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2014-2016 YDS Bağlaç Soruları

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1. Astronomers discover thousands of new members of
the solar system every month, most of which, ----, are
insignificant bodies like small asteroids or comets.
A) however

B) therefore

D) accordingly

E) in other words

C) otherwise

2. ---- sustainable technologies usually cost a lot of money

to set up, they save money in the long run.
A) Even if

B) After

D) Unless

E) Once

C) Just as

8. As farmers acquired scientific knowledge and expertise,

they enlarged their lands by standardized approaches ---ploughing the soil and spreading animal manure as
fertilizer to increase crop production.
A) on behalf of
C) on account of
E) such as

9. ---- the soil preparing methods maximized overall

productivity, they caused some areas within fields to
A) Given that
D) In case

3. With normal ocean waves, only the surface of the water

body is in motion; a tsunami, ----, brings not only the
surface into motion but lifts and then drops an entire
water column in the ocean.
A) namely

B) though

D) similarly

E) hence

C) for example

B) in the light of
D) in contrast with

B) Even though
E) Because

C) Just as

10. ---- he is well known to future generations mostly

because of his treasure-filled tomb, which was discovered
intact in 1922.
A) After King Tutankhamun's body was mummified and placed
in a series of coffins

4. The basic principles of good diets are ---- simple ---- we

can summarize them in just ten words: eat less, move
more, eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
A) neither / nor

B) the more / the less

C) whether / or

D) such / as

E) so / that

B) Though the grave goods accompanying King Tutankhamun

to the afterlife tell much about daily life then
C) While King Tutankhamun had little opportunity to achieve
greatness in his short life of 18 years
D) Because King Tutankhamun died from a fracture in his left
leg that became infected with gangrene
E) When King Tutankhamun was still a child and under the
influence of advisers

5. The henna, which has spiritual significance in various

cultures, is applied ---- different graphic rules, with
different symbolic relations.
A) due to

B) except for

D) prior to

E) according to

C) unlike
11. Although the story of mankind and the peopling of the
planet still holds many mysteries, ----.

6. An extensive testing and approval process is mandated

for foods of this kind, including ingredients and additives
---- whole foods.
A) in terms of

B) regarding

D) despite

E) as well as

C) thanks to

B) only if
E) in case

B) the most widely accepted theory states that modern

humans came out of Africa
C) efforts to trace the diversification of animal forms by
analyzing the change in DNA are premature

7. Approval for genetically modified foods is granted ---the food is shown to be safe in accordance with scientific
A) though
D) as if

A) receding oceans are likely to expose ancient land bridges

between continents

C) unless

D) one of the earliest pieces of art found in Europe can be

dated to 24,000 BC
E) no one knows where exactly the first agricultural villages


12. Scientists are struggling to understand the strange
biology of Rafflesia, one of the world's largest flowers, in
case it disappears from the jungle.
A) It is a well-known fact that Rafflesia, one of the world's
largest flowers, will vanish from the jungle soon, which makes
scientists interested in understanding its biology.
B) One of the world's largest flowers, Rafflesia has started to
disappear from the jungle; therefore, scientists are rushing to
study the biology of this large flower.
C) There is a possibility that one of the world's largest flowers,
Rafflesia, may become extinct from the jungle, so scientists are
working hard to comprehend its unusual biology.
D) Scientists have difficulty in understanding the complex
biology of Rafflesia, which is one of the world's largest flowers,
as it is about to disappear.

14. There are no blood tests or brain scans for mental

illnesses, so diagnoses can be subjective and unreliable.
A) Ruh hastalklarnn tehislerini znel ve gvenilmez klan
ey, bu hastalklar iin kan testi veya beyin taramas
B) Ruh hastalklarna ynelik kan testi veya beyin taramas
kullanlmad iin tehisler znel ve gvenilmez kalabilir.
C) Kan testi veya beyin taramas bulunmayan ruh
hastalklarnn tehisleri, znel ve gvenilmez olabilmektedir.
D) Ruh hastalklar iin kan testi veya beyin taramas
bulunmamaktadr, bu yzden tehisler znel ve gvenilmez
E) Kan testi veya beyin taramas bulunsayd, ruh
hastalklarnn tehisleri znel ve gvenilmez olmayabilirdi.

