An Introduction To Serology
An Introduction To Serology
An Introduction To Serology
Section 2.3.1
An Introduction to
The morphological characteristics of plants and animals are used as
classification criteria by the descriptive natural sciences. However, the
development of serology as an independent science has made it possible
to clarify the differences between living beings based on chemical
considerations by determining their structures. These considerations
were arrived at indirectly and not as the consequence of simple
All immuno-antibodies are specific. This means, literally, that they react
only to one antigen (the one used for immunization). Antigens may be
proteins, cells from the blood of a different species, bacteria, or viruses.
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Alick Isaacs (1957) produced interferon.
Rodney Porter (1962) proposed a basic four-chain model for the structure
of immunoglobulin molecules.
A. Völler et al. (1976) first used the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) for detecting three plant viruses.
George Köhler and Cesar Miltstein (1981) developed the technique for
producing monoclonal antibodies.
Leukocytes are blood cells that protect organisms. There are several
kinds of leukocytes, among which the most important are:
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Immunogenic molecules have the following characteristics:
Antigenic Determinants
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3. IgM. This immunoglobulin has the most proteins and its amino acid
sequence has not yet been determined. It contains 576 amino acids
and has a molecular weight of 950,000. It is the first antibody
synthesized by a newborn animal or human being. The cells
producing IgM are divided into two daughter cells, which produce
IgG. The IgMs can promote phagocytosis of microorganisms by
macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. IgMs do not cross
the placenta.
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Properties of human inmunoglobulins (Harper, 1980)
Monoclonal Antibodies
Antigen–Antibody Reactions
The union area between the antigen and the antibody is only 1% of the total
globulin surface and its specificity depends on the sequence of amino acids
present in that region. The degree of association between the antigen and
the antibody depends on the characteristics of each molecule and is
determined by the combined effects of the interactions between them. If
affinity and avidity are high, the molecules will unite more rapidly and
dissociation will be very slow. Antisera with strong precipitation reactions
show more avidity than those reacting weakly at a similar degree of dilution.
1. Animal-infecting viruses
2. Plant-infecting viruses
a) Immunization
Some of the viruses entering the organism (1) are ingested by the
macrophage cells (2).
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Figure 1. Production of antibodies by organisms.
When the infection stops, the suppressor T lymphocyte (7) stops all
activity of the immune system, thus preventing uncontrolled reactions.
b) Immunization methods
c) Antisera production
Antibody production increases during the first days following the first
immunization to reach a maximum concentration that can be maintained
for a few days. If a new dose of antigen is injected, the synthesis of
antibodies increases rapidly to a higher concentration than initially
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produced by the first dose of antigen. Antibodies are found in the blood
serum of immunized animals. This serum is called serum.
Adequately stored, the antisera can remain active for many years.
Immunodiagnostic Techniques
A. Precipitation tests
This quantitative test is mainly used to determine the titer of antisera, and
the antigen concentration. In this test, several (double) dilutions of the
antiserum and the antigen are mixed and incubated in two small test
tubes for the formation of precipitates. Varying degrees of precipitation
allow determination of the concentration of the reacting substances.
3. Microprecipitation test
In this test, individual drops of each of the reacting substances are placed
on a petri dish. The plaque is stirred to mix the antibody and the antigen.
After incubation, the precipitate forms. A stereoscopic microscope is
used to observe the reaction.
These precipitation tests are usually done using agar or agarose gels.
Their advantage is that the mix of the antigen and its corresponding
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antibody can be physically separated by the difference in the diffusion
coefficients of the components of their gels. Thus, these tests can
provide information on the homogeneity and purity of the reacting
substances, as well as on their size and relations.
Types of Reactions
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This is one of the most important analytical tools used in the solution of
complex antigen mixes. It is based on electrophoretic mobility and
antigenic specificity. The antigen mix is first separated in its components
through electrophoresis in an agar gel. Then the antiserum is placed in a
parallel channel or electrophoretic migration pathway to allow the
formation of precipitation lines. Alkaline buffers between pH 7.5 and 8.6
are generally used because this provides conditions under which the
proteins are negatively charged and move toward the anode. This
method is used for virus characterization and strain differentiation.
C. Agglutination Test
This test is based on the use of inert substances that carry antigens or
antibodies. These substances (latex spheres, bentonite) are several
times larger than the reacting substances, thus making it possible to use
soluble antigens (viral particles) in agglutination tests.
2. Latex test
3. Neutralization tests
1. Immunofluorescence (IFA)
2. Radioimmunology
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The immunoglobulins are marked with radioactive substances (P32, I128).
Their presence is determined by a reaction against photographic
These tests are based on the property of certain antigens and antibodies
to be absorbed into a solid medium allowing them to construct an ordered
sequence of biological material (antibody, antigen, antibody conjugated
with an enzyme), and which can be seen thanks to the color reaction
resulting from the addition of the enzyme-specific substrate conjugated to
the antibody, thus allowing adequate quantifying of the antigen.
(Double Antibody Sandwich)
(Nitro Cellulose Membrane)
When the virus is suspended, the positive reaction can be identified with
the help of an electron microscope.
2. Antibody coating
3. Antigen capture
Recommended Literature
Ball, E.M. 1974. Serological test of identification of plant viruses.
Published by American Phytopathological Society Inc. USA.
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Devlin, T. 1985. Textbook of biochemistry with clinical correlation. John
Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, USA.
Harlow, E. and D. Lane. 1988. Antibodies: a laboratory manual. Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory. New York, USA.
Harper, H.A. 1980. Manual de Química Fisiológica. 7ma. Edición. El
Manual Moderno, Mexico.
Landsteiner, K. 1969. The specifics of serological reactions. Dover
Publications Inc. New York, USA.
Lehninger, A. 1978. Biochemistry. Second Edition. Worth Publisher Inc.
New York, USA.
Nowotny A. 1969. Basic exercises in immuno-chemistry. Laboratory
manual. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Germany.
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