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Tuberculosis NEJM

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m e dic i n e

review article
current concepts

Alimuddin Zumla, M.D., Ph.D., Mario Raviglione, M.D., Richard Hafner, M.D.,
and C. Fordham von Reyn, M.D.

espite the availability of a cheap and effective treatment, tuberculosis still accounts for millions of cases of active disease and deaths
worldwide. The disease disproportionately affects the poorest persons in
both high-income and developing countries.1 However, recent advances in diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines and enhanced implementation of existing interventions have
increased the prospects for improved clinical care and global tuberculosis control.

Epidemiol o gy
In 2011, there were 8.7 million new cases of active tuberculosis worldwide (13%
of which involved coinfection with the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]) and
1.4 million deaths, including 430,000 deaths among HIV-infected patients1 representing a slight decrease from peak numbers in the mid-2000s (Fig. 1). It has been
estimated that there were 310,000 incident cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, caused by organisms resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin, among patients
who were reported to have tuberculosis in 2011 (Fig. 2). More than 60% of these
patients were in China, India, the Russian Federation, Pakistan, and South Africa.1,2
A total of 84 countries have reported cases of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis,
a subset of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with added resistance to all fluoroquin
olones plus any of the three injectable antituberculosis drugs, kanamycin, amikacin,
and capreomycin.1-3 Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of active tuberculosis
per capita, driven primarily by the HIV epidemic.1 The absolute number of cases is
highest in Asia, with India and China having the greatest burden of disease globally.1 In the United States and most Western European countries, the majority of
cases occur in foreign-born residents and recent immigrants from countries in
which tuberculosis is endemic.4-6

From the Department of Infection, Division of Infection and Immunity, University College London Medical School,
London (A.Z.); STOP TB Department,
World Health Organization, Geneva
(M.R.); the Tuberculosis Clinical Research Branch, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD (R.H.); and the Section of
Infectious Disease and International
Health, Geisel School of Medicine at
Dartmouth, Hanover, NH (C.F.R.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Zumla at the
Division of Infection and Immunity, Centre for Clinical Microbiology, 2nd Fl., UCL
Royal Free Campus, Rowland Hill St.,
London NW3 OPE, United Kingdom, or
N Engl J Med 2013;368:745-55.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1200894
Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Patho gene sis

Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis are the source of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In more than 90% of persons infected with M. tuberculosis, the pathogen is
contained as asymptomatic latent infection. Recent studies raise the possibility that
some persons acquire and eliminate acute infection with M. tuberculosis.7 The risk of
active disease is estimated to be approximately 5% in the 18 months after initial infection and then approximately 5% for the remaining lifetime.8 An estimated 2 billion persons worldwide have latent infection and are at risk for reactivation.1 Contained latent infection reduces the risk of reinfection on repeated exposure,
whereas active tuberculosis is associated with an increased risk of a second episode
of tuberculosis on reexposure (Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available
with the full text of this article at

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m e dic i n e

Annual No. of Cases (millions)


All cases








Estimated New Cases

(all forms) per 100,000
0 24
Data not shown

Figure 1. Global Incidence of Tuberculosis.

Panel A shows global trends in the estimated incidence of tuberculosis from 1990 through 2011 among all patients, those with human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection, and without HIV coinfection. The shading around the data curves indicates uncertainty intervals on the basis of available data. Panel B shows the estimated global incidence of tuberculosis in 2011.

Drug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis arise

from spontaneous chromosomal mutations at a
predictable low frequency. Selection pressure that
is caused by misuse of antituberculosis drugs,
such as monotherapy or the addition of single
drugs to failing regimens, results in the emergence of resistant mutants (acquired resistance).
Transmission of such resistant strains to another

n engl j med 368;8

person may result in infection and eventually

disease (primary resistance). Outbreaks of highly
fatal drug-resistant infection have been documented in several settings, especially those in
which the prevalence of HIV infection is high.11-13
Recent reports describing totally drug-resistant
tuberculosis require confirmation.14,15 The failure to detect drug resistance results in the pre-

february 21, 2013

current concepts

MDR-TB Cases
Data not shown

Figure 2. Global Numbers of Cases of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.

Shown are the estimated numbers of cases of multidrug-resistant disease (including extensively drug-resistant disease) among cases of
pulmonary tuberculosis that were officially reported in 2011.

scription of inappropriate regimens, treatment millimeter, the presentation of tuberculosis may

failure, increased mortality, and further transmis- be atypical, with subtle infiltrates, pleural effusions, hilar lymphadenopathy, and other forms of
sion of drug-resistant tuberculosis.16
extrapulmonary tuberculosis in as many as 50%
of patients. At CD4 counts of less than 75 per
Cl inic a l Fe at ur e s
cubic millimeter, pulmonary findings may be abThe classic clinical features of pulmonary tuber- sent, and disseminated tuberculosis, manifested
culosis include chronic cough, sputum produc- as a nonspecific, chronic febrile illness with widetion, appetite loss, weight loss, fever, night sweats, spread organ involvement and mycobacteremia,
and hemoptysis.17 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is more frequent, with high early mortality; polyoccurs in 10 to 42% of patients, depending on clonal disease has also been described.20 Such
race or ethnic background, age, presence or ab- cases may be mistakenly diagnosed as other insence of underlying disease, genotype of the fectious diseases and are often identified only on
M. tuberculosis strain, and immune status.18 Extra- autopsy.21
pulmonary tuberculosis can affect any organ in
Asymptomatic, subclinical tuberculosis, with
the body, has varied and protean clinical mani- negative findings on a sputum smear and chest
festations, and therefore requires a high index of radiography and positive culture results, is a
clinical suspicion.
common feature of HIV-associated tuberculosis
HIV coinfection poses special challenges to and may account for 10% of cases in regions in
clinical management in patients with active tuber- which tuberculosis is endemic.17,22,23 Up to 25%
culosis. The risk of active tuberculosis increases of patients presenting for HIV care in such resoon after infection with HIV,19 and the man gions have undiagnosed active tuberculosis.1
ifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis at this Therefore, screening for tuberculosis is recomstage are similar to those in HIV-negative per- mended for all patients with HIV infection to
sons. At CD4 counts of less than 200 per cubic identify patients with active disease and before
n engl j med 368;8 february 21, 2013



