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Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

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Disorders of Copper Hom


Rajneesh Kum
Swati Vishnoi
Preetika Lakh
Mohammad Ta
Mohammad Ta

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy



Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS
Dr. Preetika Lakhera BHMS
Dr. Mohammad Tayyab Daud BHMS
Dr. Mohammad Tayyab Amir BHMS
Homoeo Cure Research Institute
NH 74- Moradabad Road
Ph- 09897618594
E. mail-

Introduction........................................................................................................... 2
Primary or genetic disorders of copper metabolism..............................................2
Menkes disease.................................................................................................. 2
Pathophysiology of Menkes disease................................................................2
Occipital horn syndrome..................................................................................... 2
Pathophysiology of Occipital horn syndrome...................................................3
Wilson disease.................................................................................................... 3
Pathophysiology of Wilson disease..................................................................3
Sign and symptoms of Wilsons disease...........................................................3
Aceruloplasminemia........................................................................................... 4
Pathophysiology of aceruloplasminemia.........................................................4
Albumin Christchurch disease............................................................................ 4
Secondary disorders of copper metabolism...........................................................5
Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis.................................................................................. 5
Pathophysiology.............................................................................................. 5
Indian childhood cirrhosis................................................................................... 5
Idiopathic copper toxicosis.................................................................................5
Disease-induced changes in copper homeostasis..............................................6
Treatment.............................................................................................................. 6
Homoeopathic treatment.................................................................................... 6
Common remedies for Copper homeostasis....................................................6
Short repertory of Copper homeostasis...........................................................7
Bibliography......................................................................................................... 10

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

There are certain disorders of copper metabolism which cause mild to fatal
manifestations in human body. They fall into either primary or secondary

Primary disorders of copper metabolism are genetic disorders likeo Menkes disease
o Occipital horn syndrome
o Aceruloplasminemia
o Wilson disease
Secondary or acquired ones includeo Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis (TIC)
o Indian childhood cirrhosis (ICC)
o Idiopathic copper toxicosis (ICT)

Primary or genetic disorders of copper metabolism

Menkes disease

X-linked neurodegenerative disorder in infants (Syphilis)

Characterized by poor growth and unusual kinky or curly hair texture
(Psora/ Syphilis/ Sycosis)
Manifested primarily in males
Low plasma ceruloplasmin and decreased copper concentrations in the
liver and brain (Syphilis)
The morphological changes start in utero and fully manifest during the
perinatal period (Psora)
Premature birth and being small for gestational age are frequent
characteristics (Psora)
Hypothermia, prolonged jaundice, feeding difficulties, and diarrhea in the
neonatal period (Psora)
Developmental delays around the third month like abnormal head
movement and the absence of a smiling response (Psora/ Syphilis)
Therapy-resistant convulsions (Psora)

Pathophysiology of Menkes disease

There is a defect in the protein ATP7A gene, a membrane-bound CuATPase (Syphilis)

This gene regulates the outward flow of copper ions from the interior to
the exterior of the cell (Psora)
There is failure to transport copper ions completely across the intestinal
mucosa, ultimately leading to a severe copper deficiency in the peripheral
organs (Psora)
This causes copper accumulation in the intestinal cells (Psora/ Sycosis)
Copper transport across the blood-brain barrier also impaired (Psora)

Occipital horn syndrome

Menkes and OHS have a similar abnormality in copper metabolism but the
clinical presentations and survival potentials are different

It has late and inconsistent onset of symptoms

At minimum 2 years of age a definitive diagnosis of OHS is possible
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

A prominent protuberance or exostoses in the occipital bone seen on

radiographs evidences it (Sycosis)
Other skeletal abnormalities being short and broad clavicles, osteoporosis,
laxity of the skin and joints, and bladder diverticula (Sycosis/ Syphilis)
Serum copper and ceruloplasmin low in some (Syphilis)
Arrested mental development and late-onset seizures and borderline
intelligence (Psora/ Syphilis)
Inguinal hernias, recurrent diarrhea, urinary-tract infections and distorted
facial features, such as high foreheads and hooked noses (Psora/ Syphilis)
Radiographs show tortuous cerebral blood vessels with multiple branch
occlusions (Psora/ Sycosis)

Pathophysiology of Occipital horn syndrome

OHS was formerly called X-linked cutis laxia.