E) It is strange that although Rafflesia, one of the world's

largest flowers, is vanishing from the jungle, scientists are still
trying to understand its biology.
15. Today hoatzins, the Amazon's mystery birds, live only
in South America, ----.

2016 e-YDS
13. Adult education has now become so important a
feature of societies that it increasingly attracts more
attention of sociologists, politicians, and businesses.
A) Yetikin eitimi gnmzde toplumlarn olduka nemli bir
zellii hline gelmitir, bu yzden toplum bilimcilerin,
politikaclarn ve iletmelerin daha ok dikkatini ekmektedir.
B) Yetikin eitimi gnmzde toplumlarn son derece nemli
bir zellii hline geldii iin toplum bilimcilerin, politikaclarn
ve iletmelerin gittike daha ok dikkatini ekmektedir.

A) although the hoatzin is one of the most interesting species

in the bird kingdom
B) as young hoatzins have claws on their wings, like their
dinosaur ancestors
C) while the oldest hoatzin fossil dates back to 34 million years
D) but the oldest known fossil of these odd birds reveals they
once roamed France
E) because there is enough evidence that they evolved in
South America

C) Yetikin eitimi gnmzde toplumlarn o kadar nemli bir

zellii hline gelmitir ki toplum bilimcilerin, politikaclarn ve
iletmelerin gittike daha ok dikkatini ekmektedir.
D) Yetikin eitimi gnmzde toplumlar iin son derece
nemli bir hl aldka, toplum bilimcilerin, politikaclarn ve
iletmelerin gittike daha fazla dikkatini ekmektedir.
E) Yetikin eitiminin gnmzde toplumlar iin olduka nemli
bir hl almas, toplum bilimcilerin, politikaclarn ve iletmelerin
gittike daha fazla dikkatini ekmektedir.

16. Ever since psychologists started studying intelligence,

A) common measuring factors of intelligence include memory,
attention and concentration
B) it is meant to represent how generally intelligent you are
based on your performance
C) some psychologists come up with a test of mental abilities
D) they have relied heavily on psychological tests for their
E) the first and most popular form of intelligence is called the
two-factor theory


17. (I) Many different kinds of people are involved in
hacking, and different hacker types have developed in the
online community. (II) The main groupings include black
hats, who tend to be engaged in malicious activity for profit.
(III) White hats have benign reasons for hacking, such as
testing security arrangements. (IV) Blue hats, on the other
hand, work for an official computer firm to deal with
potential problems. (V) The history of hacking, however,
represents an ongoing digital underground that can be
A) I




22. Although the greenhouse gas emissions generated

by pollution were relatively small at first, ----.
A) they grew dramatically as more countries industrialized
B) it was in no countrys interest to reduce them until
C) carbon dioxide emissions by the US have decreased
since the 1950s

E) V
D) in 2007, the EU decided to take further essential steps
towards reducing them

18. (I) With no doubt, studying abroad has definite

advantages. (II) In a global environment, companies expect
their personnel to have a strong international experience.
(III) Thus, spending time studying abroad in an
internationally recognized school is likely to produce
positive outcomes. (IV) To give an example, some
companies offer a double salary for those who have
participated in an international program. (V) Yet, reallife
business scenarios may improve ones skills and career
A) I




E) V

E) the effects of the emissions on climate change have

been ignored by a number of countries

23. ----, insects flourish in every land habitat and play a

key role in the global ecosystem.
A) Although they recycle dead plants and animals
B) While they are the most numerous of the animals with
tough external skeletons
C) Even if the eyes of adult insects are made up of tiny

19. many animals have keener abilities to detect

odours than we do, the human sense of smell permits
us to detect more than 10,000 separate smells.

D) If many touch-sensitive bristles on the insect's body help

to detect air movement
E) Because they have developed amazing adaptations

A) Once

B) Since

D) Although

E) When

C) Unless

24. Socrates is often referred to as one of the founders

of Western philosophy, and yet he held no particular
theories of his own.
20. Whales and dolphins produce complex underwater
sounds to communicate with each other, ---- scientists
have yet to unravel their meanings.

A) Having established a few theories, Socrates is regarded

as one of the founders of Western philosophy.