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evaluations. In resource-constrained settings with

a high prevalence of tuberculosis and HIV infection, an estimated 30% of all patients with tuberculosis and more than 90% of those with multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant
tuberculosis do not receive a diagnosis.1-3
A new molecular diagnostic test called Xpert
MTB/RIF assay detects M. tuberculosis complex within 2 hours, with an assay sensitivity that is much
higher than that of smear microscopy.34 In HIVinfected patients, the test has a rate of case detection that is increased by 45%, as compared
with smear microscopy.35 This molecular assay
has the potential to improve the performance of
national tuberculosis programs and is currently
Di agnosis
being implemented in district-level laboratories
Latent Infection
in 67 countries with a high prevalence of tuberScreening and treatment for latent M. tuberculosis culosis.1 It is available in Europe and is being
infection are indicated for groups in which the examined for approval in the United States.
prevalence of latent infection is high (e.g., foreignborn persons from regions in which tuberculosis Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
is endemic), those in whom the risk of reactivat- The current standard for first-line drug-susceptied disease is high (e.g., patients with HIV infec- bility testing is an automated liquid culture systion or diabetes and patients receiving immuno- tem, which requires 4 to 13 days for results.
suppressive therapy), and those with both factors Commercial molecular line-probe assays can
(e.g., recent contacts of patients with tuberculo- yield results in 24 hours, once they have been
sis).26,27 Latent infection can be diagnosed with validated against automated liquid culture.36-38
either a tuberculin skin test (Fig. S2 in the Sup- Within 2 hours, the Xpert MTB/RIF assay concurplementary Appendix) or an interferon-gamma rently gives results on rifampin resistance, a proxy
release assay. Specific guidelines from the Cen- of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in settings in
ters for Disease Control and Prevention in the which there is a high prevalence of drug resisUnited States,28 the National Institute for Health tance, since rifampin resistance in the absence of
and Clinical Excellence in the United Kingdom,29 isoniazid resistance is uncommon. Assay modifiand the European Centre for Disease Prevention cations have been introduced to reduce false
and Control30 recommend the use of the interfer- positive results with respect to rifampin resison-gamma release assay and tuberculin skin test tance.39 The World Health Organization (WHO)
for screening for latent M. tuberculosis infection in recommends that standard drug-susceptibility
various age and risk groups. The tuberculin skin testing be performed at the same time that the
test is less expensive and is therefore preferred in Xpert MTB/RIF assay is performed to confirm
low-income regions. It is as sensitive as the inter- rifampin resistance and the susceptibility of the
feron-gamma release assay but less specific.31
M. tuberculosis isolate to other drugs.40 Other screening tests for drug resistance include the microActive Tuberculosis
scopic-observation drug-susceptibility (MODS) asSputum microscopy and culture in liquid medium say, the nitrate reductase assay, and colorimetric
with subsequent drug-susceptibility testing are reductase methods. The MODS assay simultanecurrently recommended as standard methods for ously detects M. tuberculosis bacilli, on the basis of
diagnosing active tuberculosis. The use of solid cul- cording formation, and isoniazid and rifampin
ture medium is more cost-effective in resource- resistance.41 Since most of these methods are not
poor countries. Interferon-gamma release assays currently available in countries in which tubercuand tuberculin skin tests have no role in the di- losis is highly endemic, it is estimated that only
agnosis of active disease.28-33 Nucleic acid ampli- 10% of cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
fication tests, imaging, and histopathological are currently diagnosed worldwide and only half
examination of biopsy samples supplement these of them receive appropriate treatment.1-3
instituting isoniazid preventive therapy in the
remainder. The presence of any one of four
symptoms (cough, fever, night sweats, or weight
loss) has been shown to have sensitivity in the
range of 80% for identifying patients in whom
further diagnostic evaluation is warranted, even
in resource-constrained regions.24 Proactive screening for tuberculosis is recommended in areas
where the disease is highly endemic, since subclinical tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection or noncommunicable diseases (e.g., diabetes
mellitus and tobacco-related chronic lung disease) may otherwise be missed.24,25


n engl j med 368;8 february 21, 2013

current concepts

Table 1. Current Recommendations for Tuberculosis Treatment.

