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Notes 2019 (Repaired)

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 Gurjara-Pratiharas of Kannauj

 Chahamanas (of Shakambhari, Nadol and Jalor)

 Tomaras of Delhi
 Chaulukyas (Solankis) and Vaghelas of Gujarat
 Paramaras of Malwa
 Gahadavalas of Varanasi and Kannauj
 Chandelas of Jejakabhukti (modern Bundelkhand)
 Guhilas of Medapata (modern Mewar)

Rajput states
Following is the list of those ruling Rajput dynasties of the Indian Subcontinent:  Tomars/Tanwar of Sikar and Gwalior[13]
 Ujjainiyas of Bhojpur, Bihar including Dumrao
 Amethia of Amethi, Shivgarh, Birsinghpur, Rae bareli. n Raj.[14
 Baghelas of Rewa, Baghelkhand.
 Bhatis of Jaisalmer
 Bundelas of Bundelkhand: Ruled Bundelkhand from the 16th century onwards.
 Chand dynasty of Kumaon: Ruled much of Uttarakhand.[3]
 Rao Rajputs of Idar in Gujarat
 Songara Chauhan of Ambliara in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
 Chavdas of Gujarat.
 Chandel of Gidhaur
 Charak Dogra dynasty of Jammu and Kashmir[4]
 Chudasamas and Sarvaiyas of Kathiawar – a branch of Samma Rajputs of Sindh.
 Dogra dynasty of Jammu and Kashmir[5]
 Gandhawarias of the Kosi region of Bihar including Sonbarsa Raj.[6]
 Gahlots's of Bhavnagar, Palitana, Vala, Lathi and Rajpipla in Saurashtra
 Hadas of Bundi, Kota, Baran and Jhalawar, Rajasthan
 Jadejas of Kutch, Nawanagar, Gondal and Dhrol.[7]
 Jadauns of Karauli, Awagarh, Aligarh and Agra[citation needed]
 Jethwas of Porbandar.
 Jhala of Kathiawar
 Kachwahas of Jaipur, Alwar and Maihar
 Khanzada Rajputs of Mewat.
 Katoch dynasty of Kangra: Ruled much of Himachal Pradesh and parts of Punjab.[8]
 Kindwars of Kharagpur Raj
 Lohtamias of Rajnagar, Bihar[citation needed]
 Parhar, Parihara and Pratihara dynasties of Kannauj.[9] Conquered Kannauj in 816 AD, which remained its capital for about a
century, declined in the 10th century. Nagod State, Alipura State, Kumharsain, And Rajputana
 Pawars of Danta
 Raghuvanshis of Kunihar State and Rajgarh State, Himachal Pradesh
 Rathores of Marwar (Jodhpur and Bikaner)
 Sarnets/Sirnets of Basti[10]
 Sarvaiyas of Keshwada Junagadh and Kathiyawad
 Sengars of Bhareh (UP), Jalon (UP), Datia (MP)
 Shekhawats of Shekhawati[11]
 Sisodias of Mewar (Udaipur)
 Deora's of Sirohi (besides udaipur)[citation needed]
 Sodhas of Umerkot, Sindh[12] [Sainthwar]s of Gorakhpur Songaras of Ambliara, Gujarat
 Taonis of Ambala

Types of Diseases: On the basis of its nature, character and causes of its spreadness is of two types:

1. Congenital Disease is the diseases which are present since birth. These are caused due to genetic abnormality or due
to metabolic disorders or malfunctioning of any organ. They are basically permanent, generally not easily curable and may
be inherited to the children like Harelip, Cleft Palate, Club foot etc. Also due to imbalance in the chromosomes the
appearance of Mongalism, to born the blue baby due to cardiac disorder etc are also some examples of it.

2. Acquired Disease is those defects or disorders which are not present by birth but appear due to the various causes and
factors. These may be further categorized into following heads:

(i) Communicable or infectious diseases: These are caused by a variety of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi
and worms. The pathogens are generally carried with the help of a vector.

(ii) Non-communicable or non-infectious or degenerative diseases: These occur due to the malfunctioning of some organ
or organ system in the body. It may be of various types like Deficiency diseases: These occur due to the deficiency of
some nutrients, minerals or vitamins, Cancerous diseases, Allergy, Genetic diseases.

Diseases Spread through Blood Transfusion

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome): It destroys immune system of the body & is caused by the Human Immuno
deficiency Virus (HIV).There are two types of HIV namely HIV-1 and HIV-2. The most common virus currently associated
with AIDS is HIV-1. A virus found in the blood of wild African green monkey called the Simian Immuno deficiency
Virus (SIV) is similar to HIV-2. HIV is a retrovirus. It can synthesize DNA from RNA. The major cell infected by HIV is the
helper T-Iymphocyte that bears the CD-4 receptor site. HIV progressively destroys T-Iymphocytes. The patient
occasionally will suffer from swollen lymph nodes, mild prolonged fever, diarrhoea or other non-specific symptoms.

Important facts about AIDS: AIDS in India was first reported in 1986 and is the end stage of the
disease. HIV antibodies can be detected by the ELISA test (Enzyme-Linked Immuno
Sorbent Assay). World AIDS Day is celebrated on 1st December.


Cancer: They are characterized by the uncontrolled growth and division of cells which leads to a mass of cells known as
neoplasm. Abnormal and persistent cell division localized in a particular region is called benign tumor.

Gout: It results from accumulation of uric acid crystals in the synovial joints. It is a disease associated with an inborn error
of uric acid metabolism that increases production or interferes with the excretion of uric acid.

Haemophilia is called bleeder's disease. It is a disorder which is sex-linked and is a recessive condition. In a patient of
haemophilia, blood clotting is deficient.

Haemophilia A, is characterized by lack of anti- haemophilia globulin factor VIII. About four-fifths of the cases of
haemophilia are of this type.

Haemophilia B or Christmas disease results from a defect in plasma thromboplastic component.

Hepatitis : It is a viral disease, causes hepatic anorexia resulting in liver damage (liver cancer) or jaundice. It is transmitted
by the faecal-oral route. Children and young adults are susceptible to it and no vaccines are acceptable.

Various Deficiency Diseases


Name of Parts of body

Caused by Method of spread Type of Vaccination
disease affected

Respiratory passages:
A myxovirus (RNA
Influenza epithelial lining of Droplet Infection Killed virus
trachea and bronchi.

Large variety of
viruses, commonly
Common cold Respiratory passages Droplet Infection Intramuscular injection.
rhino-virus (RNA

Living atteneuated virus

Variola virus (DNA Respiratory passages, Droplet Infection (Wounds in
Smallpox applied by scratching skin,
virus) then skin skin)
no longer carried

Chickenpox Varicella- zoster Blistering Skin rash Air-borne droplets Living attenuated virus

Respiratory passages,
A paramyxovirus infection via blood,
Mumps Droplet infection Living attenuated virus
(RNA virus) salivary glands, testes in
adult males

Respiratory passages,
A paramyxovirus
Measles spreading to skin and Droplet infection Living attenuated virus
(RNA virus)

Living attenuated virus,

German Respiratory passages,
more essential for girls
measles Rubella virus lymph nodes in neck, Droplet infection
because disease causes
(Rubella) eyes and skin.
complication in pregnancy.

Pharynx and intestines,

then blood; occasionally
Poliomyelitis Poliovirus (RNA Droplet infection or via Living attenuated virus
motor neurons in spinal
(polio) Virus) human faeces given orally
cord, paralysis may

An arbovirus i.e
Lining of blood vessels Vector- arthropods e.g ticks,
Yellow fever arthropod-borne Living attenuated virus
and liver mosquitoes
virus (RNA Virus)

Retrovirus (RNA Sexual intercourse homo-

AIDS Skin Cancer Not available
virus) and hetrosexuals

It is transmitted to people
Ebola from wild animals and
Ebola Virus disease Fatal Illness in Humans, No licensed Ebola vaccine
haemorrhagic spreads in the human
(EVD) Fever is available
fever population through human-
to-human transmission.

Basically Infection in
Causes mild illness in
Zika Virus (mosquito pregnant women is linked to
Zika disease the people like dengue, No vaccine available
borne disease) abnormally small heads in
yellow fever
their babies.

Bacterial Diseases of Humans

Name of disease Caused by Parts of body Method of spread Type of

affected vaccination or

Diphtheria Corynebacterium Upper Droplet infection Toxoid

diphtheria respiratory tract,
mainly throat
also toxin affects

Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Mainly lungs Droplet infection, BCG living

(TB) tuberculosis Drinking milk attenuated
from infected bacteria.
cattle. Antibiotics e.g.

Whooping cough Bordetella Upper Droplet infection Killed bacteria

(Pertussis) pertussis respiratory tract,
inducing violent

Gonorrhoea Neisseria Reproductive Contagion by Antibiotics, e.g.

gonorrhoeae organs: mainly sexual contact penicillin,
mucous streptomycin
membranes of
tract. Newborn
infants may
acquire serious
eye infections if
they pass
through infected
birth canal.

Syphilis Treponema Reproductive Contagion by Antibiotics. e.g.

pallidum organs, then sexual contact penicillin
eyes, bones,
joints, central
nervous system,
heart and skin.

Tetanus Clostridium tetani Blood. Wound infection Toxoid

Toxin produced
which affects
motor nerves of
spinal cord and
hence muscles,
causing lockjaw
and spreading to
the muscles.

Cholera Vibrio cholera Alimentary Faecal Killed bacteria:

canal: mainly contamination short-lived
small intestine. protection and
(a) food or not
- always
water borne of effective
material Antibiotics e.g.
contaminated tetracyclines,
with faeces from chloramphenicol.
infected person.

(b) handling of

(c) vector, e,g.

flies moving from

human faeces to

Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi Alimentary Same as cholera Killed bacteria

canal, then (TAB vaccine)
spreading to
lymph and
blood, lungs,
bone marrow,

Bacterial Shigella Alimentary Same as cholera No vaccine.

dysentery dysenteriae canal, mainly
ileum and colon

Bacterial food Salmonella spp. Alimentary canal Mainly Antibiotic. e.g.

poisoning foodborne meat tetracyclines.
(gastro enteritis from infected
or salmonellosis) animals from
poultry and pigs.
Also via faecal
contamination as

Diseases Caused By Worms

Disease Pathogen responsible Mode of transmission Main symptoms

and its habitat

Ancylostomiasis or Ancylostoma Transmission from Dermatitis; reddish,

'Hook-worm disease' duobenale, small person to person, severe anaemia;
intestine (jejunum) of filariform larvae duodenal ulcer,
man passed out in faeces, constipation. Patient
man picks up pale, face puffy with
infection walking swelling of lower
barefoot on faecally- eyelids.
contaminated soil.

Ascariasis Ascaris Transmission from Larvae in lung cause

Lumbricoides; small person to person, pneumonia. May give
intestine (jejunum) of ripe eggs passed out rise to typhoid-like
man in faeces, infection fever, causes protein
affected by and Vitamin A
swallowing ripe deficiencies resulting
Ascaris eggs with raw in protein-calorie
vegetables. malnutrition and night
respectively. Can
cause appendicitis,

Enterobiasis or Enterobius Transmission from Eczematous

'Pinworm disease' vermicularis, caecum one person to condition round the
and vermiform another by ingestion anus, bed wetting at
appendix of eggs in night, inflammation of
contaminated food or vermiform appendix.

Filariasis Wuchereria Bancrofti, Part of the life cycle Elephantiasis i.e.

lymphatic vessels in mosquito in which enormous
and lymph nodes. larvae develop and enlargement of
become infectious to certain parts such as
man, with mosquito that of leg, scrotum,
bite larvae deposited penis, labia, clitoris,
on skin which enter breast, forearm.
through puncture
wound and reach
lymphatic channels

Diseases Caused By Worms

Diseases caused by Fungi

Disease Pathogen responsible Mode of transmission Main symptoms

Ringworm (tinea) Microsporum, Direct contact from Contain one or more

Trichophyton unbathed cats and blistered areas on
dogs or objects skin and scalp. Cause
handled by infected partial and temporary
individuals baldness in children.

Athlete's foot Trichophyton Bad foot hygiene Painful itching or

where skin remains burning sensation in
warm and moist for the infected areas.
long periods. Crack appears in the
skin, mass of loose
dead skin clings
between toes.

Madura foot Maurella Mycetomi Fungi gain entry Produce a chronic,

through some minor granulating infection
injury to the skin. of the lower
extremities, affected
part becomes
enlarged and
develops many deep
sores, extensive bone
destruction leading to
crippling deformities.

Dhobie itch Several Different Direct contact through A type of ringworm

Fungi Objects handled by infection usually
infected person. located in the groin
and inner surfaces of
thighs, red rash which

itches intensely.

Aluminium Aluminium Al Heat resistant clothing,

Cookware,Greenhouses &
Window Frames, in the making of
Aircraft, Lightweighted Vehicles
and ladders etc.

Acetic Acid White Vinegar CH3COOH + In Grocery Store and

H2O Photography Store.

Acetylsalicylic Aspirin C9H8O4 Pharmacy: - Aspirin


Ammonium Soldering Flux NH4Cl Hardware Store :- Plumbing,

Chloride Soldering iron stuffs and used as
Dark Chemical in Photography.

Ascorbic acid Vitamin C C6H8O6 Vitamin C tablets.

Argon Argon Gas Ar Welding and inert filler gas inside

incandescent lighting equipments
such as Bulbs, CFLs.

Amylose Cornstarch (C6H9O5)n In Grocery Store

Ammonium Fertilizer (NH4)3PO4 Used as fertilizer in Gardens &

Phosphate Agricultural Lands

10 | P a g
Aluminium Flocculating Al2(SO4)3 Household Uses: - Stypmtic
Sulphate Powder Pencils, Gardening, Water
Treatment, Paper Making and
Dyeing Fabrics.

