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Making Rifle Barrels - Text

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Machinerys Industrial Secrets

Selected articles from early issues of Machinery

Magazine revealing secrets of manufacturing.

reprinted by Lindsay Publications Inc

Machining The Lee-Enfield Barrel


And Fixtures Employed

Machinery Magazine

The most

part of a
the barrel. A
knowledge of the conditions under which it will be used, a thorough acquaintance of the prin-






ciples involved,

and sound and

May 25, 1916


will be described later. It is

advisable to straighten the barrel before and after drilling and
then after turning, the first being obviously a straightening of
the outside, and the two latter

accurate machinery are essential

before a barrel can be made successfully. Naturally, the sequence of operations and methods used are not identical in different factories, but there are
definite stages in its manufacture which all makers must follow. After being centred, the surface of the barrel forging is rough
turned to relieve it of outside
strains, and briefly, the chief operations following are - drilling,

of the inside, which should be

again straightened after reamer ing. Other straightening opera-

finish turning, grinding outside,

the screwed end which enters

the bolt body is tested; it is again
viewed in the first chambered"
stage. The next inspection Is to
test the fitting of the sight-bed

fine boring, rifling, lapping,

screwing and chambering.

The consideration of primary
that the bore be
straight and concentric with the
outside, and intermediate viewing and straightening must be
performed to ensure this. The
tests for straightness in general



tions necessary will depend on

the nature of the operations and

the strain s they impose upon the

barrel before they can be designated as an inside or outside
operation. The barrel is officially
inspected for the first time in the
fine bored" stage.

It is


wards viewed in the rifling

stage, and later the accuracy of


foresight block, after



proved. The barrel

then submitted for view in the

the barrel


browned and



The barrel and body are

assembled and viewed in the
breeched up stage, and finally



Selected articles from early issues of Machinery

Magazine revealing early manufacturing methods.


Rifle Barrels

reprinted by Lindsay Publications Inc -

2002 - ISBN 1-55918-280-6


rights reserved


Fig. 1.

the barrel


sights have

The Barrel

in its Various Stages.

inspected after the

been fitted. The view-

ing will be dealt with more fully

in the section under the heading of Gauging and Viewing.

the arbor of a plain geared milling machine with open side. The
ends are then centred in a horizontal two-spindle drill. A ma-

chine suitable for this

in Fig. 2,

Centring and Turning

photograph of the barrel

in its various stages is







byFredk. Pollard, Ltd., of Leicester. The extreme end brackets


bearing the spindle are bolted to

A being the mould, B the

forged barrel, C is a barrel that
has been drilled and rough

the bed, and the sliding heads

are adjustable along it to any position between the brackets. The
spindle and rack feed are similar to the type met with in vertical-spindle sensitive drills. The
barrel is held at the breech end
in a 3-jaw self-centring chuck
which is fixed to the bed of the
machine. The muzzle end is supported in a cam-operated 3-point
steadyrest. The forging is next


turned, and

D is

a finished bar-

assembled complete with

sights and inner band. Nearly 90


operations are necessary to bring

the barrel to the latter condition,
exclusive of machining the

The rough ends

of the

forging are first cut off by a circular saw, which is mounted on

Fig. 2.

Machine: F.

Fig. 3. Barrel

Turning Lathe:

rough turned from breech end to

muzzle on the lathe illustrated

The work which is

mounted between the centres is
driven by an ordinary carrier and
dogs. The power is transmitted
to the spindle through the medium of a clutch, which can be
seen at A, and is thrown out by
in Fig. 3.

the forked lever B; this lever is

actuated at the end of the
traverse by the end of the saddle
coming into contact with the
plunger C. The power traverse of
the carriage is obtained through
a pair of skew gears at D, a worm
E mounted on a short shaft,
transmitting the motion through
a worm-wheel keyed to the end
of a long shaft, which can be seen
at F, and a half nut on the underside of the saddle which can
be disengaged by a lever not
shown. At the end of the cut the
carriage is wound back by the
hand-wheel shown on the front
of the carriage, a spur-wheel and

medium emThe cutter is carried on

a bracket which rocks about a
rack being the




Co. Ltd.

centre pivot, the

movement of the

bracket being effected by the

rocker H, one end of which is
adjustably connected to the
bracket, and the other end is

moved up


down by means


a plunger passing through the

saddle and riding on the former
K screwed to the bed. This
former is shaped to conform to
the taper of the barrel.

form of rest

A slightly


in Fig. 4, in which A is the

former, B a sliding pad on same,
and connected to the arm C,
which rocks around pivot D. The
cutter is adjusted by the set
screw E. A follow rest F is
pressed against the barrel by the
rocker G and spring H, and is
adjusted by a square head set
pin and lock-nut
In the Pratt & Whitney lathe
shown in Fig. 5 a three-roller
type backrest is employed, as at
A. This rest, which is carried by
the bracket B, extending along
the rear of the bed, remains in a
central position with relation to
the barrel, and the tool is guided

by an ordinaiy taper -turning attachment. The cross-slide carries a bar and roller which bears
against the former at the rear of
the machine.

Drilling the Barrel

The next operation of importance, drilling the barrel, introduces one of the greatest probrifle manufacture, as
a hole less than 5/16
inch diameter through 25 inches
of tough steel is no mean task.
It is not within the scope of this

lems in

Fig. 5. Barrel

Turning Lathe:



article to

discuss at length deep

hole drilling, but a brief resume

of the principles will be useful.
If a long slender rod is put in a
drill-chuck and revolved at a
fairly high speed the end of the
will describe a circle round
the axis of the spindle. Exactly
the same thing occurs with the
long drill necessary for drilling
deep holes, therefore it would appear that it would be better for
the drill to be stationary, and the


work, which



be revolved.

deep hole, or a



with 2 and
3 Flutes.

Pig. 6. Drills

hole of any description where accuracy is required. Is best fin-

cannot rotate, but

ished by a single-edged tool,

which is the usual method used
in a lathe for jigs, etc. If a hard
or soft spot is encountered when
boring with a single-edged tool


only the one place is affected. If

a tool with two cutting edges is
employed, the irregularity
caused by the faulty spot is

is fed


fed on
a rotating drill, the latter when

to the work. If the

work is

its true course will

take the work with it, thus increasing the deviation. This is
brought about by the tendency
of the sloping space a Fig. 7 at
A, to push the drill still farther
out of alignment when the work
is fed in the direction of the ar-

deviating from

Fig. 7.

showing the
Tendency of
a Drill to


transmitted to the other side of

the hole by the spring of the tool.


illustration of this is


in Fig. 6, the dotted parts

showing the duplicating of the

hard part B and soft spot A. A
tool with three edges, as at B,
being better supported, would be
preferable to one with two, but
is more suitable for a reamer. As

mentioned before, it is better for

the work to be rotated and the
drill to be fixed; this is the cus-

tom adopted in the drilling of rifle

ends of the

barrels, the outer

barrel being supported in a rest,

so that the work runs true. The
drill is fixed, inasmuch that it

and the drill is fed forward as at

B, the work will carry the drill
round in a circle with the radius

when any

deviation takes

The bending action exerted on the drill will tend to

force the point back to the axis
of the work where no bending occurs. The most satisfactory drill
that has been developed yet is a

modification of the familiar D"

bit. Fig. 8 shows such a drill entering the work A. B is the cutting edge. Oil passes through the
hole C and returns along the
groove D carrying the chips with
it. It will be noticed that the bot5

of the groove is taken to the

centre line, thus abolishing the
disadvantage of the central web
as found in ordinary two-lipped

form a return passage

and making the drill

very free cutting. The point of the
drill is not on the centre, but a

made by Messrs.


twist drills,

one side; this results in

a teat E being formed, which
supports the drill and greatly
assists in producing a true hole.
Fig. 9 shows the usual construc-

little to


for the oil


machine commonly em-

ployed for drilling






Whitney, a partial view of which

given in Fig. 10. A chuck is
attached tc the muzzle end, and
the work is rotated at about 2000
revolutions per minute by the


The end

catch-plate A, Fig. 11.

of the drill tube is secured in a

Fig. 9.


tion of a barrel


proper with the

A is the drill
oil hole C

B is a tube

which, as
the section shows, is indented for
a greater part of its length to



Fig. 10. Pratt

bush B by a
itself being

set pin, the


screwed into the nose

of the spindle C, which is Lightened against a special ball bearing D by the nut at the end of

& Whitney Gun Barrel Drilling


Fig. 11. Barrel

Mounted on a

Rifle Barrel Drilling

the spindle, with just sufficient

slackness to ensure the drill being stationary for normal cutting.
A brass pad E is forced against
the spindle by a spring, the ten-

Fig. 12. Barrel Drilling

sion of which

is adjusted by a set
screw and locknut F. If the drill
should seize, it rotates, and the

G in the side of
the spindle rotating with it comes
into contact with the end of a
small projection

as shown. This lever

operates the belt striking gear
and stops the machine. Oil at a
pressure of 200 to 400 lbs. per
square inch enters at
passes up the drill tube to the
cutting edge, and returns along
the groove forcing the chips with
it. The oil and chips are deflected
at the breech end of the barrel

by a scoop C in Fig. 10, which

also houses the guide bushes H
(Fig. 1 1).

A veiy satisfactory bar-


& Whitney


rel drilling

machine made by

Messrs. J. Archdale




Co., Ltd.,

is illustrated

at Fig.

feed of the drill per revo-

lution of the barrel for drilling a




0. 303-inch barrel is about 0.003

inch per revolution of the work,
which revolves at about 2000
revolutions per minute; the hole
is drilled 0.299 inches diameter.

The makers of barrel drilling machines supply their machines

with individual pumps for the oil
service, usually of the gear type.
Some machines are fitted
with two pumps, one for each
spindle. Pratt & Whitney and
Ludwig Loewe machines are so

A very complete outfit is

illustrated in Fig. 13. It is a
Greenwood & Barley 2-spindle

barrel drilling machine fitted

with rotaiy gear pump, oil supply tank, and all the necessary

Fig. 13.

2-Spindle Barrel Drilling Machine:

a sufficient number of
is used to warrant it
and the construction of the
building will allow, one main
pump with a common system is



preferable to individual


the latter not being powerful

enough if a pressure of 500 lbs.
per square inch is employed. The
lay-out of a very satisfactory system is given in Fig. 14. A horizontal pump of the duplex
double-acting type, or a geardriven 3-throw pump is used.
The oil supply is drawn from a
large main tank sunk below the

pump level. A tank of about 2400

gallons capacity for 60 drills
should be used, giving 40 gallons
per drill. The oil is pumped
through a main pipe A laid in a
brick-lined trough running between every few rows, in this
case 6 rows of machines. Feeders branch off this pipe to 3 machines on either side of it; each
individual machines oil can be
shut off. The feed pipes are also
laid in a smaller trough lined
with and covered by wood.
The used

oil is


through a pipe running from a


Greenwood &

Batley, Ltd.

s im p in a large pan under each

machine. This pipe empties into
a cast-iron gutter laid under every 3 machines, with sufficient
fall on it to ensure the oil running into a large main gutter between the machines. This gutter
is laid in a similar trough to the
one for the delivery pipe, and also
has a fall on it to return the oil
through a filter into the supply
tank. The swarf is collected from

the pans under the machines at






separator, the oil

from which is filtered before returning to the supply tank. The
arrangement of the piping, etc.,


a shop having a solid

would be far more
convenient if a shop was used
having a basement; the troughs
for the various pipes would then
be unnecessary, as all the down
pipes could pass straight
through the floor into mains in
the basement. The system outlined could only be carried out
in a building with a brick or wood
floor. In one having a concrete
floor an overhead system for the
oil supply could be arranged,


is for







F. |.



Fig. 15.