Mutations in the Menkes gene can also result in OHS (Syphilis)

It is a milder form of classical Menkes disease in which the same copper
transporter, ATP7A, is affected

Wilson disease
Wilson disease, or hepatolenticular degeneration, is an autosomal recessive
disorder that results from accumulation of copper predominantly in the liver and
brain. The accumulation is due to defective biliary excretion of copper. Menkes
disease is X linked while Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder. There
are certain facts about this disease

The adult humans need to ingest about 0.75 mg of copper daily to sustain
a balance
Typically, humans ingest about 1 mg of copper per day
The daily excess of copper averaging about 0.25 mg per day is normally
excreted in the feces
Due to a genetic defect, individuals with Wilson disease are unable to
excrete the excess copper, resulting in a cumulative accumulation of
copper in the body (Psora/ Syphilis/ Sycosis)
Clinically symptoms appear in hepatic, neurological, or psychiatric
symptoms, in roughly equal proportions

Pathophysiology of Wilson disease

There is a genetic defect in Wilson disease is in ATP7B gene, which

encodes a copper transport protein (Syphilis)
Wilson patients usually have low blood ceruloplasmin levels (Syphilis)
Some patients with chronic cirrhosis are idiopathic, also called cryptogenic
and may have Wilson disease (Syphilis)
A few with hepatitis C may actually have undiagnosed Wilson disease

Sign and symptoms of Wilsons disease

Edema- the swelling of legs and abdomen (Psora/ Sycosis)
Feeling tired (Psora)
Itching (Psora)
Jaundice (Psora)

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

Loss of appetite (Psora)

Muscle cramps (Psora)
Nausea (Psora)
Pain or bloating in the abdomen (Psora)
Spider angiomas (Psora/ Sycosis)
Vomiting (Psora)
Weakness (Psora)
Weight loss (Psora/ Syphilis)

Abnormal walking (Syphilis)
Changes in mood (Psora)
Clumsiness with hands (Psora)
Depression (Psora/ Syphilis)
Drooling (Psora/ Syphilis)
Insomnia (Psora)
Memory, speech, or vision impairment (Psora)
Migraines (Psora)
Personality changes (Psora)
Problems in school (Psora)
Symptoms in advanced pathology
Muscle pain during movement (Psora)
Muscle spasms (Psora)
Seizures (Psora)

Aceruloplasminemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism
characterized by a defect in the gene coding for ceruloplasmin.

Main findings are late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration,

diabetes and neurological symptoms (Syphilis)

Pathophysiology of aceruloplasminemia

There is slow accumulation of iron in tissues of pancreas, heart, kidney,

spleen, and thyroid gland, basal ganglia, thalamus, and dentate nucleus
(Psora/ Sycosis)
Oxidase and immunoreactive ceruloplasmin are not detectable in serum of
these individuals (Syphilis)
The lack of cardinal copper-related symptoms in aceruloplasminemic
individuals challenges what has been considered the essential role of
ceruloplasmin in copper transport and homeostasis

Albumin Christchurch disease

This is a rare type of alloalbuminemia

It has a mutation in the gene that encodes the primary copper-binding site
of plasma albumin (Syphilis)
The albumin Christchurch has reduced ability to bind Cu ions compared
with normal albumin (Psora)
This leads to functional impairment in plasma capacity to transport ionic
copper (Psora)
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

Individuals with type I-A oculocutaneous albinism have mutations in the

gene that encodes tyrosinase, a key copper-containing enzyme in the
pathway of melanin (Syphilis)
The melanin of pigmented tissues in retina and skin avidly bind copper,
zinc and other metal ions
Melanin is assumed as a major storage source for essential metals
Subjects with oculocutaneous albinism lack tyrosinase activity (Psora)
This deficiency is associated with an absence of melanin, which can seize
and detoxify copper and other metals (Psora)
This leads to oculocutaneous albinism patients for being prone to
developing copper toxicosis (Psora/ Sycosis)

