An introduction to immunobiology
and innate immunity
1 Basic Concepts in Immunology
2 Innate Immunity: The First Lines of Defense
3 The Induced Response of Innate Immunity
Basic Concepts in
Immunology is the study of the body’s defense against infection. We are con-
tinually exposed to microorganisms, many of which cause disease, and yet The origins of vertebrate immune
become ill only rarely. How does the body defend itself? When infection does cells.
occur, how does the body eliminate the invader and cure itself? And why do we
develop long-lasting immunity to many infectious diseases encountered once Principles of innate immunity.
and overcome? These are the questions addressed by immunology, which we Principles of adaptive immunity.
study to understand our body’s defenses against infection at the cellular and
The effector mechanisms
molecular levels. of immunity.
The beginning of immunology as a science is usually attributed to Edward
Jenner for his work in the late 18th century (Fig. 1.1). The notion of immunity—
that surviving a disease confers greater protection against it later—was known
since ancient Greece. Variolation—the inhalation or transfer into superficial
skin wounds of material from smallpox pustules—had been practiced since
at least the 1400s in the Middle East and China as a form of protection against
that disease and was known to Jenner. Jenner had observed that the relatively
mild disease of cowpox, or vaccinia, seemed to confer protection against the
often fatal disease of smallpox, and in 1796, he demonstrated that inoculation
with cowpox protected the recipient against smallpox. His scientific proof
relied on the deliberate exposure of the inoculated individual to infectious
smallpox material two months after inoculation. This scientific test was his
original contribution.
Jenner called the procedure vaccination. This term is still used to describe
the inoculation of healthy individuals with weakened or attenuated strains of
disease-causing agents in order to provide protection from disease. Although
Jenner’s bold experiment was successful, it took almost two centuries for
smallpox vaccination to become universal. This advance enabled the World
Health Organization to announce in 1979 that smallpox had been eradicated
(Fig. 1.2), arguably the greatest triumph of modern medicine.
Fig. 1.1 Edward | chapter 1 | 01_001
Jenner. Portrait by John
Jenner’s strategy of vaccination was extended in the late 19th century by the Murphy et al | Ninth edition
Raphael Smith. Reproduced courtesy of
© Garland Science design by blink studio limited
discoveries of many great microbiologists. Robert Koch proved that infectious Yale University, Harvey Cushing/John Hay
diseases are caused by specific microorganisms. In the 1880s, Louis Pasteur Whitney Medical Library.
the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system drains extracellular fluid and
immune cells from tissues and transports them as lymph that is eventually
emptied back into the blood system.
All the cellular elements of blood, including the red blood cells that transport
oxygen, the platelets that trigger blood clotting in damaged tissues, and the
white blood cells of the immune system, ultimately derive from the hemato-
poietic stem cells (HSCs) of the bone marrow. Because these can give rise
to all the different types of blood cells, they are often known as pluripotent
hematopoietic stem cells. The hematopoietic stem cells give rise to cells of
more limited developmental potential, which are the immediate progenitors
of red blood cells, platelets, and the two main categories of white blood cells,
the lymphoid and myeloid lineages. The different types of blood cells and
their lineage relationships are summarized in Fig. 1.3.
Bone marrow
Bone marrow
(or polymorphonuclear leukocytes)
immature unknown
B cell T cell NK cell ILC dendritic cell neutrophil eosinophil basophil precursor monocyte platelets erythrocyte
of mast cell
mature immature
B cell T cell NK cell ILC dendritic cell dendritic cell mast cell macrophage
Effector cells
Extracellular bacteria,
Viruses Intracellular bacteria Fungi Parasites
Archaea, Protozoa
1-2 Anatomic and chemical barriers are the first defense against
The host can adopt three strategies to deal with the threat posed by microbes:
avoidance, resistance, and tolerance. Avoidance mechanisms prevent
exposure to microbes, and include both anatomic barriers and behavior
modifications. If an infection is established, resistance is aimed at reducing
or eliminating pathogens. To defend against the great variety of microbes, the
immune system has numerous molecular and cellular functions, collectively
Anatomic barriers
called mediators, or effector mechanisms, suited to resist different categories
of pathogens. Their description is a major aspect of this book. Finally,
Skin, oral mucosa, respiratory epithelium, intestine
tolerance involves responses that enhance a tissue’s capacity to resist damage
induced by microbes. This meaning of the term ‘tolerance’ has been used
extensively in the context of disease susceptibility in plants rather than animal Complement/antimicrobial proteins
immunity. For example, increasing growth by activating dormant meristems,
the undifferentiated cells that generate new parts of the plant, is a common C3, defensins, RegIIIγ
tolerance mechanism in response to damage. This should be distinguished
from the term immunological tolerance, which refers to mechanisms that Innate immune cells
prevent an immune response from being mounted against the host’s own
tissues. Macrophages, granulocytes, natural killer cells
Anatomic and chemical barriers are the initial defenses against infection
(Fig. 1.5). The skin and mucosal surfaces represent a kind of avoidance strat- Adaptive immunity
egy that prevents exposure of internal tissues to microbes. At most anatomic
barriers, additional resistance mechanisms further strengthen host defenses. B cells/antibodies, T cells
For example, mucosal surfaces produce a variety of antimicrobial proteins
that act as natural antibiotics to prevent microbes from entering the body. Fig. 1.5 Protection
Immunobiology | chapter 1against
| 01_102 pathogens
Murphy al | several
Ninth editionlevels of defense.
If these barriers are breached or evaded, other components of the innate © Garland Science design by blink studio limited
The first is the anatomic barrier
immune system can immediately come into play. We mentioned earlier the by the body’s epithelial surfaces. Second,
discovery by Jules Bordet of complement, which acts with antibodies to various chemical and enzymatic systems,
lyse bacteria. Complement is a group of around 30 different plasma proteins including complement, act as an immediate
that act together and are one of the most important effector mechanisms in antimicrobial barrier near these epithelia.
If epithelia are breached, nearby various
serum and interstitial tissues. Complement not only acts in conjunction with
innate lymphoid cells can coordinate a rapid
antibodies, but can also target foreign organisms in the absence of a specific cell-mediated defense. If the pathogen
antibody; thus it contributes to both innate and adaptive responses. We will overcomes these barriers, the slower-acting
examine anatomic barriers, the antimicrobial proteins, and complement in defenses of the adaptive immune system
greater detail in Chapter 2. are brought to bear.