Type of Infection

Recommended Regimen


Active disease
Newly diagnosed cases that are not

Isoniaz id, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyra

zinamide for 2 mo (intensive phase),
followed by isoniazid and rifampin for
4 mo (continuation phase)

Pyridoxine supplementation recommended to

prevent isoniazid-induced neuropathy

Multidrug-resistant disease

Four second-line antituberculosis drugs

(as well as pyrazinamide), including
a fluoroquinolone, a parenteral agent,
ethionamide or prothionamide, and
either cycloserine or para-aminosalicylic
acid if cycloserine cannot be used

Initial treatment based on local disease patterns

and pending drug-susceptibility results;
later-generation fluoroquinolones (e.g.,
moxifloxacin or levofloxacin) preferred

Latent infection

Isoniazid at a dose of 300 mg daily for at least Recommended for 9 mo or more in HIV6 mo and preferably for 9 mo
infected persons; daily administration
for 6 mo also an option but with lower
efficacy; extension to 36 mo further re
duces risk among HIV-positive patients
in regions in which tuberculosis is
Isoniazid at a dose of 900 mg plus rifapentine Studied with directly observed therapy in preat a dose of 900 mg weekly for 3 mo (directly
dominantly HIV-uninfected persons; higher
observed therapy)
completion rates and equal efficacy, as
compared with isoniazid for 9 mo
Rifampin at a dose of 600 mg daily for 4 mo

Shown to be effective in persons with silicosis

Isoniazid at a dose of 300 mg plus rifampin at Effective alternative for HIV-infected persons
a dose of 600 mg daily for 3 mo
Isoniazid at a dose of 900 mg plus rifampin at Another effective alternative for HIV-infected
a dose of 600 mg twice weekly for 3 mo

T r e atmen t
Latent Infection

Persons with latent M. tuberculosis infection who

are at increased risk for active tuberculosis require preventive treatment.28,42 The preferred
regimen is isoniazid alone for 9 months or for a
longer duration in HIV-infected persons in areas
with a high prevalence of tuberculosis.43,44 Recently, directly observed weekly administration
of isoniazid and rifapentine for 12 weeks has
been shown to be as effective as isoniazid alone
in adults without HIV infection in countries with
a low burden of tuberculosis. This regimen was
associated with fewer serious adverse events than
9 months of isoniazid alone, although treatment
discontinuation because of an adverse event was
more common (Table 1).45 The trial is continuing
to assess safety and effectiveness in children and
HIV-infected persons.
Current WHO guidelines44 recommend that all
HIV-infected persons with positive or unknown
results on the tuberculin skin test and without
active tuberculosis who are living in resource-

constrained, high-burden countries receive preventive therapy with isoniazid for at least 6 months.
Three regimens are effective for the prevention
of active tuberculosis in HIV-infected persons:
daily isoniazid for 6 to 9 months, daily rifampin
and isoniazid for 3 months, and rifampin and iso
niazid twice weekly for 3 months.43,44 Rifampincontaining regimens have higher rates of drug
toxicity than those that do not include rifam
pin.44-46 The difficulty of diagnosing active tuberculosis in patients with HIV coinfection accounts
in part for the slow adoption of isoniazid preventive therapy in clinical practice. Only patients
with a positive tuberculin skin test who are receiving preventive therapy with isoniazid have decreased rates of active tuberculosis and death,46
and protection against tuberculosis wanes within
a few months after cessation of isoniazid therapy. A trial in Botswana recently showed that 36
months of preventive therapy with isoniazid, as
compared with 6 months of therapy, reduced the
subsequent rate of tuberculosis by 43%.47 However, compliance with such a long-term regimen
may be poor.44 A daily regimen of rifapentine

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Increased doses of rifampin and rifapentine

Multiple trials

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Phase 2a trial completed; phase 2b combination trials to begin early

in 2013


Analogue of linezolid that may have improved activity

Dose-ranging phase 2a trial completed

Phase 2a trial under way


An ethylenediamine-based compound that is structurally related to

ethambutol but has an entirely different mechanism of action

More highly modified oxazolidinone



Background therapy plus linezolid added immediately or 2 mo later

in patients with extensively drug-resistant disease


n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

AZD 5847

PA-824 combined with moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide is being studied A nitroimidazole with the same mechanism of action as delamanid;
in a phase 2b trial (8 wk) for treatment of drug-sensitive and
when combined with moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide, has high
drug-resistant disease
bactericidal activity at 14 days, suggesting promise for treatment
of sensitive and resistant disease
A marketed oxazolidinone that improved sputum-culture conversion
at 4 mo in a group receiving immediate versus delayed linezolid;
for both linezolid regimens, 89% of patients had sputum-culture
conversion on solid medium by 6 mo; high rate of peripheral neuropathy, including some cases of optic neuropathy

Background therapy for multidrug-resistant disease plus delamanid

Delamanid (OPC-67683)

A nitroimidazole with activity against replicating bacilli through inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis; active against nonreplicating bacilli
through generation of reactive nitrogen intermediates; shown to
improve sputum-culture conversion at 8 wk

Background therapy for multidrug-resistant disease plus bedaquiline

Mycobacterial ATP synthase inhibitor shown to improve sputum

conversion at 8 wk; also to be studied in new regimens for drugsensitive tuberculosis

Higher doses of rifamycins may permit shorter regimens with standard drugs

Results expected by mid-2013

Bedaquiline (TMC207)

Treatment of drug-resistant active disease

Two experimental groups in which moxifloxacin is substituted for

ethambutol for 2 mo, followed by moxifloxacin plus rifapentine
twice weekly for 2 mo or moxifloxacin plus rifapentine weekly
for 4 mo


Results by mid-2013 have potential to shorten standard therapy to 4 mo

Standard 6-mo regimen vs. two 4-mo regimens including moxifloxacin Results in 2014 have potential to shorten standard therapy to 4 mo
Standard 6-mo regimen vs. 4-mo regimen including gatifloxacin