Secondary disorders of copper metabolism

Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis

During 1900 and 1980, 138 infants and young children died in the Tyrolean
area of western Austria from liver cirrhosis
This condition was syndrome is called as Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis (TIC)
It is an autosomal recessive disorder (Syphilis)
Probable cause is using unpasteurized cow's milk with water heated for
about 20 min in old copper pots (Causa occasionalis)
Disappeared with the use of modern utensils


TIC is very difficult to distinguish among Indian childhood cirrhosis and

other forms of hepatic copper toxicosis
Copper cooking utensils were common in the Tyrolean area because of an
extensive copper mining industry that was present until about 1926
The syndrome appears due to combination of a genetic predisposition and
a high intake of copper (Syphilis/ Causa occasionalis)

Indian childhood cirrhosis

Its etiology is similar to that of TIC

It occurs in India in infants and very young children who are fed on milk
stored in brass or copper flasks (Causa occasionalis)
Once storage of milk in copper and brass containers is reduced, the
disease begins to disappear
As with TIC, the liver disease in ICC might be due to genetic abnormalities
in copper metabolism and a high copper intake (Syphilis/ Causa

Idiopathic copper toxicosis

ICT is also called aso ICC-like cirrhosis

o Copper-associated childhood cirrhosis
o Copper-associated liver disease in childhood
It mostly affects infants or very young children, but some are children up
to 10 years of age
Increased ingestion of copper and consanguinity of parents or involvement
of more than one sibling is often seen (Causa occasionalis)

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

A combination of an autosomal recessive inherited defect in copper

metabolism and excess copper intake lead to this condition (Syphilis/
Causa occasionalis)
The source of excess copper appears to have been drinking water (Causa

Disease-induced changes in copper homeostasis

There are several environmental and physiological conditions that can

disturb copper metabolism and thereby alter the delivery of copper to
select tissues (Causa occasionalis). These includeo Exercise
o Infection
o Inflammation
o Cirrhosis
o Diabetes
o Hypertension
In all above conditions, a common finding is hypercupremia (Psora/
Hypercupremia is due to high concentrations of plasma ceruloplasmin
(Psora/ Sycosis)
Plasma ceruloplasmin increases due to its synthesis in the liver (Psora/
An increase in ceruloplasmin synthesis represents acute-phase response
This response is triggered by cytokines and hormones released in
response to tissue injury (Psora)
Although the acute-phase response is usually transitory, it can persist for
long periods if tissue injury is continuous (Psora)
Hypercupremia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and for some
cancers (Causa occasionalis)
Persistent hypercupremia represents oxidative reactions issues (Psora)
An increase in DNA damage, secondary to copper-induced oxidative stress,
could present a carcinogenic risk (Syphilis)
An increase in oxidative stress could result in an increased risk for some
forms of cardiovascular disease (Psora)

Homoeopathic treatment
Though, the symptoms of copper homeostasis misbalance are quite wide, the
complete repertory may be used. The major signs and symptoms, which
strikingly indicate copper imbalance, can however, be collected and made ready
for emergency reference.

Common remedies for Copper homeostasis

abel. abrot. absin. acal. Acet-ac. acetan. acon-l. ACON. adon. aesc. AETH. agarph. AGAR. Agn. alco. All-c. all-s. allox. Aloe alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. alumn. am-be.
am-c. Am-m. Ambr. ANAC. anan. anders. ANG. anh. ANT-C. ant-i. Ant-t. Antip.
APIS Apoc. aran-sc. Arg-met. ARG-N. Arn. ars-h. ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. Art-v. arum-t.
arund. Asaf. Asar. astac. atro. aur-i. Aur-m-n. Aur-m. aur-s. AUR. Bac. bapt. Bar-c.
Bar-m. barbit. BELL. Benz-ac. Berb. bism. blatta-a. Borx. BOV. brom. Bry. bufo but-

