their
place to sleek Office Machines combining functions like Fax, PBX, Scanner-cum-copier, Answering Machines
etc. Modern corporate houses appreciate the importance of uninterrupted communication. The good old telephone
line still remains indispensable. Companies have several options to pay their bills to avoid disconnection. In the
event of a disconnection an application has to be made to the SDO of the concerned zone:

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Reconnection of Telephone Line


March 22, 2012

Andheri (East Zone)

Dear Sir,
We wish to inform you that phone number 2234521 was disconnected due to non-payment of bill.
The Bill No. 234213 of Rs.7,500 has since been deposited with the Office of the Accounts Officer of your zone
(copy enclosed).
You are requested to reconnect the phone immediately as we are facing a lot of inconvenience.
We thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Electronic Clearance Scheme
To avoid such situations, subscribers have several options. Apart from cash or cheques, they may pay through
Credit Cards or get their bills adjusted against interest yielding Voluntary Deposits Under Electronic Clearance
Schemes under which the bills are automatically detailed from the companys bank account. The application to
avail the said service is given below, to meet the service providers requirements:
The Chief Accounts Officer
Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Janpath
New Delhi-110 001
March 25, 2012
Dear Sir
Re: ESC Mandate for Tel. Nos. 6132261, 6237792-5.
We, the subscribers of above telephone numbers hereby express our willingness to settle the payment of
regular bi-monthly telephone bills of the telephone connections referred to above through participation in E.C.S.
of National Clearing Cell of Reserve Bank of India, Delhi.
We hereby authorise Accounts Officer (ECS), MTNL, Delhi to raise the debits on such regular bi-monthly telephone
bills as referred to above through this scheme electronically for adjustment against Debit in our Current Account
No. 6223 with Punjab National Bank, Delhi Cantt.
A copy of a leaf of the MICR cheque-book bearing the nine-digit code of the bank and the mandate form duly
signed by the Chief Manager are enclosed.
We understand that you will send us an advice about all the Bills being debited from our account.
Please confirm the receipt of this authority and oblige.

Yours faithfully
ISDN connection
Correspondence is more about securing Integrated System Digital Network (ISDN) lines and Very Small Aperture
Terminals (VSAT) facilities. While ISDN is used for transmitting voice, data and video enables uninterrupted
transmission in digital form, the VSAT connect the different branches of an organisation in a private, dedicated
communication network. In addition, most companies host web sites where information and services are available
at the click of a mouse.
The traditional exposure in print media has been enlarged with the registration of domain names and uploading
information on Servers.
An application for ISDN Connection
CGM (Commercial)
New Delhi
March 26, 2012
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to enclose the Application Form No. J3425 for an ISDN connection at our corporate office
located in 77, Amba Towers, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001.
We require four terminals namely for simple ISDN handset, PC Card, Video Conferencing and G4 Fax.
A Demand Draft of Rs. 16,500 (Rupees sixteen thousand five hundred only) favouring MTNL, Delhi to cover the
Registration fee, Advanced Rental and Network Terminal security is enclosed. The Articles of Association of the
company and the specimen signatures of authorised signatories are also furnished herewith.
We shall be grateful if the connections are provided at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
Specimen Letters
Given herein below are a few specimen letters which show how to slowly progress towards the ultimate decision
to file a suit in a court of law against a defaulting customer.
Example 1
We thank you for your order for 200 numbers of table fans. We confirm having sent the same vide Speedways
L.R. No. 2345 dt. 12.4.2012.
Please let us know the details of remittance against our earlier invoice No. 123 dt. 10.3.2012 for Rs. 6,000".
(Note that in this letter the sender presumes that the payment against invoice no. 123 must have been sent and
the reference to non-receipt of money appears to be incidental).
Example 2
We are in receipt of your letter placing a further order for supply of 400 pedestal fans.
We regret that we do not have ready stock thereof with us and hope to receive the supplies in about a fortnight.
In the meantime, would you please let us know the payment particulars against our invoice No. 123 dt.

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10.3.2012 for Rs. 6,000. We sincerely hope that you would have made the payment by now. If you let us
know the particulars of payment, we would be able to check up whether we have received the same or not.
Your reply in confirmation, by return of post, is solicited.
Example 3
We draw your kind attention to our telegram dt. 16.5.2012 requesting you to let us have the particulars of
remittance against our invoice No. 123 dt. 10.3.2012 for Rs. 6,000. We are sorry to state that we have
neither received the payment nor any communication in respect thereof so far.
We fail to understand your inordinate (beyond normal limits) delay in sending us at least a reply, stating the
reasons for delay in remittance of the amount. We are constrained to say so because in our dealings for the
past five years there has never been an occasion for us to remind you of outstanding payments. We believe
that you are having some genuine difficulty in making this payment and request you to intimate us about the
same so as to enable us to suggest an alternate viable proposal regarding the matter.
We hope, in the interest of maintaining our good relations as in the past, you would write to us immediately on
receipt of this letter.
Example 4
We are very sorry to note that in spite of our repeated requests through letters and a telegram we have not
received any reply regarding payment of our outstanding bill against invoice no. 123 dt. 10.3.2012 for Rs.
6,000. In the meantime, payment against our invoice no. 234 dt 10.5.2012 for Rs. 8,765.80 has also become
overdue by fifteen days. We are totally at a loss to understand your continued silence in the matter.
We expect you to immediately remit atleast the amount of Rs. 6,000 outstanding against our invoice no. 123
dt. 10.3.2012.
We are sorry to say that despite our helpful attitude you are not availing the opportunity to regain our confidence
in you.
Example 5
We are in receipt of your letter ordering a supply of 300 table fans and 450 pedestal fans.
We are sorry to state that we are not in a position to execute your order in view of the outstanding payments
against our invoice nos. 123 and 234, despite our repeated reminders to expedite payment.
Even now, it is not late to intimate your reasons for the inordinate delay in settling our dues.
However, we are fully convinced that we had given you sufficient time to amend matters. We also sincerely
believe that no prudent businessman would have taken the matter as lightly as we have.
We are constrained to state that in the event of the payment against our invoice nos. 123 and 234 not
forthcoming latest by 5th July, 2012, we would be forced to view the matter seriously.
Example 6
We draw your attention to our letters dt....... We are sorry to note that despite our very benevolent attitude,
you have not responded favourably to our repeated requests for payment of the amounts outstanding against
our invoice no. 123 dt. 10.3.2012 for Rs. 6,000 and invoice no. 234 dt. 10.5.2012 for Rs. 8,765.80.
Under the circumstances, clause 5 of the sales contract providing for levy of interest on the outstanding @
15%, stands invoked. You are, thus liable to pay interest from the expiry of 10th day of the credit period of 25
days from the date of invoice.
We have handed over the matter of recovery of the amount outstanding against the abovesaid invoices to our

solicitors, Raman and Raman from whom you would hear shortly.
(Note how the matter has proceeded from repeated requests to a poignant situation of taking the matter over to
the lawyers for recovery through court process).
Example 7
Advising to avoid litigation
15, Tank Road, New Delhi-110 055
Tel.: 5762031 Fax: 011 6538241
Basic Chemicals Ltd.
17 Hauz Khas
New Delhi - 110 016
May 20, 2012
Dear Sir,
We refer to your letter dated 16th May, 2012 threatening to sue us for alleged non-payment of your bill No. 18/
2012 for Rs. 51,000.
First of all we wish to state that there is a dispute regarding the goods supplied under the aforesaid bill and the
price charged therefore. We have already notified your Managing Director making our view points very clear to
him and he has accepted in principle that in view of the inferior quality of goods supplied by your factory, the
amount billed would be reduced by 25%. We are yet to receive a revised bill and debit note as per the agreement
reached with your Managing Director.
Since the bill is a disputed one and in view of the fact that the goods supplied were of inferior quality as per your
own admission, you have no valid grounds to sue us.
We are sure you will reconsider your decision and avoid unnecessary litigation. We look forward to a positive
response from your end in the matter.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Faith Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Sd/(Managing Director)
Specimens of other letters relating to Finance and other matter discussed earlier are given herein:
Example 8
Letter to a bank requesting credit facility
Dear Sir,
We have plans for expanding our line of manufacture and a detailed project report has been finalised and
favourably considered by the Industrial Development Bank of India, Mumbai. The working capital requirements
in connection with the above project would be of the order of Rs. 3.5 lakhs for a quarter.
A copy each of the project report and feasibility report is enclosed for your ready reference. At present we are
enjoying a credit facility of 3.5 lakhs rupees by way of overdraft, 2 lakhs rupees by way of cash credit and Rs. 4

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lakhs by way of Bill of purchase from your bank. You would be happy to find from your records how satisfactory
our performance has been all these years.
As in the past, we request you to grant us the credit facility for Rs. 3.5 lakhs also. We would offer our
investments in shares as security for the overdraft facility upto Rs. 3.5 lakhs that we are requesting for now. The
shares command a premium of 70% at the moment.
We sincerely hope that this would entirely meet your requirements.
Example 9
Letter to bank requesting current account statement
Dear Sir,
As our accounting year has come to a close on 31st December, 2012, we request you to send the Current
Account statement for the period 1st November, 2011 to 31st December, 2012, at the earliest, to enable us to
reconcile the bank balance.
Example 10
Letter to bank requesting bank guarantee
Dear Sir,
We are your valued customer for over 15 years. The company has recently secured a State Government
contract for supply of items of the value of Rs. 1,50,000 per month. In this connection, they desire a bank
guarantee to be executed by the companys bankers.
We are sure you would oblige us in this matter. Kindly let us know the security you may require for issuing the
said bank guarantee.
Example 11
Letter to bank asking for higher credit limits
Dear Sir,
We are at present enjoying cash credit facility of Rs. 4 lakhs against hypothecation of the raw materials and
stocks at our godown. Recently, due to an expansion programme, the average monthly production has registered
an increase by 5%. This is vouched by the godown stock statements that the company has been submitting to
you during the last three months.
Under the circumstances we would request you to increase the cash credit limit to Rs. 5 lakhs. We assure you
that our credit performance would remain as good as it was in the past.
Example 12
Letter to the Insurance Company to assess the loss by fire
Dear Sir,
We are to intimate to you that a fire occurred in our godown at 10 Rajendra Colony, 1st Street, at 10.30 p.m.
yesterday the 21st of November, 2012. The fire service personnel have done a commendable job in minimising
the loss to the stocks. The cause of the fire is not yet known. We request you to send your valuer to assess the
loss and arrange for an early settlement. In the mean time a separate claim is being lodged by us.
Example 13
Letter requesting a New Telephone Connection

Dear Sir,
Ours is a company having over 300 branches all over the country and 3 overseas branches in Malaysia, Singapore
and Japan. Presently, we have ten telephone connections with 3 extensions for each. With the scale of operations
increasing and the consequent increase of staff members, we feel that the existing telephone connections are
inadequate. We, therefore, request you to instal two more new connections with three internal extension lines
for each, at the earliest and oblige.
Example 14
Letter complaining excessive Telephone Billing
Dear Sir,
We are shocked to learn from the latest telephone bill that we have been overcharged, particularly in respect of
the trunk calls. We are at pains to know that the billing has been done in excess by at least 10 times than the
charges that our calls would have actually attracted. We have remitted the amount as per the Bill, but would
request you to please check your records/readings once again and make necessary adjustments in the Telephone
Bill(s) to be issued in future.
Example 15
Requesting rectification of telephone instrument
17, Kalpi Industrial Area
Kanpur-208 019.
Tel: 241123
General Manager,
Kanpur Telecommunications,
Green Park,
June 10, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Telephone No. 241123 Defect in telephone instrument
We refer to our complaint number 181 dated 1.5.2012 made at G.T. Road Telephone Exchange and the subsequent
reminders dated 15.5.2012 and 25.5.2012.
We, are sorry to note that inspite of several letters from our end, our telephone instrument has not been rectified
till date. Due to non-functioning of our telephone, we have been totally cut off from our customers for the past
several days and as a result, we are facing the risk of loss of business.
We, therefore, request you to arrange for rectification of defect in our companys telephone instrument without
any further delay and oblige.
Thanking you and looking forward to a prompt response,
Yours faithfully,

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Example 16
Complaining against excess billing and replying to notice of electricity disconnection
Food Products Industrial Area, Saharanpur (U.P.)
Tel.: 21945, 29148 & 22184 Fax: (0121) 29745
The General Manager
Saharanpur Electric Supply Undertaking
Bijalee Bhavan
Saharanpur (U.P.)
10 June, 2012
Dear Sir,
Reg.: Complaint against excess billing
We refer to your letter No. IV/SS-III/96 (18181) dated 1.6.2012 threatening to disconnect electric supply to our
factory for alleged non-payment of bill for the month of March, 2012.
In this regard, we wish to state that your bill for Rs. 31,000/- for March 2010, is a highly inflated one since our
average monthly bill amount comes to Rs. 8,000/- only. Since the bill is an inflated one, we have already made
a complaint with your Divisional Office-IV on 18th May, 2012, requesting to recheck the meter reading. It seems,
instead of taking any action on our request, the Division Office has served the aforesaid letter of disconnection
upon us.
Under the above circumstances, we request you to please look into the matter and give necessary instructions
to your Divisional Office not to disconnect electric supply to our factory.
Further, we wish to state that we are ready to pay a sum of Rs. 8,000/- pending settlement of the matter.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Albert Pinto


A company secretary occupies an important place in a corporate set up. His duties demand continuous interaction
both within and outside the organisation. He communicates with the directors of the company. He has to remain
in touch with several government departments. He must also correspond with those who have invested their
money in the company.
Public investment in a company is generally in the form of shares, debentures and deposits. Any one can
participate in the capital of a company through equity shares. The return on shares depends on the profitability
of the company and is in the form of dividend. A debenture is an interest-yielding loan but may be partly or fully
convertible into equity shares. The Rights Shares are allotted only to the existing shareholders of the company
but have to be paid for, the company may also part with profits in the form of Bonus shares to the existing

Shares or Debenture Holders
Correspondence with share or debenture holders revolves around matters of immediate concern to them i.e.
allotment, transfer and issue of certificates. The subject of payment of dividend or interest also receives a lot of
A new issue of shares is usually advertised though a company may choose to communicate the issue of Rights
or Bonus shares through circulars. Information is also made available these days through Emails and on websites.
Thereafter the investors submit their applications, which are normally a printed form. Once the basis of allotment
is finalised, the correspondence with the shareholder commences. An allotment letter is dispatched to the
successful applicants.
A company may not charge the full price of a share along with an application but recover it in one or more
instalments, this is known as Call. This is particularly done when the shares are being offered at a premium. A
Call Letter is sent to the shareholders whenever an amount becomes payable. Investors receive a certificate
testifying that he is the allottee of a specific number of shares or debentures.
Specimen Letters
A few specimens of common correspondence relating to the Secretarial Department are given below:
Letter 1
Correspondence with shareholder regarding non-receipt of share-certificate
Dear Sir,
I was informed vide letter No. .... dated .... that 500 shares have been allotted to me. It is more than 3 months
now and I have not yet received the share certificates. Would you please look into the matter and arrange for an
early despatch of the share certificates to me?
Reply to the above
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of our letter dt... regarding non-receipt of share certificates. On checking the records in the
office, we find that the share certificates were despatched to you on by registered post but were returned by
the postal authorities to the company with the remark addressee not found at this address. We have despatched
these certificates once again to you by Registered post today.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same.
Letter 2
Letter complaining that no allotment of shares was made
Dear Sir,
I have submitted six applications for allotment of shares in the names of my family members as per details given
1. Ram Sundar


2. Ram Avtar

500 shares (father)

3. Mangal Kumari

500 shares (mother)

4. Mala Kumari

500 shares (wife)

5. Sudarshan

500 shares (son)

6. Mukesh

500 shares (son)

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I am disappointed that no allotment has been made to any of us. I understand that the company has finalised
the allotment list and has also started sending out allotment letters. May I know as to why none of us has been
allotted any share in the company?
Reply to the above
Dear Sir,
We refer to your letter dated.... and are sorry that you were not fortunate in being allotted shares in the company.
You may be aware that when the public issue was announced, it was over subscribed by 15 times. As the
company is listed with Bombay Stock Exchange, under the terms of the listing agreement, the allotment had to
be finalised in consultation with and in the manner approved by the Stock Exchange. Accordingly this was done
on a pro rata basis and the allottees list was finalised by the Stock Exchange. The basis of allotment was also
published in the Economic Times, The Hindu and the Times of India for information of the applicants. You
would appreciate that not a single share can be allotted beyond what the company had actually invited applications
for. There are many people like you, who, impressed by the companys commendable performance, applied for
shares but could not get any allotment.
We understand your interest in investing in the shares of the company but are helpless in the matter in view of
what has been narrated above. We wish you better luck next time when the opportunity arises. Meanwhile, the
refund orders have been dispatched to you yesterday.
Letter 3
Letter of Suggestion from a Shareholder
Dear Sir,
Of late, there have been a spate (a large number or amount or extent) of issues of corporate securities. Some
issues have special features also in that, the share and debenture issues have been linked. I think it is a very
nice idea which our company can also follow. May I expect an attractive public issue from our company on these
terms in the near future?
Reply to the above
Dear Sir,
We are in receipt of your letter dt...... and appreciate that you have been closely following the trends in primary
market. You may be aware that the timing of a public issue and the terms and conditions thereof are a function
of strategic planning by the company management and their permissibility in terms of various statutes. If you
happen to go through the speech delivered by the Chairman of the company at the recently concluded annual
general meeting, you would find that the company is relying on its internally generated funds, the cost of which
is much lower than what a share or debenture would cost in terms of servicing.
As and when there is need to come to the market for funds, the Board would be inclined to consider the question
from every angle and arrive at a decision.
Letter 4
A reply to a letter from shareholder complaining against a staff member
Regd. Office: 14, MRG Road, Chennai - 600 001
Tel.: 2410081 Fax: 2400882
Folio: 181/1960018/B
Shri Vipul Bhatia

28, Mountain View,
Ootacamund (Tamil Nadu)
Date: 1.1.2012
Dear Sir,
We refer to your letter of complaint dated 26th December, 2011 regarding misbehaviour on the part of a staff
member of Share Department of the Company.
The undersigned conducted an enquiry in the matter, and it has come to light that the staff member involved in
the incident was a casual/temporary staff employed for dispatch of companys Annual Reports to the shareholders.
The services of the casual/temporary staff member involved in the incident has been dispensed with.
On the whole, we are very sorry for the unfortunate happening and offer our profound apology for the same. We
assure you that no such incident will occur in future.
Assuring our best and prompt services at all times,
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/V.K. Malhotra
Company Secretary
Letter 5
Letter regarding non-receipt of Dividend Warrant
Dear Sir,
I draw your attention to the fact that I am not in receipt of the dividend warrant in respect of the dividends due
on 500 shares (Nos. 198001 to 198500) standing in my name, in terms of the resolution passed at the recently
concluded Annual General Meeting.
Would you please look into the matter?
Reply to the above
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we find from our records that a Dividend Warrant for Rs. 2,000/- in respect of the
500 shares standing in your name has been sent to you vide Dividend Warrant No.......... dated.......... for Rs.
2,000/- made payable at par at all the branches of Punjab National Bank. If by chance you have not yet received
the same, the company would be inclined to issue a duplicate dividend warrant after verifying that the original
has not been encashed and, upon your submitting an indemnity bond, duly stamped, as per proforma enclosed.
Letter 6
A reply to a shareholder who complained about non-receipt of Balance sheet
Regd. Office: 14, MGR Avenue, Chennai - 600 101
Phones.: 4218112, 4231181 Fax: (040) 8715213
Folio No. 38001/B/2012
Shri Vipul G. Bhatia

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28, Longdrive
Ooty (Tamil Nadu)
Dated: 15.6.2012
Dear Sir,
We refer to your letter of complaint dated 28th May, 2012 regarding non-receipt of Balance Sheet of the company
for the year ended 31st March, 2012.
We find from our dispatch register that a copy of Balance Sheet was sent to you on 10th May, 2012 by post. It
seems that the same has been lost in transit. Anyway we are enclosing herewith another copy of the Balance
Sheet for the year ended 31st March, 2012 for your records.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Grace Melango
Company Secretary
Letter 7
Circular Letter to Shareholders denying rumours
Dear Sir/Madam,
There have been baseless rumours circulated by some vested interests that the company is planning to dispose
of its unit at Medak. Pursuant to this, the Board of Directors have come to know of feverish selling of the
companys shares in the stock markets. The Board wishes to assure the members that there is no such proposal
at all and even if such a proposal were to be worked out, it cannot be done excepting with the express approval
by members in the general meeting as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. You are, therefore
advised not to be guided by such ill founded, ill motivated and baseless rumours.
Letter 8
Circular Letter to Shareholders regarding appointment of Share Registrars
Dear Sir/Madam,
In view of the large number of members that the company has on the register of members and with a view to
ensuring prompt and effective service, M/s Sigma Services, 16, Nandlal Street, Kolkata-74 have been appointed
as Registrars to the company. M/s Sigma Services would attend to work relating to share transfers/transmissions
dividend/interest warrants issue and other related work. Members may henceforth write to them directly regarding
their problems, if any, on these matters.
Dematerialisation (Demat)
The share certificates have traditionally been in the paper or physical form. Investors now have a convenient
alternative to holding their securities in the physical form. The depository services enable them to convert their
securities to electronic format. The investors retain all the benefits of ownership, while eliminating the hassles
caused by events such as loss of certificates, postal delays, and counterfeiting, State-of-the-art technology
helps provide even online services across the country. A statement of account is sent to the Demat accountholder
Dematerialisation is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent
number of securities in electronic format and credited in the investors account with a Depository held through a

Depository Participant (DP). Share certificates are dematerialised to enable trading and settlement on the book
entry segment. Investors deliver their share certificates to their DPs along with a signed form of request. The
shares are then sent to the concerned company/transfer agent for converting the physical share certificates into
the electronic format wherein the company enters the name of the Depository as the owner of the shares and
the name of the shareholder as the beneficial owner of the said shares, in the Register of Members. The
securities are then credited to the account of the investors account by the DP, when intimation to do so is
received from the depository. Any objections raised by the company are forwarded to the investors for clarification.
Change from electronic to physical form is also possible and is called Rematerialisation.
Demat Accounts
Investors are expected to open Demat accounts with Depository Participants and deposit their share certificates
for the purpose of converting them to the electronic format. The Depository Participants pass on the documents
to the concerned company, which checks their authenticity and stores them in electronic form or in other words,
dematerialises them.
The Investors often write letters to companies complaining about delay in dematerialisation:
Complaint Letter to Companies
GTK Depositories Ltd.
Depository Participant
26, Banjara Hills
Hyderabad-500 034
28th February, 2012
Dear Sir
I had deposited 200 equity shares of HDFC Bank Limited on 20th January, 2012 for dematerialisation as per
details given below:
Folio No: L47
Certificate Nos. 2321345-6
Distinctive Nos. 45344601-45344800
I was given to understand that the process will be completed within thirty days. However, the shares are yet to
be credited to my Demat Account No. 89778321.
You will appreciate that I am unable to trade in these shares due to delay in dematerialisation.
Please take immediate steps to dematerialise the shares so that they may be credited to my Demat account,
and advise me of the status at the earliest.
Yours faithfully
Sd/D.N. Panigrahi
Security Features
In addition to the security features offered by NSDL and CDSL (the two depositories at present in India), DPs
offer several risk management measures through a back-office system.