Double-headed Facing Machine:




Co., Ltd.

Fig. 16.

Facing Cutter
for Barrel.


for the

return system gut-

tering or pipes could pass

each line of machines.


The ends of the barrel are

faced to length in a double
headed facing machine, illustrated in Fig. 15.

Between the

is bolted to the
bed. This saddle carries a slide
A, upon which the barrel is

slot in the cross-slide F.

Cutter C is fed into the work first
by the handle G operating the
cross-slide feed screw, reversing
the direction feeds in cutter D.

a tee

The slide is limited in

ment by the stop H.



heads a saddle

mounted, and is moved towards

each head in turn by the handwheel shown, operating through
a spur gear and rack on the under side of the

slide. It is


in its endwise movement by the

stops B. An ordinary facing cutter of the type


in Fig. 16

used. The Knox form and radius at the breech end are next
machined. A plain lathe is used,
of which a plan view is given in


Fig. 17. A is the headstock

equipped with fast and loose
pulleys. B is a special rest to sup-

port the centre of the barrel. It

consists of a hard wood block C
bolted to the bed of the machine
with an iron screw to it, the strap
having two slots in it to accommodate a wedge E, which se-

cures the removable wood block

F. Both blocks are faced with
leather where they come into
contact with the barrel. Two cutters C and D of the circular
formed type are bolted to holders which are held in place by
the tool posts E, adjustable along

Grinding the Barrel

The grinding of the outside of the
barrel is the next operation to be
performed. The object of the
grinding is to give a smooth external finish to the barrel, and
what is even of more importance
to bring the outside concentric
with the bore and true to size
without disturbing the straight-

ness of the latter. The plain

grinding machine manufactured
by the Churchill Machine Tool
Co., Ltd., of Manchester, is well
adapted for this work. Their 6-

inch centre machine taking 36

inches between centres is the
one used for grinding the taper
of the barrel. The work speed rec-

ommended is about 400 revolutions per minute with a table

speed of 16 ft. to 18 ft. per
minute. The best wheel speed is
from 6000 to 7000 ft. per minute.

good wheel finishes about 15

barrels per hour when the
amount removed from each barrel is about 0.015 in. to 0.020
in. One truing of the wheel per
day is found sufficient. The taper
of the barrel is obtained

by mov-

ing the swivel table of the machine over the required amount.
A single steady rest is employed,
fitted with



a hardened steel shoe

the taper of the barrel.


roller type


could be employed If the

amount to be removed is

quantity of sal- soda to prevent

rusting. Another lubricant consists of a mixture of lard oil,
soap, sal-soda, and water. There
are also several special compounds obtainable; one of the

Aquadag, which is used

mixed with water. A small
quantity of borax, about
1/2 lb. to 10 gallons of wa-

small. (Fig. 18.)

For grinding the Knox

form a 24 in. by 4 In. ma-

Turning Radius
Breech End.

Fig. 17.


chine is used, with a wheel of

1/2 in. face, 14 in. diameter, the
work being traversed across the
wheel, which runs at 1 500 revolutions per minute, giving 5500
ft. surface speed. The work is revolved at 350 revolutions per
minute. Both the grinding operations mentioned should be performed with a plentiful supply of
lubricant to prevent heating of

ter, is added to prevent rusting.

After grinding, the barrel is
straightened, the curve at the
breech end first of all being
blended into the ground taper
with emery cloth. Barrel setting

the work which would distort the

skill required.


The most common lubri-

cant is plain water with sufficient

Fig. 18.

or straigh tening was formerly the

work of highly skilled and highly

paid specialists, but improved

mechanical methods have considerably reduced the degree of

The old method is


largely in use, as the



of bending the


Operations on


Fig. 19. Barrel Setting


barrel to overcome the inaccuracies has its limitations. The

principle of the various mechanical devices for straight-

ening are the same. The barrel is supported on two points

on one side, while a single
point is applied under pressure equidistant between these
points on the opposite side of
the barrel, the pressure being
usually applied by means of a

Fig. 20.

of Barrel.



of the
limitations of
this method
are shown in

bend shovJat
will be suc-

cessfully dealt

with, but a
short bend or
kink, as at B,

when the



assume the shape given

at C. The bend shown at D also
presents a difficulty, but is more

at A, will


overcome than the previous one. Great care and judg-


ment are necessary in using this




Fig. 21.

Centre for Ring Test.

Fig. 22. Reflected



method. When a bend is I

met with that cannot be I
treated by the meehani-

method, recourse I
must be taken to the I
older hand method. I

Having located the error

the barrel is placed
across an anvil and is
struck in the required
direction with a copper


For testing the straightness
of the bore, use is


of the

and shade effects on the

smooth interior. One method is
to sight through the barrel on to
a line placed on the glass of a

window. Any curvature in the


flection of this line in the bore

will indicate

a corresponding

lack of accuracy.



but will be eccentric where

any inaccuracy occurs. These reflected rings are obtained by
placing the barrel between two
hollow centres, one of which has

a piece of clear glass secured in

This glass is blacked over with
the exception of a thin ring,



is left

light to


and allows the

pass through to the bore.


Fig. 23. Barrel

delicate test in

Reamering Machine:

use depends on

the reflections of the muzzle


the barrel, which appear

which should
be concentric in a straight barin a series of rings,






Co., Ltd

section of such a centre is

in Fig. 21, and a photograph taken up the bore of a
barrel with the centre inserted
is given in Fig. 22.



Reamering Barrel Hole

of the barrel has
be brought more closely
to the finished dimensions. In
the case of the 0.303 barrel in
question it is reamered to 0.3025
in. This is performed in a ma-

The bore



chine of the type shown in Fig

23. Five barrels are reamered at
a time. They are mounted between centres fixed in the carriage A, which is moved up or
down the bed by the hand-wheel
through the medium of a spur-

the driving shaft gear and

the machine spindle gear. A

thrust bearing is provided at one
end of the spindle and an adjustable ball-bearing at the other.
The spindle nose is fitted with a
spring collet to grip the end of
the reamer, which is tightened
by screwing up nut C. D is the
carriage of the machine with a
set of fixed

bushes E and remov-

able bushes F. These bushes are

clamped by the nut G, which on

being screwed up draws the

plunger H, out of which a semi-

wheel and rack. Feed is obtained

circular piece is cut against the

through the worm-wheel and

worm B, which is disengaged by
the trip lever C and stop D. The
worm shaft is driven through a
pair of skew gears E by the 3speed cone pulleys F and G. The
driving shaft on which the pul-

bush. This also forms a guide




carries five

skew gears, each gear driving a

second gear on the machine
spindles. Referring to Fig. 24,

bush for the reamer. The centres

F are carried in a bracket K,

which is adjustable up and down
the T slot H (Fig. 23) to accommodate different lengths of barrels. It will be evident from the
descriptions and illustrations
that the barrels are drawn over
the reamers, which are revolved
slowly, whilst the barrels do not



and 26.
Types of

A reamer having 7 teeth

spaced unequally is used, a helical nick being cut on it to break

shown at B, which removes from

0.001 in. to 0.002 in. The Continental method of finishing the

up the



chips; this is illustrated

might be remarked
here that in all the tools used on
the bore of the barrel, and whatever the method employed, provision should be made for the accommodation or removal of the
cuttings, as if this is not done it
will be impossible to obtain accurate results, the cuttings
crowding the tools, which disturbs their alignment and destroys the cutting edges. In
America a reamer of the type
at Fig. 25.


shown at A in Fig. 26 is used,

the amount removed being about
0.003 in. to 0.004 in., the bore
being finished by the scraper

is also by a scraping action;

the tool shown at A, Fig. 27, is
the type used. A very efficient
scraper or bit is the one given
at B. It is ground on the four
sides, leaving sharp corners
which scrape the bore to the re-

quired size. About 0.0005 in. is

removed, the bit being packed
with a half-round wood spill A;
any additional packing necessary is obtained by the paper

inserted between the

and bit.

A machine specially

built for this job

by Messrs.

James Archdale &

Co., Ltd., is

illustrated in Fig. 28. The bits,

which are held in a floating
chuck, are revolved slowly
through the medium of a clutch

A on the gear -driven spindles.

These clutches are operated by
two of the treadles shown: the
other treadle B operates the
power traverse. The two push-in
Fig. 27.

Fig. 28.

Scrapers or Bits.


are for disengaging the

to enable the slide to

power feed

for Finish-boring the Barrel: J.



Co., Ltd.


be wound back by the handwheel. The power traverse is operated through the medium of
the shaft D driven by a belt off
the main driving shaft, which is
equipped with a 3-speed pulley
as shown. The breech ends of the
barrels are clamped in brackets

on the slide by the hand-screws

E. The muzzle ends rest in halfround recesses cut in the brackets F.

Rifling and Lapping

the Barrel
Rifling, the next operation to
be performed. Is one of the most
delicate to be encountered in the
machining of the barrel. The dimensions and limits imposed are
given in Fig. 29. It will be noticed
that the grooves to be machined
are 0.0936 in. wide and 0.005
in. deep. These grooves are cut



and carries the cutter D. This

cutter is about 1/8 in. thick, and

is shaped at E to produce the
form of the rifling; the cutting
is at F. The space at G Is to
accommodate the cutting chip,
which is in the form of a long


shaving the length of the barrel,

that coils up in this space. The
shaving must be removed at the
end of each cut. Each groove requires about 6 cuts to be made
on it, as the cutter takes approxi-

mately 0.001


in. at

each cut.

the barrel has



necessary to cut the five grooves, the

cutter is fed out 0.001 in. by the
being screwed outwards,
the cutter is then forced up the
sloping face K in the cutter box
by the spring L. Pratt & Whitney
rifling machines are used, the
details of which are given in Figs.
single revolution,


Fig. 30. Detail of Rifling Cutter.

31 and 32. The same reference

used in these illustrations. The cutter bar mentioned
above is held in a clutch A carletters are

by the sliding head B; this

head is alternately moved up:
and down the bed by a horizontal screw C, the rotations of
which are reversed at end of each
travel of the head by open and
cross belts. The chuck spindle
carries a spur gear which enried

gages with a rack secured to the

underside of the cross-slide D.
On the top of this cross-slide
there is a roller which fits in a
groove made in the underside of
the swivel arm E. As the head B
travels along the bed the roller
moves along the groove in the
arm E which is set at the required angle, and therefore the
cross-slide D is constrained to
move in a lateral direction, thus
rotating a chuck spindle and giving the cutter the required lead.
Different leads of grooves are
made by setting the arm E to
graduations on the quadrant F
and then clamping it in position.
After the cutter has passed

through the five grooves the

square end of the rod H, Fig. 30,
enters a square hole in the
bracket L the spindle is given a
slight turn as the rod enters the
hole when the barrel has been
turned once. This is effected by
a lug on the index disc G coming
into contact with suitable
mechanism at each revolution of
the barrel chuck. The barrel is
chucked in the arrangement
shown in Fig. 33. The Knox form
at the breech end fits in a hardened steel bush K and is clamped
by a set screw L. A bush slides

over the muzzle end and fits in

the hollow spindle N. Keyed to
this spindle there is a gear O
meshing with a rack P, which, at
the end of each stroke of the cut-

revolves the spindle an

amount sufficient to cut the next


groove. Also keyed to the spindle

an index disc G with five

grooves in it. A plunger Q enters
these grooves and locates the
spindle for cutting the rifling
grooves. This plunger is lifted for
indexing by the special cam R.
After rifling, the barrel has

Fig. 31. Pratt




Fig. 32. Detail of


& Whitney

Rifling Machine.

to be lapped, an operation in which

great care must be
used, as unlimited


lapping will enlarge

the bore and render it useless. Two
lapping operations
are necessary, one
to finish the diameter across the
lands of the rifling



and one







the bottom of the

rifling grooves. For
the first a rotary
lap is used, and for
the latter a special
draw lap is necessaiy. These operations are termed
draw" lapping re-

spectively. In cylin-


der lapping the lap

consists of a wire,

one end of which is

held in a chuck,
lead lap which
long being cast on
the other end. The wire is twisted
to afford a better grip on the lead.

about 8


Fig. 33.