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

ac. buth-a. cact. cadm-s. cain. calc-act. calc-ar. CALC-P. CALC-S. calc-sil. CALC.
calen. Camph-mbr. camph. cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. CAPS. carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v.
carbn-o. Carbn-s. Carc. CARD-M. carl. cas-s. Castm. Caust. cean. cedr. cench.
cerstig-w. CHAM. CHEL. chelo. chen-a. chim. CHIN. Chinin-ar. CHION. chlol. chlor.
chlorpr. cho. chol. Cic. cimic. CINA clem. cob. coca Cocc. Coff. Colch. COLOC.
colos. Com. CON. conin. convo-s. cor-r. corn-f. Corn. cortico. cortiso. crat. Croc.
CROT-H. Crot-t. Cupr-act. CUPR. cur. cycl. cyn-d. cypr. daph. DIG. Dios. diosm.
Dol. Dros. Dulc. elaps elat. epiph. eucal. euon. eup-per. euph. Euphr. fab. fel ferrar. ferr-i. ferr-pic. FERR. fl-ac. Form. formal. gamb. gels. Glon. gnaph. gran.
GRAPH. grat. GUAJ. guare. Guat. halo. hed. HELL. Hep. hier-p. hip-ac. Hydr-ac.
Hydr. Hyos. hypoth. IGN. ilx-a. ing. ins. IOD. iodof. IP. Iris JAB. jal. Jug-c. kali-ar.
Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. kali-perm. Kali-pic. kali-s.
kali-sil. Kreos. lac-ac. lac-c. lac-d. LACH. lachn. lact. lat-m. Laur. led. Lept. lil-t.
lina. lipp. Lith-c. Lob. Lol. loxo-recl. LYC. lycps-v. lyss. M-ambo. m-arct. m-aust.
Mag-c. MAG-M. Mag-p. mag-s. Manc. mand. mang-act. mang. med. Meli. meny.
Merc-c. merc-cy. merc-d. merc-i-r. MERC. Mez. mim-p. morph. mosch. Mur-ac.
muru. muscin. myric. naja narc-ps. nast-o. nat-ar. Nat-c. nat-ch. nat-f. Nat-m. natp. NAT-S. nicc-s. NIT-AC. Nit-m-ac. NUX-M. NUX-V. Oena. ol-an. OLND. onos. Op.
ost. Par. paull. Petr. Ph-ac. phel. PHOS. phys. phyt. Pic-ac. Pilo. pin-s. pitu-p. plan.
PLAT. plb-act. plb-xyz. PLB. PODO. prun. PSOR. Ptel. PULS. pulx. quas. rad-br. Ranb. ran-s. raph. rat. RHEUM rhod. RHUS-T. ric. rubu. rumx. ruta sabad. sabin. samb.
Sang. sanic. Santin. sapin. saroth. SARS. scler. scor. scut. Sec. sel. senec. Seneg.
senn. SEP. sil. Spig. Spong. SQUIL. Stann. Staph. still. STRAM. stront-c. SUL-AC.
sul-i. sulfa. SULPH. Sumb. Syph. Tab. tarax. tarent. tart-ac. ter. tetox. Teucr. Thuj.
thym-gl. Thyr. til. Trif-p. trinit. Tub. urea Valer. verat-v. Verat. Verb. vib. viol-o. violt. vip. wies. xan. yohim. Yuc. zinc-p. zinc-s. Zinc-val. ZINC. ziz.

