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1.1 Mathematical Model of Production: Tornike Kadeishvili

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TfTornike Kadeishvili

Reading [SB], 2.1-2.2, pp. 10-21


Mathematical Model of Production

Data: x number of units produced, F the fixed cost, c the production cost
of one unit, p the wished selling price of one unit, k the reduction coefficient.
The total cost of production of x units
C(x) = c x + F.
The selling price of one unit when x units are produced
p(x) = p k x.
The total revenue
R(x) = x p(x) = kx2 + px.
The total profit
P (x) = R(x) C(x) = kx2 + px cx F =
kx2 + (p c)x F.
Both functions R(x) and P (x) are concave quadratic functions, thus they
both have maximum.
> C(x) := 2 x + 5000; p(x) := 10 0.001 x;
> R(x) := x p(x); P (x) := R(x) C(x);
> plot(R(x), C(x), P (x), x = 0..10000);










1. The total cost of a company per month is given by C(x) = 2x + 5000
and the Price - demand function is given by p(x) = 10 0.001x. Thus the
revenue and profit functions are given by
R(x) = xp(x) = 0.001x2 + 10x,
P (x) = R(x) C(x) = 0.001x2 + 8x 5000.
A) How many units should the company manufacture each month to
maximize the revenue?
R0 (x) = 0.002x + 10 = 0, x = 5000
B) What is the maximal revenue?
R(5 000)=25 000
C) What is the selling price of one unit when the revenue is maximal?
p(5000) = 5.
D) How many units should the company manufacture each month to
maximize the profit?
P 0 (x) = 0.002x + 8 = 0, x = 4000.
E) What is the maximal profit?
P (4000) = 11000.

F) What is the selling price of one unit when the profit is maximal?
p(4000) = 6.
G) Find the break-even points.
R(x) = C(x), P (x) = 0, 0.001x2 +8x5000 = 0, x1 = 683, x2 = 7317.
2. The total cost of a company per month is given by C(x) = 100x+1000
and the Price - demand function is given by p(x) = 300 0.1x.
A) How many TV sets should the company manufacture each month to
maximize the revenue?
B) What is the maximal revenue?
C) What is the selling price of one TV set when the revenue is maximal?
D) How many TV sets should the company manufacture each month to
maximize the profit?
E) What is the maximal profit?
F) What is the selling price of one TV set when the profit is maximal?
3. Suppose the government decides to introduce additional $ 10 tax for
each TV set. Solve the previous problem in this case.


Vocabulary of Functions
The Notion of Function

A function (map, transformation) from the set X (domain) to the set Y

(codomain, or target)
f :XY
is a rule that assigns to each element x X one element f (x) Y .
For example the function which assigns to any number its square is written
as f (x) = x2 . To the number 2 it assigns the number f (2) = 22 = 4, and to
the number -3 it assigns the number f (3) = (3)2 = 9.
A function y = f (x) has the input x which is called independent variable or exogenous variable, and the output y which is called dependent
variable or endogenous variable.


Types of Functions

A monomial is a function of type f (x) = a xn .

A polynomial is a sum of monomials:

p(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + ... + an1 xn1 + an xn ,
the degree of this polynomial is n, the numbers ai are called coefficients.
A rational function is a ratio of two polynomials
f (x) =

a0 + a1 x + ... + am xm
b0 + b1 x + ... + bn xn

The degree of rational function is defined as m n.

An exponential function looks as f (x) = a bx .


The graph of a function y = f (x) is the set of all points of the Cartesian
plane whose coordinates are (x, f (x)).

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

A function y = f (x) is called increasing if x1 < x2 implies f (x1 ) < f (x2 ).

That is
x1 < x2 f (x1 ) < f (x2 ).
The graph of an increasing function goes upwards.
A function y = f (x) is called decreasing if
x1 < x2 f (x1 ) > f (x2 ).
The graph of an decreasing function goes downwards.
A function which is either increasing or decreasing, is called monotonic.
1. The function f : R R given by f (x) = ex is increasing. Indeed,
suppose x2 > x1 , compare f (x2 ) and f (x1 ):
f (x2 ) f (x1 ) = ex2 ex1 = ex1 (ex2 x1 1) > 0
since ex > 0 for arbitrary x, and em > 1 for m > 0.

> plot(exp(x), x = 2..1);







2. The function f : R R given by f (x) = x2 is not monotonic:

(a) it is not increasing: 1 > 2 but f (1) is not more than f (2), namely
f (1) = 1 < 4 = f (2).
(b) it is not decreasing: 2 > 1 but f (2) is not less than f (1), namely f (2) =
4 > 1 = f (1).
> plot(x2 , x = 2..2);

Theorem. Suppose f, g : R R are two increasing functions. Then the

composition f g(x) = f (g(x)) is increasing too.
Proof. Take x2 > x1 , then g(x2 ) > g(x1 ) since g is increasing, and f (g(x2 )) >
f (g(x1 )) since f is increasing. Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum).
Try to prove the
Theorem. If f (x) is increasing, then g(x) = f (x) is decreasing.