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A Demat account holder may be issued a serialised instruction slip-book. The leaves bear numbers, which are
stored in the system. Every subsequent instruction for transfer is checked by the system against these numbers
to protect the investor against fraudulent transfers. Requests for slip-book are similar to those made for
Letter requesting for slip-book
HDFC Depositories Ltd.
K.G. Marg
New Delhi-110 001
30th April, 2012
Dear Sir,
I am operating a Demat account with you bearing number K 723121. The Slip Book issued to me for instruction
has been exhausted.
Please arrange to send a new Slip-Book to my residential address by courier.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/(Suresh Chandra)
Non-receipt of Dividend
An investor puts his savings at stake primarily to earn interest on his debentures or dividend on his shares.
When he does not receive them on time, his anger or annoyance is understandable. Like all complaints, such
letters should furnish complete information about the securities held by the investor. This facilitates an inquiry
into the reasons for default or delay in payment by the company. It is sensible to maintain courtesy in the first
instance as the company may not be at fault and may have a legitimate defence:
The Company Secretary
Wintech Technologies Ltd.
17 Hitech Towers
Hyderabad-500 033
Dear Sir,
I had purchased 500 equity shares in the dematerialised form from Prakash & Bros., Bandra (East), Mumbai on
28th May, 2012. The shares were subsequent credited to my Demat Account No. 988211346 held with ICICI.
However, I have not received dividend for the year 2011-2012 though the closure date for the register of
shareholders was 1st June, 2012.
Kindly look into the matter and advise my Depository Participant to credit the dividend to my account.
I thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,

Sd/P. Jagnaddham
Reply to letter of Non-Receipt of Dividend
If a complaint is unacceptable, the complainant must be given convincing reasons. Evasive (deliberately vague)
replies or use of arrogant tone must be avoided. Effort may be made to establish a closer and good relationship
with the investor.
Dear Mr. Jagnaddam,
We have received your letter of 27th July, 2012 and welcome you to the Wintech family.
We may point out that the equity shares purchased by you were credited to your account only on 5th June after
the settlement period. You are aware that the register of shareholders had been closed by then. Therefore, we
regret we are unable to pay you dividend for the year 2011-2012. However, we assure you that dividend, whenever
declared in future, will be promptly credited to your account.
We thank you once again for investing your funds in Wintech.
Yours faithfully,
for Wintech Technologies Ltd.
Sd/Company Secretary
Securities are being increasingly issued in electronic or dematerialised form. However, re-conversion to physical
form or rematerialisation is also possible. Request is to be made to depository participant with whom the
shareholder has a Demat account in the prescribed standard form for the same. However, you could enclose a
covering letter in the following format with the application:
Dear Sir,
I am the sole holder of 700 equity shares of Infosys Technologies in my Demat account no. 55213417 held with you.
Since I have no desire to trade them in the near future, I do not want to pay annual custody charges for them.
Therefore you are requested to reconvert them to physical certificates. The charges may be debited from my
S.B. account no.7773 held with you.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Vas Dev Khanna

Correspondence with Stock Exchange

29, Govind Street, Bombay 110020
Tel. No.: 228822
The Manager
Company Announcements Office

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4th Floor, Bridge Crossover
Bombay 110020
4th October, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)
We are pleased to forward the notice of AGM of our company scheduled to be held on alongwith
the following enclosures for your information:
1. Notice of AGM and Explanatory Notes;
2. Proxy Forms; and
3. Annual Report for the year 2011-2012
Yours faithfully
For BAJA Ltd.
Company Operating Officer/Company Secretary

Correspondence Regarding Initial Listing

Gopal Street, Delhi 110003
Tel. 222228
The Secretary
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
Date: 9th July, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Initial listing Application
We wish to submit that Suraj Ltd. was incorporated on 6th August for the production and distribution of mineral
water. The company is planning to enter the Capital Market in the month of April, 2012 with an issue size of
The Board of Directors has passed a resolution on . For making initial application with your
stock exchange in respect of the said issue.
The initial listing application is hereby enclosed.
We are also enclosing the following documents:
(i) One copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
(ii) A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl.: As above


Correspondence with Registrar of Companies

99, Prashant Street, Surat 395002
Tel. No.: 781811
Ref. No. KML/595/2012
M/s Kanchan Rani
Registrar of Companies
ISL Tower, Nehru Place
Dated: 29th September, 2012
Dear Sir
Sub: Extension of Annual General Meeting (AGM) reference CIN.
This has the reference to our letter dated , informing about the AGM of the company Mercury Ltd.
incorporated on . For the financial year April-March scheduled to be held on .. .
We wish to submit that due to flood like situation in the city, we are unable to hold the same on the prescribed
We therefore, request you to kindly take this on record. We shall soon intimate you the revised schedule of the
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Correspondence with various other authorities

Correspondence with RBI

54, Gulmohan Road, Delhi 325001
Tel: 625158 Fax: 525151
Ref. No. VXN/525/2012
Ms Reeti Gupta
64, Juhu Street
Bombay 520001
Date: 24th September, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Form NBS 1A relating to Annual Return on Deposits as on 31st March, 2008
Please find enclosed a hard copy of Form NBS 1A pertaining to Annual Return on Deposits as on 31st March,
2012, which is to be submitted by all Residency Non-Banking Companies. The same has already been filed
through internet to the specified web server, as given under the instructions for filing in the Return.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/General Manager

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Correspondence with SEBI

Example 1:
26, Indian Street, Delhi 110019
Tel No.: 721218 Fax: 721212
Ref. No. XNI/242/2012
Mr. Dhruv Malhotra
Chief Manager
6, Nariman Point
Date: 24th September, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Investor Grievance Redressal
This refers to investor complaint No. 242/SMF/11258069 regarding the non-receipt of dividend. We are pleased
to inform you that we have already dispatched the dividend amount.. through warrant No. 602246
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Senior Manager
Example: 2
8, Connaught Place, Delhi 110001
Tel. No.: 258187 Fax: 258188
Ref. No. SMI/255/2012
Mr. Pradeep Chatterjee
Chief General Manager
224, Nariman Point
Mumbai 220015
Date: 24th September, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Draft Red-hearing Prospectus for vetting
Enclosed herewith please find draft Red-herring Prospectus for the proposed IPO of the company for your

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Joint Manager
Encl.: As above.


Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting. All organizations, whether commercial or social,
attach great importance to maintaining a proper record of the business transacted at their various meetings.
The main object of writing minutes is to record, concisely and accurately the essential work done at the meeting.
Minutes usually show, beyond any doubt, what was formally resolved or decided upon and not what was said.

Importance of Keeping Minutes

(i) Minutes contain a record of the business transacted and decisions taken at a meeting. They serve as a
permanent record for future reference.
(ii) Minutes serve as a reminder of the actions to be taken to implement the decisions arrived at a meeting.
(iii) Minutes can be produced as evidence of the proceedings in a Court of Law.
(iv) Minutes help in the efficient conduct of business. If proper minutes are not kept, the decisions arrived at
meeting may be questioned by any member or Auditor and these cannot be proved in a Court of Law.

Preparation of Minutes
Minutes of meeting generally contain the following:
1. The kind of meeting
2. Date, time and place of the meeting
3. The name of the person in the chair
4. Name of directors, secretary and persons in attendance
5. Reading and confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting and their signing by the Chairman, together
with any matters arising from the minute
6. Brief subject heading each of minutes with the resolutions adopted
7. Financial statements and reports presented and approved in the meeting. These may be put in the form
of Appendix.
8. Appointments made, if any.
9. In the case of special resolution, the number of votes for and against.
10. Names of persons dissenting with any resolution passed at the meeting
11. Instructions given by the meeting to the Secretary or other officers
12. Chairmans signature and date of verification of minutes as correct

Lesson 12

Business Correspondence-II 359

General Guidelines for Writing Minutes

Drafting of minutes is largely a matter of skill, judgment and practice. The writer of minutes needs to understand
the situation, listen attentively and take notes during the discussion. Minutes are largely standardized and the
standard form should be followed as far as possible.
Some hints for writing minutes are given below:
1. Minutes of each meeting should have heading containing the type of meeting
2. The date, time and place at which the meeting was held should be mentioned
3. In the case of the general meetings and board meetings, it is usual to state the number of the meeting
4. The minutes should contain the names of all those who were present and the capacity in which they were
present. But where the attendance is large, the names of persons attending are not stated in the minutes.
Only the number of persons who attended the meeting is mentioned. A separate register is kept for
signing by each person attending the meeting.
5. Each item in the minutes is numbered and given a brief heading
6. Each item should be written in the minutes in the same order in which the business was transacted
7. Minutes should be brief but no important detail should be omitted
8. Defamatory language, irrelevant points should not be recorded
9. While writing minutes, no reference should be made to the feelings of the persons present. The tone of
the minutes should be impersonal, i.e. written in third person.
10. Dates and figures should be clearly and precisely stated in the minutes. If a reference is made in certain
letters or reports, their numbers and dates should also be mentioned. This is necessary to avoid the
possibility of ambiguity and misunderstanding.
11. In case of a special resolution passed at the meeting, the number of those in favour and against should
be recorded.
12. The secretary should go on taking notes during the meeting. If a clarification is required. It should be
immediately sought. The minutes should be written as quickly as possible after the meeting so that no
important facts are forgotten.
13. It is advisable for the secretary to show the rough draft of the minutes to the Chairmen and get his
approval. This will avoid incorrect recording and alterations later on.
14. The language of the minutes should be simple and precise. Simple past tense and passive voice are
preferable. Be careful while converting direct speech to indirect speech.
15. Ensure that each item discussed in the meeting has been recorded.
16. Use a separate paragraph for each item
17. Record full text of motions, if a vote was taken and give exact text of resolutions adopted at the meeting.

Agenda is a document that outlines the contents of a forthcoming meeting. It is usually sent alongwith the notice
of the meeting. Sometimes the Agenda is prepared after the circulation of the notice in order to enable the
members to get included in the agenda any time that would like to be discussed at the meeting. Occasionally,
if the chairperson and the secretary do not want the members to know the items to be discussed, the agenda is
not circulated.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will take place on Monday, 18th September, 20. at 5:00 p.m. in the
conference room.
1. Minutes of the last meeting
2. Matters arising from the minutes
3. Financial irregularities in Dharwar branch
4. Re-organisation of work in Bangalore branch
5. Any other business
6. Date of next meeting

Invoice is a document giving full details of goods being shipped, prepared by the exporter and sent to the
Delivery Challan only mentions the quantity and type of goods.
Collection letters must be written cautiously. The first collection letter should be written in a polite manner,
and will be a reminder.
Banking requires letter writing for the following services: Stop payment, Overdraft limits, Term loan and
Status Enquiries.
Insurance Correspondence requires letter writing for the following: Policy renewal, null and void policies
and Reporting Loss.
Writing letters for the following services is also important : Sales Tax/C Form and Excise; Postal Authorities
and IT & Corporates.
A Company Secretary occupies an important place in a corporate set up. Public investment in a company
is generally in the form of shares, debentures and deposits. Anyone can participate in the capital of a
company through equity shares. The return on shares depends on the profitability of the company and is
in the form of dividend.
Dematerialization is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent
number of securities in electronic format and credited in the investors account with a Depository held
through Depository Participant (DP). Investors are expected to open Demat Accounts with Depository
Participants and deposit their shares certificates for the purpose of converting them to the electronic
Re-materialization request is to be made to depository participant with whom the shareholder has a
Demat account in the prescribed standard.
Minutes are the official record of the proceedings of a meeting. All organizations, whether commercial or
social, attach great importance to maintaining a proper record of the business transacted at their various
Agenda is a document that outlines the contents of a forthcoming meeting. It is usually sent alongwith
the notice of the meeting.

Lesson 12

Business Correspondence-II 361


A program listing items of business to be transacted in a meeting.

Annual Return

A statutory document filed by every company annually with the Registrar of Companies,
stating the particulars such as status, names of directors, shareholders, indebtness
etc. of the company.


A legal condition where a person or a business in which liabilities exceed the assets
and the debtor is unable to repay amounts owed.


The amount of money, invested in a business; available for working; manifest in tangible
goods like building and machinery or in the form of circulating assets. The term has
several specific uses. Money spent on improvement of fixed assets and not chargeable
against profits is known as Capital Expenditure.

Credit Note

A document sent by a seller to a buyer to rectify an error of overcharge in an invoice or

to allow credit for goods returned. It is entered in the books of account.

Debit Note

A note sent by seller to buyer to rectify an undercharge in the original invoice. It is in

the nature of a supplementary invoice.


An instrument/security through which a company may borrow funds from public or

public financial institutions, on which interest usually is payable on specific dates and
principal amount repayable on a particular date on redemption of the same.


Conversion of securities such as shares/ debentures from paper or physical form to

electronic form.


A return on investment on securities such as shares dependent on the profitability of

the company. It is distributed through dividend warrants similar to cheques. Alternatively
it may be credited to the bank account or Demat account of the shareholder.

Share Certificate

A certificate issued to shareholders in paper or physical form. Besides the names of

the holders, it carries the certificate, folio and distinctive numbers. It is signed by an
authorised signatory and carries the common seal of the company.


A person holding shares of a company. His rights include an invitation to attend and
vote in Annual General Meetings, to receive a copy of audited results and receive
dividend whenever declared.

Stock Exchange

An organised market for the sale and purchase of securities. In India stock exchanges
are regulated by the Securities & Exchange Board of India. The movement in prices of
select active scripts in reflected in Sensex or sensitive index in terms of points. Trading
in major exchanges is Screen-based these days where buying & selling is done online.
Matching of trades is done on computers installed in Stock Exchanges.


A tradable instrument giving the holder the right to buy from the issuer a fixed income
security or equity stock under specified conditions after some period of time.

1. You are the bank manager of XYZ Bank. Write a letter informing a customer about the personal loan that
the Head Office has agreed to sanction.
2. Draft a letter, requesting your bank to stop payment of a cheque.
3. Write a letter to an insurance company asking them to assess the loss caused to your factory by fire.

4. Draft a letter asking the Postal authorities to allot you a Post Box No. Also enquire about the annual
charges, mode of payment and the time taken in allotment of P.O. Box No.
5. Write a letter to MTNL, complaining them against the excess billing and requesting them to change your
telephone plan.
6. You are a shareholder. Write a letter to the company informing them that you wish to surrender your
7. As a Company Secretary write a letter to a shareholder who has asked for information about the companies
progress for further investment.
8. Write a letter as a shareholder, complaining against non-receipt of dividend warrant.
9. Describe briefly the general guidelines of writing minutes.
Suggested Readings
(1) Business Communication K.K. Sinha
(2) Business Communication M.S. Ramesh, C.C. Pattanshetti & M. Kulkarni
(3) Essentials of Business Communication Reddy, Appannaiah, Nagaraj & Raja Rao.

Lesson 13

Administration 363

Lesson 13
Introduction-Telegraphic Messages
Advantages of Telegraphic Messages
General Rules for Composing Telegram
Drafting a Telegram
Formats of Writing Telegrams
Letters and Telegrams
Messages through Electronic Media
Features of an E-mail
Drafting E-mail Messages
Important tips for Writing an E-mail
Fax Messages
Fax v/s Telex Machines
Short Messaging Service
Review Questions
Public Notices

For quick transmission of messages- telegrams,
emails, fax etc., are used. While the advantage
of fax and email is that the sender can send
any long a message while in case of telegrams,
utmost care with regards to the length has to
be observed. Emails are becoming a necessity
also because it not only saves time, but also
works on the principle of Save Paper, Save the
Environment and Go Green, Go Paper less.
Therefore the objective of the study lesson is to
enable the students to learn the skills of drafting
telegrams and email messages and also learn
to prepare representations which are made in
order to voice a grievance and to secure a relief;
Public notice which is given by an organisation
when it needs to share important information
with members of general public such as a
change of name or representative and invitation
which are generally sent when the occasion is
very formal.

Contents of Invitations
Replying to Invitations
Individual Invitation
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance - the telegraph and cable,
the telephone, radio, and the rest.
Emily Greene Balch



Urgency to communicate a matter may arise due to many exigencies, personal as well as official. Wherever
there is need to ensure dispatch in communication between persons located in far away places, telegrams
come in handy. This is in spite of the facility of trunk calls and subscriber trunk dialing being available. Telegrams
may also be communicated over the telephone and this is popularly called phonogram.

Advantages of Telegraphic Messages

Telegrams have been a common method of sending messages. They have been preferred for many reasons.
Some of them are:
They are fast. Words are changed into signals with the help of the Morses key and sent across cities,
countries and continents in a short time.
They are efficient. If drafted with care, they convey the crucial part of the message.
They are economical. The minimum charge for an inland telegraphic message is lower than the bus fare
for travelling across a metropolitan city.

General Rules to be kept in mind when composing telegram

The message must be brief and clear;
Time should be written according to the twenty four hour clock;
Sentences are to be divided by the word STOP;
Clarity and accuracy must be maintained;
Normal grammar and punctuation may be ignored;
Block letters must be used as far as possible.

Drafting a Telegram
The following points may be kept in mind while drafting them:
(1) Brevity
Telegrams are charged on the basis of number of words used. Therefore, one has to use words economically. It
is possible at times to replace a phrase with a single word. One can use try in place of to make an effort and
save three words in the process. Using one-word substitution may be a good idea to keep telegraphic messages
short. Another is to write a message in a normal manner and then delete unnecessary words or rephrase them.
The bold words in the following message sufficiently convey the meaning of the complete sentence:
We are glad to inform that our Balance fund has outperformed other funds in the first quarter.
So a telegram sending this message would simply read:
(2) Block Letters
Handwritten messages are often difficult to decipher. In lower case, Cs may look like Es or an R may be misread
as an N. Therefore the golden rule is to draft telegraphic messages in block or capital letters.

Lesson 13

Administration 365

(3) PM or AM?
If a.m. is read as p.m. it will make a straight time difference of twelve hours. So the tip is use twenty-four hour
clock-the way they do to announce train or airline timings, i.e. 15.00 hrs. for 2.00 p.m.; 22.30 hrs. for 10:30 p.m.
(4) Completeness
In our effort to keep our message brief, we cannot afford to send incomplete messages. Let us look at the
following message:
It does not tell us anything except the fact that the managing director is arriving. The recipient would surely like
to know more.
For example the time of arrival, the mode of journey, the purpose of the visit and what is expected of him. If we
expand the same message a little, the meaning becomes clearer.
(5) Action required
The message is still incomplete because it does not state what is expected of the recipient. Adding a few words
may make it clearer:
It is useful to include the action expected from the recipient i.e. to quote or to supply, to join duty or to extend
leave. The underlined parts of the following messages do just the same:
It would certainly cost more but the person receiving it would know all the relevant details. From this it is clear
that brevity should not be achieved at the cost of meaning.
(6) Grammar
The rules of grammar have been relaxed while drafting the telegram. However, there is one exception. When
sending out goodwill messages, it is advisable to write the message in full. Brevity seems out of place when
generosity is required.

Formats of Writing Telegrams

After a telegram is given, usually a confirmatory copy is sent to the receiver of the message.
The format of the telegram is as follows:

MADRAS 600 008
This is a telegram given by Venkatesh, the Managing Director of Harsh Engineering Ltd. The telegraphic code of
this company being Harsh, the same is given. In cases where the receiver does not have a code, the full
address has to be mentioned. Otherwise, the telegram may not be delivered or it may be delivered to a wrong
person for want of complete postal address. To ensure economy of words, the formal salutation etc. are omitted.
The confirmatory copy of the above telegram, sent by post, would be shown as follows:
(Regd. Office: 12, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110 001)
Phone: 12345
A.A. Venkatesh
Managing Director
Not to be telegraphed:
Shri Vinod Kumar
Regional Sales Manager,
12, Pantheon Road,
Chennai-600 008
Note how the telegraphic message is confirmed on the letter head of the Managing Director.
A few more formats of writing telegraphic messages are listed below:
This is a telegram intimating appointment to a candidate who attended the interview. Name of the post is not
necessary to be mentioned unless it is absolutely essential, as the telegram is probably sent a few days after the
interview. The senders name is usually given below the message. Companies obtain codified telegraphic
addresses from the postal authorities. In that case use of that code would suffice.
May be there is a change of office at which the candidate is to report. Where there are a number of offices. It is
necessary to mention where the candidate is to report.
The message conveyed here is that the law and order situation is bad and hence it is advisable to postpone the
visit to the city.

Lesson 13

Administration 367

The word Expedite used above, implies expediting the dispatch of the stock statement.
There is no instruction in this telegram for return journey booking. May be the sender is not sure whether he
would return the same day; so the correct interpretation of the telegram would be that the receiver need not take
any action for return journey booking.
Here the earlier direction is over-ruled.
This is a very important telegram. It may be from the Regional Office to the Head Office. Heavy damage is a
critical word suggestive of sizable pecuniary loss.
This is a telegram communicating transfer of an employee to Delhi office.
Some more Examples
Probably the godown has been inspected by the Inspector of Explosives and because the godown does not
conform to certain rules and regulations, the licence to store the goods therein has been suspended. This is a
serious matter and hence the telegram also mentions the reasons for the suspension of the licence.
This is a return telegram expressing shock and anger on the unfortunate but serious development.
This is a telegram informing reopening of the assessment of income-tax by the Department. May be the telegram
is sent to the Manager (Taxation) who is on leave or on tour. The huge demand of tax is what necessitates the
telegram so that he may resume duty to take up the matter suitably.
Again this may be a telegram to a senior official of the company who is on leave.

This is a telegram to a stock broker to purchase some shares at certain prices.
Note the entire information is communicated in words and numerals have not been used. This is because an
error in communicating the numerals would mean a lot of consequences to the investor.
The telegram apprises the Head Office of the outcome of the dealers meeting held at Chennai.
This is a telegram sent to the stock exchange(s) outside the city in which the Registered Office of the company
is situated. This is required to be done under the terms and conditions of the listing agreement that a company
enters into with the stock exchange(s).
This telegram is sent to all those who matter. If an X is put on the top of the telegram then it shows it is an
express or an extremely urgent message.
This telegram apprises the top officials not in the city or place where the strike is going on.
These examples would have given an idea as to how telegrams are worded. There are numerous occasions
where sending of a telegram is absolutely essential.
Framing of telegrams from given matter
Now you may have to develop the skill of condensing a letter or report into a telegram. A few examples are given
Read the text of the following letter and the telegraphic version of the same at the end.
It has never been our experience that you delayed payment of our bills. However, we are quite surprised that
this time in respect of this bill (Bill No. 23 dt. 2.3.12) the payment has not yet been received by us.
We have sent you two reminders, already, that too with great hesitation as we had all hopes that you must have
earnestly set the process of remittance in motion.
Strangely, our earlier letters remain unresponded. As we have tight working capital base these days, we solicit
that the payment be made within 15 days. If you have genuine or inevitable problems in the way of settling our
dues please feel free to write to us.
Note that the word REQUEST conveys the benevolent feeling expressed in the letter.

Letter and Telegram

Example 1

Lesson 13

Administration 369

I recall the pleasant meeting you had with the members of the interview Board last Friday when you reported
for an interview for the post of Deputy Secretary, Tax Division, in our company.
The Board was very much pleased with your background and experience and above all your eagerness to
join us.
However, I have been directed to inform you that we have been able to find a suitable candidate who has had
experience more akin to our expectations and job requirements.
Please rest assured that should any opening arise in the near future calling for proficiency in line with your
experience, we shall write to you. We are keeping your application in active file.
We once again thank you for evincing interest in joining us.
Example 2
Now read the following letter
I refer to the consignment that we received today through Patel Roadways L.R. No. 002789 dt. 10th April
On opening the pack, it was found that the flywheel blades were twisted out of shape. The special bolts were
short by 5 numbers. The flywheel housing was found having a deep crack.
We are sorry to note that instances of supply of such defective spares have of late become quite frequent.
Even in respect of the last two consignments we were forced to write to you about a number of defects. In the
consignment under reference the outer packs have been found to be intact. We therefore have cause to
apprehend that enough attention is probably not being paid while dispatching the parts from the factory or
godown. You may appreciate that such defective supplies have seriously hampered the timeliness with which
we used to satisfy our customers requirements. We are sorry to write that if instances of such defective
supplies are found to persist, we may be left with the only option of placing our orders with some other
May we expect an expeditious replacement of the defective parts?
Example 3
Read the following letter:
We are in receipt of your application for the post of Finance Manager in our company.
We shall appreciate if you can make it convenient to come for a personal interview on 25th March 2012 at our
Registered office. You will be reimbursed air fare both ways for attending the interview.
Kindly let us know the details of your departure so that we may arrange to receive you at Palam Airport and
book the return air ticket as well. Your stay has been arranged at the Companys guest house.