Acetylene Gas Ethyne C2H2 Carburization, welding, Portable

Lighting, Mass Spectrometer and
Radiocarbon Dating

Ammonium Ammonia NH3; NH4OH Fertilizers, Explosives, Hair Care,

Hydroxide Plastics, Refrigerators, Auto-
care:- tire inflaters, Metal
Cleaners, polishes, Shaving
Cream, Acne Treatments, Lotions
, etc.

Aluminium Alum KAl(SO4)2.12H2O Water Purification, Flame

potassium Retardant, Skin Whitener, Some
Sulphate types of Toothpastes, Pickling
Agent and in Styptic pencils.

Ammonium Ammonium NH4Br Fireproofing of Wood, Corrosion

Bromide Bromide inhibitors,Pharmaceutical
preparations, Lithography and
process engraving

Ammonium Smelling Salts (NH4)2CO3 Leavening agents, Acidity

Carbonate regulator, Smelling Salts, Cough

Acetone Acetone CH3COCH3 Solvent, Skin lightening Products,

Bath & Fragrance products

11 | P a g
Ammonium Bi- Ammonium NH4HF2 Glass Processing, Toilet Bowl
Fluoride hydrogen fluoride Cleaner, Rust Stain remover, Car
body Cleaner, etc.

Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium NH4NO3 Used in Fertilizers and

Nitrate Explosives.

Aluminium Alumina Hydrate Al(OH)3 Excellent Fire Retardant,

Hydroxide Preparation of tetanus injections,
Skin Protectant, Flame resistant,
Water purification & Sewage
Treatment, etc.

Aluminium Oxide Alumina Al2O3 Glass Making, Gas Purification,

Plastics making, Blush, Lipstick
and Nail polishing, Alcohol
dehydration, Paints,Composite
Fiber,Abrasion Protection,etc.

Ammonium Etching Solution (NH4)2S2O8 Used as radical initiators in

Persulphate the polymerization of
certain Alkenes, Hair Bleach, etc.

Ammonium Bi- Baker’s Ammonia (NH4)HCO3 Nitrogen Fertilizer, raising agents

carbonate for cookies and crackers,
Ceramic manufacturing, etc.

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


12 | P a g
Barium Carbonate BaCO3 Ceramic industry, Acts as a
Flux agent, a matting agent,
Crystallizing Agent,
Earthenware & pottery

Barium Sulphate Lithopone BaSO4 In photography for coating

papers, Drilling Fluids,
paper brightener, X-Ray
Imaging, Root canal fillings,
Powder Coatings

Bismuth Lead free Bi Used for non toxic

Shot/Sinkers replacement for bullets,
Shot and fishing Sinkers,
Production Malleable iron

Benzoyl Peroxide Benzoic acid peroxide C14H10O4 Bleaching Hair, Tooth

whitening Systems, used as
initiator & catalyst of
polyester Thermoset, Ink &
stain remover, Acne
treatment, Antibiotics.

Butane Butane C4H10 Base petrochemicals in

steam cracking, fuel in
cigarette lighters, propellant
in aerosol sprays as
Deodorants, Gasoline

Bromthymol blue pH Test C27H28Br2O5S Works as a respiratory

indicator for observing
photosynthesis activities,

13 | P a g
used in obstetrics.

Boric acid Ant/Roach Killer H3BO3 To prevent Boron

deficiencies in plants,
Pyrotechnics, pH buffer,
insecticides, used in
antiseptics , , antibacterial &
antibiotics, preservation of
wood, timbers, Sheepskins,
cattle hides.

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Caffeine No-Doz C8H10N4O2 Used in Coffee, Tea, Cola,

Mate etc. as a mental
alertness improver.

Calcium Carbide ---- CaC2 Production of Acetelyne,

Calcium Cyanamide
(Fertilizer), Steel making,
Carbide lamps.

Calcium Carbonate LimeStone CaCO3 Marble, Limestone,

Precipitated Chalk, Marble
Chips, Some Antacids, Paint
making etc.

Calcium chloride Laundry Aid/Road CaCl2 Highway maintenance,

Salt/De-Icer Chemical manufacturing,
Cement, Food, Construction,
Drying air & gasses,
14 | P a g
Automotive & Aluminium,
Mining, Paper Manufacturing,

Calcium Bleaching Powder Ca(ClO)2 Chloroform Manufacturing,

Hypochlorite Sterlization of Drinking Water,
making of Unshrinkable Wool,
oxidizing agent, Bleaching
agent for cotton, linen & Wood

Calcium oxide Quicklime CaO Cement Production, Biodiesel

production, Paper, Plaster & in
fuel-gas desulphurization.

Calcium Hydroxide Slaked Lime Ca(OH)2 Pesticides, Ebonite,

Whitewash, Mortar, Plaster,
Production of calcium
Stearate, Antimicrobial &
Antifungal Preservative, Hair
Removal Creams, Endodontic
Therapy,Brake Pads, painting
& decorating, in Food industry

Calcium Nitrate Norwegian saltpeter Ca(NO3)2·4H2O Fertilizers, Waste water

treatments, Concrete, Cold
packs etc.

Cadmium Sulfide Cadmium yellow CdS Pigment, Photo resistors,

Tatto’s Color

Calcium sulphate Gypsum CaSO4·2H2 Making of Portland Cement,

Fertilizer & Soil Conditioner,

15 | P a g
dehydrate Water Hardening, Shampoos
& other hair products etc.

Camphor Camphor C10H16O Explosives, Pest detterent &

preservative, Culinary,
Medicinal like antimicrobial &
anesthetic etc.

Calcium sulfate Plaster of Paris CaSO4·1/2H2 For healing of Broken &

hemihydrate Fractured bones, Making
statues, toys & surgical
instruments, Construction
industry etc.

Carbon Carbon C Graphite, Carbon Fiber,

Carbon Monoxide, Fossil
Fuels, Clay, Charcoal,
Diamond etc.

Carbonic Acid H2CO3 Dermatitides Treatment,

Antidepressants, Sodium
bicarbonate, Hypotension, etc.

Cellulose (C6H10O5)n Paper Products, Fibers,

Consumables, Energy Crops,
Biofuel, Water & fire Resistant
Smokeless Gunpowder),
Water soluble adhesives &
Binders, etc.

Citric Acid Sour Salt C6H8O7 Cleaning Products, Soda &

Fizzy Drinks, Chelating
Agent,Steel Rust dissolver,

16 | P a g
Cosmetics & Pharmaceuticals,
Food Dyeing, Passivation of
stainless steel, Photography

Copper Copper Cu Production of Electrical Wires

& cables, Electric Motors, all
electronics, Architecture,
Antimicrobial & Antibiofueling
Applications, Folk medicine,
Compression Clothing,
Glassmaking, etc.

Copper Cupric Naphthenate Cu(C11H10O2)2 Wood preservatives, Linseed

Naphthenate Oil & petroleum distillate

Copper sulphate Cupric sulphate CuSO4 Herbicide, Fungicide,

Pesticide, Firework
Manufacture, Anemia Blood
testing, Barium Flame test,
Intaglio Printmaking, Dyeing

Copper sulfate Blue vitriol CuSO45H2O Rootkiller, Gardening,

Pentahydrate Agricultural Supply,
Algaecides, Pest Control

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formulae Their Uses

Dextrose Glucose, Corn Syrup C6H12O6 Grocery Purpose

17 | P a g
Dichloromethane Methylene chloride CH2Cl2 Paint Stripper,
Degreaser, Aerosol
Spray Propellant,
Tea, Decaffeinate

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formulae Their Uses

Ether Ethoxyethane (C2H5)2O Alcohols, Phenols,

Manufacturing of
Perfumes &
Anaesthetic Drugs

Eugenol Oil of Clove CH2CH2CH2C6H3(OCH3)OH Perfumeries,

Antiseptic &
anaesthetics, In
Dentistry for
restorative &
Antioxidants for
Plastics & Rubbers

Ethanol Everclear C2H5OH Antiseptic,

Antidote for
Psychoactive Drug,
Rocket Fuels, Fuel
cells, Engine Fuel,

18 | P a g
Household Heating,
Paints & Tinctures,
Markers products.

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Formic Acid Methanoic acid HCOOH Preservative & antibacterial

agents in livestock Feed, Rubber
Production, Leather production,
Limescale Remover, Toilet Bowl

Fructose Acid Fruit Sugar C6H12O6 Digestion, Metabolism, For

Proper functioning of Liver, Gout,
Appetite Control

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Glycerin C3H8O3 Making Skin Products like Skin

Toner & Moisturizer

Gold Au Gold Jewellery manufacturing

Gum Arabic Gum acacia CH4O3S Binder for watercolor painting,

Ceramics, Photography,

19 | P a g
Pyrotechnics, Printmaking

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Hydrogen Gas Hydrogen H2 Used as Fuels, Hydrogen

Bombs, Shielding & Welding,
Coolant, Energy carrier,
Semiconductor Industry

Hydrochloric Acid Masonry Cleaner HCl Steel Picklings,

Compounds production, pH
Control & neutrilization of
waste streams, Ion exchanger

Hexamine Hexamethylenetetramine C6H12N4 Food Additive, Solid Fuel,

Explosives, reagent in organic

Helium He Treating Asthma,Emphysema,

Space Technology as Fuel,
Barcode Reading

Hydro Fluoric Acid Glass Etching Solution HF Oil refining, Fluorides

Production, Etchant &
Cleaning Agent, Production of
Organofluorine compounds,
Petroleum industry, Automatic

20 | P a g
fire Suppression

Hydrogen peroxide Peroxide H2O2 Disinfectants, Hair Bleaching,

Nail Whitening, Foot Fungus
Treatment, Anti Bacterial

Hypochlorous acid Laundry Bleach HClO Grocery store

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Iodine Iodide I2 Radiation Exposure, Sterlizing

agent, Boosting Metabolism,
Breast Health, Neurological

Iron Fe Manufacturing of all ware

Iron sulphate Ferrous sulphate FeSO4 Textile industry for making

Colors, Nutrient for Garden

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Ferric Chloride Etching Solution FeCl3 Circuit Boards, Fine Art

21 | P a g

Ferric Oxide Rust Fe2O3 Iron Industry for making Iron,

steel & many alloys,
Polishing, Making color
Pigment, Medcine,
Photocatalyst, Magnetic

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Kerosene Oil Aviation Fuel CnH2n+1(n=12– Lamps, Paint industry and

16) Hardware stores

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Lactic Acid Milk Acid C3H6O3 Blood testing,

Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic
applications, Foods,

Lead Pb Chargeable Batteries,

Pigments, Rolled Extrusions,
Ammunition, Cable

22 | P a g
sheathing, Production of
other lead alloys.

Latex Liquid latex body paint C3H6O3 Natural rubber, Mattresses,

Gloves, balloons, Gutta
Percha, Chewing gum,
Coatings, Glues

Linseed Oil Paint Binder, Wood Finish,

Gilding, Nutritional
Supplement & Food.

Lithium Li Portable Battery, Works as

Flux in the Processing of
Ceramics & Glass,
Lubricating Greases,
Mettalurgy, Treating of
Bipolar Disorder, Nuclear
Science, Pyrotecnics, Air
Purification, Making of
Optical devices, Military
applications as Rocket

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Magnesium Fire Starter Mg Aircraft, Automotive,

Electronics, Flash
photography, Flares,
Pyrotechnics, Firework
Sparklers, Manufacturing of
Beverage cans, Fishing
23 | P a g
reels, Dry Cell Battery Walls,
Engine manufacturing

Magnesium Milk of Magnesia Mg(OH)2 Antiperspirant, Antacid &

Hydroxide Laxatives, Fire Retardant

Magnesium Athlete’s Chalk MgCO3 Flooring, Fire Proofing,

Carbonate Cosmetics, Dusting Powder,
toothpaste, fire
Extinguishing Compositions,
Smoke Suppressant, Drying

Magnesium Epsom Salt MgSO47H2O Medicines, Fertilizers,

sulphate Pregnancy to decrease the
risk of Cerebral palsy,
Photographic Development

Magnesium Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 Purifying adsorbent, Anti-

Silicate caking Agent, Catalyst
carrier, Making of talcum
Powder, Food Additive

Magnesium Nigari MgCl2 Soil Stablization, Wind

Chloride erosion mitigation, De-icing
of Highways, Nutritional
Supplements, Gardening &
Horticulture, Culinary use

Mercury Quicksilver Hg Barometers, Manometers,

Thermometer, insecticides,
Disinfectant, Vermillion

24 | P a g
Manganese Pyrolusite MnO2 Thiol Oxidation, Oxidative
DiOxide Coupling, Aromatization,
inorganic pigment in
ceramics & Glass making,
Body & Cave Painting

Methanol Methyl Alchohol CH3OH Fuel for vehicles, Destaining

agent, Energy carrier,
Safety in automotive fuels

Methyl ethyl MEK CH3COC2H5 Low boiling Solvent, Rubber

Ketone based industrial Cements &
printing inks, Catalyst in

Methylene Blue Methidote C16H18ClN3S Endoscopic polypectomy,

Dye in Chromoendoscopy,
Used for treating small
Injured fishes

Methylene DiChloromethane CH2Cl2 Used as degreaser,

chloride adhesive remover, Klean
strip graffiti remover, Choke
& Valve Cleaners, Hardware
& Automotive Store