Exercise. Is the function f (x) = 1/x monotonic on whole its domain?


Minima and Maxima

For a function y = f (x) a point (x0 , f (x0 )) is called local maximum if

f (x0 ) f (x) for all x-s from some neighborhood (x0 , x0 + ). The
function changes at this point from increasing to decreasing.
A point (x0 , f (x0 )) is a global maximum if f (x0 ) f (x) for all x.
For a function y = f (x) a point (x0 , f (x0 )) is called local minimum
if f (x0 ) f (x) for all x-s from some neighborhood (x0 , x0 + ). The
function changes at this point from decreasing to increasing.
A point (x0 , f (x0 )) is a global minimum if f (x0 ) f (x) for all x.
> plot((x + 1) (x 1) (x 2) (x 3), x = 1.2..3.2);


1. Suppose x0 is a point of minimum for f (x). Then the same point x0
for the function g(x) = f (x) is .
2. Find all local and global minimums and maximums for the function
f (x) = |x2 4|.

Domain and Range

For a function
f :XY
the set X is called domain, and the set Y is called target or codomain.
A number x0 belongs to the domain of a function y = f (x) if f (x0 ) is
Example. For the function y = x3
the number x0 = 2 belongs to the
= 01 is not
domain: f (2) = 23 = 1 = 1 but x0 = 3 does not: f (3) = 33

The image or range of f is the set of all elements y Y that correspond

to some x:
Im f = {y Y, y = f (x)}.
For an element y Y its preimage f 1 (y) is the set of all elements
x X such that f (x) = y.
More generally, let V be a set of numbers. The preimage of V is defined
f 1 (V ) = {x X, f (x) V }.
Example. For the function f : R R defined by f (x) = x2
Im f = [0, +), f 1 (4) = {2, 2},
f 1 (0) = {0},
f 1 (9) = ,
f 1 ([0, 9]) = [3,
f ((2, 9)) = (3, 2) ( 2, 3).


Surjections, Injections, Bijections

A function f : X Y is said to be surjective or onto, if its values span its

whole codomain.
There are several equivalent ways to say the same:
- for every y Y there exists at least one x X such that f (x) = y, i.e. (id
est - that is)
y Y x X s.t. f (x) = y;
- its range f (X) is equal to its codomain Y , i.e. Im f = Y ;
- for all y Y the preimage f 1 (y) is nonempty, i.e.
y Y f 1 (y) 6= .
A surjective function is called a surjection.
1. The function f : R R given by f (x) = x2 is not a surjection: for
example for y = 4 there exists no x s.t. f (x) = y.
2. But the same f (x) = x2 considered as a function f : R [0, ) is:

take arbitrary y [0, ), then x = y is its preimage.

3. The function f : R R given by f (x) = 2x + 4 is a surjection: take
is its preimage.
arbitrary y R, then x = y4
Which of the following functions f : R R is surjective?

(a) f (x) = ex , (b) f (x) = x3 , (c) f (x) = 4 x2 .

A function f : X Y is said to be injective or one-to-one function if
distinct arguments are sent to distinct values.
There are several equivalent ways to say the same:
- x1 6= x2 f (1 ) 6= f (x2 );
- for every y Y the preimage f 1 (y) consists of no more than one element,
i.e. is either empty or one point.
1. The function f : R R given by f (x) = x2 is not an injection:
2 6= 2 but f (2) = 4 = f (2).
2. The function f : R R given by f (x) = 2x + 4 is an injection:
suppose x1 6= x2 , that is x1 x2 6= 0, then
f (x1 ) f (x2 ) = (2x1 + 4) (2x2 + 4) = 2(x1 x2 ) 6= 0.
Which of the following functions f : R R is injective?
(a) f (x) = ex , (b) f (x) = x3 , (c) f (x) = 4 x2 .
A function f : X Y is said to be bijective or one-to-one correspondence if it is simultaneously a surjection and an injection.
1. The function f : R [0, ) given by f (x) = x2 is not a bijection: it
is a surjection but it is not an injection.
2. The function f : R R given by f (x) = 2x + 4 is a bijection: it is a
surjection and an injection as well.
1. Which of the following functions f : R R is bijective?
(a) f (x) = ex , (b) f (x) = x3 , (c) f (x) = 4 x2 .
2. Is the correspondence f : X = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} Y = {0, 1, 2, 3} given
by the table
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 0 2 1 3 3
a surjection? an injection? a bijection?
Exercises 2.1-2.6


Even and Odd Functions

A function y = f (x) is even if f (x) = f (x) for all x in the domain of f .

