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Mobile Phones Are One of The Great Inventions and High Technology Items in This Modern Era

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Mobile phones are one of the great inventions and high

technology items in this modern era. They have become some

of the most indispensable objects in our daily life as technology
becomes more and more advanced. Nowadays, most people
from teenagers to the elderly have personal mobile phones of
their own. Many schools limit or restrict the use of mobile
phones. However, there are students who ignore the rules and
continue to bring along their mobile phones to school despite
the restriction. In my opinion, mobile phones should not be
allowed in schools. What are the factors then?
First, mobile phones will bring about distractions to students.
In the past, bored student generally entertained themselves
with doodling or whispering about anything that came to mind.
Today, students relieve boredom with the ubiquitous mobile
phones. Students engrossed in the mobile phones are unable
to pay attention in class. For example, they are distracted when
their friends send them text messages and they attempt to
reply under their desks. Other than that, they can also play
games, browse the Internet, check and update their Facebook
pages and so on. In other words, they usually use the mobile
phones for non-educational purposes during the class. This can
hardly help them perform better academically. In fact, this can
bring forth adverse effects on their performance.
Another reason why mobile phones should be prohibited in
schools is because students are able to cheat during
examinations using those electronic gadgets. They do so by
sending to each other text messages with answers to the
questions. They can also store their notes and relevant
information on their phones and look at them secretly during
tests. It is also possible for them to cheat by using search
engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, et cetera to search for
the information that they want. Students always find ways to
cheat during examinations as the tools they have are getting
more and more powerful today. Since the digital world is hard
to track, students are less likely to face the consequences of

their actions. They always assume that they will not get
Furthermore, mobile phones can easily be lost or stolen in
schools. This is one of the reasons why they are forbidden. If
students are allowed to bring mobile phones to school, they do
so at their own risk. The schools accept no responsibility for
damage or loss to mobile phones in school.
Apart from that, mobile phone addiction is a major drawback.
Students addicted to mobile phones cannot do without using
them, even when they are in class. If the schools permit them
to use mobile phones at school, their addiction will very likely
worsen. They surf inappropriate websites, post pictures or
videos during class. Their undesirable actions will certainly
influence or affect other students.
In a nutshell, mobile phones should be banned and not allowed
in school. The disadvantages of allowing them in schools far
outweighs the advantages. It is the students' responsibility to
study hard and be attentive when teacher is teaching. Students
should aim for good results in examinations so as to better
prepare themselves for their future. Since mobile phones
prevent them from doing so and distracts them when they are
in class, I do not agree that mobile phones should be allowed
in schools.

All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.

In the 21st century, the pure

academic type of education that students are introduced to, is
steadily paving way to a whole new type of education with
a special focus to incorporate three major genres of
education: reasoning, psychomotor and emotional
Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four
walls of a classroom. The core aim of education is to foster all
round development of a child. All round development
essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible
and social development. All round development can be
achieved only through education. Education plays a
fundamental role in the making of a man and his development
as a culturally well developed social animal. To fulfil these
objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance
between syllabus, curriculum, books and also cocurricular activities beyond that.
Co-Curricular activities are those which are undertaken side by
side with the curricular activities. A co-curricular activity

essentially takes place outside a typical pen and pencil

classroom experience. It gives the students an opportunity to
develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic
abilities. These activities might be compulsory, such as music,
art or drama classes that take place during the day. Others
generally are voluntary, such as participating in school sports
team, school debating team or student newsletters. In either
case, participation can assist students in more than one ways.
They actually complement the curricular activities and
groom the students in the Art of living and working
together. They are the true and practical experiences gained
by students by their own learnings.
A Chinese proverb very aptly states, Teach me, and I will
forget. Show me, and I might remember. Involve me,
and I will never forget. To a very great extent, the
theoretical knowledge is enhanced when a co-curricular activity
related to the content taught, is organized. Intellectual
development of the personality is achieved to a great extent, in
the classroom itself. But, the aesthetic development like
character building, spiritual and moral values, physical
growth, creativity and many more are backed up by cocurricular activities only. It also professes coordination,
adjustment, and speech fluency, extempore and debating skills
amongst students. It teaches the students to stand up for
their rights. Co-curricular activities render a number of values

1. Educational value
2. Psychological Values
3. Development of Social Values
4. Development of Civic Values
5. Physical Development Values
6. Recreational Values
7. Cultural Values