Though HRM is otherwise very advantageous, it has certain disadvantages as well.

What began as an American experiment in computer communication technology during the cold war has
revolutionised the world. Email has been around for almost as long as Internet. But it is difficult today to think of
a business house or a company without an email contact address. There is a good reason for it. For the cost of
a local telephone call, it is possible to send a message to any part of the world in a matter of minutes. The
message need not even be in plain text. Using HTML or Hyper Text Markup Languagethe computer code used
to create web pagesfor formatting, one may even send graphics, images and hyperlinks.

Domestications Catalog


Thursday, April 19, 2012, 1.38 AM


Domestication Shopper


Mothers Day Orders

In order to guarantee delivery of regular in-stock items for the May 13 holiday, orders must be placed by May 3,
2012. Heavyweight, drop-shipped, and backordered items will take longer to be delivered. Please plan your
order accordingly. Thank you.
Features of an Email
Email packages like Messenger and Outlook Express are a part of web-browsers. The specialist may prefer a
program like Eudora. These programs help us compose new messages or forward the ones we receive to one
or all the people whose e-mail addresses are stored in the address book. They allow us to:
change fonts and sizes;
highlight and color;
delete, store or save;
align, center or justify;
italicise, bold or underline
print what is written or received.
An interface between the e-mail program and the word processing program allows us to copy, cut and paste
messages from one to the other. We can attach files, compressed or otherwise, with our email messages.
Good to know!!!
Microsoft word documents often sent as attachments with email may be carrying macro-viruses. It is advisable
to scan them with the help of anti-virus softwares before opening them.
Some programs even offer templates, such as cards or invites, to write text-messages on. Mailing lists are also
available for the use of business houses while individuals use filters to block unsolicited junk mail or spam. If we
are unsure of what we write, there are grammar and spell checkers to help us. We can even add our signature,
stored in a file, at the end of the message. Carbon or blind carbon copies can also be sent. Excepting these

Lesson 13

Administration 371

similarities with the layout of a letter, the style of email tends to be direct and brief.
Quote on Email Generation
Email Generation-Letter Imperfect?
Most young people have never written a formal letter, highlighting the growth in Emails. A study found that
Emails had replaced traditional methods of correspondence in business. Almost half of those polled said they
now send thank you notes through the Internet rather than by post. One in twenty said they write love and
kisses at the end of Email messages to their employer.
Guardian News Service, London.
Drafting Email Messages
The ease and speed of email combines the elements of speech and writing. To that extent, it tends to become
informal. Being relatively impersonal, it breaks down barriers and hierarchies in business offices and improves
communication. It scores over telephony in being cost-effective also.
However, care should be taken while drafting email messages whether formal or informal. Always read the
message you have typed atleast twice before sending it, because once it has been sent you cannot stop it from
reaching the recipient.
Important Tips for Writing an Email
Other things that need to be checked are:
whether the email address is typed in correctly;
the message has no spelling mistakes;
no abbreviations such as UR for your is used in official communications. There are okay when sending
emails to friends.
One important thing to remember and check would be the content of your message. Before clicking on the send
icon, it would be advisable to evaluate it as to whether it is a hand written letter or a reply to be sent through
email. If after evaluation, the answer is yes, then one can go ahead and send it, if the answer is no, then one
should redraft/modify the email.
It is not advisable to react to an email and reply immediately, always think before typing and read and evaluate
before sending an email.
It should be always remembered that e-mail is only a faster medium of communication and therefore all
communication must be clear, brief, precise and unambiguous.
Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted,
corrupted, lost, arrive late or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or
omissions in the context of this message, which arises as a result of Internet transmission.
Extract from a Foreign Banks Email

Fax Messages
Fax is the abbreviated form of the word, facsimile. It means the transmission of an exact copy of a document. It
is generally done through a fax machine. The machine first scans the document and then transmits the copy to
the fax machine at the other end through the telephone line with which it is connected. The document is printed
on a roll of paper. The cheaper variants use thermal paper but the print tends to disappear after some time. The
plain paper fax machines are relatively expensive. The fax machines have several features.

Abbreviated dialing helps store commonly used numbers and allow one-digit dialing for ease. Delayed transmission
enables us to send faxes during odd-hours and pay lower tariffs. Auto-cutter keeps the paper roll in fine shape.
Fax V/s Telex Machines
Fax has a definite advantage over telex. Telex machines only allow exchange of text while fax can send pictures,
graphics or designs as well. In addition, one does not need a leased line since a fax machine can be connected
to any telephone line. It is also possible for smaller organisations to use the same line for making calls and
receiving faxes, though not at the same time. Such numbers are often listed in letterheads as Telefax.
Faxes can also be sent and received through computers. Word processors offer Fax-templates like the one
shown below in which relevant information may be filled in and then sent:


To: Purchase Officer, Maruti Appliances

Fax: 916-35221

From: R.K. Sehgal QCM

Date: 4 April 2012

Re: Fresh Samples-Desktop

Pages: One

CC: Sales Officer


# For Review

Please Comment

Please Reply
Please Recycle
Please refer to your message regarding submission of fresh samples of desktop.
The samples were approved only on 23rd March this year and the mould has been designed for 1,00,000
pieces. The deviations were caused by drop in electric voltage changing the moulding settings in CNC machine.
We request you to continue with random testing as the component is being moulded as per design and we
are confident it will pass all quality tests.
In the event of further deviations, we will gladly submit fresh samples.

Short Messaging Service

Mobile telephony has provided another facility to send brief messages instantly. All mobile telephone service
providers provide Short Messaging Service (SMS). An alphanumeric (containing alphabets and numbers)
message may be punched in using the keypad of the handset. It may be sent, edited, stored or deleted at either
end. It is transmitted from one handset to another through the Message Center of the service provider. The
message is displayed on the handset of the receiver.
Short Messaging Service is offered in the cell phone circles of the country at a nominal cost. A message sent
through SMS is cheaper than even a telegram. The disadvantage is that there is no written record, and it sounds
very informal.
For example your message how are you? Could be sent as How R U; good for you - as GD 4 U, where the
vowels are dispensed with. The receiver too has to be conversant with any abbreviations you may use, in order
to understand your message.

Lesson 13

Administration 373

State True or False:
1. In cases where the receiver has the telegraphic code, the full address has to be
2. The email message should be sent immediately after writing.
3. Representations are made to voice a grievance and secure a relief.
4. It is advisable to use the telephone to reply to invitation.
Answers: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False

Representations are made in order to voice a grievance and to secure a relief. When addressed to a public
body, they may focus attention on a problem being faced by the signatories collectively.
Representations need to be prepared carefully. They should not only be based on incontrovertible facts but also
mention the relief expected. If we anticipate objections and provide answers to them in the first instance, the
chances of securing the desired relief increase. Representations are drafted in a formal tone using the format of
a business letter.
Example 1
The Commissioner
Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Town Hall
Delhi-110 006
May 11, 2012
We, the following, were relocated from Roshanara Road to Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar on Old Rohtak
Road in 2008 in order to decongest the area.
We co-operated with the local administration when it was promised that the new site will be fully developed and
functional before we move to the area. A Petrol Pump on the premises and civic amenities within a year of
relocation were promises made by the Deputy Commissioner himself.
We regret to inform that the promises have not been fulfilled though several representations were made. The
roads are full of potholes and it is common to see the grounded trucks being pulled out with the help of cranes.
There is no lighting on the streets though much of the activity takes place after dark. The absence of public
conveniences has turned the area into a virtual toilet. The nearest petrol pump is more than a kilometer away.
Therefore some of the allottees have begun to operate from their old offices-cum-godown in Roshanara Road.
It is requested that immediate directions be given to the Assistant Commissioner (North-West), MCD to metal
the roads before the onset of the monsoon and to construct public conveniences. The plot reserved for the
Petrol Pump be allotted immediately to provide relief to truckers.
We hope immediate steps will be initiated to provide relief to the occupants of Transport Nagar.
Yours faithfully,

Jasjit Singh
Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar Association
Example 2
Representative bodies of trade and commerce routinely receive representations from its members. These are
discussed and often forwarded to appropriate authorities.
The President
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
New Delhi-110 001.
March 14, 2012
The wholesale market for electrical goods at Bhagirath Place is witnessing unprecedented dumping of electrical
goods sourced from China. Most goods are smuggled through the porous border with Nepal. A few consignments,
which are legally imported, are heavily under-invoiced.
Due to this, the sale of leading Indian brands has crashed during the last six months. The aggregate daily sale
has come down from a crore of rupees to rupees fifty lakhs as most transactions are in cash and go unrecorded.
We feel that immediate action is required to protect local industry. We request you to take up the matter with the
Government of India so that normalcy may be restored in the trading of electrical goods.
Yours faithfully
Bhagirath Place Electrical Dealers Association
Example 3
When relief sought can only be provided through legislative action or policy change, the affected businesses
make a representation to the concerned ministry:
The Minister of Information Technology
Government of India
New Delhi-110 001
May 9, 2012
The recent hacking of some of our prominent web sites by elements inimical to our country has once again
focused attention on security concerns. The concern is justified since the general public has shown a lukewarm
response to E-commerce. The trading of securities on the Internet constitutes a negligible percentage of the
total volumes. The dematerialisation drive has also suffered with many investors exercising a preference for
scripts in physical form. There are even reports about an increasing interest in Rematerialisation following
genuine fears about security of transactions. According to independent studies, E-commerce has not taken off
as expected causing an overall slowdown.

Lesson 13

Administration 375

It is suggested that immediate steps should be taken by the Ministry of IT to remove some of these concerns.
Development of Intrusion Detection Systems and Penetration Testing should be a priority. The use of firewalls and
cryptography by Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Banking/Trading institutions should be made mandatory.
The mechanism to grant approval to digitised signatures should be expedited to restore confidence in E- commerce.
It is hoped the ministry will find it possible to act on the suggestions made in this representation.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
All-India Stock-Brokers Association
A few examples of Representations are given herein:
Example 1: Representation against governments order to shift the Factory
17, Kali Industrial Area, Kanpur - 208 019.
Tel: 241123
No. 82/2012/PC
Director of Industries,
Uttar Pradesh State Secretariat Complex,
Khan Road,
Lucknow 226 001
Dated: 1.1.2012
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Shifting of our factory
Ref.: Your letter No. GIR:HP/38/2011 dated 30th November, 2011
We invite your kind attention to your letter referred to above directing us to shift our factory from Kanpur Municipal
Corporation Area within a period of six months.
In this regard we beg to make the following submissions for your sympathetic consideration:
1. Our factory is a SSI unit and it is yet to make a profit. The shifting of the unit outside Kanpur would make
it further unviable because of increase in the cost of production. It will increase the cost of transportation
of raw-material and finished products. Most of the clients of our products are situated in Kanpur city
proper; similarly the raw-material suppliers are also from the city.
2. We have been forewarned by banks and other creditors that they would not extend any credit facility
once our unit goes out of the city.
3. The trade union representing majority of workers has issued statements/ threats against any possible
relocation of the factory. They are dead against the shifting.
In view of the above, we request your kind self to reconsider your decision and allow us to continue our unit at
its present site.
Thanking you and expecting a favourable response.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/Chief Executive

Example 2: Representation to Municipal Corporation Authorities
Dear Sir,
The Registered Office of our company is situated at Siddharth Towers (ground floor and 1st floor) Rajindra
Place, New Delhi 110 008. Of late, the garbage and wastes which get dumped in the open ground behind the
towers has given rise to hygiene problems. More particularly, the nuisance is felt all the more at the ground and
first floors. The vultures preying on the decay and pigs grunting around make an unseemly sight.
Would you please take immediate steps for clearance of the garbage and prevent recurrence of such nuisance
in future?
Yours faithfully,
Example 3: Representation from a company to the Trade Association
Dear Sir,
You may be aware of the problem faced by the non-SSI sector industries in the matter of marketing their goods
and services, due to the protective Government policies like, concessional finance, price preference, higher
investment subsidy, tax holiday etc. No doubt, small scale industrial units need to be protected from the severity
of competition from large scale industrial units. Protection is also necessary to broad base the entrepreneurial
talent available in the country. But the units which graduate into medium scale units are denied these concessions,
the moment they exceed the specified investment limit in plant and machinery. With the result they are left open
to face the challenge of competition from large units suddenly. The number of such units which have gone sick
due to this reason is on the increase. The very protective policy under cover of which they germinated loses all
purpose when they turn sick due to expansion and growth. On the other hand, to be within the periphery of the
specified investment limit would stifle (conceal or hide) innovation and growth, besides facilitating the undesirable
practice of setting up dummy units horizontally.
The Trade Association, therefore, can make a suitable representation to the Ministry of Industry to continue the
concessions for 3 years at least to such units after they become medium scale units. Suitable representation
can also be made to the State Governments soliciting a similar treatment in respect of concessions offered by
them. This would give a breathing time for such units to adjust themselves after the initial concession period is
Yours faithfully,

When an organisation needs to share important information with members of general public such as a change
of name or representative, it drafts a Public Notice. Individuals often display such notices when called upon to do
so by a court of law.
Such notices are usually inserted in newspapers in the form of advertisements though displaying them at prominent
places is also common. The emphasis is on making relevant information available. Niceties are dispensed with
and the tone is businesslike and formal.
Example 1
Employees Provident Fund Organisation and Department of Post have joined hands to provide for payment of
pension through 26,000 post offices spread across the country. It will not be mandatory to deposit the introductory
cash amount to open the pension account. Employees covered under Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 and
desiring to draw pension through post office may submit an application for change of option to Central Pay &

Lesson 13

Administration 377

Accounts Office after 1st of May, 2012.

Payment of pension through nationalised banks will continue to be made as in the past.
Example 2
The Chairman, Delhi Vidyut Board in exercise of powers under clause 4(13) of DECO, 1959, is constrained to
impose a total ban on the use of electricity for air-conditioning, neon signs, decoration lights, advertising and
window-displays between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. until 30.9.2012 unless withdrawn earlier.
Violation may lead to find and/or disconnection of power without any further notice.
This order shall not apply to essential services and foreign missions.
for Chairman, DVB
Sd/Example 3
British Petroleum wishes to announce that Mr. H.K.Sethi, resident of 2248/2, Katra Neel, Chandni Chowk, Delhi
is no longer in their employment.
Anyone dealing with him shall do so at his own risk and British Petroleum shall not be liable in this regard.
Sd/Area Manager (N)
British Petroleum
Example 4: Advertisement giving notice for issue of New Debenture Certificates
Regd. Office: 1, Beach Road, Bharuch-Gujarat
Notice is hereby given that the Company has, in consultation with the Stock Exchanges, fixed closure of register
of debentureholders (Convertible Debentures) and transfer books thereof from 6th July 2012 to 10th July, 2012
(both days inclusive) for issuing New Debenture certificate(s) on cancellation of the existing Debenture
In view of this all genuine convertible Debenture holders are hereby requested to lodge their Debenture Certificates,
alongwith relevant applications for transfer in their favour on or before 5th July, 2012 with the Registrars of the
Company viz. Maya Consultants Ltd. at 11th Floor, Surya Mahal, 121, MG Road, Ahmedabad-380 006 or at any
of the Investor Relation Centres of the Company for issuing new debenture certificate(s).
Sd/Date: 5th June, 2012

Company Secretary


Invitations are normally sent only when the occassion is very formal. The body of the invitation can be printed,
however the salutation should be hand written in order to make it personal.
In business situations, invitation could be sent out for various purposes and it may include:
Launch of a new product/service.
For holding a function for felicitating someone who has received an award.
For opening a new showroom, office premises etc.
For inauguration/participation in a seminar, conference or function organised by the company/organisation.
To publicise a special event.

Contents of Invitation
An invitation must contain the following information:
The name of the company/who the invitation is from
The event
The venue of the event
The day, date and time of the event
A roadmap to the venue if the same is difficult to find, in a new area etc.
Details about transport either provided by the company or local transport, plying in that area, if the place
is new or not easily reachable.
The address and phone number for a reply.
At times when very important guests are going to grace the occasion, for example the Prime Minister,
Union Ministers etc., it is also to be stated by what time the invitees will have to be at their seats and also
that they should carry their invitations to be allowed entry into the venue, for security reasons.
Good to know!!!
Wherever possible it is a better practice to hand over the invitation personally to the invitee. If you cannot do
it in person, then it would be advisable to send someone senior in your organisation who knows the invitee to
do the same, and you can follow it up by talking to the invitee on the telephone personally extending your

Replying to Invitations
It is but basic courtesy to send a reply to the person inviting you for an occasion. Your reply could be either to
confirm that you will be attending the event or to convey your inability to attend the same. Though some people
do use the telephone to convey the same, it is better to send the same in writing as the invitation is formal.
Example 1: Invitation for Golden Jubilee Celebrations
The Directors
Alpha Beta Limited
request the pleasure of the

Lesson 13

Administration 379

Company of
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Shah [fill in name of invitee by hand]
at their Golden Jubilee Celebrations
to be held at
The Ballroom
Le Meridian Hotel
26, Connaught Circus, New Delhi
on Friday the 5th August, 2012
Cocktails at 18.30
Dinner at 20.00
The Directors
Alpha Beta Limited
26, Hauz Khas
New Delhi - 110 016
Ph: 6163200, 6174595
RSVP by 25th July, 2012
Good to know!!!
RSVP is the abbreviation of the French words respondey sil vous plait meaning please reply. This is
usually added to invitations where the person sending out the invitation wants to ascertain the approximate
number of guests who will be attending the event so that adequate arrangements for parking, refreshments
etc. can be made.
Example 2: Reply to the above invitation
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Shah
thank the Directors
Alpha Beta Limited

for their kind invitation to their

Golden Jubilee Celebrations
on Friday, August 5, 2012
and confirm that they will be attending the same.
10, Shah Jahan Road
New Delhi - 110 002

21st July, 2012

Example 3: Reply to above invitation conveying regret
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Shah
thank the Directors
Alpha Beta Limited
for their kind invitation to their
Golden Jubilee Celebrations
on Wednesday, February 15, 2012
but are unable to attend the same as they will be out of town to attend a family function. They convey their
congratulations to you on your achievement and convey their best wishes for the future.
10, Shah Jahan Road
1st February, 2012

New Delhi - 110 002

Invitations to public events can also be done through advertisement as it makes them reach a large number of
people in a short time. The tone is usually formal since we have no idea who the invitee is.
Example 4: Advertisement
Career-Quest is organising an interactive seminar on career planning. It will be held on Friday, April 20, 2012
at the Habitat Center, Lodi Road from 10.30 onwards.
Those desiring to attend may collect their invitation cards, on first come first served basis, from the reception.
Entry will be allowed only till 10.15 a.m.
Director, Career-Quest

Individual Invitation
One may procure a mailing list and write a mailer to members one wishes to invite. For example, ICSI may make
a mailing list available to someone wishing to invite Company Secretaries accredited to it. The tone of such
invitations is informal. Like external circulars, they carry a salutation in singular i.e. Dear member, friend, colleague
etc. It is believed that such attention to an individual makes him receive the mailer better.
Example 5: Individual Letter
Dear Member,
The recent volatility in the Stock Markets has put the focus back on the regulatory role of SEBI. In order to help
appraise its performance better, the New Delhi Investors Association is organising a symposium on The
Regulatory Role of SEBI on Monday, 12th April, 2012 at DSIDC Business Center, K.S.Marg, New Delhi.
Representatives from SEBI, DSE and FICCI have agreed to take part. We are pleased to invite you to the
symposium and hope you will come and contribute to it. A message of confirmation will help us serve you better.
Yours sincerely
Sd/Organising Secretary

Lesson 13

Administration 381

Word processors enable us to print even the names and addresses of members with the help of mail-merge
facility. The contents of the invitation remain the same. Such invitations may be signed either by hand or in
Example 6: Individual Letter
Dear Mr. Mathur
You will be pleased to know that the Confederation of Indian Industry is organising a one-day seminar on
Excise Duty on Readymade Garment Industry on Friday, 16th April, 2012 at Indian International Center, New
The Chief Commissioner of Excise and Customs has kindly consented to be the chief speaker.
The purpose of the seminar is to enable our members to interact with the Excise authorities following the
governments decision to bring the readymade garment industry within the purview of excise.
We are sure you will be interested in attending the seminar. Please call Ms. Jessica Bose on 6467122 Ext. 205
for registration.
Yours sincerely
M.V. Kamath

In sending telegrams and telexes utmost economy in the use of words is needed.
In telegrams, normal grammar and punctuation are often ignored in favour of condensation.
Word omission and word abbreviation are a necessary part of telegram and telex messages.
In fax messages, conventional salutations and complimentary close are added.
Representations are made in order to voice a grievance and to secure a relief.
Invitations are normally sent only when the occasion is very formal. Invitation to public events can also
be done through advertisement as it makes them reach a large number of people in a short time.


A case or situation that demands prompt action or remedy; emergency; the need,
demand, or requirement intrinsic to a circumstance, condition, etc.


Of or pertaining to a large city, its surrounding suburbs, and other neighboring



To make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.); to discover the
meaning of (anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand).


The quality of expressing much in few words.


Pertaining to money; consisting of or given or exacted in money or monetary payments

(of a crime, violation, etc.); involving a money penalty or fine.


To give notice to; inform; advise (often followed by of).


Concentrate; to reduce to a shorter form; abridge.


Serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous; showing depth and sincerity
of feeling.


The sending of money, checks, etc., to a recipient at a distance; money or its equivalent
sent from one place to another.


Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary.


Desiring to help others; charitable; intended for benefits rather than profit.


To continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like,
especially in spite of opposition, remonstrance, etc.


To deal out; distribute.

1. Draft a telegrams for the following:
(i) informing the company XYZ, about your inability to accept the job offer.
(ii) asking a candidate to appear for an interview in Mumbai.
(iii) informing your parents about your brothers good result.
(iv) informing your mother about your arrival.
(v) informing a candidate about his non-selection.
2. In response to the advertisement in The Hindustan Times, for the post of Company Secretary, draft a
message to be sent to the advertiser through an e-mail.
3. Write a representation to MCD informing them about the increasing number of street dogs in your
4. Draft a public notice requesting general public not to crack crackers after 9:00 p.m. Also state, that
disciplinary actions will be taken against defaulters.
5. Draft an invitation for the opening ceremony of your boutique.
6. Draft a reply as an invitee to the above invitation either accepting or rejecting the invitation.
Suggested Readings
(1) Essentials of Business Communication Reddy, Appannaiah, Nagaraj & Raja Rao
(2) Business Communication K.K. Sinha
(3) Communication of Business Shirley Taylor.

Lesson 13

Administration 383


Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 385

Lesson 14
Inter- Departmental Communication
Introduction to Inter -Departmental
Memo Forms
Memo Reports
Office Circulars
Specimen Office Circulars
Office Orders
Specimen Office Orders
Review Questions
Office Notes
Representations to Management
Correspondence with Regional/Branch
Lesson Round Up

In a small organization, communication within the
organization is very simple; however in a large
organization the communication needs are
different. Large organizations need an efficient
system by which they can communicate and
disseminate information quickly within the various
departments or sections situated in different
locations. The telephone is no doubt an
immediate method but it is often necessary to
have some written records of requests,
instruction, action suggested or taken, etc. For
this purpose organizations uses memos,
circulars, orders, notes etc for communication.
Therefore, the objective of the study lesson is
to help the students draft memos, office
circulars, office notes, office orders,
suggestions, various representations to
management and correspondence with
regional/branch offices.