Section of

Chucking Arrange*
ment, Pratt & Whitney
Rifling Machine.

barrel In which is in-

This lap is given a reciprocating motion

serted a cutter the

same width as the
lands and adjusted
a little deeper. An
idea of this device

up and down the



is sta-

tionary, at the


time the lap is revolved at about 200

to 300 revolutions

per minute. Draw

lapping is accomplished by means of

may be gathered
Fig. 35. The
laps are used with a
mixture of emery

Fig. 34.


and oil. The illustration (Fig. 36) shows

a machine made by
lap, the difference
Rifling Grooves.
Greenwood & Barbeing that grooves
ley, of Leeds, for draw lapping. A
are cut in the lead the same pitch
as the rifling and deep enough reciprocating motion is given to
the slide A by means of a rocker
to clear the lands. Across section

a somewhat


through Barrel
showing Lap in
Position for Lapping

of a barrel with lap in position

Fig. 34. To
make the lap the twisted end of
the wire is placed in the barrel
with tow wrapped round it to
form a stopping, molten lead is
then poured in the barrel and
sets in the grooves of the rifling.
The lap is relieved to clear the

would appear as

lands by drawing


through a

A connecting rod C transmits

the motion from a similar rocker
in the bottom of the machine,
which is given the necessary
movement by means of a crank

motion which

is transmitted
from the driving-wheel, seen at
the side of the machine, by gears.
Five barrels are lapped at a time;
the muzzle ends resting in coni-


Fig 36.


Lapping Machine:

Greenwood &
Batley, Ltd.

cal recesses in a




breech ends are

clamped down by

E and
shown, a

the plates


spring being fitted

under each plate.

The laps are held
in the chucks F.



spindle has a gear-

wheel on



meshes with

gear encircling the
former G, the latter having a groove
in it the same
pitch as the rifling.
For cylinder lapping the fixed
former is replaced
by a rotating shaft,
transmitting the
rotation through

the gear to the

chuck spindles.
The same principles are used in the horizontal

shown in Fig.
made by James Archdale &

in its travel rotates the former

machine and

lapping machine

at the side of the


revolves the laps through gears

on chucks A. The same method
of conversion for cylinder lapping

Co. In this case the laps are

passed through the barrel and
are held at each end in chucks
A and B at the ends of the bed.


important difference on this


is that the barrels are

given the reciprocating motion,
but a very similar crank motion
is used to move the slide, which


possible as that on the machine previously mentioned.


Screwing and Chambering

The barrel has next to be
screwed on the breech end. To
prepare it for screwing, the


Fig. 38.

Capstan Lathe for Breech End:

and can be pushed

back by hand to the rear of the
machine to enable the barrel to
be withdrawn. The turret is locross-slide,






end of the barrel

Co., Ltd.

to length.

It is

turned to the correct diameter by

the box-tool B, tool D chamfering the corner at the same time.


The hollow


C then


the diameter and the face of the

shoulder. A recess is formed for
the end of the thread to run into
by the cutter E, mounted on an
arm pivoted at the rear of the
bed. This arm is held against a

cam F rotated off the headstock,

the result being a groove round
the barrel corresponding to the
shape of the cam. This arrangement will be clearly seen on the
machine in Fig. 38. The barrel is
held in a chuck very similar to
the type used on the machine for
thread-milling the breech. The
arrangement of this chuck is

to the barrel. During this

tightening the breech of the barrel butts up against an adjustable stop secured to the front of

the headstock. A hardened plug

enters the muzzle end, which is
guided during insertion by the
internal taper at G. The hardis
ened and ground spindle
carried in adjustable phosphor-

bronze bushes, and has the

guide-thread cut on it at /, which
passes through a phosphorbronze nut, also adjustable for
wear. To the spindle is keyed a
hand -wheel K which has four recesses in the base. These re-

Fig. 40.

Section through

Work-head of
Thread Milling Machine.

seen in Fig. 40. The barrel is held

by the Knox form in four split
jaws A fitting in a coned recess
in the bar B. The rear end of this
bar is screwed into a sliding piece
C actuated by the screw D and
hand-wheel E. It will be obvious


the handturned the

coned face at the
front end of B, sliding
over the split jaws,



will tighten

them on

Fig. 41. Thread

Milling Machine:





cesses engage in a lug on a bar

L, which is held in the position
shown to prevent the spindle
turning whilst the chuck is being tightened. A driving wormwheel for revolving the spindle is
also secured to the spindle and

Fig. 42.


Chambering Machine: Greenwood &

rotated through the




mounted in an eccentric sleeve, and is brought

into engagement with the worm-



wheel by a quarter-turn of the

handle A (Fig. 41).
After the thread has been
sized the bore at the breech end
has to be enlarged and machined
to take the cartridge. It is very

important that the axis of the

cartridge chamber be coincident
with that of the bore, therefore
care must be taken in machining, and an efficient and accurate machine must be used.
Machines with several tool-holders are necessary for this work,
so those of the capstan type are
used. Capstans of the orthodox
type - that is, those in which the
axis of the capstan is at right
angles to the spindle and bed no matter how carefully they are
made, will develop little inaccuracies which would be fatal to the


42 illustrates the kind of machine used.

It is made by Greenwood &
Batley, Ltd. The axis of the tool

to. Fig.

Batley, Ltd.

spindles is in alignment with the

hollow work spindle and barrel.

These spindles, of which there

are eight, are fed forward by
means of the large capstan
shown. The spindles are carried
in a revolving cage which is indexed round by the lever A and
located by a plunger operated by
lever B. The cage revolves in a
head which is bolted securely to
the bed of the machine, and is
not moved during cutting. The
barrel is held in a chuck very
similar to the one described for

the screwing, and is passed

through the hollow spindle C.

The work-head is pivoted at D,

and the front end is raised to enable the barrel to be withdrawn
by a cam-lever B. In the chambering machine made by Pratt &
Whitney the muzzle end of the
held in a spring collet




in the spindle nose, the

spindle head being an integral

part of the bed. The Knox form
rests in a semicircular steady.
The type of machine used on the



illustrated in Fig.


Fig. 43.

Type of



tools are held loosely in

a square hole in the bracket

on the tool-slide; a full floating
effect is thus obtained. The cutters for roughing out the chamber are shown in Fig. 44. Cutter
A is for roughing the taper of the

cartridge case, B roughing for the

neck of the ease, C reamers for
the neck, and D the taper; E

reamers the bullet lead. The

chamber is finished by hand by
the reamers


in Fig. 45.

Reamers A and B finish the taper

of the ease



small radius
at the com-






of fhe neck.

C reamers
the neck and

O and E fin-

ish the bullet lead.




small radius
on the corner f the

for putting



| yyy%\

chamber. All




are used in a

and are proFig. 44.

on the



Fig. 45.

Reamering Cartridge

vided with adjustable stops

which gauge from the face of
the breech. Tools C, D and E
run in bushes which fit the
taper of the chamber. The
finished dimensions of the

chamber are shown at Fig.

46. Previous to the finishreamering of the chamber
several minor machining operations have to be performed.

Minor Operations
The groove

for the ex-

has to be cut and the

flat on the Knox form is
milled and then ground in


machine shown in Fig

The keying for fixing the

front sight block is slotmilled in an Archdale vertical slot

miller. The flat is ground with a

cup wheel which




a reciprocating slide, the motion

being produced by a crank disc
driven by a 'worm. The back sight
is then fitted to the barrel and
the hole for the spring screw is

an operation calling for

comment. The front sight


block is next fitted, after the inner band is put on. The fixing

pin-holes in the back sight bed

and front sight block are drilled
in a horizontal 2-spindle drill of
the same type as illustrated in
Fig. 2. The barrel is mounted in
a jig secured to a baseplate
bolted to the bed of the machine
between the spindles. This machine is also used for drilling the
axis pin-hole in the sight bed for
the sight leaf. The position of the
sight block and bed are gauged

Fig. 46. Details of Cartridge


Fig. 47.


for grinding Flat

on the Knox Form:






Fig. 49.

Nosing Tool
for Barrel.

by a special jig shown in

Fig. 48.

A taper plug entering the chamand a parallel one the

muzzle end, support the barrel,
and a cam-operated plunger A



in position

Fig. 50.


Gauge for


and locates


from the flat on the Knox form.

The spring plungers B and C, a
push fit in the brackets, gauge
the back sight bed and front
sight block respectively. A locating piece on plunger B enters be-

tween the ramps on the sight

bed. On plunger C the locating
piece is cut to fit on the sides of
the front sight block.
At this stage the barrel is
proved, together with the action.
It is then stripped, and the barrel is prepared and then
browned. The proof and browning will be further dealt with in
separate sections. The barrel is
cleaned and the muzzle end is
radiused or nosed"; the cutter
shown in Fig. 49 is used in a
similar type machine to that
used for facing, the difference
being that it has one head only.
Instead of two. The body that has
already been fitted to a barrel is
now screwed to the same barrel,
the fore sight is fitted to the sight
block, and the back sight leaf
and spring are assembled to the
bed on the barrel. The ramps of
the sight bed have to be corrected to bring the sight leaf to


the exact height necessary for

the various ranges. This is performed by filing the ramps at
various points along their length
that correspond with settings of
the sight slide to give elevations.
These elevations are checked by
means of a special surface gauge
shown at A in Fig. 50. This gauge
has steps on it, each step representing a different elevation of
the sight slide. The barrel is supported by a plug entering the
cartridge chamber and another
the muzzle; the surface gauge is
used on the bed of the fixture.


fixture illustrated in Fig.


viewing or needling"; the

accurately fitting spring plunger
B has-a flattened needle at its
lower end; on the plunger being
depressed, the needle should
enter the U on the sight wind
gauge. The exact figure of the
ramps is also tested with a special surface gauge.
is for

Reaming, and Straightening

Rifle Barrels


W. H. A,

Machinery Magazine

making experts in genconcede that the most difficult part of a rifle to make is the
barrel. A rifle with a barrel which
is untrue Is worthless; hence, the
greatest care in manufacture is
necessary in order to ensure that
this portion be as nearly correct
as it is possible to make it.
Should the interior of a barrel be
out of alignment, the rifle would
be unreliable and could not be
depended upon to give accurate





under all conditions.

can readily be seen from


the foregoing that gun barrel

making is a business in itself. As
a matter of fact, there are factories where only gun barrels are

manufactured and where no

other gun parts are made, although there are no factories
making other gun parts (except
sights) exclusively. All the important operations on the barrel are
carried on in the barrel depart-


Fig. 1.

Cutting Off Stock for Rifle Barrels.

ment, although some of the minor operations are performed in

other parts of the factory. The
operations done in the barrel department are: cutting off the
stock, outside straightening,
centring, drilling, spotting, turning, reaming, straightening,
grinding, finish-reaming, rifling,
etc. All these operations are important and must be done correctly or else the barrel will never
make. Threading, sight-seat
milling, slot-cutting, rifling, pol-

ishing, browning,

and other op-

erations, as well as proving


der powder tests, are done in departments not connected with

the barrel department proper.