Treatment of drug-sensitive active disease

Trial or Investigational Drug

Table 2. Status of Selected Trials of Tuberculosis Treatments.*


m e dic i n e

* A full listing of all trial references or clinical trial numbers is provided in the Supplementary Appendix at ACTG 5279 denotes Ultra-Short-Course Rifapentine/Isoniazid for the
Prevention of Active Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Individuals with Latent Tuberculosis Infection, OFLOTUB Randomized, Open-Label, Controlled Trial of a 4-Month Gatifloxacin-Containing
Regimen versus Standard Regimen for the treatment of Adult Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis, PROMPT Prevention of Early Mortality by Presumptive Tuberculosis Treatment,
REMEMBER Reducing Early Mortality and Morbidity by Empiric Tuberculosis Treatment, REMox Rapid Evaluation of Moxifloxacin in Tuberculosis, and RIFAQUIN International
Multicenter Trial to Evaluate High-Dose Rifapentine and a Quinolone in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Designed to determine whether shorter treatment is effective in HIVpositive patients

Daily rifapentine plus isoniazid for 4 wk vs. daily isoniazid for 9 mo
ACTG 5279

Prevention of active disease in patients

with latent infection

Designed to reduce mortality from undiagnosed tuberculosis in HIVinfected patients

Empirical therapy provided within 7 days after start of antiretroviral
therapy in patients with CD4+ cell count of <50/mm3

Designed to reduce mortality from undiagnosed tuberculosis in HIVinfected patients

Empirical therapy provided within 2 wk after start of antiretroviral
therapy in patients with CD4+ cell count of <50/mm3 and bodymass index of <18.5

Empirical treatment of active disease

current concepts

and isoniazid for 1 month is also being studied

(Table 2). Studies have been suggested to investigate targeted use of preventive therapy with
isoniazid on a continuous or recurring basis in
persons with HIV infection who have a positive
tuberculin skin test.48
Drug-Sensitive Active Tuberculosis

Effective tuberculosis treatment requires accurate

and early diagnosis, screening for drug resistance
and HIV, the administration of effective regimens
under supervision, and the provision of support
to patients for compliance throughout the course
of treatment. The current standard four-drug treatment regimen of first-line drugs (isoniazid, rif
ampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol) achieves
cure rates of more than 95% in trial conditions
and more than 90% in treatment under the oversight of tuberculosis-control programs.1,49 Treatment requires a minimum of 6 months in two
phases: 2 months of all four drugs in the intensive phase and 4 months of isoniazid and rifam
pin in the continuation stage (Table 1). Risk factors for relapse include cavitation, extensive
disease, immunosuppression, and a sputum culture that remains positive at 8 weeks. If any of
these risk factors is present, therapy may be extended for up to 9 months. Challenges with current therapy include inconsistent drug quality,
the need to ensure that drug administration is
directly observed and that other support is provided to patients, treatment interruptions and
changes in regimen because of side effects, toxic
effects, pharmacokinetic interactions (particularly with antiretroviral therapy in patients with
HIV coinfection),50 and compliance issues owing
to the lengthy treatment period. Several trials in
progress are adding or substituting fluoroquinolones or testing higher doses of rifamycins in an
attempt to shorten standard therapy to 4 months
(Table 2).
Tuberculosis and HIV Coinfection

Tuberculosis leads to an increase in HIV replication and accelerates progression of HIV infection,
with attendant high mortality. Early initiation of
antiretroviral therapy results in a reduction in
mortality; among patients with tuberculosis who
do not receive antiretroviral therapy, those with
very low numbers of CD4+ cells have a high
short-term risk of death.50-52 WHO recommends
that antiretroviral therapy be started within the

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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

first 8 weeks after the initiation of tuberculosis

treatment and that patients with a CD4+ cell
count of less than 50 per cubic millimeter receive
antiretroviral therapy within the first 2 weeks.42
One exception is patients with tuberculous meningitis, in whom the early initiation of antiretroviral therapy does not improve outcomes and results in an increased risk of adverse events.42
The immune reconstitution inflammatory
syndrome (IRIS) occurs in at least 10% of HIVinfected patients who start antiretroviral therapy
during tuberculosis treatment. These cases of
IRIS include both new cases of active tuberculosis detected after the initiation of antiretroviral
therapy (called unmasking IRIS) and clinical
worsening during tuberculosis treatment after the
initiation of antiretroviral therapy (called paradoxical IRIS).53 The most common manifestations of IRIS are new-onset or worsening respiratory symptoms and increased lymphadenopathy.
IRIS is more common in patients who have a
reduced number of CD4+ cells and those in
whom antiretroviral therapy was initiated early
in the course of tuberculosis treatment, with
rates approaching 50% among patients with a
CD4+ cell count of less than 50 per cubic millimeter who started to receive antiretroviral therapy within 4 weeks after the start of tuberculosis
treatment.53 For antiretroviral therapy in patients with active tuberculosis, regimens with
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
are preferred, and efavirenz is the drug of first
The use of rifampin significantly reduces serum concentrations of protease inhibitors.55
Studies of the substitution of rifabutin for rifam
pin and increased doses of boosted protease inhibitors to avoid this reduction are under way.55
Patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis should
also receive prophylaxis with trimethoprim
sulfamethoxazole. In two clinical trials the
Prevention of Early Mortality by Presumptive
Tuberculosis Treatment (PROMPT) study56 and
the Reducing Early Mortality and Morbidity by
Empiric Tuberculosis Treatment (REMEMBER)
study57 investigators are evaluating the use of
early empirical tuberculosis therapy to reduce
the high rate of death among patients living in
tuberculosis-endemic countries who have a CD4+
cell count of less than 50 per cubic millimeter



m e dic i n e

but who do not have probable or confirmed tuberculosis (Table 2).

Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis

The treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is based on expert opinion and requires the
creation of combination drug regimens chosen
from five hierarchical groups of first-line and
second-line drugs58,59 (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). Such therapy is associated
with a high risk of intolerance and serious toxic
effects. Regimens may be chosen on a standardized or empirical basis and then switched to individualized therapy after data regarding drugsusceptibility testing become available. However,
reliable drug-susceptibility testing is not widely
available in regions in which tuberculosis is endemic, particularly for second-line drugs. WHO
treatment guidelines for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis recommend that the intensive phase of
therapy be administered for at least 8 months.58,59
A fluoroquinolone and an injectable agent should
routinely be included to provide a regimen with
at least four second-line drugs that will have certain or nearly certain effectiveness, as well as
Such therapy should be administered for at
least 20 months in patients who have not received previous treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and for up to 30 months in
those who have received previous treatment. An
observational study showed that a shorter regimen, with treatment given for 9 to 12 months
(the so-called Bangladesh regimen), had acceptable efficacy with fewer adverse reactions60 in a
population with no previous exposure to secondline drugs. This regimen is being more widely
evaluated in the ongoing Standardized Treatment Regimen of Antituberculosis Drugs for
Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
(STREAM) trial.61 Since most of the recommended drugs have serious side effects that render
treatment particularly difficult, expert consultation is always advised for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (Table S2 in the
Supplementary Appendix).
Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat in countries in which the disease is endemic. The condition has been associated with death rates as high

n engl j med 368;8 february 21, 2013

current concepts

as 98% among HIV-infected persons.12,13,62,63

Several new drugs with activity against multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis have shown promise in early trials and
are being investigated further (Table S3 in the
Supplementary Appendix).
New Drugs

Five classes of new drugs are being investigated

in trials. Of these drugs, two classes (nitroimidazoles and oxazolidinones) and two drugs (bedaquiline and SQ-109) have new mechanisms of
action for tuberculosis (Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix). Phase 2 trials of bedaquiline
or delamanid added to background therapy for
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis have shown a significant increase in the rate of sputum-culture
conversion at 8 weeks of treatment (Table 2).64,65
Phase 3 trials of each drug are being initiated,
and each manufacturer has applied for accelerated marketing approvals by regulatory agencies.
Accelerated approval was recently granted by the
Food and Drug Administration for the use of bedaquiline in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Several studies of combination drugs are being conducted or are being planned, although
these trials face barriers that include pharmacokinetic interactions, the reliance on clinical rather
than surrogate end points, and the relatively low
financial incentive for drug companies to perform such trials. The efficient evaluation of new
drug combinations will require close cooperation
among the drug companies and nonprofit sponsors of clinical trials. The three-drug combination of moxifloxacin, pyrazinamide, and PA-824
has 14-day bactericidal activity similar to that of
standard four-drug therapy.66 Linezolid has recently been shown to achieve sputum-culture
conversion in patients with extensively drugresistant tuberculosis, and further evaluations
are under way.67

fatal disseminated infection in immunosuppressed patients, it should not be administered in

HIV-infected newborns. Although the BCG vaccine has never been routinely used in the United
States, it is increasingly being considered for use
in tuberculin-negative adults who are planning
to travel to areas with a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in order to provide
medical care.
Through a major international effort, a range
of vaccines, both as primary immunogens to
replace BCG and as boosters for BCG, are being
studied, with more than 30 vaccines in development. Twelve vaccines have entered clinical trials
(Fig. S3 in the Supplementary Appendix).69 A poly
antigenic inactivated whole-cell vaccine showed
39% efficacy in a phase 3 trial for the prevention
of tuberculosis among HIV-infected adults who
had received previous BCG immunization.70

C onclusions

Tuberculosis remains a major cause of death

worldwide. The rise and spread of drug resistance
and synergistic interaction with the HIV epidemic are posing difficult challenges and threatening
global efforts at tuberculosis control. New molecular diagnostics have made earlier and improved diagnosis of active disease possible. Laboratory expertise and resources are required for
these tests to become available throughout the
developing world. Newer antituberculosis drugs
offer the promise of shortened treatment regimens for drug-sensitive disease and more effective treatment for drug-resistant disease and latent infection. New vaccines against tuberculosis
in advanced clinical trials offer hope for future
tuberculosis control. Although these scientific
developments are promising, the global economic crises continue to hinder tuberculosis-control
programs. Strong political and financial commitments71 will be required to achieve global
BCG and New Vaccines
control of tuberculosis and avert millions of unM. bovis bacilli CalmetteGurin (BCG) vaccine necessary deaths.
Dr. von Reyn reports receiving consulting fees from Oxford
continues to be administered in infants at birth
Immunotec. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to
in most regions where tuberculosis is endemic. On this article was reported.
the basis of a meta-analysis of controlled clinical
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
trials, the vaccine has an estimated overall effi- the full text of this article at
We thank Sue Tvaroha for her assistance with Figure S1 in the
cacy of approximately 50% for the prevention of Supplementary Appendix and Adam Zumla for administrative
tuberculosis. Since the BCG vaccine can cause and technical support.