Self-Test Questions

What is the shortest word in the English language that contains the letters: abcdef?
Answer: feedback.
Dont forget that feedback is one of the essential elements of good communication.



Inter and intra-departmental communication has largely been a formal affair. The chief executives assumed that
they were expected to be direct, brief and functional, wasting little time on niceties. Employees were usually
taken for granted - bound by archaic service rules to listen and to comply unquestioningly. No wonder the
documents produced were staid and standardised.
Over the years, there has been greater appreciation of the important role the staff play is an organisation. Their
stake in the organisation has also gone up with schemes like Employee Stock Option Plans becoming popular
as one of the means of compensation. They now take a greater interest in framing of policies, get more respect
and enjoy confidence. To that extent, intra-company communication is becoming more informal. Being an internal
communication, stationery showing just the logo and name of enterprise is preferred over the formal Letterhead.

The term Memorandum (Memos) has often been misunderstood as a part of disciplinary proceedings. Far from
it, the word at best means a note or record for future use. It is a useful mode of informal communication. A
memorandum (memorandums or memoranda in plural) plays a convenient and flexible role. While much of inter
and infra-office communication is being done over the phone, memorandums are preferred when one needs to
convey information in writing.
There are minor variations in format but most memos have the same headings. The difference with the letter
format is obvious. Inside name and address are done away with. Nor are salutation and complimentary close
used. Informal tone and use of personal pronouns is allowed. Numbering is optional. Titles such as Interoffice
Communication, Office Memorandum or Interoffice Correspondence may be used in place of more commonly
used Memorandum. When addressed to all employees, a memorandum is as good as an Office Circular:
Interoffice Memo

All Employees


General Manager





It has been reported to me that many employees do not furnish details of savings to avail concessions under
Section 80 cc of Income Tax Act in time.
It may be noted that employees must report details of savings to be made by them by 15th of April and submit
evidence in support by 20th March every year. The Accounts department will not be able to allow deductions on
savings brought to its notice later.

Memo Forms
Companies often use printed Memo-forms as they are convenient to use. The provision of headings rules out
exclusion of relevant information. They are not signed but may be initiated for authenticity.

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 387

IT offers help in the form of Memo templates or macros. Wizards in Word Processors give step by step guidance
to help fill relevant information in them and format it later.

R.L. Gupta, QCM


R. Bhagat, MD


January 3, 2012
Subject: Rejection of Level Assembly

The rejection rate of Lever Assembly has increased alarmingly and the client has conveyed a warning. Please
ensure stringent quality control checks down the line immediately. If necessary, submit fresh samples for inspection.
Ensure compliance and keep me updated through weekly reports.

Memo Report
Short reports are often prepared in the form of a memorandum. Periodic reports of sales personnel are a case
in point. Many companies in fact use special stationery for the purpose. A report in the memorandum form
should carry a heading to this effect. The subject line of the following memorandum does the same job:


No: LA/2

From: QCM

Date: 5 Feb. 2012

Sub: Report on Supply of Lever Assembly

As directed, I am submitting below the details about supply of Lever Assembly during week ending 3rd Feb.:
Number dispatched


Number accepted


Rejection if any


Reason for rejection


Additional comments:
The defect was caused by coil burnout resulting in under-heating of raw material prior to moulding. I am tightening
in-house quality checks to bring down the rejection rate and finally eliminate it.
Memos are also issued in the cases of disciplinary actions to be taken against employees and replies thereto.
These include memos relating to show-cause notice, charge-sheet etc.
A Few Specimens of Memos are given below:
Specimen 1
Ref: 81/C/2012

11th January 2012

Office Memorandum
With reference to his request for grant of Special Casual Leave, Shri P. Sachdeva is informed that Special
Casual Leave has been granted to him for four days from 23rd January to 26th January 2012 for enabling him
to participate in the District Level Athletic Meet.
Sd/Ramesh Kumar
Administration Manager
Shri P. Sachdeva
Secretarial Department
Through: Company Secretary
Specimen 2
Ref: 81/1/2012

13th February 2012


Shri Mukesh is hereby informed that the office has no objection to his pursuing part time M.A. Degree Course in
the evenings after office hours. However, grant of leave for study/examination is subject to exigencies of office
Sd/Surendar Ghosh
Manager (Personnel)
Shri Mukesh
Assistant, Sales Department
Through: Manager - Sales
Specimen 3
21st February, 2012
With reference to his letter dated 4th February, 2012 requesting for change of seat on health grounds, Shri Badal
Singh is informed that the matter is under consideration and the decision would be communicated to him soon.
Sd/Bipin Kumar
Manager (Administration)

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 389

Shri Badal Singh
Stores Department
Through: Stores Manager

Office Circulars
Office circulars are for disseminating information to a large number of employees within the organisation. Since
it is an internal communication, therefore it has traditionally been brief and business-like formal and devoid of
A specimen office circular is reproduced below:
Circular No. 3/44
It is brought to the notice of all employees that the canteen facilities are being extended to S-31 building located
in Sector 44 with immediate effect. The existing practice of providing packed lunch courtesy Air Kitchen is being
discontinued. Suggestions about fare and quality may be made to the undersigned or dropped in the box provided
on the premises.
Sd/Hospitality Manager
New Developments
Most companies in the post-liberalisation period are changing track and understand the value of their human
resources. The popularity of Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), in which part of the compensation is paid to
employees in the form of stock has accelerated the process. They are treated with the same attention and
courtesy that used to be reserved for the clients. As a result, their in-house circulars are longer, you-centered
but uncompromising where quality is involved.
A specimen is reproduced below:
Dear Employee,
You must be aware of the changes being brought about in the industry. Many of them were formed
under heightened expectations and have since been wound up due to poor customer response. Surveys indicate
that at least 40% of such ventures did not prove viable during the last two years and had to close down.
It is satisfying that your enterprise not only managed to survive the downturn but has also increased its customer
base. However, this is not the time to relax. The industry is certainly under pressure and we need to put
in our best in order to stay in business.
Therefore we have decided to raise the minimum performance levels and we solicit your co-operation in reaching
them. The achievers will get higher perks to be notified shortly while defaulters will have to go for re-training.
Let us be partners in progress.
Yours sincerely,
A few specimens of office circulars are given below:
Specimen 1
Inviting Suggestions

PUNE - 411 004
3rd February, 2012
Circular No. 345/2012
The manual of instruction which was last revised in June 2005 is proposed to be updated. Constructive
suggestions are welcome from employees. Suggestions are to be sent to the undersigned latest by 3rd March,
Sd/Manager O&M Cell
Specimen 2
Insisting Punctuality
PATNA - 800 003
25th February, 2012
Circular No. 12/2012
Employees are requested to strictly adhere to the office timings. Tendencies to move around unnecessarily in
corridors and canteens would be viewed seriously.
Co-operation of all the employees is solicited in maintaining decorum and discipline in the office premises.
Sd/Bhagat Singh
Manager, Personnel
Specimen 3
Information regarding annual day celebrations
PINJORE - 147 001
3rd January, 2012
Circular No. 23/2012
The Annual Day Function of the company is to be celebrated on the 28th February, 2012 with usual gaiety and
fervour. There will be special meeting at 9.00 a.m. Shri Nanalal Bhat, Managing Director would address all the
employees. It is proposed to honour employees who have put in more than 15 years of service in the Company.
At 3 p.m. there would be sports events for men and women. Tea, lunch and light refreshments will be served in
the course of the days celebrations. At 6.30 p.m. there would be a prize distribution function. From 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. there would be a light music programme by the famous Europhia and a dance party followed by dinner.
All employees are requested to attend the celebrations with their family members and make it a great success.
Suggestions are welcome.
Sd/Suresh Kumar

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 391

Assistant Manager, Personnel

Specimen 4
Announcing a new bonus scheme for employees
HYDERABAD - 500 012
1st January, 2012
Circular No. 2/2011/HRD
The undersigned is pleased to inform you that Board of Directors of the Company has decided to introduce a
Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme for Employees of the Company with effect from 1st April, 2012. The much
awaited scheme is really intended to give more financial benefits to the employees as well as to increase the
output. Further details of the scheme will be announced soon.
Sd/Personnel Manager
To: All Employees
Specimen 5
Warning against strike
AMRITSAR - 141 003
1st January, 2012
Circular No. 78/2011
It has been reported that a section of employees working in Packing Department of the company are proposing
to go on a days token strike on 31st January, 2012. It is hereby made known to all concerned employees that
the proposed token strike is illegal and unlawful and employees whosoever participate in such a strike shall be
subjected to disciplinary action as per the companys service rules and other applicable laws.
Sd/Ram Lakhan
General Manager (Factory)
To: All Employees of Packing Department.
Specimen 6
KOLKATA - 700 001
10th January, 2012
Circular No. G-12
Of late, it has been noticed that some of the employees are in the habit of taking out newspapers and magazines
from the Staff Lounge. This causes a lot of inconvenience to the other staff members using the Lounge. All the
employees are advised not to take out newspapers and magazines from Staff Lounge. A strict view would be
taken in case of non-observance of this advice. All are requested to co-operate in this regard.

Sd/Ayur Vaidya
Admn. Manager
To: All Staff Members.
Specimen 7
Secondment for staff
NEW DELHI - 110 001
11th January, 2012
Circular No. 234/90/2012
It is proposed to set up a cell to advise rationalisation of existing procedures and systems in the Company.
Employees who have put in a service of 10 years or more are welcome to assist the cell in this task. They would
be required to work with the members of the proposed cell for a period of at least one month. Willing employees
may send in their consent to the undersigned, quoting the reference of this circular latest by 23rd January, 2012.
Sd/S.S. Dowal
Planning Manager
To: All Employees
Specimen 8
Cleanliness at workplace
MUMBAI - 400 003
5th February, 2012
Circular No. 23/2012
It is observed that waste papers, empty ink bottles, cigarette butts, left overs of lunch etc. are not properly
disposed of by some of the employees. In the interest of maintaining a clean working environment, it is impressed
upon all employees that they should ensure proper disposal of all wastes and refuse matter.
Sd/V.K. Singh
Manager (Personnel)
Specimen 9
VIJAYAWADA - 520 003
23rd April, 2012
Circular No. 78/2012

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 393

It is proposed to fill-in certain vacancies for the post of Assistant Accountant from among the employees who
fulfil the following requirements:
(1) The employees should have put in a minimum period of service of 3 years in the company.
(2) Only Commerce graduates are eligible to apply.
(3) All things remaining equal, preference would be given to candidates having CA/ICWA qualification.
Minimum number of years of service in such cases would also be suitably relaxed.
Employees fulfilling the above criteria should forward their applications through their concerned departmental
head latest by 30th March, 2012.
Sd/Gurpreet Singh
Manager (Manpower Development)
Specimen 10
Sale of old furniture and fittings
4th February, 2012
Circular No. 2/90
It is proposed to dispose of the old furniture and fittings, to the employees of the company who submit their
tenders latest by 2.00 p.m. on 7th February, 2012. The items intended to be sold are:
(1) Armless steel chairs

24 Nos.

(2) Wooden chair (armless)

6 Nos.

(3) Cushioned steel chairs (with arms)

8 Nos.

(4) Steel tables

8 Nos.

(5) Wooden tables

12 Nos.

(6) Tube light fittings (steel)

22 Nos.

(7) Curtain Cloth

23 Nos.

(8) Room Coolers

6 Nos.

(9) Desert Coolers

12 Nos.

(10) Calculators

3 Nos.

(11) Type-writers (Halda)

3 Nos.

2 Nos.

2 Nos.

(12) Water Coolers

The company reserves the right to accept the offer at its own discretion. The price of the items shall be required
to be tendered in cash within one hour of acceptance of the offer.
Items can be inspected at any time on the 5th and 6th June, 2012.
Sd/Sukan Lal
Manager (Premises)

To: All Employees
Specimen 11
Circular calling attention to unauthorised act
12th February, 2012
Circular No. 3/2012
It has come to the notice of the management that some of the employees are engaged in Trade Union work
during office hours. Under the terms of the bipartite settlement as well as the terms and conditions of approvals
and recognition granted to the Employees Union, only the office bearers of the Union, duly elected, have been
permitted to spend time on matters concerning the Union between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. on any working day.
It is, therefore, impressed upon all the employees that the understanding between the Management and the
Union be honoured faithfully. The attention of the office bearers of the Union is particularly invited so as to
ensure that Union activity is carried on in terms of the understanding. The Management will be constrained to
take a serious view of non-compliance with the conditions regarding Union activities.
Sd/S.D. Singal
Labour Welfare Officer
Specimen 12
Closure of office
13th February, 2012
Circular No. 200/2012
As a mark of respect to the deceased employee, Shri Deendayal, Senior Technician, the office would remain
closed on 14th February, 2012.
Sd/Mukesh Mandal
Administrative Officer
Specimen 13
Invitation to employees to donate blood
12th February, 2012
Circular No. 23/2012
A team of doctors of Dempo Hospital is due to visit the Company with a view to collect donations of blood on 15th
February, 2012. Employees are requested to willingly donate blood. The donation is purely voluntary. Mr. Elan
Alphanso, Managing Director of the Company has come forward to inaugurate the blood donation camp by
being the first donor.

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 395

Employees may also bring their family members to the office for this noble cause.
Arrangements have been made to provide refreshments.
Sd/D. Arun Lal
Manager (Personnel)

Office Orders
Office Orders have a format similar to that of memorandums. What makes them different is the purpose and
tone employed. They generally deal with matters affecting rights and privileges of employees. The language
used is formal and legally common. Passive verbs are preferred. They carry a number since they remain in force
till revoked and are filed for future reference. In addition, they carry a bold, underlined heading to help us identify
them. Copies are sent to concerned people:
A specimen office order is given below:
Order No. 34/4

7th February, 2012


Mr. J.K. Saxena, Manager (Credits), Friends Colony branch is transferred to the Regional Office on the same
rank and pay. He shall hand over charge to the Chief Manager and report at the Regional Office by 10th
February, 2012.
Sd/Personnel Officer
Chief Manager, Friends Colony branch,
Mr. J.K. Saxena, Manager (Credits)
Specimen 1
Administrative Changes
Office Order
No. 22/4


The existing practice of internal promotions from Grade I to III on the basis of seniority will be replaced with a
Merit-cum-seniority scheme with effect from 1st January, 2012. Promotions from Grade III to IV will continue
to be based on performance reviews only.
Sd/General Manager
Specimen 2
Rectifying Errors
Office Order
No. Ac./3/2012


The date of increment of Mr. V.K. Khanna, Chief Cashier was wrongly fixed as 20th January after he had availed
of six weeks leave without pay in December 2011. His date of annual increment has now been revised to 6th
Correction should be made in his personal file and arrears of salary paid to him before the end of the financial
Sd/Administrative Officer
cc to:
Accounts Officer
Mr. V.K. Khanna, Chief Cashier
Specimen 3
Additional Charge
Temporary charge of another department also calls for issuance of an Office Order:
Office Order
No. RO/42


Mr. Rajiv Seth, Manager (Personal Banking) shall hold additional charge of Rural Banking till further notice.
He shall be paid an extra allowance of Rs. 5,000/- p.m. for performing these additional duties.
Sd/General Manager
cc to:
Personnel Dept.
Accounts Department
Mr. Rajiv Seth, Manager (Personal Banking)
Specimen 4
Order posting a new recruit to a department
CHENNAI - 600 012
Ref.: 23/Per/2012

25th January, 2012

Office Order

Shri Rajan Pillai has been posted to the Accounts Department as Assistant Accountant w.e.f. today.
Sd/Mukesh Jain
cc: Accounts Officer
Specimen 5
Transfer order

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 397


KANPUR - 208 002
Ref.: 23/2012/Per

12th January, 2012

Office Order

Shri Kushal Jain is transferred to the Stores Department. He shall report to the Stores Officer latest by 14th
January, 2012 after handing over charge of his duties to the Accounts Officer.
Sd/Mangal Singh
(Senior Admn. Officer)
To: Accounts Officer
cc: Stores Officer
Specimen 6
Promotion order
COIMBATORE - 641 018
Ref.: Per/45/2012

31st January, 2012

Office Order

Shri Ashok Shinde, Senior Accountant is promoted with immediate effect as Assistant Accounts Officer. He will
draw a basic pay of Rs. 5,500 in the scale 5500-40-5700-50-6000.
He will be on probation for a period of one year.
Sd/Mangal Dass
Manager, Personnel
To: Shri Ashok Shinde,
Accounts Department.
Through: Accounts Manager
Specimen 7
Order Instituting enquiry
NEW DELHI - 110 002
Ref: Per/23/2012

30th January, 2012

Office Order

Shri Arun Lal, Senior Officer, is appointed enquiry officer to conduct proceedings against allegations of
misappropriation of cash of Rs. 12,000 by Shri Shiv Gupta, Accounts Assistant. He is authorised to call such of
the employees of the company as witnesses as he may feel proper for the efficient conduct of the enquiry

Shri Arun Lal is hereby directed to complete the enquiry as expeditiously as possible and submit his report to the
undersigned latest by 28th February, 2012.
Sd/Sunil Upadhyaya
Manager, Administration
cc: Notice Board
Specimen 8
Order Granting special increments
JAIPUR - 302 001
Ref.: Pwe/12/2012

23rd January, 2012

Office Order

In consideration of the meritorious performance of Shri Mohanlal Gupta, the Management is pleased to grant
him special increment of Rs. 3,500 effective from 1st February, 2012.
Sd/Mangal Das
Specimen 9
NAGPUR - 440 004
Ref.: DM/12/2012

23rd February, 2012

Office Order 93/6/2012

The following changes are effected with immediate effect.

Accounts Officer

: Will also be in charge of Stores.

Public Relations Officer

: Will also be in charge of Companys journal, its printing, publication and


Sales Manager

: Will look after the sales in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi,

Visakhapatnam and Pune.

Sr. Sales Officer

: Will coordinate the work of the sales representatives and the sales officers.
Will also be responsible for completion of all sales tax assessments.
Sd/Mani Ram
Director, Personnel

cc: To Officials concerned.

Specimen 10
Order reinstating a suspended employee

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 399


MUMBAI - 400 004
Ref.: 23/93/PF

3rd January, 2012

Office Order

Pursuant to the findings contained in the report of the Enquiry Officer, Shri Devan Verma, Shri Gurudev Chand,
Junior Assistant, Accounts Department, is reinstated in the services of the company. The order number 19/93/
PF dated 12th December, 2011 suspending him from services, is revoked with immediate effect.
Sd/Maniram Bagri
Manager (Administration)
Specimen 11
MADURAI - 652 001
4th February, 2012
Office Order 34/2012
In view of the sudden slack in demand for the companys products, all the departments are advised to effect a
cut of 10% in every item of expenditure sanctioned in the current budget. Utmost economy shall be exercised
in incurring expenditure of capital/revenue nature.
Travel on official duty in the city, shall be undertaken by three-wheeler to the extent possible.
Sd/Kanjan Lal
Planning & Control Manager
To: All Employees.
Specimen 12
CHANDIGARH - 121 008
Office Order No. S/2012
It has been decided that all the offices of the Nigam shall be made a Non-Smoking Area with effect from 1st
February, 2012 in view of the ban imposed by the Government on smoking in public places. However, smoking
within the canteen premises would not be prohibited. The decision has been taken to protect the general health
of the employees and also the members of public visiting the Companys offices. All employees are requested
to co-operate and adhere to the decision strictly.
Sd/(General Manager)
Date : 31st January, 2012
To : All Employees

Specimen 13
SATNA - 490 007
1st February, 2012
Office Order No. Xpp/2012/50
It has been noticed that some of the employees of the Company are regularly reporting to the office very late. It
is hereby informed that henceforth, every late attendance for more than 10 minutes, shall be treated as half
days casual leave. All employees are advised to be punctual in attending the office.
Sd/Vikram Aditya
General Manager
To: All Employees.
Specimen 14
MANGALORE - 580 012
11th February, 2012
Office Order No. XO/G/2012
It has been noticed that some of the employees of the Company are regularly reporting to the office very late,
especially after the lunch break. In order to monitor the attendance, it has been decided that with effect from
12.02.2012 i.e. tomorrow, all employees should mark their attendance in the Departmental Attendance Register
for both pre-lunch and post-lunch sessions by signing and mentioning the reporting time. Employees are advised
to be punctual in attending the office and to strictly adhere to office timings.
Sd/Bichare J.V.
Personnel Manager
To: All Employees.

State True or False:
Memorandums are preferred when one needs to convey information in writing.
Answer: True

Office Notes are exchange between two different departments. Companies follow a particular format for notes
of this type. The actual layout of the Note may differ from company to company. It is a matter of style and
individual preference. A few formats are given below.

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 401

Specimen 1
T.T. PURAM - 695 001
Ref.: LD/ST/3

Date: 18th January, 2012

From: Legal Deptt.

To: Admn. Deptt.

Subject: Additional Stenographer

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the company is to be held on the 18th February, 2012 to transact some
urgent business. Therefore two very urgent Board meetings are to be held in quick succession for discussing a
detailed agenda.
The preparation of the relevant papers and other documents in connection with the above is to be given top
priority. Considering the workload likely to arise on account of this, an additional stenographer may please be
posted to this department for a period of one month.
Sd/T. Viswanath
Manager (Law)
Specimen 2
Ref: AT/2/93

Date: 27th February, 2012

From: Accounts Deptt.

To: Admn. Deptt.

Subject: Misconduct on the part of Mr. Sunil Kumar Goel

Shri Sunil Kumar Goel, Accounts Assistant working in this department since 1st December, 2011 is not punctual.
This is despite the repeated oral advices made to him. He tends to be very callous and does not even listen to
what is being said to him. He is found to frequently indulge in gossip and thus disturb the decorum in the
Department. In spite of repeated advice that he should not leave the department except after obtaining my prior
permission, he continues to absent himself after 4 p.m. without informing his whereabouts.
This is a serious matter and in my opinion he needs to be warned in writing.
Sd/Mangaldas Jain
Accounts Manager
Specimen 3
Ref.: SA/1
From: Sales Deptt.

Date: 23.02.2012
To: Executive Director (Finance)
Subject: Supply of goods against demand drafts only

Under the directives issued by the Executive Director (Finance), supply of goods can be effected only where the
customer tenders a demand draft for the value of goods ordered. Also, where a cheque has been tendered by a
customer, supplies can be made only when the cheque is realised. This procedure ensures proper accounting

of all payments made by customers and is a fool proof internal check against any frauds.
In the context of the marketing thrust that our company is to undertake in the face of fierce competition, there is
need to reconsider this requirement of supply of goods only against demand draft. It is reliably understood that
none of our competitors insist on tender of demand drafts. From our experience, it is perceptible that the customers
are too impatient to abide by this requirement, as it is fatiguing in their view. It is not impossible to say that this
procedural requirement affects the thrust of our selling effort. Many customers have already given vent to their
uneasiness over the requirement of tendering demand draft.
It is therefore, suggested that the policy in regard to payment by means of demand draft may be reconsidered
and positive decision communicated at the earliest.
Sd/Ashok Shinde
Manager, Marketing
Specimen 4
Ref: ST/1/92

Date: 24.3.2012

From: Stores Deptt.

To: Admn. Deptt.

Subject: Stock taking for the year ending 31.3.2012

The stock taking for the purpose of closing the accounts for the year ending 31.3.2012 would commence on
30.3.2012. All the Departments may be advised to draw their requirements latest by 29.3.2012. Also, there
would be no supplies to customers from the stores on 30th and 31st March, 2012.
Sd/Ashok Lalla
Stores Suptd.
Specimen 5
Ref.: Ad/23/2012

Date: 24.3.2012

From: Admn. Deptt.