Rifle Barrel Material

While rifle barrels were for-

merly made of mild steel exclusively, the




a much
owing to
the more exacting requirements
of the modern powders as contrasted with the strength needed
when only black powder was
used as an explosive. Thus the
nickel steel barrel has come to
the front and no modern military
rifle barrels are made of mild
steel at present. The stock from
which the barrels are made usurifle




tougher grade of





to the factory in long

bars which vary in length and

diameter according to the style
of barrel to be manufactured.
The general specifications for
rifle barrel steel at the present
day are: carbon, 0.50; manganese, 1.00; silicon, 0.30; phosphorus under 0.015; sulphur,

under 0.015.

Cutting Off Stock

The first operation



the bars are subjected is cutting

off, the bars being placed two or
three at a time in a cutting off
machine which is supplied with
a gang of circular saws. Fig. 1

shows an arrangement for cutting off rifle barrels to their

proper length, due allowance
being made on the length to provide for errors that may be made
in machining. This is a multiple
saw of the Hlgley type, having
blades 12-1/2 inches in diameter and 9/32 inch thick. The
bars are clamped in place and
are fed directly against the teeth
of the revolving saws, the feed of
the work being 5/8 inch per
minute and the speed of the
blades 10 r.p.m., which is
equivalent to a cutting speed of
32 feet per minute. By means of
a pump, a stream of oil is constantly directed on to the saws
while the cutting operation is in
progress, thus keeping them
properly lubricated during the
cutting-off operation. It is possible to arrange the saws so that
barrels of various lengths can be
cut off at the same time. A gang
of eleven saws can be easily
tended by one man with a helper.

Upsetting the Stock

After the stock has been cut
into the proper lengths for bar-

upset at the breech end

it to the correct
shape, after which it is ready for
annealing. Two methods are
used in upsetting the stock, viz.,
forging in a regular forging machine and a process of rolling.
rels, it is

in order to bring

In the factories where the barrel

lengths are forged, the ram of the

machine thickens and forms tile

butt of the barrel while the barrel is held lengthwise between
two split dies. When the barrels
are shaped by rolling, a pair of
rolls is employed, these rolls having about six sets of various sized
grooves, which are deep at the
beginning and diminish as they
progress round the rolls. As the
deep cavity of the first groove in
the roll comes round to the operator, he thrusts the end of the
barrel stock into it and partially
shapes it. By following this procedure with each set of grooves
successively, the barrel


to its

is finally

proper shape.

Annealing Barrels
After the barrels have been
upset they are taken to the annealing furnace, where they are
slowly heated to the critical temperature, which is dependent on
the grade of steel being treated.
They are then removed, packed
in lime and allowed to cool

Outside Straightening
Before the barrels are sent
machines, they are
looked over by a workman and
any that are crooked on the outside are straightened by him.
This process is called outside
straightening," and while it is
important, it does not necessarily require an expert workman,
as anyone of ordinary intelligence can learn to do it in a short
time. If the straightening were
improperly done and the barrels
to the drilling


Fig. 2.

Butt Turning Breech End of

on Shaving Machine.



to the drilling



a crooked condition, the result

would be that the drills, in passing through the stock, would
come out at one side instead of
in the centre, or that the walls
of the barrel would be thick in
some places and thin in others.
Either of these conditions might
result in disaster when the barrel was turned down to its proper
size and shape in the turning
lathe. In other words, a barrel
which is not properly straightened on the outside might not
make in the subsequent operations.

may not happen it is

absolutely necessary that the
drills used be perfect, both as to

that this

Butt Turning
After annealing, the barrels
are taken to the butt-turning
machine as indicated in Fig. 2.
In this operation, the barrel is
placed through the spindle of a
shaving machine and the butt
end held in a split chuck while

the end is turned

made ready for the

down and
drilling op-

erations. Some factories also

centre the butt end in order that
the drill may enter the stock directly in the centre when the
drilling operation is started,

while in other factories no




gauge and cutting capacity. The

man who keeps the drills in
proper condition, although he
may not operate the machine, is
called the driller, and he must
be a man having more than ordinary skill and intelligence.
Highly skilled drillers who keep
the drills in first-class condition
are difficult to find.
Two types of drilling machines - horizontal and vertical
- are in use today. One of the
larger companies uses a vertical
drilling press for barrel drilling,

which was, perhaps,

Drilling Rifle Barrels
The drilling of a rifle barrel
is an especially important operation for the reason that if a barrel is not properly drilled, it al-

most invariably finds




the scrap heap. In order, then.


until re-

cently, the most-perfect press of



and which



tured at the factory where it is

used. These drilling machines

have several secret attachments

connected with them not found

on other

styles of drill presses.

Fig. 3. Rolling in Drill


Groove on Planer with Special







consisting of a series of reservoirs holding many hundreds of

gallons of oil which is forced by
pumps of high pressure through
the whole drilling system. The

pumps connected

with this oil

system develop pressure of 800
lbs. or more, by which the oil is
kept in constant circulation,
passing through each drill and
finally back to the great central
reservoir in the basement. The
drill chips which come from the
centre of the barrel are automatically carried out by the flow of
oil and deposited in receptacles
which are connected with the

One of these attachments is a

motor contrivance by which the
drills can be speeded up from
1300 revolutions per minute to
3000 without necessitating a
change of belting. When drilling

drilling system.

Gun barrel drilling is a difficult operation

on account of the

nickel steel barrels, or 0.45 carsteel, the speed at which the



are run


about 1 760 revo-

lutions. For soft steel barrels,

however, the highest speed obtained is about 3000 revolutions.

The time necessary for drilling a

high-grade steel barrel is from

forty-five to sixty- five minutes,
while the maximum speed at
which soft steel barrels are
turned out is about twenty minutes, according to the length of
the barrel.

Under the

presses at
basement, an


this factory, in the

Gauging Accuracy of
Barrel after Reaming.

Fig. 4.



Fig. 5. Pratt

& Whitney Gun

extreme length of the hole as

compared with the diameter of
the drill and also because of the
toughness of the steel in which
the drilling must be done. In either horizontal or vertical drilling machines, the barrels are revolved and the drills held stationary. The vertical machines are a

more recent development and

have several

are considered to
advantages over the horizontal

such as reduced floor

space and better removal of


The horizontal type


machines is best known and willtherefore be described here. Fig.

5 shows a Pratt & Whitney gun
barrel drilling machine, while
Fig. 6 shows a closer view of the
work on the machine.
On this type of machine, two
barrels are drilled simultaneously, there being two
spindles, each of which is driven

Barrel Drilling Machine.

independently from an overhead

belt. Beneath the spindles are
worm-gears that carry motion to
the lead- screws outside the two
walls of the machine. These leadscrews can be seen in Fig, 6, and
from each of these screws the
corresponding carriage is operated.


feed of the carriages

may be engaged

or disengaged

by hand-levers, and the disengagement is also automatically

effected by a set of stops, as
shown in Fig. 5. The rate of speed
on a gun barrel drill depends on
the quality of the steel which is
being drilled. The barrels are
usually drilled at a speed of
about 1760 revolutions, as previously mentioned, and the rate
of feed is about one inch per
minute, which is about the maximum rate. The method of driving the barrel is by a contact on
the muzzle end against the cen-

Fig. 6.


View of


tre of the spindle, while the other



supported in a bushing as

indicated in Fig. 6. The pump

pressure, by means of which the
oil is circulated through the drill
when drilling, is of great importance, as this pressure must be
sufficient to work out the chips
along the passage provided for
them so that they will not clog
or cause other trouble. The
shank of the drill rod is securely
fastened in the chuck on the drill
carriage at the end of the machine, while the tip or cutting
end of the drill passes through a
bushing at the centre of the machine.

Shape of Drills
The shape

of the drills used

the large manufacturing
concerns is practically the same.
The shank to which the drill tip
is brazed is the same shape as
the drill, that is, half round, with
a deep groove running from one
end to the other, and having a



crescent shaped hole which

passes completely through the

shank and

drill tip.

The method

by which the groove in the shank

is obtained is by placing the
shank, which is a round thinwalled tube, in a special fixture
and rolling in the groove under
the pressure of a revolving wheel
as shown in the illustration; Fig.
3. This roll is forced down on the
tube as the planer bed travels,
thus compressing the metal and
forcing it to take the form shown.
The method of obtaining the
crescent shaped hole in the drill
tip is not the same as that employed on the shank. This tip is
from 3 - 1 /2 to 4 inches in length
and is made of the best grade of

high-speed steel. It is drilled

through the centre in its rough
state before it is shaped up, the
hole extending from end to end.
The tip is then placed in a die
and drop-forged to produce the
groove from end to end in the tip.
The displacement of the metal
caused by forging in the groove
causes the round hole to become
crescent shaped. The tip is then
shaped up and brazed to the end
of the shank, after which the
cutting end



to its





Fig. 7. Jig for

Filling Drill

Tip and



proper shape by the operator,

The method of forming the end
of the drill tip and its tube is
shown in Fig. 7, which represents a filing jig, in which the
shank and tip are filed to correspond to the angular surfaces on
the jig.
In grinding the drill tip, the
practice varies somewhat in different factories, some claiming
drill should be ground
below centre so as to drill
las it is called) for a wire, while
others believe in grinding-the

that the




centre in the

usual man-

Fig. 8.

Samples of
Turning and
Drilling Chips

and a Disc A
removed when
drilling for a



When, drilling for a wire,

a slender thread of steel is left
at the centre of the barrel, and
when the end of the drilling is
reached a disc like that shown
at A in Fig. 8 drops out. Care
should be taken in the amount
of feed used on the drill so that
the chips may come out in such
a way that they will be readily
carried out through the groove
in the drill shank without any

tendency to clog. It is much better to have the chips like those



in the illustration,

which are fine and can be reduced to powder between the fingers, than to have them long as
shown at C, for the reason mentioned.

Medium grade

oil is


used in drilling barrels,

although some manufacturers
use a high grade of oil. It has
been found, however, that the
medium grade answers the purerally

pose Just as well as the higher




is stated

by some

some shipments, part of the

stock will run good while other
portions will create trouble from
the cutting-off process to the finished article. Soft and hard spots
will be found in the stock and
the drilling is therefore much
handicapped, while the other
processes such as straightening,
reaming, grinding, etc., are also
interfered with. In the working


of such stock,


inferior ar-

be produced on

manufacturers that even better

ticle is likely to

results are obtained by its use.

To obtain the best results in

account of the variable conditions under which the work Is


drilling rifle barrels, either of the

military or sporting type, the very

best judgment



When the drills are over-speeded

or crowded, the result is a barrel defaced with drill rings and
gouges from one end to the other.
In addition, the operations which
follow the drilling are retarded by
attempts to save the barrels from
the scrap heap. Judgment must
therefore be used so that the
drilling machines are manipulated in such a way as to produce the greatest amount of good
work possible without overspeeding.