Monosodium MSG C5H8NO4Na Flavour enhancer


Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses

25 | P a g

Nitrogen Liquid Nitrogen N2 Manufacturing of Steel,

Photolithography, Fire
Suppresion System,
dielectric gas, Filing Tires, in
the production of Nitrogen
Compounds, Incandescent
light Bulbs

Nickel Ni Making Utensils

Nitrous Oxide Laughing gas N2O Rocket motors as an

oxidizer, Internal
combustion Engine, Aerosol
propellant, Anesthetic in
Dentistry/ medical purposes,
Recreational purposes

Naphthalene Moth Balls C10H8 Wetting agent & surfactant,

Fumignant, Solvent for
several chemical reactions
e.g. Durene

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Oxygen O2 Steel industry, Medical,

Precursor to PVC,
manufacturing of
acid,Hydrogen Peroxide,
26 | P a g
Antifreezer, Welding &
Cutting Metals

Oxalic Acid Rust Remover C2H2O4 Mordant in Dyeing, Baking

Powder, Cleaning &
Bleaching, Works as a
reagent in Lanthanide

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula Their Uses

Phenol C6H5OH Antiseptic, Paint Stippers,

Epoxy, Polyurethane, hair
Colorings, Skin Lightening,
Sunscreens, Bakelite,
Pharmaceutical Drugs

Paraffin CnH2n+2 (n>19) Medicine, Agriculture,

Cosmetics, Fuel in Rockets
& Jet Engines, Lamps &
Lanterns as fuel,
Lubricants, Coolants,
insecticides, Treating
eczema, Constipation, Dry
Skin, Ashesive and water
proofing Agent

Phenolphthalein C20H14O4 Indicator in acid-base

titrations, Laxatives

27 | P a g
para- Moth Crystals C6H4Cl2 Disinfectant, Pesticide,
dichlorobenzene Deodorant, Precursor to
various Chemical reactions

Phosphoric Acid Acidification of Foods &

H3PO4 Beverages, Rust Removal,
Dentistry, Flux, Sanitizing
Agent, pH adjuster in
Cosmetics & Skin care
Products, Electrolyte in Fuel

Polystyrene Casting resin Insulation, Food packaging,

Hardware Manufacturing,
Road Bank stabilization

Polyurethane Furniture & Bedding,

building insulation,
Refrigerators & Frezers,
Footwear, Automotive,
Coatings & Adhesives

Potassium Alum KAl(SO4)2·12H2O Manufacturing of Soda

Aluminium Alum,Ferric Alum, Flame
Sulphate Retardants, Antipersperant,
Antibacterial, Blood
Coagulant, Chemical
Flocculant, Tanning of
Animal Hides, Paper

Potassium Potash K2CO3 Soil Fertilizers, water

Carbonate softening, Cement, fire
extinguishers, food
28 | P a g
products, Photographic
Chemicals, Textiles,
Synthetic Rubber
production, Baking Soda,
Metal Electroplating

Potassium KBr Optics, Photography


Potassium KCl Fertilizer, Food processing,

Chloride Radiation monitoring
equipment, Fire
Extinguishing Agent,
Aluminium gas welding,
Crystallization of Sodium

ePotassium K2Cr2O7 Cleaner for Glassware,

Dichromate Cement, Photography,
Wood treatment

Potassium Caustic Potash KOH Biodiesel manufacturing,

Hydroxide Soft soaps manufacturing,
Electrolyte in Alkaline
Batteries , industrial

Potassium Iodide Radiation Pills KI Thyroid treatment,Salt

Production, Photographic
Development Chemical

Potassium Campden Tablets K2S3O5 Wine & Beer industry,

MetaBiSulfite Lemon Juice Preservative,
Dyeing & Cotton Printing,

29 | P a g
Bleaching agent in Coconut
Cream Production

Potassium Nitrate Salt Peter KNO3 Making of Toothpastes,

Asthma Treatment,
Fertilizer Production, Food
Preservatives, Nitric Acid
Production, Oxidizer

Potassium Clear Water Water treatment &

Permanganate KMnO4 disinfection, Synthesis of
ascorbic acid, saccharin,
Bleaching agent, Fruit

Potassium Rochelle salt NaKC4H4O6 * Drug Store

Sodium tartrate 4H2O

Propane As a Fuel for various

C3H8 purposes.

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Their Uses


Silicon Carbide Carborandum SiC Used in Abrasive Maching &

Cutting Metals, Automobile
Parts, Electronic Circuit
Elements, LEDs,
Astronomy, SiC filaments in
thin film pyrometry, Jewelry,
Steel Production, Graphene
Production, Nuclear Fuel
30 | P a g

Silicon Dioxide Sand, Silica SiO2 Production of Glass &

Silicon, Sand Casting, Food
& Pharmaceutical

Silver Ag As Currency, Jewelry &

Silverware, Solar Energy,
Air Conditioning, Water
Purification Process, Glass
Coatings, Photography &
Electronics, Dentistry, Some

Sodium Acetate Hand Warmer NaC2H3O2 Textile industry, Synthetic

rubber production,in Foods
for Salt & Vinegar flavor,
Heating pads & Hand

Sodium Baking Soda NaHCO3 Pest Control, pH balancer,

bicarbonate Fire Extinguiser, Paint &
corrosion removal, Cooking
as baking soda,
Neutralisation of acids &
bases, Cleaning Agent, food
Supplements for Cattles,

Sodium borate Na2B4O710H2O Water Softening agent, Fire

Retardant, Anti-fungal,
Forge welding, Woodworm
treatment, Preservative in
taxidermy, Food Additive,

31 | P a g
Vitamin Supplements,
Fertilizers,Neutron absorber

Sodium Washing Soda Na2CO3 Electrolyte, lyeing, treating

Carbonate Woolen Clothing

Sodium Chlorate NaClO3 Herbicides, Chemical

oxygen generation

Sodium Chloride Salt NaCl Fire Fighting, Cleanser,

optical usage, Flavour
enhancer, preservative,
Binder, Fermentation control
additive, Soda Ash industry

Sodium Fluoride NaF Water treatment, Extractive

metallurgy, Cavity
prevention, Medical imaging

Sodium Lye, Caustic Soda NaOH Chemical Pulping, Food

Hydroxide production, Cleaning agent,
Esterification &
Transesterification reagents

Sodium Bleach NaClO Bleaching, Stain removal,

HypoChlorite Disinfection, Deodorizing,
treat cyanide waste water,
medicine for eczema

Sodium Nitrate Chile Saltpeter Fertilizers, Gunpowder

NaNO3 making, treating of dentine

32 | P a g

Sodium Na3PO4 Emulsifiers, Thickening

Phosphate agents, leavening agents,

Sodium silicate Egg preserver, Water Na2SiO3, Drilling Fluids, Adhesive,

Glass Na2Si3O7 Water treatment, Car engine
disablement, Cement uses,
Aquaculture, Automotive

Sodium sulphate Na2SO4 Wood pulp Manufacturing,

Textile industry,
Laxative,Heat Storage in
Solar heating systems,
Starch Manufacturing, De-
frosting windows, Thermal

Sodium Hypo Neutralizing cyanide

thiosulphate Na2S2O3 poisoning, Antifungal agent,
Iodometry, Photographic
processing, Gold extraction,
Chlorinated water, Bleach
Neutrilizer, Leather tanning,
hand warmers & heating

Stearic Acid Candle hardener C17H35CO2H Soaps, cosmetics &

detergents production,
Lubricants & softening
agent, Dietary supplements

33 | P a g
Steel Stainless steel All kinds of hardware
Fe alloyed with
C and
depending on
type, possibly
also Ni, B, V, Cr
among others

Sulphur S Fertilizers, Sulphuric Acid,

Vulcanization of Rubber,
Fungicide & Pesticide,
Bactericide in wine making
& food preservation,
Treatment of Skin disease

Sulphuric acid Vitriol H2SO4 Catalyst, Electrolyte,

Industrial Cleaning agent

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula Their Uses

Tannic acid Tannin C76H52O46 Chemical staining of

Wood, Corrossion
treatment, Beer
Clarification, Color
stabilizer & taste
enhancer, Aromic
compound in Soft
drinks & juices,
treating leucorrhea

Tartaric Acid Wine preservative C4H6O6 Effervescent salt

production, Cough

34 | P a g
syrup, Chelating Acid,
Soil Fertilizer, Wine

Thymolphthalein Disappearing ink C28H30O4 Grocery store as blue

disappearing ink

Titanium dioxide Titanium white TiO2 Cleaving protein,

Solar Cells as solid

Toluene Cellulose thinner C6H5CH3 Fuel, Solvents for

Paints, paint thinners,
Silicone sealents,
extractor, Fullerene

Tungsten W High Speed Steel,

Turbine blades and
wear resistant part &
coatings, High
temperature lubricant,
Fluorescent lighting,
Chemical & tanning
industries, Filaments
in Electric Bulb &

Turpentine ------------------- -------------------- Production of

Varnishes, Thinner in
oil based paints,

35 | P a g
Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula Their Uses

Urea Ice Melter H2NCONH2 Fertilizers, Finishing,

Marine Plywood,
Improvised explosive
devices, Cigarettes,
Tooth Whitening
products, Fire
extinguisher, yeast
Nutrient, Dish Soap

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula Their Uses

Xylene C8H10 Paint Stores &

hardware Stores

Chemical Name Common Name Chemical Formula Their Uses

Zinc Zinc Zn Galvanizing, Alloys,

Brass & Bronze,

Zinc Oxide ZnO Rubber Manufacture,

Ceramic industry,
shampoos and
Antiseptic Oilments,
Calamine Cream,
36 | P a g
Cigarette Filters,
Food Additive, Paints
Pigments, Coatings,
Methane Reforming

Zinc Sulphate Zinc Sulphate ZnSO4 Coagulant in the

production of rayon,
Fertilizers, Agriculture
Sprays, Electrolytes
in Zinc Plating,
Mordant in Dyeing,
Astringent & emetic

Zinc Chloride Tinner’s Fluid ZnCl2 Disinfectant, Smoke

Grenades, Skin
Cancer treatment,
Textile & paper
Processing, Flux for

Functions & Anatomy of Human Body - Organs and Organ

Functions & Anatomy of Human Body - Musculoskeletal system
Important Facts About Human skeleton

Human Skeleton

270 bones at birth, 206 in adults.

Longest bone – Femur (thighbone).

Smallest bone – Stapes (in the ear).

37 | P a g
Other bones – Humerus (upper arm), Fibula (lower leg),
Tibia (shinbone).

Important Facts About Ligaments

 The connective tissue between bones.

 Made of collagen.

38 | P a g
Important Facts About Muscular system

Muscular System
Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles.

Largest muscle – Gluteus Maximus (buttock).

Smallest muscle – Stapedius (in the ear).

Important Facts About Tendons

 The
Important connective
Facts tissue between muscle and bone.
About Joints
 Made of collagen.

 The connection between bones in the body.

Functions & Anatomy of the Human Body - Digestive system

Important Facts About Mouth

 Lower Jawbone is called mandible, upper is called maxilla.

 The first portion of the alimentary canal.

Important Facts About Teeth

39 | P a g
20 baby (or milk) teeth
32 adults (permanent) teeth

Incisors (8)
Canines (4)
Premolars or Bicuspids (8)
Molars (12)

Made of enamel

Important Facts About Salivary glands

 Exocrine glands (glands with ducts).

 Produce saliva from amylase etc.
 Parotid glands, Submandibular glands, Sublingual glands, Von Ibner glands etc.

Important Facts About Pharynx

 Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx.

 An important part of Digestive system, Respiratory System, Vocalization
Important Facts About Esophagus

 Aka Food pipe or gullet.

 During swallowing, epiglottis tilts backward to prevent food from going into the

Important Facts About Stomach

 Secretes digestive enzymes.

 Pyloric Sphincter controls the passage of partially digested food into the
40 | P a g
Important Facts About Small intestine

41 | P a g
Small Intestine
Three parts – Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum

Duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juice.

Average length in adult human male is 6.9 m.

Important Facts About Large intestine

 Also known as bowels.

 The average length is about 1.5 m.
 Parts – Cecum, Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon, Descending Colon, Sigmoid
Colon, Rectum, Anal Canal.

Important Facts About Liver

The largest internal organ in the human

Largest gland in the human body.

Secretes the enzyme – bile.

Located in the upper right quadrant of the

abdominal cavity.

Has four lobes.

Can be fractured. Can be regenerated from

the part.

42 | P a g
Important Facts About Gallbladder

 Stores bile before being released into the small intestine.

 Can survive without gall bladder.
 Three parts – fundus, body, neck.

Important Facts About Pancreas

An endocrine gland that produces several
important hormones.

Chief among these hormones are insulin,

glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide.

It also secretes digestive enzymes called

pancreatic juices.

Insulin is produced from near the area called

Islets of Langerhans).

Functions & Anatomy of the Human Body - Respiratory system

Important Facts About Nasal cavity

 Aka nasal fossa.

 Divided into two by vertical fin called nasal septum.

Important Facts About Larynx

 Commonly called Voicebox.

 Involved in protecting trachea, manipulating pitch and volume of sound.
 Thyroid Cartilage is called Adam’s apple.

Important Facts About Trachea

 Aka Windpipe.
 The cartilaginous tube that connects larynx and pharynx to the lungs.

Important Facts About Bronchi

The airway in the
respiratory tract that allows
air into the lungs.

Primary bronchus – right

and left.

These branch into smaller

secondary and tertiary

No gas exchange takes

place in bronchi.

Important Facts About Lungs

 Primary respiratory organs.

 Two lungs (left and right) – each divided into two lobes.
 They extract oxygen from the atmosphere and transfer to the bloodstream. They
release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere.
 The right lung is bigger than the left lung.
 Protected by the ribcage.