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m e dic i n e

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[Erratum, Lancet 2012;379:2242.]
Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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Supplementary Appendix
This appendix has been provided by the authors to give readers additional information about their work.
Supplement to: Zumla A, Raviglione M, Hafner R, von Reyn CF. Tuberculosis. N Engl J Med 2013;368:745-55.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1200894





Page 2


Page 3


Page 4


Page 6

RISKS OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis INFECTION AND DISEASE

Page 8


Page 9


Page 10


Page 11

Current Concepts



From the Department of Infection, Center for Clinical Microbiology, Division of Infection and Immunity, University
College London Medical School, University College London, U.K. (A.Z); STOP TB Department, World Health
Organisation, Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (M.R); Tuberculosis Clinical Research Branch, Division of
AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and
Human Services, Bethesda, MD 20892-7628, USA (R.H); Section of Infectious Disease and International Health, Geisel
School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH 03756, USA (C.FvR).




First- line oral agents


H (Inh)
R (Rif)
E (Emb)
Z (Pza)

Second-line parenteral agents

(injectable anti-tuberculosis drugs)






Oral bacteriostatic second-line

anti- tuberculosis drugs

Para-aminosalicylic acid


Group 5 anti-tuberculosis drugs



Group 1
First-line Agents
Generally well tolerated




Pyrazinamide (Pza)*
Ethambutol (Emb)*

Group 2
Injectable Agents

Group 3

Kanamycin (Km)*
Amikacin (Amk)
Cyclic polypeptide:
Capreomycin (Cm)

Moxifloxacin (Mfx)*
Levofloxacin (Lfx)
Ofloxacin (Ofx)

Group 4
Bacteriostatic Second-line
Agents (in order of

Ethionamide (Eto)
Prothionamide (Pto)*

Cycloserine (Cs)
Terizidone (Trd)


- Hepatotoxicity (<1% with current dosing)

- Hyperuricemia and gout
- Anorexia, vomiting
- Central or peripheral retrobulbar neuritis in
<1% cases
current dosing
- Irreversible
ototoxicity (6-18%) and in some

- WHO guidelines recommend routine use despite

50% - 70% MDR resistance rates in some regions;
reliable DST
available for routine use in MDR-TB
- is
treatment because benefit not been shown

- Generally well tolerated

- GI disturbance - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- Neurologic disturbance insomnia,
restlessness; In less than 0.5%: agitation,
confusion, depression
- Dose-related QT prolongation common, so
avoid use with long Q-T syndrome and caution
with other drugs prolonging Q-T interval

- Optimal Mfx and Lfx doses not definitively established

- Ofx substantially less potent
- Use of ciprofloxacin is not recommended

- Frequent GI intolerance anorexia, nausea,

vomiting, metallic taste
- Neurotoxicity: seizures, psychosis, depression
- Peripheral and optic neuropathy
- Hepatotoxicity (2%)
- Hypothyroidism

- Active against katG mutants, but not inhA and other

relevant mutations
- No substantial difference in toxicity between analogues
- Divided doses (BID or TID) and/or initial dose ramping
over 1-2 weeks may improve tolerance
- Less effective with history of previous MDR- TB
- Pyridoxine should be added

- Common CNS effects: mood changes,

confusion, psychosis, paranoia, aggression,
vertigo, tremor
seizures, paresis, and coma

- Terizidone may have less CNS toxicity, but not proven

- Dose reduction common

- Parenteral administration only

cases may develop months after
- Km is preferred due to cost, but if resistance probable,
Cm should be used
- Nephrotoxicity - risk increased in elderly, renal - Cross-resistance patterns are variable and
impairment, and use with other nephrotoxic
complex - local drug choice often made on basis of cost
and availability




acid (Pas)

Group 5
Agents with unclear role in
MDR-TB Treatment (use
only as needed for regimen
to have at least 4 highprobability active secondline drugs)

- Frequent GI intolerance: anorexia, nausea,

vomiting, diarrhea
- Hepatotoxicity approx. 0.5%
- Hypothyroidism

High dose isoniazid

(High-dose Inh)*

- Hepatoxicity Risk increases with age (2% with

age > 50y), liver disease, other hepatoxic drugs;
- Rash (2%);
- Neurotoxicity risk is increased with higher dose,
CNS seizure, hallucinations, mental changes,
- Peripheral neuropathy, rarely optic neuritis
Clofazimine (Cfz)*
- Red to brown skin discoloration with intensity
related to dose and duration;
- Dose-related GI disturbance: nausea, vomiting,
And cramps
- Q-T prolongation has been observed, but not
carefully studied
Linezolid (Lzd)
- Nausea, diarrhea, and headache
- With long-term use:Peripheral neuropathy,
thrombocytopenia, infrequently optic neuropathy
- Myelosuppression common;
- Rarely, lactic acidosis, pancreatitis
Amoxicillin/Clavulanate - Generally well tolerated
- GI disturbance related to dose of Clv
- Rarely, hypersensitivity/anaphylaxis
Clarithromycin (Clr)
- Generally well tolerated;
- GI disturbance common nausea, cramping,
diarrhea, abnormal taste
- Q-T interval prolongation

Abbreviations: DST = Drug susceptibility testing

BID = twice daily dosing; TID = Thrice daily dosing

- High-dose pyridoxine (150-300
mg/day) should
be added
- Weak static activity only, but helps to prevent
emergence of resistance
- Granular form and divided dosing are usually
better tolerated
- Unlikely to have activity against katG mutant
strains, but may be active against most inhA
mutant strains
- Pyridoxine should be added