The graph of an even function is symmetrical about y-axes:
> f := simplif y((x 2) (x 1) (x + 1) (x + 2));
f := (x2 4)(x2 1)
> plot(f, x = 2.1..2.1);


A function y = f (x) is odd if f (x) = f (x) for all x in the domain of

The graph of an odd function is symmetrical about the origin:
> f := simplif y((x 2) (x 1) x (x + 1) (x + 2));
f := x(x2 4)(x2 1)
> plot(f, x = 2.1..2.1);


All monomials of even degree

y = c, y = x2 , y = x4 , ... , y = x2k , ...
are even functions. More examples y = cosx, y = 1/(x2 1).
All monomials of odd degree
y = x, y = x3 , y = x5 , ... , y = x2k+1 , ...
are odd functions. More examples y = sinx, y = 1/(x3 x).
The function y = x + 1 is neither even nor odd:
> plot(x + 1, x = 2..2);

for example y(2) = 1 + 1 = 2 and y(2) = 2 + 1 = 1.

Determine whether the following functions are odd, even or neither.
(a) f (x) = x4 + 2 : f (x) = (x)4 + 2 = x4 + 2 = f (x), even.
(b) g(x) = x3 +3x : g(x) = (x)3 +3(x) = x3 3x = (x3 +3x) =
g(x), odd.
(c) h(x) = 2x : h(x) = 2x = (1/2)x , neither.
Justify all your answers.
1. Suppose O(x) is an odd function and E(x) is an even function.
What can you say about a. O(x) E(x)? b. O(x) + E(x)? c. |O(x)|? d.
O(|x|)? e. (O(x))2 ? f. (O(x))3 ? g. (O(x))2 E(x)? h. O(x) (E(x))2 ?
2. For a function f : R R check wether the functions a. |f (x), b. f (|x|)
are even, odd or neither.



Linear Functions

A linear function is a polynomial of degree 1:

f (x) = a x + b,
(well, remember we called it quasi-linear, and the term linear was reserved
for y = ax).
The graph of linear function is a straight line. Such a line is characterized
by its slope and y-intercept.
If two points (x0 , y0 ) and (x1 , y1 ) belong to a line then its slope is
y1 y0
x1 x0
The slope of a line is the change of y when x is increased by unit. In
other words it is the tangens of the angel between the line and x-axes.
Theorem 1 The slope of the graph of y = a x + b is a.
Proof. Prove it yourself.
The graph of a linear function y = ax + b (a straight line) has two remarkable points:
The y-intercept, which is a point where the line intersects the y-axes. This
is the point (x = 0, y = b).
And the x-intercept, which is a point where the line intersects the x-axes.
This is the point (x = b
, y = 0).
Try to prove yourself the following statements:
A linear function y = ax + b is increasing if and only if (iff) the slope of
its graph is positive, that is a > 0.
A linear function y = ax + b is decreasing iff the slope of its graph is
negative, that is a < 0.
Otherwise, if a = 0, the function is constant, its graph is a straight line
parallel to x-axes.
> plot(2 x, 2 x + 1, 2 x, 2 x 1, x = 2..2, title = 2x, 2x +
1, 2x, 2x 1);


2x, 2x+1, 2x, 2x1


Two lines y = ax + b and y = cx + d are orthogonal if their slopes satisfy

the condition a c = 1.
1. Write the equation of a straight line which goes trough the points
(1, 5) and (3,9).
Solution. y = ax + b, a =?, b =?. Substitution of (x = 1, y = 5) gives
5 = x + b. Substitution of (9, 5) gives 9 = 3x + b. Solving the system

9 = 3a + b

we obtain that the slope is a = 2 and the y-intercept is b = 3 so the equation

is y = 2x + 3. By the way, the x-intercept is
2x + 3 = 0, x = 3/2.
2. Write the equation of a straight line whose x-intercept is 2 and the
y-intercept is 1.
3. Find the intersection point of the lines from previous two exercises.
4. Write the equation of a line which passes trough the origin and is
orthogonal to y = x.
5. Write the equation of a line which passes trough the origin and is
orthogonal to y = 2x.
6. Write the equation of a line which is orthogonal to the line from
exercise 1 and passes trough the point (1,3).

Interpreting the Slope

Recall that the slope measures how much y changes as x increases by unit.
So the slope measures the rate of change of a function.

If a function S(t) = v t describes the movement, then the slope v is the

speed or velocity.
If a function C(q) = c q describes the cost of manufacturing of q units
of output then the slope measures the cost of the production of one more
unit. In economics it is called marginal cost.
Exercises 2.7-2.9


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