Important Facts About Diaphragm

 The primary muscle that drives breathing.

 Separates thoracic cavity (containing the heart and lungs) from the abdominal

Functions & Anatomy of the Human Body - Urinary system

Important Facts About Kidneys

Regulates balance of electrolytes in
the blood.

Also maintains pH homeostasis.

Also removes excessive organic

molecules from the blood.
Thus it removes waste products of

Also produce hormones – renin,

calcitriol, and erythropoietin.

Two bean-shaped organs made up of

cells called nephrons.

 Tubes that take urine from kidneys to the bladder.

Important Facts About Ureters

Important Facts About Bladder

 The hollow muscle that collects urine from kidneys before urination.
 Typical capacity of the bladder is between 300 and 500 ml.

Important Facts About Urethra

 The tube that connects the urinary bladder to urinary meatus.

 It helps in the removal of fluids from the body.
Reproductive organs - Female reproductive system

Important Facts About Ovaries

 Produces and periodically releases eggs in the female body.

 They are both gonads and endocrine glands.

10 | P a g e
 They secrete estrogen, testosterone, progesterone.

Important Facts About Fallopian tubes

 Aka Uterine tubes.

 They allow passage of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

Important Facts About Uterus

It is a hormone-responsive reproductive sex
organ in females.

Aka womb.

One end connects to the fallopian tubes.

The other end, the cervix, opens into the vagina.

It is within the uterus that the egg is fertilized,

and the fetus is developed.

Important Facts About Vagina

 It is the opening of the female genital tract.
 It allows for sexual intercourse, childbirth and channels menstrual flow.

Important Facts About Vulva

 This is the external genital organ of the woman.

Important Facts About Clitoris

11 | P a g e
 It is a female sex organ.

Important Facts About Placenta

 Aka afterbirth.
 The organ that connects developing fetus to the uterine wall.
 It allows for nutrient uptake, thermoregulation to the fetus, waste elimination
and gas exchange via the mother’s blood supply.

12 | P a g e
Reproductive organs - Male reproductive system

Important Facts About Testes

 They are the male gonads producing sperms.

 They are also endocrine glands producing androgens, primarily testosterone.
 Typically there are two.

Important Facts About Prostate

 It is an exocrine gland in males.

 It produces a white fluid that constitutes 30% of the seminal fluid.

Important Facts About Penis

 It is the external male sexual organ.

 It also serves as the urinal duct.

Important Facts About Scrotum

 It is the male reproductive organ.

 It consists of a pair of suspended sacs.

Important Facts About Pituitary gland

Functions and anatomy of Human Body - Endocrine glands

 Aka hypophysis.
 It is an endocrine gland, the size of a pea.
 It is found at the base of the brain.
 It secretes hormones that regulate growth, blood pressure, certain functions of
sex organs, thyroid glands, temperature regulation, pain relief, metabolism, and

13 | P a g e
some aspects of pregnancy, childbirth nursing etc.

Important Facts About Pineal gland

 Aka conarium or epiphysis cerebri.

 Small endocrine gland found near the center of the brain, between the two
 It resembles a tiny pine cone.

14 | P a g e
Important Facts About Thyroid gland

Thyroid Gland

One of the largest endocrine glands in the body.

It consists of two connected lobes.

It is found in the neck.

Controls rate of use of energy sources, protein

and controls the body’s sensitivity to other

They help regulate growth and rate of function of

many other systems in the body.

T3 and T4 are synthesized from iodine and tyrosine.

It also produces calcitonin which plays a role in

calcium homeostasis.

The hormonal output is regulated by thyroid-

stimulating hormone (TSH).

Important Facts About Parathyroid glands

 Small endocrine glands in the neck.

 It produces parathyroid hormone.

Important Facts About Adrenal glands

 Aka suprarenal glands.

15 | P a g e
 Endocrine glands that produce many hormones.
 These include adrenaline and the steroids cortisol and aldosterone.
 They are found above the kidneys.

16 | P a g e
Functions and anatomy of Human Body - Circulatory system: Cardiovascular system

Important Facts About Heart

The muscular organ that pumps blood
through blood vessels to the entire body.

Divided into 4 chambers – Left atrium (top),

right atrium (top), left ventricle (bottom),
right ventricle (bottom).

In a healthy heart, blood flows one way through

heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow.

Enclosed by a protective sac called pericardium.

Wall of heart made up of –

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium.

Blood low in oxygen enters right atrium

from superior and inferior venae cavae.

From here it passes to the right ventricle.

From here it is sent to the lungs, where it

receives oxygen and gives off CO2.

Oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium

and passes to the left ventricle.

From here it leaves heart through the aorta.

The heart is a fist-sized organ that is placed

in the middle of the chest cavity.

17 | P a g e
It is slightly offset to the left. The left heart is
so heartbeats felt more strongly on the left.

18 | P a g e
Important Facts About Arteries

 Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

 Most carry oxygenated blood.
 Exceptions are pulmonary and umbilical arteries.

Important Facts About Veins

 Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart.

 Most carry deoxygenated blood from tissues.
 Exceptions are pulmonary and umbilical veins.
 Less muscular than arteries and closer to skin.
 Valves in veins prevent backflow.

Important Facts About Capillaries

 Smallest blood vessels in the human body.

 Makeup microcirculation.
 They connect arterioles and venules.
 Help enable the exchange of O2, CO2, other nutrients and waste substances
between blood and tissues.
 Lymph capillaries drain lymph from lymph vessels.

Circulatory system - Lymphatic system

Important Facts About Lymphatic vessel

 Thin-walled, valved structures that carry lymph.

 Lymph is a fluid that lies between body tissues.

19 | P a g e
Important Facts About Lymph node

 Oval or kidney-shaped organ.

 Present at multiple locations throughout the body including armpits, neck, and
 Important for the proper functioning of the immune system.
 Act as filters for foreign particles and cancer cells.

Important Facts About Bone marrow

20 | P a g e
Bone Marrow
Flexible tissue in the interior of

Red blood cells produced by the

bone marrow in heads of long

Bone marrow is a key component

of the lymphatic system.

It produces lymphocytes that

support the body’s immune

Important Facts About Thymus

 The specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system.

 Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature.
 These are key to the adaptive immune system.
 Consists of two identical lobes located in front of the heart.
Important Facts About Spleen

 Similar in structure to the large lymph node.

 Acts as a blood filter.
 Removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve of blood.
 It recycles iron.
 It also synthesizes antibodies in its white pulp.

Functions and anatomy of Human Body - Nervous system

21 | P a g e
22 | P a g e
Important Facts About Brain

The main organ of the human

nervous system and the human

Located in head, protected by the


Composed neurons, glial cells, and

blood vessels.

Divided into three parts –

forebrain, midbrain, and

The dominant feature of the

human brain is the
wrinkling of the cerebral cortex.
The cerebral cortex is so large that
it overshadows
all other parts of the human brain.

Three parts of the cerebral cortex –

cerebrum (forebrain), cerebellum
(hindbrain), and brainstem.

There are two hemispheres in the

brain – left and right.

The mind is an emergent property

of the brain.

23 | P a g e
24 | P a g e
Important Facts About The Brainstem

 Posterior part of the brain.

 Consists of – Midbrain, Pons, and Medulla Oblongata.
 Medulla Oblongata is responsible for involuntary functions like sneezing,
breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.
 Pons has a role in sleep and dreams. Also deals with swallowing, bladder control,
equilibrium, hearing, taste, eye movement, facial expressions, and posture.
 Midbrain is associated with vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, alertness,
temperature regulation.

Important Facts About Cerebellum

 Important in motor control, cognitive functions like language and attention.

 Also regulates fear and pleasure responses.

Important Facts About Spinal cord

 Long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells.
 Extends from brainstem to pelvis.
 Brain and spinal cord together make up central nervous system.

Important Facts About Nerves

Enclosed, cable-like bundles of axons (nerve fibers).

Part of the peripheral nervous system.

Provides a pathway for electrochemical nerve impulses to

and from peripheral organs.

25 | P a g e
Categorized into three groups based on the direction of
signals –
afferent nerves (from sensory neurons to the central
nervous system),
efferent nerves (from CNS to muscle and glands) and
mixed nerves (contains both signals).

26 | P a g e
Categorized into two groups based on where they connect
to CNS –
spinal nerves (connect to the spinal cord), and cranial
nerves (connect directly to the brain).

Functions and anatomy of Human Body - Sensory organs

Important Facts About Eye

 The eye is a sense organ.

 Contains rod cells (for light perception) and cone cells (for color perception).
 Made of three coats enclosing three transparent structures.
 Outermost layer composed of cornea and sclera.
 The middle layer consists of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris.
 The innermost layer is the retina, a light-sensitive layer of tissue.
 Within these coats are the aqueous humor (clear fluid), the vitreous body (clear
jelly), and the flexible lens.
 The lens is suspended to the ciliary body by the suspensory ligament (Zonule of
 The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil.
It refracts light.
 The iris controls the size and diameter of the pupil, which is a hole that lets light

Important Facts About Ear

The ear is an organ for hearing and balance.

Consists of three parts – the outer ear,

middle ear, and inner ear.

The outer ear consists of the auricle (visible

part of the ear) and ear canal.
It gathers and focusses sound energy on to
the eardrum.

27 | P a g e
The eardrum is a membrane that separates
the external ear from the middle ear.

The middle ear contains three ossicles which

28 | P a g e
transfer vibrations from the eardrum to
inner ear.

The inner ear is a bony labyrinth. It has two

main functional
parts – cochlea and vestibular system.

Important Facts About Olfactory epithelium

 Specialized epithelial tissue in the nasal cavity.

 Involved in smell and detecting odors.

Important Facts About Tongue

 Taste receptors or taste buds on different parts of the tongue.

 Taste buds are also found in the soft palate, upper esophagus,
cheek, and epiglottis.
 They are involved in detecting five elements of taste perception –
salty, sour, bitter, sweet and umami.

Functions and anatomy of Human Body - Integumentary system

Important Facts About Mammary glands

 It is an exocrine gland that produces milk.

Important Facts About Skin

 The largest organ of the integumentary system.

 Contains pigment melanin that gives skin its color.
 Composed of three primary layers – epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.

Bagurumba, Assam

Many folk and tribal dances have originated from Assam. Bagurumba is one of the popular dances in Assam, which is
performed by the Bodo women. During this festival, they wear some colorful dresses such as dokhna, jwmgra and
aronai and they perform with some instrumental music.

Even some instruments are made with local bamboo and animal skins and they are specially made for this occasion, and
you can find the perfect hilly flute music mixed with drum, serja, gongwna and tharkha. This is a purely folk dance
form in India.

Bihu Dance, Assam

This is a famous Indian folk dance, which is conducted during the Bihu festival in Assam. Local Assamese Men &
women dancers wear some regional Assamese cloth and perform their local dance with brisk steps and fastest hand
movements. They perform their dance with some local instruments including Dhol, Pepa, Baahi, Gagana.
Most of these instruments are made with local bamboo and this festival is one of the most colorful dance festivals in
Assam. You can find some male dancers wearing dhoti and mustard color headband and women in mustard and red
color sari. During this festival, the sound of flute and dancing to the beat of the drum goes to such a powerful level, that
people cannot resist themselves to join these groups.
Bhortal Dance, Assam

This is a classical Indian dance form, which was developed by famous Satriya artist Narahari Burha Bhakat.

This is one of the most popular dance forms in Assam which is conducted in Barpeta district in Assam every year.
Jhumur, Assam

Jhumur is basically known as a folk dance form, which has originated from Assam and now this dance form become
very popular in Bangladesh and eastern Indian parts.

This dance is performed by young girls and men and they basically perform on the beat of musical instruments and

Bardo Chham, Arunachal Pradesh

This is a religious folk dance in Arunachal Pradesh and this dance is specially performed by a small community in West
Kameng District. Sherdukpens, a community in Arunachal Pradesh performs this dance every year to protect its
community from the evil forces.

They believe that every month of a year has some kind of evil power, and the community members wear some animal
masks and dance with the beating of drums.
Raut Nacha, Chhattisgarh

This is one of the most popular folk dance forms in Chhattisgarh and you can find some picturesque memories of the
Hindu religion through these dances. This dance is basically performed by Yadavs which are known as descendants of
Lord Krishna, and they perform with some girls and dramatize some scenes of Lord Krishna’s lifestyle with his gopis.
You can find some similarity with Raas Leela with this Raut Nacha because both dance performances are dedicated
Lord Krishna, and both of these dance forms imitate the lifestyle of lord Krishna only.
Fugdi, Goa

This dance form basically originated from Goa and people perform this dance during several festivals in Goa. But
Fugdi is basically performed during the month of Bhaadrapada, which is a special occasion for women, and during this
time they usually take some break from their normal monotonous lifestyle.

Women in villages create a group in circle position during this dance performance, and tribal women perform in a row
on this dance. This dance is started in a slow motion and it ends with some fastest movements. Local musical
accompaniments are also there to compliment the dance steps.

Dandia Raas, Gujarat

This is a vibrant and popular dance form in India, which originated from Gujarat. Some colorful polished sticks
or Dandia are used for this dance and this mainly represents the fight between Hindu Goddess Durga and demon king
Mahishasura. This is also called as Garba Dance which is popular in other states of India.
These sticks are mainly used as a representation symbol of sword used by Devi Durga and you can find many similar
dance forms and competitions in India such as Dandia Dhamaka, Garba, Dandia on fire and lots more. Even people
stays in western countries also perform on this dance form during Festival.
Garba, Gujarat

Garba is mainly performed by women and women dances in a circular motion and clapping on the rhythms. During the
Navaratri, people lighted their temples with some perforated pot style lamp and they used to carry these lamps or deep
during their Garba dance also. This traditional folk dance is mainly performed during the Navaratri and along with the
Gujarat many other states in India also conduct some celebration programs on this festival.