Varying Qualities of Steel

The quality of steel used in

barrels has a far-reaching

on the drilling processes,

and brands of steel which may
have been perfectly satisfactory


one time are often the cause

of trouble at others. Single lots

delivered at factories sometimes

contain such variable qualities
of steel that the greatest difficulty is experienced in working
the stock up into barrels. Thus,

Reaming the


reaming operation

usually comes Just after drilling,

but this is not always so, as some
factories turn the barrel both
before and after reaming. The
tendency to-day is to do away
with as many operations as possible and at the same time obtain the best results. Instead of
using a medium or low grade of
oil in the reaming operations, the
highest grade of lard oil is used.
The steel used for the reamers
varies, a veiy excellent grade for
this purpose being the Gold Label Styrlan brand. The reamers
used in this operation are fluted,
and at the works of the American Gun Barrel Mfg. Co. a double

reamer has been used with

remarkable success. This reamer
removes as much in one cut as
was formerly taken in two. The
construction of the reamer is
such that it is smaller near the
shank than it is at the other end,
the part toward the shank being
so proportioned that it will re35

Fig. 9. Pratt

& Whitney Reaming Machine.

move about 0.005 inch

at one
second or finishing section removes 0.002 inch.
cut, while the


illustration of a Pratt


Whitney gun barrel reaming

machine is shown in Fig. 9. An
enlarged view is shown in Fig.
10. The reamers are pulled
through the work instead of
pushed, as in drilling. The cutting edges of the first section of
a double reamer are notched at

regular intervals in order that

the stock which is cut out of the
barrel will not clog the cutting
edges and cause the tube to
ring. Ringing a barrel means

Fig. 10.


that under certain conditions a

reamer drill or boring tool cuts a
deep circular hole below the
otherwise level inside surface,
thus causing a serious defect.
The first section of a double
fluted reamer contains only onehalf the cutting edges of the second half. Reamers are not hollow like drills, and instead of the
oil passing through the centre of
the reamer, it flows through the
reamer shank into the barrel.
The reamers do not revolve at the
high rate of speed at which the

barrels revolve while being

drilled, but the operation of

Enlarged View of Reaming Machine shown in

Fig. 9.


and are held by the butts while

quicker than that of drilling, because the feed is greater. Six

the reamer shanks are run

through the barrels by sliding
the carriages which contain the
oil pans towards the head of the
machine. The reamers are then
fastened on the ends of the
shank and the oil-pan slides run
back until the cutting edges of
the reamer come in contact with
the barrels, after which the machine is started. The reaming
speed for 0.303 calibre is about
200 r.p.m, and the feed is about
4 inches a minute. As a general
thing, the roughing reamer has





& Whitney



reaming ma-

take care of the out-

put of ten drilling machines.

Each reaming machine holds two
barrels, and one man is required
to run from two to three machines, while two men can run
ten drilling machines.
The general construction of
the Pratt & Whitney reaming



be understood by

referring to Figs. 9




drive is by a single pulley

through gearing and a leadscrew, and a worm and bevel
gears drive the two feed-rods.
From these feed-rods the carriages are driven by bevel pinions and thrown out of gear by
means of adjustable dogs. The
head end of the machine is
shown in Fig. 9 and reveals the
bevel gears mentioned, together
with some of the other details.
In reaming, the barrels are
clamped in the centre of a long

pan shown in the illustration.

four flutes, while the finishing

reamer has six. It is very important to keep the reamers in firstclass condition if good work is
expected, and the services of a
skilled mechanic are therefore
required for this purpose. Close
watch is required, and the leeway allowed on finish-reaming is
very small. An error of 0.00025
inch is sometimes sufficient to
send the barrel to the scrapheap, providing the hole is that
amount too large. The final or


finish-reaming operation is done

by practically the same method
as that just described. Closer

work and more



manship, however, are required

on the finishing cuts than on the

inasmuch as practically
no leeway is allowed. On the finfirst cut,

ish cut


interior imperfections

must be removed and the inside

walls of the barrel must be made
as clean and bright as the polished surface of a looking-glass,
lest the keen-eyed inspector may
discern some slight defect which
would cause rejection of the barrel. Fig. 1 1 shows a group of
drills and reamers used in the
operations just described.

Reaming Gauges
The gauges used for the
reaming operation are round and
have a very slight taper. They are
marked at intervals by fine lines
which completely encircle them,
and which indicate


parts of a thousandth of an inch.

On account of the closeness of


work demanded, these

Fig. 12.

Centre of
Barrel before


gauges are changed from time



in the larger


and more

important small-arms factories

they are taken up weekly in order to discover and remedy any
inaccuracies. The manner in
which the reaming gauge is used
is clearly indicated in Fig. 4,

which shows an operator testing

the accuracy of a barrel that has
just been reamed.

Forming and
Turning Barrels
After the reaming operation,
are taken to a turnthe
ing lathe where they are spotted
in the centre preparatory to putting them on the barrel turning
lathe. Spotting means that a
cut is taken in the centre of the
1 inch in length and
diameter to which the outside of the barrel is to be first
turned. The centre-rests on the
barrel turning lathe are brought
up against this spotted centre
while the turning processes are
in progress. The operation of

barrel about
to the


is clearly


in Fig.

Fig. 13.

Turning and


12. In turning the barrel after the

spotting operation, the butt end
is held by a dog while the muzzle
is fitted to a centre plug and the
rest at the centre of the barrel
steadies it as indicated in Fig. 13.
The two tool carriages, each of
which carries a cutting tool, are


adjusted and each tool is

same time on the
barrel, one at the muzzle and the
other at the spotted centre porstarted at the

tion. The tool carriages feed toward the butt end of the barrel
and remove about one-eighth

inch of stock during the turning

operation. Over each cutting
tool, a flexible hose is adjusted,
through which a stream of soda
water and oil is directed onto the
cutting edge of the tool, lubricating and cooling it at the same

Another stream of


cant plays on the muzzle as it

revolves on the centre. Automatic adjustable knock-offs are
provided so that when the two
tools have reached the limit of
the cut the feet are knocked off.

Forming Barrels
All rifle barrels are

not of the

same shape, although

barrels of today are very similar.
Thus in barrel turning the turning lathe is equipped with formers of various shapes which conform in outline to the shape of
the barrel to be turned. Fig. 14

shows a group of these forming

which are adjusted at the
back of the lathe in such a manplates,

ner as to act as guides for the

tool carriage. In the majority of

cases, the lathes used in these

forming operations are equipped

with two carriages as mentioned,

although in some factories four

more cutting

tools are


in order to increase the production as far as possible. The operation of turning and forming
the barrels is clearly shown in

As a general thing, about

one-eighth inch is taken off from
Fig. 13.

a barrel at one cut, and about

minutes is the average
time required for turning. It
must be understood that nice


Fig. 14.

Forming Plates used


Barrel Shapes.


is required in this operaas the exterior surface of

the barrel must be put in the
best condition possible for the
grinding operation. Grooves of
any depth are not permissible,
and the turned surface must not


show roughness to any extent.

The cutting lubricant used for
the turning and forming operation is generally a composition

soda water, although some of

the compounds on the market
are often used as a turning lubricant. The speed of turning
varies from 450 to 500 revolutions per minute and the rate of

feed is about one inch per

minute. It is of the greatest importance that the cutting tools
used in turning should be very
sharp, for there is nothing that
will crook a rifle barrel more easily than dull cutting tools.
Oftentimes the barrels are
sprung through the use of dull
cutting tools, so that when the
barrel straightener has made the
inside of the barrel straight and
true, it is found that the outside

badly crooked and entirely out

of shape.

Straightening Barrels
The straightening of the barrels is


to require the

greatest skill of any operation in

the manufacture of rifle barrels

writer of this article has

As the

spent nearly a third of a century

in the occupation of straightening barrels, and as there has
probably never been a comprehensive article written on this
subject before, the operation will

be treated exhaustively here in

the hope that a real understanding of the method of rifle barrel
straightening may be conveyed
to the minds of the readers.



requirement for a

barrel straightener is the

keenest and most perfect eyesight; in fact, there must be positively no defect of any kind in the
eye. One of the most peculiar features in connection with this is
that no one knows whether or
not his eyesight is sufficiently
perfect for this line of work until
he has tried to straighten rifle
barrels. Young men who have
supposed their eyesight to be


and who have never suf-

fered from eye trouble of any

kind, have endeavoured to learn
the art of rifle barrel straightening and have found that within
a short time their sight has
greatly deteriorated, so that they
have been obliged to withdraw
from the work in order to preserve their eyesight.
It is not generally known
that but one eye is trained in the
art of barrel straightening, and
in the writers long experience as
a straightener he has met but
one person who could straighten
barrels by using either eye. To
the average straightener, the Inside of a rifle barrel looks as
strange to his untrained eye as

does to a

man who


not a

straightener, and in order to

straighten barrels by using the
untrained eye time would be required in which to train it to do
the work. Despite the fact that
only one eye is used in the
straightening process, the barrel straightener never squints
either eye, but views the interior
of the barrel with his trained eye
while both eyes are wide open.
It is

amusing to a barrel straight-

ener to see a person squint one

eye in order to look through a
rifle barrel. In connection with
the straightening of rifle barrels,
it should be said that there is no
one living who cars tell by the
glance of an eye through the interior of a rifle barrel whether or
not the barrel is true so well as
a straightener. The barrel
straightener also learns by constant practice and training just
how much can or cannot be done
to a barrel.

In straightening a rifle barthe three important tools required are a shade, a straightrel,

ening block, and a hammer. The

best light possible must be provided in order to produce the
best results. Straightening
shades should be placed in windows having northern exposure
which ensures a steady light all
day long and eliminates those
shadows that fall across the
shade from surrounding objects
when other exposures are used.




for rifle

barrel straightening is that in

which the window shade consists of a ground glass window
pane, one half the size of a window, and fitted into the upper
half of the sash. Across this
ground glass pane, about in the
centre, a stick is fixed horizontally. This stick varies in thickness according to the distance of
the straightening block from the
shade. Thus, if the block is lo-

cated a considerable distance

from the shade, a heavier stick
is used than if the block is near
the shade. At a distance of about
twenty feet, the stick would be
one-half inch in thickness in order to produce the necessary
shade result in the barrel, as it
is the shadow or shadows cast


this stick

on each side of the

which indi-

interior of the barrel

cate to the straightener whether

or not the surface of the barrel
is true and straight. Sometimes
two sticks are fixed across a

shade, one heavier than the

other. This Is in order that a
heavy or a fine shadow may be
used, according to the preference

Fig. 15.

Appearance of
Defects in
Rifle Barrels.


of the straightener.

The shadows on the inside

one on each side of the in-

of the barrel are two thin,


terior surface of the barrel



below the centre of the

bore as indicated in Fig. 1 5 at B.

lines extend from the ends
of the barrel nearest the shade
to and slightly beyond the cen-


which the shadows diffuse somewhat. To one unfamiliar with the interior of a barrel,

tre, after

the lines appear to extend back

from the ends of the barrel only
an inch or two, and practice is
necessary in order to familiarize
the eye with their appearance.
Now, if these lines run
straight, as


at B,



cates that the end of the barrel

where they are located


However, should they

diverge from a straight line and
zigzag in various directions as
the barrel is revolved by hand.


as shown at A, it indicates that

there are crooks in the barrel.
When the appearance of these
lines is anything but straight, the
straightener is obliged to use his
skill in overcoming the defects,
and when the shadows are fi-

made to run straight on one

end of the barrel the other end
can be treated in like manner.
When the shadows run straight
on both ends, the barrel may be
considered as being straight
from one end to the other in its

entire length.

The straightening block

shown in Fig. 16 consists of a
heavy base on which are fastened two narrow steel dies
which converge at the left side
of the operator. These dies are
about 1/2 inch in width and of
hardened steel, in order to withstand the severe service to which
they are put. The object of locating them in vee form is in order

Fig. 16.

Straightening Rifle

that the spot in the barrel where

a long crook is indicated by the
shadows may be so placed that
it will come about right on the
dies. The reason for this is that
the barrel must be straightened
for a long distance when a long

crook is encountered, and for

only a short distance when the
crook is short and sharp. The
barrel is placed on these dies,
while it is struck directly between them at a spot nearest the
centre where the first crook is
located. The hammers used in
straightening average about
5-1/2 lbs. in weight and are of
mallet shape. Those used for

a barrel,
struck at just the right
place and with just the proper
weight of blow, the crooks will
nicety. In straightening
if it is

be eliminated, and the straightener can go ahead to the next

defect, working always away
from the centre of the barrel to-

wards the end.