To: All Deptt.

Subject: Account closing for the year ending 31.3.2012

Operations at our stores department would be suspended on 30th and 31st March, 2012 with a view to facilitating
stock taking for the year ending 31.3.2012.
No dispatch of goods would take place on these days from the warehouse. In view of this, all Regional Sales
Managers are requested to be cautious while accepting orders and making any commitment regarding delivery
of goods. Regional Sales Managers may also suitably advise their staff in this regard.
All Departments are requested to suitably schedule their indents, the latest of which should reach the stores
department by 28.3.2012.
Sd/Sunder Ram Iyer
Manager (Administration)

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 403

Specimen 6
Ref : IAD/1/2012

Date : 26.5.2012

From : Internal Audit Deptt.

To : Admn. Deptt.

Subject : Report on the internal audit conducted for the year ending 31.3.2012.
For the year ending 31.3.2012, internal audit was conducted in the following departments:
(1) Accounts Department
(2) Marketing Department
Our observations are as follows:
(1) Accounts Department:
(a) There has been an excess payment of House Rent allowance to Shri Sudan Mitra, Senior Accounts
Officer; Shri Shiv Raj Gupta, Assistant Sales Officer and Shri Babubhai Patel, Dy. Secretary, for the
months December 2011 to March 2012.
(b) The vouchers for payment of travelling allowance to Mr. Shiv Raj Patil, Shri Sandeep Gupta and Shri
Shiv Charan Mathur, amounting to Rs. 770, Rs. 1,500 and Rs. 1,000 are not readily available.
(c) The difference in physical stocks and book stocks has not been reconciled for the months of December
2011, January 2012 and February 2012.
(d) Godown Stock register has not been initialed at the end of the month by the Godown Keeper. This is not
in accordance with the office order No. 83/2011 dt 1.11.2011.
(e) Insurance claims in respect of 40 bags of PVC resins received in a damaged condition through M/s. Parel
Roadways L.R. No. 89765 dated 11.1.2012 have been presented after a lapse of 15 days contrary to
instructions contained in Rules 89(3) of the Office Manual.
(2) Marketing Department:
(a) The tour of Mr. Chalapathi Rao, Sales Representative, to Hyderabad and Bangalore had not been approved
prior to his departure. This is not in accord with Rule 187(3) of the Office Manual.
(b) C Forms in respect of twenty parties have not been collected even after 4 months from the date of
raising the bill. The list of parties is given in the annexure.
(c) Tour reports of Mr. Gulshan Wadhwa and Shri Seetharamiah have been submitted after 20 days of return
to Headquarters. This is not in accord with Rule 189 of the Office Manual.
(d) Entertainment expenditure for the half-year ending is higher by 30% than the budgeted figure. Necessary
sanction as per the office order Et/78/2009 dated 1.10.2009 from the Finance Director has not been
obtained for the amount spent in excess of the budget allocation.
Sd/Sriram Iyer
Internal Audit Officer

Specimen 7
Ref: 78/2012

Date: 4.2.2012

From: Factory Manager

To: Executive Director

Subject: Import of Machinery

The existing plant and machinery have become obsolete to carry on production economically. This is evident
from the low output, higher electricity charges and frequent and heavy repair charges incurred in the last three
years. Not only this, the bad state of machinery is reflected in the low quality of output.
Our competitors Sindu Chemicals Ltd. have recently modernised the plant and machinery and are reported to
be selling at a price marginally lower than ours. Lest we lose the competitive edge that we enjoy at present, it is
suggested that the plant be modernised soon. It would take three months to install and work the new plant. The
Swiss made machine alongwith the spares and accessories would be ideal for our purposes.
Sd/L. Pordiwalla
Factory Manager

In the previous chapter, we had already seen certain representations made by the corporates to public bodies,
civic authorities or bodies of trade and commerce.
However, at times there may also arise situations when members of the staff of a company may want to represent
their cause to the management. These could include suggestions for transfers, representations against transfer,
for special holiday, for promotion etc.
Specimens of such representations are given herein below:
Specimen 1
Representation for Canteen facilities
C/o 15-Software Complex, Kolkata - 700 021.
Managing Director

Date: 12.2.2012

Cad Software (India) Ltd.

Bentick Street, Kolkata - 700 071
Dear Sir,
Our company has successfully completed 10 years of its existence. The software division of company has more
than 50 employees excluding managerial personnel on its rolls. We would like to bring to your notice that our
companys software division does not provide any canteen facilities to its employees and therefore the employees
have to depend upon outside eateries which are not hygienic. Moreover, the prices charged by them are very
high. On behalf of the employees, we request you to please consider sympathetically our long pending demand
for establishment of in-house canteen facilities at the software division and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 405

Vikram Singh
General Secretary, CSIEA

Specimen 2
Representation against transfer
Dated: 12.2.2012
Pyarokhan M.V.
Jr. Accountant,
Tobaco Division, Bakhra,
Hyderabad-500 162
Personnel Manager,
Vilas Tobacco Ltd.
Wazirpur, New Delhi-110 025
Dear Sir,
First of all, I sincerely express my gratitude to the Management for promoting me to the post of Sr. Accountant.
I have been asked to resume duties as Sr. Accountant at Cuttack Procurement Office within a month. In this
regard, I wish to state that recently, my wife has developed cardiac problem and as per doctors opinion she
should undergo a specialist doctors treatment at Apollo Heart Hospital, Hyderabad. For undergoing treatment,
it is necessary for her to stay at Hyderabad. My shifting to Cuttack would upset the plans for medical treatment
of my wife. Under the circumstances, I request you to let me stay in Hyderabad Divisional Office for the time
I hope my request would receive your sympathetic consideration.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/Pyarokhan M.V.
Submitted through Division Manager.
Specimen 3
Representation for promotion
Dated: 10.2.2012
N.N. Ravindran
Secretarial Officer
Shares Deptt.

The Managing Director,
ABC Limited,
20 M.M. Road, Mysore
Through: Mr N. Sashan, Company Secretary
Dear Sir,
I have been working in the company for the last seven years as Secretarial Officer without any promotion to a
higher post in spite of my repeated requests and recommendation from the head of the Department.
I wish to inform you that I have recently completed CS course and have been awarded membership by the
Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi on 1.6.2011. A copy of the ACS membership certificate is
enclosed for your kind reference.
Since I am now a fully qualified Company Secretary I request you to kindly consider my case for promotion to
next higher position of Dy. Company Secretary at the earliest. Since the company is planning to come out with
a bond issue in October, it would be an opportune moment for me to shoulder more responsibility by this
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/N.N. Ravindran
Encl.: As above
Replies to such representations can be in any of the following ways/means:
1. The management could accept the request and go ahead in implementing the request. For example,
arranging for canteen facility in the office.
2. The management may give an oral reply or that they are considering the request.
3. The management could issue an office order giving effect to the request of the representee. For example,
they could promote a person or stop his transfer.


Growth is an index of prosperity in trade and industry. An organisation, therefore, feels the necessity for setting
up a Branch Office/Regional Office to serve the clients in and around a particular locality/region. The Head
Office and the Branch Office/ Regional Office would have to be in correspondence with each other on various
aspects. It is not necessary that these letters should be on the Letter Head. Any other format indicating that the
letter is emanating from the Head/Branch/Regional Office is sufficient. Following are a few specimens of the
letters that may be written by Head Office/Branch Office/Regional Office:
Specimen 1
Letter from Head Office to the Branch
The stock statement for the week ending 30th November, has not been received in this office yet. Would you
expedite dispatch of the same?
Specimen 2
Letter from Branch office to Head Office

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 407

I refer to my telegram regarding the strike which employees of the Mumbai Branch have suddenly launched.
Their main demand is that Mumbai Branch should be treated on a separate footing in the matter of granting
house rent allowance in view of the high rentals in Mumbai. I have already apprised the Union representatives
of the Managements views on the issue. I hope to resume normalcy soon. I would keep you informed of critical
developments, if any, on the matter.
Specimen 3
Letter from Head Office to the Branch
On verifying the monthly return of debtors we find the following amount outstanding beyond the due date:
Fishermans Cove Ltd.

Rs. 12,003.50

Steamlines Ltd.

Rs. 31,773.80

Forms Aquatics Ltd.

Rs. 25,830.00

Please advise whether the amounts have been realised by now, if not, let us know the reasons for the delay in
recovering these amounts.
Specimen 4
Letter from Branch to Head Office
Due to incessant rains, a part of the godown building gave way resulting in the rain water entering the godown.
Rescue work was hampered by the torrential downpour coupled with gale winds reaching a speed of 80 km. per
It is feared that the entire stock of goods is beyond redemption. The insurance company has been informed of
the loss and soon the value of the loss would be determined. However, the godown stock records have been
kept securely.
Specimen 5
Letter from Head Office to the Branch
Shri Sulochan Kumar, Management Trainee, is being sent to your Branch for fifteen days as a part of his 3
months training course in various departments of the company.
You may impart suitable training in Branch work and Branch Administration.
Specimen 6
Letter from Regional Office to Head Office
At present we have 3 branch offices in the Northern Region at Delhi, Lucknow and Chandigarh. The market for
the Companys products is growing in the state of Rajasthan and this segment of the market is presently serviced
by three sales representatives of the company. Viewing the potential that Rajasthan has, it is suggested that a
branch office be opened at Jaipur with the following composition of staff.
Branch Manager


Sales Representatives

Godown Keeper


The cost implications have been worked out in the enclosed sheet.

Your early decision in the matter is awaited.
Specimen 7
Letter from Branch to Head Office
Pataudi Associates Ltd. have been our customer for over 10 years now. They are at present enjoying credit
facility up to Rs. 3,00,000.
Pataudi Associates are launching on an expansion programme and the detailed project report has been approved
by the Industrial Finance Corporation of India for term loan facilities. In view of this, Pataudi Associates have
approached us for increasing the credit facility for supplies to be effected to them to atleast Rs. 7,00,000.
Further, in the initial stages they desire 30 days credit up to July 2011 whereafter they are inclined to revert to 15
days credit.
We strongly recommend the proposal and seek your confirmation on the matter.
Specimen 8
Circular from Head Office to Branch/Regional Office(s)
You may be aware that the company is passing through a period of rough weather due to stiff competition from
Japan and Malaysia. In marketing its products in Western Europe and the U.S.A. As was stated by the Chairman
in his speech in the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders, the prospects of early recovery seem gloomy
for the current financial year. Sales have come down by 25% for the quarter ending 31st December 2011 as
compared to the same period in the previous financial year.
The Board of Directors have, in their emergency meeting held on 21st January, 2012 impressed on the need to
exercise maximum economy in every aspect of corporate functioning. You are, therefore, advised to submit your
budgeted expenditure for prior approval by the Head Office.

A memo is different from a letter, both in format and in its effect on the addressee. It is important to note
that a memo does not have a salutation and complimentary close. But the subject is clearly written and
Memos are used commonly for issuing instructions to the staff, change in the policy inviting suggestion,
giving information, making requests etc.
Whatever be the subject matter, the language of the memo should be polite and courteous.
Apart from memorandum, office circulars, office orders, office notes, suggestions, complaints and
representations are the various forms of intra-organizational communication.
Correspondence with Regional/Branch offices is also an important form of intra-organizational


Exactness or precision; the quality of being nice; niceness.


A record or written statement of something; an informal message, especially one sent

between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business.


Functioning or communicating between the offices of a company or organization; within

a company.


To scatter or spread widely; disperse.

Lesson 14

Inter- Departmental Communication 409


To cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement, etc.


Excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior; a courteous, respectful, or

considerate act or expression.


Earnest or respectful request.


The state of being gay or cheerful; gay spirits; merrymaking or festivity.


Great warmth and earnestness of feeling.


Soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough; weak or delicate in constitution; young
or immature; delicate or soft in quality.


Divided into or consisting of two parts; shared by two; joint.


Not participating readily or actively; inactive; not involving visible reaction or active


The act of testing; the testing or trial of a persons conduct, character, qualifications, or
the like.


Deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy.


To put back or establish again, as in a former position or state.


To take back or withdraw; cancel, or reverse.


Not tight, taut, firm; loose; negligent; careless; sluggish, or indolent; not active or busy;
dull; not brisk.


Made hard; hardened; insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic.


Capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable.


To push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force; to put boldly forth or impose acceptance of.


An accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition

or state; a slip or error, often of a trivial sort; failure.


To flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; come forth; originate.

1. Write memos on the following:
(i) Informing the recipient about his suspension.
(ii) Asking employees for feedback on the use of new computers.
(iii) Asking employees to maintain confidentiality in work-related matters.
2. Write circulars on the following:
(i) Appealing employees to donate blood.
(ii) Asking employees to keep their workstations clean.
(iii) Regarding filling up vacancies within the organization.
3. Draft office orders on the following:
(i) Transfer order

(ii) Suspension order
(iii) Informing employees about a new joinee.
4. Draft suggestion letters from employees on the following:
(i) Change of uncomfortable office chairs to comfortable chairs.
(ii) Proper allocation of duty for stationery issuance.
5. Draft a representation to the management complaining about lack of adequate medical facilities.
6. Draft a letter from the Head Office to the Branch Office regarding employees training.
Suggested Readings
(1) Essentials of Business Communication Reddy, Appannaiah, Nagaraj & Raja Rao
(2) Communication of Business Shirley Taylor.

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 411

Lesson 15
Preparation of Press Releases
Press Release vs. Press Report
Essentials of a Press Release
Dispatch of Press Release
Covering Letters
Different Types of Press Releases
Corporate Appointments
R&D Breakthrough
New Services

On various occasions and for important reasons

an organization has to reach out to the world at
large. Written communication aimed at the world
outside the organisation is an important way of
projecting the company image.
Therefore, when a company has some
information which it wishes to share with public,
it does it through a press release.
Thus, all these communications may be prepared
with care and concern so as to convey the right
tone, attitude and information in the style of
language most suitable for the target audience
or the market aimed at.
Therefore the objective of this study lesson is
to enable the students to prepare press

Unfavourable Development
Specimen Press Releases
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral
and social being.
Thomas Jefferson


Issuing a press release is primarily an exercise in public relations. Organisations issue them on several occasions.
It may be a part of an effort at image building. Alternatively, product information may be offered to the media for
favour of publication.
The press release may be sent to disseminate information about a seminar to be held, a large order which has
been bagged, a senior level corporate appointment, the profits earned during the last financial year, collaborations,
diversification into new areas, joint ventures with other partners and so on. Press releases are usually sent to
the various newspapers, electronic media like radio/television and to leading news agencies.

Press Release vs. Press Report

A press release is not the same thing as a press report. Though the former may lead to the latter insofar as a
Report may be based on the contents of a press release. A press release is usually drafted in-house while a
press report is shaped out of inputs received by professional journalists.
The Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the company labours on the draft so that information available with him
may be published without any major cuts in the print or electronic media. The media does not charge anything
for devoting precious space or time to such releases. The prime consideration is that their readers or viewers
should be interested in the information being offered. Therefore they are quite selective when it comes to picking
up the releases to be covered in the next issue of the paper or the next bulletin to go on air.

Essentials of a Good Press Release

The alternative to a press release is a paid advertisement, which costs a fortune. Therefore, it is necessary to
learn the art of preparing good press releases. It may be a good strategy to prepare a press release as an
outsider or as a reporter would do, taking an objective view and avoiding personal pronouns. In order to have a
fair chance of selection, a press release should have the following:
(1) News value
Todays news is tomorrows history. The information contained in the release must be recent in order to arouse
interest. Newspapers often try to get scoops so that they may be the only ones to break the story. Though a
press release cannot serve such a purpose since it is widely distributed, yet it must try to convey the latest
(2) Factual
A press release based on factual information has greater chances of publication since verification is possible.
Opinions tend to be subjective and biased. Therefore, facts are always preferable. It is also true that one cannot
exclude opinions from a press release altogether. An effective strategy may be to mention the facts first and then
infer opinions from them.
(3) Interesting
Press releases must be drafted in an interesting manner. It is common for an organisation to present things from
its own perspective. However, the reader or a viewer may have different expectations. For instance, a shareholder
is always interested in finding out whether his dividend income is likely to go up or not. Reams of paper may go
waste if the press release does not offer anything of consequence to the reader. When sending them out to print
media, a photograph or a graphic illustration may be added to enhance their appeal. Visuals in the forms of
video clipping or footage may accompany releases to TV News channels. Colour makes a significant contribution
to the value of the press release.

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 413

(4) Brief
The Chief of Bureaus are known to strike out large parts of press releases received by them daily. One cannot
fault them because they are parting with precious space and time. It is unfair to expect them to publish something
fit for an advertisement free of cost. Therefore, we increase the chances of our press release being included if
we keep it brief.
(5) Suitable
Newspapers or TV channels follow their individual policies. It makes sense to send the press release to a
suitable media, which is likely to be interested in the contents. For example, a press release about the imposition
of anti-dumping duty will have greater chances of inclusion in an economic paper or a business channel than in
a general newspaper or entertainment channel.
(6) Display
The display of a press release is important, it should preferably be prepared on a word-processor in a standard
font and a convenient size. Variations for creating an artistic effect are an exception. Journalists are the most
harassed community and have to work under considerable pressure till late hours to meet deadlines. Therefore,
a brief and neatly produced press release furnishing convincing and interesting facts and making reasonable
and fair assumptions is peferred by them. It helps if we type out the release in double space with ample margins
to facilitate editing. We may also leave the headings and captions to them, as each journalist or editor would like
to add his personal touch to the release actually being printed. Moreover, even if you do give your own heading
or caption to the press release, it may never be printed because the editors do not want to print the same
headlines as the other newspapers, they like them to be unique.
(7) Format
The press release should always be printed on the letter head of the organisation, carry the date of release or
preparation and be signed by an authorised person, who can also be contacted for any clarification or further

Dispatch of Press Release

Press releases may be sent directly to the editors or journalists of the media or handed out at Press conferences,
which are summoned in advance. Invitation is often faxed to members of media through what is commonly
called a media advisory to cover the event.
A specimen of media advisory is given below:
Office of the European Union
Golf Links, New Delhi
A four-year co-operation project between the European Union and the Ministry of Civil Aviation will be be signed
on 28 February, 2011. This will provide for short and long-term training and knowledge transfer while building
awareness of European safety methods and norms. The project has a total value of Rs.140 crores and will focus
on Airworthiness and Safety Oversight, Airlines Management, Air Traffic Management, Pilot Instructor Training
and Airport Activities.
The First Counselor of the European Union and representatives of other signatories will address a joint Press
Conference on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 at 6.30 p.m. at the Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
We invite you to send your representative to attend. We shall appreciate your confirming attendance by phone
(4623257), fax (4623344) or e-mail (

Issued by
John McGarthy
Counsellor for Press Affairs
The Internet revolution has facilitated faster sending of press releases through Email. There are even Virtual
Press Rooms on the net through which information may be transferred throughout the web. However, in view of
limited IT penetration, many companies still rely on ordinary post. When relying on ordinary mail, often
contemptuously called snail-mail, the Press Release may be enclosed with a brief covering letter addressed to
the Chief of Bureau:

Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1
The Chief of Bureau
Financial Times
New Delhi
February 3, 2012
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to enclose a Press Release regarding the export orders secured by us during the last fiscal. We
are confident the information will be useful both for the ordinary readers and investors of your paper.
We hope you will publish it prominently in your next issue. If you have any queries or desire more information,
please feel free to call our PRO, Mr. K. Nathan on 6312279.
We thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
for BHEL Ltd.
Sd/R.K. Aggarwal
Encl.: Press release
Export Orders
Indias premier engineering enterprise, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. has bagged the highest ever export orders
during the fiscal 2011-2012. The value of these orders, which have been secured from Asian, European, African
and North American countries is approximately Rs. 7,000 million. The orders are mainly for erection of power
projects and transmission facilities and the supply of oil field and industrial applications equipment. The company
continues to do equally well on the domestic front. BHEL sets generated record 329 billion units of electricity,
constituting 73% of the total electricity generated in the country during the year. The Plant Load factor of these
sets at 70% was also higher than the national average. The company is committed to providing prompt and
efficient customer service.
Issued by:
R. K. Aggarwal
Press Officer

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 415


Corporate Appointments
Press releases about corporate appointments are quite common. However, only senior level appointments
figure in them. A qualified executive who has already proved himself professionally is looked at as an asset and
his inclusion in the organisation publicised:
A sample press release is reproduced below:
Mr. P.K. Sehgal has taken over as Director (Projects) of International Pumps & Projects Ltd. (IPP). The company
has been a leading enterprise specialising in erection of power and water projects.
Mr. P.K. Sehgal did his B.E. in Civil Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur. He played a pivotal role in shaping the
Project division of Standard Equipments Ltd. before accepting the present appointment. He is a Fellow of the
Institute of Engineers, New Delhi and a member of the European Council of Technical Officers.
IPP hopes to achieve significant increase in the activities of its Project Division under Mr. P.K. Sehgals expertise
and leadership.
Issued by:
S.K. Singh
Press Officer

R&D Breakthrough
Reputed organisations set apart part of their funds for carrying out research and development. This effort has
generally been aimed at cutting costs, improving performance and reducing dependence on imports. Whenever
a breakthrough is achieved, the concerned organisation issues a press release to announce it:
A sample press release is given below :
The Research & Analysis Department of the Northern Railways has succeeded in developing an Eco-friendly
Electronic Governor. This instrument will help improve fuel efficiency of diesel-electric locomotives currently in
use. Field trials have also shown significant reduction in emission levels, which would also lower the maintenance
costs. The Railways is optimistic about reducing cost of production once commercial production of the Electronic
Governor begins. The Railway Minister has complimented the department on achieving this breakthrough.
Issued by:

Several national and international awards are on offer for those who prefer to be achievers rather than dreamers.
These awards are instituted by governments, and international agencies and organisations working in specific
fields such as labour relations, environment etc. When such a recognition comes by, a company promptly
issues a release to increase its good will:
A sample press release is given below:


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has won the Best Entrepreneur Award for the year 2011-2012. The
award is given annually by the Ministry of Telecom of the Government of India. BSNL was formed only recently
after the dissolution of DOT. It has made significant inroads into the field of basic telephony in the first year of its
operations. It also proposes to offer mobile services using Wireless in Loop technology (WLL) at highly competitive
rates. The Director General of BSNL complimented the employees on this occasion.
Issued by:

Representative bodies carry out studies to focus attention on problems facing their members and to seek suitable
policy changes in order to find solutions. The findings of these studies are publicised by releasing them to the
A sample press release is given below:
A study undertaken by ASSOCHAM has revealed that 215 mega-projects could not be completed on schedule.
This will put an additional burden of almost 40,000 crores on the national exchequer. Out of these 117 projects
had witnessed cost-overruns of more than Rs. 25,000 crores, which was 38% higher than the anticipated rate.
The time over-runs in the case of 98 projects ranged from 4 to 130 months imposing an extra burden of over Rs.
14,000 crores.
The study has found that delays in land acquisition and rehabilitation of affected people, lack of infrastructure
facilities like water and power and break down of law and order at sites contributed largely to project over-runs.
ASSOCHAM strongly recommends setting up of a special cell in PMO to check cost escalation and complete
mega and medium projects on schedule. A closer inter-ministerial co-ordination and involvement of state
governments will surely help arrest the unfortunate trend.
Issued by:

New Services
Corporate houses introduce new services and products from time to time. To disseminate information about
these changes, press releases are issued to media units with a large circulation among the existing or potential
users of the product of services:
A sample press release is given below:
IDBI-Principal Mutual fund has launched investor services delivered via mobile phones branded M-investor
services. Unit holders can access net asset values, unit holdings and current valuation on all open-ended
schemes of the fund through short messaging service or e-mail.
Issued by:

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 417

Unfavourable Development
All news cannot be good and opinion is divided on whether unfavourable information should be kept under
wraps or made public. Experience shows that whenever news is suppressed, it leads to rumours and the damage
to the organisations credibility is more severe. Therefore, we may consider presenting our failures in a fair and
objective manner. The following press release attempts to do just that:
Govt. of India
GSLV Launch Cancelled
The launch of Indias Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle scheduled at 3.47 p.m. of 28 February, 2012
from Sriharikota was aborted at the last moment due to a technical snag. The countdown for the lift-off proceeded
smoothly till one second before the lift-off. The automatic launch process system held the countdown and
immediately the strap-on stages were commanded to shut down. The preliminary analysis indicates that one of
the four liquid propellant stap-on stages had not developed the required thrust. Accordingly the subsequent
sequence of events including the ignition of the solid propellant core motor was prevented. A detailed analysis of
data will be done before a new date for the launch is announced.
Issued by:

Specimen Press Releases

A few specimen press releases are given below:
1. Shri Mangal Jain has been elected President of the Association of Steel Dealers, Delhi for the year 20112012.
2. Shri Shiv Kumar Gupta has been elected President of the Punjab, Haryana, Delhi Chamber of Commerce
and Industry. Shri Shiv Kumar is presently Chairman and Managing Director of Amar International Ltd., a
multinational company.
3. Singer Electricals has been awarded commendation certificate and medal for outstanding export earning for
2011-2012 by the Commerce Ministry. This is the second year in succession that Singer wins the award.
4. Shri Padam Chand Jain, Shri P. Natesan and Shri Girish Patel, members of the Company Law Committee of
the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry are leaving for a months tour to the US, UK and
Canada to study the functioning of stock exchanges there and submit a memorandum to the Government.
5. Sundaram and Sundaram Limited have made a record profit before tax of Rs. 2,345 lakhs. The net profits
after taxation and appropriation to statutory reserves stand at Rs. 1,987.34 lakhs. This is the third year in
succession that the company has crossed the two thousand lakh mark in pre-tax profits. The Board of Directors
has recommended a dividend of 18.75% on all equity shares and have decided to convert all the 10.5% preference
shares into redeemable debentures, necessary resolutions for giving effect to this are being sent to the
The turnover of the company this year has gone up by 23% at Rs. 12,345 lakhs, the total assets stand at Rs.
5,678 Lakhs and the debt equity at 1:1. The company intends to diversify into electrical machinery manufacturer
by starting a new unit at Ramagundam, Andhra Pradesh. Necessary letter of intent has already been issued by
the Central Government. The consent of the Securities and Exchange Board of India would be applied for, after
placing the proposal for issue of equity shares for covering the project cost is approved by the shareholders in
the ensuing annual general meeting.