Apart from this, you can also find some tribal dance forms in Gujarat such as Tippani Dance and Padhar Dance.
Tippani dance is an interesting dance form, which is performed by tribal men and women, and they carry some bamboo
and wooden rods and beat on the floor with these sticks. Padhar dance is purely based on the local music and you can
find various instruments performed with this dance such as Siddi Dhamal, Hudo, Aagawa and Matukadi.
Nati, Himachal Pradesh

Nati is one of the most traditional folk dances in India, which is mainly originated from Kullu district of Himachal
Pradesh. This dance form is listed as largest folk dance in Guinness Book of World Records in 2016. Apart from that
Kullu, you can also find the same dance in Chandigarh and Uttrakhand.

This dance form is also known as “Losar shone chuksom” which indicate the local New Year celebration in Himachal.
There are seven different forms of Nati dances performed by Himachali youth such as Lahauli Nati, Kinnauri, Sirmauri,
Mahasuvi and Himachali Nati dance.

Ras Leela, Haryana

Ras Leela is a traditional dance form in India, which is based on a mythological story of Hinduism. According to
Bhagavata Purana and Gita, Lord Krishna was fond of dancing with Radha and Sakhis throughout the night and this
was called as Raslila of Braj.

Rasa means aesthetics and leela means dance. So the meaning of Ras Leela is “play of aesthetics” or “Dance of divine
love”. You can find different art ad dance forms performed by the theme of Ras Leela such as Kathak, Odissi, Meite,
Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi. Apart from that, you can also find some regional drama performances in Mathura and
Brindavana in Uttar Pradesh during the Krishna Janmasthami and Holi festivals which are conducted with the same
dance. But in Assam, this Ras Leela performed during the Raas Mahotsava. This is a very colorful dance and dancers
imitate the lifestyle of Lord Krishna only.

Dumhal, Jammu and Kashmir

This is a classical folk dance, which is performed by the men only and this is originated by the Wattal tribe in Kashmir

They wear some colorful dress with tall caps made with some beads and shells during this dance performance and they
carry some banner with some dance movements. Basically, men begin this dance performance with some musical
instruments and they dance in a circular position.
Chakyar Koothu, Kerala

10 | P a g
This is one of the traditional Hindu dances in India where performers narrate some Hindu epic
like, Ramayana and Mahabharata.
This is also considered as a comedy act where audience can place their comments directly and through these acts,
people can also project some social-economic problems of the nations. They are basically related the current socio
problems with our ancient lifestyles and narrate some dramatic dance forms on the stage.
Duffmuttu, Kerala

This is also known as Arabanmuttu and this is a traditional dance performance, which is conducted by some Muslim

This dance is basically originated from Arabian country and still now people dance on the Arabian music only. Special
instruments are used for this dance performance, which is called duff or tap.

This instrument is like a drum and people dance on the rhythm of these drums.

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Margamkali, Kerala

Syrian Christians of Kerala perform this dance in an artistic form and this dance is mainly conducted during the festival
time and marriage ceremony in Kerala.

The dance is purely performed by women communities of Kerala.

Oppana, Kerala

This is a dance form, which is conducted by the Muslim community, and they mainly conduct this dance performance a
day before their marriage ceremony.

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This is a very popular dance in Malabar region of Kerala and this dance is basically done by the women. The women
relatives of the bride perform Oppana and they celebrate the marriage by clapping around the bride during their dance.
Padyani, Kerala

This is a purely fork art which is related to the famous temples situated in Southern Kerala.

Padyani means military foundation and during this dance performance, people use to wear some colorful masks, which
is also called as kolams.
Through this dance, people try to project some acts derived from the Hindu epic and they wear some popular masks
such as Bhairavi, Kalan, Yakshi and Pakshi. So when you see this dance performance, you can see some dramatic act
done by the local artists and they dress-up with some colorful stalks.

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Theyyam, Kerala

It is a temple ritual dance form and also known as Kaliyattam and this is a sacred dance form, which is projected as
Hindu Goddess Kali. Kaliyattam is a Malayalam work which means Daivam or God.

You can find this dance performance in some villages in Kerala where people perform some ritualistic acts through this
dance during their festive sessions and in temples daily. There are different types of Theyyams in Kerala.
Thirayattam, Kerala

14 | P a g
This is not only a dance form, this is a festival dance formation where you can find several ritualistic acts such as
dances, theatre, satire, face painting, body painting, material art projection, musical events and some regional functions.

Thirayattam is a form of ancient civilization and these events are basically conducted in some courtyard villages in
Kerala and Malabar regions. Apart from that, you can also find some tribal and traditional dance forms in Kerala such
as Thitambu Nritham and Thullal.
Grida dance, Madhya Pradesh
Rabi is a popular crop in Indian and farmer from remote villages in Madhya Pradesh harvesting this crop throughout the
year. When the first Rabi Crops sway in the fields, the nearby villages conducted the Grida dance. They start their
dance performance with some small groups, and this program starts from morning and ends at midnight. This dance
form has three different phrases such as Sela, Selabhadoni and Selalarki.
Maanch, Madhya Pradesh
This is lyrical folk drama and this dance basically originated from Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. Maanch means
the stage where people can perform different acts such as drama, dances, music and lot more. People from villages in
Madhya Pradesh perform this dramatic dance and they perform the acts of the play and dance, making it into some
small groups.
Matki dance, Madhya Pradesh

Matki is a solo dance which is performed by the women only. Women perform this dance during the wedding ceremony
in their village, they use to place a pot on their head, and a group of women surrounds the main dance during their
dance performance.

This is a tribal dance form, which is mainly conducted in some countryside villages in Madhya Pradesh, and you can
also find some similar dance forms in the same state, which are known as Aadaand Khada Nach.

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Phulpati dance, Madhya Pradesh
This dance is conducted during the Holi festival and semi-rural unmarried girls mainly perform this dance with some
musical instruments. They dance to the rhythmical vibrations of drums.
Chang Lo, Nagaland

Chang Lo is also known as Sua Lua and it is a dance form performed by Chang tribe in Nagaland. Earlier people used
to perform this dance as a symbol of their victory over enemies, but now tribal people perform this dance during their
community festivals.
Poanglem is one of the biggest annual festival of Chang tribe and people of this tribal community use to perform Chang
Lo during these three days festivals. They wear some colorful dresses and traditional Naga warrior costumes during
their performance.

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Cheraw dance, Mizoram

This is a folk dance is Mizoram and you can see many local folk and tribal communities in Mizoram who perform this
dance during their festive sessions.

Four people hold some bamboo sticks that are clapped together, and the main dancer starts the performance in the
centre position of the group.
Lavani Dance, Maharashtra

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Lavani is a combination of tribal dance and song where people used to dance on the beats of Dholki. Dholki is a
percussion instrument, which is also used in the Marathi folk theatre.
Female dancers perform this dance and they wear some saris in Marathi style during this performance, and they start
their dance with slow movement and increase their movement with some quick tempo.
Parvi Nach, Maharashtra

If you want to see some tribal dance of hilly regions, then you can visit the hilly regions of Maharashtra and here you
can find the beautiful tribal dance form performed by Kokna tribal community.

This dance is performed with some instrumental music and all of this music originated by some handmade musical
instruments. Parvi Nach is popular tribal and folk dance in India.

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Bhangra, Punjab

This is a most popular folk dance in Punjab, and dancers wear some classical style Punjabi dresses during their
performance. Along with that, they also create some loud music through several instruments such as dhol,
chimta and algoza.
Earlier, people used to perform this dace during their harvesting seasons, but now people in Punjab conduct some dance
shows in their every festival including their marriage ceremony. This dance is also very popular among the teenagers
and you can find some Bhangra dance shows in foreign countries like USA, UK and Canada. Apart from this folk dance
in Punjab, you can find some other similar folk dances such as dhamaal, fulka, siakoti, mirzi, fumnian,
jhummar and sammi.
Giddha, Punjab

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This is a similar dance form of Bhangra, which is performed by female dancers in Punjab.

This is an energetic dance form which is also known as ring dance and this dance is also similar to bolliyan dances. On
the other part, when male dancers perform the same dance, it is generally renamed as Malwai Giddha.
Kikkli, Punjab

Two girls hold their hand and twirl each other in a circular position and they also lift their feet from the floor and
synchronize the dance between two dancers.

This is a popular folk dance in Punjab and dancers this dace with their own groups. Local folk songs and clapping are
used during this dance performance.

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Chhau dance, Odisha

Chhau is one of the most traditional and popular dance forms in India which is originated from Nilagiri region of
Baleswar district. This is an elegant dance form where two groups of dancers wear costumes imitating soldiers, and
they attack each other with swords and shields.

These dancers enhance the movement of their dance, with the accompaniment of some instrumental music, and a large
group of musicians is involve with this dance. The dancers usually try to accompany with the rhythm of Dhola, Mahuri,
Dhumsa and Chanchadi.
Goti Pua, Odisha

21 | P a g
Goti means ‘one’ and Pua means ‘boy’ and Goti Pua is a dance form which is performed by a male dancer in a form of
female avatar. A boy who dresses up as a girl called as Goti Pua and this is an ancient Indian dance from which was
performed by the students of the akhadas.
Akadas means gymnasia and you find many akadas in Puri of Odisha where many people (boys only) practice some
bodybuilding and wrestling. According to the Vaishanava doctrines, men cannot perform any dance with women and if
the act needed any female character then a men from the respective group can dress up as female dancer. Still now, you
can find many schools in Puri where boys used to perform on this dance form from the age of six, and they can start
their own dance schools as master in this dance after eight years of training. This dance is a popular folk dance where
you can find some ornamental presentation of male body, and many musical instruments are associated with this dance
form such as pakhawaj, geeni and harmonium. Here the boys can sing during the dance performance or else they can
also appoint a group of singers to provide the background music.
Baagh Naach, Odisha

This dance form is also known as tiger dance and it originated from Binka and Sonepur district of Odisha. Some male
dancers also perform this dance, and male dancers first paint their bare body with some black and yellow stripes and
attach a false tail at their back portion.

Then they used to move from one house to another house of their village and gather the audience for their dance.
Drummer and a bell player constantly provide background music during this dance performance and this is just like the
acrobatic movements of male performers in rhythm. They also use to make some hissing sounds during their
performance and this dance is also performed during the Thakurani Jatra in Berhampur.

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Dalkhai, Odisha

Odisha is a place of performing arts and you can find many folks and tribal dance forms in Odisha. Dusserah is one of
the biggest Indian festivals and you can see this Dalkhai dance in Odisha during this festival.
Apart from that, this dance is also performed during other festivals too and you can see the same dance performance
during Bhaijintia, Phagun Puni and Nuakhai. This is a tribal dance, which is performed by many tribal communities
like, Kuda, Mirdha, Balangir, Sundargarh, Naupada and Sama. Girls perform the dance and many types of musical
instruments create some vibes behind the stage, and some of the musical instruments, which are associated with this
dance forms, are Dhol, Nisan, Mahuri and Tamki and Tasa. Here the dancers perform with the Dhol players on stage
and the Dhol players also accompany with the female dancer accordingly.
Dhap, Odisha

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Basically unmarried boys and girls from different villages participate in this dance performance and they conduct some
couple dance.

Dhap is a sambalpuri folk dance and you can see this dance performance in Kosal regions and the dance is performed
by Kandha tribe. Dhap is a musical instrument, which is made with wood, and one side of this instrument is covered
with some animal skin. The dancers used to hold this dhap instrument in their left hand and perform with the rhythm.
Gumra, Odisha

This is also a Sambalpuri dance form, which is also known as Vira-Badya. Earlier people used to perform on this dance
form to encourage the soldiers. Dancers can easily perform some social act through this dance form, and they can also
generate some social messages through their dances.

In this dance, you can find a special drum, which is made with some reptile skin, and this sounds very uncanny. The
dance is basically performed during the Ghumra Puni festival of Odisha and dancers create some circle and do some
slow circular movement at the beginning of the dance. The drum players use to stay in the centre of these circles, and
they use to control the dancers with their rhythm. After few minutes, the singer comes to the scene and sings the
Saraswati mantra, without any background music. And then the dancers start their dancing on the beats of drums.

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Karma Naach, Odisha

Karma means the ‘Fate’ and this dance is mainly performed during the festivals in Sambalpur.

An occasion started from Bhadra Shukla Ekadashior the eleventh day of full moon and people used to dance on their
folk music to remove their bad fortune, and this dance is performed for the god and goddess named Karam Devta and
Karmasani Devi.
This is a local folk dance in Odisha and it is also performed during different festivals in separate regions of the state.
Keisabadi, Odisha
This is a folk dance in Odisha which is performed by men only, and they used to hold some long sticks and striking
these sticks according to their song and rhythms. The leader used to sing the main song, which is called as ‘Kosli’ and
people used to follow the rhythm and pronounce ‘Haido’after every stanza of the song. This song is mainly dedicated to
the love of Radha and Krishna.

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Garadi, Puducherry

This dance form has a mythological background and according to the Hindu epic Ramayana, when God Rama defeated
Ravana, then the vanars or monkeys performed this dace as a symbol of victory. The dance performed in every festival
in Puducherry and dancers act like monkey during this dace performance.
They hold some sticks and dance on the rhythm of drums. These drums are known as ‘Ramadolus’, and dancers wear
some ankle rings called ‘anjali’during this dance performance. Through these rings they can create some melodious
sound and along with this sound, the large size drums accompany the feet movements of the dancers.
Ghoomar, Rajasthan

26 | P a g
The female dancers perform this dance and they wear some long colorful skirt and Rajasthani dresses during their
performance. Men and women together sing some local folk songs as the background music, and dancers dance in a
circle position.