A) now that

B) as though

B) Socrates is famous for founding Western philosophy, but

in reality he did not believe in any theories.

D) since

E) but

C) thus

C) Socrates is credited with a number of theories of his

own, and thus he is thought to be one of the founding
members of Western philosophy.

21. ---- our understanding of the origins of human

cognition has greatly improved in recent years, we can
expect far greater developments to come.
A) Unless

B) Until

D) Now that

E) Whenever

2015 e-YDS

C) Although

D) Although no particular theory is known to have been

posited by Socrates himself, he is credited as one of the
founding fathers of Western philosophy.
E) Whether he had his own theories or not, Socrates is
believed to be one of the founders of Western philosophy.
25. Akademik bir disiplin olarak matematik, temel beeri
bilimlerden biridir, ancak matematiin geerlilii pek ok


akademik alan kapsamaktadr, bu yzden matematiin
aralar neredeyse tm bilim dallarna hizmet etmektedir.

27. ---- Byzantium had fallen, the Ottomans easily

completed their conquest of the Balkans.

A) Mathematics, as an academic field, is one of the primary

humanities, but because its tools are used in almost all
sciences, it can be said that mathematics is valid for many
academic fields.

A) Unless

B) Whether

D) Once

E) In case

B) Although mathematics is among the primary humanities, its

validity covers many academic fields, which makes it an
academic discipline that serves nearly all sciences.
C) There are many academic fields whose validity includes
other academic fields, but mathematics, one of the primary
humanities, is unique in that its tools serve almost all sciences.
D) As an academic discipline, mathematics is one of the
primary humanities but its validity encompasses many
academic fields, so the tools of mathematics serve almost all
E) Serving almost all sciences with its tools, mathematics is
one of the primary humanities, and it is an academic discipline
whose validity covers many academic fields.

26. Nausea is a symptom that is not only uncomfortable,

but also dangerous to health, as it is usually indicative of
an underlying infection.
A) Although nausea is a condition in which patients feel
uncomfortable, what is more dangerous about nausea is that it
sometimes indicates a serious infection.
B) Nausea is considered as a dangerous condition to health
not because it makes the sufferer uncomfortable but because it
is a symptom of a more serious infection.
C) In addition to making the sufferer feel uncomfortable,
nausea is usually an indicator of an important infection, which
makes it dangerous to health.
D) One should be warned against nausea as it is dangerous to
health for either being an uncomfortable symptom or being
indicative of an important infection.
E) Regardless of whether it is uncomfortable or an indicator of
a serious infection, nausea is a symptom that is dangerous to

C) If

28. Your bodys cells cannot work properly ---- the

conditions around them are perfectly balanced.
A) because

B) unless

D) now that

E) so that

C) whereas

29. Seoul is busy reinventing itself and practically

rebuilding the city with an eye to improving ---- the
aesthetic value ---- the commercial value of the city.
A) such / as

B) so / that

D) less / than

E) neither / nor

C) not only / but also

30. ---- improved roads, safer cars and harsher

penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol,
the use of seatbelts and airbags has brought down
the number of motor vehicle accidents.
A) In spite of

B) In addition to

D) In case of

E) As opposed to

C) For the sake of

31. People started using animals to work many

simple machines and animals, ----oxen and horses,
could carry, pull and lift much heavier loads than
people could.
A) despite

B) in contrast

D) instead of

E) due to

C) such as

27. ---- you have found a fossil, it needs to be studied

scientifically in order to reveal its identity as well as more
detailed aspects of its appearance.

32. ---- countless children dream of becoming

astronauts when they grow up, only a handful of
them actually realize this dream.

A) Once

B) Only if

A) Although

B) Unless

D) Whether

E) Before

D) Because

E) Even so

2016 LYS-5

C) Until

C) Despite

33. In addition to having two airports, ----.


A) the best times to visit Rome are spring and autumn
B) Rome has grown into a city of three million people

Station was first shown in 1895, people were so

terrified by the locomotive racing towards them that
they hurried to the back of the theatre.