Short repertory of Copper homeostasis

ABDOMEN - CIRRHOSIS of liver am-be. ars-i. ars. Aur-m-n. aur-m. aur. calc-ar.
Card-m. cas-s. chin. chlorpr. crot-h. Cupr. cur. diosm. dulc. euon. Hep. Hydr. iod.
kali-bi. kali-i. lact. lyc. mag-m. merc-d. merc. Mur-ac. nast-o. nux-v. Phos. plb.
quas. Sulph. urea vip.
ABDOMEN - HERNIA; ABDOMINAL - Inguinal - children; in AUR. BELL. calc. cham.
cina cocc. lyc. mag-m. Nit-ac. nux-v. psor. sil. sul-ac. sulph. thuj. verat.
ABDOMEN - HERNIA; ABDOMINAL Inguinal Acon. aesc. All-c. Alum. am-c. Am-m.
anac. ant-c. Apis arg-met. Asar. Aur. BELL. berb. Bry. calc-ar. Calc. camph. cann-s.
caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. cham. chin. clem. Cocc. coff. colch. coloc. dig. euph. gran.
graph. GUAJ. hell. ign. ip. kali-c. kali-n. lach. LYC. m-ambo. M-arct. m-aust. Mag-c.
merc. mez. Mur-ac. nat-m. Nit-ac. NUX-V. Op. petr. ph-ac. phos. plat. Plb. prun.
psor. puls. rheum Rhus-t. sars. sec. sep. Sil. Spig. spong. stann. staph. stram.
stront-c. Sul-ac. Sulph. ter. teucr. thuj. Verat. wies. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES AWKWARDNESS aeth. AGAR. alum-sil. ambr. anac. APIS arg-n. ars.
asaf. asar. bar-c. bell. BOV. bry. bufo calc-s. calc-sil. CALC. camph. Caps. carb-v.
Caust. chin. cocc. Con. dig. euphr. gels. HELL. hep. Ign. IP. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-chl.
LACH. Lol. loxo-recl. lyc. lyss. mag-p. med. mez. nat-ar. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-s. Nuxv. op. ph-ac. phos. plb. Puls. Rheum ruta sabad. sabin. sars. sep. sil. spong.
stann. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. verat-v. vip.
GENERALS - CHRONIC FATIGUE Syndrome am-c. ant-c. arg-met. arg-n. atro. aur.
bapt. berb. brom. calc-p. calc. camph. cann-i. carb-v. carc. chin. cocc. coff. ferr.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

gels. ign. kali-p. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. Mur-ac. nat-m. nux-v. onos. op. ph-ac. phos.
Pic-ac. scut. sel. sep. sil. Stann. sulph. thuj.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - children; in - infants, in absin. acon. Aeth. Art-v. Bell.
bufo calc. Camph-mbr. caust. Cham. chlol. Cic. Cina cocc. Coff. Cupr. cypr. glon.
HELL. Hydr-ac. Hyos. IGN. Ip. Kali-br. kreos. lach. laur. Mag-p. Meli. Merc. mosch.
nux-v. Oena. Op. Santin. scut. stann. Stram. sulph. zinc-s. Zinc.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - children; in newborns Art-v. bell. Cupr. nux-v.
GENERALS - COPPER - fumes agg. camph. Ip. lyc. Merc. nux-v. op. Puls.
GENERALS - COPPER - vessels of copper agg. hep.
GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT arrested Agar. aloe ant-c. Bar-c. borx. bufo CALC-P.
Calc. Carc. cupr. hypoth. kreos. lyc. nat-m. ol-an. Phos. rad-br. Sil. sulfa. thym-gl.
thyr. tub. vip.
GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT slow bac. bar-c. bufo calc-p. Calc. caust. cupr.
kreos. lac-d. mag-m. med. nat-m. pin-s. sil. sulph. thyr.
GENERALS - GROWTH - complaints of growth process bar-c. calc-p. calc. ph-ac.
phos. sil. Thyr.
GENERALS HYPOTHERMIA acetan. ant-t. Antip. arg-n. ars-h. Ars. cact. chlor.
cupr-act. eucal. kali-bi. kali-br. kali-p. lycps-v.
GENERALS OSTEOPOROSIS cortico. cortiso. fl-ac.
GENERALS - PAIN - Muscles cramping abrot. acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m.
Ambr. ANAC. ANG. Ant-t. arg-met. Arn. Ars. Asaf. asar. aur. bar-c. BELL. bism. bov.
bry. bufo CALC. camph. Cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-s. Castm.
Caust. cham. Chel. chin. cho. cic. cimic. CINA clem. Cocc. coff. colch. COLOC.
Con. conin. croc. Cupr-act. CUPR. dig. Dios. dros. Dulc. euph. Euphr. ferr. gels.
Glon. Graph. hell. hep. hyos. Ign. iod. ip. Iris jab. Kali-br. Kali-c. kali-n. kreos. lach.
lat-m. laur. LYC. m-ambo. M-arct. mag-c. Mag-m. Mag-p. mang. meny. MERC. mez.
morph. mosch. Mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-m. NUX-V. olnd. Op. par. Petr. phac. phos. phyt. PLAT. plb-act. Plb. puls. ran-b. ran-s. rhod. Rhus-t. ruta sabad.
samb. sang. Sec. SEP. SIL. Spig. Spong. squil. Stann. staph. stram. stront-c. SULAC. SULPH. syph. Tab. tetox. Thuj. trinit. Valer. verat. Verb. vib. viol-o. viol-t. zinc.
GENERALS - SWELLING - puffy, edematous Acet-ac. Acon. Agar. am-c. Am-m.
ANT-C. antip. APIS Apoc. arn. ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. Asaf. Aur-m. aur. bar-c. Bell. bov.
Bry. cain. calc-sil. CALC. canth. CAPS. Carbn-s. card-m. cedr. cham. chin. cina
cocc. colch. coloc. Com. con. crat. CUPR. DIG. dros. Dulc. ferr-ar. FERR. GRAPH.
guaj. HELL. hyos. Iod. ip. kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. kreos. lach. laur. led. Lith-c. Lyc.
mag-c. med. merc. mez. mosch. naja nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. OLND.
op. phos. Phyt. plb. puls. rheum Rhus-t. sabin. samb. sars. Seneg. Sep. sil. Spig.
spong. SQUIL. staph. stram. stront-c. Sulph. ter. Teucr. thyr. til. verat. Verb. zinc.
HEAD - HAIR - curly, becomes mez.
HEAD - PAIN - copper, abuse of hep.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