The performers on the folk music, beating their palm on the ground during the low tone of the music and they also do
somebody inclination during at the end of their performance. You can also find this dance performance during your
travel time, and if you request for this dance performance to your travel guide then they can also organize the same.
Kalbelia, Rajasthan

This is one of the ancient tribal dance forms in Rajasthan, which is performed by the Kalbeliya community or Snake
charmers. This is a tribal women’s group of the Kalbelia community and the main occupation of this community was
catching snakes and trade their venom.
But now they don’t follow this profession and instead more into dancing as professionals. Dancers black long skirts
along with some Rajasthani heavy ornaments and they also dance with some community groups. The background music
is basically done by ‘been’ or folk instruments and people can enjoy this tribal dance during their community festival or
during special occasions.

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Kachchhi Ghodi, Rajasthan

This dance mainly originated from the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan and dancers wear some horse costumes during
this performance. Singers generally sing some folk tales with local music, and dancers perform on the beats of these

This dance is commonly performed during community marriage ceremonies, and dancers perform this dance to
welcome the bridegroom’s party on their marriage day. The dance movements signify liveliness and a welcome gesture
during the marriage ceremonies.
Parai Attam, Tamil Nadu

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This is one of the oldest traditional folk dances in Tamil Nadu, which is performed by trained dancers only. Through
this dance performance, people used to deliver some social messages such as warning for upcoming wars, leave the
battlefield, victory and save water body of Tamil Nadu. This dance performance is conducted for several reasons such
as for protecting animals; encouraging farmers to do the better harvesting and people perform this dance during several
festivals including their marriage ceremonies, and social gatherings.

Apart from that, you can also find a popular folk dance in Tamil Nadu called as Kummi, which is performed during the
festive season. Dancers perform this dance in a circle position and they clap their hands to make some rhythm during
their performance.
Kaaragattam, Tamil Nadu
This folk dance in Tamil Nadu is basically performed by the villagers to praise the rain goddess Mari Amman. The
dance performed in two different ways such as Aatta Karagam and Sakthi Karagam. Dancers use to hold some
decorated water pots on their head during the performance of Atta Karagam and this is purely dedicated to the goddess.
On the other part, Sakthi Karagam is performed inside the temple for the entertaining purpose. Earlier these dances
were performed with the Naiyandi Melam and now these dances performed with several songs and music. Some trained
artists from different regions including Thanjavur, Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Tirunelveli, and Pattukottai come to
perform this dance during the annual festival of Tamil Nadu.
Kolattam, Tamil Nadu

The women dancers perform this dance and they hold some sticks in their hand and beat these sticks to make some
rhythm. You can find some colorful laces, which have been used by the dancers, and they use deft dance movements
skip over these laces with their planned dancing steps.

This dance is basically conducted for ten days starting from the Amavasi or new moon night after Diwali. Most of the
dancers come from different villages and they also wear some colorful local dresses during their performance.

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Mayil Attam, Tamil Nadu

This is also known as peacock dance and dancers used to wear some dresses decorated with peacock feathers and they
used to cover their head with some glittering dress materials.

You can find some other similar dance in Tamil Nadu such as Kaalai Attam which is performed by the local dancers
and they used to wear some bull dress, and Karadi Attam, where dancers dressed as a bear.
Paampu Attam, Tamil Nadu

This is also known as snake dance and rural people think that snake can protect their life from severe diseases, and local
young girls mainly perform this dance and they used to wear some snake-like dresses.

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These dancers try to imitate the writing and creeping of snakes, and making some biting movements with their head and
Oyilattam, Tamil Nadu

This is a dance of grace and this traditional dance is mainly performed by the men in Tamil Nadu. Men used to stand in
a row and perform this dance according to the rhythm, but due to huge popularity of these dance shows, now many
women dancers also participate in these dance performances. Dancers used to perform this dace with some colorful
handkerchiefs and they used to wear some ankle bells also. The folk background music which is accompanied with this
dance is called as Thavil.
Puliyattam, Tamil Nadu

31 | P a g
Earlier people used to conduct some folk dances in Tamil Nadu, which was known as Puli Attam and this dance form
was also known as a play of the tiger. In this dance form, people used to act some tiger steps and their bodies are
painted by yellow and black color, and this is symbolized the replica of a tiger only.

There are various musical instruments performed with this dace such as tharai, thappattai and lots more, and this dance
is mainly performed during the temple festival of Tamil Nadu.
Poikal Kudirai Attam, Tamil Nadu

This folk dance is known as false legs dance in Tamil Nadu where dancers wear some dresses and they act like a horse.
This is a traditional folklore dance which is based on the theme of ‘raja Sedingu’, who was known as a popular Rajput

Apart from that, you can also find another interesting traditional dance form in Tamil Nadu which is known as
Bommalattam. This is basically a poppet show which is conducted during the festivals of Tamil Nadu villages. Through
these poppet shows, people can generate some social messages and they can also conduct their shows on some Hindu
epics and mythological stories.

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Theru Koothu, Tamil Nadu

This dance basically conducted during the village festival and you can find the greatest Theru Kootu dance
performances during Panguni and Aadi festivals. Only men can perform this dance and they wear some women dresses
to play the roles of women. Dancers do some heavy make-ups and they wear some traditional dresses as well as
dramatic costumes.

Through this dance performance, they do some storytelling, dialogue rendering and sing some background songs also.
Most of the stories, which are performed through this dance forms are derived from Hindi epics such as Ramayana and
Mahabharata. You can find different forms of Theru Koothu dance in Tamil Nadu such as Vali Koothu and Kuravai

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Hojagiri, Tripura

This is one of the oldest traditional dance forms of the Reang community of Tripura. Men and women both participate
in this dance performance and during this dance, they move their lower body, and clap their feet on the earth.

Along with that, dancers also hold some bottle lamps on their head during this performance, and they fine-tune their
bodies to balance these bottles on their head throughout their dance performance. The colorful lamps and the ornaments
and gorgeous dresses enrich this dance performance to some highest level, and you can find this dace on every occasion
conducted by the respected community.
Mayur Nritya, Uttar Pradesh

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This dance is also known as peacock dance and girls use to dress as peacocks and they placed some peacock’s feathers
on their head. Through this dance performance, dancers basically imitate the love story of Radha and Krishna.

According to ancient Hindu mythology, when Radha wanted to see the Mayur Nritya, Lord Krishna used to portray
himself as the peacock and he danced in front of Radha.
Charukala, Uttar Pradesh

This is a traditional Indian folk dance, which mainly originated from Brij region of Uttar Pradesh and the local women
perform the dance only.

They use to hold some large multi-colored wooden pyramid on their head and lighten more than 108 lamps on the
ground, and then they then start dancing on ‘raisa’ songs. The song is dedicated to Lord Krishna and you can see this
dance show in various festivals of India.

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Gambhira, West Bengal

Gambhira is a theatre cum folk dance performing art which was mainly originated from Maldah in West Bengal. After
the partition of Bengal, people started performing some local theatre to presented sole Hindu folk cultures, and after
that Gambhira has undergone some changes in the term of presentation.

Now Muslim communities also perform the dance in different forms and Muslim dancers used to wear some local
dresses such as Lungi and Kurtas. Through this theatre and dance form, people highlight some social problems and
encourage the audience to avoid such issues to save their future and health from social evils.
Alkap, West Bengal

36 | P a g
You can see this dance performance during the Gajan festival and this festival is mainly conducted during the month of
April. This dance is mainly performed in Maldah, Murshidabad and Rajmahal Hills. This is a performing art which is
conducted by small groups and each Alkap group consist minimum twelve performers. There are not scripts as such and
people used to present some love story through their theatre. Along with that, they include some dance, song, acting and
recitation in their act and the leader of each group is known as the Sorkar or Guru.
You can find three Chhokras, two to three Gayan or Gayok or singers and Dohars (Chorus) in all groups, and along
with that, you can also see some group of instrumentalists in each group called Bajnadars.
Domni, West Bengal

Domni is one of the most popular dance forms, comprising Vandana or dedication to the folk almighty. The main singer
or ‘gayen’ along with the supporting ‘chhokras’ offer dedication to the almighty in the forms of Nachari or Lachari
dance movements. Satire, folklore, songs and local drama are part of this dance form. The dance beats get vigorous
with the accompaniment of harmoniums and table.

Apart from that, you can also find popular dances in West Bengal, which is known as ‘Chow Naach’, and in this dance
form, you can see some colorful dresses and lots of masks. People perform this dance in the remote villages of West
Bengal. Now in the popular city of Bengal, people can also find a local dance called ‘Paglu’ dance and this dance was
basically first performed by a Bengali actor Dev.
So if you want to see the real India then you must see these Indian folk and tribal dances from different regions.
Different states have separate tastes, and you should try their local foods and visit the local villages to know about their
culture, dance forms, theatre, songs and music. Somewhere, you can find some dramatic presentation of the tribal dance
form and in some region you can find some colorful dance performance performed by local dancers. So taste the flavor
of India, see the multi-dimensional cultural synopsis and go through some historical and traditional art forms of India.

37 | P a g
Singhi Chaam, Sikkim

This is a mask dance of Sikkim, which also presents the symbol of a state through the dance

This dance is dedicated to the guardian deity of Sikkim Guru Padmasambhava and through this
dance form, people also represent their hill folks by wearing some furry costumes. You can find
this colorful mask dance during the state festival of Sikkim.

38 | P a g
Rivers & Drainage System of India

The flow of water through channels is called drainage. The network of such channels is
known as drainage system. On the basis of origin, Indian drainage system is divided
into - Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.

I. Himalayan Rivers

 The major Himalayan rivers are the Ganga, the Indus and the Brahmaputra.
 These rivers are very long compared to the rivers of South India.
 They are called perennial rivers as they are fed by both rainfall and the melting of

A. Indus River System

 It is also known as Sindhu river.

 Total length is 2880 km.
 Source - Kailash Range, Tibet near Mansarovar Lake.
 Destination - Arabian Sea.
 Panchnad – Jhelum (Vitasta), Chenab (Chandrabhaga), Ravi (Iravati), Beas
(Bipasha) and Sutlej (Satadru).


Jhelum Verinag Uri

Chenu Bara Lacha Pass Dul Hasti

Ravi Rohtang Pass -

39 | P a g
Beas Rohtang Pass -

Sultuj Near Govind Sagar/Bhakra Nangal

Mansarovar Dam
B. Ganga River System

 Source - Gangotri glacier near Gomukh, Uttrakhand in the Kumaon Himalaya.

 It is named as Bhagirathi here. At Devprayag, Alakananda joins Bhagirathi
and becomes Ganga.
 In Allahabad it is joined by the Yamuna, the largest tributary of Ganga, rising
from Yamunotri glacier.
 Left bank tributaries - Ramganga, Gandak, Kosi, Gharghara, Gomati.
 Right bank tributaries - Son.
 Kosi, a tributary, is flood prone. So it is known as “Sorrow of Bihar”.
 Ganga flows through Uttrakhand, UP, MP, Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand and WB.
 It bifurcates into Bhagirathi and Hooghly in WB and Padma-Meghna in
 Ganga-Brahmaputra delta is the largest delta in the world.
 Total length of Ganga – 2530 km.
 Ganga Basin area is 9,51,600 sq. km.
 The plain area from Haridwar to Ganga’s mouth is fertile with alluvial soil.

C. Bramhaputra

 Source - Chemayung-Dung glacier near Mansarovar in Tibet.

 In Tibet it is known as Tsangpo.
 It turns SW near Namcha Barwa in Arunachal Pradesh and enters India as Dihang
 Near Sadiya, Dihang enters into India where Dibang and Lohit join it to
make Brahmaputra.
 Finally it enters into Bangladesh as Jamuna and meets Padma to drain into
Bay of Bengal.
 Right bank tributaries - Subansiri, Kameng, Manas.
 Left bank tributaries - Buri Dihang, Kameng.
 Majuli is a large riverine island of Brahmaputra.
 Total length of Brahmaputra is 2900 km.

II. Peninusular River Systems

 Peninsular rivers are both west and east flowing.

 Narmada and Tapi drain into Arabian Sea where Mahanadi, Godavari, Cauvery and
Krishna drain into Bay of Bengal.
 East flowing rivers form delta where west flowing rivers don’t form delta.
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 Narmada and Tapi are rift valleys.

Mahanad Dandakaranya, Hirakud Largest and longest river of Odisha
i Raipur,
Godavari Trimbak plateau, - Largest river of South
Nasik, India Known as South
Maharashtra Ganga
Krishna Mahabaleswar Nagarjun Tributaries - Tungabhadra,
in Maharashtra a Sagar Koyna, Ghatprabha, Bhima,
Tala Cauvery,
Kaveri - Shivasamudram Waterfalls
Narmada Amarkantak Narmada Duan Dhar falls. Flows through rift
Plateau, MP Valley project valley between Vindhayan and Satpura
Tapi Multai in Ukai Known as the twin of Narmada
Betul district,

If you know more about this topic that you think the article hasn’t included, then
comment below. You can find details about other GK topics here:

Inter-State River Disputes - Rivers & Drainage System of


Cauvery Water Dispute

 Cauvery is an inter state river that originates in Karnataka and flows through
Tamil Nadu and Puducherry before flowing into the Bay of Bengal.
 In 1892, the Cauvery agreement was made between Mysore state and other Princely
41 | P a g
 In 1924, the agreement was renewed for another 50 years
 In 1970, Tha Tamil Nadu government asked the Central government ro set up a
tribunal and in the same year the Tamil Nadu Farmers Association filed a civil suit
in the Supreme Court.
 The Cauvery Water disputes tribunal was set up in the year 1990
 The Tribunal passed an interim in the year 1991 ordering the state of Karnataka to
release 205 thousand million cubic feet of water to Tamil Nadu from it's
 Karnataka refused to obey the order and after 16 years of hearing, another
judgement was passed allocating 419 thousand million cubic feet of water to Tamil
 Karnataka again refused to obey the order and a case of contempt of court was filed
against the state.
 The matter is still under judicial view.