C) one of the most famous landmarks in Rome is the


A) Before
D) When

B) Although
E) As if

C) Since

D) Rome is linked to the rest of Europe by road and rail

E) many of Romes fountains are the work of the
greatest sculptors of the Renaissance

34. If the world is to succeed in avoiding dangerous

climate change, ----.
A) people in poor countries will first feel the effects of
harsh climate change
B) a rise in the sea level will endanger man-made as
well as natural areas
C) the world has known about human-induced global
warming for a long time

37. Much evidence points to a relationship between

stress and disease, ---- claims that stressful life
events and daily routines cause various diseases
are still premature.
A) since

B) if

D) only when

E) but

C) once

38. Scientists do research in natural forces ---- for

the sake of new discoveries ---- to use the findings
for the advantage of mankind.
A) not only / but also
C) the more / the more
E) whether / or

B) so / that
D) such / that

D) cutting back greenhouse gas emissions must be an

urgent global priority
E) airplanes are the fastest growing source of carbon
dioxide worldwide

39. One way to reduce the negative impact people

have on the environment is to make sure that as
much garbage as possible is recycled ---- being put
in a landfill.
A) because of B) in terms of
D) instead of E) in case of

35. People once thought that the heart was the

centre of thought and emotion ----.
A) in spite of the fact that the heart works non-stop
unlike other muscles in the body
B) and thus it beats 70 times a minute, 100,000 times a
day, and 40 million times a year

C) for the sake of

40. Some aeroplanes waste valuable fuel; ----, there

are attempts to redesign such planes for maximum
A) Therefore
D) However

B) Otherwise C) In short
E) Furthermore

C) even though it has certain structures that make sure

the blood flows one way only
D) since the heart pumps blood through its own
muscular wall as well as pumping blood to the body
E) but it is simply a muscular pump that beats tirelessly
to keep blood flowing
36. ---- the 50-second silent film Train Pulling Into A

41. Humans are capable of sophisticated

communication ---- the fact that our languages
follow systems of rules.
A) instead of B) except for
C) due to
D) in spite of E) in contrast with
42. Scientists are still not contain why people need
sleep, ----.


A) as it can be extremely difficult for most people to do
their daily activities without sufficient sleep

A) Whereas most shoppers decline monetary rewards in

tear of being ripped off

B) yet it influences almost every aspect of our lives, from

our mood to the functions of our organs

B) As men and women spend more and more time for their

C) though lots of people experience insomnia and they

do not know its causes

C) Although money plays an important part in economic


D) so neuroscientists and biologists are investigating

ways to improve the quality of sleep
E) whereas people who travel long distances generally
suffer from lack of sleep

43. In tropical grassland or savanna areas, trees may

be found frequently, ----.
A) but savanna grasslands are located between humid
tropical regions and dry deserts
B) whereas temperate or semitropical grassland areas
have very little tree growth
C) since hot summers and limited precipitation allow for
very short growth periods of vegetation
D) because temperate grasslands are an important
resource for plant-eating animals
E) and therefore vast areas of this type of grassland are
not covered by trees

D) Unless people are encouraged to save and invest more

of their income
E) As if it were possible to entice customers with special

46. People frequently think of science as a relatively

modern field; ----, in its broadest terms, it is as old as
humankind itself.
A) therefore
D) however

A) as our sun belongs to a galaxy called the 'Milky Way'

B) but others are fuzzy bails or shapeless clouds

C) in addition


47. Japan is enormously centralized, and Tokyo, the
capital city, hosts ---- the national government ---- the
stock market and the world's largest companies.
A) not only / but also
C) whether / or
E) more / than

B) neither / nor
D) so / that

48. The mouth is the first part of the digestive system,

where food is broken and chewed ---- it can easily be
A) while
D) so that

44. Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes; some

are spirals like our own galaxy ----.

B) thus
E) furthermore

B) once
E) due to

C) unless

49. ---- global warming and acid rain can affect the
entire life on the planet, other changes such as habitat
destruction and hunting threaten individual species.
A) As soon as
D) Yet

B) Only if
E) Unlike

C) While

C) though our galaxy is unimaginably vast

D) if the smallest galaxies have just a few million stars
E) so the stars in a galaxy are held together by gravity

45. ----, it is not the only incentive that drives people to

take certain decisions.


50. ---- Egypt was a great civilization, little was known
about it until 19th century, when hieroglyphics were
A) Although
D) So

B) Just as
E) Since

C) Before

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