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Dragon Dice - Basics and Setup

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Object of the Game

In the Dragon DiceTM game, you use dice to represent armies of different fantasy races and monsters which battle to control
essential pieces of terrain. Any number of players can share in this struggle. The first player to capture two terrains immediately wins the game. The game can also be won if a player has the last surviving unit(s) in play.

Dice Types

4 Sided:
These dice represent items. They come
in four sizes and each item produces
only one type of result. The medallions
are also items of immense power and
the largest of the four-siders.

The ten-sided dice are called monsters or

artifacts. Monsters are always part of a
race and artifacts are a type of item.

6 Sided:


These dice represent the units in your

army. They come in four sizes and can
produce many different types of
results. All six-siders (except the Kings
Die) belong to a race.

The twelve-sided dice are called dragons.

They come in two forms: drakes, which
have wings, and wyrms, which are

8 Sided:
These dice represent the land that your armies battle to capture. They come in two sizes. The large are
called Major Terrains; however, throughout the rules they are simply referred to as terrains. The smaller
are called Minor Terrains. They represent lesser objectives for an army to capture at a particular terrain
while trying to secure the terrain itself.

Icon Types

There are three kinds of icons.

ID These icons help identify the die and always produce the type of normal result you are rolling for equal to the health of
the unit.
Normal These icons produce the basic result types: magic, missile, melee, save, & maneuver.
Special Action Icons (SAI) These icons can produce basic results or can be powerful special attacks. Any SAI that doesnt
produce normal results are individually resolved immediately prior to counting the results of that roll. If an SAI takes a unit
out of the army, then its results are not counted. See the SAI section for more details.


Every terrain is composed of two colors that affect the doubling of magic. Flatlands are blue and gold. Coastlands are blue
and green. Highlands are red and gold. Swamplands are gold and green. The 8th face indicates that an army has taken
control of the terrain.

Coastland City


Highland Tower

Swampland Temple

Standing Stones

Flatland City

Wasteland Tower

An army is a collection of your units and monsters at a terrain or in reserves. They follow your commands as they maneuver
towards controlling the terrain and to attack your opponent's armies.

Player 1
1 - Home Army
2 - Campaign Army
3 - Horde Army

Player 2
4 - Dead Unit Area (DUA)
5 - Buried Unit Area (BUA)
6 - Summoning Pool

Player 1s

Player 2s


7 - Reserve Army
8 - Player 1s Home Terrain
9 - Proposed Frontier Terrains
10 - Player 2s Home Terrain


Select total force size in health points. Suggested sizes are 15, 24, 30, 36 or 60 points. Additionally select 1 dragon per 24
health points rounded up, and two terrains from your collection.
Divide chosen units into three armies and place them in their areas. For the start of the game, each army must have at
least one die and not more than half of the total army health.
Place 1 terrain for your Home Terrain and 1 terrain for the proposed Frontier Terrain.
Place your Dragons, any dragonkin and any minor terrains brought into the game in your Summoning Pool.
Determining order of play - Each player rolls their Horde Army. The player with the most maneuver results chooses to go
first or to select either one of the proposed Frontier terrains to use. The other proposed terrain is removed from play.
Each player rolls their terrain dice to determine the starting face. Re-roll any 8s and turn down 7s to 6s.

Counting Dice
Properly Counting dice results is important in Dragon Dice. The dice to
the left were rolled for Magic.

1 - These are the magic icons for this race - single-icon rolls count for 1.


2 - Monster rolls always count for 4 results each.

3 - Multiple icon rolls count for the number of icons shown - in this
case, 2.
4 - ID icons always count for the number of the units health for
whatever basic result you are rolling for - in this case, 2 Magic since
it is a Medium unit. Since this unit shares the color red with the
highland terrain, you can double the points of magic it produces for
that color.
5 - Special Action Icons (SAI) may count on your current roll (see SAIs for
more information). In this case, Cantrip counts as normal magic.
Can you count the complete roll? If you came up with 12 points of blue
or 14 points of red, youre correct!

A turn consists of up to four phases, which must be conducted in this order: Beginning Phase, Dragon Attack Phase, Army
Phase, and End Phase. When a player is taking their turn they are the marching player. Each phase may have multiple steps
and each step happens in the order listed for each phase. A steps effects apply only to units that were in play at the start
of that step. If multiple things happen in a single step the effects occur in the order the marching player chooses.

Turn Sequence
1 - Beginning Phase
Spell and effect expiration (Beginning of turn expiration)
Racial Abilities
8th Face Special Abilities
2 - Dragon Attack Phase
Dragon Attack - If an army is present at the terrain, the dragon(s) attack the
current player's army, even if they summoned the dragon.
3 - Army Phase
First March
1. Maneuver
2. Action
Second March (different army)
1. Maneuver
2. Action
4 - End Phase
Reinforce - Move any or all of your units from your Reserves to any or all of
the Terrains.
Retreat - Move any or all of your units from any or all Terrains to Reserves.
Spell and effect expiration (End of turn expiration)

Order of Dice Roll Modifiers

Spell and SAI effects can modify
the total of an armys roll after
it is counted. Modifiers must be
applied to the result type being
rolled for. When more than one
modifier is in effect, apply them
in the following order:
1 - Modifiers that subtract
(Results never go below zero)
2 - Modifiers that divide
(Round fractions down)
3 - Modifiers that multiply
4 - Modifiers that add

The Dragon Attack and Expiration steps are mandatory, but all other phases and steps are optional. During each march, the
maneuver and action steps are taken with the selected army. A march with a Reserve Army cannot attempt a maneuver and
can only take a Magic action.