MIND - DULLNESS - children, in aeth. Agar. ARG-N. BAR-C. Bar-m. bufo CALC-P.
calc-s. Calc. carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. caust. cupr. graph. iod. kali-sil. lach. Lyc. med.
merc. nat-s. phos. sep. Sil. SULPH. Syph. Tub. zinc.
MIND - MOOD changeable acon-l. Acon. agar. agn. alco. aloe alum-p. alum-sil.
Alum. ambr. anac. anan. ang. anh. ant-t. Apis arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars-h. ars-i.
Ars. asaf. asar. aur-i. aur-m. aur-s. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. bism. Borx. bov. bry. bufo calcs. calc-sil. Calc. camph-mbr. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-o.
carbn-s. carl. castm. caust. cerstig-w. cham. Chin. cimic. cina cob. coca Cocc.
Coff. con. cortico. Croc. Cupr. cur. cycl. Dig. dros. eup-per. ferr-ar. ferr-i. Ferr. gels.
graph. guare. hyos. IGN. iod. ip. Kali-c. kali-p. kali-s. kali-sil. lac-c. lac-d. lach.
lachn. led. lil-t. LYC. m-arct. m-aust. Mag-c. mang-act. med. meny. merc-c. Merc.
mez. morph. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-M. op. Petr. phel. Phos.
plan. Plat. plb. Psor. PULS. pulx. ran-b. rat. rheum sabad. sang. sanic. sapin.
SARS. scler. senec. seneg. Sep. sil. spig. spong. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sul-ac. sul-i.
sulph. Sumb. tarent. thuj. Tub. Valer. verat. verb. yuc. zinc-p. Zinc-val. ZINC. ziz.
MOUTH - SALIVATION profuse abel. Acet-ac. acon. adon. agar. all-s. allox. Alum.
am-c. am-m. Ambr. anac. ang. Ant-c. ant-t. apis aran-sc. Arg-met. arn. ars-s-f.
ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. bapt. Bar-c. BELL. bism. borx. bov. brom. bry. but-ac.
buth-a. cadm-s. calc-sil. Calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-ac. carb-an. carbv. carbn-s. Caust. cench. Cham. chel. Chin. chion. cic. cina cocc. coff. Colch. con.
croc. crot-h. cupr. cycl. cyn-d. daph. dig. Dros. Dulc. epiph. euph. ferr-ar. ferr. flac. formal. glon. gran. Graph. guaj. halo. Hell. hep. hydr-ac. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Ip. Iris
JAB. Kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i. kali-n. kali-perm. kreos. lac-ac. lac-c. Lach. latm. Laur. led. Lob. lyc. lyss. M-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. Mag-m. Manc. mand.
mang. meny. merc-c. merc-cy. merc-d. merc-i-r. merc. mez. mim-p. mur-ac. muru.
muscin. naja narc-ps. Nat-c. Nat-m. nicc-s. Nit-ac. Nit-m-ac. nux-m. NUX-V. olnd.
op. Par. petr. ph-ac. phos. phys. phyt. Pilo. pitu-p. plat. plb. podo. ptel. PULS. Ranb. ran-s. raph. rheum rhod. RHUS-T. sabad. sabin. samb. Sang. sars. scor. sec. sel.
Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. spong. squil. stann. Staph. Stram. stront-c. Sul-ac. Sulph.
syph. tab. tarax. tart-ac. teucr. thuj. Trif-p. valer. verat-v. Verat. verb. viol-t. xan.
yohim. Zinc.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in infants Acon. Aeth. apis Arg-n. Ars. arund.
bapt. Bell. benz-ac. bism. Borx. calc-act. Calc-p. Calc. camph. Cham. chin. cina
Coloc. colos. Crot-t. dulc. ferr. grat. Hell. hep. Ip. jal. kali-br. Kreos. laur. lyc. lyss.
Mag-c. Merc-c. Merc-d. merc. nit-ac. Nux-v. paull. Ph-ac. phos. Podo. Psor. Rheum
sabad. sep. Sil. sulph. valer. Verat.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in newborns Aeth.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in nurslings arund. calc-p. calc-s. cham. sep.
Sulph. verat.
RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in Acon. AETH. Agar. Agn. aloe ant-c. apis Arg-n.
Ars. arund. Bac. bar-c. Benz-ac. Borx. Calc-p. CALC-S. CALC. carb-v. carc. CHAM.
chin. cimic. Cina Crot-t. Dulc. elat. Ferr. Form. gamb. gnaph. hell. Hep. hyos. ing.
iod. iodof. IP. Iris jal. kreos. Mag-c. MAG-M. mag-s. med. MERC. Mez. Mur-ac. Natm. nux-m. Nux-v. olnd. ph-ac. PHOS. PODO. PSOR. Puls. RHEUM rubu. sabad.
samb. senn. sep. SIL. stann. Staph. STRAM. sul-ac. SULPH. tub. Valer. Verat. zinc.
SKIN - DISCOLORATION coppery carb-an. cor-r. merc. mez. nit-ac. Rhus-t. syph.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