Satluj Yamuna Link Canal Issue

 The dispute started when the state of Haryana was seperated from Punjab in the
year 1966
 To enable Haryana to use its share of water from Sutlej and Beas, the construction
of a canal was planned in the year 1982.
 The construction was stopped in 1986 due to protests from Punjab
 Haryana approached the Supreme Court for completing the construction of the
canal in 2002. The court ordered Punjab to finish construction in 12 months.
 In 2004, Punjab assembly passed a water sharing act which scrapped all its
water sharing dues.
 The Supreme Court declared this act as Unconstitutional 12 years later in 2016
 The Centre has opted to act as a mediator in this case.

42 | P a g
. Banihal pass – between Doda and Anantnag(Jawahar Tunnel),J&K.
. Shipaki La - River Sutlej enters India from Tibet,Himachal Pradesh.
. Bara Lachan La - between Kyelang and Leh,Himachal Pradesh.
. Rohtang Pass - between Kullu and Kyelang,Himachal Pradesh.
. Bomdila Pass - between Tezpur and Tawang,Arunachal pradesh.

Himalayan Passes between India and China:

. Shipki - Himachal Pradesh.
. Thaga La and Niti La - Uttarakand.
. Lipu Lekh La - Tri junction,India-Nepal-China,Uttarakand.
. Jelep La - Sikkim.
. Nathu La - (entry to chumbi valley)Sikkim.

Trans Himalayan Passes:

. karakoram pass and Aghil pass - Jammu & Kashmir

Passes in Western Ghats:

. Palghat - between Palkkad and Coimbatore
. Shenkota - between Kollam and Madurai
. Thalghat - between Mumbai and Pune
. Bhorght - between Mumbai and Nasik

Some important facts about Peaks:

. Highest Mt. peak in India: k2 or Godwin Austin

. Highest peak in Arawali: Gurushikhar (in mt. Abu)
. Highest peak in Satpura: Dhupgarh (Mahadeo Hills)
. Highest peak in E.Ghats: Mahendrapuri(orissa)
. Highest peak in W.Ghats: Anaimudi(Annamalai Hills-Kerala)
. Highest peak in Nilgiris: Doda Betta
. Highest peak in Andaman and Nikobar islans: Saddle peak
. Highest peak in Naga Hills: Saramati peak.

43 | P a g

 Asian Development Bank – Manila, Phillipines

 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – Beijing, China
 New Development Bank (NDB) – Shanghai, China
 Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – Jakarta, Indonesia
 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – Kathmandu, Nepal


New York City, USA:

 International Rescue Committee

 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN
 United Nations Security Council
 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Washington DC, USA

 The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

 International Monetary Fund (IMF)
 World Bank Group
 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
 International Development Association
 International Finance Corporation

Geneva, Switzerland

 Inter-Parliamentary Union
 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
 International Labour Organization (ILO)
 International Telecommunication Union
 World Health Organization (WHO)
 World Intellectual Property Organization
 World Meteorological Organization
 World Trade Organization (WTO)
 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Vienna, Austria:

 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
 United Nations Industrial Development Organization
44 | P a g
eLondon, UK
 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
 Commonwealth of Nations

Copenhagen, Denmark

 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

Brussels, Belgium

 World Customs Organization

 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Paris, France

 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
 International Energy Agency

Lyon, France

 International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL

Rome, Italy

 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

 International Fund for Agricultural Development
 World Food Programme

The Hague, The Netherlands

 International Court of Justice

 International Criminal Court

Madrid, Spain

 World Tourism Organization

Berne, Switzerland

 Universal Postal Union

Lausanne, Switzerland

 International Olympic Committee

 International Boxing Association (AssociationInternationale de Boxe Amateur (AIBA))
 International Hockey Federation

Gland, Switzerland

45 | P a g
 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Basel, Switzerland

 Bank for International Settlements

Zurich, Switzerland

 Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

Montreal, Canada

 International Civil Aviation Organization

Tokyo, Japan

 United Nations University


International Renewable Energy Agency Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation Ebene, Mauritius

International Hydrographic Organization Monaco

International Chamber of Commerce Paris, France

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Los Angeles, USA

International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Paris, France

Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) Washington D.C., USA

South Asian Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN) Kathmandu, Nepal

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) or Doctors without Borders Geneva, Switzerland

International Organization of Migration (IOM) Geneva, Switzerland

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry North Carolina, United States

· 4-H Maryland, USA

· Global EnvironmentFacility (GEF) Washington DC, USA

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Santiago , Chile

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Geneva, Switzerland

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) AddisAbba, Ethiopia

46 |Pag
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) New York, USA
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Vienna, Austria

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand

Beirut ,Lebanon
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA)

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Nairobi, Kenya

· United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) New York, USA


International Association of Athletics Federations Motne carlo Monaco

Badminton World Federation (BWF) Kuala lumpur , Malaysia

United World Wrestling (UWW) Lausanne , Switzerland

International Tennis Federation (ITF) London UK

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Lausanne ,Switzerland

International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Munich Germany

International Golf Federation (IGF) Lausanne , Switzerland

1. Modhera Dance Festival, Gujarat

47 | P a g
Modhera Dance Festival (Source)
This dance festival of India, celebrated in the beautiful backdrop of the Modhera Sun Temple is an effort on part
of the Tourism Department of Gujaratto bring back to life the ways of our medieval past. Today, this cultural
festival held in January every year gets together the finest classical dancing talent of the country to celebrate the
art and the place.

2. Tarnetar Mela, Gujarat

48 | P a g
Tarnetar Mela (Source)
One of the most fascinating tribal fairs of India, Tarnetar Mela is a tribal fair held every year in the village of
Tarnetar in Gujarat. This festival is fascinating for the simple reason that it is one of the largest “marriage marts”
orswayamvars in India where tribal men come to the fair dressed eloquently carrying the most elaborately
and beautifully embroidered umbrellas in the world. The woman folk choose their prospective husband based
on the umbrella they find the most beautiful. Besides this is a cultural event with folk music and dance
performances for general entertainment.

3. Konark Dance Festival, Odisha

49 | P a g
Konark Temple (Source)
The India’s biggest dance festival, Konark Dance Festival is the epitome of our Classical dancing heritage
which represents itself in the most awe inspiring of settings. The festival is held in the backdrop of the UNESCO
World Heritage Site – the Sun Temple. The festival organized in the month of February is one of the biggest
cultural festival in the country as it witnesses the coming together of country’s best dance artists to celebrate
the storied past of the temple and its traditions.

50 |Pag
4. Jaisalmer Desert Festival, Rajasthan
Jaisalmer (Source)
The desert festival held in the month of February in the Red Sandstone city of Jaisalmer is a fascinating
celebration of Rajasthan’s desert life for three days. It is a festival that brings to life the folk culture, the music, the
clothes and the traditions of the nomadic life of the Indian desert. One can immerse themselves in three days of pure
magic with folktales, music and dance performances. The camel, the most important animal in the desert, is one of
the main attractions of the festival.

5. Goa Carnival, Goa

51 | P a g
Goa Carnival (Source)
Well the name Goa is synonymous with fun, beautiful beaches, laid back vacations and amazing beach shacks and
continuing that tradition is the awesome Goa Carnival. This carnival of India is celebrated state wide with the
help of the state government. It is part of the Portuguese heritage of Goawhich sees people come out on the street to
enjoy the fascinating parades full of creative floats, to dance and party all night. The carnival travels the whole s tate.
This cultural event is held in the month of March just before the beginning of Lent.

6. Nehru Trophy Boat Race, Kerala

52 | P a g
Nehru Trophy Boat Race (Source)
An event which is part of Kerala’s cultural identity, the Nehru Trophy Boat Race is among best cultural an
eventin India. Celebrated every year on the second Saturday of the month of August, the boat race in Kerala is a
famous festival celebrated in the backwater town of Allapuzha in the Punnamada Lake. The festival sees beautifully
crafted boats of different shapes and sizes compete for prize money with the main attraction being the snake boat
race, the winner of which receives the coveted Nehru Trophy.

7. Pushkar Mela, Rajasthan

53 | P a g
Pushkar Fair (Credits)
Arguably the biggest fair in the state of Rajasthan and one of the biggest livestock fairs in the world,
Pushkar Mela is a fascinating coming together of the nomadic culture and the most beautiful town of
Rajasthan. It is primarily a place where the buying and selling of camels and livestock takes place but in recent
times with its increasing popularity among foreign tourists competitions like ‘matka phodh’, ‘bridal games’ and
‘longest moustache’ have become popular events. The Pushkar Mela is the perfect opportunity for travelers to
discover the nomadic lifestyle of Rajasthan.
Read our exclusive blog on Pushkar Camel Fair

8. Hornbill Festival, Nagaland

54 | P a g
Hornbill Festival (Credits)
The Hornbill Festival is a unique folk festival celebrated in the North-eastern state of Nagaland. A region
with rich tribal heritage and traditions, the Hornbill Festival is an effort on part of the Nagaland tourism department
to bring to the world the culture and beauty of Nagaland. The festival celebrated every year from 1st to 7th
December, is an amazing exhibition of Naga way of lifeattracting thousands of tourists to its doors.

9. Poush Mela, Shantiniketan

55 | P a g
Poush Mela (Credits)
A unique festival which signifies the end of the harvesting season in Bengal, Poush Mela, is the celebration of the
farmer’s life and Bengal’s rural lifestyle. Celebrated at the behest of Devendranath Tagore at Shantiniketan,
Poush Mela is in a way the coming together of the urban and rural sides of Bengal. The mela which sees
the celebration of Bengali culture through Bengali folk music especially Boul Sangeet as well folk dances,
is a place for peace and love. Rural artists from around the state gather here with t heir work and put it out for sale.
Being here one can truly experience the cultural diversity that India possesses.

10. Mamallapuram Dance Festival

56 | P a g
Mamallapuram Dance Festival (Credits)
A place of great historic relevance, Mamallapuram is a beautiful coastal town known for being the hometown of the
Pallavas in the medieval times. The beautiful beach town has some of the most breathtaking rock sculptures
in India and it is against this background that the Mamallapuram Dance Festivaltakes place every year during
December-January for three days. Classic dancers from different schools of dancing unite to put on a scintillating
display of their talent for three consecutive days. It’s a festival with a huge foreign appeal due to its culture appeal
and Mamallapuram being a beach town.

11. Kila Raipur Festival

57 | P a g
Kila Raipur Festival (Credits)
Probably one of the quirkiest festivals you are to come across in India, Kila Raipur Festival is essentially a sports
festival also known as Rural Olympics. Held every year in the first week of February in the village of Kila Raipur
near Jalandhar, the festival draws a crowd of thousands who travel from various parts of the Punjabi countryside to
enjoy events such as kabaddi, Ox racing, wrestling and many others.

12. Puri Rath Yatra, Odisha

58 | P a g
Rath Yatra, Puri (Credits)
One of the biggest religious events of the year in the country, the Puri Rath Yatra is a spectacle of the grandest scale.
The Rath Yatra sees a coming together of over a million devotees every year near the famed Jagganath Temple of
Puri. The yatra sees three huge temple shaped chariots being pulled to the Gundicha Temple and after nine days
back to the Jagganath Temple. The yatra is held in the month of June or July and is supposed to be one of the holiest
events in Hinduism.

13. Kumbh Mela

59 | P a g
Kumbh Mela (Credits)
The biggest gathering of human beings on the planet at a particular place every t hree years, that pretty much sums
up Kumbh Mela. The most important and largest religious event in the country, the Kumbh Mela is a festival of
mammoth proportion but also full of colors as the Naga Sadhus from various parts of the country travel with
their Akhadhas to the site of the Mela. The festival is held in Allahabad, Banaras, Haridwar, and Ujjain. Hindus
from all over the world come to take a dip in the holy river and listen to sermons from the various sadhus at the mela
site. It is considered to be one of the most spiritually enlightening festivals in the world. The next Kumbh Mela
known as the Ardh Kumbh is to be held in the beautiful hill city of Nashik.

14. Hemis Festival, Ladakh

60 | P a g
Hemis Festival (Courtesy)
In the northernmost corner of the country amidst the cold deserts of Ladakh is held a festival of colors, beauty and
worship known as the Hemis Festival. The festival which takes place to commemorate the death of Swami
Padmasambhava is a great place to understand the culture of Ladakh and about Buddhism. The festiva l is held every
year in June or July in the famed monastery of Hemis Jangchub Choling in Leh. The festival’s highlight is the
masked dance performed by lamas who dress themselves in colorful costumes and wear dragon masks.

15. Sonpur Mela, Bihar

61 | P a g
Sonpur Mela, Bihar (Courtesy)
The largest cattle fair in Asia, Sonepur Mela has been a festival which has continued for over two thousand years
since the times of the Mauryan Empire. The fair is essentially meant for the sale and purchase of various kinds of
livestock such as birds, dogs, goats, buffaloes, donkeys and horses. But the main attraction of the fair is the Elephant
market which sees hundreds of elephants lined up on the shores of River Ganga for sale. Besides this, there is
musical and dance performance by famous artists of the region. The festival is a spectacle unlike any othe r and
allows you travel back in time to understand how ancient people traded.