It is

absolutely necessary


that the middle crook be eliminated before the next one can be
operated upon successfully. In
other words, each crook must be
got out in its turn, beginning at
the centre of the barrel and
working towards the end farthest
from the operator. There are several methods of shading by
means of which barrels are
straightened, but the method
which this article describes is
one which is recognized as be-

The copper hammers are to

be preferred, because of their
greater durability, and also on
account of the greater sensitiveness which the copper hammer

ing the most advanced. The

shadows in a crooked barrel approach each other from each side
of the interior of the barrel in
places and diverge in other

gives, permitting the straight-


rough-straightening, prior to the

turning operation, but after drilling, are of steel, while those used
after turning are of copper or

ener to gauge his blow to a

The point at which the

shadows approach each other is

the proper place for the hammer

blow to be struck, directly between the lines. If the blow falls
Just right, the line will spread
and run true at that point, which
will indicate that that particular
crook has been eliminated. A
little farther on In the barrel it
will probably be found that the

from each
important that
the barrel should never be struck
at this spot, for a blow between
the diverging lines would cause
them to diverge still more, which
would mean that the crook
would be intensified By spinning
the barrel round between the
hands in the upright rest which
is fixed adjacent to the operator,
it will be found that directly opposite the place where the lines
diverge they approach each
other. Thus we have the same
condition under which the first
crook was eliminated, and a blow
directed between the lines at this

lines diverge or recede






if properly

struck, will also

cause the lines to spread here,

so that the second crook will be
This same method is followed to the end of the barrel,
and when all these crooks have

been removed and the shadows

run straight from the centre to
the end of the barrel, the other
end may be operated upon.
Those who are not barrel
straighteners are frequently
fooled by the appearance of the


in the interior of



the surface is uneven. In this case they do not run

straight, but in some places apparently run out of a straight




No matter how the barrel

turned and moved, this

may be

condition remains the same. In

other words, the shadows look
the same all round the interior
surface of the barrel. The skilled
straightener knows just what
this indicates, and he is also
aware of the fact that all the
pounding in the world cannot
improve such a barrel in the

only reaming can elimiappearance of

the lines. In a case of this kind,
if there should be enough stock
in the barrel to permit a perfect
levelling and smoothing up of the
surface by means of reaming, it
would be found that the lines
would assume a straight and
true appearance. This matter of
uneven surface of the interior of
a rifle barrel is one of the most
least, for

nate this crooked

unsatisfactory problems with

which the barrel straightener
has to contend, as the inspector, who is not a barrel straightener himself, decides that the
barrel is crooked on account of
its appearance, and therefore
sends it to the straightener to be


in reality


should have been returned to the

The difficulties of the rifle
barrel straightening vary with
the calibre of the barrel and the
quality of the steel used in its
manufacture, the soft steel barrels being much easier to handle
than those of the harder steel,
such as 0.45 carbon or the regular nickel steel. The smaller the
calibre of a barrel, the more difficult


it is to straighten, and
small calibre and nickel

steel are combined, then, indeed,

the stralghtener has his hands
full in getting out a satisfactory
days work. Perhaps there never
was a more difficult barrel to
straighten than the 0.23 calibre,
nickel steel, Lee barrel which
was made for the U.S. Navy at
the time of the Spanish-American War. Added to the natural
difficulties was the Government
inspection, which was exceedingly rigid and severe. There are
few military rifles, however, now
used by any Government in
which the calibre is smaller than

Straightening Machines
Before proceeding with a
description of the hand
straightening operations,



be advisable to state here that

in some of the principal gun concerns, straightening machines
are used instead of the hammer
and block. The writer has tried
this method, and can testify that
excellent work can be done with
the machine, but it is not nearly
as fast as the hammer and block
method. The impression prevails
in some quarters that anyone
can run one of these machines
and straighten rifle barrels with



is admitted by those who

use both methods that machine
straightening is not nearly as
economical as hammer and
block straightening, and that one
man can do fully as much work
by the latter method as three can
do on a machine. Machine
straightening for shot gun barrels has proved more satisfactory
than it has for rifle barrels, inasmuch as the former are much
thinner, and therefore can be
bent more easily. Sharp, deep
crooks in nickel steel barrels
cannot be removed with any degree of swiftness by a machine
and not nearly as satisfactorily
as with a hammer and block.
That fine work can be done on

machines on barrels containing

moderate crooks, however, is
admitted by all experienced
straighteners who have used


barrels are straight-

ened with a steel hammer after

such operations as turning and
grinding, hammer marks are invariably left on the interior, these

being finally removed by reaming. When a barrel has been

properly straightened on the inside, the outside should conform


and be perfectly true and

in the extreme, Inasmuch as no

one but a rifle bap-el stralghtener

straight, unless the turning has

been improperly done. In order
to discover whether or not the


but this opinion


can use such machine, and while

good work can be done in this
way. Just as good work can be
done and is being done every day
with the block and hammer, it is
doubtful if quite as difficult
straightening can be done on a
machine as with the hammer




straight on the outside

has been finished on the


it is

placed in the centring

machine and spun rapidly with

the hand. If true and straight,
the barrel will run true, but if the
barrel should wobble during this



ther edges which dip gradually


to its extreme depth directly in

its centre. The edges of the swell

it is evident that the outside

not true, and if very bad it is
rejected and scrapped.

are always smooth,

Defects in Rifle Barrels

Many times the interior surface of a barrel is marked by a

g caused either by the drill or
reamer wearing a circular hole
in the surface.

Sometimes the

defects are slight, while at other

times they are very pronounced.

the rings are slight, a
reamer cut will generally clean
them out, but when too deep to
be eliminated by reaming they
are "set in by the straightener
in such a way that the final
reaming will remove every trace
of the defects. Setting in a ring
means that the straightener locates the exact spot of the ring,
and by hammering completely
round the barrel at that spot
while the barrel rests directly on
the die he raises the ring above
the level of the interior surface
so that when the reamer cut is
taken only the raised surface
containing the ring is cut out and
the defect is thus removed.


The straightener soon learns

the difference between a reamer
ring E, a drill ring D, and a powder swell C, shown in Fig. 15.
The reamer ring is invariably a
succession of nicks or gouges
which completely encircle the
interior surface of the barrel at
the spot where they are located.
On the other hand, the circular
cut of a drill is likely to be clean,
deep, and startlingly pro-


A powder swell is indi-

cated by the downhill like appearance of its nearer and far-


and the gen-

appearance of the swell itself is smooth. This powder swell

is produced during the testing of


a rifle barrel, and is really a failure of the barrel to stand the

strain of the test. The proof-test
is always made before the barrel
is rifled, and the powder charge
is much heavier than that used
in regular service.


of the greatest difficul-

with which the straightener

has to contend is the variation
in some of the stock from which
rifle barrels are made. In places
the stock is found to be hard,
while in other places soft spots
occur. The result is that the
straightener gauges his blow on
a crook as he judges it should
be, but in the event that there is
a soft spot at that particular


place in the barrel, the blow is

too heavy, with the result that
the barrel is made more crooked
than ever. A condition of this
kind always results in much
hammering that could have been
avoided had the operator known
of the soft spot beforehand. On
the other hand, when a hard spot

encountered, no damage is
done, as the blow is not heavy
enough to cause the barrel to
assume a more crooked shape.
Hence, the crook is not disturbed, and the next time a
harder blow is struck which may
be just hard enough to make the
crook disappear. There is no way
of discovering this irregularity of
stock until the hammer falls

upon the Imperfect spot.

The upper diagram L in Fig.
15 represents a barrel with onehalf perfectly true, as Indicated
by the dotted lines at F, and the

other half with crooks at K,

which are shown somewhat exaggerated in the sectional view.
When straightening crooks, the
barrel must always be struck at
intermediate points such as G,
but never at points K, as this
would intensify the defect.

Final Straightening
The straightening thus far
described is done on barrels between the various operations
mentioned, and a steel flat face
or nearly flat face hammer is
used. It is the straightening between the operations mentioned
which is most likely to crook the
barrel, and which takes place
before the barrels reach the
chambering or rifling stage in the
manufacture. It is generally considered that there are no operations hard enough to crook barrels after they have passed beyond the grinding stage, but it
has been found that barrels are
crooked at times even after they
are rifled, and that because of
thus being crooked they fail to

shoot as accurately as they


Such barrels have, as a general thing, also passed the

browning operation, and in handling they must not be bruised
in the least, either externally or
internally, so that it is an exceedingly difficult thing to straighten
the barrels under these condi-

tions; yet



can put them in first-class condition even when they have

reached this stage.
Such barrels are straightened on copper dies, a rawhide
or copper hammer being employed. The barrels are wrapped
in paper which is glued in several layers round,

but not

to the

The blow of the rawhide hammer on the paper leaves

no mark on the barrel, either inbarrel itself.

side or outside, nor do the copper dies bruise the barrel, so that







that the defect has been overcome and that the barrel is once
more in good condition. The
opinion is general among firstclass straighteners that all rifle
barrels should be looked over in
their finished state, and that

those which need retouching

should be attended to in this way
before they are sent away from
the factory to the market.

Grinding Barrels

When the barrels have been

properly straightened, after the
finish-turning, they are send to
the grindstone to be ground, and
after the grinding operation they
are reamed again, after which
they are ready for the finishstraightening. If properly
ground, the straightener has
simply to touch them up and


slight Imperfections

that may be found. They are then

sent to the finish-reaming machine which cuts the interior

surface to the exact size required
before the barrels are sent to the


machine. Two methods

in use for grinding the



Fig. 17.

Outside of


that in which
large stones of great weight are




six feet in diameter

and from

twelve to fourteen inches face

mathese methods

width and weigh from 3500 lbs.

to 2 tons each. They are swung
on an iron frame of great

advantages, but there is

no doubt that barrels can be
ground more expeditiously on
the large stones than on the
smaller ones of the grinding machines, especially when the
grinder using the large stone is
an expert at his work. When this
is not the case, however, the barrels may be badly crooked both

strength, and when in operation

revolve at about 185 r.p.m. Fig.

and internally, which

necessary for the

a handle on which a hollow

wooden grip is fixed. This handle

employed and the other




of automatic grinding







17 shows an operator engaged

rifle barrel, using a
steel rod passed through the
bore of the barrel from the butt
toward the muzzle. The butt end
of the rod tapers which causes
the rod to grip the barrel at this
point. The rod is equipped with
in grinding a

the barrel.

grasped by the operator who

places the barrel in a shoe set
parallel with the horizontal axis
of the grindstone and distant an
inch or so from the face. The
grinder now presses the long lever with his hip, which forces the
shoe toward the face of the stone

The grindstones generally

used in the operation of grinding rifle barrels are from five to

by means of a toggle action, and

as the barrel touches the stone,
the grinder turns the handle of

straightener to do considerable

work in order to bring them back

to condition once more, and at
the same time makes much work
for the filers in filing out unnecessary hammer marks and other
defects on the outside surface of



the rod on which the barrel Is

held so that It is revolved against
the face of the stone in the opposite direction to that in which
the stone is revolving. The barrel is always ground from the
centre toward the butt, then
from the butt toward the muzzle,
working it across the face of the
stone until it has been ground
for its entire length.

During this

operation, a steady stream of

water plays on the surface of the
stone, which prevents the barrel from burning, and also prevents the stone from glazing.
Furthermore, the water makes
the stone cut faster by acting as

a lubricant.
Grinding the exterior surface
removes all the
defects and imperfections left by
the turning process as well as
the hammer marks caused by
the various straightening operations which have preceded the
grinding. An expert rifle barrel
grinder has acquired through
long experience a sense of touch
which tells him the amount of
pressure necessary to use in
bringing the barrel into contact
with the stone. A careless
grinder, however, may press the
barrel too hard against the stone
and thereby cause it to buckle
and bend. The average amount
of stock removed from the barrel during
the grinding operaof rifle barrels

barrels have been

ground to their

proper size, they are washed in

llmewater to prevent rusting.
As the face of a grindstone
wears down, hard pebbles are
often encountered embedded in
the surface of the stone unless
these are removed, trouble is
likely to be caused by these
stones marking the outside surface of the barrel. As soon as a
pebble is discovered, the stone
is stopped and the pebble cut out
by the grinder, using a cold

and hammer in the opera-

rifle barrels may be
either with or without
forged front sight lugs. In some
factories, muzzle sight lugs are
brazed on the barrel just before
the finish -reaming operations,
between finish-reaming and fin-



ish-straightening. There is a difference of opinion as to which

method Is the better, as the brazing on of these lugs is likely to

crook the barrel, thus making it
more difficult to straighten in the
final straightening operation.