SKIN - DISCOLORATION yellow acal. acetan. ACON. aesc. agar-ph. agar. agn.
Aloe alum-p. alum. alumn. Am-m. Ambr. anders. Ant-c. ant-i. Ant-t. arg-n. Arn.
ars-i. Ars. asaf. astac. aur-m-n. aur-s. Aur. barbit. Bell. Berb. blatta-a. bov. brom.
Bry. bufo cadm-s. calc-ar. Calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. calen. cann-s. Canth. Carbv. carbn-s. CARD-M. cas-s. Caust. cean. cedr. Cham. CHEL. chelo. chen-a. chim.
CHIN. Chinin-ar. CHION. chol. cina coca cocc. CON. convo-s. corn-f. Corn. croc.
CROT-H. cupr. Dig. Dol. dulc. elaps elat. eup-per. euph. fab. fel ferr-ar. Ferr-i. ferrpic. Ferr. fl-ac. gels. graph. Guat. hed. hell. Hep. hier-p. hip-ac. Hydr. Ign. ilx-a.
ins. IOD. iris Jug-c. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-i. kali-m. kali-p. Kali-pic. kali-s. kalisil. LACH. lact. laur. Lept. lina. lipp. LYC. mag-m. mag-s. mang-act. mang. med.
Merc-c. merc-d. MERC. mur-ac. myric. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-ch. nat-f. Nat-m. nat-p.
NAT-S. NIT-AC. NUX-V. olnd. Op. ost. petr. ph-ac. PHOS. pic-ac. plb-xyz. PLB. Podo.
psor. Ptel. Puls. quas. ran-b. rheum rhus-t. ric. rumx. ruta sabad. Sang. saroth.
Sec. SEP. Sil. Spig. still. sul-ac. sul-i. sulfa. Sulph. tab. tarax. tarent. ter. thuj.
trinit. verat. vip. Yuc.
SKIN - ITCHING - jaundice; during Dol. Hep. myric. pic-ac. ran-b. thyr.
STOMACH - NAUSEA - jaundice; with bry. lach.
THROAT - DISCOLORATION - copper-colored Kali-bi. MERC.
Toxicity - COPPER, poisoning, cuprum, ailments from - copper, fumes, agg.
camph. Carb-v. cupr. Ip. lyc. Merc. nux-v. op. Puls.
Toxicity - COPPER, poisoning, cuprum, ailments from - copper, vessels, agg. cupr.
Toxicity - COPPER, poisoning, cuprum, ailments from bell. camph. Cupr. hep. Ip.
lyc. Merc. nux-v. op. puls. sil. zinc.
Toxicity - FUMES, gases, poisoning, toxic copper camph. Ip. lyc. Merc. nux-v. op.
Toxicity - VAPORS, poisoning, ailments from copper camph. Ip. lyc. Merc. nux-v.
op. Puls.