16. Jaipur Literature Festival

62 | P a g
Jaipur Literature Festival (Courtesy)
Asia’s grandest literary event, the Jaipur Literature Festival sees the coming together of the brightest names in the
world of literature and thought who converge at the famed Diggi Palace in Jaipur for three days of intellectual bliss
and enjoyment. The festival has gained quite a reputation for itself for attracting the best authors who recite, discuss
and present their finest work in front of an awed audience. The Jaipur Literature Festival is held in the last week of
January and many people use it as an opportunity to discover the Pink City as much as to pleasure their literary

17. Kala Ghoda Arts Festival

63 | P a g
Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (Courtesy)
The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival is a nine-day festival of arts, music and culture that sees not only the Mumbaikars
coming out in numbers to enjoy a part of their history and recognize its beauty but also by people from all over the
world. The festival takes place every year in the last week of January or first wee k of February at the cultural heart
of Mumbai the Kala Ghoda district which houses some of Mumbai’s most spectacular buildings and art centers. The
Kala Ghoda district is known for its museums, art galleries, cafes and restaurants.

18. Elephant Festival, Jaipur

64 | P a g
Elephant Festival, Jaipur (Courtesy)
A royal festival for a royal animal, Elephant Festival held on the occasion of Holi in Ja ipur is a special festival loved
by the people of Jaipur. The festival which is dedicated to the Elephants sees them decorated in the most lavish ways
from head till toe. The event begins with a procession of beautifully decorated elephants, horses and cam els. The
event is considered to be very prestigious with the most well decorated elephant getting an award. Besides the
procession there are events such as elephant racing, elephant dance and tug-of-war between elephants and humans.

19. Vintage Car Festival, Lucknow

65 | P a g
Vintage Car Festival, Lucknow (Courtesy)
A one of a kind festival held every December during the Lucknow Mahatsov, the Vintage Car Festival is a
celebration of vintage car collection of people from all over India. The festival which started back in 1904 has been
part of Lucknow’s culture and heritage. The festival attracts lots of car lovers from across the country with some
fine vintage models on display.

20. Sula Festival, Nasik

66 | P a g
Sula Festival, Nashik (source)
Of vineyards, wines, food and intoxicating music, the Sula Fest to be held on the first weekend of February next
year is heading into its seventh year with the promise to be better than its previous versions. The festival held in the
Sula vineyards is a special place to enjoy yourself amidst the hills of Nasik, the vineyards, to learn to make wine and
drink it while being entertained by some excellent music.

21. Bikaner Camel Festival

67 | P a g
Bikaner Camel Festival (source)
The Bikaner Camel Festival is the celebration of the most loved and dependent upon animal in the deserts of
Rajasthan – the Camel. The ship of the desert as they call them, the festival sees camels decorated in beautifully
embroidered costumes. It is held every year in the month of January in the presence of a large gathering. The festival
begins with a colorful procession of the most beautifully decorated camels at the Junagarh Fort from there the
procession moves to the Polo Ground where other events such as camel dance are held.

22. Float Festival, Madurai

68 | P a g
Floats Festival, Madurai (Courtesy)
Held every year in the last week of January or first week of February, the floats festival of Madurai is a very old
festival which has been celebrated in the city for a long time. The festival sees the god and goddesses of the Madurai
temple being taken for a boat ride in the lake of the city, a tradition started by a 17 th century Tamil king. But before
the ride, the gods and goddesses are taken out of their temple at dawn in a procession followed by thousands of
devotees and then placed on a mandap at the banks of the lake where devotees can offer their prayers. Later the gods
are taken on a boat ride across the lake.

State Peak Range/Region Height Coordinates Source

It is the highest peak in


1680 m
Andhra eastern Ghats lies in the sub
Arma Konda Eastern Ghats 18.228°N 82.723°E
Pradesh North region of paderu village
5,512 ft
in visakhapatnam district

69 | P a g
State Peak Range/Region Height Coordinates Source

7060 m
Arunachal 27.515°N
Kangto Eastern Himalayas
Pradesh 92.315°E
23,160 ft

1960 m
Assam Unnamed peak Dima Hasao District 25.32135°N [3]

6,430 ft 93.4529°E

880 m
Bihar Fort Someshwar Sivalik Hills 27.3876°N [4]

2,887 ft 84.3055°E

1276 m
18.6646°N The highest named peak

Chhattisgarh Unnamed peak Dantewada District

81.2258°E is Gaurlata(1225 m).[7]
4,186 ft

1022 m
Goa Sonsogor Western Ghats 15.5232°N [8]

3,353 ft 74.2795°E

1145 m
Gujarat Mount Girnar Girnar Hills 21.5281°N [9]

3,756 ft 70.527199°E

1499 m
Morni Hills section 30.7437°N
Haryana Karoh Peak [10]

of the Sivalik Hills 77.0769°E

4,918 ft

6816 m Reo Purgyil lies on the


Himachal Reo Purgyil(shared

Western Himalayas 31.884°N 78.735°E Himachal Pradesh–Tibet
Pradesh with Tibet)
22,362 ft border.

7742 m
Jammu and Saltoro Kangri lies along

Saltoro Kangri Karakoram Range 35.399°N 76.849°E

Kashmir the AGPLin the Siachen area.
25,400 ft

1382 m
Jharkhand Mount Parasnath Parasnath Hills 23.9634°N [15]

4,482 ft 86.129°E

Sahyadri Hillssection 1925 m

Karnataka Mullayanagiri of the Western 13.391°N 75.721°E

Ghats 6,317 ft

It is highest peak in

70 | P a g Anamudi Anamalai 2695 m 10.170°N 77.061°E the Western Ghats.(Highest
Hillssection of
e Peak in india Outside
State Peak Range/Region Height Coordinates Source

the Western Ghats 8,842 ft Himalayan Range of


1352 m
Dhupgarh Satpura Range 22.449°N 78.371°E

4,435 ft

Sahyadri Hillssection 1646 m

Maharashtra Kalsubai of the Western 19.6003°N [19]

Ghats 5,400 ft 73.711°E

2994 m
Mount Tempu(also
Manipur Purvanchal Range 25.531°N 94.085°E

known as Mount Iso)

9,823 ft

1965 m
Meghalaya Shillong Peak Khasi Hills 25.5316°N [22]

6,447 ft 91.8512°E

2165 m
Mizoram Phawngpui Lushai Hills 22.6315°N [23]

7,103 ft 93.0388°E

Mount Saramati lies on the


3841 m Nagaland–Myanmar border, is

Mount Saramati(Shared
Nagaland Naga Hills 25.742°N 95.033°E the highest peak in Naga Hills
with Myanmar)
12,602 ft (part of Purvanchal range of
Himalayan range)

1672 m
Odisha Deomali Eastern Ghats 18.675°N 82.982°E

5,486 ft

Naina Devi 1000 m

Punjab Unnamed peak Rangesection of 31.259°N 76.601°E

the Sivalik Hills 3,281 ft

1722 m
Rajasthan Guru Shikhar Aravalli Range 24.650°N 72.776°E

5,650 ft

8586 m
Kangchenjunga(shared Kangchenjunga lies on the

Sikkim Eastern Himalayas 27.703°N 88.148°E

with Nepal) Sikkim–Nepal border.
28,169 ft

Tamil Nadu Doddabetta Nilgiri Hills section 2636 m 11.401°N 76.736°E


71 | P a g of the Western
State Peak Range/Region Height Coordinates Source

Ghats 8,648 ft

965 m
Telangana Doli Gutta Deccan Plateau [30]

3,166 ft

Jampui Hills section 930 m

Tripura Betlingchhip of the Purvanchal 23.809782°N [31]

Range 3,051 ft 92.260971°E

957 m
Uttar Rajaji Range section 30.3798°N
Amsot Peak[citation needed] [32][not in citation given]

Pradesh of the Sivalik Hills 77.6865°E

3,140 ft

7816 m
Himalayasection of
Uttarakhand Nanda Devi 30.376°N 79.970°E

the Western
25,646 ft

3636 m
Sandakphu(shared with Sandakphu lies on the West

West Bengal Eastern Himalayas 27.106°N 88.002°E

Nepal) Bengal–Nepal border.
11,929 ft

Union Territories[edit]
Height Height
State Peak Range/Region Coordinates Source
(m) (ft)

Andaman & Nicobar North Andaman 13.1586°N

Saddle Peak 732 2,402 [35]

Islands Island 93.0058°E

Chandigarh Unnamed point Capital Area 383 1,257 [citation needed]

Dadra and Nagar

Unnamed point Khanvel 424 1391 [citation needed]


Daman and Diu Unnamed point Diu Island 30 98 [citation needed]

72 | P a g
Height Height
State Peak Range/Region Coordinates Source
(m) (ft)

Delhi Fort Tughlaqabad Delhi Ridge 319 1,047 [citation needed]

Lakshadweep Unnamed point Agatti Island 15 49 [citation needed]

Les Montagnes [citation needed]

Puducherry Red Hills 30 98


States Tribal

Andaman Origes,Shompens,Sentinelese
& Nicobar

Andhra Kolam,Chenchus

Arunachal Apatamis

Assam Garos,Khasis

Bihar Mundas,Birhors
Himachal Gaddis,Gujjars,Lahaulas
J&K Gujjars,Bakkarwals
Jharkhand Oarons,Santhals
Kerala Moplahs,Uralis
Little Jarawas
Madhya Aadivasis, Baigas, Bhils,
Pradesh Bhuia, Birhors, Gonds,
Kharia, Khond, Kol, Murias
Manipur Angami,Kuki
Meghalaya Jaintias,Khasis
Maharashtra Warlis
Nagaland Nagas,Sema
North-East Abhors, Changs, Galong,
Nishi, Pho, Sangtam, Wancho
Orissa Chenchus, Khonds, Oarons,
73 | P a g
eRajasthan Bhils,Minas
Sikkim Lepchas
Tripura Lushai
Tamilnadu Badagas, Irula, Kotas, Todas,
Uttaranchal Bhotias
Uttar Khas
WB Santhals

 Bharatanatyam, from Kathak, from North India

 Kathakali, from Kerala
 Kuchipudi, from Andhra Pradesh
 Odissi, from Odisha
 Sattriya, from Assam
 Manipuri, from Manipur
 Mohiniyattam, from Kerala

 Tamil Nadu


 North india


74 | P a g
 kerala


 Andhra pradesh


 odissa


 assam


75 | P a g
 kerala mohini attam

Battle of
1737 Delhi Maratha Empire Mughal Empire Delhi looted

Victory of Indian
Umayyad Gurjara-
712- kingdoms, Arabs
campaigns Rajasthan Pratihara and Chalukya Umayyad Caliphate
740 armies faced a
in India dynasty
crushing defeat.

The victory of
Mu'izz al-Din was
Second decisive, he took
Battle of 1192 Tarain Ghurid Empire Chauhan Dynasty Bihar province in
Tarain 1193 eradicating
Buddhism in that

Rajput Rajya Bloodied by these

Battle of Delhi Sultanate
engagements, the
Mandalgar 1442-
Kumbalmer (Participating Sultan did not
h and 1446 (Ruled by the Khalji
factions: MewarKingdo attack Mewar for
Banas Dynasty)
m) another ten years.

76 | P a g
21 Mughal
Battle of
April Panipat conquest Babur Ibrahim Lodhi
1526 of India

Battle of Marc
Khanwa conquest Babur Rana Sanga
Khanwa h
of India

Battle of
1528 Chanderi conquest Babur Medini Rai
of India

Battle of Ghaghra or
1529 conquest Babur Afghans
Ghaghra Gogara
of India

Battle of Mughal emperor escaped by
1539 Chausal conquest Sher shah
Chausa Humayun crossing over the
of India

Mughal Sher Shah Suri,

Battle of Mughal emperor
1540 Kanauj or Billgram conquest Sher Shah Suri occupied the city
Kanauj Humayun
of India of Agra .

Battle of Bairam Khan (For Chandra
1556 Panipat conquest
Panipat Akbar) Vikramadity
of India
a (Hemu)

Unified Army of the five
Battle of Bannihatti or Vijayanagar General Ramaraju
1565 Deccan Sultanates
Talikota Tallikota a Army was killed in the

Mughal Rana of
Battle of
1576 Haldighati conquest Akbar Mewar
of India Pratap

77 | P a g
Afzal Khan
Battle of
1659 Pratapgad Maratha Empire
Adilshahi vanquished
Pratapgad Dynasty by Shivaji.

Battle of Adilshahi
1659 Kolhapur Maratha Empire
Kolhapur Dynasty

strong Adilshahi ar
Imperial my defeated by
Battle of
Pavan 1660 Vishalgad
Maratha Empire
Adilshahi 300 Marathas under
Conquest Dynasty the command
of Baji Prabhu

Surat sacked by the
Battle of Maratha Mughal
1664 Surat Maratha Empire Marathas.
Surat Conquest Empire

Battle of
1737 Delhi Maratha Empire
Mughal Delhi looted
Delhi Empire

First of the
six Maratha
Siege of Maratha
Trichinopol 1741
Trichinopoly, Beng
invasions Maratha Empire
Mughal invasions of Bengal,
al Subah Empire between August
y of Bengal
1741 to May 1751.

Battle of Siraj ud-

1757 Plassey Robert Clive
Plassey Daulah

Battle of n of Durrani
1759 Lahore Marathas and Sikhs
Lahore Ahmad Empire

78 | P a g
79 | P a g

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