6. As a part of its diversification scheme, Anupam Organics Ltd. proposes to manufacture doxycycline, an
antibiotic which is now being imported.
It has already acquired plant-based technologies for the manufacture of chloroquine phosphate and doxycycline
from leading technology resources and developed the same at a R&D centre recognised by the Union Government.
The company has installed part of its plant and machinery at Kundli in Haryana. In view of growing demand for
these products, the company envisages no difficulty in marketing them. It earned a profit in very first accounting
year ended June, 2000, even though manufacturing activities have not yet started in full swing.
Anupam Organics, formerly known as Anupam Sales Pvt. Ltd., a Delhi based unit was promoted by Mr. Dewan
C. Pruthi to deal in basic drugs. Subsequently, it started manufacturing drug intermediaries used in the manufacture
of basic drugs. Consequently, the name was changed.
Mr. Pruthi has promoted another company - Anupam Laboratories Ltd. it produces life-saving antibiotics and
other essential drugs. In five years, the company has achieved a turnover of Rs.12 crores and accounts for 10
percent of the market growth in basic drugs industry.
The new venture of Anupam Organics will initially take up manufacture of chloroquin phosphate, an important
anti-malarial drug which is imported in large quantities by India. The annual requirement for this drug in the
country at present is estimated at around 400 tonnes which is expected to go up to 650 tonnes by 2012.
Against this, the present production is only about 100 tonnes and 200 tonnes and the rest is being imported.
7. Chandan Cements, a joint sector company promoted by Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation in
association with Mr. Naresh Sanklecha, is entering the capital market with a public issue of equity shares of
Rs.715 lakhs in the second week of November 2011.
The company is putting up a large plant to manufacture cement with an installed capacity of 7 lakh tonnes per
annum in Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu at a capital outlay Rs.62.50 crore. The project is at an advanced stage
of implementation. The trial runs are expected to commence in November, 2010 and the commercial production
is expected by February, 2012.
The companys plant will adopt the dry process precalcination technology incorporating 5 stage pre-heater with
a completely computerised process control and electronic packing and weighing system. The major plant and
equipment and services are being provided by Krupp Polysius, West Germany.
A private sector promoter, Mr. Naresh Sanklecha is heading a progressive business house engaged in the
manufacture of basic drugs, pharmaceuticals, exports, real estate and trading. He and his associates are taking
up 25 per cent of the total equity capital of the company i.e., Rs.369 lakhs.
According to the management, the company will have an edge over its competitors in marketing cement in the
southern region, particularly in Tamil Nadu. The company expects to attain 100 percent capacity utilisation in the
first year itself ensuring steady profitability and lower gestation period for the investors.
8. Blue Bird Manufacturing Company is making an issue of 1.50 lakh 15 per cent secured convertible debentures
of Rs.120 each to raise additional finance to meet the cost of expansion and augment the long-term working
capital resources.
Of this issue, 75,000 debentures have been reserved for preferential allotment to the existing shareholders,
employees, business associates and fixed depositors and the balance 75,000 debentures will be offered to the
public. The public issue will open on October 30, 2010.
The convertible part of Rs. 20 in each debenture will automatically entitle the holder to two equity shares of
Rs. 10 each at par on June 30, 2010. The present market price of the equity share is Rs. 75. The non-convertible
part of Rs. 100 in each debenture will be redeemed at par in four equal annual instalments of Rs. 25 each,
starting from the end of the seventh year from the date of allotment.

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 419

The companys factory at Murbad in Thane district of Maharashtra is equipped with modern machinery for
texturising and twisting of synthetic yarn and its weaving unit has automatic shuttleless looms. As a result of
stringent quality control at every stage of manufacture, the companys products enjoy an enviable reputation in
the market. The management now proposes to instal additional texturising and twisting machines with a view to
meeting the growing demand. The expansion programme is expected to be completed in about 3 months.
The company increased its turnover from Rs. 8.06 crores in 2007-2008 to Rs. 9.00 crores in 2008 -2009 and
gross profit from Rs. 120 lakh to Rs. 269 lakh. It has already crossed the Rs. 18 crores mark in turnover during
the first 8 months of the current year and its turnover for the whole year ended September, 2010 is estimated
at around Rs. 22 crores and gross profit at Rs. 198 lakhs. Turnover and gross profit for 2009-2010 are expected
to be Rs. 35 crores and Rs. 320 lakhs respectively. The company paid a maiden dividend of 16 per cent in the
very first full year of operations and has already paid an interim dividend of 10 percent for 2009-2010.
9. The company intends to make it very clear that the ongoing strike by a section of workers in its plant situated
at Faridabad is quite unfortunate and unjustified. The main demand for the striking workers union is for increasing
the rate of bonus by 5%. In this regard it is informed that the management of the company has already entered
into a `Bonus Agreement with the majority union in the company and as per the agreement the bonus shall be
disbursed at the previous years rates. The current financial position of the company is not so comfortable as to
pay more bonus to its workers. The striking workers are trying to obstruct other workers from attending their
duties. The company has requested the State Government to maintain law and order near the factory. The
company will take all necessary steps to ensure the normal working of its factory and to provide safe entry and
exit to loyal workers.
The company has made an appeal to striking workers to rejoin duties and has invited their Union Representatives
for a constructive dialogue with the companys management to resolve the issue.
10. White Horse Omnibus Ltd., a major automobile company, manufacturers of popular OMNIBUS Cars and
Vans has recently entered into a joint venture agreement with multi-national VISCOBA SPA, Italy for manufacture
of small cars in India. The cars will have 810 CC petrol engine with state of art interior and exterior finishing. The
ex-factory price of the car would be around Rs. 3,25,000.
The project would be located near Navi Mumbai, since Maharashtra State Government has agreed to give
maximum concession/facilities to set up the plant. In the beginning, imported components would be about 70%
and the company is expected to attain 100% indigenisation within 5 years time.
The project cost is about Rs. 800 crores out of which Rs. 400 crores would be provided by the foreign partner
through equity and term loans.
The Italian partner will contribute 40% to the equity; 30% would be borne by White Horse Group and the remaining
30% by FIs and general public.

A press release is a straightforward way of informing the press about a particular event in the hope that
they would find it newsworthy and significant for the readers.
The key language points of the press releases and public notices are clarity, brevity, newsworthiness,
and freedom from colloquialism.
A press release is not the same as a Press report, though the former may lead to the latter in so far as
a report may be based on the contents of a press release.
A press release should have the following qualities:
(i) News value

(ii) Factuality
(iii) Interesting
(iv) Brevity
(v) Suitability
(vi) Display
(vii) Format
Press release may be sent directly to the editors or journalist of the media or handed out at press
conferences, which are summoned in advance.


A large quantity.


The laying on of something as a burden or obligation; something imposed, as a burden

or duty; an unusual or extraordinarily burdensome requirement or task; the act of
imposing by or as if by authority.


Conforming to the standards of art; satisfying aesthetic requirements; showing skill or

excellence in execution.


To disturb persistently; bother continually; pester; persecute.


Showing or expressing contempt or disdain or worthlessness; scornful.


A slow or lazy person; sluggard.


Of vital or critical importance.


To restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like; to restore formally to
former capacity, standing, rank, rights, or privileges.


To withhold from disclosure; abolish; stop.

1. What are the essential features of a good press-release? Differentiate between a press release and a press
2. Write press releases on the following:
(a) Drawing employers attention to ESI (Employees Staff Insurance) Act.
(b) Significant progress made by the company in the current financial year.
Suggested Readings
(1) Communication of Business Shirley Taylor
(2) Business Communication Varinder Kumar & Bodh Raj
(3) Business Communication M.S. Ramesh, C.C. Pattanshetti, Madhumati M. Kulkarni
(4) Business Communication K. K. Sinha.

Lesson 15

Preparation of Press Releases 421


Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 423

Lesson 16
Concept of E-Correspondence
What is the Web?
What is the Internet?
What is E-Correspondence?
History of E-mail
Features of E-mail
Electronic Mail System
Email Etiquette
Advantages Disadvantages of Email
Points to Remember
Review Question

Present era is Information Technology Era. The

IT Revolution, which the world has experienced
in last decade, has transformed the business
multidimensional effects.
Therefore, in todays world of increased
communication, internet and e-commerce, it is
imperative to understand the concept and
features of correspondence using the internet.
This includes understanding the etiquettes to
follow in such communications and being aware
of the limitations in using this medium for
business communication.
Therefore, the objective of this chapter is to
enable the students to understand that modern
telecommunication have developed a new
paradigm, breaking all geographical barriers,
among countries and continents and have
integrated everything under a united network.

Benefits of Intranet
Purpose of Intranet
Lesson Round Up
Self-Test Questions

The only thing that is missed with emails is the envelope quoting open me carefully.


Professionals, non-professionals, experts or students, we are all turning increasingly to the internet for our daily
needs. Whether we want to find educational openings abroad, do banking operations online, find research
material on any issue, send corporate e-mails, internet is the place where we go most often. From the trivial to
the highly complex, we look for answers to most of our questions in the vast ocean of knowledge called as World
Wide Web (www).
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web
browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia
and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web interchangeably, but in fact the two terms are not
synonymous. The Internet and the Web are two separate but related things.
The letters written by one party to another, and the answers thereto, make what is called the
correspondence of the parties. Such correspondence if done through electronic signals via
internet is called E-correspondence

What is The Web?

The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an
information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol, (one of the languages
spoken over the Internet), to transmit data. Web services, which use HTTP to allow applications to communicate in
order to exchange business logic, use the Web to share information. The Web also utilizes browsers, such as Google
Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox, to access Web documents called Web pages that are linked to each other
via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.
The Web is just one of the ways that information can be disseminated over the Internet. The Internet, not the
Web, is also used for e-mail. So the Web is just a portion of the Internet, albeit a large portion, but the two terms
are not synonymous and should not be confused.

What is The Internet?

The Internet is a massive network of networks - a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers
together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long
as they are both connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of
languages known as protocols.
The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. The Internet
is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In contrast, the Web is one of the services that runs on
the Internet. It is a collection of textual documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs, transmitted
by web browsers and web servers. In short, the Web can be thought of as an application running on the Internet.
Viewing a web page on the World Wide Web normally begins either by typing the URL of the page into a web
browser or by following a hyperlink to that page or resource. The web browser then initiates a series of
communication messages, behind the scenes, in order to fetch and display it.

What is E-Correspondence?
E-Correspondence is commonly known as email-correspondence or electronic-correspondence. It is an
electronic method of providing you with important information through your email address. You must supply a

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 425

valid email address in order to receive information via email. For example:

Electronic mail or e-mail, as it is commonly called is the process of sending or receiving a computer file or
message by computer modem over telephone wires to a pre-selected mail box or address on another computer.
E-mail can also be sent automatically to a large number of electronic addresses via mailing lists (through mailmerge option). E-mail messages can range from the simplest correspondence to business presentations,
engineering blueprints, book chapters, or detailed contracts. Graphics, files of artwork or photography, can be
transmitted via this technology as well, though text messages comprise the vast majority of e-mail transmissions.
Today, e-mail stands as a central component of business communication, both within businesses and between
business enterprises, because of the many advantages that it offers over regular mail in terms of efficiency,
speed, and 24-hour availability. These characteristics have made electronic mail a truly ubiquitous presence
across the globe. Indeed, in terms of sheer volume, more than 536 billion pieces of e-mail were delivered in the
United States in 1999, according to the eMarketer Internet research firm. Moreover, eMarketer estimates that in
2000, the number of active e-mail users in America reached 111 million.
Since e-mail has emerged as such an important method of business communication in recent years, it is important
for small business owners to know how to use this technology effectively. Toward that end, consultants generally
recommend that small business owners and entrepreneurs select and shape e-mail packages that emphasize
convenience and ease of use.
Electronic mail, known commonly by its abbreviation email, is probably the most used medium of communication
today. 50 years ago, had someone said that it would be possible to instantly deliver documents to a recipient
sitting half way across the globe, he would have been a laughing stock. But, email came, saw and conquered
the World Wide Web. Today, with email, theres so much more than just written text communication. Ability of the
email to securely forward multimedia, photos, software, etc. has made it very popular. Its rightly said that necessity
is the mother of all inventions, and we humans have always found a way whenever the need arose. The history
of email communication is very interesting and intriguing.

History of Email
In 1965, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was the first to demonstrate the use of the first email
system, known as MAILBOX.
The history of email addresses can also be attributed to Tomlinson. He chose the @ symbol to provide an
addressing standard in the form of user@host, which is in use till date. This is why Tomlinson is called the
father of email and is credited with its invention.
By 1974, email in its improved form was being used by the US military. By 1975, efforts to organize the email
bore fruit. A general operating area, known as email account, for a user who wants to avail the email service,
was created. Access controlling was done by giving the user a secret password, which only he/she would know.
Separate folders were created depending on the purpose. Inbox for incoming messages, outbox for outgoing
messages, etc.
Year 1976 was a watershed year in the history of email marketing. Email service was being offered in commercial
packages and per-minute charges were applicable to those using these services. This led to the requirement for
offline reading, which meant that users could now download their emails on to their personal computers, and
then read them leisurely without using and paying for the airtime. This led to the development of applications,
which were similar to what Microsoft Outlook can do today.
Requirement for protocols was felt almost immediately, and in 1972, file transfer protocol (FTP) was put in use
to send email messages. The main drawback here was that FTP created a separate mail for every recipient and

then dispatched it, which resulted in loss of precious memory space. This prompted the creation of the more
efficient SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) in the early 1980s, which became a standard protocol to be used
in sending email messages. But the initial versions of SMTP failed to control the cases of forgery and proved to
be a naive protocol in the verification of the authenticity of a user. Email viruses, worms and spammers began
exploiting these loopholes in SMTP and even though, many new and improved versions have been released,
this problem continues to be addressed till date.
If SMTP is used to send messages, POP (post office protocol) was a standard for receiving emails. This protocol
is used by email clients to retrieve messages from the mail server using a connection. One drawback of POP is
that it does not support offline retrieval of messages. This demerit has now been overcome, by the more capable
IMAP (Internet message access protocol). This is how one comes to know of the offline messages i.e. messages
received when the receiver is not signed in.
By the early 1990s, free and user-friendly email service providers had taken the industry by storm. Players like
yahoo and hotmail were competing for the market share. It was this decade that not only saw the .com boom,
but almost everyone wanted an email account. Today, there are more than 600 million email users across the
globe, with newer players like Google (Gmail) and Rediff entering.
Theres so much more about the origin and history of email, but these were the most important landmark events.
Looking at its current usage, we can only add that instant messaging via email is here to stay!

Features of Email

Electronic: It is an electronic mode of message transmission as it is sent using HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language) the computer code used to create web pages

Cost-Effective: It is one of the cost-effective modes of fast communication. Today with the advent of
smart-phones, communicating through emails has become even more cost-effective.

Packages: Packages like Messenger and Outlook help us compose new mails or forward the received
ones to one or all of the people whose email addresses are stored in the Address Box. They allow us to
change font, sizes and color of the text; highlight, delete, store or save; align center or justify the text;
italicize, bold, underline or even print what we write or receive as email.

Interface: An interface between email program and word processing program allows us to cut, copy,
paste material from one place to the other.

Attachments: The Attach option allows us to share documents, worksheets, presentations, pictures and
videos along with the mails.

Spam: Unsolicited or Junk mails can be filtered by using the spam option which forbids unwanted mails
to enter your inbox. These unwanted mails may be advertisements, job offers, competition forms etc
which one does not want to receive frequently.

Signature: We can customize our signature as we want it to appear in the complimentary closure of every
email. Once you add your signature it automatically appears at the end of every mail that you compose.
One need not write the name, designation, contact no etc again and again.

Search: The search option helps us to locate old email communications. This can be achieved by typing
the senders name in the search box and click the search button. It will reflect all mails containing the
name so typed.
A sample email screen is shown below. How many above mentioned features can you trace from it?

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 427


Todays companies are able to customize their e-mail services to meet their own unique communication
needs. E-mail management tools on the market can help entrepreneurs and managers address a wide array
of issues, from excessive volumes of e-mail and/or excessively large file attachmentsboth of which can clog
e-mail gateways or create network storage burdensto virus detection, spam blocking, and search ability of email data stores.

Optimizing Personal Email Use

Experts in the fields of business and electronic communication agree that managers and small business owners
can take several steps to maximize the efficiency of their companys e-mail systems. These tips extend from
patterns of personal e-mail use to guidelines for companywide e-mail policies.
Professional appearance and content are paramount. Many members of the business community have commented
on the fact that many e-mail messages reflect a casual attitude toward grammar, spelling, and tone that would
never be tolerated in regular business correspondence. Users of electronic mail are encouraged to adopt the
same standards of professionalism that dictate the tone and appearance of postal correspondence. Indeed,
proper spelling and grammar, coupled with the ability to frame correspondence in suitably diplomatic language,
are essential components of electronic mail. Consultants also caution small business owners to be circumspect in
their use of emoticons, a set of symbols that have been developed by e-mail users to denote various non-verbal
reactions, such as smiles, winks, and laughs, to supplement the included text. While use of these symbols is fine
in some settings, inclusion of a flurry of such symbols is apt to confuse e-mail recipients who are unfamiliar with the
meaning behind them, and they are, again, inappropriate for most business correspondence.
Separate the Personal Mail Account from the Professional One: Many entrepreneurs maintain separate
electronic mail addresses, one for personal correspondence, the other for use at the office. Everybody needs
time to decompress at work, but mixing personal correspondence with professional correspondence can diminish

ones focus, wrote Bob Mook in Denver Business Journal. At the very least, a personal e-mail account gives
you a way to delineate between the work-related stuff and the extracurricular stuff.
Monitor Size of Distribution Lists to Keep them Manageable: Huge distribution lists can slow down e-mail
systems. One way to address this problem is to continually cull your list.
Another is to limit the size of attachments that are sent to large numbers of employees, clients, or vendors.
Establish Policies for Receiving Attachments: and know the preferences of your clients in this regard. Many
businesspeople dislike receiving attachments except when absolutely necessary, due to system slowdowns
and vulnerability to viruses.
Augment your E-mail Address to Ensure Accurate Identification: E-mail users can ensure that recipients of
their e-mail can easily determine their identity by including their real name in their e-mail addresses and including
telephone number and mailing address information as a standard part of any e-mail. This information can be
incorporated through signature files that are standard on most e-mail packages.
Promptly respond to E-mail Messages of any Significance. Small businesses and employees that do not
promptly reply to electronic mail send the signal that they are disinterested, incompetent, or disorganized. The
business world is an often hectic one, and most people who participate in it recognize that delays in response do
occur for a variety of legitimate reasons. But people who let e-mail messages go unacknowledged for several
days or more are in essence informing the sender that delivering a response is not a priority for them.
Establish Efficient Daily E-mail Practices: Recent studies indicate that many executives spend almost two
hours a day attending to their overflowing electronic mail, and that some business owners and managers spend
even more time on such activities. In most instances, this is not time well-spent; instead, it keeps the owner or
manager from addressing other, ultimately more important, business issues. To minimize this particular time
drain, experts urge owners/managers/executives to:-

Delete old messages that can clutter e-mail inboxes;

Review incoming e-mails only at two or three set times a day, rather than peeking at each one as it comes
in; and

Purchase supplementary tools that can block e-mail spam that clogs many systems.
Pay Attention: The process of sending and replying to message is rife with opportunities for error, wrote Sun,
but most pitfalls can be avoided if you take the time to learn the nuances of electronic mail. For instance, said
Sun, if you wish to avoid embarrassment (or worse), pay attention when sending a reply. Do you disagree with
a message that was sent to you and dozens of others? Then be sure to reply to sender rather than reply all.
Otherwise, your reply will go to all the original recipients, making your private disagreement public.