The writer is

in favour of the lat-

method, however, inasmuch

as the barrel is in better shape
to straighten at the muzzle
through all the first operations
when the muzzle is free of a sight
lug than when the lug is forged
on. The hardest part of the
straightening is always found in

about 0.010 inch. A snap

gauge and gauging board are


used to determine the proper size

for a barrel when finish-ground,
the barrel being laid on the gauge
board and gauged at the butt,
middle and muzzle. After the

the brazing of the lugs takes

tion is

on rifle barand many times crooks are

met with directly under the
forged lug which are almost impossible to eradicate because the
lug is in the way. When, however,
the early operations


place just before finish-straight-

ening, the crooks are

easier to knock out than



have been encountered during

the earlier operations.

Inspection before Rifling

After the


as rings, poor surface, gouges,

scratches or markings of any
kind whatsoever, which can be
discerned with the naked eye,
will cause its rejection and it will
be returned to the finish reamer
or straightener for corrections.

barrels have

been finish-reamed, they are

Rifling Barrels

subjected to the final inspection

After the barrels have passed

the various inspections for workmanship successfully, they are
passed along to the rifling machine where the grooves are cut
which cause the bullet to rotate
in its passage through the barrel. The number of grooves in
rifle barrels varies from four to


reaming and straightening,

consisting of the following operations: interior gauging, leading,

shading and surface inspection.

The gauging operation

is for


purpose of determining whether

or not the bore of the barrel is
true to the size required, as the
slightest variation one way or the
other may mean the rejection of
a barrel, especially if it is over

under size, however, it is

sent back to the finish reamer
who reams it to the exact size.
The leading operation Is done by
pushing a lead bullet through
the barrel by hand, a brass rod
being used for this purpose. In
the slow passage through the
barrel, the bullet which fits the
bore snugly must not meet with
any obstruction from one end to
the other. Should there be any
resistance, even the slightest, the
barrel is rejected and returned
to the finish reamer, who removes the imperfection. Just so
is the barrel rejected in the shading operation, which determines
whether or not the barrel is
crooked or straight. When found
to be crooked, it is up to the
size. If

straightener to retouch and

the barrel straight. The
on the interior
surface of the rifle barrel, such


slightest defect


six or

even seven in some


The twist also varies in

different makes and models of
barrels, some making a complete
turn to every ten inches, and

others requiring thirty six inches

in order to make a complete
turn. The operation of rifling is
done on specially constructed
machines and will not be de-

scribed in detail in this article.

Other Operations on Barrels

After the barrels have been
they are again inspected
and given a thorough leading in

order to remove


rough edges

and smooth down the grooves.

In some factories the operation
is done by means of tools worked
by hand, while in other factories
machines are used. Whether
done by machine or hand, the
operation is the same, as a lead
slug which is cast to fit the bore
of the barrel is worked backward
and forward through it, after it
has been charged with fine em-

ery and oil. After the leading operation,

the chambering,
threading, slot-cutting and extractor-cut operations are done.
In the chambering operation, five
tools are used; a counterbore,
two roughing reamers, a heading tool and a finish-reamer. A
Ball speeder is then used to
take out the burr at the beginning of the rifling grooves, bevelling them to the right shape
Just where the bullet protrudes
from the end of the barrel. In the
finish-reaming operation on the
chamber, the work is done by
hand in some factories and on a

chucking machine in others. The

workmanship required in the
cutting of the extractor slots
must be exceptionally good, because a fractional part of a thousandth of an inch out of the way
may mean spoiling a barrel. Poor
workmanship here would mean
that the cartridge might not fit
as It should in the chamber or
that after the rifle had been discharged the shell could not be



barrels are pol-

ished on wheels which run at

very high speeds, the larger
wheels running at the rate of
3500 r.p.m., while the smaller
ones attain an even higher speed
than this. The wheels used for
polishing have a wooden centre
and are covered with leather, the
leather being coated with glue on
which a heavy coating of emery
is sprinkled. For rough polishing, No. 60 and 70 emery is used,
and for finishing No. 90 is used.
Plugs or handles made of metal
are stuck into the muzzle and
butt of the barrel when it is ready
to be polished and fit snugly Into
the rifle grooves so that the barrel will not turn on the handles
and injure the rifling. The
handles spin in the hands of the
operator at the same high rate
of speed at which the barrel is
spinning, but as these handles
are very smooth the operators
hands are not Injured by the friction. At one time the work of pol-

was done exclusively by

men, but at the present time
women as well as men are emishing

The slot-cutting operation is

sometimes done before rifling,
and the threading operation on
the butt of the barrel is almost
invariably done after rifling. The
extractor cuts are made after

chambering, and the sight studs

are machined before rifling.

comes the muzzle

Polishing Barrels



which is done partly by machine

and partly by hand, the barrel
being left longer in the rough
state than is really necessary, in

order that there may be no mistake in the final finishing.

ployed in this part of the work.

After the barrels are polished,
they are ready for the browning
operation, which is the final
stage through which the barrel
passes before it is assembled.
All military rifle barrels are
subjected to a high powder test


and a target test after,

The first test varies ac-

cording to the grade of steel in

the barrel, high nickel steel barrels being tested with a powder
charge which would burst a low51

grade steel barrel. The test

charge includes a heavy leaden
slug, and the combination is
from two to three times as heavy
as the charge which would ordinarily be used in service. Should
there be seams in the stock or
other defects, the first test preceding the test after rifling,
which is made with the regulation charge in order to determine
the accuracy of the rifle, will

bring them to


Browning Barrels
final operation to which
barrels are subjected before
they are ready for the assembling
room is that of browning. While
the finished barrel is blue in
colour and not brown, the opera-



tion is called browning because

the barrels have to be rusted on
the exterior surface before they
can be blued. The coating of rust
is obtained by covering the outside of the barrel with a brown-

barrels are then placed in an

upright caustic soda tank where
they are boiled for about fifteen
minutes. From this tank they are
taken to another, where they are
thoroughly rinsed so that every

and oil is removed and the barrels are ready

particle of grease
for the



It is


well to state here that

rifle barrel

most successful

browners have their own secret

formulae which are jealously
guarded so that only the
browners themselves know the
exact proportions of the mixtures.

It is

no unusual


years, on the strength of

knowledge in this respect.
One of the oldest and most satisfactory formulae for browning

barrels consists of the

lowing mixture:



Spirits of

an oven heated by coil steam

pipes. The air in the oven is

Tincture of steel
Corrosive sublimate

moistened by perforated steam

pipes through which the steam
is allowed to escape into the





they are subjected to a number of other operations, the first

of which is wiping. In this operation the barrels are thoroughly
wiped in order to relieve them of
every particle of grease or other
foreign substances and are then
placed in circular iron trucks
which are made to hold fifty baring,


Spirits of nitre


5 ounces
8 ounces
8 ounces

4 ounces
4 ounces




barrels are

run into the hot oven

rels at a time.


therefore, to find barrel browners

who have held their positions for

ing mixture which causes it to

rust after it has been baked in

oven. Before the

apply the

browning solution.

The truck and

The barrels are kept

in the

hours and
when taken out are heavily
coated with rust. They are then
immersed in a third tank of
chemicals for fifteen minutes, a
secret formula often being used
at this stage. A preparation
which will give excellent results,

for four or five



as follows:

Tincture of muriate of iron


Nitric ether

scratch brush, the following for-


Sulphate of copper

Rain water


4 scruples

Dragons blood


Rectified spirit

the process is to be hurtwo or three grains of oxy-



muriate of mercury can be


who give them a most rigid

examination. After using the

1 ounce
25 ounces


Nitric acid (specific gravity, 1.2)


the barrel is finished, it is placed in limewater

for a short time to neutralise any
acid which may have penetrated.
The barrels are now ready for
carding, which is done on a 14inch wheel having a face 3 inches
wide covered with carding cloth.
This wheel revolves at about
1600 r.p.m. and the man who
does the carding stands at the
back of the wheel and presses
the barrel against the rim. After
the barrels are carded they are
returned to the spongers for a
second coating of the browning
solution. The operations of boiling and scratching on the carding wheel are continued until all
the pores of the steel are thoroughly coated and their condition is satisfactory to the inspectors,

mula can be used:

Nitric ether

Muriate of iron



The above Ingredients are

mixed together, after which 2
parts of sulphate of copper and
10 parts of water are added.
After the barrels have been
passed by the inspector, they are
taken to the assembling room
where they are assembled with
the other parts. Many persons
suppose that the browning of a
barrel is done for the sake of
appearance, and while this is
partly the reason, the principal
object is to preserve the barrel
and prevent rusting. Were it not
for the care taken in the browning operation, rifle barrels would
not last nearly as long as they


Machining Rifling Bars

On The Bench Lathe
By A.H.C.
Machinery Magazine




the purpose of this ardescribe the work of machining rifling bars on the bench

performed to bring the outside

of the bar parallel with the hole
and still maintain exactly the

The bars were made of

and the work involved
deep-hole drilling and eccentric
turning and grinding operations.

required eccentricity.
As previously stated, three

not claimed that these bars

could not have been machined
in some better way, but it happened that the only equipment
available at the time was three
bench lathes, and the results
obtained with these machines
were very satisfactory. It is hoped
that the following description
may prove of value to readers of
Machinery in suggesting ideas
for handling bench lathe work
where similar operations have to
be performed. In the accompanying illustration the rifling bar
is shown at A; the cutter is inserted in this bar at B and provision is made for adjusting the
radial position of the cutter by
means of a rod which has a tapered side that engages the bottom of the cutter. This rod is carried in the hole C in the rifling
bar, which is 4-7/8 Inches deep
by 1 /8 inch in diameter. The finished size of the bar is 0.300 inch
in diameter, and the hole C is
1 / 16 off centre. It is the purpose
to describe a fixture designed for
drilling this eccentric hole, the
work of drilling the hole, and the
way in which the final turning
and grinding operations were

A. Before starting work, these

machines were carefully tested

It is

ticle to


It is


bench lathes were available for

use in machining the rifling bars

and it was found that the beds

were comparatively straight, but
that the tailstocks were approximately 1 /64 inch out of alignthe headstocks. The
following expedient was adopted

ment with

were made with tapered shanks to fit the tailstocks,
and these chucks were provided
with thumb-screws E to hold the
tools. The chucks were next
to correct this



in the tailstocks of the

bench lathes on which


they were to be used and marked

and the holes

in one position,

and reamed to reF by means of

tools held in the headstock
chuck. Brass sockets Fwere next
made for each of the drills and
reamers that were to be used In



ceive the sockets

drilling the holes

C in the rifling



fixture for holding the

bar while

drilling the hole


accompanying illustration; and in passing

it may be mentioned that the
same type of fixture may be used
to advantage on the various



in the

Tools used for drilling, turning and grinding Rifling Bar on Bench Lathe.
Tools Q, R, S, and T are shown to an Enlarged Scale.