Co-curricular activities are vital because even though they are

not a part of the core curriculum, they play a very crucial role
in giving the young boys and girls the ability to mould
their lives to become well rounded people. The school
activities have to be designed purposefully to give an apt mix
of students participation in academics and also create a
chance for all round development.
Role of Co-Curricular activities in a students life cannot
be put into words easily. But let us understand some of
the major benefits.
Overall Personality:
It helps to enhance the all-round personality of the students to
strongly face the turbulent road of the future. Experiences and
appreciation gained through these activities assist students
during internships and other sponsored programs.
Strengthened Self Confidence:
The goal of co-curricular activities is to give better fitness to
students and inculcate a sense of sportsmanship, competitive
spirit, leadership, meticulousness, cooperation, team spirit and
team spirit. The hidden motive behind all this is to develop selfconfidence and to learn to trust the team.
Developed Specialised Skills:
Co-curricular activities help hone the talents of the young
minds and gives them an opportunity to develop their
specialised skills. Competitions that are organized can create a
competitive environment and helps them work towards the
objective of achieving a better society.
Improved Academic Performance:
Studies have shown that students pursuing their hobbies
achieved better results in their studies. Their academic
performance goes way up north as they learn to balance their
co-curricular activities with their academic pursuits. They also

better understand on how to manage their time efficiently and

also increases their interest in the school. Such activities like
participation in debates, drama, music, sports, etc. help in
achieving the bigger purpose of achieving better education.
Greater Opportunities:
In this competitive era, percentages act as game changers
during admissions into various courses. Students pursuing any
co-curricular activities of their choice are given preference over
those who are not involved in any such things. These things
make a major difference when students are considered for the
most popular courses.
Sense of Responsibility:
When students in their early teens are given some
responsibility or a task to handle like first aid or for that matter
managing the class painting board, their efficiency to handle
such situations becomes much better. This fosters the sense of
responsibility and accountability.
Exposure to New Activities:
Students are introduced to a whole new horizon of activities
that gives them a better insight and lets them choose what
they enjoy and what they wish to learn. It broadens new
horizons for them. These activities stimulate playing, painting,
acting, dancing, singing and speaking skills in students.
There is a huge plethora of options that a student can choose
from. Take a little glance at some options that one can choose

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more things you
will know, the more places you will go. Reading is very educational;
everyone knows that. But some people argue that reading a fiction book
is a complete waste of time because the stories are so called fake.
Others believe that fiction books are good to read, they expand
imaginations, teach you important lessons, and help you relax.

Reading novels is very much popular, read especially by the adolescents

nowadays as there are many positive impacts that are being brought up.
The benefits that these passionate readers gain is that it improves the
usage of language and choices of words, as well as it enhances their
creative thinking skills. To them, reading novels is not a waste of time but
acts as a relaxation and a way to relieve stress which also might be of
hobby for some.
However, some may argue that reading novels is a waste of time as they
believe that fictional stories are based on unrealistic approach and it also
does not help us progress in life. Well, people have different views about
reading novels, but in my opinion, reading novels is definitely not a
waste of time.
Fiction books always have a moral to their story, no matter what age
level you are reading at. These novels teach us the values of love,
friendship, family, and many other things. Many of the authors who write
fiction books take a real life situation and give it their own twist with their
imagination and creativity. Fictions is a way to introduce certain concepts
and morals through character choices. In these stories, we may look at
certain issues of the world through the eyes of the main character, which
helps us understand the truth behind that.
But still, some people argue that reading novels is a complete waste of
time as they believe that fictional stories do not help us progress in life to
a higher degree that the non-fictional books do. We cannot simply flip
the pages of a novel as life is too short for that! Novels give us a
depiction of a fantasy world as it takes away from learning about real
life and events. And if fiction readers are moved to books based in
reality, we would have a much more intelligent world. Thus, they believe
that it is totally irrelevant in our everyday lifestyle and is a waste of time.
Recreational reading is an acquired taste. It doesnt just happen. It has
to be one of the live options with which kids are presented if there is to
be a chance of them picking it up. If their parents read for fun (and do so
visiblywhen the kids are still awake), that gives them some exposure,
but not every kid has parents who read for fun.
Science and history books dont build up the same vocabulary that works
of fiction do. Im not against students building up their science and
history vocabularies too, but thats not all there is. If we want to get really
utilitarian about it, reading novels when youre younger probably leads to
a better SAT verbal score when theyre older.

Making the school curriculum is a simple matter of what has a direct

economic payoff is giving kids a raw deal. Fiction is a less contentious
site for exploration of things like narrative structure than history
textbooks or newspapers. Even for scientists, imagination counts for
something. Non-fiction is easy reading, and some of the novels that are
most worthwhile require some guidance to get you through them.
Fiction of course is not limited to the classics, which form a relatively
small part of it. For at least three centuries the bookshops have always
been full of the more ephemeral kinds of prose; the American blockbuster, The J Arthur Clarke type of space fiction, the ghost story, the
detective Whodunit?, the romantic novel, the psychological thriller, the
historical novel, the adventure story, the war story, this list is endless.
It is quite possible to be hooked on novel reading, and this has two
dangers. To read novels when you should be doing something else, e.g.
study, or practical chores, is indeed a waste of time. And it is never
courteous to have ones nose in a novel when visitors arrive! Secondly,
there are some people who find in a novel a means of escape from
reality. This has other dangers. Too much relapse into fantasy may
destroy ones ability to face facts.
If reading novels is a waste of time, reading bad novels is always a
waste of time and can be positively harmful. A really bad novel is not
easy to define, but for anybody with intellect it has some, or even all of
the following features: unreality in characterization and situation, poor
construction, concentration on sex and violence for the sake of it, bad
sentence construction, a boring approach, expletives and bad language
generally, a biased attitude to people, situation and issues, and
stereotyping of characters.
That said, to read anything is arguably better than read nothing, or
sinking to the bottom line, mindless television watching. At least the
capacity to read demonstrates that one is literate. In Britain today, there
is an alarming number of school-leavers from the state system who can
neither read nor write.
The case for reading the classics need hardly be made: their characters
live, and are of their time. Descriptions of towns and country engross the
reader. Stories, and therefore plots, seem to grow out of the characters.
Often, great national events, wars and revolutions provide the
background, but are integral at the same time. Characters and great
events affect each other. The same process is seen in the good political,
maritime or war story. The classical novel provides a window on another