Proper E-mail Correspondence

Most of us e-mail back and forth every day, so we all deal with different types of e-mail correspondences.
Whether it be for business, for personal use, for school, etc., we all need to know the proper ways of sending emails to other people. Keep reading to see if youre being professional about it or not.
As stated above, e-mail correspondence comes in various colors and designs and it is as creative as the sender
makes it. E-mail from a decade ago is definitely not the same as e-mail today. We must be more careful about
what we say and how we say it. Words used in an e-mail are like a small, lit match; they can be used to mend
fragile relationships, warm the heart and light the way or they can ignite whole forests aflame that could cause
havoc and destruction.
Here is one scenario that may influence varied responses:-

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 429

You just paid for some software over the Internet with your credit card. The time that has passed has exceeded
the time the company told you it would arrive at your house. No problem, you think. You will just call the 1-800
number they have on their Website, but after redirecting your call four times, you hear the dial tone. You are
upset, but you try calling again.
Now, into this phone calling nightmare for almost 45 minutes, you are angry that no one is answering. After all,
you paid for the item and you want it. Should you not be angry? Of course you should be, but you cant get ahold
of them, so you decide to write an e-mail explaining your mounting frustration about how their customer service
was always unavailable over the phone. You are careful to tell them that you have not received your purchase
and also include the invoice statement as proof of what you bought. Three days go by and counting. You cannot
get this dilemma off your mind. Another e-mail lands you nowhere. You do not know what to do. You tried
contacting them, but you got no reply. You decide you that no longer want their software and that you want your
money back. You will never deal with this company again, right?
So, you write a third e-mail, but you are not so polite this time. You say, I will never do business with you again.
You are deaf to my phone calls and e-mails and insult my intelligence. I demand my money back. You are a thief
and should not be in business and I will get to the bottom of this.
Surely, this is a letter you can write, but do you really think you should? Would it make you feel better? Maybe,
but will it get you what you want? Not likely. In so many cases, we are obliged to overcome how we feel by an act
of the will to do what we ought to do.
Now, lets take the same scenario and use a different technique. Instead, say something like, Gentlemen, I am
writing this e-mail as an addition to my other two. I have not received a reply regarding a purchase, which should
have arrived two weeks ago. I am concerned that it may have gotten lost in transit or perhaps was overlooked
with the many deliveries you are responsible for at your warehouse. I have also tried to contact you by phone
twice, but there was some difficulty and my calls never got through. I would appreciate hearing from you regarding
this matter. Thank you.
A reply from the company finally comes and it says, We apologize for not being able to get back to you about
your purchase. Our servers were hacked into and we just got back online. It was also very alarming that we
thought our customer backup data was deleted. Please accept our apologies. Because of this delay, we are
sending your purchase free of charge and we hope that this might retain you as one of our loyal customers.
Again, the desire to say what we feel must be overcome with the desire to be courteous and professional, which
we all know in our hearts, is the better way to communicate.
There are many occasions however, when you simply do not hear back at all from a vendor. What do you do
then? There is one more example of the proper way to send an e-mail.
This is one that is sent to many people. There is a thoughtful way to include others that will be the recipient of
such mail. We all have had times that we find something useful to send or we find that there are stories that are
uplifting that we want to share. How do we send a story like that to many people where safety and courtesy are
concerns? Certainly one way is to address your e-mail to each recipient. There is nothing wrong with this. Each
person receives it and each person feels special, because you addressed your e-mail to him/her alone.
Suppose however, you would like to send the same e-mail to all of your readers at one time. Most of all e-mail
recipients are known to have what is called Carbon Copy (CC) and Blind Carbon Copy (BCC). Here we want to
be respectful that only one person at a time will see your mail without seeing the address of every person you
are sending it to. If we use CC, every persons address is listed for each e-mail recipient to see, but if we use
BCC, only the person in the To: box is seen.
This is important, because spammers love to see a whole slew of e-mail addresses that they can send spam to.
Your friends will have good intentions, but those you may only know from a list may not. Hackers now have the

addresses of everyone who will be receiving your e-mail. This is not considerate or safe. Instead, choose to
send a group or list of people the same message using BCC, which is the kindest and least obvious way to send
mail short of encryption.
Also remember that all e-mail sent through normal channels can be intercepted. Therefore only write what you
want the world to see.

Email Etiquette
While a lot of people understand the importance of following certain rules when writing a business letter, they
often forget these rules when composing an email message. Heres a refresher.
Mind Your Manners: Think of the basic rules you learned growing up, like saying please and thank you.
Address people you dont know as Mr., Mrs., or Dr. Only address someone by first name if they imply its
okay to do so.
Watch Your Tone: Merriam-Webster defines tone as an accent or inflection expressive of a mood or
emotion. It is very difficult to express tone in writing. You want to come across as respectful, friendly, and
approachable. You dont want to sound curt or demanding.
Be Concise: Get to the point of your email as quickly as possible, but dont leave out important details that
will help your recipient answer your query.
Be Professional: This means, stay away from abbreviations and dont use emoticons (those little smiley
faces). Dont use a cute or suggestive email address for business communications.
Use Correct Spelling and Proper Grammar: Use a dictionary or a spell checker whichever works
better for you. While you can write in a conversational tone (contractions are okay), pay attention to basic
rules of grammar.
Wait to Fill in the TO Email Address: Career Planning Site visitor Larry Batchelor says, I never fill in the
TO email address until I am completely through proofing my email and I am sure that it is exactly the way
that I want it. This will keep you from accidentally sending an email prematurely. In the past, I have
accidentally clicked on the send icon, when I really meant to click on the attachment icon.


Email has changed the way we do business. Sure, people complain about the amount of Email they receive. But
when all is said and done, using Email has impacted business in a positive way and has the edge over other
methods of communication.
Here are five advantages of using Email:
(i) Managing Email is Easy: You can manage all your correspondence on screen and so can
your customers.Your proposal can be answered, revised, stored, and sent to others, all without reams of
paper involved.
(ii) Email is Fast: Mail is delivered instantly,from your office to anywhere in the world. No other method of
delivery can provide this service. Timely buying and selling decisions can be made in a heartbeat.
(iii) Email is Inexpensive: Compared to telephone calls, faxes, or over night courier service, Email is less
(iv) Email is Easy to Filter: The subject line on an Email makes it easy to prioritize messages. The reader can
identify critical correspondence quickly and deal with it immediately. Unlike regular mail which needs to
be opened and reviewed, or voice mail which requires you to either listen to or scan all your messages for
those that require immediate attention.

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 431

(iv) Transmission is Secure and Reliable: The level of security in transmitting Email messages is very high,
and the industry continues to strive to develop even tighter security levels. Email is private. Often telephone
and fax messages are not. If the address information is correct, rarely does an Email go astray. Fax
machines can be out of order or out of paper and this prevents an important message from being delivered
in a timely manner.
Email has been credited for increased efficiency, business readiness, and a host of other advantages tied to
increased productivity.
However, there are some disadvantages.
(i) Time Consuming: While writing an email takes less time that it takes to print a letter and mail it off, the
ease of sending an email also means the average person receives more correspondence electronically
than they would if all correspondence was by postal mail. Sometimes the message is better communicated
over the telephone or directly. Organizing and reading through emails can also eat up a great deal of time
and prove a hindrance on worker productivity.
(ii) Security: Sensitive information can be easily shared and distributed within a business through email. It
does not matter if the email is sent accidentally or deliberately, the harm is the same. Moreover, when
someone hands you a business letter, you are the only person that receives that letter. An email can be
intercepted by a hacker or go to an incorrect email address and wind up in someone elses inbox. Your
sensitive information and messages are very accessible to hackers and even unsuspecting recipients
when you use email.
(iii) Impersonal Communication: While email can be faster, the meaning of the message is often lost in the
text. It can make customers or employees forget there are people involved in the transaction, which can
affect customer service. Since email recipients cannot see each other, the emails do not have any voice
inflection or emotion that can help with proper interpretation.
(iv) Misunderstanding: Pronouns and popular jargon can lead to conflict in emails. In addition, email is filled
with abbreviations and short descriptions, which can often be misunderstood and/or interpreted the wrong
(v) Vulnerability: It would take a manual effort on the part of someone to access all of your important printed
documents and destroy them. But all of your emails and important information can be lost with a simple
hard-drive crash. If you store your email information on another server, then you could lose your data if
that site goes down or out of business.


Email cannot be considered a confidential mode of communication.

Email should not be considered as a replacement for direct, face-to-face communication.
Email cannot be relied in case of emergency messages as the receiver may read it at their own convenient

Email depends on the internet connectivity which can get disturbed or disconnected due to various reasons.
The word intra means within or internal. It is like the internet, except that it contains information specific to the
particular organization. External people, not on the network cannot access the intranet.
The intranet is the most effective of all the types of electronic communication.

A company intranet helps to keep employees up to speed on various happenings within the company and they
can be used as a way of communicating by posting various newsletters, articles, and company training documents.
An intranet means that only the company employees that are set up on the server can access the company
pages, which is different from the Internet, which is open to everyone that has an Internet connection.
Most companies use their intranet in place of paper and emails because it gives everyone within the company,
regardless of where they are located, an opportunity to know where all the company information and
communication are.
Intranets for companies are very secure, meaning that no one outside the company can get into the Intranet
once the security is set in place.
The benefits of an intranet are that it allows a central communication area for the entire company. Many people
work in remote locations; therefore, it helps give a sense of connectedness to the company as a whole regardless
of where someone is located.
Intranets have been quite effective in keeping communication open with employees, but of course, it is essential
that the employees log into the intranet several times each day. Many companies make the intranet the default
start-up page from any browser within company, which makes it easier for employees to remember to log in for
important information.

Fill in the Blanks:
1. Which protocol is used by the web .............................
2. Unsolicited or Junk mails are filtered through the option of .............................
Answers: 1. HTTP

2. Spam

Benefits of Intranet
The intranet is a great tool that may be used in order to get messages across to the staff members. There are
many fun and creative ways that one could use the intranet to their advantage within the company. One can
promote the workplace issues on just about any topic on an intranet.
Below are the benefits of the intranet:-

Workforce Productivity: Intranets can help users to locate and view information faster and use applications
relevant to their roles and responsibilities.

Time: Intranets allow organizations to distribute information to employees on an as-needed basis.

Employees may link to relevant information at their convenience, rather than being distracted
indiscriminately by electronic mail.

Communication: Intranets can serve as powerful tools for communication within an organization, vertically
and horizontally. From a communications standpoint, intranets are useful to communicate strategic
initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization. By providing this information on the
intranet, staff has the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the strategic focus of the organization. Some
examples of communication would be chat, email, and or blogs. A great real world example of where an
intranet helped a company communicate is when Nestle had a number of food processing plants in
Scandinavia. Their central support system had to deal with a number of queries every day. When Nestle

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 433

decided to invest in an intranet, they quickly realized the savings. McGovern says the savings from the
reduction in query calls was substantially greater than the investment in the intranet.

Web Publishing: Allows cumbersome corporate knowledge to be maintained and easily accessed
throughout the company using hypermedia and Web technologies. Examples include: employee manuals,
benefits documents, company policies, business standards, news feeds, and even training, can be
accessed using common Internet standards (Acrobat files, Flash files, CGI applications). Because each
business unit can update the online copy of a document, the most recent version is usually available to
employees using the intranet.

Business Operations and Management: Intranets are also being used as a platform for developing and
deploying applications to support business operations and decisions across the internetworked enterprise.

Cost-effective: Users can view information and data via web-browser rather than maintaining physical
documents such as procedure manuals, internal phone list and requisition forms. This can potentially
save the business money on printing, duplicating documents, and the environment as well as document
maintenance overhead. For example, People soft derived significant cost savings by shifting HR processes
to the intranet.

Enhance Collaboration: Information is easily accessible by all authorized users, which enables teamwork.
Promote Common Corporate Culture: Every user has the ability to view the same information within the

Immediate Updates: When dealing with the public in any capacity, laws, specifications, and parameters
can change. Intranets make it possible to provide your audience with live changes so they are kept upto-date, which can limit a companys liability.

Supports a Distributed Computing Architecture: The intranet can also be linked to a companys management
information system, for example a time keeping system.

Purpose of Intranet
The purpose of the intranet is for internal communication. Increasingly, intranets are being used to deliver tools
and applications, e.g., collaboration (to facilitate working in groups and teleconferencing) or sophisticated corporate
directories, sales and customer relationship management tools, project management etc., to advance productivity.
Intranets are also being used as corporate culture-change platforms. For example, large numbers of employees
discussing key issues in an intranet forum application could lead to new ideas in management, productivity,
quality, and other corporate issues.
When part of an intranet is made accessible to customers and others outside the business, that part becomes
part of an extranet. Businesses can send private messages through the public network, using special encryption/
decryption and other security safeguards to connect one part of their intranet to another.
Intranet user-experience, editorial, and technology team work together to produce in-house sites. Most commonly,
intranets are managed by the communications, HR departments of large organizations, or some combination of
The future of Web communications continues to grow rapidly.


E-Correspondence is commonly known as email-correspondence or electronic-correspondence. It is
an electronic method of providing you with important information through your email address.
E-Correspondence is an electronic, cost-effective and fastest mode of communication as of today.
Users of electronic mail are encouraged to adopt the same standards of professionalism that dictate the
tone and appearance of postal correspondence.
Email etiquettes must be strictly adhered to in order to keep your communication authentic and graceful.
Like every coin has two faces, similarly being one of the most sorted method of communication ecorrespondence also bears certain disadvantages like lack of confidentiality, vulnerability etc.
The word intra means within or internal. It is like the internet, except that it contains information specific
to the particular organization. External people, not on the network cannot access the intranet.
The intranet is one of the most effective of all the types of electronic communication.
An intranet means that only the company employees that are set up on the server can access the company
pages, which is different from the Internet, and is open to everyone that has an Internet connection.


Although; even if.


Of little significance or value.


A computer-based text retrieval system.


A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers.


Illegal activity, fraud.


Someone who sends unwanted email.


To arouse the interest or curiosity of.


The point of interaction or communication between a computer and any other entity,
such as a printer or human operator.


Sudden Commotion, excitment or confusion; a sudden gust of wind.


Not asked for.


To command not to do something.


Unsolicited e-mail.


Susceptibility to attack or injury.


A large number of quantity.


Rising, climbing, increasing, ascending.


Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.


Away from the correct path.


The specialized or technical language.

Lesson 16

E-Correspondence 435


A multimedia system in which related items of information are connected and can be
presented together.


Conversion of data into a code.


To stop or interrupt the course, progress or transmission.

(These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not to be submitted for evaluation)
1. Explain the various features of e-correspondence.
2. List the various advantages of e-correspondence.
3. Highlight various e-mail etiquettes.
4. Explain the following terms:
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) Internet
5. Explain the concept of Intranet and how is it useful?
Suggested Readings
(1) The Executive Guide To E-Mail Correspondence Dawn-Michelle Baude
(2) Office Correspondence Made Easy Learning Express
(3) Business Communication K.K. Sinha.


Test Papers 437



(This Test Paper is for practice and self study only and not to be sent to the Institiute)
Time Allowed : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

[Attempt all questions. Each question carries 1 Mark. There is no negative mark for incorrect answers.]
1. The primary/fundamental function of management is
(a) Planning
(b) Controlling
(c) Organisation
(d) Direction
2. The father of modern management theory is
(a) W.F. Taylor
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) Koontz o Donnel
(d) Samulson
3. Scientific Management is the contribution of
(a) W.F. Taylor
(b) Henri Fayol
(c) R.C. Davis
(d) Lyndall Urwick
4. Superior-subordinate theory was given by
(a) Henri Fayol
(b) V.A. Graicunas
(c) Koontz ODonnel
(d) Joseph jecard
5. Decentralisation and delegation of authority are the same thing
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Partly true
(d) Partly false
6. The word management derives its origin from a Greek word
(a) Nomo

(b) Verh
(c) Xus
(d) Gest
7. MBO stands for
(a) Management by Option
(b) Management by Objectives
(c) Management by Objection
(d) None of the above
8. Combination of functional departments with product or project organization is known as
(a) Project Organisation
(b) Matrix Organisation
(c) Line and Staff Organisation
(d) Functional Organisation
9. The recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation of human resources by
the organization is known as
(a) Training Department
(b) Personnel Management
(c) Staff Management
(d) Line and Staff Management
10. Ranking, Rating scale, Check list are the methods of
(a) Transfer Management
(b) Performance Appraisal
(c) Promotional Methods
(d) Job Description
11. Four kinds of management systems as leadership styles was given by
(a) Blake and Mouton
(b) Rensis Likert
(c) Mcgregor
(d) Hertz berg
12. The process of searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to apply for the jobs in an
organization is known as
(a) Selection
(b) Placement
(c) Recruitment
(d) Training
13. POSDCORB was coined using the initial letters of management function by

Test Papers 439

(a) Koontz ODonnel
(b) Luther Gulick
(c) Peter F. Drucker
(d) Henry Mintzberg
14. The Hierarchy theory of needs was given by
(a) A.H. Maslow
(b) Mc Gregor
(c) Koontz ODonnel
(d) None of above
15. Zero Base Budgeting was first introduced in
(a) Japan
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) China
16. The essential skills which every manager needs for doing better management is known as
(a) Leadership Skills
(b) Teaching Skills
(c) Professional Skills
(d) Managerial Skills
17. Principle of Espirit de Corps was given by
(a) R.C. Devis
(b) V.A. Graicunas
(c) Koontz ODonnel
(d) Henry Fayol
18. A general enduring statement of the intent of business which reflects the belief and philosophy of management
is known as
(a) Mission
(b) Vision
(c) Objectives
(d) None of the above
19. Policies are the guide to thinking in
(a) Organizing
(b) Decision making
(c) Forecasting
(d) Planning

20. It involves looking ahead and projecting the future course of events
(a) Organizing
(b) Forecasting
(c) Controlling
(d) Co-ordination
21. The economic environment around us consists of which basic entities
(a) Households (the consumers),
(b) Firms (the producers)
(c) Government (the co-coordinator)
(d) All of the above
22. The definition of management Getting things done through and with people was coined by
(a) Luther Gulick
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Koontz and ODonnell
(d) None of the above
23. Management is an inter-disciplinary _______________ which draws freely from other disciplines such as
economics, sociology and psychology
(a) Art
(b) Profession
(c) Science
(d) All of the above
24. Top management is generally required to spend more time in planning, the middle level on organising and
the lower level managers on
(a) Directing
(b) Organising
(c) Staffing
(d) None of the above
25. Planning process comprises determination and laying down of:
(a) Objectives
(b) Policies & procedures
(c) Strategies
(d) All of the above
26. He argued that successful change in organizations should follow three steps: unfreezing the status quo,
movement or changeover to a new state, and refreezing the new change to make it permanent. Who was
(a) Koontz
(b) Luther Gulick

Test Papers 441

(c) Mintzberg
(d) Kurt Lewin
27. Acts of God are the result of
(a) Natural Disasters
(b) Violence
(c) Technological crisis
(d) Rumours
28. It owes its genesis to post war research of American management consultants like Drs. Joseph Juran and
W. Edwards Dening:
(a) MBO
(b) TQM
(c) Crisis
(d) Stress Management
29. Risk cannot be managed unless it is first _____________
(a) Assessed
(b) Identified
(c) Measured
(d) Evaluated
30. Which principle emphasises the need for teamwork and the importance of effective communication
(a) Stability of Tenure of Personnel
(b) Espirit de Corps
(c) Scalar Chain
(d) Equity
31. Interpersonal, Informational and Decisional roles are the three phases of a managers work role. This was
given by
(a) Henry Mintzberg
(b) Fayol
(c) Koontz and ODonnell
(d) Luther Gulick
32. It is a process of transformation where the old system can no longer be maintained
(a) Crisis
(b) Stress Management
(c) TQM
(d) MBO
33. It is used to collectively describe all commercial transactions i.e., private and governmental, sales, investments,
etc. that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundary

(a) International business
(b) Ordinary Business
(c) Government Business
(d) Political Business
34. It is instantaneous, self-correcting and forward-looking
(a) Ideal control
(b) Ideal Planning
(c) Ideal Coordination
(d) None of the above
35. The operative function of a Human Resource Manager means
(a) Those tasks or duties which are specifically entrusted to the personnel department under the general
supervision of personnel manager
(b) Those that are the basic functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling in relation to his
(c) Personnel/Human resource manager has specialised education and training in managing human
relations. He is an expert in his area and so can give advise on matters relating to human resources of
the organization
(d) None of the above
36. Non-traditional control devices are based on
(a) Non-scientific methods
(b) Scientific methods
(c) Conventional methods
(d) All of the above
37. It has its origins from the field of corporate insurance
(a) Stress Management
(b) Management
(c) Crisis Management
(d) Risk Management
38. Modern control system is ___________ rather than work or job oriented
(a) Worker-focused
(b) Job focused
(c) Incentive focused
(d) None of the above
39. Blue-collar workers are
(a) Working on machines and engaged in loading, unloading
(b) Clerical employees
(c) Executive employees

Test Papers 443

(d) None of the above
40. Which Institute has defined a budget as a financial and/or quantitative statement prepared prior to a defined
period of time of the policy to be pushed during that period for the purpose of attaining a good objective
(a) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England
(b) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of England and Wales
(c) The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Wales
(d) None of the above
41. The term business ethics came into common use in year
(a) 1950
(b) 1960
(c) 1970
(d) 1980
42. Business Ethics has a __________ application
(a) Universal
(b) Natural
(c) Practical
(d) None of the above
43. Ethics has become the buzzword in the corporate world because of
(a) Globalization
(b) Modernization
(c) Expansion
(d) Liberalization
44. A set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is member of a particular
group is known as
(a) Code of ethics
(b) Values
(c) Ethics
(d) None of the above
45. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made it important for businesses to have an
(a) Ethics code
(b) Code of conduct
(c) Code of practice
(d) Business ethics
46. Scope of Ethics in Business is in which area(s)
(a) Compliance

(b) Finance & HR
(c) Marketing and Production
(d) All of the above
47. Measures to improve ethical behaviour of business are framed at which level
(a) Institutional level
(b) Government level
(c) Societal level
(d) All of the above
48. Which of the following Act made code of ethics mandatory for all organizations
(a) The Companies Act, 1956
(b) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
(c) The Partnership Act, 1932
(d) None of the above
49. Which of the following is a feature of Business Ethics
(a) Business Ethics has a universal application
(b) It is a relative norm. It differs from business to business.
(c) Business Ethics is based on well accepted moral and social values
(d) All the above
50. An expert who is confidentially available to solve the ethical dilemmas is known as
(a) Ethic Coach
(b) Ethics Trainer
(c) Ethics Guide
(d) None of the above
51. Business Ethics is based on well accepted
(a) Moral and social values
(b) Social values only
(c) Moral values only
(d) None of the above
52. The idea of business ethics caught the attention of academics, media and business firms by the end of the
(a) First Word War
(b) Second World War
(c) Cold War
(d) None of the above
53. Corporate entities are legally considered as persons in
(a) USA
(b) Japan

Test Papers 445

(c) China
(d) None of the above
54. Business Ethics cannot be enforced by
(a) Governance
(b) Businesses
(c) Law
(d) None of the above
55. Business Ethics is a code of conduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their
(a) Normal activities
(b) Special activities
(c) Specific activities
(d) None of the above
56. Compliance is about obeying and adhering to
(a) Rules and authority
(b) Discipline
(c) Laws
(d) All of the above
57. Administrative corruption include gifts to the
(a) Factory Inspector
(b) Boiler Inspector
(c) Pollution Control Board Inspectors
(d) All of the above
58. Which of the following is a reason for business not behaving ethically
(a) To protect its own interest and of the business community as a whole
(b) To keep its commitment to society to act ethically.
(c) To meet stakeholder expectations.
(d) To not protect their employees and their reputation
59. Ethics in production means
(a) It deals with the duties of a company to ensure that products and production processes do not cause
(b) It deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing
(c) It covers those ethical issues arising around the employer-employee relationship, such as the rights
and duties owed between employer and employee
(d) All of the above
60. They are concerned about ethics, social responsibility and reputation of the company in which they invest
(a) Employees

(b) Employers
(c) Investors
(d) Students
61. I, we, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them are examples of
(a) Possessive Pronoun
(b) Relative Pronoun
(c) Collective Pronoun
(d) Personal Pronoun
62. Identify the correct spelling
(a) Occasion
(b) Occassion
(c) Ocassion
(d) Ocasion
63. The idiom To arrest someones notice means
(a) Cast a slur upon
(b) Catch somebodys eye
(c) To catch a Tartar
(d) To come off with flying colours
64. What is meant by ab initio
(a) List of additions
(b) From the origin
(c) From the beginning.
(d) According to value
65. A job application letter is said to be similar to a
(a) Purchase Letter
(b) Sales Letter
(c) Public Notice
(d) None of the above
66. A sales letter drafted for a large number of people is known as
(a) Sales manual
(b) Sales Order
(c) Sales Enquiry
(d) Sales Circular
67. Which of the following is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet
(a) Intranet