Chapter 130. Cutaneous Changes in Nutritional Disease > Copper and
Menkes Disease Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e

Chapter 37. Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System > Menkes
Disease (Kinky- or Steely-Hair Disease; Trichopoliodystrophy, ATP7A Mutation)
Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e.... A relationship between Wilson
and Menkes disease is nonetheless evident at a genetic level as they arise from
genes encoding two different copper-transporting proteins that are both ATPases.
The situation, however, may be more complex, as samples of intestinal tissue
show a buildup of copper that indicates...


Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

Chapter 88. Hair Growth Disorders > Pili Torti and Menkes Syndrome
Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e... or longer broken hairs. Hair
fragility usually improves after puberty. Pili torti occurs in combination with
trichorrhexis nodosa, trichoclasis, and trichoptilosis in Menkes kinky hair
syndrome, also called steely hair syndrome or trichopoliodystrophy. Menkes
syndrome is an X-linked recessive multisystem...

Genetic, Metabolic, and Infiltrative Diseases Affecting the Liver > Wilsons
Disease Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine ... Wilsons disease is an
inherited disorder of copper homeostasis first described in 1912 ( Chap. 429 ).
The Wilsons disease gene was discovered in 1993, with the identification of
ATP7B . This P-type ATPase is involved in copper transport and is necessary for
the export of copper from...

Hemochromatosis, Porphyrias, and Wilsons Disease > WILSONS DISEASE

Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 19e ... Wilsons disease is a rare inherited disorder
of copper metabolism, resulting in the toxic accumulation of copper in the liver,
brain, and other organs. Individuals with Wilsons disease have mutations in the
ATP7B gene, which encodes a membrane-bound copper-transporting adenosine...


CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics, 23e

Liver, Biliary Tract, & Pancreas Disorders > WILSON DISEASE

(HEPATOLENTICULAR DEGENERATION) Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment

Nervous System Disorders > 7. Wilson Disease Current Medical Diagnosis &
Treatment 2017... In this metabolic disorder, abnormal movement and posture
may occur with or without coexisting signs of liver involvement. Psychiatric and
neuropsychological manifestations are common. Wilson disease is discussed in
Chapter 16 . ...

Neurologic & Muscular Disorders > 5. Wilson Disease CURRENT Diagnosis &
Treatment Pediatrics, 23e... (See also Chapter 22 .) Wilson disease is a treatable
and reversible genetic disease (AR). Half of patients with Wilson disease present
with or have neuropsychiatric diseases; early symptoms may be as non-specific
as school work deterioration or mild tremor. Wilsons should be ruled out in any...


Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Disorders of Copper Homeostasis and Homoeopathy

Red Cell Alterations in Non-Clonal Hematological Disorders > I.C.153

Spherocytosis, Wilson Disease Lichtman's Atlas of Hematology 2016... I.C.153
Spherocytosis, Wilson disease. The prodrome to Wilson disease is occasionally a
severe spherocytic hemolytic anemia, presumably resulting from the direct
effects of a high free plasma copper on the red cell membrane. This is usually
seen in children aged 5 to 15 years...

Wilson Disease Clinical Genomics: Practical Applications in Adult Patient

Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

Radar 10


Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

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