Maneuver Resolution

The active player may choose to maneuver the selected armys terrain by one face.
1 - Declare your intent to maneuver the terrain, but do not specify which direction.
2 - Opponent's army at the same terrain can allow or contest the intended maneuver.
3 - If contested, both armies roll for maneuvers.
4 - If the acting army wins the maneuver or the roll is uncontested, the terrain must be moved up or down one face, or a
minor terrain matching the terrain may be brought into play. If the acting army loses the maneuver, the terrain does
not move. Acting army wins ties.


After any maneuver attempt is completed, the selected army may perform the action shown on the terrain die or on the
minor terrain die. If the terrain die is at the 8th face the controlling army may take a melee, missile or magic action while
non-controlling armies may only take Melee actions. An army in the reserve area may only take a magic action.

Melee Resolution

Missile Resolution

1 Choose the army being attacked. You cannot

target the Reserves Area or attack from a Home
Terrain into another Home Terrain.
2 - Attacking army rolls for missile results
(resolve any SAIs rolled).
3 - If attacking army rolled at least 1 missile result, then
the defending army rolls for saves and resolves any SAIs
4 - Resolve damage.


1 You may only attack an army at the same terrain.

2 - Attacking army rolls for melee results
(resolve any SAIs rolled).
If attacking army rolled at least 1 melee result, then the
defending army rolls for saves and resolves any SAIs rolled.
Resolve damage.
Defending army MAY roll for melee to counterattack
(resolve any SAIs rolled).
If defending army rolled at least 1 melee result, then the
attacking army rolls for saves and resolves any SAIs rolled.
Resolve damage.

Magic Resolution

1 - Attacking army rolls for magic and counts points of generated magic.
2 - Choose and announce all spells and the target of each spell.
3 Resolve spells in desired order.
Each result rolled by the army counts as one point of magic of EITHER of the
races colors. The active player chooses how to split them between the colors
The points of generated magic are used to purchase spells. Each spell requires
a number of points of a specific color. Spells which can be cast with any color
of magic must still use only one color. Only spells marked as castable from
reserves can be cast by an army in the reserves area. Basic spells require a
number of points of a specific color. The points for racial spells must all be
generated by that race.

Health & Resolving Damage

To resolve damage, move that many
health worth of units into the Dead
Unit Area.

You must take as much damage as

possible, but not more than needed.
If a die takes less damage than it has
health, the damage is ignored.

Doubling Magic

Units at a terrain that roll an ID icon and match at least one of the colors in the terrain die can double magic points of that
color. You can split a multi-health ID icon into the equivalent number of one health IDs, each of which may be doubled
(or not doubled, your choice) for a different color of magic.

8th Face Advantages

The army which turns a terrain from 7th to the 8th face controls that terrain. Point the tip of the terrain towards the
controlling player as a reminder. That army gets double saves and double maneuvers and can perform any action: magic,
missile, or melee. The non-controlling army can only perform a melee attack. If the controlling army has no units at an 8th
face at any time, they lose control of that terrain. It is then immediately turned down to the 7th face.

City: If your army controls a terrain with this icon, during the Beginning Phase, you can recruit a 1-health unit
or promote a unit in the controlling army.

Temple: The Controlling army and all units in that army cannot be affected by opponents death (black)
magic. During the Eighth Face Step you may force another player to bury one unit of his choice from his Dead
Unit Area.
Standing Stones: The armies units may cast the terrains colors of magic in addition to their own. ID Icons
are only doubled if the units color matches the terrains color.
Tower: The controlling army may fire missiles at any opponents army. If firing into reserves only count non-ID
and non-SAI missile results ignoring any Racial Abilities.
Castle: When you turn the terrain up to 8 you choose one of the following four types: City, Standing Stones,
Temple, or Tower. The castle becomes that terrain until its face is moved. The castle may only be placed in the
Dragons Lair: At the beginning of your turn you may

summon a dragon that matches any color of this terrain and

place it at any terrain. The Dragons Lair may only be placed
in the frontier.

Grove: At the start of the Eighth Face Step move one

non-dragonkin from any players Buried Unit Area to that

players Dead Unit Area. This is not optional and must be
applied to a player if possible. No army can double magic at
this terrain by any means. The Grove may only be placed in
the frontier.

Vortex: During a non-maneuver army roll the army

controlling this terrain may reroll one unit who has not
resolved an SAI, ignoring the previous result. The Vortex may
only be placed in the frontier.

Recruit a Unit

Take a one health unit from the Dead Unit

Area and place it into the army.

Promote a Unit

Exchange a unit from the army with a unit

from the Dead Unit Area of the same race,
but one health value larger.

Bury a Unit

Take a die from the Dead Unit Area (DUA)

and put it into the Buried Unit Area (BUA).
It can no longer be recruited, promoted, or

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