world; good contemporary novels offer new insights into our own world.
The reader will inevitably gain in knowledge and understanding from this
class of literature. Such reading supplies valuable background material
for other studies; history, sociology, politics, psychology and economics.
However, life is not self-improvement, or shouldnt be. Reading for pure
relaxation can do the reader nothing but good. The poor, ugly girl may
find a therapeutic escape in a romantic novel. Just such as person as
she may be picked up by a stranger.
In conclusion, reading novels is an essential part of living in a society. An
individuals sense of himself is shaped and defined in his interaction with
others. Alone, in solitude, personality dissolves. The formation of self is a
type of narrative. The same applies to societies and nations. Provisos
have been mentioned, and given those, no sane person could say that
reading novels is a waste of time.

Online shopping
Online shopping is better than conventional shopping. What are your views ?
The Internet has revolutionized the way we do our shopping. The businessman
regards the Internet as a modern effective tool for business transactions. Online
shopping is the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet.
Let us compared online shopping to traditional or conventional shopping.

Online shopping, particularly during a festive holiday season, alleviates the

need to wait in long lines o search from store to store for a particular item.
Conventional shopping in the brick and mortar building entails leaving the
home to jostle with the traffic, crowds and long queues.
What are the advantages and benefits of online shopping over conventional
shopping ?
First, there is the convenience of being able to shop 24 hours a day for any type
of product imaginable. The ability to shop from home allows many people (the
elderly, the disabled, young mothers) to still purchase the products and services
they need. Then it is more comfortable, doing it in the comfort of your home,
instead of running around in the store. Online shopping allows you
a 24/7shopping time. you can surf the Internet at any time of the day and buy
your goods. You can find and buy products from all over the world.
Second is that goods are often cheaper as the seller does not have the costs of
running a shop. You have the opportunity to compare as many products and
prices as you want without having to spend the time and money to travel
between several different shops. You get cheaper deals and better prices with
discount coupons and rebates thrown in.
Third, you will also be able to read reviews y previous buyers and select your
purchases with additional information from satisfied customers. The
photographs and illustrations help you choose and recommendations from
others help you decide.
Like in other forms of business, there are disadvantages too.
First, online shoppers face fraud and security concerns. It has also been widely
criticized for being very insecure. Even with the latest security ware, hackers
still manage to find a way to steal your data. Online shoppers should first
familiarize themselves with online stores and how they protect their data before
going on an online shopping spree.
The majority of online shoppers are unaware of various hacker attacks, phishing
scams, and how they affect them. Not knowing how to keep yourself safe is the
biggest disadvantage of online shopping. despite warnings from Snopes and
other cyber "police" sites, the store may be a scam put up to gather people's
credit card data and social security numbers.
Second, online shopping puts you at a disadvantage. You can't see and feel first
hand or try for size your purchase. You take the word of the description of the

product which is usually cleverly crafted by online stores to make it sound

appealing to people. There is no hands-on inspection, nor visual or physical
impact for product suitability. Only when it arrives at your address, do you have
the opportunity to check the purchases for what it is advertised as. The greatest
rip is the inaccurate transactions which could result in no savings or additional
expenses to the buyer. this is probably one of the biggest disadvantages of
online shopping that turns many people off.
Third, there is no means for you to check for full cost or hidden cost not until
something unexpected happens. Online shops do not always list the other
additional charges. All these hidden costs: handling fees, packaging costs,
shipping or transit costs, replacement costs, return costs, fluctuating currency
rates, can add up to quite an exorbitant sum. Are they borne wholly by the
buyer ?
There are many other online issues which are more technical in nature: usage of
the computer, slow online connectivity, viruses and time zone differences. Other
aspects would be personal to buyer: credit card payment, no cash transactions,
immediate gratification, invalid warranties, no refunds and non-delivery of
In summary, the main advantages of shopping online are convenience and cost
savings, while the main disadvantages are security risks and reduced hands-on
purchase gratification.
In conclusion, to benefit truly from online shopping, one has to be an intelligent
experienced Internet user as well as a streetwise e-commerce online shopper.


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to stop someone feeling interested or excited


too large

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