classes of lathe, drill press and

milling machine work. In the
present case the fixture was also
used for holding the chuck
the proper position to drill the
eccentric hole to receive the ri-

fling bar A. The method of locating the chuck in the fixture preparatory to drilling the hole was
as follows. The required eccentricity is 1/16 inch, as indicated
in the end view I of the chuck.
To provide for obtaining this eccentricity, a projection J, 3/16

inch in diameter, was turned on

the end of the chuck body, while
the latter was held on centres so
that it was concentric with the
lathe spindle. A cap or shell K
was next made of such a size that
the difference between the inside
and the diameter of
the projection J on the chuck
of the cap

was 1/8

inch; i.e., twice the required eccentricity. After this cap

had been made, a plug L was

turned up to a diameter of exactly 1/8 inch and the cap. K

was then forced over the projection J and plug L, as shown in

the illustration. The fixture G
was next mounted on the face-

of the lathe and its posiplate

tion adjusted until the centre of

the cap K coincided with the centre of the lathe spindle, as proved
by indication on the centre of the

H was then
and reamed to receive the
rilling bars A which were held in
place in the chuck by means of
two set screws that are not
shown in the illustration. After
the chuck H had been completed, the next step was to make
a second chuck N without altering the setting of the fixture on
the faceplate. After this chuck
had been finished, an eccentric
mandrel 0 was turned up and
hardened, after which It was remounted in the chuck N and
ground to ensure accuracy.
The hole C was started with
a short flat drill P which was followed by a twist drill that worked
to a depth of 1 inch, after which
a boring tool was used for ma-


The chuck


chining the hole to a depth of

3/4 inch. A four-lipped reamer
Q was next employed to finish
the hole to the depth reached by
the first twist drill. The accuracy
obtained with these preliminary
operations was highly important,
because any error introduced up
to this point would influence the
accuracy of the entire job. In connection with the machining of
deep holes of small diameter, it

may be mentioned that the writer

has never obtained satisfactory
results with the so-called cannon" drills of the form shown at


or half reamers of the form

shown at S. The comers on tools

of these types are too easily
dulled and too much resistance
is offered to the clearance of the
chips from the holes. But the
reamer Q gave very satisfactory
results; the ends of the lips of
this tool are not rounded and
they are backed off on the top
just enough to give a free cutting action. A tool of this type is
easily stoned" on the ends of the
lips to keep It in good working
condition. The writer is prepared
to recommend this type of tool
for use in reaming deep holes of
small diameters. After the hole
had been finished to a depth of
1 inch, special No. 31 twist drills
1-3/4, 2-1/2 and 6 inches in
length were used to complete the
drilling of the holes to the required depth. These tools were
used in conjunction with reamers of full length. If an exception-

smooth finish had been rea second reamer would

have been used in connection
with each drill and the lips of this
second reamer would have been



The tool Tis one of the most

important of those used for drilling the holes. It will be seen that
the body of this tool is slightly,
larger than the cutting point; this
body fits closely into the reamed
hole and is of sufficient length
to realign the other drills for a
depth of 3 or 4 inches. Each of
the No. 3 1 twist drills works to a
depth of about 1 inch, and between successive operations of
the twist drills the drill T was
used to maintain the alignment

of the hole by recentring. From

three-quarters to one hour was
required for drilling hole C in
each of the rifling bars, and the
writer drilled and reamed over 90
of these holes without breaking
or choking a drill. The accuracy


sufficient to allow a piece of

rod 0.0015 inch under size

drop to the bottom of the hole
through the force of gravity. Two
reamers were broken in reaming


the ninety holes referred to, and

the cause of this was that the
tools were inadvertently started
to work under conditions of
speed and pressure suitable for
the drills, which were too severe
for the reamers.
After completing the drilling
of the holes in all of the rifling
bars, the next step was to finish
the outside of the bars to the required diameter; and in performing this operation precautions



be observed



having exactly the required eccentricity for the hole and also
to have the hole parallel with the

outside of the bar. For this purpose the chuck N was mounted
in the fixture - with the position
of the fixture on the lathe faceplate unchanged - and the man-

O was mounted in the chuck

so as to ensure replacing In the
same position, but in use, of
course, it was placed in the lathe
itself. The mandrel is of such a
size that It is a wringing fit in the
hole C, and in preparing to machine the outside of the rifling
bars the first step was to mount
one of the bars on the mandrel
as shown in the illustration. It
will be noted that the position of

the rifling bar on the eccentric

mandrel is reversed in the lathe,
with the result that the axis of
the bar is brought concentric
with the axis of the lathe spindle.
When the position of the work
had been adjusted so that the
outside of the bar ran approximately true, the bar was soldered
to the mandrel, after which a
centring button 17 was brought
near the opposite end of the rifling bar A by means of the tailcentre. This centre was then
sweated" on to the end of the
rifling bar. In securing the centre in place, great care had to be
taken to avoid deflecting the rifling bar,




had been

soldered in place the work had

to be tested to see that such deflection had not occurred. This


by backaway from the

easily determined

ing the tailstock

work and rotating the lathe

spindle with the outer end of the
free. Under these conditions any disturbance in the
alignment of the work can be


readily detected.

The next step was to turn the

outside of the rifling bar at V and
to a diameter of 5/16 inch to
form bearings for steadyrests.
After this had been done, the
work was released from the centre U and mandrel O by melting
the solder; it was then mounted
in a spring chuck and supported
by a centre at the opposite end,
after which the entire outside of
the bar was turned to a diameter of 5/16 inch. The next step
was to drill and tap the hole X,
and for this purpose special taps
were employed. These were made


with an enlarged section between

the tap and the straight shank
which entered the opening in the
collet D. The tap was turned by
a pin entering holes in the large
central part of the tap, the work
being held in a chuck and further secured by means of a dog.
After finishing the machining of
the tapped hole X, the plugs Y
and Z were introduced into opposite ends of the rifling bar


was supported in steadyrests on

the bearings machined at V and

of course, be evident
soldered to sein the desired position.

It will,

that plug



Y was

The work was then set up on

centres on the grinding machine
and ground while soft to a diameter of 0.306 inch, after which it
was hardened, straightened and
finish-ground to the required diameter of 0.300 inch.

carefully centred while the bar


A Long Blind Hole

Machinery Magazine

W. H. J. -

We have some


6 m/m. diameter by
132 m/m. deep to drill in phosphor-bronze stick, as shown in
Fig. 1 Would you do us thefavour
blind holes

of advising us the quickest meth-

ods? We propose to machine this

Job by the bar on a capstan lathe.
A. - The required degree of
accuracy of the drilled hole not
being stated above, several

methods by which the work may

be accomplished will be discussed in this article, from which
the querist will be able to choose
the one most suitable to his requirements. The work is shown
in Fig. 1 and in any case it will


July 4, 1918

be necessary to divide the whole

into two separate opera-


tions. In the first operation the


be turned and parted

bar in the usual way,
but will not be drilled. The drilling will be done in another handling, and although the capstan

off from the

lathe is not exactly the

nomical machine

most eco-

use for
deep holes, very little
trouble will be experienced if
tool to


reasonable care is taken to ensure the drills being accurately

in line with the centre of the

The hole is 132 m/m. deep

by 6 m/m. diameter, or approxi-

mately 5-3/16 Inches by 15/64

Inch diameter. The writer has
seen thousands of pieces having
a hole of the same diameter and
3 inches long drilled in the turret lathe, using an ordinary
centring tool, followed by twist
drills, the material being, as in
this case, phosphor-bronze. In
the above case the drill was withdrawn from the hole after every
half inch drilled, in order to clear
the-drill of chips, and to carry
lubricant inside the hole. The
withdrawal of the drill is done
very rapidly. The holes produced
as above may not have been perfectly concentric, but the error
was very small, and the scrap
practically nil. Maybe the above
method could be applied to the
piece under consideration, and
in any case it will be worth while
to experiment a little, in order to
prove whether or not the requirements of the case can be met in
this manner. The chief consideration in deep hole drilling lies
in having a true start for the


methods by which

this es-

considered next.
Greater accuracy in the concentricity and the size of hole will
be obtained by the method indicated in Fig. 2. In this instance
the work is centre drilled In the
sential feature is obtained will

and In the seca depth of about

inch, by means of a twist drill.

first operation,'


is drilled to

In the third operation the drilled

hole is bored by means of the
single-pointed boring tool
shown, and reamed in the fourth

The sizes of the hole in these

stages are shown in the drawing. The operations 1 to 4 are for

the purpose of starting the hole
perfectly concentric with the centre of the lathe spindle. In the
fifth and sixth operations the
hole is drilled to the required
depth by the D drills, as shown.
These drills made with a chip gap
of one-quarter to one-half of the
whole circle, and the body of the
drill in each case is a sliding fit
in the hole reamed In the fourth
operation. The diameter is too
small to allow for a channel all
the way up the drill to provide a
passage for chips and lubricant,
and under these circumstances
the drill will have to be withdrawn from time to time in order to clear the hole of chips. A
copious supply of lubricant
should be played on to the drill,
and also forced up the hole when
the drill is withdrawn.
A more elaborate method of
drilling the hole, ensuring
greater accuracy, is shown in
Fig. 3. In this instance the first
five tools are held in a Marvel
chuck mounted in the turret.
The tools are inserted, operated,
and removed in the order shown,
and are provided with stop collars causing them to project the
correct amount from the chuck.
Operations 1 to 4 are the same
as in the previous method, but
operation 5 consists of recentring the bottom of the hole.
This is followed by a twist drill,
in operation 6. The hole is
reamed in operation 7, and the
bottom is again centre drilled in
operation 8. In operation 9 another twist drill finishes the hole


and the
reamed in operation 10.
The employment of twist drills
to the required depth,

in order to produce a hole




which are either

of special
length, or are standard drills soldered to shanks, is preferable
from the drilling point of view.

where accuracy is essential

the use of the reamer and cen-


tre drills is absolutely




and true


to size.

utmost care should be exercised

to ensure the drills and other
tools being exactly in. line with

the centre of the machine,

There is another way of drilling the hole, and one worth careful consideration. In this method
the piece would be made as be-












0.236"OR 6




Fig. 3A.


0 200"FITS






Showing Third Method.

on the turret lathe, but

on the drilling machine,
holding the drill stationary on
the machine table, and the work
in a chuck attached to the machine spindle. The method, is


indicated in Fig, 4, and, as will

be seen from the drawing, a special long twist drills held in a

Marvel chuck, which is fixed to

a cast-iron base. The base, or

slide is an easy fit in the bed of
the fixture to allow it to float
slightly; the slide may be moved
towards or away from the operator to facilitate removal of the
work from the chuck. If desired,
the slide can carry a reamer side
by side with the drill, and held
in the same manner in another

Fig. 3B.

Showing Third Method.

chuck, using this method, the

work would be turned and

parted off from the bar. An operation of centre drilling would
follow, and at the same time the
front face of the work could be

The drilling of the hole on

the drilling machine would follow next. A small, three-jaw


chuck may be used on the

spindle to hold the work.


Four different methods of

have now been
described, the first method of
drilling by means of twist drills
on the turret lathe, and the
fourth by the same means on the
drilling machine, would produce
what may be termed in this indrilling the hole

stance second-grade accuracy.

Of the two methods the fourth

has the advantage in the way of

Fig. 4.


clearing-away the chips more







weight; a pipe carrying lubricant

can be arranged to force a supply up the flutes of the drill, a

ther the


or fourth methods.

The second method.

Fig. 2, calls

for fewer tools

to prevent the escape of

the lubricant from the table of
the machine.

than the third, Fig.

3, but in operation the latter
should produce more accurate
work. The method to be used depends entirely on the degree of
accuracy required, and from the
four schemes submitted herewith the querist will doubtless be

The second and third methods will produce better holes, but
will take a longer time than ei-

able to select the one suitable to

the requirements of his case.
W. R.

pump being used for the purA splash guard can be ar-




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