- While role in treatment is not yet clear, has

substantial activity in animal models
- Optimal dosing not established
- High barrier to resistance development
- Extremely high/prolonged tissue and macrophage
concentrations vs. serum
- Has substantial sterilizing activity
- High barrier to resistance
- Relatively high cost
- Dose reduction (600 daily to 300 mg daily)
often required to allow continuation
- Role in MDR-TB therapy not defined, but some
case reports indicate possible benefit
- Imp/Cln intravenous only
- Emb may be synergistic and increases activity,
even at sub-inhibitory concentrations
- Potent inhibitor of CYP3A
- Activity is low, but may synergize with Pza and
activity may be significantly enhanced by Emb,
if susceptible
- High lung tissue levels

2011 WHO guidelines for choice of combination regimens for MDR treatment: Initiate treatment with Pza and four second-line drugs likely to be effective based on patient
treatment history, local resistance and drug use patterns, and available DST of strains from patient or close contacts. Combination should include a fluoroquinolone (preferably Mfx
or Lfx), an injectable drug, and eto (or pto) as first choices, if appropriate. Other drugs from Group 4 should be added in the order listed above to achieve combination goals. If other
drugs are still needed, they are chosen from Group 5, and in that case, use of two Group 5 drugs may be considered. Addition of more drugs has not been demonstrated to add benefit
in treatment of extensive disease. Intensive phase with at least five drugs (including an injecta ble and Pza) is continued for at least 8 months.
Maintenance therapy includes only the other drugs (typically a fluoroquinolone, Eto or Pto, and Cs or Trd). Total duration of therapy is at least 20 months in the absence of prior MDR
treatment, but longer with previous MDR therapy (approximately 28-30 months). If available, DST should be obtained for fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. DST for other listed
drugs is not reproducible or reliable (except for detection of inhA and KatG mutations). Regimen changes are made based on clinical and bacteriologic indicators of response and DST
HIV co-infection: All HIV co-infected patients treated for MDR-TB should begin antiretroviral therapy regardless of CD4+ cell count as soon as possible, but within 8 weeks of TB
treatment initiation, and within 2 weeks for those with a CD4+ T cell count of less than 50 per cubic millimeter.
* Drugs included in the (modified) Bangladesh Regimen: Intensive phase consists of at least four months of Pza, Emb, Mfx, Clz, Km, high dose Inh, and Pto.
Maintenance phase includes Pza, Emb, Mfx, and Cfz to complete nine to twelve months total duration.









-Inhibition of Topoisomerase IV
and DNA gyrase

- Q-T interval prolongation: avoid use with long Q-T

syndrome and caution when using with other drugs prolonging Q-T
- Optimal doses not established
- Gatifloxacin: More frequent dysglycemia; Not commercially
available at present
- Phase III trials to reduce treatment to 4 months:
- Gatifloxacin (Oflotub III trial) results available mid-2013
- Moxifloxacin REMox trial to be completed late 2014

-For replicating M.tb bacilli inhibition of mycolic acid

-For non-replicating M.tb bacilli generation of highly reactive
nitrogen radicals

- Q-T interval prolongation

- Mild antagonism with bedaquiline, probably has no substantial
effect on sterilizing activity of combination use
- Delamanid - NDA for accelerated approval has been filed
with EMA; Phase III trial initiated
- Phase IIB trial of PA-824 in combination with Pza and Mfx initiated

generics now











-Inhibition of ATP synthase

- Q-T interval prolongation

- Metabolized by CYP3A4: with rifampin, AUC decreases by at least 50%
- Excellent sterilizing activity and remarkable synergy with PZA
- Prolonged tissue concentrations
- Accelerated approval granted recently by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for the treatment of multi-drug resistant
tuberculosis. Phase III trial to begin mid-2013


(PNU 100480)


-Inhibition of translation
by binding at the A site of
peptidyl transferase center

- Whether hematologic and neurologic toxicity will be decreased

vs. Linezolid is unknown
- Appear to have good sterilizing activity
- High barrier to development of resistance
- Sutezolid Phase IIA (EBA) trial completed
- AZD Phase IIA (EBA) trial now underway

AZD 5847
Ethylenediamine SQ109




-Inhibition of MmpL3 transporter - Phase 2b MAMS trial will evaluate four new treatment regimens
including SQ109, an increased dose of Rif, and Mfx, in early 2013
of trehalose mycolate across cell
membrane for incorporation into - Appears to have high barrier to development of resistance
cell wall

* Two other oxazoldinones now in late clinical trials for other indications have substantial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Tedazolid (Trius) and Radezolid (Rib-X)
EBA = Early bactericidal activity. GATB = The Global Alliance for Tuberculosis Drug Development

RISKS OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis INFECTION AND DISEASE

Percentages represent the estimated risk of progression from latent infection to active disease in a general population. The right side of the
Figure depicts the relative risk of developing active tuberculosis after new exposure for subjects with and without prior mycobacterial
experience including BCG, LTBI, or active tuberculosis. The risk of disease after new exposure is shown as 1X for nave subjects and is
higher or lower depending on prior mycobacterial experience.



5mm induration

Considered positive in:

HIV-infected individuals
Recent contacts of active TB case
Old healed TB
Transplant patients
Chronic liver or renal failure patients
Immunosuppressed patients

10mm induration

Considered positive in:

Foreign born from high TB endemic regions
IV drug abusers
Laboratory or health personnel
Staff and residents of high congregate settings
Children less than 5 years or active TB case in the family

15mm induration

Considered positive in:

All cases

Targeted TST programs should be conducted amongst high risk groups
TST reaction may be negative in patients with LTBI
Rule out active TB disease before treating LTBI





-- Controlled Comparison of Two Moxifloxacin Containing Treatment Shortening Regimens in Pulmonary

Tuberculosis (REMoxTB). Identifier: NCT00864383.