Test Papers 447

(b) Extranet
(c) World Wide Web
(d) None of the above
68. Which of the following protocol is used by the web
(a) HTTP
(b) HTPT
(c) TTPH
(d) TPTH
69. Which of the following is a web browser
(a) Google Chrome
(b) Internet Explorer.
(c) Firefox
(d) All the above
70. It is a document giving full details of goods being shipped, prepared by the exporter and sent to the importer
(a) Invoice
(b) Sales Receipt
(c) VAT
(d) Sales Tax
71. The abbreviation E&OE stands for
(a) Errors and Omitted Errors
(b) Expected and Omitted Errors
(c) Errors and Omissions Excepted
(d) Exceptions and Omissions
72. These are demanded when buyer returns goods already paid for on grounds of, say, unacceptable quality
(a) Debit Notes
(b) Credit Notes
(c) Sales Letters
(d) Statement of Accounts
73. Telegrams may also be communicated over the telephone and this is called
(a) Telephonogram
(b) Phonogram
(c) Telegram-phone
(d) None of the above
74. Fax is the abbreviated form of the word
(a) Facsimile
(b) Faximile

(c) Fac
(d) Simile
75. Telex machines allow exchange of
(a) Photos
(b) Text
(c) Email messages
(d) None of the above
76. When an organisation needs to share important information with members of general public such as a
change of name or representative, it drafts a
(a) Office Orders
(b) Office Notes
(c) Representations
(d) Public Notice
77. RSVP is the abbreviation of the French words respondey sil vous plait and means
(a) Please come
(b) Please
(c) Please reply
(d) Invitation
78. A press release should have which of the following features in order to be selected
(a) Detailed
(b) Factual
(c) Lengthy
(d) Unsuitable
79. These are used for disseminating information to a large number of employees within the organization
(a) Office Circulars
(b) Representations
(c) Public Notice
(d) None of the above
80. The abbreviation ESOP stands for
(a) Employee Stock Option Plan
(b) Employee Share Option Plan
(c) Employee Share Option Programme
(d) Employee Stock Option Programme
81. Communication is an _________ process
(a) Ongoing
(b) One way

Test Papers 449

(c) Three Way Process
(d) None of the above
82. Memo, Report, Office order, Circulars, Staff Newsletters, Fax etc are the form of
(a) Non verbal Communication
(b) Written Communication
(c) Oral Communication
(d) Audio Visual Communication
83. It is a word opposite or contrary in meaning to another word. It means
(a) Antonyms
(b) Synonyms
(c) Homonyms
(d) None of the above
84. Acoustics means
(a) One who performs gymnastic feats
(b) The action of attacking with provocation
(c) Science of the production, transmission, reception and effect of sound
(d) None of the above
85. The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action
is known as
(a) Noun
(b) Verb
(c) Adjective
(d) None of the above
86. A _____________ Sentence contains only one finite verb and can make only one complete statement
(a) Simple
(b) Complex
(c) Compound
(d) None of the above
87. To transform into a purer or idealized form means
(a) Sublimate
(b) Vandal
(c) Ransack
(d) Revive
88. A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language. A word may have one or more syllables.
How many syllables are there in retribution, satisfaction, transatlantic?
(a) One

(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
89. These are those prefixes that denote the meaning of removing something or depriving something or someone
(a) Reversative Prefix
(b) Derivative Prefix
(c) Pejorative Prefix
(d) Place Prefix
90. It separate or enclose subordinate clauses and phrases in sentences
(a) The Comma (,)
(b) The Hyphen (-)
(c) Full Stop (.)
(d) None of the above
91. The latin word bona fide means
(a) Strange
(b) Good faith
(c) Colleague
(d) None of the above
92. The proverb an aged lover means
(a) A fool and his money are soon parted
(b) There is no fool like an old fool
(c) One mans meat is another mans poison
(d) It never rains but pours
93. Which of the following is applicable in case of Telegrams
(a) The message must be detailed
(b) Time should be written according to the twenty four hour clock
(c) Normal grammar and punctuation may always be followed
(d) Block letters must not be used
94. This began as an American experiment in computer communication technology during the cold war and
has revolutionised the world
(a) Fax
(b) Emails
(c) Telegrams
(d) None of the above
95. BCC stands for
(a) Blind Copy Carbon

Test Papers 451

(b) Before Carbon Copy
(c) Blind Carbon Copy
(d) Before Copy Carbon
96. Who is called the father of email and is credited with its invention
(a) Aristotle
(b) Tomlinson
(c) Merriam
(d) None of the above
97. The following is an example of which type of letter
Dear Pradeep,
I was delighted to learn that your work on cryogenic engine has been appreciated by the Indian Space
Research Organisation. I am confident that it will be possible to manufacture these engines indigenously
and our dependence on other countries will end soon.
I feel proud of your achievement and send you my best wishes for the future.
(a) Congratulatory Letter
(b) Sympathy Letter
(c) Thank you Letter
(d) Condolence Letter
98. What is the difference between enquiry and inquiry
(a) Enquiry means asking a question, and inquiry is a formal investigation.
(b) The prefix en comes from French, and in from Latin.
(c) Enquiry is a request for truth, knowledge or information, and inquiry is an investigation into something.
(d) All of the above
99. It is a document giving full details of goods being shipped, prepared by the exporter and sent to the importer
(a) Bill
(b) Invoice
(c) Receipt
(d) None of the above
100. It is a document that outlines the contents of a forthcoming meeting
(a) Meeting
(b) Agenda
(c) Minutes
(d) None of the above

Part A

Part B

Part C

1. a

41. c

61. d

2. b

42. a

62. a

3. a

43. a

63. b

4. b

44. a

64. c

5. b

45. a

65. b

6. a

46. d

66. d

7. b

47. d

67. c

8. b

48. b

68. a

9. b

49. d

69. d

10. b

50. a

70. a

11. b

51. a

71. c

12. c

52. c

72. b

13. b

53. a

73. b

14. a

54. c

74. a

15. b

55. a

75. b

16. d

56. a

76. d

17. d

57. d

77. c

18. a

58. d

78. b

19. b

59. a

79. a

20. b

60. c

80. a

21. b

81. a

22. d

82. b

23. c

83. a

24. a

84. c

25. d

85. a

26. d

86. a

27. a

87. a

28. b

88. d

29. b

89. b

30. b

90. a

31. a

91. b

32. a

92. b

33. a

93. b

34. a

94. b

35. a

95. c

36. b

96. b

37. d

97. a

38. a

98. d

39. a

99. b

40. b

100. b

Test Papers 453

(This Test Paper is for practice and self study only and not to be sent to the Institiute)
Time Allowed : 2 Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

[Attempt all questions. Each question carries 1 Mark. There is no negative mark for incorrect answers.]
Part A
1. It deals with future and involves forecasting
(a) Planning
(b) Organising
(c) Forecasting
(d) Leasership
2. Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty are the three possible conditions of
(a) Decision making
(b) Planning
(c) Risk management
(d) None of the above
3. Personnel Management is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation
of human resources by the organization. Who gave the above definition?
(a) Edwin B. Flippo
(b) Megginson
(c) French Wendell
(d) Jucius Michael
4. Which of the following is not a similarity between HRM and Personnel management
(a) Both models emphasize the importance of integrating personnel/HRM.
(b) Both models emphasize the importance of individuals fully developing their abilities for their own personal
satisfaction to make their best contribution to organizational success.
(c) Both models identify placing the right people into the right jobs as an important means of integrating
personnel/HRM practice with organizational goals.
(d) Both models deal with monetary satisfaction of employees.
5. Unity of command cannot exist without unity of direction, but does not flow from it. This statement was
given by
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Frederick Taylor
(c) Koontz O Donell
(d) None of the above

6. The guiding and directing efforts of employees and other resources to accomplish stated work outputs is
known as
(a) Leadership
(b) Supervision
(c) Training
(d) Motivation
7. From which Latin term, the word motivation has been derived which means to move
(a) mauve
(b) prole
(c) movere
(d) manuscriptum
8. What is said to be the nature of selection process?
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(d) None of the above
9. Which of the following is incorrect regarding control
(a) Controlling is backward looking
(b) Controlling exists at every management level
(c) Controlling is a continuous activity
(d) Purpose of controlling is positive
10. A budget is frequently prepared to combine all other budgets in a summary form. It is known as
(a) Sales Budget
(b) Purchase Budget
(c) Cash Budget
(d) Master Budget
11. Which of the following is not an example of traditional control devices
(a) Budgetary Control
(b) Standard Costing
(c) Financial Ratio Analysis
(d) Zero Base Budgeting
12. Transactional Analysis was developed by
(a) Dr. Wilder Penfield
(b) Eric Berne
(c) Edwin B Flippo

Test Papers 455

(d) None of the above
13. The two factor theory also known as Hygiene theory was developed by
(a) Frederick Herzberg
(b) McGregor
(c) Maslow
(d) George Terry
14. Crosswise communication is also known as ___________ communication
(a) Vertical
(b) Horizontal
(c) Diagonal
(d) None of the above
15. The right to give orders and exact obedience is known as
(a) Direction
(b) Authority
(c) Responsibility
(d) Accountability
16. The process by which an organization deals with a major event that threatens to harm the organization, its
stakeholders, or the general public is known as
(a) Stress Management
(b) Crisis Management
(c) TQM
(d) None of the above
17. It is an approach that organizations use to improve their internal processes and increase customers
(a) TQM
(b) Stress Management
(c) MBO
(d) Change Management
18. Identification of opportunities and avoiding or mitigating losses is called
(a) Risk Management
(b) Stress Management
(c) Change Management
(d) Co-ordination
19. It refers to all those business activities which involves cross border transactions of goods, services, resources
between two or more nations

(a) International Business
(b) Domestic Business
(c) Internal Business
(d) None of the above
20. Overt, implicit, immediate or deferred are the types of
(a) Control
(b) Planning
(c) Forecasting
(d) Resistance
21. Planning process comprises determination and laying down of
(i) objectives, (ii) policies, (iii) procedures, (iv) rules, (v) remuneration
(a) (i),(ii),(iii),(v)
(b) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv)
(c) (i),(ii),(iv),(v)
(d) (i),(iii),(iv),(v)
22. It refers to superior-subordinate relations throughout the organization
(a) Equity
(b) Scalar Chain
(c) Espirit de corp
(d) Order
23. Technical, human and conceptual are the types of
(a) Technical Skills
(b) Specific skills
(c) Managerial skills
(d) None of the above
24. Policy making is the function of
(a) Management
(b) Administration
(c) Personnel Management
(d) All of above
25. It lays down the course of action selected to guide and determine present and future decisions
(a) Policy
(b) Procedure
(c) Programmes

Test Papers 457

(d) Strategy
26. Which of the following is not related with business plans?
(a) Largely enforced business goals
(b) The reasons why they are believed attainable
(c) The plan for reaching those goals
(d) Changes in perception and branding
27. If you are planning a trip to Kashmir, have never been there before, and have not heard about the weather
in Kashmir during winter, you may be in a predicament as to what clothes to carry and what precautions to
take. What kind of a decision-making condition is this?
(a) Certain
(b) Uncertain
(c) Risk
(d) None of the above
28. Arrange the various steps of organizing in the correct sequence
(i) Identifying (ii) Grouping (iii) Delegating (iv) Establishing relationship:
(a) (i)-(ii)-(iii)-(iv)
(b) (ii)-(i)-(iii)-(iv)
(c) (iv)-(iii)-(i)-(ii)
(d) None of the above
29. Which of the following is not a principle of decision-making
(a) Principle of definition
(b) Principle of evidence
(c) Principle of identity
(d) Principle of Prudence
30. The Principles of Unity of Command and Unity of Direction was given by
(a) W. F. Taylor
(b) Lyndall Urwick
(c) Henri Fayol
(d) None of the above
31. Which of the following is not a feature of Organizing
(a) It is a sub process of management
(b) It deals with individual efforts
(c) It is based on the principle of division of work
(d) It establishes authority-responsibility relationships
32. Which of the following is not a managerial function of a personnel manager

(a) Planning
(b) Compensation
(c) Direction
(d) Organizing
33. Which of the following is a barrier to effective delegation
(a) Fear of loss of power
(b) Personal attitudes
(c) Lack of ability to direct well
(d) All the above
34. Which of the following is an external source of recruitment
(a) Transfer
(b) Re-hiring
(c) Promotion
(d) Employment agencies
35. Which of the following is the third step in the process of control
(a) Establishment of goals and standards
(b) Measurement of Actual performance against standards
(c) Comparison of actual performance with the standards
(d) Corrective action
36. Behaviouralists and psychologists approach was given by
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) R. C. Dewis
(c) Henri Mintzberg
(d) A. H. Maslow
37. What is the second step in the selection process
(a) Checking References
(b) Medical Examination
(c) Receiving applications
(d) Employment test.
38. Which of the following is known as a no profit-no loss situation
(a) Break-Even-Point
(b) Initiating Structure
(c) Statistical control
(d) None of the above

Test Papers 459

39. Which of the following is incorrect regarding control
(a) Controlling is backward looking
(b) Controlling exists at every management level
(c) Controlling is a continuous activity
(d) Purpose of controlling is positive
40. Each individual should be given a particular job to do according to his ability and made responsible for
that. Which step in the organizing process does the sentence relate to
(a) Allotment of Duties
(b) Identification and Grouping of Activities
(c) Developing Relationships.
(d) Integration of Activities
41. The Society for Business Ethics was started in the year
(a) 1950
(b) 1960
(c) 1970
(d) 1980
42. Which of the following is not a code of conduct
(a) Code of Ethics
(b) Code of Practices
(c) Code of Behaviour
(d) Code of Management
43. Which of the following is known as statements of value and principles that define the purpose of the
(a) Code of Ethics
(b) Code of Practices
(c) Code of Behaviour
(d) Code of Management
44. Which of the following is a business practice towards Government
(a) Ensure safety of their money and timely payment of interest
(b) Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices should be
adhered to.
(c) Unscrupulous tactics and methods should be avoided while handling them
(d) None of the above
45. Which of the following is an unethical business practice

(a) Collusion
(b) False Communication
(c) Insider Trading
(d) All the above.
46. Various organizations like Mumbai Grahak Panchayat, Consumer Society of India etc have been started by
consumer groups to protect the interest of consumers. At which level can this be executed as a measure to
control unethical behaviour
(a) At Institutional Level
(b) At Government Level
(c) At Society Level
(d) None of the above
47. Which functional area in business ethics is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority(a) Ethics in compliance
(b) Ethics in Finance
(c) Ethics in Production
(d) None of the above
48. A business should have which kind of an approach
(a) Profit earning
(b) Social responsibility
(c) Both a and b
(d) Either a and b
49. Which of the following is not a reason for business to act ethically
(a) To protect its own interest and of the business community as a whole
(b) To meet stakeholder expectations
(c) To build trust with key stakeholder groups
(d) To not protect their employees and their reputation
50. Companies which are responsive to employees needs have
(a) Profits
(b) Lower turnover in staff
(c) Staff Satisfaction
(d) Strikes
51. The Society for Business Ethics was started in the year
(a) 1960
(b) 1970

Test Papers 461

(c) 1980
(d) 1990
52. Ethics has become the buzzword in the corporate world because of
(a) Globalization
(b) Communication explosion
(c) Exploitation
(d) Both a and b
53. Ethics in Compliance means
(a) It is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority
(b) It deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing
(c) It deals with the duties of a company to ensure that products and production processes do not cause
(d) None of the above
54. State as to why a business should behave ethically
(a) To unprotect its own interest and of the business community as a whole
(b) To keep its commitment to society to act ethically
(c) To not meet stakeholder expectations
(d) To build distrust with key stakeholder groups.
55. Fraudulent asset valuations, insider trading, securities fraud leading to manipulation of the financial markets
and executive compensation etc are a part of scope in
(a) Production
(b) Compliance
(c) Finance
(d) HR
56. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is named after which of the following experts
(a) Aristotle
(b) Senator Paul Sarbanes
(c) Michael Oxley
(d) Both (a) & (b)
57. Which of the following is a feature of Business Ethics
(a) Business Ethics has a universal application
(b) It is a relative norm. it differs from business to business.
(c) Business Ethics is based on well accepted moral and social values
(d) All the above

58. Which of the following is a business practice towards Government
(a) Ensure safety of their money and timely payment of interest
(b) Rules and regulations regarding taxes, duties, restrictive and monopolistic trade practices should be
adhered to.
(c) Unscrupulous tactics and methods should be avoided while handling them
(d) None of the above
59. Which of the following is not a dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility
(a) Economic
(b) Legal
(c) Voluntary
(d) Emotional
60. Measures to improve ethical behaviour of business are framed at which level
(a) At institutional level
(b) Government level
(c) Societal level
(d) All of the above
61. Identify the incorrect set of words
(a) Easy, simple, light, effortless, facile, smooth
(b) Effort, exertion, pains, trouble
(c) Elastic, flexible, supple, springy
(d) Abundant, transient, short-lived
62. Which of the following is the antonym of Bankrupt
(a) Solvent
(b) Despair
(c) Expensive
(d) All the above.
63. The study and collection of postage stamps is called
(a) Vacillate
(b) Facsimile
(c) Philately
(d) Genocide
64. The part of speech that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action is known as
(a) Adjective

Test Papers 463

(b) Noun
(c) Pronoun
(d) Adverb
65. The notices that provide news about people who have just passed away is called
(a) Prcis
(b) Obituary
(c) Condolence
(d) None of the above
66. Which of the following is an element of a good advertisement copy
(a) The audience must be exposed to the communication.
(b) The audience must remember or retain the message
(c) The audience must act on the advertisement
(d) All of the above
67. E-mail is commonly known as
(a) E-correspondence
(b) E-communication
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
68. Unsolicited or Junk mails are filtered through the option of
(a) Spam
(b) Attachments
(c) Packages
(d) None of the above
69. The abbreviation bcc refers to
(a) British Cricket Council
(b) Blind Carbon Copy
(c) Blind Copper Copy
(d) None of the above
70. The abbreviation AAR stands for
(a) Annual Average Risk
(b) Annual All Return
(c) Against All Risks
(d) Against Average Risk
71. Which form is obtained from the Sales Tax Authorities

(a) Form A
(b) Form B
(c) Form C
(d) Form D
72. The abbreviation ISDN stands for
(a) Integrated System Digital Network
(b) Integrated System Digit Network
(c) Integrated Satellite Digit Network
(d) Integrated Satellite Digital Network
73. Public investment in a company is generally in the form of
(a) Shares, debentures and deposits
(b) Purchase of goods
(c) Money Transfer
(d) None of the above
74. Which of the following is not applicable for telegram composing
(a) Time should be written according to the twenty four hour clock
(b) Sentences are to be divided by the word STOP
(c) Normal grammar and punctuation may be ignored
(d) Block letters must not be used
75. Which facility has mobile telephony provided for sending brief messages instantly
(a) SMS
(b) Telephone
(c) Emails
(d) Telegrams
76. Office Orders have a format similar to that of
(a) Representations
(b) Advertisements
(c) Memorandums
(d) Press Release
77. Which of the following is not a form of intra-organizational communication
(a) Representations
(b) Office Notes
(c) Press release
(d) Memorandum

Test Papers 465

78. Non-payment of premium results in a policy being declared(a) Insured
(b) Null and void
(c) Dishonoured
(d) None of the above
79. All business entities viz. Partnerships, Sole proprietorships, Corporate houses, Trusts, Government Bodies
employing more than twenty persons are covered under
(a) Insurance Cover
(b) Employees Provident Funds
(c) Medical cover
(d) None of the above
80. It is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent number of
securities in electronic format and credited in the investors account with a Depository held through a
Depository Participant (DP)
(a) Dematerialisation
(b) Call letter
(c) Dividend Warrant
(d) Rematerialisation
81. Plain Language Commission insisted that the USP of Business English should be its simplicity and clarity.
What is the full form of USP
(a) Unique Selling Proposition
(b) Unique Simplicity Proposition
(c) Unique Simplicity Programme
(d) Unique Selling Programme
82. Communication is essentially a ________ process
(a) One way Process
(b) Two way Process
(c) Three way Process
(d) None of the above
83. Facial expressions; Gestures; Eye contact; Nodding the head and Physical appearances are the form of
(a) Verbal Communication
(b) Non Verbal Communication
(c) Oral Communication
(d) Visual Communication
84. Inoffensive language is a sure way to

(a) Build goodwill and reputation
(b) Break relationships
(c) Attract untalented staff
(d) All of the above
85. There are several pairs or groups of words that are similar in sound but are different in spelling and meaning.
It is known as
(a) Antonyms
(b) Synonyms
(c) Homonyms
(d) None of the above
86. Agnostic means
(a) One who performs gymnastic feats
(b) The action of attacking with provocation
(c) Science of the production, transmission, reception and effect of sound
(d) None of the above
87. A set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes the continuance or completeness) of the
action in relation to the time of the utterance; is the meaning that the Concise Oxford Dictionary assigns to
the word
(a) Tense
(b) Verb
(c) Noun
(d) Pronoun
88. A syllable is the minimum rhythmic sound of a spoken language. A word may have one or more syllables.
How many syllables are there in fame, name, claim, train
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) None
(d) Three
89. It is used to construct words to clarify meaning. It links words to form a compound word
(a) The Hyphen (-)
(b) Comma (,)
(c) Full Stop (.)
(d) None of the above
90. This type of communication flow usually takes place between people of the same status/level of hierarchy
in the organization

Test Papers 467

(a) Downward flow
(b) Horizontal flow
(c) Vertical Flow
(d) Upward Flow
91. To restore consciousness means
(a) Revive
(b) Ransack
(c) Scribble
(d) Vandal
92. It is a morpheme (minimal meaningful language unit) added at the end of a word to form a derivative
(a) Prefix
(b) Suffix
(c) Combination words
(d) None of the above
93. VAT stands for
(a) Value Added Tax
(b) Value Addition Tax
(c) Value Abstract Tax
(d) Value Added Text
94. It is used to denote possession and other kinds of relationship and contractions of words
(a) Comma
(b) Full Stop
(c) The Hyphen
(d) An Apostrophe
95. Alma mater means
(a) A school or a college which one has attended
(b) A public apology
(c) Preliminary matter
(d) None of the above
96. The proverb To rob Peter to pay Paul means
(a) Things take time to complete and to mature
(b) To harm one person [or side] in order to benefit the other
(c) You judge a mans worth by his clothes
(d) A man is judged by the sort of friends he has

97. A message sent through _________ is cheaper than a telegram:
(a) SMS
(b) Fax
(c) Letter
(d) All of the above
98. RSVP means respondey sil vous plait and is a _____________ world
(a) Roman
(b) French
(c) German
(d) None of the above
99. In 1965, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was the first to demonstrate the use of the first
email system, known as:
(a) Email
(b) Mailbox
(c) Test mail
(d) Internet
100. WWW stands for:
(a) Wide World Web
(b) World Wide Web
(c) Web World Wide
(d) None of the above

Test Papers 469


Part A

Part B

Part C

1. a

41. d

61. d

2. a

42. d

62. a

3. c

43. a

63. c

4. d

44. b

64. b

5. a

45. d

65. b

6. b

46. c

66. d

7. c

47. a

67. c

8. b

48. c

68. a

9. a

49. d

69. b

10. d

50. b

70. c

11. d

51. c

71. c

12. b

52. d

72. a

13. a

53. a

73. a

14. c

54. b

74. d

15. b

55. c

75. a

16. b

56. d

76. c

17. a

57. d

77. c

18. a

58. b

78. b

19. a

59. d

79. b

20. d

60. d

80. a

21. b

81. a

22. b

82. b

23. c

83. b

24. b

84. a

25. a

85. c

26. d

86. d

27. b

87. a

28. a

88. a

29. d

89. a

30. c

90. b

31. b

91. a

32. b

92. b

33. d

93. a

34. d

94. d

35. c

95. a

36. a

96. b

37. c

97. a

38. a

98. c

39. a

99. b

40. a

100. b


*OMR Sheet in the examination may be different from this specimen

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