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Background on Fundamentals

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What is Delta?
Before considering Delta Hedging, lets first review
Definition: In options trading, Delta is the measure
of how the value of an option changes with respect
to changes in the value of the underlying contract
Typically noted by the Greek letter:

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What is Delta?
Delta (in absolute value, ignoring negative sign) can
also be taken as an approximation of the probability
that the option will finish in-the-money

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What is Delta? (contd)

Delta of a call option must be between 0 and 1
Since the value of a call option does not change more
quickly than the value of the underlying, the maximum
value for delta is 1
A call option does not move in the opposite direction of
the underlying, hence the delta cannot be lower than zero

For example, a call option with a delta of 1 (or 100

in trading jargon) will increase or decrease in value
by the same amount as the change in the value of
the underlying

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What is Delta? (contd)

Deep in-the-money calls have deltas at or close to 1
Far out-of-the-money options have deltas
approaching zero
At-the-money calls have delta values close to 0.5
Put options always have negative deltas, between 0
and -1
Because values of puts move in the opposite direction of
changes in the price of the underlying

An underlying contract always has a delta of 1

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In trading jargon, option traders often drop the
decimal point in describing deltas
So a delta of 0.62 may be called 62

This convention is based on the fact that portions

of futures contracts can not be transacted
Originally adopted in equity markets where a 1
lot contract is 100 shares of a stock

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Delta Neutral
Neutral in that the total delta of the portfolio
transactions is zero
Total delta position of the portfolio is the aggregate
(arithmetic sum) of the transaction deltas
Positions with offsetting positive and negative deltas

And neutral in that the portfolio position is

unbiased in terms of direction of any price
movement of the underlying contract

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Delta Neutral (contd)

If a delta neutral position is maintained (by
adjusting hedge ratio), the value arbitrage depends
only on the volatility of the underlying, not the
futures price direction
Betting on volatilities not price

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Delta Neutral (contd)

If a portfolios total delta position is negative, then
it indicates a downward bias for the underlying
futures contract prices
A negative delta can be considered equivalent to being
short in the underlying market, hence exposed to the
same directional price risk

Conversely, if a portfolios total delta position is

positive, then it indicates an upward price bias
A positive delta can be considered equivalent to being
long in the underlying market, hence exposed to the
same directional price risk

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Delta Neutral (contd)

In order to establish a neutral or unbiased hedge,
for options purchased one must also sell an
appropriate number of underlying contracts
The appropriate number of contracts is determined by
the delta or hedge ratio

This is the basis for delta hedging

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Delta Neutral (contd)

If the factors affecting the option valuation
change, then the delta of the position will change
Hence, the delta of an option changes as market
conditions change

In order to compensate for this during the life of

the option, adjustments need to be made to the
underlying futures positions if the portfolio is to
be kept delta neutral


Models and Theoretical Value

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Black Option Model

Developed by Fisher Black in 1976
The same Black of Black-Scholes fame

Designed to address valuation for futures traded

B-S was based on stock options

Closed-form solution


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Black-Scholes & Black Models

Assume Frictionless Market
No transaction costs
No tax implications
Financing rate same for borrowing & lending for
all traders
In practice, can be large spread between borrowing &
Fortunately, the interest rate element in the models is of
lesser importance in the valuation

Underlying contracts trade freely (e.g. without

limits on price moves)

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Model Assumptions
Fixed volatility and interest rate over the life of
the option being valued
Lognormal price distribution for underlying
Known future price volatility of the underlying
contract for the life of option
Known future interest rate for the life of the

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Model Assumptions
Realistic assumptions? Generally not
Certainly not for knowledge of future volatility and
interest rates
Fixed volatility and lognormal assumptions often not
Tax consequences may vary depending on liquidation
timing and other trade factors, as well as a traders
unique tax considerations


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Model Assumptions
How big of an issue in valuation accuracy?
It depends

What if the volatility and interest rate assumptions

have changed?
Presumed by the models to be fixed over the life of the
option for which the theoretical value is being

Trader was providing the input to the model as if

somehow the future volatility was known

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Hedge Ratio
Note that Hedge Ratio is also at times used as the
term to describe risk management elements other
than Delta Hedges (e.g. the amount of an exposure
that has been hedged)
The Hedge Ratio (the delta) gives the appropriate
ratio of underlying contracts to options required to
maintain a neutral hedge


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Adjusting the Hedge Ratio

In order to maintain a position near a delta
neutral level
Delta of zero


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Frequency of Adjustment of the Delta

Professional trader / dealer advantage
Lower transaction cost if can buy at the bid and sell at
the ask
But still some level of transaction cost for commissions
or operating costs

Degree of precision in infrequent hedge ratio



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Fair value (theoretical) vs. Market price
Multiple bets necessary to reach theoretical fair


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Practical Trading Techniques

Adjusting the hedge ratio by rebalancing the
portfolio at regular intervals
And more frequently when market conditions change

Using gamma to estimate how delta position is

As a guide in maintaining delta neutral position


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Practical Trading Techniques

The option transaction and associated delta hedges
are typically closed-out by:
Selling any options that are in-the-money (or exercising
the option into a futures contract and selling the futures)
Trading conventions may differ between exchanges

Any out-of-the money options expiring worthless

Liquidating any open futures used for the delta


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Practical Trading Techniques

The positions do not necessarily have to be held
until maturity (option expiration), but can be
closed out any time based on profit situation of the
position and new market expectations


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Obstacles & Flaws

Transaction costs of hedge ratio adjustments
Simplifying assumptions of the options valuation


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Delta Hedging is a widely used technique for
managing option portfolios
Routinely used by professional traders

Effective use requires knowledge of options

fundamentals, pricing, futures/OTC trading
practices and quantitative models


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Advice & Support

For advice and implementation support for risk
management and trading strategies, RISK Ltd can
provide resources as needed for your organization
Risk Ltds advisors are experts experienced in
both risk management and trading
Contact a RISK Ltd managing director at
+1-972-245-8300, or


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