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World Heritage sites

Global Environments

A world Heritage site is a place recognised as being of great

A global environment is an interaction of the four spheres The
value and that it should be preserved for the future generations
atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere and the biosphere.
to enjoy the beauty that is the planet that we live on. There are
Some global environments are:
world heritage sites in more than 125 countries and Australia
Reefs, Coasts, Grasslands, Mountains, Rivers, Tundra, Wetlands
alone has 15.
and polar lands. These large areas can also be called biomes.
There are three different types of Heritage sites and they are
They are influenced by the latitude and longitude of their
cultural, natural or both.
Our world contains natural and cultural features that are
Warm, humid and wet environments like Rainforests and Coral
important and significant to many people. Some of these
reefs are located near the equator where insolation is most
features are protected and preserved for the benefit of all
intense. Cold dry environments like Polar lands and Tundra are
global citizens as they are part of our heritage.
located near the poles where insolation is least.
World Heritage sites DONT belong to anyone as we are all
Each biome has eco systems whose communities have adapted to
allowed to look at it. But you must obey the rules to keep the
the small differences in climate and the environment in the
heritage sites preserved for the future generations. UNESCO
are responsible for looking after the sites.
They must have great
They must have beautiful The hottest and driest places are located in the desert
environment. The highest recorded temperature is 58 degrees
natural beauty, unique land
historical or art values. They
forms for endangered
show important stages in Celsius in the Sahara.
species of animals or plants.
To be included on the world
heritage site list they must
have one or more examples
of the following:
-The earths natural process
-Plant and animal diversity
-Exceptional Phenomena or
Natural Beauty
- Exceptional natural beauty
and importance
-On going process of the
evolution of living things
and developing eco systems
-Important natural habitats
for conservation of bio

human history or unique

cultural tradition.

Because of the rotation of the earth the equator is hooter and

receives more direct sunlight. Sand covers up to 20% of the
deserts and the dirt in the desert are high in minerals but low in
To be included in the world nutrients. Very little grows in deserts because there are no clouds
heritage site list it must
to shade the area to protect it.
have examples of one or
more of the following:
Desertification happens when previous land becomes desert
-A monument with artistic or
around the edges of a desert by mining, tree cutting, overgrazing,
historical value
erosion and topsoil.
-Human creative genius
-Culture or civilisation that is
Coober Pedy
living or has disappeared
One third of Coober Pedys residents mine opals for a living.
-Art or scientific values
They dig our holes where they then make it their house because it
was too hot on the surface.
70% of opals come from here.
4% of people live in deserts

Every year millions of acres of land that wasnt previously Rainforests

desert turns into desert by the process Desertification which
are the most biologically diverse eco system in our
mainly caused by human activity.
It is mainly from the removal of vegetation from the area that
300 million people inhabit rainforests
borders the deserts. When the plants are removed they dont
Rainforests are needed to improve global air quality
keep the soil in place with roots and then the hot desert winds
blow the topsoil away now covering the area with sand. They contain more than 50% of the worlds living things
Another problem is overgrazing, when animals like cattle are
Rainforests take up 6% of the Earths surface
grazing around the deserts and eating the vegetation and
The Amazon is the largest tropical rainforest
striping the surrounding desert land from grass. North African
deserts are in the most trouble because it is the driest
Rainforests are different according to their longitude and latitude
continent meaning the plants have even less to live on.
Half of the worlds rainforests are in Brazil
Desert Communities
One Fifth of the worlds rainforests is in South East Asia
Coober Pedy
One Seventh of the worlds rainforests are in West Africa and
One third of Coober Pedys residents live in underground house
where they mine opals for a living.
Their dug out houses are made to protect them from heat and
cold and leaving the temperature underground of 23 C
throughout the year.
Coober Pedys name came from the aboriginal word kupa piti
which meant white mans burrow
San community
There are about 85,000 Sans still living today
The san has about 10-30 people in their tribe
They make their roofs out of water bearing plants to make it
They are hunters and gatherers
They have evolved to have strong legs and lungs to help them
to survive
Rainfall must be in red and with lines
They are slowly losing their tradition
Temperature must be in blue and in bar form
They now live in cities to learn how to read and write to get
The san survives on
40% Government Food relief
30% Craft sales
20% Traditional hunting

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