OFLOTUB III -- A Controlled Trial of a 4-Month Quinolone-Containing Regimen for the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Identifier: NCT00216385.

-- An international multicentre controlled clinical trial to evaluate high dose RIFApentine and a QUINolone in the
treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis RIFAQUIN. International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
Register Identifier: ISRCTN44153044.


-- Study of Daily Rifapentine for Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Identifier: NCT00814671.
-- TBTC Study 29 -Rifapentine During Intensive Phase Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment. Identifier:
-RIFAMPIN studies
-- High RIF -Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of High Versus Standard Dose Rifampicin in Patients With
PulmonaryTuberculosis (High RIF). Identifier:NCT00760149.
-- HR-1 -Safety, Tolerability, Extended Early Bactericidal Activity and PK of Higher Doses Rifampicin in Adults With
Pulmonary TB (HR1). Identifier: NCT01392911.
BEDAQUILINE -- (Ref 64 ) -- Diacon AH, Donald PR, Pym A, et al. The diarylquinoline TMC207 for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
N Engl J Med. 2009 Jun 4;360(23):2397-405.
BEDAQUILINE -- (Ref 66) -- Diacon AH, Dawson R, von Groote-Bidlingmaier et al. 14-day bactericidal activity of PA-824, bedaquiline,
pyrazinamide, and moxifloxacin combinations: a randomised trial Lancet. 2012 Sep 15;380(9846):986-93.
-- Evaluation of Early Bactericidal Activity in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Identifier: NCT01215851

DELAMANID -- (Ref 65) -- Gler MT, Skripconoka V, Sanchez-Garavito E, et al. Delamanid for multidrug-resistant pulmonary
tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2012 Jun 7;366(23):2151-60.
DELAMANID -- Safety and Efficacy Trial of Delamanid for 6 Months in Patients With Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis. Identifier: NCT01424670 (Phase 3 trial by Otsuka).
PA-824 -- Diacon AH, Dawson R, du Bois J, et al. Phase II dose-ranging trial of the early bactericidal activity of PA-824. Antimicrob
Agents Chemother. 2012 Jun;56(6):3027-31.
PA-824 -- Singh R, Manjunatha U, Boshoff HI, et al. PA-824 kills nonreplicating Mycobacterium tuberculosis by intracellular NO release.
Science. 2008 Nov 28;322(5906):1392-5.
PA-824 -- (Ref 66) -- Diacon AH, Dawson R, von Groote-Bidlingmaier et al. 14-day bactericidal activity of PA-824, bedaquiline,
pyrazinamide, and moxifloxacin combinations: a randomised trial Lancet. 2012 Sep 15;380(9846):986-93.
PA-824 -- Evaluation of 8 weeks treatment With the Combination of Moxifloxacin, PA-824 and Pyrazinamide in Patients With Drug
Sensitive and Multi Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB). Identifier: NCT01498419 (ongoing Phase IIB trial
for the Global Alliances PA-824+PZA+moxifloxacin combination).
PA-824 -- Evaluation of Early Bactericidal Activity in Pulmonary Tuberculosis With Clofazimine (C)-TMC207 (J)-PA-824(Pa)Pyrazinamide(Z). Identifier: NCT01691534. (Not yet initiated).
LINEZOLID -- (Ref 67) -- Lee M, Lee J, Carroll MW, et al . Linezolid for treatment of chronic extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. N
Engl J Med. 2012;367(16):1508-18.
SUTEZOLID -- A Study Of PNU-100480 In Newly Diagnosed, Treatment Sensitive Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis To Assess Early
Bactericidal Activity (EBA) And Whole Blood Activity (WBA). Identifier: NCT01225640
-- Wallis RS, Friedrich SO, Diacon AH, et al. Bactericidal Activity in Sputum and Blood of PNU-100480(Sutezolid,U-480)
and its Major Metabolite (PNU101603,U-603) in Patients with Pulmonary TB. ICAAC 201 abs A-1264.

AZD5847 -- Phase 2a EBA Trial of AZD5847. Identifier: NCT01516203.


-- Dose Escalation Study of SQ109 in Healthy Adult Volunteers. Identifier: NCT00866190
-- Dose Escalation Study of SQ109 in Healthy Adult Volunteers, International Consortium for Trials of
Chemotherapeutic Agents in Tuberculosis, 2012 Meeting:

SQ-109 -- A multiple arm, multiple stage (MAMS), phase 2, open label, randomized, controlled clinical trial to evaluate four
treatment regimens including two doses of SQ109, an increased dose of rifampicin, and moxifloxacin in adult
subjects with newly diagnosed, smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis - PanACEA-MAMS-TB-01.
Pan-African Clinical Trials Registry Identifier: PACTR201205000383208.
ACTG 5290 -- (Ref 55) -- Rifampin-Based Tuberculosis Treatment Versus Rifabutin-Based Tuberculosis Treatment in HIV.
PROMPT -- (Ref 56) -- Prevention of Early Mortality by Presumptive Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment (PrOMPT). Identifier: NCT01417988.
REMEMBER (ACTG 5274) -- (Ref 57) -- Reducing Early Mortality & Morbidity by Empiric Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment.
AC Identifier: NCT01380080.
ACTG 5279 -- Evaluating the Safety and Effectiveness of Short-Course Rifapentine/Isoniazid for the Prevention of Active
Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Individuals With Latent Tuberculosis Infection. Identifier: NCT01404312.


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